/qst/ Thread Archive

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April 2010
8962834Planes and Mercs XVIIIOp is back. Going to Russia, covert work. Conspiracies abound, some logo art is made, and /tg/ get's its plane on. Also, "Judge" is new member, flies a Fulcrum.planes, planefaggotry, awesome2010-04-04 6 
9444052Planes and Mercenaries XXIV OP is back, plans more FSB ordered warcrimes. /tg/ looks on and faps to planesplanes, planefaggotry, awesome2010-04-27 10 
June 2010
10666075Planes and Mercs intermezzoSkyhawk asks about Planes and Mercs activity in his absence, some decent plane discussions (just ignore the Malaysia Strong posts)Planes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, jets2010-06-22 1 
10715809Planes and Mercs XXVIIOP returns with a new mission briefing. Things appear to be a bit different this time around.Planes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, jets, new mission, different, Baron, Steve, op again2010-06-24 11 
10733753Planes and Mercs - WWIIQuestions and suggestions regarding a Planes and Mercs-like game set during WWIIPlanes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, WWII, pulp2010-06-25 0 
10837525Planes and Mercs intermezzo IISome more discussion concerning OP's latest mission. We're still waiting for that AARPlanes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, jets2010-06-30 1 
July 2010
11069539Planes and Mercs discussionExactly what is says on the tin. Discussion about some new planes for OP's group.Planes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, jets, OP_again, OP, Steve, awesome2010-07-11 1 
11069539Planes and Mercs discussionExactly what is says on the tin. Discussion about some new planes for OP's group.Planes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, jets, OP_again, OP, Steve, awesome2010-07-12 1 
11177137Planes and Mercenaries XXXIIOP returns with his latest AAR. Heavy damage taken, but over all a succesful mission. AtA kills include an AIM-120 AMRAAmPlanes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-17 12 
11211605Planes and Mercenaries XXXIIINew mission from OP, FFL vs Liberia.Planes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-19 11 
11270831A Mercs & Planes Ruleset Rules & fluff generation for a planes&mercs style RP.Planes & Mercs, Sukhoi, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-22 5 
September 2010
11912396Planes and Mercs XXXVI OP returns with tales of taking on BARSPlanes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-09-02 14 
October 2010
12372468Planes and Mercs Quest DiscussionRequest for info regarding P&M turns into quest planning threadPlanes & Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries, quest, OC2010-10-08 1 
12418058Planes and Mercs XXXVIIOP returns from hiatus New mission soonPlanes & Mercs, Plans, Mercs, OP_again, Baron, Steve, Planefaggotry2010-10-13 5 
12453300Planes and Mercs XXXVIIIOP returns with his latest mission briefing. This one's a bit different than normal though...Planes and Mercs, Planes, Mercs, OP_again, Baron, Steve, planefaggotry, survive, awesome2010-10-16 5 
12600373Planes & Mercs discussionWhat it says on the tin, maybe some homebrew as wellPlanes, Mercs, Planes & Mercs, OC, planefaggotry2010-10-28 2 
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