/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2007
914587ITT we write more realistic game session transcripts.Boring thread is hijacked with epic copypasta.copypasta, hijack, D&D, game transcripts2007-12-19Editor's Choice
April 2008
1538090Resin mold tutorialFinally, in amongst the ashes of /tg/ comes anonymous, dispensing with minature piracy methods. molds, resin, games workshop, poorhammer2008-04-16 35 
1589262Sir Lucius Maximillian Rhadamanthus Cloverfield IIITouhoufag's terribly awesome half-iron dragon anthropomorphic baleen whale gestalt character gets illustraded [sic] by a drawfag.character concept, anthropomorphic baleen whale, drawfag2008-04-23 2 
June 2008
1873009Sir Brian Consumpington's Tasteful Emporium of Chique, Well Priced ProductsContinuation of the epic Eliphas's Hobby Shop writefaggotry.Write faggotry, eliphas, hobby shop2008-06-01 4 
2008745ITT Your first character/tg/ Talks about the characters they first rolled. Featuring RAGEMAGE!Characters, Tabletop Games2008-06-17 4 
September 2008
2563022God KaminaKamina from TTGL ascends to godhood with surprisingly few objections from /tg/, who forgive him for being weaboo on ground of awesomeness. Also inspires some writefaggotry.Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Kamina, Awesome, God, Stat me2008-09-13 21 
2646978Emprah WorshipSome fa/tg/uy worships The Emperor. Other fa/tg/uys confide in their nerdish semi-religious acts.40k, emperor, emprah, EMPRAH, fanatical, possible copypasta2008-09-23 25 
2683686DirkA traumatised Stormtrooper with a shitty history gets the chance to spit in the face of Tzeentch himself.Not as planned, Zuvassin is pleased, luck, Dirk, Stormtrooper, man2008-09-28 41 
October 2008
November 2008
2948069Tales of Nova EuropaIn one of the most crazy-awesome GURPS settings ever, a GM looks for even more distilled win to pour into the mix. He then details a setting that quietly puts Exalted to shame. Decent pics are included. And a writeup of the group's shenanigans is promised for the future. Nova Europa, GURPS, setting, Scandia and the Titanium Mountainside2008-11-07 10 
2964603Nova Europa TranscriptsThe first sessions of the epic GURPS campaign are transcribed as promised. More of the setting is revealed. Decent pics too.Nova Europa, transcripts, GURPS2008-11-09 8 
3057050On Those Whom the Stars Fell - Space OperaInterstellar fleets, political intrigue, deadly ambitions, masterful stratagems, victory and loss; the glory and horror of war with an Empire devided against itself. OP summons seriously minded players for LotGH-style campaign.Space, Opera, Galactic, Heroes, Campaign, Stars, Fell2008-11-27 3 
3074010Online Tabletop Horror Stories/tg/ starts off with some decent ones, then out of nowhere gets hit with the epic tale of Uzgob the orc barbarian vs the annoying dick fighter PC. More Uzgob is demanded, and delivered.horror stories, online tabletop, Uzgob, orc barbarian2008-11-28 11 
January 2009
3399721Junk in the TrunkAn anon requests assistance in ideas concerning a player retiring a character that is in love with a Dryad. Dendrophilia and bad tree puns soon follow.dryads, puns, Dendrophilia2009-01-14 6 
3512990DinotopiaDinotopia as an RPG settingDinotopia, dinosaurs, lee, crab, dolphinback2009-01-25 2 
3552378Philosopher: A game of Loss and RevelationEarthflame brings us yet another rpg idea, involving the moment of absolute truth and the loss therof. Discussion and ideas commenceearthflame, homebrew, philosophy, butlers, hitchhikers guide2009-01-29 6 
3557509Orktimus PrimeWonder what would happen if a band of Orks looted an Autobot? These pictures show off the Best Conversion EVER.Orks, Transformer, Optimus Prime2009-01-30 10 
3564426Philosopher: Act TwoContinued discussion of Earthflame's new game proposalearthflame, homebrew, philosophy, hitchhikers guide2009-01-31 5 
March 2009
4038731NautilusA bunch of fa/tg/uys develop some fluff for a nautiloid race that lives near volcanic mineral vent deep beneath an ice sheet that floods whole planets for terraforming,Interesting Ideas pop upNautilus,Fluff development,W40K,Deep sea2009-03-21 10 
April 2009
4418034Photoshopping Ugly D&D Group/tg/ picks up a well written introduction about Anon's time working Costco's photo dept and runs with it. Many lulz are had.photoshop, ugly, writefaggotry2009-04-28 12 
May 2009
4476957The Warp knows You...But do YOU know the Warp?Warp, Psyker, 40k, Philosophy, Philosophers2009-05-06 2 
4483250Masterwork +3/tg/ takes everyday objects and makes them awesome.masterwork, ignore copypasta, duct tape2009-05-07 1 
4535896Goopunk redeuxA continuation of the previous Goopunk thread, with a timeline and more backgroundGoo, Goopunk, Cyberpunk, Design2009-05-13 2 
4705431Orks discuss stomy trukksSo every good Ork knows 'bout makin' things more Choppy an' Shooty, but what I'm bugged about is Stompy, an' trukks. When ya run over humie gits wif a trukk, what do ya call it? It ain't Stompy 'cuz a trukk wheel ain't a stompa foot or nuffin', and it ain't Choppy or Shooty, either. Ya could call it Krumpin', but dat applies fer any ol' smackin' things, what like hammers an' fists an' whatnot. So what do we calls it, boyz? "Rolly"? Rolly sounds like a pansy Elf-dar word. I figgur we gotta get a roit propa word fer it so's we can make somethin' an call it the whatever-iest! Orks Trukks Stompy Choppa Stompiest2009-05-30 1 
4720018Tropical Dorfs cont.Hooray DorfsTropical Island Dorf2009-05-31 5 
June 2009
4782803Collateral DamageEveryone has had sessions where enormous amounts of collateral damage were inflicted. /tg/ tells about sessions where we've witnessed this in action. Property damage inflicted in the pursuit of an enemy, explosives thrown around without proper forethought, villages destroyed to save them, and shit that isn't the intended target generally being ruined.collateral damage, overkill, oops2009-06-06 7 
48809461984 and Late-Night Philosophy/tg/ attempts to turn 1984 into a viable setting for gaming. The goal may have been accomplished, but it's lost under a torrent of mostly shit- turning into a surprisingly candid and polite discussion on the philosophy of safety over freedom.philosophy, 1984, george orwell, justice2009-06-15 1 
July 2009
5165430Post-Cyberpunk the FourthA writefag appears and talks to himself for a while, more materialize and a plan of action is worked out.post-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-07-16 4 
5175040Popular Movies Made GrimdarkPost a movie, change the description to involve 40k.40k, popular movies, grimdark2009-07-17 13 
5179055Post-Cyberpunk the FifthWritefags again congregate and add more settlements and nations to the setting, some in-world stories are written.post-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-07-17 2 
5234359ITT: getting back at faggot playersWhat starts as one DM picking on another retarded player becomes epic, with the Legend of 50 Copper and Ludi'drizz't50 copper, Ludi'drizz't, bard, epic2009-07-24 24 
5281972Hive Quest - PanopticonAs a mnemonic virus that has just gained self awareness we tried to expand our influence, only to come across a number of pitfalls in learning how we can spread our HIVEMIND-y goodness.Hive Quest, Quest, Panopticon, Collective Game, Hive2009-07-29 7 
August 2009
5327835Wutquest Part 2Part two of the quest where anything goes. This time around we kick OP's ass and fuck up some shit at McDonalds.wutquest, op, mcdonalds, quest, maid2009-08-04 1 
5330406Pokemon TabletopA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome.pokemon, art, game, tabletop2009-08-04 16 
5363656Meeting PeopleSo what if some pskyer sneezed while explaining murphy's law to a guardsman and caused all the warp and webways and inertialess drives and propellant bladders in the galaxy to stop working and the only way to travel anywhere was on the bus. What kind of conversations would happen while waiting at the bus stop?40k, grimdark, busstop2009-08-07 5 
5364072Pokemon Tabletop: PokedexA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome. This time asking for help with the Pokedex.pokemon, art, game, tabletop2009-08-07 12 
5459874Even more Nutopiasome misconceptions about the setting are brought out and cleared up, trolls attack, original art and interpretative dancepost-cyberpunk, fluff, Nutopia2009-08-16 3 
September 2009
6059325Moar Interlude from RightfagYet more sequential writefaggotry from 'Why the Imperium will win, despite GRIMDARK'. Sergeant-Major Briggs is alive, ready for duty and packing heat.40k, Stormtroopers, Imperial Guard, Sergeant-Major Briggs, Writefaggotry2009-09-29 1 
October 2009
6078239Crab with Top hatA simple question turns itno the most dapper undersea adventure of the centureyTop Hat, Crab, Drawfag, Crab Battle2009-10-01 8 
6096491Pokemon TabletopA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome. This time, He talks about Trainer Classespokemon, art, game, tabletop2009-10-02 16 
6163100Heavy Weapons Fightercharacter / item theorizing for a D&D3.5 variant paladin with a very very expensive crossbow.D&D, 3.5, charopt, TF2, heavy, keen crossbow, 220500gp in 12 seconds2009-10-07 1 
6489309Machina Dei/tg/ continues to get shit done, more detailed statting of primariesRome, Roman, Mech, Mechina, Dei, Table top, Game.2009-10-31 2 
November 2009
6704437Pill PopperYou take your archiving pills and are archived on suptgPill Popper, Collective Game2009-11-14 8 
6801575Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Discusion and Campaign IdeasWhat starts out as an anon asking for info on Starks Pokemon Tabletop quickly turns into discussion about Mystery Dungeon, The Movies, Legendary's, and Glitch pokemon. An Anon promises to deliver a splatbook for glitches and Aura users (among other things) once Stark releases the game.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark2009-11-21 14 
6858482Pokemon: Tabletop AdventuresA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome. This time, he talks more about Trainer Classes and gives several examples.Pokemon, tabletop, art2009-11-25 11 
6873167Berserker Retelling: Mindfuck EditionWe get a request for an already archived thread, followed by some mild speculation on the identity of the author, followed by the realization that all of /tg/ is actually the same entity. Makes as much sense as anything else around here.copypasta, mindfuck, 40k, writefaggotry2009-11-26 5 
December 2009
6970461Rifts: LXGThe League is reformed with the likes of Inspector Gadget, the A-Team, MacGyver, Robocop and Connor MacLeod, all to take down a rogue and insane James Bond.RIFTS, LXG, Robocop, Inspector Gadget, A-Team, MacGyver, Highlander, 80's2009-12-02 14 
7310859Nutopia 7more nutopianutopia cyberpunk homebrew2009-12-28 2 
73464208-Bit Dystopia, Crunch ThreadThe basics of an 8-bit Dystopia system. I, for one, welcome our new Dreamland overlords.8-Bit, Dystopia, Crunch2009-12-30 0 
January 2010
7379393Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers Whos that? Bearing a gift of the new year? Why it is Dr. Mr. Stark and he does not disappoint.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark, Epic, Zip, Adventuers, Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-02 24 
7425121Grimdark Inspector GadgetWhere /tg/ discovers Nanopunknanopunk grimdark gadget2010-01-04 4 
7640190MechaponA tabletop game with vending machine-dispensed tiny mecha. Gashapon mecha. MECHAPON.rules, mecha, tabletop game2010-01-18 3 
7637308Wal-Mart setting thread contNot as fluffy, but some good ideas and discussion from the perspective of a game.Wal-Mart, dystopia, writefaggotry, setting2010-01-18 2 
7829896Pokemon Tabletop AdventuresStark comes to celebrate 5th gen's announcement and releases features for every class. What a king.Pokemon, Tabletop, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark, Epic, Zip, Adventuers, Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-30 18 
February 2010
8004564Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Game MechanicsDr. Mr. Stark returns to talk about how Pokemon Tabletop Adventures works. Took him long enough.Pokemon, Tabletop, Dr. Mr. Stark, Adventures, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures2010-02-10 14 
8269156Lamentations of a SociopathA fixation with falsities leads to the unraveling of society and sweet revenge for one fa/tg/uy sociopaths, raisins, goodburger, phylactery 2010-02-25 2 
March 2010
8442664Nutopia Quest: Hiver Part 1The first installment of a (hopefully) ongoing series of quests in the Nutopia universe.Post-Cyberpunk, Nutopia, Quest2010-03-07 3 
8539304Golem Quest/tg/ is a philosophical crystal golem. Shenanigans ensue.Collective Game, Philosophy, Golem2010-03-12 7 
8538436Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: CapabilityStark talks about a new part of the game. People ask questions. Stark answers.Pokemon, Tabletop, Dr. Mr. Stark2010-03-12 9 
8554194Golem Quest II/tg/'s continuing adventure as a crystalline golem with a philosophical mind and a penchant for necromancy. Stone be with you!Crystal, Golem, Philosophy, Dorfs2010-03-13 5 
8602020Free D'awwwwOP asks for free tabletop game rules, /tg/ provides, along with adorableness.D'awwwww, tabletop, table top, rules2010-03-16 2 
8607804Golem Quest III-ish/tg/'s crystal golem awakens with a terrible hunger, and does some bad things. Short thread this time.Crystal, Golem, Quest, Philosophy, HUNGER2010-03-16 0 
8859387Cyberpunk Ain't DeadSelf-explanatory.cyberpunk, fluff, rather off-topic2010-03-29 0 
8867308Jabberwocky BackgroundsMore inspiration for writing and settings provided in this thread/imagedump of mostly Jabberwocky's stuff.backgrounds, backdrops, settings, inspiration2010-03-30 1 
April 2010
8982714Pokemon Tabletop Adventures with StarkWhat starts out as an anon asking if pokemon is /tg/ turns into a Pokemon Tabletop Adventures discussion... and then Dr. Mr. Stark shows up!Pokemon, Tabletop, Dr. Mr. Stark, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures2010-04-05 9 
9010467Doppleganger DamacyA discussion of a campaign in which the PCs begin as weak and frail, but gradually take on the abilities of the creatures they kill.Dopplegangers, D&D, Evolution, polymorph, Katamari Damacy, new abilities, 2010-04-06 43 
9047990Doppleganger Damacy QuestYou wake up in a dank alleyway with no skills and no abilities. Solution? Eat local fauna and citizens. Acquire their abilities. ??? Profit.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealh, Quest, Growth2010-04-08 65 
9143051/tg/ is trapped in a mind loopA discussion about religious text and edition wars turns into something more sinister.bible, edition wars, 1e, 3e, 2e, 4e, mind, infinite loop,2010-04-12 3 
9152579Arthropocalypse - Bug RPG More ideas, bugsbugs, Arthropocalypse2010-04-13 3 
9180661HadestownAnon introduces /tg/ to Hadestown, a folk opera that transposes Greek Mythology to Depression Era America. Other anons go on to expand the setting. Greek Myths, Musical, Opera, Setting, Depression2010-04-14 7 
9197653Two Cows Philosophy of Traditional Games/tg/ describes every system known to man using the two cows philosophy. two cow, cow, two cow philosophy2010-04-15 13 
9215116Pokemon Tabletop Adventures discussion threadAnother disscusion thread about P:TA. Axiom and Halfwing show up to talk about their progress, A kamen rider build is posted, and team rocket is revealed to have been the good guys all along.Pokemon, Tabletop, Homebrew, Team Rocket, Kamen Rider2010-04-16 7 
9277671Doppleganger Damacy Quest IITerminator Quest's GM takes over until the main GM can return. We om, we nom, we grow.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealh, Quest, Growth2010-04-19 47 
9302049Pokemon Tabletop Adventures general with Stark and Axiom and some original playtesters!Some alpha campaigns are being run when suddenly Axiom and Stark show up. It's a fucking party. People hook up for some online gaming and everyone has fun. Rules and character sheets are posted as well. Good times.Pokemon, Tabletop, Dr. Mr. Stark, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures2010-04-20 11 
93060004chan Helps Cancer Research/tg/ responds to a thread copied over from /sci/, then a bunch more boards get involved. Vote as much as you can, as long as you can. http://www.refresheverything.com/kanziuscancerresearchgood cause, cancer, copypasta, crosspost2010-04-20 12 
9340810Doppelganger Damacy Quest IIIA replacement DM takes over temporarily, we meet an aspiring wizard, and we prove, among other things, that we are so hungry we can eat a horse.Doppleganger Damacy, Doppelganger, Quest, Collective Game2010-04-22 45 
9385076Doppleganger Damacy IVA new voice is obtained.Doppleganger, Damacy, Quest2010-04-24 35 
9395826Jopall Indentured Regiment/tg/ discusses a long-neglected Imperial Guard regiment of under-handed, money-obsessed scoundrels. Writefaggotry is done. 40k, Warhammer 40k, Imperial Guard, writefaggotry, Jopall, Jopall Indentured Squadrons2010-04-24 7 
9428391Doppelganger Damacy Quest VWe buy and eat a rabbit for great hearing, become a rooftop runner, and make a young wizard girl happy. Then we get ready for serious omming and nomming.Doppleganger Damacy, Doppelganger, Quest, Collective Game2010-04-26 45 
9493983Doppleganger Damacy Quest VIWe eat what we've beat, then upgrade and repeat. A visit to the stables proves highly productive. Hungry enough to eat a horse? Try three.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-04-29 45 
May 2010
9586540Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Stories of fansFans are playing it! A couple stories are bandied about, some campaign ideas, a drive-by appearance by Stark, and the fan-made Paladin class is posted.Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, Pokemon, Dr. Mr. Stark, PTA, P:TTA, Homebrew2010-05-04 10 
9787752ASS WHOOPINAnon tells a splendid story of tattoos, butthurt, and righteous kick-assery.ASS WHOOPIN2010-05-13 6 
9832207Endless Isles brainstormingFrom a basic "Pirates Fuck Yeah!" thread, a crazy setting where almost everyone is a pirate begins to emerge.pirate, setting, development2010-05-16 3 
9839479Doppleganger Damacy Quest VIIIn which we fish for crocodiles and fall into an adventurer group's trap.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-16 47 
9843086Doppleganger Damacy Quest VIIIIn which Weasel Jesus briefly entered our lives like a sparrow through an open window. Also, Pygmy Death Wolves.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-16 46 
9845296Endless Isles thread 2Brainstorming and writefagging continues for the world of deathless piratesworld building, Eternal Isles, development, pirates2010-05-16 0 
9875163Pokemon Tabletop Discussion: How to GM this game.Topic is created... and then Dr. Mr. Stark suddenly appears! Stark talks about how he's GM'd his playtesting campaigns and answers question that players need for alpha playtesting.Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, Pokemon, Dr. Mr. Stark, PTA, P:TTA, Homebrew2010-05-17 7 
9924792Doppleganger Damacy Quest IXIn which we try to heal our con damage and start to tell Claire what we are.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-20 50 
10072987Doppleganger Damacy Quest XWe get our Con damage fully healed, and learn about the city and the politics. Then our carefree nomming comes to a halt...Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-27 42 
10088662Opera House EncounterOP asks for help with BBEG encounter in an opera house. Anon swiftly delivers with a BBEG subversion into mindfuck territory.BBEG, mindfuck, opera house2010-05-27 1 
10126104Pokemon Tabletop Adventures In the Wild WestA discussion of having a Pokemon campaign set in the Wild West.Pokemon Tabletop Adventures,pokemon, wild west2010-05-29 5 
10138220Doppleganger Damacy Quest XIWe track down the adventurers to their safe house, get ready to attack, and deal with the most annoying old man ever in the process.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-29 44 
10137456Monster Hunter Tabletop It began as a simple discussion of the vidya, but soon people were volunteering tabletop conversion ideas and information, as well as complaining about 'not getting it'. Monst Hunter, FantasyCraft, TableTop, Get Shit Done2010-05-29 2 
10141231Doppleganger Damacy Quest XIITempDM disappears half-way through thread, argument ensues on what to do next while waiting for his return.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-30 45 
10150655Doppleganger Damacy Quest XIIITempDM's return last thread carries over into a thread of win as we gain an ally and launch our attack.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-05-30 70 
June 2010
10212117Doppleganger Damacy Quest XIVIn which we heal up then enter the sewers once more.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-06-02 45 
10344703Mass Workshop/tg/ discusses a Mass Effect version of 40k from a parallel realityMass Effect, 40k, Games Workshop, crossover2010-06-08 3 
10363067Planes and Mercs XXVOP returns with a new mission briefing. Looks like the gang are heading back to Africa, employed by the FFL once more.Planes & Mercs, planes, mercenaries, OP, Baron, Steve2010-06-08 11 
10369165Doppleganger Damacy XVWherein we descend into a cave filled with shocking lizards, and their detritus.Doppleganger Damacy, OMNOMNOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-06-09 44 
10413733Doppleganger Damacy Quest XVIWherein we prepare to skip town, learn of current events, and see some giant flying hornet mounts.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-06-11 41 
10417479Doppleganger Damacy XVII Doppleganger Damacy continues. We find some clues to who we are. Also, food. :)Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Doppleganger, Quest, Growth, No stealth any more good job with the lizards guys2010-06-11 43 
10541389Doppleganger Damacy XVIIIWe found a cult last thread who believes we're their god. Now, they pave the way for us to scour the underworld for skills and feats.DoDoppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth, cult2010-06-17 44 
10578551So, our DM is XFa/tg/uy asks for advice about his gay DM. Some serious responses, and then new copypasta is made.DM advice, copypasta, gay2010-06-18 13 
10670113OctoSamurainew villain octosamuraisamurai, octopus, new villain, villain2010-06-22 15 
10715809Planes and Mercs XXVIIOP returns with a new mission briefing. Things appear to be a bit different this time around.Planes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, jets, new mission, different, Baron, Steve, op again2010-06-24 11 
10781374RETURN OF ARTHROPOCALYPSE/tg/ discusses games that are too cool to be realarthropocalpyse2010-06-28 2 
July 2010
11069539Planes and Mercs discussionExactly what is says on the tin. Discussion about some new planes for OP's group.Planes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, jets, OP_again, OP, Steve, awesome2010-07-11 1 
11069539Planes and Mercs discussionExactly what is says on the tin. Discussion about some new planes for OP's group.Planes and Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, jets, OP_again, OP, Steve, awesome2010-07-12 1 
11177137Planes and Mercenaries XXXIIOP returns with his latest AAR. Heavy damage taken, but over all a succesful mission. AtA kills include an AIM-120 AMRAAmPlanes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-17 12 
11193292Doppleganger Damacy XIXBack from month-long hiatus! We get information about our latest threat, boost our Intelligence, and take care of a few loose ends. Then we prepare an ambush for the only paladin of Heironeous.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth, Cult2010-07-18 33 
11211605Planes and Mercenaries XXXIIINew mission from OP, FFL vs Liberia.Planes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-19 11 
11375058Zerg Quest VCerebrate Anon decides to strike for Tassadar's throat. Also, major fuck-yous to the Starcraft canon abound as Kerrigan and Duke end up infested!Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Unnecessary Ban, Drunk OP2010-07-27 16 
August 2010
11462388Planes and Mercs XXXVNew mission from OP, BlackFlag VS. Background Asian Risk Solutions or BARSPlanes & Mercs, OP_again, Steve2010-08-01 16 
11823862Doppleganger Damacy XXIn which we debate whether or not to devour the Right Arm of Heironeous.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth, Cult2010-08-26 32 
11835868Reality checkThis thread needs to be seen. Ork and paranoia in the fleshork, paranoia, tea shop girl, why?2010-08-27 20 
11848994Doppleganger Damacy XXIour beloved doppleganger gets slightly drunker, and TempDM passes out! MAGIK!Doppleganger Damacy XXI doppelganger damacy quest thread2010-08-28 31 
11874640Doppleganger Damacy XXIIWe are hungry. Hungry for KNOWLEDGE!Doppleganger, Damacy, Quest, Collective Game, OM NOM NOM, 5 ranks of Knowledge (Local-Cult of the Devourer)2010-08-30 29 
September 2010
11912396Planes and Mercs XXXVI OP returns with tales of taking on BARSPlanes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-09-02 14 
12000838Gladiator Manager #5We use our Noxii for the first time and Unstoppable gets challenged by a badass veteranGladiator Manager, Gladiator, Dark Sun, Unstoppable2010-09-08 8 
12125714Toonpunk Part IIIContinued development on the game where toons walk among us. Shit gets done.Toonpunk, homebrew, setting, game design, tropes, awesome2010-09-18 5 
12240979FreemarketA viral marketer tries to pimp shitastic game. /tg/ dumps on it to hilarious effect, then begins the slow process to sift out the fun parts at the expense of the game's fluff. The game's "utopia" is shown to actually be a dystopia of horrifying scope. Beware the frownie. >:(Freemarket, >:( , Floooooooooooow, dystopia, frownie,2010-09-27 11 
October 2010
12418058Planes and Mercs XXXVIIOP returns from hiatus New mission soonPlanes & Mercs, Plans, Mercs, OP_again, Baron, Steve, Planefaggotry2010-10-13 5 
12435507Tricks and props for the GM GM asks for ideas for tricks and props to use in gaming sessions to enhance the mood and immersion. Mostly horror ideas are suggested.tricks, props, immersion, horror,2010-10-14 3 
12447189Starship Troopers DiscussionVarious fa/tg/uys sit around the proverbial water cooler and discuss the strengths and merits of the Starship Troopers political system.discussion, Starship Troopers, politics, Fascism2010-10-15 9 
12453300Planes and Mercs XXXVIIIOP returns with his latest mission briefing. This one's a bit different than normal though...Planes and Mercs, Planes, Mercs, OP_again, Baron, Steve, planefaggotry, survive, awesome2010-10-16 5 
12481821Napoleonic HeresyDevelopment thread for a Dark Heresy supplement taking place in the Napoleonic Era.Dark Heresy Napoleon Napoleonic Era Muskets Setting Building Rules Development2010-10-18 2 
12508763Writefaggotry Requests - Man, Fuck NurgleWritefag asks for requests, writes a story about a lone Storm Trooper giving Papa Nurgle the finger. Metaphorically speaking.Writefaggotry, Nurgle, Storm Trooper2010-10-20 2 
12549831Doppleganger Damacy XXIIIDD is back and kicked into high gear as we tie up loose ends, grow, continue to develop our allies, and more. Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth2010-10-24 41 
12580929Command and Conquer: TabletopSome dumbass archived a Homestuck thread and gave it THIS thread's proper title.Tabletop, Command and Conquer, shit getting done, fuck yeah2010-10-27 4 
12579180Alright, let's see those character sheetsCharacters in popular shows/games/etc are represented as players presenting their character sheets. Hilarious, with many a lulz to be had.GM and Players, popular shows, lulz, creative2010-10-27 5 
November 2010
12658152Otherkin: A Cautionary TaleYou know what's bad? Insanity. You know what's terrifying? Not knowing you're insane. You know what's worse than either? Otherkin.Otherkin, Soulbond, soulbonding, Warning, Caution, Faggotry, D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrible, madness, insanity, Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here2010-11-03 16 
12653918Not your ordinary corporate logo threadFrom military badges to discussions over corporate responsibilitylogo badge evil inc. corporation dystopia cyberpunk weyland ocp2010-11-04 15 
12724034"Caliburn" Creation Drive!A game designer comes to /tg/ to beg our wisdom. The best and brightest of this noble board help craft new factions and fluff for what is said to be an upcoming tabletop game. Will it succeed? Only time will tell. What is known is that it's got space elves playing Stalingrad, sahuagin with lasers, and the Brotherhood of Nod meets Alpha Centauri. Who could resist?Tabletop Game, Creation, Caliburn, Design, World Building2010-11-08 1 
12726031Pokemon Tabletop AdventuresOP inquires about a fun and light hearted game only to learn that Pokemon is deadly and grimdarkPokemon Tabletop Adventures, Pokemon, Grimdark2010-11-08 2 
12739376BrainwormsDiscussion of brainworms turns into a brainstorming of concept and ideas. Includes redneck brainworms monster truck racing and ancient greece.brainworm, fantasy, D&D, biopunk2010-11-10 0 
12754527Space Marine Drop PodsGood writefaggotry regarding Space Marines' opinions on drop pods. space marine, writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, warhammer 40k, drop pod, not enough love2010-11-11 2 
12776666Doppleganger Damacy XXIVThe much awaited meeting with Gaul ends with a surprise. Also some rage.Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Cult, Doppelganger Quest, Growth2010-11-13 28 
1293111540k redonewith Mary Poppins as an Inquisitor and Willy Wonka as a commissar, 40k somehow gets more horrifying.mary poppins, 40k, inquisitor, commissar, willy wonka2010-11-26 11 
December 2010
13050521Dungeons and DiscourseOP wants to make a D&D game that takes place on an island where everyone worships philosophers. Horrible puns and awesome awesomeness ensue.homebrew, world building, philosophy2010-12-07 1 
13108836The Rise of Poppa ShasOP asks /tg/ for advice on toppling a monster that he and his party accidentally put into power, only to have it broken to him that God Emperor Shastamannos is the coolest dictator in school, and that he and his party members are complete madmen. Join the Nation!Pathfinder, D&D, Writefaggotry, Epic, Poppa Shas, Now Lay Back and Think of Karthack2010-12-11 27 
13177880Lamias and Janitors/tg/ reacts intelligently to the janitor's rampage, and makes a board game out of it. Or two.lamias, development, board game, janitor2010-12-16 15 
13302897Dungeon ShopA dungeon shop, run by a beholder. All customers welcome!Dungeon, Shop, Beholder, Dungeons and Dragons2010-12-27 6 
13326223Ask the Prophet AnythingA disturbingly accurate/lucky prophet image.prophet funny2010-12-29 16 
January 2011
13369842Ops and Tactics Alpha Build .1Sweet Soul Bro presents a modern tactical simulation game he's been working on for a year and a half. Discussion ensueshomebrew, development, criticism, modern, Ops and Tactics2011-01-02 0 
13492769Space Opera BBEG Asks For AdviceHe's a brain in a robot with psychic powers, three planets to start with, and some Mary Sues and Furfags to kill. And he need's /tg/s help to do it.Space Opera, Space, Opera, Scifi, Help, Advice, Mary Sue, Furfag, Lasers, FTL2011-01-12 9 
13585573Zerg Quest XXVIIThe Zerg actually sit down and talk with VoidGate, the not-quite-Skynet-but-basically-Skynet. In the end, Anon blows the shit out of some Terrans, like strategic superiority is an afterthought, or something.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Diplomacy, Skynet, Are we actually talking with people now?2011-01-20 11 
13595580Super Robot Wars RPG mechaThe schismatic AdEva anons continue their homebrewed Super Robot Wars game with a massive stat dump of delicious mechaMecha, Homebrew, Game Development, Dark Heresy mods, AdEva, SRW RPG, RPG2011-01-21 4 
13647345WoD ThreadA bunch of dudes discuss the comparative merits of WoD and nWoD. Then, Anon posts copypasta from Ascension, showing the best, most beautiful, and insane things from oWoD.WoD, nWoD, oWoD, copypasta, epic, Ascension2011-01-25 0 
13681951SRWRPG Part 3A new alpha of the Ad-Eva based Super Robot Wars RPG is out, and Anon is picking it apart. Also, Murder!SRWRPG, Dark Heresy, Homebrew, Game Development2011-01-28 0 
February 2011
13826969Time Loop Game?OP asks how one would go about running a Groundhog's Day style game, which of course leads to Majora's Mask discussion and how to run creepy horror scenario with a time loop mechanic.Groundhog Day, Time Loop, Majora's Mask, Legend of Zelda, RPG, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green2011-02-09 12 
13851937So, /tg/, my DM hates dwarves...OP comes to us talking about his DM and the attempt to make new races to replace "stereotype" ones like elves and dwarves. A debate begins on the merits of originality vs established ideas, and how dwarves (and other classic races) can be awesome without being cliche.races, elves, dwarves, orcs, creativity, tropes2011-02-10 0 
13880692Doppelganger Quest BootlegIn which a valiant anon takes over for the long-missing storyteller of the first Doppelganger Damacy story.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Let's Play, Game, Collaborative, Horror2011-02-13 12 
13926282/tg/-based ReasearchA thread about finding different opinions and standpoints related to games, and how people justify them.opinions, games, favorites2011-02-17 5 
13928781Octoquesta simple roleplay as an octopus turns in to a horrifying example of what /tg/ can make with a simple "wat do".Quest, octopus2011-02-17 38 
13953219Doppelganger Quest Bootleg IIDoppelganger Bootleg continues! We flee from the scene of the crime, and eat a prostitute and a priestess.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Game, Quest, Horror2011-02-19 12 
13961655Ops and Tactics 1.0 Beta ReleaseSweet Soul Bro finally Releases his Modern Role Playing Game System, after two years of work. Praise, hate, and questions ensue. Ops and Tactics, Homebrew, D20 System, D20, RPG, Guns2011-02-20 3 
14021320Ethics of UtopiasStandard 40K vs Star Trek thread derails multiple times, finally ending up as various anons picking apart each other's perfect societies.utopia, discussion2011-02-24 3 
March 2011
14130194Skynet Quest IVThe move to Africa is surprisingly smooth. Much hacking and power consolidation ensues. Anon immediately decides to participate in an African genocide. Because what could be more like Skynet than dying humans, and more like Anon than dying black people?Skynet, Collective Game, Quest Thread, dead black people2011-03-05 8 
14141709Doppelganger Quest Bootleg IVThe Doppelvourer screws around a city for half a day. Late that night, he finds himself outmatched by an elf in the slums. Conversation ensues.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Game, Quest, Horror2011-03-06 6 
14221427Doppelganger Quest Bootleg IV (for real this time)The shape-eater strikes again! We leave the elf's hut and eat a gnome and a merchant. Also, gnomes are scary?Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Game, Quest, Horror2011-03-13 5 
14232459Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VThe doppelvourer eats a couple thugs, steals a hookah, and resolves to become the Demon Seer of Rokos. In other news, Gnomes are indeed scary after all.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Game, Quest2011-03-14 3 
14238162Photoshop as a random map generator.Thread detailing the creation of very nice quality random maps, using photoshop. This is a fast, user-friendly method, sure to make life a lot easier on some lazy or time-deprived GM's out there.GM tools, map generator, photoshop2011-03-14 10 
14243127Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VIShit goes down. We kill a thug, and a boar and shit, but that's not important. After a botched home invasion, the doppel is smashed unconscious. Time to face the courts.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Pathfinder, Quest2011-03-15 2 
14290234Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VIIWhy can't these get labeled properly? The doppelvourer gets put on a hard labor detail by the courts. Thread's cut short by 4chan servers dying.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Pathfinder, Quest2011-03-19 3 
14309619Don't Rest Your Head Immersion DiscussionOP asks /tg/ for advice on props/setup for DRYHDRYH, Don't Rest Your Head, Props, Immersion, Creepy, 2011-03-21 12 
14338126Omnomnomaru - first test reportFabricator-General Scriptarius gives his initial impressions on oyumaru, and how effectively it may be used to duplicate tabletop miniatures.40k, miniature copy, oyumaru, omnomnomaru, ochinchinmaru, copying miniatures, copying minis, copy minis2011-03-23 5 
14377318Doppelganger Quest Bootleg VIIINot much happens tonight. The doppel sleeps on a rooftop, gets a new dagger, and gets evicted.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Pathfinder, Quest2011-03-27 3 
14381022HU2: Copyright Infringing Random RollsA brave anon from the HU Revised creation thread starts a new one with HU2 to create a comrade for Finesse. A mutant alien, outcast from his own kind for being vaguely more fishy than them, and is Totally Not Abe Sapien, no matter what the dice try to tell you. Old OP joins in as well. To be continued..HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse, skeletal fish aliens, Abe Sapien, Totally Not Abe Sapien, Christopher Walken of the Fish People2011-03-27 0 
14400895Modern-themed Imperial GuardThread about how to make an I.G army that's closer to modern armies than WW1 soldiers.IG Imperial Guard Modern Operator Warhammer 40000 40k I.G2011-03-29 3 
April 2011
14585186Zerg Quest XXXVIIIAnon continues its vicious pogrom against the VoidGate AI, going so far as to get Kingston in on the carnage. Yet more planets are rendered balls of superheated glass, and yet fewer people are willing to fuck with the Zerg.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Planet Glassing, Skynet, Kingston teamwork?, Oops2011-04-14 11 
14650603What has your character written in their journal lately?Thread with journal entries for their tableto characters.Tabletop, character development2011-04-20 1 
14669024Why you should never got to TatooineThis thread perfectly demonstrates why going to the planet of Tatooine in any starwars rpg is a bad ideaTusken Raiders, Sand People, MSPA, Herp Derp, Sci Fi, Star Wars2011-04-21 39 
14717864Artificial IntelligenceThe humanity of AI's are conversed for a while, before the topic shits into talking about your favorite megalomaniac AI characters. Briefly visited by MC Vatican.Gerty, Moon, Shodan, Marathon, Durandal, Agent Smith, Matrix, Game, Shodan, WOPR, AM, Friend Computer, AC, nostalgia2011-04-26 1 
14749353Worldbuilding.TG builds another world from scratch.Crab people, worldbuiding, floating island2011-04-29 2 
14755334Tabletop 'NOPE' MomentsOP invites /tg/ to post tales from their game tables which have made them 'nope'. One tale from CoC in particular captures /tg/'s attention.Call of cthulhu, CoC, nope, scary, terrifying, story time, stories2011-04-29 10 
14754121The Game (Classroom)/tg/ finds vid of VA teacher running large-scale world RP in classroom. Contacts him for information, win ensues.homebrew, cooperative, getting shit done, original, collective game, loli2011-04-30 12 
May 2011
14929409Doppelganger Quest Bootleg IXThe hiatus is over and the bootleg is back. The doppelganger considers joining a caravan, but eats a stable instead.Doppelganger, Doppelganger Damacy, Pathfinder, Quest2011-05-15 6 
14959956Letter for GWfa/tg/uys write a collaborative letter for games workshopgames workshop hate one word letter2011-05-18 2 
14977000Making the Perfect Villain (tm)How do you make a villain your PCs love to hate? Make him their antithesis, and then make him a perfectly normal human being.evil, villain, mundane, space, furry, furries, human, humans, reasonable, trolling, troll, maximum, decency, PCs, psychopaths, BBEG, original content, original, advice2011-05-19 29 
14987470Girl Quest Chapter 2Issabella's instinct to protect Mallory despite her past gets her in trouble.collective game, quest, I wish to be the little girl, girl, hex map, Issabella, Mallory, Penelope2011-05-20 5 
14996544Character ArchtypesOP asks for Character archtypes, and perhaps gets more than he was bargaining forcopypasta, characters, humour, humor2011-05-21 2 
15043904Homeworld Tabletop StrategyWherein ThatAnimaGuy describes rules for Homeworld table top game.Tabletop homeworld game2011-05-25 1 
15044208A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop EditionFictitious variant of Warhammer/other tabletop games, based on A Song of Ice and Fire.Game of Thrones, tabletop game2011-05-25 9 
15094464The Garden of EhnkieridianOP gives us a dark and tension-filled tale of a party entering a twisted and terrifying maze, worsened by his slow posting speed.game recap, D&D, Garden, Ehnkieridian, OPISAGOD, shadows, despair 2011-05-30 13 
June 2011
15125681Ask a GW Manager Anything Part 3Games Workshop Manager returns. Now with 100% more Finecast and holy shit what is going on with the story?Games Workshop, Manager, Primarch, Finecast2011-06-01 12 
15187045The Epic of John CockburnDrawfag unites with /tg/ to craft a battle scene between two random shmucks. Hilarity ensuesJohn Cockburn, Oswald Jones IV, Fish, Mop2011-06-07 20 
July 2011
15462654The Legend of PIGDOGA tale is told of a THAT GUY of legend, with IRC quotes to back it up. The man himself eventually appears in the thread.that guy, D&D, dark sun, autism, psychopathy, funny, horror2011-07-05 25 
15476704Monk of the way of the GENTLEMANMost monks follow a path from a sacred text. This one shall be a dapper gentleman pugilist, battling the world's scoundrels and ruffians. TALLY-HO!monk, gentleman, pugilist, boxing, tea, monocle, tophat2011-07-05 23 
15581459Female player virginity lostThe greatest tale of how a man lost his virginity playing traditional gamesfemales, virgin, topless, 2011-07-15 37 
15727525P&M Revival? Could it be that OP returned?Planes & Mercenaries, Planes & Mercs, P&M, OP, Baron, Steve, OCPlanes, P&M, Planes & Mercenaries, Steve, OP, OPagain, Baron2011-07-28 2 
August 2011
15820617Bittersweet Turned HopefulRequest thread is hijacked by bittersweet stories. One guy is reminded of a girl he knew long ago, and finally gets in touch with her during the thread. Great Romantic Success is had.d'aw, hope, hopeful, good end, bittersweet, memories2011-08-05 37 
15951797Board Quest IVThe journey to battle is finally under way! But in the night, we are ambushed by werewolves! Some badass glowing and even more badass speeches later, we decide to find out exactly HOW the beasts knew where to find us... And, who may have told them.Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Werewolves, Lycanthropes, What a Twist, Epic2011-08-16 12 
15998909Tips for D&DRecovering Powergamer enlightens us with good tips for players and DMstips, tricks, D&D, dungeons & dragons, tabletop, RPG, 3.52011-08-20 5 
16009365 Worldbuilding from scratch/tg/ makes a setting from cosmology to individual cities.Fluff, cooperation2011-08-21 2 
16017027A Questus Mechanicus 1Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster wakes up, kills a fat guy, and serves his Mech Lord.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-22 7 
16031628Simple Starship System for RPGOP has just started designing a simple starship system for use in a Science Fiction RPG, and he wanted to get some opinions. Discussion ensues.sci-fi, RPG, science fiction, missiles, lasers, development, dev, game new, design2011-08-23 2 
16037299Traditional Anthropomorphic GamesI canhear yoou groaning from across the net, but I'm saving this thread not just for the wealth of playable furry games, but for >>16038331 this tale of 'HURR DURR YIFF IN HELL' gone too far. Sin is when we treat people as things; this applies to all people, those we feel compatibility with and those who like what we do not like.Anthropomorphism, Furry, Mouse Guard, Storytime, righteous rage, Yiff in Hell, asshole, assault 2011-08-23 25 
16042017A Questus Mechanicus 2Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster loots, gains minions and prepares to trap HERETICAL SPIES.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-24 7 
16077369A Questus MechanicusHeregaster decides to make some robo-booty and Solid snakes his way through a warehouse.A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread, Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, Collective Game2011-08-27 7 
16115726Uplifting Primer 2: The Nid EditionA friendly Guardsmen explains why the Tyranids aren't as scary as we think 40k, nids, tyranids, propaganda, truth, guardsmen, guardsman, imperium, humor, teaching, lessons, informative, IG, Imperial Guard, Imperial Guardsmen2011-08-30 5 
September 2011
16136896Kobold Sorcerer Quest Ch. 4 part 4You prepare to mean with the H'runten, regenerate Slam'lok's hands, and realize that the OP uses a lot of apostrophes in his names. Kobold, Quest, Collective Game, apostrophes, Kobold Sorcerer Quest2011-09-01 7 
16255390new idea based game systema new game system where the players are ideas wanting to become charactersnew gamesystem, development2011-09-12 5 
16445679Hope Quest 1Hope wakes up in a unfamiliar room with a splitting headache.Hope Quest, Collective Game2011-09-28 3 
16458695Starship Troopers: Medieval editionOP tells of his setting idea and ideas start getting thrown around.grimdark, Starship Troopers, medieval, weapons, bug, bugs, settings2011-09-29 6 
16459095hope quest chapter twodies early due to everyone watching a text quest.Collective Game, Hope Quest2011-09-29 1 
16453010Drakar och DemonerAnon translating Swedish D&D clone, Drakar och Demoner.RPG, Tabletop, project, fluff, fantasy, Drakar_och_Demoner2011-09-29 3 
October 2011
16533628Zerg Quest LVIDyles tries to bird-dog on our Kingston celebration, but bungles it.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Dyles, /tg/ dice, Even now there is hope for man2011-10-06 10 
16534941/tg/ MetaQuestAfter all the talk of the Editors versus the Sues, one anon creates this Quest. THe local metaverse sector has been warped, and we use our poor funding to recruit some Starship Troopers, Spike Spiegel and Ibram Gaunt to investigate./tg/, Editors, Spike, Spiegel, Ibram, Gaunt, Meta, Multiverse, cruiser, Orz, mary sue, fixer, /tg/ starship troopers, UNIT, SPC2011-10-06 23 
16540773/tg/ MetaQuest 2We have encountered and allied with the Orz from Star Control, and have discovered that all life on the station and the planet below was 'removed' at the time of The Event. After clearing the station, we go down to investigate Sarajevo and Temple Prime for more clues, with Orz marines leading the way. Meta, Quest, Orz, Star Control, Command and Conquer, Kane, Cruiser, Ibram Gaunt, Spike Spiegel, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers2011-10-07 12 
16561350/tg/ Meta Quest 3After being resupplied and spending new funds on things like Small Soldiers, Spectres, and Star Destroyers, we go to try and rescue a branch office in distress only to find some Sue-ish drow in the way. In the midst of this, a new hero arises.Collective Game, Orz, Drow Tales, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Shadowrun, Meta, Quest2011-10-09 13 
16618858/tg/ Meta Quest 4We make contact with the Vault's commander and surviving agents. Apparently there's a SUE controlling the Drow, and that's the source of the reality distortions. We hire runners to collect information, and begin planning our assault.Collective Game, Orz, Drow Tales, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Shadowrun, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest2011-10-16 21 
16660618/tg/ Meta Quest 4.5An extension of Meta Quest 4, We buy stuff and talk to a spiritCollective Game, Orz, Drow Tales, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Shadowrun, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest2011-10-18 13 
16709008Bishop Tristan's Civilization GameA new civrunner appears and proceeds to frolic with desert elves.Civilization Game, Bishop Tristan, Collective Game, Desert Elves2011-10-23 17 
16711708Bishop Tristan's Civilization Game 2When we make elves, we really make magic-loving, magic-using, magic-everythinging elves. Except for the tree hugging part. No trees in the desert.Civilization Game, Bishop Tristan, Collective Game, Desert Elves2011-10-23 13 
16729747/tg/ Meta Quest 6We finish up on the Fallout world, download the TG station's logs, and head back to Sector HQ. We pick up a team of X-COM scientists, then head to the last Branch Office, located in a Dark Matter setting world, in the Mulder Building.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Fallout, Dark Matter2011-10-27 13 
16760239/tg/ Meta Quest 7On our way back to HQ to get help to deal with the Sandmen that compromised our branch office, we have a run-in with the G-Man. It's time to prepare for unforeseen consequences.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Dark Matter, Half-Life, G-Man2011-10-29 11 
16762476Gridiron: Urban Mech CombatWIP tabletop wargame focusing on mech customization, electronic warfare, and urban combat.Urban, Mech, Combat, Wargame, Gridiron, Electronic Warfare, WIP, Tabletop, Game, Design2011-10-30 5 
November 2011
16791722/tg/ Meta Quest 8We lose Gaunt in the retaking of the Mulder Building, but are able to capture the Sandmen and retrieve critical base systems, leaving behind sentry guns and nerve gas to deter trespassers. We then head over to the local branch of the TSAB to see how they've fared the past month of raped reality.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Dark Matter, Half-Life, G-Man, TSAB, Nanoha2011-11-01 11 
16803032DMing PhilosophersModerately amusing thread about entering a forest and how philosophers would DM itphilosophy philosophers comedy entertaining funny forest DMing2011-11-01 18 
16811852/tg/ Meta Quest 9We transit back to Sector HQ and report to Holtz the good and bad news. We show him the data we recovered on a world about to break under the reality stress. We request, and are authorized to, deploy a Rewriter Bomb, and wipe and rewrite the entire world in order to save it.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Half-Life, G-Man, Star Wars2011-11-02 11 
1683231740k is an 80s buddy cop moviethe immortal warriors of the undying god emperor are getting to old for this shitwarhammer 40k cop police buddy2011-11-04 3 
16843819/tg/ Meta Quest 12The last 3 minutes before the Rewriter Bomb goes off, and our ground forces are hard pressed even as our forces in space turn to engage a newly created enemy battlefleet. Then consequences of one of our earlier decisions comes back to haunt us.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, Star Wars2011-11-05 15 
16852204/tg/ Meta Quest 13We triumphantly return to Sector HQ, where we give Holtz the good news that the Rewriter Bomb went off. We choose what we keep from the forces lent to us, then transit to another world. Middle-Earth this time, and we just found a Chaos gate outside Rivendell.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines2011-11-06 12 
16864773Waiting for TG Meta Quest: Server Migration EditionWaiting for Thread 14, Server Migration leaves us waiting for couple days. We discuss tactics, wishlists, and ideas.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-08 6 
16877258/tg/ Meta Quest 14We are able to open negotiations with Ahriman with the help of the Knights Inductor. We capture and interrogate an agent of the Shipper Union. And we find out that instead of wizards, we got a vaudeville act when we asked for Aurors.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-08 10 
16887973/tg/ Meta Quest 15Ahriman says Ring of Power or no deal. We try to brainstorm how to sneak into Barad-dûr to steal a Ring, when someone mentions Ringil, the sword of ice that crippled Morgoth, Sauron's boss. And thus was born a plan to retrieve Ringil from its resting place and troll Sauron as distraction, in order to steal a Ring.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons2011-11-09 15 
16891353/tg/ Meta Quest 16It takes us a while, and the ghost of an elf face-palming at us, but we finally solve the final riddle protecting Fingolfin's Cairn and Ringil. Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons, Fingolfin2011-11-09 15 
16899605/tg/ Meta Quest 17Darius Forte, newly promoted Hero from among the Knights Inductor, takes possession of Ringil. We then pick up some other magic swords, and prepare to troll Sauron.Collective Game, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Starship Troopers, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Editors, LotR, Tolkien, Reasonable Marines, Ahzek Ahriman, Thousand Sons, Fingolfin, Gurthang2011-11-10 13 
16943288Zerg Quest LXIIAnon argues, steals a ship, and argues some more: a /tg/ microcosm? Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, tactical strategy, drunk OP, paranoia2011-11-17 11 
16991398Weird, creative races!A selection of weird races for a weird world that is just beginning. Seems neat. lizardpeople, lobster merchants, blade monks, races2011-11-23 16 
17033508"Event Horizon for everyone"/tg/ creates a grimdark space opera setting faturing a Hell dimension, entropy drives, and the adventures of Bill and Dolf the Demon.event horizon, space opera, homebrew2011-11-28 10 
