Thread | Title | Description | Tags | Added | Score |
December 2007 |
908902 | Pun-Pun | A powergamer brings a kobold sorcerer with a viper familiar to the table. | pun-pun, powergaming, shit | 2007-12-18 | 5 | |
September 2008 |
2684254 | Bananaguru's Thoughts on 4e | Someone starts a thread about 4th edition D&D being a MOREPIG. It is actually reasonable and leads to a debate over game design paradims and other such interesting things. | 4e, MMO, Unaccountably Not A Shitstorm | 2008-09-28 | 2 | |
October 2008 |
2740879 | Eurid | Earthflame again, building a transhuman SF world with genetically enhanced super-agents. Basically playing in a completely different league than /tg/ in general. | Earthflame Eurid Getting Shit Done | 2008-10-05 | 10 | |
2764879 | The Ends Justify The Means | A serious discussion of how to make a fairly generic "insane scalpel-happy doctor" villain slightly more interesting, and in so doing present a quandary to her would-be assassins. | BBEG, morals, discussion, getting shit done | 2008-10-09 | 6 | |
2900429 | Vampire | A lazy storyteller searching for clues how to run a high school game in VtM. Quite unprecedented, he actually gets great advice. Archived for the purpose of showing how it should work. | Vampire The Masquerade, World of Darkness, Getting Shit Done | 2008-10-29 | 10 | |
January 2009 |
3399003 | Chaotic Shiny Generators | An Anon introduces a random generator site to /tg/. /tg/ amuses itself with them and ideas flow forth. | chatoic, shiny, generator, random, shitstorm | 2009-01-14 | 2 | |
3520068 | Promethean: The Created | An uncommon White Wolf RPG gains some recognition and mutual admiration. | promethan, created, white wolf, rpg, frankenstein | 2009-01-26 | 0 | |
3552378 | Philosopher: A game of Loss and Revelation | Earthflame brings us yet another rpg idea, involving the moment of absolute truth and the loss therof. Discussion and ideas commence | earthflame, homebrew, philosophy, butlers, hitchhikers guide | 2009-01-29 | 6 | |
3564426 | Philosopher: Act Two | Continued discussion of Earthflame's new game proposal | earthflame, homebrew, philosophy, hitchhikers guide | 2009-01-31 | 5 | |
May 2009 |
4518764 | Transformers RPG | Anonymous has a rich discussion on another well setup campaign setting | Transformers Getting shit done | 2009-05-12 | 0 | |
June 2009 |
4750158 | Drew the Lich: Plottan part 2 | Shit hits the fan when Kiara returns. Continuation of previous thread. | Drew the lich, OH SHIT, blackguard, we need more kiara porn | 2009-06-03 | 49 | |
4852108 | All Bards custom game | OP fantasizes about Metal Heads rocking up a literal storm. Him and /tg/ work on making a homebrew music-based system. | Getting Shit Done, Music, Homebrew, Metal, Bards | 2009-06-12 | 3 | |
4974301 | Yet more Island Dorfs | Anon asks for dungeon ideas for the Tropical Island setting. Anon provides that, and more. | island, dorfs, dwarves, elves, setting, getting shit done | 2009-06-24 | 6 | |
July 2009 |
5249757 | Awesome NPCs | ITT: DMs share their best NPCs. Contains several merchants, lovable rogues, and even some sad stories. | NPC, D&D, Dungeon Master, Merchants, Pathfinder, Eberron, Mafia, Great White Hunter, Ghoul | 2009-07-25 | 10 | |
August 2009 |
5516917 | Zombies, Zombies, and yeah, More Zombies but with stats | like the last thread but zombies are statted for All Flesh must be Eaten | zombies shit gets done stats AFMBE | 2009-08-20 | 3 | |
September 2009 |
5863733 | The Doctor Is In | Player wants to make a surgical genius as a character in 3.5 D&D. Advice ranges from Experts to Rogues to the home brewed Chiurgon Class. | surgery, homebrew, 3.5 classes, get shit done | 2009-09-15 | 3 | |
5889885 | The Doctor Is In 2 | The return of the homebrewed Adventuring Physician class, made overall better by /tg/. | surgery, homebrew, 3.5 classes, get shit done | 2009-09-17 | 3 | |
October 2009 |
6364430 | Deathwish Quest 4.75 | WE FINALLY MADE THAT DAMN AXE, AND IT IS A FORCE OF NATURE. | Charles, Bronson, Deathwish, HOLY, SHIT, WEJUSTKIILEDSOMEGODDAMNDRAGONS | 2009-10-21 | 7 | |
December 2009 |
6977334 | A new Drew the Lich thread? | In MY /tg/? It's more likely than you think. Technically, though, it's more a Kiara thread. | Drew The Lich, Kiara, Blackfist, OH SHIT | 2009-12-03 | 21 | |
January 2010 |
7488447 | /rs/ and Xom's Champion return | Xom's Champion returns along with /rs/ and lots of old publications. | scans, White Dwarf, rapidshare, /rs/, articles | 2010-01-09 | 1 | |
7834729 | White Wolf/Exalted Thread | A discussion on White Wolf Games takes a turn towards Exalted and how Abyssals don't have to be Emo or murder-happy dicks. | White-Wolf, Exalted, Abyssals | 2010-01-30 | 0 | |
February 2010 |
8105568 | Lego + 40k = ? | FUCKING WIN, THATS WHAT! Screw you, GW! | lego, holy shit this is awesome, 40k, orkz | 2010-02-16 | 1 | |
March 2010 |
8377758 | ChronoChess | /tg/ gets shit done, timetravel chess. Send your queen back in time to save your rook, then have your queens new and old pair up to pin his queen and knight - who then captures your rook the turn before. | Chess, shit gets done, Chronochess, TimeTravel | 2010-03-03 | 14 | |
April 2010 |
8895534 | Wormhole Cyberpunk setting | Aliens seek refuge, but end up crash landing and screwing up the planet big time. Cyberpunk without the 80's feel. | scifi apocalypse post-apocalypse post postapocalypse alien refugee immigrant war science fiction SHTF future cyberpunk punk white knight whiteknight | 2010-04-01 | 2 | |
9015413 | Elves gone awesome again | SHARP.
ANGULAR. | elves, awesome, refluffing, Shit Got Done | 2010-04-06 | 7 | |
9063660 | Champion: The Escalation | A discussion on the merits of Princess: the Hopeful (there are none) turns into a surprisingly engaging discussion of how to handle heroes the World of Darkness way. | World of Darkness, weeaboo, homebrew, shit gets done | 2010-04-09 | 2 | |
9331425 | Science: the Hypothesis | Hot new TCG! exellent theory thread about a game that does not exist but should, templates for the cards, beseechment to GET SHIT DONE. do it /tg/. | Science: the Hypothesis, get shit done, TCG | 2010-04-22 | 2 | |
May 2010 |
9746989 | Tinyhammer part 2 | The tinyhammering spreads over the face of the earth, and not just with wargame minis. | Tinyhammer, apocalypse, oshit | 2010-05-12 | 5 | |
9921994 | Nazis vs. Drow | Hitler opens a portal to the Underdark, trains wizard corps, and prepares to show the Drow what real racism is. | Hitler, Drow, Underdark, Nazis | 2010-05-20 | 5 | |
10137456 | Monster Hunter Tabletop | It began as a simple discussion of the vidya, but soon people were volunteering tabletop conversion ideas and information, as well as complaining about 'not getting it'. | Monst Hunter, FantasyCraft, TableTop, Get Shit Done | 2010-05-29 | 2 | |
June 2010 |
10217394 | Brother Rot | Magos Joran Bol'van hosts a Create A BBEG thread. /tg/ gets shit done, creates win. | BBEG, /tg/ gets shit done | 2010-06-02 | 6 | |
July 2010 |
10964326 | craziest shit you have ever done in game | /tg/ shares tales of some of the Craziest things they've ever done. New Namefag Waffle House Millionaire all but steals the show with the tale of Old Man Henderson | storytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, dashingbastard, Waffle House Millionaire | 2010-07-06 | 65 | |
11385446 | Archived | He mad | shit thread | 2010-07-27 | 12 | |
August 2010 |
11600995 | Zerg Quest VII | Anon hacks the Confederate Intelligence network, personally organizes the Invasion of Aiur, and THEN the epic starts. | Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, fleshlings, Starcraft, KINSTOOOOON!!!, Giant fucking crystals, Shit just got real | 2010-08-10 | 13 | |
11658404 | Engine Heart Deluxe Model Edition | Viral brings the polished Engine Heart to /tg/. Only $20 for a copy of /tg/ original content in paper form, and a free DL because Viral is a bro like that. | Engine Heart, original content, /tg/ gets shit done, Viral | 2010-08-15 | 11 | |
October 2010 |
12281662 | Trollphysics | /tg/ tries out Trollphysics- and it's surprisingly plausible FUCK NO IT ISN'T LOLOLOLOLITROLLU | Troll physics, bullshit, fucking magnets | 2010-10-01 | 25 | |
12311732 | If Movies and TV were campaigns | What if movies, tv shows and vidya were campaigns? | what if, rpg, bullshit | 2010-10-03 | 16 | |
12580929 | Command and Conquer: Tabletop | Some dumbass archived a Homestuck thread and gave it THIS thread's proper title. | Tabletop, Command and Conquer, shit getting done, fuck yeah | 2010-10-27 | 4 | |
12591492 | Shi/tg/ets done Saturday | Whats starts as reminiscense of old /tg/ projects that were never finished ends with the resolve to start a weekly thread to actually get shit done on these old projects | shit gets done, /tg/, discussion, homebrew, rules, crunch | 2010-10-28 | 3 | |
November 2010 |
12711995 | Bombardini: The Return (Also his shitty DM rages) | Probably staged, but the DM of the game Bomb "Ruined" returns to bitch and whine, interesting things ensue | Bombardini, Vampirefaggotry, Shit DMs | 2010-11-07 | 16 | |
12743172 | B-movie RPG homebrew | A whinge thread gets anon back on the horse planning a B-movie RPG. Cool deaths, random monster generators, and Tim Curry await within | Homebrew, Horror, Getting Shit Done | 2010-11-10 | 7 | |
12752560 | Zerg Quest XIX | Anon watches Confederate TV, and makes plan for ZergTV. It succeeds in beginning a war between the Protoss and the Terrans. It spends about two hours trying to goad Cerebrate Anon into making giant floating missile ships or something. TUCAMP shares part of his Zerg Quest-inspired stage play (no, really). Very little actually happens. | Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Let's add shit to it, yea verily Cerebrate, Collective Game, Talk talk talk | 2010-11-11 | 13 | |
12867375 | System of ROCK | /tg/ gets shit done by making a system. Ends up revolving around bands, d12s, and has sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll as stats.
Glorious | /tg/ gets shit done, homebrew, d12, Rock and Roll, Metal, Heavy Metal | 2010-11-21 | 5 | |
December 2010 |
12995135 | Ain't No Stealth In Space | A discussion of how to construct space-based ships and weaponry which would be capable of actually hiding in space. Emphasis on actual physics/engineering | Sci-Fi, Space, Getting Shit Done | 2010-12-02 | 4 | |
13058706 | Travellers guide to Earth | Australia: don't go there
also avnari writefaggotry (Warning bromance) | avnari, slight humanity fuck yeah, hitch hiker ripoff | 2010-12-07 | 13 | |
13183002 | Alien: The Outsider 2 | New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. | white wolf, homebrew, lovecraft, eldritch, fluff, new content | 2010-12-17 | 14 | |
13201397 | Have you ever played a White Knight campaign? | OP asks if anyone ever played a LG-only/Paladin-only campaign, with a description of how being a White Knight would be. Hilarious copypasta ensues and white knights' sheer evil-smiting power and moral grounds are discussed. | White Knight, Black Knight, Lawful Good, Morality | 2010-12-18 | 5 | |
13195275 | Alien: The Outsider 3 | New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. | white wolf, homebrew, lovecraft, eldritch, fluff, new content | 2010-12-18 | 12 | |
13237239 | Biggs and Big Iron | What starts out as a wizarding troll thread becomes one of an epic tale of one Goliath and the hammer that broke an entire campaign. Includes a sarcastic bro-priest, a rules lawyer of justice, a little girl and a CE barbarian who gains levels in Paladin of Freedom after killing a man 3 times his level.
