/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2007
757447Repo Men, a campaign for WushuA nifty game idea for Wushu inspired by Hellraiser and Dead Like Mewushu, game ideas2007-10-31 2 
December 2007
905841CthulhuTech MegathreadThe thread to end all threads on C-Tech.cthulhutech2007-12-17 5 
March 2008
1437925Study on the "lesser" raceA scholarly discussion on the role of humanity in fantasy.hybrids, demihumans, pixies, dragonborn2008-03-31 5 
September 2008
2575804Our EngelsSome writefaggotry about an Engel falling in love with their human pilotfanfic writfaggotry cthulutech engel human pilot romance2008-09-14 0 
2584447/tg/ Declares War on the WraeththuSome abominations cannot be allowed to stand. And now, /tg/ mobilizes against its most Mary Sueish enemy yet.Wraeththu, Metal Slug, battle, roleplay, rolefaggotry, 40k2008-09-16 10 
October 2008
2709630Humans are insane.Why should they be the "average" race? The diplomats? The boring ones? Humans are violent, irrational, and quite frighteningly powerful, within their own niches.Fluff, Humans2008-10-01 40 
2710711Humans are insane. part 2Continuation of the badass humanity thread. Now with 50% more bawwwww, but some good writefaggotry emerges nonethelesshumans, fluff2008-10-01 28 
2711290Humans are Insane Part 3Part 3, more writefaggotry, thread starts to discuss more of the settinghumans, fluff, worldbuilding2008-10-01 27 
2762861Badass Humans in Fantasy LandThe humans are insane thread gets a fantasy makeover.Fluff, Humans, Fantasy2008-10-08 4 
2850732Angron conversion of HUGE PROPORTIONSScriptarius tacles a new challence - the daemon primarch Angron. The results: HUGE.Conversions, Scriptarius, HUGE2008-10-22 5 
2911771Comparison of Deep Ones and ElvesA discussion of Lovecraftian races and the place they occupy with relation to traditional fantasy.racism lovecraft cthulhu elf2008-10-31 11 
2911901We made a mistakeLast words of an alien race after misjudging humanityhuman, fluff, writefaggotry2008-10-31 67 
November 2008
2986784Dave EldarWhat started with a discussion of Fluff and Crunch changed for the better with a story about Davius, the Space Marine Scout who is supposed to infiltrate an Eldar Craftworld. Now he is known as Dave Eldar. He enjoys Shooting Shuriken Catapults, and Doing Eldar things.Dave Eldar, writefaggotry, Shuriken Catapults2008-11-13 23 
December 2008
3098046Humans are long-livedLike 'Humans are insane' but with longevity.humans, insane, space elves, longevity, aliens, scifi, setting, what if2008-12-02 7 
January 2009
3382385Future: Stagnation or SingularityOnce again /tg/ decides to discuss the future of mankind. Will we advance beyond our limits? And is this a good thing?Transhumanism, Singularity, GITS2009-01-13 1 
February 2009
3585038Ruby QuestFaggot whines about Ruby Quest, Thursday and Orkz ensue.Ruby Quest, Thursday, Rooby Kwest, Orkz2009-02-02 23 
March 2009
4012655Game Concept: Elf-HunterWhat if elves, gnomes and chupacabras were pests? Yetis, wendigos and sasquatches dangerous big game? There'd be specialists for clearing out those fucking gnome infestations. You're one.elf, hunter, specialist, gnome, supernatural, game design, setting2009-03-18 7 
4016968Zalgo and the day of ZalgoingZalgo comes to the land of /tg/. Zalgo ensues. ZALGOZalgo, Cthulhu, Dagon, Hydra, Epic2009-03-19 20 
April 2009
4281083LINCOLN LIVES!The centuries old rivalry between Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt comes to a head. None of /tg/ is safe. Epic Humor Thread.Lincoln, Gold, Roosevelt, Steam Punk, Showdown, Humor, Epic, Lulz2009-04-15 7 
4371028Darkplace VS AzathothAzathoth is discovered and Ric and the gang take action!Darkplace, Azathoth, Lovecraft, Cthulhu2009-04-23 6 
May 2009
4486089RPing an AlienistAwesome thread full of suggestions on playing a wizard touched by the powers of beyond.Insanity, Dungeons and Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, horror2009-05-07 5 
4633023Fuck Yeah HumanityWhy Humanity survives and thrives in the D&D setting. Humans Awesome D&D2009-05-23 3 
June 2009
4927824Blood and Thunder Ch 1 & 2Tripfag posts some comics about orks. Plans to continue later.Orks, Blood and Thunder, Comics, Warhammer 40k, W40k, DAKKA2009-06-19 3 
4937431Blood and Thunder Ch 3 & 4Last two chapters of Blood and Thunder.Orks, Blood and Thunder, Comics, Warhammer 40k, W40k, DAKKA2009-06-20 0 
4984127Who ya gonna call, Ghostbuters!OP asks where he should set his Ghostbusters campaign. Wacky Hi-jinks ensue.Ghostbusters, Humor2009-06-25 8 
5030027Human's as the AWESOME scifi-raceTitle says it all. Humans as a cool and badass race in the space.humans, scifi, space2009-06-29 23 
5035774Human's as the AWESOME scifi-race Part 2More Humans as a cool and badass race in the space.humans, scifi, space2009-06-29 18 
5040480Humans as the AWESOME scifi-race Part 3A little more hard-sciencey this time around. Also, apparently some people like humans always being the whipping boys of sci-fi settings.humans, space, sci-fi, crazy2009-06-30 10 
July 2009
5249757Awesome NPCsITT: DMs share their best NPCs. Contains several merchants, lovable rogues, and even some sad stories. NPC, D&D, Dungeon Master, Merchants, Pathfinder, Eberron, Mafia, Great White Hunter, Ghoul2009-07-25 10 
August 2009
5377552How did you get thrown out of the Vault?OP making a Fallout RPG requests reasons PC might have been banished from their Vault by the Overseer. Hilarity ensues.fallout, overseer, humour, door abortion, GOAT2009-08-09 7 
5459922Abomination QuestTed, Father of all Pimps, Master of all things Fly and Bitchin', is summoned by a foolish mortal. Hilarity ensues.Quest, Collective Game, Slaanesh, Cthulhu2009-08-15 5 
5457940Fae PortalsAnonymous asks what would happen if the fae were come in contact with modern humanity. Writefaggotry ensues.elf, humanity, humans, writefaggotry2009-08-15 8 
5492330The High Lords Of TerraExcellent Writefaggotry, even the Adeptus Custodes are funny as shit.Writefaggotry, Humor, Emperor, 40k, Adeptus Custodes2009-08-18 25 
5622166Eclipse Phase - The Roleplaying Game of Transhuman Conspiracy and HorrorDiscussion of new Science Fiction RPG released free under Creative Commons RPG, Transhumanism 2009-08-29 5 
5633355Eclipse Phase #2Discussion continued RPG, Transhumanism2009-08-29 1 
5642930Eclipse Phase Part 3A continuation of the Eclipse Phase threadsTranshumanism, Eclipse Phase, Cyberpunk, PNP, Discussion2009-08-30 1 
5648250Eclipse Phase 4More of the same.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanism, PNP, Discussion, Sci-fi, AI, I wish to be the neotenic2009-08-30 1 
September 2009
5905785Humans and /d/awwwA 'Humanity, Fuck Yeah!' starts off with a good story, then turns to discussions on human-on-alien relationships.Humanity Fuck Yeah, /d/'awww2009-09-18 12 
5902045WWII quest 2Canadian now lead the USSR with Alien,Super heroes,Cthulhu involveCthulhu, Collective Game, Alternate History, Alien, XCOM2009-09-18 1 
5975496Why have we never considered how today's technology and society would effect upon Lovecraft's worldSpeculations on how the Great Old Ones would use the internet, a discussion of /b/ as agents of good, and other nonsenseCthulu, Lovecraft, computers, setting2009-09-24 5 
6045125More Humanity Fuck YeahAnother Humanity Fuck Yeah with some good writefaggery. Brief interlude of tentacle porn from namefag that thinks humans are mary sues.humanity, fuck yeah, writefaggotry, tentacle porn2009-09-29 7 
6065229The SquirmiesWritefaggotry about one resilient space soldier set to a backdrop of Humanity's fight for survival.Writefaggotry, humanity, fuck yeah2009-09-30 1 
October 2009
6341748Time Cube the RPGBehold! Time Cube the RPG, the only simulation of 4-corner existence, 4 days withing 1 24 hour one-corner human daytime cube, 4-corner human, homebrew2009-10-20 2 
6420120Chuck E. CheeseStarts with Chuck E. Cheese declaring his superiority to /tg/, then becomes epic when a fatguy tells us the story of how he descended into the ball pit to retrieve his favorite ring from the evil mouse himself.Chuck E Cheese, epic, writefag2009-10-25 53 
6425883Machina Dei (Roman Mech part 3)The Machina Dei setting gets fleshed out even further.Alternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew2009-10-25 13 
6431149Machina Dei (Roman Mech part IV)India gets some attention at long last and the invasion of Briton fails due to incompetance rather than lack of mechs.Alternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India2009-10-26 10 
6434371Machina Dei (Roman Mech part V)/tg/ continues the marathon and begins talking about systems, naming conventions, and game mechanicsAlternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India2009-10-26 11 
6438315Machina Dei (Roman Mech VI)Crunch is worked on.Alternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India2009-10-27 5 
6454935Machina Dei (Roman Mech VII)Some individual stattingAlternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India2009-10-27 4 
6479801Machina Dei IXArgument about Combat Resolution vs. Rout eventually yields satisfactory results Then the primaries are statted. Alternate history, Rome, Mechs, Mecha, Mongols, Huns, Christians, Chinese, Eldritch Horror, War, Angels, Homebrew, India, Machina Dei2009-10-29 3 
November 2009
6569983Awesome RP moments goes col. workA thread originally about awesome moments or things in a PnP RPG session turns into a thread that (possibly) sparks a collaborative effort into being that will translate one of the most popular Swedish PnP RPG's into english. Thread mostly saved for future reference, but contains many quality posts in its own right.awesome moments, awesome, guitars that shoot lightning, giant church robots, Mutant, collaborative work,2009-11-05 2 
6584070Suicide BombingAn Anon asks /tg/ about building a suicide bomber character, which promptly segues into the stories of a group of gamers roleplaying insurgents in D&D.Bombs, D&D, humor2009-11-06 20 
6594156cthulhutech thread for beginnersarchived for all the people interested to cthulhutech so we can just point them herecthulhutech, tech, cthulhu,2009-11-07 0 
6704475The Legend of Zelda, Cthulu versionImagine a D&D campaign based on legend of Zelda, but Cthulu-esque themed. AWESOME.Zelda, D&D, DnD, Cthulu, setting, homebrew2009-11-15 5 
6751347Post SingularityThe singularity happened. AI gods, E-heaven, robots, all that good stuff. Too bad nobody told the poor people. You play a bunch of African soldiers. You fight robots trying to bring you bliss.Setting, singularity, hurfdurf2009-11-18 2 
6923244SpeedThe fastest bastards in 3.5, starting with monks, then ending in Chuck the Ruby Knight VindicatorD&D, Monks, Chuck2009-11-30 5 
6929465D&D critters in modern settingSee the title. Also, an interesting side discussion about culture and the music it would give rise to.elves, elf, human, humans, dwarf, dwarves, modern, fantasy, music, kobolds, gnolls, halfling, gnome2009-11-30 2 
December 2009
7088830Warhammer 40k Misspelled.Sisters of Bottle, The Imperial Gourd, Blood Angles, Rouge Traders, Fabulous Bill and more.40k, humor, typos, warhammer, sisters of bottle2009-12-11 6 
7151010Future Humanity interesting ideas for futuristic human civilization? Covered in this thread: interactions with other alien species, a bio-engineered caste, no humans-you are the cthulu, and HUMANITY FUCK YEAR. Sci-Fi, Epic, Humanity Fuck Yeah2009-12-16 5 
7326194Space is fucking huge, Part IIIt's really really big, really.space, science, fuckhuge, awesome2009-12-29 2 
January 2010
7423053British Empire familySomeone just starts a thread with a furry image and we are talking about countries.Humor2010-01-04 0 
7460504MONSTER!/tg/ discusses a new setting and such about Victorian era adventurers and classical monsters using the Dark Heresy system.Dark Heresy, Victorian, adventure, monsters, hunting, classic fiction2010-01-07 2 
7717423Knights of Bloodsteel/tg/ has fun with names.fantasy, humor, satire, wtf2010-01-22 12 
7765656 lets make a high fantasy setting/tg/ re imagines your classic races into a startling panoply of eclectic propositions.fantasy, high-fantasy, orc, elf, dwarf, human, halflig, gnome, world building2010-01-25 14 
February 2010
7896144Humanity, Fuck Yeah: Electric BoogalooHumanity a weapon designed by Earth. Also, battle hymns.Humanity, Humans, Humanity fuck yeah, badass2010-02-03 33 
8127481Coc + MEWould anyone be interested in a Call of Cthulhu game set in the Mass Effect setting? I think it has a lot of potential for creepiness along with the setting's inherent coolness.Mass Effect, Call of Cthulhu, Awesome, Setting2010-02-17 2 
8147136Most Unusual Character You've PlayedThe Fa/tg/uys discuss unusual characters; from the relatively common pixie, to a guy who rolled up stats for a rock in GURPS.Role Playing, Humor, Stories2010-02-18 1 
8224490Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect UniverseSpeculation, Theory and Writefaggotry about how would Eclipse Phase Transhumanity fare in the Mass Effect Universe. Would we enter the Galactic council? Will we fare better on the first contact war?.Should we cure the Krogan's Genophage? and Will Tali continue to be Romanceable?Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Protheans2010-02-23 36 
8236197Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe, Part IIDiscretion is the better part of not getting your face eaten off by nanomachines.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Protheans,Air Quotes 2010-02-23 29 
March 2010
8363639Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect UniverseSome follow up to the Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe series. Interesting theories emerge about the possible follow up to contagonist's writefaggotry. Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Batarian Specter,finger quotes, Reapers2010-03-03 6 
8381512Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe PartVThe speculation continues. Much more is talked on the actual status of the System Alliance and its effectiveness. Thread slightly de-railed over accusations of Transhumans being Mary-sues. Also Quarian fapfiction pasta.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Mary Sue,finger quotes, fapfiction2010-03-04 5 
8418383Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe Part VIMuch more talks and discussion is established over the effects of Transhumanity on the Mass Effect Universe.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Xepard, Batarian Specter, Transhepard2010-03-06 5 
8445349Besetting with BeesDM's simple question about the mechanics of bee swarms turns into an epic encounter by the hapless party with the BBEG's army of bees and bears. Hilarity and chaos ensues.Bees, Bears, Humor2010-03-07 5 
8455287Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe Part VIIPart VII of the Eclipse Phase/Mass Effect crossover threads Nanoswarms, Mind Controling spores, Geth attacks and a writefag that sages his post for some reason. Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,Xepard, Batarian Specter, Transhepard2010-03-08 6 
8458524Humanity Fuck Yeah and IncalA Humanity Fuck Yeah thread starts out pretty well but gets threadjacked by a furry troll.Humanity Fuck Yeah, Furry, Incal, Humanity, Trolls, Science Fiction2010-03-08 3 
8520488Sailor Moon Cthulu RPGNeckbeard wonders whether he should participate in a Cthulu-themed Sailor Moon RPG game. Also: Haruka made the Sororitas gay.Sailor Moon RPG, Cthulu, Haruka, Sororitas, Lesbians2010-03-11 2 
8587310HUMANITY FUCK YEAHHUMANITY FUCK YEAHhumanity fuck_yeah2010-03-15 3 
8605740Mundane Natural 20sWhat happens when you roll a natural 20 on a mundane task like closing a door? Awesome, apparently.d20, humour2010-03-16 8 
8607804Golem Quest III-ish/tg/'s crystal golem awakens with a terrible hunger, and does some bad things. Short thread this time.Crystal, Golem, Quest, Philosophy, HUNGER2010-03-16 0 
8624529Eclipse Phase meet Mass Effect VIIIOnce Again, a quality Writefag gifts us with some Mass Eclipse Effect Phase. the crap ones that were between this and the last archived ones don't countEclipse Phase, Mass Effect, Transhumanity, Writefag2010-03-17 5 
8645480Creative Use of Explosives 101What initially started as derail ends with awesome potential. How to use explosives creatively to blow things up invarious interesting ways.humor, awesome, lulz2010-03-18 2 
8676553Bounty Hunter QuestThe adventures of bounty hunter Sarah Jones (And her horse BB, and their current bounty.Bounty Hunter, Western, Quest, Collective Game2010-03-20 1 
8695322Unconventional HUMANITY FUCK YEAHA Humanity Fuck Yeah Thread from the point of view of other species.Humanity Fuck Yeah, Avnari2010-03-21 31 
8723929Eclipse Phase meet Mass Effect IXMostly new writefagottry Eclipse Phase, Mass Effect, Transhumanity, Writefag2010-03-23 5 
8764302The Best. Game. Ever.What happens when you mix a bunch of bored Anons, a game idea, and the chance to roll copious amounts of dice? A critical success of a thread. Roll to not shit your pants.dice, awesome, humor2010-03-24 2 
8892669Foundation and CthulhuOP decides to do Call of Cthulhu in space, mixing HP Lovecraft with Isaac Asimov. The result involves rockets crashing into Great Old Ones, robot cultists plotting to enslave humanity and posthumans turning into Yog-Sothoth.Isaac Asimov, Lovecraft, Roleplaying, rpg, Settings, Call of Cthulhu, Azathoth, Robots2010-03-31 6 
April 2010
9221037HUMANITY, FUCK YEAH rides againTHIS TIME, IT'S PERSONAL. And a combination of compilation of previous works and new material.humans, HUMANITY, HUMANITY FUCK YEAH, sci-fi, aliens2010-04-16 6 
9284122Krieg Writefaggotry the fourthThe Kriegottry returns, with more vignettes about 68c and her companion from the commissariat. Krieg, Writefaggotry, DKOK, humor, commissar, maid2010-04-19 20 
9304217Our FathersWe have not forgotten their face.B'AWWWWW, Feelings, Pride, human, Dad, father2010-04-20 8 
9307396Chaotic Wild Magicwhat evil happens when a spell is fumbled, flubbed or otherwise fucked upFumble, Magic, Spellcasting, enthusiasm2010-04-20 0 
9329173Touhou40kTouhou wh40k mashupTouhou wh40k mashup2010-04-21 0 
9336777Scriptarius Q&A, with HUGE THINGSScriptarius tries to decide on a head for ANGRON, WHO IS HUGE. And some other stuff happensScriptarius, Conversions, Q&A, ANGRON, HUGE2010-04-22 0 
9355434Scriptarius finishes ANGRONAfter almost 2 years, one of /tg/'s long running projects comes to an end as Scriptarius finishes his massive ANGRONScriptarius, conversion, ANGRON, HUGE2010-04-22 4 
9374590CHUDFIGHTWasteland Warrior proposes the ultimate in gladiatorial thrills, fights between trailer trash and tries to form a league using inquisitor rules.Wasteland Warrior, Chuds, Inquisitor2010-04-23 7 
9516333HFY: Theodore Roosevelt Would Totally Conquer PandoraHumanity Fuck Yeah thread focused on hating Avatar that ends in EMPRAH ROOSEVELT saying why the /tg/ HFY scene hates Avatar.Humanity Fuck Yeah, Avatar2010-04-30 6 
May 2010
9596971NyarlathotepGame ideas RE: Nyarly. Many horrible (in the good way) scenarios. cthulhu, nyarlathotep, call of cthulhu, lovecraft2010-05-04 2 
9723817PrincessesssssFour doughty but dense kobolds attempt to get rid of a pesky unicorn for their black dragon master. They deduce the best way to do this is by finding a princess, the natural ally of unicorns. Hijinks ensue.kobolds, story, humor2010-05-10 13 
9962795ITT:IMTUThis is a collaborative effort that I am attempting to begin on /tg/ involving a Traveller setting that I (and anyone else who is interested) is building on /tg/; the intention is to use it with my (and anyone else's) group(s). Read on for more, and check out the other archive of the previous thread (which I would also like to have archived here): http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/tg/thread/9888897 turnovertherecord@gmail.comTraveller, Transhuman, IMTU, scifi, human2010-05-21 3 
10048720Manfred & UmbubuA CoC character is a novelist, and story ideas are solicited. Hunter Manfred Slapworthy and his faithful companion Umbubu are the result. Call of Cthulhu, writefaggotry, racist2010-05-25 7 
10102892Human Fuck YeahNow with original content!Humanity, Humanity Fuck Yeah, Fuck Yeah, Writefags2010-05-29 5 
10123615New Rap ThreadYet another /tg/ rap thread with the return of SnB and a surprising reveal from WaaaaaghmillionaireHumor2010-05-29 7 
10137456Monster Hunter Tabletop It began as a simple discussion of the vidya, but soon people were volunteering tabletop conversion ideas and information, as well as complaining about 'not getting it'. Monst Hunter, FantasyCraft, TableTop, Get Shit Done2010-05-29 2 
June 2010
10398381Awesome Humanity threada HFY thread with that holiest of things: Original Contenthumans, humanity, fuck yeah2010-06-11 6 
July 2010
11050665Servo Skull How-To threadWhere /tg/ discusses how to manufacture a home made servo skull DIY, do-it-yourself collective game, engineering, Warhammer 40k, awesome, electric engineering, mechanical engineering, humans, grave-robbing2010-07-13 12 
September 2010
11985698Humanity trolls the galaxyThe entire galaxy thinks humans are evil monsters, but really we are playing a prank of epic proportions.Humanity fuck yeah, humans, lulz, lol, fuck yeah, writefaggotry2010-09-07 40 
12261962Who was there when Horus slew the Emperor?Strangely, more than quite a few.horus emperor 40k spartacus humor2010-09-29 20 
12269958Zerg Quest XIVThe Swarm gathers for the cataclysmic battle above Aiur. Forces rush in on all sides, but Anon cleverly arranges for a rearguard force on Char, which ends up intercepting a Dark Templar plot to kill all of the other Cerebrates! Ends on a cliffhanger: Will Anon kill its Brother to save it?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Protoss assault, Huge-ass fight2010-09-30 12 
October 2010
12349754If real movies/cartoons/videogames were tabletop RPG's/tg/ explains the real stories behind various games and anime.RPG, roleplaying, humor2010-10-07 9 
12373636Making a GURPS character/tg/ creates an Indian cyborg politician in a dystopian Science fiction/transhumanist universe.Indian, transhuman, transhumanism, cyborg, mooks, politics, GURPS, dice2010-10-08 3 
12459883CoC Monster in the MirrorA story of monsters, mirrors, and bad ends.CoC, Call of Cthulhu, Bad End, Creepy2010-10-16 5 
12489203humanity fuck yeah again againhumanith fuck yeah with oc humanity, fuck yeah2010-10-20 5 
12593988Star Wars x Humanity Fuck Yeah= Technological DebateWhat starts as a scenario where our first contact with aliens is an old broadcast of Return of the Jedi, /tg/ discusses what Humanity could have made between the time the aliens receive the signal and what the aliens reaction would beStar Wars, Humanity, Humanity Fuck Yeah!, HFY, science2010-10-28 2 
12594559Chick World The Real ThreadBecause the other guy screwed up the archiving.Jack Chick, Call of Cthulu, Don't Rest Your Head2010-10-28 13 
12604884Monster in the Mirror : Act 3Sometimes winning costs everything else.CoC, Call of Cthulhu, Creepy2010-10-29 0 
12616777Monster Hunter QuestThe slow beginning to what hopes to be an epic quest. You are Faolan Orobus, an amnesia ridden Hunter who was found half dead near the village of Lammite. Only a few moments out of your rest bed are you and a fellow hunter assaulted by the villages problem.Monster Hunter Quest, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Monster Hunter2010-10-30 1 
November 2010
12661791Rock and Roll CoCElvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Nat King Cole, and Frank Sinatra play a benefit concert for the damned, hijinks ensue.Call of Cthulhu, Rock and Roll, DM, CoC2010-11-03 2 
12678833Call of Cthulhu meets Bible Black"So this Call of Cthulu game...it's set in a high school, huh? Okay, let's give it a try."Call of Cthulhu, Bible Black, Saya no Uta, campaign setting2010-11-06 2 
12730648Humans are...OP asks what makes Humans truly unique among potential life in the universe. A great analysis of hard science and sci-fi ensues. Mild humanity fuck-yeah as well.sci-fi, humanity, humans, aliens, life, science2010-11-09 31 
12735419Caliburn: The Solar FederationToday's subject: Earth, her colonies (the good ones anyway) and how they got where they are. We also get our first glimpse at the mechanics of the system.Caliburn, Homebrew, Traditional Games, Science Fiction, Humanity, Fuck Yeah!2010-11-09 1 
12815536The Modern PantheonArcheologists stumble upon a modern day city, and completely miss the point.humor2010-11-16 1 
12817912Gaming Group Inside JokesFa/tg/uys tell their groups' inside stories.Table Talk, Game Humor, Roleplay2010-11-16 5 
12929447ManoWAAAGH!!!Thread about 40k Orky science fair gets derailed with Manowar songs replaced with Orky lyrics40k humor, Songs, Orks2010-11-26 2 
December 2010
13000992Mouseguard: The Call of SteveIa! Ia! Steve ftagh The Cyclopean Nightmare of the Combine Tractors and other stories.Mouseguard, Steve, Chtullu, Humanity, Sanity check2010-12-03 5 
13050054Funny stuff that has happened in your games.Starts off with a man trying to kill himself with a dog that walks on TWO FEET. And just sky rockets from there.CoC, Humor, Fun, TWO FEET2010-12-06 12 
13058706Travellers guide to EarthAustralia: don't go there also avnari writefaggotry (Warning bromance)avnari, slight humanity fuck yeah, hitch hiker ripoff2010-12-07 13 
13214827EP/ME XIIIMore of the glorious Mass Effect/Eclipse Phase crossover. Read and be enlightened.eclipse phase, mass effect, writefaggotry, fluff, Transhumanity2010-12-20 5 
13237374My Kobold Got Hugged followupThe OP from the popular "My Kobold got Hugged" thread returns to update /tg/ on how the relationship between his Kobold and the Elf Barbarian is going.kobold, hug, daww, drama2010-12-22 5 
13263140The 3rd annual Scriptarius Xmas ThreadTHE GINGERPEROR! There is no God.Scriptarius, Conversions, HUGE2010-12-23 78 
13301810EP/ME XIVRevisioning the First Contact War. More details about Sol, Systems Alliance, Eezo and relationship between ETI/Reapers/Titans.eclipse phase, mass effect, writefaggotry, fluff, Transhumanity2010-12-27 6 
January 2011
13393514Social Failure."Professor asks in class what the council of Nicea was." "Its when the Emperor forbade the use of Psykers." "What?"Fail, funny, humor, derp, natural 1, Omnissiah, STORYTIEM, stories, story, RPG, Real Life, IRL, AFK, Traditional Games, Nat 202011-01-04 38 
13451046Call of CthulunautsCall of Cthulu meets Psychonauts, where each inmate is a world of their own. Call of Cthulu, Campaign Setting, Psychonauts2011-01-10 2 
13510901Aliens love humanity.After generations of listening to human pop culture the zenos love us.Humanity, Weaboo, Culture2011-01-14 22 
13553131Humanity Fuck Yeah: OC EditionThe HFY revival continues.HFY, humanity2011-01-18 7 
13659142Humanity Fuck Yeah-ishNew Humanity Fuck Yeah-stories mixed with old classics.humanity, HFY, alien2011-01-26 11 
13680314Network 0 done rightAnon starts a thread about Lost Tapes and it ends with an awesome story about Network 0HtV, nWoD, Lost Tapes, Hunter, ideas2011-01-29 4 
February 2011
13826969Time Loop Game?OP asks how one would go about running a Groundhog's Day style game, which of course leads to Majora's Mask discussion and how to run creepy horror scenario with a time loop mechanic.Groundhog Day, Time Loop, Majora's Mask, Legend of Zelda, RPG, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green2011-02-09 12 
13891125Kalang, the Bat-people, part 4The saga continues, with comments, criticism, and yet more wonderful writing, including a glimpse of a vampire-hunter's life.kalang, bats, race creation, vampire-hunters2011-02-14 6 
13989991Veil of Madness cont.More HFY, specifically VoM. Not quite as good as the last one, but it's OC, that makes it good enough.Humanity, hfy, Veil of Madness, humanity fuck yeah, fuck yeah2011-02-22 20 
March 2011
14098093Low magic setting with Dwarves/Elves/HumansAnon asks for a low magic setting involving dwarves, elves and humans. With dwarves being greedy, metal-hungry bastards. /tg/ get shit done. Some discussion in relation to how a NEET-like race of dwarves can even survive with little-to-no trade.setting, world building, dwarf, dwarves, elf, elves, humans, trade, economics2011-03-02 0 
14107297Dungeons and DragonsChum the Dashing Bastard, begins play on a mission to get enough money to keep his childhood orphanage open for future generations. The first stop: The Weeping Keep. He's on a mission from GodDungeons and Dragons, Quest, Collective Game, Rogue, Chum2011-03-03 5 
14176140Comparing National LARPing SystemsA Bulgarian, a Hungarian, and an American discuss how LARPing is done in their home countries and why it is done that way.Balgaria, Hungary, LARP2011-03-10 2 
14288556Call of Cthulhu advice and file dumpRunning a Call of Cthulhu game plus the books you need.CoC, Cthulhu, GM Tools, Downloads2011-03-19 0 
14291551Gargoyle Quest 7You deal with being blind. <B( Also the other gargoyle gets a name.Quest, Collective Game, Gargoyle, Hugh, O'Malley2011-03-19 1 
14372065Genesis: Ti'gee/tg/ is called on to play god and build a new universe from scratch. So they do.cutebold, kobold, collective game, elf, elves, man, humans, setting, dwarves, dwarf, world building 2011-03-26 1 
14378085HU Revised: The Creation of FinesseOP uncovers an old copy of Heroes Unlimited, Revised Edition, and anon sets to work on the random tables and a bionics budget to create Finesse, an electric greatsword swingin' nimble cyborg hero with a chip on his shoulder and an eye out for a paycheck. Continued from a thread the previous night.HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse2011-03-27 0 
14381022HU2: Copyright Infringing Random RollsA brave anon from the HU Revised creation thread starts a new one with HU2 to create a comrade for Finesse. A mutant alien, outcast from his own kind for being vaguely more fishy than them, and is Totally Not Abe Sapien, no matter what the dice try to tell you. Old OP joins in as well. To be continued..HU, HU2, Heroes Unlimited, superhero, superheroes, cyborg, Finesse, skeletal fish aliens, Abe Sapien, Totally Not Abe Sapien, Christopher Walken of the Fish People2011-03-27 0 
14418182WHY.jpgA thread about DMs and other players being dicks... Or just plain stupid.why, d&d, bad dm, bad player, /d/m, what, whut, wut, wat, stupidity, herp, derp2011-03-30 2 
April 2011
14617677The MonumentA giant hollow planetoid was made to house the peoples of the stars to survive the heat-death and rebirth of the Universe. However, things inside were not as utopian as planned and the peoples degenerated into the warring societies they once were. This thread is for the development of such a setting.Monument, energy legos, walking squids, sentient nanites, token humans2011-04-17 2 
14719196HFY Revival Part 2: Electric Buggaloo"And suddenly, when all of the fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls were ready to pitch in to buy HFY's tombstone, OP delivered.HFY, Humanity, Fuck Yeah, Humanity Fuck Yeah, Writefaggotry, Gurren Lagann2011-04-26 12 
14710310Naval Thunder/tg/ Talks shipsNaval Thunder, Victory at Sea, Blood and Thunder2011-04-26 0 
14755334Tabletop 'NOPE' MomentsOP invites /tg/ to post tales from their game tables which have made them 'nope'. One tale from CoC in particular captures /tg/'s attention.Call of cthulhu, CoC, nope, scary, terrifying, story time, stories2011-04-29 10 
May 2011
14766381Super Human Quest 1the first edition of super human quest, where we make a character with the power of incredible sight as well as reflexes. In this episode we track down a jewel thief.collective game, super human, gentleman theif2011-05-01 2 
14785908Humanity Story TimeOP tells the story of how he brings A GM and a Game store worker together and brings a party down.Humanity fuck Yeah, Story Time, Zarus2011-05-02 17 
14786803Japanese hunter game ideasOP comes in requesting ideas for a sort of Hunter; the vigil game type thing that takes place in Feudal Japan, ideas are brought forth and he reveals the system for it as wellJapan, grim, Noir, Hunters, Spirits, Malaign, interesting2011-05-02 3 
14901533Human factoryGM asks for help in a small part of his universe. /tg/ quickly realizes what's going on and gives hints to make it creepier.game design, roleplay, universe, gm, human factory, soylent green2011-05-12 16 
14907969Humans vs ZombiesA riveting discussion about HvZ occurs, with stories of epic games, Nerf gun modification, and Commissar roleplaying abound.Humans vs Zombies, Nerf, Gun Modification, storytime2011-05-13 6 
14977000Making the Perfect Villain (tm)How do you make a villain your PCs love to hate? Make him their antithesis, and then make him a perfectly normal human being.evil, villain, mundane, space, furry, furries, human, humans, reasonable, trolling, troll, maximum, decency, PCs, psychopaths, BBEG, original content, original, advice2011-05-19 29 
14981385Abyssal Jaws thread 11Picking groups to hate the Abyssal Jaws. Big field Abyssal Jaws 40k Homebrew Spacemarine Cthulu BigGameHunters 2011-05-19 2 
14959093Modern LovecraftOP asks about running a CoC game in the mnodern era, but not based on on Delta Green. Some good suggestions for how to handle cellhpones, and memetic mind destroying Kings.Call of Cthulhu, Modern horror, Horror, Modern, Cthulhu, King in Yellow, Yellow Sign2011-05-20 5 
14996544Character ArchtypesOP asks for Character archtypes, and perhaps gets more than he was bargaining forcopypasta, characters, humour, humor2011-05-21 2 
15030699RPGs as Movies and TV seriesEvery movie could just be a retarded session of your favourite movie or show! /tg/ shows us how its donehumor, movie, rpg, tv, DM, bad session2011-05-24 5 
15063299That AWESOME Guy/DMTired of all the That Guy/That DM threads, this was their antithesis with stories of just plain awesome teammates and DMs. Special stories include The Great Caseby, an albino troll with large testicles, and killing gods.story, storytime, stories, D&D, The Great Caseby, Call of Cthulhu, That Awesome Guy, That Awesome DM, Henderson2011-05-29 16 
15092320Ivory Huntsmen Thread 1Archived to keep the info nice and saucy.Space Marines, 40K, Ivory Huntsmen, /TG/ 40000, homebrew2011-05-30 2 
June 2011
15207274Human Space: Hedonism is our SpecialtyHumanity's "hat" in the interstellar community isn't the warrior race, or the interstellar diplomat, or the explorer. Humans know how to have fun more than any other race in the galaxy!humanityfuckyeah hedonism pleasure slaanesh fluff worldbuilding space2011-06-09 26 
July 2011
15455746Lets get this shit started./tg/ Plans a Human rebellion in a game of furry oppressors. OP plans future updates.Rebellion, Furry, monkey, human, humanity2011-07-03 23 
15640568Humans are EngineersWe aren't the warriors, we aren't the diplomats, and we aren't the jacks of all trades. Turns out we're builders.Humanity, Humanity fuck yeah, Sci-Fi, awesome, ideas, cool ideas2011-07-20 18 
August 2011
15897590/tg/ lives in spaceold spacers, engineers and pest controlers share storiesshort stories, sky filled with thunder and fire, space, sci-fi2011-08-12 12 
15920622The Malarial Void and its herald, the Mosquito Star.The last BBEG has now been replaced by 10^7 their weight in disease carrying mosquitoes. The Last BBEG was Ghroth. The living planet from the Cthulhu Mythos.Cthulhu, Ghroth, Mosquito Star, Malarial, Void, black hole, disease2011-08-13 22 
16074132Monkey-bro 4: Rise of the PrimatesOP comes back with progress on Hominidae United and their fight against the furry menace. Primate Empire shows how bro they are by sending an army to help. GM says "I like you, cause you get shit done."Monkey Bro, Brorilla, Primates, furry, rebellion, monkey, humanity, revenge2011-08-27 18 
16090341Musical RPing (Shuffle) Starting off as a question of RPGs based off music, something epic spawnedRPG, Shuffle, Music, Magic2011-08-28 0 
16115726Uplifting Primer 2: The Nid EditionA friendly Guardsmen explains why the Tyranids aren't as scary as we think 40k, nids, tyranids, propaganda, truth, guardsmen, guardsman, imperium, humor, teaching, lessons, informative, IG, Imperial Guard, Imperial Guardsmen2011-08-30 5 
16107123Transhumanism discussion/tg/ discusses transhumanism and roleplays a bittranshumanism cyborg robot2011-08-30 2 
September 2011
16170996The PC's childA child grows up with her hilariously neglectful parents, accidentally leaving her to be raised by monsters for months at a time.Backstory, Parental neglect, Humor, rusty venture2011-09-05 11 
16188151Cuptain of the Honour GuardA thread about Space Marines is massively derailed by an argument about Thor, heresy and finally Cup Diomedes. Featuring Deadpool. /tg/'s random humor at its finest. humor, meme, blood ravens, 40K, warhammer 40K, funny, cups, deadpool, thor, space marines, Cup Diomedes, Diomedes, random2011-09-05 11 
16196884Space Marine's HumorOP asks if Space Marines have a sense of humor, hilarity ensues.Space Marine, Humor2011-09-06 7 
16265698Dating NonhumansA clever thread about people dating nonhumans that manages to be humorous, rather than fapfodder.dating, wizard, demi-humans2011-09-12 10 
162739054 inch human worldWhat if all humans were suddenly 4 inches tall. Monster Hunter Meet Pikmin: The RPG. Initial ideas for rules, fluff and tactics. Monster Hunter, Pikmin, tiny, human, RPG, /tg/2011-09-13 12 
16309898OC HFY, No-Trolling-EditionA lot of OC for you HFY guys out there. Almost no trolling at all, with a nice view on humanity as a whole.hfy, humanity fuck yeah, humanity, humans, human2011-09-16 38 
16389889Caught Off GuardITT shit players said that caught you off guard and/or made you laugh out loudPlayer stories, Dungeons & Dragons, Roleplaying, GURPS, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer 40k, Dark Heresy, 40k, Warhammer2011-09-23 15 
16421732WoodsQuestPapayawhip Spandexthrasher's first quest thread, which turned out to be pretty awesome. After hunting for some bunny rabits, we made an enemy out of Artemis, bro'd it up with Dionysus, rescued a nymph, and shenanigans!WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-26 11 
16434154WoodsQuestOgg, our intrepid hunter now serves Dionysus as a chosen cleric! He's gotten smarter, better looking; he no longer hunts, tending a herd of nymphs and a vineyard instead. Ogg is now in Athens, attending an org-uh, a party.WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-27 8 
16445256WoodsQuestThe third installment of WoodQuest, where we help Dio and Artemis battle Apollo, sleep with Artemis' cleric, then get home to find even more nymphs and the single most bitching pad in all of Greece. Also, destroy Apollo.WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-28 6 
16456653WoodsQuestIn which we meet many of the gods to discuss plans to steal Persephonne back from Hades. In this task, we will receive help from an unlikely ally...WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-29 5 
16468804WoodsQuestIn this episode of WoodsQuest, we decent down to Hades in order to save Persephonne. After crossing the river Styx and dealing with Charon, we finally arrive in the underworld to do battle with the mighty and powerful Cerberus.WoodsQuest, Collective Game, greek mythology, hunter2011-09-30 2 
October 2011
16610191More Than Human QuestA guy is walking down a street. There's an explosion. Now he can give dudes seizures with his hands.Collective Game, MthQ, Average Human, More than Human, Superpowers2011-10-13 20 
16633959The Paladin Code of BoxesA naive basemen/tg/uy tries to start a hypothetical discussion about paladin code, but his picture is too interesting for /tg/ to care.derail, paladin, paladin code, funny, classic /tg/, humor, box, boxes, carl sagan, schrodinger2011-10-15 12 
16673033Intelligent Weapon NamesWhat starts as a thread of a paladin looking for a magic item name transforms into the adventures of Sir Bert and Mhye P'iehnysshumor, paladin, lulz2011-10-19 11 
16676293Let's Discuss Fantas-PH'NGLUI MGLW'NAFHGATHER SACRIFICES. Also, some interesting discussion on elder gods and eldritch horrors.cthulhu, shoggoth, elder gods, gods, horror, slaanesh, sacrifices, discussion2011-10-20 5 
16680180/tg/'s most glorious character deathsIn which we relate some of the best PC deaths we've seen, including a Hunter calling YOU SHALL NOT PASS to clockwork minions, a Guardsman calling in Exterminatus on his own position, and a cleric of Kord who died arm-wrestling Kord himself.storytiem, D&D, Dark Heresy, Hunter, stories, deaths, glorious2011-10-20 8 
16724340More Than Human Quest 2Francois witnesses something horrible. Weird time stuff happens. Then he stops a werewolf.Collective Game, MthQ, Average Human, More than Human, Superpowers2011-10-24 13 
16727562Humans are insane (rapists)Humans are unleashed upon the galaxy and it's not our weapons that aliens should fear.Humans, Galaxy, Sex, Rape2011-10-25 38 
16740295Rogue Trader group gets their'sA RT group gets their comeuppanceRogue Trader, 40k, Craftworld Assault, Butthurt2011-10-27 27 
16758250More Than Human Quest 3We get John on our side, and visit a park concert.Collective Game, MthQ, Average Human, More than Human, Superpowers2011-10-28 12 
16775381More Than Human Quest 3We get our money stolen, talk to john, and there is some other shit too.Collective Game, Average Human, More Than Human, Alt History, super heroes2011-10-30 12 
November 2011
16818524More Than Human Quest 5We go to work, and meet a Marco, a man with crab claw for an arm. A fight happens, and we get stabbed! Collective Game, More Than Human, More Than Human Quest, 5, Superpowers, Metahuman2011-11-03 11 
16930200/tg/ Meta Quest 22We send probe droids down to various places, and find a cornucopia of horror, from the Mountains of Madness to Silent Hill. We're able to rescue Heather Mason, but then people spill the beans on who we are, necessitating a memory wipe later.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, LotR, Barad-Dur, Ahzek Ahriman, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-13 12 
16932479/tg/ Meta Quest 23We prep a team of Data and some droids to escort Heather Mason back to Silent Hill. We learn by raiding newspaper offices around the globe that several different cults were at work, ranging from Mythos to d20 Modern, to bring about the end of the world. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-13 16 
16958743/tg/ Meta Quest 24Heather Mason and Douglas Cartland return to Silent Hill, backed by Data and the droids. They begin exploration when we find out that Silent Hill is not to be underestimated, as it starts mining Data for monsters, and creates steam-clockwork-Borg abominations. We quickly run from them, and begin to explore the Church of the Order.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-19 14 
16975328/tg/ Meta Quest 25We encounter a boss fight in the form of Data's guilt and regret over the death of his daughter. Douglas goes down, and we desperately try to keep him alive as Spike enters Silent Hill with extra equipment.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-21 15 
16994064/tg/ Meta Quest 26We save Douglas Cartland, and solve some more puzzles. As we're exploring, we meet Doug's son. His dead son. That he has regrets over. Cue boss-fight.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-23 13 
17019510/tg/ Meta Quest 27We proceed into the unexplored west wing of the chapel, and come upon a section out of Spike Spiegel's memories. We end up in a boss-fight against Corvus Head, and while Spike is tossed around and heavily injured, we are victorious.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-26 12 
17039688/tg/ Meta Quest 28We move to the final boss of the Silent Hill portion of this world, and attack its weak point for massive damage. Then we find out who's been pulling the strings of the various horrors.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies2011-11-28 12 
17059442/tg/ Meta Quest 29We begin exploring the zombie outbreak in Pennsylvania. We find evidence of at least Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and quite possibly Return of the Living Dead zombies. We also find some survivors that tell us that Raccoon City has become the domain of some lich-king.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead 2011-11-30 12 
17065352In the SwamplandsAnon wishes to know how a civilization based in marsh/bog areas would work. /tg/ reponds, and we soon get Cajun bayou-dwelling lizardmen spearhunters who wear armor made from gator leather and giant-swamp-beetle chitin.swamp, marsh, bog, lizardman, hunting, gators, spear-throwers2011-11-30 5 
December 2011
17087235/tg/ Meta Quest 30We begin the assault on Raccoon City. However, bad rolls constantly get our troops hammered, and we lose the BLU team respawn tech to magic dickery.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead2011-12-03 12 
17095963/tg/ Meta Quest 31The tg diceroller continues to have us over a barrel as we continue to lose members of our team. We finally decide enough is enough, and pull out our forces in order to drill a hole down to the lich. Who then promptly uses our weapons' energies to make his escape, leaving us to deal with Vampire-Wesker. Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead2011-12-04 12 
17109365/tg/ Meta Quest Planning ThreadIn which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition nextCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-05 6 
17117963/tg/ Meta Quest 32We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-06 13 
17130263Age of the Orc30 years ago humanity was killed by a mysterious plague, the elves abandoned the world, and the dwarves shut there doors of iron. The orcs and goblins are now sole masters of the surface world.orc, plague, no humans2011-12-07 28 
17137538/tg/ Meta Quest 33We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-08 12 
17136450Humans are Dead FantasyPart 2 of the Age of the Orc thread.age of orc, humans are dead, plague, no humans, setting2011-12-08 10 
17161163/tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP editionOP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-12 8 
17179943/tg/ Meta Quest 34Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-12 11 
17194517/tg/ Meta Quest 35We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-13 11 
17206876/tg/ Meta Quest 36We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight2011-12-14 14 
17216945Humans are dead fantasyContinuation of old Age of Orc threads (17136450 & 17130263)age of orc, humans are dead, plague, no humans, setting2011-12-15 1 
17239971/tg/ Meta Quest 38Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk2011-12-17 13 
17272040living with nonhumansLiving with nonhumansnon-humans, modern fantasy, 2011-12-20 10 
17275130further living with nonhumansLiving with nonhumans, continuednon-humans, modern fantasy2011-12-20 6 
17273710/tg/ Meta Quest 39More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-20 11 
17284731/tg/ Meta Quest 40We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-21 10 
17296729/tg/ Meta Quest 41We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, ACS, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-22 11 
17306889/tg/ Meta Quest 42We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-23 12 
17316446/tg/ Meta Quest 43We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-24 15 
17325929TG Quest: The Extended CutContinuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2011-12-26 6 
17342370Old Man Henderson Narrated Voice actor StephanosRex narrates the Old Man Henderson and other /tg/ storiesstorytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2011-12-28 33 
17379345Artemis 11 (or 'Help me design Call of Cthulhu In Space')OP asks for help fleshing out his concept of a CoC setting in the far future, where humanity has colonised other planets and Earth has been quarantined due to the End Times. The Carter Family owns Silver Key Incorporated and produces gates for long-distance transference, mankind is getting ready to venture toward space and the centre of the universe, and more.Call of Cthulhu, space, Artemis 11, horror, setting, game ideas, Cthulhu, Lovecraft, Mythos2011-12-31 6 
17382585Creepy Call of Cthulhu notes.What do you hand your player when they lose sanity? One GM shares his tricks, while others chime in with their own experiences.CoC, Creepy, Cthuhu, Madness, GM, rpg, 2011-12-31 7 
January 2012
17402654Dragon Priest Quest!I'm Dragon Pete! King of the Dragon beat! An enjoyable romp through much of the Elder Scrolls, with many a meme added for humor.Collective Game, Dragon Priest Quest, Alduin, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, memes, humor, Quest Thread2012-01-03 17 
17397134TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-04 6 
17425874/tg/ Meta Quest 44We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-05 11 
17429885/tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-05 6 
17446362/tg/ Meta Quest 45The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona2012-01-07 10 
17450144/tg/ Meta Quest 46We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-07 10 
17456343TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGHYet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-09 6 
17468187/tg/ Meta Quest 47As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion2012-01-09 10 
17471475/tg/ Meta Quest 48After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-09 11 
17469578Pimpin' is easy, Genocide is hardElves discussing the best race to ally with whilst killing the rest before the talks go downhillElves, Humans, Goblins, confusion2012-01-09 22 
17472313Sorcerous SpaceThe aliens of outer space are not the technological wonders we have envisioned, but rather long-living races of magically-adept beings.setting, homebrew, magic, technology, humans, aliens, Sorcerous Space, Laws of Physics, Ideals of Magic2012-01-09 14 
17481740/tg/ Meta Quest 49We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-10 11 
17483106Sorcerous Space discussion part 2Further discussion of setting ideas for Sorcerous Space a setting where humans live in an anti magic field and aliens are all wizardssetting, homebrew, magic, technology, humans, aliens, Sorcerous Space, Laws of Physics, Ideals of Magic2012-01-10 3 
17485818/tg/ Meta Quest 50The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, UNIT, SCP, Stargate, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Editors, Silent Hill, HP Lovecraft, Mythos, Cthulhu, Castlevania, Ravenloft, Night of the Living Dead, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Twilight, Berserk, Persona, Evangelion, Chrono Trigger2012-01-10 11 
17485327Stephanos NarratesStephanos Rex returns to /tg/ for some awesome voice acting. storytime, Old Man Henderson, Cthulhu, Waffle House Millionaire, audio, voice acting, storytiem, /tg/, space marine2012-01-10 13 
17684321Humanity Fuck...ing AnalysisA writefag writes a really good analysis of humanity, and then creates a settinghumanity, writefag, aliens, goo-girls2012-01-27 13 
17721317Oregon Coast Horror Vol. 1Lovecraft inspired horror story in turn of the century rural-coastal Oregon, where a group of 3 friends search for a missing local and discover an ancient blood thirsty evil which has haunted the forested hills since before the Indians. Collective Game, Oregon Coast, Oregon, Werewolves, Lovecraft, Cthulu2012-01-29 10 
17723250Chapter Quest IX - Storm Within the StormRising Sons decide to rush to help their vassal-world Nordgrim that is about to be locked within a warp storm, but when they get there, things are even worse than expected.Chapter Quest, Quest, Chapter, Collective Game, Rising Sons, Adeptus Astartes. zombies, Chapter Master, Space Marines, Warp, storm, Nurgle, Witchhunters, feudal2012-01-30 12 
17729084Elves discuss Human OverpopulationElves are in danger of being overrun by the rampant sprawl of human promiscuity and technological advancement. Potential solutions and superiority of elves are discussed.elves superior humans disgusting orcs barbaric overpopulation2012-01-31 2 
17738107Maverick Hunter Quest 1In which our living battery of a hero is introduced and embarks on his first mission to, fortunately enough, a power plant.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-01-31 39 
February 2012
17753957/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 8While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. We bum about in the base for a while. Nothing happens.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Interlude, Writefagging, Writefaggotry, Mastermind, Kali, Butthurt2012-02-01 6 
17779216Metahuman Renaissance Quest 1Our quest begins with our hero being named, majored, and given superpowers by a crazy bitchMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin2012-02-03 28 
17791182Maverick Hunter Quest 2In which our hero goes back to base to get his eyes checked.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-02-03 35 
17792316Metahuman Renaissance Quest 2Javelin macks on more mad science ladies, finds out about his powers, registers, makes and spends a lot of money, and gets new shiny things. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, like a sir2012-02-04 24 
17805147Metahuman Renaissance Quest 3We try to have a nice date with our new hot redheaded scientist girlfriend and immediately get held up by our first metahuman fight and the subsequent paperwork. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, Wild Talents, superheroes, For Science, javelin, Collective Game2012-02-05 23 
17821490Maverick Hunter Quest 3In which our hero talks to a girl, rides a bike, and gears up for war.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-02-06 33 
17846817Nokia Exterminatus"What if Exterminatus is actually a Nokia 3310 dropped to orbit by an Inquisitor?"Nokia, 3310, Exterminatus, funny, 40K, humor2012-02-08 27 
17875188Metahuman Renaissance Quest Part 4.5Part 4 wasn't archived, our power armor is inspected, upgrade plans are made, and metascience professors are worked with.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, Wild Talents, superheroes, For Science, Javelin, Collective Game2012-02-10 24 
17888118That Guy stories from mythologyAncient mythology and some Shakespeare plays re-imagined as That Guy stories.mythology, funny, humor, Shakespeare, story, stories, That Guy2012-02-11 16 
17887197Metahuman Renaissance Quest 5The Psychic App store is downloaded, parts are acquires, SAN is checked, and mad science is doneMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, red star, the hammer, cosmic horror2012-02-11 25 
17891143Sandwiches and SuppersPlayers share horror stories about unreasonable Chefs who forbid condiments. Then it gets delicious.Humor, roleplay, rage, parody, that guy2012-02-11 10 