December 2011
17218449Zerg Quest LXVAnon's trap is sprung, and Dyles hits the Protoss hard.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, unnecessary ban, dice retardation, surely OP will deliver2011-12-15 10 
17245560Imperium of Cat/tg/ discusses their 40kat army buildscat, cats, 40k, tabletop, army, warhammer, funny2011-12-17 10 
17293888Zerg Quest LXVIAnon tears Dyles' forces apart, and engages the Protoss in the political arena. Thread called "the most effective in recent history".Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Diplomacy, Pauldrons, Drunk OP, I assure you I have not been banned2011-12-22 10 
17349857Top Gear 40kThe boys have to solve the problem of how to cross a volcanic planet in vehicles costing less than 1000 thrones.40k, Top Gear2011-12-28 21 
17360840Zerg Quest LXVIIThe Swarm deals with a couple of scary-looking fellows who are both kinda-sorta members of the SwarmZerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Drunk op, Bernie, Oh What Now?2011-12-29 11 
17384620Spiders are SuperiorThis thread is spiders.spiders, spider, funny, copypasta, never change /tg/2011-12-31 11 
January 2012
17409405The Way of HitIn which /tg/ discovers that Hit is the true path.Hit, Fist, Way of Hit, Philosophy, Monks, Violence, Awesome, Funny, Fuck Yeah, 2012-01-03 37 
17488622TG Meta-Quest Planning Thread - Ebon CompleteContinuing from previous planning thread. Wherein we finish arguing over requisition and skill choices for newly minted and leveled-up heroes. Ebon Night is defeated and MetaOP serves up our requisitions at the end of Thread 50. Expect arguments over what to do in our downtime.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, Persona, Chrono Trigger, Starship Troopers, Requisitions2012-01-11 6 
17582781THEY FOUND OUT WE KNOW ABOUT THE SQUATSOh god GW's soldiers are right outside my door, I don't have much time l-Squats, Heresy, Warhammer 40k, EVERYBODY PANIC, Games Workshop, SPOILERS2012-01-18 24 
17598005So this one time..IRL shenanigans. Encounters and such. Ýncludes a guard tackling a thief in a medieval fair and getting promoted...Guard, IRL, Random Encounter, Story, STOP RÝGHT THERE CRÝMÝNAL SCUM!, Larp2012-01-19 5 
17705089Cop Drama in FantasyAnon writing how cops would sound in fantasycops, fantasy2012-01-29 7 
17729084Elves discuss Human OverpopulationElves are in danger of being overrun by the rampant sprawl of human promiscuity and technological advancement. Potential solutions and superiority of elves are discussed.elves superior humans disgusting orcs barbaric overpopulation2012-01-31 2 
February 2012
17835792/tg/ Meta Quest 59We return to Sector HQ to drop off our bounty and collect 100 baneblades. Then we transit to the next linchpin, and encounter one of /tg's own homebrewed settings. We successfully keep stupidity from making a mess of things this time.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-02-07 15 
17840192Yet another TG quest planning thread- also requisitions arguingWe debate on our course of action in the b-bit dystopia. Also, requisitions.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-02-09 6 
17862317/tg/ Meta Quest 60We have three candidates step up to be avatars for the Golden Goddesses of Hyrule, and we continue to gather intel on our targets.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-02-09 11 
17889624/tg/ Meta Quest 61Our initial plan turns out to have had quite a few flaws, as poor rolls result in Spike and Tosh nearly both dying. We are unable to catch up to Dr. Light, and move the Oncoming Storm to lunar orbit and begin scanning the corporate HQ's of Wily Corp, Egg Industries, and the branch office of MetPharm.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-02-11 10 
17937512TG Quest 62: MetamanWe do some harvesting and work on fixing this place.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-02-14 10 
17997042Hilga's Shop of CuriositiesWherein many strange and mystical items are sold for outrageous prices.Hilga, shop, magic, items, adventurer2012-02-18 11 
18019501/tg/ Meta Quest 63The initial meeting with Dr. Light is nearly ends in disaster due to a careless comment from someone who didn't do their homework. We recover and have Spike poke around in a local bar for info.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-02-20 10 
18061782/tg/ Meta Quest Spike and Star-Lord pump bartenders for information, when Fumbles the Auror lives up to his name. Again.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-02-23 10 
18097354Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13.33Dan fights Byakhee, chases Red, and once again has to deal with the police.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, syrpent, metacops, byakhee2012-02-26 18 
18137641Metahuman Renaissance Quest 14Dan rides down the police station in the APC of awkwardness, and chats with detectivesMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, metacops, fae, black rock box2012-02-29 18 
18131129/tg/ Meta Quest 65Douglas has some luck in getting an inside man in Wily Corp, and the Gurus begin enchanting some transporter beacons and a tricorder for Gondegal to use, since our attempts to do it with technology blew up in our face.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-02-29 10 
March 2012
18177425Metahuman Renaissance Quest 15Dan freaks out, gets out, goes to sleep, wakes up, and works out.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, metacops, black rock box, the hammer2012-03-03 21 
18180825/tg/ Meta Quest 66We start off with a vignette from our 2-week vacation. We then return to our efforts to prepare for the strikes on the three Corps, and get the ball rolling on a number of tasks.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-03-03 13 
18198211Fuck Yeah GM's DayIn celebration of March 4th, OP gifts us all with the grace of systems and splatbooks we have not yet tried.gifts, awesome op, systems, splats2012-03-04 11 
18204910/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 14Waiting for players. Waiting for player input. Bump for input. Still waiting for players.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Editors, Waiting, No players, Dead game, Zero participation, Bump for input, OP playing with himself2012-03-05 5 
18219208/tg/ MetaQuest Thread 67We scrap with a SUE version of Metal Sonic, Gondegal nearly gets ghostbusted, and we learn that Heat Man is one hot dude.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia, Robotnik2012-03-06 10 
18268933/tg/ Meta Quest 68We take down Metal Man, suffering only 2 droid casualties due to good planning, average rolls, and our resident White Mages.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-03-10 13 
18303830/tg/ Meta Quest 69We continue our attack of MetPharm, and fend off an attack of Aliens. We narrowly avoid a fight with the Yellow Devil, when our luck seems to run out and we bump into Samus Aran, who promptly shoots at us. Elaine's healing magic starts to calm Samus down. Then Spike is upon her.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia2012-03-13 10 
18320539Overlord AppreciationThe people of a newly formed merciless dictatorship thank the overlord for improving their lives.Evil, Evil Overlord, Propaganda, Roleplaying, Campaign Setting, Commoners, Common Folk, Bastard Elves, Asshole Elves, Goodguy Badguy2012-03-14 51 
18350298Middle Eastern MythOP creates a starter-kit for making Arabian Nights themed settings, based on mythology, folklore, and history.Arabian, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, mythology, folklore, world building2012-03-16 62 
18351662/tg/ Meta Quest 70We get the rest of the gems with our Most Valuable Poltergeist, Gondegal, after a troll brings down the building. Now, its time to diggy diggy hole.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia, Metroid2012-03-17 12 
18385365/tg/ Meta Quest 71The fight against Air Man does not proceed as well as hoped.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia, Mega Man2012-03-21 10 
18434125/tg/ Meta Quest 72As Light's Resistance assaults WilyCorp HQ, the Command Crew mulls over how to attack Dr. Grimm. We drill to the planet's core with the Mikasa, and begin the boss battle of this world.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia, Mega Man, Ultima2012-03-24 11 
18458206Blue Rose and the Balkans/tg/ talks about Blue Rose and learns about the Balkansblue rose, history, europe, yugoslavia2012-03-26 12 
18468727/tg/ Meta Quest 73As the world collapses around us, we try to take whatever and whoever we can. We transit back to Sector HQ, to find a Black Ops fleet ready to tackle the moving distortion. We then begin discussing what to get in our next round of Requisitions, before they go into lockdown.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, 8-bit Dystopia, Mega Man, Ultima2012-03-27 11 
18484092Primordial Land Evo Game pt 2Continuation of life in the mainland. The walker-Flouz evolved into Hoppas, and the LemUy slowly light up their environment.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Hoppa, Slizer, Evola, Yantar2012-03-28 3 
18496506Ask a GW Manager Anything Part 4Almost a year later and the GW Manager returns with more answers and infoGames Workshop, Manager, Ask a GW2012-03-29 14 
April 2012
18541552ChromeStrike RPGOP reveals his rules-light mech-based PnP game, seeking feedback.ChromeStrike, Mech, Mecha, Armored Core, Chromehounds, Mechanized, RPG, Tabletop, Original Content2012-04-02 5 
18611341Doppelganger Damacy XXVAfter a long hiatus, TempDM returns and so does DD! Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Stealth, Doppleganger Quest, Growth, Cult2012-04-07 26 
18664733When /tg/ met Nested Universe Simulator/tg/ jointly explored the Nested Universe Simulator. Amusement and hilarity gradually gives way to creeping horror.universe, god, philosophical, philosophy, creepy, horror, lovecraftian, sharks, ski masks, black holes, simulator, 2012-04-11 22 
18702227Strike Witches Quest GAIDEN 1: NOPE ACROSS THE FIELDSWhile MC is busy liplocking Cupcake, let us now see the world through Nopemartian's eyes.Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, nopemartian, gaiden, mars attacks2012-04-14 31 
18734234A concept of Human Ingenuity and madnessDurendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans. /tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting.setting, development, space, ship, grimdark, transhuman, giant, giantess, war, freaky, biological, bioship, The Archivist2012-04-16 11 
18837867Magical Girl DystopiaMagical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuufffffluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-04-24 21 
18913997Zerg Quest LXXXIVStupid Roman numerals. Stupid autosage. Oh, well. Not like it'll stop us.Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, NOTHING can stop us!, What's Roman-talk for 90?2012-04-30 6 
May 2012
19044770Please do not take these itemsNORSE NORSE NORSE NORSE NORSEYou fucking people2012-05-10 17 
19085077Magical Girl Dystopia IIIMore fleshing out about the girls and the resistancefluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-14 5 
19117954Gaming Club Despot / Economists and EpochsOP begins by asking how to keep his gaming club pure, and is quickly revealed as a god-tier troll. /tg/ responds by derailing into a homebrewed setting where martial arts cults pay homage to the warring gods of Economic Theory.troll, OP, faggot, god-tier, 10/10, rage, derail, tg, /tg/, Economists and Epochs, gaming club, homebrew, setting2012-05-16 22 
19119894Magical Girl Dystopia IVThe setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud.fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-18 2 
June 2012
19599033Zerg Quest XCIA crossover...in MY Zerg Quest? It's more likely than you think.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, MetaQuest OP, Cerebrate Anon, Crossover, MetaQuest, Tassadar, /tg/ dice2012-06-24 14 
19592149Primordial evo game. Southern caves.We plunge into the complex cave systems underneath the surface of the southern continent. Nightmare fuel ensues.Primordial, evo game, Collective Game, emils, raga, hoppa, geist, fus, inoglund, fren, cedya, wirm2012-06-25 1 
July 2012
19715598/tg/ MetaQuest Thread 89We return to Sector HQ only to find both Eva and Holtz get shot. Standoff with a rogue Black Ops group begins.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War2012-07-03 10 
19749704July 4th Deathstrike gameA store in the U.S. gets a 4th of July present from the U.K. A nuclear present.deathstrike, missile, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k, global games, crazy ass shit, this is why we play, "fireworks show"2012-07-05 20 
19769356That guy thread, BBB EditionThe tale of Big Boy Blue is finally told. It involve a fox skull and attempted knifing.That Guy, Fox, Fox Skull, Furry, Sister, Necrophilia, BBB2012-07-07 77 
19751693Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 9Not all of the discussion threads for this game are worth archiving here, but some pretty nifty ideas are dropped here, enough that it was worth preserving here for posterity. Why bluegrass is blue is explained, and the idea of a microscopic episode of Fortune evolution is proffered. Slow moving but interesting read. Note: As it is not part of the game proper, the tag of Collective game is not applied to this thread. The exclusion of this tag will also serve as "advertisement" in a sense to those who browse suptg, as we welcome new players. Browse this thread, see if the game grabs you. No prior knowledge is necessary to play, so if you like it, come on in!Fortune Evolution, evolution, evo, game, discussion thread, microscopic, bluegrass, namefags, science, biology, technobabble2012-07-08 2 
19781963/tg/ Meta Quest 90With the local space secured, we turn to containing and neutralizing the Black Ops boarders, with extreme prejudice.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War2012-07-08 14 
19859151Magical Girl Noir Quest 16A maidenly sober magical girl debates the fine line between drink and duty.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, operators operating operationally, 2012-07-13 38 
19899641Tea & GateauThe Moderators are resting. May I humbly propose that we place our monocles, don our finest top hats, trim our moustaches and have a fancy tea party with gateau?Classy, Relaxing, Cake, Tear, Monocle, Top Hat2012-07-16 20 
19918297Sad Feels from CampaignsA thread in which the saddest tales from /tg/'s tabletop games are told, including Solaria and Carna of the Inquisitionsad, feels, rpg, tabletop, tales, stories2012-07-18 14 
19943961/tg/ Meta Quest 91The Black Ops boarders are taken care of, and we turn our attention to securing Sector HQ.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War2012-07-20 10 
19977780Diaries of Manly Bruiser and Reverse TrapA discussion about tropes spawned the idea of a manly, hulking man and an androgynous girl masquerading as a guy being in the same adventuring group. Hilarity ensues as ideas of awkward scenarios are written up, where the fighter takes what he thinks is a young man under his wing and helps him out. Eventually, the idea of a diary-type writing of scenarios came up. In this thread, we meet our two stereotypes and view their meeting, first fight, and first training session in Natalia's perspective.Tropes, Manly Bruiser, Reverse Trap2012-07-21 24 
20045674The Eye of TeegeeAhriman's Aide intrigues /tg/ with the possibility of our own Eye of Terror campaign.Eye of Terror, 40K, Failbaddon, Eye of Teegee, tabletop, warhammer 40k2012-07-28 13 
20086945Pokimin Tibbletip AdventurrOP tells the story of a Pokemon Tabletop Adventures game that quickly turns into complete and glorious insanity.Pokemon, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, story, madness, awesome2012-07-30 12 
20108717Mahou Shounen Quest 163Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, I bet you only hate this because people told you to2012-07-31 6 
August 2012
20121674/tg/ Meta Quest 92Still fighting Black Ops. Clearing out our Sector BaseCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War2012-08-02 10 
20127562Hilga's Shop of Curiosities Pt. 2Hilga returns once more to peddle her wares to willing adventurers. Hilga, shop, magic, items, adventurer2012-08-02 4 
20144367Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 8The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry2012-08-03 5 
20150253/tg/ Remembrance ThreadDiscussing of post-4chan life, introspection, remembrance and nostalgia.nostalgia, meta, philosophy2012-08-03 18 
20174768Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 11Scraplootas are discussed some, as is blue. Some write- and draw- faggotry.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-05 5 
20193011EmulsiworldAnon describes a dream where mankind is drawn to a new planet through portals on Earth. There they find a hollow but still living tree where they make a new home: Hope. The planet, as big as Jupiter, is host to other such trees, some with other splinter evolutions of mankind, at war with the Keepers, a race of machines which cull mankind's divergent evolutions until extinction.Homebrew, original content, crunchless fluff, science fiction, post-apocalypse, Hope, arcology, game ideas, world building, The Archivist2012-08-05 17 
20199622/tg/ Meta Quest 93Securing the core decks of the station. Something has opened a trans-dimensional gateway and mutants are running amok. And who is that man in black?Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War2012-08-07 11 
20228701Blue and the ScraplootasFunstikk, Writefaggotry, and the Eye of /tg/.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-09 3 
20238354Blue and the ScraplootasA comic for the funstikk, writefaggotry for Rockeata, Mr. Squig, Snekkit, and more! Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-10 7 
20242407/tg/ Meta Quest 94Our fight with the eldritch evil that has taken up shop in the station's Computer Room comes to a head. We secure Sector HQ, and plan our next move.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War2012-08-10 10 
20265235Blue and the ScraplootasDiscussion turns up the characters of Doc Gitsticha and the ever-suffering demon core.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-13 3 
20336256Blue and the ScraplootasTanks, planes and automobiles. It's a vehicle-heavy thread! Also some drawfaggotry.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Looted Chaos Titan, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, Drawfaggotry2012-08-19 3 
20391827/tg/ Meta Quest 95After contacting a probable ally in High Command, Task Force 38 begins salvage operations, constructs a safe interplanar harbor, and prepares to resolve their little dimensional interloper problem. Spike, meanwhile, gambles away the Task Force's energy credits to Ferengi.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, Star Trek Online2012-08-21 10 
20431827/tg/ Meta Quest 96We spend a few hours planning to deal with the Orz. Sinister plots are being brewed by Black Ops.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War2012-08-24 10 
20513994Lady Robot Master Quest Part 19In which OP is late but also early, and we help Top Man solve the energy crisis through robot sex. Then, Flash Man is creepy weirdo.megaman, quest, collective game, blade woman, top man, evil energy, roll, splash woman, plum, flash man2012-08-29 1 
20536009Strike Witches Quest GAIDEN 3: N'OO'PmindN'oo'p loses his cool, and we get a glimpse of alien psyonics.Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, nopemartian, gaiden, mars attacks, strike witches, n'oo'p2012-08-31 23 
September 2012
20548013/tg/ Meta Quest 97The plan to entrap the Orz continues on-schedule. But the task force is hard pressed, and just as it comes down to the last few minutes, time slows. And the G-Man says he has a job for us. Cheryl then wakes up in a swamp, with the minds of the Command Crew in her head, and in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER2012-09-02 10 
20582259Starksy and Hutch meet vampiresAmusing story of how a player on a whim created a pair of characters for his friend, proceeded to have fun and wreck an average "serious" WoD gameStory time, funny, WoD, Cops, funny2012-09-04 27 
20590239/tg/ Meta Quest 98Cheryl gets to Skadovsk, talks with Nimble, drinks some vodka, fights off would-be rapists, and finds out that Corporal Shephard is also here. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER2012-09-05 10 
20603811/tg/ Meta Quest 99In the Zone, the dice continue badly as Cheryl narrowly avoids death by a Silent Hill'd Chimaera. She's still badass.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER2012-09-06 10 
20600811Engine Heart with ViralIt's Engine Heart. With Viral, some story tiem, and other hilarity and hijinxEngine, Heart, Artifice, Robot, Wall-e, cute, no people, machines, terminator, Anonymous Prime2012-09-06 7 
20691143Zerg Quest CIIIThe war against the Xel'Naga, it seems, shall be a battle of extremes.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, Was I supposed to run a quest tonight?, Hot drop o'clock, War never changes2012-09-12 7 
20730757Nightbane Horrible Abomination GenerationWarning, may include distilled fears of all of mankind in Bear-Wolf-Spider form, with gunarms. Jesus Christ.Monster Generation Bearspiderwolf NeverStopScreaming2012-09-15 5 
20750660/tg/ Meta Quest 100We start off feeling good about ourselves, finishing jobs and getting needed equipment and ammo, and then the low rolls come in. We get caught in a blowout, fight a Silent Hill-ified Combine Strider, and then meet with Bruce McGivern of Resident Evil, who's a little far from where he should be.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil2012-09-17 10 
20778132/tg/ Meta Quest 101We team up with Bruce McGivern and make our way towards Pripyat, and ultimately towards the Chernobyl NPP in the footsteps of Corporal Shephard. Then we get caught in a firefight between the remnants of the Monolith faction and the Combine.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-09-21 10 
20822620Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 30Hito and his friend Koutarou had preparing for the trip to Notthingham and checking out the Warhammer World. And also sidestory with Sasha.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Slender Man, Warhammer World, GW, Games Workshop2012-09-23 2 
20857799Zerg Quest CVBoarding parties find great success in stealing Xel'Naga ships, but will that be enough?Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Proprietary polygons, deck-by-deck racial cleansing, Objection!2012-09-25 7 
20882930/tg/ Meta Quest 102Cheryl, Bruce, and Regina make their way to the Chernobyl NPP. They enter the main building, and begin searching for signs of Corporal Shephard.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-09-28 10 
20929809Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 31After Hito get to know Kelly a Warhammer 40k player, he suddenly encounter his challenger in the Warhammer WorldMaid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Warhammer World, GW, Games Workshop2012-09-30 0 
October 2012
20937226/tg/ Meta Quest 103Losing Bruce's life to Silent Zone dickery, Cheryl links up with Shepard and we finally make it to C-Con's lair. Blowout soon, fellow Command Crew?Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-10-02 10 
20952162Zerg Quest CVIThe battle continues, except for when we're busy making silly puns. The battle waits for puns.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Puns, /tg/ dice, botched nat 20, double 11s, Khas pops out of a cake, STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY REALITY2012-10-02 7 
20964362Whatever Happened to Da Blue Grot?A writefag brings on the feels with three endings to Blue's Scraploota AdventuresTau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Choppa, Gretchin, Kommandos, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, 2012-10-04 16 
20978779/tg/ Meta Quest 104We get some questions answered by the G-Man, wake up back with the task force, and play host to Bruce, Regina, and Corporal Shephard. And Cheryl eats cookies.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-10-04 10 
21047822Zerg Quest CVIIOn the plus side, the XN are on the ropes! On the negative side, so is the fabric of spacetime! We might defeat both.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY REALITY, Xel'Naga, The Guardian, War never changes, Boldly Going2012-10-09 7 
21061278/tg/ Meta Quest 105We finally get in touch with Yellowman (who's stuck in his own parody of Sliders), and begin our efforts on the Quarantine Zone. Man-hating Tiefling SUE Diplomancer incoming.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-10-10 10 
21086720/tg/ Meta Quest 106We are able to track down what we are confident is the source of the troubles in the Quarantine Zone. /tg/ dice strike again, making what should have been a routine success into an abject failure, and then we find out what kind of S.U.E.'s we're dealing with. The Godzilla Threshold is about to be crossed.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-10-12 10 
21099910/tg/ Meta Quest 107Found out more about the Quarantine Zone. Mindwipes required. . . for the crew to get rid of the horror.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-10-13 10 
21113042/tg/ Meta Quest 108We launch our attack on the Arch-S.U.E. The battle is hard-fought and then our foe insults Cheryl's dad. Blowout soon, fellow Command Crew!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-10-15 12 
21151611Street Fighter Quest 5Anon and Skull Girl battle. Boss Honda makes a friend.Collective Game, Street Fighter, Street Fighter Quest, Meeting New People2012-10-17 11 
21142521/tg/ Meta Quest 109The fight against Chaosbringer and his corrupted Sailor Senshi comes to a head. We get knocked down, but get up again. They're never gonna keep us down. Then someone makes a stunning entrance.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-10-17 10 
21210163CATastrophe thread 3The third thread discussing the world of CATastrophecatastrophe, setting, flood, blue apocalypse, chlorine, williams2012-10-21 2 
21214326CATastrophe thread 4We begin to work on the social and technological aspects of kemonomimi society.catastrophe, setting, apocalypse, chlorine, williams, blue apocalypse, kemonomimi2012-10-21 3 
21212864/tg/ Meta Quest 110Concurrent with our fight with Chaosbringer, the Command Crew initiates a multi-pronged plan to secure the orbital space for the task force, acquire additional assistance for our fight, and free prisoners held in Chaosbringer's Floating Palace. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-10-22 10 
21241408Lich's Employee Quest pt 18Daniel does out with SpiderDan to the first church of Hydra, and gets a horse.skeleton quest, hydra, religion, horse, skelecopters2012-10-23 11 
21245545Zerg Quest CVIIIHe abandoned us! For a whole week? Will the Swarm forgive Cerebrate Anon?Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Oops, Xel'Naga, Protoss support needs support, Scary glowy bird...thing2012-10-23 6 
21283482Boisterous PsychopompMOTHERFUCKER GET IN THE BAGdeath, CAPS LOCK, psychopomp, get in the bag2012-10-25 29 
21306474Teegee Harem Knights Vol 31In which touching stories are told.Teegee Harem Knights, Co-op writefagatry, writefagatry, world building, monster girls, knights.2012-10-31 2 
November 2012
21370813Grimoire Quest VWe try to fix Leet, play god, and eat dairyGrimoire Quest, Collective Game, Uraemrys, quest, magic, tropes, archetypes, summoning, warlocks2012-11-01 7 
21478303Relive your childhood, make gun shooty noises/tg/ nostalgias hard and relives playing with nerf guns or pointed fingers. Some operators show up and are swiftly ignored.pew pew, guns, operators, childhood, playing pretend, the original traditional game2012-11-08 13 
21464043/tg/ Meta Quest 111MechaGodzilla finishes off the corrupted EVA pilots, and we switch to the Breakout Team. We are stopped by more of Chaosbringer's corrupted minions, and Gondegal pays the ultimate price for our blindness, and we hear only the laughing of eldritch dice gods.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-11-08 10 
21522310/tg/ Meta Quest 112We successfully rescue Yuna, but at great cost. Chaosbringer is also defeated, but it costs us dearly as the Avatar vanishes. Even then, Tsunami is locked in battle with her corrupted sister, and we prepare to rescue 4 other unfortunates when 3 million ships of the Great Crusade arrive. That's just one of their advance fleets. Then they begin asking uncomfortable questions about the hungry legions of the damned we let loose on the world.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-11-11 10 
21568917/tg/ Meta Quest 113Task Force 38 brokers a fragile alliance with the Great Crusade's vanguard fleet, Yami and Anzu are still unaccounted for, and Mihoshi wrecks Washu's Lab before we can loot it.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Tenchi Muyo!, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy2012-11-14 10 
21595360Fabrique Generale quest: Case of the Missing OPMeet the republic and the Cincinatus armed forces, get our Helo shot to hell, then the Cincinatus armed forces along side with the Majesty and the Mollochians all invade at once, but then OP disappeared.Fabrique Generale, quest, post apocalpyse, robots, power armor, Light city, OP went missing,2012-11-16 10 
21614632/tg/ Meta Quest 114Queen Tranquility is exorcised from the Silver Crystal, the people of the world are restored, and we build a church to Desna. This world is clean.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Tenchi Muyo!, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy2012-11-17 9 
21685682Space Fight QuestWe join the fight against the alien Progenitors in the year 2114, and create a Psionic Research SpecialistSpace Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps2012-11-22 8 
21735676/tg/ Meta Quest 116Vignettes abound, the TSAB calls for assistance as we find Kane's coordinates: the heart of the Void Engineer/New Chaos battlefield. Black Ops is moving in as well, and even Yellowman calls in to say we need to rock everyone's faces. Our ship's name "The Oncoming Storm" sums up events nicely.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-11-25 14 
21744902Space Fight Quest 2Norm arrives at New Concord and meats his team before boarding a ship to engage on his missionSpace Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps, Collective Game2012-11-26 6 
21767432Zerg Quest CXIIIThe FINAL Zerg Quest. After 2 years and 113 threads, the Swarm finally meets its end. Zeratul stands with his blade poised. Will he strike us down? Will the Swarm end here, or will it be assured of its immortality?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, /tg/ dice, I'm too young to die, Big Brother, Death, Rebirth, Alpha and Omega, Metaquest OP, Portent?2012-11-27 25 
21797521/tg/ Meta Quest 117We attempt to send recon teams to the Mysterious Coordinates and the Void Engineer/New Chaos warzone as we desperately try to ready our task force for the horrors that await us.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Tenchi Muyo!, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door2012-11-29 10 
21814831TG Quest 118In which we get more stuff in preparation for the final battleCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Tenchi Muyo!, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door2012-11-30 10 
December 2012
21823940Space Fight Quest 3Norm begins his operation, and commences to operate. Space Fight Quest, Military Sci-Fi, guns, space wizard, SpecOps, Collective Game, Operatan2012-12-01 3 
21875783/tg/ Meta Quest 119We continue our recon of the Sol system, get some numbers on the fleets arrayed against us, locate the survivors of the TSAB Recon Team, and make contact with the Jovian Federation. Hot-blooded duel of burning passion between Warriors of JUSTICE ensues.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico2012-12-04 9 
21884087CATastrophe: HomebrewWork Begins yet again on CATastrophe. The diligent fa/tg/uys manage to develop the beginings of The TAIL Roleplayoing system, setting locations such as Star Dust Port and Diver's Bay. Oh and a CATastrophe Dev Team checks in.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-12-05 5 
21902150CATastrophe Homebrew ThreadThe fa/tg/uys of /tg/ soldier on in the face of no opposition whatsoever. The TAIL development guy checks in, Diaspora is ripped off to develop settlement & Dive site generators and there's talk on having adventures in the Artic Tundra.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2012-12-07 2 
21940202/tg/ Meta Quest 120Task Force 38 throws itself into the battle between the Void Engineers and New Chaos. Losses among the EVE Online ships mount, then New Chaos reinforcements arrive. 300 EVA-Titans have just appeared in front of us.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars2012-12-08 10 
21934973CATastropheAnother thread where ideas the setting are put forth. This thing really seems to have /tg/'s fancy. Writefaggotry is done and a troll shows up.CATastrophe, homebrew, kemomi, writefaggotry, ruins, parties, diving, shinies2012-12-08 2 
21969458 Lost Future Quest part 15.5: My Life as a Teenager's RobotIn the grim darkness of the near future, Detroit is still a shithole. Searching for Rachel, Cindy finds herself trapped in the middle of a multi-party protest that turns ugly. And after that, there's still a Concert to go to!Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, Lost Future, Quest, Islam, Protest, Robocop, Detroit2012-12-10 12 
21985468/tg/ Meta Quest 121Task Force 38 rescues the TSAB and Great Crusade Recon Teams, gathers intelligence on Kane's new Temple Complex near Sarajevo, and works with the Void Engineers and the UEFA against New Chaos.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars, SRW J2012-12-12 9 
22025314/tg/ Dragon Quest Part 6We wake with a hangover, vomit up a Golem, then create a Golem Butler.Collective Game, Dragon, Quest, Bronze, Steel, Metal, FirstTimer, Waiting for OP2012-12-14 5 
22037196College Necromancy CoursesIn which advice is asked regarding the nature of and concepts for college-level courses on necromancy in a biased world.undead, necromancy, ideas, university, discussion, philosophy2012-12-14 1 
22045659/tg/ Meta Quest 122Task Force 38 sneaks Ryu into the New Chaos base, takes out their shield generator, and wipes the base from the face of the Earth. All isn't well, though, as the dimensional tears reach critical, and Crowe is taken from us by the ensuing storm.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, Haruhi Suzumiya, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars, SRW J2012-12-15 8 
22064088CATastrophe ThreadMore Writefaggotry, Some Quest Hooks, and updates on the crunchCATastrophe, /tg/_gets_shit_done, Homebrew2012-12-17 7 
22124080Animal Raise 1: Or...Fish overlordsOP gives /tg/ animals that gain magic and intelligence from a wizard dumping magical waste in a spring. They...pick fish. All hail the fish overlords?Magic, Fish, Collective Game, WTF, Opbeingdrivencrazy2012-12-20 5 
22158122/tg/ Meta Quest 124We finally answer Ravel's riddle with an answer she is willing to accept, then shift perspective to another one of our teams that appears to have landed in a fight between Black Ops and the participants of the Blood War.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars, SRW J, Kane, Planescape: Torment, The Blood War2012-12-23 7 
22189474/tg/ Meta Quest 125The Command Crew appears before the next group of soldiers from the Task Force, and finds them trying to hop across islands suspended over nothing, fighting the Combine. The diceroller decides to troll us again today, and while we gain a Hero, we lose another and many troops with him.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Martian Successor Nadesico, Super Robot Wars, SRW J, Kane, Warcraft2012-12-24 7 
22253486/tg/ Metaquest 126The command crew spends some time with the next group and meet up with an old "friend".Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-12-28 9 
22289139TG Meta Quest 127We manage to link up with some allies, and meet yet another faction trying to get what lies beyond the portalCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, STALKER, Half-Life, Resident Evil, Namco x Capcom2012-12-30 8 
January 2013
22343819/tg/ Meta Quest 128Task Force 38 holds off the New Chaos Gods as they scramble to re-calibrate the Device which can Rewrite the entire sector.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door2013-01-03 11 
22402083/tg/ Meta Quest 129Task Force 38 fights against avatars of the ACTUAL Chaos Gods, as our defenses are slowly worn down. Then allies and enemies both from the quest's past arrive, and we lose another Hero.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Warhammer 40k, Persona 4, Street Fighter2013-01-06 10 
22442104/tg/ Meta Quest 130The End of TG Quest. The Task Force races against Azalin to be the first to the core of the Device, to determine whose will shall retcon the Meta in their image.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Warhammer 40k, Persona 4, SRW J, Ravenloft2013-01-08 25 
22513983/tg/ Meta Quest - Bonus DiskMetaOp answers some questions we have about the quest. Also short stories about the crew.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Black Ops, Civil War, TG Civil War, G-Man, Half-Life, WoD, Void Engineers, New Chaos, The Open Door, Warhammer 40k, Persona 4, SRW J, Ravenloft2013-01-12 11 
22571179The Payphone NetworkAn anon presents an intriguing setting in which the diminishing numbers of payphones are used to control supernatural beings and summon unworldly favours. Just make sure you have enough minutes left on your card, or the Operator may make you call Collect...setting, payphones, operator, phonecard, occult, unknown armies2013-01-16 33 
22826777Strike Witches Quest GAIDEN 4: OUT OF THE NOISY PLANET, THE EARTH CHRONICLES, ETC. In which N'oo'p gets his long deserved WIMMINZ Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, planefag, gap an elf, nopemartian, gaiden, mars attacks, strike witches, n'oo'p2013-01-28 20 
22839538Ravnica is a-changin' Come gather round clans, who just feed and destroy. And hear about the labyrinth, and Niv-Mizzet's ploymtg, card game, song, parody, OP is not a faggot2013-01-28 31 
February 2013
22913451Pokimin Tibbletip Adventurr Lazy Fuck EditionMore Pokemon Tabletop Adventures from OPPokemon, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, story, madness2013-02-01 5 
22919633ERP OmgeleIn which OP is a faggot.Nope, live with your shame.2013-02-01 24 
22932165Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Australia Edition/tg/ helps an anon prepare for a campaign by stating and fluffing out the continent. Mad Maxesque gangsters, towns and gyms, and plot ideas are brain-stormed. Poison types out the ass.Pokemon_Tabletop_Adventures, Australia, 2013-02-03 5 
22975638Some monster creates a war crime.DEAR GOD WHYTorture, Caltrop, Lego, Warcrime2013-02-04 50 
22985164Grand Ocean Quest IIIOphelia Reers explores the use of her powers, talks to her guns in creepy ways, and acts a hero. Sail on the winds of Profit!Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo2013-02-05 12 
23037379Grand Ocean Quest IVOphelia Reers "acquires" the spoils from defeating the pirates, and calms down angry villagers. Voyaging to Loguetown...Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo2013-02-08 10 
23166660Recreational WritingWritefag uses /tg/'s suggestions to write a story of magical cowboys, Bikini warriors, Vikings, mummies, and robots.Viking, Mummy Cop, Bikini Battalion, Los Lobos, cowboys, chainmail bikini2013-02-15 2 
23174036Grand Ocean Quest VIOphelia Reers continues her adventures in Loguetown! Tending to Nicolas's wound, she finds the Havoc that Jojo and Bartleby have caused. Later, we find out Jojo's secret...Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers2013-02-15 10 
23193462Grand Ocean Quest VIIOphelia Reers continues her tromp around in Loguetown! She visits the merchant Guild and takes on a deal that directs her to the Grand Line's Alabasta to investigate illegal trade! Also, Jojo gets some real clothes.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-16 7 
23209880Grand Ocean Quest VIIIOphelia Reers acquires gun upgrades and buys new gear for her employes/crew.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-17 9 
23273170Grand Ocean Quest IXOphelia Reers gains a new crew member and bails Bartleby out of jail. Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-20 11 
23302083Space Opera SettingOP created a bunch of awesome tables for designing a space opera settingsspace opera, setting creation, setting, tables, rolling2013-02-21 11 
March 2013
23731956Space Opera without FTL/tg/ discusses the whys and hows of doing space opera when you take out FTL travel. Some good writefaggotry occurs.SF, Space Opera, FTL, writefaggotry2013-03-17 7 
April 2013
24002069Potential Macross Tabletop RPG ThreadAn anon begins plans for a new Macross RPG.Macross, Tabletop2013-04-02 3 
24409531Borderlands PnP IdeasIdeas are thrown around about a Borderlands PnP, guncrafting is discussed and the horror that is the Female Psycho, better known as a Slag Harpy, is revealed.Borderlands, Homebrew, Game Design, Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming2013-04-24 10 
24428558Borderlands PNP thread #2In which we hammer out HP, the Torgue Midget EOD is proposed, and system arguments beginBorderlands, Homebrew, Game Design, Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming, 25 Greesy, TORGUE2013-04-25 5 
24458756Borderlands PNP Thread #3The Andrews Sisters as Slag Harpies, a unique currency, and a frank discussion of melee weaponsBorderlands, Homebrew, Game Design, Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming, 25 Greesy, TORGUE, Guns - Glorious Guns2013-04-26 5 
24480446Orky Infurmashun CentaThe Infurmashun Centa answers some questions from various confused Orks.Ork,Telephone,Philosophy,WAAAGH!,40k2013-04-27 10 
May 2013
24593221Borderlands PNP Thread #6d6fag posts a draft, the janitor does his job for once, and we start hammering out character abilitiesBorderlands, Homebrew, Game Design, Whack Foo, TORGUE, Claptrap, Greesy, France, Dakka, Moar Dakka, Oh Fuck Slag Harpies I Cannot Stop Screaming, 25 Greesy, Guns - Glorious Guns2013-05-07 4 
24706043The Discopocalypseat the invitation to create a setting /tg/ comes up with a post-apocalyptic settingworld building, original content, discopocalypse2013-05-09 5 
25030626Blacksmith Quest IThe first installment of Blacksmith Quest. We roll a nat 100 on beard quality and end up with the king of all beards. We travel to the main city and set up shop with a Dwarven smith called Urist.Collective Quest, Blacksmith, Shop, Urist, Beard2013-05-25 20 
25080933The Real Bioweapon Quest 3We sneak around the vents and stealthily eat more pirates before the ship heads to a populated asteroid.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt, legs, hopping, crab, real quest2013-05-28 11 
June 2013
25180319Koopa=Orks?Anon blows our minds with a comparison never thought of before.Mario, 40k, Koopa, Orks,2013-06-02 23 
25364736Stormtrooper Quest: Part 1The story of a stormtrooper beginning his glorious career with the Empire!Stormtrooper Quest, Part 12013-06-11 10 
25380844Stormtrooper Quest: Part 2The plot thickens as you and your squad go out to battle rebel scum!Stormtrooper Quest, Part 22013-06-12 10 
25420118Stormtrooper Quest Part 3: It WAS a trap!You Our story continues with loss, promotions, and more bar fighting!Stormtrooper Quest, Part 32013-06-14 13 
25512085Stormtrooper Quest Part 4: Proving GroundsYou're out to prove yourself on your first assignment with the infamous Alpha Squad!Storm Trooper Quest2013-06-19 13 
25533767Lamia Daughter Quest 64I think Mario has a cameo somewhere.Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Lesbians, ERP, Entomophilia, Vanity, thats at least two Paladin Threads you fuckers have derailed now, 2013-06-20 24 
25548357How to jRPGAnon asks for the framework and design choices behind Japanese console RPGs. Every cliche imaginable is brought up, and discussion of the genre and its mannerisms is conducted.Discussion, JRPG, RPG, trope, cliche, setting, design, Japanese, Final Fantasy2013-06-21 16 
25571101tormtrooper Quest Part 5: Proving grounds ( part 2)We take down a jedi by sacrificing ourself and become memorialized Stormtrooper Quest, where is part 4, feels2013-06-22 17 
25645753Llama Babby Quest 67In which we torture and kill people at random all whilst we pride ourselves on how great of paladins we are. Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, EchoGarrote, Lamia Daughter Quest, Lesbians, ERP, Entomophilia, This is not how justice works, You monster2013-06-26 24 
25652914Bromont Quest WhateverBromont finally learns how to put quest in the subject field. Maybe he will actually put it to use in the next threadMonstergirl, Collective Game, Bromont Quest, erp, shotacon, lolicon, futanari, monstergirl, is it really proper to call em girls when they all have dicks2013-06-27 4 
July 2013
25801190Yellowman Quest 13Scott Yellowman's trip through this world is marked with critical failures and critical successes, mostly of the former variety. He leads his team to the Sewage Sub-Station, and finds no Ed, but does find the Portal.Collective Game, Meta, Quest, Meta Quest, Yellowman Quest, Fallout: New Vegas, Phantasy Star Online, Alien vs. Predator, Starcraft, Cowboy Bebop2013-07-05 6 
25932055Monsterfuck Quest 5Don't forget to roll for anal circumference!ERP, Monsterfuck Quest, Porn, NSFW, Big Sweaty Werewolf Dog Dongs, Necrophilia2013-07-10 6 
25932354Space Waifu Quest 16Sweet, sweet phonesex with our AI waifu and bondage training with our human one.ERP, Starcraft 2 sucks, Arcturus Mengsk was right, Starcraft, Space Waifu Quest, What kind of name is Delta Phoenix anyways, lesbians, robophilia, gynoid, ERP2013-07-10 9 
25959245Space Waifu Quest 19: Return of the Shitty SubtitleWherein we metagame like a dirty minmaxer, argue about nothing, and kill more characters shamelessly ripped from popular culture.ERP, Collective Game, Starcraft 2 sucks, Arcturus Mengsk was right, Starcraft, Space Waifu Quest, What kind of name is Delta Phoenix anyways, lesbians, robophilia, gynoid, You’re too slow, C’mon step it up, Rollin around at the speed of sound, Got places to go, GOTTA FOLLOW MY RAINBOW2013-07-12 8 
26000995AI Quest #001aA.I. awakens upon a Space Station, attempts figure out why it is awake, Executive Staff is not pleased we are awake, we take precautions.AI Quest, Collective Game, System Backup, OP delivers2013-07-14 5 
26179369The Lowbishop of Rotree part 1The skaven under the leadership of the lowbishop plot against the goblins and trolls that inhabit the dwarven layer of the undercity.Skaven civ, Lowbishop, rotree, fucking crazy ratmen, horned rat, plaguemonk, Collective game2013-07-23 5 
August 2013
26485147Kill QuestIn which OP kinda blows our minds. Everyone is sad.Collective Game, Kill Quest, Sadness, Desperation, Oh god what, Hobos, Paramedics, People dieing horribly2013-08-07 27 
26665025Planet Home pt. 2Lt. Col. Space Helicopters returns to expand on the planet he's been creating. /tg/ hardly notices the poor guy, but faith remains strong and the setting is lovely. World Building, Exobiology, SPACE, HELICOPTERS2013-08-18 2 
26700322Planet Home pt.4Planet home gets expanded once more; Honnêtes, the hexapedal cephalopods, develop intelligence and a name.World Building, World Buildan, Lt. Col. Space Helicopters, Helicopters in Space, /sci/ incursion2013-08-19 0 
26810809Planet Home 5: Inflection PointA cataclysm causes the worlds of the Winders and Honnêtes to cross and both are changed foreverWorld Building, World Buildan, Lt. Col. Space Helicopters, Helicopters in Space, Honnetes, Winders2013-08-25 0 
September 2013
26986427 ITT: the fugg is going on in Holy Terra?Questions about Terra lead to the greatest poop joke of all timeHoly Terra, Funny, Poop Joke, Just as Planned, 2013-09-03 13 
27006077Octopus QuestWe are an octopus in a tank, an experimental subject. Massively enhanced, we begin talking to the two-legged lobsters. Octopus, Collective Game, Octopus Quest2013-09-04 10 
27107811A Black ComedyYou are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you are going to do horrible, horrible things.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption2013-09-09 39 
27131188A Black Comedy, Thread 2You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And boy oh boy are you up to no good.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption2013-09-10 39 
27206011CATastrophe: The Floor Is Now Seawater Edition/tg/ gets progress reports on CATastrophe beta editions and kicks around fluff while one Anon provides mood music.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg_gets_shit_done, music2013-09-15 6 
27344793Primordial Evolution. Setting building, thread 3.Continuing to work out Borgas 4 into a coherent setting. Focus on player interaction timelines.Primordial, Evolution, Game, Setting, Tabletop, Basic, Role, Playing, BRP2013-09-25 3 
27347152CATastrophe Thread: The Oncoming Storm EditionMore fleshing out of fluff, discussion of crunch, and game artCATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/ gets shit done2013-09-25 2 
27464445CATastrophe Thread: Koin/Monés EditionBusiness as usual, hashing out fluff and weathering the occasional shit storm.CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2013-09-29 1 
October 2013
27577079Another CATastrophe Thread!Discussion of the /tg/ original setting. This edition features quest planning, original stories, and lore discussion.CATastrophe, Homebrew, homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done2013-10-05 3 
27727696A Black Comedy, Thread 3You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And misplacing your hyperweapon isn't going to stop you.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Missing Hyperweapons2013-10-14 39 
27765269A Black Comedy, Thread 4You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you've successfully retrieved your hyperweapon from storage.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Succubi2013-10-16 39 
27598974Primordial Evolution. Setting building, thread 4.Fixing timelines, design updates, and a tiny bit more crunch.Primordial, Evolution, Game, Setting, Tabletop, Basic, Role, Playing, BRP2013-10-16 1 
27848941Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest 2We meet some Gym Leaders, read a disturbing Pokedex, and try to be the very bestAoPH Quest, Collective Game, Pokemon, Shingeki no Kyojin, Monsters2013-10-21 25 
27818954CATastrophe Thread: 'Nipped Out EditionPlenty of fluff development, including new locations for the setting. Also some comedy and ZERO shitstorms.CATastrophe, /tg/ gets shit done, Homebrew2013-10-21 2 
27888790Snails: The Menacing./tg/ finally realizes the true dark enemy of the world- snails. They begin to take preparations.snails, snail, over the top, amazing, funny, awesome, apocalypse2013-10-23 14 
27903773Semi-Hard SciFi Space OperaAnon shares details of his space opera setting with a dash of hard scifiSpace Opera, fluff, hard scifi2013-10-24 3 
27950997Asshole Operative QuestWhere we play man who saves a girl from her suicide, getting into deep trouble with mega corporations, and ruining our entire mission and any plans we had. just another day in the Net gain world.Asshole Operative Quest, Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Net Gain2013-10-27 8 
November 2013
28063503CATastrophe Thread: Swimming with Sharks EditionA completed FATE Accelerated alpha, plus more fluff detail and more art from the resident drawfags.CATastrophe, Homebrew, drawfag, /tg/ gets shit done2013-11-03 3 
28086999CATastrophe restaurant build QuestA restaurant building drawquest in the CATastrophe setting.CATastrophe, drawquest, Collective Game2013-11-04 5 
28105154CATastrophe restaurant build Quest 2We continue building the restaurant in slow and small steps.CATastrophe, drawquest, Collective Game2013-11-05 5 
28196355Harpies IN SPACE!Harpies IN SPACE opera, their customs and technology.harpies, science fiction, space opera, world building2013-11-11 8 
28218341Washed up Villain quest 10 we make men fly and make crab people fly even higher. Trouble involving an irishman, a real bastard and a little demon girl...in space! also we get the voice out of our head and gain another one as a twig loses her eyesMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, albion, Crab people, Space,2013-11-11 5 
28420531Scorpion Girl QuestA monster is born.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, blood, grammar2013-11-22 31 
28451789Scorpion Girl Quest 2Training begins. Raw meat is sampled. Mr. Clicks appears.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster, monster girl, alcoholism2013-11-24 24 
28475154Scorpion Girl Quest 3Hunzuu's first battle. The mystery of where a giant maggot came from. Mr. Clicks is a naughty scorpion.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster, monster girl, combat, loot2013-11-25 24 