Contains copious amounts of heroics and fuck the GM. | Shit GM, That Guy, Biggs, HAMMERTIME, Little Girl, Paladin, storytime | 2010-12-21 | 23 | |
13254394 | Alien: The Outsider 4 (or is it Outsider: The Calling) | More horribleness from beyond human keen. | white wolf, homebrew, lovecraft, eldritch, fluff, new content | 2010-12-23 | 12 | |
13311592 | Outsider: The Calling 5 (formerly Alien: The Outsider) | /tg/ continues to work out fluff and mechanics for the nWoD homebrew with a lovecraftian mythos flair. | Outsider, nWoD, homebrew, Lovecraft, white wolf, fluff, new content | 2010-12-28 | 12 | |
13328255 | Outsider: The Calling | /tg/ continues to work out fluff and mechanics for the nWoD homebrew with a lovecraftian mythos flair. Continued after last thread died due to DDoS. | Outsider, nWoD, homebrew, Lovecraft, white wolf, fluff, new content | 2010-12-29 | 11 | |
January 2011 |
13457764 | Outsider: The Calling 7 | New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. | Outsider, nWoD, homebrew, Lovecraft, white wolf, fluff, new content | 2011-01-10 | 10 | |
13511433 | Outsider: The Calling 8 (w/ Recap) | New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. Also has a pretty good compilation of all the assembled work done so far. | Outsider, nWoD, homebrew, Lovecraft, white wolf, fluff, new content | 2011-01-14 | 11 | |
February 2011 |
13801279 | All Teched Up With Nowhere To Go | What starts as a simple roleplaying horror stories thread turns interesting when one of the named GMs turns up and /tg/ learns the value of Teching Up. | That Guy, Freeform, shitty games, horror stories, Tech Up | 2011-02-06 | 20 | |
13936277 | Outsider: The Calling 9 | New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. | Outsider, nWoD, homebrew, Lovecraft, white wolf, fluff, new content | 2011-02-18 | 11 | |
March 2011 |
14077407 | Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal Land | Step 1) Post a large and pretty PDF with Touhou selling point. Step 2) Mathfags, rollfags, roleplayers, Touhoufags converge. Step 3) Critiques and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEG. But you have to admit... It's a fairly well done PDF. Let this be a lesson for all those ambitious homebrew makers: Yo shit gonna be picked. | touhou toho homebrew rpg critique roleplaying rollplaying pdf d6 rpg rage system testing balance shitstorm fantasy mary_sue magic rules | 2011-03-01 | 16 | |
14096871 | Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal Land - Part 2 | Continuation of previous thread. /tg/ continues to balancing efforts and fixing shit. Autistic samefag from previous sages again. | touhou, toho, homebrew, rpg, critique, roleplaying, rollplaying, pdf, d6, rpg,, system, testing, balance, balancing, fix, fixing, fantasy, mary sue, magic, rules, getting shit done | 2011-03-02 | 8 | |
14343366 | Zerg Quest XXXVI | What starts as a simple bit of subterfuge quickly becomes shit hitting the fan. | Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Oh shit moment | 2011-03-24 | 10 | |
14352827 | Alce in Dark Heresy | /tg/ succeeds in making a children's character even more Grimdark and will make you shit bricks. | Alice, Dark Heresy, Oh shit | 2011-03-24 | 2 | |
April 2011 |
14754121 | The Game (Classroom) | /tg/ finds vid of VA teacher running large-scale world RP in classroom. Contacts him for information, win ensues. | homebrew, cooperative, getting shit done, original, collective game, loli | 2011-04-30 | 12 | |
May 2011 |
15029972 | Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #4 | Sir Scribe's vision continues to take form as /tg/ demonstrates its ability to get shit done. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done | 2011-05-24 | 6 | |
15041421 | Pencil...Dice? | Anon proposes that pencils can be substituted for six-sided dice. Math and SCIENCE! ensue. | /tg/ gets shit done, science, math, dice | 2011-05-25 | 26 | |
15051875 | Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #5 | In which shit continues to get done. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done | 2011-05-26 | 5 | |
15069694 | Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #5 | More shit getting done. Mostly refinement of the skill system and working on magic. Also some drawfaggotry. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Planning, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, homebrew, shit gets done | 2011-05-28 | 5 | |
15091730 | Legend of Zelda RPG Planning Thread #7 | 6th thread was mislabeled as 5. Shit continues to get done, particularly in the combat section. | Legend of Zelda RPG, planning, thread, Sir Scribe, Zelda, TriForce, homebrew, shit gets done | 2011-05-31 | 5 | |
June 2011 |
15170866 | Legend of Zelda RPG #9 | Thread #8 404'd without an archive. Shit continuous to get done. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, Shit gets done | 2011-06-07 | 7 | |
15229712 | Legend of Zelda RPG #10 | The RPG continues to take shape. The real crunch begins. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch, drawfag | 2011-06-12 | 9 | |
15253114 | Legend of Zelda RPG #11 | More rules, more art, more progress. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch, drawfag | 2011-06-15 | 11 | |
15290183 | Legend of Zelda RPG #12 | Magic and equipment gets expanded upon. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch | 2011-06-18 | 8 | |
15297454 | Candy Land Adventures | OP took the classic board game and then turned it into something more. | candy land, board game, getting shit done, expansion | 2011-06-18 | 12 | |
15334060 | Legend of Zelda RPG #13 | Shit continues to get done. Magic and music are discussed, and races are revisited and expanded. Also some more new artwork. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch | 2011-06-24 | 6 | |
15375622 | Legend of Zelda RPG Thread 14 | Steady progress is made toward getting this thing playtestable. Some discussion of settings and fluff, rules for songs, a few new techniques, and more! | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Sir Scribe, Zelda, Triforce, shit gets done, crunch | 2011-06-26 | 6 | |
15396589 | Legend of Zelda RPG 15 | Compiling, designing, and editing techniques is the focus of this thread, with a few new mechanic ideas and artwork as well. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2011-06-29 | 6 | |
July 2011 |
15433135 | Legend of Zelda RPG #16 | Techniques and Magic gets worked on, and the RPG inches towards being playtest-ready. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2011-07-04 | 6 | |
15492650 | Cazaclaw | Combining two of the most terrifying monsters ever to create the thing of nightmares. | Fallout, New Vegas, Cazador, Deathclaw, Pants shitting, tarrasque | 2011-07-06 | 10 | |
15503489 | Lord Deathrape and the Cazaclawrasque | Because some PCs just deserve to die. | Tarrasque, Horror, Holy shit, BBEG, Cazador, Deathclaw, Cazaclaw, God hates you, FUCK | 2011-07-07 | 14 | |
15496100 | Legend of Zelda Thread #17 | In which development and discussion continues, along with the odd bit of nice drawfaggotry. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2011-07-12 | 6 | |
15560584 | The Legend of Zelda RPG - Thread #18 | Steady progress is made, particularly regarding magic and music. Also the first bits of feedback from playtesting, and of course some lovely artistry. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2011-07-15 | 7 | |
15613979 | Outsider: The Calling 10 | New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. | Outsider, nWoD, homebrew, Lovecraft, white wolf, fluff, new content | 2011-07-18 | 10 | |
15635245 | 2006 AK-47 Republic released! | Anon teases us with a pic of the aforementioned rules on a scanner: shortly, he delivers. Accompanied by glorious Osprey and silly flags. | Getting Shit Done, scan thread, delivery, AK-47 Republic, wargame, mercenaries | 2011-07-21 | 6 | |
15646309 | AK-47 Republic second edition! | Updated rules! Redheads! Holy grails of scale-less wargaming! | Getting Shit Done, scan thread, delivery, AK-47 Republic, wargame, Promotions, Drow, Redheads | 2011-07-21 | 9 | |
15662705 | Art Deco Marines | A very original idea for a new Space Marines chapter is developed when OP comes with plans to build a 20s/30s themed army. | Art Deco, 1930s, Space Marines, Greaser Orks, The Architects | 2011-07-22 | 7 | |
15683716 | Legend of Zelda RPG development #20.5 | Thread 20 vanished into the aether without archival...We won't let this one get away! | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Shit Gets Done | 2011-07-24 | 8 | |
August 2011 |
15759263 | Legend of Zelda RPG development #21 | Some tweaks and revisions to existing techs and spells, a thorough review/fleshing out of the weapon system, and more - /tg/ gets shit done. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2011-08-04 | 6 | |
15852524 | Most Insane EDH Deck Ever | There is no win, only the madness. | MTG, EDH, Commander, /tg/ Gets shit done | 2011-08-07 | 10 | |
15869516 | Vidya Game Name Generator | /tg/ fluffs out names into games that put the game industry to shame. Can you type faster than the Nazi's in 'Stupendous Typing Over Normandy'? Enjoy quality edutainment with 'Viking Robot Phonics'! Experience the total sum of wargaming in 'Enormous Chainsaw - Total War'! Strain your brain over 'M.C. Escher's Bandicoot Melee'! AND MORE! | vidya, game, name, generator, viking, nazi, hitler, time, travel, space, hillbilly, gokart, race, japan, werewolf, blast, mario, writefaggotry, awesome, barbie, beatdown, bible | 2011-08-09 | 9 | |
15846057 | Legend of Zelda RPG development #22 | Some touches on magic and songs, finishing weapon properties, and development of an improved character sheet. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2011-08-10 | 3 | |
15964230 | Harry Potter RPG development | Guy who said he'd make a game like, a month ago, returns. More work is done. | harry potter, homebrew, /tg/ gets shit done | 2011-08-18 | 2 | |
16002326 | I just came back from the strangest game | OP tells the tale of a crazy goth he gamed with and the girl on a chain he had with him; /tg/ rages with bearded, hero fury. | creepy, Goth, Heroic, whiteknight, glorious, /tg/ | 2011-08-20 | 17 | |
15957628 | The Legend of Zelda RPG development #24 | Finally starting to work our way out of the productivity slump, progress is (slowly) made. A system for "foraging" for rupees and supplies is devised, a basic framework for item prices is laid down, and principles of dungeon and boss design are discussed. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Sir Scribe, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2011-08-24 | 3 | |
16078790 | Considering: a modern fantasy Wilderness setting | Anon proposes a setting with some modern tech, encroaching wilderness, and a reason for adventures. We contribute monsters and justifications. | Homebrew, Getting Shit Done, original content, pokemon, modern fantasy, setting, world building | 2011-08-28 | 8 | |
16121546 | What's so great about White Wolf? | OP asks the question, wondering why the black urban-fantasy World of Darkness is so beloved. The fa/tg/uys reply with an epic debate and discussion about the pros, cons, and details of the world of Kindred, Garou, and Changelings. | white wolf, world of darkness, vampire, werewolf, fae | 2011-08-31 | 3 | |
September 2011 |
16375960 | Araby fandex brainstorming | /tg/ starts with the creation of their own Araby army book, this brainstorming is saved for future reference. | Araby, warhammer fantasy, project, /tg/ gets shit done, | 2011-09-21 | 23 | |
16433257 | Hallowe'en Thread - now with RPG | Tender fa/tg/uys everywhere, life's no fun without a good scare! What starts as Hallowe'en general/imagedump turns into the sharing of a Hallowe'en themed RPG for all to share. | Hallowe'en, homebrew, gets shit done | 2011-09-26 | 5 | |
October 2011 |
16491215 | Fish out of Water | Campaign Idea: A PT boat gets sent to a fantasy world, cue survival horror/logistics/the odyssey. | game ideas, fantasy, modern, getting shit done, | 2011-10-02 | 12 | |
16580545 | Ar tonelico RPG Thread | /tg/ tries to make the magic system from super-weeaboo jRPG series Ar tonelico work in DnD3.5e. Succeeds. | Ar tonelico, DnD, RPG, jRPG, Getting Shit Done, 3.5e | 2011-10-13 | 7 | |
16747602 | Zerg Quest LIX | Licky lick LIX! Lots of tongue-wagging. Much less sexy than I just made it sound. | Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Far too silly, Mexican standoff, chit-chat | 2011-10-27 | 11 | |
December 2011 |
17107493 | Vinefolk in the Vineyard | "why COULDN'T there be a plant race that favored technology and industry?"
And thus the vinefolk (or Vinlanders, or vineborn, etc etc) are born. | brainstorm, shit gets concept'd, plantfolk, vinefolk, create-a-race | 2011-12-05 | 14 | |
17175541 | Narutards shit up /tg/ for the 9th time | Seriously, they're like a plague. Why are they here again? | shit, drawthreads, stuff that doesn't belong on /tg/ | 2011-12-11 | 11 | |
17247619 | Outsider: The Calling 11 | Anniversary Edition | Outsider, nWoD, homebrew, Lovecraft, white wolf, fluff, new content | 2011-12-19 | 15 | |
January 2012 |
17409405 | The Way of Hit | In which /tg/ discovers that Hit is the true path. | Hit, Fist, Way of Hit, Philosophy, Monks, Violence, Awesome, Funny, Fuck Yeah, | 2012-01-03 | 37 | |
17523320 | TG helps inspire children's book(s) | Op asks tg for help developing t tg related children's book we offer up cool suggestions | Milly, story,writefaggery,Paladin,writefag, Getting Shit Done | 2012-01-13 | 8 | |
17580591 | MOI LI'L ORKY, BOYZ IZ WAAGH! | Orkz are just like ponies. But with less cuteness and more killing. | mlp, fim, ponies, orkz, boyz, 40k, what the fuck is this shit | 2012-01-18 | 8 | |
17623137 | Outsider: The Calling 12 | New nWoD line gets fluffed out more. | Outsider, nWoD, homebrew, Lovecraft, white wolf, fluff, new content | 2012-01-24 | 8 | |
17734087 | /tg/ does crosswords | We got this | /tg/ get shit done, crosswords | 2012-01-30 | 21 | |
February 2012 |
17817039 | Wise Words From Veteran Adventurers | /tg/ muses about what veterans would say to new adventurers. What transpires is awesome. | awesome, discussion, getting shit done | 2012-02-05 | 38 | |
18061278 | Zerg Quest LXXV | Dancing with Dyles is dangerous, and humanity is about to find out just how much. | Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Even More Terran Factions, Shit I'm Late!, OH FUCK | 2012-02-23 | 11 | |
March 2012 |
18180000 | OP asks about PvP in DnD, gets storytime | Van the turncoat, barters with enemy, steals warship, throws down with other players | Dowjin, Daies, Hitsito, Van, Destamona | 2012-03-03 | 12 | |
18221774 | Old Humanity and the Elemental Gods | Begins as a joke discussion about redheads being part fire-elemental. Ends with Humanity being the result of magical gods intermarrying with the primal forces of nature, and their offspring manifesting their elemental affinity via hair and eye color. Also, brief writefaggotry featuring telepathic Churchill vs. psychic Hitler. | elements, gods, HFY, old magic, psychic Hitler | 2012-03-06 | 13 | |
18303811 | Legend of Zelda RPG Revival | The /tg/ Zelda roleplaying game project returns as a new concept is proposed. Efforts to streamline the mechanics of the previous version are discussed and hammered out. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2012-03-13 | 13 | |
18320662 | The White Wall | OP wants to know how to end the story of his warrior. /tg/ obliges. | writefaggotry, stories, fantasy, warrior, armor, The White Wall, | 2012-03-15 | 28 | |
18384531 | Legend of Zelda RPG Revival Thread #2 | With most of the broad concepts figured out, more detailed crunch begins. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Shit Gets Done, Crunch | 2012-03-21 | 6 | |
18431575 | Dat Architecture | /tg/ reveals its' secret fetish for buildings. Young, old, small or large. Dat masonry. | architecture, buildings, sarcasm, funny, | 2012-03-23 | 21 | |
18526223 | Some faggy quest thing | TAKE IT BACK TO /v/ YOU FAGS | some shit, collective game, quest shit | 2012-03-31 | 10 | |
April 2012 |
18647845 | Armored Core Quest 7 | We take out a bandit after finding out that the posted difficulty was a lie. Also, HOLY SHIT DAVE. | AC Quest, AC Guy, Collective Game, Giant Robots, HOLY SHIT DAVE | 2012-04-10 | 27 | |
18837867 | Magical Girl Dystopia | Magical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuuffff | fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy | 2012-04-24 | 21 | |
18865858 | Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game | Ten tribes make themselves known on the central continent in this chapter of the Primordial Evo Game. | Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong | 2012-04-27 | 3 | |
18892469 | Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 2 | Trials and tribulations of the ten tribes continues. Ry'lai rise up, literally, guests from across the west strait wreck up VietKoBurrog's ambush, and other shenanigans involving new kinds of magickery happens. | Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong, Simidan | 2012-04-29 | 5 | |
May 2012 |
18915855 | Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3 | The bug war approaches. TO ARMS! | Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong, Simidan | 2012-05-02 | 6 | |
19083275 | The Tale Of Hitsito The Armory | Storytime of an Epic Level DnD game, Dueling Gods, Neverwinter gets destroyed | Dowjin, Daies, Hitsito, Van, Destamona, DnD, Epic, Storytime | 2012-05-13 | 10 | |
