/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2009
4702559Chaos FurnitureFurniture of the Chaos GodsWarhammer, Furniture, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh2009-05-30 0 
March 2010
8866464LOST PRIMARCH QUEST PART 4Rachnus Rageous and his Silencers land on the warp-infested planet, and make their way to the capital city's heart, only to find... Daemons.RACHNUS, RAGEOUS, LOST, PRIMARCH, ANGRY, SPIDERS, MALORIS, FUCK, EMPRAH, TZEENTCH, OMEGON, ALPHARIUS, ALPHA LEGION2010-03-30 10 
April 2010
9285336Gork and Mork created the universeWhat starts as a realization that the Orks have already won rapidly leads to a better understanding of the 40k universeGork,Mork,Emperor,Tzeentch2010-04-19 28 
January 2011
13665924Thousand Sons discussion/tg/ chatting about the Thousand Sons, making several unexpected fluff connections.40k, Tzeentch, Thousand Sons2011-01-27 4 
October 2012
21107634Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 33Hito encounter the Chaos Gods who want to turn him into Champion of Chaos against his will.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Chaos Gods, Chaos, Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Doomrider2012-10-14 2 
21206871Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 34Hito meet one of the Buddhist monk who come to his aid. Now Hito tried to flee from the Chaos Gods.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Chaos Gods, Chaos, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Zombie2012-10-21 1 
December 2012
22068390Tzeentch and Sailor MoonSailor Moon tries to wish the warp out of existence, then somehow ends up with Draigo.writefaggotry, Tzeentch, Kaldor Draigo, Sailor Moon, 2012-12-17 3 
22098308Time-Travel MindfuckDark Heresy party is sent back in time. Starts whimsy, get's weird fast.tzeentch, storytime, what is happening, madness2012-12-18 15 
August 2014
34259772Khornette Quest #5In which we avoid space combat, get a shiny new outfit (and hat), fake being an Inquisitor, and kill a Grey Knight. Oh and something with feathers towards the end.Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Space Marines, Tzeentchette, Just as planned, ELH2014-08-20 4 
October 2014
35268258Tzeentchette Quest Oneshot (#2)In which we once again play as Iggy the Change Lady in a SPACE HULK EXPEDITION.Collective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Tzeentchette, Lady of Change, Not as planned, SPACE HULK, ELH2014-10-03 17 
35713147Khornette Quest #14In which we annoy Ignitrix (lovingly), corrupt/kill some Blood Ravens, and generally play Fleet AdmiralCollective Game, Khornette, Nurglette, Tzeentchette, Lady of Change, Blood Ravens, ELH2014-10-24 14 
December 2014
36825105Ignitrix Sidequest #1In which we attend an Opera as a maid and discover that everyone else is actually the daemonsCollective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, daemons, ELH2014-12-18 13 
36813137Tzeentch Quest #1A bored Chaos God of Change Immigrates to a world of witchcraft and wizardry.Collective Game, Warhammer, Harry Potter, Big Purple Bird, Tzeentch2014-12-19 10 
36863490Ignitrix Sidequest #2In which Iggy gets her own Rosette and starts corrupting some acolytes.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Irony, daemons, ELH2014-12-20 12 
January 2015
37556035Ignitrix's Sidequest #3In which Waaaaghterworld becomes a thing.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, Waaaaghterworld, Orks, Shoggy, ELH 2015-01-23 11 
37686919Ignitrix's Sidequest #4: Waaaaaghterworld pt 2In which we mess with a Repentia's dreams and meet the Dea'cin. Collective Game, Waaaaghterworld, Orks, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, ELH2015-01-29 12 
February 2015
37845597Ignitrix Sidequest #5Alia and Iggy escape certain doom, only for the Bird Brain to nearly send them into the Warp healing her. Antics with Orks ensue as a result.Collective Game, Orks, The Hunt for Red Orktobrah, Khornette, Lady of Change, Tzeentchette, Just as Planned, Not as Planned, ELH2015-02-05 11 
November 2016
839553 You are a Warhammer 40k Cultistyou are Thoth Talibah, a former Space Marine. casting aside you faith in the emperor you escape to Zerht 3 to spread the truth of Tzeentch.Harbinger Of Doom, cultist, Tzeentch,2016-11-21 3 
866607You are a Warhammer 40k Cultistonce on Zerht 3 you work to spread your cults powerHarbinger Of Doom, cultist, Tzeentch,2016-11-26 1 
855729 You are a Warhammer 40k Cultist, #2 once on Zerht 3 you work to spread your cults powerHarbinger Of Doom, cultist, Tzeentch,2016-11-26 1 
January 2023
5502106Transgirl Transfer Student QuestOne QM starts a quest about a sickly boy crushing on a new transfer student. Another QM turns it into a supernatural tale of terror.Tzeentch, Not Tzeentch, transgirl, slice of life, student, romance, supernatural, adopted quest2023-01-28 1 
June 2024
92886259Valhallans in a BuildingThe Valhallan 545th raid a Munitorum building to find the clerk who keeps giving them bad missions. Chaos tries to intervene.40k, IG, valhallans, skitarii, chaos, writefaggotry, felinids, titans, inquisition, slaanesh, khorne, tzeentch2024-06-01 7 
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