17921869Maverick Hunter Quest 4In which our hero has a showdown with his second maverick.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-02-13 31 
17989716Metahuman Renaissance Quest 7Javelin eats pancakes wit the Evokers', learns Parkour, then WE WIZARD NOW SONMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, harry dresden, evokers club, parkour, behold the wizard2012-02-18 23 
18001767METAHUMAN RENAISSANCE part 8Javalin learns about magic and pactscollective game,METAHUMAN RENAISSANCE,METAHUMAN RENAISSANCE quest2012-02-19 23 
18015714Metahuman Renaissance Quest Part 9Javelin summons some spirits collective game,METAHUMAN RENAISSANCE,METAHUMAN RENAISSANCE quest2012-02-20 23 
18013469Maverick Hunter Quest 5In which our hero gets his booze on.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-02-20 33 
18043016surprise metahuman renaissanceOp's schedule changed metahuman renaissance, quest,collective game2012-02-21 23 
18058580Maverick Hunter Quest 6In which our hero commences drunken escapades.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-02-23 30 
18070084Metahuman Renaissance Quest Part 11Javelin's mystical journey through a museumcollective game, METAHUMAN RENAISSANCE, METAHUMAN RENAISSANCE quest2012-02-24 23 
18084594Metahuman Renaissance Quest 12Dan kills flesh golems, and doesn't afraid of anythingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, flesh golem, wolf-girl, advice dan2012-02-25 20 
18090274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13Dan catches up with the most stereotypical necromancer ever, and finally learns a proper 'name' for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, advice dan, red, syrpent2012-02-25 20 
18097354Metahuman Renaissance Quest 13.33Dan fights Byakhee, chases Red, and once again has to deal with the police.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, superheroes, wild talents, javelin, collective game, night at the museum, syrpent, metacops, byakhee2012-02-26 18 
18111726Metahuman Renaissance Interlude 1Despite autosaging, Omega attempts to get a quest off the ground, and gets a character createdMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, Dava'kaal Sythras Vedi'ras, metahuman renaissance interlude, cyrean2012-02-27 8 
18137641Metahuman Renaissance Quest 14Dan rides down the police station in the APC of awkwardness, and chats with detectivesMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, metacops, fae, black rock box2012-02-29 18 
March 2012
18177425Metahuman Renaissance Quest 15Dan freaks out, gets out, goes to sleep, wakes up, and works out.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, metacops, black rock box, the hammer2012-03-03 21 
18190325Metahuman Renaissance Quest 16Dan quibbles on modifications to the Hammer, enchants some shit, then decides to learn Necromancy from a masterMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, enchantmen2012-03-04 18 
18204314Metahuman Renaissance quest 17Dan goes to the house of Ashwood, meets a not-robot, and talks to GespenstMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy,2012-03-05 20 
18209618Maverick Hunter Quest 7In which our hero gets some long overdue upgrades and spars with a giant robot shark.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-03-06 31 
18230315Metahuman Renaissance Quest 18Dan absorbs some memories, then goes down to the Dreamlands for an interesting talk with RedMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, gespenst, dreamlands, red2012-03-07 22 
18254146PC's say the darndest thingsepic quotes from many different games involving the crazy shit PC's sayPC's quotes awesome epic funny duke nukem critical success call of cthulhu diablerie vampires2012-03-08 11 
18267508Metahuman Renaissance Quest 19Dan begins an epic battle in the center of the Dream ScapeMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer, necromancy, gespenst, dreamlands, red2012-03-10 18 
18280701Hogwarts QuestThale Hussein, the Glorious Meteor of the East, embarks on his quest to rid Hogwarts of its devilry and to bring those in it to the light and will of Allah's Justice.Hogwarts Quest, Selfus Explodus, Hussein, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-11 30 
18291787Hogwarts QuestThale Hussein makes his way through Diagon Alley, scolds the Djinn-slut, and begins the journey to Hogwarts.Hogwarts Quest, Hogwarts, Selfus Explodus, Thale Hussein, Hussein, Muslim, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-12 24 
18289775Metahuman Renaissance Quest part 20Fight with Anna, Round 3! This time with allies.Metahuman Renaissance, collective game, wild talents2012-03-12 20 
18328384Hogwarts Quest 3Short continuation of the prior thread. The meteor is sorted. Hogwarts Quest, Hogwarts, Selfus Explodus, Thale Hussein, Hussein, Muslim, Western Whore, Collective Game2012-03-15 20 
18324998The God MachineA Delta Green/CoC GM comes to /tg/ with a disturbing idea he penned down at four in the morning, for an enormous torture machine. /tg/ convinces him he's not crazy, and gives ideas and advice.Delta Green, Call of Cthulhu, horror, creepy, machine, refinery, factory, torture, slaughter, abbatoir2012-03-15 25 
18361538Hogwarts Quest 4Thale Hussein begins his first class in the den of villainy and witchcraft.Hogwarts Quest, Islam, Thale Hussain, Crazy Hassan, Hufflepuff, Collective Game2012-03-18 6 
18370590Metahuman Renaissance Quest 21Dan sits with his allies for a nice chat about the coming day.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, war room2012-03-19 15 
18395949Maverick Hunter Quest 8In which our hero consoles his compatriot and then commences more drunken escapades in the form of a bar fight.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-03-21 30 
18408812Orc /tg/What if humans were a fantasy race on an Orc world? human, orc, roleplay, gamestomp, waraxe 20k, human slave wat do, 2012-03-22 11 
18418103Evolution MoonVery creepy. 3 species co-evolve on a moon for some good ol'-fashion nightmare fuel.Collective game, yu, trit, humell, evolution2012-03-23 7 
18434333Evolution Moon 2The evolution game continues, with even more lunar nightmare fuel than before.Collective Game, Evolution Quest, Humell, Yu, Trit, Stygian2012-03-24 6 
18442863Metahuman Renaissance Quest 22Dan talks to his dad, tried to talk to his mom, then hits the books.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin2012-03-25 15 
18454487Metahuman Renaissance Quest 23Dan talks to his mom and gets some spare cash from the Feds. Then he calls his available allies together for a strategy session and heals Johnny's leg.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents2012-03-26 14 
18479628Metahuman Renaissance Quest 24Dan chats with some people about stuff, before the thread bogs down, with stuff.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, syrpent2012-03-28 11 
18516148Metahuman Renaissance Quest 25Blackstone offers exposition, then Dan & co order Ninja PizzaMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, 2012-03-31 12 
April 2012
18529109Metahuman Renaissance Quest 26Dan begins the final day (of Act I)Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the hammer2012-04-01 11 
18539274Metahuman Renaissance Quest 27Dan buys COOL STUFF, then goes with Blackstone to investigate Anna's apartment. With psychic powers.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-02 11 
18543990Maverick Hunter Quest 9In which our hero takes an art class.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-04-02 30 
18562850Metahuman Renaissance Quest 28Dan continues his psychic investigations of Anna's apt. and has an interesting conversationMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-04 12 
18587045Metahuman Renaissance Quest 29In a short thread, Dan gets back from Anna's apartment, asks about a sword, and does some enchantingMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, dr m2012-04-06 11 
18587497Maverick Hunter Quest Part 10In which our hero ponders on what to do with his weapon of choice. He could go with this, or he could go with that... Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-04-06 30 
18612029Metahuman Renaissance Quest 30Dan dreamtalks with Dr. M, then gets a call to explore some maintenance tunnels for Red.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, dr m2012-04-08 11 
18640517Haiyore! Nyaruko-sanNyaruko-san will wuv yuu!nyarlathotep, cthulhu, anime, japan2012-04-10 13 
18691996the dark side of /tg//x/ would be proud, or fearfulhumanity fuck no2012-04-13 12 
18699563Metahuman Renaissance Quest 31Dan has a talk with Blackstone, and makes future plansMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red2012-04-14 11 
18709340Maverick Hunter Quest 11In which our hero visits the robot museum aUSER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POSTCollective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-04-15 29 
18712505Metahuman Renaissance Quest 32Dan does some more research, then rolls on down to the place with the police, and talks to Miles the necromancer about the museum jobMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red star2012-04-15 13 
18726973Metahuman Renaissance Quest 33Dan calls home his research to Ashwood, talks with the Evokers for a bit, then does a job for Blackstone to level the playing field for tonight.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, blackstone, space2012-04-16 11 
18734234A concept of Human Ingenuity and madnessDurendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans. /tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting.setting, development, space, ship, grimdark, transhuman, giant, giantess, war, freaky, biological, bioship, The Archivist2012-04-16 11 
18782564Metahuman Renaissance Quest 34Omega gets his game face on, begins CINEMATIC TIME, and the end becomes slightly more nighMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red, cinematic time2012-04-20 14 
18794822Metahuman Renaissance Quest 35Dan and Ashwood get into a Biplane duel with a dragon, and shit goes DOWN. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, red, dr. m2012-04-21 18 
18872868Metahuman Renaissance Part 36A guest star appears, and Act I ends, finally.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, dr m, act i, anna2012-04-27 13 
18865858Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ GameTen tribes make themselves known on the central continent in this chapter of the Primordial Evo Game.Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong2012-04-27 3 
18887329Metahuman Renaissance Quest 37After tying up some loose ends, Dan finally gets to go to VermontMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, javelin2012-04-28 13 
18882708Maverick Hunter Quest 12In which our hero has MOVIE NIGHT followed by learning how to be a Drill Sergeant.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-04-29 32 
18892469Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 2Trials and tribulations of the ten tribes continues. Ry'lai rise up, literally, guests from across the west strait wreck up VietKoBurrog's ambush, and other shenanigans involving new kinds of magickery happens.Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong, Simidan2012-04-29 5 
18911072Hunter of the Underside QuestOur father is dead. We found his note, and his weapons stash. We will hold back the darkness instead.Collective Game, Hunter of the Underside Quest, HUQ, facestomp, He Who Fights Monsters2012-04-30 3 
May 2012
18937815Metahuman Renaissance Quest 38Dan continues his examination of his alien cache of technology, finds more powers, and gets moar money.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin2012-05-02 12 
18915855Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3The bug war approaches. TO ARMS!Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong, Simidan2012-05-02 6 
18978120Metahuman Renaissance Quest 39Dan spends some time doing stuff. Also he flies to fucking space. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, space2012-05-05 13 
19025951Maverick Hunter Quest 13In which our hero starts using Stunt Dice.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-05-09 30 
19027333Metahuman Renaissance Quest 40Dan decides to go some where more local before heading to space, picks Japan, and is forced to choose who to bring. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the darkness is growing2012-05-09 12 
19069844Metahuman Renaissance Quest 41Dan spends time on planes. And reading things. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin2012-05-12 11 
19115266Metahuman Renaissance Quest 42Dan finally sets foot in Japan, goes for a walk, and meets some locals.Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, the black rider draw near2012-05-16 11 
19162810Metahuman Renaissance Quest 43Dan and co finally do some sight seeing in Japan, then get a tour of the Tokyo MetyoMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, a storm is about to break2012-05-20 10 
19189280Generation A Quest IIMonstergirls post-apoc 2032. Break the bad news to the family, get some info on places to start looking for a cure. Real romance with Karin in thread 2. Real HUEHUEHUE returns with a die-hard vengeance.Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue2012-05-22 22 
19211609Generation A Quest IIIMonstergirls post-apoc 2032. Scales in the morning, raiders in the afternoon. Does this dark ship spell eternal night for our hero?Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue2012-05-24 23 
19207778Maverick Hunter Quest 14In which our hero rides the rocket.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-05-24 30 
19226500Metahuman Renaissance Quest 44Dan investigates the future heroes of Japan, then answers their questions before CLIFFHANGERMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, cliffhanger, he is here2012-05-25 12 
19263832Metahuman Renaissance Quest 45Anna takes a brief spotlight as she stabs reality and hunts monsters and doesn't afraid of anything. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, anna, guest star2012-05-28 8 
19303155Generation A Quest IVMonstergirls post-apoc 2032. Meet our friends Ivan and Bill. Bill pursued by samurai Kitsune. Fluffy tails Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-05-31 22 
19310246Generation A Quest IV- OvertimeFend off gorilla ambush and ambush them back, head into the Frost ruins inside the jungle mountain. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-05-31 22 
June 2012
19311537Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ GameCulture emerges in the eastern continent, and the stories of nine tribes unfold.Collective Game, Quest, Evolution, Tribal, East Continent, Gwiliak, Crucea, Kharum, Kaze, Silith, Friggan, Ca'rethill, Zal'zaz'siel, Mohu'awane2012-06-03 1 
19348726Generation A Quest VInvestigate the Frost ruins. Contend with a sneaky giant monster. Find cool armor.Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-06-04 23 
19378150Maverick Hunter Quest 15In which our hero assists his dad on a rescue mission.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-06-07 29 
19385639Generation A Quest VIRescue the idols, try on sweet armor, visions reveal things to us. Also more fluffy tails and ears. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-06-07 23 
19413915Planetary Governor Quest #11We prepare for negotiations and parties. A wild spacehulk appears, so naturally we start trying to disassemble it.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Space Hulk, Space, Quest, Space Battle2012-06-09 17 
19458916Metahuman Renaissance Quest EndWith sadness, Metahuman Renaissance comes to a close. Metahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game,2012-06-13 5 
19387947Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3The dangers of the world begin to become more active, and a new tribe emerges.Collective Game, Quest, Evolution, Tribal, East Continent, Gwiliak, Crucea, Kharum, Kaze, Silith, Friggan, Ca'rethill, Zal'zaz'siel, Mohu'awane, Sama'Guchy2012-06-13 1 
19468566Evil Sorcerer Quest Pt.2The Sorcerer gains new digs and new alies. Some by combat, some by musical. Then we fight the (cheating) Avatar of the god of war.Collective game, Humor, Evil Sorcerer Quest,2012-06-14 35 
19470363Chapter Quest VIII - Visiting the Dark SisterGhosts of Retribution go on a joint mission with Rogue Trader to retrieve an artifact from a Space Hulk, but what happens next was not expected by anyone...Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Dark Heresy, roleplay, rpg, 40k, Eldar, Space Hulk, Spirit Stones, Rogue Trader, Chaos Space Marines, Traitors2012-06-14 4 
19471031Generation A Quest VIIThe year is 2032, and it is the age of monsters. And Sky Pirates.Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-06-14 29 
19525939Generation A Quest VIII - OvoretimeIt's been one of THOSE days indeed. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-06-18 22 
19544423For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run CampaignWe launch our newly fixed ship on a campaign in the Smugglers run and test out the new deployment map. Then we get smashed by Bounty Hunters and have to get repairs.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Bounty Hunters,2012-06-20 12 
19513123Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 5Wrapping things up for the Mohu'awane, the Gwiliak, the Silith, the Ca'rethill et al. The Skulcrow Rattle marches to war, invading first the Gwiliak, who retaliate with their order of jedi-esque knights armed with flamethrowers, and later the Silith who take to the beasts with uranium blades. Some butthurt in the middle when the Enclave arrives, so we end up deciding to blow off some steam by evolving some cavern critters in another thread. Very much tl;dr, especially when the epilogues come into play, so hunker down for a read.primordial, evolution, borgas 4, tribal, final, epilogue, tl;dr, butthurt, flamethrowers, skulcrow invasion2012-06-25 3 
19637849Generation A Quest IXThe Russian Bear. The plotting Echidna. A choice of life and death. We begin to ready ourselves for the deadlands. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-06-27 23 
19637303For House and Dominion: Smugglers Run Campaign 2A colony is liberated and we move on with our long term mission.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Bounty Hunters,2012-06-27 14 
19670289Mahou Shounen Quest 142Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-06-29 11 
19681784Mahou Shounen Quest 143Cannonball run simulation. Our weiner is large and in charge. Oh hey, is dat sum VEHICULAR CARNAGE?Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-06-30 10 
July 2012
19689850Mahou Shounen Quest 144Continuation of the Cannonball Run mission. Things begin to heat up as the fuzz go for broke. Oh hey, BEE LAUNCHERS!Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-01 9 
19680418Maverick Hunter Quest 16In which our hero spends loads of money on upgrades and takes on another special assignment.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-07-01 27 
19850327"Magical" Girl QuestIn which Daedalus begins scouting out the local 'talent' for magical girl candidates.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-13 32 
19867941"Magical" Girl Quest 2Reimu plays doctor, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-14 24 
19859727GuardsMan Quest: Fight For Amerigo Secondus: Chapter Four: Rallying CryIn this quest we recruit beastmen, Squats, devour our first piece of living tech, Impregnate Anevka, and reccieve the blessing of the omnisiah.Guardsman_Quest, Inquisition, 40k, Imperium, Catgirls, Beastmen, Dark_Age_of_Science, Hunting_Rig, Tau, Underhive, Squats, Collective_Game, Quest2012-07-14 10 
19878633"Magical" Girl Quest 3Daedalus finishes up her aquatic homebase, Anne talks of her all-nighter, and other shenanigans'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-15 24 
19878847Generation A Quest XBack to the carrier to find some radiation gear able to withstand the deadlands.Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-07-15 25 
19883200Mahou Shounen Quest 154We conclude the Bureau Raid simulation. Get back to the real world for some shenanigans and plot.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-15 8 
19886971Planetary Governor Quest: Part 15The continuation from 14.5, we bro it up with insect Xenos, piss of the SOB, and finally finish with that HulkCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Space Battle, Orks, RT, Rogue Trader, HTML, Space Hulk, Politics, Spiders2012-07-15 13 
19894317"Magical" Girl Quest 4In which the recruitment is nearing completion, we learn what the Replicators are weak to, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-16 23 
19923674"Magical" Girl Quest 5We introduce the girls to ALEX L. BARKER, THE RED COMET WHO GRASPS VICTORY FROM DEFEAT, Icarus is born and takes her first steps, and other shenanigans'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-18 22 
19929722Mahou Shounen Quest 155Piracy on the high seas. We swash our bucklers and stuff. also, a taste of plot.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-07-18 5 
19938869"Magical" Girl Quest 6Icarus is a hedonist, Daedalus checks in on the other girls, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Hedonism2012-07-19 22 
19941867 /tg/-CraftsA tabletop-related crafts thread with some tutorials from Esh-Esh and Hungarian LARPfag on how to make LED crystals, arts & crafts, /tg/, Esh-Esh, hungarian LARPfag2012-07-19 7 
19953109"Magical" Girl Quest 7In which Alexa is forked, Manguard Armor happens, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-19 22 
19986768Maverick Hunter Quest 17In which our hero gets his feet wet.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-07-22 28 
20006429"Magical" Girl Quest 8In which we join omnIRC and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-23 22 
20021091"Magical" Girl Quest 9In which Icarus takes a shower, grabs lunch, and something intrudes upon Beta Site.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-25 23 
20087955Generation A Quest XIFind the radiation gear, blow up the carrier, get drunk and crash planeCollective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-07-30 24 
August 2012
20140083The only human on an alien space stationNot star trek, not mass effect. The one human on a space station full of freaky aliens looks for lovealiens, humans, lonely, sci-fi, writefaggotry2012-08-02 29 
20253633"Magical" Girl Quest 10Icarus discovers Daedalus' modification to her ARglasses, helps Veritas get back on her feet, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-10 23 
20269274Mahou Shounen Quest 171I have no idea of what's going on anymore.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie2012-08-11 5 
20318026"Magical" Girl Quest 11In which pancakes are obtained, Omnitube audvids are watched, training happens, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-14 22 
20336130"Magical" Girl Quest 12Daedalus distributes the Derivation, freaks out a little over Anne having built it, checks in on the Clean-Up Crew, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-16 24 
20386832Generation A Quest XIIA little insight into Bill's backstory. A bit of kitsune petting. A fateful call from Rick. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-08-19 25 
20425508Maverick Hunter Quest 18In which our hero uppercuts a bear.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-08-23 29 
20478611Pax Americana Quest 1What if, instead of carrying out a psychotic quest to genocide every mutant in the world, half the Enclave rebelled and fled to the american midwest, encountered Brotherhood of Steel outcasts and set out to rebuild America in the image of the old world?Civilization_Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Fallout, Enclave, Brotherhood_of_Steel, Alternate_History, Power_Armor, Vertibird, Robot, Super_Mutant, Ghoul, Human, Cyborg, Mutant2012-08-26 15 
20485061Pax Americana Quest 2The American Union expands its borders, both in terms of territory, and socially.Civilization_Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Fallout, Enclave, Brotherhood_of_Steel, Alternate_History, Power_Armor, Vertibird, Robot, Super Mutant, Ghoul, Human, Cyborg, Mutant, Squirrel Force Recon, Intellapuma2012-08-27 18 
September 2012
20636078Generation A Quest XIIIFight a house (mimic), burn down some forest. Oh, and make it to the most hostile place on the planet. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-09-08 25 
20707552Floor 11BGuys, I thought our apartment only had 10 floors.../x/, roleplay, scp, creepy, apartment, floors, butthurt fun nazis2012-09-13 10 
20780005Generation A Quest XIVRun from deathworms, get pulled into a Hind. Find out why it's never catgirls. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-09-19 26 
20840039Maverick Hunter Quest 19In which our hero plays Contra.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-09-24 28 
20863758Hangover Mechanicus 2The second thrilling installment in Vyrius' quest to not piss off an order of Adepta Sororitas. Turns out he's pretty terrible at it. 40K, writefaggotry, Sororitas, AdMech, Techpriest, Sister of Battle, alcohol, butthurt2012-09-26 10 
20919642Generation A Quest XVOut of the frying pan and into the freezer? Inside the mountain hardly seems safe at all. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-09-30 24 
October 2012
20963670Age O' Drakes part 4The next edition of Age of drakes. Their still fighting over the mines of Magrite.Age O' Drakes, Humans, D&D, Collective game2012-10-03 3 
20976949Age O' Drakes Part 5The war has been won...but winter is on the run.Collective Game, Fate of Humans, D&D2012-10-04 3 
21017799Age O' Drakes Part 6Winter closes in...while some villagers wish to strike out.Collective Game, Fate of Humans, D&D2012-10-07 0 
21023175Player attempts to eat everythingOP seeks help on dealing with omnivorous player, turns into storytime of his exploitsStorytime, Humor, OMNOMNOM, DM2012-10-07 0 
21030357Lich's Employee Quest pt 6 (7)Daniel goes into the mountains and deals with some cave horrors, then gets intoxicated.skeleton quest, caves, abhumans, drunk, training2012-10-08 14 
21057598CoC Haunted House BrainstormOP asks for non mythos stuff to put in a haunted house, gets it.Call of Cthulhu. CoC, Lovecraft, haunted, horror, scary, spooky2012-10-10 2 
21241405Mage Quest: PrologueYou are a mage, you were were born into a world where the gods have been dead for as long as anyone can remember. Your mother was a Witch and a Seer she raised you and foretold 3 prophecies on her deathbed in the hopes that she would be able to help you make your way in the world. So far you've managed to save a group of refugees from slavers and make contact with plane touched gypsies. Mage_Quest. Collective_Game, Quest, Go_Fuck_Youself_Churl2012-10-23 7 
21273541A Good HFY ThreadWith reposting of classics, statement of what HFY is, and plenty of new OC.HFY, Humanity Fuck Yeah, good thread, OC, writefaggotry, Drake MacDougal,2012-10-26 21 
21358140Generation A Quest XVIDefeat the ice witch, turn her into a pet. Continue on down toward finding the sword we need. Papa back in proper hueform. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-10-31 26 
November 2012
21417858HoboQuest Part IV: A New HUEGet hired by military, constantly piss off a general. A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF BOOZE. Invading army comes, invading army goes. Flee your authority figures and meet a Night Post batgirl. HUEHUEHUE rears it's head at last.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-04 10 
21420351Humanity: Dethroned/tg/ makes a setting. In brief, humanity used to have a galaxy wide empire, but it collapsed when the leaders of humanity decided to have everything descend into chaos for fun. Sol system is a militaristic fortress system, there are monster people (who are really just gentically deviant humans) Mechs, power armor, and bioengineered monsters everywhere (some of them are even space capable.) Make_A_Setting, Scifi, grimdark, Humanity Dethroned2012-11-04 5 
21433028HoboQuest Part VSave a batgirl, get some guns, acquire a Soldier Bro. Get drunk, get slimegirl drunk, bottle slime girl. Get to town, find a bar, meet a red oni. A drinking competition turns into an alcoholic fight to the death. /tg/ nearly crit fails Lincoln to death.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-05 10 
21523416If Lies To Children Were TrueThere's no sex, you can make boys with snips, snails and puppy-dog tails, and stepping on a crack will break your mother's back. More neat suggestions inside.game ideas, scary, creepy, humor, setting, worldbuilding, childhood, myths2012-11-11 18 
21555916Zerg Quest CXICyberbrate thrusts its Love Muffins into an opening in the Xel'Naga's...sexual-sounding military term. I can't be clever all the time. Make your own innuendo. Call it mad-libs or something, I don't know.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, Glorious combat, screaming brainhurts, psionic migraine, PORTENT2012-11-13 10 
21629619HoboQuest Part VIIIn which Lincoln goes to the Post Office, and learns the sorry state of affairs about Monstergirls and his current location. And the World in general. Righteous fury leads us to the castle, which leads to drunken merriment, explosions, a kitchen fire and a pissed off SpecOps CO. Whoopsie?The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-20 14 
21662853Old Man Henderson ReduxA screencaps thread turns into a retelling of Old Man Henderson by another of the playersstorytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, Waffle House Millionaire, Cthulhu, plot derailment2012-11-20 27 
21678506Everyone Gets The Bag EventuallyNew RCT pic leads to Death/s bagging everyone. No exceptions.Death, roller coaster tycoon, bag, humour2012-11-21 28 
21665666HoboQuest Part VII 2The Madness continues! Bowing out of the Diplomatic talks, Lincoln wanders off in search of Zuli the Red Oni girl, only to find pain. Escaping the consequences of his actions yet again, our hero returns from death's doir in time to rescue Zuli from an unjust execution. The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE 2012-11-21 11 
21699860Maverick Hunter Quest 20In which our hero becomes mounted cavalry.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-11-23 28 
21700306HoboQuest Part VIIILincoln and company manage to escape the burning castle, engage in song and dance routines, and determine an agreement that is most certainly going to end in hedonism. Rick Rolling HUEHUEHUE appears.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-23 11 
21749782HoboQuest Part IXIn which Lincoln does the Monster Mash and gets the hell out of dodge - or whatever this town is called. The Monstergirl 'Intelligence Assets' meet Johnson and the A-Team, everything goes just as planned. Another impromptu flight courtesy of Air Zuli lands us next to the portal, and... hold up, are those Foxgirls? Holding us up? This can't end well. For them. HUEHUEHUE yet again.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-11-26 11 
21794066Generation A Quest XVIIThe journey begins to draw to a close. Collective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2012-11-29 24 
December 2012
21826521Age O' Drakes Part 10After a HUGE recap that sums up most of what happened in the past. Then TG does more magic stuff, goes to make boats and a magical testing area. Along with checking out the desert, making an Orc Bro, and finding some 'undead' possibly.Human, Collective Game, D&D, Desert2012-12-01 1 
21839761Age O' Drakes Part 11The people Explore a desert underground city full of Zombies. They accidently cause a child to turn into a 'werebear' who now is training to be a guard as a child. And now their dealing with Halflings in the undead city.Collective Game, Fate of Humans, D&D2012-12-02 0 
21842493First Response questOn an adventure to be sane, we became insanity itself.insanity, funny, cthulhu2012-12-02 31 
21873734HoboQuest Part XFoxgirl Negotiations are in full swing whilst the Bruce's get debriefed by General Williams. And we hold all the balls. Err, cards. Hold all the Cards. The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE 2012-12-05 12 
21928723OP the Beta fa/tg/uySomeone seeks sympathy on /tg/. He discovers why this is a terrible mistake and things soon become amusing. Whining, Beta, Cruelty, Humour, Suicide, Chinese, Thin Your Paints, Disappointment2012-12-07 7 
21979683Maverick Hunter Quest 21In which our hero visits his folks and other happenings occur.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2012-12-11 30 
22001442Half-EldarHalf-Eldar discussion thread.Half-Eldar, Eldar, 40k, Human2012-12-13 3 
22003738HoboQuest Part X-2 And Part XIPart X-2 is recapped! We rampage across New Orleans after escaping from an angry General, buying booze for all, pissing off the cops, getting sweet new threads, and lying our way into a fancy restaurant.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-13 10 
22033489HoboQuest Part XIILincoln and his companions go to dinner! Moira gets a bite to eat. Lincoln lights a goddamned restaurant on fire and skip out on the bill. Do military briefing with General. Steal a tank. Back through the rift we go!The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-16 10 
22095383Immunity to magicOP wonders what if humans are magically null when all the other races can magic.ideas, humans, magic, space2012-12-18 11 
22074427HoboQuest Part XIIIBack in Riftia! Learn how to drive a tank, get to skip a combat encounter for free! Examine stolen weapons. 192 Proof Gun Practice. Everybody's HUEHUEHUEing.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-18 10 
22146679/tg/ Prophesizes their OWN end-of-the-world/tg/ bands together with an ancient evil, a virgin, a dog, a half-fae catboy, akuuuuuu, and for some reason michael bay to end all timemayan calendar, end of the world, lol, lulz, funny, humourous indeed, greentext, foolish samurai warrior2012-12-21 14 
22162960HoboQuest Part XIVHobo-ing about, more drinking debauchery, blowing up Lord Farnsworth's retaliation with a tank! And Moira goodness.The Hobo King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-23 10 
22213338HoboQuest Part XVYou awaken to have to deal with the consequences of your actions. And by that, you mean bullshit your way out of having to do any such thing. Lots of exposition. FINALLY on the way to Riftia!The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-27 10 
22258991HoboQuest Part XVIHaving FINALLY gotten underway into Riftia, Lincoln is faced with a pivotal choice: WHICH WAY TO TURN. Deciding to head to the non-human lands, you split the party, do science, and introduce yourselves to a village of foxes by way of epic musical posing.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-29 11 
22292541HoboQuest Part XVIIA mysterious brief time rewind. Hobo Meteorslime Punch. Outdrink an entire village. Meet the inari matriarch, IMMEDIATELY piss her off. Hobo spin-offs everywhere.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2012-12-31 11 
January 2013
22319889Maverick Hunter Quest 22In which our hero gets schooled by a humanoid German Shepherd and gets his Christmas present early.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-01-01 28 
22330382HoboQuest Part XVIIIFoxgirl mother/daughter faceoff, discuss an alliance, blow up half a village via demonstration. The sidequests hit a new level of meta.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-01-03 7 
22369671HoboQuest Part XIXYou try (and sort-of succeed) to score with everyone, during an absolutely avalanche of crit fails and successes. Make a deal with the inari matriarch, get rewarded with tons of exposition that tell you things you'll probably forget anyway. HUE EVERYWHERE.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-01-05 6 
22417715HoboQuest Part XXYou FINALLY get out of the foxgirl village. Arriving back at the rift, you get a new radio! And then immediately run away again. So begins the adventures in the Corpselands! No good can come of this.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-01-08 7 
22509238"Magical" Girl Quest 13In which the plot is entirely derailed by time shenanigans and sends Anne into a comparatively dystopian alternate timeline.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-10 11 
22571328"Magical" Girl Quest 14In which Anne goes to the MedBay and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-14 11 
22627591"Magical" Girl Quest 15Mother and Daughter bonding, Firewall systems Upgrading, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-17 10 
22647545/tg/'s Nemesis/tg/ finds the ultimate BBEG. And is utterly horrifed by it. Horror, Self-Loathing, Joshua, Madness, Evil, Classic Blunder2013-01-18 13 
22678333Maverick Hunter Quest 23In which our hero brings rabbits to a spider fight. Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-01-20 27 
22694047Lady Gaga Occult HomebrewWhat if pop stars were actually vessels for channeling the Great Old Ones?homebrew, gaga, cthulhu mythos2013-01-21 8 
22696643HoboQuest Part XXI: REBOOT HARDERZombie Fightan, Body Swapan, Flash Game Makean, wait what?The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-01-23 7 
22737959Overhuman: Omar Denis Session 1-3 RecapA lengthy recap of Omar Denis's Story so far... The trigger for his power, his joining of a shady organization, and ensuing assessment of his powers.Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest2013-01-23 12 
22738376Dragonslayer Quest Part 1Miles Runember, mage extraordinarie ventures into a complex of caves with his misadventured friend Elloy and the grumpy Velkins, only to have to fend off terrible bloodthirsty bats... and apparently a dragon?Dragonslayer Quest, Collective Game, Treasure Hunter Quest, Wizard, Mage2013-01-23 4 
22742845Overhuman: Omar Denis; Session 4 The Warm-Up ChamberAnother day in life at the Renaissance facilities. Omar Denis pursues his training as an Invocation Overhuman, facing the Warm-Up chamber and doing something... Unprecedented!Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Phoenix, Torture2013-01-23 11 
22758523"Magical" Girl Quest 16Dealing with a cyborg virus, interrogations of a fork of the Emperor, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-24 10 
22780116Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 5; The Desert TrialsThe story continues as Omar Denis awakens in a hospital bed to find that his freedom is restricted. Put to sleep by an evoker named Violet, he wakes up once more in the desert with a cell phone before him.Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Phoenix, 2013-01-25 8 
22870401Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 6; The Lovely VioletOmar heads to breakfast to discuss training with senior Invoker, only to be stopped by Violet and invited to her quarters. . .Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest2013-01-30 8 
22890009Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 76; The OverloadOmar Denis steps into the danger filled Butterfly chamber... However instead of going with the program...Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest2013-01-31 6 
February 2013
22926734Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 8; The RageOmar orders the materials required to make his totem, he begins to have a pleasant chat with Katie, and then Drake intervenes...Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Phoenix,2013-02-02 6 
22962930Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 9; The KrakenOmar Denis trains in "The Most Dangerous Zoo" for training.. And the opponent he faces...Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Kraken2013-02-04 6 
23017315Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 10; The Spiteful VioletOmar resolves his issue with Renaissance and augments his natural abilities... The next day, Violet arrives at his door.Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Phoenix,2013-02-07 1 
23019668Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 10; The Spiteful Violet (Real)The other one labeled the same as this is a misarchive. Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Phoenix,2013-02-07 7 
23039644Burning sands solar system simulationNever forget them. They fought everything. Planets of pure crystal. The sun, monsters of both magic and metal. Illness and corruption. They lost their world and they still fought on. They lost their sun and still fought on. They fought until the final light dawned upon them.Omni, burning, sands, solar, system, galaxy, humanity, fuck, yeah, fungus, space, supernova2013-02-08 30 
23067256HoboQuest Part XXII: LOOK AT DEM DOUBLE DUBSTomb exploring, foxgirl petting, hobo-king promising updates, disbelief all around. The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-02-12 6 
23115958Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 11; The Armored KatieOmar tests his mettle against the Animist, Katie, and learns of her past. . .Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Phoenix,2013-02-12 9 
23189536HoboQuest Part XXIIILincoln and company fight shadows with fire and explore a weird underground crypt. Lincoln learns necromancy. NEW UNDEAD MONSTERGIRLS AHOY!The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-02-17 8 
23228359Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 12; The Conflicted ShrimpOmar acquires a new nickname for his use of the mantis shrimp.. Eliza, Lock, and Kill return to the facility, with stories they cannot tell.Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Phoenix,2013-02-18 6 
23243016Generation A FinalAnd so the journey Comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, Writefagging, Generation A, Monstergirls, Papa-N, Huehuehue, Fluffy Tails2013-02-19 31 
23374610/tg/ is the worst king ever/tg/ assumes the role of an intensely pyschopathic king whose tomboy daughter has gone out to engage in lesbian sociopathy. Also robot daughters.Humor, Humour, Collective Story, King, Lesbians, Funny, Insanity, Robots2013-02-25 20 
23383305Humans as mythological beastsA bit of discussion, a bit of HFY, and a bit of world building.world building, Humanity fuck yeah2013-02-26 5 
March 2013
23458310Silly Magical ItemsA great compendium of ridiculous but amusing magical items. humor, magic items, silly, magic, items2013-03-03 17 
23494921Scenes from a HatHi, I'm Drew Carey, and I'll be your host for tonight.Humor, Quotes, Meta, Drew Carey2013-03-04 26 
23461439HoboQuest Part XXIVThe least productive thread of all time. At least Lincoln gets drunk again.The-Hobo-King, HoboQuest, hobo, Collective Game, monstergirls, HUEHUEHUE2013-03-04 10 
23533339Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 13; The Violet's True ColorsOmar confronts violet about what she's done to Katie. She finally begins to take him seriously, however the truth he finds isn't something he can handle alone...Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest2013-03-06 6 
23552260Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 14; The Flora-Friendly FaunaA shorter chapter than most, Omar speaks with Fauna for likely the most indepth yet... he's possibly found a high ranking ally for his goal..Collective Game, Original Setting, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Phoenix,2013-03-07 6 
23604846Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 14.5; The ChoicesOmar is informed by Fauna of Violet's nature. He becomes unsure of whether he should assist in her escape, and tells Fauna that he's with her that Renaissance needs to change.Collective Game, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Dranule The Man2013-03-10 4 
23620462Call of Cthulhu Moral QuestionIf you could save mankind from the Old Ones, what price is worth it?Call of Cthulhu, Old Ones, Moral Question2013-03-11 13 
23779121Overhuman Quest: Omar Denis Session 15 The Violet and the ShadowOmar speaks with Violet about her plans to escape from Renaissance. Not exactly liking her methods, things take a turn south.Collective Game, Omar Denis, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Invoker Quest, Dranule The Man2013-03-20 5 
23795054/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 6"What are the Editors?" "LA LI LU LE LO." We find a crashed Terran Wraith. Chuck Norris, Space Ghost and GI Joe take down several Pony SUEs of the Conversion Bureau with our assistance. The Editors finally reveal themselves, and what they plan to do with Meta-Earth, and especially with the library. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, Ponies, MLP, Starcraft, Conversion Bureaumobs, mob mentality, book burning2013-03-22 3 
23833514Mage Guild- Witch HuntersA meeting is called for a discreet way to deal with new Witch Hunters in the area.Mage Guild, Witch Hunters, Magic2013-03-24 6 
23878366tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka...Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka2013-03-26 1 
23913055/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-28 0 
23930866/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-29 1 
23951476Wang FireWang Fire discovers that he is everyone, and that everyone is Wang FireWang Fire, Avatar, Sokka, Alpharius, silly, humor, realization, manliness, beard, Zuko2013-03-31 15 
23951129/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot, Equilibrium, Grammaton Clerics2013-03-31 4 
April 2013
24356752Maverick Hunter Quest 24In which our hero stops by woods on a snowy evening.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-04-21 25 
24430166CritonomiconSome guy finds a copy of the Critonomicon, /tg/ loses its shit.critonomicon, scan, fabled lost book, the hunt comsumes all2013-04-24 90 
24441371Silencer Quest 1Meet the Silencer, John T. Colt, and his partner Artemis, the Hunting Witch.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-25 24 
24462192Silencer Quest 2We meet Sam and Selene as well as get a new mission. Artemis likes dogs more than cats.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-26 22 
24496481The Last Battle of Monsters and MenITT: the old gods stir, the land cackles, and the sea reclaims the sky as once more the last battle between all that is good and all that is evil breaks across the multiversehumor, funny, pranks, coaster, evil, good, lulz, THE RING2013-04-28 4 
24537073Silencer Quest 3Big city, big problems. Artemis eats some cake and gets hassled. John has a bad meal.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-30 21 
May 2013
24609108Silencer Quest 4In the near future of Silencer Quest, there are items that force a witch to be tsundere. Don't use them.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-04 18 
24622755Maverick Hunter Quest 25In which our hero moves mountains.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-05-05 26 
24678380Quaker Q&AA Quaker stops by /tg/ to ask a question, and answers many more. A (mostly) civil discussion takes place.RPG, religion, roleplay, morality, /tg/, advice, Discussion, Real Life, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Call of Cthulu, D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, Dogs in the Vineyard2013-05-07 11 
24733464Silencer Quest 5The case is solved. Or is it?Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest, What a Tweest2013-05-10 22 
24737400Overhuman Quest: Petre Lupei; Session 1 Shellshocks and Broken CitiesTaking some time, /tg/ finally births a gypsy named "Petre Lupei", a Gypsy that travels with his father and brother in a reality of Earth with Magic. Collective Game, Petre Lupei, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Animist Quest, Dranule A Man2013-05-10 5 
24752827Overhuman Quest: Petre Lupei; Session 2 The Murder of CrowPetre kills three Overhumans that sought to instruct his family in suffering. After taking to the alleys, they meet a man seeking out Susej, and end up finding some kind of camp...Collective Game, Petre Lupei, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Animist Quest, Dranule A Man2013-05-11 6 
24763506We da heard therz a Spashe Mareen in our Rankz.Da boyz do a bad job at counter-intelligencehumor, orks, 40k2013-05-11 20 
24795063Mr. Welsh's List Thread/tg/ talks about the things they are no longer allowed to do in games.humor, mishaps, mr welsh2013-05-14 21 
24867526Silencer Quest 6Back to work. Why do we get items from Sam again? That's right, we're filthy weeaboos too.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-17 22 
24878317Hunter Postapocalyptic Civilization QuestAn AI called Noah plunges the world into ruins, can sleeper cell of Killer Cyborg Soldiers bring law and order to the wasteland?Civilization, Quest, Collective Game, Hunters, Ozymandias !kvQtju2NsU2013-05-17 4 
24880951Maverick Hunter Quest 26In which our hero grows wary.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-05-18 27 
24984112Overhuman Quest: Petre Lupei; Session 3 Returning to the CarnagePetre Lupei takes the advice of his Crow Tulpa and returns to the ruined parts of the city to find a haven after nightfall. Collective Game, Petre Lupei, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Animist Quest, Dranule A Man2013-05-23 5 
25078206Gargoyle Quest: The seventh night; Part 4Angel asks Marble of what symptoms a Gargoyle might have in learning their old name... He eats his pedestal, deals with the residents of his vessel... and finds out that his name... is Arthur.Collective Game, Gargoyle Quest, Stone Mason, Gargoyle, Gargoyles, Angel, Arthur2013-05-28 5 
25123719Overhuman Quest: Petre Lupei; Session 5, Rubble Rooting and Invisible MenPetre and company find some supplies within their impromptu hideaway. After some conversing, they head for the university, yet find themselves ambushed by a pair of powerful Overs...Collective Game, Petre Lupei, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Animist Quest, Dranule A Man2013-05-30 5 
25130530Silencer Quest 7Spotty internet cuts this session short. We learn about the Cryptids and try out some new mechanicsSilencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-31 18 
June 2013
25218069Overhuman Quest: Petre Lupei 6; Blood, Guns, and TreasonPetre and his brother arrive at a military barricade held by the army and meet a man with power, known as Staff Sergeant Jacques Moreau. The party rests within the med tent with other refugees... Yet peace is often short lived when in the eye of a storm...Collective Game, Petre Lupei, Modern Magic, Magic, Overhuman Animist Quest, Dranule A Man2013-06-04 5 
25308226Gargoyle Quest: The Eighth Night Part 1Angel is offered a choice in the crossroads of destiny...Collective Game, Gargoyle Quest, Stone Mason, Gargoyle, Gargoyles, Angel, Arthur2013-06-08 4 
25435131Maverick Hunter Quest 27In which our hero mends.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-06-16 29 
25454059Gundam AGE Quest: Part 31Jake's turn in the spotlight after a LONG time. We learn his origins, meet up with an old friend, dust off the old time machine and hey look, Cthulu. Gundam AGE Quest, Gundam, AGE, Flit, Kamina, Awesome, Quest, X-Rounder, Flit, Diva, Inception, Ambat, SID, A.I., Yurin, Time Travel, Cthulu2013-06-16 32 
25652783Ultimate Faction War Quest: Humans Part 1Human-Heretic joint task force goes scavenging, blunts an Alien invasion, and accidentally gives the Machines valuable intel.Ultimate Faction War Quest, UFWQ, Strategy, Heretics, Humans, Tactics, Grimdark, The Storyweaver, Quest2013-06-26 10 
July 2013
25832320Maverick Hunter Quest 28In which our hero sets the record straight.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-07-06 25 
26172792Maverick Hunter Quest 29In which our hero returns to duty.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-07-23 24 
August 2013
26494514Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, revisitedA revival of the old Eclipse Phase/Mass Effect crossover threads. The story of transhuman expansion and the first contact war is related, and speculation ensues.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity2013-08-08 5 
26526024Maverick Hunter Quest 30In which our hero patrols the beat.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-08-09 23 
26530381Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 2Continued discussion and exposition on the crossover, including Batarians, Reapers, Turian morphs, and those pesky TITANs.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity2013-08-10 5 
26550192Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 3The thread opens with some writing of Nihlus and Shepard meeting, and continues with general discussion.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity2013-08-11 4 
26584709Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 3 With QuestShepard hits dirt on Eden Prime and faces the Geth for the first time.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, Collective Game2013-08-13 1 
26644750Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 4, with quest/tg/ finishes creating a character, Jonathan Sharp, space pilot, and witnesses the beginning of the first contact war.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, collective game, EPME Quest2013-08-16 0 
26660932Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 5A slow thread, but some storytelling about Shepard being Shepard,mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, writefaggotry2013-08-17 0 
26674709Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect, thread 6A mostly story thread, Shepard fights some people, Hackett gets his data, and a chain smoker thinks about the future.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, writefaggotry2013-08-18 0 
26695052EP/ME Quest continuationCaptain Jonathan Sharp survives the first battle of Shanxi and undertakes a daring mission.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, collective game, EPME Quest2013-08-19 0 
September 2013
26958183Maverick Hunter Quest 31In which our hero makes the setup.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-09-02 25 
27029974Monster Hunter Quest We wake up on the beach with our hunting party.Collective Game, Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter Quest, Guildmaster2013-09-05 5 
27046055Eclipse Phase in Mass Effect thread 7Some story with Ashley Williams as a Jovian soldier, a few codex entries, and general discussions.mass effect, eclipse phase, crossover, transhumanity, writefaggotry2013-09-06 1 
27112510Space Marine Humour Thread/tg/ cracks wise in the guise of Space Marines, Statler and Waldorf comment40k, humour, humor, Space Marine humour, Space Marine humor, 40k humour, 40k humor, 40k jokes, Space Marine jokes, Statler and Waldorf2013-09-09 24 