19085077 | Magical Girl Dystopia III | More fleshing out about the girls and the resistance | fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy | 2012-05-14 | 5 | |
19119894 | Magical Girl Dystopia IV | The setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud. | fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy | 2012-05-18 | 2 | |
19281105 | Zerg Quest LXXXVIIIb | We throw Kerrigan a parade. It's everything our little sister could have wanted. Also, Defensebrate is nearly murdered. | Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Starcraft, Oh shit, I love a parade!, dice don't fail me now, Tassadar | 2012-05-29 | 11 | |
June 2012 |
19671858 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 2 | With the basics of character creation done, Minifig now works on specific animals. Suggestions are made, things are refined, alliances are forged. | RPG, rpg, Palladium, Savage Worlds, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, homebrew, SW, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done, win, character creation, mutants, cordova is awesome | 2012-06-30 | 2 | |
19679204 | Homebrewed Tea Design Thread 1 | Anon posts about a little girl mascot for /tg/. This ends up starting discussion on a tea RPG game, where the players get hired to host tea parties and hold tea ceremonies. | Tea, Homebrew, Game Design, Get Shit Done | 2012-06-30 | 2 | |
July 2012 |
19749704 | July 4th Deathstrike game | A store in the U.S. gets a 4th of July present from the U.K. A nuclear present. | deathstrike, missile, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k, global games, crazy ass shit, this is why we play, "fireworks show" | 2012-07-05 | 20 | |
19766361 | Freeform Tale | Op and his friends have made actual good characters in an online Play-by-Post freeform game that's full of Mary Sues. Sit back and watch the magic happen. | Freeform, Posting, Mary Sue, Bullshit Powers, OOC Knowledge, Poor Spelling | 2012-07-08 | 25 | |
19797267 | Legend of Zelda RPG Revival Revival | The old project gets picked up. Again. Arguments are had. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done | 2012-07-09 | 2 | |
19820279 | Legend of Zelda Revival² #2 | Slowly but surely working our way through the process of reviving the LoZ RPG project. Dice mechanisms are discussed and haters waste their time try to convince us we're wasting our time. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done | 2012-07-11 | 2 | |
19844767 | Legend of Zelda Revival² #3 | We work on combat mechanics, and make a design document. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done | 2012-07-14 | 1 | |
19896559 | Legend of Zelda Revival² #4 | We finish up reactions, up the stat and skill limits, and discuss when the virtue bonus applies. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done | 2012-07-17 | 2 | |
19951563 | Matt Ward's Dungeon | A thread about a woman bound in a dungeon quickly becomes a massive paladin party. | paladin, rp, derail, dungeon, white knight | 2012-07-19 | 21 | |
August 2012 |
20198386 | Shit Hits the Fan | HereticRAIDAA's group must overcome the oncoming green tide to...deliver a child. | orks, deathwatch, 40k, near-tpk, holy shit | 2012-08-06 | 6 | |
20277173 | Civilization Game Part 1 | Reborn from the dead, the Civilization game is back! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-12 | 24 | |
20319442 | Civilization Game Part 2 | We discover a new tribe and the wolf pack closes in. What is the secret of the White Wolf? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-15 | 10 | |
20305622 | Legend of Zelda Revival² #5 | Still alive, what was discussed on Skype is shared. | Legend of Zelda RPG, Homebrew, Zelda, Triforce, Shit Gets Done | 2012-08-15 | 2 | |
20348537 | Civilization Game Part 3 | The defeat of the White Wolf! All hail Trym Wolfsbane! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-17 | 10 | |
20375515 | Civilization Game Part 4 | The tribe begins to explore interaction with the strangers and makes contact with a river spirit! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-19 | 12 | |
20414059 | Civilization Game Part 5 | For the first time in quite a while, there's no crisis to be seen! Heck, even the White Wolf is... Maybe 'friendly' is too strong. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-22 | 5 | |
20443416 | Civilization Game Part 6 | A fairly uneventful few months for the tribe end in negotiations with the neighbours downstream. Cut short due to GM exhaustion. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-24 | 5 | |
20470955 | Civilization Game Part 7 | The tribe finally leaves the stone age, moving on to using newly-discovered copper to make tools! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-26 | 3 | |
20510367 | Civilization Game Part 8 | The tribe discovers alcohol and survives a particularly harsh winter. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-29 | 5 | |
20523795 | Zerg Quest CI | The Xel'Naga's testing comes to a head, and the Brood must decide just whose side it's on. | Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, Protoss, Sibling Rivalry, Dimplomatic Immunity!, Shit getting real | 2012-08-30 | 8 | |
20533203 | Civilization Game Part 9 | The tribe finishes construction of the village walls, just in time to face a new and mysterious threat from the grasslands! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-08-31 | 5 | |
September 2012 |
20557000 | Civilization Game Part 10 | Battle! The tribe is ambushed during fishing season and fights back! Is this the first signs of war? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-02 | 5 | |
20597759 | Civilization Game Part 11 | The tribe continues to prepare for war and a diplomatic stumble comes back to bite them. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-05 | 2 | |
20623833 | Civilization Game Part 12 | Armour is finally fully researched! More to the point, the tribe finally discovered agriculture..! And an ominous corpse. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-07 | 3 | |
20649198 | Civilization Game Part 13 | War! The tribe faces off against the enemy in a desperate defence of the village and comes through magnificently. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-09 | 6 | |
20686901 | Civilization Game Part 14 | A wild battle spirit appears! Trym used 'Complete Badass'! It's super effective! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-12 | 6 | |
20711760 | Civilization Game Part 15 | The White Wolf is appeased and a shrine to the god of battle is built! ...After a rocky start. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-14 | 3 | |
20735358 | Civilization Game Part 16 | The tribe repels a small skirmish at their walls, then goes on an all-out counter-attack! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-16 | 2 | |
20775049 | Civilization Game Part 17 | The fight for the copper age begins, after some dialogue. Disaster strikes though! Could this be the end for Trym? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-19 | 5 | |
20800400 | Civilization Game Part 18 | By the skin of his teeth, Trym defeats the enemy champion. Short thread, but the tribe is freed from the threat of war! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-21 | 6 | |
20825648 | Civilization Game Part 19 | The tribe has its first successful harvest, Groza's priest is chosen and 4 heads of cattle are acquired | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-23 | 2 | |
20866972 | Civilization Game Part 20 | A unanimous vote AND the GM is flummoxed? Is this a sign of the end times? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-26 | 2 | |
20855711 | READ THIS | This is a thread dedicated to a re-work of GW rules and shit crunch that happened. Seriously, read it. | Homebrews, re-work, WH40K, /tg/getsshitdone | 2012-09-26 | 10 | |
20894544 | Civilization Game Part 21 | The negotiations done, Trym gets a wife at last! Not only that, but a new goddess for the tribe? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-28 | 5 | |
20920548 | Civilization Game Part 22 | Nothing goes horribly wrong for once! The tribe makes the decision to start looking into a primitive writing system. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-09-30 | 2 | |
October 2012 |
20949302 | Sauces that go with chicken | /ck/ request anon takes a left turn at albaquerque, ends up in /tg/. Still gets question answered | /tg/ gets shit done, /ck/, chicken sauces | 2012-10-01 | 5 | |
20962727 | Civilization Game Part 23 | A cultural exchange, discovery of a holy site, the River Brothers get humanitarian aid and everything is wonderful. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, It's hitting the fan soon | 2012-10-03 | 5 | |
20990696 | Civilization Game Part 24 | Yeneth answers some questions put to her, the wise ones master writing, Chani's shrine is finished at her holy site... And the tribe faces a winter blizzard... | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-05 | 4 | |
21016170 | Civilization Game Part 25 | An attempt at free choice goes wrong, but things still manage to get achieved all the same. The sun goddess makes her appearance! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-07 | 2 | |
21057999 | Civilization Game Part 26 | Khoine, the spirit of snow, is named and forgiven by the tribe, her deadly powers sealed. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-10 | 5 | |
21067280 | The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris 2 | Shit Harder | Shit, Warhammer, 40gay, Haas | 2012-10-11 | 5 | |
21083964 | Civilization Game Part 27 | Life goes pretty much normally, after the winter, though the discovery of a new tribe has everyone curious. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-12 | 5 | |
21081671 | The Journal of Grask Harnlin | One Imperial Guardsman's journal during the campaign known only as The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris. Brought to you by the OP of the original Olenus Primaris thread. | The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris, Imperial Guard, writefaggotry, | 2012-10-12 | 3 | |
21083240 | Wlmart Apocalypse Thread 3: We have a drawfag this time, what's your thrad got? | anons homebrew fluff for a setting where walmart buys the world, we get art for the crazy rafter dwelling ninja and more fluff on the Dorfen nevergrows.
good times. | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-12 | 8 | |
21093664 | Walmart Apocalypse Thread 4 | Some writfagging, draw fagging, class descriptions, Superb Owl Sunday is explained, and the rise of the ambuleceti. | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-13 | 4 | |
21103728 | Walmart Apocalypse: rise of the Teslawatt | In this thread we learn that the 'Tronboys worship the Teslawatt, the Topdwellers live in constant migration, running away from an endless horde of omnivourus dire birds, and Hardware isrun by fueding, fuedal merchant houses called "Franchises" | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-14 | 4 | |
21124413 | Walmart Apocalypse Thread...What are we up to? 6? | More Fluff and Draw Faggotry, not much write faggotry this time around. | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-15 | 2 | |
21153349 | Civilization Game Part 28 | The tribe makes formal contact with some new friends! Could this be the first signs of a more advanced metal? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-17 | 5 | |
21141286 | Walmart Apocalypse Thread 7 | More fluff, faggotry of all sorts | Walmart_Apocalypse, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-10-17 | 2 | |
21182081 | Civilization Game Part 29 | The tribe enters a very heated debate about what to do with their new neighbours! Will there be war, or peace in our time? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-19 | 5 | |
21256972 | Civilization Game Part 30 | The tribe finally concludes its diplomacy with the River Brothers and Lion Tribe, barely avoiding a famine before the winter closes in. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-24 | 2 | |
21287417 | Civilization Game Part 31 | The tribe finally pokes at basic cookery and makes some jewellery. Khoine's wrath is also kept from the village this winter. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-26 | 4 | |
21271988 | /tg/ Gets a Cake | Anon posts pic of cake they decorated for us, thread becomes pile of awesome recipes. | cooking, don't need other boards, shit gets done, cake, cookies, scroll addiction, perfect roast | 2012-10-26 | 6 | |
21313143 | Civilization Game Part 32 | Another winter been and gone. Just as the tribe is about to start its celebrations in spring however, strangers appear from downriver! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-28 | 3 | |
21357742 | Civilization Game Part 33 | The grand springtime festival in the village! People from all over come to talk and to trade... | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-10-31 | 2 | |
November 2012 |
21388708 | Civilization Game Part 34 | The tribe finally negotiates for an expert bronze-smith to join them and the thread is left just before a grand tournament | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-11-02 | 2 | |
21416282 | Civilization Game Part 35 | Chickens get! Mikuhla finally returns, the tournament is won... Could things get better? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-11-04 | 5 | |
21447676 | D&D Jetboats | /tg/ works out how to use Decanters of Endless Water as engines for a longship. | D&D, Decanter of Endless Water, boat, getting shit done | 2012-11-06 | 10 | |
21460898 | Civilization Game Part 36 | Some further diplomacy with the tribe downstream, plenty of discussion and it looks like the GM dropped the ball in the past! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-11-07 | 2 | |
21489023 | Civilization Game Part 37 | Mikuhla's report scares the tribe into a frenzy. In the middle of the preparations for war, the Wolf Priest at last returns, with a name too! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-11-09 | 3 | |
21501734 | Archetypal Fantasy Magic | Starts about barefoot characters; /tg/ makes it about magic done by following an archetype like the warrior, the mage, or the thief. | Fantasy, World Building, Derailed, /tg/ gets shit done | 2012-11-09 | 10 | |
21518611 | Civilization Game Part 38 | The festival goes off swimmingly. The tribe starts to properly arm up and even create a mobile shrine! Meanwhile, it looks like the Lion Tribe may soon have a new chief... | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-11-11 | 2 | |
21505956 | Archetype Fantasy Magic 2 | In which the nascent setting is fleshed out significantly. | Fantasy, World Building, /tg/ gets shit done | 2012-11-11 | 0 | |
21567433 | Civilization Game Part 39 | Trym returns home early, the tribe, it seems, does NOT have werewolves and preparations for the coming battle reach fever-pitch! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-11-14 | 2 | |
21596250 | Civilization Game Part 40 | Much talking occurs, Trym discovers a talent for oratory, the crops struggle and the tribe goofs up. Iron Man mode is a bitch | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-11-16 | 5 | |
21625801 | Civilization Game Mini-Update 1 | A thread fails to start, but there's enough discussion here that is still relevant to the continuing quest. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Non-starter, Notes | 2012-11-18 | 2 | |
21662853 | Old Man Henderson Redux | A screencaps thread turns into a retelling of Old Man Henderson by another of the players | storytime, crazy shit, Old Man Henderson, Waffle House Millionaire, Cthulhu, plot derailment | 2012-11-20 | 27 | |
21661849 | I Submitted a Cartoon Pilot | OP asks /tg/ to help him revise the pilot for his D&D related cartoon. Fun and creativity abounds. | Reggie, D&D, Get shit done, cartoon, collaboration, writing, funny | 2012-11-20 | 12 | |
21673404 | Civilization Game Part 41 | The tribe prepares for the battle to come throughout the winter months, but Derrik returns with the news that they will be expected... | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, It's hitting the fan soon | 2012-11-21 | 5 | |
21703293 | Civilization Game Part 42 | The tribes plans are uncovered by their enemies! With food running low, the Riverlands Concord is signed and the warband prepares to set forth! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, It's hitting the fan soon | 2012-11-23 | 2 | |
21778405 | Civilization Game Part 43 | The warband departs, ready for... Well what do you expect? Meanwhile back home, disaster strikes with the harvest! Man, I knew they forgot SOMETHING! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, It's hitting the fan soon | 2012-11-28 | 5 | |
21809906 | Civilization Game Part 44 | The GM can't keep it together, but /tg/ understands... The Lion Tribe is invited to the village and simply adds to the oncoming famine. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2012-11-30 | 2 | |
December 2012 |
21888636 | Civilization Game Part 45 | The tribe finally gets to the battle! Bloodshed is still pending, but the GM seems to be having fun watching everyone squirm. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War | 2012-12-05 | 2 | |