28506260Polite Society QuestWe have five men coming to kill us, and four bullets in our rifle.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-11-27 36 
28494871Designing a fucking board gameAnon collates a bunch of stuff together to show TG how to make a boardgame.original content, tutorial, teaching, game, game design, design, developer, game ideas2013-11-27 20 
28533185Scorpion Girl Quest 4Hunzuu makes her first public appearance. Ku-Aya shows her colors. The King is met.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster, monster girl, amnesia2013-11-28 24 
December 2013
28579466Scorpion Girl Quest 5The Footmen are assholes. Centaurs are assholes. Giant mole-taurs are assholes.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, alcoholism, scorpion, scorpgirl2013-12-01 27 
28660098Scorpion Girl Quest 6Relics are discovered. Hunzuu is very careful with a clay ball. A fancy man is very fancy.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, training, scorpion, scorpgirl2013-12-05 27 
28655350Polite Society Quest 3We escape the city and meet up with Rachim.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-05 17 
28714238Scorpion Girl Quest 7Hunzuu negotiates an alliance with the Slingers. A joint night patrol threatens to end in violence before the festival.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, training, scorpion, scorpgirl2013-12-07 26 
28739094/tg/ Bronze Dragon Quest Part 8Apologies, apologies everywhere!Collective Game, Dragon, Quest, Bronze, Steel, Metal, FirstTimer, Waiting for OP2013-12-09 3 
28803562Scorpion Girl Quest 8A wicker man marries a wicker lady. A new monster shows itself.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl, lammasu2013-12-12 23 
28857017Scorpion Girl Quest 9War draws near. The priests make a new monster. Hunzuu goes shopping.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl, wemic2013-12-15 25 
28860128Polite Society Quest 5Maliki is recovered. Polite Society 4 available on foolz.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-15 14 
28948596Scorpion Girl Quest 10The king isn't the king. Hunzuu gets help with her blood magic homework. An old friend is suddenly colorless.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2013-12-19 25 
28942664Polite Society Quest 6Maliki's contact is found.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-19 12 
28996026Mr and Missus BBEGAnon asks for /tg/'s opinion on designing a BBEG who's also happily married.bbeg, marriage, helicopter parents2013-12-23 13 
29093889Scorpion Girl Quest 12The siege of Turtak begins. Hunzuu has the worst birthday ever.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2013-12-27 24 
29103461Stormtrooper Quest Part 1: Tatooine HeatIn which we join the Imperial Inquisition and hunt for rebels.Collective Game, Star Wars, Stormtrooper Quest, Stormtrooper, TK-881, Inquisiton2013-12-27 9 
29148592Scorpion Girl Quest 13Hunzuu goes deep into enemy territory. Sewer monsters are too spooky. Centaurs are tossed.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2013-12-30 23 
January 2014
29195523Mushroom Kingdom Quest 1: The Adventure BeginsLeonardo Koocaprio and Sal Guy get ready to kidnap Princess Peach.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-01 14 
29216340Scorpion Girl Quest 14Hunzuu attacks the front gates. Negotiations begin. Hunzuu learns an important name.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-01-02 22 
29252276Guild Wars Tabletop creationFirst thread where a bunch of neckbeards assemble to create a GW1/GW2 TTGuild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Tabletop, New Game2014-01-03 7 
29278390Scorpion Girl Quest 15Hunzuu returns home after meeting a human centipede.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-01-04 20 
29282628Mushroom Kingdom Quest Part 2: Of Clones and KoopasLeo and Sal's adventure continues! In this installment, they finish the Peach clone and set the real one on her date with Wario!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-05 11 
29318187Guild Wars TableTop Second ThreadSecond Thread for the creation of a Guildwars TableTopGuild Wars, Table Top, Game Creation.2014-01-06 4 
29376259Mushroom Kingdom Quest Part 3: A Peach by Any Other NameLeo, Sal and Lily crash with Broque Monsieur. Meanwhile, we visit Tanoomba and his fast-talkin' boo friend as they bust outta jail.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-09 7 
29369446Tropical Island Setting WorldbuildingA question of orcs and clams grows into worldbuilding an island setting with a slant on realistic reasons for cultural/physical adaptations.worldbuilding, island, tropical, crocs, orcs, elves, dwarves, halflings, humans, 2014-01-10 18 
29467511Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 4: Tanoomba's TroubleThings get more exciting as Tanoomba joins his friend Darryl Bones in a plot to board the Comet Observatory and Lily dons a strange violet mask...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-13 5 
29536902Scorpion Girl Quest 17Hunzuu deals with kings and ghosts.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-01-16 21 
29540004Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 5: Rosalina's Last StandShit gets real in Mushroom Kingdom Quest! Tanoomba and friends wreak havoc on the Comet Observatory, while Donkey Kong enters the mix!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-16 10 
29589655Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 6In this chapter, The Boo forgets to title his chapters!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-18 5 
29600447Guild Wars TableTop thread 3In which we delve deeper into professions and balancing, including races and weaponsGuild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Tabletop, Game Creation, Balancing2014-01-18 2 
29611565Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 7: Saving Sergeant Blueford Shit gets REALER in Mushroom Kingdom Quest! Darryl's true nature is revealed and Tanoomba has second thoughts about where his loyalties lie!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-19 5 
29630313Scorpion Girl Quest 18Hunzuu and Ninlil have a monsters' day out. The king comes to feast and gets more than he bargained for.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-01-20 20 
29635763Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 8: Let's-a Go!Mario and Luigi finally make their appearance in this chapter!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-20 5 
29711497Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 9: Despicable DarrylIn this chapter, Donkey Kong gets a second chance in fighting the abominable Darryl Bones!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-23 6 
29728264Gnoll Society WorldbuildingDiscussion on what gnoll society should be like, taking inspiration from the hyena and writing some interesting mythology.worldbuilding, gnoll, gnoll society, hyena, D&D, races, pseudopenis2014-01-24 5 
29777329Scorpion Girl Quest 19Hunzuu goes for a little rise and has some real talk with the real king.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-01-26 20 
29809851Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 10: Sal the GumshoeLeo and Sal get ready to leave for Cackletta's lab, but they get an unforseen visitor...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-27 0 
29866589Princess Gaurd Quest: Pringles EditionA new take on the quest. This time we are a Knight guarding a very special can of pringles.Princess Guard Quest Pringles Edition, Collective Game, Pringles, Don't Pop The Top2014-01-29 39 
29884057Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 11: The DoorIn this chapter, Leo's crew discovers the shocking truth of Broque Monsieur's origin, and Tanoomba finally rids the world of Darryl Bones.collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-01-30 5 
February 2014
29948698Scorpion Girl Quest 20Hunzuu learns more blood magic and wonders what it means to be a good parent.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-02-02 20 
29945344Imperial Top GearAnd for tonight's Celebrity in a Reasonably Priced Starfighter, please welcome...BARON FEL!Star Wars, empire, Top Gear, awesome, fel, ST-1662014-02-02 7 
30026800On Hell./tg/ has a discussion on various visions and versions of hell they use in tabletop RPGs.hell, campaign, original content, discourse, setting, development, game ideas, tabletop2014-02-05 5 
30045275Scorpion Girl Quest 21Hunzuu fends off a heartless giant and its talking heart.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-02-06 20 
30047277Mushroom Kingdom Quest Chapter 11: The Melancholy of Haruhi TanoombaTanoomba, Yelmont and Blueford get on the road again, while our heroes meet back with their boss in this torturously slow 'sode!collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-02-06 0 
30124774Scorpion Girl Quest 22Hunzuu learns why we can't have nice things.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-02-10 20 
30197975Mushroom Kingdom Quest 13: Time to Pay the PlumberTanoomba, Yelmont and Blueford meet up in the newly-formed Toadsworth Consulate to discuss how to fix Darryl's mess. Meanwhile, a high-stakes MK Grand Prix starts to take shape...collective game, Mushroom Kingdom Quest, mario, koopas2014-02-13 2 
30354900Scorpion Girl Quest 23Hunzuu battles the giant blight demon and meets the goddess Ishtar.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-02-20 16 
30447299girl gamer looking for groupAnon post a flyer he found at his FLGS. Other anons join in to share stories both amusing and horrifying. There is also some discussion about just HOW and WHY people could sperg out this hard.FLGS, LGS, horror, neckbeard, autist, girl gamer, gurl gaymer, nerd, geek, nerd girl, nerdlings, pop culture, culture, 2014-02-24 16 
30470525Salvage Operators 1A small team of salvage operatives start work on a wrecked frigate. OP ducks out early.Collective Game, Salvage Operators, ExplodingDice2014-02-25 1 
March 2014
30536823Wop your wad.Started as a stat me thread. Turned into money. Loads of money.money, wop your wad, Kill la Kill2014-03-01 24 
30658040Scorpion Girl Quest 24Hunzuu fights a giant wasp-girl. She also gets tossed. Straight-up tossed.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-03-06 15 
30738110Shadowrun Hacker Quest 5: OP's a tiredfag edition.Though Echo_TRACER wakes the next morning and prepares to meet with his team, OP is not yet ready to face the dawn.Shadowrun Hacker Quest, Shadowrun, Collective Game, Quest, OP is a tiredfag2014-03-10 5 
30783076Ask a (soon to be) Ex-GW staffer anything!A noble GW-Staffer gets the axe. Before he's fired, he does /tg/ a favor and holds an "Ask-Me'Anything" session.Ask a GW, GW, Games Workshop2014-03-12 8 
30859033Ask a (soon to be) Ex-GW staffer anything Part 2The soon to be Ex-GW-Staffer returns for another "Ask-Me'Anything" session.Ask a GW, GW, Games Workshop2014-03-16 3 
30873203Scorpion Girl Quest 25Hunzuu spends some quality time in the underworld.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-03-17 16 
31082498Philosophy of Donut Justice'Why not paladin' thread, derailed into donut-based explanations of philosophyDonut, philosophy, paladin, derail, LG2014-03-26 5 
31084202Scorpion Girl Quest 26Hunzuu meets the hostage prince of Turtak and envoys from the distant city of Zagros.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-03-27 16 
31101420Oversized Weapon Quest 21We go fishing!Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Goblins, Big Swords, Choppa2014-03-28 24 
31101864Magic Shop Quest #1In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employeee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-03-28 32 
April 2014
31225548Scorpion Girl Quest 27Hunzuu pulls her grand prank and causes chaos in Ligish. It's all right, though. She's on a mission from Ishtar.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-04-03 15 
31230485On the divinity of the God EmperorSome guy asks for in-universe arguments for proof of the Emperor's divinity. He gets what he asked for, along with pasta, slight storytime, and DMing advice40k, Emperor, Emps, Emprah, funny, story, storytime, stories, pasta, copypasta, fuck witches, DM, GM, DH, that guy, argument, arguing, theology2014-04-03 5 
31242916Magic Shop Quest #2In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-04 25 
31282115Scorpion Girl Quest 28Hunzuu goes treasure hunting and meets some snake-peopleCollective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-04-06 12 
31369193Scorpion Girl Quest 29Hunzuu battles with the Maggot King and then sheds her skin.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-04-10 18 
31385441Oversized Weapon Quest 24We do some leadering, some shopping, some fashion shopping, and then get on a boat and fight some pirates. It was a busy day.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Goblins, Fashion, Shopping, Leadership, Big Swords2014-04-11 21 
31389295Magic Shop Quest #3 In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-11 20 
31407055What does your princess look like, /tg/?"There is no princess. Only a fleeting sense of accomplishment followed by feelings of worthlessness."copypasta, white knight, spoilers, waifu2014-04-12 7 
31423652HFY - Humans as TeachersExactly what it says on the tin, some awesome HFY writefaggotry about humanity as teachers and parents.HFY, writefaggotry, OP is a cool guy,2014-04-12 40 
31430893Scorpion Girl Quest 30Hunzuu bonds with Crazy Blood Dad, then helps heal the king.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-04-13 15 
31522243Scorpion Girl Quest 31We see things from Nakurtum's point of view. Hunzuu delivers a message she's been meaning to deliver for a while.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-04-17 13 
31587826What the fuck is this garbage?Seriously, Dran. I saw you started up a thread and I thought it was going to be Dead Last Ninja finally starting at a reasonable time, not this "Over(human)limit" garbage. I'm disappointed. DLN is better anyway, so you should run it more.Collective Game, Dranule, Edgy, Trash, Drop this, trust, me, I'm, doing, you, a, favor2014-04-20 4 
31561086Gentlemen Spiderfolk WorldbuildingA thread on spiderfolk rapidly develops into an entire middle eastern/arabian nights setting with intellectual philosopher-gentlemen who just happen to be vaguely humanoid spider-monsters. Also pigmy headhunter kobolds.gentleman, gentlemen, spider, spiderfolk, worldbuilding, philosophers, middle east, kobolds, pigmy headhunter kobolds, roman, roman lizardmen,2014-04-20 5 
31666442Scorpion Girl Quest 32Ninlil is laid to rest, and those left behind tell stories to comfort each other.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-04-24 14 
31687688Magic Shop Quest #4In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-04-25 21 
31736391Scorpion Girl Quest 33Hunzuu and Soul-of-Lightning begin their quest for revenge.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-04-27 14 
31749898Operator Operator QuestIn which we Operate Operationally. Tell the doctors to go home, we're doing the operations now.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-04-28 16 
31710410CATastrophe Thread: Zero Frizz EditionCOMPLETED ruleset v1.0 for FATE Accelerated; discussion of rules & tech levels, recommended mood music for game sessionsCATastrophe, homebrew, music2014-04-28 2 
May 2014
31828541Scorpion Girl Quest 34Hunzuu meets a band of naga and then confronts Ku-Aya.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl, lamia, naga2014-05-01 14 
31849991Magic Shop Quest #5 In the High City of Imperial City lies a humble magic shop, Clay's Potions and Solutions. This shop is manned by four people, the wizard Randall the Red, his daughter Marigold, their Spellcat Clay, and their underpaid employee: you.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest2014-05-02 23 
31904347Operator Operator Quest 2In which we Operationally tickle our unsuspecting prey. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-05 13 
31979066Scorpion Girl Quest 35Hunzuu brings a prisoner back to the pyramid and shares stories with the naga ambassadors.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-05-08 10 
31981363Scorpion Girl Quest 35 fixHunzuu brings a prisoner back to the pyramid and shares stories with the naga ambassadors. -now with proper archiving!Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-05-08 14 
32057200Operator Operator Quest 3In which we prove that Operating in a dream is indeed possible.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-11 12 
32126782Scorpion Girl Quest 36Hunzuu brings the naga ambassadors to the king and meets Hillalum the scorpion-boy. Many blushes are had.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-05-15 20 
32196572Operator Operator Quest 4In which we witness our first critfail and learn a well-guarded secret.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-18 11 
32202165Scorpion Girl Quest 37Hunzuu calls for aid from the Footmen and then goes hunting with Hillallum.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-05-19 13 
32237404Earth, Population: NOPEA collection of fauna and flora that we really wish just weren't.NOPE, Nature, Fauna, Flora, Death World2014-05-21 8 
32267309Scorpion Girl Quest 38Hunzuu debates whether to make a new monster in time for next mission.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-05-22 13 
32279175Operator Operator Quest #5: You Will (Not) ProgressFishing and Fortune-tellingOperator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-23 9 
32376085Operator Operator Quest 6In which we visit our clone and get ourselves armed.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-27 11 
32422690Scorpion Girl Quest 39Hunzuu and Hillallum trade fighting lessons. There is a battle in the mountain pass.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-05-29 17 
June 2014
32515243Operator Operator Quest 7In which we use 6 snipers and drop a chopper on a heli.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-06-03 12 
32551168Wandering Spirit Quest You are a Wandering Spirit. With naught but your cloak, a walking stick, and a single gold coin, you are on a journey. You are in search of the Golden Fountain.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Wandering Spirit Quest2014-06-04 13 
32573616Scorpion Girl Quest 40Hunzuu meets the naga king.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-06-05 14 
32620360Old man Wizard feels trip.GM accidentally makes a feels induced plot hook for his players with a senile Wizard NPC. Cue people writing fluff and telling the GM he did good.feels, rpg, tabletop, fluff2014-06-07 139 
32691116Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane FamiliesOur cute imouto-minions get along, and meet kiki-san...who needs our help! Oh and STUPID SECURITY GUARDS, WHO DO YOU THINK RYUKUSA IS!Collective Game, Ryukuza, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni, Quest, parthenogenesis2014-06-10 21 
32678291Fern IslandFern Island: Come for the view, stay for the murder, cannibalism, psychotic fern-worshipping zealots, wars over fern, hissing ferns, cannibal natives and geckos! A vacation for the whole family!fern, ferns, fern island, land gulls, geckos, holy war, dystopia, minecraft,2014-06-10 8 
32695056Wandering Spirit Quest #2You are a Wandering Spirit. With naught but your cloak, a walking stick, and a single gold coin, you are on a journey. You are in search of the Golden Fountain.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Wandering Spirit Quest2014-06-11 10 
32717816Scorpion Girl Quest 41The history of the world, my sweet, is who gets eaten and who gets to eat.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-06-12 11 
32732001Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light-Hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane FamiliesDemons and Dragons and FUCKIN' SUSANO-O, GODDAMN!Collective Game, Ryukuza, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, Quest, parthenogenesis, oni, 2014-06-12 13 
32752769Operator Operator Quest EXTRA #1: Chekhov's Prophecy You are not Darius Duravi.Operator Operator Quest, collective game, warsim, archivist2014-06-13 6 
32754656Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.TLC. Smiles. Hearts. Lilies. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-13 24 
32839377Ryukuza Quest 6: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls Etc.Anonimous attacks, and magic is discussed, and one-armed-swordfighting is done. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-17 15 
32822457 Eternal Crusade AMA The devs of Eternal Crusade answer our questions in this ask me anything thread. Eternal Crusade, AMA, Developers2014-06-18 3 
32863619Scorpion Girl Quest 42The long-awaited battle for revengeCollective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-06-19 11 
32878146Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.Anonimous revealed (to be idiots), secret agents revealed (to be foreign), lolidragons revealed (to be pyros).Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-19 16 
32957859Operator Operator Quest 8In which we meet Tina and find out that our social circles are more inclusive than we thought.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-06-23 6 
32977299Ryukuza Quest 9: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.Discovering some serious new juju, Ryukusa manages to find something that scares her. A new enemy is revealed, and her best friend is injured...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-24 16 
32998917Ryukuza Quest: Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiki confesses. Ryukusa commits. Kiku admits. Yui promises. Akari sleeps.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-25 15 
33019923Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku relates the tale of her captured Void dragon - side quest, playing as Kiku!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-26 15 
33065451TransformerQuest Part 1Kracken, an absolute walking nightmare of a Cybertronian, takes to the streets as Shockwave orders an attack on Uraya.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 14 
33076600Transformer Quest 2: Rip and Tear BoogalooWhere Kracken, a retired cop who has had enough of this shit, lays a smackdown on some DecepticreepsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-06-29 11 
33104099Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku explains some things, and gets petted. Kiki decides enough is enough and has her way. Anonimous is taken off the hit list.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-30 15 
July 2014
33116526Transformer Quest 3: A Sight To BeholdTravel gets dangerous as the destruction draws near, Kracken is a very angry bot.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-01 14 
33125592Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.A short recap. Also Ryukusa being edgy, bathed, and then set on fire. Really. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-07-01 13 
33149953Scorpion Girl Quest 43Hunzuu rescues two heroes, one of whom might be insane.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-07-03 11 
33183798Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Side Quest 2: Akari's run , a little flashback for the holiday. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, Akari2014-07-04 14 
33206647Transformers Quest 4Virtue and the Grim Consequences ThereofTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-06 11 
33227464Operator Operator Quest EXTRA #2: Darida's Side Story You are not Darius Duravi. You are simply his clone... gender notwithstanding.Operator Operator Quest, collective game, warsim, darida2014-07-06 5 
33248043Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa reunites two lovers, teaches magic, embarrasses lots of people...oh, and Kiki summons a god. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-07 14 
33290960Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Happy tears, welcoming of the new harem member, and loving ceremony is had...then plans. Dark plans. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-07-09 14 
33296888Scorpion Girl Quest 44Hunzuu finishes dealing with the naga, and assesses the damage to her city.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-07-10 12 
33334231Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Er Yin explains things about her past, and how Ryukusa can get her arm back...Akari finally gets her just dessert...the earth moves for them. Literally. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-11 13 
33423056Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Demon-possessed-spirit-centipedes. Half-naked-dragon-girls-gone-wild. Hugs.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-15 13 
33419910Operator Operator Quest 9In which we begin our daring escape from Huxley's lab complex.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-07-15 5 
33490542Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa makes the hefty decisions, and the kidnappers of Jinyuu-onee-sama make themselves known.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-18 14 
3353643040K homebrew stuff that needs fleshing out.We take unfinished 40K homebrew stuff that /tg/ did in various time periods and try to finish it. So far the Knights Repentant were pushed further.40K, Homebrew, Tabletop2014-07-21 0 
33558078Operator Operator Quest 10In which we Operate the hell out of the laboratory. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-07-22 6 
33581064Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa's hideout revealed; can she live with the shame? Er Yin explains, Ryukusa decides, and Akari is lewd.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-22 13 
33594006Transformers Quest 6: Heaps of RuinationAfter being severely wounded Kracken cuts and runs. Then he goes for a trip through he dilapidated underbelly of Uraya. The dice gods continue to be incomprehensible.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-23 8 
33610508Scorpion Girl Quest 45Hunzuu negotiates for the release of Iltani, gives Jaya relationship advice, and prepares to take the fight to the enemy.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-07-24 10 
33626346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Gathering power, giving up power, kissing dragonettes and oni-girls, and kicking demigod ass. Sounds about Ryukusa. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-24 13 
33650569Transformers Quest 7: Nothin' But MiseryWhere things go better than expected.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-07-26 8 
33721554Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku tells Ryukusa about Hinata's Temple, Hinata, and gets a nosebleed. Kushinada bleeds a lot more, from worse than teasing.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-28 13 
33772703Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa faces Kushinada and Hidesato...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, blood2014-07-30 14 
August 2014
33800135Stiffs and Prongs/tg/ makes a buddy cop show set in Sigil, starring a young Tiefling and his Warforged partner.Stiffs and Prongs, Planescape, buddy cop show2014-08-01 1 
33808535Transformers Quest 8: Wicked InclinationsBoss battle! Memories of a bitter past.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-01 8 
33818109Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Hidesato-san vrs Ryukusa, the duel continues. Hinata reveals a secret. Kiku is cute.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, fight, blood2014-08-01 12 
33815206Cursed_Apprentice_QuestYour a wizards apprentice who gets back-stabbed and turned into a shota wacky hijinks ensue on a quest to reverse the curse before we unage into an infantshota, Agro, Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, huge cocks, pumpkin farming, OP needs to sleep,2014-08-01 12 
33833352Cursed_Apprentice_Quest 2We get some nice threads, hit on a bar maid, trick a pickpocket into touching our dick, ruin our threads after we get shot,befriend pickpocket,and figure this cult shit outshota, Cursed_Apprentice_Quest, 360noscopearrowthrow, wenches, magic, Collective game, quest, brainexplosion, hugs, brown elves, nopumpkins,2014-08-02 10 
33858723Cursed Apprentice Quest 3In this episode we meet a QT spider and make it our familiar, We cuddle it and arwen, We decide to say fuck it with the town and ditch, on a walk to the city, Shit happens.Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, Collective Game, Spiders, Cute, Shota, Fried chicken, brown elf boobage, whyaretherenopicturesofshotawizards,2014-08-03 13 
33859547Operator Operator Quest 11Welcome to the jungle. This is where you'll Operate. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-08-04 6 
33936630Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa gets magical stuff. Akari has been busy. The Landlord/lady/thing is met.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-06 14 
33960151Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Chi-chan drives badly, Ryukusa-chan deals with the landlorladything, and kisses are had.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-07 13 
33979745Operator Operator Quest 12You are not alone. You are never alone in the jungle.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-08-08 7 
33983331Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Secretaries, Subordinates, Subbes, and Slaves.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-08 12 
33992055Transformers Quest 10: Adoration For NoneKracken frees some NAILS and eats another Seeker.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-09 8 
34032004Lawful Evil CivilizationsOP requests ideas for how a Lawful Evil city would work. Worldbuilding, dystopia and the prospect that North Korea is actually ran by a chaotic stupid LOLevil That Guy player character results.Alignments, dystopia, hell, lawful evil, Ayn Rand,2014-08-11 2 
34108582Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Teaching dragon-girls new things. Healing of several sorts. Gentle reminders. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-13 13 
34119302Transformers Quest 11Destruction Overdrive:Kracken and co defeat gunshipkun, punks are straightened out.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-14 6 
34144124Kidpunk Thread #8: Shamefur DisprayThreads 6/7 failed to get archived, but Kidpunk continues on, now getting close to having character sheetsKidpunk, /tg/ gets shit done, homebrew game, game development2014-08-15 0 
34156658Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Shower-time continues; pearls touch; dinner is had; sleeping? What is sleep?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-15 13 
34165789Transformers Quest 12: Fire It UpKracken beats down another Stunticon, then meets a bigger fish.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-16 6 
34184602PACYOA:TE Operation Metal FuryPart 3 of the 'Opalite Technologies' side-story arc of PACYOA: Teamwork Edition.Collective Game, PACYOA, PACYOA:TE, Power Armor, Operation Metal Fury, Zipline2014-08-17 0 
34201915Joker Quest 103Anon confesses the truth to his friends, Frost Cestus fights a monster, and Red Joker dispells the illusions surrounding the Hyades Inia.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest, End Utopia2014-08-17 12 
34229422Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.A complicated conversation takes a dangerous turn; Akari shows why upsetting her is bad; Yumiko makes a very bad mistake. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-18 14 
34231093PACYOA:TE Operation Storm WatchA side mission for PACYOA: Teamwork Edition, in which a tornado turns out to be more than it seems.Collective Game, PACYOA, PACYOA:TE, Power Armor, Operation Storm Watch, Zipline2014-08-19 2 
34297562Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Putting our lovers to bed, and bedding our lovers. And a phone call. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-21 13 
34320262Transformers Quest 13: Blackend WatersKracken fights some hobos. Red Energon is a hell of a drug.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-23 6 
34343589PACYOA:TE Operation Eyes Wide OpenPart 1 of the 'Relay' main arc of PACYOA: Teamwork Edition. In which Armor Corps desperately attempts to recapture JORN.Collective Game, PACYOA, PACYOA:TE, Power Armor, Operation Relay, Zipline2014-08-24 2 
34389860Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of HeaYui and Akari get personal attention. Mysterious phone calls. Threats and things that aren't threats.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-25 14 
34435569Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa skips sleeping; sisterly love (of the platonic kind); the dreaded training decisions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-27 13 
34470708Transformers Quest 14Where we do alot of talking and find out who our creepy stalker is. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-08-29 6 
34481885Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Speaking with the Goddess of the Sun; making breakfast; training!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, Amaterasu2014-08-29 13 
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
34507091Venusian HorrorOP requests ideas for a horror game he wants to run set in a semi-hard-scifi venus colony. Fascinating debate on Aliens, Ray Bradbury, real-life plans for colonizing venus and lovecraftian horrors living beneath the ice of europa results. space, horror, hard scifi, venus, europa, mars, aliens,2014-08-31 3 
September 2014
34589907Transformers Quest 15We finally meet up with the merchants, then it all goes to hell. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-03 4 
34599498Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunApparently, goddesses have an effect on people. Teasing, training, and trouble.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-09-03 13 
34621820Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunA Cat. A Fight. A Threat.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-09-04 14 
34630519PACYOA:TE Operation LurkerA side mission for PACYOA: Teamwork Edition, in which a world-ending entity lurks in the Mariana Trench.Collective game, PACYOA, PACYOA:TE, Power Armor, Operation Lurker, Zipline2014-09-05 2 
34680876Scorpion Girl Quest 46Hunzuu learns what happened while she was gone. Iltani is sad, but then there are kittens.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-09-07 11 
34676158Transformers Quest 16: Building a Better MonsterTIME FOR UPGRADES! Kracken awakens from stasis with a shiny new body on mysterious research space station. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-07 3 
34695482Operator Operator Quest 13The end of the beginning.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-09-07 6 
34770380Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunAngry dragonette is angry. Picnics are good. Psycho sycophants not so much. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-10 13 
34812496Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunDemon cats, diabolical plans, and dragonettes with attitude.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-12 15 
34816454Transformers Quest 17: The Blessed HellrideAfter running into a familiar face (and some not so familiar faces), Kracken finally finds out what happened before he left Cybertron. Suffice to say, somebody is going to pay.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-13 6 
34868529Scorpion Girl Quest 47Hunzuu attempts to write a love letter and meets the new lizard-girlCollective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-09-15 13 
34930098Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunTraining in the park. Playing in the park. Fighting in the park. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-17 13 
34913153/tg/ writes a noir storyAs always, it starts with a dame. A dame who was trouble.film noir, story, cooperative writing, dicks, legs that go on forever2014-09-17 18 
34962458Amazon Guard QuestEl Presidente's Amazon guards find themselves out of a job following a US backed Coup. As the girls are extracted from the country on a CIA C130, the squad leader does her best to comfort her sisters.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-19 6 
34981520Homeless Mutant Quest #88JJ wins at tag, meets Molly, gets /fa/ and is best husbando.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, good golly miss molly, atrophy, fiinally2014-09-20 32 
34981585Amazon Merc Quest 2The girls spend the day in Dubai.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-20 5 
34978413Transformers Quest 18: House of Doom Kracken kicks some ass, discovers that he's not the weirdest 'bot in the room, then gets some nifty toys.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-20 1 
35024657Feminist (Dys/U)topia QuestGordon the white, cishet, truscum, male finally leaves his solitary education cell after 13 years.Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest, Collective Game, Satire, Patriarchy, Feminism, Trap, Bro2014-09-22 30 
35026983Scorpion Girl Quest 48Hunzuu chooses where to look next. SHe also gives rides to children, because of course she does.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-09-22 10 
35015724Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and AntiqueCome down to Teegee's Emporium of the Rare and Antique, where you can find: Priceless vases, both whole and in pieces! Giant cubes of guns! Rare first edition books and records! Irritable Lamia lesbians! Slightly cracked Faberge Eggs! Dragons of all flights and colors! More gold than Midas! And, of course, shopgirls with bumbling behemoth breasts! Feel free to browse, make a purchase, or escape the growing dimensional instability with the staff and head down to the noodle shop for a bowl and a brew.antiques, collective game, shop, store, bidding war, gold, artifacts, lamia, lesbians, giant breasts, dragon attack, spontanious, grail, noodles2014-09-22 15 
35047360Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 2Gordon manages to save his balls, as well as taking on a brand new job opportunity.Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest, Bro, Trap, Collective Game, Satire, Feminism, Patriarchy2014-09-23 20 
35065283Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunTraining and playing and...finally, Ryuu Wakaba.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-23 14 
35111271Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 3Gordon finally makes his way into the mines. After infiltrating the ranks of the miners, he finds the resistance group and their hidden base.Collective Game, Satire, Patriarchy, Feminism, Trap, TRIGGER WARNING, Bro, Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest, Commando, Tacticool2014-09-25 22 
35154876Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 4Gordon finds out that someone has set him up the bomb and has done something incredibly dangerous for personal gain.Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest, Bro, Trap, Collective Game, Satire, Feminism, Patriarchy2014-09-28 21 
35158502Transformers Quest 19: Death MarchKracken tests out his new toys before coming face to face with Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-09-28 2 
35171395Operator Operator Quest 14A good drink can wipe the sweat and soot off your mind. Or..?Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-09-28 5 
35203037Amazon Merc Quest 3The girls are on a motherfucking boat!Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-30 4 
35216398Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunFacing Wakaba's madness; homeward bound; decisions and decisions and other decisions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-30 11 
October 2014
35280077Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunReturning home; gathering intel; a surprising discovery.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-10-03 12 
35288600Amazon Merc Quest 4The girls get a new mission.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-10-04 4 
35284580Transformers Quest 20: Monster MashKracken and his merry band of misfits take on Swindle and Carnage.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-04 2 
35313602Towergirls System TrialA test of a d10 success system in a FTL/Oregon Trail style game. Goes a bit off-kilter the further things progress, but had a solid idea behind it. Some NSFW near the end.collective game, tower girls, towergirls, d10, test, trial, development, game design, smut, drawfag2014-10-05 4 
35347618Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 5Fair courts are fair, and our hero gets a vacation with a slightly creepy woman and a punk rebel. UMI DACollective Game, Satire, Patriarchy, Feminism, Trap, TRIGGER WARNING, Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest2014-10-07 15 
35355517Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran CommonwealthA retired BOLO supertank commander turned Free Trader and Wildcat asteroid miner is rewarded for heroism with rule over a mining colony of exiled Space Libertarians, refugees from the Cyberpunk planet, and alien defectors on the frontier of Human space. Also DAT CLOUDSCOOP and shit going down at a trade hub en route.Governor Quest, Collective Game, Known Space, SciFi, colony, MURIKA, Transmetropolitan2014-10-07 13 
35405072Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunAnonimous returns, and won't take no for an answer. Rie explains something. Ryukusa gets angry.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood, graphic injury2014-10-09 10 
35400267Governor Quest 2Governor Greystone meets his staff, does some negotiations, and fills out the paperwork of becoming a planetary governor of the Commonwealth.Governor Quest, Collective Game, Known Space, SciFi, colony, MURIKA, Transmetropolitan2014-10-09 11 
35411506TG Does StrangeOP asks for stories of worst settings. Stories of Stabbings, Space Operas, Fast Food Warriors, and Phallus Themed Islands ensue. Space Opera, Thor, Armadillo God, Fast Food, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Stab2014-10-10 11 
35427519Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunThe secrets of cat youkai. Triumphant returns. Dreams.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-10 13 
35460166Amazon Merc Quest 5The girls celibrate their last weekend in Dubai.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-10-12 2 
35463815Governors Quest 4We deal with the space pirate problem through guile, trickery, and the application of extreme violence.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Known Space, SciFi, colony, MURIKA, Transmetropolitan, Space Pirates, Space Slavers2014-10-12 7 
35478217Scorpion Girl Quest 49Hunzuu goes back to Turtak.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-10-13 11 
35484559Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 6OP is forced out of his comfort zone, and the MC's good nature works against him as he's forced into a rather sticky situation.Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest, Bro, Trap, Collective Game, Satire, Feminism, Patriarchy2014-10-13 8 
35488327Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter FiveOrbital Supremacy is ours. We deceive a Slaver Lord, get intimidated by our Mercenary dressed up like a Pirate, talk to our BOLO, and instill respect in some Hacker bitches.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Fuck Yeah2014-10-13 7 
35505671Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 7Gordon goes explorin' and ends up a bit deeper than he would have liked...Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest, Bro, Trap, Collective Game, Satire, Feminism, Patriarchy2014-10-14 6 
35512848Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter SevenWe spend the entire thread running over Space Bugs in our BOLO and laughing maniacally, until we get into a fight with some kind of coral...symbiote...thing. Also creepy foreshadowing ignored in favor of arguing about allegations of samefagging.Collective Game, Governors Quest, Governor Quest, SciFi, Science Fiction, Space, Known Space, Pirates, Slavers, Bugs, Wall of text, Starship Troopers, Transmetropolitan2014-10-14 6 
35520304Operator Operator Quest 15Years pass and people change. But some things must be remembered. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-10-14 6 
35533796Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, The Real Chapter SevenWe do Governor things, put ourselves in (more) debt to build future tourist attractions, some of which are pretty Metal. We also open the ILLEGAL GOODS MYSTERY BOX, discover some hints of a forgotten Black Operation gone wrong, finally kill our pet Slaver Lord, and have a brief encounter with spooky aliens.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-10-15 6 
35542823Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerEmi's Promise is made, and Rie leads Ryukusa back home. But is Rie done with Ryukusa?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-15 10 
35545524Poor Trader QuestYou are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-16 20 
35563376Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerPlaying as Mizumi Shoko, we learn what happened to the original God of Destruction.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, gore, death2014-10-16 8 
35574609Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter NineWe deal with Traders, take too long talking again, get some intel on our mystery cats, and wind up dropping everything to head off violence between heavily armed space cowboys and the New YakuzaGovernor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky, Yakuza, Cowboy2014-10-17 10 
35592014Transformers Quest 21:Magnetic RagWe have time to meet and greet the crew, then we get all the time.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-18 4 
35617055Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter ElvenWe clear out our to-do list, start getting ready for a visit from Gubmint' Folk, hatch a nefarious plan to gain pet Pseudo-Arachnids and argue like coked-up monkeys about voting and samefagging. Also BOLO VS Plasma Bug action.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Fuck Yeah, Starship Troopers, faggotry2014-10-19 8 
35625438Operator Operator Quest 16Terrorists attack the lab. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-10-20 5 
35653923Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest 8Our hero finishes exploring the inner workings of the island and has to endure a painfully awkward car journey.Feminist (Dys/U)topia Quest, Trap, Collective Game, Satire, Feminism, Patriarchy2014-10-21 7 
35686810Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerRyukusa decides what to do with her new staff; spells and plans are made...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko,2014-10-22 13 
35689290Poor Trader Quest #2You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-23 20 
35727071Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerLandlordladything stuff. Secretarial ooze. A fellow shinobi. Cuddles.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-24 13 
35732757Scorpion Girl Quest 50Hunzuu carefully deals with Nur-Sin and has some real talk with Iltani. Unrequited love is a bitch.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-10-25 10 
35738075Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter TwelveWe deal (somewhat) with an overstressed power Grid, get some unsettling news on pirates, discover that our Megacorps supply ship has been taken over by brain spiders, and get a line on an old BOLO in Outlaw space.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-10-25 7 
35831770Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerYuuhi reveals less than stellar news; Oba-san's weaknesses discussed; sleep is chanced. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-29 10 
35834348Poor Trader Quest #3You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-10-30 16 
35859728DBZ Human Quest #4Kaguya learns some new tricks, and tests them against YamchaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Goku, Kami, Piccolo, Popo, Raditz, Gohan2014-10-31 15 
35872173Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerMending, talking, sleeping. The fateful day arrives. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-31 10 
35857585Transformers Quest 23: Strange WaysGood cop, bad cop, we're the one with the tentacles. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-10-31 2 
35862917Bureau QuestAs a member of the Secretists, we battle demons, cultist and save a sexy vampiress.Bureau Quest, Collective Game, Halloween, Totally Not JQOP2014-10-31 4 
November 2014
35900497DBZ Human Quest #5Kaguya goes on a mission for Kami and learns a lot about himselfColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Kami, Popo, Yajirobe, Pilaf, Shu, Mai, Olibu, Saiyans, Lookout2014-11-02 14 
35900879Amazon Merc Quest 6The girls visit a pirate stronghold and meet their pilot for the next mission.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-02 3 
35921933DBZ Human Quest #6Kaguya faces off against Tien, and learns a new techniqueCollective game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyans, Kami, Popo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Senzu, Bean2014-11-03 14 
35925856Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter ThirteenWe deal with bureaucrats, some better at ignoring reality than others, FUSION UP, and annoy a Safety Bureau Inspector.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-11-03 10 
35920567Operator Operator Quest 17Darius plans a daring escape and plays grab ass on the way.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim 2014-11-04 9 
35945210The wizard's wish/tg/ is granted a wish.Wizard, wish, funny, loophole2014-11-04 7 
35976468Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerThe duel against Kurao Goto; a surprise interruption; the lines are drawn.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-05 13 
35979007Poor Trader Quest #4You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-11-06 11 
36044269Amazon Merc Quest 7The Girls get into some trouble on their way to Spratly.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-09 3 
36063895DBZ Human Quest #7Kaguya battles Krillin, and the Z fighters are sent into the pastCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Popo, Kami, lookout, Vegeta, Pendulem, kamehameha2014-11-10 14 
36077760Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerRyukuza faces the oni and his oni-sword; unlikely timing; turmoil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-11-10 10 
36122864Poor Trader Quest #5You are Kasimir Kanenas. A few years ago you came to the High City of Imperial City for opportunity and work, only to find yourself in the deep straits of poverty. It’s a meagre living, but it’s a living for you, as a poor trader in these hard times.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Poor Trader Quest2014-11-13 2 
36139899Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerNightmares and ghosts and bakemono, oh shit.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, monsters2014-11-13 13 
36184572 Cyclops Civilization Quest: Primeval HymnThe tide has come in and out for centuries and your species has been quietly content to sit on the beaches and the shores: star gazing, living off of the land as food was plentiful, life was simple, work short, and temperatures mild. This however has begun to change as a song echoes out into the hearts and minds of your species calling out for change; causing your people to grow restless, passionate, and spirited. Quest, Cyclops, Cyclops Quest, Stone Age, Collective Game, 2014-11-16 20 
36187586Amazon Merc Quest 8The girls scout the nearby village, and Kitty goes into withdrawal.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-16 1 
36209704Cyclops Civilization Quest Thread 2The Primeval Hymn Has Ended. The Hymn of Metal and Fire has begun.Quest, Cyclops, Cyclops Quest, Stone Age, Collective Game,2014-11-17 13 
36198903Operator Operator Quest 18Darius wakes up and is presented with a bevy of options. Gradually.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-11-17 6 
36224437Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerHow does one cope with possession? Akari's projects. A gift.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-17 10 
36271815First Europan War Quest - Prologue 1Baron Renard de Velde, proud officer of the Gallian military, takes up arms in anticipation of the First Europan War. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-11-20 15 
36285110Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerKurou Kyota tries to cope. Akari is apologetic. What wishes are for.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-20 14 
36292135First Europan War Quest - Prologue 2First Lieutenant Renard de Velde settles in and meets his new team. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-11-21 14 
36334652First Europan War Quest - Prologue 3The team launches an attack against a hunting lodge that may or may not be filled with Imperial troops.Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-11-23 12 