27107811A Black ComedyYou are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you are going to do horrible, horrible things.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption2013-09-09 39 
27131188A Black Comedy, Thread 2You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And boy oh boy are you up to no good.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption2013-09-10 39 
27196635Maverick Hunter Quest 32In which our hero makes the climb.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-09-14 24 
27263830Blind Aliens, Absent HumansSome aliens get all in a kerfuffle over the scary humans who are appearing back on the galactic stage. Intrepid reports seek to calm fears.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens2013-09-17 38 
27281042Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 2The continuing saga of the expedition into human space.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-18 35 
27364289Maverick Hunter Quest 33In which our hero takes the fall.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-09-23 24 
27368507Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 3The gang fights off the Zealots and obtains the Human Specialist!writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-23 29 
27428552new HFYHFY original conten and quality capsHFY humanity fuck yeah2013-09-26 11 
27386067What is the most grimdark setting?/tg/ wrestles with that age-old question/tg/, discussion, 40k, Kult, Drakengard, Beserk, Exalted, Call of Cthulhu, call of cthulhu, World of Darkness, Drakengard, Midnight, grimdark, edgy, Grimdark, GRIMDARK2013-09-27 5 
27439808Blind Aliens, Absent Humans Part 4The Sly Jiggle encounters a convenient source of free fuel and a convenient nest of hostile craft.writing, writefag, sci-fi, science fiction, humanity, aliens, Blind Aliens, BlindSlug2013-09-27 25 
27480444Warhammer UMeet your new roommates, go to a bar, score with a nid girlThe Nameless One, warhammer 40k, hue, Warhammer U2013-09-29 0 
October 2013
27509610Love, Liches, and LewdityIs it worthwhile to get in a relationship with a Lich? What are your opinions on liches? /tg/ gets way too into it, as their trademark characteristic.Lich, love, Romance, /fa/, Waifu, husbando, necromancy, necromancer, Licheral Degeneracy2013-10-02 5 
27535202Unemployment Quest 3We buy proper clothes, go to a fair to sell hotdogs, and end up defensively wrecking everyone. More job-seeking ensues. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-03 12 
27565202Unemployment Quest 4We meet new friends, punch out a consultant, and hang out away from home. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-05 13 
27569625Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 20We continue to hold out until the great Ghoulish charge, but find ourselves intertwined in a bandit war. Our hunter hunts down an enemy hero, but now we have two battles to deal with.Collective game, apocalypse, civ quest, mutant, hivemind, bandit war, hunt2013-10-05 5 
27623274Kingdoms of The Zodiac 3Despite the efforts of several idiots (including, tragically, the fallen OP) to turn the discussion towards the issue of the appropriateness of adult content in RPG supplements, smarter people manage to stay on topic and continue building the setting. Also featuring: shapeshifters. Kingdoms of the Zodiac, astrological signs, setting creation, faggotry, butthurt2013-10-07 2 
27623871Maverick Hunter Quest 34In which our hero comes back for more.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-10-08 23 
27643377Unemployment Quest 5Where we finally get it on, after a fashion, with Johanna. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-09 10 
27660240Unemployment Quest 6Where we have a Polish encounter, meet a serious creep, and have pre-revenge-plotting fun. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-10 11 
27673248The Candlelight Vigil 1Great GMing, great atmosphere, and great PCs. An exciting Hunter: The Vigil game.nWoD, WoD, Candlelight, horror, Hunter, Hunter the Vigil2013-10-10 16 
27686691The Canlelight Vigil 2A continuation to the previous Candlelight Vigil thread. Who'd have guessed?nWoD, WoD, Candlelight, horror, Hunter, Hunter the Vigil2013-10-11 14 
27693404Fookin' PrincessesIn which we decide that sometimes it's better to leave the princess with the dragon, or perhaps rescue the dragon from the princess.humor, knight, dragon, princess, fantasy2013-10-12 55 
27727696A Black Comedy, Thread 3You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And misplacing your hyperweapon isn't going to stop you.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Missing Hyperweapons2013-10-14 39 
27713466The Story of the Candlelight Vigil 3A continuation to the previous Candlelight Vigil thread. Who'd have guessed?nWoD, WoD, Candlelight, horror, Hunter, Hunter the Vigil2013-10-14 14 
27765269A Black Comedy, Thread 4You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And you've successfully retrieved your hyperweapon from storage.Collective Game, A Black Comedy, Villain Quest, Sociopath, Horrible Human Beings, Corruption, Succubi2013-10-16 39 
27767275AoPH Quest 1Humanity lives in exile. They hide in domes built to protect them from the great beasts that prowl the wilderness. As a young child born into this world, you have just finished the operation needed to become a ranger; superhuman soldiers granted their abilities by organic transplants from the monsters they are trained to hunt. Will you become the very best ranger that the corps will have to offer? Or will you die as ignominiously as the rest?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-16 36 
27808621Maverick Hunter Quest 35In which our hero catches some rays.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-10-19 27 
27856903AoPH Quest 2 (Part 2)Part 1: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/27848941/ Cerulean feels some self-doubt, but is reassured by Byran's lazy wisdom and begins to do better in training. Brimming with confidence, she challenges a senior cadet to a duel.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-21 28 
27902393Unemployment Quest 7The Protagonist gets into fights. And then, panicked by a possible kidnapping, gets into yet more fights. We are also now part of some... association... Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-24 11 
27916517Unemployment Quest 7-2Continuation of 7. We hang around with Erica, and are exposed to a little ploy of hers. Collective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-10-25 11 
27940241AoPH Quest 3Cerulean participates in cross-gym training drills and sees how everyone has progressed. When they move on to 1-on-1 sparring exercises, Cerulean finds herself matched up against a Saffron gym psychic.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-26 28 
27958167AoPH Quest 4Cerulean teams up with her fellow cadets, Bruise and Goldenrod, for their practical test inside the Veridian Wood. Their goal: to hunt down and catch the wild waterfowl monster that nests within.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-10-27 29 
27944240Humanity's Epitaph/tg/ writes on Humanity's tombstone.Humanity, death, what, awesome, tombstone2013-10-27 6 
27960246Lamia Vagrant Quest/Humanity’s Vanguard Quest PrologueThe tale of a young, homeless lamia girl trying to scrape by in the city quickly takes a turn for the dark.Collective Game, Lamia, Paladins, Humanity’s Vanguard Quest , Lots of hate2013-10-27 31 
27989889Hunter Quest: Chapter 3Hunter huntington (not really) used to be an unimportant little village boy until we hunter naoHunter Quest, Quest, Hunter, Fantasy2013-10-29 2 
28034152Tau Bounty Hunters - The Black CasteOne anon said that there was a day ago a thread about Tau Bounty Hunters. In that thread it escalated to create a small paramilitary bounty hunting force of high-tech hunters/assassins. Still it needs some work on it...Tau, Warhammer, 40000, 40K, Warhammer 40000, Bounty, Hunter2013-10-31 1 
November 2013
28043165AoPH Quest 5Cerulean's team encounters a beedrill nest as they enter the wood. After a brief skirmish, an accident forces the group to separate itself, which leads Cerulean into a chance encounter with the prize...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-01 29 
28041572Unemployment Quest Halloween SpecialThe Halloween EditionCollective Game, Unemployment Quest, Hustler2013-11-02 1 
28086458CoC Advice ThreadGood advice for new Call of Cthulu DM's and playersCoC, Call of Cthulu, advice2013-11-03 5 
28111981Lovecraft Horror Discussion/tg/ discusses Lovecraftian horror as a genre, considering descriptions, the uncanny valley and the author as an individual.Lovecraft, Horror, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep2013-11-06 6 
28164354AoPH Quest 6With the prize in hand and Bruise searching for their lost leader, Cerulean and Goldenrod head for the exit to lay claim to their victory. However, as they make their way, they receive a broken transmission telling them to head south...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-08 28 
28206596More New HFYSome previously un-archived screencaps, a bit of OC, discussionHFY, sci-fi, aliens, Humanity Fuck Yeah2013-11-11 6 
28220038AoPH 7On a night that should have been filled with celebration and excitement for three newly inducted Rocket Junior cadets, they instead receive a very grim reminder on the reality of the world they live in...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-11 30 
28256791Clade Quest I/tg/ rolls up a booky College student and gets involved with racial politics in a world of animal-human hybrids of some kind. Starbucks and backpack-fu ensue.Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, AlmostSortaWaifuQuest,2013-11-13 10 
28256205AoPH Quest 8Cerulean and Bruise enter the Lavendar Spire to bid their fallen friends their final farewell. While there, they meet a strange and bewildering medium named Lilac.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-13 28 
28264679Pax Mortis: Tager QuestIn two days you will be undergoing the rituals to become a hidious monster so you can kill other hideous monsters....or die in the process.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Mommy Issues2013-11-13 22 
28300637Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Pt 2Faced with a woman from your past, the impending Rite, and the horror of becoming one with something that will live inside you....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-15 14 
28303430Maverick Hunter Quest 36In which our hero gets time off for good behavior.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-11-16 31 
28324715Clade Quest 2Felicia gets interrogated, meets a new player, and hopefully saves a little girl. Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, UnWaifuQuest2013-11-17 7 
28346571Cards Against Humanity: /tg/ expansion/tg/ makes a custom expansion set for CAH.Cards Against Humanity, CAH, /tg/, Homebrew2013-11-18 2 
28346281AoPH Quest 9Terrible surgeries, medically questionable walking, and detective work ensue.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-18 28 
28353712AoPH Quest 9 (Part 2)Cerulean and Bruise's search for Goldenrod leads them to Saffron Gym. Entering alone, Cerulean meets Sabrina. The psychic still bears a grudge over Cerulean's previous battle with one of her students and coerces Cerulean into battling Alexis again before permitting her to meet with Goldenrod. Accepting her conditions, Cerulean faces off against a changed Alexis...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-18 30 
28355446Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 3On the trail of an ancient mystery, you find some measure of answers, meet new and amusing people, and might just have room in your heart to comfort a friend in spite of it all. Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-18 18 
28357904How would humans survive in a world where everything has been takenThread goes about how a human civilisation would survive/prosper if the main areas of said world already have been taken by other civilisations.Survivability, Humans, Unsurmountable odds2013-11-18 3 
28362262Obnoxious Ghost QuestA man is haunted by limericking ghosts, attempts to find them a bodyObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-19 14 
28383163Obnoxious Ghost Quest 2We commit another double homicide and escape to an abandoned farm, where we make a macabre maskCollective Game, Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Humor2013-11-20 9 
28385124AoPH Quest 10Safely meeting with Goldenrod, Cerulean is relieved of all her worries... She spends the remainder of the week recuperating from her operation. Just the day before Rocket training begins, Cerulean decides to pay one of her eerier acquaintances a visit.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-20 28 
28394768Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 4The Rite of Sacred Union may not be a marriage, but it is far more intimate. If you survive it. Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-20 16 
28433806Obnoxious Ghost Quest 3We get a Bone Rank Up and meet our future antagonists, the PoGADObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-23 8 
28449699Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 5Anne has become one of the most powerful Tagers....but physical power won't help her with the death of a comrade and her first mission.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-23 15 
28445701Soul Quest IErick Valstein is a Shardkeeper, a rare wielder of Soul magic. Here, he slays a great beast and is forced to leave his home behind.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-24 28 
28454186Clade Quest 3Felicia meets the boss, takes a job, and heads north for some disastrous diplomacy.Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, Politics2013-11-24 6 
28458817AoPH Quest 11Rocket Training begins in earnest and Cerulean dives into it with gusto. She establishes relationships with fellow Rocket recruits while strengthening her bonds with her friends from before. A year passes by...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-24 29 
28473714Soul Quest IIShardkeeper Erick Valstein begins his lonesome journey to the far south, and discovers a dangerous scenario in the swamp.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-25 21 
28477298Obnoxious Ghost Quest 4In which we get a skele-bear familiar, fall down a pit, and terrify a small childCollective Game, Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Humor, Limericks2013-11-25 9 
28512086Soul Quest IIIIn which Erick Valstein explores the swamp, and fights a close battle with another powerful creature.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-11-27 21 
28516047AoPH Quest 12Cerulean makes amends with a psychic. And then she celebrates her birthday. Did someone say "Beach Episode?"Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-27 31 
28514619Obnoxious Ghost Quest 5In which we kill zommaids, lose Aurelie, and get very drunkObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-27 8 
28524878Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 6Your confrontation with Yen takes a abrupt turn for the worse, and secrets are divulged. Secrets that could have an awesome toll on the Eldritch Society....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-11-27 13 
28522042AoPH Quest 12 (Part 2)A hardcore beach volleyball war begins between Cerulean and Devon's teams! And the conclusion of this fated battle is...? Afterward, Giovanni arrives to the party in all his glory.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-11-27 29 
28542326Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 7With the horrifying death of your fellow Tager, you are left with more questions than answers. Also, perverts.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Voyuer, Mommy Issues2013-11-28 16 
December 2013
28581489Clade Quest 4Felicia has some drinks, negotiates a political deal, and beats up an angry dog girl. Same shit different day.Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, Politics2013-12-01 7 
28594700Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 8The Elder Efreet Towern answers some questions; a funeral is held; and finally...a mission briefing is begun.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-12-01 16 
28554325Converting CthulhuTech to Void In which /tg/ merges the crunch of The Void with the fluff of CthulhuTech with good results.CthulhuTech, Void, Cthulhu, crunch, rules, conversion, rpg 2013-12-01 5 
28620988Obnoxious Ghost Quest 6In which we meet Professor Becherski, hit on a Zommaid, and fight the PoGADObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-03 7 
28642439AoPH Quest 13Finishing morning practice, Cerulean is summoned by Giovanni to his office. He has a job he wishes for her to take from a woman that works in Silph Co.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-04 31 
28649635AoPH Quest 13 (Part 2)After selecting her team mates for the job, Cerulean leaves to meet with a friendly face from the distant frozen wastes. The man, named Gustav, bears a message from Cerulean's mother.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-04 28 
28657292Selyn Facts, Vol. 2Semi-sober Drunkfags gives further insights about Fridays and the magical city of Selyn. Now with narrated entries.World building, humor, 2013-12-05 3 
28638902Cthulhu Void Tech Conversion 2efforts continue to convert Cthuhlutech to The Void's mechanics.CthulhuTech, Void, Cthulhu, crunch, rules, conversion, rpg, The Void2013-12-05 3 
28671945Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 9The briefing is held, and to the point, but you have at least one day to prepare....or investigate other avenues of inquiry.Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues2013-12-05 13 
28677593CYOA: Saiyan Story-Installment #35Where the QM shits the bed and shitposters ruin everything.CYOA, DBZ, Saiyan, Butthurt2013-12-06 3 
28676263[REDACTED] QuestA jerkoff computer revives us to fight monsters for him.REDACTED Quest, Collective Game, Huey, Australians2013-12-06 5 
28679869Obnoxious Ghost Quest 7In which we teleport away, fight a bear, and visit build-a-waifu. Not in that orderObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-06 7 
28681321Ranger QuestWe are a raager. We mourn our teacher's death, kill a giant wyrm, save a little girl's life, then start enchanting items.Collective Game, Ranger Quest, Huntsman2013-12-06 15 
28694590Maverick Hunter Quest 37In which our hero gets his fix.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-12-07 24 
28701622Ranger Quest 2We get stabbed and discover Flame salamanders say blorp. Then we get what we came for and tell a friend some bad news.Collective Game, Ranger Quest, Huntsman2013-12-07 14 
28715801Clade Quest 5Felicia wants to entrap a Senator, the dice decide she wants to be mauled by a dog.Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, Politics, /tg/ Dice2013-12-08 5 
28720015Obnoxious Ghost Quest 8In which we get triangulated, kill a knight, and beat a girl in a fight.Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-08 7 
28739770Obnoxious Ghost Quest 9In which we have an interlude with an intersectional chruch, fight a beetle, and become town heroObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-09 8 
28761778Obnoxious Ghost Quest 10In which we appoint ourselves as leader, become a contract monster hunter, and lose KatrinaObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-10 7 
28768709Soul Quest IVShort thread, in which Erick Valstein faces off with a vile spirit.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-10 24 
28786254Ranger Quest 3We survive an ambush of Driders, manage to help Thomas get out of his funk, have a nightmare, and then reconnect sort of with our friends.Collective Game, Ranger Quest, Huntsman2013-12-11 12 
28806075Soul Quest VIn which Erick Valstein establishes the terms of his new partnership, experiments with Soul rituals, and prepares to hit the road again.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-12 21 
28845506AoPH Quest 14Cerulean meets a belligerent man on the tram and upsets Sanna with her upset stomach. When she goes to visit Lilac, she's met with the rather unfortunate news that she has a phantom possessing her.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-14 28 
28853609Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 10Rechert and Viss are just as lost as you are about why Yen wanted you to stay away. A gruesome discovery ensues...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Gross2013-12-14 11 
28856957Obnoxious Ghost Quest 11In which we nearly double-die, get paralyzed, and hang with the ProfessorObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-14 6 
28886751AoPH Quest 15Lilac eats a ghost for her friend. Afterward, Cerulean goes to meet the man from the tram to question him about his accounting troubles...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-16 30 
28914063Over(Human)Limit Quest 1Asher Smith's world suffers from a "reality check." With the loss of an eye, he awakens with power over the force of the sea.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-17 22 
28951378Ranger Quest 4We help fix a tavern, get some jewelry, learn about webweaver, and have a nightmare.Collective Game, Ranger Quest, Huntsman2013-12-19 15 
28948239Soul Quest VIIn which Erick Valstein continues south beyond the swamp, and encounters a strange group in the forest.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-19 21 
28959873Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 11Hiding from an enemy that may or may not exist, Anne and her murder of Tagers face the facts....Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-19 7 
28971452AoPH Quest 16The team is assembled and the investigation is underway!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-20 28 
28980969Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 12Prepared for battle, Anne learns what secrets Yen had...and something does come for them. But it isn't what anyone expected...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-20 10 
28991832Over(Human)Limit Quest 1.5Asher meets his savior and finds a drowned out whole foods, the city is in absolute ruins.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-21 14 
29009614Over(Human)Limit Quest 2Asher and Reina find their way through a ruinous San Diego, to be greeted by the strange "enlightened ones." He's told to follow the light.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-22 16 
29016964Pax Mortis: Tager Quest Part 13Something comes through the wards, but it isn't what Anne expected. Someone has it in for her...Collective Game, CthulhuTech, Horror, War Band, Body Horror, Mommy Issues, Dimensional Sharks2013-12-22 9 
29024813Soul Quest VIIErick Valstein dances with a dragon, and discovers that when it comes to Shardkeepers, the world might be smaller than it seems.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-23 21 
29047290AoPH Quest 17Laws are broken. Nightmares are had. Night arrives and comrades are lost. The hunt is on!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-24 27 
29048785Monster Hunter for Table Top ApplicationMonsters killed with improbable weapons! Great Swords that are nothing more than sharpened pool tables, horns so big, they crush things when they hit. Crossbows used as support weapons! Speed and Combos Monster Drops! And more Crafting than you can shake a stick atMonster, Hunter, RPG, game, Design, Tables, d1002013-12-24 6 
29115102Soul Quest VIIIErick Valstein learns a bit from his newfound comrades, who begin to introduce him to this unfamiliar location: Callestria.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-28 15 
29129882Ranger Quest 5We meet a scary spider woman, learn more about our master, have some lovely tea, then nearly get killed by a vampire moth that makes nightmares.Collective Game, Ranger Quest, Huntsman2013-12-29 10 
29134502Soul Quest IXErick Valstein explores Callestria with Sonia at his side, and discovers the fate of his ancestors.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2013-12-29 14 
29158136Over(Human)Limit Quest 3 Friend holds a brief Q&A session for Asher and two others.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Colective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2013-12-30 12 
29148747Maverick Hunter Quest 38In which our hero is on break.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2013-12-30 23 
29174137Ranger Quest 6Fire arrows try to kill us twice then we strike gold. A poorly translated book is discovered and we learn something troubling.Collective Game, Ranger Quest, Huntsman2013-12-31 7 
29178235AoPH Quest 18Cerulean and Devon come upon a village hidden outside of the Dome. Within, they find the missing repel tech materials, a woman, and... a man with a crooked nose.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2013-12-31 27 
January 2014
29257905Soul Quest XCallestria is quickly devastated by Erick's battle with an incredibly powerful opponent... and a figure from his past.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-01-04 20 
29268869AoPH Quest 19The situation gets heated as Devon takes the rein.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-04 28 
29277149Obnoxious Ghost Quest 12In which we meet Asta, snub the Bitch Squad, and make a plan.Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-04 6 
29354452AoPH Quest 20Devon and Cerulean return to the dome. Cerulean wakes from a dream. The aftermath of the night's events is...?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-08 26 
29364825Obnoxious Ghost Quest 13In which we repeatedly crit fail, become a Dark Knight of Privilege, and slay a LindwurmObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-09 7 
29369446Tropical Island Setting WorldbuildingA question of orcs and clams grows into worldbuilding an island setting with a slant on realistic reasons for cultural/physical adaptations.worldbuilding, island, tropical, crocs, orcs, elves, dwarves, halflings, humans, 2014-01-10 18 
29445086AoPH Quest 21Ceru is back at the dome with her friends and Giovanni has sent a team to take care of the Hypno village. All loose ends in this case have been tied u- where's Chuck?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-12 27 
29469103Magical Girl Hunter QuestYou are Alice, a retired Magical Girl who now makes a living hunting her former comrades.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-01-13 26 
29485937Obnoxious Ghost Quest 14In which we get drunk, crit fail when it doesn't matter, and make friends with KatrinaObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-13 7 
29539678AoPH Quest 22Ceru and company find Chuck. After a rather sober discussion with Rocket Leader, Ceru leads her team to the Vermillion power plant...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-16 30 
29578811New Novellas A lot of screencaps, but among them are new content, and two (so far) good long OCsHFY, sci-fi, aliens, Humanity Fuck Yeah, OC2014-01-18 15 
29622461Over(Human)Limit Quest 4Asher is sent back out into the city after a little chat with Friend.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-19 10 
29613544Over(Human)Limit Quest 5Asher kills a banshee and meets his old group then heads back to base.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-19 10 
29635980Magical Girl Hunter Quest 2Alice gets to meet the rest of her fellow Hunters.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-01-20 16 
29636181Soul Quest XIWith Callestria in shambles, Erick and company find a brief moment to plan their next move.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-01-20 16 
29712241AoPH Quest 23With the help of Surge, the Vermillion power plant is secured and cleared of brainwashed personnel. The immediate threat now averted, Ceru and her team close in on the hybrid...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-23 29 
29737477Over(Human)Limit Quest 6Asher take a breather and learns more about magic, along with creating his first contract!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-24 10 
29809317Magical Girl Hunter Quest 3Alice is "encouraged" to go on a mandatory vacation.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-01-27 13 
29836414AoPH Quest 24With the hybrid detained, the team finally begins to settle down. As the night sky darkens, Cerulean's thoughts are of her friends and companions...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-01-28 28 
29859618Over(Human)Limit Quest 8The fight in the Assembly Hall rages on against the Government agents...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-01-29 10 
29861276Magical Girl Hunter Quest 4Alice tries to enjoy her vacation.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-01-29 12 
29876181Obnoxious Ghost Quest 15In which we fight some Goblins, terrorize a Social-Justicar, and the QM puts the quest on hiatus Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-30 6 
29893687Can Humans Survive in a Fantasy Setting?The most successful troll in /tg/ history skews the OP's topic into a debate on whether Humans are the worst fantasy race. Humans, Conflict, Discrimination, HFY, Anti-HFY, Cro-Magnons2014-01-30 6 
February 2014
29980679Over(Human)Limit Quest 9In the aftermath of Susej's death.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-03 8 
30002131AoPH Quest 25Lilac is offered the chance to make her dream come true, but Ceru is worried of the risks that come with this opportunity. However, as long as she sees the ghost of a chance of success, Lilac presses on...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-04 28 
30026181Magical Girl Hunter Quest 5Alice's battle against the Magical Girl assault squad continues.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-02-05 12 
30024229Dwarf image thread deliveredOP requests images similar to a picture of a dwarf with a boar. Anonymous delivers.funny, troll, anonymous delivers, awesome, dwarf, epic, Humor, 2014-02-05 9 
30068197AoPH Quest 26A nightmare causes Ceru to almost harm a friend and her visits to close companions are tinged with melancholy. On the bright side, Ceru receives a free makeover and a few compliments on her looks.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-07 28 
30097372Nanoha FORCE Quest 4Curren rushes to save her new family member, while Tohma wakes up on a island and meets his hero. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Cute Devil, Lost Island, Huckebein,2014-02-09 4 
30130526Magical Girl Hunter Quest 6Alice finds out she's sort of a mother now, thanks to SCIENCE!Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-02-10 16 
30135546SW: Infinite LegacyInquisitor Leacim Orgen is introduced as he hunts down a Force Sensitive to Korriban, and discovers ancient mysteries.Collective Game, Infinite Legacy Quest, Star Wars, Imperial, Korriban, Sith, Hunt, Introduction2014-02-10 5 
30132013Over(Human)Limit Quest 10Asher and co take a pounding while heading out of the city, Anons argue about OathsOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-10 10 
30145282SW: Infinite LegacyLeacim discovers his mark and recruits her into his fold.Collective Game, Infinite Legacy Quest, Star Wars, Imperial, Korriban, Sith, Hunt, Recruitment2014-02-10 7 
30227970Lines your PC's have actually said at the table./tg/ compiles a list of memorable and humorous lines from their campaigns. A plethora of evidence that PC's take ethics/logic with a pinch of salt.Humour, Quotes, PC2014-02-14 23 
30231869Selyn Thread No. CALLTHEPOLICESEEIFIFUCKINGCARESome more tales from Selyn. And more Mustard Seed. "It's Ankh-Morpork, except that its Pratchett is suffering from alcoholism rather than Alzheimers." -AnonWorld-Building, Humor, drunk2014-02-14 0 
30288727Magical Girl Hunter Quest 7Alice get dropped off on a tropical island of ADVENTURE.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-02-17 14 
30378453AoPH Quest 27Ceru takes on responsibility for a friend while unloading some of her own burdens on another. Then, a call from Alexis summons Ceru to Saffron for a meeting with the special "guest" being kept there...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-21 25 
30398867Over(Human)Limit Quest 11Asher dreams of power.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-22 11 
30396659Nanoha FORCE Quest 7In an all out brawl over the island's airspace,Tohma meets a precious person once again! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Outlaws, Huckebein, 2014-02-22 6 
30420960Nanoha FORCE Quest 8In which Tohma meets a pair of kings once again, fixes a hate machine's life, and makes a hard choice.Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Dead End, Hard Choice, Huckebein, Best Girl, 2014-02-23 6 
30442674Magical Girl Hunter Quest 8Alice's vacation is briefly interrupted... again.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-02-24 12 
30438299Soul Quest XIIErick and his party embark on their first proper hunting mission, and find something is amiss in a small village.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-02-24 11 
30442896Over(Human)Limit Quest 12Five hundred and twelve.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-02-24 11 
30488020AoPH Quest 28An interview with the hybrid, Ni'Rena, reveals unintended information for Ceru. Loyalties are tested, secrets revealed, and a question is asked without words: Are you a Ranger or a Rocket?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-02-26 27 
30482251Maverick Hunter Quest 39In which our hero rebounds.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2014-02-26 23 
30509142Over(Human)Limit Quest 13The group hits civilization for some R&R on the way to Vegas.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker2014-02-27 12 
30525404Oversized Weapon Quest 15Loadse Raiding! You encounter a fated rival! You control destiny briefly!Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Huge Weapons, Goblins, Chain Raid, /tg/ tactics2014-02-28 25 
March 2014
30562987Island Orc Civ part 6Liossercal runs the 6th chapter of the Island Orc Civ which ends with a huge naval battle with a human trading convoy.Island, Orc, Civ, Civilization, Humans, Naval, War, simulation, Island Orc2014-03-02 4 
30598167Magical Girl Hunter Quest 9The vacation is finally over, and Alice gets back to work.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-03 14 
30617347AoPH Quest 29Ceru fetches Lilac from the hospital and spends a day seeing what Celadon has to offer with her and Sanna. Happy memories are made, yet the day is marred by a coming storm on the horizon.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-04 29 
30639180Over(Human)Limit Quest 14A morning at a Deny's is a poor one for a certain waitress.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-05 11 
30669858You are watching the Emergency British Broadcasting System Good evening and remain indoors! Tonight on the Quiz Broadcast, we shall play with our two remaining contestants, and the remains of a third. the event, awesome, humour2014-03-06 6 
30703744Soul Quest XIIIErick discusses the whereabouts of his Master, with Maraja, the Ocean Spirit.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-08 11 
30744106Magical Girl Hunter Quest 10Alice has to figure out a way to defeat the Magical Battleship Yamato.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-10 14 
30741727AoPH Quest 30A freak storm strands a civilian boat out at sea and Ceru is recruited for a salvage and rescue mission. The smell of blood and a sudden fatality mark her squad's entrance to the ship.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-10 20 
30821351Over(Human)Limit Quest 15Sunday happenings.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-14 11 
30851473Soul Quest XIVErick learns of a dark Spirit, and binds another Shard with help from his company.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-16 9 
30868705Island Orc Civ part 7Not a full installment of the series. Had to end it prematurely. In this one the humans invade the Orc Island and Gra'Ghus assembles defensive forces to fight them off.civ thread, civ, island, orc, orc civ, island orc, humans and orcs,2014-03-16 0 
30880258Magical Girl Hunter Quest 11Alice learns that the Magical Menace might be even larger and more powerful than she initially thought.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-17 14 
30878639Soul Quest XVIn faint whispers, withering Spirits speak of the traitorous Calizan, whom even the Dark fears.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-03-17 11 
30900302AoPH Quest 31Hungry, tired, and lost, what awaits Ceru as she explores the tropical island she's washed up on? However, no matter what mysteries lie in wait for Ceru, one thing's for certain: things are going to be "apeshit" crazy.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-18 29 
30918298Privateer Quest II #27Captain Percius Aurex hunts and kills a beast the size of a small tank and plots his escape from the snowstorm that has cut off his exploration group from his ship and crew.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Big Game Hunting2014-03-19 4 
30942068Over(Human)Limit Quest 16Sunday continues with a battle.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-20 8 
31028139Magical Girl Hunter Quest 12We see things from Mirai's point of view.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-24 13 
31062869Maverick Hunter Quest 40In which our hero makes some waves.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2014-03-26 24 
31070514AoPH Quest 32Ceru follows her avian companions back to their "shity". There, she is properly acquainted with the Kahkori and receives their help in exchange for "speaking". And while Marine's safety is decided by what could be the most important cultural exchange ever done by a ranger, Ceru gets stalked by a certain angry simian.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-26 27 
31087098Over(Human)Limit Quest 17An uphill battle continues within the church! Ancient goddesses are stingy, and Lucifer is... A woman?!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-03-27 10 
31127687AoPH Quest 33Warned of a terrible beast that stalks the jungle at night, Ceru sets off to search Marine with Kurojo. Will she find her lost friend in time? Or has Marine succumbed to the "Nar-kage"? Is Ceru next in line?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-03-29 26 
31135123Maverick Hunter Quest 41In which our hero comes up for air.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2014-03-30 24 
31148294Over(Human)Limit Quest 18Fuck-all happens and Dranule falls asleep.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism, Not moe2014-03-30 8 
31169997Magical Girl Hunter Quest 13A young Alice figures out that Magical Girls may not be as good as they seem to be.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-31 15 
31169525Over(Human)Limit Quest 19Donner doesn't like mech flesh and Asher fails at summoning a sandworm to carry us to VegasOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-03-31 11 
April 2014
31228287AoPH Quest 34With Marine's rescue and Mukon's timely arrival, Ceru's group make their way back to the Kahkori's home. They are beset by wild monsters along the way, but after a short scuffle, Mukon drives them away... and ends up attracting something more fearsome...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-03 32 
31246626Over(Human)Limit Quest 20A desert road is walked, an enemy encountered, and a friend lost.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-04 10 
31310965Magical Girl Hunter Quest 14Alice tries to save her friend Kanako.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-04-07 13 
31330421AoPH Quest 35A young Kahkori named Kurojo, through trial of blood and death, has become a man. But all is not well; the White One and her friend are sick with the Red Tide. To repay a debt, he must seek out the Blue Burst, the only known cure to the illness, to save them from death.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-08 28 
31394287AoPH Quest 36Healed and with Kurojo promising to act as their guide, Ceru and Marine make ready to find their way back home, but not before receiving two gifts from the Kahkori... the spoils of a hunter's conquest... and the gift of Aura.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-11 28 
31436397Over(Human)Limit Quest 21Helia may not be long for the world and Asherah wants a favor to heal her.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-13 8 
31458153Magical Girl Hunter Quest 15Alice spearheads the assault on the Magical Girl stronghold of Atlantis.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-04-14 11 
31501070AoPH Quest 37The journey back home begins with a giant monster ride. On their first stop along the way, the group goes on a hunt to gain entry to the home of the locals, the Ferrines. The day comes to a close with a hot, hot bath.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-16 23 
31566385Soul Quest XVIErick and company return to Callestria, to spread word of their successful endeavors.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-04-19 11 
31581725The Bugs are our BrosOP requests help in fleshing out a race of horrifying insectile monsters allied to humanity. /TG/ pulls through. Then writefags and drawfags show up with awesomly heartwarming results.Bugs, aliens, xeno, humanity, heartwarming, worldbuilding, fluff, writefags,2014-04-20 24 
31561086Gentlemen Spiderfolk WorldbuildingA thread on spiderfolk rapidly develops into an entire middle eastern/arabian nights setting with intellectual philosopher-gentlemen who just happen to be vaguely humanoid spider-monsters. Also pigmy headhunter kobolds.gentleman, gentlemen, spider, spiderfolk, worldbuilding, philosophers, middle east, kobolds, pigmy headhunter kobolds, roman, roman lizardmen,2014-04-20 5 
31609590Magical Girl Hunter Quest 16Alice continues her sneaking mission on Atlantis.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-04-21 12 
31630140AoPH Quest 38Ceru finishes up a Hot bath with Kurojo, her heart aflutter with many strange feelings in her heart. What awaits them the now?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-22 24 
31629335Log Horizon: Dixie Quest 2You get to town to find someone is trying to take it over. You can't stand for that. You put some plans into motion!Collective Game, Log Horizon Dixie Quest, Monks, Capitalism, Thugs2014-04-22 5 
31631189Soul Quest XVIIErick takes on an eager apprentice.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-04-22 11 
31696931AoPH Quest 39Cerulean sets off on the next part of their adventure!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-04-25 17 
31716476Over(Human)Limit Quest 23Previous thread at http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/31587826/ Asher returns to Jackie's, preparations are underway for the mission!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-26 10 
31766603Magical Girl Hunter Quest 17Alice deals with the aftermath of the previous mission.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-04-28 12 
31789290Over(Human)Limit Quest 24A painter is awakened, and a city has an infestation of bad luck.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-04-29 18 
May 2014
31875591AoPH Quest 40A Young Rocket finds herself in the company of a rough crowd. A ship is chartered and a dangerous sea traversed! Will Kurojo get his sea legs?!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-03 24 
31920944Magical Girl Hunter Quest 18Alice tries to figure out how to defeat Mother.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-05-05 20 
31921731AoPH Quest 41Cerulean, Marine, and Kurojo fight against a great beast of the sea with a company of Native Rangers. Will they fend it off from the ship or bag it and tag it?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-05 15 
31891756The Knights of FalconwoodA mysterious shower of magical energy kills off every last female human in the world. What follows are are a surprisingly civil discussion, GALLANTRY and tanks. Also conan.worldbuilding, battletanx, gender, post-apoc, apocalypse, magic, settingbuilding, setting building, world without women, SCIENCE, artificial humans, gallantry, modern knights, matriarchy, conan2014-05-05 0 
31958912tg humour thread>I'm having a shitty day. Cheer me up, /teej/. Please. AND THEN /tg/ DELIVERED.humour, humor, history, awesome, screencap, screencaps2014-05-07 22 
32043751Soul Quest XVIIIErick receives a history lesson.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2014-05-11 7 
32112773Over(Human)Limit Quest 25Asher trains in the desert with the mad Jackie. Their time in Vegas has not gone unnoticed...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-14 9 
32147743AoPH Quest 42Cerulean finds herself in the city after her journey between islands, the Smolodhans hunting party leaves, and she, Marine, and Kurojo find themselves alone in the big city!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-16 13 
32199372Exhume: Ex Cinis CinerisOP begins by asking TG for campaign setting ideas, and starts by sharing one of his own, a setting which tells the tale of a tapestry of human extinction and horrific mechanical life attempting to mimic their forebears.The Archivist, setting, homebrew, campaign, idea, existentialism, transhumanism, posthumanism, horror2014-05-18 21 
32227990/tg/ humour threadScreencaps and some argumentshumor, humour, screencaps, screencap2014-05-20 7 
32241123Weapons & Tools Family ReunionIn which it turns out that shovel is a monogamic stoner bro - among other things.Humour, Weapons, Tools, Family, Reunion2014-05-20 7 
32270403Over(Human)Limit Quest 26Asher fights against an old foe!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-22 11 
32292288AoPH Quest 43Cerulean talks out the aftermath of her duel to the death with a Smolder leader!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-23 20 
32399084Maverick Hunter Quest 42In which our hero has a blast.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2014-05-28 27 
32447322Over(Human)Limit Quest 27Asher spends some time with Lucifer... And meets Overwatch.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Terrorism2014-05-30 11 
32466473AoPH Quest 44Cerulean and her team hunt an Ordile to prove themselves as hunters and start on her first steps to home! Will she capture it dead, alive, or get sent packing? Pokemon Hunter!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-05-31 28 
June 2014
32510873Maverick Hunter Quest 43In which our hero sees a ghost.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2014-06-02 27 
32635856Hunter Quest 1Robert "Bobby" Greaves, a hunter searching for missing campers and the monsters responsible finds a case where a pair of skin walkers are involved.Quest, Hunter Quest, Hunter, horror, 2014-06-08 0 
32658156HFYhfy new stories and screencapshfy, humanity, writefags,2014-06-11 5 
32724536AoPH Quest 45Cerulean chooses her name amongst the Guild as they welcome her into their ranks. Yet, what might the governer of this city have to say about strangers?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-12 27 
32740955AoPH Quest 46Cerulean listens to the history of the islands from the Kahkori's perspective.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-13 24 
32763860AoPH Quest 47Cerulean makes Lord Hao's acquaintance. Yet what does the lord regent have in mind for the young hunter?Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-14 22 
32885500AoPH Quest 48Cerulean and Marine return from their meeting with Lord Hao, Kurojo faces his fears and doubts, and...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-20 24 
32905295AoPH Quest 49Ceru and her hunting team take on a new hunt, their prey? The Narga-Kage!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-21 22 
32908522Three Kingdoms QuestAnon get buttmad over Chinese ettiquetesThree Kingdoms, Collective Game, Quest, Zhu Xing, Buttmad, Lu Linqi, anus2014-06-21 13 
32944715>Hey /tg/ I'm sick. Could you post things to distract me from how crappy I feel?>I fell in a lake today. Feel free to laugh at my misfortune.funny, humor, humour, storytime2014-06-23 5 
32965398H F YNew stories, space dragons, kickarse talesHfy, writefaggotry, humanity2014-06-26 10 
33023335Shadowrun General: Humanis EditionShadowrun general starts up all normal like, and then nazisbipolar, nazi, humanis, shadowrun, storytime, storytiem2014-06-27 3 
33049973AoPH Quest 50White and her party engage a beast known as the Terror of Death. A friend suffers a mortal wound...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-28 6 
33062572Don't Zap to the extreme OP: Hail /tg/, I bring you something my friend and I have created for the CWC forums - a DRYH-style horror game that is set in CWCville, with pcs being the citizens who have become aware that something is wrong with the city.oc, cwc, sonichu, chris-chan, DRYH, don't rest your head2014-06-28 5 
33072239AoPH Quest 51The Araraki's hiding something. Jojo and Ceru recover after the hunt.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-06-29 5 
July 2014
33112529Up on the mountain with Heinrich Von Bearenstein, Bear-manUrsine humans are exiled and most don't survive. They go caving and meet and ancient spider queen. There's blood, gore, and telepathic bonding.Civilization, Human, Ursine, 2014-07-01 1 
33152746AoPH Quest 52Nala's party recovers and returns from the Narga-Kage hunt... There Lord Hao has a surprise for them.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-03 10 
33181192FATWOLVESA discussion of werewolves devolves into the society of fat werewolves.funny, humor, werewolf, werewolves2014-07-05 8 
33212661Succubus Hunter QuestThe Legend of Thade Thundercock and his quest to end the Succubi menace, also fuck bitches get moneyCollective Game, Succubus Hunter Quest, Dire Straits, The Boner2014-07-06 6 
33277283AoPH Quest 53Cerulean wakes up hung over... She really overdid it last night... But what did she do? The festival continues!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-09 8 
33411203Three Kingdoms Quest Part &#9320;Zhu Xing invents a new dish that consists of cooked wheat dough in the form of long, slender, solid strings, and then proceeds to spill it.Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi, Strategic Blunders2014-07-15 13 
33434338The Golarion Heresy 3An Inquisitor from Warhammer 40k ends up investigating a world called 'Golarion' (Pathfinder). Hilarity and violence ensues. But mostly hilarity.The Golarion Heresy, 40k, pathfinder, crossover, golarion inquisitor, heresy, humor2014-07-16 11 
33431183Kouga: Saint of Mars 12In which Kouga and Eden teach a certain alchemical dragon about Humanity! Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, True Human,2014-07-16 2 
33500444AoPH Quest 54The feast with Lord Hao continues. Leaders bicker and...Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-19 12 
33544144AoPH Quest 55Ceru discovers something with potential to shake her world... The way home becomes more clear. Yet not without its dangers.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-21 21 
33541575Kouga: Saint of Mars 14In which Kouga convinces Medea to send him in a horrible mission and talk to a God about the World and how horrible it is. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Black Pegasus, Gods and Humans,2014-07-21 1 
33583693AoPH Quest 56Ceru and Marine share a moment to decide their future. Akabaron returns after a long trip.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-22 10 
33607926AoPH Quest 57Ceru r4eadies herself for the hunt and visits the new homeland of the Araraki!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-23 7 
33634727AoPH Quest 58A long time waiting for Akabaron has worn Ceru's patience thin. A trip to Smelda awaits!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-25 5 
33659049AoPH Quest 59Cerulean embarks on the final hunt of the Empire Islands! Enter: The Lord Of White Waves!Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-26 6 
33734908Three Kingdoms Quest Part 11Zhu Xing continues his political intrigues in Jing provinceRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-07-29 16 
33757139AoPH Quest 60 (Season Finale)Cerulean and company face of against the Lord Of White Waves, the last thing between them, and home.Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest, Professor Yggdrasil, Cerulean, Monster Transplants, Team Rocket, Aura Ranger, Pokemon, Attack on Titan, Collective Game, Death World2014-07-30 29 
August 2014
33815206Cursed_Apprentice_QuestYour a wizards apprentice who gets back-stabbed and turned into a shota wacky hijinks ensue on a quest to reverse the curse before we unage into an infantshota, Agro, Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, huge cocks, pumpkin farming, OP needs to sleep,2014-08-01 12 
33833352Cursed_Apprentice_Quest 2We get some nice threads, hit on a bar maid, trick a pickpocket into touching our dick, ruin our threads after we get shot,befriend pickpocket,and figure this cult shit outshota, Cursed_Apprentice_Quest, 360noscopearrowthrow, wenches, magic, Collective game, quest, brainexplosion, hugs, brown elves, nopumpkins,2014-08-02 10 
33900226Three Kingdoms Quest Part 12Zhu Xing becomes the prefect of Wu and makes progress with a certain someone Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi 2014-08-05 22 
33923041Three Kingdoms Quest Part 13Zhu Xing tries to govern the city, parties hard, and prepares for his next campaign Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-06 15 
33946433Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E1Overhuman returns! Asher meditates through imprisonment until a new ally(?) releases him!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-07 11 
33969184Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E2The VTOL lands and Asher learns about his new allies, what are their goals? Their aim?Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-08 9 
34072613Three Kingdoms Quest Part 14Zhu Xing builds up an army to campaign against Yuan Shu and battles Sun CeRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-12 12 
34079694Three Kingdoms Quest Part 14.5Zhu Xing finds out whether his waifu survives an encounter with a pyromaniac Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-12 12 