21884087 | CATastrophe: Homebrew | Work Begins yet again on CATastrophe. The diligent fa/tg/uys manage to develop the beginings of The TAIL Roleplayoing system, setting locations such as Star Dust Port and Diver's Bay. Oh and a CATastrophe Dev Team checks in. | CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-12-05 | 5 | |
21886730 | Halo homebrew | Vorked Grimlock reveals his halo homebrew work. discussion and work ensues. | homebrew halo /tg/gets_shit_done | 2012-12-06 | 7 | |
21922212 | Civilization Game Part 46 | The battle continues... So damn slowly. The first casualties occur however, on both sides of the battlefield! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War | 2012-12-07 | 5 | |
21902150 | CATastrophe Homebrew Thread | The fa/tg/uys of /tg/ soldier on in the face of no opposition whatsoever. The TAIL development guy checks in, Diaspora is ripped off to develop settlement & Dive site generators and there's talk on having adventures in the Artic Tundra. | CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-12-07 | 2 | |
21930518 | Egg Quest #1: The Gods Make Omelettes As We March To War | One noble egg is dropped into the war for the hearts and yolks of eggkind. | Egg Quest, Eggs, Ova, Knights, Sunny Side Up, Whiteshell Goldyolk, Collective Game | 2012-12-08 | 18 | |
21962000 | Not even reporting this one. | Nope. Sleep in it. | Enjoy your shit thread. | 2012-12-09 | 11 | |
21996577 | Civilization Game Part 47 | The battle rages on and casualties climb. Also, the gods have a sense of ironic humour... That's never good news. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War | 2012-12-12 | 3 | |
22027765 | Civilization Game Part 48 | Casualties climb and the tribe puts all its hopes on a planned night assault. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War | 2012-12-14 | 2 | |
22040134 | Creature's Path: A game of mutation and adventure | OP wants to know what a Dungeon crawler where people slowly mutate into standard RPG monsters would look like. /tg/ decides that this is a question that needs to be answered. | Creature's_Path, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2012-12-15 | 10 | |
22064088 | CATastrophe Thread | More Writefaggotry, Some Quest Hooks, and updates on the crunch | CATastrophe, /tg/_gets_shit_done, Homebrew | 2012-12-17 | 7 | |
22103916 | Civilization Game Part 49 | The night attack results in horrific casualties to the Riverlands Concord. With the death-toll rising, the tribe begins to look at retreat before it's too late-! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War | 2012-12-19 | 3 | |
22139408 | Civilization Game Part 50 | The battle of the Sun People village is finally over, the tribe saved by the intercession of a goddess. What woes await them upon the warband's return home however? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War | 2012-12-21 | 6 | |
22140457 | Power Rangers Villians and 40K | OP posts a picture of Lord Zedd calling him a heretek, one anon points out that Zedd is more of a sorceror than a heretek. Brain Storming Session involving Fluff for reworked Power Rangers villians as Antagonists for Dark Heresy and Black Crusade follows. | /tg/_gets_shit_done, Power_Rangers, 40K | 2012-12-22 | 8 | |
January 2013 |
22377429 | Civilization Game Part 51 | The turn FINALLY ends! More to the point, the gods reveal some very interesting information and agree to stay the wrath of the Sun People. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-01-04 | 3 | |
22475611 | Civilization Game Part 52 | The tribe starts to desperately recover from the famine and the Spray Folk make another appearance. System problems prevent much getting done though | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-01-09 | 5 | |
22512346 | Civilization Game Part 53 | The Riverlands Concord is in danger of falling apart, much like the tribe itself, if the food situation gets much worse! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-01-11 | 3 | |
22606964 | Civilization Game Part 54 | The hunters bring down a bear for the village, though at a cost in lives. The winter is finally past and Trym (barely) manages to recover. Things are looking up! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-01-16 | 5 | |
22611986 | /tg/ discovers the trayzn theory | what starts out as a binary message is decrypted and turns to a conversation about the newcrons which in turn turns into a discovery that has blown minds and caused fatal migraines | warhammer40k ,necrons,cell theory,hitchikers guide to the galaxy | 2013-01-16 | 11 | |
22643512 | Civilization Game Part 55 | The tribe finally takes the requires steps to rejuvenate their fields and hopefully defeat the famine threatening them, before it destroys them all. It'll be close! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-01-18 | 2 | |
22773961 | Civilization Game Part 56 | Harvest time rolls around and promises the end to the tribe's lean times, but what happened to the Lion Tribe? They've vanished off the face of the earth! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-01-25 | 3 | |
22864410 | Civilization Game Part 57 | The hard times are finally past. The tribe also manages two major milestones; agriculture and its first scraps of god-lore! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-01-30 | 2 | |
February 2013 |
22902103 | Civilization Game Part 58 | Another winter, a new god, this time Khoine's brother? At least the food is holding, as the tribe acquires wolves to try and tame. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-02-01 | 2 | |
22995191 | Civilization Game Part 59 | A darkness descends upon the village of the Long Fangs. From the depths of nightmares rises a new foe... A demon that wears the skin of a man! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-02-06 | 3 | |
23030890 | Civilization Game Part 60 | The tribe manages to see off the demon, but not without losses. Rest in peace, Svell. We hardly knew thee. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-02-08 | 2 | |
23128043 | Civilization Game Part 61 | Sadly cut short due to some internet problems, but Chani retrieves her brothers body and the tribe learns of their new enemy. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short | 2013-02-13 | 5 | |
23264987 | Civilization Game Part 62 | Well, no disasters is a good start! And hey, Mikuhla is home at long last, with a few shiny new powers! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-02-20 | 5 | |
23304735 | Civilization Game Part 63 | The tribe does well for a season, then meets a strange new adversary. To meet this, Trym and Derrik venture into the Deep Forest to root out the cause of the new attacks! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-02-22 | 2 | |
23398185 | Civilization Game Part 64 | Trym and Derrik happen across a bear spirit who directs them on. The source of the village's troubles is partially revealed, but what is going on? | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-02-27 | 3 | |
March 2013 |
23506779 | Whiteshield Training | Thread about whiteshields gets some classic whiteshield training OC | whiteshields, drill sergeants, imperial guard, IG, OC | 2013-03-05 | 3 | |
23526520 | Civilization Game Part 65 | Trym and Derrik's journey through the deep forest continues and they are made an offer; slay the leader of the rebel fox-folk and be richly rewarded! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-03-06 | 2 | |
23614573 | /tg/ against the Fae | OP comes to /tg/ with a tale of mind-control fetishry and bad GM railroading, /tg/ proceeds to create weapons of mass fae destruction. | Fae, railroading, shitty_gm, revenge | 2013-03-11 | 13 | |
23646448 | Civilization Game Part 66 | Trym changes alliances, upon finding out the whole story. The target of his wrath is now the manipulative Ilfa! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-03-13 | 2 | |
23657708 | Alternate History India 1915 | Anon tells us of his amazing game where he and his fellows are mages helping Glorious India throw off the yoke of the British Empire in the middle of the Great War, and we discuss how best for India to liberate itself | Alternate History, Mage, White Wolf, India, 1915, AH, storytime, gaming, roleplay, advice | 2013-03-14 | 18 | |
23685882 | Civilization Game Part 67 Part 1 | Trym prepares for battle. Just what is with the fox-tails and the bear anyway? (Thread truncated) | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short | 2013-03-15 | 3 | |
23773419 | Civilization Game Part 67 Part 2 | The battle between the heroes and the fox-folk begins! Trym faces down with Ilfa and is ready for an epic conflict. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-03-20 | 2 | |
23807735 | Civilization Game Part 68 | Well OP can't keep a promise, but what else is new? Trym Triumphs over Ilfa, but suffers terrible wounds in the process! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-03-22 | 5 | |
23929122 | Civilization Game Part 69 | Trym returns from the Deep Forest with the promise of a mysterious 'gift'. The tribe celebrates and this fall actually looks like it might go smoothly! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-03-29 | 3 | |
April 2013 |
24017022 | Civilization Game Part 70 | What looks to be a good fall harvest is interrupted by the spray folk and relations RAPIDLY take a turn for the worse when a deal is 'altered'... | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-04-03 | 5 | |
24032462 | Unnamed Macross RPG - Hit Systems | Macrossbro and /tg/ officially start work on a Macross RPG. | Macross, Hit Systems, RPG | 2013-04-04 | 4 | |
24056108 | Civilization Game Part 71 | Unbelievable! A turn without incident! The tribe makes some advances through winter and a small group leaves to explore the grasslands. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-04-05 | 5 | |
24149618 | Civilization Game Part 72 | The tribe makes more inching progress. At least the estranged tribesmen return home and a new way to defend the village is discovered! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-04-10 | 5 | |
24189387 | Civilization Game Part 73 | The Long Fangs launch their first real trading mission and get their hands on some honey! It proves to be an immediate hit! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-04-12 | 5 | |
24281541 | Civilization Game Part 74 | The tribe invents a new festival (not Christmas), creates a new granary design and Groza FINALLY makes it home! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-04-17 | 5 | |
24420290 | Civilization Game Part 75 | The tribe starts work on the granary, FINALLY masters bronzeworking, if not smelting and discovered that Svell is gone for good. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-04-24 | 5 | |
24459010 | Civilization Game Part 76 | The tribe discovers mathematics, starts looking into real animal husbandry and throws a festival for the gods! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-04-26 | 5 | |
May 2013 |
24590290 | Civilization Game Part 77 | Mikuhla departs on a pilgrimage, guided, oddly enough, by the Sun People! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short | 2013-05-03 | 5 | |
24685902 | Civilization Game Part 78 | What's better than berry liquor? Mead! The tribe learns of the classic drink, work on the walls continues and life is generally good! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-05-08 | 2 | |
25023529 | Bioweapon Quest | We, a Shit Weasel, wake up on a cargo ship and being having lunch. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-05-25 | 21 | |
25037827 | The Real Bioweapon Quest II | We get taken in by a pirate ship, we hide in rice and eat some bird people. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt, bird, rice, stinger, giger, real quest | 2013-05-26 | 11 | |
25080933 | The Real Bioweapon Quest 3 | We sneak around the vents and stealthily eat more pirates before the ship heads to a populated asteroid. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt, legs, hopping, crab, real quest | 2013-05-28 | 11 | |
25138543 | Civilization Game Part 79 part 1 | Despite a complete lack of activity, some interesting facts about the gods are revealed. | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, short | 2013-05-31 | 0 | |
25146882 | Bioweapon Quest 4 | In which we bite various undelicious things, fry some seafood, but send it back and eat the raw one, and get spotted! | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-05-31 | 10 | |
June 2013 |
25284338 | Civilization Game Part 79 part 2 | Much more done this time. The walls are finished, flax is found, a new expedition leaves and food is starting to dwindle again! | Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag | 2013-06-07 | 1 | |
25289656 | Bioweapon Quest 5 | We get messily ejected before catching a ride. Then we decide that showers are the best way to learn to sing. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-06-07 | 10 | |
25309035 | Bioweapon Quest 6 | We find that having an iron bar shoved into our mouth is not delicious. Not delicious at all! And then we discover what colour we are, in the worst possible way. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-06-08 | 10 | |
25386857 | Bioweapon Quest 7 | We snack on a bloated thing and a bouncy thing, and gain new combat evolutions! Also, our rival appears! | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-06-12 | 10 | |
25427645 | Bioweapon Quest 8 | We talk to a bug, eat a tree, then make a mess of things! | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-06-14 | 11 | |
25520490 | Bioweapon Quest 9 | We hide from, then bite an arachnoid. Something strange happens, and we decide to scram. After eating another fleshbag in the bathroom and destroying our rival, of course. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-06-19 | 10 | |
25606112 | "On 4chan", The 4chan role playing game. | What starts as a nat 1/20 thread derails into creating a 4chan based rpg. | meta, /tg/, game design, /tg/ gets shit done | 2013-06-24 | 5 | |
25685591 | Yet Another Magical Little Girl Quest | This time we are evil! SO ORIGINAL. | Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl, I wish I could think of a joke tag but this shit is already a joke | 2013-06-28 | 24 | |
25688765 | Bioweapon Quest 10 | An attempt to escape goes horribly wrong, then horribly right. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-06-28 | 10 | |
July 2013 |
25763912 | Magical Power Armor | /tg/ rationalizes the existence of magical power armor | power armor, magic, worldbuilding, magic, wizards, don't gotta explain shit | 2013-07-02 | 3 | |
25824305 | Bioweapon Quest 11 | We escape the grasp of a cyborg, leap between cars and gnaw on a metal box of tastiness! | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-07-05 | 7 | |
25981005 | Bioweapon Quest 12 | We tussle with a cyborg, eat a table, hide in a box, then make an entrance, and an exit. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-07-13 | 5 | |
26038482 | Bioweapon Quest 13 | We defeat the evil fan once more, get shot, go fishing and then bughunting. New powers arise. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-07-16 | 8 | |
26135904 | Detergent Quest - Uncapped | Because we really need more quest threads where no one actually runs a quest on this board. | Collective Game, Bleach, A reference to that one shitty overblown magical girl anime, recap episodes always suck | 2013-07-21 | 21 | |
26217789 | Whiteboard Quest - Conquering the Whole White World | The quest of our 2-Dimensional self to attain a goal in life and to conquer the world... after we get better at drawing. | Collective Game, Whiteboard Quest | 2013-07-25 | 14 | |
26340635 | Bioweapon Quest 14 | We climb upwards, Interrupt a heated meeting, and make a friend! | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-07-31 | 7 | |
August 2013 |
26468972 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 3 | Minifig finally gets off his fanny and finishes off the conversion, then gives a storytime. | RPG, rpg, Palladium, Savage Worlds, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, homebrew, SW, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done, win, character creation, mutants, Savage Worlds | 2013-08-06 | 0 | |
26479439 | Bioweapon Quest 15 | We reach the top of the tower, find a dam for our brood, and a fight breaks out. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-08-07 | 6 | |
26566716 | Lamia Daughter Quest 86 | The battle of White Tree begins. Critfail after critfail ensues, until suddenly...! | Collective Game, Lamia Quest, Ssen, Caligo Clarus, Dawnchasers, Lamia, Lamia Daughter Quest, Leviathan, White Tree | 2013-08-12 | 23 | |
26795395 | Bioweapon Quest 16 | We eat a man, squash a slug, carry our princess over our shoulder, and have a few strange encounters. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-08-24 | 8 | |
September 2013 |
26946637 | Bioweapon Quest 17 | We balance our base desires, greet guests, and fell a tree! | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-09-01 | 8 | |
26968144 | Bioweapon Quest 18 | We kick a fireball, go hunting, and eat the most Delicious thing ever. The game has changed. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-09-02 | 11 | |
27050010 | Bioweapon Quest 19 | We escape the green tide, nap for a while, and fight the undying beast! | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-09-06 | 7 | |
