/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2011
14400895Modern-themed Imperial GuardThread about how to make an I.G army that's closer to modern armies than WW1 soldiers.IG Imperial Guard Modern Operator Warhammer 40000 40k I.G2011-03-29 3 
July 2012
19859151Magical Girl Noir Quest 16A maidenly sober magical girl debates the fine line between drink and duty.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, operators operating operationally, 2012-07-13 38 
November 2012
21478303Relive your childhood, make gun shooty noises/tg/ nostalgias hard and relives playing with nerf guns or pointed fingers. Some operators show up and are swiftly ignored.pew pew, guns, operators, childhood, playing pretend, the original traditional game2012-11-08 13 
January 2013
22571179The Payphone NetworkAn anon presents an intriguing setting in which the diminishing numbers of payphones are used to control supernatural beings and summon unworldly favours. Just make sure you have enough minutes left on your card, or the Operator may make you call Collect...setting, payphones, operator, phonecard, occult, unknown armies2013-01-16 33 
November 2013
28506260Polite Society QuestWe have five men coming to kill us, and four bullets in our rifle.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-11-27 36 
December 2013
28655350Polite Society Quest 3We escape the city and meet up with Rachim.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-05 17 
28860128Polite Society Quest 5Maliki is recovered. Polite Society 4 available on foolz.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-15 14 
28942664Polite Society Quest 6Maliki's contact is found.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-19 12 
February 2014
30470525Salvage Operators 1A small team of salvage operatives start work on a wrecked frigate. OP ducks out early.Collective Game, Salvage Operators, ExplodingDice2014-02-25 1 
April 2014
31749898Operator Operator QuestIn which we Operate Operationally. Tell the doctors to go home, we're doing the operations now.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-04-28 16 
May 2014
31904347Operator Operator Quest 2In which we Operationally tickle our unsuspecting prey. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-05 13 
32057200Operator Operator Quest 3In which we prove that Operating in a dream is indeed possible.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-11 12 
32196572Operator Operator Quest 4In which we witness our first critfail and learn a well-guarded secret.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-18 11 
32279175Operator Operator Quest #5: You Will (Not) ProgressFishing and Fortune-tellingOperator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-23 9 
32376085Operator Operator Quest 6In which we visit our clone and get ourselves armed.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-05-27 11 
June 2014
32515243Operator Operator Quest 7In which we use 6 snipers and drop a chopper on a heli.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-06-03 12 
32752769Operator Operator Quest EXTRA #1: Chekhov's Prophecy You are not Darius Duravi.Operator Operator Quest, collective game, warsim, archivist2014-06-13 6 
32957859Operator Operator Quest 8In which we meet Tina and find out that our social circles are more inclusive than we thought.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-06-23 6 
July 2014
33227464Operator Operator Quest EXTRA #2: Darida's Side Story You are not Darius Duravi. You are simply his clone... gender notwithstanding.Operator Operator Quest, collective game, warsim, darida2014-07-06 5 
33419910Operator Operator Quest 9In which we begin our daring escape from Huxley's lab complex.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-07-15 5 
33558078Operator Operator Quest 10In which we Operate the hell out of the laboratory. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-07-22 6 
August 2014
33859547Operator Operator Quest 11Welcome to the jungle. This is where you'll Operate. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-08-04 6 
33979745Operator Operator Quest 12You are not alone. You are never alone in the jungle.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-08-08 7 
September 2014
34695482Operator Operator Quest 13The end of the beginning.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-09-07 6 
34962458Amazon Guard QuestEl Presidente's Amazon guards find themselves out of a job following a US backed Coup. As the girls are extracted from the country on a CIA C130, the squad leader does her best to comfort her sisters.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-19 6 
34981585Amazon Merc Quest 2The girls spend the day in Dubai.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-20 5 
35171395Operator Operator Quest 14A good drink can wipe the sweat and soot off your mind. Or..?Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-09-28 5 
35203037Amazon Merc Quest 3The girls are on a motherfucking boat!Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-09-30 4 
October 2014
35288600Amazon Merc Quest 4The girls get a new mission.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-10-04 4 
35460166Amazon Merc Quest 5The girls celibrate their last weekend in Dubai.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-10-12 2 
35520304Operator Operator Quest 15Years pass and people change. But some things must be remembered. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-10-14 6 