34100725Neo Survivor quest 1You awaken in a cryogenic tube, the news feed thats been plugged into your sleeping form tells you its Y2Kx10 shit happens and then more shit happens, its pretty goodNeo Survivor, Quest, First, Robots, Mutants, Mild Humor, Collective Game, Apocalyptic, Pls read, Brain, Agro, 2014-08-13 5 
34259610Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E3The tradition of gathering around a bonfire...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-20 7 
34261928Three Kingdoms Quest Part 15Zhu Xing teams up with Gan Ning and battles Sun Ce's forcesRaian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi2014-08-20 12 
34328186Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E4New friends go through meditation, some are having issue with it.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-23 7 
34401049Three Kingdoms Quest Part 16Zhu Xing attempts to take Lu Jiang commandery from Sun Ce and Yuan Shu. Raian, Three Kingdoms Quest, Collective Game, Dynasty Warriors, Ravages of Time, Three Kingdoms, Zhu Xing, Lu Lingqi 2014-08-26 21 
34431294Maverick Hunter Quest 44In which we are NOT our Hero, but instead a very dangerous firefly. Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2014-08-28 25 
34492165Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E5Asher awakens after a frightful injury.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-30 6 
34515414Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E6Asher's having a hard time sleeping... Later he spars with Saphira.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-08-31 7 
34516147Fate/Stay Night Quest Part 1A witch enters the 5th Holy Grail War by summoning a blue caster. Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Witch, Cu Chulainn, Caster2014-08-31 8 
September 2014
34610195Fate/Stay Night Quest Part 5Where we recover from Archer's NP and meet up with Illya.Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Fate, Mr. Dawn, Witch, Cu Chulainn, Caster2014-09-04 0 
34632013Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7Someone died during training, the Old Lady is younger.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-05 8 
34651268Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E7.5Asher trains up a new discovery of his magic, an intruder blatantly intrudes, and it's time for a parade.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-05 7 
34635716Return of Grimdark HumorA thread about what Space Marines do for fun turns into the return of the Comedy Marinescomedy marines, 40k, humor, jokes2014-09-05 5 
34705586Humanity the Cute 2More of humans being the cutest race in the galaxy, and exploiting the hell out of itHumanity, Cute, Space, HFY2014-09-09 2 
34728648Grimdark comedy threadNow with new jokesfunny, awesome, humor, humour, 40k, warhammer 40k2014-09-09 9 
34869635Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8Returing from the Parade, Faust has some things to think about. He goes out to do some training and returns to find...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-15 6 
34860238Titans Academy Quest 1A Marvel/DC crossover, wherein a precog finds his way to the superhero school at Titans Tower.Teen Titans, DC, Marvel, Crossover, Quest, NotHumble, Collective Game, Titans Academy Quest,2014-09-15 7 
34873561(QUEST) Titans Academy Quest - 2In which we make friends and get filled with the fear of WRINGER!Teen Titans, DC, Marvel, Crossover, Quest, NotHumble, Collective Game, Titans Academy Quest,2014-09-15 7 
34878166Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E8.5Gertrude a monster, Asmodeus a shit.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-15 6 
34907559/tg/ discusses Arthurian legendKing Arthur summation turns to religious theoryLegend, King Arthur, discussion, myth2014-09-16 3 
34918332Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E9Faust makes a choice for a comradeOver(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-17 7 
34915903Titans Academy Quest 3A fort is built. An origin is described.Collective Game, Titans Academy Quest, NotHumble, Marvel, DC, Teen Titans, Quest2014-09-17 6 
35029388Titans Academy Quest 4Our protagonist learns a little more about his powers, and a hook is baited for later.Collective Game, Titans Academy Quest, NotHumble, Marvel, DC, Teen Titans, Quest, Stankball2014-09-22 5 
35137172Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10After speaking with the real Faust, there's time to kill as a week goes by. The end? A fashionable enterprise!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-09-27 7 
October 2014
35253871Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E10.5Asher shares some time with his allies before the big event...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-02 7 
35268740Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E11Asher wraps up in Dorothy's shop, trains, and then... It's time for a showstopper.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-03 6 
35263604Origins Quest: Continued 1A reboot/continuation of Origins, in which Camille and company have a final showdown with the Original of Chance.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-03 1 
35268258Tzeentchette Quest Oneshot (#2)In which we once again play as Iggy the Change Lady in a SPACE HULK EXPEDITION.Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Tzeentchette, Lady of Change, Not as planned, SPACE HULK, ELH2014-10-03 17 
35311578Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12The battle for fashion continues!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-05 6 
35324492Origins Quest: Continued 2After defeating the Original of Chance, Camille and company attempt to evade the fallout of their actions.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-06 1 
35413762Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E12.5 (remaster)A thread's redone because the QM has a problem.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-10 7 
35411506TG Does StrangeOP asks for stories of worst settings. Stories of Stabbings, Space Operas, Fast Food Warriors, and Phallus Themed Islands ensue. Space Opera, Thor, Armadillo God, Fast Food, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Stab2014-10-10 11 
35438361Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E13Asher recovers from the fashion show. Continuing on to bigger and better things?Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-11 7 
35478893Origins Quest: Continued 3Camille investigates the aftermath of her actions and begins planning long-term goals.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-13 1 
35593742Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E14Wood and Blood.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-18 8 
35614073DBZ Human Quest #1Kaguya, a five year old boy with a girl's name, meets three strange people and finds himself in a battle to the deathCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Raditz, Goku, Piccolo2014-10-19 27 
35637705Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E15Asher is pulled into a pond for a bit of "business" with a nymph in the Otherworld.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-20 8 
35695012Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E16Pondscum a shit. A SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-10-23 6 
35703731Space Monkeys QuestWe wake up, 18 years after Frieza ruins everything. We kill alot of Arlians, defeat Kew. Extort a king, and acquire a ship.Space Monkeys Quest,Collective Game,Chuckles,Dragon Ball,Saiyan2014-10-23 28 
35724999 Background Character Quest Episode 16In which we therapise the therapist, things get better slightly and we have some family bondingBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-10-25 10 
35746998Background Character Quest Episode 17We git some fug, then attend on the richBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-10-26 6 
35756056Background Character Quest Episode 17.2We have some rich people fun with Rosa.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-10-26 7 
35768846Space Monkeys Quest 2We go to Frieza Planet 419 to look for rumours about saiyans. Instead we find a drunk in a bar that makes us look pathetic and suffer a slight mental break down.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2014-10-26 20 
35790035Background Character Quest Episode 18In which we partake in a delightful meal of Christmas KeikiBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-10-28 6 
35830178Background Character Quest Episode 19"Til it Hertz" Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-10-29 10 
35842631Tank Hunters QuestFirst thread! Where we figure out what tank we own and put a crew together.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2014-10-30 7 
35859728DBZ Human Quest #4Kaguya learns some new tricks, and tests them against YamchaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, Goku, Kami, Piccolo, Popo, Raditz, Gohan2014-10-31 15 
November 2014
35872679Maverick Hunter Quest 45In which we play our hero's best friend on a mission of search and rescue.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2014-11-01 23 
35890437Space Monkeys Quest 3We kill pretty much everything, transform into even bigger, sweatier monkey girls, get a new ship and make some doshSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2014-11-01 20 
35902074Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E17Asher has a chat with Saph, then goes to see an old friend...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-02 5 
35900497DBZ Human Quest #5Kaguya goes on a mission for Kami and learns a lot about himselfColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Z, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Kami, Popo, Yajirobe, Pilaf, Shu, Mai, Olibu, Saiyans, Lookout2014-11-02 14 
35933728Background Character Quest Episode 20Where it's all Marie all the timeBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-03 6 
35939259Background Character Quest Episode 20 Part 2In which Mia a cuteBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-03 7 
35946941Tank Hunters Quest 2Our first drills as a team, and a mysterious man approaches us about our father.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2014-11-04 7 
35992698Background Character Quest Episode 21We talk about being a husbando, make rich people nooky and romance the artistBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-06 7 
36006513Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E18Asher has a conversation with Camille...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-07 7 
36034300Background Character Quest Episode 22In which we lewd, fight a monster and Claire is an assholeBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-08 7 
36055151Background Character Quest Episode 23In which we are butthurt, but we get over it, mostlyBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-09 7 
36096439Background Character Quest Episode 24In which we help Claire's father deal with welfare workers.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-11 7 
36149524Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E19Asher opens a portal to another world...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-14 5 
36157167Background Character Quest Episode 25Reveals, TWEESTS. Maybe actual plot happens? Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-14 10 
36191100Over(Human)Limit Quest S2 E20The portal is open upon one day within the time of Samhain. Through come the fae in a glorious way...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Asher, Evoker, Lucifer, Over(human)Limit S22014-11-16 6 
36193159The Omegle Crusade/tg/ heads back to omegle to cause some more havoc.omegle, skorvar, brogan, troll, humour2014-11-17 1 
36314108Over(Human)Limit Quest 21Asher fights against the forces that defy the Fae's foothold on the world as he's hunted by an old friend.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-11-22 6 
36324678Background Character Quest Episode 26We take the girls to the ball.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-22 7 
36336536Over(Human)Limit Quest 21.5Asher uses a fossil for a ritual. Frightful company makes an appearance.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker2014-11-23 6 
36425749 Background Character Quest Episode 27In which Mia is happy and Claire deals with some shitBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-11-27 7 
36433983DBZ Human Quest #8Kaguya and the Z Fighters face off against a pair of Saiyans, and have a rematch with RaditzCollective Game, DBZ, Human, Quest, Dragon, Ball, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Krillin, Raditz, Kami, Popo2014-11-28 13 
36467309Fallen Paladin QuestKaeso reminisces on what it was like to be the champion of a now dead God and purges a cult.collective game, fallen paladin quest, paladin, zarathustra2014-11-30 12 
36470706DBZ Human Quest #9 Kaguya has a crash landing, battle Tien, and creates a new techniqueCollective Game, quest, DBZ, human, dragonball, dragon, ball2014-11-30 13 
December 2014
36493589Over(Human)Limit Quest 22Zeitgeist fights on through the night until the morning. It's time for a counterattack!Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-01 6 
36488000Fallen Paladin Quest IIKaeso reachs Berenice, signs a contract, and decides not to fight the musket-weilding invaders.collective game, fallen paladin quest, paladin, zarathustra2014-12-01 9 
36503192Space Monkeys Quest 4: What's for Brunch?We race to aid a friend and are distracted by a worm hole, have visions of the last survivors of our race, and train with the girls.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2014-12-01 20 
36547452Fallen Paladin Quest IIIKaeso nobly fights thugs, undead, and himself and only gets his shit kicked in once. Through this he makes it to Istriumcollective game, fallen paladin quest, paladin, zarathustra2014-12-04 7 
36562398Background Character Quest Episode 28We pitch Mike's robots to the MishonesBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-12-05 10 
36619878Background Character Quest Episode 29In which we are hungover, have some group therapy and Mia goes missingBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game 2014-12-07 10 
36626350Over(Human)Limit Quest 23The Purging of Faerie Chicago begins...Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-08 6 
36640880Background Character Quest Episode 30We become a big dick hero guy and have some family shenanigansBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-12-08 7 
36707659DBZ Human Quest #10Kaguya has an interesting match with Chiaotzu, and, with his training nearly complete, takes a trip to the past in the pendulum roomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Dragon, Ball, Kami, Popo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Yajirobe, Goku, King Kai, Raditz, Vegeta, Bardock, Tora, Shugesh, Borgos, Fasha, Dodoria, Frieza2014-12-12 14 
36744844Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 1)The Spirit of the New Age.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-14 7 
36746600DBZ Human Quest #11Kaguya learns the fate of Bardock, and the clash with the Saiyans beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Bardock, Fasha, Tora, Borgos, Shugesh, Dodoria, Raditz, Nappa, Vegeta, Saibamen, Krillin, Gohan, Yajirobe, Tien, Chiaotzu, Goku2014-12-14 16 
36760100Maverick Hunter Quest 46In which we home in on downrange.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2014-12-15 25 
36805824DBZ Human Quest #13The Z Fighters desperately try to hold off Vegeta until Goku arrives, at a great costCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, human, Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Saibamen, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Gohan, Piccolo, Goku, Frieza, Dodoria, Bardock, Kamehameha, Destructo Disk, Dodon Ray, Wolf Fang Fist2014-12-17 14 
36814923Background Character Quest Episode 31In which it's Mia time, and then other stuff happens.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-12-17 10 
36853378 Background Character Quest Episode 32Action! Excitement! Jailbreak! Reveals! And all in time for ChristmasBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-12-19 9 
36863051DBZ Human Quest #14The Saiyan Saga comes to an endDBZ, Human, Dragonball, Quest, Collective Game, Saiyan, Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, Yajirobe, Kami, Namek, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Popo, Korin, Hospital, Yajirobe2014-12-20 14 
36860086Bug Girl Quest 4In which we steal tank manuals from a library and trade our Mom for wings.Bug Girl Quest, Parasite Master, Collective Game, Brain Hugs2014-12-20 10 
36882809DBZ Human Quest #15After recovering in the hospital, Goku and Kaguya set course for Namek, and their training begins with a match that makes it clear who's the strongest of the twoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Bulma, Chi Chi, Roshi, Goku, Chiaotzu, Korin, Tien, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Frieza, Vegeta, Namek, Kaio-Ken, King, Kai, Capsule Corp2014-12-21 14 
36900348Over(Human)Limit Quest 24(Finale Part 2)All things come to an end.Over(Human)Limit Quest, Collective Game, Dranule, Death World, Magic, Superhuman, Survival, Asher Smith, Evoker, Over(human)Limit S22014-12-22 6 
37026662DBZ Human Quest #19Things quickly take a turn for the worse in the struggle against FriezaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonaball, Frieza, Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, Chiaotzu, Dende, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Goku, Namek, Kamehameha, Dodon Ray, Solar Flare, Wolf, Fang, Fist2014-12-29 13 
37030702DBZ Human Quest #20Vegeta and Kaguya are forced to work together to fight Frieza. But, will it be enough?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Frieza, Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, Dende, Piccolo, Kamehameha, Multiform, Namek, Saiyan, Human2014-12-29 13 
37070399DBZ Human Quest #21Even with the arrival of Goku, Frieza proves too much for the Z-Fighters to handleCollective game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, DBZ, Human, Frieza, Vegeta, Goku, Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, Dende, Saiyan, Namek2014-12-31 14 
37075350DBZ Human Quest #22The Legendary Super Human risesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, Krillin, Namek, Saiyan, Human2014-12-31 14 
37077692DBZ Human Quest #23Kaguya reaches a new level of power, and unleashes it upon FriezaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, Dende2014-12-31 14 
37082891Background Character Quest Episode 33We finally find out who M is and celebrate Christmas with the girls. Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2014-12-31 8 
January 2015
37087254Maverick Hunter Quest 47In which our leader does paperwork.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-01-01 26 
37096727Tank Hunters Quest 3Drills then a trip to town for jobs.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-01-01 8 
37105387Capitalizing CthulhuOP proposes a CoC campaign based off Ayn Rand. /tg/ proves itself impossible to troll and Bioshock+Lovecraft, Galt as a Mi-Go trying to lure the "best" of humanity into a trap so he can extract their brains, railroads spelling out the Elder Sign and Yithians complaining about people stealing their technology.Objectivism, Bioshock, CoC, Cthulhu, Lovecraft,Cultists, Campaign Hooks, Better then it sounds,2015-01-01 12 
37112831DBZ Human Quest #24After defeating Frieza, the Z-Fighters return to Earth. Unfortunately, they're not the only onesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, Vegeta, Goku, Krillin, Dende, Piccolo, Gohan, Earth, Ginyu, Ginyu Force, Nappa, Galick Gun2015-01-02 13 
37116125DBZ Human Quest #25A confrontation with both old and new enemies shakes Kaguya to the coreCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Gohan, Nappa, Zarbon, Dodoria, Cui, Burter, Jeice, Recoome, Guldo, Ginyu, Namek, Dende2015-01-02 13 
37131177DBZ Human Quest #26In a short installment, Kaguya goes to the woods and makes a new friend before m00t pulls the plugCollective game, quest, DBZ, Dragonaball, Human, Icarus, Vegeta, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha2015-01-03 13 
37142670DBZ Human Quest #27Kaguya, Gohan, and their new dragon friend welcome back the fallenCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Dragonballs, Porunga, Vegeta, Gohan, Icarus, Goku, Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, Dende, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu2015-01-04 12 
37155761Space Monkeys Quest 5We mess with som Herans and then meet that autistic Saiyan. You know the oneSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-01-04 17 
37185682DBZ Human Quest #28Kaguya makes a deal with an old foe, and finally returns home. Life on the farm should be a lot more interesting.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Yamcha, Bulma, Icarus, Namek, Frieza2015-01-06 13 
37197213Background Character Quest Episode 34We buy and hand out late christmas presents to everyone.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-01-06 6 
37227043DBZ Human Quest #29Kaguya experiences some bad dreams, and begins his training with NappaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Nappa, Human, Saiyan, Frieza, Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, Dende, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Raditz, Namek2015-01-08 13 
37233361DBZ Human Quest #30Nappa and Kaguya have an intense sparring matchCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Nappa, Raditz, Vegeta, Human, Wolf, Fang, Fist2015-01-08 12 
37240406Background Character Quest Episode 35Operation Rescue Eri.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-01-08 11 
37250091DBZ Human Quest #31With Nappa's training done for today, Kaguya works on the farm and starts teaching his friendsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Icarus2015-01-09 13 
37255020DBZ Human Quest #32Kaguya teaches some friends, and hears a story from NappaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Frieza, Vegeta, Raditz2015-01-09 12 
37293203DBZ Human Quest #33Gohan tutors Kaguya, and the two have a sleepover. The two discuss nightmares, and plan to hang out with friends the next dayCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Goku, Nappa, Gohan, Chi Chi, Yamcha, Piccolo, Tien, Saiyan, Human2015-01-11 12 
37320001Zoid Quest Hunters:0 PrologueEnter Aelon Riot, a Hunter. Part time Archeologist,Salvage Scavenger and Mercenary GardenMaster-NORG, Zoid Quest Hunters, Collective Game, Zoids, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Mecha2015-01-12 5 
37283570Weird War IIGerman U-boat mission through a gateway in the ocean depths.WWII, Cthulu, worldbuilding2015-01-12 3 
37349841Background Character Quest Episode 36Hanging out with Eri and invisibility fun.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-01-14 11 
37359196DBZ Human Quest #34A friendly game of Tag is cut short as a group of planet pirates plant the seeds of destructionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, tree, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, King, Kai, Turles, Saiyan, of, might, Crusher, Corps, Earth2015-01-14 12 
37364665DBZ Human Quest #35As the planet pirates fall, Kaguya and Goku clash on the subject of mercy. This, along with a discovery of great power leads Kaguya to seek adviceCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Earth, Tree, of, Might, Turles, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Kami, Lookout, Popo, Mr., Kamehameha, Ginyu, Force2015-01-14 12 
37386367One Piece Bounty Hunter QuestOur village is attacked and we fight off those scum pirates! We get a captive and show ourselves as cowards.One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-15 6 
37407666One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IIMia joins our Bounty Hunter crew!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-16 5 
37412418Space Monkeys Quest 6We desperately try and outsmart Broly and then have space shenanigansSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-01-16 14 
37424204DBZ Human Quest #36In an alternate future, a pair of cold-blooded killers eliminate the Z Fighters one by oneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-17 12 
37429591Zoids Quest Hunters 1: A Blood Feud Revived! Enter Claude!Aelon's Journey continues as repairs are made, old memory's are revisited and Claude makes his appearance. Bad Blood flows GardenMaster-NORG, Zoid Quest Hunters, Collective Game, Zoids, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Mecha2015-01-17 5 
37431170One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IIIWe finally get to Fuka Island! We make friends with a marine lieutenant, and we cash in our pirate's bounty!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-17 5 
37446325DBZ Human Quest #37Kaguya and Gohan face the Androids once again. And one of them pays with their life so the other can live.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-18 11 
37454395One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IVWe buy supplies and new weapons for us and Mia, and we hear talk of a pirate by the name of Quen the Chameleon.One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-18 2 
37477840One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter VWe have a sleep, then we ask for protection from pirates for our little village! OP has to leave early due to family issues.One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-19 1 
37500361One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter VIWe sight pirates!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-20 2 
37515775DBZ Human Quest #39Kaguya makes a deal with Yamcha, and meets an old foe during trainingCollective Game, Quest, Dbz, Human, Saiyan, Frieza, Yamcha, Kami, Popo, Goku, Gohan, King, Cold, Cooler, Vegeta2015-01-21 12 
37534136DBZ Human Quest #40In the pendulum room, Kaguya finally beats a subject of his nightmares, and ascends to new heights of power.Collective Game, Quest, dbz, dragonball, saiyan, human, Frieza, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Nappa, Krillin, Kami, Popo2015-01-22 12 
37557400DBZ Human Quest #41Kaguya performs an exorcism on himselfCollective Game, Quest, dbz, human, Saiyan, Namekian, Earth, Saibamen, Frieza, Kami, Yamcha, Nappa, Vegeta, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin2015-01-23 12 
37522121One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter VIIBOOMOne Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-23 1 
37562266One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IIXWe go into hospital!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-23 0 
37596977DBZ Human Quest #42Kaguya is invited to a party, but the festivities take a turn for the worse.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Earth, Kami, Piccolo, Nappa, Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Krillin, Bulma, Roshia, Puar, Oolong, Maron, Chi Chi2015-01-25 12 
37606561One Piece Bounty Hunter Quest Chapter IXWe improve our gunmanship, and Mia improves her hand-to-hand!One Piece, Collective Game, Huck Finn, Bounty Hunter2015-01-25 2 
37610330Background Character Quest Episode 38We wimp out of action, go make some Eri loving and backstory awayBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-01-25 11 
37620769DBZ Human Quest #43Nothing but Garlic, but Garlic was nothing Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Demon, Makyo, Star, Krillin, Maron, Yamcha, Bulma, Chi Chi, Master , Roshi, Garlic, Junior, Spice, Mustard, Salt, Vinegar, Popo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta2015-01-26 12 
37626968DBZ Human Quest #44Kaguya wins a bet, returns to the party, and enjoys his time with his friendsCollective Game, Quest, Saiyan, Human, Yajirobe, Olibu, Korin, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Maron, Chi Chi, Bulma, Kami, Popo, Nappa, Icarus2015-01-26 11 
37644275DBZ Human Quest #45Studying with Gohan leads to a trip to a familiar set of ruins, and two friends reaching new levels of power.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Saiyan, Human, Gohan, Goku, Chi Chi, Nappa, Kami, Popo, Olibu, Garlic, Junior, Frieza, Vegeta2015-01-27 12 
37650871DBZ Human Quest #46Kaguya's mightiest enemy comes to Earth for revenge, and he's not aloneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Bulma, Frieza, King, Cold2015-01-27 13 
37687843DBZ Human Quest #47Frieza and Kaguya finally settle the scoreCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Frieza, King, Cold, Kamehameha, Death, Ball, Supernova2015-01-29 14 
37692005DBZ Human Quest #48Long live the kingCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Namekian, Earth, King, Cold, Frieza, Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Nappa, Gohan, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Puar, Bulma, Kamehameha, Tri, beam, Destructo, Disk, Gallick, Gun, Special, Beam, Cannon, Masenko, Multiform, Kaio-ken, Spirit, Bomb2015-01-29 20 
37681860Maverick Hunter Quest 48In which our hero didn't do it.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-01-29 23 
37699284Space Monkeys Quest 7Planet Metamor: Home of the fusion dance and the largest moss industry in the galaxy!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-01-29 16 
37733076DBZ Human Quest #49A stranger from the future brings a warning of terrible things to comeCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Android, Trunks, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Nappa, Vegeta, 17, 18, Red, Ribbon, Army, Doctor, Gero2015-01-31 13 
37737479DBZ Human Quest #50Kaguya spars with a Super Saiyan, and has a serious conversation with his parentsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Piccolo, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Doctor, Gero, Red, Ribbon, Army2015-01-31 12 
February 2015
37752440(Not)Overlord QuestThe Lich Overlord is dead. All hail the Lich Overlord! Collective Game, (Not)Overlord Quest, Bello, Human of LousEngelus2015-02-01 15 
37770249 Background Character Quest Episode 39We #stopthebullying congratulate our brother, then get actual backstoryBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-02-01 11 
37780348DBZ Human Quest #52Nappa and Vegeta fight a grudge match, and Nappa realizes the legendCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Trunks, Super, Gallick, Gun, Kamehameha2015-02-02 13 
37785131DBZ Human Quest #53Kaguya finishes his match with Nappa, and finds his friends training hardCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Vegeta, Kakarot, Super, 2015-02-02 12 
37805301DBZ Human Quest #54Kaguya spars with another Super Human, Vegeta makes a promise, and Nappa shows off his transformation to the othersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Earth, Super, Nappa, Vegeta, Icarus, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, Kakarot2015-02-03 12 
37808651DBZ Human Quest #55Super Human vs. Super SaiyanCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Super, Namekian, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Frieza, Piccolo, Kamehameha, Dodon, Ray2015-02-03 13 
37823985DBZ Human Quest #56After intense training, Kaguya suffers awful nightmares, and devises a plan to help Goku and Gohan become Super SaiyansCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Earth, Namek, Frieza, Vegeta, Nappa, King, Cold, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Androids, 17, 18, Kami, Popo2015-02-04 13 
37845597Ignitrix Sidequest #5Alia and Iggy escape certain doom, only for the Bird Brain to nearly send them into the Warp healing her. Antics with Orks ensue as a result.Collective Game, Orks, The Hunt for Red Orktobrah, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, ELH2015-02-05 11 
37909798DBZ Human Quest #57Kaguya helps Goku and Gohan become Super Saiyans, but does the end justify the means?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Frieza, Piccolo, Icarus, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Dende, Kami2015-02-08 14 
37916381DBZ Human Quest #58Kaguya's subconscious tries to come to terms with Kaguya's actionsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Frieza, Piccolo, Krillin, Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Icarus2015-02-08 13 
37923742Background Character Quest Episode 40Fitness, lewds, uni and flamers, a typical Backgrounf Character EpisodeBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-02-09 8 
37935956DBZ Human Quest #59Kaguya talks to his parents, tries to patch things up with Vegeta, and begins training under Mr. Satan himselfCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Bulma, Yamcha, Doctor, Brief, Satan, Goku, Gohan, Capsule, Corp, Caroni, Parozhki2015-02-09 12 
37941118DBZ Human Quest #60Kaguya faces the daughter of Mr. Satan in a surprisingly intense matchCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Hercule, Videl, Mr., Satan2015-02-09 13 
37959577DBZ Human Quest #61Kaguya takes on Mr. Satan in a battle for the ages!Collective Game, Quest, dbz, Human, Mr., Satan, Hercule, Videl, Caroni2015-02-10 13 
37982846DBZ Human Quest #62His training at the illustrious Satan Castle complete, Kaguya speaks with a trusted mentor, and works to develop new techniquesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Kami, Popo, Mr., Satan, Hercule, Videl, Gohan, Vegeta, Nappa, Icarus, Goku, Krillin, Master, Roshi, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Vegeta2015-02-11 12 
37991793Skaven Civilization Part 1Some skaven slaves manage to free themseves from human cultists who wanted to sacrfice them. They managed to start a village along with some hobbitsCollective Game, skaven, human, cultist, civ, civiization, civ thread, civilization thread, slaves, 2015-02-12 0 
38025497DBZ Human Quest #63Kaguya spars with Krillin, patches things up with Gohan, and goes on a nice relaxing camping trip. What could go wrong?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Frieza, Cooler, Salza, Dore, Neiz, Gohan, Goku, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Icarus, Oolong, sentai2015-02-13 12 
38030486DBZ Human Quest #64An enemy leaves on surprisingly peaceful terms, and the camping trip resumesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Earth, Piccolo, Goku, Krillin, Salza, Cooler, Dore, Frieza, King, Cold, Icarus, Oolong2015-02-13 11 
38049057Posthuman Survivor CivA small shuttle of transhuman survivors seeks to rebuild on their own terms after the apocalypse. Eclipse Phase. Collective Game, Posthuman Suvivor Civ, Eclipse Phase2015-02-14 5 
38052279DBZ Human Quest #66Kaguya has an intense rematch in the semifinalsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyans, Videl, Gohan2015-02-14 11 
38048816Tank Hunters Quest 4Rescuing loli tank drivers! Them bandits were better equipped than we thought!Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-02-14 5 
38071021DBZ Human Quest #67The Tournament comes to an end, and the day of reckoning arrivesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonballs, Human, Yamcha, Tien, Icarus, Nappa, Gohan, Videl, Androids, Frieza2015-02-15 10 
38075303DBZ Human Quest #68The Androids appear, and a fierce battle beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Tien, Vegeta, Yamcha, Bulma, Piccolo, Krillin, Yajirobe, Android, Androids, 19, 202015-02-15 10 
38087959DBZ Human Quest #69The fearsome battle with the Androids continues, and Vegeta shows up with a surprise for everyoneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Android, 19, 20, Trunks, Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Doctor, Gero, Wolf, Fang, Fist, Destructo, Disk2015-02-16 10 
38092897DBZ Human Quest #70Androids 19 and 20 are defeated, but more of Doctor Gero's creations are on the looseCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Android, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Krillin, Tien, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Nappa2015-02-16 10 
38096066DBZ Human Quest #71The Z-Fighters prove no match for the Androids, and a desperate plan is made by PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Vegeta, Trunks, Android, Piccolo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Android, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Doctor Gero, Krillin, Tien2015-02-16 10 
38103149Space Monkeys Quest 8Raditz learns how Planet Vegeta was destroyed, and then we arrive at Planet Triclops to spar and learn new techniques.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-02-17 14 
38110830Posthuman Survivor Civilization - 2 We get fueled up, recruit some new engineers, and add some ships to our convoy.Collective Game, Posthuman Survivor Civ, Eclipse Phase2015-02-17 4 
38139870DBZ Human Quest #73In an alternate timeline, Kaguya and Gohan struggle to defeat a deadly pair of cyborgs.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Cyborg, 17, 18, Gohan, Trunks, Bulma, Vegeta2015-02-18 10 
38149059Background Character Quest Episode 41Banana hammocks and near-death experiences.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-02-19 11 
38144901Posthuman Survivor Civilization - 3There's a raid on the Carolina Days, and it goes mostly according to plan. We turtle up and concentrate on GTFOing. Collective Game, Posthuman Survivor Civ, Eclipse Phase2015-02-19 3 
38178889DBZ Human Quest #74Piccolo and Kaguya confront the creature that consumed GingertownCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Piccolo, Vegeta, Frieza, Goku, Nappa, King, Cold, Gohan, Cell, Doctor, Gero2015-02-20 10 
38183559DBZ Human Quest #75Cell reveals his mission, and Piccolo and Kaguya vow to stop itCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Vegeta, Frieza, Trunks, Krillin, Piccolo, Kami, Tien, Gohan, Goku, Chi Chi, Videl, Hercule, Androids, Cyborgs, Seventeen, Eighteen2015-02-20 10 
38202498DBZ Human Quest #76Kaguya travels to the Lookout, and plans are made to train quicklyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Namek, Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Popo, Kami, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Hercule, Videl, Cell2015-02-21 10 
38204070Posthuman Survivor Civilization - 4We get ready to (finally) leave Earth for the belt, only to have our fuel hijacked.Collective Game, Posthuman Survivor Civ, Eclipse Phase2015-02-21 3 
38225335DBZ Human Quest #77Kaguya travels to Kame House, and the Androids arrive, demanding to know where Goku isCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Namek, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Chiaotzu, Androids, Seventeen, Eighteen, Sixteen, Cell, Piccolo,Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Videl2015-02-22 9 
38231156DBZ Human Quest #78Cell arrives, determined to reach his perfect form, and eliminate anyone who stands in his wayCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Piccolo, Seventeen, Android, Eighteen, Tien, Cell2015-02-22 8 
38249230DBZ Human Quest #79After narrowly escaping from Cell, Kaguya returns from the Lookout, where plans are made to deal with the new threatCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Android, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Cell, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Roshi, Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, Videl, Piccolo2015-02-23 8 
38254851DBZ Human Quest #80Kaguya meditates with Piccolo, and talks to Yamcha before learning that Vegeta is in dangerCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Piccolo, Vegeta, Yamcha, Kami, Videl2015-02-23 8 
38299062DBZ Human Quest #81Vegeta meets with a terrible fate at the hands of Cell, and Yamcha and Kaguya race to rescue Trunks from the same tragedy, and work to challenge CellCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Cell, Tien, Trunks, Yamcha, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Android, Cyborg, Seventeen, Eighteen2015-02-25 8 
38328610Background Character Quest 42Visiting crispy claire and staying at Rosa'sBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-02-27 11 
38342181DBZ Human Quest #82After a heart to heart with Guldo, Kaguya makes a trip to New NamekCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Namek, New, Guldo, Ginyu, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Chiaotzu, Tien, Yamcha, Videl, Moori, Dende2015-02-27 8 
38362585DBZ Human Quest #83After making some wishes, Kaguya and Yamcha return to Earth, where training continues, and two guests chat with KaguyaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Vegeta, Nappa, Android, Cyborg, Sixteen, Secenteen, Eighteen, Cell, Yamcha, Tien, Moori, Porunga, Dende, Piccolo, Popo2015-02-28 10 
38362521Tank Hunters Quest 5Fights with a Turtle in the Fulda tank graveyard.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-02-28 5 
March 2015
38380069DBZ Human Quest #84Cell comes for Kaguya, and the confrontation leads to some big changes and decisions.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Olibu, Videl, Vegeta, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Android, Seventeen, Eighteen, Sixteen, Cyborg, Cell, Popo, Icarus, Bulma2015-03-01 8 
38387208DBZ Human Quest #85Kaguya does some training in the Pendulum Room, and comes up with some new techniquesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Cell, Videl, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Nappa2015-03-01 7 
38408966DBZ Human Quest #86After a spar with Gohan, time chamber training beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Saiyan, Namek, Piccolo, Popo, Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Gohan, Trunks, Nappa, Vegeta, Goku, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber2015-03-02 7 
38419756Space Monkeys Quest 94 Witches, recruiting and busting the shipSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-03-02 13 
38388054Cthulhu has been murderedCthulhu's mangled form has washed up on a beach, whomever killed him/it is still at large. Who did the deed?Cthulhu, Write-fagging, Lovecraft, Waifu Nyarlathotep2015-03-03 4 
38430802DBZ Human Quest #87Training in the Time Chamber picks up, and a return to the real world brings some newsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Dragonball, Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Yajirobe, Korin, Popo, Trunks, Gohan, Nappa, Goku, Videl2015-03-03 8 
38436985DBZ Human Quest #88Cell and Kaguya meet in the ring, and exchange some words before the tournament.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Korin, Piccolo, Yajirobe, Cell, Videl, Hercule, Satan, Saiyans, Goku2015-03-03 9 
38451147DBZ Human Quest #89Kaguya returns to the farm and speaks with his parents, then spars with Haya and faces Cell in the Pendulum RoomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Videl, Hercule, Android, 16, Cell2015-03-04 7 
38462667Exterminatus gamesAn anon finds a neat website. Comedy ensues.Hunger Games, Not as Planned, Squirrels, Kharn2015-03-04 55 
38485982Background Character Quest Episode 43That damn cat can go screw itself. We have more important people to screw.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-03-06 7 
38500143DBZ Human Quest #91Kaguya meets the first Super Saiyan, and spars with GokuCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Gohan, Goku, Chi, Chi, Nappa, Videl, Piccolo, Yamcha, Cell2015-03-06 8 
38522803DBZ Human Quest #92A new day brings a new round of training, and some new ideas on how to do itColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Icarus, Android, Sixteen, Cell, Videl2015-03-07 9 
38525563Tank Hunters Quest 6Aftermath of the battle, and meeting some interesting people.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-03-07 5 
38545721DBZ Human Quest #93Kaguya continues his new training, and Videl gives him some helpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Dragonball, Videl, Cell2015-03-08 9 
38567543DBZ Human Quest # 94After a tasty meal, Kaguya and Videl continue training, then make a trip to the pastCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Lookout, Android, Sixteen, Icarus, Videl, Hercule, Satan2015-03-09 9 
38574259DBZ Human Quest #95Kaguya and Videl work together to face the Saiyan RaditzCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Videl, Raditz, Bardock, Kakarot2015-03-09 9 
38581017Background Character Quest 44The triumphant return of Claire, Avery gets molested and muh christmas cake.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-03-09 10 
38614278DBZ Human Quest #96Kaguya and Videl face off against Raditz one more time, and Kaguya spars with PopoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Raditz, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Dende, Popo2015-03-11 9 
38627009Magic Cameraman QuestA wizard is a scrub with a camera, but figures out a get rich quick schemeMagic Cameraman Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-03-11 11 
38631415Magus Hunter Quest #1: Character CreationWhere Michael Weston is made, backstory is fleshed out and his initiation as a Vindicator Primus is completed.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-12 21 
38662574DBZ Human Quest #97Cell pays a visit to the Lookout, and Kaguya pays a visit to Capsule CorpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Popo, Cell, Hyperbolic, Time, Chamber, Android, Cyborg, Eight, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Frieza, Tree, of, Might2015-03-13 8 
38616336Primarch Thread, Be everyoneBe Primarch The shit you put up with...Rogal Dorn, Primarch, Fulgrim, Greentext, Kharn, Warhammer 40k, Humor2015-03-13 11 
38680722DBZ Human Quest #98Kaguya does some reading, and trains on the farmCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Cell, Gohan, Goku, Videl, Bulma, Gero, Android, Cyborg, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Goku2015-03-14 8 
38699882Magus Hunter Quest #2We get a team together to take a road tripCollective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-15 17 
38705359DBZ Human Quest #99After training with Nappa, Kaguya spends a day training with KazumaColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Android, Sixteen, Icarus2015-03-15 8 
38712021DBZ Human Quest #100In the far North, the Z-fighters face off against a trio of mechanical killersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Android, 13, 14, 15, Cell, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Yamcha 2015-03-15 8 
38708073Tank Hunters Quest 7We take the girls out for a relaxing night to keep our minds off other, less pleasant thingsTank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-03-15 5 
38731399DBZ Human Quest #101Kaguya defeats Android 13, celebrates a friend's birthday, and prepares for the Cell GamesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, Nappa, Android, Sixteen, Fifteen, Fourteen, Thirteen, Goku, Gohan, Cell, Krillin, Chi, Chi, Nappa, Icarus2015-03-16 8 
38726758Maverick Hunter Quest 49In which our hero returns.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-03-16 27 
38736171DBZ Human Quest #102The Cell Games beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Android, Pirozhki, Caroni, Hercule, Satan, Videl, Icarus, Nappa, 16, Gohan, Goku, Yamcha, Cell, Junior2015-03-16 11 
38744439Space Monkeys Quest 10Monkeys edge closer to extinction.Collective game, space monkeys quest, chuckles, dragon ball, saiyan2015-03-16 12 
38749393Space Monkeys Quest 10.5Kabu & Company learns about the dragonballs. So do two other Saiyans.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-03-16 12 
38769320DBZ Human Quest #103Lizard squadron triumphs in the great samefag war of 2015. Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, DBZ Human Quest2015-03-18 11 
38775019DBZ Human Quest #104Kaguya faces Cell on his own, and just when victory seems to have been achieved, the shadow of defeat looms over the EarthCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-18 10 
38824842Background Character Quest Episode 45Shopping, showerheads, and no-one loots a mattress.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-03-21 8 
38829090Magus Hunter Quest #2Where we realise the mansion is haunted, and find a hidden cellar.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-21 14 
38831669DBZ Human Quest #106A Cell of an endingCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-21 14 
38837192DBZ Human Quest #107Life Returned and Life AnewCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-21 12 
38859973Tank Hunters Quest 8We prepare for a rescue mission. Sentinel is sick, so only a short thread.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-03-22 5 
38868600Space Monkeys Quest 11Kabu negotiates with Kami, and agrees to train Earth's defenders.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-03-22 13 
38876089DBZ Human Quest #109AftermathCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-23 8 
38883081Zoids Quest Hunters 2: Point 215-6 and the mystery of Evolt!Aelon and company finally reach Point 215-6, hopefully they gain a chance to recover however due to the previous battle all eyes are on Aelon and his Liger-0!Zoids Quest Hunters, Zoids, GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Mecha, Battles2015-03-23 5 
38882036DBZ Human Quest #110The InterviewCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-23 8 
38919559DBZ Human Quest #110 (actual)The Stranger From the WoodsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-25 9 
38932253Magus Hunter Quest #4Where we make a defence plan, shop a bit and go on our first actual mission.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-26 16 
38955217DBZ Human Quest #111The Moat and the Mercenary Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-27 8 
38985201Space Monkeys Quest 12Risel and Teito train the Earthlings while Kabu meets with Bulma. Then pendulum room shenanigans happen. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-03-28 12 
38988451Magus Hunter Quest #5Where we wrap things up at the farm, have a serious talk with Milly, find out more about the house and set up the surveillance.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-03-29 15 
38992420DBZ Human Quest #112Schemes of the Crane HermitCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-03-29 8 
39004134Maverick Hunter Quest 50In which our hero finds his limits.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-03-30 29 
39026811Magic Cameraman Quest 2Scrub nearly dies, then argues about fertility godsMagic Cameraman Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-03-30 5 
April 2015
39053785DBZ Human Quest #113Devilish Super HumanCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, human2015-04-01 9 
39065702Space Monkeys Quest 13Whole buncha training, Kabu softens ever so slightlySpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-01 12 
39069414Magus Hunter Quest #6Where we build most of the training room, dig up a dolmen, learn about ley lines and find the practically dead remains of an ancient warlord.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-02 13 
39071581Space Monkeys Quest 13 Part 2Gohan and Spike learn about Ki and flying. Kabu and the rest of the crew assess the Earthlings' potential, and Kabu has a chat with Kami about the moon and what to do with Piccolo.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-02 13 
39075401DBZ Human Quest #114Saiyasentai BeginsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Human2015-04-02 8 
39097016DBZ Human Quest #115The Saiyasentai ArriveCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-03 8 
39106173Background Character Quest 46Danny becomes a legal adult, and tries to deal with a moral arguementBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-04-04 7 
39110003Magus Hunter Quest #7Where we finish our training room, find important info about ley lines and magic circles, and hunt down a werewolf.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-04 12 
39115610DBZ Human Quest #116The Duels of the SchoolsCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Human2015-04-04 8 
39138349DBZ Human Quest #117Kaguya vs Gohan, the Battle for the Finals!Collective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Human2015-04-05 8 
39151146Maverick Hunter Quest 51In which the curtain falls.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-04-06 25 
39161097DBZ Human Quest #118Months of MeditationCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, 2015-04-06 8 
39173833Space Monkeys Quest 14Kabu seeks out Roshi, only to discover that Roshi has been kidnapped! Can the world's strongest saiyan rescue him before it's too late?Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-07 13 
39219226Magus Hunter Quest #8Where we say goodbye to Helena, realise a strange phenomena, research it and start building an R&R room.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-09 8 
39235060XioXio's Bizzare Quest 5XioXio beats up someone, makes a friend and hides a bodyXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-04-09 5 
39277218Space Monkeys Quest 15Training continues at the lookout with some lessons from Roshi, and Chi-Chi recovers enough to start sparring with Kabuya. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-12 12 
39308064DBZ Human Quest #122Another Mighty TransformationCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-13 7 
39353465DBZ Human Quest 123Dealing with the aftermathDBZ, Human, Collective Game, Dragonball,2015-04-15 7 
39370515DBZ Human Quest #124Saiyasentai AssembleCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-16 6 
39382587Magus Hunter Quest #9Where we talk to HQ, finish and test the R&R room, have another bad dream and have a guest spar verbally with Milly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-17 10 
39399246Background Character Quest 47Daniel deals with rich people while being arm candy, then gets his final birthday presentBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-04-17 7 
39402882Magus Hunter Quest #10Where we go on patrol, break up a gang fight, meet a detective and find a trader in magical goods.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-18 10 
39412576DBZ Human Quest #125CheersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-18 4 
39419852Space Monkeys Quest 16Kabuya helps protect the earth and gets to know Bulma in the lead up to ChristmasSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-19 13 
39449481DBZ Human Quest #126Go, Go, Saiyasentai!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-20 6 