27207761 | Transformation Fetish Quest | Oh look, another thread about succubus transformation/corruption fetishes trying its damned hardest to be /tg/ related despite being /d/shit. | We really dont need any more succubus shit on /tg/, Collective Game, gb2/d/ | 2013-09-14 | 21 | |
27206011 | CATastrophe: The Floor Is Now Seawater Edition | /tg/ gets progress reports on CATastrophe beta editions and kicks around fluff while one Anon provides mood music. | CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg_gets_shit_done, music | 2013-09-15 | 6 | |
27250486 | Bioweapon Quest 20 | We get sent on our next task: To eat Delicious things! Then we eat a pair of delicious things. | Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt | 2013-09-16 | 5 | |
27347152 | CATastrophe Thread: The Oncoming Storm Edition | More fleshing out of fluff, discussion of crunch, and game art | CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/ gets shit done | 2013-09-25 | 2 | |
27464445 | CATastrophe Thread: Koin/Monés Edition | Business as usual, hashing out fluff and weathering the occasional shit storm. | CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2013-09-29 | 1 | |
27484548 | Coral, Merfolk, and You! | Anon posts about coral, poses question about it's place in Merfolk society, and a wave of logical and inspiring discussion comes forth. | Coral, merfolk, surfacefolk, tools, arsenal, craft, architecture, toxins, mining, metalwork, cuneiform, culture | 2013-09-29 | 3 | |
October 2013 |
27488162 | All-children ADVENTURE party ideas | OP asks if an all-kids adventuring party would be acceptable. /tg/ jumps on the idea and awesome ensues. | campaign ideas, campaign, Children, Adventure, loli, /tg/_gets_shit_done, I wish to be the little girl, Monsters, Digimon, Game Ideas, little fears | 2013-10-02 | 16 | |
27577079 | Another CATastrophe Thread! | Discussion of the /tg/ original setting. This edition features quest planning, original stories, and lore discussion. | CATastrophe, Homebrew, homebrew, /tg/_gets_shit_done | 2013-10-05 | 3 | |
27775715 | nWoD STORYTEIM | A slow OP regales /tg/ with tales of THE MACHINE and its Owner | nWoD, STORYTEIM, THE MACHINE, Harlem Braxton, Lillum Dawnbreak, crazy shit | 2013-10-16 | 14 | |
27818954 | CATastrophe Thread: 'Nipped Out Edition | Plenty of fluff development, including new locations for the setting. Also some comedy and ZERO shitstorms. | CATastrophe, /tg/ gets shit done, Homebrew | 2013-10-21 | 2 | |
27992233 | Childhood Fears for Use in Settings | A bunch of fa/tg/uys came together and talked about their traumatic childhood delusions so that others can adapt them for use in settings. | child chlidhood fear setting brainstorm neat cool shit | 2013-10-29 | 2 | |
November 2013 |
28063503 | CATastrophe Thread: Swimming with Sharks Edition | A completed FATE Accelerated alpha, plus more fluff detail and more art from the resident drawfags. | CATastrophe, Homebrew, drawfag, /tg/ gets shit done | 2013-11-03 | 3 | |
28092145 | Time Wizards playtest | It actually happened. Dear god. | time wizards, homebrew, /tg/ gets shit done | 2013-11-04 | 104 | |
December 2013 |
28787019 | /tg/ talks swords | Complete with manuals by medieval masters, the various murder instruments and their uses, and civilised discussion. | swords, getting shit done, helpful info, useful, history, fechtbuch | 2013-12-11 | 7 | |
28955152 | Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 3 | Character creation is *finished* also, v0.01 of the character sheet and the first chapters of the rulebook... holy shit guys, it's happening. | Game creation, toys, fire, nightlight, brainstorming, nightmares, grim bright, /tg/ gets shit done | 2013-12-20 | 1 | |
28984052 | Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 4 | The fourth thread of Nightlight... in which things get done. | shit guys, it's happening. Game creation, toys, fire, nightlight, brainstorming, nightmares, grim bright, /tg/ gets shit done | 2013-12-21 | 1 | |
29107830 | Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 5 | Some writefagging and game balancing happens. | game creation, toys, fire, nightlight, brainstorming, nightmares, grim bright, /tg/ get shit done | 2013-12-29 | 2 | |
January 2014 |
29263095 | Wolf Quest 2 | Story of Whitefang | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Legendary, Whitefang | 2014-01-04 | 24 | |
29300046 | Wolf Quest 3 | The Legend of Whitefang Continues. | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Legendary, Whitefang | 2014-01-06 | 18 | |
29321811 | Wolf Quest 4 | It's a dog eat dog world out there | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-01-07 | 11 | |
29344506 | Wolf Quest 5 | become cancer incarnate | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-01-07 | 7 | |
29380993 | Wolf Quest 6 | Screw Hasdrubal Edition. | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-01-09 | 10 | |
29489371 | /tg/ vs a Kaiju | OP playtests a simple d6 homebrew where CHERNO ALPHA sets a Kaiju on fire and then tesla punches it. | playtest, getting shit done, pacific rim, Cherno Alpha, kaiju, giant robots punching giant monsters, mech | 2014-01-14 | 1 | |
29512089 | Wolf Quest 7 | We meet Nadel, die Verdrehte. | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-01-15 | 6 | |
29608310 | wolf quest 8 | save half your pack, hear voices, bite crazy trees | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-01-19 | 6 | |
29657621 | Wolf Quest 9 | Pit Dog time | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-01-21 | 11 | |
29730105 | wolf quest 10 | We meet (and run away from) Cailan, Champion of the Arena and Caecilia, the Beautiful.
wolfu dies. | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-01-24 | 6 | |
29850437 | Wolf Quest 11 | Homu puts a sparkle in our eyes | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary, Homunculus | 2014-01-29 | 7 | |
29870914 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 2 | In which the story is derailed and our hero ends up dead, with a white devil on his side. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Terminator Mode, | 2014-01-30 | 3 | |
February 2014 |
29944240 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 3 | Tohma has no fear, calls devils cute and asks them on dates. Lily also starts her journey to save her man. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Lily Interlude,, | 2014-02-02 | 6 | |
30008887 | /tg/ fixes a combi-boltgun | Anon shows up with a gun tailored for pose striking, and /tg/ can't help but squeal 'makeover!'. Also tech-heresy. | dork angles, Dark Angels, 40k, weapons, /tg/ gets shit done | 2014-02-04 | 9 | |
30097372 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 4 | Curren rushes to save her new family member, while Tohma wakes up on a island and meets his hero. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Cute Devil, Lost Island, Huckebein, | 2014-02-09 | 4 | |
30169685 | Wolf Quest 12 | We meet Captain Abirami | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-02-12 | 6 | |
30217280 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 5 | Where Tohma is killed, and meets a pair of Kaisers. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Dead End, Kaisah Dojo, Magical Guy, | 2014-02-14 | 3 | |
30255313 | The King of Fighters Quest Round 16: "Forever Alone"-Edition | In which the QM goes to far and the players revolt in-turn. | SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Instant Shitstorm | 2014-02-16 | 6 | |
30282753 | Wolf Quest 13 | We become Leader of Shadows | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-02-17 | 6 | |
30304347 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 6 | Tohma makes many new friends, all who want a piece of him, one way or another. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, | 2014-02-18 | 6 | |
30329500 | Wolf Quest 14 | The girls get their names. | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-02-19 | 6 | |
30396659 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 7 | In an all out brawl over the island's airspace,Tohma meets a precious person once again! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Outlaws, Huckebein, | 2014-02-22 | 6 | |
30411739 | Wolf Quest 15 | Riddling with Taurini, the Serpent | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-02-23 | 6 | |
30420960 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 8 | In which Tohma meets a pair of kings once again, fixes a hate machine's life, and makes a hard choice. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Dead End, Hard Choice, Huckebein, Best Girl, | 2014-02-23 | 6 | |
30453585 | Boatmurdered | Some Swede-fag tells /tg/ a story of the time he sent his players into boatmurdured. | Storytiem, Pathfinder,Exploding Dice, Shitting the queen,D20,Boatmurdered, Dwarf Fortress | 2014-02-24 | 17 | |
30480953 | Wolf Quest 16 | Joyous Reunion | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-02-26 | 7 | |
30501213 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 9 | In which Tohma fails to negotiate with the TSAB. At least Mira likes him a bit more, that is something, right? | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, | 2014-02-27 | 5 | |
March 2014 |
30566839 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 10 | Hades plays ninjas for fools, Tohma gains a knight, and two Devils fight each other. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Black Devil Mode, Devil vs Devil, | 2014-03-02 | 8 | |
30638206 | Tim Quest Oneshot | Tim, unknowingly to him, is stuck in a sort of time loop. As the loop goes on, his co-workers gradually disappear before only he is left. | Collective Game, Shitty Drawquest, Quest, Tim Quest | 2014-03-05 | 0 | |
30763162 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 12 | Tohma prepares for dealing with the Eclipse Virus Outbreak... while he also stares at a cute commander! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Cute Commander, | 2014-03-11 | 5 | |
30777622 | Wolf Quest 17 | Bloody confrontation with Taurini. Crit Fail. | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary | 2014-03-12 | 6 | |
30837283 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 13 | A stupid devil is helpful... and Tohma finds out that someone waits for him. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Tsundere, | 2014-03-15 | 3 | |
30878391 | Wolf Quest 18 Final | We bathe in the ashes of a god. Good End. | Collective Game, Wolf Quest, Wolf, Whitefang, Legendary, Final, Good End | 2014-03-17 | 14 | |
30894998 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 14 | In which love is another battlefield, and Mira is being cute too! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Sleeping Girl, | 2014-03-18 | 5 | |
April 2014 |
31328439 | Party Beginnings | Anons discuss interesting, memorable, unique, and awesome beginnings to roleplaying campaigns. GMs steal ideas for their games. | game ideas, roleplay, game, DM, GM, awesome, /tg/, campaign, Campaign, ideas, Roleplay, original content, brainstorm, getting shit done, brainstorming, roleplaying, Game Design, | 2014-04-08 | 3 | |
31407055 | What does your princess look like, /tg/? | "There is no princess. Only a fleeting sense of accomplishment followed by feelings of worthlessness." | copypasta, white knight, spoilers, waifu | 2014-04-12 | 7 | |
31580322 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 19 | In which Tohma manages to work out a future date with two girls and meet a familiar devil. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, | 2014-04-20 | 5 | |
31601036 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage | No cunnilingus. Absolutely disgusting. The MC marries his dead brother's fiance, then fucks her. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-04-21 | 4 | |
31674272 | A crazy PC's memorial | A tribute to a good friend and crazy players like him. | Story time, Storytime, awesome, crazy, crazy shit, D&D, Mage, lulz, epic, /tg/ | 2014-04-24 | 10 | |
31732432 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage | The MC leaves on high adventure! Almost immediately stops to fuck wife and random other girl. Still no cunnilingus. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-04-27 | 1 | |
31762308 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 20 | In which Tohma adds two new members to his team, and now deals with the gunner who sinks airships! | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, | 2014-04-28 | 2 | |
May 2014 |
32182131 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 5 | An anon feels guilty and people decide to go fight a tentacle monster. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-05-17 | 4 | |
32343607 | wh40k rap battles | Warhammer 40k RAP BATTLES OF THE DARK MILLENNIUM | rap, rap battles, 40k, warhammer 40k, funny as shit | 2014-05-25 | 7 | |
June 2014 |
32507676 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 6 | The QM of this quest is a massive faggot who I hate. So much. This is the one right after the blue-balling with Cecilia. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-06-01 | 0 | |
32633797 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 7 | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-06-07 | 1 | |
32692593 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 24.5 | From a group of killer monster, to a KEKEKE Hacker, and finishing with an old friend. Like always everyone wants to kill Tohma. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, White Machine, | 2014-06-11 | 2 | |
32778617 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 8 | With his new wife and his new fucktoy in tow, our hero heads home from his adventure. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-06-14 | 2 | |
32842822 | Nanoha FORCE Quest 25 | A confrontation with White Machine. | Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, White Machine, | 2014-06-18 | 1 | |
32921096 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 9 | Waifu #2 fucks and sucks the MC in a decadent display of marital lovemaking. Then some other shit happens, I dunno what though. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-06-21 | 4 | |
33020042 | Brouzouf Quest 5 | Your scrab is alive and no longer an alarm clock. Your looter team meets a terrible fate. | Watcher Quest, Collective Game, Shit Scrabs Say | 2014-06-27 | 3 | |
33065023 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 10 | MC breaks Kini in (nicely this time) and then...? | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-06-28 | 4 | |
33087402 | Kouga: Saint of Mars 8 | When you manage to turn victory into defeat and die, who are you going to call? The Black and White Devil. | Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Devil Dojo, White Devil, | 2014-06-30 | 2 | |
July 2014 |
33280350 | Weeb Quest 1 | /tg/ gets into some real anime shit. Johnny hones his mack sense. Jay is an asshole. | Weeb, Quest, Weeb Quest, Collective Game, Real, Anime, Shit, Magical Girl | 2014-07-09 | 10 | |
33290015 | Brouzouf Quest 6 | Wherein the Hero learns that riding forth against bandits and dragons is stressing business. | Brouzouf Quest, Collective Game, White Knighting, Dragon Slaying, Shit Roll Surviving | 2014-07-10 | 3 | |
33299673 | Weeb Quest 2 | Johnny battles a magical girl instead of fapping, and hears a tale of demons and sorcery. | Weeb, Quest, Weeb Quest, Collective Game, Real, Anime, Shit, Magical Girl | 2014-07-10 | 9 | |
33358021 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage Chapter 11 | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut | 2014-07-12 | 23 | |
33449928 | Edge Sperg Quest | Your older sister was killed by a railroad made out of edges. Now it's time for revenge! | Raildex a shit | 2014-07-16 | 20 | |
33503089 | Rise of Crimson Quest #1 | Alyara Veranir begins her journey as a Dremnar Knight recruit. | Collective Game, Rise of Crimson Quest, Alyara Veranir, White Fog | 2014-07-19 | 5 | |
33515486 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 12 | Immediately after buttfucking Chara, our hero is confounded by a threat which threatens his very sanity: economics. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-07-19 | 2 | |
33675165 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 13 | In which our brave hero goes to a local festival. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-07-26 | 3 | |
August 2014 |
33845348 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 14 | Post-petting, pre-coppergirl. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-08-02 | 3 | |
33841578 | Another Chapter Master thread: Shit Gets Done version | Based Duke comes out of nowhere with a nearly playable Chapter Master game, including screenshots. Alpha is going to be publicly released in a "few days". | Chapter Master, /tg/ Gets Shit Done, Finally | 2014-08-04 | 10 | |
33997206 | Chapter Master: Shit Finally Getting Done | A Tripfag named Duke came... He finally delivered to us an Alpha build. | Chapter Master, tg gets shit done, at last, god walks among us | 2014-08-09 | 60 | |
33993765 | Rise of Crimson #4 | Alyara and Amelia try to escape the very strange world they're in | Collective Game, Rise of Crimson Quest, Alyara Veranir, White Fog | 2014-08-09 | 1 | |
34011209 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 15 | In which our hero fights a coppergirl and probably gets killed for it. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-08-09 | 1 | |