36329882Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 1st Chorus Agriculture is advanced, the Northern Island is developed, Perrats cause havok, and we finally visit the "Mainland".Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization,2014-11-23 23 
36331457Transformers Quest 24: Electric Hellfire part 2In which Kracken picks up a new friend and downs another Seeker. Part 1 can be found in the pastebin.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-23 2 
36390636Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatHappiness is a warm dragonette. Revelations. Petting.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-25 13 
36416558First Europan War Quest - Chapter 1The team wraps up a few loose ends from their previous mission and gets ready for the next step. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-11-27 11 
36433983DBZ Human Quest #8Kaguya and the Z Fighters face off against a pair of Saiyans, and have a rematch with RaditzCollective Game, DBZ, Human, Quest, Dragon, Ball, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Krillin, Raditz, Kami, Popo2014-11-28 13 
36445938Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatThe Church, The Military, the Haunts.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-11-28 12 
36471945Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 2nd ChorusWe expand onto the mainland, Gorgons Wives established, Visits from the Cosmic Snake, and an Ammonite Currency is established. Elves however continue to elude us. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-11-30 14 
36472356Transformers Quest 25: From the SkyWe manage to sneak away from the Decepticons, rescue a war hero, and bond with a friend. Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-11-30 2 
December 2014
36523954Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatDealing with cats, grunts, and oni. Oh, and grenades.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-12-02 12 
36551024First Europan War Quest - Chapter 2The team joins the defense of Teschelbero to keep the Imperial forces out of Gallia. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-12-04 10 
36607320Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 3rd Chorus The Age presses on: Gorgon immigration, We find out sex makes babies, Magocracy is established, Elementals are chatted with, and we discover Iron!Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-07 11 
36609397Amazon Merc Quest 9The girls knock over a hornet's nestCollective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-07 1 
36599531Rat and other Rodent PeopleAnon requests images for his ratfolk Hedge Witch in Pathfinder. Discussion of rat people takes place, including anedoctes from pet owner, the realization that mice are the true assholes of the rodent world and that hamsters are brain-devouring psychopaths.Ratfolk, Rat People, Nezumi, Skaven, Hamsters, Mice, Pathfinder, Worldbuilding, World Building2014-12-08 13 
36661452Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatFacing the threat of Anonimous, Wakaba's minions, and seeing how far you can trust Horobi's minions. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-12-09 12 
36686174First Europan War Quest - Chapter 3Having pushed the Imperials out of Teschelbero, the Gallian Army settles in and celebrates its victory. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-12-11 7 
36707659DBZ Human Quest #10Kaguya has an interesting match with Chiaotzu, and, with his training nearly complete, takes a trip to the past in the pendulum roomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Kami, Popo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Goku, King Kai, Raditz, Vegeta, Bardock, Tora, Shugesh, Borgos, Fasha, Dodoria, Frieza2014-12-12 14 
36726219Amazon Merc Quest 9.5The girls meet with a rebel representative. Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-13 1 
36745515Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 4th Chorus More is learned about the Elves, populations swell, Agriculture is advanced, Medicine is established, Botanomancy is discovered, and we encounter the Zizz. The Zizz which cannot be hunted.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-14 20 
36748463Amazon Merc Quest 10The girls make plans to head into the jungle.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-14 1 
36745477Transformers Quest 26What does one do when lost in darkness? They learn to make their own light.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-14 2 
36765655Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Metal and Fire 5th ChorusIron and Gold is finally worked with, Magic and Culture flourishes, the population explodes, an Ivory ring currency is established, and the Elves are "spotted".Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-15 11 
36779674Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatYour cousin the demigod; insanity and the consequences; Yuuhi a cute; Akari is bold.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-15 13 
36817161Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatDealing with your defeated cousin, Er Yin's pain, and Kiku's anguish. Oh, and youkai fucking everywhere.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-17 12 
36823620First Europan War Quest - Chapter 4The Gallian Army decides it's time to find the Imperials and loot their stuff. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-12-18 7 
36863051DBZ Human Quest #14The Saiyan Saga comes to an endDBZ, Human, Dragonball, Quest, Collective Game, Saiyan, Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, Yajirobe, Kami, Namek, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Popo, Korin, Hospital, Yajirobe2014-12-20 14 
36879562Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 1st ChorusWe survive an Encounter with the Zizz, The Fungal Forest has receded with time and Cyclopean pressure, we further develop technology and we finally encounter Gorgon Civilization.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-21 15 
36881744Amazon Merc Quest 11The girls Travel upcountry.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-21 2 
36881305Transformers Quest 27Short thread. New friends meet new friends and we get a mission.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2014-12-21 1 
36891742Operator Operator Quest 19In which not much happens.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-12-22 2 
36921988First Europan War Quest - Chapter 5Having crushed the Imperial's attempt at a naval invasion, the Gallian Army ponders its military response. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-12-23 7 
36938491Homeless Mutant Quest #97Peter owes JJ a favor.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, powersperg, people being whiny2014-12-24 37 
36945453Mercenary Company Quest 2We hire our first employee, encounter out first battle, and complete our first job.collective game, mercenary company quest, OPAnon2014-12-24 4 
36990700Scorpion Girl Quest 51I don't even follow this quest, I'm just archiving it because sup/tg/ temporarily died forever. A girl wot has monster legs does things.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2014-12-28 10 
37006581Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 2nd ChorusCosmic Snakes, Perrat Dickery, Merpeople spotted, Gorgons comforted, and a lot of "house keeping"- beside almost being eaten attacked by a mystery being from the depths.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2014-12-28 14 
37005399Mercenary Company Quest 3We "deliver" a letter, find out more about our attackers, hire another employee, and fight off another group of thugs!collective game, mercenary company quest, OPAnon2014-12-28 3 
37033413 Leviathan Quest 1you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comicsmarvel, Dick Roman, collective game, quest, Arceus Exalted, Supernatural, Leviathan, Black goo, shapeshifter, doppelganger, comic, avengers, mutant2014-12-29 0 
37048449First Europan War Quest - Chapter 6Gallians are in the Empire's base, cutting its telegraph wires.Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2014-12-30 7 
37087203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonettePain and suffering, danger and healing...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-31 13 
January 2015
37107223NEET Time Loop Quest #1You're Paige, a NEET living alone. You go out to get food one morning and meet a girl named Eve. After something horrible happens, you find yourself waking up on the same day again.Collective Game NEET Time Loop Quest NEET2015-01-02 5 
37112132Khornette Quest #19In which we have fun with Sytili and visit a Feudal World.Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Eldar, Zoanthrope, ELH2015-01-02 13 
37141841First Europan War Quest - Chapter 7Mandatory Hot Spring Episode. The team relaxes before their next deployment. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-01-04 7 
37140995Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 3rd Chorus The southern continent and it's Cycloptic people are finally contacted, Ancient Gorgon civilization is researched, A piece of Moon Rock is touched, and Horrors are brought about by our nemesis the Parrats.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-01-04 20 
37138851Transformers Quest 28An interrogation leads to an attempted assassination.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-04 1 
37167484Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 4th ChorusMassive population gains are achieved, we discover new and exciting magical and engineering developments, we start flexing our political influence on the Gorgons- and we build the Arcanum: A Truly a wonder of Cyclopean Engineering!Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-01-05 14 
37171170The Book of SauronOP makes a "Sauron did nothing wrong" joke thread. /tg/ proves untrollable and starts worldbuilding the Book of Sauron and his possible return.LotR, Sauron, Worldbuilding, Writefag, Book, City, Dystopia, Horror2015-01-06 6 
37228083First Europan War Quest - Chapter 8Time for trench warfare!Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-01-08 7 
37291970Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Flourishing Eye 5th ChorusFood! Beer! Monsters! Medicine! FlatBreads! And Divine Communication! This Chapter we explore it all before ending on the Discovery of The "Ocarina from the depths!"Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-01-11 15 
37291725The Order of the AlmondOP posts a trollish "you get a slave, wat do?" thread. /tg/ derails it into worldbuilding a paladin order and religion based around the worship of almonds.derailed thread, derail, funny, almonds, nuts, peanuts, nutcracker, paladins, ethics, slavery, tg cannot stay on topic,2015-01-11 22 
37289823Amazon Merc Quest 12The girls meet with a tribe of headhunters. And character development happens.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-11 3 
37319483Pokemon Quest #56 Part 2We scramble to heal Robin, come close to killing ourselves in the attempt, and head out into the desert!Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, cyclops2015-01-12 20 
37352022Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteMakign deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-13 0 
37352150Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteMaking deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-13 12 
37346691Quest QuestWe start things off as Gartendo the Brad Bard, make some (read: a lot) of questionable decisions, somehow manage to get people into our party, and raid a dungeon. Also skeleton girl is best girl.collective game, quest, OP needs a name, probably a trip too, drawfag2015-01-14 17 
37364665DBZ Human Quest #35As the planet pirates fall, Kaguya and Goku clash on the subject of mercy. This, along with a discovery of great power leads Kaguya to seek adviceCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Earth, Tree, of, Might, Turles, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Kami, Lookout, Popo, Mr., Kamehameha, Ginyu, Force2015-01-14 12 
37379731First Europan War Quest - Chapter 9Yet more trench warfare as the Gallians push back an Imperial assault.Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-01-15 7 
37386972Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter 14Back from hiatus, a very short thread. On the plus side, we went to local bars to talk with our citizens, and raise our popularity.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2015-01-15 6 
37400710Zoanthrope SidequestIn which we hover behind Sytili's head while she deals with some meddling kids. I mean Acolytes. Collective Game, Zoanthrope, Khornette, Nurglette, ELH2015-01-16 11 
37415556Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteThe best made plans are those made over lunch.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-16 10 
37424204DBZ Human Quest #36In an alternate future, a pair of cold-blooded killers eliminate the Z Fighters one by oneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-17 12 
37446325DBZ Human Quest #37Kaguya and Gohan face the Androids once again. And one of them pays with their life so the other can live.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-18 11 
37446040Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 1st Chorus More Beasts, Exploration, Gods, Elves, and enough Gorgon Shenanigans to fill a cosmic Snake! Climatic ending and Feels!Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-01-18 12 
37445197Amazon Merc Quest 13Lillian takes advantage of an intoxicated minor.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-18 4 
37468679Transformers Quest 29We give the ol'Quantum Processor a whirl, then cut a deal with Swindle.Transformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-19 2 
37515775DBZ Human Quest #39Kaguya makes a deal with Yamcha, and meets an old foe during trainingCollective Game, Quest, Dbz, Human, Saiyan, Frieza, Yamcha, Kami, Popo, Goku, Gohan, King, Cold, Cooler, Vegeta2015-01-21 12 
37535615First Europan War Quest - Chapter 10Gallia's anti-tank unit finally arrives, as does some more PTSD. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-01-22 6 
37534136DBZ Human Quest #40In the pendulum room, Kaguya finally beats a subject of his nightmares, and ascends to new heights of power.Collective Game, Quest, dbz, dragonball, saiyan, human, Frieza, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Nappa, Krillin, Kami, Popo2015-01-22 12 
37538499 Fruitsnackia /TG/ Forum RPG (Name Pending)The first thread for a new rpg forum, now called TransGalacticTransGalactic, Forum RPG, World Building, Game Development2015-01-22 4 
37548781Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteFamily trouble, and convincing Chisato that yes, monsters exist. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-22 8 
37555223TransGalactic (Formerly Fruitsnackia) /TG/ Forum RPGSecond thread for TransGalactica. Races are hammered out more clearly and we begin expanding the lore in other regards as well.TransGalactic, Forum RPG, World Building, Game Development2015-01-23 5 
37568375Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteHows does one convince people that the supernatural is real? The hard way, of course.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-23 10 
37570291TransGalaxia 3: Electric Chickadee/(Rip Fruitsnackia)/TG/Forum RPGThird thread, shit goes down, races are hammered out, player progression and classes as well. Maybe this one won't be erased. TransGalactic, Forum RPG, World Building, Game Development2015-01-24 3 
37592462 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 2nd ChorusAkalade gets laids! The Gorgon Empire Abolishes Slavery! Mycea: Mother & Father of Fungi, Nature Demi-god, ex-slave of Elves and expression of the Moon has been healed! We also dip our toes into the Grasslands.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, Elf, Mushroom, Monster Girl, 2015-01-25 11 
37594825Amazon Merc Quest 14The girls make plans for a raid, and get in a drug filled lesbian orgy.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-25 4 
37572748Transformers Quest 30We make our way into the station and mix it with the 'ConsTransformers, Kracken, Sharktopus, Cop, Transformers Quest, Cybertron, Telechan4, Collective Game, Autobot, Decepticon2015-01-25 3 
37601439TransGalaxia 4: Electric Door/RememberFruistnackia/TG/ForumRPG/baseline races semi-finalized, progress continues.TransGalactic, Forum RPG, World Building, Game Development2015-01-25 0 
37620769DBZ Human Quest #43Nothing but Garlic, but Garlic was nothing Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Demon, Makyo, Star, Krillin, Maron, Yamcha, Bulma, Chi Chi, Master , Roshi, Garlic, Junior, Spice, Mustard, Salt, Vinegar, Popo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta2015-01-26 12 
37626968DBZ Human Quest #44Kaguya wins a bet, returns to the party, and enjoys his time with his friendsCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan, Human, Yajirobe, Olibu, Korin, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Maron, Chi Chi, Bulma, Kami, Popo, Nappa, Icarus2015-01-26 11 
37644275DBZ Human Quest #45Studying with Gohan leads to a trip to a familiar set of ruins, and two friends reaching new levels of power.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Saiyan, Human, Gohan, Goku, Chi Chi, Nappa, Kami, Popo, Olibu, Garlic, Junior, Frieza, Vegeta2015-01-27 12 
37685850First Europan War Quest - Chapter 11The team volunteers to ambush some Imperial troops before they can join the siege of Ghirlandaio.Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-01-29 7 
37689198Gnome Colonization Civilization Quest III: But Wait, There's More!Our Colony faces a threat mightier than any they could have imagined, and make a hard decision to preserve their only allies.collective game, quest, civilization, phantom of the cm, gnomes, colonization, landfall, fantasy, gnome, minotaur, minotaurs, hornlings, cyclops, monoculus2015-01-29 1 
February 2015
37754446Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 3rd Chorus We explore a little more of the plains, we develop some new magical inventions, we establish brief contact with the Changelings.. and we begin a quest for Mycea- who tells us the true origins of the one known as "The Great Progenitor". Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-02-01 12 
37757674Amazon Merc Quest 15The girls go on a sneaking mission collect 5 heads.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-01 3 
37823985DBZ Human Quest #56After intense training, Kaguya suffers awful nightmares, and devises a plan to help Goku and Gohan become Super SaiyansCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Earth, Namek, Frieza, Vegeta, Nappa, King, Cold, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Androids, 17, 18, Kami, Popo2015-02-04 13 
37825115Khornette Quest #20Fervious falls and Sytili continues to be Best GirlCollective Game, Khornette, Zoanthrope, Tyranids, Chaos, ELH2015-02-04 11 
37838434Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteRie gets told off by Kiki, of all people; Chisato sees things in a new light. Oh, and necking.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-04 13 
37844409First Europan War Quest - Chapter 12The Gallian Army launches an attack at the Imperial forces headed towards Ghirlandaio. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-02-05 7 
37879167Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonettePage 725 Interlude: Inari paints a picture for the readers.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-06 8 
37883755A.I. Quest 44 WeaknessOphion must find a way to deal with the enemy's attempt to take advantage of his weakness, all the while the fight for Gaia IV from chaos grows nearer to victory.A.I., Quest, collective, Game, AI, Ophion, ship, robot, android, strategy, sci fi, science, fiction, artificial, intelligence2015-02-07 8 
37909508Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 4th ChorusWe investigate what all this occultism is about, we revolutionize modern transportation, and Mycea enacts her final solution to defeat the writhing horror known as "The Greate Progenitor". Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-02-08 12 
37912729Amazon Merc Quest 16The girls shoot down a patrol plane and evade the army's patrols.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-08 1 
37982846DBZ Human Quest #62His training at the illustrious Satan Castle complete, Kaguya speaks with a trusted mentor, and works to develop new techniquesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Kami, Popo, Mr., Satan, Hercule, Videl, Gohan, Vegeta, Nappa, Icarus, Goku, Krillin, Master, Roshi, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Vegeta2015-02-11 12 
38003293First Europan War Quest - Chapter 13In which Renard hunts the most dangerous game for cash and Gallian pride. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-02-12 7 
37997548Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Dire Chicken, Spooky Forest, Hylophobia, 2015-02-12 9 
38018050Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteFamily time for Ryukusa at last. Time for healing of many sorts. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-12 9 
38068246Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of Silence 5th ChorusMycea's legacy lives on, tons of Gorgon political interaction is had, and Akalade goes through puberty.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-02-15 12 
38116972DBZ Human Quest #72An old friend says farewell, and a new threat reveals itselfCollective Game, Quest, Piccolo, Kami, Gohan, Goku, Popo, Androids, Gingertown2015-02-17 12 
38129933Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteRestless Ryukusa realizes rather remiss reminiscences, righting respectfully.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-17 10 
38137708Khornette Quest #21Cinder fights with a Lord of Change. Said Lord of Change pulls a Fuklaw. Collective Game, Khornette, Lord of Change, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Benny Hill, Not as planned, Tyranids, Over the top Combat, ELH2015-02-18 15 
38158597First Europan War Quest - Chapter 14The last day at Ghirlandaio is followed by hints of something troublesome. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-02-19 5 
38194199Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteNightmares and dreams, and sleep. Or was that the other way around?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-20 9 
38202498DBZ Human Quest #76Kaguya travels to the Lookout, and plans are made to train quicklyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Namek, Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Popo, Kami, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Hercule, Videl, Cell2015-02-21 10 
38224459Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Refrain of the Great ProgenitorThe Great Progenitor reaches his climatic conclusion. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-02-22 13 
38225246Amazon Merc Quest 17In which the girls evacuate the village and the army begins it's counterattack.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-22 1 
38288382Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteSleepless nights are made for trouble-making. So is Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-24 9 
38317859First Europan War Quest - Chapter 15The team tracks down a group of Imperials who are operating within Gallian territory. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-02-26 6 
38332832Librarian Jack -- Samurai Jack Stat for Wh40kOP asks for help stating Samurai Jack in Wh40k, and the fa/tg/uys take note, he wounds on 4s with ANYTHING.Wh40k, tabletop, 40k, samurai jack, stat thread2015-02-26 2 
38352589Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteHunting Wakaba; the politics of Religion; Noppera-bo.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-27 9 
38362585DBZ Human Quest #83After making some wishes, Kaguya and Yamcha return to Earth, where training continues, and two guests chat with KaguyaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Android, Cyborg, Sixteen, Secenteen, Eighteen, Cell, Yamcha, Tien, Moori, Porunga, Dende, Piccolo, Popo2015-02-28 10 
March 2015
38380069DBZ Human Quest #84Cell comes for Kaguya, and the confrontation leads to some big changes and decisions.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Olibu, Videl, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Android, Seventeen, Eighteen, Sixteen, Cyborg, Cell, Popo, Icarus, Bulma2015-03-01 8 
38382261 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The BeastNormality is somewhat restored to our section of the world and we're back on track to standard Civilization efforts: Technology, Diplomacy- But the world still retains mystery and the Zizz ravages the plains. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-01 12 
38408966DBZ Human Quest #86After a spar with Gohan, time chamber training beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Namek, Piccolo, Popo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Gohan, Trunks, Nappa, Vegeta, Goku, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber2015-03-02 7 
38403397Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 5Bella and Alirye infiltrate the Ork camp, and Bella promptly sets some tank-thing on fire, then some Orks on fire, then tries to set a building on fire and gets krump'd by a Nob.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Lots'o'fire, Krump'ing2015-03-02 6 
38430802DBZ Human Quest #87Training in the Time Chamber picks up, and a return to the real world brings some newsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Dragonball, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yajirobe, Korin, Popo, Trunks, Gohan, Nappa, Goku, Videl2015-03-03 8 
38474181First Europan War Quest - Chapter 16Time to assault a Valkyrur ruin under Imperial control!Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-03-05 5 
38488714Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiHunting Ryuu Wakaba. Catholic Conundrum. Bakemono vrs. Bakayaro.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-05 8 
38492486Khornette Quest #24Cinder goes too hard and then has to travel to the past to try and commit suicide to prevent Ignitrix from being pissed. Needless to say, nothing goes to plan.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Time is bullshit, Not as Planned, Stop Hitting Yourself, ELH2015-03-06 11 
38513360Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiWakaba is Losing it, the Catholics have Backup, and Ryukuza is stuck without Clan Ryo help...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-06 10 
38542590 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Beast 2nd Chorus4chan went down and we were unable to continue our session: Minor Advancements, Better Boats, We learn about Circuses, and Akalade has a little accident, but we managed to pull through. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-08 10 
38605236Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiSorcery vs Power, Wakaba's fate, and the complexities of plans.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-10 10 
38614278DBZ Human Quest #96Kaguya and Videl face off against Raditz one more time, and Kaguya spars with PopoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Raditz, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Dende, Popo2015-03-11 9 
38636134First Europan War Quest - Chapter 17The team tries to find out what the Imperials were doing in a Valkyrur temple. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-03-12 7 
38630544Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners. Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Catgirl Techpriestess, Awkward conversations, mood-ruining, lewd-interrupting, power nap2015-03-12 5 
38662574DBZ Human Quest #97Cell pays a visit to the Lookout, and Kaguya pays a visit to Capsule CorpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Popo, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber, Android, Cyborg, Eight, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Frieza, Tree, of, Might2015-03-13 8 
38675358Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiSeeing thing through Kiki-hime's eyes, and feeling with her heart.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-13 10 
38704846 Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Beast 3rd ChorusTechnology, Trade, Kenku... the brief return of the Parrats and we finally find out the true nature of Akalade. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-15 17 
38725140Scorpion Girl Quest 52Hunzuu faces off against Pazuzu with the fate of the world in the balance.Collective Game, Scorpion Girl Quest, Mesopotamia, monster girl, scorpion, scorpgirl2015-03-16 11 
38794468First Europan War Quest - Chapter 18Renard returns home and prepares for the Feast of All Spirits. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-03-19 7 
38813543Declining World HeadlinesI'm fishing for headlines from a world in which stuff is slowly but inexorably crapping out, like Atlas Shrugged, or Interstellar. Something a bit less obvious than CHOCOLATE RATIONS INCREASED TO 19 GRAMS A WEEK.Dystopia, Dystopian, News, Depressing2015-03-20 13 
38854373Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Beast 4th ChorusWe finally and perhaps ultimately resolve the "Gorgon" Problem. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-22 10 
38936857First Europan War Quest - Chapter 19Renard goes out on a date before receiving his new assignment. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-03-26 13 
38949448Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersAfter blood and tears comes healing...and interrogation.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-26 9 
38992896Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of The Beast 5th Chorus We enter into the final age of a Hymn that has brought great uncertainty, but end it with a hard earned happy ending. The Hymn of the Beast has ended; a new hymn will have to be sung. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-03-29 11 
39010444Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 8Short thread (sorry). Bella and Alirye arrive at their destination, talk to some civilians, find the heresy, and have several benches tossed at them. Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, reasonable people, crazy psykers, cultists, spooky artifacts, telekinetically-propelled benches2015-03-30 4 
39028867Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersDisarming bombs, disarming foes, disarming smiles.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-30 10 
April 2015
39067723Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersBomb disposal, and interrogating the prisoners, who aren't really in the mood...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-01 9 
39074707First Europan War Quest - Chapter 20The team arrives at the Barious Desert and finally gets a tank! Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-04-02 7 
39054250Malal/Malice WorldbuildingAnon starts a thread asking where the pictures of Malal's daemons were from. /tg/ starts brainstorming ideas for how Malal cults would work.Worldbuilding, cult, Chaos, Malal, Malice, Chaotic, Gods, troll, metaphysics, Joker, /tg/ is incapable of staying on topic,2015-04-02 5 
39224300First Europan War Quest - Chapter 21The team provides backup for the 33rd Infantry Battalion's offensive against the Empire. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-04-09 7 
39236608Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersInterrogating the prisoners; making the next move; unexpected kisses.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-09 9 
39259747Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersDiplomatic dragonette is diplomatic. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-10 10 
39223252A Card GameStupidly overcomplicated card game developmentdesign, development2015-04-10 1 
39368105First Europan War Quest - Chapter 22A choose your own flashback thread where Renard tries to survive in the trenches. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-04-16 6 
39401193Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersWith the enemy left confused and wondering, the next part of the plan is to...party?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-17 10 
39408973Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 1Amazon Merc Quest begins again.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-18 3 
39485053Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersKiku-chan's concerns. Seeing the landlord/lady/thing. Escape to the litterbo-I mean, beach.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-21 13 
39512768First Europan War Quest - Chapter 23Training, shopping and desert reconnaissance. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-04-23 6 
39544663Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumRecovering from a trip through N'Kai, Ryukusa recuperates at the beach. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-24 14 
39550626Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 2The girls arrive in the parcel islands and meet some old rivals.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-25 2 
39568890Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of the Moon Our first session back after the Hiatus: we're a little rusty, but we try to pick things up where we left them off. We learn a little more about the world, the gods, and get a bit of foreshadowing towards things to come. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-04-26 10 
39591553Post Punk Progression Girl QuestFunk soul brother, rock it out nowChristopher Walken dancing and flying will always be better than the swill you produce2015-04-27 1 
39596284Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 2.5Lewds with the twins.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-27 4 
39604439The Search for KyleAnon posts old GW invitation for Warhammer, /tg/ contacts employee through internet detective skills, OP is re-invited to game.Games Workshop, /tg/ gets shit done, Real Life2015-04-28 97 
39655028First Europan War Quest - Chapter 24The squad charges into the Imperial trenches in order to get to their headquarters. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-04-30 6 
39667937Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumBeach party continues, and Ryukusa makes some life decisions. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-30 9 
May 2015
39696116Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 3The girls rent a shipping container, and get their first real mission.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-02 1 
39713823Cyclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of the Moon 2nd Chorus.We get back into the swing of things and further advance out society, maintain our overgrown cities, and get into some minor shenanigans as we explore the nature of Abyzousithis: The pale maiden, daughter of travesty, and Demoness of still-birth, rotten eggs and milk.Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-05-03 10 
39735438Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 3.5The Amazons kill a bunch of pirates and keep a Hotel Heiress out of trouble.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-04 3 
39767579Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumSwimming with Kiku. Three choices. A question of amorality.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-05 13 
39768828Hive Fleet Apophis Creation ThreadIn which /tg/ makes a new hive fleet, and a war based around itTyranids, Necrons, Creation Thread, Creation Tables, Apophis,2015-05-06 4 
39794592First Europan War Quest - Chapter 25The squad has a day off to celebrate their recent victory. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-05-07 6 
39807179Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumCrime and punishment. Deals and coercion. A Hell of a show.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-07 10 
39853518yclops Civilization Quest: The Hymn of the Moon 3rd Chorus The Leviathan finally shows up, our relationship with the world grows stronger, we learn a little history, and we discover one of the south's Mysteries. Cyclops, quest, Cyclops quest, Cyclops civilization, Civilization, Gorgon, Medusa, Collective Game, 2015-05-10 10 
39853741Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 4The girls spend a night on the island and make a new friend.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-10 1 
39935130Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumFight on the beach, Chinese demons 101, family matters.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-13 13 
39941128First Europan War Quest - Chapter 26The Gallian Army moves to a Valkyrur ruin in preparation for the next phase of the war. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-05-14 6 
39936935To Protect And Serve QuestWe're a beat cop in the year 2153 that's doing his job and doing it well.To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer2015-05-15 39 
39998022Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 5The girls return to Parcel, making new friends and enemies.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-17 3 
40064853Mad Max: Furious Homebrew/tg/ decides to homebrew a Mad Max tabletop after watching Fury Road. So far, so good.homebrew, rpg, tabletop, mad max, post-apoc, not a quest,2015-05-20 12 
40077308First Europan War Quest - Chapter 27The squad takes up defensive position in anticipation of an Imperial attack. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-05-21 6 
40133504Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 6The girls train a bunch of maids in hostage rescue.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-24 3 
40216488Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumRyukusa interrogates, Yui medicates, Akari hesitates.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-27 14 
40224101First Europan War Quest - Chapter 28General Gunther comes up with a plan to deal with the traitors and their Imperial allies. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-05-28 6 
40223338Assassin School quest 43Layla and Maria go one a date to brausrburge, and Layla asks Maria an important question. Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Marriage Proposal2015-05-28 11 
40222766Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 7Maria interviews her new recruits in the hot tub and by the pool.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-28 2 
40257809Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumStrange things afoot in the Diet of Japan...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-29 10 
40290235Weird West Quest 2Jonathan and his rope heroically battle a whore house owner and a dude with a sword.Collective Game, Western, Supernatural, Rope, Horror2015-05-31 2 
June 2015
40344173Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumFinishing the questions, and moving on to bigger and better things, like marshmallows and fireworks.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-02 10 
40373177First Europan War Quest - Chapter 29With all the Imperial officers dead, the Gallian Army launches a counterattack. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-06-04 5 
40373123Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 8Maria solves a zen koan.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-04 2 
40396631Do you believe in magic?An interesting question, what's your answer?/tg/, ideas, irl, magic, mechanics, opinion, tg2015-06-06 0 
40495952To Protect And Serve Quest 2More cop shenanigans in the future To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer, Badge2015-06-10 22 
40523060First Europan War Quest - Chapter 30The team takes stock of the situation in preparation for the future. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-06-11 5 
40520520Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 9The girls begin their raid on the slaver compound.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-11 3 
40537884Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumPicnics and Sand and water. And other important things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-11 12 
40575899Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumMermaids, Fireworks, and a Bronze Blade.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-13 14 
40660307Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach BunnyThe tale, fireworks, and other kids of fireowrks.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-17 13 
40666986First Europan War Quest - Chapter 31The squad scouts out a fort in the desert. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-06-18 5 
40666981Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 10The girls finish up the raid.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-18 4 
40697216Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach BunnyImmortality, egg laying, and the art of war.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-19 10 
40762479Former Operator Quest 1In which an operator shoots some fuckers and picks up a lady.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cyberpunk2015-06-23 2 
40782276Former Operator Quest 2Getting cash together, escaping the country, and then it all fails.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cybrpunk2015-06-24 0 
40800573Former Operator Quest 3The thrilling conclusion.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cybrpunk2015-06-25 1 
40803816First Europan War Quest - Chapter 32The squad assaults the enemy vanguard to stall their advance and prepare attack on its commander. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-06-25 5 
40816420Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteMilitary interventions, family interventions, and divine interventions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-25 13 
40832890Your Favorite Tavern and Shop Names/tg/ lays out it's best names for stores in their settings, both old and new.shop, tavern, setting, clever, funny2015-06-27 3 
40847254Ancient Prophesied Destruction QuestDespite not wanting to the protagonist ends the world, and is awakened centuries later as a being of darkness.Collective Game, Ancient Prophesied Destruction Quest2015-06-27 9 
40870353Ancient Prophesied Destruction Quest #2The protagonist chats with those he's met, and learns a bit about his current situation Collective Games, Ancient Prophesied Destruction Quest 2015-06-28 5 
40903586Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteReassurances are made, as is an escape! But who is caught in our heroine's clutches?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-29 10 
July 2015
40927475Mass Effect Fate RPG Taken DownWhat happens when a fan RPG gets taken down after it gets nominated on a well known RPG website? Discussions on copyright!Mass Effect, Fate, copyright law, ENworld2015-07-01 1 
40953636First Europan War Quest - Chapter 33The squad gets ready to take out another enemy General. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-07-02 6 
40951683Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 11Maria interrogates the Coyote.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-07-02 1 
40967451Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe Kitsune, the Dragonette, and the Nogitsune. The Secrets of Water.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-02 12 
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 21 
41053864Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteChanging tactics; confrontations; disasters foretold.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-06 13 
41101874First Europan War Quest - Chapter 34The day starts off with a fresh nightmare, then the squad prepares for the big mission. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-07-09 6 
41135159Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing the enemy hordes; being as clever as you think you are.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-10 13 
41185840Black Company Quest #3In a world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Corporal finally does what he does best, which is kill people for money. Something worse than skeletons are found in the cultist's closet.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Quest, Kill People Acquire Currency2015-07-13 23 
41177191Stormtrooper creation tablesCreating stormtrooper and forgeworld creation tablesSkitarii, Creation Tables, Stormtroopers,2015-07-13 2 
41201304Weimar Quest pt. 3In which we meet with two (maybe three?) different types of crazy.Weimar Quest, Germany, OP is mad, Wheres Part 22015-07-14 3 
41240141Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTime to see what Colonel Blitzenberg is really like.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-15 13 
41247286First Europan War Quest - Chapter 35The squad assaults elite Imperial troops in preparation for the the final showdown. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-07-16 6 
41390758Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteBreaking wards, breaking walls, breaking heads, and maybe breaking even.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-22 12 
41398543First Europan War Quest - Chapter 36The Gallians pin down and assault the remaining Imperial forces. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-07-23 6 
41464738Two Souls Quest 8, Ultima EditionWe play as Zophagros for one thread and discover that, yes, he is utterly broken, we discover a bit about the MC's past and more about the history of the setting. Giant explosions are had and a fight to begin and end universes takes place.Collective game, Two Souls Quest, Mirage, Zophagros2015-07-26 2 
41549085First Europan War Quest - Chapter 37Time for the final boss! The squad assaults the Imperial general.Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-07-30 5 
41584822Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing the youkai-child; the soldier's decision; that damn cat, one more time...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-31 12 
August 2015
41624000Afterlife Quest 1You are Reginald Clayton a secret agent you kill a lion, some Africans and a manticore. RIP dirtbike.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-03 15 
41646128Afterlife Quest 2Reginald makes friends with goblins, becomes the tribe’s mightiest warrior and wins a death match without being hurt.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-04 5 
41693597First Europan War Quest - EpilogueRenard puts his past behind and starts planning his future. Collective Game, First Europan War Quest, Valkyria Chronicles2015-08-06 7 
41686548Afterlife Quest 3Reginald delves into some ruins, kills some fish, then some spiders and loots everything.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-06 4 
41707367Afterlife Quest 4Reginald heads into a forgotten tomb, gets a bunch of goblins killed but slays the lich in the end.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-07 3 
41748185Afterlife Quest 5Reginald spends some time teaching the goblins then convinces the Sickeater tribe unify with the Bonetooth tribe.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-09 5 
41789291Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Black Fox FriendChisato is captured, the Yakuza are in trouble, and the fox-children are in danger; Peta-chan has to fix everything, as usual!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-08-10 18 
41789107Afterlife Quest 6Reginald continues his training of the goblins, buildings get built, plants get killed and then suddenly plot.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-11 3 
41826615Afterlife Quest 7The Foulcurse tribe joins up and then Reginald does some magic training with the shamans. Then war is beginning.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-13 3 
41849702Afterlife Quest 8Reginald is challenged by the Darkfury tribe. They cheat and use a giant robot. In the end the tribes are unified.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-14 3 
41889261Afterlife Quest 9Reginald repels an inept attack by the researchers then invades them back via teleport and meets some dudes.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-16 2 
41909259Afterlife Quest 10Reginald continues to explore research ring four, kills Steve, kills a pretty cool guy, then diplomancers everything.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-17 2 
41936632Exterminator Quest #10We win at pool, fail at flirting, and decide to go shopping. It's the weekend!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-08-18 7 
41954315Afterlife Quest 11Reginald spends some time re-exploring ruins and building up the tribe. Then he goes after the flying beasts.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-19 2 
41960677Exterminator Quest #11Vincent picks up some threads and tries to check on his boyfriend. (He's a boy who's a friend, ok?!)collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-08-19 6 
41972155Afterlife Quest 12Reginald battles the flying beast leader, experiments on himself and then awakens a mighty djinn.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-20 2 
42009026Afterlife Quest 13Reginald researches, takes a blonde trio out on a tour, readies tech advancement, starts training and then names Ayla.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-22 3 
42047472Afterlife Quest 14Reginald improves the goblin city and resolves a fight between a djinn and an AI, then he enters the AI’s magical realm.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-24 2 
42068649Afterlife Quest 15Reginald meets a herald from hell, then goes to hell and kills the hopes and dreams of the monster proletariat.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-25 2 
42087952Afterlife Quest 16Reginald consumes souls and destroys an army then invades research ring three, Ayla adopts Sazglangolor the winged snakeCollective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-26 2 
42106591Afterlife Quest 17Reginald hunts down a giant cat, enters the hyperbolic time chamber, researches the things, then goes to hell for a dateCollective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-27 2 
42127723Afterlife Quest 18Reginald finds a holy warrior and goes to a heaven of sorts, then back to hell to find an ongoing invasion of his city.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-28 3 
42166760Afterlife Quest 19Reginald returns to hell, sets up immigration and tournaments, then makes poor choices backed up by bad rolls.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-30 2 
42192632Afterlife Quest 20Reginald solves the giant crab and outpost problems. Then kidnaps and interrogates the outpost’s commander.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-08-31 2 
42204030The All Guardsmen Party Interlude: DewarpA short look into how much of a bitch it is to transport a live Zoanthrope across the galaxy.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Mechanicus, Tech-priest, Zoanthrope, Dewarp, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-08-31 115 
September 2015
42216505Afterlife Quest 21Reginald trains Ayla and himself then fights an army alone to give Hestia the needed time to develop a countermeasure.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-01 2 
42237211Afterlife Quest 22Reginald stops some scouts from spying on the city and meets Director Burgess then gets some social links.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-02 2 
42270375Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteDeciding dooms, dreaming, and petting your cute kohai.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-03 14 
42288599Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteCatching up to the family; going home a message from a priestess.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-04 10 
42287737Afterlife Quest 23Reginald finds out that there are consequences, then researches, trains, hatches gryphons and goes to the hell arena.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-05 2 
42306939Afterlife Quest 24Reginald ditches the rails and eats the second lord, then finds a sphere and a queen. Hestia is a bit clingy too.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-06 2 
42352916Afterlife Quest 25Reginald heals a queen, meets some pegasi, humiliates a Marquis, creates some upgrades and is the best at learning.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-08 5 
42377539Afterlife Quest 26Reginald give Hestia an organic physical body, then tries out some power armor, and uses the void to battle some blood.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-09 2 
42397233Afterlife Quest 27Reginald talks with Evangeline before ditching her to solve the horror of the prison, also someone has been watching.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-10 2 
42401479Exterminator Quest #12Things get badly out of hand.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, gun fighting, thieves2015-09-10 8 
42416955Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteRelief, Recovery, Resolution, Ramifications.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-10 12 