39464496Magic Cameraman Quest 3Scrub turns down a nun, makes some dosh and settles a security disputeMagic Cameraman Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-04-20 7 
39492341DBZ Human Quest #127A Long Awaited RematchCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-22 6 
39507994Magus Hunter Quest #11Where we confront our father alongside Wooster, train and almost finish the shooting range, and call up DCI Nettles.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-23 7 
39512081DBZ Human Quest # 128Saiyasentai in Space!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-04-23 7 
39523641Space Monkeys Quest 17In which Kabuya and her cohorts defend Earth against a mighty tree and a staunchly anti-Christmas Saiyan and his corps.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-24 12 
39531483Space Monkeys Quest 17.5Kaguya imparts Saiyan wisdom on Gohan, and discusses Saiyan physiology with Bulma.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-04-24 13 
39563892Magus Hunter Quest #12Where we encounter and deal with a group of drug mystical dealers.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-26 6 
39591349DBZ Human Quest #129Kaguya and friends reach Cooler's capital, and things quickly go south.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Cooler, Frieza, King, Cold, Gohan, Videl2015-04-27 4 
39597835DBZ Human Quest #130Kaguya and Cooler fight once more, and a terrible loss occursCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Cooler, Gohan, Videl2015-04-27 7 
39618571DBZ Human Quest #131Kaguya gets more bad newsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Piano, Piccolo, Videl, Gohan, Demon, King, Cooler2015-04-28 5 
39638346DBZ Human Quest #132Pointless drama.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Who actually writes every character that appeared in the thread in the tags its fucking stupid2015-04-29 7 
39650477Magus Hunter Quest #13Where we finish the shooting range, analyse ley-lines and get informed of a joined Op organised by the entire Order.collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-04-30 4 
May 2015
39676031DBZ Human Quest #133Gete with GarlicCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Dende, King, Kai, Videl, Gohan, Garlic, Jr., Piccolo, King, Frieza, Moori, Porunga, Shenron2015-05-01 7 
39696785DBZ Human Quest #134A fierce battle is waged on the Lookout, and a warrior falls defending East CityCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Moori, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Bulma, Nappa, King, Piccolo, Tambourine2015-05-02 6 
39706827Space Monkeys Quest 18Christmas rolls around, and so does another round of training. Then the Saiyans arrive, as well as another sluggish sort of enemy.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-03 12 
39718209DBZ Human Quest #135Kaguya saves Bailey and plans are made for a group to go to space, while the rest hold the line against King PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Goku, Gohan, Videl, Moori, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Bulma, King, Piccolo,2015-05-03 6 
39728942Magus Hunter Quest #14Where we work on the magic circle some more, get a creepy vision and find out the truth about Milly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-04 4 
39734795DBZ Human Quest #136A training match against Piccolo does not go wellCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-04 7 
39756492DBZ Human Quest #137Kaguya searches for the Ultra Divine Water, hoping it will give him an edge against PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-05 6 
39773482DBZ Human Quest #138Finally acquiring the Ultra Divine Water, Kaguya faces off against King PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-06 6 
39789281Magus Hunter Quest #15Where we train a lot, have a new kind of dream and find something weird about ourselves, brainstorm on rooms to biuld and are informed of Operation Daybreak.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-07 6 
39795196DBZ Human Quest #139PftthahahahahaDBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Collective Game, Sominus2015-05-07 1 
39805394Background Character Quest 48Mike gets mildly annoyed and Danny swims in a subterranean ppoolBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-05-08 8 
39821258DBZ Human Quest #140We're back, and meet back up with Trunks, maybeDBZ Human Quest, Quest, Collective Game, DBZ, Human, Quest, Xenoverse2015-05-08 1 
39819167Call of Meido Quest 1The unholy mashup of Maidquest and Call of Cthulhu. Lets see where this goes. First thread is always about character generation and we get our first maid.Maid Quest, Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu, Yog, Call of Meido Quest2015-05-08 8 
39830645TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 1We create our nameless pc, and gain our powersCollective game, TransHuman Hero Quest, Nanomachines, Beginning2015-05-09 5 
39856515Call of Meido Quest 2We get introduced to our first maid. Clean up the body, go shopping and get some leads on our would-be hit-man.Maid Quest, Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu, Yog, Call of Meido Quest2015-05-10 4 
39860483Soul Quest - The Crystal DragonYou are Kadi Seliance, Soul Master.Soul, Soul Quest, Shard, Shardkeeper, SoulQM, Spirit, Erick Valstein, Monster, Hunter, Collective Game2015-05-10 6 
39873043Call of Meido Quest 3We decided to investigate the old church. We avoid a deadly trap, get some leads on the owners of the church, then find a gristly altar, and then are attacked by something terrible.Maid Quest, Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu, Yog, Call of Meido Quest2015-05-11 3 
39869861XioXio's Bizzare Quest 6Xioxio cleans up evidence, gets to know her friends and investigates some Neo NazisXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-05-11 5 
39875604TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 2We fight our first villain and get our Hero nameCollective game, TransHuman Hero Quest, Nanomachines, Swarm, Nemesis2015-05-11 4 
39898855DBZ Human Quest #140 (actual)We're backCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-12 11 
39911131Space Monkeys Quest 19Kabu heads off to deal with the Saiyans while the rest of the gang rushes off to keep Lord Slug occupied. Joined by a newly-revived Raditz, Kabuya takes on Vegeta in a fierce fight. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-12 12 
39916101Space Monkeys Quest 19.5Vegeta is beaten after he lets down his guard. Then Kabu leaves Raditz and Goku to deal with Nappa, while she desperately tries to rally the scattered Z-fighters against Lord Slug's forces. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-13 12 
39918050DBZ Human Quest #141High SchoolCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-13 10 
39923416Call of Meido Quest 4We entreat a demon made of animated flesh and decide, hey lets chat it up. It gives us a name and throttling for our trouble. Panako steps up to save our skin and we pull a Varg on the way out. Maid Quest, Lovecraft, Call of Cthulhu, Yog, Call of Meido Quest2015-05-13 4 
39936537Magus Hunter Quest #16Where we plan our attack and meet up with the two squads under your command.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-14 4 
39951405Magic Cameraman Quest 4Scrub deals with his debt collector and recruits a bunch of grunts, kids and movie starsMagic Cameraman Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-05-14 4 
39957272DBZ Human Quest #142A reunion with an old foe, and a nice night with friendsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-15 12 
39975946DBZ Human Quest #143The day of the World Martial Arts Tournament arrives!Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-16 11 
39992381Magus Hunter Quest #17Where Operation Daybreak is a go!Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-05-17 4 
39990162Space Monkeys Quest 20Piccolo merges with Lord Slug! Though all seems to be lost when Piccolo beats the fusion of Risel and Teito, Kabuya digs deep and manages to hold him off until Roshi sacrifices himself to traps him with the Mafuba wave! Then the gang recuperates and mourns the losses suffered from the Slug/Saiyan Invasion.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-17 12 
39996841DBZ Human Quest #144The Junior Division ends, and the tournament beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human 2015-05-17 11 
40018319DBZ Human Quest #145The first round of the tournament sees many intense battles, and Kaguya faces a surprising challenge in the second roundCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-18 10 
40026609DBZ Human Quest #146The tournament continuesCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-18 10 
40040004DBZ Human Quest #147Things heat up in the quarter finalsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-19 22 
40078122DBZ Human Quest #148The quarterfinals have an unexpected ending, and the semifinals beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-21 10 
40086200DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest #13In which Arctus and Vegeta meet special peopleDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Space Monkeys Quest, Chuckles2015-05-21 10 
40098318Space Alcoholic Quest #14In which Eail tries to screw us over for no good reason.DBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, Space Monkeys Quest, Chuckles2015-05-22 10 
40096376DBZ Human Quest #149The tournament ends, but the games are far from overCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-22 11 
40134099DBZ Human Quest #150The gang survives the battle at the tournament, but chasing the enemy leads to a new battle altogetherCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-24 8 
40150932Space Monkeys Quest 21After Kabuya and the others are forced to depart Earth within 24 hours by some mechanical fiends, and decide to depart to Planet Namek to wish back their fallen comrades, and to strengthen themselves enough so they can still call Earth their home. The day is spent preparing for their long sojourn. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-05-24 12 
40159473DBZ Human Quest #151Vegeta and Kaguya clash as the others try to stop Babidi and DaburaCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-25 8 
40149220Fantasy EurovisionEvery year, a grand pageant is held where each of the twenty-seven kingdoms send a single talented bard to represent them on the world stage. This contest, while supposedly held in the spirit of unity, solidarity and building bridges between the kingdoms is in actual fact highly corrupt, fractious and riven with political intrigue and tactical voting. The PCs are tasked by their government (who are responsible for hosting the tournament this year) to make sure that this year there is no foul play and the event is not marred by the usual politicking, particularly of the smaller, North-Eastern nations.Eurovision, Game Ideas, Fantasy, Humour, Humor2015-05-26 2 
40199553Superhuman Legacy QuestI commit the sin of char gen and Thomas Cairn is a huge nerd.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2015-05-27 12 
40202211DBZ Human Quest #152Kaguya makes a new friend Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human2015-05-27 8 
40217090SuperHuman Legacy Quest 2Thomas gets a letter, makes Nanomachines son, pushes himself too hard, and goes to college.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines2015-05-28 11 
40235221Background Character Quest 49Marie gets some lovin, Mike's being cooler, then everything kinda goes to shitBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-05-28 7 
40238173SuperHuman Legacy Quest 3Thomas briefly forgets his name, Stark blesses him with mad charisma, and then he techs up.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-05-29 9 
40238130Just Plane ScaryThe setting: a transatlantic flight. The system: Cthulu Dark. OP's request: strange and scary things that can happen aboard a large aircraft.surreal, horror, cthulu, aircraft, planes, brainstorming, one-shot,2015-05-29 2 
40265628DBZ Human Quest #153Kaguya's championship title is challengedCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-05-30 8 
40275412Disciple of Elshhu Quest 1After getting ditched (and robbed) by his masters, Jareth, warrior-priest of Elshhu, goes looking for a way to make some gold.Disciple of Elsshu Quest, Collective Game2015-05-30 12 
40281594Disciple of Elshhu Quest 2Jareth and party explore the blue tower in search of moss as befits good rookie adventurers.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-05-31 14 
40281029Humans vs Zombies Quest #2Beat rival, meet more people, clear mission 2 and earn a crew HvZQuestMaster, Collective Game, Nerf, Zombies, Humans vs Zombies Quest2015-05-31 1 
40286992DBZ Human Quest #154Kaguya battles Cell Junior, then receives a challenge from GokuCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-05-31 7 
40298371Magic Cameraman Quest 5Scrub foils a kidnapping and films something sinful.Magic Cameraman Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-05-31 3 
June 2015
40321630Superhuman Legacy Quest 4Thomas makes the mother of all omelettes, pwns a noob in Theoretical Physics, almost blows up a city, and uses the aftermath to design power armor.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Crisis Averted2015-06-02 9 
40327874DBZ Human Quest #155Kaguya meets the Legendary Super AryanCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-02 8 
40370813DBZ Human Quest #156All Hell breaks looseCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-04 7 
40386890Superhuman Legacy Quest 5Thomas knows who Mr. Salvos is now, punches a Supervillain in the balls with nanomachines, and experiences awkward nerd love.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Awkward Nerd Love2015-06-04 8 
40423778Disciple of Elshhu Quest 3Jareth cashes in on his first adventure and deals with the aftermath of drinking with a giant man-bat.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-06-07 13 
40449460DBZ Human Quest #158Training with the Supreme KaiCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-07 7 
40458563RE: Human Quest 1You die, and then you're born. And yes that is the right orderQuest, Collective Game, RE: Human Quest, Human, Fantasy, Monstergirls2015-06-08 27 
40481151RE: Human Quest 2You take your first job as an adventurer, and knock some heads.Quest, Collective, Game, RE: Human Quest, Fantasy, Magic, Adria, Monstergirls2015-06-09 23 
40502344RE: Human Quest - 3 in a row addition.You learn about yourself and your friends, and also deal with some racist sons of b*tches.RE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-06-10 22 
40514899Superhuman Legacy Quest 6Thomas Cairn gets some answers, sees some shoddy work,creates an AI, rolls so well that I still don't understand, and realizes that he accidentally invented cold fusion.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark, How the fuck bro2015-06-11 8 
40513589Space Monkeys Quest 23Kabuya and friends arrive on planet Namek, but find it already under heavy assault, the Namekians divided and Dragon Balls already claimed. Many powerful foes stand in her way, but she makes a decision about family that might be even more important!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-11 11 
40525216RE: Human Quest 4You uncover the mystery of the compass, deal with some outlaws, and get offered a bento by a criminally shy fox girlRE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-06-11 22 
40543298 DBZ Human Quest #159Battle of the PuddingCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-11 8 
40538008Superhuman Legacy Quest 7Thomas meets with the Super Crew, techs up, gets that dosh, and does timeskip.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark,2015-06-12 7 
40562166RE: Human Quest 5You have lunch with a Fox. She's adorable.RE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-06-13 22 
40580503DBZ Human Quest #160Return of the Revenge of the Reckoning of the RevivalCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-06-13 18 
40575481Background Character Quest 50Dinner with Marie's family, surprise, Enswith is a prick! Then we cheer Claire up and have a brief scare.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-06-14 7 
40574241Disciple of Elshhu Quest 4Jareth sends a panicked cow on a rampage through a busy market and engages in exciting sister-saving action.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-06-14 13 
40579873RE: Human Quest Episode 6, Return of the ThreadYou uncover a lost temple and your luck gets you smashed into a wall by a hulking brute. Among other things...RE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-06-14 23 
40590706RE: Human Quest Episode 6.5You finish the fight and are rewarded for your effortsRE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-06-14 21 
40588335Tank Hunters Quest 9We enter the radioactive ruins of LeipzigTank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2015-06-14 5 
40625998RE: Human Quest 7You have a talk with a goddess. She insists that you call her 'mom'.RE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-06-16 22 
40641876Magus Hunter Quest #18Where we meet the Vindex Primus, get debriefed, talk with Edward and see a glimpse of the coming storm.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-17 5 
40660304Superhuman Legacy Quest 8Thomas disarms a criminal, reaches Grandpa's house, and uncovers a secret.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark, Disarming2015-06-18 7 
40659074Space Monkeys Quest 24Frieza touches down on Namek! Meanwhile, Kabuya makes a truce with some wayward Galactic Patrolmen, and convinces the Namekians to fuse into one powerful warrior. But despite her successes in foiling Frieza and his minions, she soon discovers the maximum extent of her foes on Namek.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-06-18 11 
40668149RE: Human Quest 8There's a raid on Reiln, and so you get on your brand new horse and scout the landscape. You also meet some new people.RE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-06-18 21 
40678812Superhuman Legacy Quest 9Thomas manages to look cool in front of Supervillains, makes me censor stuff again, and this briefly becomes lists and shit.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-06-18 7 
40679427FamilyHammer 40kIn the dim darkness of the future, the Emperor has actual parenting skills.40k, ,funny, humor, parenting, writefaggotry2015-06-19 8 
40711412Maverick Hunter Quest 52In which we see where we came from.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-06-20 24 
40716278Magus Hunter Quest #19Where you finish work on the security room and deal with Milly in the fallout of her getting drunk.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-21 5 
40728019Maverick Hunter Quest 53In which we see where we've arrived.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-06-21 24 
40735209XioXio's Bizzare Quest 7Xioxio snoops around then gets brainwashed with some sick tunes, Rai steps up and saves the day.XioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-06-22 4 
40756851Disciple of Elshhu Quest 5Jareth spends quality family time with his sister.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-06-23 12 
40615049Undead huntersAnon asks is there a way to write a good, decent and/or original backstory for a character that hunts the undead.fluff, hunter, mercenary, oc, original content, smite, undead2015-06-23 3 
40780508Magus Hunter Quest #20Where we buy lots of stuff, train a bit, find the first magic circle, and go on a date.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-06-24 2 
40779350Superhuman Legacy Quest 10In this spectacular issue, Thomas judo-flips a zombie, finds a mysterious item, meets a real life wizard, and promptly loses the mysterious item.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines2015-06-24 7 
40777588XioXio's Bizzare Quest 8Another day, investigating murders, and it's Angie's time to shine in a chilling encounter with a crime lordXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-06-24 5 
40802860RE: Human Quest 9You and your party has its first encounter and discovers potentially troubling news. All is not well.RE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-06-25 21 
40816856Superhuman Legacy Quest 11Thomas exorcises a spirit, fails at sneaking, oh god why, and Mystery BoxCollective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark, Mystery Box2015-06-26 6 
40854342Maverick Hunter Quest 54In which our hero springs into action.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-06-27 33 
40902167Champion of the Key Quest #1In which Chuckles and Eail made a Kingdom Hearts Quest, what could go wrong?Chuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-06-29 14 
40900905Disciple of Elshhu Quest 6Jareth and party acquire a new quest to engage in some good old fashioned tomb robbing.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-06-30 12 
July 2015
40925528Superhuman Legacy Quest 12Thomas Gets loads of money, makes a deal with the QM, and makes tech amazing.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-01 6 
40927165Magus Hunter Quest #21Where we go to the final circle and find Tobias PattersonCollective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-01 3 
40936631Crusader Quest Part 32: The Shitstormening!OOPSY DAISY.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Damn Dice, Hugo, WAR, HistoricalFiction2015-07-01 17 
40945171Space Monkeys Quest 26Kabuya encounters the maximum foe, but is saved by two otherwordly meddlers! She then goes on to collect the remaining Dragon Balls not in Frieza's clutches, and rallies her allies for the final push.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-01 11 
41014382DBZ Human Quest Super #1School comes to an end, and an attempt to get Drake a birthday present goes wrongCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-07-05 12 
41035597RE: Human Quest 10You bring home the prisoners, and catch wind that your mom is leaving Reiln soon.RE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-07-06 22 
41037120DBZ Human Quest Super #2The hunt for the blackstar dragonballs beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan2015-07-06 7 
41076678Anon wants people to read his shitty webcomicAnons argue over whether or not said shitty webcomic is relevant to /tg/ (spoiler: It isn't. Neither are Unsounded, Meek, Oglaf, or that one with the blue space elves)SPERG FIGHT! SPERG FIGHT! SPERG FIGHT!, Addendum: googling "blue elf webcomic" tells me it's called Outsider, huh, love LWYS-kun2015-07-08 18 
41092558Background Character Quest 51The 51st one, archived early. Fuck you misarchivist.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-07-08 6 
41120244DBZ Human Quest Super #3Battle with the Ginyu Force?Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-10 7 
41121110RE: Human Quest 11You begin your journey to bleakwind with a bad dream, then get to spend some quality time with your mother.RE: Human, RE: Human Quest, Collective game, quest, adventure, Adria, Human, Monstergirls2015-07-10 23 
41153912Disciple of Elshhu Quest 7Jareth and friends manage to deal with a demon without terrible repercussions, and the tomb raiding continues.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-07-12 13 
41161795DBZ Human Quest Super #4The Battle with the Ginyu Force comes to an end, and brings more questions than answersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-07-12 7 
41168570Eail's Quest Discussion ThreadIn which QM Eail and his fans discuss current and possible future questsDBZ, DBZ Space Alcoholic Quest, Collective Game, Eail, Dragon Ball, DBZ Saiyan Quest, Saiyan, Chuckles, Metal Gear, Kingdom Hearts2015-07-12 0 
41179223Magus Hunter Quest #22Where we deal with political fallout and have a chat with the Arch Magus.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-13 5 
41185562DBZ Human Quest Super #5The second Dragonball is retrieved, and a rematch is fast approachingColelctive Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-07-13 6 
41189283Devil Hunter Quest 1We meet the team, acquire a glaive and almost get murdered in a graveyard thanks to an unlucky crit fail.Collective Game, Devil Hunter Quest2015-07-13 6 
41198268Champion of the Key Quest #3We're archiving this one early, so who knows?Chuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-13 11 
41204769Champion of the Key Quest #3.5 HD REMIXIn which our adventure continuesChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-13 10 
41199754Age of Man: Civ Quest 1With Paint Maps, A Village of man starts on it's journey in a world of magic. It also makes friends with halflingsHumans, Civ Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Ogres, Paint Map2015-07-14 1 
41210312Devil Hunter Quest 2In which we train, go on an extermination mission and go mano o mano with a DemonDevil Hunter Quest, Collective Game2015-07-14 5 
41226925DBZ Human Quest Super #6Gohan AscendsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-15 7 
41238433Space Monkeys Quest 27Episode 27, archived early once againSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-15 11 
41247057Space Monkeys Quest 27.5In which Frieza is a little bitchSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-16 9 
41241508Magus Hunter Quest #23Where we deal with a vampire attack and decide on a name for our book.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-16 10 
41258403Space Monkeys Quest 28Kabuya's allies arrive on planet Namek, mostly relieved that they don't have to fight a space tyrant. They're also buffed to all HFIL.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-16 11 
41260076Superhuman Legacy Quest 13I'm archiving early to stop misarchival, also future stuff.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-16 5 
41269586Devil Hunter Quest3 In which we get AN ADORABLE PUPPYcollective game, Devil Hunter,2015-07-17 4 
41291137Devil Hunter Quest 4Everyone kinda dies on me, so i just archive it.Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-07-18 3 
41308638DBZ Human Quest Super #7Kaguya and Gohan destroy a planetCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-19 6 
41302679Magus Hunter Quest #24Where we make a lot of phone calls, start making an infirmary and train some more.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-19 6 
41347258Champion of the Key Quest #4Vasi walks through a long ass field in her pajamas, presumably other things happen tooChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-07-20 10 
41325398Racism in Fantasy settingsOP asks for derogatory terms and plausible sorts of racism in fantasy worlds, /tg/ delivers.Elves, Dwarfs, Humans, Orcs, Trolls, racism, specism, setting, worldbuilding2015-07-21 2 
41354721DBZ Human Quest Super #8Things take a turn for the worse when the gang catches up with RilldoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-07-21 7 
41369527Background Character Quest 52Danny's mother fought a dude and makes up with her daughter, Danny misses all this for some time with his female companionsBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-07-22 7 
41379535Devil Hunter Quest 5In which we meet the ex elites, and duel another dark magic userDevil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-07-22 3 
41390196Space Monkeys Quest #29Kabuya and the gang bond while they travel to an tropical planet for some much-needed R&R.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-23 9 
41393039Magus Hunter Quest #25Where we hunt an abyssal, an abyssal hunts us, and we screw up majorly.Collective Game, Magus Hunter Quest, Supervisor2015-07-23 3 
41399027Space Monkeys Quest 29.5Gettin swole, knitting, family announcements, all here on this episode of Space Monkeys QuestSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-23 9 
41413087Superhuman Legacy Quest 14Thomas has his first drink, buys flowers, and here comes the boom.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-24 3 
41420313Devil Hunter Quest 6In which we watch two of the elites fight, and get a warning from ourselves.Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-07-24 0 
41285431Of Humans and starting stat bonusesAnon asks why humans usually have starting bonuses in CHA based stats, /tg/ discusses if and why humans (and other races) have or don't have starting bonuses in their game settings and if they do which are used and why.character creation, creation, fluff, game design, human, roleplay, setting2015-07-24 1 
41438672DBZ Human Quest Super #9Backup is needed to fight RilldoCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-07-25 6 
41451022Disciple of Elshhu Quest 8Jareth and his party finish up their second adventure.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-07-26 12 
41461054Disciple of Elshhu Quest 8.5Jareth collects the first of his rewards for a successful adventure, and makes another valuable contact.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-07-26 12 
41477561Space Monkeys Quest 30Fun in the sun on planet Aquis, meeting the Earl of Hell, nearly drowning and more children to be expectedSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-27 8 
41488593Space Monkeys Quest 30.5Kabuya and Goku spar, and everyone gets hype over it, then little green guy offers a fake tail and nobody's having any of itSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-27 10 
41522086Superhuman Legacy Quest 15Thomas kneecapitates Boombox, finds a prospective hire, and he's baaaack.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-29 6 
41565577Superhuman Legacy Quest 16Thomas has to meet with Monica for feelings and shit, Then he skips a few years and becomes a fucking boss, then some shit with Grandpa happens.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-07-30 4 
41568150Space Monkeys Quest 31Tragedy strikes, but the legend is achieved three times over, as a Tuffle menace is defeated. Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-07-31 11 
August 2015
41608350Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #1Makoto awakens after the chaos to give everyone a hug and sort some priorities out. Shorter thread.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, so many hugs2015-08-02 6 
41608926DBZ Human Quest Super #10Kaguya performs an abortion...I'm just as surprised as you areCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-08-02 7 
41611778Devil Hunter Quest 7In which we train, talk to Jack, have a deep discussion with our team and revisit our pastDevil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-08-02 2 
41622556Disciple of Elshhu Quest 9Jareth makes good on a promise to meet up with a new friend.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-08-03 14 
41629989Space Monkeys Quest 32Cooler attacks Earth, Super Saiyan meets Arcosian in a deadly battle, and Kabuya takes in a new wardSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-08-03 11 
41649265Champion of the Key Quest #6In which early archiveChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-08-03 12 
41696382Devil Hunter Quest 8In which we discover something cool, talk about MC's junk, and relive an old story.Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-08-06 3 
41691568Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #2We continue relaxing and hug our friends (then feel them up). Also Saito is a little wimp and Makoto is the most charming. Bin girl name will continue. FOREVER.collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, so many hugs2015-08-06 5 
41694781Background Character Quest 53Legal trouble, limo fun, propositions of proposal and choking, fun fun fun!Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-08-06 11 
41734689DBZ Human Quest Super #11Another Dragonball is foundCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-08-08 6 
41745471Disciple of Elshhu Quest 10Jareth meets a friendly new cult, out for his blood for reasons unknown.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-08-09 13 
41776174Space Monkeys Quest 33Mentoring, motherhood, gathering dragon balls and yet another menace arisesSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-08-10 11 
41778266Devil Hunter Quest 9In which we get captured, inspect a ring and make allies.Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-08-10 2 
41879081Devil Hunter Quest 10In which we start the Labyrinth and start fighting a spiritDevil Hunter Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-08-15 2 
41894820Corsair Quest 2The battle with the black ship begins. We find our affinity with decay, and use it to grapple with a Kraken.Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair, hugesquids2015-08-16 1 
41930633Background Character Quest 54It's n-not like MT likes us or anything, god! Also, we learn about Mom.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-08-17 11 
41940632DBZ Human Quest Super #12Kaguya gets hitchedCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-08-18 11 
41951592Champion of the Key Quest #8In which we continue our adventures in NarniaChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2015-08-18 9 
41996458DBZ Human Quest Super #13When things go bad, an old friend brings helpCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-08-21 8 
42025884Disciple of Elshhu Quest 11Jareth recovers from last night's fight and goes to check up on his party.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-08-22 13 
42045596Space Monkeys Quest 34The Makyan star rises over the Earth, Garlic Jr returns with a minion baring extreme power.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-08-23 13 
42191021Background Character Quest 55Stuff happens, probably. Thread's archived early because fuck the misarchivist.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-08-30 6 
42190297Disciple of Elshhu Quest 12Jareth develops his abilities and enjoys some quality family time.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-08-30 13 
42198266DBZ Human Quest Super #14We are finally done with GTCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-08-31 6 
September 2015
42216468Aroostook Humans #1Our Human friends start off with a small fishing village, and begin a logging community. A shock visit from some injured Dwarves leads to an uneasy immigration policy.quest, civ, thread, humans, aroostook, fenrir2015-09-01 2 
42238885Aroostook Humans #2Farmer Jack is pronounced Earl. Vanara at our doorstep. A mining operation opens in the North, but suddenly all communication ceases. Xena trains an army.fenrir, quest, civ, aroostook, humans2015-09-02 2 
42242244DBZ Human Quest Super #15 Kaguya, Gohan, and Kazuma bounce ideas for a book Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-02 6 
42269098Space Monkeys Quest 35Training the daughteru to be an exceptional gorilla and the prince of salt gets saltierSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-09-03 11 
42304407Maverick Hunter Quest 55In which our hero runs for home.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-09-05 24 
42361390DBZ Human Quest Super #16Bachelor Party and Birthday PartyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Somnius, Saiyan2015-09-08 11 
42404615DBZ Human Quest Super #17Som uses the wrong OP pic, and Buu ruins the partyCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-10 8 
42416508Background Character Quest 56Getting some relaxation in with a counsellor, and then shit gets realBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-09-11 6 
42426215DBZ Human Quest Super #18Only one man can stand against Beerus the DestroyerCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-11 8 
42433405Space Monkeys Quest 36Future daughteru saves the day, Cold and Super Android 11 defeated, and Kabuya faces herselfSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-09-11 7 
42438191Prehistoric Human Tribe Quest #1We hide from the coming storm inside a cave - which isn't exactly what it seemscollective game, prehistoric human tribe quest, spark, quest thread2015-09-12 15 
42497347Background Character Quest 57Shit gets real, shit gets realer, Mike is a fag, and Daniel finally gets gud.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-09-15 8 
42566606DBZ Human Quest Super #19The Dragonballs are stolenCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan2015-09-18 7 
42579340Background Character Quest 58Claire wears a dress. Truly, all is right with the world, and there's no way Chuckles could fuck it up. Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-09-19 7 
42586930DBZ Human Quest Super #20In perhaps the greatest shark jump of this quest, two new gods are bornCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-19 6 
42588369Background Character Quest 58 Part 2Helping Mum pick out a dress, and dealing with a left behind waifu.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-09-19 8 
42597438Maverick Hunter Quest 56In which our hero rises from calamity.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-09-20 23 
42604899Hundred Year War QuestKuo, the wandering bender is born.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-09-20 13 
42620238Hundred Year War Quest 2The marathon continues.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-09-20 6 
42622609Maverick Hunter Quest 57In which our hero warms up.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-09-20 25 
42635197Hundred Year War Quest 3I have run this for over a day, I am still not tired, but I must work tomorrow.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-09-21 8 
42626281Space Monkeys Quest #37Kabuya has her first formal birthday party! She gets some thoughtful gifts, another android-related crisis to deal with, and her tail back.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-09-21 9 
42643129Star Wars Humble Beginnings Quest 1Dossoxss, or Dox for short, begins his story at the Sabaac Table.Collective Game, Humble Beginnings Quest2015-09-21 3 
42670749DBZ Human Quest Super #21The Battle of the GodsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Saiyan, Somnius2015-09-23 9 
42690424DBZ Human Quest Super #22The party comes to an endCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-09-24 7 
42684903Space Monkeys Quest 38Kabu trains Kuriza to use some of his hidden power, learns how to go monkey on command and prepares others for the WMATSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-09-24 11 
42709026DBZ Human Quest Super #23A honeymoon, and a father-son reunionCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Super, Somnius, Saiyan2015-09-25 7 
42735373Disciple of Elshhu Quest 14Jareth punches out crooked guildsmen at the arena and finishes up his day out with his sister.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-09-27 13 
42785301DBZ Human Quest Super #24Castle explorationCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Sauyan, Super, Quest2015-09-29 7 
42803621DBZ Human Quest Super #25A battle in GingertownCollective Game, Quest, Dragonball, DBZ, Super, Human, Saiyan2015-09-30 5 
October 2015
42825249Background Character Quest 59Saving the Gruli's, drunken families and dealing out massages Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-10-01 5 
42859302Hundred Year War Quest 4To hell with even distribution of numbers, Kuo don't give a shit.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-03 8 
42864942Maverick Hunter Quest 58In which our hero sees what's left.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-10-03 24 
42890912Hundred Year War Quest 5Kuo goes shopping, beats an old man, almost rips off a retard, and gets a letter, I wonder who it's from?Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-05 8 
42898346Space Monkeys Quest 39We watch fights, find out new (and awesome) ways to train, teach Bra how to fly, and the waifu is kidnapped.Space Monkeys Quest,Collective Game,Chuckles,Dragon Ball,Saiyan2015-10-05 6 
43014187Background Character Quest 60Nej isn't a shit for once, proposing in a sundress, and Claire gets what she wants.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-10-11 6 
43018950Hundred Year War Quest 6Hundred Year War Quest 6Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-12 6 
43069874Hundred Year War Quest 7Kuo learns some good stuff, almost kills some people on accident, and gets distracted easily.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-15 6 
43085206Disciple of Elshhu Quest 15Jareth and party finally get around to the obligatory rat-killing quest of all new adventurers.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-10-16 13 
43086440Space Monkeys Quest 40Saving the waifu, hair disasters, a mysterious fighter revealed and pushing the apprentice onwards and upwardsSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-10-16 7 
43107157Hundred Year War Quest 8Circus people are assholes.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-17 6 
43148125DBZ Human Quest Super #26The Cell Games beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Super2015-10-19 5 
43176957Background Character Quest 61Cloning, rescues, VENGEANCE gone awry and sadness.Background Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-10-21 5 
43214183Background Character Quest 62More clones, less vengeance, Danny meets his calcium intake and enjoys a partyBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-10-23 5 
43217776Hundred Year War Quest 9Kuo gets kicked out, makes it to Ba Sing Se, and runs into an old friend.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-23 6 
43262963Devil Hunter Quest 11We come back from the hiatus and kill shitDarkTart, Devil Hunter Quest, Collective Game,2015-10-25 4 
43273902Background Character Quest 63: FINALThe finale, in which everyone is a degenerate, Danny scrapes through his education, and Nej is still a shitterBackground Character Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game2015-10-25 17 
43302401The lich's phylactery is now called...For everyone sick of those undead wizzy bastardsfluff, insults, humor2015-10-27 15 
43312177Space Monkeys Quest 41The WMAT wraps up with a bunch of towel throwing, Kabuya goes on vacation and makes some new friends!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-10-28 6 
43348446Spook QuestOur protagonist starts his training to stop monsters, gets nearly killed in a tunnel cave in and stops an allegedly innocent girls murder.Spook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-10-29 13 
43370845Hundred Year War Quest 10Kuo starts his life as Dong Rock, PHD.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-10-30 6 
43373559Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #3Rhys Cykgil and his adventures upon Kashyyyk.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-10-31 9 
43389650Disciple of Elshhu Quest 16Jareth and party try to help a poor, oppressed greater demon return home.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-10-31 13 
November 2015
43388057Space Monkeys Quest 42Kabuya trick or treats, hails Satan and meets a mysterious guest from the futureSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-11-01 6 
43397594Disciple of Elshhu Quest 16.2Jareth and party conclude their thrilling rat-slaying adventure with added pay, despite having slain no rats.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-11-01 15 
43403391Xenomorph quest: part 3.In which we repel some colonial marines, and create the first xenomorph geneticist.Xenomorph, genomorph, praetorian, fixer, spooky, Scree!, Dildo, Raptor, facehugger, Queen, Xeno, colonial, marine.2015-11-01 2 
43421306Xenoquest part 4: thread 1.OP forgets the title, like a dumbass.Xenoquest, xeno, facehugger, genomorph, queen, praetorian, Fixer, Dildo, raptor, Scree., Spooky.2015-11-02 4 
43424620Spook Quest 2Leon deals with a giant vermin, drops spaghetti, names a cat and carves his own weaponSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-11-03 11 
43442842Space Monkeys Quest 43The bugman triggers Kabuya and Gohan, an Android joins the team, and things get Hyperbolic!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-11-04 6 
43504641Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #4The Hutt, the Race, and the Girl.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-07 11 
43527501Spook Quest 3Leon educates on the wonders of human life, nearly drowns, meets some river folk and fills a bathtub with spaghettiSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-11-08 11 
43543665Hundred Year War Quest 11Kuo manages to get invited to something, and then some cool stuff happens.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-11-09 6 
43578770How Big Is A Dragon?/tg/ definitively finds out once and for all the size of every season in every setting at the same time... In inches.Humor, dragons, size, absurdist humor2015-11-10 11 
43594780Hundred Year War Quest 12Something unexpected happens.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-11-12 5 
43622036Disciple of Elshhu Quest 17Jareth begins his investigation on the Scaled God's cult.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-11-14 14 
43625754Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #5Misri joins the crew.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-14 10 
43655882Hundred Year War Quest 13I have to end early, so this thread is really short.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest, Sorry2015-11-15 4 
43656534Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #6The Sacking of Ahto CityCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-16 7 
43741478Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #7The FuriesCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-21 9 
43748716Hundred Year War Quest 14Kuo blows the cover, makes a mistake, and cool news about SuperHuman Legacy Quest.Collective Game, Avatar, Hundred Year War Quest2015-11-21 3 
43769715Spook Quest 4Learning how to swim from a 'pirate', rabbit season and bath tub politicsSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-11-22 8 
43774379Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #8Smuggler's Haven and shopping for parts.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-23 9 
43821580Space Monkeys Quest 44Things get hyperbolic up in this bitch. Also training and time based shenanigansSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-11-25 8 
43856268Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #9The Party on Kuat.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-28 8 
43869580Disciple of Elshhu Quest 18Jareth deals with the aftermath of divining the wrong people and takes in a stray.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-11-29 12 
43891806Maverick Hunter Quest 59In which our hero prepares for war.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2015-11-29 27 
43893270Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #10Kuat and the RAS Bailoff.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-11-30 8 
43902969ORK QUESTA funny, fairly free-form artquest about an ork.quest, ork, humor, /tg/ humor, funny2015-11-30 35 
December 2015
43926470Spook Quest 5Dealing with a vermin menace, tunnel diving, thinking with portals and relationship adviceSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-02 8 
43963102Space Monkeys Quest 45The final showdown with the bug man, a intersolar camping trip, and some wishes are made.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-12-04 7 
43964948Disciple of Elshhu Quest 19Jareth catches up with Hilda, watches golems beating the hell out of each other, and tries to avoid a golem beating the hell out of him.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2015-12-04 14 
43985339Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #11The Treasure of the RAS Bailoff.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-05 11 
44053791Monster Hunter Quest #1In which you, an unnamed captain, takes his squad on their first huntCollective Game, Monster Hunter, MHQ2015-12-08 3 
44056354Spook Quest 6 Sparring practice, thugs get mauled and stones falling from the sky! Spook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-08 7 
44073340XioXio's Bizzare Quest 9Xioxio faces off against a bull and a cowboy, gets nearly wrecked, discovers her true foe's name and moves out of homeXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-12-10 4 
44081359Crusader Quest 40Hugo is in Tripoli to negotiate trade deals for his brother, WilhelmCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2015-12-10 14 
44094154Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #12Running the Blockade.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-11 12 
44111949Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #13Tatooine.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-12 11 
44155037Space Monkeys Quest 46Kabuya meets her mom, learns some sick techniques and terrorises some totally not indian people by eating a lotSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2015-12-14 6 
44217557Spook Quest 7A boggart gets trapped, Leon gets SWOLE as fuck then goes into a coma, then it's the fullmoon again.Spook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-17 8 
44249008Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #14Fall of the Crusaders.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2015-12-19 11 
44286799Superhuman Legacy Quest 17I Return and immediately something unexpected happens.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-12-21 6 
44289517Digimang Quest #1Dash Addams and his summer school class get sucked into a wild adventure in the desertDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-21 21 
44313747Crusader Quest Part 41Hugo gets his arm broken due to railroadingCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2015-12-22 17 
44332009Digimang Quest #2The quest to retrieve some seeds, getting stomped by some monkeys, exploring the redlight district and meeting a spiderDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-23 15 
44401043Superhuman Legacy Quest 18Thomas managed to make his life much harder, and fails while succeeding.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines2015-12-27 4 
44414789Crusader Quest part 42Hugo faces adversity in his flight from AntiochCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2015-12-28 13 
44427353Superhuman Legacy Quest 19There are so many ups and downs, I don't think I can describe it.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2015-12-29 6 
44435918Digimang Quest #3Dash and friends beat up some simians, free a bear-wolf-thing, get some sik loot and clues on finding more classmatesDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-29 12 
44476790Digimang Quest #4Dash and co. fight off a marine devimon, meet the twins, fix a jeep and more importantly: he hits of a lot of flags.Digimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2015-12-31 12 
January 2016
44496286'Lost Source' setting worldbuilding thread #2/tg/ continues worldbuilding a post-singularity setting in the spiritual tradition of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne.engine heart, eclipse phase, demon's souls, dark souls, bloodborne, singularity, posthumans, transhumans, exhumans, cyborgs, robots, AI, worldbuilding, setting,2016-01-01 7 
44503923Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #15Coruscant ConflictCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-02 9 
44520772Maverick Hunter Quest 60In which our hero goes back to work.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-01-02 24 
44533375SuperHuman Legacy Quest 20FUTUUUURECollective Game, SuperHuman Legacy Quest, sorry2016-01-03 3 
44541149Spook Quest 8Leon almost joins La Revolution, goes fishing with his bud, protects the bun and takes some notesSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-03 8 
44560750Space Monkeys Quest 47Kabuya and Chichi in the ultimate mothers tag team, all to get a drink of water! Also, the kids fuse and Bulma makes progress on the robitsSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-01-05 7 
44603475Digimang Quest #5The trip to Khoman Doh gets screwed, the twins bitch at each other, Dash spends time with Eva, fools a bunch of turds into volunteering for prison and gets some sweet dreamsDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-07 12 
44603961Disciple of Elshhu Quest 20Jareth puts in an order for a magic item, and heads to the Arena to cash in on a promised reward.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2016-01-07 14 
44647585Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #16Podraces, Highsinger, Emiri, and more.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-09 8 
44686494Maverick Hunter Quest 61In which our hero hunts a fox.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-01-10 24 
44686530Space Monkeys Quest 48Terror on planet Namek! An old foe returns, threatening the entire solar system!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-01-11 7 
44731790Digimang Quest #6Dash and friends beat up a knight, before making it to Coded VillageDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-13 12 
44749260Superhuman Legacy Quest 21This is the real archive, please disregard all others sharing this name.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers, Nanomachines, Tony Stark2016-01-13 5 
44770264Spook Quest 9Leon studies lapine physiology, among other thingsSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-14 23 
44794646Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #17Adventures on CoruscantCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-15 8 
44811078Maverick Hunter Quest 62In which our hero sends the fox to ground.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-01-16 24 
44837611Digimang Quest #7Sensei is found, where does the group go from here?Digimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-17 12 
44839188Superhuman Legacy Quest 22Raphael does stuff.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2016-01-17 3 
44849195Digimang Quest #7 Part 2 Fireside chatsDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-18 12 
44878172Space Monkeys Quest 49Risel and Raditz return, kid talk ensues, birthdays and sleeping warriors awaken!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-01-20 5 
44926492Spook Quest 10The search for Mr Johnson begins, Leon fights a river beast, and heads to TarlickSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-22 10 
44922662Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #18The Empire returnsCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-22 7 