34144124 | Kidpunk Thread #8: Shamefur Dispray | Threads 6/7 failed to get archived, but Kidpunk continues on, now getting close to having character sheets | Kidpunk, /tg/ gets shit done, homebrew game, game development | 2014-08-15 | 0 | |
34167209 | Rise of Crimson #5 | After awakening, some pretty heavy plot gets revealed, and a plan begins | Collective Game, Rise of Crimson Quest, Alyara Veranir, White Fog | 2014-08-16 | 3 | |
34184617 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 16 | After his vicious and humiliating throat rape of the coppergirl, our hero emerges from the mines with her in tow. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-08-16 | 2 | |
34322890 | Rise of Crimson #6 | Information is had, new people are met, Vrand and Erasmir revealed, a plan is made | Collective Game, Rise of Crimson Quest, Alyara Veranir, White Fog | 2014-08-23 | 2 | |
34343491 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 17 | Chara's got a collar, and Patina's still waiting to be raped again? All this and more, on tonight's episode of Child Rapist Quest. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-08-23 | 4 | |
34509225 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 18 | Our hero goes to his parents' keep to investigate his older brother's murder. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-08-30 | 4 | |
September 2014 |
34675824 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 19 | Having finished up with Elisetta's side quest (and fucked her), our hero continues in his investigation of his older brother's murder. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-09-06 | 4 | |
34837564 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 20 | Our hero plans to head south and meet Sir Arthur. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-09-13 | 4 | |
34959953 | Sekirei Quest 3 | We fight in a shopping center, then the thread blows up. | Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo, Shitstorm | 2014-09-19 | 6 | |
35000017 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 21 | Our hero has a firm suspect: Lorenne, his brother's paramour. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-09-20 | 2 | |
35022120 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 22 | Our hero has sex with a small child and then heads off to the mountains on his quest for an heir. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-09-21 | 3 | |
35152884 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23 | Our hero adventures in the Allimas, having met Erosette once more. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-09-27 | 5 | |
35153074 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23 | Our hero adventures in the Allimas. (Actual thread.) | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-09-27 | 4 | |
35174614 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 24 | After getting his arm slashed open, our hero continues to fuck his way through life. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-09-28 | 3 | |
October 2014 |
35302762 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 25 | Our hero confronts a brown girl on some rocks. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-10-04 | 4 | |
35453839 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 26 | Having finished raping a brown girl, our hero is shot at by some redhead bitch. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-10-11 | 1 | |
35608257 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 27 | Having finished brutally raping Lorenne, our hero deals with the fallout of Erosette's battle. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-10-18 | 1 | |
35693651 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #9 | Continuation of a /d/ quest (, Makoto Kiryoka, male, is a magical girl dealing with all kinds of dangerous, lewd, and bizzare situations. Today we meet an asshole, dress as a maid, and almost have sex. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-10-23 | 23 | |
35750114 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 28 | With Lorenne taken as his rape toy, our hero should be wrapping up his business in the Allimas soon. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-10-25 | 3 | |
35754377 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #10 | Truly, this is the height of quality /tg/ has to offer | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest,Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-10-26 | 20 | |
November 2014 |
35893634 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 29 | Having impregnated his wife, our hero completes his journey home. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-11-01 | 4 | |
35897971 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #11 | We finally make it to swimming club, and encounter a new magical girl's trail. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-11-01 | 12 | |
35980495 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #12 | We deal with this aquatic magical girl. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-11-05 | 11 | |
36039362 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 30 | Having returned home, our hero has to manage his harem some more. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-11-08 | 3 | |
36182407 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 31 | Our hero is home at last, managing his harem. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-11-15 | 4 | |
36186474 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #123 | We learn about our paparazzi and continue to deal with our aquatic girl before she goes nuts. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-11-16 | 11 | |
36251501 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #14 | On the trail of a magical grill. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-11-19 | 12 | |
36328568 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 32 | Our hero fugs Chara in the butt, again. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-11-22 | 4 | |
36335339 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #15 | We have some shenanigans after class and keep investigating. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-11-23 | 12 | |
36415665 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #16 | We reach the weekend and go on a date with Yui. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2014-11-27 | 12 | |
36469872 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #17 | We continue our date with Yui. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-11-30 | 18 | |
December 2014 |
36540698 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #18 | We continue the weekend, post-coitus. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2014-12-03 | 7 | |
36549859 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #18 [Redo] | We continue the weekend, post-coitus.
Previous thread attempted a different timeslot. This is the proper thread. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2014-12-04 | 11 | |
36604642 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 33 | Our hero probably spends some quality time with Adelle or something. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-12-06 | 4 | |
36685243 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #19 | We continue with the weekend. Momo found a dangerous source of great power. Good for her. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2014-12-11 | 10 | |
36660646 | A Bastard's Tale Part II: A new journey | The day after graduation. | A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Collective Game, bastard | 2014-12-11 | 2 | |
36700369 | A Bastard's Tale Part III: Revelations | A timely departure. | A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game | 2014-12-12 | 0 | |
36741120 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 34 | Our hero terrifies his captive and continues his investigation. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-12-13 | 3 | |
36744585 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #20 | We examine Robo's human creation, and get back to school. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2014-12-14 | 7 | |
36778980 | A Bastard's Tale Part IV: The journey of our lives | After spending some time at an inn, the journey continues through a forest and onwards. | A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game | 2014-12-16 | 1 | |
36822958 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #21 | Back to school for realsies this time. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2014-12-18 | 10 | |
36821202 | The Buns! Quest Episode 6 | Miko joins a game, and makes a friend | collective game, the buns! quest, miko, creepyish, poker, mattias, new friend, ohshit | 2014-12-18 | 0 | |
36819300 | Just Some Evolution Game 4 | The fourth thread of this newest addition to the proud family of evo games. Kerps, groombs, fennets, and pholls (oh my!) all get their time in the alien sun. Also, say hello the the Icebreaker Fenish! | JSEG, evolution, evo, like spore, except not shit | 2014-12-18 | 1 | |
36876645 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 35 | The interrogation of Lorenne continues. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2014-12-20 | 2 | |
36880559 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest - A Kiryoka Christmas | 2014 Christmas Special | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2014-12-21 | 7 | |
36874842 | A Bastard's Tale Part V: Unexpected delay | New people, getting closer to the capital. | A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game | 2014-12-21 | 0 | |
36984346 | A Bastard's Tale Part VI: Season's greetings | A stop at a local feast; and things get a little awkward. | A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game | 2014-12-27 | 0 | |
37019953 | A Bastard's Tale Part VII: Awkwardness ensues | Making way through the capital city. | A Bastard's Tale, White Mage, Bastard, Collective Game | 2014-12-29 | 0 | |
January 2015 |
37138137 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 36 | Our hero must confront a shadow/slimegirl alone and unarmed. Is this the end for him? | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2015-01-03 | 3 | |
37226511 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #22 | First thread of the year! *phweet*
We investigate the magical girl, who is pretty obviously Hiroko at this point. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-01-07 | 7 | |
37285544 | Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 37 | With the letter of intent in hand, our hero prepares for the last conflict. | Text Adventure Quest, Collective Game, Swordsage, Waifushit, Smut, Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls | 2015-01-10 | 4 | |
37290948 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #23 | The appearance of *two* magical auras in the city raises concerns. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-01-11 | 7 | |
37379170 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #24 | Having succeeded in beating up Glory, Shimada joins the crew! Everything's coming up Millhouse. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-01-15 | 7 | |
37445079 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #25 | Everything did not come up Millhouse last time. Let's try to make it up with some good times (with Shun). | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-01-18 | 11 | |
37467200 | Another Shitty Quest | SOMNIUS pretends he can write, retarded faggots take the bait. | Somnius, faggots, retardation, shit, quest, collective game | 2015-01-19 | 10 | |
37533290 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #26 | We meet some new shrine maidens, screw with them, get accused of rumors at school, and ditch swimming club for the day because it's awkward. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-01-22 | 11 | |
37593336 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #27 | Makoto invites Yui for a sleepover, then Yuuki goes through a crisis of self-realisation and humanity. Then lewds. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-01-25 | 8 | |
February 2015 |
37755079 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #28 | Yui heads home and Saito comes back to school in a weird way. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-02-01 | 7 | |
37907613 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #29 | Saito seems fine, but you can detect magic on him. Yui suspects he may actually be a magical girl but Makoto has his doubts. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-02-08 | 7 | |
38000934 | Maiden White: Feudal Spirit - Valentines Special 2015 | In this special valentines day thread, we explore a alternate universe romantic pairing of the Kitsune Spirit Makoto and Shrine Maiden Umeki in Feudal Osataka. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-02-12 | 7 | |
38067023 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #30 | We tell Saito about our magical personas and watch him flail around in a maid outfit for a while. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-02-15 | 6 | |
38158161 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #31 | We arrive home and get Saito scanned. Bunch of dire implications, but she keeps her focus for now. Then Hana cock?-blocks everyone. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-02-19 | 10 | |
38192771 | The Kobold Civilization Quest: Cold as Balls | /tg/ takes on as the new chief of a Kobold tribe in the northern tundra. | Kobold, Quest, Collective Game, White, Cold-As-Balls | 2015-02-20 | 1 | |
38315602 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #32 | We wake up and put on a play at the shrine, then go hunt a magical girl. It doesn't go that well. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-02-26 | 10 | |
March 2015 |
38379606 | Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #33 | Makoto arrives home and teaches Yuuki to grab life by the oppai. Then everything starts to go bad. | collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-03-01 | 7 | |
38492486 | Khornette Quest #24 | Cinder goes too hard and then has to travel to the past to try and commit suicide to prevent Ignitrix from being pissed. Needless to say, nothing goes to plan. | Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Time is bullshit, Not as Planned, Stop Hitting Yourself, ELH | 2015-03-06 | 11 | |
38539871 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #1 | Osataka is subject to a series of inter scholastic games, heralded by the appearance of the strange idol, Mai Aihara. With Makoto's friends under some kind of spell and the hint of something sinister in the air, Deception Class begins. | collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-03-08 | 7 | |
38608809 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #2 | We reawaken Naoki, chase after Yui and finally get her back, then confront Mai and her crew, who are terrible, awful people hell-bent on saving magical girls from your wrath!
...Wait what? | collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-03-11 | 7 | |
38662709 | Metal Gear Solid Homebrew | Anon asks advice to start an MGS campaign. /tg/ fleshes out setting. | Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Snake, Big Boss, MGS, homebrew, getting shit done, homebrew setting | 2015-03-14 | 8 | |
38702660 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #3 | We run around in a maid outfit at school, head for the Oomura manor, make tons of innuendo, and then drop our true gender on the womaniser Naoki. | collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-03-15 | 7 | |
38791896 | Maiden White Quest Omake: Servant Gold | Takes place during Deception Class, thread #3.
Saito sneaks into the Oomura manor and gets a very... intense encounter with his crush. | collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Omake, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-03-19 | 7 | |
38813279 | MORTAL KOMBAT!!!! | TG Slowly builds a Mortal Kombat Character. A Biracial Viking biker with ice powers. Awesome | Mortal Kombat, TG Get's Shit Done, Worldbuilding, Writefag, Drawfag | 2015-03-20 | 1 | |
38834528 | Khornette Quest #27 | We decide to go help Iggy find a very special book. | Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Dice Gods are Bullshit, ELH | 2015-03-21 | 13 | |
38851432 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #4 | Following on from last time, Makoto finally fixes Saito, allowing him to transform back into a boy. This, naturally, leads to a giant session of experimenting with transformation.
Male Yui inbound. | collective game, MWQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-03-22 | 10 | |
38934634 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #5 | We have a talk with Umeki & Saito, then start up Yui's game, using Twister rather than roulette. QM gets interrupted though and thread cuts short. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-03-26 | 7 | |
38990921 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #6 | We continue the dressup, becoming a terrible dragon obsessed with kidnapping the princess Saito, only to be foiled by Prince Umeki! | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-03-29 | 8 | |
April 2015 |
39073139 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #7 | Makoto, Shun, and Yui all have a [REDACTED FOR NSFW] and then they [HOO BOY] before she sticks it right up their [THINK OF THE CHILDREN] all night long.