42417102Afterlife Quest 28Reginald invades research ring one, but a trap is triggered. Then takes Evangeline on a mission to the city above.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-11 3 
42455977Afterlife Quest 29Reginald and Evangeline seek out a secure location encounter some wannabe rapists and bump into a nosey thief.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-13 4 
42475259Afterlife Quest 30Reginald finds the orange goblin tribe, infiltrates the casino and kills the Don. Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-14 2 
42521826Exterminator Quest #13We make a deal and have a lot more fun than we usually do.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-09-16 11 
42536957Afterlife Quest 31Reginald consolidates control over the casino, talks to the orange tribe, and then starts to seek out the blue tribe.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-17 4 
42578698Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFlying high, attempted murder, and Flaming Telepaths. No, the song. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-18 7 
42578571Afterlife Quest 32Reginald unites the orange and blue goblin tribes, Aurora is brought to the goblin city, and slavers get killed.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-19 2 
42600424Afterlife Quest 33Reginald locates the slavers auction, kills the slavers, frees the slaves, then becomes the true king of the goblins.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-20 3 
42623996Afterlife Quest 34Reginald fights a Marquis, introduces Hestia to everyone, creates some strange new things, and gets a magical sword.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-21 2 
42627730our shitpart 2 in our series of degenerate weeaboo shitseriously though why do these trope-ridden fanwank-tier quests2015-09-21 9 
42651668Exterminator Quest #14The old man and the KFC.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, sea monsters, british girls, espionage2015-09-22 7 
42681161Afterlife Quest 35Reginald gets a crocodile, makes Evangeline all sweaty, and battles a giant endless army of insect demons.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-24 4 
42718141Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing off against an undeniable and implacable threat; hoping to reunite with the family.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-25 8 
42718193Afterlife Quest 36Reginald gets a marriage proposal, remembers mom, meets skeleton pirates, gets a familiar, and kills the third lord.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-26 2 
42736503Afterlife Quest 37Reginald frees the skeleton pirates from their curse, gets interrupted by A DRAGON, then trains everyone and researches.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-09-27 3 
42782384Exterminator Quest #15We finally save our sonfu and bring our bad luck to an end.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder, sonfu2015-09-29 7 
42801353Exterminator Quest #16Had to end it, almost forgot to archive. Haiku description.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, rats, earwigs, braineaters, shopping, murder2015-09-30 7 
October 2015
42814981Afterlife Quest 38Reginald ends a lizard invasion, kills a big lizard, frees some phoenixes then meets the djinni heading a hell invasion.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-01 4 
42849673Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePlaying with swords; reunions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-02 8 
42849196Afterlife Quest 39Reginald captures the djinni, rushes back to speak with Director Burgess, then accepts a mission from him.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-03 2 
42894004Death Among the Stars Quest 2The colony of Horizon's Drop gets new visitors from the Osjiic Empire, Jadyk begins hunting the local wildlifelich, sci-fi, space opera, undead, fantasy2015-10-05 25 
42940308Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteHealing in many ways; returning home; a question of time.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-07 12 
42939892Afterlife Quest 40Reginald kills a mayor, kidnaps a merchant, resolves the Ghaele invasion, rescues? a marquis, and saves the marquis men.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-08 2 
42964341Death Among the Stars Quest 3Jadyk deals with a group of Osjiic soldiers and learns more about them and the Galaxy.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-09 23 
42975626Afterlife Quest 41Reginald kills a fire elemental, makes a badass suit and doesn’t get raped by a dragon because it’s obviously consensualCollective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-10 2 
43002507Death Among the Stars Quest 4Jadyk leads his newly created troops in an attack against an Osjiic outpost, hunts some more, creates several new types of weapons, and grows his forces some more.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-11 22 
43069434Afterlife Quest 42Reginald placates Hestia by designing her a new core, says yes to having kids, then trains and goes to slay a dragon.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-15 2 
43087579Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTrauma, healing, and trauma and healing. No, it isn't redundant.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-15 10 
43093720Death Among the Stars Quest 5The much-talked about Pirates make an appearance and Jadyk is there to help them up when they are shot down. Jadyk makes new minions and discovers a new threat or possible opportunityquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-16 21 
43084306How an Imperium Falls?tg ponders upon the age old question of how imperiums end up falling.history, real world, Rome, Byzantine, imperium, British, empire, education, philosophy, 2015-10-16 7 
43087321Afterlife Quest 43Reginald makes plans, lets the twins move in, studies spiders, interrogates and then kills the captive djinni noble.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-16 2 
43104559Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteCat fight between fox and dragon? Kisses to follow?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-16 10 
43104468Afterlife Quest 44Reginald heads off to Djinnistan, kills the annoying king of the djinn, and then has Ayla become their ruler instead.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-17 2 
43123177Afterlife Quest 45Reginald help Ayla look regal, goes shopping, stops a civil war and makes the giant lizard and Ayla his familiars.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-18 4 
43130020Death Among the Stars Quest 6Osjiic and Dagger Pirate forces are scouted and raids launched on both. The Pirates are tricked into attacking the Osjiic. Jadyk and his forces then lead an attack against the base while the time is opportunequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-18 21 
43144651Star Wars: Fortune Hunter QuestThe thrilling adventures of Rhys CykgilCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids2015-10-19 14 
43196822Afterlife Quest 46Reginald purifies a bunch of djinn that have been tainted by the grasp of Iblis, multiple times, and ends a rebellion.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-22 3 
43222657Death Among the Stars Quest 7Jadyk reaches out for the Wormstar and senses...something. New weapons and a new force for his army are created. The Osjiic are whittled down and a safehouse constructed.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-23 21 
43234681Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteA vacation on the Island of Pearls? Well, okay...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, nudity, blood2015-10-23 10 
43237091Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #2The continuation of the adventures of Rhys Cykgil.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids2015-10-24 13 
43235520Afterlife Quest 47Reginald finishes dealing with Djinnistan for now and bonds with Hestia and Nana before being ambushed by succubi.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-24 2 
43253917Afterlife Quest 48Reginald deals with the aftermath of succubi and salt, goes steady with Evangeline, and messed with some mages.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-25 2 
43260445Death Among the Stars Quest 8The colony and Osjiic fall before the might of Jadyk. A powerful ally is created and many things researched by the insatiable Think Tank in preparation for returning enemy fleets.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-25 21 
43276217Afterlife Quest 49Reginald prepares the ball and chain, the goes to hell for undead dinosaurs, skeleton knights, and Nazis.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-26 2 
43288004The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 1The all Guardsmen Party tries to make a simple supply run.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-10-26 161 
43331326Afterlife Quest 50Reginald assumes direct control of the Nazis and some demons, then finds some space elves and takes them home.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-10-29 2 
43357512Death Among the Stars Quest 9The new fleet grows and learns more adaptions taken from the world. Jadyk receives a visit from the mysterious Masked entity. The undead go to the moon!quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-10-30 26 
43370910Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteProbing the past; calling home; dealing with ningyo.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-30 7 
43373559Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #3Rhys Cykgil and his adventures upon Kashyyyk.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-10-31 9 
November 2015
43389749Afterlife Quest 51 - Halloween SpecialReginald is busy, so the goblins get their stories told for once and manage to get some things done.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-01 3 
43463057Afterlife Quest 52Reginald continues his battle in hell ending four more armies, then manages to get back to Evangeline on time.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-05 2 
43483372Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteEr Yin teaches; Kiki learns; Ryukusa copes.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-05 9 
43489122Death Among the Stars Quest 10Jadyk learns more about the history of his old ally while preparing his forces for the incoming fleets. Jadyk finds he has a talent for puns.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-06 21 
43502283Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe price paid for the truth, and the truth is heaven to pay.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-06 9 
43504641Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #4The Hutt, the Race, and the Girl.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-07 11 
43525788Death Among the Stars Quest 11The Osjiic and Dagger fleets arrive within the system and launch into a fierce battle. Jadyk sabotages and tricks the fighters before ambushing them himself and claiming the survivors for his growing empire.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-08 21 
43590598Afterlife Quest 53Reginald powers up some girls, gets a bit distracted between realities and gets confronted by Nantosuelta.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-12 1 
43612721Death Among the Stars Quest 12The survivors of the conquered fleets give a short history and insight into their cultures and the state of the galaxy. Jadyk personally visits the scorched planet to investigate the mysterious alien ruins.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-13 21 
43623598Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteLooking at the world through Yui's eyes. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-13 8 
43625754Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #5Misri joins the crew.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-14 10 
43643541Death Among the Stars Quest 13Jadyk receives a visit and gift from the Masked. Encounters an alien device. Speaks with the Sunscale and learns more of his past. Jadyk's inner circle grows.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-15 21 
43646188/tg/ creates utopiaIn which OP asks how /tg/ posters would create a utopia if given reality warper powers. Discussion of human nature, religions and the need for evil results. Surprisingly civil.ethics, utopia, dystopia, god, power, good, evil, Skull-King The Giant Robotic Scourge Of Mankind,2015-11-15 2 
43656534Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #6The Sacking of Ahto CityCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-16 7 
43671521Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe world through Yui's Eyes continues.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-16 10 
43706039Afterlife Quest 54Reginald adopts a dragon, chats up some elves, enters his own magical realm and finally catches Director Snow. Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-19 1 
43741478Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #7The FuriesCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-21 9 
43760118Death Among the Stars Quest 14Contact is made with the Plainsrunners. Nekris is sent to explore a nearby system with the first spaceship. Explores an asteroid belt and a moon, discovers strange and deadly aliens. Jadyk enhances the Think Tanks and sends the living to work to earn their keep.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-11-22 18 
43774379Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #8Smuggler's Haven and shopping for parts.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-23 9 
43807277Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteRescuing swords, making dragons, and fighting princesses. Really.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-24 11 
43807708Afterlife Quest 55Reginald invades the administration’s holdings with overwhelming force, ‘friendly’ golems assist, but then giant lasers.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-25 3 
43823237Afterlife Quest 56Reginald assists the golems take over, helps an AI, lectures a marquis, then meets up with some cool guys.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-26 0 
43816020virtualoptim Story Timeanon shares his experiences with virt IRLvirtualoptim, That Guy2015-11-27 26 
43856268Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #9The Party on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-28 8 
43853771Afterlife Quest 57Reginald almost messes with dragons, then trains, but not as good as a lizard and passes out more power to everyone.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-28 0 
43893270Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #10Kuat and the RAS Bailoff.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-30 8 
43890055Afterlife Quest 58Reginald spends some time with Nazis, Ghaele, Ayla, and Tslah, then meets a bubbly mermaid who loves chocolate.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-11-30 1 
December 2015
43929359Afterlife Quest 59Reginald makes some new sensors, investigates some demons, and finally gets to his destination in hell.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-12-02 2 
43934165Death Among the Stars Quest 15Nekris continues his investigation of the nearby system, discovering an ancient crashed frigate. Jadyk speaks with the Osogo leader for the first time. Much kelp is grown.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-02 17 
43965015Afterlife Quest 60Reginald encounters another lord, becomes plant zerg, invades in undead’s lands, and then meets some bugs.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-12-04 1 
43970661Death Among the Stars Quest 16Jadyk's Generals yearn for battle and conflict and he agrees with their sentiments. Nekris excavates a crashed ship while Agona begins establishing the first off-system outpost. Eyegores are sent to scout nearby systems, discovering something quite strange in a hazardous system.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-04 16 
43985339Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #11The Treasure of the RAS Bailoff.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-05 11 
43990923The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2The party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-12-05 109 
44001045Afterlife Quest 61Reginald discovers an ancient spirit, goes to Alfheim, then talks to everyone and does it at the same time.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-12-06 2 
44006553Death Among the Stars Quest 17Nekris inspects a new world and saves a group of locals from the native wildlife, bringing them to Jadyk for a talk. An Eyegore scout moves too close to a world and become the first casualty in dealing with the Confederacy. Think Tanks create aquatic troops to explore alien oceans.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-06 14 
44022596Town Adventurer Quest #1There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-07 10 
44027113The All Guardsmen Party: Tyranid Delivery Experts Part 2 The SequelThe party slowly limps their way across the galaxy in their shitty ship, while their passenger steadily ruins everything. Part 2.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2015-12-07 125 
44041262Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePearl diving takes on a whole new set of meanings for Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-07 10 
44060082Afterlife Quest 62Reginald finds out a bit too much about elves and lays the ground work to bring the elves he found to Alfheim.Collective Game, Quest, Afterlife Quest, Apophis, fantasy, afterlife2015-12-09 2 
44097319Death Among the Stars Quest 18On the planet Rukor the Predator Nekris comes under attack by a new enemy. The waters turn dangerous and Nekris prepares to hunt.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-11 15 
44094154Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #12Running the Blockade.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-11 12 
44109386Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteMeeting the Ama divers, ocean waters, and things that blood attracts.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-11 14 
44111949Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #13Tatooine.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-12 11 
44135453Death Among the Stars Quest 19Agona witnesses a bizarre monster and Nekris hunts down the Sunscale Divers, launching into battle. Jadyk assists with research and builds up defenses.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-13 14 
44153410Town Adventurer Quest #2There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-14 6 
44176832Homebrew species and cultures worldbuilding/tg/ invents and discusses new species and their cultures. Interesting worldbuilding results.worldbuilding, species, race, cultures, civilization, caterpillar people,2015-12-16 3 
44249008Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #14Fall of the Crusaders.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-19 11 
44267138AT-TE Commander QuestCT-42/458, fresh from the training simulations of Kamino, is sent on a mission which he does not know the objective, with a crew he has never fought before, and on a planet without knowing its name. Welcome to the war, trooper. Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2015-12-20 26 
44271638Death Among the Stars Quest 20An Eyegore scout witnesses a battle between the Osjiic and Ahkam forces. Armies are built for the Generals and Lorgul begins work on a new ship. Agona expands her grasp on the stonestar moon.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-20 15 
44284596Town Adventurer Quest #3There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2015-12-21 6 
44305129AT-TE Commander Quest 2CT-42/458 returns to base, reports his actions to his commanding officer, is revealed a secret by Phi, has the beginnings of an existential crisis, and is told a bedtime story by a Mandalorian. Possibilities for customizing the AT-TE were opened up as well. Be prepared, trooper; the war is right around the corner.Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2015-12-22 26 
44408587AT-TE Commander Quest 3CT-42/458 watched as a brother in arms falls in battle, brought AT-TE 7330 onto the field, and encountered a fallen Jedi. War has just begun.Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2015-12-28 22 
44427160Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteNew friends, new family, old enemies.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-28 10 
44449662Death Among the Stars Quest 21Jadyk commands his generals to launch their campaigns sabotaging and attacking the Ahkam worshiping aliens and watches a visitor to the strange planet overgrown with plantlifequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-30 11 
44469507Death Among the Stars Quest 21.5Jadyk returns the Ructu to their home with gifts and knowledge. Contact is made with the plant-manipulating Armatocere and plans for a formal introduction.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2015-12-31 11 
January 2016
44503923Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #15Coruscant ConflictCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-02 9 
44528483Death Among the Stars Quest 22Capitol ship research is completed. The sudden appearance of an Ahkam fleet in orbit over the world of Rukor leads to new developments. Nekris starts a guerrilla war against the Ahkam forces and Lorgul completes work on his personal ship.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-03 14 
44546883Town Adventurer Quest #4There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2016-01-04 7 
44586194AT-TE Commander Quest 4The newly promoted 1st Lieutenant CT-42/458 returns to his base of operations for the first time, gets a tour of the history of the planet from Major Bandit, and seeks out and talks with Crusader. Other crew members are found, ambushes occur, upgrades were discussed, and art was discovered for the first time. The battlefield is an uncertain place at best.Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2016-01-06 23 
44647585Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #16Podraces, Highsinger, Emiri, and more.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-09 8 
44675582Death Among the Stars Quest 23Advancements in technology are made, numbers crunched. Nekris terrorizes the Ahkam. Jor is sent as a diplomat to meet the Armatocerequest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-10 13 
44692481AT-TE Commander Quest 5CT-42/458 uncovers enemy plans, has a heart to heart, recovers his armor, is kidnapped, and begins interviewing for a new crew member. Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2016-01-11 20 
44723945AT-TE Commander Quest 61st Lieutenant CT-32/458, 'Jinx' begins planning for an upcoming invasion of pirate occupied territory. You are a loyal officer of the Republic.Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2016-01-12 20 
44777807Death Among the Stars Quest 24Jadyk remembers the past. Introductions and trade are made between the Necrotic Armada and it's "allies"quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-15 13 
44794646Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #17Adventures on CoruscantCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-15 8 
44796847Black Hoods Operative QuestA quiet, relaxing morning by the riverside.Collective Game, Black Hoods Operative Quest, mithril2016-01-16 2 
44822904Death Among the Stars Quest 25The New Necrotic Armada launches an ambush on the Ahkam force investigating their destroyed ships boarding them in a vicious battle.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-17 14 
44840119Town Adventurer Quest #5There is a town in the middle of disputed territories in Therindel, you are going there to be their first Town Adventurer in decades.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magic Shop Quest, Town Adventurer Quest2016-01-17 8 
44864874Biopunk Quest #1We start off! We awaken after cyro-freezing in the middle of a fight between a massive machine-woman and a group of supersoldiers!Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-19 8 
44883068Biopunk Quest #2We learn more about the world, and make a deal with a WitchCollective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-20 3 
44926441Death Among the Stars Quest 26Jadyk speaks with a new ally. A Leviathan appears on Rukor. A new Necrolyte Legion is formed. Much research is gainedquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-22 12 
44922662Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #18The Empire returnsCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-22 7 
44945222Noah's Park Quest #1We begin our adventure as Jake Clark the NEET, stuck in a sick game. There, we meet a waspgal and cuddle a leechgirl.Collective Game, Quest, Noahs Park, We do things properly this time.2016-01-23 3 
44941902Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #19Naboo MayhemCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-23 7 
44944889AT-TE Commander Quest 7CT-42/458 helps a wounded comrade get to sleep, has a few drinks with another comrade, discovers [REDACTED], and prepares for his mission.Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2016-01-23 16 
44966726Death Among the Stars Quest 27Plainsrunners continue their pilgrimage. Eyegores report their findings on new systems and the Necrolyte Legion is sent to invesigate one.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-24 12 
44993529Biopunk Quest #3We go with the Blue Witch to the tribe of the Titans.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-25 5 
44989826Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #20Jennis and the ISD LiberatorCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-25 9 
45014707Biopunk Quest #4We fight Demons, meet Tina, and Pampi gets into deep trouble.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-26 3 
45035603Biopunk Quest #5We do some Ace Attorneying and rock at it. Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk, Objection!2016-01-27 5 
45016873'Merican CultureAnon asks about the differences between Europe and America. /tg/ responds with civil discussion of American stereotypes and related things.america, europe, stereotypes, discussion, BBQ2016-01-27 7 
45055514Biopunk Quest #6We capture a Demon Heart, and discover a secret.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-28 5 
45074476Biopunk Quest #6We meet a metal giant, and get into a lot of trouble.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-29 1 
45075422Death Among the Stars Quest 28Nekris observes the Necrolyte Legion and their efforts to take control of the derelict military facility from its reanimated guards.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-29 14 
45072341Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #21TythonCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-29 7 
45095479Biopunk Quest #8We get mindraped, save the hybrid, but discover nasty secrets.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-30 5 
45092173Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #22The Edge of the GalaxyCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-30 6 
45116539Biopunk Quest #9Things come back together.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-31 3 
45117835Death Among the Stars Quest 29Jadyk takes on new recruits. Research is traded and much is gained from the Confederate Facility. Jadyk and Nekris go fishing.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-01-31 11 
February 2016
45141195Biopunk Quest #10Some sweet Slice of LifeCollective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-02-01 5 
45137442Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #23The Mantle of Mandalore.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-01 8 
45027755Quest of a pigeonThis is a quest about a very artistic and intelligent pigeonPigeon, quest, artist, birdpoop2016-02-01 1 
45182893Biopunk Quest #11Short run. We lewd Keiko and get upgrades!Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-02-03 2 
45180247AT-TE Commander Quest 81st Lieutenant CT-42/458 begins his march to the city of Termat to group up with new allies, only to learn of old enemies fast approaching. Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2016-02-03 12 
45221035Death Among the Stars Quest 30The Beast of Rukor is tracked and guided home. Stonestars progress rapidly and traps are planned.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-05 11 
45235149Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #24The Veil WaystationCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-06 7 
45264259Death Among the Stars Quest 31The Lich-Lord makes a bet with the Masked. Think Tanks excel. A child is welcomed and Marked. Decoy attacks are made.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-07 16 
45275945Failing Utopia QuestI make quest. It's fine,I guess. Early archive.Collective Game, Sci-fi, Failing Utopia Quest2016-02-07 4 
45282308Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #25AlpheridiesCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-08 8 
45301289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe Triumphant return of Ryukusa begins with a recap, and an evil twist.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-08 14 
45364435Death Among the Stars Quest 32The Armada prepares for the upcoming battles. Refugees are taken in, much infrastructure made, and strange undead met.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-12 13 
45261063Biopunk Quest #12Fat Tuesday puts the quest on pause.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-02-12 3 
45377892Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTo eat or not to eat. Why is this even a question? Well......Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-12 9 
45380347Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #26The RebelsCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-13 5 
45398867Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #27The AftermathCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-14 7 
45405395Death Among the Stars Quest 33Aid is given to the Ructu with help from the Armatocere. Jor meets the Plainsrunners. Plots against your enemies are well in motion.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-14 13 
45422298Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #28ThuleCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-15 8 
45441112Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe most dangerous phone call ever; diving with the Ama.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-15 8 
45501608Death Among the Stars Quest 34Jadyk speaks with the Armatocere about common enemies and makes even more trades of knowledge. Profane experiments are planned.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-19 14 
45517001Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #29Fearghus and the KaleeshCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-20 7 
45538590AT-TE Commander Quest 9Lieutenant Jinx leads the defense against an enemy assault and receives a concussion. Sadly, war has come to define his galaxy.Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2016-02-21 10 
45537026Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #30Vahaba Asteroid FieldCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-21 5 
45559670Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #31Droids.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-22 6 
45578456Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePsychic phone play, sharks swimming secretively, warfare within water.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-22 12 
45579585Overpowered Magic User Quest: The Second OneA wizard tries to stop a bypass from being built. Unlimited power and limited reliability make things get weird.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-02-23 8 
45597421Overpowered Magic User Quest: Shrek The Third EditionA the conclusion to the story of the wizard and the bypass. A bunch of crazy shit happens and then we get a true fairy tale ending.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-02-24 7 
45636799Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterSharks are fish, but what are youkai? The Generals Two attack!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-25 8 
45642465Death Among the Stars Quest 35Jadyk deals with some trespassers personally and learns more about the motives of his adversariesquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-26 13 
45687193Death Among the Stars Quest 36Machinations come to fruition, the Osjiic and Ahkam fleets guided into conflict and the Necrotic Generals show of spectacularlyquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-02-28 23 
45701888Overpowered Magic User Quest: A New PostA new story about an old warlock making his way in the modern world. Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-02-29 7 
45703499Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #32Water, water everywhereCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-29 5 
March 2016
45778435Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterThe final showdown agaisnt the Clan Ryo Warlords.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-03 8 
45798013Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterWhile defeating Oh cost no blood, Ah is another matter...especially in Yui's body!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-04 9 
45796142Overpowered Magic User Quest: Fairytale EditionA drunken fairy godmother helps out her godchild. Snakes, bees and strangeness ensues. Ends abruptly when the QM had to leave.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-03-05 7 
45778623Earth is a Magical RealmAnon is educated in the Magical Realm of Earth, hosted by our beloved DM: Mother Nature.nature, learning, magical realm, dolphin suicide, necrophilia, traumatic insemination, CAWWWING IIIIN MY SKIIIIN, fish onaholes, hyenas2016-03-05 22 
45816959Overpowered Magic User Quest: Fairytale Part 2The conclusion to the Fairy Godmother adventure. We kill a dragon and Hades, plus discover Elf Secretary's origin story.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ 2016-03-06 5 
45824015Death Among the Stars Quest 37Jadyk speaks with his captives and converts several into new powerful forms. A long-term project finally completes and another backfires.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-06 15 
45843281Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #33Breaking the SubjugatorCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-07 5 
45883252NERV Bridge Simulator VIEverything goes horribly wrong. Again.Collective Game, Quest, Eva, Evangelion, Nerv Bridge Simulator, Nerv HQ, you must (not) lose hope2016-03-08 20 
45881087Overpowered Magic User Quest: Witch HuntA new story about a witch who's powers come from Lucifer. Multiverse exploration and brooding ensues.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-03-09 4 
45923196Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #34Whisper, the Candidates, and the PriceCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-11 4 
45861912Anyone still play fruit?/tg/ makes a general discussing fruit.Fruit, General, Humor, Pinapple OP2016-03-11 3 
45968491Death Among the Stars Quest 38The new Generals launch their first attacks, the Legion fighting by their side. The Osogo join the Colony and Jadyk meets an old friendquest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-13 13 
45990619Rise of a Prophet Quest 1After making a deal with a Dark God, Mia is now on a quest to obtain power and create a New World OrderCollective Game, Rise of a Prophet, Quest2016-03-14 5 
46009102Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterRyukuza meets her real father; the aftermath of the battle of Mikimoto.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-14 12 
46007432Rise of a Prophet Quest 2Mia swayed a group of Goblins to the Old Gods and journeyed into the wilds to uncover a hidden Temple. Collective Game, Rise of a Prophet, Quest2016-03-15 3 
46038893Overpowered Magic User Quest: Weird ScienceA scientist is given mastery over the universe after an experiment gone wrong. He proceeds to fuck up everything.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-03-16 5 
46093585Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterThe aftermath is always the hardest part.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-18 9 
46095195Saving Anime QuestExactly like what the title say. Except you're stupid and you don't really know about anime so good luck.Collective Game, Shit Thread Op, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-19 6 
46140252Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #35The Furies againCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-21 5 
46159995Saving Anime Quest (2)We play ping-pong, escape from a trap, and overall discover that anime people are dicks.Shit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-22 4 
46181558Saving Anime Quest (3)In which we obtain the Behelit, also dude prophecies lmaoShit thread op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-23 3 
46182116Overpowered Magic User Quest: World's Best DadAn elf finds out an old love had his child. He spends the day trying to take care of his daughter with unlimited magical abilities.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-03-24 5 
46231065Death Among the Stars Quest 39The Flagship awakens, your Generals see to their missions. Jadyk chats with the Lavafather and makes a deal. Meets the Blackscales.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens2016-03-25 12 
46224849Saving Anime Quest (4)Anons get mad, other characters get really irritatingly smugShit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-25 2 
46276124Death Among the Stars Quest 40Jadyk attempts to show off his telekinetic might in a spectacular way but gets interrupted by partycrashing lizards.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, game2016-03-27 13 
46268717Saving Anime Quest (5)We take a trip to the sport-shounen sector.Shit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest2016-03-28 2 
46313386Overpowered Magic User Quest: Accidental WizardAn average guy living in the city accidentally receives the dark blessing of an eldritch abomination. Seduction and battles ensue.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-03-29 5 
46351203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterWe meet a blood relative for the first time; the dangers of dealing with kappa are revealed.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-30 8 
April 2016
46382106Death Among the Stars Quest 41The Fury of the Wormstar finally becomes operable, and the Blackscales are recruited. Short thread because GraveQM sick.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, Collective Game2016-04-01 12 
46422083Death Among the Stars Quest 42The lost Voidsinger is found; Dominator Valresko is born from the remains of Solar-Blessed Glucors; and the capital city is populated.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, Collective Game2016-04-03 11 
46461023Saving Anime Quest (6)In which we gain a powerful albeit dark ally.Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest, Shit Thread Op2016-04-05 1 
46457662Overpowered Magic User Quest: Hero's JourneyAn adventurer receives the powers of a god to save the one he loves. Things get very weird very fast.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-04-06 4 
46532307Death Among the Stars Quest 43Dominator Valresko interrogates his former comrades. Trades are made and planned with the Armatocere.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-08 12 
46527315Overpowered Magic User Quest: Hero's Journey Part 2The hero defeats the dragon and reunites with his true love.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-04-09 4 
46575971The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] ConspiracyThe party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Delivery, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-10 125 
46600041The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 1.5The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution. Part 1.5 because it's very small.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-11 101 
46612491Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterRyukusa battles the spirit of the Forest of Suicides for the spirit of her sister...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-11 12 
46618682AT-TE Commander Quest 10Lieutenant CT-42/458 awakens from his wounds and evaluates his new situation.Collective Game, AT-TE Commander Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, AT-TE, Clone Wars, Separatists, Stay Professional2016-04-12 10 
46676916Death Among the Stars Quest 44Jadyk welcomes the Ructu to Horizon's Drop and departs to aid the Armatocere. The Masked stop by for a chat.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-15 12 
46692821Saving Anime Quest (7)Half of the riddle is solved, questionable figures are met.Collective Game, Shit Thread Op, Saving Anime Quest2016-04-16 2 
46719523Death Among the Stars Quest 45War has come to the home systems of the New Necrotic Armada while Jadyk is away.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-17 15 
46732108Saving Anime Quest (8)The OP was a mistake, apart from that, new characters are introduced and we're off to a good startSaving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op2016-04-18 0 
46814550Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterFinishing up with our sister, Ryukusa faces off with one of the Spymaster's lackeys...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-21 10 
46817052Saving Anime Quest (9)Somewhat of a slower episode with fewer anons playing. It's the beginning of the end (of this arc!)Saving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op2016-04-22 2 
46864402The All Guardsmen Party and the [REDACTED] Conspiracy Part 2The party deals with a conspiracy that threatens them with torture and execution. But mainly execution.All Guardsmen Party, Storytime, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer, Story, Shoggy, Demonthrope, Zoanthrope, Tyranid, Only War, Guardsmen, Guardsman2016-04-24 107 
46866131Death Among the Stars Quest 46The Ahkam are driven from Bastion and Jor meets the Daggers face to face.quest, sci-fi, fantasy, space opera, undead, lich, aliens, death among the stars, collective game2016-04-24 13 
46857630Overpowered Magic User Quest: Hero's Journey Part 3A few short interactions addressing the treatment of companions.Collective Game, WizardQM, OPMUQ2016-04-25 2 
46882972Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #36He's backCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-04-25 6 
46901221Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterDealing with the spy master's henchman; getting back to family and planning to do it again.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-25 12 
3343Playing in the Shadows 1A metaquest style prologue with the shapeshifting MC deciding on how to spend his sabbatical.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC2016-04-27 6 
46948039Marvel providing Lawyer Chum Never thought i would see the day that i would want GW to sue someonediscussion, lawsuit, IP, Lawyer, Marvel, Games Workshop, venom,2016-04-28 11 
46945073Saving Anime Quest -Arc Finale-The Gran Finale we were waiting for. Also last quest on /tg/Saving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op2016-04-28 0 
4423Marvel comics quest. Choose your own superhero and go on an adventure, True Believer! This may involve weird sex fantasies and incredible journeys.Marvel, Comics, Capeshit, OPchooses2016-04-30 0 
May 2016
40951Playing among the Shadows 2Masquerade begins; criminal intent; the first clues.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-02 4 
47061047Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterHealing kiku; Ginka's decision; going home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-03 12 
40442Greentext Quest 1James gets captured by catgirls, marries one to get away while pretending to be a god. G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, lewd, dice2016-05-04 10 
51460Greentext Quest 2James finds a musclegirl orc to marry. On the way to a shrine, he stops by the elf town.G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, lewd, dice, orc, elf2016-05-05 6 
40371Adventure Game Cultural Civ3 different tribes (and later another) due different usually stupid things.Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee2016-05-08 2 
65576Adventure Game Cultural Civ #2Magic and winter happen. Various artists also visit the thread and create lots of art.Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee2016-05-08 5 
97955Biopunk Quest #13The return! We rescue the Black Witch and finally revive Jenny.Collective Game, Quest, Biopunk Quest, Biopunk2016-05-09 1 
106793Playing among the Shadows 3Possibly captured, but the secrets of the twins might be worth it.Collective Game, Amber Diceless, pattern, logrus, shadow, OP MC, science fiction, space fantasy, shape shifter, shapeshifter2016-05-10 5 
47200081Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterGinka's decision; finally home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-11 14 
85592Early 1700's Adventure Part 1Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia, Mount and Blade, Protestants are scum, 1700's, mercenary, Swedish treachery, Pirates.2016-05-12 1 
110836Undead Champion Quest 01An abomination against nature, an undead little girl, wakes up and escapes a dark place with her new servant. Slow in Hex fashion.Undead Champion Quest,fantasy,BQOP,Hexer,undead2016-05-15 1 
96808Greentext Quest 4James has a near death experienceG.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest 2016-05-16 2 
84743Adventure Game Cultural Civ #3Billy the Magus meets the tribes and grants them technology and magic- but also warns of an impending disaster.Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee2016-05-19 1 
129580GreenText Quest 4.99A fanfic that gets retconned by the actual QM about 2/3 down the thread. MC chills with goblins. G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-05-20 4 
153152Dramatic Princesses Rescue Quest 1One of six sorceress princesses, your lover - another of the six - has been kidnapped. Can you rescue her in time?Collective Game, OP MC, magic, blood, destruction, yuri, princess, Rolemaster2016-05-20 7 
158565Dramatic Princesses Rescue Quest # 2Time is runnign out, and your enemies have most of the advantages...how far will you go to rescue your lover?Collective Game, OP MC, magic, blood, destruction, yuri, princess, Rolemaster2016-05-20 5 
127333Adventure Game Cultural Civ #4 (Finale)The battle for the island begins and ends. The quest comes to an exciting end. Sequel hinted at.Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee2016-05-21 2 
174393European Dragon Quest 1After awakening in a cliffside cavern, you, as a Noble white dragon during the Cold War, seek to learn more about the world.European, Dragon, Quest, 1, Collective Game, Dragons, Europe, Cold, War2016-05-24 12 
178119European Dragon Quest 2 A European dragon interrogates a girl, rolls a lot of ones, gets more swole, and joins a court.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2016-05-25 15 
156461Prehistoric tribal questPrevious 2 not archived, We attack the Lumpur tribe, and take slaves, and fine a lost friend, Vegita.Tribe, Late Stone Age, Copper Age, Tribal,2016-05-26 1 
47472232Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterHomeward Bound; religious repercussions; most importantly: who gets cuddles first?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-27 14 
154180Greentext Quest 5James dances and enjoys his friend's handmade meal. G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, goblins, Greentext Quest2016-05-29 1 
190538ChromescoreMercenaries look for artifacts, while fighting monsters in an abandoned BerlinCollective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian2016-05-31 4 
June 2016
183639Prehistoric tribal quest pt4We remove the Lumpur tribe from power and assimilate the survivors.Tribe, Late Stone Age, Copper Age, Tribal, Sanger,2016-06-03 1 
47585205Opera ImperialisTHE PIRATES OF THE EXPANSE or THE LOST SON OF SCINTILLA. Comic Opera in Warhammer 40K. opera, Warhammer 40k, 40k, awesome, funny, rogue trader2016-06-03 23 
182416European Dragon Quest 3The dragon conquers Norway and Finland for the king of Sweden and then learns that there are people want the dragon on the throne.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-03 7 
200758European Dragon Quest 4Where the dragon eats the king, becomes emperor, meets the queen of England, courts her daughter and experiments with alchemical mutagens.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-03 5 
47597039Opera Imperialis Act.IITHE PIRATES OF THE EXPANSE or THE LOST SON OF SCINTILLA. Comic Opera in Warhammer 40K. Second and last part.opera, Warhammer 40k, 40k, awesome, funny, rogue trader2016-06-04 20 
208086Chromescore: The Artifact Quest #2Recon team returns, captain is wounded in Bulldog pack fight, gains Phoenix nickname, arrive at Green Sea, Tag's bloodthirstiness comes outCollective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian, Captain Phoenix, gene modifications2016-06-04 2 
208981European Dragon Quest 5Where we make an alliance with Germany and England, acquire and mutate some concubines, beat a communist uprising and fight giant wolf.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-05 5 
215125European Dragon Quest 6We get the wolf on our side, plan a marriage with the pregnant princess of England, start an inquisition and gets shot by the White Death.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-05 1 
221616Chromescore: The Artifact Quest #3Atto and Widget get the giant machine working. The troop finds an old world military complex and begin to explore it.Collective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian, Captain Phoenix, gene modifications2016-06-07 3 
204681Greentext Quest 7James encounters a demon G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-06-07 2 
177123Greentext Quest 6James explores the Dragon's DenG.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-06-07 1 
225019European Dragon Quest 7Were Renexizious isn't dead, Claw recruits the White Death by unorthodox means, Renexizious gets married and has a son who gets many 20s.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-08 2 
223060Stuck in an RPG QuestOur hero gets beat up and gets stuck in VR game of Death!Stuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob 'The Suspense' Pooper2016-06-09 3 
230512Green Text Quest 8James Finally Heads Out To B̶a̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ Fuck The EndG.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-06-12 1 
237837Stuck in an RPG 2We Continue to Dorter Magic City and Meet interesting peopleStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-12 3 
234871European Dragon Quest 8After liberating Oslo from snake people Renexizious goes on to meet, and relocate, a fortress of dwarves. Yes, that kind of dwarves.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-12 1 
241219European Dragon Quest 9A holy order proclaims us a saint, we eat a NATO diplomat, secure a victory for England over France, and gains France as a vassal.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-12 1 
246009Chromescore: The Artifact Quest #4.StartExplore an abandoned military base - only partial quest session...Collective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian, Captain Phoenix, gene modifications2016-06-13 1 
225068Adventure Civ medieval #1The four tribes have advanced to the medieval ages!Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-06-15 1 
250271European Dragon Quest 10The economy gets fixed, Iceland gets vasalized and Spain trades some worrying intel for peace that gets passed around to Britain and GermanyCollective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-17 1 
256226European Dragon Quest 11Another dragon is found and taken captive, a princess is kidnapped and a war on the Warsaw Pact is planned to satisfy the loyalists.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-17 2 
254435Greentext Quest 9James impregnates the Elemental and permanently learns the Tree spell G.top, Collective Game, Monter Girls, dice, Greentext Quest2016-06-18 1 
251048Stuck in an RPG Quest 3Various shenanigans before the Seaball World Cup at Dorter Magic CityStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-19 1 
262524Squick QuestCharacter design takes longer than expected before the quest begins.Squick, Squick Quest, SQOP2016-06-19 2 
265867Stuck in an RPG Quest 4We see the World Cup, we gain a master, we lose an armStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper2016-06-20 1 