44940819Fate quest #2The first night of the actual holy grail war.Collective Game, Fate Quest, Fate, Arthur Quinn2016-01-22 13 
44941902Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #19Naboo MayhemCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-23 7 
44989300Superhuman Legacy Quest 23Thomas Cairn encounters an old "friend".Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2016-01-25 4 
44989826Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #20Jennis and the ISD LiberatorCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-25 9 
44993336Digimang Quest #8The gang finally decides where to head out from Coded Village, broing with Elecmon, before he goes nuts, and Dash some punches calimariDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-25 12 
45060418Digimang Quest #9Dash and friends beat the piss out of a squid, our hero nearly drowns, gets an X, and continues towards Tube City, with spider promisesDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-01-28 12 
45072341Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #21TythonCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-29 7 
45092173Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #22The Edge of the GalaxyCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-01-30 6 
45107342Space Monkeys Quest 50Kabu accidentally fries a robit, bonds with 18, finds some creepy blueprints goes to the doctor and tops the day off with time travelSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-01-30 7 
45133662Champion of the Key Quest #9In which Vasi returnsChuckles, Eail, ChuckEails, Kingdom Hearts, KH, Keyblade, Champion of the Key Quest, Collective Game2016-01-31 8 
February 2016
45137442Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #23The Mantle of Mandalore.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-01 8 
45174293Digimang Quest #10Pirates, fairies, underground rivers, worms, Descarting a spider, Dash becomes a man, and discusses what it is to be a womanDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-03 12 
45199511Superhuman Legacy Quest 24Raphael runs into a cool place and promptly ruins it.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2016-02-04 3 
45214520Disciple of Elshhu Quest 21Jareth meets some of his fellow gladiators and awaits his first exciting foray into the world of professional bloodsports.Disciple of Elshhu Quest, Collective Game2016-02-05 14 
45235149Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #24The Veil WaystationCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-06 7 
45276060Spook Quest 11Leon acquires a dog, before fighting a bunch of turtles, and finally moves on the bunSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-08 7 
45282308Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #25AlpheridiesCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-08 8 
45318715Digimang Quest #11Exploring the cit, looking for humans, being served eggs by an egg, glitches, creepy stalker and GATTSUmonDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-10 12 
45357153Space Monkeys Quest 51Breaking time and getting paid for itSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-02-12 7 
45380347Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #26The RebelsCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-13 5 
45394384Digimang Quest #12Finding clues on another human, but does he have good intentions? After that, birthday presentsDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-14 12 
45398867Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #27The AftermathCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-14 7 
45422298Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #28ThuleCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-15 8 
45439511Space Monkeys Quest 52Chocolate, rings, Satans reunited, Valentines day fun, flying to the moon, and a brand new tournament!Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-02-16 8 
45429618Hua Yuan Exterminators Creation ThreadThe Hua Yuan Exterminators were created during a "roll up a guard regiment" thread and the idea is worth savingHua Yuan, Imperial Guard, Creation Tables, Guard, 40k2016-02-16 15 
45464029Hua Yuan Exterminators 2nd ThreadSome More fluffing happens and a wiki page is createdHua Yuan Exterminators, Imperial Guard, Guard2016-02-17 6 
45475442Digimang Quest #13Getting answers, meeting a demon lady Mega, pleasing Casey and punching armadillos! All on Digimang QuestDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-18 13 
45513275XioXio's Bizzare Quest 10Xioxio infiltrates some people who punch with the sun, before finding out about her SEEEECRET heritageXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2016-02-20 4 
45517001Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #29Fearghus and the KaleeshCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-20 7 
45472841BIO-SHIFT: MetamorphosisSetting about suited humans being the oldest aliens in the universe. All of the other aliens wonder why they have so many sub-species.suits, space suits, humans, setting, worldbuilding, world building, aliens2016-02-20 4 
45537026Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #30Vahaba Asteroid FieldCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-21 5 
45559670Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #31Droids.Collective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-22 6 
45565727Spook Quest 12Leon and friends arrive in Oendal, freeing his master, and a group of prisoners in the process, while burning down a churchSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-22 6 
45604390Digimang Quest #14Dash finds a party bus, then falls out of it to ruin his feetDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-24 12 
45613974Digimang Quest #14: Part 2Dash and the fairy study under the master Descartes, before a crazy monkey shows up in the middle of the night Digimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-24 12 
45481136Hua Yuan Exterminators Third threadWe start fluffing their homeworld alongside more draw and write related faggotries.Hua Yuan, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables2016-02-25 3 
45493144Hua Yuan Exterminators Fourth threadWe expand on their homeworld fluff, taking great inspiration on Hong Kong and the Walled City of Kowloon.Hua Yuan, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables2016-02-25 2 
45506052Hua Yuan Exterminators Fifth threadHua Yuan gets fluffed even more alongside the Fire Sect Monks and some moreHua Yuan, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables2016-02-25 2 
45523520Hua Yuan Exterminators Sixth threadRiccianon edition, worldbuilding Hua Yuan even more.Hua Yuan, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables2016-02-25 1 
45557612Hua Yuan Exterminators Seventh threadWe fluff the noble houses and the upper hive of Hua YuanHua Yuan, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables2016-02-26 1 
45644154Space Monkeys Quest 53Demon gods, Ascension and comforting a lizard boySpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-02-26 7 
45674529Maverick Hunter Quest 63In which our hero settles at home.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-02-27 24 
45703499Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #32Water, water everywhereCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-02-29 5 
45710194Digimang Quest #15Dash and friends recuperate after defeating a monkey, and finally reach Tuhm BlurDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-02-29 11 
March 2016
45635229Hua Yuan Exterminators Eighth threadWe fluff the gangs and other criminal groups of the Hua Yuanese underground.Hua Yuan, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables2016-03-01 1 
45684137Hua Yuan Exterminators Ninth threadWe work on the common man, their conmutes and how they live.Hua Yuan, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables2016-03-01 2 
45789894Spook Quest 13Leon works his ass off, then goes to find a killerSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-03-04 5 
45786331Hua Yuan Exterminators Tenth threadDesperate bumps and Mechanicus fluffing occurs. Hua Yuan, Exterminators, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables, Homebrew2016-03-07 2 
45843281Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #33Breaking the SubjugatorCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-07 5 
45871816XioXio's Bizzare Quest 11Rai gets old and Xioxio prepares to meet her familyXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2016-03-08 4 
45913401Space Monkeys Quest 54Vegeta gets salty, even beyond the grave, demon NEETS and dumplings for Super SaiyansSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-03-10 8 
45851515Hua Yuan: Mandatory Fun EditionWe fluff out the regular line infantry, the armored regiments, and many more!Hua Yuan,Hua,Yuan,40k,Warhammer,Imperium,Imperial Guard,Guard,Guardsmen2016-03-11 1 
45923196Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #34Whisper, the Candidates, and the PriceCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-11 4 
45861912Anyone still play fruit?/tg/ makes a general discussing fruit.Fruit, General, Humor, Pinapple OP2016-03-11 3 
45998181Digimang Quest #16Dash explores the deep, rich culture of Tuhm Blur, and almost dies again.Digimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-03-14 12 
45934995Hua Yuan Exterminators Twelfth ThreadProgress is made on the wiki and the Infantry Regiments get a little more fluff.Hua Yuan, Exterminators, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables, Homebrew2016-03-14 1 
46023513Space Monkeys Quest 55Bra, Pen and Chitsu's camping trip turns into a quest for ever lasting smores.Space Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-03-15 8 
46083820Digimang Quest #17Dash gets his shit ruined by a fire, then ice, then a fishing rod, then beer bottles. Fun times. Also deep philosophical discussion with EvaDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-03-18 10 
46006584Hua Yuan Exterminators Thirteenth ThreadAn epic blood fued erupts in a shower of autism as namefaggots battle over what history is the right one.Hua Yuan, Exterminators, Imperial Guard, Guard, 40k, Creation Tables, Homebrew, Autism2016-03-19 1 
46138065Bloodhunt QuestOur protagonist wakes up in a cold forest. The hunt beginsBloodhunt Quest, Collective Game,2016-03-20 1 
46140252Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #35The Furies againCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-03-21 5 
46149130Spook Quest 14Leon, Kara and Springheel team up to catch the mysterious serial killer and paid, son $$$Spook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-03-21 3 
46234416Space Monkeys Quest 56Meeting Kabus mom again, and the New Saiyan Council formsSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-03-25 11 
46263830Maverick Hunter Quest 64In which our hero tours scenic France.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-03-26 24 
46244963Humerus SpooksWhat starts with rib tickling skeleton puns and one liners turns epic with one anon's stories of playing as a skeleton in full plate armorD&D, skeletons, lol, story time, puns, bones, spooky, rattle, epic, humerus2016-03-26 42 
46270019Bloodhunt Quest #2we meet Revas, cook a hog, have some nudity, and the mystery thickensBloodhunt Quest, Collective Game,2016-03-27 2 
46295654Goblin civ #1Goblins are working towards revenge against the dwarven people.Goblin, Civ, dwarves, humans, elves, necromancy, shaman2016-03-28 2 
46321285Digimang Quest #18 Part 1A bunch of angels hijack Dash, and send him home, against his will, leaving his friends stuck in the digital worldDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-03-29 10 
46330341Digimang Quest #18 part 2Dash learns about the humble origins of the Digital World.Digimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-03-29 10 
46356597Leaf Ninja Quest #78In This Thread: We beat Kabuto, and then anons decide to trust a backstabbing snake for some reason.Collective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Huh?, I don't get it2016-03-31 12 
46355730Beast Hunter QuestAn orphan raised by the church is abandoned deep in a strange and dangerous forest.Collective Game, HuntsmanQM, BHQ2016-03-31 12 
46365500Continuation of the previous threadWE cut a Harpies wings off and run like a little kid from a candy store who we robbed.Collective Game, HuntsmanQM, BHQ2016-03-31 10 
April 2016
46380799Goblin civ #2Goblins are working towards revenge against the dwarven people.Goblin, Civ, dwarves, humans, elves, necromancy, shaman2016-04-01 1 
46411337Maverick Hunter Quest 65In which our hero knows a hawk from a handsaw.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-04-02 24 
46414081Beast Hunter Quest: Part 3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIQJpBDvxIsCollective Game, HuntsmanQM, BHQ2016-04-02 5 
46465746Crusader Quest part 49As the siege begins, a force is sent to attack Gaza while Hugo makes a confessionCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Hugo, HistoricalFiction2016-04-05 15 
46469613Digimang Quest #19Dash fights angels and Eva discovers the power of LOVEDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-04-05 10 
46436144/tg/ Makes a Lighthearted Adventure SettingOP has a goal: A setting without (or at least with <50%) grimdark. /tg/ proceeds to deliver.Lighthearted, Adventure, Manly Grit, Heroic, Relics hunting relic Relics2016-04-05 6 
46562093Maverick Hunter Quest 66In which our hero is for the birds.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-04-09 25 
46511470Fantasy Jokes ThreadCollection of Fantasy Jokes. Dwarves, Elves and Humans beware, for your sides may leave this plane.jokes, humor, collection2016-04-10 3 
46588050Maverick Hunter Quest 67In which our hero takes a fowl.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-04-10 28 
46585804Digimang Quest #20The dashing Sir Dash bravely rescues the beautiful Princess Jeff. Also digimon are involved.Digimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-04-10 10 
46594690Digimang Quest #20 Part 2Licking wounds after the battle to save Princess JessDigimon, Digimang, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-04-11 10 
46613644How to roleplay a cleric of Bane/tg/ gives a thorough, informative answer to a question about roleplaying a devout follower of the Black Hand.humor, derail, baneposting, master plan, dnd, d&d, bane2016-04-12 13 
46646835Spook Quest 15Leon and co fight Yoging the UnboundSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-04-14 5 
46718217Space Monkeys Quest 57Lawsuits, sky pirates, and sad robogirlsSpace Monkeys Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles, Dragon Ball, Saiyan2016-04-17 10 
46882972Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest #36He's backCollective Game, Star Wars, Empire, Rebels, dogfights, stormtroopers, droids, Star Wars: Fortune Hunter Quest2016-04-25 6 
46906965XioXio's Bizzare Quest 12Xioxio battles with Celine in brutal fashion, before rediscovering the knife that stabbed herXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2016-04-26 5 
May 2016
2334350% Human Quest 1Half man, half blob50%Human, blobs, Quest, Collective Game2016-05-01 6 
9285Planet Forger Quest An ancient of the cosmos sets it's sights on a piece of the stars and builds a solar system. Filled with inspiration, /qst/ becomes God.Collective Game, Planet Forger Quest, So Much Kubo, Taman-Shud 2016-05-02 3 
47098430Superhuman Legacy Quest 25Raphael learns that he has a serious health problem, but s'okay I guess. Also, ending early because no people.Collective Game, Superhuman Legacy, superpowers2016-05-05 2 
31063HANGRY QUESTSA hungry girl eats weed, goes down on herself, and changes into sexy batman.Bn, Hangry, hungry, Whatever, Arby's, weed, stoned, lewd2016-05-05 11 
6115750% Human Quest 2We grow in power, to amounts we have difficultly managing.50%Human, blobs, Quest, Collective Game2016-05-09 1 
47183895Obtuse Currency/tg/ creates a currency system that is deliberately obtuse, confusing, circular, and illogical as possible. money, humor, setting, absurdity, worldbuilding2016-05-12 30 
47367627Maverick Hunter Quest 68In which our hero comes to a landing.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-05-21 27 
June 2016
47549299Spook Quest 16Returning to Arling, strange sights on cold nightsSpook Quest, Collective Game, Chuckles2016-06-01 5 
47749109Tank Hunters Quest 10We're back after a year's hiatus! Skirting Leipzig, and an unexpected attack!Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2016-06-13 5 
249192Hill Giant Civ Quest Part IIThe Cewri Tribe pisses off the humans, gets raided a bunch, kicks the shit out of the raiders. Praise be to Lava Mama and Stronk Dad!hill, giant, civ, quest, II, 2, hill giant civ quest, collective game, civilization, lava mama, stronk dad, swatrock, dead humans2016-06-15 4 
47845689Tank Hunters Quest 11Defensive engagement north of Salle! We pin the bandits down, but they pull a secret card.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2016-06-19 5 
47856948Origin stories for humanity and general mythology worldbuilding/tg/ invents new fantasy mythologies and discusses hybrids.humans, origin, pantheon, mythology, worldbuilding, deities, elf/dwarf hybrid,2016-06-20 4 
47954347Maverick Hunter Quest 69In which our hero sees off a friend.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-06-25 31 
47925720LighthousesIn this thread, /tg/ brainstorms various mysterious and horrific happenings that can take place at a lonely, isolated lighthouse.lighthouse, mystery, horror, sci fi, cthulhu mythos2016-06-26 28 
290173Star Wars Scoundrel Quest3950 BBY, shortly after the defeat of the Triumvirate...Collective Game, Star Wars, Old Republic, Devaronian, Bounty Hunter2016-06-29 5 
313265Star Wars Scoundrel Quest, Part IIOur pal Dalt comes to our pad, we perform proper horn hygiene, and we find a bug (tool) on a bug (insect) that called a bug (alien).Collective Game, Star Wars, Old Republic, Devaronian, Bounty Hunter2016-06-29 3 
308899Hill Giant Civ Quest Part VIThe second half of the post-ceasefire battle, plus Wolfsmeade gets suicide bombed by a boatHill Giant Civ Quest, civilization, allahu akbar2016-06-30 1 
July 2016
323309Zombie Hunter QuestTwo soldiers and seven recruits enter a zombie infested building where the shit hits the fan. Zombie Hunter Quest, zombie, zombies, quest2016-07-03 1 
301942Ultimate Human Civ quest! Part 1The birth of the Callassian Empirecollective game, Ultimate Human Civ, shmeh, Civ,2016-07-08 1 
338297Ultimate Human Civ quest! Part 2We win a war and tech upcollective game, Ultimate Human Civ, shmeh, Civ, Callassia2016-07-15 1 
48306769Tank Hunters Quest 12Sentinel starts really early and ends rather early. Got some fights in anyway.Tank Hunters Quest, Collective Game, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Sentinel2016-07-16 5 
378378Black Company Quest #12The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT puts duty before lewds, sneaks into town and is afraid of dogs.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cunning Plan, Grenn are NOT furries shut up2016-07-18 25 
371356Treasure Hunter Quest Part 1The mage Kane Gerrhu, along with the warrior Scarlett and cleric Claude, descend into Gallows Rock, their first dungeon as treasure hunters.Treasure Hunter Quest, Treasure, Combat-Heavy, Mages2016-07-18 2 
382282 Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 3, New everything We get our briefing, go into town with the girls, buy presents and buzz the tower. Cut slightly shorter due to tables.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-07-19 2 
393182Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 4, Flight OpsWe get into our first large-scale fight with the F-14D. The Air Force doesn't play nice but we kick their ass regardless.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-07-25 2 
48485603Altered Human QuestA washed up QM decides too run again, it starts with gang violence, murder, and humorous misunderstandings.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers, funny misunderstandings, attempted murder, PRANK GONE WRONG2016-07-27 4 
48444329The Huge Marines/The Arms of Atlas/tg/ creates and discuss the Huge Marines,a marine chapter made completely of enhanced ogryns and whose tactics are HUGE!fluff, marine chapter, Huge Marines, The Arms of Atlas, St Gav, ogryn2016-07-28 7 
413882Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 5, The one before the beach episodeWe watch CINPAC get angry, transfer to TOPGUN and break a few of our wingmates along the way. Huge delay caused by crap internet providers.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-07-29 3 
48517642Altered Human Quest 2Mike feels out his powers some more and finds that his mysterious assassin is something else.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers, MIND CRUSH2016-07-30 4 
August 2016
435763Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 6, The beach episode.In which, we deal with a stalker, talk about another one, play volleyball, and get mail from family and an ex.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-03 2 
48603061Altered Human Quest 3Mike gets a costume and an upgrade, then runs into trouble.Collective Game, Altered Human, superpowers,2016-08-04 3 
48696265Crusader Quest part 54Wilhelm and Hugo have a confrontationCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-09 12 
455542Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 7, Back to the FightersWe fly another training op, find out something interesting about CINPAC, tempt fate and go to Frank's.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-11 2 
48816723Crusader Quest part 55Hugo seeks advice about his situationCollective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Hugo, Mathilde, HistoricalFiction,2016-08-16 13 
484690Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 8In this thread, we fly a training op and open a box. That's about it.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-18 2 
453245Beacon Hunter Quest 1We find the second of three transmissions needed to locate a lost solar system, pick up a strangely powerful stowaway and narrowly escape.Beacon, Beacon Hunter, Beacon Hunter Quest, Quest, Lusnoc2016-08-20 5 
469289 DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN A tabletop quest with a group of small sized adventurers! The group is trying to relax after the last adventure, but danger is afoot!tabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor2016-08-23 3 
499203Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 9In which: Thunderhead miss-numbers the thread, Razor picks out a new jet and patches things up with an ex.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-25 2 
519130Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 10Razor performs a daring recon mission over soviet territory, tries to make a Soviet defect and learns something about his sister's new unitPilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-31 3 
500815DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN part 2Continuation of WoNN. The group fights its way through more undeads and face off against the cause of the invasiontabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor, succubus 2016-08-31 2 
September 2016
49147810Maverick Hunter Quest 70In which our hero digs it.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-09-03 30 
49172151Crusader Quest: The EndOur story draws to a close.Collective Game, Crusader Quest, Deus Vult, Wilhelm, Mathilde, Hugo, HistoricalFiction,2016-09-05 27 
532106Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 11Razor meets his sister and his unit, has a dogfight with them and gives them a few pointers.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-09-06 2 
549235Maverick Hunter Quest 71In which our hero re-enacts Caddyshack.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-09-10 24 
552815Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 12Razor attends a briefing, addresses some rumours and performs a recon flight over a Soviet fleet.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-09-12 2 
49313360Old Ones ThreadDiscussion of many different ideas of anons for Old Ones/Old Gods in their various settings/campaigns.Old Ones, Cosmic horror, Cthulhu, Lovecraft, Old Gods, Gods2016-09-14 6 
49255099Delta Green generalAnon asks for some inspiration and plot hooks for Delta Green /tg/ deliversdelta green, lovecraft, cthulhu, mythos, cthulhu mythos2016-09-15 6 
49365194Mythos Tome ideasAnon asks /tg/ for ideas for mythos tomes and /tg/ deliverhorror, lovecraft, cthulhu, mythos, cthulhu mythos2016-09-16 3 
593931Pilot quest 1989: Thread 13In which, Razor and the rest of VF-21 embark on a dangerous mission for the CIA.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-09-20 2 
620215Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 14In which, Razor chats with his wingmates hand has a nightmare about them dying... Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-09-25 3 
October 2016
648093Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 15World War 3 starts and Razor makes ace in a day.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-10-03 2 
49622318Exhibits from an abandoned interdimensional museumOP requests exhibits for an abandoned museum in his CoC game. /tg/ provides.writefaggotry, Call of Cthulhu, eldritch horror, Lovecraft, 2016-10-04 14 
49591185Nobledark 40k part deuxAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. First chapter was not archived.Eldar, human, nobledark, emperor, Isha2016-10-09 31 
704030Maverick Hunter Quest 72In which our hero adjusts to his new normal.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2016-10-15 25 
701286Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 16Razor helps thwart a Soviet airborne invasion.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-10-17 2 
678075Dorne Quest point five We meet a targ and get gearDorne Quest, collective game, Taman Shud2016-10-18 2 
49707496Nobledark 40k part tetheraAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. A sequal threadEldar, human, nobledark, emperor, Isha2016-10-21 28 
733363Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 17In this, extra-long run. Razor helps a sqaudmate with some troubling news. Intercepts another Soviets flight and forget to turn his swag offPilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-10-25 2 
49889220Nobledark 40k Part Quadra-something(?)Alternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Another sequel thread, gone too soon.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha2016-10-25 27 
November 2016
765746Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Thread 1In which Operation Silver Bullet is introduced and we meet the MC, Burkhard Eugen.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2016-11-01 5 
49948023Nobledark 40k The FifthAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Attempts to focus on War of the Beast, derails quickly.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-02 26 
50077670Nobledark 40k de la SixAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Died too soon, again.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-05 26 
788414Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 18Razor makes a few phone calls and bombs an airfield.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-11-07 2 
799887Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Thread 2Berkhard deals with a stubborn officer, then agrees to help traumatise a prisoner. The groundwork for the assault on Märchenland is laid.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2016-11-09 5 
50119235Nobledark 40k de la Six part IIAlternate 40k with Humans and Eldar going last Alliance of men and Elves. Krieg is chillingly fleshed out and Sangy's tale is finished.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-16 25 
798977Thug Quest Part 1In a city much like 1980s Miami, Johnny the thug takes a job. Things escalate quickly.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-18 21 
810055Thug Quest 2On the run from the cops and the mob, Johnny and Alex infiltrate a high-class nightclub, and make some new acquaintances.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-18 13 
824162Thug Quest 3Johnny steals a boat to steal a helicopter. He also rediscovers the joy of dakka.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-18 12 
824482Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Thread 3A short thread where our hero dodges a patrol and blows shit up.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2016-11-19 2 
836043Thug Quest 4Johnny starts to realize just how fucked he is. At least he manages to rescue a friend.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-21 12 
840492Black Company Quest #14The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The town is seized, doggos are dominated and we suffer casualties.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Grenn are NOT furries shut up, Casualties of War2016-11-21 28 
847585Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Thread 3The assault on Märchenland begins in earnest, Strasse has a panic attack and Berkhard makes a gamble... Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2016-11-22 2 
852622Thug Quest 5Johnny versus gimps.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-24 12 
862322Thug Quest 6Johnny the thug takes a day off in between from murderous crime sprees.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-27 10 
50263743Nobledark 40k 8.040k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Cleaned up fluff, did Eldrad & Corax, beginning to overhaul 1d4chan page.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-11-27 23 
December 2016
856469Human Civ Quest #1Human Civ when you can make heros, We started as humans and cum in the river of the Murlocks, and there is a Horse fuckers, and dwarf brosHuman, Civ, Collective Game, Human Civ, Heros,2016-12-01 1 
883029Metahuman Quest #1Our hero gets kidnapped, learns he has super powers, nearly gets brainwashed, saves another from said brainwashing, and has a bar fight.Metahuman Quest, MetHu, Superhero, Collective Game2016-12-02 13 
867329Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Thread 4Eugen and the squad ventures into the Occult studies section and spooky thins happen. Who'd have guessed?Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2016-12-03 2 
876375Thug Quest 7Catherine reveals the job to the heist crew. Zero confronts a rival.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-04 10 
887763Thug Quest 8Johnny gets high, eats pizza, and watches television. He also steals a black-market EMP from Black Spear.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-04 10 
900425Thug Quest 9Johnny buys a strange weapon and meets a strange person.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-08 10 
902973 Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 19Razor wakes up with another woman, and finds out that another one is doing something stupid.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-12-12 2 
913264Thug Quest 10Johnny and friends begin the heist on the Triads' skyscraper fortress, Dragon's Nest.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-12 10 
50425952Nobledark 40k 8.140k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Russ firmed up, planning for Lion and Horus being started.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-12-13 21 
50661608How would you set a high fantasy setting in the ruins of our world?Discussion and worldbuilding of a a post apocalyptic fantasy setting.Post Apocalyptic, setting, worldbuilding, mythology, Thundarr the Barbarian2016-12-15 3 
50684106Nobledark 40k Niner40k AU with Humans and Eldar going Last Alliance of men and Elves. Died too soon, again.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2016-12-16 21 
933850Thug Quest 11Johnny and friends continue their assault on Dragon's Nest. Soon that vault will be theirs for the taking.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-18 10 
920523Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Thread 5The investigation into the cell block reveals a new ally, and more combat is joined with the SS.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2016-12-18 2 
945255Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Thread 7In which, Eugen deals with a pair of heavily armed Nazis, regular Nazis, and... oh fuck...Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2016-12-24 2 
956993Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Thread 7Eugen chooses life for himself, death for his fores, and escapes from the Märchenland facility. Thus ends the first Arc.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2016-12-24 2 
952745Thug Quest 12Johnny faces one of the Five Elements alone, and encounters a twist of fate.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-26 10 
50801892SWG Vaders SceneGoes with fucking ANYTHINGSWG, Vader, Mashup2016-12-26 2 
January 2017
997660Maverick Hunter Quest 73In which our hero makes a plan.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-01-01 28 
50874097Nobledark 40k X(mas)Some seriously good writefaggatory including but not limited to WotB, slice of life and the origin of the Greater GoodEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-01 20 
974148Thug Quest 13Could Johnny really be dead? The QM wouldn't kill the main character, right? Zero and Alex try to find out.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-01-05 10 
1016204Black Company Quest #18The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Erhus are acquired as we tune up our bro-skill for a troubled Mask.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Always Bet on Red, Erhu, Band, Wuxia2017-01-07 23 
50992723Nobledark 40k XIA.I. overlords, military structure, Jubblowski, Q'orl and attempts to unfuck up the technocracy.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-07 20 
1031204Thug Quest 14Johnny wakes up in a Triad drug-testing dungeon. Despite his injuries, he tries to escape, with some help from a new friend.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-01-13 10 
1015393Pilot Quest: Thread 20Starting off with a bang! Razor blows off some steam, makes a decision and investigates a ship.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-01-14 2 
51105718Nobledark 40k X + IIDetail of military organization and equipment, notes on the Chaos Eldar and their relationship with Dark Eldar and Orks, slice of life etcEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-14 18 
51248833Kulmorost Dividedfa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting.Kulmorost Divided, Kulmorost, worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, trolls2017-01-18 24 
1057812Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 4We spend most of the time playing as Valentina and Hunter Squad, but the ritual is moving forward.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-19 2 
51257007Nobledark 40k XIII: Based Horus editionSome drawfagging, some ushankas, some speculation on the pantheons and the great game. Other stuff.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-20 18 
1040688Pilot Quest: Thread 21We fly, we land, we fly again!Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-01-21 2 
51288620Kulmorost Divided 2fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 2Kulmorost Divided, Kulmorost, worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, trolls, grimbright2017-01-21 12 
1067416Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 5I didn't fall asleep shut up. Oni gets him some whilst the bugs hunt people.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-24 3 
51380847Kulmorost Divided 3fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 3Kulmorost Divided, Kulmorost, worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, trolls, grimbright2017-01-24 10 
1085557Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 6The longest ritual ever continues, James begins to feel a little isolation while OP gets sick.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-26 2 
51441824Nobledark 40k XIV: Remember, No Gothic editionAdBio, writefagging, list of godly things, Calgar and the Swarmlord and the 1st Bug WarEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-01-30 18 
1068538Pilot Quest: Thread 22We begin to engage the soviet bomber formation, but then Thunderhead disappears on medical.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-01-30 2 
51485832Kulmorost Divided 4fa/tg/uys create a fantasy setting part 4Kulmorost Divided, Kulmorost, worldbuilding, setting, fantasy, humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, trolls, grimbright2017-01-31 6 
February 2017
1111121Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 7The Part where Star comes back only for life to take him away again.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-02-02 2 
1103078Thug Quest 16Out of action for a few weeks, Johnny gets his friends to work on the investigation. Two new helpers are big trouble in small packages.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-02-04 10 
51524369Nobledark 40k XV: Bug-hunt, crazy Necrons Sororitas discussion, Kryptman, Nemesor Zahndrekh, Vampires, Big Ships and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-05 16 
1127019One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 3.5After some difficulty, we make our way into the Grand Line. We meet Crorcus, get a Jolly Roger, and end up captured by bounty hunters.One Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, pirates, bounty hunters, YOB OP2017-02-06 1 
51665650Chinese fantasy/mythologyChinese fa/tg/uy provides a detailed overview of chinese fantasy/mythology: wuxia, xianxia, chinese "face" and much more.chinese mythology, cultivator, xianxia, wuxia, jianghu, wulin2017-02-11 24 
51646615Nobledark 40k XVI: War of the Wiki Edition Chaos Eldar warrior fluff, religions of the Imperium, stuff about Erebus, a mad bastard elder called Rommel and more oh my!Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-12 16 
1151990One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 4 The endOne Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, pirates, bounty hunters, YOB OP2017-02-15 1 
1147915Thug Quest 17Johnny receives some visitors in his new home, and continues to investigate the conspiracy.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-02-15 10 
1171279Maverick Hunter Quest 74In which our hero digs up some history.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-02-18 29 
51730871Nobledark 40k XVII: What The Fuck Is Going On editionPrimarchfag writes some stuff about Fulgrim,more stuff on vampires, sororitas, religion and Imperial policy.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-19 16 
1149248Pilot Quest: Thread 23Thunderhead returns and we finish the dogfight, have a dream and rope in some help on a certain issue.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-02-20 2 
1181077Thug Quest 18Johnny accepts Catherine's request to act as her bodyguard for a social event at Enigma. What could go wrong?Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-02-23 9 
51833468Nobledark 40k XVIII: Perils of the Warp EditionThe Prince gets a rewrite, Chaos Eldar get some good shit, Dr Bile is getting shit done, Outsider be crazy, Phoenix Lords, Orks getting realEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-02-25 16 
1170888Pilot Quest: Thread 24Razor's trip into Tokyo begins, Durendal teases Svetlana and we meet the eternal enemy of the soldier... the press.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-02-26 2 
1200036Boruto Quest 68ChuggaChuggaChugga Choo Choo!Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, Train enthusiasts2017-02-27 11 
March 2017
1223871Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 8We complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513, 2017-03-05 2 
51972949Nobledark 40k XIX: Whose Grimdark Is It Anyway EditionArguments over Tau, Tau Doomguy, Ursh, Navigators, Armageddon and the lunatics who live on it, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-07 15 
1236904Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 EpilogueWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-03-09 2 
1226466Pilot Quest: Thread 25Shopping part 2, now with food!Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-03-11 2 
51980267Frontier Freaks Setting WorldbuildingA setting which can basically be described as "biopunk wild west" is invented.worldbuilding, western, wild west, bioengineering, biotech, biopunk, bioshock, transhumanism, Pasteur, 1800s pseudoscientific beliefs,2017-03-12 5 
1263983Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Epilogue FINWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C455132017-03-14 2 
1234271Thug Quest 19: Retired Yakuza QuestKen stakes his life on a daring rescue mission.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-03-14 10 
52094866Nobledark 40k Part 20: Fuck Roman Numerals editionOld Eldar Empire was fucked up, attempts to make some new eldar characters, Chaos Soldiery fleshed out, a bit more writefagging Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-15 15 
1277178Vault Hunter Quest 1Welcome to Pandora! You are former middle manager, Baal, and you do awesome things with your new friends! Also loot!Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-03-20 4 
1251932Pilot Quest: Thread 26We fly a strike mission with the chair force, escort a broken bird back home and nearly break our own bird while trying to kill some reds.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-03-22 2 
52262671Nobledark 40k Part XXI: Return of the Roman NumeralsAngry renegade Dark Eldar, bit moar on Fulgrim, bit on Dr. Bile, the shadier things of the Alpha Legion, Monty Python.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-03-27 15 
1281089Thug Quest 20Johnny begins his recovery from another brutal battle. He receives visitors both welcome and otherwise.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-03-27 9 
April 2017
1314992Vault Hunter Quest 2Baal and crew enter town, things get dark, then QM has to leaveCollective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-04-01 3 
1324329Maverick Hunter Quest 75In which our hero faces the ivory tower.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-04-01 23 
1306379Thug Quest 21Johnny has the law show up on his doorstep while he's got a young woman tied up in the spare room. Awkward.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-04-03 9 
52451994Nobledark Imperium: The Shining Bunkers of Civilization EditionTimeline hammerin out, Necron Titans, Gutsmek Wazdakka, Macharius, A &#937; Hydra, Kinebrach blades and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-07 14 
1358929Maverick Hunter Quest 76In which our hero meets a hurdle.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-04-12 22 
1359464UED Supremacy QuestA New Commander in the UED Navy takes his place on the AleksanderUED Supremacy Quest, starcraft, humanity fuck-yeah2017-04-13 1 
52634996Nobledark 40k Part 23: Return of the Thread Numbering editionTankred Enduring, character of Isha All-Mother discussed, more of Fulgrim's story, on Kinebrach blades, Khine awaits his Chariot and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-16 14 
1387570Maverick Hunter Quest 77In which our hero lights the bug zapper.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-04-22 22 
52769445Nobledark 40k Part 24: Fyodor Flips His Shit editionInquisition Schism, Angron writefaggatory, 5 Big Bastards written about, Chaos Eldar are dicks, Dark Mechanicus origins, Fenris Ultramar etcEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-04-25 12 
1375219UED Supremacy Quest #2The Aleksander arrives in the Korprulu sector and all is not as it seems with a strange machine failure.UED Supremacy Quest, starcraft, humanity fuck-yeah2017-04-25 1 
May 2017
52931666Nobledark 40k Part 25: ROADTRIP YEAAAAAAAAAH editionHell that is Cadia, Caerys, Kayleth, Relationships of the gods, moar on Arrotyr, moar Chaos Eldar troops/atrocitiesEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-05 11 
1400761Primarch Thread/qst/ attempts to fix the emperors mistakes with new primarchscollective game, 40k, primarch, Taman Shud, 2017-05-10 1 
1422875Amateur Goblin Hunter QuestA child is the only person awake in a house full of goblins. OP disappears and someone else steps in.amateur goblin hunter, londry2017-05-14 2 
53143370Nobledark 40k Part XXVI: Roman Numerals ReloadedNature of Preatoria and Mordia, Dark City social changes, Crone Eldar, Malal deamon-prince, Hrud, Qah, Unnaground, Hubworlders, Legienstrass Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-16 11 
1478563Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 4 PrologueA changed man; James Fucking Henderson wakes up ready to do what he does best. Kill teens and save the world. Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson, Jerry, C45513,2017-05-23 3 
53338185Nobledark 40k Part 27: Roman Numerals are Shit EditionSomeone steps up to the plate for Dorn, Crone Eldar WMDs, Badab War, Feast of Blades, Interex and their warriors, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-05-26 11 
1502990Maverick Hunter Quest 78In which our hero gets his bearings.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-05-27 22 
53443820Hollow DeedsAn Anon starts a world building thread on vampires, which evolves into an expansive gothic horror setting.Gothic Horror, Vampires, Hunters, Guilds, Therians, The Church2017-05-29 8 
1483167Thug Quest 22Taking a break from crime, violence, mayhem, and girls, Johnny invites the guys over for beers and barbecue.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-05-29 9 
June 2017
53587392Will Artificial Intelligence be capable of humanity?Anons discuss if AIs capable of self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and emotion are considered human, and more related discussion follows.science, Artificial Intelligence, robots, machine, soul, emotion, human, sapience, self-awareness, semantics, intelligence, consciousness2017-06-03 5 
1536253Metahuman Quest: Issue #1Morgan Barrett moves into Gotham with his mother and makes some interesting new acquaintances.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, density, Batman, cape, capeshit, SleepyQM, Sleepy2017-06-07 21 
53557919Nobledark 40k 28: Imperial Grand Tour editionSavlar, felinids, Damocles Gulf, more Old Earth, Silent King, what are Zoats and should (the tyranids) be eating them, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-06-09 11 
1548733Metahuman Quest: Issue #2Morgan helps to foil a supervillain plot, makes a friend, suits up for the first time and sneaks under the nose of Poison IvyQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM2017-06-15 12 
1586663Maverick Hunter Quest 79In which our hero makes a resolution.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-06-18 23 
53827480The 108 Pearlworlds of the Nerakan ReclusiamAnon starts up a non-Imperium human realm, becomes zen Buddhist Chaos monks in space.40k, warhammer, human, get, shit, done, tg2017-06-19 13 
1575402Metahuman Quest: Issue #3Morgan helps take out Black Mask, hangs out with a friend and goes to learn how to fight.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM2017-06-22 11 
53787726Nobledark 40k 29: Multi-Drug withdrawal edditionUrkrathos the Chaos Fleet Master, more on Savlar, Saharduin, Indigo Crow and the Raid, Tyrant Star and Harrowing, nature of AssassinsEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-06-23 11 
1568628Thug Quest 23A few weeks after Burger Night with the bros, Johnny is back in action as he and the girls take on a gang of street racers.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-06-23 8 
July 2017
54080432lovecraftian stargate setting/tg/ worldbuilds a setting based off Stargate and Charles Stross's A Colder War.exploration, stargate, a colder war, lovecraft, call of cthulhu, worldbuilding, setting,2017-07-02 8 
53972235Nobledark 40k 30:Lost and Damned guide to Shaa-Dome real estate EditionGods, Tau, Changeling, Ceggers, Daemonculaba, Adoption, Hector Rex, Dark Mechanicus, Eisenhorn, 1st Dorn draft, Malal, Dark Sun, WarpstoneEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-07-05 11 
1641228Vault Hunter Quest 3QM returns and Baal and the gang assault the Triumvirate. QM also tries to explain his level system.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars2017-07-08 3 
1637468Thug Quest 24It might actually be possible for Johnny to spend an entire day without getting caught up in brutal violence.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-07-10 8 
1650644Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 4 Part 2The escalation of The Shadow Organisation Shadow War against the Saboteurs continues. It's not looking good for the world.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson, Jerry, C455132017-07-11 1 
54215770Nobledark 40k: Bureaucrat's Wetdreams (or nightmare) editionCurrency, Draco is a freak, Angron and slavery, Minotaurs,Doomtau Kais, Preatorians and sexy nuns, floaty skulls, Titus is building a LegionEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-07-21 11 
1681447Slayer Kaiju Attack [Testfire]Bootleg monster hunter in a skirmish format. Get your carves now!!!!fenster, collective game, skirmish, monster hunter, kaiju, slayer, attack, bootleg2017-07-27 1 
1719366 Metahuman Quest: Issue #4So an archer, a cheetah, and a magician walk into a bar...Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Artemis, Wildcat, Cheetah, Constantine2017-07-31 10 
August 2017
54503379Nobledark 40k 32: Survivor Civilization editioTaldeer has Slutty Ears, Ultramar Draft 1, Iybraesil, Damocles Crusade, Tigurius, Demiurg, Titus and Mira, Savlar wear vault suits.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-08-03 11 
1743573Metahuman Quest: Issue #5Time flies as Morgan readies himself to be a full fledged hero. Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Social Links, Teen Titans2017-08-07 8 
1766710Metahuman Quest: Issue #6Gray Ghost successfully completes his first mission with the Teen Titans, and meets a new friend? Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Miss Martian, Ravager, Fearsome Five, High Roller2017-08-13 6 
54715863 Nobledark 40k 33: Orkz is da greenist and bestest edition Featuring the Saruthi, Lady Celestine, Cyrene Valantion, actual agreement on Eversors, Ulthran Cartel politics, and (attempts at) OrksEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 402017-08-16 11 
1775701Vault Hunter Quest 4Baal begins his less subtle mission with Henrietta. QM falls asleep for far too long and has to resume in a new thread.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars, Robots, Hyperion, Dahl2017-08-19 3 
1787985Vault Hunter Quest 4.5The dramatic conclusion to the thread. Baal does some badassery. QM gets sleepy again.Collective Game, Vault Hunter Quest, Borderlands, Pandora, Sci-fi Western, Explosions, Guns, Cars, Robots, Hyperion, Dahl2017-08-20 2 
55001131Nobledark 40k 34: Orkz IIDied far too young, but contains discussion and Bjorn writefaggotry worthy of archiving.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 402017-08-24 11 
1788948Metahuman Quest: Issue #7The final thread. Metahuman Quest has been discontinued. There is also an epilogue.Metahuman Quest, SleepyQM, The End, New Quest2017-08-24 3 
1790279A Hunters QuestOur young hunter takes on his first mark and readoes himself for initiation into the hunters guildHunter, Guildmaster, Monster Hunter, quest 2017-08-28 2 
1804243Hunter x Hunter questThis is a quest set in the hunter x hunter universe with my original story and characters. hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2017-08-29 14 
1804856Where Wolves Feat To Tread: Arc 2, Thread 1The beginning of the second arc! Eugen talks shop with his comrades and chooses a mission. Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2017-08-29 2 
1809362 Abhuman Quest: Issue #1In our first thread we meet our protag, and escape the facility that held him.Abhuman Quest, SleepyQM, Abhuman, Child Soldier, Bio-Powers, Mega Corps, Mercenaries2017-08-30 10 
1820315Hunter x Hunter quest02This is a quest set in the hunter x hunter universe with my original story and characters. hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2017-08-31 11 
September 2017
55066206Nobledark 40k part 35: the Old (and new) Gods editionMostly Necrons, C'tan, and Blood Angels, along with associated things.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-09-04 11 
1830833Where Wolves Feat To Tread: Arc 2, Thread 2The mission "technically" begins as Eugen and the team make landfall.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2017-09-06 2 
1829871Hunter x Hunter quest: episode 3Derrick shows Rea his "special" equipment,Gets his ass beat by an Emo and reaches Barry's street but comes to an abrupt Endhunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death2017-09-08 7 
1814888Thug Quest 25The crew attempts a daring assault on the Heat City FBI office, the only place they can find intel on the elite fighters they face.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-09-09 8 
1836577 Abhuman Quest: Issue #2Our MC considers his options as a Super Villainess offers him help to get on his feet in the real world.Abhuman Quest, SleepyQM, Abhuman, Child Soldier, Bio-Powers, Lilith, Perfect Roll, Singing2017-09-12 7 
55313386Nobledark 40k part 36: Citizen Khaine editionSquats, shrikes, Slaugh and the Rangdan Xenocides, adorable proto-orks, more Ultramar, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-09-19 11 
1850191Where Wolves Feat To Tread: Arc 2, Thread 3Eugen gathers information.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2017-09-21 1 
55378048Baba Yaga in Delta Green CampaignThe story of a Delta Green campaign with Baba Yaga in the starring role as the monster.storytime, campaign, delta green, call of cthulhu, hellboy, witch, baba yaga,2017-09-21 5 
1870770Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 4: Back in BlackThe fight with Blackwood comes to a close but with it, a new mystery about a close friend opens.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death2017-09-22 7 
1889613Maverick Hunter Quest 80In which our hero has a meeting.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-09-22 22 