Then perspective switches to the children. How nice. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-04-02 | 12 | |
39128568 | Maiden White: Easter Special 2015 | In this special omake thread, Yui takes the wheel! So yes; very NSFW. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-04-05 | 8 | |
39223334 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #8 | We get super scared as Yuuki and get Saito to calm us down as best oneechan. Then a weird lolita girl invades and takes us on a trip. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-04-09 | 7 | |
39284306 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #9 | Yuuki explores Sen's dreamscape and has a talk with her about her powers and family, eventually managing to strike a deal to save Shun's focus. And despite Makoto's fervor, she leaves unpurified. Perhaps with a new outlook on the group though. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-04-12 | 6 | |
39427452 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #10 | We FINALLY escape the Oomura manor and make it to school. Saito confesses to Makoto (it goes well), and they salvage the school council. Oh, and uh, Makoto crossdresses to school. No biggie. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-04-19 | 8 | |
39604439 | The Search for Kyle | Anon posts old GW invitation for Warhammer, /tg/ contacts employee through internet detective skills, OP is re-invited to game. | Games Workshop, /tg/ gets shit done, Real Life | 2015-04-28 | 97 | |
May 2015 |
39673342 | Kant-O-Celle Quest #13 | In which the Regia Marina saves the day and no spaghetti is spilled. | Collective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, Il Duce heard you were talking shit | 2015-05-01 | 20 | |
39713208 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #11 | Back from hiatus, we start recruiting clubs and make up with Hiroko, then hug Shizuko (who sorely needs it). Also Makoto gets whistled at for not knowing how skirts work. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-05-03 | 10 | |
39794053 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #12 | We help the crafts club get admittance to become separate, troll a teacher, and compete with Mai at idol-ness. Then Romi Saito makes everyone shit themselves. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-05-07 | 6 | |
39851999 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #13 | Makoto & Mai endure Romi's specialised idol course. We find out Mai has a little secret, and then hug Saito. Things seem bleak until someone saves the day... | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-05-10 | 7 | |
39998549 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #14 | We deal with the aftermath of Romi; calling Mai out on her bullshit and spreading the love with Saito. Then Makoto gets spread pretty wide as things get NSFW. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-05-17 | 11 | |
40076144 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #15 | We hug with Saito, freak out, then relax. Also, Yuuki built another robot; the power-mimicking MantiCore! Hai.
Also Mai is jealous and Naru is angry. Hai. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-05-21 | 7 | |
40284426 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #16 | We discuss some plot with Naru (and her girlcrush), then bring Yui and Shun closer. Very close, NSFW close. After that, cheering for Saito as 'Minako' returns! | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-05-31 | 10 | |
June 2015 |
40385805 | I Just Read A Lewd Manga And Now I Want To Run A Quest Based On It? | You are so impressionable and feeble minded, anon-kun! | collective game, catgirls are scum, /a/ is shit, /d/ is worse | 2015-06-04 | 2 | |
40432156 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #16 | We piss off Saito and take photos with Shizuko | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-06-07 | 8 | |
40521456 | Edgy Grimderp Magical Girl Quest | SO ORIGINAL JUST LIKE MY MADORKAS 11/10 | Collective Game, Edgy bullshit, Magical Girls are all sluts anyways | 2015-06-11 | 21 | |
40522832 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #18 | Thursday classes end, we go apologise to Saito for being too sexy yesterday. Makoto can't help it. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-06-11 | 7 | |
40582642 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #19 | Makoto spends a night at home, but Yuuki takes the night out. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-06-14 | 6 | |
40667012 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #19.5 | Continuation of the previous thread. Shun tells her weird story and we continue on to the last day of the week. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-06-18 | 6 | |
40864876 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #20 | Umeki transforms into a magical girl before we deal with the final day of the competition week. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-06-28 | 6 | |
July 2015 |
41028238 | Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me. | You still have not learned and I am ashamed. | The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO | 2015-07-05 | 21 | |
41120370 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #21 | We join our last day of the week, already in progress. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-07-10 | 6 | |
41246582 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #22 | Makoto and his friends compete in Competitive Cleaning to win the competition. Will they succeed? Will they look cute? Probably! Tune in to find out. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class, NSFW | 2015-07-16 | 6 | |
41306941 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #23 | With the power out from a magical Blackout, Makoto and his friends go to confront Mai for the last time. But what will they find in the darkness of the city? | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-07-19 | 4 | |
41398130 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #24 | Time is ticking away for Sen whilst Makoto agonises over how to defeat Black Pepper. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-07-23 | 6 | |
41459625 | Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #25 | Sen is saved, but now transferred into the MantiCore, Pepper is more dangerous than ever. The final battle of Deception Class begins... | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, Deception Class | 2015-07-25 | 9 | |
41520476 | eyy my man | how's it going | collective shit | 2015-07-28 | 6 | |
August 2015 |
41608350 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #1 | Makoto awakens after the chaos to give everyone a hug and sort some priorities out. Shorter thread. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, so many hugs | 2015-08-02 | 6 | |
41691568 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #2 | We continue relaxing and hug our friends (then feel them up). Also Saito is a little wimp and Makoto is the most charming.
Bin girl name will continue. FOREVER. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, so many hugs | 2015-08-06 | 5 | |
41725256 | Dipshit's Amazing Plane Quest - Thread 1 | Pierre wakes up in his room and then proceeds to shit on Ivan. | Collective Game, Boys und Flugzeuge, Plane Quest, Dipshit's Quest | 2015-08-07 | 0 | |
41725854 | Dipshit's Amazing Plane Quest - Thread 2 | After finishing shitting on Ivan, Pierre grabs food and inspects the aircraft he will use for the special shipment. | Collective Game, Boys und Flugzeuge, Plane Quest, Dipshit's Quest | 2015-08-08 | 0 | |
41752428 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #3 | Makoto consults Yuuki on what to wear, and the date with Hiroko and Saito begins. The rest of the group follows in secret. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-08-09 | 5 | |
41894164 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #4 | We continue the double-date and butt heads with Hiroko until Saito finally manages a compromise. The girls continue to spy, with poor success. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-08-16 | 6 | |
41978599 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #5 | We have breakfast with Saito and a very special Hiroko, post-date. Then we go shopping with Yuuki, and give him a new perspective. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-08-20 | 5 | |
42033929 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #6 | We find out Yuuki was trolling us (and enjoying himself), then meet a stranger from space. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-08-23 | 5 | |
42174946 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #7 | Makoto helps the strange, Doctor K, find Cinnamon. Still not sure if he should trust her...
Then Yuuki and Makoto have sexy dressup times. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-08-30 | 5 | |
September 2015 |
42231686 | anime | weeb | shit, #norugrats | 2015-09-02 | 10 | |
42256303 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #8 | Makoto goes back to regular school- but wait, Yuuki still has him stuck as a girl. Makoto has to avoid being found out! | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-09-03 | 7 | |
42315086 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #9 | Makoto and Saito deal with Naoya... by sicking Yui on him. Then Saito gets to play nurse~ | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-09-06 | 6 | |
42604882 | Maiden White Quest: Breathing Space #10 | Makoto gets a super suit, and we skip through some restful weeks, straight on into summer! | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-09-20 | 5 | |
42665944 | moeshit | moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit moeshit | moeshit | 2015-09-22 | 11 | |
42739371 | weekly weeb shit | weekly weeb shit | weekly weeb shit | 2015-09-27 | 4 | |
42742824 | Maiden White Quest: Smouldering Hearts #1 | Makoto and co. prepare for their summer getaway! | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-09-27 | 6 | |
October 2015 |
42873658 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #2 | We arrive on the island and do our meet and greet with a bunch of people. Then Makoto gets drunk and gets to makeout with an older girl. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-10-04 | 5 | |
42889010 | Renegade Space marine creation thread | An odd thought turns into a good idea that is well thought out and fluffed into a usable chapter. | /tg/ get shit done, Space Marines, Renegade Space Marines, fluff, good ideas, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, At the edge of known space, | 2015-10-07 | 1 | |
43000852 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #3 | Makoto gets a little tipsy and goes to the bath. Then Mai steals another of Saito's first- the bitch! She's quick to apologize though. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-10-11 | 5 | |
43081579 | Home brewed reworking of Bioshock RPG | OP asks for input to work Tonics into spell systems. /tg/ runs off with it into the direction of it's own game system. Crunch ensues. | Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming, | 2015-10-20 | 6 | |
43219967 | Home brewed Bioshock RPG #2 | Continuing from the first thread. | Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming, | 2015-10-24 | 0 | |
43284011 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #4 | Makoto rejoins Yuuki and his two girlfriends. he learns not to abuse time powers to pause awkward situations, and makes up for it by dressing all pretty for them.
4chan broke somewhere around 227 posts, so this thread may have no definite end. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-10-26 | 6 | |
43301844 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt1 | We begin life as a stone-age tribesman, set to make his mark on the tribe and the world. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-10-27 | 18 | |
43336674 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #5 | Makoto retires for the night with Yui- but not much sleep is had. Then in the morning, Saito gets randy. Everyone is horny... why is everyone so horny? This is freaking Makoto out. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-10-29 | 7 | |
43332824 | Home brewed Bioshock RPG #3 | More crunch added along with discussions about how real life tech on building on the bottom of the sea. | Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming, | 2015-10-31 | 1 | |
November 2015 |
43395003 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #6 | It's Halloween, but we had a regular session! Makoto's friends are all crazy for him- literally. It's suspected that Cocoa's spell may have made him more attractive than he can handle. Then Makoto teleports away from his problems. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-11-01 | 7 | |
43431452 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt2 | Despite being scorned by the elders, our stone age hero doesn't let that dissuade him. A new pair of spears is made, we begin work on the idea of a sling and our food runs dry! | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-11-03 | 12 | |
43453917 | Home brewed Bioshock RPG #4 | New Homebrew guy posts up parts of the Alpha phase RPG and anons start to dig in to get shit done. | Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming, | 2015-11-05 | 0 | |
43488184 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt3 | The thread goes unexpectedly long, after our hero, Trym, takes a hunting trip | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-11-06 | 7 | |
43523436 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #7 | Cocoa, hung over and angry, chases the group away, so Makoto and Shun go hump each other on the beach in the meantime. Then they return and get this spell altered. Then Makoto is a bad girl for his teacher. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-11-08 | 6 | |
43478161 | Kindly Skaven and noble vampires: Bizarro Warhammer! | Compiler, Grimgor, the King of the Halflings, and Skeetch spin a tale of knightly vampires and fair Skaven, and the Empire that threatens to destroy the peace. | Skaven, Vampire, Empire, Orcs, Warhammer Fantasy, story, Getting Shit Done, worldbuilding | 2015-11-09 | 12 | |
43564818 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt4 | Trym barely survives his duel with the White Wolf, but manages to make some new friends. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-11-10 | 7 | |
43540626 | Home brewed Bioshock RPG #5 | Status effects, Melee weapons and conditions are worked on. 3D IRL table top figurines are made as well. | Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming, | 2015-11-11 | 0 | |
43611904 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt5 | Trym and Elia return from the winter. Smoking meat proves harder than expected and something odd is seen in the river. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-11-14 | 7 | |
43584194 | BIONICLE RPG Thread #2 | In this thread, we brainstorm ideas for the BIONICLE RPG and make puns out of Onua's name. (Just the one, really.) | BIONICLE, RPG, WIP, /tg/ gets shit done | 2015-11-15 | 3 | |
43642108 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #8 | Makoto and Shun head back and start curing people of their burning hearts! They have... mixed success. Love makes people crazy. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-11-15 | 6 | |
43674344 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt6 | Elia and Trym take a trip upriver to somehow win the heart of Elia's sweetheart, but they discover something... Otherworldly. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-11-17 | 7 | |
43709968 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #9 | Makoto regroups with the girls to plan ahead. We cure Yuuki, and create a body double so Makoto can double-date the girls. Also Saito cries about his pretty hair. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-11-19 | 6 | |
43727308 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt7 | Trym goes and visits the strangers, only to return with a wife! | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-11-20 | 7 | |
43707780 | Fallout 2k, continued | More roleplay in a universe where Fallout is a tabletop war game, with some actual getting shit done | fallout, alternate reality game, roleplay, au, homebrew, getting shit done | 2015-11-20 | 4 | |
43793865 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt8 | Trym's daughter is born in harrowing conditions and an old friend (?) makes its return. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-11-24 | 8 | |
43817453 | It's Too Late for this Shit Quest | It's 8 AM. In the last two days, you've gotten three hours of sleep. And now, someone's pounding on your door. | Collective Game, Tired, Shaderic, Too Late For This Shit, | 2015-11-25 | 5 | |
43828283 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #10 | Makoto and fake Makoto, aka Yuuki, enact their plan to separate and cure the girls. Yui is taken down by a skillful play by Makoto- and subsequent lewding, but Hiroko proves to be... interesting. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-11-26 | 8 | |
43845205 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt9 | As the winter wears on, there's a crime in the clan. This could cause dire repercussions later... | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-11-27 | 10 | |
43826037 | The /tg/ "Justice" League | Superman comes to /tg/ for help against the forces of evil and /tg/ decides they don't need Superman. Odd god tier heroes emerge and hilarity ensues. | DC comics, superman, heroes, fowlweatherfriend, /tg/, Stupidity, Funny, Hilarity, Justice, League, Overpowered bullshit, why is everyone god tier, plz buff superman, too low tier, | 2015-11-27 | 10 | |