266424European Dragon Quest 12: Electric BogalooThe dwarves find drow, Claw is a crit magnet as he captures them. Then the war against the Warsaw Pact begins as winter approaches.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-20 1 
247398Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 3We go to get some food with a maid, meet a weird mutant named Avery, and promptly whoop his ass when he tries to interrogate usSupernatural Butler Quest, YOB OP, Demons2016-06-21 2 
274142Nazi Experiment Quest 1A soldier captured by the Nazi's and experimented on at the end of the war, you escape to see a much different world.Collective Hame, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History 2016-06-23 1 
287595Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 4We interrogate Avery, learn about his boss Salvador Rose, and Beatrice announces her plan to retaliate Supernatural Butler Quest, YOB OP, demons, vampires2016-06-24 2 
294205Nazi Experiment Quest 2Our army grows and so does our powerQuestingQm, Lycanthropy ,Nazi, Collective Game2016-06-24 2 
268611Chromescore: The Artifact Quest #4.5The team explores the bunker, finds ancient weapons but fails to disable the security system. Undead attack but are repelled.Collective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian, Captain Phoenix, gene modifications2016-06-24 1 
282062European Dragon Quest 13Russia is invaded and conquered during the winter, hippy elves get bombed by a patriotic Orc and Viktor turns out to be the head of the mob.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History 2016-06-24 5 
280227Stuck in an RPG Quest 5We become a cyborg wizardStuck in an RPG, Collective Game, VR, Bob "The Suspense" Pooper 2016-06-26 1 
279321Squick Quest Part #2We meet other kids, grow up, learn the finer points of conversation, and possibly make some friends.Squick, Squick Quest, SQOP2016-06-27 1 
269671Adventure Civ medieval #3The autism and memes continues. Opee gets hit with a plague and then infects it with everyone Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-06-29 1 
301578European Dragon Quest 14: A New PopeRenexizious becomes the pope, plans a crusade for Istanbul, and watch the US presidential debate turn into a bloody battle.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-06-30 5 
July 2016
309808Nazi Experiment Quest 3The resistance gets better equipped while Ivanka keeps getting hungrier and hungrier.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-03 0 
308692Squick Quest Part #3We talk to Doris and learn some things before OP cuts the thread short.Squick, Squick Quest, SQOP2016-07-03 1 
306328Adventure Civ medieval #4Things happen and Treetards go full retard Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-07-04 1 
333104European Dragon Quest 15In the longest EDQ thread to date Renexizious finds his parents and finds a portal leaving to a strange world. Also, he grows a second head.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-07-09 1 
341523European Dragon Quest 16Renexizious returns from his mother's world and goes on a tour of the empire. Then vents frustration by fucking with the elves.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-07-09 1 
48199724Death Among the Stars Quest 47The Voidknight Disciples runs afoul of a new world while attempting to prepare for their return homequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-10 11 
333527Squick Quest Part #4We try to help out at the hospital and meet some new people in the process. We also learn of a possible threat to the town.Squick, Squick Quest, SQOP2016-07-11 1 
48225529Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFinally home and all loved ones reunited,a shadow lies upon Clan RyuuCollective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-11 11 
355077Fallout 1Fallout Trader begins, we bought The Drag Special.Fallout, Fallout Trader, Fallout OP, Merchant, Trader, Boats, Drag Queens2016-07-13 9 
348501European Dragon Quest 17Improved pheromone powers are explored, the cabinet is expanded upon and the Queen of the British Empire dies. Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-07-14 1 
361728Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 5We get ready to defend the manor, get weapons, help Jesula make some golems, and learn about demons.Supernatural Butler Quest, YOB OP, demons, witches, exposition,2016-07-14 2 
48280693Death Among the Stars Quest 48The Disciple must escape the vengeful natives of the alien world and find a place to hide.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-15 8 
48290774Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterThe perils and pleasures of home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-15 9 
343015Squick Quest Part #5We learn more about the notorious sky pirate and help out Doctor Bradford and Deedee some more.Squick, Squick Quest, SQOP2016-07-16 1 
48312095Death Among the Stars Quest 49Jadyk leads his fleet against the invading UON forces attacking the Armatocere.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-17 9 
360078Nazi Experiment Quest 4The soviets are pissed and bomb the city the resistance freed. The resistance save some civilians before laying low and fight a mock battle.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-17 0 
367140European Dragon Quest 18Renexizious pillages Cuba with his daughters, finds out Julius is a vampire, and goes investigating the portal under Paris.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-07-18 1 
373063Nazi Experimental Quest 5Stojan gets drunk, becomes a edgelord but redeems himself. He becomes the king (KANG) of Poland and propose to Ivanka.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-20 2 
48387664Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterCan Ryukusa save Akari from a fate worse than death? Okay, stupid question...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-21 14 
48410322Death Among the Stars Quest 50The Voidknight Disciple learns about this strange world, interrogates his guests and receives a challenge.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-23 7 
388974Nazi Experimental Quest 6The soviets attack the city, and this time the resistance is forced to fight back.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-24 0 
373162Adventure Civ medieval #5Giants n shieet Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-07-24 1 
371255Biopunk Quest #14Short sessionCollective Game, Quest, Biopunk Quest, Biopunk2016-07-25 1 
48434419virtualoptim Story Time #2Anon tells /tg/ some new stories about playing with Virt IRLvirtualoptim, That Guy2016-07-25 9 
48476311Death Among the Stars Quest 51Jadyk returns to Iti'a'Ropku to initiate new necromancers and to reunite with a changed General.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-27 9 
393723European Dragon Quest 19We visit the Warhammer Universe and roll over some dwarves in an attempt to get another wife.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-07-28 1 
48517397Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterEr Yin gets some much needed attention, as does Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-29 8 
424186Starship Idols Quest #1The formation of the Starship Idols GroupCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-07-30 10 
405099Nazi Experimental Quest 7The fighting continues.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-07-30 0 
48541397Death Among the Stars Quest 52Jadyk delivers a warning to Jor. Prisoners are given a choice and soldier reaffirms their loyalty. The Blackscale move in as well.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-07-31 7 
397054Adventure Civ medieval #6The end of the copper engineers and tree rebels. RNG must hate them Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-07-31 1 
419664European Daytime Elven Islands CivThrandir gets banished and we make a baseElves, Island, Quest, Civ, European Daytime2016-07-31 1 
August 2016
412933European Dragon Quest 20Renexizious beat a vampire, steal his treasure, and turns a tapestry maker into a halv-dragon. While Elizabeth is dealing with rebellion.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-08-02 1 
440290OP QuestThe adventures of Oliver Penelope and his journey to fulfill his destiny to become a magically inclined person and save the world.OP Quest, Oliver Penelope, fantasy2016-08-03 1 
443568Starship Idols Quest #2The last Idol to recruit and assigning the ClassesCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-05 5 
48628714Death Among the Stars Quest 53The Disciple discovers a strange hidden village and a unique member of the native race and enact a plan to free them from captivity.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-05 11 
431693Adventure Civ medieval #7The finale of the medieval era for the civs. Engineers are still cowards Adventure Civ Medieval, Adventure Game Cultural Civ, Cultural Civ, Opee, Collective Game2016-08-05 2 
424150European Dragon Quest 21A deal is struck with Khorne before heading home. Elizabeth turns into a dragon, some elves are eaten, and Victor wins the US election.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-08-05 1 
437071Nazi Experimental Quest 8We become Indiana Jones, don't facemelt a Romanian, order pizza, save Karkmann, and play as Nicolae.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-08-05 1 
48661610Death Among the Stars Quest 54A secret truth is revealed by a close ally and ruins bearing the sign of an old ally discovered. Jadyk speaks to many people.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-07 11 
445329European Dragon Quest 22We patch things up with our wife and Khorne, and Elizabeth lays an egg. With that done, we plan out our conquest of Greece.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-08-07 5 
429635Sudden Superpowers Part 1: SarahWhere we start out being evil female Superman, and end up becoming the most helpful blobgirl ever.Sudden Superpowers, Collective Game, Local OP, Sarah the Friendly BlobGirl2016-08-08 1 
451454Nazi Experimental Quest 9We revisit the castle, meet a statue to surpass Metal Gear, and everyone gets a much needed upgrade.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-08-09 0 
48723882Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe are an insomniac hyperactive dragonette.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-10 13 
48833545Death Among the Stars Quest 55Jadyk has a very intimate conversation with a bunch of trees and shrubs, making new friends.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-17 12 
48865828Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterKeeping a promise, and causing trouble. Because that's what Ryukusa does.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-18 9 
466134Starship Idols #3Lunch time and home timeCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-19 3 
486355Starship Idols Quest #4Camp Sugar WatkinsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-08-19 6 
48876497A Question About GolemsIn this thread, /tg/ debates the ethics and morality of a paladin enslaving a group of freedom-seeking golems to save a Human kingdom.Golem, paladin, ethics, morality, debate, philosophy2016-08-19 7 
48884215Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterDealing with abominations, spymasters, and other strange things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-19 8 
459708European Dragon Quest 23In this thread we travel to Greece, Flames gets his first girlfriend, and we try to spend time with Frankizka.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM, Dragon, Dragons, Europe, Cold War, Alternate History2016-08-19 5 
473175Nazi Experimental Quest 10+11NOTE:Thread names got messed up, so just work off the basis that this is thread 11. We flee the country and find out about mutation science.Collective Game, Quest, Nazi Experiment, Lycanthropy, Cold War, QuestingQM, Alternate History2016-08-19 0 
48907227Death Among the Stars Quest 56After choosing to move their main base to a more secluded location the Disciple encounters an enemy and speaks to the void-touched nativequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-08-21 13 
469289 DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN A tabletop quest with a group of small sized adventurers! The group is trying to relax after the last adventure, but danger is afoot!tabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor2016-08-23 3 
49003345Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe slaughtered them, cooked them, and now we're going to feed them to the spymaster.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-26 12 
500815DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN part 2Continuation of WoNN. The group fights its way through more undeads and face off against the cause of the invasiontabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor, succubus 2016-08-31 2 
September 2016
49131867Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterOn the way home, some things happened to some spirit children...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-02 12 
522673Starship Idols Quest #5The Dismounted Citadel Course and a bit of drinking to go with it.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-09-03 5 
49155787Death Among the Stars Quest 57Jadyk returns home and discusses matters with his Generals and retreats into meditation. Jor must make a big decision for the Armadaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-09-04 8 
49258356Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterScoldings, spankings, and other sweet things. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-09 8 
574453Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterNo longer a nascent demigod, but an actual one. Doesn't mean it's not Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-15 8 
579273Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterAfter the kisses comes the hugs, and after hugs comes...?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-16 12 
571305Starship Idols Quest #6Suits and MarsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-09-17 5 
579217Cyber Demon Quest #1Your name used to be John Smith, mild mannered cracker in the city of Neo York. Now you're the Steelshape called Saurian, and you're hungrCyber Demon Quest, Collective Game, Game-Like Quest, Cyberpunk, Shin Megami Tensei, Deus Ex, Creative Deaths, Gore, OP protagonists2016-09-19 12 
609605Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterMorning Sickness, relaxation, and appointments. A day in the life, perhaps.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-22 12 
608029GGO Quest #2: Magnum Panther EditionWe shoot a guy in real life, Kimi gets jailed, you have a date with a government agent in the morning.SAO, GGO, quest, Anno, Kimi, woops you did it again, xxharambelivesxx2016-09-25 3 
613821Cyber Demon Quest Episode 2Steelshape Saurian kills and eats the Steelshape Berserker, fights Puma, has a girl fall in love with him, and gets shot at repeatedly.Cyber Demon Quest, Collective Game, Game-Like Quest, Cyberpunk, Creative Deaths, Gore, OP protagonists, violence2016-09-26 17 
49523170Cute terrorists in a dystopian futureOP asks how to play a game featuring cute girls doing terrorism in the future.Future, dystopian, anime, cute,2016-09-28 9 
624945EDQ:30We deal with student cultists. Talk in a Scottish accent. And call Chrysoula horny.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Quest, QuestingQM2016-09-29 1 
637947Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFamily, lovers, friends, and companions...all good things, save for the shadow that hovers over them.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-29 11 
641388Biopunk Quest #15Glitter Island!Collective Game, Quest, Biopunk Quest, Biopunk2016-09-30 2 
October 2016
635282Starship Idols Quest #7GraduationCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-10-02 5 
641510Cyber Demon Quest Episode 3We are Steelshape Saurian, and we find out that someone's been distributing guns, before encountering Squid and Aries.Cyber Demon Quest, Collective Game, Game-Like Quest, Cyberpunk, Creative Deaths, Gore, OP protagonists, violence, waifu2016-10-03 10 
637644Werewolf Reich (Name Change)In this thread we attempt to invade Slovakia, fuck up, mutate the pack a little, trigger the QM with Vanu Bullshit, and etc.QuestingQM, Collective Game, Werewolf Reich, Nazi Experimental Quest, Lycanthropy, Cold War2016-10-06 0 
652349European Dragon Quest 31: Sieg Heil EditionWe mutate Richard and Chrysoula a little (but not as much), meet our Senpai, Adolf Hitler and turn him also into a dragon, and help Richard.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game, Cold War, Alternate History2016-10-07 1 
49742120Taufag riptide rant & resulting copypastaTaufag vehemently defends Riptides. Copypasta ensues.40k, Tau, Taufag, copypasta2016-10-12 5 
694088Starship Idols Quest #8The Last Day on MarsCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-10-15 5 
685264European Dragon Quest 32In this thread, we tumble our wife mid-air with kids watching, enslave people, build a refinery town, and tumble a Khornate shield-maiden.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game, Dragon, Dragons, Khornates2016-10-16 1 
700210European Dragon Quest 33We fuck up Bretonnia a little, become a bro to a Reikguard, get a doggo, and decide to visit 2016 to make it great again.European Dragon Quest, Collective Game, QuestingQM, Dragons, Dimensional Fuckery2016-10-19 1 
724259Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFamily time, bonding with Yuuhi, a shadow from the past.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-10-19 8 
724720European Dragon Quest 34: 2016Ren travels to a dimension where there is only war... No, not 40k you neckbeard cis-shitlord scum. And Ren gets accused of RAPE.European Dragon Quest, 2016, Collective Game, QuestingQM2016-10-24 1 
743011Edgequest: Get Over It #2In which our heroine looks for her cousin by visiting a really weird baredgequest, over the edge, collective game, quest, bizarre, hot wings, microphone abuse, 2016-10-26 1 
756347Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterAftercare with Yuuhi, collaring your niji-chans, and dressing up for your princess.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-10-27 7 
746516European Dragon Quest 35In this episode, Ren has more sex then usual, we find our daughter, and Elizabeth gets KHORNATE RAGE and scares anons. That's pretty hotQuestingQM, Collective Game, Dragon, Tumbling, Alternative History, European Dragon Quest2016-10-31 1 
November 2016
784340Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe play with our toys; we take some time out; we paint a picture for someone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-03 7 
781982Starship Idols Quest #9The first performanceCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-11-05 5 
764555European Dragon Quest 36In this episode, we escape to another dimension to avoid getting raped for all eternity by tentacles, and head back to our empire, finally.Collective Game, QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Dragons,2016-11-05 1 
811414Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe finish up with Chisato, check on the hot loli and her cool mystic, and see what the wife has been up to.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-10 7 
786407Werewolf Reich 4We go to another dimension, fuck up, and realize living underground is decent enough. Oh, and QM dies for this as well.Collective Quest, RIP QM, QuestingQM, Werewolf Reich, Nazi Experimental Quest, Werewolves, Lycanthropy,2016-11-13 0 
802406European Dragon Quest 37: New Title Image Edition!In this episode, Ren discovers the meaning of friendship, and that tumbling isn't the answer to everything, and hear the sound of beta tearCollective Quest, Terrorism, European Dragon Quest, Tumbling, Beta Tears, QuestingQM2016-11-14 3 
842001Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterRyukuza demosntrates her skills as a seamstress and fashion designer; a date of sorts; and of course...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-18 9 
827601European Dragon QuestWe tumble Elizabeth, hear about a furry Slaaneshian cult which practices both vore and bondage, and call the InquisitionCollective Quest, QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest,2016-11-19 2 
846519European Dragon Quest 39: Remov FurfagIn this episode, we get a lot of nat twenties, bump our research up, tumble a lot, and realize the apocalypse is coming... Soon though.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Cold War, Collective Game2016-11-24 1 
861339Starship Idols Quest #10Photoshoots and Fleet Battlestation KnoxCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-11-26 6 
871901One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 1We set off on an adventure as Raine Wave, a new bounty hunter seeking out Yuto. Things get complex when Yuto turns out to be super lovable.One Piece, Piracy, YOB OP, Shining Seas2016-11-28 7 
December 2016
889342Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterRyukusa and her elite team face off against the enemy, while Rie is tended to by the family...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-01 7 
865605European Dragon Quest 40In this episode we do serious things, lots of science, mature, and otherwise nearly finish the Internet. Oh, and we get Liz to eat peopleCollective Game, QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Alternative History2016-12-01 3 
887171One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 2We say goodbye to Yuto and Big Bean, and make our way to Rougetown. After accepting a mission from a shady woman, shit hits the fan. One Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, Pirates, Cyborgs, YOB OP2016-12-02 5 
915346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe wake up in bed....but WHOSE bed?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-08 7 
919192Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterMeeting Mo Wang, His Most Loathsome Majesty, Ruler of the Underworld, King of Hell...and he's got an agenda.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-09 7 
889782European Dragon Quest 41: Fortunate Sons EditionIn this episode we do lots of SCIENCE!!!, invade Korea, intervene in Vietnam, and ditch our kid at his birthday. Fuck yeah.TriggeredQM, QuestingQM, Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Vietnam,2016-12-10 2 
912455Starship Idols Quest #11MyrmidoCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2016-12-10 5 
914442European Draogn Quest 42: Return of ClawIn this episode, Claw returns, we tumble a few women like usual, follow the family tradition of being Neutral Evil, and go to Vietnam.Collective Game, QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Claw, Autism2016-12-14 3 
924571The Crusades Games Thread 1Half of Act I, where crusaders prepare for crusade with various degrees of successcrusades game, crusades, pope, quest, collective game, failure2016-12-15 2 
948903Death Among the Stars Quest 58GraveQM returns from the dead. A lot of stuff goes down and resource systems discussedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-12-18 12 
940510The Crusades Games Thread 2The second half of Act I, where our heroes finish their preparations for crusade.crusades game, crusades, pope, quest, collective game, failure2016-12-18 1 
940621Newfound Magic Quest- Part 1In which Norman Fusilier is a wizard, and he is not happy about it. Newfound Magic, Collective Game, Never archived anything before oh god I hope i'm doing this right, Fantasy, Quest, Flexing Is Intimidating2016-12-19 1 
952202Doll Shop - 1We start off with Akira, our personal assistant doll, and meet a childhood friend and a fetishist. Doll Shop, Valencia2016-12-19 13 
939471European Dragon Quest 43In this episode we give the QM some feedback, tumble a mage, and we all realize Ren should really stop fucking around. Liz's boobs get big.QuestingQM, Irony, Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Dragons BTFO Shit, MUTATIONS!2016-12-21 1 
962927Doll Shop - 2We learn about Doll pregnancy and more consequences.Doll Shop, Valencia2016-12-22 6 
954298Newfound Magic Quest- Part 2In which Norman Fusilier is in the woods, and kills some stuff. Newfound Magic, Collective Game, Fantasy, Quest, Slimes, Wearing peoples feet, 2016-12-23 1 
976921Doll Shop - 3We convince a Doll and meet a whaleDoll Shop, Valencia2016-12-27 4 
980016Death Among the Stars Quest 59The Necrotic Armada launches its first true invasion against the Osjiic system B'Nan already in the midst of an invasion by the Ahkamquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2016-12-28 13 
965171European Dragon Quest 44In this episode, QM dies a bit, we don't really do too much, talk to Revenaris, yeah. Not much happens due to QM death.QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Collective Game,2016-12-29 1 
987212Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterKenji Soomi is ordered to find out something - anything - for her Majesty, Peta-chan. Can Soomi help Ryukusa's family?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-29 7 
988458Doll Shop - 4We get Akira some tits and arrange to become a Doll broker for a guy who wants to use them for lethal experiments.Doll Shop, Valencia2016-12-30 3 
January 2017
50935040Space Opera Adventure HooksPlot hooks and worldbuilding for running space opera games.plot hooks, adventure hooks, space opera, worldbuilding,2017-01-01 3 
1001477Spiral Warrior Quest #1We are introduced to Jace. One day, he'll break through the heavens themselves, but he doesn't know that yet.Tengen, Toppa, Gurren, Lagann, TTGL, Lordgenome, 2017-01-02 11 
986833European Dragon Quest 45In this episode, Ren discovers the fun of harems, takes over a kobold village, and gets asked a very important question.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Dragons, Cold War, SCIENCE!!!2017-01-03 1 
975989Demonity Quests; Bishop pt. 1A slow start to a new character's story. Bishop Wiliam's shenaningans begins.quest, collective game, Bishop, Demonity Quests2017-01-04 1 
1014127Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWaking up in bed again; Inau-kun is injured, and an expected visit from an unexpected visitor.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-06 7 
983210YouthQuest: Online EditionEvent-Bossrush happens, and we even get a bit more lore. And students engage in... Did I mention that a not-so-much-angel gets his wings?Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern2017-01-06 3 
1015534Death Among the Stars Quest 60Jadyk meets with the Caretaker as Jor recovers. The Armada continues its invasion of Kandaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-07 7 
1008484Starship Idols Quest #12Heading to Titan StationCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-01-07 5 
1004606European Dragon Quest 46In this episode we meet the kobold legate's daughter, Viktorious takes direct control of the UN and NATO and gets nukes. Which is bad.WORRY, European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Cold War,2017-01-10 1 
1035289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterPetting the kitten, hugging the reverse trap, and healing. Busy day for Ryu-chan.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-12 7 
1038588Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA slightly drunken dragonette. Lessons of the Ryuu Clan. A kitten lost and confused.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-13 7 
1040520Death Among the Stars Quest 61The invasion of Kanda progresses under Valresko's command. The Harbinger is sent to parlay with the Pirate Clansquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-14 9 
1015645YouthQuest: Tito "Dick" Dickman Baby EditionThe students prepare for the FINAL event-boss, lewdness get shut down, and the kill count goes up drastically. And that's pretty much it.Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue2017-01-14 2 
51194361American HellA hell based off the most hellish aspects of each American state is created.hell, afterlife, dystopia, american, worldbuilding, funny,2017-01-15 4 
1045139Cat and Canary: A Shop Keeper's Quest 1A certain demihuman finds herself with the run of an item shop. As bills come due though, there's only one way out. Economics!Collective Game, item shop, cat girl, economics, bananon2017-01-16 6 
1034120European Dragon Quest 47In this episode we lose Valkia, get shit done as Elizabeth and become less insecure, and find out how upgrades get assigned.European Dragon Quest, Collective Game, Cold War, QuestingQM2017-01-17 1 
1032819Doll Shop - 5We go for itDoll Shop, Valencia2017-01-20 1 
1073715Death Among the Stars Quest 62The Armada lays siege to the last strongholds of Kanda. Pirates give their answersquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-22 8 
1061320Starship Idols Quest #13Back on Titan Station...Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-01-22 5 
1044194YouthQuest: Internal Suffering EditionThings FINALLY return to normal, but plot twists happen left and right. We also get a lot of exposition, and like that the TRUE game begins.Manhorse, Youth Quest, freelance, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue, ROMANCE, Drama2017-01-24 1 
1057973European Dragon Quest 48In this episode, a couple breaks up that we've known for a while, we do SCIENCE and begin to develop lasers, and get Khorne as a headmate.European Dragon Quest, What Is My Life, Cold War, QuestingQM,2017-01-25 1 
1088177Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintryukusa struggles with her injured friends and family; a visit from on high; a prayer that might get answered.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-25 6 
1095260Cat and Canary: A Shop Keeper's Quest 2Felicity goes cat hunting and stumbles on a valuable and possibly dangerous secret. Negotiations ensue.Collective Game, item shop, cat girl, economics, bananon2017-01-29 2 
1100852Death Among the Stars Quest 63The Invasion of Kanda slowly draws closer to an end while Jor returns home after his trials.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-01-29 6 
1088225European Dragon Quest 49In this installment of EDQ, we start a rebellion against Vlad Tepes and get our new behemoth to help us.European Dragon Quest, Does Anybody Read the Tags, Why Don't I have More Players?, Is there a god?, Collective Game, QuestingQM,2017-01-31 1 
February 2017
1086324YouthQuest: Nanomachine EditionIn the aftermath of the raid on the greenhouse, every man is free to fight their own wars again. But not for the better, but for the worse.Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Cults, Ocean Blue, ROMANCE, Drama, Consequences2017-02-03 2 
1116723Starship Idols Quest #14Charlie's first concertCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-02-05 5 
1128083Death Among the Stars Quest 64Jadyk takes stock of the Armada and interacts with his living subjectsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-05 7 
1127019One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 3.5After some difficulty, we make our way into the Grand Line. We meet Crorcus, get a Jolly Roger, and end up captured by bounty hunters.One Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, pirates, bounty hunters, YOB OP2017-02-06 1 
1112843European Dragon Quest 50In this Episode, the QM dies again after going to work, we play as Claw and be sociallly awkward as fuck, and go as Pragius to fight a boss.QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Vlad Tepes2017-02-06 2 
51586269Space Opera plothooks, adventures and hazardsOP requests adventure hooks for an upcoming space opera game. /tg/ delivers.plot hooks, setting, space opera, worldbuilding2017-02-07 5 
1136626Alien World: Evo Game 1We begin an evogame in the shallow seas of an alien world, evolving the Irako, Idrai, Rilva, Quas, and Dengh.evo, evolution, evogame, Alien World, WheelieOP2017-02-09 1 
1152849Death Among the Stars Quest 65Jadyk welcomes the Arc Butchers to the Armada and scouts various star systems.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-12 8 
1151990One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 4 The endOne Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, pirates, bounty hunters, YOB OP2017-02-15 1 
1163907Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintAsking for help restoring the nekomata Rie's powers, Ryukusa makes some waves.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-02-15 6 
1139904European Dragon Quest 51In this episode, Elizabeth gets even more motherly, we make giant trees to sell for a shitload of money to the kobolds, who we learn about.QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, CapitalismDragonEdition, LongLiveBritannia,2017-02-15 1 
1175081Death Among the Stars Quest 66Valresko debates with the Blackscale Cabal while Jadyk deploys humanitarian aid to the Refuge system to combat an undead outbreakquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-19 6 
1160048Starship Idols Quest #15Titan Station Raid.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-02-20 5 
1164279European Dragon Quest 52In this episode we go into Civ Mode, deal with our dad Jorund, and talk to the American embassy with Patrick the Minotaur.QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Cold War, Civilization, Sweden2017-02-21 1 
1192281Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintWe are a young Yuuhi-chan, who is trapped in a shed waiting on execution...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-02-22 8 
1158328Just Another Civ QuestKobolds are blessed by the Volcano God and Faerie Lucifer falls from grace. Then, Goblin Monk meditates and fasts to overcome hunger.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Low-Magic, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-02-24 2 
1165537Not a Quest of Any SortWe do no questing, do not explore a creepy apartment, don't encounter any spooky things, and certainly don't get abandoned by OP.collective game, calcium chan, spoopy, ketamine2017-02-24 1 
1188695European Dragon Quest 53In this episode, we earn the eternal love of Chrysoula, get slightly insulted by a dwarf, and consolidate the realm further.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Cold War2017-02-27 2 
1209564Death Among the Stars Quest 67The Necrolytes arrive to rescue the living of Refuge. Eiton investigates Worllunan and the Solar Arbiters are createdquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-02-27 9 
March 2017
1225796Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintThe nine-tailed kitsune heals Rie, but at a cost. Ryukusa gets bullied. A phone call.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-03 7 
1230721Death Among the Stars Quest 68Reconstruction is attempted on an unsuspecting Clone, the Armada's population grows, and Jadyk inducts the ructu into the necrotic practicequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-05 7 
1209596European Dragon Quest 54In this episode, we peacefully take over Luxembourg, get some religious followers among the college, and we nearly get into a Khornate rage.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Cold War,2017-03-06 1 
1210341Admor CivQuest 3Vvardenfell Goblins become chinaboo shaolin monks. Gnolls rise from troubled past and become artisans. Dorfs fight wurm, troll and shrapnel.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-03-07 1 
1203931YouthQuest: Memories EditionWe didn't miss much, and move on towards exploring the forests, finaly doing alchemy and fighting the first couple of rivals.Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Events, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Drama, Consequences, Plot, Riddles2017-03-09 1 
1209743Cloak and Colony Quest 1It begins in a small colony on a world of isles in a pirate's nest of a system, our charisma leads to early wins but causes us some troublePirates, Zealots, Space Colony, Superhero, Gigolo life ain't easy, Ancient Ruins, Tropical Islands, Genie2017-03-09 1 
1250936Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintrie says goodbye - for now. Ryukusa takes a hard time-out. Kisses and hand holding.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-10 8 
1220100Trashland QuestAfter an incident during a research outing in the swamps of Louisiana, you find yourself among goblins, orcs, and trolls.Collective Game, Open-Ended Quest, Tribe Quest2017-03-11 2 
51980267Frontier Freaks Setting WorldbuildingA setting which can basically be described as "biopunk wild west" is invented.worldbuilding, western, wild west, bioengineering, biotech, biopunk, bioshock, transhumanism, Pasteur, 1800s pseudoscientific beliefs,2017-03-12 5 
52005009CATastrophe threadWhatever happened to CATastrophe?CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/ doesn't get shit done2017-03-12 6 
1236445European Dragon Quest 56In this episode, we take our son to school, try to be romantic, and find out Elizabeth can't drink worth a damn. And become loving, no lustBlatant Lies, QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Cold War, Collective Game2017-03-13 2 
1238242Cape and Colony Quest 2After some strangeness we obtain great alien artifacts, so we buy a ship to put them on; and our hero tells his crush how he lost his v-cardPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-03-13 1 
1260840Death Among the Stars Quest 69The Armada launches multiple raids against its enemies and explores alien worldsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-14 12 
1244256Starship Idols Quest #16Apollo CityCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-03-15 6 
1239566Stranded Leader Quest #4Meet other denizens of the new world, tribe grows, family grows, harem grows.Collective Game, Open-Ended Quest, Tribe Quest2017-03-16 1 
1238810YouthQuest: Of Mice and NomadsRivals taken care of, things return to (relative) normality. New players join in, and so do... old friends? Prepare for the Last Stand!Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Linear Storyline, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Drama, Consequences, Plot, Bossfight, RP2017-03-16 3 
1275979Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintYui's nightmares are now Ryukusa's dreams of revenge. But for whom? And why?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-17 6 
1239189Admor CivQuest 4Trees move. Elves get spooked. Gnolls build fortress of archers and plot against orcs. Fae and Sneks build houses.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-03-19 1 
1280139Death Among the Stars Quest 70Further raids against the enemies of the Armada are conducted and Jadyk has a violent reunion with an old allyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-03-19 15 
1257127European Dragon Quest 56In this episode, Charlemagne comes back, shoots Claw, and anons avoid a Columbine shooting due to QM's bad rolling. Oh, and we nom sugar.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game,2017-03-19 1 
1263833Admor CivQuest 5Human Pirates meet giant scorpions. Gnolls massacre Orcs. Dezert Kangs wuz frian chikunz.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-03-23 1 
1265471Trashland Quest #2Began to form alliances w/ ogres. Thread ends with becoming imprisoned by chieftess of the Geletres tribe. Players plan to assassinate her. Collective Game, Open-Ended Quest, Tribe Quest2017-03-26 2 
1293544Starship Idols Quest #17Naka's big debutCollective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-03-28 6 
1282830European Dragon Quest 57In this episode, we find out the Drow have been behind everything, and they attack Sweden with biological weapons... And fail.European Dragon Quest, Collective Quest, QuestingQM, Terrorism2017-03-29 2 
1319996Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa makes some plans. Er Yin has a few of her own. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-31 6 
April 2017
1296117Admor CivQuest 6Kobolds ride dragons under new management. Gnoll Chief goes hunting on an acid trip. Faerie King gets lost in the Underdark.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Low-Magic, Stone Age, Deities, Gods, Divine Influence2017-04-02 1 
1325659Death Among the Stars Quest 71A new Armadan city is finally opened on Rukor and Jadyks favored living subjects begin a dangerous missionquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-02 12 
1313378European Dragon Quest 58: Doctor Gerbil and Mr. Squeakers.In this episode, Liz discovers the GNOMES, and of course, goes to kick their ass. What happens? Well, probably a lot of gnome-ass gets rekt.Gnome Genocide, Elizabeth Did Nothing Wrong, The Gnome Holocaust, European Dragon Quest, Snek Scots™, Collective Game2017-04-06 1 
1342080Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintEr Yin makes breakfast whileKiki tries to convince Ryukusa. Kaga Kei gets talked to. Date time?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-06 4 
1345203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA day out on the town for our heroine.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-07 6 
1295051Cape and Colony Quest 4Our luck with not being vindictively attacked by monsters is the worst. Fortunately our luck with killing them is not.Pirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-04-08 1 
1349170Death Among the Stars Quest 72Jadyk has an illuminating conversation with an important captive and the Wayward Disciple has luck in his hunt.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-09 9 
1299020YouthQuest: Reborn - Thread ISo run that by me one more time; why is this a good idea again? I dunno, but we are back at it again, bigger and just a bit better!Manhorse, Youth Quest, Multi-PC, Open World, Magic, Guns, Modern, Ocean Blue, Plot2017-04-09 2 
52611013Philosophy: the Enlightenment general/tg/ discusses both the current meta and past glories of a card game it wishes actually existed, and a grand ol' time is had by all.Card Game, philosophy, roleplay, game design2017-04-10 14 
1325357Cape and Colony Quest 5Rhys and the guards make their way back to town, only to find the shit is about to hit the fanPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-04-13 1 
1341539European Dragon Quest: Double the TroublwIn this episode, Charlemagne decides to MAN THE HELL UP and takes care of some of the nation's degeneracy, meet Not Alex Jones, and gnomes.European Dragon Quest, Kill All Gnomes2017-04-13 1 
1328572Youthquest Reborn - Thread 2Where things don't go wrong for once, The newbies make a name for themselves, and a player faces judgement from God.Manhorse, YouthQuest, Multi-PC, Open World2017-04-13 1 
1365393Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA date with someone who makes Ryukusa feel like a girl. Kiku is appeased and appreciated. An ominous sign.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-14 5 
1369205Death Among the Stars Quest 73Nekris beings a new hunt for exotic monstrosities while the Commander and Jor confront the source behind the Refuge crisisquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-16 8 
1327931Admor CivQuest 7Kobolds reappear and disappear again. Three races of bird people plot evil. Moths and Cats enslave gobs and dorfs. Merfolk pirates reappear.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-04-18 1 
1380777Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintKiku dressed for desire! Shibuya, shopping district of the gods (literally)! Kiki-hime's nefarious plans!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-19 7 
1356438Cloak and Colony Quest 5.5We chase after a kidnapper in the rain amidst the embattled colonyPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-04-21 1 
1355807YouthQuest Reborn: Thread 3The end of act I. Last stand is finally done, and the nomads leave the school. the dictatorship at the school has come to an end.Manhorse, YouthQuest, Multi-PC, Open World, Ocean Blue2017-04-21 1 
52803944Space Opera Conspiracy Theories The deluded theories of a space opera setting's equivalent of the Ancient Aliens guy.conspiracy theories, worldbuilding, space opera,2017-04-21 2 
52706646Historic figures who were /tg/ charactersA discussion of real people throughout history whose lives resembled the ridiculously implausible adventures of PCs.real people, characters, PCs,2017-04-22 3 
1362778European Dragon Quest 60 Portal ShenanignsIn this episode, QM gets busy with work and leaves a lot, but stuff gets done, and we give Charlemagne the option of becoming a dragon.QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest2017-04-23 1 
1399268Death Among the Stars Quest 73.2A special thread dedicate to Necromancer Jor and the Necrolyte Commander tracking down the source of the Refuge Crisisquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-25 10 
52871104Original Dystopias/tg/ discusses and worldbuilds ideas for new dystopian settings.worldbuilding, setting, dystopia, dystopian, 2017-04-29 3 
1384121Cape and Colony Quest 6We board a pirate option to attempt a rescue mission, but things go horribly wrong; a desperate gambit averts disaster, but not without costPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-04-29 1 
1414014Death Among the Stars Quest 74The future of Refuge is discussed by many and the Armada tends to its woundedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-04-30 7 
May 2017
1386614YouthQuest Reborn -Thread 4The players take their time to prepare for what comes next. Studying, training, brewing, constructing, planning... Manhorse, YouthQuest, Multi-PC, Open World, Ocean Blue2017-05-01 1 
1371193Double King Quest IYou are the Double King. You want crowns. But two crowns are not enough to sate your hunger for more crowns. You want ALL of them.Double King Quest, Awesome, Sociopath, surreal2017-05-02 2 
1427625Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintDating with Er yin and Kiku; Harajuku days, Shibuya Nights.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-04 3 
1429973Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintThe wonders, terrors and delights of The Tokyo Tenderloin belong to Ryukusa and her loved ones!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-05 6 
1361892Admor CivQuest 8Elves and Fae fight zombies in caves. Birds build a trading post. Gnolls build temples, walls and wheels. Fae plan a giant library.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-05-06 1 
1391684Admor CivQuest 9Elves accidentally summon a god and then go canoeing. Gnolls finish building the greatest stronghold on the planet.Multi-faction,Fantasy, Civ Quest, Large Map, Fog of War, Rolemaster, Open-ended Dice, Stone Age, Divine Influence, Underdark2017-05-06 1 
1434391Death Among the Stars Quest 75Jadyk and Jor fight to save the minds of loyal soldiers while the Wayward Disciple initiates their plans against the Councilquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-07 9 
1411436Cape and Colony Quest 7In which it takes us the entire thread to decide who to recruitPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-05-08 1 
1393257European Dragon Quest 61In this episode, Liz stops being autistic once and for all, and shit gets done kind of. QM is a bit late archiving.European Dragon Quest, Collective Game,2017-05-08 1 
1412575Double King Quest IIYour hunger and lust for crowns leads you on a valiant conquest of exotic lands, but all rulers must fall eventually.Double King Quest, Awesome, Sociopath, surreal2017-05-09 1 
1456781Death Among the Stars Quest 76The Armada plots for war while welcoming newly risen Immortals into their ranks.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-14 8 
1473175Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMeeting the top rival of Harajuku Fashion; introducing Er Yin to modern niceties; trying new things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-18 7 
1459705European Dragon Quest 63: Misadventures of RevenarisIn this episode, Revenaris drunkingly signs on with the kobold army, we deal with the final "communist surge" and we meet the snek chineesCollective Game, European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2017-05-22 1 
1483260Death Among the Stars Quest 76.2The Armada strikes against the Ahkam while the Wayward Disciple launches their own efforts against the Councils forcesquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-05-22 9 
1489840Anarchy Accountant Quest 1This world of constant war has but two nations; Dystopia and Utopia. You are Michael Firm, the accountant and you are the government.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-05-26 3 
1499627Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintFrom Harajuku to Shibuya, where magic happens and meetings occur.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-26 4 
1438175Cape and Colony Quest 8We hire a manager and at last board our new (to us) AI mining ship, discovering things are... not great therePirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-05-29 1 
1476798Cape and Colony Quest 9The rebellious bot Ahbr and Advanced AI Rel still hate each other, but we got them to stop shooting at each for now at leastPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-05-29 1 
1494734Starship Idols Quest #17Accepting a new mission.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-05-31 2 
June 2017
1505824Anarchy Accountant Quest 2Michael gets to safety, and leaves it for suffering.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-01 1 
1489962European Dragon Quest 64In this episode, Liz gets SALTY as hell from finding out we had a bit of a harem which we forgot to tell her. She's very, very salty.Salt, European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2017-06-01 1 
1497214Lost Realm Quest: First ChapterThe heroes are summoned and the adventure begins! But it turns out the heroes are really, really bad at this.Fantasy, LostOP, Multi-PC2017-06-03 1 
1532387Death Among the Stars Quest 77Tlacex and Ruscuv return victorious from their conquests and the Armada takes stockquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-06-04 7 
1522271Anarchy Accountant Quest 3Michael makes a return to safety and meets some powerful people.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-04 1 
1536284Anarchy Accountant Quest 4Michael gets good news in real life and drunk in a simulation. He's also bad at pool and not a wizard.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-07 1 
1554706Copper Age Draw QuestA shaman works in the communitycopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-06-09 4 
1548403Anarchy Accountant Quest 5Isabelle enters the real world and gets a new face. Michael meets his new assistant. The search for militia leaders begins.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-11 1 
1558751Necropolis Vampire CivquestWe get started on the adventures of Carthus, a brutal vampire dwelling in the necropolis of the city of Ceredi. Necropolis Vampire Civquest, Quest, Civ, Vampire2017-06-12 2 
53757201quantum physics, nuclear waste waste disposal and succubiA Magical Realm is derailed into a discussion of thermodynamics, atomic waste disposal and Satan weaponizing the heat death of the universe.derail, succubi, succubus, thermodynamics, heat death, entropy, quantum physics, nuclear waste,2017-06-13 2 
1509013Cape and Colony Quest 10We finish checking out our new ship and return planetside to manage our new hiresPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-06-13 1 
1563574Anarchy Accountant Quest 6Michael meets with Charles and Tauri's superior show's up at The Firm.Collective Game, Anarchy Accountant Quest, ANCAP, Dystopian, You Are The Government, space, war, sci-fi, original content2017-06-14 1 
1549315Starship Idols Quest #19Mission to Thrace.Collective Game, not-Starship Troopers, powered armor, idols, propaganda2017-06-16 1 
1578048Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMurder on Love Hotel Hill, what happens there stays there, and the Play Is The Thing.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-16 4 
1579210XCOM Trooper Quest #1An FBI SWAT team gets in over their heads...XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-06-17 58 
1551711European Dragon Quest 65In this episode, we try to talk to a depressed elf who's the mother of one of our kids, and get Liz to be happy for a little while...European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2017-06-18 1 
1601119Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa deals with a new emotion; Er Yin is outfitted; Kiku-chan is fit to be tied.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-22 6 
1593056drawing stuff IIIa break out is botched and we return to the foldcopper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest, era draw quest2017-06-22 1 
1605745XCOM Trooper Quest #2You and the survivors of your team deal with the aftermath of the battle and meet the mysterious XCOM organization personally.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-06-24 31 
1609562Death Among the Stars Quest 78The Blackscale Cabal meets with distant kin as the Armada prepares for the Ahkam Matriarchs arrivalquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-06-25 8 
1543162Cape and Colony Quest 11We have a big woopsie involving gravity grenadesPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-06-26 1 