1858627Thug Quest 26Johnny punches some Russians, then gets together with the crew and sets a game plan: punch more Russians.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-09-23 7 
October 2017
1895572Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Arc 2, Thread 4Eugen and his team stop for a rest, and stumble on something unexpected...Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2017-10-04 2 
1914713Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 5: Forest X of X MoonlightDerrick Enters the moonlight forest. hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2017-10-06 5 
55583946Nobledark 40k part 37: Hive Architecture 101 and Remedial Political History EditionWe finally talk about the Tau. General Eldar stuff, Black Legion, the Imperial Aquila.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-10-07 10 
1943647Digimon Hunter Quest 0An entirely unplanned prologue to a tale of Olympia Server, the humans that live upon it, and the digimon that serve as weapons or friends.Digimon, Digimon Hunter Quest, Nam Etag2017-10-15 1 
1942011Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Arc 2, Thread 5Eugen askes a prisoner some questions, and learns of a brutal plot...Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2017-10-16 2 
55824461Nobledark 40k part 38: Master of Meatkind EditionMore of Lion's story, Tarellian colonies and culture, Xun'bakyr and the Maynarch Dynasty, and the crazy stuff on GanymedeEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-10-19 10 
2001800Magical Invasion #2You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce, Magical Invasion, Magical Girls, Mahou Shoujo, Humor, Comedy, Collective Game 2017-10-26 2 
55920632The future of human evolution/tg/ theorizes about what evolution may hold next for humanity. speculative biology, evolution, human, posthuman, worldbuilding,2017-10-26 4 
1989730 Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Arc 2, Thread 6Eugen and the team make for one of the rebel cells, but come across something unexpected... Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2017-10-27 2 
2009342Digimon Hunter Quest 1In which you receive your partner, partly by triggering your fellow cadet's mental breakdown.Digimon, Digimon Hunter Quest, Nam Etag, DHQ2017-10-28 1 
2017910German Vampire Quest 1Your name is Oz Van Werinsten. The second oldest vampire to ever exist, hemomancer, father and lord of the night. You've had guests.Star, Castle, Wagon, Germany, Vampire, Nosferatu, Oz, Ozymandis, Von Werinsten, Mia, Jack, Monsters, Homunculi, Eva, Dwarf, Hunter, Elf2017-10-30 4 
November 2017
56149459Cthulhu Mythos Sans FrontièresAnons from around the globe post the most Lovecraftian locations from their countries.cthulhu mythos, lovecraft, call of cthulhu, countries, locations2017-11-01 10 
56200296Demon Hunter Halloween 2017 Aftermath/tg/ counts casualties and takes inventory of survivors. It does not look good.halloween, 2017, aftermath, demons, skellingtons, spooky, scary, skeletons, survivors, demon hunters, hunters2017-11-03 3 
56059361Nobledark 40k part 39: Spooky Scary Necrons EditionMore on the Silent King and Maynarkh Dynasty, more High Lords, spess combat, and Bile's projects and relationship with Commorragh.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-04 11 
2027196Thug Quest 27We finish our battle at the slaughterhouse, and agree to do a job to help Roxie with her money troubles.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-11-07 7 
2016812Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Arc 2, Thread 7The pan-Halloween thread. Eugen goes to sleep, and dreams of things trying to kill him.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2017-11-07 2 
2032495Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 6: All X AboardDerrick heads north to catch a train but gets ambushed by the beast of trust along with the beasts of the wild too.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death 2017-11-09 6 
2044263Thug Quest 28Johnny and friends hit a riverboat casino to make some cash. Afterwards, the crew answers reader mail for Thug Quest's 1-Year Anniversary.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-11-12 6 
56286128Nobledark 40k part 40: Skiing in Space Austria editionAsdrubael Vect and the Dark Eldar, Reri Hesperax, Ratlings, Eldar Empire logistics, Asurmen and Phoenix Lords, Legienstrasse & Draco storiesEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-16 11 
2059226Where Wolves Fear To Tread: Arc 2, Thread 8Eugen and his squad arrive at the rebel cell. End of the 2nd arc.Where Wolves Fear To Tread, War, Thunderhead, Wolfenstien, WW2,2017-11-17 2 
2077564Pilot Quest: Thread 27Razor and co attend a party, and things go surprisingly well...Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-11-24 2 
56468501Nobledark 40k part 41: Fear and Loathing in Savlar editionMore on the Phoenix Lords, Tau, Inquisitor Valeria, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-11-27 10 
2080522Hunter X Hunter Quest Episode 7:Will X To X Fight Derrick fights the Apex predatorhunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2017-11-27 5 
2095960Pilot Quest: Thread 28VF-21 helps to intercept a bomber formation.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-11-30 2 
December 2017
56684946Nobledark 40k part 42: Unpronounceable Tau name editionDied way too soon, but a little done including a complete writeup for Kryptman.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-01 10 
2109048German Vampire Quest 2Everyone gears up for a roadtrip. We jump into the eyes of our maid Eva for a while!Star, Castle, Wagon, Germany, Vampire, Nosferatu, Oz, Ozymandis, Von Werinsten, Mia, Jack, Monsters, Homunculi, Eva, Dwarf, Hunter, Elf2017-12-02 1 
2107565arSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #3A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers.pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, psyduck, magnezone, donut, lilypaddle, shuckle2017-12-03 1 
2120134Thug Quest OriginsIn the year 1969, a young army recruit from Heat City lands in Vietnam to fight America's war against Communism.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s, Vietnam, 1960s2017-12-05 10 
56570631Imprisoned Ancient Evils/tg/ discusses the concept of hibernating cosmic horrors and worldbuilds their own examples. lovecraft, call of cthulhu, CoC, eldritch abomination, worldbuilding,2017-12-07 6 
56706040Nobledark 40k part 42a: Unpronounceable Tau name edition part IIFulgrim returns, Catachan, Slaugth get a writeup, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-08 10 
2114136Pilot Quest: Thread 29In which a we return from our first fight, a squadmate goes missing and Razor has to do without in the next fight.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-12-09 2 
2116451Hunter x Hunter Quest: Episode 8 - First X Train X HomeDerrick Meets and greets a variety of people, most of which he hates hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2017-12-11 6 
2131604Pilot Quest: Thread 30We find out what happened to Svetlana, and help out if finding those responsible. Oh, and we go on patrol.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-12-14 2 
2146516Maverick Hunter Quest 81In which our hero meets complications.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2017-12-15 30 
56930616Nobledark 40k part 43: WAAAGH! editionThread died too quickly again, but some discussion of Vandire and the Imperial Civil WarEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-15 10 
56947494Nobledark 40k part 44: Coming around for another go editionFenris versus the Olamic Quietude, more squats, Cain's assistant, more Vulkan, are Orks edible, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-21 10 
2134143Eldritch Horror HunterSamuel Carter arrives in the country town of Oakley, makes friends, kills a Bacon monster, and begins his hunt.Eldritch Horror Hunter, Eldritch, Action, Adventure2017-12-22 1 
2148023Metahuman Quest: Issue #8Morgan deals with a deluge of villains in Gotham's chilly night air.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Batgirl, Robin, Firefly, Mister Freeze, Man-Bat, High Roller, 2017-12-23 6 
2147446Pilot Quest: Thread 31In which we tangle with Soviet BARCAP and take some prisoners. Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-12-24 2 
2165878 Pilot Quest: Christmas BluesIn this festive edition of Pilot Quest, Razor meets his old RIO.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-12-26 2 
57055511Nobledark 40k part 45: SCREEE! editionFinally get the fluff of the Astronomican fixed, Elysian Drop Troopers, Octarius, Tarellian religion, Cthonia, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2017-12-28 10 
January 2018
2167963Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 9 – Stealing X The X ShowDerrick bonds with people, gets an upgrade and realizes there's something strange with the Exam...hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2018-01-01 5 
2184271Pilot Quest: Thread 32The patrol continues, and we get into another fight before returning to base.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2018-01-04 3 
57242663Nobledark 40k part 46: One Crusade Man editionIsha worship, tyranids, and some other discussion. Died way too early, archived for completeness sake.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-05 10 
2184021Metahuman Quest: Issue #9Morgan gets let in on the secret and spends a normal day doing normal things.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Batgirl, Robin, Wildcat, Slice of Life2018-01-10 6 
2199904 Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 10 – The Greatest X Show on X The Planet The show begins.hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2018-01-12 6 
57265950Nobledark 40k part 47: The End Times editionHopefully not the End Times. Craftworld Kaelor, Khaine, Taldeer, Wyverns, Obliterators, Kroot, Genehounds, Moons of Shaa-Dome, and more. Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-12 12 
2218443Metahuman Quest: Issue #10Morgan begins his dive into Metabrawl.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Roulette, Short Thread2018-01-17 5 
57452096Nobledark 40k part 48: Not The End Times editionQah died for your sins subedition. Hrud, Tau-Imperium cultural friction, pre-Raid Macha, wraithguard, Crone Eldar abominations, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-01-21 12 
2230883Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 11- What X Makes X A WarriorWe look at what happened to Noell after the Show begins.hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2018-01-22 6 
2245440Metahuman Quest: Issue #11Morgan finishes the fight in Vegas.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Roulette, Royal Flush Gang 2018-01-24 5 
2249917Thug Quest 29Johnny and friends begin their assault on the Triads' holdings, hoping to draw out their elite fighters.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-01-26 4 
2248688 Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 12- Grand X Finale X New BeginningThe Show comes to an end and the exam lays on the Horizon.hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2018-01-27 5 
February 2018
2265175 Hunter x Hunter Quest- Episode 13- The X Hunter X ExamThe Hunter Exam Beginshunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2018-02-04 5 
57661171Nobledark 40k part 49: Big Slapfight in Heaven editionBloodtide, Marines Malevolent, Sisters fluff starts to get fixed, Celestine, Imperial Civil War, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-05 10 
2246094Pilot Quest: Thread 33With another attack incoming, Razor has to decide between dogfights and fuel consumption.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2018-02-08 2 
2274803Hunter Quest 1The young, unblooded hunter Ebon-Fang completes his trial.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Collective Game, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Yautja, FishQM2018-02-12 13 
57828105Nobledark 40k part 50: Big 5-0 editionLion finally gets finished, Khorne's Avatar, more debate over non-militant Sisters, Stern, Titus, Morty was right: vermin get the last word Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-12 10 
2262486Metahuman Quest: Issue #12Morgan spends a day with his friends, almost gets shot with an arrow, and spots a cyclops.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Batgirl, Robin, Slice of Life, Deathstroke2018-02-12 5 
2278838Anon Hivemind Quest #1Anon wakes up, gets a job on Mercury and meets some important people.Collective Game, Sci Fi, strategy, Hivemind-Chan, Transhumanism, Hivemind2018-02-12 1 
2275247Pilot Quest: Thread 33.5The second part of Thread 33, Razor helps a wingmate home, finds out that a friend is in trouble and attends a briefing. Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2018-02-14 2 
2301604Metahuman Quest: Issue #13Morgan spends some quality time with Megan, spars with Dinah, and prepares for the next battle.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Megan, Dinah, Wildcat, Teen Titans, Slice of Life2018-02-20 7 
57999291Nobledark 40k part 51: Galactic. Eldar. Conspiracy. EditionOlamic Quietude, [Redacted] about the Cabal and Gahet, A.I. related stuff, Viskeon, Luther's world in the Eye, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-02-23 10 
2304688Civilization Thread Sharz Avanzer #1Civilization Thread Humans in a Desert, built a city called Sharz Avanzer Civilization Thread, Sharz Avanzer, Humans2018-02-24 1 
2339050Maverick Hunter Quest 82In which our hero comes to terms.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2018-02-25 23 
2322907Hunter Quest 2The newly blooded Ebon-Fang goes through his ascension ceremony, gets in a barfight, almost kills his dad, and receives his first mission.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Yautja, Aliens, Alien, FishQM2018-02-25 11 
March 2018
2298775Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 1Another Post Apocalyptic Game begins, run by Strelok with the system developed by GenieStrelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-03-03 2 
2315944Pilot Quest: Thread 34Razor visits Svetlana, and blows up a UN base.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2018-03-04 2 
2337839Civilization Thread Sharz Avanzer 2The end of the tale of Sharz AvanzerCivilization Thread, Humans, Sharz Avanzer2018-03-04 1 
2355707Hunter Quest 3The young-blood Ebon-Fang searches an abandoned human laboratory to find out what happened to a missing Yautja tracker.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, Yautja, Predator, Predators, Xeno, Xenos, Alien, Aliens, Collective Game, FishQM2018-03-07 8 
2353309 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 14- Bright Futures x And X Dark PastsThe Night battle ends and we gain a new friend.hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2018-03-09 8 
2364361Metahuman Quest: Issue #14Morgan wins a boxing match with a gorilla, and is struck by lightning.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Kid Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Speed Force2018-03-11 5 
2337270Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 2Nat 1 makes us black out for 5 turns and our giant serpent brain to leave, control all the zombies, and fight monsters from the deep caves.Strelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-03-12 1 
58264906Nobledark 40k part 52: Prospero University EditionTaskmaster of Shaa-Dome, Pastoral Worlds, Anval Thawn, an alternate future, Siege of Terra, AdMech and the Fab-General, DOOMRIDER, and more.Eldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-03-12 10 
2353601Anon Hivemind Quest #2Anon arrives to Mercury and things start to quickly go south.Collective Game, Sci Fi, strategy, Hivemind-Chan, Transhumanism, Hivemind2018-03-15 1 
2375096Hunter Quest 4The young-blood Ebon-Fang returns to Yautja Secunda and receives his next mission.Hunter Quest, Predator Quest, FishQM, Alien, Aliens, Predator, Predators, Yautja, Collective Game, Rules of Nature2018-03-17 6 
2355353Age of Strife #2We take odd jobs and battle mini-boss Beelzebub. Our apartment gets trashed and we sit down to read a magic book.Orpheus, Demon Hunter, Magic, Future, Semi-Dystopia,2018-03-19 1 
2387120 Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 14.5- Parting X Reunion The End of the Prologue hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2018-03-22 11 
2370435Pilot Quest: Thread 35Razor returns home, comforts a wingmate, then goes right back out againPilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead2018-03-22 3 
2395716Metahuman Quest: Issue #15Morgan needs to get back.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Batman Beyond, Future2018-03-25 5 
58563280Nobledark 40k part 52: Szarekh Does Not Serve EditionOrk diplomats (now making more sense than the ones in canon), the cost of eternal war, blanks and Sisters of Silence, dreadnaughts, and moreEldar, Human, Nobledark, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-03-26 10 
2390194Age of Strife #3We finish buying a styling coat before we look for our friend in a stripper bar, before burning it down.Orpheus, Demon Hunter, Magic, Future, Semi-Dystopia,2018-03-29 1 
2431270Maverick Hunter Quest 83In which our hero makes record time.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2018-03-30 22 
April 2018
2423173Metahuman Quest: Issue #16Morgan's makes it back to the past and the Titans earn their Tower.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Future, Batman Beyond, Gorilla Grodd, Slice of Life2018-04-01 5 
2441858Emerald on Edge! A Maverick Hunter Quest OmakeA Maverick Hunter Quest fanfiction where Emerald finally gets a chance to romance his swords.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2018-04-03 16 
2393470Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 3As the Grave Tribe is returning to normalcy, we sense a target of opportunity and send our hunters, but things are never simpleStrelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-04-04 1 
58818593Nobledark 40K Pt 54: Let's Number This Right EditionDiscussion of unsaved old ideas, coop Imperial Army units, the Laer, and wonder metal neutronium. Died early, archived for organization.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-05 10 
2442415Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread OneZander B. Krupp, loyal friend turned superpowered vigilante, fights crime in a dome city a hundred years into the future.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Parahuman, Superpower, Cape, Chitter2018-04-05 2 
2411939Pilot Quest: Thread 36Razor fights fighters, stops a convoy, and continues to fight fighters.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead2018-04-06 2 
2451895Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest GameWherein our thermite-breathing reploid fish heroine gets filleted and demoted, then resolves to work her way back up.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-04-08 22 
2448118Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 15- Canary X In a X Coal MineA warning is given and a threat to the Hunter Organization comes to view. hunter x hunter quest,Collective Game,Perma-death2018-04-10 6 
2450509Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread TwoZander sees his neighbor's newborn kittens, thoroughly interrogates a gangster, bargain hunts at a thrift store, and goes grocery shopping.Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Parahuman, Superpower, Cape, Chitter2018-04-11 0 
59048749Mankind Conquers HellA group of anons come together to ask the question 'What if mankind invaded and conquered hell', including world-building and a full comicHell, HFY, Humanity Fuck Yeah, Worldbuilding, Demons, Corruption, Sci-Fi, Lore2018-04-12 14 
2473390Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 2Wherein our heroine goes on safari.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-04-15 14 
2465234Thug Quest 30Hitmen break into Johnny's house. The poor fools. Later, we go on a swamp adventure, and bring the twins on their first job.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-04-16 4 
59020817Nobledark 40k part 55: Dorn's Last Stand editionElysium system, Blacklaw the Freeboota, discussion and planning of various aspects of the setting, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-16 10 
59147529Koloshi Staljers and Medvennian Hussars/tg/ making a Guard regiment based of tlingit indiantribe and einged hussars riding on flying bearskoloshi stalker, medvennian hussar2018-04-17 8 
2451132Pilot Quest: Thread 36.5The second part of the SAR mission. Razor removes sukhoi and pounds ground. Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead2018-04-22 3 
2483926Olbaria QuestA WW1 style army is destroyed in a foreign continent by a bunch of germanic style tribes. Surviving units gather to live another day.WW1 tech, WW1, Olbaria, Army, Collective Game, Civ, Civ-like, Typhus, Typhus QM 2018-04-25 1 
59183440Nobledark Imperium Part 56: Bug War EditionMore Blacklaw, armored warfare, Space hulks, Brain Boyz, Tau-Imperial relations, Angron and his children, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-04-27 10 
2510387Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 3Wherein our heroine goes on a deer hunt through a lumber plant.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-04-29 13 
May 2018
59412072Nobledark Imperium Part 57: Gold And Silver EditiionRedneck Tau, vox-warfare in Navy doctrine, Blacklaw finished, and a "cute HumanxEldar romance" - an Anon who had their wish fulfilled.Nobledark,Eldar,Human,Emperor,Isha,40K,Warhammer 40K2018-05-07 10 
2553907Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 4Wherein our heroine goes to college.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-05-12 13 
59566862Nobledark Imperium Part 58: Doom'Tau EditionDeathwatch, Nazdreg da Git, more writing, Sons of Antaeus, Mortifactors, Novamarines, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-05-17 10 
2532401Metahuman Quest: Issue #17Morgan gets the cold shoulder and has a talk with KaldurQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Killer Frost, Aqualad2018-05-17 5 
2574827Maverick Hunter Quest 84In which our hero turns it around.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2018-05-19 23 
2568332Thug Quest 31: Operator QuestAlex does what she does best: the job.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-05-22 3 
59767125Nobledark Imperium Part 59: SPESS MARINE EditionHereteks, life of the average Joe, the expedition of Por'O M'arc, Chief Psykana of the Adeptus Astronomica, location of Cthonia, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-05-23 10 
2576664Metahuman Quest: Issue #18Morgan takes on a mission of supernatural causes.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Short Thread2018-05-28 5 
June 2018
59905153Nobledark Imperium Part 60: Ringworld EditionIron Minds versus Old Empire, galaxy map, Interex society and government, Rednecks versus Aliens, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40k, Warhammer 40k2018-06-03 10 
2613211Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 5Wherein our heroine exterminates a rat infestation.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-06-03 12 
2617744Maverick Hunter Quest 85In which our hero explores new digs.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2018-06-03 23 
2605742Metahuman Quest: Issue #19Morgan fights a blood cult in his efforts to find the source of the nightmares.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Short Thread2018-06-09 6 
60121526Nobledark Imperium Part 61: Rednecks v. Xenos EditionMinor xenos backgrounds fluffed out, Mont'Kau suit finished, Chaos commanders get developed, & Imperial architectural trends are discussed.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-06-17 10 
2644534Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 16- Conquering X MountainsThe first test of the Hunter Exam comes to an endhunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2018-06-18 4 
2670323Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 6Wherein our heroine goes spelunking, then visits Australia.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-06-25 15 
60371811Nobledark Imperium Part 62: Imperial Propaganda EditionUllanor, New Men writefaggotry, the Ilmaea of Commorragh, the voyage of Por'o M'arc, Space Marines on Old Earth, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-06-29 10 
July 2018
2686449Witch Hunter Quest 1A medieval lord and his men hunt witches in a haunted forest. Creepy things start to happen very soon. Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-01 13 
2680058Metahuman Quest: Issue #20Grey Ghost and the Teen Titans infiltrate the Church of BloodQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood2018-07-04 5 
2693728Thug Quest 32Johnny hits the streets in a new ride with a serious impact: The Patriot.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-07-07 3 
2716034Witch Hunter Quest 2A dark fantasy story about a sadistic priest sent to hunt down witches and heretics. Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-13 12 
60604925Nobledark Imperium Part 63: Lady Malys' Quotebook EditionLineup for the Raid, nature of humanity and abhumans, Codex entries, Rak'gol, the corrupted Man of Gold, the Cthonian Ring, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-14 10 
60859322Nobledark 40k part 62a: Yet another Man of Gold Awards editionDIed far too soon, but contains good writing that needs to be archived.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-17 7 
2728237Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 17- A X Moment's X Reprieve Derrick and friends earn some much needed resthunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2018-07-17 5 
2732793Metahuman Quest: Issue #21Grey Ghost and the Teen Titans end their bloody night of combat and stand victorious over the Church of Blood.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Raven2018-07-22 5 
2744980Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 7Wherein our heroine comes back from one bug hunt and starts another.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-07-23 11 
2751453Witch Hunter Quest 3A young prince returns home after a year of adventure and suspects that witches have corrupted the capital in his absence.Witch Hunter Quest, Horror, Witches, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, WitchHunterQM2018-07-26 11 
2763418Maverick Hunter Quest 86In which a failed hero is made and unmade.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2018-07-28 17 
60898868Nobledark 40k part 62a: Wrapping Things Up edition?Crone Berserkers, Demiurg, Goge Vandire, naval battles, life in the Cadian Gate region, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-07-28 9 
August 2018
61049924Starblazers Setting Worldbuilding/tg/ makes a setting combining pulp scifi flash gordon retrofuturism and lovecraft.starblazers, worldbuilding, setting, flash gordon, retrofuturism, zeerust, cosmic horror, lovecraft, call of cthulhu,2018-08-02 6 
61123571Nobledark imperium part 65: This is (Not) The End editionMotivations of Lady Malys, Tindalosi and Ordo Chronos, High Lady of the Psykana, Death of Argel Tal, Davinite Lodges, Blood Pact, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-08-06 10 
2771269Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 17.5 – Wars of Love X Sadness X And Hate The first day of the of short stay at Damon's house.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2018-08-07 4 
2750920Metahuman Quest: Issue #22The Teen Titans get some help from Black Canary, Morgan learns more about himself and starts looking for a cure for Killer Frost.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans2018-08-08 5 
2810674Lost Valyrian Quest 1A start. Game of thrones, asoiaf, narrative, valyrian, girl, typhus2018-08-21 3 
2796500Metahuman Quest: Issue #23Morgan avoids a fight, has an interesting chat, and targets the head honchos of Gotham's criminal underworld.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, HIVE, The Black & Whites2018-08-21 5 
61372827Nobledark imperium part 66: Get in Luther, We're Going Black Crusading editionMalys and Be'lakor, Duke Severus XIII, Sly Marbo, webway gates of Sol, eldar psychology, Saim-Hann, Inquisitor Valeria, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-08-21 10 
61535005Swords of Avalon Starting with a "Lets make a mecha setting" prompt, /tg/ goes Arthurian in space.Mecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian2018-08-22 10 
2801637Ruins Human Civilization: Thread IThe beginning of our civilization in the ruins.Civilization Thread, Ruins Humans, Throgg2018-08-23 2 
2832635Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 8Wherein our heroine gets asked out on a date and then continues her streak of bug-hunting.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-08-27 11 
61597280Swords of Avalon 2Continued work on a Mecha Knight settingMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-08-28 5 
September 2018
61680425Swords of Avalon 3More building of a mecha focused TG homebrewsetting Mecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-09-05 2 
61588973Nobledark imperium part 67: Daemons 101 for Dummies editionLynn Mywin and Ephrael Stern, Freri and Geki, Ahriman, Blood Pact, Medusae, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-05 6 
2859436Thug Quest 33In the aftermath of the tank job, the crew argues and becomes divided. Johnny is ambushed while alone.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-09-07 6 
2850048Hunter X Hunter Quest Episode 18: Powers X Most X HiddenDerrick unlocks a hidden power and survives his strange life in Damon's househunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2018-09-07 4 
2829729Ruins Human Civilization: Thread II - Summer RainThe Wall-Tribe grow stronger, and face their first summer floods. A threat rises from the cellars.Civilization Thread, Ruins Humans, Throgg2018-09-07 2 
2868579Bioweapon Hunter Quest 1In the distant future, biotechnology advances by leaps and bounds, but so does the abuse of it, necessitating a special kind of hunter...Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-09-08 25 
2858976Lost Valyrian Test IIA lost Valyrian girl tries to find her way in the worldQuest, Valyrian, girl, Typhus, Lost, awoiaf, a world of ice and fire, game of thrones, got2018-09-10 2 
61833502Nobledark imperium part 68: I Am Alpharius editionDied far too soon, but included good discussion on the Harrowing, Thexians, Enoulians, more Quietude, and TerranisNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-10 6 
61802014Swords of Avalon 4Continued discussion of a TG homebrew setting, now with space norsesetting Mecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-09-10 2 
61906865Swords of Avalon 5Continued work on tg homebrew mecha settingMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-09-14 2 
2887630Bioweapon Hunter Quest 2Lewis takes HK out on her first mission.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-09-15 23 
61898804Forge World Creation ThreadRoll thread dedicated to fluffing out Hua Yuan's forge world and SkitariiHua Yuan, Homebrew, 40k, Warhammer, Imperium, AdMech, Skitarii, Titan2018-09-16 1 
2869410Neet Quest #2We stop a mugger, worked out, learned Mom lost her job, cheer her up by shopping and market get robbed. OP is dying from Hurricane Florence Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Hurricane2018-09-17 10 
2863872Human Civ ThreadHuman Civ Thread where we lead the Green Rapids Clan.civ thread, humanciv, green rapids2018-09-17 2 
61899944Nobledark Imperium part 68b: [planet]-chan editionMen of Gold get a writeup, bolters, Istvaan, Prometheanism, Fra'al, Hruds and Terranis, and FEELSNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-19 7 
2907614Bioweapon Hunter Quest 3Lewis continues to test HK's mettle.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-09-22 23 
62080203Nobledark Imperium part 69: Two Year Anniversary, Boyz editionDied too soon, but more Ulmeathic League, Alpha Legion versus Be'lakor, felinids, gretchen rebellion, Rogue Traders, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-09-25 8 
61992459Forge World Creation Thread IIThe second thread for Hua Yuan's forge worldHua Yuan, Homebrew, 40k, Warhammer, Imperium, AdMech, Skitarii, Titan2018-09-25 0 
2927022Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 9Wherein our heroine goes on a date and takes on her last Maverick.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-09-29 12 
2927640Bioweapon Hunter Quest 4Lewis has to deal with a few family issues.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-09-29 22 
October 2018
2945533Bioweapon Hunter Quest 5Lewis is a cop for a day.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-10-06 21 
2896803Metahuman Quest: Issue #24Morgan fights an assassin, encounters a certain cat-themed thief, and successfully captures the Black & WhitesQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, Cheshire, Catwoman, The Black & Whites 2018-10-06 5 
62171748Nobledark Imperium Part 70: Tau Secretary EditionBlanks, M'kar, Barbarus and Typhon, Féin-Cineál, Sslyth pirates, more Ingethel, life and death of empires, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-10-06 7 
62291323Xianxa, Wuxia and Thunderbolt Fantasy DiscussionAnons talk Chinese fantasy, including cross-cultural influences between China and Japan. Also puppets.Xianxa, Wuxia, China, Thunderbolt Fantasy2018-10-06 5 
62177905Swords of Avalon 8Continued work on a homebrew Mecha Knight setting. Lore deepens with many new charactersMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-10-08 3 
62336286Swords of Avalon #10Continued work on SoA Lombard-RT War EditionMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-10-09 1 
62262342Swords of Avalon #9ByZant EditionMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons. ByZant2018-10-10 0 
2962525Bioweapon Hunter Quest 6Lewis gets back to work with HK.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-10-13 22 
62423910Swords of Avalon #12More work/details on the setting continuesMecha, Knightly, Good Guy Megacorps, Setting, Arthurian, Dragons2018-10-15 0 
2982957Bioweapon Hunter Quest 7Lewis comes home to find slightly (un)expected visitors.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-10-20 21 
2961227Hunter X Hunter Quest: Episode 19- Black X Hole X SunIt was all fun and games at first, then it all came tumbling down.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2018-10-20 5 
2949721Changeling: Lost Monk Quest #2We meet with a leader among the Colorless and go with a friend to a fight club.Collective Game, Changeling, Monk, Lost Monk Quest, Shugendo 2018-10-21 2 
62359978 Nobledark Imperium Part 71: Ssylth Shenanigans EditionAhmontekh and Suhbekhar Dynasty, Lucius, Word Bearers and Monarchia, Idranel, building inspectors (really), Lynn Mywin, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-10-21 7 
2970563Thug Quest 34Alex faces the consequences of her actions, makes new contacts, and escorts a cranky girl to a date.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-10-21 3 
2952557Metahuman Quest: Issue #25Morgan begins his job mandated downtime with some work on his tool set.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost2018-10-22 5 
2977030Neet Quest #7Met the SS-Team, train with them, got ambushed, came up with a plan, eat some drug pie, kill and saved everyone and dressed up as Muslims.Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Guns, Nazis, Allahu Akbar2018-10-24 3 
3002243Bioweapon Hunter Quest 8Lewis takes a trip to Antarctica for an important job. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-10-27 21 
November 2018
62597893Nobledark Imperium Part 72: BLOODQUEST editionLelith Hesperax, more Lucius, servitors, treatment of mutants, Istvaan V, and assorted miscellaniaNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-02 6 
3020316Bioweapon Hunter Quest 9Lewis has another unexpected encounter with HUNK and SOPMOD.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-11-03 21 
3037120Bioweapon Hunter Quest 10Lewis learns to harness his new abilities. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-11-10 21 
62813095Nobledark Imperium Part 73: Mystery Tech editionDemiurg, Crone Wild Hunt, more Ulumeathic League, more Fulgrim, Hubworlder Grudges, Void Dragon dreams, Crone plots, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-13 6 
3014894Civilization Thread: Nova ClanWe oversee the Nova Clan from its inception until it discovers metal and is attacked by orcs.civ thread, Nova Clan, humans, civilization thread2018-11-16 1 
3051478Bioweapon Hunter Quest 11Lewis returns to work, though things are less than normal now. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-11-17 22 
3064642Bioweapon Hunter Quest 12Lewis tries to figure out what's going on in Willamette.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-11-24 21 
62957707Abandoned Space Station Adventure HooksPlothooks for scifi PCs boarding derelict spacecrafts.abandoned, space station, encounters, plothooks, scifi, space hulk, alien, event horizon,2018-11-25 5 
63044149Nobledark Imperium Part 74: Fleshing out the Great and Bountiful Human Dominion editionSurprisingly lively debate of Spirit of Integrity, Malal, Isha, Hubworlders, Tarellians, Vespid, more Legi and Draco, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-11-28 7 
63266622can a lack of humans work in a rpg setting?namefag asked some anons if such an act is possible. a lot of bug pics ensue.bugs, moths, no humans, humans, bugfolk, worldbuilding2018-11-30 2 
December 2018
3079391Bioweapon Hunter Quest 13Lewis gets invited to a special party. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-12-01 22 
3080376Shooting Star: A Maverick Hunter Quest 10Wherein our heroine's star shoots to its end.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X, Shooting Star2018-12-01 12 
3063626Metahuman Quest: Issue #26Morgan continues his days of down time. Today, he talks about his feelings and gets a little closer to Donna.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Wonder Girl, Counselling2018-12-04 5 
3094580Bioweapon Hunter Quest 14Lewis attends Umbrella's exclusive party. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-12-08 23 
63265340Nobledark Imperium Park 75: Missing Pieces of Malal EditionMore Malal, Crone "Society", Geography of the Eye, Ingethel, Czevak, Jubbowski gets a rewrite, Order of the Old Tree, Handmaidens, and morNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-12-12 6 
63475400Most Incompetent IG Regiment EverBunch of Guardsmen on a snow-covered Agriworld get involved in crazy shenanigans against cultists and xeno fuckers. Valhallans are slavs.40k, writefaggotry, humor, IG, Timbuktu2018-12-14 10 
3095667Hunter X Hunter Quest: Episode 20- Thrill X Of The X HuntDerrick and Friends go hunting.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2018-12-14 4 
3111359Bioweapon Hunter Quest 15The party for Oswell Spcncer continues with unexpected developments.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-12-15 21 
63519902Timbuktu 2: Squat BoogalooPt 2 of 'Most Incompetent Guardsmen' thread. Slav-valhallans are OP pls nerf and lewd Commissar lady is lewd.40k, writefaggotry, humor, IG, Timbuktu, slavs,2018-12-17 2 
3125766Bioweapon Hunter Quest 16Lewis deals with the after effects of the party. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-12-22 22 
3106383Fate Quest pt. 0: Character CreationIn which we generate up a Dead Apostle for the Fate/Apocrypha HGWFate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Character Creation, Ibaraki2018-12-23 2 
3110708Fate Quest Pt. 1: Boring Times in RomaniaIn which we mug the would be master of Beserker from the Red Faction for his Command Seals and set shit up in Romania.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki2018-12-23 2 
3121840Fate Quest Pt. 2: Guns, Daggers, and an OniIn which we have heartwarming moments with Ibaraki, accidentally ram our car into Jeanne D'Arc, and make an alliance with Master of Saber.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki, Car Autism, Holy Fuck Ibaraki What Did You Do To Karna2018-12-23 1 
63652697Can the Sister Save CandlemasA Sororitas along with a bunch of Guardsmen try their best to save the 40k version of Christmas from a DEldar Grinch and 40k Hans Gruber.40k, humor, IG, SoB, Candlemas, Christmas, Grinch, Die Hard2018-12-26 3 
63512037Nobledark Imperium Part 76: Tenta-Crones and Wyches EditionNightbringer versus Khorne, more Tarellians, Isha's daemons, more Czevak and Jubblowski, central themes, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2018-12-29 5 
3118614Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 1A 15 year-old villager named Zhu Zhexian becomes a cultivator and begins his rise to glory with Zhaotian Kingdom.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy 2018-12-30 8 
3119477Metahuman Quest: Issue #27The Gray Ghost decides to spy on Rose Wilson, only to save her when mystery assailants strike.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Rose Wilson2018-12-31 5 
January 2019
3146125Maverick Hunter Quest 87In which our hero tours the great Northwest.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-01-01 14 
3131597Fate Quest Pt. 3: Arrows and GunsIn which we save our ally's ass from being ripped to pieces, find out that Assassin's not dead and turn Assassin's Master into a Vampire.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki, Vampire Autism, Fuck Off Caster of Red With Your Bullshit2019-01-05 1 
3140837Neet Weapon Quest 1Neet reincarnates as a gunblade, teams up with a Demon Loli, and commits Goblin genocide.Neet Weapon Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Goblin Slayer 2019-01-06 5 
3142801Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest Chapter #2Zhu Zexian is promoted to a state-sponsored bounty hunter and returns to Blue Ridge City.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-01-10 5 
3161769Hunter X Hunter Quest: Episode 21 (Part 1)- Legacies X In X DeathFirst part of the third test of the Hunter Examhunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-01-13 5 
3158218Neet Weapon Quest 2We find Niph's father, get a new teammate, lose a new teammate, get placed on probation and survive an assassination attemptNeet Weapon Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Collective Game, Goblin Slayer, Niph, LeFay, Chaostear2019-01-13 2 
3177117Maverick Hunter Quest 88In which our hero rides out.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-01-14 13 
63751904Nobledark Imperium Part 77: Fleshing Things Out EditionInquisitor Heldane, Vect and Malys have a spat, Yvraine's social life, Aun'va and the Emperor, capital ships, Vandire's rise, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-01-16 3 
3188119Bioweapon Hunter Quest 17Lewis returns to work, but is he ready for it?Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-01-19 22 
3187108Spider-Verse Quest #1J.J. Jameson is bitten by a radioactive spider, saves his best friend, and becomes the Shutterbug.Spider-Verse Quest, Collective Game, PatternmakerQM, Marvel, Shutterbug2019-01-21 14 
3204774Bioweapon Hunter Quest 18Lewis plays poker with some cops.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-01-26 22 
64088456Biotech/Biomechanics Worldbuilding/tg/ discusses organic technology.biotechnology, biomechanics, genetic modification, cloning, biomancy, fleshcrafting, posthuman, transhuman, bionicle, worldbuilding, setting2019-01-26 2 
3209326Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #1A male denizen of planet Earth becomes aware of strange things happening around him and meets a strange creatureDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-01-27 26 
3176091Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 3Zhu Zexian finishes the contract with Hu Qiang before taking on a contract that's more dangerous than he could have ever expected.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-01-27 5 
3213870Maverick Hunter Quest 89In which our hero conducts his campaign.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-01-29 12 
3175833Neet Weapon Quest 3Secrets are revealed, we take a test, and get a new party member.Neet Weapon Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Goblin Slayer2019-01-29 3 
February 2019
3206404Hunter X Hunter Quest-Episode 21.5: The X Meaning Of X JusticeDerrick conquers the 3rd phase of the exam and meets a familiar old man.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-02-01 5 
3217699Halo: Wolfpack (1)The quest begins, and Lieutenant Commander Norman Wells get a promotion and a ship.Halo, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-02-01 23 
64151956Nobledark Imperium Part 77: Manifest Ectasy EditionWritefag delivers on a lot of Sisters of Battle writing, Necrons versus tyranids (twice), how humans and eldar see each other, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-02 3 
3224595Bioweapon Hunter Quest 19Lewis observes some new T-Dolls being put through their paces.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-02-02 22 
3200114Stickman TribesThis is when everything starts evotribes, questchan, hurantal, emor, icryllian, dagonian, stickman, tribes 2019-02-03 0 
3204118Spider-Verse Quest #2In which our hero designs a costume, gets a job, and somewhat manages to stalk a supervillain.Spider-Verse Quest, Collective Game, PatternmakerQM, Marvel, Shutterbug2019-02-05 10 
3206573Metahuman Quest: Issue #28Grey Ghost decides to work with a retired soldier and has a brief brawl in the Shadow Realm.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Rose Wilson, Shade2019-02-05 5 
3237555Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #2With the crisis of the Oozaru averted a new, potentially greater threat emergeshim and meets a strange creature Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-06 22 
3223218Halo: Wolfpack (2)Commander Norman Wells arrives at Anchor 5, names his ship, and gets underway.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-02-06 17 
3207411Neet Weapon Quest 4Traveling Goblin Exterminators (and maybe dragons).Neet Weapon Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Goblin Slayer2019-02-07 4 
3210007Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 5Zhu Zexian travels to the capital and enrolls in the Royal Academy, a place where young elites from across Zhaotian Kingdom gather.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-02-09 5 
3244741Bioweapon Hunter Quest 20Lewis is hunted by a rather overeager police T-Doll.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-02-09 21 
3239646One Piece Headhunter Questwe meet Valerio Pierce a bountyhunter and swordsman, who heads to a island thats a front for a human trafficking scam to collect a bountyOne Piece Headhunter Quest, OPHeadhunter, One Piece2019-02-10 8 
3250349Maverick Hunter Quest 90In which our hero takes the field.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-02-10 13 
3225229Serial Killer (episode 0)Elliot Graves was obsessed with purity and burning women. We acquire our first target before OP ditch the questSerial Killer, TheHunger2019-02-12 1 
3235234Bounty Hunter QuestA witch hunter deals with a tgreat to a small village, tries to right some wrongs and gets invited to a nasty dinner.monster hunting, magic, Spirit Bear, bounty hunter, bounty hunter quest, Witch Hunter 2019-02-13 3 
3261331Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #3A mysterious letter arrivesDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-14 20 
64394033Nobledark Imperium Part 79: Rise of the Imperium The Musical Edition More Sisters, Arrotyr gets the Monty Python treatment, Nightsiders, Imperial bureaucracy, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-15 2 
3239560Librarian on Earth: A Warhammer 40k X Highschool DxD One-Shot QuestA Blood Raven Librarian is dropped in the middle of Japan in the DxD world. What follows is what one should expect of a Blood Raven.REDthunderBOAR, Space Marine, Blood Ravens, Librarian, Theft, Daemon Prince2019-02-16 1 
3265643Bioweapon Hunter Quest 21Lewis gets another odd job offer from Umbrella. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-02-16 22 
3240109Stickman Tribes IIHurantals go to war against pirates, Emor catches up with the rest, Dagonians get taken over by a coup d'etat & Icryllia scouts aroundevotribes, questchan, hurantal, emor, icryllian, dagonian, stickman, tribes2019-02-18 1 
3237902Halo: Wolfpack (thread 3)The "Dawn's Early Light" arrives at Edrianus II, doesn't find the wolfpack, but gets a kil instead. Thunderhead sleeps through the last Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-02-18 13 
3244332Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Actual Chapter 5Zhu Zexian gets accustomed to the Royal Academy and prepares for a duel. Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-02-20 2 
3275148Fate Character CreationFate Character Creation for a later game. Ended up making American Airline Eleven-Chan and Rasputin becoming the chosen Servant.American Airlines Eleven-Chan, REDthunderBOAR, Fate2019-02-21 1 
3282562Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #4The flame of the Super Saiyan is reignited!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-21 20 
3287310Bioweapon Hunter Quest 22Lewis arrives on Rockfort Island.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-02-23 21 
64663397Nobledark Imperium Part 80: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD KING OF THE GALAXY editionRatlings, space battles, tabletop in the nobledark, Blood Pact society, Gathrog and Dregruk, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-02-23 4 
3271841One Piece Headhunter Quest #2we take down Capone Dario get a new crew member and eat a devil fruitOne Piece Headhunter Quest, OPHeadhunter, One Piece2019-02-24 5 
3293599Maverick Hunter Quest 91In which our hero's day gets longer.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-02-24 13 
3267695 Spider-Verse Quest #3in which our hero takes down a supervillian, goes on a date and prepare a sting operationSpider-Verse Quest, Collective Game, PatternmakerQM, Marvel, Shutterbug2019-02-27 5 
March 2019
3308795Bioweapon Hunter Quest 23Lewis tries to fight off some dinosaur/human hybrids.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-02 20 
3313764Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #5Enter the Demon Realm!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-03 20 
3257481Bounty Hunter Quest 2where we meet a witch and try to stop an attempt to destroy the citySpirit, bear, bounty, hunter, quest, bounty hunter, Spirit Bear2019-03-05 2 
3278596Librarian Dreadnought on Earth: Mk. 2Part two in the Librarian Dreadnought series. They secure the base, QM has a freak out, and expand into Japan facing worthy foes. REDthunderBOAR, Space Marine, Blood Ravens, Librarian, Ibaraki2019-03-06 1 
3278978Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 6Zhu Zhexian finishes a duel and attends some social events.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-03-06 2 
3294238Metahuman Quest: Issue #29The ever evolving situation with the brother of Deathstroke begins to reach it's conclusion.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Rose Wilson, White Martian2019-03-08 6 
3303182One Piece Headhunter Quest #3We fight some pirates, experiment with our new devil fruit power and start exploring golden mountainOne Piece Headhunter Quest, OPHeadhunter, One Piece2019-03-09 5 
3330160Bioweapon Hunter Quest 24Lewis pursues a new mystery dinosaur.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-09 20 
3333014Maverick Hunter Quest 92In which our hero puts out fires.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-03-09 13 
3322930Hunter X Hunter Quest-Episode 22: Twenty X Hearts of X LegendThe beginning of the end of the Hunter's Examhunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-03-11 5 
3302441Halo: Wolfpack (thread 4)Commander Wells comes to a decision on the alien, meets the rest of the wolfpack, and kills the remaining Covenant ships in the system.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-03-12 11 
64830871Nobledark Imperium Part 81: Milk for the Khorne Flakes EditionChaos Felinids, the World that Wasn't/Veiled Region, Kiavahr, Spirit of Integrity, more space battles, leader of Carlos McConnell, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-03-13 3 
3308076Cloud City - Post Apoc. QuestA young teenager leaves the safety of the hideout after the food ran out, we avoid toxic clouds, monster, raiders and find company.Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity2019-03-14 2 
3350202Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #6The Makai trembles as the fight with the Demon King erupts! Will our hero be ready to face Frost?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-15 15 
3320983Fate/Mania IEleven-Chan goes on her adventure to fight in the Great Grail War. She meets Illya von Einzbern along the way.REDthunderBOAR, Fate, Eleven-Chan, Great Grail War2019-03-15 0 
3352074Bioweapon Hunter Quest 25Lewis gets a much needed, if not slightly hectic, family vacation.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-16 21 
3329112One Piece Headhunter Quest #3.5We explore golden mountain, unlock a new devil fruit power and meet the most annoying character in this quest so farOne Piece Headhunter Quest, OPHeadhunter, One Piece2019-03-18 3 
3289477Steel Treads QuestIt's essentially a Tank Hunters Quest rerun but someone else wrote it.Collective Game, Steel Treads, Tanks, Post Apocalypse, Tank Hunters Quest2019-03-18 1 
3322617Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 7Zhu Zhexian goes to Tan Xun's birthday and it takes an expected turn of events.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy2019-03-19 1 
3370952Bioweapon Hunter Quest 26Lewis babysits both HK and SOPMOD.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-23 20 
3371989Maverick Hunter Quest 93In which our hero's efforts come to fruition.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-03-23 12 
3375713Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #7With the diabolical Frost dead Earth has been freed! What new adventures await our hero?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-03-24 15 
3349387Fate/Mania II Character Creation & Pt. 1After the death of Eleven-Chan, the Anons take over Cold War-San and King Protea as her Servant. REDthunderBOAR, Fate, Cold War-San, King Protea2019-03-24 0 