35625438Operator Operator Quest 16Terrorists attack the lab. Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-10-20 5 
November 2014
35900879Amazon Merc Quest 6The girls visit a pirate stronghold and meet their pilot for the next mission.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-02 3 
35920567Operator Operator Quest 17Darius plans a daring escape and plays grab ass on the way.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim 2014-11-04 9 
36044269Amazon Merc Quest 7The Girls get into some trouble on their way to Spratly.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-09 3 
36187586Amazon Merc Quest 8The girls scout the nearby village, and Kitty goes into withdrawal.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-11-16 1 
36198903Operator Operator Quest 18Darius wakes up and is presented with a bevy of options. Gradually.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-11-17 6 
December 2014
36609397Amazon Merc Quest 9The girls knock over a hornet's nestCollective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-07 1 
36726219Amazon Merc Quest 9.5The girls meet with a rebel representative. Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-13 1 
36748463Amazon Merc Quest 10The girls make plans to head into the jungle.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-14 1 
36881744Amazon Merc Quest 11The girls Travel upcountry.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2014-12-21 2 
36891742Operator Operator Quest 19In which not much happens.Operator Operator Quest, Collective Game, warsim2014-12-22 2 
January 2015
37289823Amazon Merc Quest 12The girls meet with a tribe of headhunters. And character development happens.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-11 3 
37445197Amazon Merc Quest 13Lillian takes advantage of an intoxicated minor.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-18 4 
37594825Amazon Merc Quest 14The girls make plans for a raid, and get in a drug filled lesbian orgy.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-01-25 4 
February 2015
37757674Amazon Merc Quest 15The girls go on a sneaking mission collect 5 heads.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-01 3 
37912729Amazon Merc Quest 16The girls shoot down a patrol plane and evade the army's patrols.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-08 1 
38225246Amazon Merc Quest 17In which the girls evacuate the village and the army begins it's counterattack.Collective Game, Amazon Guard Quest, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-02-22 1 
April 2015
39408973Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 1Amazon Merc Quest begins again.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-18 3 
39550626Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 2The girls arrive in the parcel islands and meet some old rivals.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-25 2 
39596284Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 2.5Lewds with the twins.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-04-27 4 
May 2015
39696116Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 3The girls rent a shipping container, and get their first real mission.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-02 1 
39735438Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 3.5The Amazons kill a bunch of pirates and keep a Hotel Heiress out of trouble.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-04 3 
39853741Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 4The girls spend a night on the island and make a new friend.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-10 1 
39998022Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 5The girls return to Parcel, making new friends and enemies.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-17 3 
40133504Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 6The girls train a bunch of maids in hostage rescue.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-24 3 
40222766Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 7Maria interviews her new recruits in the hot tub and by the pool.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-05-28 2 
June 2015
40373123Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 8Maria solves a zen koan.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-04 2 
40520520Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 9The girls begin their raid on the slaver compound.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-11 3 
40666981Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 10The girls finish up the raid.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-06-18 4 
40762479Former Operator Quest 1In which an operator shoots some fuckers and picks up a lady.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cyberpunk2015-06-23 2 
40782276Former Operator Quest 2Getting cash together, escaping the country, and then it all fails.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cybrpunk2015-06-24 0 
40800573Former Operator Quest 3The thrilling conclusion.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cybrpunk2015-06-25 1 
July 2015
40951683Amazon Merc Quest Reloaded 11Maria interrogates the Coyote.Collective Game, Amazon Merc Quest, Smut, Operators2015-07-02 1 
May 2019
3464465InfilInc: Prospect Mining [Skirmish]We are smooth tactical operators, let no one tell you otherwise. Collective Game, skirmish sketch quest, Liren, Company Command, Agent, InfilInc, SMOOTH TACTICAL OPERATORS2019-05-15 5 
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