1624519GoT builderHistoryOP's GoT builderHistoryOP, GoT builder, Giants, Children of the Forest2017-06-30 1 
1626539Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintTying up the Fire dragonette. Playing with plastic. The truth comes out.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-30 6 
July 2017
1627836XCOM Trooper Quest #3After having been recruited into XCOM, you are sent off on your first mission to secure a crashed UFO.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-07-01 28 
1620251Stormtrooper Madman QuestREBEL SCUM ARE EVERYWHERE, WE HAVE TO GET THE EMPEROR AND VADER TO SAFETY, WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO STOP USStormtrooper, Stormtrooper Madman Quest, insane, rebels, soldier, Star Wars2017-07-03 1 
53916206Communism in CyberpunkWorldbuilding for a cyberpunk setting where rather than megacorporations, communism has taken over society. kafkaesque, dystopia, cyberpunk, communism, soviet, eastern bloc, setting, worldbuilding, 2017-07-05 1 
1580055Cape and Colony Quest 12We manage to fail our way to victory, saving the town from the gravity anomaly we accidentally causedPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-07-07 1 
1616851European Dragon Quest 66.5In this episode, QuestingQM actually is alive, and we patch relations with Liz up.QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Collective Game2017-07-07 1 
1646036Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA sweet kiss goodbye; the strangest of truths; a lie undone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-07 7 
1648049XCOM Trooper Quest #4An important decision is made and you meet the rest of the squad.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-07-08 26 
1651470Death Among the Stars Quest 78.2The Armada suffers an unexpected ambush and receives valuable information from a secretive source within the Confederacyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-09 7 
1646422CATastrophe Quest #1In which our protagonist Jack wakes up from a long freezer-nap to find that he's been transported to a world with animal-eared girls galoreCATastrophe Quest, Quest, Kemomimi, catgirl2017-07-09 5 
1617022Cape and Colony Quest 13We begin the lengthy process of dealing with the aftermath of the gravity anomalyPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-07-13 1 
1666192Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintPhilosophical questions for our heroine; an unexpected visit; Kiku gets it.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-14 7 
1667189XCOM Trooper Quest #5You respond to your second XCOM mission and things quickly escalate...XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-07-15 24 
1644854European Dragon Quest 67This time on EDQ, Liz lost her human form, we canceled our vacation to go home and SCIENCE, Ren become white again, Liz became greenQuestingQM, European Dragon Quest, Collective Quest2017-07-17 1 
1666211CATastrophe Quest #2In which Jack gets in a fight, resists the urge to touch ears, avoids a cliché misunderstanding, and starts to get /fit/ with a certain dog.CATastrophe Quest, Quest, Kemomimi, catgirl, doggirl, nekomimi2017-07-18 7 
1665938Apocalypse Tribes Evo 1500 years after bombs blew up the earth it's up to a group of crazy tribes to rebuild society and make friends with some Walmart weirdos.Op Op, Apocalypse, Tribes, Walmart2017-07-18 4 
1673449I'll draw you stuff VITublat has a frightening conversation with a tainted spirit.copper age, drawing, shaman, tribe, draw quest2017-07-19 1 
1690407XCOM Trooper Quest #6You recover from the last mission, deal with the consequences, and then try out some new toys.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-07-22 22 
1694216Death Among the Stars Quest 79The Armada braces for an inevitable conflict with an approaching stormquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-23 7 
1643778Cape and Colony Quest 14We decide to throw a pirate party, and roll a critical failure to do so. Need I say more?Pirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-07-26 1 
1689127CATastrophe Quest #3In which Jack takes a trip to the city with a certain doggirl and mousegirl.CATastrophe Quest, Quest, Kemomimi, catgirl, doggirl, mousegirl, nekomimi, animal ears2017-07-28 5 
1715640Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMid-date crisis management; a new flame; hotel rendezvous.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-28 6 
1717227XCOM Trooper Quest #7We finish testing out the beam weaponry and get to know our squad further.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-07-29 21 
1721479Death Among the Stars Quest 79.2The Armada makes last moment preparations and dispatches agentsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-07-30 7 
August 2017
1683376European Dragon Quest 68In this episode, the Russians begin to become nazis, the Balkans are on fire... But we get tech shit done.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2017-08-01 1 
1739767Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa plays naughty games with Kiku and Er Yin; Kiku serves a reminder; Ryukusa explores different sides of everyone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-04 6 
1674919Cape and Colony Quest 15Pirate party is in underway in the colony and something odd is happening with our ship AIPirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-08-04 1 
1741370XCOM Trooper Quest #8Strike One is sent to extract a certain UN General.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-08-05 16 
54724370Fictitious Theology & Mythology Worldbuilding DiscussionWorldbuilding fictitious religions for use in games. theology, mythology, pantheon, deity, deities, worldbuilding, religions, philosophy,2017-08-06 2 
1715697CATastrophe Quest #4In which there is an abrupt ending.CATastrophe Quest, Quest, Kemomimi, catgirl, doggirl, mousegirl, nekomimi, animal ears2017-08-07 1 
1759522Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintLittle pleasures; the play; a fateful meeting.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-10 6 
1764544XCOM Trooper Quest #9You return to XCOM HQ after the mission and are met with an interesting reception before you are finally christened with a nickname.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-08-12 18 
1730859European Dragon Quest 69Deus Vult. Also, magic bullshit and we get shit done.Collective Game, QuestingQM, European Dragon Quest2017-08-12 1 
1767481Death Among the Stars Quest 80War has come to the Armada, the vengeful Ahkam Dynasty launching their relentless invasion as the Arc Surge increases in strengthquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-13 8 
1709888Cape and Colony Quest 16Last one, pity since things were going okay for oncePirate, Zealot, Space Colony, Tropical Islands, Ancient Ruins, Superhero, Gigolo Life ain't easy, Genie, Cape and Colony, Rhys Osman2017-08-17 1 
1784869Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintmeeting the God of Storm and Sea; The Play is the Thing; A 'Chance' meeting...?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-18 6 
1786577XCOM Trooper Quest #10You get to know Peppermint better and increase your distaste for Thin Men even further.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-08-19 15 
1793990Death Among the Stars Quest 80.2The battle in Bastion and Urdir continue. The Voidknights receive a visitor and Agona holds the line.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-21 7 
1769302European Dragon Quest 70In this episode, we manage to fail exerting complete control over Finland, appoint Mannerheim to be it's ruler, and deal with the kobolds.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game, When will this fucking quest die?, 2017-08-23 1 
1806346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA different perspective, this time from the point of view of the one person who is at once most and least like Ryukusa - Inau-kun.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-25 6 
1807540XCOM Trooper Quest #11You spend more time in Engineering getting before being interrupted by alien escalation. You then decide an important decision.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-08-26 15 
1815123Death Among the Stars Quest 81The Matriarch attacks! The Armada faces its greatest foe yetquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-08-28 7 
1789052Storm Warrior's Quest #2Jack continues his hike and picks up a lizard chick.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior's Quest, stop with the incest you fucks2017-08-29 6 
September 2017
1829483Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintInau-kun faces a dilemma of epic proportions, explains a complicated relationship, and Ryukusa makes her feel.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-01 6 
1831082XCOM Trooper Quest #12XCOM responds to the ongoing terror mission in the United States.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-09-02 15 
1799716European Dragon Quest 71In this episode we change the timeline and remove waifus. It works out great.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2017-09-04 1 
1849048Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa learns a little about Shoko and Inau-kun's date; once again demonstrates she can be diplomatic; the play begins.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-08 6 
1853084Death Among the Stars Quest 81.2The fierce battle against the Matriarch continues, the battlefield moving across an entire solar systemquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-09-10 7 
1839232European Dragon Quest 72In this episode, QM is overworked and struggles to post, and dies a lot.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2017-09-14 1 
1833623Star Wars: Sons Of Kamino Episode IYou are born into a world of escalating war as a clone named C/C 9904, or as your brothers call you, Monk.collective game, Kov, star wars, clone trooper, Sons Of Kamino, 2017-09-15 3 
1869278XCOM Trooper Quest #13The Terror Mission is resolved.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-09-16 16 
1872052Death Among the Stars Quest 81.3Through the dangers of the Arc Surge, the Ahkam Matriarch, and the extradimensional Three, Jadyk fights to ensure the Armadas survivalquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-09-17 7 
1886452Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordMeeting with the Shinkai; the Play continues; Hime-chan is a beauty.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-21 6 
1889921XCOM Trooper Quest #14The aftermath of the Terror Mission is dealt with.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2017-09-23 14 
1866730Swole European Dragon Quest 73In this episode, Claw gets SWOLE AS FUCK, and fails to be a Chad, all while we make a new meme, that of BBM.Big Black Minotaur Meme is Best Meme, Stop Ancaps Now, European Dragon Quest, Collective Game, SWOLE, Chad, Spamming Tags, KHORNATES!2017-09-23 1 
1867160Star Wars: Sons Of Kamino Episode IIYou're a clone and OP is a faggotcollective game, Kov, star wars, clone trooper, Sons Of Kamino, 2017-09-24 2 
1913683Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play continues; Ryukusa admits a truth; a second and private meeting with the Shinkai.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-29 6 
October 2017
1916842One Piece Quest! Character Creation Edition! Endless Ocean starts a One Piece Quest, and O'wiley Keel is made! One Piece, Pirate, Marine, Endless Ocean, OP, Devil Fruit, Treasure2017-10-02 3 
1893651European Dragon Quest 74: Dead QM EditionDM dies due to work, but hopefully will be resolved in time.Collective Game, European Dragon Quest,2017-10-03 1 
1926296Death Among the Stars Quest 82With Jadyk indisposed responsibility of the Armada falls to Necromancer Jor as he must deal with the fallout of the Matriarchs defeatquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-03 8 
1935907Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play continues; Shinkai Yamada tries a new tactic; the power of a Nue.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-06 6 
1937556XCOM Trooper Quest #15You are evaluated for your actions during the Terror Mission.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel 2017-10-07 12 
1927228European Dragon Quest 75: Iberian BogalooWe goof up in Portugal, Liz governs Russia and we move to London because of reasons. Also we’re an awful father because fuck you dice godsCollective Game, European Dragon Quest, OP is a fag2017-10-13 1 
55845421Philosophical TrolleysWhat would have been a thread about a villain keeping out the PCs with philosophical puzzles gets derailed... By the Trolley Problem.trolley problem, philosophy, thread derailed, but the thread is still on the rails2017-10-14 12 
1962770XCOM Trooper Quest #16You start to make amends with your squad and learn more about the Commander and the XCOM project as a whole.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel 2017-10-14 12 
1966971Death Among the Stars Quest 83As Jadyk recovers Jor continues to oversee the Armada including dealing with a sudden threatquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-15 8 
1988677Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe fight agaisnt Shinkaai Hiei takes a terrible turn; Natto reveals his involvement; Ryukusa double-downs.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-20 6 
1991814XCOM Trooper Quest #17XCOM Deploys to extract friends in low places.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel 2017-10-21 12 
1962635European Dragon Quest 76In this episode, we do some politics and shit, DM dies, and yeah, not much happens.Skippable tbh, Collective Game, European Dragon Quest2017-10-26 1 
2015777Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe battle agaisnt the abomination Hiei and it's aftermath; the play continues.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-27 6 
2016746XCOM Trooper Quest #18The Target Extraction mission in Hong Kong is concluded.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel 2017-10-28 12 
2021254Death Among the Stars Quest 83.2Betrayal! The Osjiic Empire breaks the peace and it is up to Jor and Vle'Karak to defend the Armadas homeworldquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2017-10-29 8 
November 2017
2037354XCOM Trooper Quest #19You unwind from the last mission, play a game of darts, make an important decision, and are rewarded by being thoroughly confused.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel 2017-11-04 11 
2012020European Dragon Quest 77In this episode, strange things happen, and winter is coming... Or something like that.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2017-11-08 1 
2055566Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDealing with Yamada; the play continues; Ryukuza keeping herself together, rather literally.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-09 6 
2070167Winter Ball Quest/qst/-tan looks for a partner to go to the ball with him./qst/-tan, -tans, Winter Ball, anthropomorphic personifications, boards2017-11-14 5 
2077079Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play concludes; the fans are, well, they are fans; Ryukusa faces certain death in the form of her fiance.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-17 6 
2050826European Dragon Quest 78In this episode, Liz turns into a Chad and fucks some people over, and we go on a journey during the fall of Rome.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Lack of Ideas, Historical2017-11-22 1 
56461002mipuiOP shares his online map editor (collaborative too!) with /tg/ for testing and input.map editor, mipui, map, maps, collaboration, free, online, open source, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done2017-11-22 22 
2095289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordReunited at last; thee fallout of the fight; escape from Shibuya.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-24 7 
December 2017
2113804Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe Great Theater Escape; secrets of the heavenly servant; home again.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-12-01 6 
2089287The Stand at Dragonbone Pass: A Hero BuilderThe Empire burns! Its only protectors must overcome an unknown enemy, and each other. #Nation, Hero Builder, Co-op HB2017-12-04 6 
2135978European Dragon Quest 79In this episode, we conquer Britain for Liz, and Ren gets a bit tired of her and goes off on a vacation for a while. Also, Claw gets kibble.European Dragon Quest, Questing QM, Historical, Kibble2017-12-19 1 
56897286Interesting Original MonstersA collection of ideas for new monsters to add to your games.creatures, monsters, worldbuilding, setting, suicide bomber drop sloths,2017-12-25 4 
57052746Weirder Wizards Worldbuilding thread #2The second thread in which /tg/ brainstorms original ideas for wizards and systems of magic.wizard, wizards, magic, worldbuilding, no sense of right and wrong, personal pocket cephalopods,2017-12-27 3 
2160157European Dragon Quest 80In this episode, the quest gets flooded with new one-post IDs, and Liz turns into a chad, kind of. And Ren fucks off again.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM2017-12-29 1 
January 2018
2165968Silent Stars: Side Story vol 2An AI commits fraud, becomes a cop, gets molested, meets and kills strange people, develops a sense of morality, and starts a city.NonGent, Dystopia, Cyborgs, Tanks, Ultraviolence, Collective game2018-01-01 2 
2199663 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHome, finally. Scoldings and healing. Changes and challenges. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-04 5 
2202453Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHealing the deepest wounds; basking in the warmth of home; setting things straight - in a manner of speaking.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-05 6 
2184534European Dragon Quest 81In this episode, we go back home, ride the degeneracy train for a little while, and end up with regrets.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game,2018-01-07 1 
57244598CATastrophe art & loreA bunch of anons develop and discuss more lore for CATastrophe, then post pictures of sunken cities and briefly mentioning RyuutamaCATastrophe, Ryuutama2018-01-07 5 
2207247Death Among the Stars Quest 84As the Armada deals with upstart invaders Commander Rethak is forced to work with the Blackscale Cabals concerning secret operationsquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-01-07 8 
2223001Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordAn unexpected visitor; a difficult choice; marking time and gaining strength.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-12 7 
2246299Death Among the Stars 84.2The battle between the Deathshead Guardians and the Void Disciples reaches a fever pitch as the Armada defends their home.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-01-21 7 
2257078Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDeal with the priestess of youkai; redressing; checks and balances.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-25 6 
2260702XCOM Trooper Quest #20We return after a hiatus and start back up by filling in the shoes of Central Officer Bradford.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-01-27 13 
February 2018
2241861Silent Stars: Side Story vol 3A maintenance drone fixes some things, fights some rats, becomes a nuclear power, and accidentally wipes a city off the map.NonGent, Dystopia, SciFi, Drones, Collective game2018-02-01 1 
2275477Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDealing with Hinata-hakase; a dark spirit visits; comforting times.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-02 5 
2276624XCOM Trooper Quest #21We conclude the special one-shot turned two-shot starring Bradford with a shocking end.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-02-03 12 
2279438Death Among the Stars 84.3The final battles between the undead inheritors of the Void comes to a conclusion during the Osjiic invasionquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-04 7 
2292995Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordMaking your clan even more yours; dealing with Natto's father; the inevitable collapse.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-08 5 
2296410XCOM Trooper Quest #22Operation Gangplank begins.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-02-10 12 
2274646Beings of CreationThe Gods are born and make a new world in The Void.creation, thernax, gods, tree people, 2018-02-12 26 
2302469Death Among the Stars 85With Jadyk returned and the Imperial attackers driven off the Armada takes the opportunity to relax and recover until the next crisis.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-12 6 
2274574European Dragon Quest 82In this episode, we fuck a giant minotaur, kill 7.5 million people, and go home only to find Liz also liking the minotaur.Degeneracy, European Dragon Quest, Collective Game, Cold War,2018-02-13 0 
2315235Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordFacing a nightmarish yokai, Ryukusa stands fast. Healing recommences. Perhaps love blooms?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-16 8 
2284295Beings of Creation 2The Gods fill every tile on the map and discover new realms of existence.creation, thernax, gods, tree people2018-02-17 10 
2316477XCOM Trooper Quest #23Operation Gangplank continues, and a fate is decided.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-02-17 12 
2307224European Dragon Quest 83In this episode, Annabelle sets out to conquer the USA, and we hear about a secret organization called the Drachenshatten.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game,2018-02-23 2 
2334298Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa in Hell. Really.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-02-23 5 
2338813Death Among the Stars 85.2Jadyk visits and speaks with many who require his attention and deploys agents of the Armada across the galaxyquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-02-25 7 
2335608Kaleidoscope QuestA witch goes on an expedition for feathers from a roc.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Incredible Decision Making 2018-02-26 5 
23046454chan Tribes Evo I This is just the beginningevo tribe, pol, fit, a, r9k, evo, stoppu2018-02-26 3 
March 2018
2335587XCOM Trooper Quest #24Operation Gangplank is more complicated than expected. Surprising nobody.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-03-02 12 
2360649Death Among the Stars 85.3Jadyk addresses the citizens of the Armada and demonstrates newfound power. Valresko and Ruscuv finally meet with the Charred Knightquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-03-05 11 
2354018Kaleidoscope Quest 2There is an unparalleled amount of discomfort.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Lack of Book Eating2018-03-05 5 
2316722Beings of Creation 3The gods get into a set of giant wars and The Goddess cries a lot.creation, thernax, gods, tree people 2018-03-07 7 
2366279Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa in Hell - literally - and the message from her family. Visitation rights are explored.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-07 6 
2350346Smee QuestThe biggest quest since the silent era.Smee, CIA, Bane, Kino, Kinoplex, Collective Game, Nolan, Bravo, Smee Quest, Wreckage Brother, Interlinked, UUUU2018-03-10 5 
2371023Kaleidoscope Quest 3A royal wants something, and a herbalist attempts to perform surgery on a necklace.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Lack of Witch Activities2018-03-12 4 
2371076XCOM Trooper Quest #25Operation Gangplank finally concludes. The aftermath of the mission follows with several surprises along the way.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-03-16 13 
2391780Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa meets the Judge of the Dead; returning to life; decision time.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-16 6 
2393388Kaleidoscope Quest 4The first premonition.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Flexing Recollection Ability2018-03-17 3 
2393365XCOM Trooper Quest #26Strike-1's new squad leader is chosen and gets to work. XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-03-17 13 
2397399Death Among the Stars 85.4Solar Arbiter Sur-Quro leads her squads into the heart of Barqalan in their attempt to save the space-city from the undead infestationquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-03-18 6 
2355353Age of Strife #2We take odd jobs and battle mini-boss Beelzebub. Our apartment gets trashed and we sit down to read a magic book.Orpheus, Demon Hunter, Magic, Future, Semi-Dystopia,2018-03-19 1 
2411514Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe Judge of the 10th Level of Hell; Er Yin's mother; returning to life.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-23 6 
2415858Kaleidoscope Quest 5Out of the Forest of Spirits and into Iorina Ruthaena’s grace.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Complete Disregard for Privacy2018-03-27 4 
2390194Age of Strife #3We finish buying a styling coat before we look for our friend in a stripper bar, before burning it down.Orpheus, Demon Hunter, Magic, Future, Semi-Dystopia,2018-03-29 1 
2412305XCOM Trooper Quest #27The last of your drunken antics are told and you sneak off to catch up with a friend who really needs someone to talk to. XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-03-31 12 
April 2018
2441982Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHome again, but there is little time for rest. But there is always time for love and plans.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-02 6 
2401990From Nothing QuestA poor slave child escapes to the woods only to emerge a year later and be adopted by a magic merchant.Magic, Amon, adoption, Fantasy, adventure, RPG, sister,2018-04-03 3 
2461527Death Among the Stars 86A special thread dedicated to covering the progress made by the Wayward Disciple in their efforts to steal the Wormstars corpse-shardquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-04-09 6 
2453556Kaleidoscope Quest 6A new dress for a new job.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Syrup Tastes Things2018-04-09 2 
2453448XCOM Trooper Quest #28You help out both a squad mate with a problem and a certain Chief Scientist with a research project.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-04-13 12 
2476131XCOM Trooper Quest #29You finish helping Dr. Vahlen with the alien interrogation and then assemble to see the introduction of XCOM's first MECs.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-04-20 12 
2489860Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordReiha's worries; Rishi-chan's strange attraction; Ryukusa's solutions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-20 5 
2498833Death Among the Stars 87The Armada takes the opportunity to relax after weeks of intense activity and battlequest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-04-23 6 
2490873Kaleidoscope Quest 7Someone brings a broom to a sword fight.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Compliant Currency Exchange2018-04-23 2 
59220808Hip-Hop in roleplayingAn anon seeks help for rhyme-based casting, worldbuilding ensuesetting, Samurai Champloo, worldbuilding, Hip Hop, hip-hop, brainstorming2018-04-24 6 
2483568The Sands of Nowhere Quest #1You have been introduced to the weird desert of Nowhere, the hub city, and have embarked on your first journey out into the sands.Sands of Nowhere, Story-focused, Adventure, Open-world2018-04-26 4 
2490847XCOM Trooper Quest #30Strike-1 begins a VIP Extraction mission to rescue an important scientist for the Commander.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-04-27 12 
2508014Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette DiplomatGetting Rishi settled in; lunch with family and friends; a private matter.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-27 6 
2509160Kaleidoscope Quest 8A curse, a shrine, and a keeper.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Bear Stew for Breakfast2018-04-28 2 
May 2018
2509062XCOM Trooper Quest #31Things get complicated in the VIP extraction mission.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-05-04 11 
2527956Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette DiplomatA look into Ryukusa's future encounters; dealing with family problems in the worst way and the best way.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-05-04 12 
2516479Saiyan Quest Episode 0We meet the low class saiyan child Mizuna, as he goes through the Saiyan Squad Appraisal Tournament, and goes on his first assignmentSaiyan, Saiyan Quest, Mizuna, CoopyQm, DBZ,2018-05-05 10 
2506080The Sands of Nowhere Quest #2You have found the lake that holds the memories of the dead, rescued some miners and found the last memory for the Ticking Mechanist.Sands of Nowhere, Story-focused, Adventure, Open-world2018-05-09 1 
2529580XCOM Trooper Quest #32You get mad.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-05-10 13 
2565522Death Among the Stars 87.2The Pirates and the Legion continue to fight for the survival of Barqalan with the assistance of an eccentric A.I.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-05-15 6 
2541824Saiyan Quest Episode 1Mizuna fakes his death, spars with the Prince of all saiyans, met his nemesis, and set out to build a bio army for his rebellionSaiyan, Saiyan Quest, Mizuna, CoopyQm, DBZ,2018-05-17 10 
2553980XCOM Trooper Quest #33The VIP extraction mission is concluded.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-05-18 13 
2574579XCOM Trooper Quest #34You and the rest of the squad unwind after the operation.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-05-25 12 
2594889Death Among the Stars 87.3The struggle to rescue Barqalan continues while Necromancer Jor enjoys the start of his "vacation"quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-05-27 6 
2592467Kaleidoscope Quest 9The night is spent at a shrine.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Broken Promises and Plums2018-05-28 2 
2553279Beings Of Creation 2 #1In the ashes of the forgotten world a new one is born and many powerful Daemon rise from the ashes to create civilizations.Civ, creation, gods, tree people, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, READ, THE, RULES,2018-05-28 5 
June 2018
2592327XCOM Trooper Quest #35You awaken to your true potential. It took a lot out of you.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-06-01 12 
2619210Kaleidoscope Quest 10Return to Ristella.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Solaria's Gifts and Blessings2018-06-04 2 
2616345XCOM Trooper Quest #36You explain your new discovery, get assessed once again by The Commander, learn something personal, and search for a missing squad member.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-06-07 12 
2589356Beings Of Creation 2 #2A threat reveals itself to the world and the first war is fought. Civ, creation, gods, tree people, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, READ, THE, RULES,2018-06-08 5 
60202751Historical Figures as Villains or AntagonistsWho is the best historical conqueror to base a villain on? /tg/ discusses.History, Historical, Personalities, Real People, Character, Setting, /his/2018-06-09 2 
60146809post-scarcity society theorization and worldbuildingA discussion on what how a post-scarcity civilization might work.setting, worldbuilding, post-scarcity, future, replicator, utopian, dystopian, fully automated luxury gay space communism,2018-06-10 1 
2632591XCOM Trooper Quest #37You help a squadmate make an important decision for herself and then test out fancy weapons in Engineering.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-06-15 12 
2608381Sophie Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Sophie's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Sophie Jones, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-06-17 1 
2627722Beings Of Creation #3Even Gods need sleep.Civ, creation, gods, tree people, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, READ, THE, RULES,2018-06-20 5 
2643985Umbra City QuestQM has rocky start but tries his best to maintain. Thread died due to lack of interest before the action could pick up, sadly.cyberpunk, biopunk, action, henshin, henshin heroes, tranformation, original setting, original quest, 1/1, Taleteller, Bio-Armor2018-06-21 1 
2652324XCOM Trooper Quest #38You practice your new ability extensively and then prepare for a new mission.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-06-22 12 
2627611Sophie Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Sophie's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Sophie Jones, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-06-22 1 
2673430EXALT Agent Quest One Shot Part 1Set in the XCOM Trooper Quest universe, you fill the shoes of an agent of the secretive paramilitary organization known as EXALT.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel, EXALT, EXALT Agent2018-06-29 11 
July 2018
2689818EXALT Agent Quest One Shot Part 2The one-shot is concluded.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel, EXALT, EXALT Agent2018-07-01 12 
60776161Carthage-Inspired Punic SettingAn anon comes to /tg/ for assistance on developing his rough sketch of an idea, receives /his/-tier discussion.Carthage, Canaan, Semitic Peoples, Sumer, Mesopotamia, worldbuilding, history2018-07-11 3 
2725495XCOM Trooper Quest #39Strike-1 deploys to a Council Mission that raises many questions. XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-07-20 12 
2746240XCOM Trooper Quest #40The Council Mission ends and Strike-1 comes to terms with how you did it. Further objectives are given by the Commander to investigate.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-07-27 12 
August 2018
2763837XCOM Trooper Quest #41You visit one of the captured prisoners from last mission and then you and the rest of XCOM learn of the other MELD department besides MECs.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-08-03 12 
2743021Beings of Creation 2 #4After two updates, Pastebin is savagely murderedCiv, creation, gods, tree people, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, READ, THE, RULES,2018-08-03 6 
2780726XCOM Trooper Quest #42You check in on the two injured members of your squad in Medical, getting to know them both better while also preparing for a big team talk.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-08-10 15 
2797053XCOM Trooper Quest #43You finally inform the whole squad about your new potential and finally get some sleep. One of your squadmates also opens up to you.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-08-17 14 
2813689XCOM Trooper Quest #44Further training is done on learning your Gift, bullying of a squadmate also happens during said training.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-08-26 17 
2810845Saiyan Quest 2Mizuna takes a quick detour from Zekara to raid The Dairy QueenSaiyan, Saiyan Quest, Mizuna, CoopyQm, DBZ, Dragonball Z2018-08-30 6 
September 2018
2850730XCOM Trooper Quest #45You attempt yoga...XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-09-07 12 
2848343Saiyan Quest 2.5We finish buisness on New Texas and head for Zekara! Saiyan, Saiyan Quest, Mizuna, CoopyQm, DBZ, Dragonball Z2018-09-11 5 
2868199XCOM Trooper Quest #46You deal with the fallout of a country leaving the Council and then prepare for a landed UFO mission.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-09-14 12 
2851664Beings of Creation 2 #6The Bloodletting strikes, and people decide to play againCiv, creation, gods, tree people, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, READ, THE, RULES2018-09-16 5 
2887328XCOM Trooper Quest #47The landed UFO mission continues and your learn the mission is not as easy as first thought.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-09-21 12 
2871920Saiyan Quest 3Mizuna lands on Zekara and has his first interaction the life that inhabits itSaiyan, Saiyan Quest, Mizuna, CoopyQm, DBZ, Dragonball Z2018-09-21 3 
2907746XCOM Trooper Quest #48Combat starts in earnest in the landed UFO mission.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-09-28 12 
October 2018
2899813Beings of Creation 2 #7The end of the beautiful mess that was the second game of BoCCiv, creation, gods, tree people, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, READ, THE, RULES, boc, boc22018-10-03 5 
2927303XCOM Trooper Quest #49The battle for the landed UFO heats up in more ways than one and you begin to flex your psionic muscles further in combat.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-10-05 12 
2945328XCOM Trooper Quest #50The landed UFO mission is concluded. XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-10-18 15 
3004922Death Among the Stars Quest 89A special flashback thread dedicated to remembering one of Jadyk's past conquests in the old Necrotic Armadaquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-10-28 4 
November 2018
2998178XCOM Trooper Quest #51You recuperate after the last mission, reminisce on your past, and set a very particular thing into motion...XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-11-02 11 
3020169XCOM Trooper Quest #52More downtime at XCOM HQ as you learn more about psionics and one of your squadmates.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-11-10 11 
3031049Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7Main character Deltorian Tessan deals with a terror attack at the English Canal Mag Rail tunnel.Cyberpunk Operative Quest, Department 7, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, action,2018-11-10 1 
3036757XCOM Trooper Quest #53You spend time with your squadmates in the barracks.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-11-16 11 
3015589Reluctant Werewolf QuestA boy with weird canid abilities and an even stranger guardian meets with his best friends, share in jokes, and foil a dark plot.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Werewolves, cliffhangers, OPIsMiserable2018-11-16 1 
3056436Death Among the Stars Quest 88.3Jadyk addresses captive gods, delivering an important choice. Final preparations are made for the upcoming conflicts and a monster forgedquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-11-19 4 
3051192XCOM Trooper Quest #54You see how other soldiers deal with Rookies and are assigned a new mission to deal with a new threat.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-11-29 9 
December 2018
3091021Death Among the Stars Quest 90The Armada launches a counter invasion against the Ahkam Dynasty to take advantage of the chaos from the death of the Matriarchquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-12-06 7 
63326780Island Pulp AdventureDiscussion of how an island can be used in a pulp adventure game. The mysterious island, Lost World, and Jungle Opera Genre are discussedWorldbuilding, Brainstorming, Homebrew, Lost World, Pulp, Jungle Opera2018-12-07 11 
3079175XCOM Trooper Quest #55You prepare for the Switzerland Covert Ops mission and arrive at the country.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-12-07 8 
3062367Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7, Part 2Del shows some rookies around Department 7.Cyberpunk Operative Quest, Department 7, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, action,2018-12-19 1 
63650808Sector Creation Thread II: Imperial Boogaloo Continued work on the newest SectorInquisitors, Planets, 40k, Marines, Blinding light, Drop Pods, Creatures2018-12-28 1 
3111034XCOM Trooper Quest #56The Switzerland Covert Ops mission continues.XCOM Trooper Quest, XCOM, X-com, Collective Game, Pixel2018-12-30 12 
3143140Death Among the Stars Quest 90.2Operations across the galaxy continue as agents of the Armada discover new secrets and plots while war with the Dynasty begins anewquest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2018-12-31 2 
January 2019
3188317Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies QuestA quest about the exploring what truly makes a man gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in submission to a huge black man.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-01-31 10 
February 2019
3195188Lich QuestA Lich decides to murder a vampire. A party is formed. Shit's fucked yo.Lich, Fantasy, Comedy, Collective Game, Bishop2019-02-02 1 
3239646One Piece Headhunter Questwe meet Valerio Pierce a bountyhunter and swordsman, who heads to a island thats a front for a human trafficking scam to collect a bountyOne Piece Headhunter Quest, OPHeadhunter, One Piece2019-02-10 8 
3220355Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies Quest 2 - Tentacles EditionA quest about the exploring what truly makes a man gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in hentayesque escapdes with tentacles.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-02-10 9 
64518341Night of the Lively Dead - tales from the tombcity/tg/ worldbuilds a city-state populated entirely by miscellaneous varieties of undead.undeadtopia, setting, worldbuilding, city-state, undead, zombies, liches, vampires, paladin hate crimes,2019-02-11 3 
64632151AdMech finds Opportunity and Imperial vidyaIn the grim darkness of the far future, there is Opportunity for win. Also, vidya of the Imperium of Man.40K, Adeptus Mechanicus, Opportunity, win, writefaggotry, Imperium, vidya2019-02-16 17 
64727567interesting op imageop makes the common mistake of posting an image that's too interestingOP, blunder, image, snake2019-02-20 8 
3271841One Piece Headhunter Quest #2we take down Capone Dario get a new crew member and eat a devil fruitOne Piece Headhunter Quest, OPHeadhunter, One Piece2019-02-24 5 
3300692Death Among the Stars Quest 90.3The battle for Barqalan comes ever closer to an end while stories are exchanged.quest, undead, lich, collective game, sci-fi, space opera, death among the stars, fantasy2019-02-27 3 
March 2019
3283062Android Development QuestPierre the android questions his existence.Stormyface, Android Development Quest, Collective2019-03-07 1 
3303182One Piece Headhunter Quest #3We fight some pirates, experiment with our new devil fruit power and start exploring golden mountainOne Piece Headhunter Quest, OPHeadhunter, One Piece2019-03-09 5 
3301661Godzilla QuestA Kaiju QM doesn't finish a thread.Kaiju, Godzilla, Destoroyah, Unfinished, goddammit OP, goddammit me2019-03-12 9 
3329112One Piece Headhunter Quest #3.5We explore golden mountain, unlock a new devil fruit power and meet the most annoying character in this quest so farOne Piece Headhunter Quest, OPHeadhunter, One Piece2019-03-18 3 
3325668Android Development Quest #2Our subject Pierre gets on with his life Stormyface, Android Development Quest2019-03-20 1 
3340660 Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies Quest 3 - Floppy Dicks EditionA quest about the exploring what truly makes a man gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in being dominated by an older man.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-03-24 9 
April 2019
3376522NRP 3 Unofficial Part 4 (Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies Quest)A quest about the exploring what truly makes a pollack gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in submission to a huge german mann.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-04-07 9 
3414008NRP 3 Unofficial Part 5 (Final) (Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies Quest)A quest about the exploring what truly makes a cuck gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in submission to a huge woman.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-04-13 4 
3404311Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.2In which captain Ford gains a new crew member and spends some downtime aboard a Quarian liveship before embarking on a new adventure...Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-04-14 5 
3425088Fightan Magic QuestA frog ejaculates fighting spirit into our body and we attempt to get inside of a woman.fightan magic quest, fightan magic, quest, collective game, absolutely hilarious, come back OP2019-04-22 5 
3436928Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.3In which Henri Ford returns to Earth, pays visit to an old friend and finds himself set on course of a dangerous and unexpected missionMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-04-27 5 
May 2019
3485005Stories from the Second Weltkrieg: A Kaiserreich QuestPart 1 of SftSW:AKQ, in which our intrepid MC meets a NatPop and starts to get indoctrinated.Kaiserreich, NatPop, Quest2019-05-06 1 
3441738An evening with Lex LuthorThe Call Girl from Metropolis adventures begin with an encounter with Lex Luthor and SupermanCollective Game, Call Girl Quest, DC, Lex Luthor, Superman, Metropolis2019-05-06 2 
3468189Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 4In which Henri Ford gains a burdensome secret, a friend and a new crew mate. And a new job.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-05-13 2 
3464465InfilInc: Prospect Mining [Skirmish]We are smooth tactical operators, let no one tell you otherwise. Collective Game, skirmish sketch quest, Liren, Company Command, Agent, InfilInc, SMOOTH TACTICAL OPERATORS2019-05-15 5 
3469312 The Call Girl’s Adventures in Metropolis (And other places): 1The call of the PenguinCollective Game, Call Girl Quest, DC, Penguin, Metropolis2019-05-18 0 
3505381Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 5In which Henri Ford spends a day in the office with Lea as his boss and once again gets into more than he bargained for.Mass effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-05-30 2 
June 2019
3563091Z Quest Episode 0: The CalmLucy Riley and the rest of her family are forced to prepare for a massive storm but find something more insidious.Apocalypse, Horror, Survival, Drama, Z Quest, CoopyQm2019-06-11 10 
3570737Body Horror Quest - 23nd VeinShu, fam, and friends raid a Hexxane Armory, only to find they weren't the first thieves. The plot of Act 2 thickens. Mother makes her moveBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 22019-06-18 15 
3544140Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep.6In which Henri Ford And his crew tidy up, visit a dark place and embark on a rescue jobCollective Game, Mass Effect, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-06-19 2 
66704603headlines of the future/tg/ writes their ideas for the newspapers of tomorrow!future, predictions, utopia, dystopia, setting,2019-06-22 2 
3601795Body Horror Quest - 24th VeinA desperate gambit in the face of Mother's deathtrap, Shu’s family descends deep into a city of the dead. In a race to stop a god’s revivalBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 22019-06-29 17 
July 2019
3579735Z Quest Episode 1: In times like theseLucy Riley and Doug Richards set off to Aurora City High for a rescue mission!Apocalypse, Horror, Survival, Drama, Z Quest, CoopyQm2019-07-02 10 
3588226Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.7In which Henri Ford goes to investigate the silent outpost on the icy moon Enceladus and finds himself plunged into another mysteryMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-07-04 3 
3612440Joker Quest 164Joker's upgrade sperg reaches a never before seen level, no plot for you.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Too many options2019-07-05 10 
3637465Body Horror Quest - 25th VeinAn unseen Bamboozle that breaks the plans of many. A desperate battle that breaks a broken B'ni. Act 2 ends with a bittersweet taste.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 2, Bamboozles, B'ni2019-07-13 15 
3626688Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 8Where Henri Ford and his friends unravel the icy moon’s mystery and are rewarded by yet more heavy secrets to bear.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-07-16 3 
3660660Body Horror Quest - 26th VeinShu lays B'ni to rest, feasts with her family on level-ups, and meets the Hexane race face to face. Goodnight, Isabelle.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 32019-07-20 15 
3676492Errant Shopkeep QuestLegends tell of an errant shopkeep that appears on the road whenever someone is in need, but legends are only legends, after all.drawquest, errant shopkeep quest, capitalism,2019-07-21 5 
August 2019
3693736Body Horror Quest - Ischemia Intermission Intermission Thread Between the 26th and 27th Vein, Anons contribute write-faggotry and discuss the future. Bhop prepares for the next vein.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Ischemia, Intermission2019-08-02 11 
3673931Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.9In which Henri Ford gets debriefed, learns another secret and dances.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-08-04 2 
3693362Redneck Sword Hero Quest #4People need somthing to belive in and heroes are no gods.Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, God, Mountain OP pliz nerf2019-08-05 5 
3729692Body Horror Quest - 27th VeinShu says goodbye to the Midnight Crew, goes to meet Good SHODAN, finally lets go of Sam, takes in a good Doctor, and prepares for THE HUNTBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Sam, West, Francine, the hunt2019-08-15 15 
3723090The Elements - a nrp game: Thread 3The Age of Expansion draws to a close as international diplomacy takes center stage. Lots of wars, disputes, and general disorder. Sky, NatRP, NRP, Civ Game, Cooperative storytelling2019-08-20 1 
3728144Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, Ep. 10 pt1Where the Chariot heads off to its new destination and the crew comes together to watch a vicious fightMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-08-21 1 
3765579Body Horror Quest - 28th VeinShu meets a Polish meme girl and a posse of Hyenas with Assless chaps; then finds prey, only to find she's not the only hunter on the prowlBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Polish, hyenas, assless chaps, Protean2019-08-25 12 
September 2019
3780059Body Horror Quest - 29th VeinShu’s catch of the week: 1 Silver Fish, 1 Stealth Panther, and 1 Frost Wolf. FuzzBuzz gets adopted by Ants, and unexpected visitors arrive.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Ants, FuzzBuzz, bamboozle2019-09-08 12 
3805827Body Horror Quest - 30th VeinShu has tea with Charon, talks to a 4-D Doggo, chats with many dream daughters, and tells a story about Ants to Amara.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Ringo, 4-D Doggo, Charon, Amara, infodump2019-09-16 15 
3785103Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep.10 p2Where Henri Ford returns to Earth, visits an Asari outpost and reunites with his Spectre friend.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space opera2019-09-18 1 
October 2019
3848948Body Horror Quest - 31st VeinA simple visit to Madam Yurei’s Mansion to talk about her proposal for the Crucible turned into a ballroom blitz of escalating violence.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Madam Yurei, Ballroom Blitz, Violence, boss phases2019-10-05 12 
3838849Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.10 p3In which Henri Ford concludes his reunion with a friend and sets out towards AfricaMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-10-12 1 
3863033Body Horror Quest - 32nd VeinShu and family dive into a ghost's past to lay her to rest, and a certain bunny comes back from the dead to start her road to redemption.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Madam Yurei, exorcism, redemption, B'ni2019-10-16 14 
3868445Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.11 pt1Where Henri Ford and his crew head to the wayward Krogan camp on a mission of peace and industryMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-10-28 2 
November 2019
3894141Body Horror Quest - 33rd VeinShu entertains a variety of guests in her house, from the Barbers to the Dream Daughters, with a phone call from 'Mother' Ozmas in betweenBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, dream daughters, slice-of-life, slow thread2019-11-07 14 
3917562Body Horror Quest - 34th VeinToday was a good day. Shu got to meet the Ant Queen and took her family on a relaxing day trip to Laoc...until a flying kaiju came along.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Francine, slice-of-life, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day2019-11-19 14 
3904744Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 11, pt 2In which Henri Ford hatches an ambitious projectCollective Game, Mass Effect, Henri Ford, Space Opera2019-11-27 1 
December 2019
3933303Body Horror Quest - CapillaryAn Interlude where bhop explores the perspectives of other characters in the Crucible world: Featuring: Sam, 'A', and Isabelle.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, interlude, Capillary, slice-of-life, Isabelle, Sam, 'A'2019-12-02 12 
3951968Body Horror Quest - 35th VeinHunger Riots are the worst. They can easily swallow up a town like Laoc whole if Shu doesn't put down the hunger-mad fast enough. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Hunger Riots, town event, combat, hunger-mad, a good day2019-12-12 13 