3348845Halo: Wolfpack (thread 5)Wells finds out just how many people died in the last battle, and sets a course to the next one.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-03-30 10 
65114001Nobledark Imperium Part 82 : Eldar Tallarnian Holidays editionThe idiot playboy of McConnell Corp, mythical Trials of Isha, Zarakynel tries to be a homewrecker, daemon weapons, and moreNobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-03-30 2 
3390429Bioweapon Hunter Quest 27Lewis returns from his brief island vacation.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-30 20 
April 2019
3399222Maverick Hunter Quest 94In which our hero gets scraped up.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-04-02 13 
3399416Maverick Hunter Quest 95In which our hero is otherwise engaged.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-04-02 12 
3383969Hunter x Hunter Quest Episode 23: Fight X For Your X LifeThe 2nd and 3rd battle of the final test of the Hunter Exam.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-04-02 5 
3361403Lost Tome: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 8The most exciting trial yet of Tan Xun's birthday begins and a battle begins with the whole city and beyond as the playing field.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Lost Tome, Fantasy 2019-04-02 1 
3410805Bioweapon Hunter Quest 28Lewis has a nice day off alone with Lucina.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-04-06 20 
65418021Nobledark Imperium Part 83: Nurglite Wight King Edition Necron terriforming, writeups for Obyron's duel and Veiled Region, Mandragora and the lost Necron homeworld, and more.Nobledark, Eldar, Human, Emperor, Isha, 40K, Warhammer 40K2019-04-06 3 
3382653Heir to Humanity: Last Man AliveCloud City 2, Alexa tries to adapt to this new place while worries about his mother trouble him, a new threat arises in the meantime.Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy2019-04-08 2 
3422301Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #8 With a new arrival Erics life got flipped turned upside down yet again. Can he cope with becoming a boomer?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-04-10 12 
3428739Bioweapon Hunter Quest 29Lewis tries to defend his home from intruders.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-04-13 20 
3389687Dreadnought IWhen a Dreadnought goes to a Fantasy WorldREDthunderBOAR, Dreadnought, 40k, Ibaraki2019-04-14 6 
3437591Maverick Hunter Quest 96In which our hero pulls himself together.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-04-16 13 
3448147Bioweapon Hunter Quest 30Lewis is give a helping hand by his aunt.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-04-20 20 
65759207Fractured Singularity Thread 1Work begins on the world of Fractured Singularity, home to the advancement obsessed ISA and the rather tech-conservative Jovian FederationFractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-04-21 11 
3453532Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #9With all of his teammates out of the fight, it is up to Eric to win the Tournament of Destroyers. Will he succeed?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-04-22 24 
3442601Hunter X Hunter Quest: Episode 23.5: Hearts Of X Steel And X LiesThe 4th and 5th fight of the Final test of the Hunter Exam.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-04-23 5 
3463522Bioweapon Hunter Quest 31Lewis tries to come to terms with what Egan is planning.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-04-27 21 
65850840Fractured Singularity Thread 2Work continues on the world of Fractured Singularity. Factions fleshed out, micro fiction written, sample locations proposed and more.Fractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-04-29 2 
May 2019
3479437Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #10After a hard earned victory at the tournament our hero returns to his place of birth for some relaxationDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-05-03 11 
3481342Bioweapon Hunter Quest 32Lewis considers how to investigate Ashford's dealings. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-05-04 20 
65973574Fractured Singularity Thread 3Our collaborative creation expands, further filling the lore with micro-factions, defined technologies, and more.Fractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-05-06 3 
3488744Maverick Hunter Quest 97In which our hero latches on to something.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-05-06 14 
3498933Bioweapon Hunter Quest 33Lewis heads out to Ashford's estate. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-05-11 20 
3462630Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive IIICloud City 3: Alexa, the last boy, discover new feelings and sensations, visits his old home and discover some things about his pastCollective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy2019-05-12 2 
3494009 Hunter X Hunter Quest-Episode 24, Chapter 1 Finale: The Day X I Tried X To Live The end of the First Chapterhunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-05-17 6 
3514340Bioweapon Hunter Quest 34Lewis unpacks the intel he managed to retrieve from Ashford. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-05-18 21 
3517215Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #11With the celebrations over it's time our hero returned to the stars! What exciting new adventures await him?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-05-19 11 
3514945Young Justice: Meta Human Slave QuestWe create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game2019-05-25 17 
3536214Maverick Hunter Quest 98In which our hero spends some time at base.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2019-05-27 16 
June 2019
3545609Bioweapon Hunter Quest 35Lewis meets with Spencer to try and get his name cleared. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-06-01 20 
3507776Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive IVCloud City 4: and attempt at new life and Alexa finds a place in the new world what will the future hold for Alexa, Jess and their friends?Collective Game, Cloud City, Old Radio, post-apocalypse, survival, humanity, Last man, boy2019-06-01 1 
3548878Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #12After the dark temptress Towa revealed herself Eric son of Earth was called to a strange place where he meets a very important personDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-06-02 10 
3529455Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 2We learn how to become a Big Guy, expand our (literal?)gang, learn about the conspiracy to brainwash us, and butt heads with Snowball. The Monitor of E-16, Meta Human Slave Quest, Body Horror?, Cape Shit, Collective Game, Fuck Psychics, Shape Shifting, 2019-06-03 7 
3561442Bioweapon Hunter Quest 36 ENDLewis stages a raid on Wesker's stronghold to clear his name. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-06-08 22 
3526405Halo: Wolfpack (thread 6)Wells and the "Dawn" rendezvous with Patrol Group Theta, gets into a fight, deals with the fallout, and get some upgrades and new skills.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-06-12 10 
3556133Hunter X Hunter Quest-Epilogue 1: Prelude To X The Journey X AheadThe Epilogue to the First Chapterhunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-06-15 5 
3587840Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #13With the intentions of Towa figured out Eric and his friends must prepare for what is to come!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-06-20 12 
66781999/tg/ and dragon-human relationships/tg/ discusses how to deal with humans with dragonsdnd, human, dragon, heresy2019-06-21 4 
3553097Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game, RIP2019-06-22 6 
3572888Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 1Liu Zhu comes upon a lucky chance, trains with the Yu family, and after danger closes in on him he goes to the Northern Wastes for training.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus2019-06-28 5 
July 2019
3585906Halo: Wolfpack (thread 7)While waiting for the rest of the wolfpack to return from their mission, the Dawn is sent to counter piracy and rebels.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-07-03 9 
3634445Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #14A tale of Witches and KingsDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-07-07 10 
3612415Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 2Liu Zhu comes across a lucky chances, learns about gathering herbs, and competes to become an expert refiner's apprentice.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus2019-07-11 5 
3672639Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #15After his second journey through Hell, Eric finds himself recuperating at homeDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-07-19 10 
3655347Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 2 A chuunibyou gets a pet ghost dog and completes some exorcisms for her club.Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest, drawquest2019-07-19 13 
3669574Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 3A chuunibyou gets body-jacked and experiences some big changes.Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest, drawquest2019-07-21 13 
3648285Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 3Liu Zhu searches for treasure in the Black Swamp, arrives at Green City, ventures into the forest, and gets trapped in 12th Canyon.Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-07-23 3 
3642273Halo: Wolfpack (thread 7)Wells and the Dawn take a mission from ONI to hunt down a rebel base.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-07-23 8 
3697325Hungry QuestEat the world. Become a god. Be an 11 year old girl.Hungry Quest, Rpg, Gods, Supernatural2019-07-31 3 
August 2019
3690462Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 4Liu Zhu duels Duan Pin, is inaugurated as Highblood of Horned Island, makes a breakthrough, and trains under Refiner Long in Border City. Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-06 2 
3729740Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #16The tournament of Earth draws ever closer. And more things get revealedDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-08-07 11 
67616337What if Warhammer 40k was a french production ?OP asks /tg/ what 40k would look like if the french made it. A lot of old french /tg/ content & art are then brought up for discussion40k, Sci fi, Awesome, Metal Hurlant, French, Old School, discussion, Lore, knights, Tanks2019-08-11 14 
3729692Body Horror Quest - 27th VeinShu says goodbye to the Midnight Crew, goes to meet Good SHODAN, finally lets go of Sam, takes in a good Doctor, and prepares for THE HUNTBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Sam, West, Francine, the hunt2019-08-15 15 
3732685Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 5Liu Zhu returns to the Liu family, duels with his brother, and after several incidents kickstarts a new business plan. Collective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-16 1 
3750982Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 4A chuunibyou gets some new classmates and a job.Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest, drawquest2019-08-22 7 
3771536Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #17The Saiyans arrived on Earth!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-08-23 10 
3765579Body Horror Quest - 28th VeinShu meets a Polish meme girl and a posse of Hyenas with Assless chaps; then finds prey, only to find she's not the only hunter on the prowlBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Polish, hyenas, assless chaps, Protean2019-08-25 12 
3776424Second Patriarch: A Xianxia Quest, Chapter 6FCollective Game, Quest, Xianxia, Xuanhuan, Wuxia, Martial Arts, Second Patriarch, Fantasy, QMWalrus, Weak to Strong2019-08-29 0 
3762556Hungry Quest #2Marina Steel meets another god reincarnate and makes a few new allies.Marina Steel, Hungry Quest, Supernatural, RPG2019-08-30 1 
September 2019
3780059Body Horror Quest - 29th VeinShu’s catch of the week: 1 Silver Fish, 1 Stealth Panther, and 1 Frost Wolf. FuzzBuzz gets adopted by Ants, and unexpected visitors arrive.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Ants, FuzzBuzz, bamboozle2019-09-08 12 
3805590Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #18Let the Tournament... BEGINDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-09-09 7 
3806748Humanity UnitedA young xenobiologist survives an exploding colony shipHumanity United, collective game, space2019-09-21 2 
3799353Halo: Wolfpack (thread 9)The Dawn continues it's operation in the rebel held system.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-09-28 7 
October 2019
3851082Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #19As the fighting continues the mysteries surrounding it slowly unravel. Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-10-05 10 
3829830Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 5A chuunibyou gets enlightened about the world.Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest, Drawquest2019-10-11 6 
3864555Hunter Quest: A Slayers JourneyA unnamed hunter ventures into the forest to slay a foul beast. A child is saved, monsters are poisoned and barmaids wooed. Hunter Quest, MoTH, Slayer, Monster Hunter, Fantasy, Collective Game, Monsters2019-10-19 2 
3879471Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #20Things are heating up as the strongest fighters start clashing!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-10-19 7 
3848369Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 4 Qm comes back, we make some sweet gains, and we get Cait to open up about her traumaThe Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta human slave quest, Cape Shit, collective game2019-10-20 2 
3868401 Hunter X Hunter Quest, Ch2, Ep2: The Path X To X SalvationThe Hunters fight a terrorist organization and Derrick meets an old, beloved friend...hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-10-21 5 
November 2019
3874844Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest #5We spar with Caitlin. That's about it since OP was too "busy" to update much. The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave Quest, Cape Shit, Collective Game, 2019-11-04 2 
3905625Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #21Sam and Dominika clash! And the tranquil storm faces the Slayer!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-11-04 6 
3890512Halo: Wolfpack (thread 10)The Dawn and her crew attempts to prevent rebel reinforcements from driving the UNSC away from their base.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-11-17 6 
3912240Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 6A chuunibyou ends up in purgatory.Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest, Drawquest2019-11-22 8 
3944498Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #22The Quarterfinals begin! The end of Earth's tournament is nighDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-11-28 5 
December 2019
3951968Body Horror Quest - 35th VeinHunger Riots are the worst. They can easily swallow up a town like Laoc whole if Shu doesn't put down the hunger-mad fast enough. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Hunger Riots, town event, combat, hunger-mad, a good day2019-12-12 13 
3977075Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #23It's Eric vs Bruce Lee! The living and the undead legends clash! Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-12-18 10 
3944897Halo: Wolfpack (thread 11)Wells decides to return home, and talks with people of both the friendly and unfriendly sorts.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2019-12-19 7 
3969474HXHQ- Chapter 2, Episode 4: Don't X Look X BackIt's time to spend a day walking in Vanilla's shoes.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2019-12-23 4 
70071839Which genre of setting has the best girls?Anon's discuss which genre has best girls, devolves into Arthurian Lady Kight and Squire Boy lewdsLady Knight, Girls, Lewd, Writefags, Fetish, Cyberpunk, Arthurian2019-12-30 0 
January 2020
4015260Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #24With the Tournament over, our hero returns to his quiet life... But for how long?Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-01-11 6 
4005673Monster Hunter QuestA freelancing Hunter finds his way to the New World where he seeks new horizons and opportunities.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-01-16 20 
3991331Halo: Wolfpack (thread 12)We take our mother to the promotion ceremony, only to find out we are soon to be whisked away on another spook missionHalo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2020-01-16 6 
4016668Hunter Quest 1In the realm beyond our own, the Dark Place, there are monsters, oozing into our realm through every available crack. Some seek to rule thisCollective Game, Hunter Quest, Monster Hunting2020-01-19 0 
4046370Maverick Hunter Quest 99In which our hero returns.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2020-01-25 18 
4027460Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #2Our freelancing Hunter finds much adventure in the continuing saga, including taking the responsibility of raising a baby Elder Dragon.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-01-27 11 
4038281Body Horror Quest - 37th VeinShu leaves Laoc to kill a giant anteater for Ants, and helps out a pair of lovers before being gently reminded that they are being HUNTED.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day, the hunt, hexane2020-01-30 11 
70676564Rodney Dangerfield plays D&DMy familiar and I were happy for twenty years Then we met! No respect, no respect at allhumor, D&D, no respect2020-01-31 29 
4059096Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #25Cabba brings dire news which might cost him his life. A new adventure with Hit is about to begin!Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-01-31 5 
February 2020
4052202Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #3Our freelancing Hunter finds much adventure in the continuing saga, including an encounter with the fearsome Rajang and sighting of Amatsu.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-02-09 10 
4057155Sworn to Valour Quest #19His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. At last returning to civilisation after an arduous expedition, Sir Andrei prepares to continue his pilgrimage.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Forest Hunt2020-02-13 22 
4042892Halo: Wolfpack (thread 13)Preparations for Arcadia are completedHalo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2020-02-15 6 
4076448Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #4The operation has begun! Elder Dragon Yama Tsukami is battled in a fierce siege by the Commission!Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-02-25 10 
4109884Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #26With the Dark Sorceress taken care of Eric decides to hang out in the 7th UniverseDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-02-28 5 
4110905Maverick Hunter Quest 100In which our hero looks back.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2020-02-29 20 
March 2020
4110199Hunter X Hunter Distant Horizons: Episode 1In a distant setting within the world of HxH, a young man named Innis Morganach finds another odd-job, just trying to survive in a big city.Hunter X Hunter, HxH, HxH Distant Horizons, Collective Game2020-03-09 1 
4118836Super DC QuestWe become Michael Carmichael, son of a multibillionaire and student of Deathstroke. We head to Star City and begin carving a life.Star,Wagon,DC Quest, DC, Super DC, Super DC Quest, Aether, Michael, Carmichael, Manhunter, Star City2020-03-12 0 
4087229Halo: Wolfpack (thread 14)Captain Wells, if he were any better he'd be a Spartan.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2020-03-13 11 
4106343Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #5Bloodborne crossover episode. Our freelancing Hunter learns much, and takes the fight to the White God, Ukanlos!Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-03-13 6 
4149201Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #27After visiting the neighbors our hero has some wacky adventuresDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-03-21 6 
4151398Maverick Hunter Quest 101In which our hero is out of office.Collective Game, Maverick Hunter Quest, Mega Man X2020-03-22 20 
4136966Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #6Our freelancing Hunter has at last slain Ukanlos. As well, he encounters the venomous Elder Dragon, Nefu Garumudo.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-03-27 6 
April 2020
4151644Super DC Quest 2: The second oneStar City continues to welcome it's newest metahuman. Cinderblock does not welcome us.Star,Wagon,DC Quest, DC, Super DC, Super DC Quest, Aether, Michael, Carmichael, Manhunter, Star City2020-04-02 0 
4158832Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #7End of the Bloodborne crossover. Our Freelancing Hunter fights the intruder to his world, Amygdala.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-04-07 8 
4186909Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #27After his adventures in Universe 7 our hero returns homeDcragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-04-10 5 
4147510Halo: Wolfpack (thread 15)Wells gets a nap, so Dyad finishes the job.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2020-04-12 6 
4180544Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #8Gunlance Vance solves problems at The Fort.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-04-21 5 
May 2020
4231777Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #28Trouble on the home front Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-05-02 5 
4209613Hyper Police Quest #1A man made from origami sets out to capture a dimension-hopping thief.bounty, hunter, urban fantasy, gonzo, surreal2020-05-04 0 
4208933Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #9Our Hunter's loyal Palico Vivi goes on an adventure with Shara to help her Meowster.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-05-05 5 
4239726Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 6So long, dark lord.Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest, Drawquest 2020-05-10 7 
4242533Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters.Eldritch, CthulhuTech, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Strategy, Troll2020-05-15 5 
4238977Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #10Gunlance Vance becomes a little less of a loser.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-05-18 5 
4269476Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #30Hitman rebornDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-05-22 5 
4257585American High School Quest #1In the mid-1990s, an lesser-known son of the Thundercock dynasty finds himself stranded on a strange new world!chad, thundercock, isekai, catgirl,adventure2020-05-23 3 
4242683Multiplayer Eldritch Horror (Mythic RPG) #6This time, the setting is inspired by CthulhuTech. 1 player + 2 shared characters.Eldritch, CthulhuTech, Lovecraft, Multiplayer, Mythic, RPG, Strategy, Troll2020-05-29 4 
4268308Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #11Gunlance Vance tackles Ceadeus and exchanges some charming words with the Devil itself.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-05-30 5 
June 2020
4275597Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 3Nobody expects Maria's inquisitionOtome, Otome Gone Wrong, Real World Mockery, inquisition, church, OtomeQM2020-06-09 11 
4304696Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #31The quarantine has been lifted and Eric is free once moreDragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-06-13 5 
4296316American High School Quest #2Bruce Thundercock faces off Arikzastan of the Rolling City!chad, thundercock, isekai, catgirl,adventure2020-06-16 2 
4291009Monster Hunter Quest: Freelancer #12Gunlance Vance discovers the secret of Tilokpia.Monster Hunter, monster, hunter, drawquest2020-06-18 3 
4303639Blood and Coin: A Blade for hireExiled outlaw Bagal Rattan takes a job rooting out cultists with questionable methods. Op has to leave unexpectedly but returns in chapter 2Monster hunter, Bounty hunter, medieval, fantasy, collective game, horror, magic, mercenary, CursedQm, Slow paced2020-06-27 1 
July 2020
4337096American High School Quest #3After the battle, the Chadforce seeks to learn where the mysterious Idol of Izochark hailed from!thundercock,isekai2020-07-10 1 
4373105Dragon Ball Human Quest Super #31The twins rush to save their father from the clutches of Dr Lychee Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2020-07-24 6 
August 2020
73990291the future of medicineWorldbuilding and speculation as to the future of medical technology.worldbuilding, future, medicine, medical, doctors, transhumanism2020-08-03 4 
74530128I'M PUTTING TOGETHER A FLEET The Admiral is gathering a fleet to combat the xenos forces. His alien opposite, The Commander, is doing the same against the humans.Roleplay, LARP, 40k, Sci Fi, Aliens, Humans2020-08-27 14 
September 2020
4430809Human Fighter QuestDonnel the giant farmboy strikes out into the vampire-ruled world on a deadly quest to avenge his slain parents and seek the holy light.Collective Game, D&D, Human, Fighter, Vampire, Paladin2020-09-18 5 
4450252Meat QuestA butcher knight seeks the daughter of meat and finds koboldsMeat Quest, Chuck, Rosemary, Kammy, drawthread, Peekay2020-09-19 6 
4427869Flooded QuestIn an alternative world, our MC has to survive while handling his curse. K8 the 8 QM, Flooded World, Mutant, Non-human MC2020-09-27 2 
October 2020
4456680West Blue Seadogs Quest #1A young boy in the great West Blue embarks on his adventure to make a name for himself as a great pirateOne Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2020-10-01 32 
4445977Flooded Quest 2The MC completes there quest, sends the Kin to war with another species, signs a peace treaty, and starts a new adventure.K8 the 8 QM, Flooded World, Mutant, Non-human MC2020-10-08 1 
4487120West Blue Seadogs Quest #2On the cusp of becoming proper pirates the crew stocks up in the Kano Kingdom. Shenanigans ensueWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2020-10-11 32 
November 2020
4524344West Blue Seadogs Quest #3With new friends and enemies made on the back of a giant crab the brave pirates continue their journeyWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2020-11-07 30 
4484948Flooded Quest 3A clever deal is made with the metal man, the MC discovers a new, even larger archipelago, A party member dies, and they all head back home.K8 the 8 QM, Flooded World, Mutant, Non-human MC2020-11-10 1 
December 2020
4567377West Blue Seadogs Quest #4 After an unlikely raid on a government tax ship our heroes continue their journey to spend their well stolen gainsWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2020-12-12 30 
4528860Flooded Quest 4The shrine is completed, but the magma woke up a mechanical vault.K8 the 8 QM, Flooded World, Mutant, Non-human MC2020-12-14 0 
4567605HXHQ- Interlude: Trip down X Memory LaneDerrick spends some time learning more about himself and of his friends.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2020-12-15 5 
76454598Draw your party threadPeople talk about their games, share advice, & post cool drawings. Campy musicals, grim mythology, treacherous techpriests, & more.draw, painting, party, byzantine, human sacrifice, dnd, Savage Worlds, 40K, nechronica, robotica, pathfinder, FATE, Rogue Trader, musical2020-12-22 1 
4553383A Chunni in Hogwarts #1SASHA SAGAN-STARBOUND is a muggleborn witch who dreams of spaceflight. The start of an AUTISTIC journey with shitty SPACE metaphors.A Chunni in Hogwarts, chunni, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Pot QM, Sasha Sagan-Starbound, Collective Game, autism2020-12-24 8 
January 2021
76720490Boring FutureMundane uses for cyberpunk technology.cyberpunk, cyborg, cybernetics, transhuman, posthuman, DRM, planned obsolescence, spyware, dystopia,2021-01-02 1 
76642581Techno-Barbarism Examples and WorldbuildingIn which /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds about technobarbarians and examples of them from various media.worldbuilding, technobarbarian, barbarians, DAoT, Unification Wars, Thundarr, tv tropes post apocalyptic, mad max, Protector,2021-01-03 2 
4585754Children of Hubris PrologueA noir quest in the WH40k setting starring the Adeptus ArbitesWH40K, Arbites, CoH, Children of Hubris2021-01-08 4 
4599869West Blue Seadogs Quest #4After exploring an island of winds the Silver Pirates continue in their endless search for treasure and adventureWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2021-01-09 30 
4590497Space Station 13 Quest: Station 1A new quest in the world of the infamous game of the same name.Otome QM, Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Weed, Trip, Cyborg, Anime Girl, Douglas MacArthur, Goblin2021-01-18 8 
4605763Call of Cthulhu Quest #1Cthulhu timeCthulhu2021-01-22 0 
February 2021
4591947Mercenary Monster Hunter Quest #1The journey of a Gessellment Yaeger of the Guild begins with the hunt of a Vielfrass. First thread cut short by QM getting temp-banned.Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary Monster Hunter, Yaeger, Vielfrass2021-02-01 0 
4586159A Chunni in Hogwarts #2SASHA's plan to achieve spaceflight begins.A Chunni in Hogwarts, chunni, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, Pot QM, Sasha Sagan-Starbound, Collective Game, autism2021-02-04 3 
4650021West Blue Seadogs Quest #6The joined forces attack Enies LobbyWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2021-02-13 30 
4633673HuscarlA skirmish made in 24 hours for Skrimjam. Vikings cross the sea to raid England, but their return is blocked by the lord's soldiers.Huscarl, Skirmish, Vikings, Medieval2021-02-19 1 
March 2021
4647511Halo: Wolfpack (thread 16)Cleaning up after our last mission.Halo, Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead,2021-03-13 6 
4693124West Blue Seadogs Quest #7With a brand new ship the Silver Pirates continue their grand journey on the Grandest Line!West Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2021-03-13 30 
4657565Lowlife Ghost #1: Undead COOMerAfter escaping execution, boning a witch, dying to wolves and reviving, our COOMer outlaw continues his quest.Collective Game, High Fantasy, Humor, High Fantasy2021-03-21 0 
78144460demobilizing veteran cyborg supersoldiersOnce the war is over, what happens to the cybernetically augmented veterans?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, supersoldier, robocop, six million dollar man, cyborg, transhuman, posthuman, storytime, writefag,2021-03-22 0 
4686103Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickersMcSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, maintenance, Nuclear Holocaust, MacArthur did nothing wrong, Revenge2021-03-26 0 
April 2021
4686688Magical Girl PeaceMaker QuestNot-Madoka gets shanked, then post avalanches, then gay, then nigga. Read thisMagical Girl, PeaceMaker, Hush, peaceful2021-04-10 2 
4737880West Blue Seadogs Quest #8After squashing a rebellion our heroes enjoy a well deserved time off! Until-West Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2021-04-11 30 
May 2021
4796593West Blue Seadogs Quest #9Silver and his crew search the locker for precious jade and find troubleWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2021-05-08 30 
June 2021
4788445STAR WARS - Interregnum #3.1Annie gets an interlude, we gather information about Nomi and the Blazing Chain, and Larid's tragic backstory is revealed.Collective Game, Star Wars Interregnum, Star Wars, Kaz, Dark, Si(th)ck, and Twisted Arthurian Backstory, Boardroom Meeting, Dweemward Bound2021-06-04 20 
4860001West Blue Seadogs Quest #10On the island of Sabaody begins the chain of events which will reshape the world West Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2021-06-08 32 
79831083Let's Stat Mr Blobby/tg/ learns about the UK's #1 horrible pink monster, reacts with fascinated horror, amusement, nostalgia and statting.Mr Blobby, UK TV, 90s, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Infohazard, The King in Pink and Yellow, horror2021-06-25 12 
July 2021
4866191Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #2David captures a pirate, raids a gang HQ, meets an old Grey and goes hunting. HFY, HFW Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-07-02 30 
4897710Hunter X Hunter Quest: Chapter 2- Episode 5: Meeting X The X FamilyTime to meet the Royal Familyhunter x hunter quest, Collective game, Perma-death,2021-07-06 6 
4908468West Blue Seadogs Quest #11The Silver Pirates attack Heaven itself to raid Gods kitchen West Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2021-07-08 32 
August 2021
4900701Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #3David goes hunting, gets hunted himself, gets into trouble, builds some armor and goes scavengingHFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Collective Game2021-08-01 29 
80648267Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVERFrom the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight!Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Airplane, Douglas, Pirate, Treasure Hunt, Kraken, Sp1r1t2021-08-06 2 
4961564West Blue Seadogs Quest #12Ten thousand meters beneath the surface Captain Silver found the Mermaid Princess. Oh noWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2021-08-17 30 
4921257The Demon RingA being from time immemorial is trapped in the form of a ring, buried with his friend/traitor deep in a tomb. But it wouldn't last long.DRQM, Elf, Elves, Human, Slave, Manipulation, Unfinished, QM dropped2021-08-24 6 
4941633Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #4David takes care of some pirates, recruits a cabinboy, a robot and the best girl. Also he punches a ghost to death. HFY, HFW Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-08-27 26 
September 2021
5005352West Blue Seadogs Quest #13Silver has a nice tea partyWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2021-09-22 30 
October 2021
4976072Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #5David forges some funky metal, trains with his crew, finally gets laid and ATF's someone's dogHFY, HFW Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-10-02 25 
4974369Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #2You are Richard Gardener and finally you have gained the promotion. Nothing like a family reunion to celebrate, right ? Collective Game, Superheroes, Supervillains, Paranoia, Loving Husband, Loving Wife, Cool Ninja Bro, Cool watch Grandpa2021-10-06 3 
November 2021
5014552Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #6David hijacks a ship, makes contact with Gron and decides to change sides.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2021-11-22 27 
5054623West Blue Seadogs Quest #14Making memories in Outer HeavenWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2021-11-24 30 
December 2021
82606823interesting quirks for ancient vampiresHow would something which had been alive for most of human history act in the modern world?vampires, quirks, history, autism, OCD, thulsa doom, vandal savage,2021-12-22 8 
January 2022
5062182Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #7David and Cylia deal with a worm while Clank flexes on some aliens.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-01-04 26 
5078009Beneath The Pale Moon #1In Which /qst/ makes a character, chooses the church, and fights some NecromancersWarden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-01-07 5 
5113104West Blue Seadogs Quest #15Happy funtime on the island of orphansWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2022-01-08 30 
February 2022
5108810Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #8Clank partakes in a tournament and the crew meets the red and blue sisters.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-02-13 28 
5166377West Blue Seadogs Quest #16With the two year long wait over Captain Silver has a nother good idea. According to everyone, this was a bad moveWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2022-02-15 30 
5114302Beneath The Pale Moon #2Joshua Braun sets up shop in France, begins some research into spells, and investigates the heretical Magnus Jean d'Hoc.Warden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-02-23 2 
March 2022
5165346Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #9David and Gron go hunting for a lost crewmember, but encounter trouble almost immediately.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-03-31 28 
April 2022
5214807West Blue Seadogs Quest #17The two years long wait is finally over! The Straw Hats returned! Those bastards. Now the adventure can continue!West Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2022-04-01 30 
5195170Beneath The Pale Moon #3In which Joshua finishes up his preparations and heads out to engage the rogue magusWarden, Nasuverse, Church, Beneath The Pale Moon2022-04-21 2 
84249364Rodney Dangerfield returnsI walked into the chapel, and the Cleric complained that he just sanctified the place! No respect, no respect at allhumor, no respect2022-04-27 8 
May 2022
5263163West Blue Seadogs Quest #18With the ancestral home of Angel found the crew embark on some fruity adventuresWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2022-05-11 31 
5213826Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #10David licks his wounds, interacts with the crew and does some cooking.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-05-11 30 
June 2022
5312930West Blue Seadogs Quest #19After exploring the prison island Silver finds a new friendWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2022-06-22 31 
5263368Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #11In which David pushes his ship and his equipment to their limits.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-06-22 30 
July 2022
5291293The Dead Don't Dream - A Vampire Hunter QuestAfter months spent in a haze of drugs and booze, ex-detective Roland Wozniak gets the first lead on his daughter's killer in a long time.Collective Game, The Dead Don't Dream, The, Dead, Don't, Dream, Vampire Hunter, Vampire, Hunter, TQM2022-07-03 7 
85293565Made in Abyss as a TRPG setting/tg/ examines the series and its titular Abyss as a setting. Two sets of D&D homebrew, a CoC campaign recap and general discussion included.anime, Call of Cthulhu, DnD, D&D, homebrew, horror, Made in Abyss, manga, setting2022-07-20 22 
5316456My childhood best friend is a (trans)girl?!A clever anon baits the /pol/locks of /qst/ by being wholesome, just long enough to cost a bold-but-foolish player his left nut.KING, trans rights, human rights, friendship, social justice, bait, trolling2022-07-26 14 
5313079Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #12David and the crew begin work on cleaning up after the battle and discover a little more of the truth behind AI technology.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-07-28 31 
August 2022
5321914Fate/Predestined PandemoniumYou're isekai'd into the Fate universe, specifically into the body of Shinji Matou. How will you fare against the Holy Grail War to come ?Fate, Fate/Alternative, Kischur, Kischur QM, Isekai2022-08-02 9 
5360111Monsterpunk Quest #1A young man dreams of exploring the world, but is faced with the realization of living in a regime run by monsters.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, post-apocalypse, adventure2022-08-08 6 
5354485Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #13David picks through the wreckage of his spectacular dogfight, kills yet more Wraiths and Demons, and has a not so restful sleep.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-08-11 28 
5356880The Dead Don't Dream - Part TwoRoland learns the name of The Killer, along with his current location, in exchange for indebting himself to a peculiar club owner.Collective Game, The Dead Don't Dream, The, Dead, Don't, Dream, Vampire Hunter, Vampire, Hunter, TQM2022-08-11 3 
September 2022
5392378West Blue Seadogs Quest #20After recovering Clown, Silver must face the aftermath of his rampageWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2022-09-03 31 
5366180Monsterpunk Quest #2Our hero stumbles from one felony to the next, ending up making a powerful friend and moving to the capital of Arcadia.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, mecha, post-apocalypse, adventure, shopping2022-09-17 4 
5412845Hunter X Hunter Quest: Chapter 2- Episode 6: Hello X GoodbyeThe Christening Ceremony ensues hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, perma-death2022-09-25 6 
October 2022
5376428Children of Hubris Chapters 2-3Charles and Janus beat back the food lines. Redmore takes the unit on an interplanetary investigation. It's an agri-world episode!40k, CoH, Children of Hubris, Collective Game, Arbites, Noire2022-10-02 0 
5390745Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #14David meets back up with Clank, takes down some mercs, makes a deal with a gun runner and meets with the owner of a whorehouse.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-10-18 28 
5440387West Blue Seadogs Quest #21Silvers declaration of war goes about as well as to be expected.West Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2022-10-22 32 
December 2022
5424481Children of Hubris: Chapter IIII (IV)The team gets back to Icarus and narrows down the suspects to 3. Janus and Groves are sent to investigate one, but run into resistance.WH40k, 40k, Children of Hubris, Coh, Collective Game, Arbites, Noir2022-12-02 0 
5429443ULTRAQUESTThe Finest Robotic Chef the world's ever seen goes to become The Finest Robotic Chef Hell's ever seen.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2022-12-03 10 
5437189Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #15David cleans up a homeless encampment, turns in some bounties, designs his new ship and goes on the search for a big-ass nanofabricator.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-12-08 30 
5489899Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #16David hears worrying news about an outbreak on other stations, takes some time to deal with the captured AI and develops an android body for SHODAN.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2022-12-14 29 
January 2023
5488208ULTRAQUEST IIAfter having found his way into Hell (and the QM got sick), the finest robotic chef Hell's ever seen finds himself at the end of the path.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2023-01-13 10 
5531868West Blue Seadogs Quest #22With Eliza on the line Silvers rage bloomsWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2023-01-14 31 
87315526Mesoamerican FantasyDiscussion about Mesoamerican mythology, how to use it properly in a game, etc. etc.Mesoamerican, native, mexico, fantasy, art, mythology, nahua, aztec2023-01-22 3 
5503205Pokemon: Fork and SpoonPenny Pudding starts her adventure as a pokemon chef, gets herself exorcised, and prepares for her restaurant's opening.Pokemon, Collective Game, Fork and Spoon, Hunting2023-01-29 23 
February 2023
5525825Verminsaga, First Coil (Part 1/2)Beneath a destitute farmstead a small serpent is born. Over the following hours, it feeds and grows stronger.Quest, Collective Game, Non-human, Survival2023-02-17 5 
5572604Hunter X Hunter Quest: Chapter 2- Episode 7: The X Great X GameMysteries are found and the long fight ahead begins.hunter x hunter quest, Collective game, perma-death2023-02-20 2 
5533592Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #17David holds a few spars, has a fight mid-warp and starts clearing out one of the drone ships.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-02-22 29 
March 2023
5588649West Blue Seadogs Quest #23After Silver awakened to his true power the tide turnedWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism2023-03-04 31 
5549338Pokemon: Fork and Spoon 2After running into trouble in the woods, Opening Day arrives, and the restaurant is dubbed The Tall Tale! Plans for a second partner begin. Pokemon, Collective Game, Fork & Spoon, Hunting2023-03-04 20 
5561828ULTRAQUEST IIIFollowing a nice boat ride, The Finest Chef Hell's Ever Seen starts rummaging around for information.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2023-03-12 8 
5577522Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #18David and SHODAN raid their own ships and do a little hacking. David has another strange dream and meets back up with his crew.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-03-28 26 
April 2023
5632368West Blue Seadogs Quest #24In the wake of the war a new world is bornWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2023-04-09 28 
5589894Pokemon: Fork and Spoon 3A new partner is successfully captured, and the restaurant continues to expand its menu.Pokemon, Collective Game, Fork & Spoon, Hunting2023-04-15 10 
5599422ULTRAQUEST IVThe Finest Robotic Chef Hell's ever seen becomes bloodthirsty and gets directions to New New York.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks, New New York2023-04-23 2 
May 2023
5638718Pokémon: Fork and Spoon 3.5Penny ends off the week by going on a fishing trip to a new area with Liam.Pokemon, Collective Game, Fork and Spoon, Hunting2023-05-01 10 
5617991Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #19David heads back to Xebric station only to discover shit hit the fan.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-05-08 28 
5674876West Blue Seadogs Quest #25The Flower Festival beginsWest Blue Seadogs, One Piece, Collective Game, Anime, Humor, Autism 2023-05-28 21 
June 2023
5658149Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #20David and crew make their way through the ruined Xebric Station, encounter someone unexpected and (eventually) reach their target. HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-06-20 22 
July 2023
5681084Ultraquest VThe Finest Chef Hell's Ever Seen goes on indefinite hiatus/is canceled.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks, New New York2023-07-15 5 
August 2023
5685111Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #3/Ritalinda/ have fun at the tightrope, /Erimena/ see the face of god, Helen suffers from success and Emma... you know the rest.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Lumina Canima, being Emma is suffering, Hush, yuri, hardcore yuri desuwa2023-08-02 10 
5692338Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #21The assault on Xebric station continues. David faces several dangerous opponents to maintain control of the station.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-08-07 18 
September 2023
5732698Monsterpunk Quest #4MPQ's Back! Our hero gets into legal trouble, chats with an acquaintance, and texts a friend.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, mecha, post-apocalypse, Arcadian Politics2023-09-15 3 
5732362Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #22David gets Cylia's hand fixed, clears out a hospital and makes a deal with a lizard-person.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-09-22 15 
5734517Operation Moonshot (1)You are Senior Lieutenant Aleksei Volkov, and you are on the moon to fight Nazis. Fighting in Afghanistan was a lot simpler than this.Moon, Nazi, USSR, Thunderhead,2023-09-25 7 
October 2023
5765679Monsterpunk Quest #5Our hero gets tasked to travel to a remote colony of an allied faction, and meets the most renowned pactmaker of his house.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, post-apocalypse, adventure2023-10-16 3 
5765175Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #4In which the story of Lucinda and her mammoth is explored from its beginning, climax, and end. The QM calls an official end to the Royale.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Lumina Canima, Wooly Mammoth, the bird call cliffhanger hurts2023-10-18 8 
5770776Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #23David pieces the station back together and prepares to go home - to earth. HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-10-20 14 
5772094Kobolt Klan Adoption 14In which Reynauld fights a spider and gets poisoned, also there's a transhumanist debate.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Transhumanism2023-10-31 6 
November 2023
5777646Operation Moonshot (2)The assault begins, and Aleksei enters the Nazi base.Moon, Nazi, USSR, Thunderhead,2023-11-03 4 
5805551Seeker of the Esoteric: Volume 2In pursuit of hidden truths, a mage apprentice discovers his friend's dark origins and illness; to heal her, they will alter the very worldReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, theosophony, spiritualism, animal experimentation, ethics, friendship, transhumanism2023-11-06 16 
5802571ChudQuestChud reaches 30 years old without having sex and becomes a WIZARD.chud, chad, meme, shitpost2023-11-11 3 
December 2023
5803136Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #24David encounters a giant space squid and finally makes it back to earth.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2023-12-05 10 
5813050Kobolt Klan Adoption 15 You leave the forest and talk to people. For once, things aren't horrible for a bit.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2023-12-08 5 
5846486Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 3Transformed forever by his lover's selfish act, a half-elven mage apprentice returns to his roots in search of answersReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, Seeker of the Esoteric, transhumanism, humanitaranism, fairies, lizardmen, parental estrangement2023-12-18 8 
5845395NO MORE HEROES Quest! Surii!In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress infiltrates the bar Tit-E Ripper's to kill a gamer and a punk rock bitchFuckhead, No More Heroes, No More Heroes Quest, Female MC, Assassins, GAMING, Video Games, Electric Thunder Tiger, Blood, Wacky, Violence!2023-12-20 34 
January 2024
5855084Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #25In which David gets his earthly affairs back in order, starts looking for his old friends and finds a way to take care of his family.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-01-19 8 
March 2024
5896153Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #26In which David secures his fortunes, reveals all to his sister and picks up an old friend. And a method of creating psychics?HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-03-05 7 
5914295Halo: Wolfpack (thread 17)Ex-Captain Commander Wells finds himself rebuilding corrupted data in the UNSC systems. Then he gets ONI a present. Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2024-03-15 10 
April 2024
5943919Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #27David goes looking for a pickle, but ends up finding a man in black first.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-04-19 10 
May 2024
5958948Halo: Wolfpack (thread 18)We board a Covenant cruiser and begin writing the rulebook for boarding operations.Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2024-05-08 10 
5962747Kobolt Klan Adoption 18Reynauld meets the inlaws. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2024-05-12 5 
6011108Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8Tips' inability to avoid adventure results in another extended trip to the Goblin Wastes and the sanctuar of the Ashurati sand-elves.ReptoidQM, PTSD, exoteric mysticism, Gaia Hypothesis, goblins, ashurati, elves, polyamory, adventure, discovery, smut2024-05-27 5 
5981316Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #28David works on some guns, spends some time relaxing with the crew, gets attacked by the Chinese and responds proportionally.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-05-27 6 
6018544Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8.5Tips pulls out, a 4chan moderator takes it down, and Volume 8 continues...ReptoidQM, PTSD, exoteric mysticism, Gaia Hypothesis, goblins, ashurati, elves, polyamory, adventure, discovery, sfw2024-05-27 7 
June 2024
6015486Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels (Mythic RPG)Investigating the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels to find missing children.Call of Cthulhu, Conspiracy, Google Street View, Horror, Modern, Mythic, Nyarlathotep, Paranormal, RPG, Wux2024-06-22 13 
July 2024
6017840Halo Wolfpack (thread 19)With the cruiser captured, preparations are made to bring it home.Halo: Wolfpack, UNSC, Warships, Navy, Thunderhead2024-07-03 5 
6025658The Iscariot Contingency: Holliday's Rhapsodyyou are Fluellen Holliday: Wanderer, unlicensed bounty hunter, unregistered mercenary, ekeing out a living. FHQM, collective game, fantasy, bounty hunter2024-07-05 1 
6021519Kobolt Klan Adoption 19In an embarrassingly small thread, the plot inches forward towards something akin to a conclusion.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism2024-07-05 5 
6019065Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #29Gunny finally returns to Xebric and starts settling back in, but finds some vultures have started picking at the station among other issues.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-07-06 7 
August 2024
6052775Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #30In which Ronnie discovers how fucked up his situation really is, and experiences a little trauma.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-08-28 6 
September 2024
6062047Kobolt Klan Adoption 20They reach the wizard in this one. Things don't go terrible yet!Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, wizard, Dragons2024-09-15 5 
October 2024
6091170Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #31David takes the pirate raiders on a bug-squashing run, and Cochrane announces the end.HFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2024-10-28 3 
January 2025
6131428Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #32In which Cochrane makes little to no progress in ending the questHFY, HFY Quest, Humanity, David Rockefeller, David, Cochrane, CochraneQM, Cat-Girl, Goblin, Shortstack, Collective Game, USA, Marine2025-01-03 5 
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