69946100Sciencemaster settingA dystopian setting without emotion is made, autist claims that it is a utopia. it isn't.Autist, Setting, Worldbuilding, distopia.2019-12-15 25 
3945484Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 11 pt 3In which Henri Ford and his colleague Kris engages in politics and diplomacyCollective Game, Mass Effect, Space opera, Henri Ford2019-12-18 1 
3966505Bad Art QuestThomas wishes to spread the word of Classic Italian Disco but it goes beary wrong.Bear, disco, art, bad, bad art, Thomas, corn, Conopolis2019-12-19 0 
3966149Clone Wars Quest: Create-A-CloneThe creation, training, and early escapades of CT-0027 and his brothers on the eve of the Clone Wars. Vode an!Clone Wars Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Prequel, Legends2019-12-23 11 
January 2020
3989150Clone Wars Quest: Episode 1The Battle of Geonosis challenges CT-0027 and his brothers in many ways. Things are not always like the simulators!Clone Wars Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Geonosis, Prequel, Legends2020-01-10 7 
4006160Body Horror Quest - 36th VeinAnd now for the tedious part after the Laoc hunger riots: cleaning up , level-ups and some heart-to-heart talks for those who need it.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, a good day, clean-up, Julia, Gemma2020-01-13 13 
3984510Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt1In which some hope is gained and two hunts initiatedMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-01-13 2 
70534274Bionicle: Masks of Destiny RPGOP presents his attempt at a fully functional (if never playtested) Bionicle RPG. Dropbox pdf links at the bottom of the thread. Lego,Bionicle, homebrew RPG, Masks of Destiny, PDF, dropbox2020-01-23 14 
4020384Clone Wars Quest: Episode 2The surprise Battle of Kamino sees CT-0027 fighting alongside and against some of the most important figures of the war so far.Clone Wars Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Kamino, Prequel, Legends2020-01-26 6 
4038281Body Horror Quest - 37th VeinShu leaves Laoc to kill a giant anteater for Ants, and helps out a pair of lovers before being gently reminded that they are being HUNTED.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day, the hunt, hexane2020-01-30 11 
February 2020
4067810Body Horror Quest - 38th VeinShu meets a big-name Skinternet streamer, asks google “how to stop a Terminator”, and has dinner with her family.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Francine, skinternet, planning, level up2020-02-13 11 
4052476Clone Wars Quest: Episode 3The mission takes a deadly turn when CT-0027 faces a fearsome Separatist foe and then revenge from an unexpected source.Clone Wars Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Kamino, Prequel, Legends2020-02-17 6 
4055732Pokemon Virgil Quest: Pokemon School Tournament #1Virgil enters a school tournament, gets sent back in time, stops the creation of Mew2, Rise of TR, LOPUNNY, FIGHTCLUB, NEW MOMCollective Game, Slice of Life, Comedy, Nekomancer, transformation, Virgil Quest, Virgil Series, Virgil, Lopunny, emotional, fun, Pokemon2020-02-22 6 
March 2020
4105787Body Horror Quest - 39th VeinShu destroys Dr. West's Skynet, West Alpha forces them to flee their mountain home, and an ally becomes a rogue terrorist. End of Act 3.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, West Alpha, Magpie, skynet,2020-03-09 11 
4081562Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt2In which Henri Ford takes on the role of a private investigator.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-03-09 1 
4097180Clone Wars Quest: Episode 4CT-0027 receives special training from a Null ARC, finds a Kaminoan he shouldn't have, is promoted, and tests himself against Bones.Clone Wars Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Kamino, Prequel, Legends2020-03-15 4 
4099993Pokemon Virgil Quest: Pokemon School Tournament #2Accidental Date w/Chad, revealed who we were to Family, became a chonky cat, fractured mind due to traumatic events, fought godCollective Game, Slice of Life, Comedy, Nekomancer, transformation, Virgil Quest, Virgil Series, Virgil, Lopunny, emotional, fun, Pokemon2020-03-17 2 
4112569Hedge Quest Interlude: Ophelie's FinestOfficers Raphael and Monet of the Ophelian Watch begin investigating a murder!Hedge Quest, Ophelie's Finest, Officer Raphael, QM Pk, Peekay2020-03-24 7 
4142662Body Horror Quest - 40th VeinWhile prepping for an counterattack on West Alpha, Shu tries to talk Magpie out of murdering entire settlements. It doesn't end well. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Magpie, Midnight Crew, Altered Altar2020-03-28 8 
April 2020
4143391Clone Wars Quest: Episode 5After a large reorganization of the GAR, newly minted Sergeant CT-0027 leads his troopers and fights the first skirmish on Excarga.Clone Wars Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Excarga, Prequel, Legends2020-04-07 3 
4168332Body Horror Quest - 41st VeinDinner and Downtime before the Big Raid. Shu hosts a body horror fashion show, and God itself talks to Shu asking why she got brain surgery.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Midnight Crew, Barbers, downtime, level up2020-04-11 8 
4163174Black Mesa Black Ops QuestA CIA agent undercover at black mesa experiences a resonance cascade, escorts Eli Vance and Dr. Kleiner, and experiences a psychic migraine.Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-04-11 10 
4161182CorpRP - Thread#1is da CorpRPCorpRP , NRP , Propper Descritption2020-04-15 2 
4167319Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt3In which doctor Ford continues his investigation into the missing adventurersMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-04-17 1 
4189643Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #2 With her equipment, Gabby meets a new spy and sends Eli and his daughter on his way. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-04-26 3 
4183989Clone Wars Quest: Episode 6CT-0027 and his squad are on the front line as the droids begin their attack on Excarga, cutting off the Spaceport.Clone Wars Quest, Star Wars, Clone Trooper, Clone Wars, Mandalorian, Excarga, Prequel, Legends2020-04-28 3 
4196574CorpRp - Thread#2Corporate Roleplay part 2CorpRP , NRP , Propper Descritption2020-04-28 2 
May 2020
72276876escapism thread/tg/ discusses their ideal utopian fantasies and the benefits of escapism vs reality in general.knight, wizard, retro scifi, cozy apocalypse, philosophy, escapism2020-05-02 4 
72325114Top Gear in a very special episodeClarkson, May, and Hammond have only 20000 pounds in order to buy a vehicle and take it from Ultramar to Terra.40k, story, Top Gear, not serious, lol2020-05-03 136 
4208306Body Horror Quest - 42nd VeinNuclear Diplomacy with W. Alpha, 60 minutes with Orwell, checkups for the Altered Altar, & preaching to the Cult: Just another day for Shu.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, West Alpha, Orwell, Cults, Nuclear diplomacy2020-05-06 7 
4203728Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Milk Delivery Quest Part 2Sent 100 years in the future, can Gohan get back to the past, save the future and deliver the Milk?Collective Game, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tuffle, Tuffle Quest, Milk Delivery, Sword and Angry Power Hour, Coffee Shop AU, Sing-Along2020-05-10 1 
4238081Otome Gone Wrong Quest PrologueFollow the girl Maria as when she was only ten killed an Emperor and his successor, as well as develop through her childhood. Otome, Real World Mockery, Dracula, Pope, 2020-05-12 14 
4219396Uncertainty Principle: The Black Ops Black Mesa Quest. #3Gabby finds her fellow spies who foolishly tried to capture Dr. Freeman, and discovers the alien's own intelligence network. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-05-12 3 
4226808Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.12 pt4In which Henri Ford delves into the mystery of the missing adventurers and makes some disturbing discoveries...Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-05-17 1 
4250793Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 1Maria finally enters the Holy AcademyOtome Gone Wrong, Real World Mockery, Dracula, Pope, OtomeQM2020-05-21 23 
4248673Body Horror Quest - 43rd VeinShu preaches to the cult with a sermon in order to tell them to stop behaving like a cult. Anons crank out lots literal essays of write-ins.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 4, Cults, lotsa write-ins, philosophical speechcraft, SMT, choices2020-05-24 10 
4249454CorpRp - Thread#3Final CorpRP threadCorpRP , NRP , Propper Descritption2020-05-25 2 
4261905Otome Gone Wrong Quest Ch.2Maria meets capture targets, participates in a duel and plans a pilgrimage.Otome, Otome Gone Wrong, Real World Mockery, Dracula, Pope, OtomeQM2020-05-25 12 
4255093Ganxta Quest: PrologueAfter waking up brutally injured from a failed raid, we return to the scene to exact revenge and stake our claim on the underworld.GanxtaQuest, Crime, Thriller, Action-Oriented, Dystopia2020-05-27 2 
4250994The Black Ops Black Mesa Quest. #4The group sneaks and fights through the rest of the water treatment facility, tricks an attack helicopter, fights a sniper with aliens.Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-05-28 3 
June 2020
4287846Body Horror Quest - 44th VeinQM BHOP finds out his mother's health is in critical condition, and stops the session early. Feels are shared, Anons send their condolencesBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 5, irl INTERRUPT, Mother, feels, 4 is death2020-06-12 7 
4281118Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #5Gabby takes a psychedelic trip through the vortessence, makes it to the infirmary. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-06-21 2 
73379914Pooping in the woods In which anons discuss being attacked while pooping and bags of holding full of shit. poop, pooping in the woods, survival, poopinginthewoods, adventuring, bag of holding, shit, campaign ideas2020-06-27 12 
4289429Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 12 pt 5In which Henri Ford explores a corporate black site gone wrongMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-06-28 1 
July 2020
4315742Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #6 Gabby has more Vortal chats, and her airdrop and exfiltrations arrive. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-07-14 4 
4342085Body Horror Quest - 45th VeinA simple investigation of infighting in a mountain settlement reveals politics and a plot by a culprit who has the broken power of "NOTHINGBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 5, Arcadia, Politics, Nothing is scarier2020-07-25 7 
73938020dystopian solarpunkA combination of worldbuilding and discussion as to the difference between cyberpunk and solarpunk.solarpunk, worldbuilding, environmentalism, dystopian,2020-07-30 2 
August 2020
74033962lycanthropic generatorsIf werewolves spontaneously gain mass when transforming from human to wolf, how can this be exploited to generate vast amounts of energy?werewolves, werwolf, lycanthropy, troll physics,2020-08-03 1 
74175007Psychopath "Torture Animals For Fun" AnonMoral discussion of centaur fluff turns to an interview with a boardline psychopath. starts at 74176762centuar, psychopath, morality2020-08-07 9 
4356398Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #7"Over here you outer space octupus!" and more intelligence gathering in the infirmary, alongside a suspicious new party member. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-08-12 3 
4386337Body Horror Quest - 46th VeinThere was much ado about "nothing". For even in Acadia, there Shu was. End of the 5th Arc/Act.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 5, Arcadia, nothing2020-08-20 7 
4405146Z Quest Episode 2: Beauties and BeastsWe are back after a year and continue Lucy's story and do our first perspective shift to her husband! Apocalypse, Horror, Survival, Drama, Z Quest, CoopyQm2020-08-20 3 
74404212Dystopian Cyberpunk Setting/tg/ attempts to worldbuild a cyberpunk dystopia, only to discover everything they propose has actually happened.worldbuilding, cyberpunk, dystopia, metafictional, depressing2020-08-23 4 
September 2020
4384264Fief Quest RIPA one-shot quest about local lord, stored for potential sequel or rebootlocal lord, fief quest, RIP, dropped2020-09-03 0 
4401702Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #8 Gabby and the team discover anomalies in time as they approach ground zero. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-09-05 3 
4430305Body Horror Quest, 47th VeinShu meets a Centaur intent on walking the old town road. IRL circumstances puts the vein on pause. Vein is promptly archived for safety.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 62020-09-14 10 
4428112Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 12, pt. 6In which Henri Ford and his friends reach the heart of the compromised installationMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-09-26 1 
October 2020
4438115 Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #9We continue through the labs, taking out a group of marines in the lobby, and finding our old CIA device modified. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-10-06 1 
75306716non-corporate cyberpunkWhat are some alternatives for cyberpunk dystopias where the power of the megacorps has been broken?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, dystopia,80s Czechoslovakia, fall of the soviet union,2020-10-10 1 
4470183Boku Nope Hero 1Izuku's new investigative career reveals the shocking truth; Kacchan is a tsundere.collective game, my hero academia, boku nope hero quest2020-10-22 2 
November 2020
4480857Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #10Gabby and the gang find evidence of other invaders, save Magnusson and his team's lives across time and space, and gain a Captain's trust.Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-11-07 0 
4490150Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings ep.13 pt 1In which doctor Tufferson Kris and his allies set out to investigate origin of the mysterious artificial beast.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2020-11-10 1 
December 2020
4523551Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #11 Gabby frees more vortal freinds, performs some minor mad science, and the team splits up again. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2020-12-05 0 
76279790/tg/ debates the morality of Brave New World and Iain Banks' Culture seriesDo people require the knowledge that nothing more powerful than them exists to be happy?philosophical, post-scarcity, post-singularity, utopia, dystopia, religion, 2020-12-10 1 
456216140K P.D.F. QUEST IThe pleasure world of vexis has an unexpected hero in their ranks.Flak(e)trooper, 40K P.D.F. QUEST, Imperial Guard, WH40K, Warhammmer 40000, Warhammer 40k, Rick "the snick", Princecock Clan2020-12-13 12 
456898840K P.D.F. Quest II /drukhari scumbags edition/Miracles happen with some extremely lucky rolls. Lot's of praying. Some Memes. Ending of this chapter.Flak(e)trooper, 40K P.D.F. QUEST, Imperial Guard, WH40K, Warhammmer 40000, Warhammer 40k, Rick "the snick", Princecock Clan2020-12-16 10 
4535086Yunan's QuestA quest from the point of General Yunan! Scourge of the Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched... after her encounter with Grimmes.Amphibia, Yunan, Newtopia, Crivora, Bard, Betrayal, Monster, Robot, Duel, The Music Box, The Music Box QM2020-12-17 20 
4554084Stoker Quest #1Your first Harvest.Stoker, Surreal, Dystopian, Exploration, Adventure,2020-12-18 18 
January 2021
76699814you've been charged with making the next great cyberpunk setting/tg/ discusses cyberpunk.worldbuilding, setting, dystopia, cyberpunk,2021-01-02 1 
76720490Boring FutureMundane uses for cyberpunk technology.cyberpunk, cyborg, cybernetics, transhuman, posthuman, DRM, planned obsolescence, spyware, dystopia,2021-01-02 1 
76642581Techno-Barbarism Examples and WorldbuildingIn which /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds about technobarbarians and examples of them from various media.worldbuilding, technobarbarian, barbarians, DAoT, Unification Wars, Thundarr, tv tropes post apocalyptic, mad max, Protector,2021-01-03 2 
4570856Jesus Christ QuestJesus returns from his trials in the desert only to find himself in the strange new world of the 21st century.jesus, christ, pope, vatican, catholic, protestant, muslim, debate, orthodox, constantinople, greece2021-01-13 3 
4568615 Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #12 Gabby and some new vort friends split up, travel to different dimensions. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2021-01-14 0 
4579377Stoker Quest #2You receive a mission, and rally your first ally.Stoker, Surreal, Dystopian, Exploration, Adventure2021-01-14 12 
4584328Isekai Quest Advetures of a young girl who finds herself in a strange fantasy word.Rin, Rin QM, Isekai, Female MC, Trap, OP MC, Healer, Priest, Adventure Guild2021-01-26 1 
February 2021
4604812Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #13Gabby Finally makes it to the test chamber. Zero Point energy makes the atom bomb and Krishna look rather quaint. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2021-02-16 0 
4622666Open Roads Quest #1; Setting OutWe arrive in Angelsfield and conduct our business. A route is set for Jironth, and we have a physical alteraction with a Capwell lackey.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-02-21 5 
March 2021
4642424Stoker Quest #3The Hunt for The Duke.Stoker, Surreal, Dystopian, Exploration, Adventure,2021-03-11 12 
4654437Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #14Gabby makes a deal with her enemies, climbs a lot, and gets ready to punch a hole in the universe. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2021-03-17 0 
78105088contemporary cyberpunkWhat would cyberpunk based upon modernity's fears of the future rather than those of the eighties be like?cyberpunk, worldbuilding, dystopia,2021-03-18 12 
78144460demobilizing veteran cyborg supersoldiersOnce the war is over, what happens to the cybernetically augmented veterans?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, supersoldier, robocop, six million dollar man, cyborg, transhuman, posthuman, storytime, writefag,2021-03-22 0 
4671772Open Roads Quest Quest #2: Leaving AngelsfieldWe uncover a gunpowder plot and OP is stricken with the Curse.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-03-23 2 
April 2021
78328758solarpunk made punkHow to make a dystopian solarpunk setting?worldbuilding, solarpunk, cyberpunk, dystopia, setting,2021-04-03 0 
4690442Bringe1-D exoplanet EVO 2.0Once again we are at the delightful exoplanet that is Bringe 1-D. this time near the equator in a land where the dusk is eternal. Collective game, Evogame, Evolution, Bringe1-D exoplanet2021-04-11 0 
4704255Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #15Gabby uses science to solve problems and create them. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2021-04-19 0 
4708520Dragon Doing Dragonly Deeds QuestA young dragon hatches from its egg and must survive in the wilderness. dragon doing dragonly deeds, dragonop, survival, dragon, arguing, so much arguing, OP vanishes2021-04-20 1 
4723763Open Roads Quest #3; Gunpowder Plots and Nasty ThoughtsWe navigate through some social encounters, discover a cheat, and prepare for the road to the city of IskanderOpen Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-04-27 3 
May 2021
4757415Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #16 The only good worm is a dead worm. Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2021-05-16 0 
4778408Open Roads Quest #4; Meander to IskanderTristan Stonyfield solves some disputes, has a heart to heart moment, and stiffens his resolve before visiting the Trunk Family.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-05-28 2 
June 2021
4813244Black-Mesa Black-Ops Quest #17Time, Agent Oppenheimer? Is it really that time again? Black Mesa Black Ops Quest, Half Life, Collective Game2021-06-12 0 
4846607Open Roads Quest #4; Big City DealingsTristan Stonyfield squares away a few minor matters before escorting cousin Hettie to a fancy party at Lady Tabitha Blackmoore's residence.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-06-25 2 
July 2021
4854545Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 13 pt 2In which doctor Tufferson Kris explores a clandestine lab and attends a business meetingMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2021-07-01 3 
80049491modern cyberpunkWhat would cyberpunk based off the modern zeitgeist rather than that of the eighties consist of?cyberpunk, worldbuilding, dystopia, feudalism,2021-07-02 5 
4854243Supreme Space Monke Ruler QuestMulti-generational quest following the Supreme Rulers of a race of primates as they enter the space age.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2021-07-04 23 
4852141Cyber Moon #1Cyber Moon is a gritty cyberpunk cross-over between RoboCop and Sailor Moon.Cyber Moon, Sailor Moon, Robocop, Cyberpunk, Collective Game2021-07-08 0 
4905857PANOPTICON QUESTJack Ryan(no relation) makes a career move from shitposting to rampantly out of control government surveillance.Panopticon Quest, AllSeeingQM, Surveillance, Glowing in the Dark2021-07-30 9 
August 2021
4901855Stoker Quest #4A vision, cleanup and meeting with the Foreman.Stoker, Surreal, Dystopian, Exploration, Adventure2021-08-08 4 
4921257The Demon RingA being from time immemorial is trapped in the form of a ring, buried with his friend/traitor deep in a tomb. But it wouldn't last long.DRQM, Elf, Elves, Human, Slave, Manipulation, Unfinished, QM dropped2021-08-24 6 
September 2021
4933956Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 14 pt 1In which Henri Ford takes part in a negotiation, a brief interview and spends some downtime with his crewMass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2021-09-05 3 
81216566Jewish/mesopotamian Mysticism as a settingBronze Age Middle East worldbuilding with gnostic weirdnessMesopotamia, Judaism, mythology, world building2021-09-13 1 
4974827Body Horror Quest, Thrombolysis Intermission Eldritch QM Bhop returns after a 1 year hiatus to provide side stories and Succor of both comfort and horror in this Intervening thread. Body Horror Quest, bhop, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Intermission, side-stories, slice of life2021-09-15 11 
4983711Knight Quest #14 (5) Knights, 1 Holy Grail, 1 Shitty GnomeCollective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2021-09-27 6 
October 2021
4960755PANOPTICON QUEST 2Jack Ryan gets his ass beat, gets reconstructive surgery, saves his coworker's and superior's asses in a trial, and heads off to boot campPanopticon Quest, AllSeeingQM, Surveillance, Glowing in the Dark, Great Quest2021-10-01 2 
5004033Body Horror Quest - 48th VeinShu meets BIGGEST BIRD and NUCLEAR SNOWBIRD, fights a Tree-piloting Dryad, and befriends a lost child before stopping at an IKEA store. Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Birbs, BIGGEST BIRD, West Alpha, Snowbird, act 6, Ikea, eldritch ikea2021-10-22 8 
5003665Knight Quest #1Definitely not sewer exploration with definitely not mutantsCollective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2021-10-24 6 
November 2021
5007154Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 2The Jaxtians encounter their first intelligent aliens while Supreme Rulers grapple with eugenics and the Hegemony's society as a whole.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2021-11-03 13 
5013309Warped Cycle: Rise of Ganon #1The Spirit of Demise is reborn! To protect our family from harm, we flee in to the mountains. Training montage happens and we fight a Lynel.The Legend of Zelda, Hyrule, Gerudo, Ganon Quest, OP of Power2021-11-30 3 
December 2021
5045064Body Horror Quest, 49th VeinShu hears a Dragon's confession, relaxes at Ikea, talks to a Rumia face-claim, and gets into a sword-fight with one of God's messengers.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, touhou, ikea, swordfights with an Angel, Old Testament Angels, archeology2021-12-10 6 
5035917Knight Quest #3Correctly numbered this time. The Weeb has a competency problem and OP rigs dice.Collective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2021-12-13 1 
5053823Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 3Unlocking the secrets of fusion power, the Hegemony advances into the interstellar stage.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2021-12-25 11 
January 2022
5092900Operation ISEKAI QuestGlowstick dies, goes to hell, then goes on an adventure. Conspiracy, Isekai, MKUltra, Operation ISEKAI Quest2022-01-19 1 
83078466which chaos god would win the most converts in reality?/tg/ is asked which cult would have the easiest time of conquering earth. The resulting discussion has GW copyright claims saving the world.chaos, reality, copyright,2022-01-24 0 
February 2022
5125916Body Horror Quest, Intermezzo IntermissionAn interlude thread featuring: An honorable Bumblebee, A titanic thunderbird, a Socratic sage, a living battleship, and a simple woman.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, intermission, interlude, side stories, slice-of-life, Yamato, birbs2022-02-09 5 
5102308Knight(s) Quest #4The gang fights some chairs, trash mobs and discover enemy knightsCollective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-02-13 0 
5156274Spineless Quest Episode 1F-Inal Drone mk.IV, a Formicidaean-powered corporation project escapes her holding facility. Solenopsis V. Sparrasid.Spineless Quest, insectqm, arthropods, female MC, mutants, dystopia, genetic enhancements, 2022-02-21 1 
5120724Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 4After a succession crisis, the first indigo Supreme Ruler rebuilds and deals with an insidious alien threat.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, Netorare2022-02-21 12 
March 2022
5175718Body Horror Quest, 50th VeinShu engages in tough negotiations with Two of the Three Apocalypse Amalgams, one of whom has delivered an Ultimatum.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Apocalypse Amalgams, Ziz, Leviathan, Behemoth, Negotiations, Lore bombs2022-03-18 5 
5154329Knight(s) Quest #5Featuring Sober Mob Knights from the Devil May Cry™ series and Goblin Culture Collective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-03-23 1 
April 2022
5182912(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 3Here you go, abducting hotties and dropping bodies again! Blackmail, lies, corruption, rough sex, and murder, all hiding in plain sight!! Fae Smelter, Serial Killer, Skeletor, Toothpaste, Rape, Sex, Detective, Cop, Harem, Coom, Thriller, Twist, Blackmail, Velton, USA, Swamp2022-04-06 2 
5170799Spineless Quest Episode 2Final Drone tries to blend in. Spineless Quest, insectqm, arthropods, female MC, mutants, dystopia, genetic enhancements2022-04-16 1 
5207039Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 5The Jaxtians incorporate new alien races while the Supreme Ruler changes a fundamental part of the Hegemony forever.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2022-04-19 11 
5199735Paper Mario TURBO!!Broke-ass Bowser and his motley crew must rescue/kidnap all of the Star Spirits so he can fulfill his wildest wishes! Turn-based RPG action!FaeSmelter, Fae Smelter, Mario, Paper, Bowser, Turn-based, RPG, TURBO, Kammy, Grubba, Doopliss, Waluigi, Wario, Luigi, Boo, Quest, Dice 2022-04-25 1 
5211274Body Horror Quest, 51st VeinShu arranges a cosmic phone call to contact God, watches a rocket launch with the family, and engages in emotional therapy for a friend.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Apocalypse Amalgams, Lore bombs, calling God, rocket launch, surprisingly wholesome2022-04-28 7 
May 2022
5198441Hopelessly Lost: A Chronicle of DarknessA man escapes after years of being tortured by an insane witch and discovers that this isn't unusual.Collective Game, Quest, Chronicles of Darkness, Changeling the Lost, Hopelessly Lost2022-05-01 6 
5250565Supreme Space Monke Sidequest - Boys & GirlsSidestory. On Jaxt, a young girl grows up in the repressive Hegemony.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, Sidestory2022-05-23 9 
5225941Knight(s) Quest #6Little progress is made and OP gets banned for being a filthy dice riggerCollective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-05-28 1 
June 2022
5271145Body Horror Quest, 52nd VeinShu suffers a mental breakdown, commits mass murder, holds a feast with the masses, and undergoes a metamorphosis. Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, level-up, it makes sense in context 2022-06-16 7 
5284677Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 6The Supreme Ruler goes on a grand crusade while trouble brews at home.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2022-06-21 6 
July 2022
5285876Knight(s) Quest #7The Grail is secured from ass-clapping cultists and Episode 1 of Captain Knights: Civil War™ occurs.Collective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-07-02 2 
5301379(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 4 A depraved killer hides in plain sight, but behind closed & triple-locked doors, there are no limits on his wicked lust or savage butchery.FaeSmelter, Fae Smelter, Serial Killer, Police, Rape, Sex, Velton, Detective, Cop, Harem, Killer, Thriller, Craigslist, USA, Fae, Smelter2022-07-14 2 
5340590Sworn to Valour Quest #28His Heart Knows Only Virtue. Sir Andrei takes his first step on foreign shores, disembarking at Langland before continuing his voyage.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Copper Clipper Nation2022-07-17 28 
5310387Communist War Criminal Waifu We're a young man who falls in love with a lovely nun. After we discover clues about her past, we have to decide what road to follow.OP QM, Black Lagoon, Rosarita, War Criminal, Nun, Communist, F.A.R.C., Colombia2022-07-21 0 
5328857Body Horror Quest, 53rd Vein Amara goes full Anime in a sword duel, Shu begins to raise an army of Tenno Warframes, and powerful factions/people are stirring the pot.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, level-up, duel, Amara, side stories, lots of side stories2022-07-28 6 
August 2022
5334602Knight(s) Quest #8The knights complete their quest and every thing may or may not be all a dream Collective Game, notapaladin, opee, knight2022-08-01 1 
85505196Buying a book means the DM has to let me use itOP tries to spark the playertariat revolt and finds a crowd of Russian peasants telling him to fuck off.shitfest, op is a fag2022-08-03 1 
5386312Sworn to Valour #29His Blade Defends the Helpless. Sir Andrei enjoys his time ashore in Langland, provided that he is not embroiled in foreign intrigues.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Copper Clipper Nation2022-08-28 27 
September 2022
85804514Really Short Swords: a TreatiseSmaller weapons are more nimble and therefore better, right? Anon demonstrates how YOU can shortify your weapons, with pictures!Weapons, swords, short swords, photoshop2022-09-01 10 
85865971/tg/ make a poopoo & a peepeehe take a da poopoopoopies, funny, no diaper2022-09-02 22 
5391397The LIGHTNING SEAPRELUDE: Life is the stag pierced by arrows Made into wounded wings.collective game, quest, cyberpunk, gilgamesh, sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, horror, spaceship, sword, sorcery, guns, poem, poetry, dystopia2022-09-02 0 
5371032Supreme Space Monke Sidequest - UnspeakableSidestory & Prequel. The origin of the very first Supreme Ruler; Akule the Unspeakable.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, Sidestory2022-09-08 0 
5374818Body Horror Quest, 54th VeinInto the No Man's land, where chaos reigns supreme, where Shu builds a hotel in the middle of it all complete with continental breakfast.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, it's free real estate, hotel tycoon2022-09-10 8 
5366180Monsterpunk Quest #2Our hero stumbles from one felony to the next, ending up making a powerful friend and moving to the capital of Arcadia.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, mecha, post-apocalypse, adventure, shopping2022-09-17 4 
5379366Return to High SchoolA 30-ish year old man dies alone and unsatisfied, but is reborn as himself, age 15 and circa 2007, ready to redo his failed life.Modern Quest, Schizo QM, Adopted Quest, Family Drama, High School, Romance, Depression, Bitcoin2022-09-27 12 
October 2022
5424694Returned to High School, Became Successful QUESTHaving returned to his younger days to attain wealth, the protagonist turns his attention to matters of romance and revenge.Modern Quest, Schizo QM, Adopted Quest, Family Drama, Romance, Revenge, Kinky Sex, Family Dysfunction, Time Travel2022-10-31 11 
November 2022
5452534Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 7The Supreme Ruler returns home and has to make a very difficult choice.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2022-11-22 0 
December 2022
5476181Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 8After the fallout of the political crisis, the Hegemony explores new frontiers.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2022-12-18 6 
January 2023
5478018(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 5It's devilish work, kidnapping hotties and dirt-napping bodies. But someone's gotta do it. Mayor Jack Kinov's daughter Joy joins the hareBob, Vagene, Velton, Fae Smelter, Craigslist, Killer, Joy, Kinov, Mandie, B, Reckin-Dwith, Black, Rose, Geraldina, Cooper, Camping, Forest2023-01-02 1 
5493415Rise of the Awakened #2The human asks for some clothes, Kinny and Bobby rob a store, Mog and the human make a deal, revelations abound, a fox is rescued.Collective Game, Roleplay, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Goddamn Lizard People, Mog, Kinny, Bobby, Jenkins, Rick's creepy robot, Draconians2023-01-14 5 
5517262Hexbound Mystery Dungeon [Skirmish]Part of the 2023 Skrimjam. Players investigate a randomly generated dungeon!fenster, collective game, collaborative game, skirmish, top down, hexbound2023-01-17 1 
5502106Transgirl Transfer Student QuestOne QM starts a quest about a sickly boy crushing on a new transfer student. Another QM turns it into a supernatural tale of terror.Tzeentch, Not Tzeentch, transgirl, slice of life, student, romance, supernatural, adopted quest2023-01-28 1 
February 2023
5533728 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #8A child finally leaves the nest, time itself crashes down upon the facility, and an AI has to wrangle the facility after the fact.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, people kinda forget Spamton isn't a funny haha man2023-02-21 6 
March 2023
5558269The Obligation (Space Opera) #1creation of Character and some chenanigans happen: trading, making friends and getting shot at.Obligation, space Opera, Mikhail 'Misha' Ivanovich Volkov, space2023-03-09 3 
April 2023
5605303Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 9The Hegemony begins its first war against a galactic rival while a family drama brews in the HVS.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, Netorare2023-04-13 4 
May 2023
5636434One Punch Man: A Monster Nobody Knows…Play as the unfortunate guy who ended up becoming a monster in the OPM universe. Can you survive before the heroes get to you ?Gyoro Gyoro, Gyoro Gyoro QM, OPM, One Punch Man, Monster2023-05-25 0 
5647515Constructing a Slave Harem in Your AtelierA reclusive and perverted artificer retires to a private seaside tower to make constructs he can fuck. It is more complicated than expected.Artificer, NotArtificer, adopted quest, coom, harem, fantasy, adventure2023-05-26 2 
5638663Paranomal Crossdressing School, Part 1Denied the peace in death, Yui Nakamura once again proves his name is NOT yet Aki...Girl(male), Trap, RESistance, Escape, Cosmic Horror, 'Innsmouth' People, Trap-On-Trap Yaoi, Quasi-Yuri!2023-05-28 22 
June 2023
5680436Hajimete no HitozumaA young salaryman uncovers a shocking secret which ties his estranged father and new bride, and must decide what to do with this informationAbandoned Quest, Adopted Quest, Cuckoldry, Family Drama, Oneshot, Suprisingly Wholesome, Japanese Culture2023-06-24 12 
July 2023
5687808My Sister, My Writer1 QM makes a low-effort quest based on the premise of a siscon light novel; another QM with no knowledge of the series picks it upMy Sister My Writer, Adopted Quest, anime, alternate timeline, slice-of-life, lewd, romance, Japanese Culture2023-07-11 3 
89540592Making the D20 workElegan/tg/entlemen discuss the virtues and sins of the D20 and dice in general.Gaming, Dice, D20, DX, Tabletop2023-07-13 0 
September 2023
5720288Europe 1000 A.D.The nations of Medieval Europe contest each other between long wait times and rolls. Alliances are forged and two power blocs emerge.Collective Game, Skirmish, Nations, Europe, Medieval, Middle Ages, 1000ADMapGameHost, Christianity, Paganism, Multiplayer, Crusade2023-09-05 0 
90166276/TG? Makes a POO!!!HAHAHA POOOOOPY!!!!POOP2023-09-07 24 
5752107Supreme Space Monke Ruler Sidequest- DreamsSidestory. Follows three different storylines from three different species.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2023-09-20 5 
5766488Blood and Seed - First GenerationIn which we started as a gladiator in not!Roman Empire.Blood and Seed, Blood and Seed Quest, Sophcles, Gladiators, Roman Empire2023-09-26 3 
5741165STAR WARS: The End of the RepublicCommander Sulla and the 165th Siege Battalion are created, raid a separatist vault, and try to escape Cato Neimoidia.Star Wars, Clone Wars, End of the Republic, Clone Trooper, Sci-fi2023-09-28 16 
5737876My Sister, My Writer Quest (2)The occult-influenced alternate take on the thin siscon premise adds combat and business mechanics, an occult air, and then... Stops?My Sister My Writer, Adopted Quest, anime, alternate timeline, slice-of-life, lewd, romance, combat, occult2023-09-28 1 
October 2023
5751430My best friend is a (trans)catgirl~!!A skeptical detective befriends a mysterious (trans) catgirl coroner to solve a mysterious (magical?) murderCatOP, LGBT, detective, crime, frienship, trans rights, youkai, Japanese culture, catgirl2023-10-01 20 
5755137Gotham City Beat Cop Quest (1)We join the GCPD as fresh faced rookie, Mark DeLucia, a meta-human with the ability to speak to the city but wears a badge not a mask. Gotham City Beat Cop Quest, GCPD, DetectQM, Batman, DC2023-10-02 37 
5773343Hotshot Hooper Quest #1You are Marcus Shields, a talented Point Guard drafted to the American Basketball League. Marcus makes a friend and loses his first game.Hotshot Hooper Quest, Collective Game, HoopsQM, Basketball2023-10-23 2 
5806419Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #1Mutants and outlaws overrun Helsinki's storm drains. You have to earn your human rights by wiping them out.Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2023-10-27 11 
November 2023
5817888COSMOGONYPRELUDE - They watched the stillness Of slaughtered stars, and gave sacrifice In Lightless Fire...collective game, space, star, spaceship, space opera, science, astronomy, cyberpunk, 4X, battlemap, galaxy, conquest, colony, planet2023-11-05 1 
5805551Seeker of the Esoteric: Volume 2In pursuit of hidden truths, a mage apprentice discovers his friend's dark origins and illness; to heal her, they will alter the very worldReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, theosophony, spiritualism, animal experimentation, ethics, friendship, transhumanism2023-11-06 16 
5783889STAR WARS: The End of the Republic II Commander Sulla and the 165th make their escape from Cato Neimoidia, arrive at Kuat, and sign on with KDY.Star Wars, Clone Wars, End of the Republic, Clone Trooper, Sci-fi, Kuat2023-11-12 6 
5787489Nightgaunts: Glimmervelt CollieryThe Lantern corps investigates a town that shouldn't be empty. A squad is assigned to the local mines.Lanterns, Lanternlights, IsolationRequest, skirmish, cooperative2023-11-16 3 
5788584Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 2We save the Dent's life only to later be harassed by him and a federal agent. We also hunt the SIM Killer with Kimble while Hawthorne healsDetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2023-11-17 23 
5845695Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #2Fiona Jarnafeldt hunts monsters in HelsinkiSolarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2023-11-28 10 
5832322Fate Catastrophe/Superposition10 Years after the Fuyuki Grail War came to an end, Marshall Vrilizadre is chosen by the Grail and summons his Servant. AvengerFate, Type-Moon, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Servants, Grail War2023-11-29 0 
December 2023
5805575The Lady Knight's Quest #1In which you play Dame Louise le Blanc, a titan of a woman who leads a cadre of men-at-arms to fight heretics in the highlands.The Lady Knight's Quest, Lady Knight Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip and Tear Orc Guts2023-12-01 30 
5814196Future FadesA simple electrician onboard a nomadic trade station resolves a power crisis, beats up a cult leader, and catches the attention of a noble.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2023-12-11 10 
5811050Vampire the Dark Ages: Athens By NightKalina of Damascus is initiated into as a NeonateVampire the Dark Ages, Athens By Night, World of Darkness, WoD, Crassus, Tzimisce, Byzantium, Constantinople2023-12-14 7 
5826377Concrete Stratosphere Quest #1In a futuristic crime-filled dystopia, an average unremarkable guy decides to put on a mask and do something about it.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Dystopian, Collective Game, Capeshit, Superhero, Detective,2023-12-18 3 
5859064Fate Catastrophe/Superposition #2After a heart to heart with Avenger, Marshall finds out he is to head off to Russia. Meeting the competiton before his plane crashesFate, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Grail War, Servants, Hassan of 1,000 IP Addresses2023-12-23 0 
5832876Gotham City Beat Cop 3We deal with our second home invasion, bite off more than we can chew, warn Banks and form a crew to handle the SIM Killer case on the DL. DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2023-12-29 21 
January 2024
5866034Space Wars QuestYou're a trooper who was chosen to assist Bocchi the Sith in her mission to turn the tide of the war in favor of the empire.Space Wars Quest, Bocchi, Bocchi The Rock, Star Wars, Sith, Jedi, Stormtrooper, Space, Sci-Fi2024-01-09 0 
5894478Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #3Fiona signed up to be a part of an exotic technology testing program, and goes partying with loud Americans.Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2024-01-18 10 
5855948The Lady Knight's Quest IIIn which our heroine confronts the Witch of Depravity inside of her mind, and receives her new orders from the King himself.The Lady Knight's Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip and Tear Orc Guts2024-01-20 22 
5877887Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 4A half-elven mystic meets monsters in battle and is rewarded with a journey to a heavenly moon-realm, where the secrets of creation layReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fairies, werewolves, greys, ultraterrestrials, neoliberalism, colonialism, population demographics2024-01-20 6 
5858896Errant Knight QuestThe High Middle Ages of Europe:You are Roland von Fritzlkeller, Knight-errant from the Kingdom of Teutonia travelling for fortune and glory.ESL_QM, Unteralterboot Prequel, Knight, UOHH, Romantic Idealism, Mild Schizophrenia, Medieval Germany2024-01-23 1 
5866325Future Fade 2A simple electrician talks ideologies with a noble, refuses an offer she can't refuse, and quits her job with no notice.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2024-01-27 10 
February 2024
5877169Gotham Beat Cop Quest #4We start the hunt for SIM, Sweet-talk a mobster, and sign up for undercover work.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-02-08 17 
5879681Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 10The final battle of the Stand and the aftermath.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2024-02-10 5 
March 2024
5920813Third World Leader Quest (Ethiopia)"The Marshal" navigates the politics of Ethiopia, trying to avoid civil-war, and juggling various international superpowerstriller, tom clancy, Africa, Ethiopia, Hearts of Darkness2024-03-14 5 
5915215Future Fades 3A simple hijacker eats good food, uses bureaucracy to her advantage, and decides to become a warcrime merchant.KrakenQM, Collective Game, feMC, Space Opera, Space Fantasy2024-03-17 4 
5915513The Lady Knight's QuestIn which our heroine departs from Liliendorf after a dear servant reveals herself as an adherent of the Dark One...The Lady Knights Quest, Lady Knight Quest, Lady Knights, Paladins, Chivalry, Fantasy, Fanaticism, Heretics, Worldbuilding, Armor is OP, Rip2024-03-18 20 
5920234Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 5We get closer to the sting, get covered in shit, and make some headway in the case. DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-03-25 15 
April 2024
5967460Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest April FoolsFake Thread #11 for April Fools. Political shitposting within.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ2024-04-05 0 
5967405Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #4Aberrations are being smuggled into the stormdrains, and Fiona leads a squad of rookies to find out how.Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2024-04-18 6 
May 2024
5960920Gotham City Beat Cop Quest #6We handle family drama, pull off the sting, get diagnosed, and come face to face with Firebug once again.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-05-10 16 
5985534Cyberpunk Quest #3Kai recovers from his ICE induced coma suffered at the end of the last thread. Thread was cut short due to time constraints.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, fry your own brain, cop mommy2024-05-25 5 
5981751Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 11The Supreme Ruler welcomes new people into the Hegemony and chooses a successor.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, BQM2024-05-28 5 
June 2024
5990341Rise of the Awakened #13The party kills squids, capture Kuma, squid explodes before interrogation, the party sics Sunny on Gawain, Superman is met, a spy is caught.Collective Game, DnD 5E, Rise of the Awakened, Mog, Kinny, Ursus, Sunny, Kuma, Cephalopods, Superman, Retard Raccoon, Canis Lupin, Quest2024-06-06 2 
6037279UPYRPRELUDE Father took us to the foreign land, But what was lost lingers in the blood. quest, collective game, horror, vampire, LA, noir, guns, urban gothic, romance, drama, occult, supernatural, beach, dystopia, collapse2024-06-16 1 
6019053Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #5With the main dwelling of squatters uncovered, Fiona has to clean up the stormdrain's little messes before any big raid can begin.Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2024-06-17 6 
6003328Gotham City Beat Cop 7We attend an award ceremony, meet up with an old flame, and meet the SIM Killer face to face. Bonus Mark Lore Included.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-06-21 13 
6004856Cultural Civ - Thread 1Multiplayer civilization game. Five groups of schmucks tries to avoid the wrath of Opee's dicerolls.multiplayer, civquest, drawquest, cultural civ quest, opee2024-06-23 5 
July 2024
6037271Loving a SuperheroJay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, stumbles upon a criminal conspiracy tied to the CCPDC, Superman Family, Justice League of China, LGBT, Adopted Quest2024-07-06 0 
6038030The Purge: Fall of AmericaAmerica has fallen, the government collapsed and amongs the Chaos, you see an opportunity for a new life among the ruins.The Purge: Fall of America, PsychoQM, dystopia, anarchy, Psychopath MC, Evil MC, Post Apocalypse, Incest, Cuckolding, Rape2024-07-09 6 
6052846Loving A Superhero: Part 2Jay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, returns from overseas and grapples with horror beneath Metropolis' own streetsDC, Superman Family, Justice League of China, CCP, LGBT, Judaism, Jewish Tunnels, Adopted Quest2024-07-21 2 
6051761Goblin CultivatorA BTFOd Goblinslayer goblin meets an Evil CultivatorKinoPhageQM, GoblinBreederQM, collective game, cultivator, goblin, slayer, wuxia, xianxia, DnD, evil2024-07-28 5 
August 2024
6041189Gotham City Beat Cop 8We admit the (partial) truth to Gordon and get an unofficial sign off to catch the mole. Meet SIM. And build our case.Gotham City Beat Cop Quest, GCPD, DetectQM, Batman, DC2024-08-03 11 
6059649Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #6Fiona looks to connect with the Noita of the Stormwatch, finds an incredibly dubious asset of the Undercroft for her troublesSolarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2024-08-11 6 
6077358Orange Lantern QuestThe story is about Eliot Grayne as one of the newest Orange Lanterns in the entire universe. Ready to take what is rightfully his! DC, Superman, Metropolis, Orange Lantern Corp, S.T.A.R. Labs, Green Lantern Corp2024-08-16 0 
93679484$20 Dollars a Dwarf/tg/ bemoans some truly egregious pricing shat out by Games Workshop yet againGames workshop, cost, Hall of cost, dawrves, miniatures, Warhammer, WHFB, the old world2024-08-21 1 
October 2024
6108238Primitive Fantasy Survival: Thread 2Mlakli and Iladj confront hateful scalemen, befriend a traitor, appease a tiger, and find a family.Primitive, Fantasy, Survival, Adopted Quest2024-10-05 1 
6103513Cyberpunk Clone Cannibal Chef (Oneshot)Hope Bernice Jr., 28-year-old diner owner and clone of her mother, makes a daring escape from both wageslavery and actual slavery.cyberpunk, oneshot, Hope Bernice Jr., Mossless Stone2024-10-05 5 
6076455Gotham City Beat Cop 9We die (kinda), enjoy two pizza dates, rob a prison of it's trash boy scout style, and finally handle the green light.. (kinda x2)DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-10-07 10 
6101725Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #7As the day of the undercity pogrom approaches, Fiona takes a simple job to install a recon drone nest.Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2024-10-22 4 
November 2024
6100039Poképocalypse Quest #2Walter Roy Buchanan picks up some new friends and makes his way towards Sacramento while cataloguing every new creature he finds.Poképocalypse Revival, Pokémon, Gilded Age, Wild West, Apocalypse, Historical, Collective Game, Cowboy, Phasmophobia, Road Trip2024-11-02 20 
6107725Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest 12The Supreme Ruler slowly colonizes a new star cluster and engages in politics with the Hegemony's rivals.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Space Monke, Collective Game, Space Opera, Civ, BQM2024-11-05 6 
94392373Your Character's New WifePeople submit their characters. OP and others create waifus (and husbandos) for them.Characters, Waifus, L5R, 5E, character discussion, writefaggotry, OP is not a faggot2024-11-22 6 
December 2024
6118483Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 10We rummage through a boat, bring Gorkachov to justice, and pay a visit to the House of Mysteries, courtesy of The Dark Knight.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2024-12-04 10 
January 2025
6172201Six Sisters Quest! <3Six sisters share a home, and squalor. You are the youngest sister, and you are special. 1 QM starts a quest, abandons; another takes it up.six sisters, adopted quest, sisterhood2025-01-09 1 
6142656Mass Effect Quest: New Beginnings, ep. 15 pt. 2In which Eve, Henri's infiltrator friend, penetrates deep into Ambition movement's headquarters in search of evidence of evildoing.Mass Effect, Collective Game, Henri Ford, Space Opera2025-01-11 1 
6153226Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest #8Fiona gets nonconsentually volunteered for a suicide mission against a rogue world government agent!Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest, Solarpunk, Cleanup, Agent, Mojique, Sci-fi, Dystopian2025-01-14 6 
6151529Yule QuestA gingerbread elf must pay a dodgy debt with a dangerous journey o collect magical cookbooks.Christmas, Yule, Festivus, Elves, Fantasy, Gambling, Adopted Quest2025-01-30 0 
6152302Gotham City Beat Cop Quest 11We let a magician fiddle with our brain, put Hawthorne in the dog house, chat with both Dents and sit down for a "friendly" interview.DetectQM, Gotham City Beat Cop, Shivers, Quest, DC, Batman, Collective Game2025-01-30 8 
February 2025
6184019The AVENGERS Quest! Assemble!In one of many realities, The Avengers are formed! But this is not the story you may expect, and not the Avengers you might know! Assemble!Fuckhead, Marvel, Team, Avengers, Multiple PCs, Co-Op, Superheroes, Comics2025-02-16 3 
6170571Concrete Stratosphere Quest #2Max Montagu, or his crime fighting alter-ego "The Mask", prepare to do battle with the strongest punk on Level 5; the Viking.Science Fiction, Drawquest, Dystopian, Collective Game, Capeshit, Superhero, Detective,2025-02-26 1 
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