43876119 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #11 | Makoto decides to enact his plan to cure Hiroko: by multiplying her. As silly as it, it works quite well. He then convinces Mai's manager to give her a break, and everyone relaxes on the beach. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White | 2015-11-29 | 7 | |
December 2015 |
43913953 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt10 | Sera grows sick and Trym learns to regret not preparing better for winter. This year, he won't make the same mistake. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-12-01 | 9 | |
43950928 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #12 | Makoto wakes up on the beach, buck nekkid. Another day on holiday. He gives out love advice, comforts his brother, and has a relaxing day all around. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-12-03 | 11 | |
43970513 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt11 | The clan gets some new homes and we start seeing a little more of what the non-humans are capable of. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-12-04 | 7 | |
44023984 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #13 | Makoto is the surf king and everybody gets ready for dinner! | all around. collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-12-07 | 8 | |
44046465 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt12 | Trym's son is born and survives. Better yet, agriculture, the first great revolution, is developed! | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-12-09 | 7 | |
44094519 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt13 | The tribe starts the long process of cultivating the land and tries their best to domesticate the first animals in the world. Who'sagoodboy? | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-12-11 | 6 | |
44134145 | Maiden White Quest: Smoldering Hearts #14 | Makoto and Co. meet Princess Saito for dinner, then retire for lovemaking. Makoto gives Shizuko some joy, before Mai's video closes out their vacation. | collective game, MWQ, Qyubey, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW | 2015-12-13 | 6 | |
44174232 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt14 | Soqed and Mesut both have worrying and weighty matters to discuss. The clan sees the beginning of its first real tipping point. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-12-15 | 7 | |
44230240 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt15 | The wolves are tamed and become faithful companions. Trym calls to the spirits and they answer. Crow is an asshole. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-12-18 | 14 | |
44306326 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt16 | Fields are planted, but there's some concern among the players that this idyllic life will soon come to an end. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-12-22 | 7 | |
44430034 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt17 | Tyrm tries to push his magic too far, despite warnings and pays the price for it; he is stricken blind! | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2015-12-29 | 7 | |
January 2016 |
44499582 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt18 | Trym's great quest is revealed! To restore his sight, he must unite the clans into a single great tribe! | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-01-02 | 7 | |
44568050 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt19 | Trym starts his plan in motion to unite the clans and takes his first step to mastering magic. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-01-05 | 6 | |
44587052 | Become the VAmpire | bullshit about the werewolves i mean fucking really? When are they going to become a fuckmothering Vampire? | becometheqm, collective game, furry, waifu bullshit | 2016-01-05 | 3 | |
44628226 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt20 | Trym barely avoids starvation, has a heart-to-heart with his daughter and hopefully starts making strides towards his quest. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-01-08 | 6 | |
44714481 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt21 | Trym makes himself a magic pimp-stick and struts out to start building ties with the herders. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-01-12 | 5 | |
44774805 | Tide of Ages Quest pt22 | Trym and his party arrive at the herders village and their tribal suggestions meet with limited success… | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-01-14 | 6 | |
44862955 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt23 | Sera leaves us to learn from Soqed and Trym calls on the goddess Rhea to aid his brother's wife. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-01-19 | 5 | |
44925677 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt24 | Tension starts to rise in the village, as more of the herders move in. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-01-22 | 5 | |
45084461 | Real Life Shadowrunners | Disturbing real-life tales that would make great inspiration for Shadowrun games! And whose participants are essentially shadowrunners. | Holy fucking shit, the fuck did I just read, is this shit for real, oh god this is real isn't it, Shadowrun | 2016-01-29 | 23 | |
45076714 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt25 | The winter festival is interrupted by the gods, but these new ones don't want sacrifice. Their demands are somewhat harder... | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-01-30 | 5 | |
45108739 | The Lonely Vampire Quest #1 | French vampire hobo visits post-apocalyptic city and finds hanged woman | Collective Game, Vampire, Lonely Vampire Quest, Polaroid Camera, Old Protagonist, Hobo, Shitforbrians, Drawquest | 2016-01-30 | 1 | |
February 2016 |
45162078 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt26 | Trym starts developing things for the clan again. Bigger and better buildings are coming and the herders seem to have become traders. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-02-02 | 5 | |
45217588 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt27 | Trading doesn't go so well, but Trym does gain some valuable information about the wider world | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages, Unreliable GM | 2016-02-05 | 5 | |
45361825 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt28 | Trym manages to broker peace between a trio of feuding gods and saves his village from the fallout. All in a day's work! | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-02-12 | 5 | |
45445013 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt29 | A heartfelt reunion with Nila, Elia and Galit get a son, goats are tamed and the village decides blood sacrifice is totally a great idea. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-02-17 | 7 | |
45499495 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt30 | The gods have a taste for blood now and are asking for a bigger and better temple. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-02-20 | 6 | |
45582852 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt31 | Ebba leaves to learn magic from the river goddess, the tribe finishes the grain store and the first work is made on the first great temple. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-02-23 | 8 | |
45639912 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt32 | The village gains some basic sanitation and the god of building and labour is summoned. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-02-27 | 5 | |
March 2016 |
45727106 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt33 | Trym finally starts to build a bond with his son, creates the first hymn and work starts on the temple proper. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-03-02 | 5 | |
45781752 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt34 | This might not bode well... A dead chief and a power struggle further up the valley could be an ill wind for the tribe. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-03-05 | 5 | |
46079037 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt35 | Trym acquires luxuries, realises he's set for food for a LONG time and makes closer friends with the Sunish | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-03-19 | 3 | |
46095195 | Saving Anime Quest | Exactly like what the title say. Except you're stupid and you don't really know about anime so good luck. | Collective Game, Shit Thread Op, Saving Anime Quest | 2016-03-19 | 6 | |
46159995 | Saving Anime Quest (2) | We play ping-pong, escape from a trap, and overall discover that anime people are dicks. | Shit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest | 2016-03-22 | 4 | |
46163497 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt36 | A new research system, Trym starts trying to invent the wheel and the rest of the tribe actually thinks of something! | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-03-23 | 2 | |
46181558 | Saving Anime Quest (3) | In which we obtain the Behelit, also dude prophecies lmao | Shit thread op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest | 2016-03-23 | 3 | |
46224849 | Saving Anime Quest (4) | Anons get mad, other characters get really irritatingly smug | Shit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest | 2016-03-25 | 2 | |
46268717 | Saving Anime Quest (5) | We take a trip to the sport-shounen sector. | Shit Thread Op, Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest | 2016-03-28 | 2 | |
46325800 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt37 | The world's first cart and Soqed is a dirty cheat... With a little prompting from Awak | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-03-31 | 2 | |
April 2016 |
46419421 | InFilInc Test II - Hostage Rescue [Skirmish] | Agents of Solstar Company must rescue agent Hedgehog from the White Moon.
Agent shenanigans ensue. | Solstar Company Quest, Skirmish, Quest, Solstar Company, Company Command, Agent, White Moon, Collective Game | 2016-04-03 | 4 | |
46378027 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt38 | Trym is seriously wounded trying to wrangle an aurochs and learns the art of druidism to recover. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-04-04 | 3 | |
46461023 | Saving Anime Quest (6) | In which we gain a powerful albeit dark ally. | Collective Game, Saving Anime Quest, Shit Thread Op | 2016-04-05 | 1 | |
46692821 | Saving Anime Quest (7) | Half of the riddle is solved, questionable figures are met. | Collective Game, Shit Thread Op, Saving Anime Quest | 2016-04-16 | 2 | |
46615876 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt39 | After a brush with death, Trym's new potions restore him to full strength. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, Tide of Ages | 2016-04-18 | 2 | |
46732108 | Saving Anime Quest (8) | The OP was a mistake, apart from that, new characters are introduced and we're off to a good start | Saving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op | 2016-04-18 | 0 | |
46766232 | Shitty Spookym Quest | Certainly lives up to it's name. | Shitty, The Spookster, SSQ, Collective Game | 2016-04-19 | 7 | |
46811798 | Dear Battle brother, I am in need of advice! | Astartes Dating advice. Turns out Kriegers got the best moves. | 40k, Space Marines, Chaos, Dating, Stupid silly /tg/ shit | 2016-04-22 | 2 | |
46817052 | Saving Anime Quest (9) | Somewhat of a slower episode with fewer anons playing. It's the beginning of the end (of this arc!) | Saving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op | 2016-04-22 | 2 | |
46857981 | Be the BEG Chapter 22 | What mysteries do the relics hold? | Collective Game, BEG, Be the BEG, Evil Shit | 2016-04-23 | 7 | |
46945073 | Saving Anime Quest -Arc Finale- | The Gran Finale we were waiting for. Also last quest on /tg/ | Saving Anime Quest, Collective Game, Shit Thread Op | 2016-04-28 | 0 | |
4423 | Marvel comics quest. | Choose your own superhero and go on an adventure, True Believer! This may involve weird sex fantasies and incredible journeys. | Marvel, Comics, Capeshit, OPchooses | 2016-04-30 | 0 | |
May 2016 |
3861 | Australian World Domination Quest | It's literally all shitposting. Recommended for Australians. | Collective Game, Australia, shitposting, drawquest, poorly drawn, | 2016-05-01 | 1 | |
47045476 | Resistance Quest part 1 | Enzo Aloisi, a student in the occupied country of Awsbet, loses his brother and begins his battle of resistance against the invaders. | Collective Game, Red White and Britfag, Resistance, Rebellion, WW2, Fantasy | 2016-05-04 | 6 | |
97108 | Black Company Quest #6 | The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We achieve a hat trick of awful rolls. And also kill our other boss | Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Shit rolls, No Parents, Daemons | 2016-05-09 | 26 | |
47153982 | Resistance Quest part 2 | Our hero Enzo liberates relics from the museum, keeping them out of the Federation's hands. His efforts to find allies are less successful. | Collective Game, Red White and Britfag, Resistance, Rebellion, WW2, Fantasy, Resistance Quest | 2016-05-11 | 2 | |
June 2016 |
276655 | Hill Giant Civ Quest IV | After the events of Amberly, the giants and humans agreed to a year-long ceasefire. These are the events that transpired during it. | Hill Giant Civ Quest IV, hill giant, Hill Giant Civ Quest, Collective Game, Civilization, civ, shitty dragon battle | 2016-06-22 | 1 | |
July 2016 |
325825 | Hitmaid Quest 0 - A Sunny Beginning | A quest with one maid trying to defend her young master | Maid, Hitman, Assassins, Hitmaid | 2016-07-06 | 6 | |
339039 | Hitmaid Quest 1 - Protecting the Young Master | This thread, Hitmaid discovers more about her fellow staff and starts the battle versus the Modification Wing | Maid, Hitman, Assassins, Hitmaid | 2016-07-09 | 4 | |
353624 | Hitmaid Quest #2 - Destroying the Modification Wing | Hitmaid and crew assault the Modification Wing Headquarters to defeat Johannes and his team | Maid, Hitmaid, Assassin, Gunfight, Hitman, Maid Quest | 2016-07-12 | 2 | |
367916 | Hitmaid Quest 2.5 - Modification Wing Finale | Maid and staff duel Johannes and his maid in an epic struggle. | Hitmaid, Assassin, Maid, Experiments, Science, Hitman | 2016-07-17 | 2 | |
400057 | Hitmaid Quest 3 - Conducting Business | Maid holds staff meeting; acquiring weapons is a success after short struggle | Hitmaid, Assassin, Maid, Guns, Drugs, Hitman | 2016-07-25 | 2 | |
August 2016 |
48719849 | /tg/ plays tic-tac-toe | OP challenges /tg/ to tic-tac-toe, hilarity ensues. | tic-tac-toe, /tg/, shitposting | 2016-08-11 | 38 | |
469075 | Hitmaid Quest 4 - Defending the Manor | Maid and staff defend manor against super hobos | Hitmaid, Assassin, Maid, Gunfights, Drugs, Hitman | 2016-08-14 | 2 | |
471693 | Bullshit Quest - Thread #1 | Where the goals don't matter, the enemies are shit, and OP is a faggot. | bullshit, quest, comedy, fun, RPG, Manhorse, karma, combat, PvP, PvE, demons, angels, challenging | 2016-08-14 | 5 | |
478630 | JJBA:HV | ???????????????????????????????????????? | Meme, Collective Game, Shitpost | 2016-08-16 | 0 | |
September 2016 |
555892 | Bullshit Quest - Thread #2 | A small group finds a strange new world full of memes and evil-- good thing nobody knows what the fuck they're doing. | bullshit quest, hard, bullshit, fighting, memes, karma, lewd, Collective Game | 2016-09-11 | 1 | |
556169 | Hitmaid Special - A Phantom's Shadow | Experience a heist with the Scarlet Tux!
Followed by SoL with girls | Hitmaid, Heist, Thief, Cute, Girls, Scarlet Tux, Psychic | 2016-09-12 | 2 | |
October 2016 |
704312 | Hitmaid Quest 5 - Party Crashing | Maid follows young master to a party and saves the day | Hitmaid, Assassin, Robots, Gunfights, Maids, Thief, Knives, Guns | 2016-10-17 | 2 | |
November 2016 |
791193 | Lace and Tux 1 | You signed up to serve and protect your master, but as it turns out, you might be doing much more of the latter than the former. | Action, Collective Game, LeaveQM, Maidshit, Combat-focused | 2016-11-12 | 2 | |
December 2016 |
50568400 | Another 40k letter writing thread | In this episode: we write to Draigo, Digganobz, Marbo and several more | 40k, letters, shitposting | 2016-12-07 | 5 | |
920796 | Shitty Bard Quest: #1 | A commoner with a guitar passes as a bard. Carnival games ensue. | SBQ, Shitty Bard Quest, Shitty, Bard, BardQM, Collective Game | 2016-12-10 | 12 | |
939471 | European Dragon Quest 43 | In this episode we give the QM some feedback, tumble a mage, and we all realize Ren should really stop fucking around. Liz's boobs get big. | QuestingQM, Irony, Collective Game, European Dragon Quest, Dragons BTFO Shit, MUTATIONS! | 2016-12-21 | 1 | |
972007 | Marvel Quest: Rise of Robo-Hitler 1 | We choose our hero, who did nothing wrong, to be resurrected once more within the Marvel Universe. | Marvel, Marvel Quest, Mecha Hitler, Robo-Hitler, Plague | 2016-12-25 | 4 | |
January 2017 |
1060667 | Trainwreck Quest | Rails? We're in the ocean now. Became simulation, anhero, nukes. What the fuck even happened here? | trainwreck, shitstorm, abstergo?, collective game | 2017-01-18 | 1 | |
February 2017 |
1098283 | Joker Quest 151 | Joker once again finds himself trapped in the Hell that forged him. At least this time he has company. | Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, Daegal, Team Bro Wins, Shits Fucked | 2017-02-03 | 10 | |
1122937 | Resistance Quest pt1 | The nation of Awsbet has been conquered and subjugated, but Iwo Malinowski will fight for his nation's freedom. | Red White and Britfag, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest | 2017-02-13 | 5 | |
March 2017 |
52005009 | CATastrophe thread | Whatever happened to CATastrophe? | CATastrophe, Homebrew, /tg/ doesn't get shit done | 2017-03-12 | 6 | |
May 2017 |
53150680 | /tg/ decides to create an AI | An anon vastly overestimates "/tg/ gets shit done" and tries to convince /tg/ to create a sentient AI. This goes predictably ineffectively | /tg/ gets shit done, /tg/ doesn't get shit done, failure, AI, artifical intelligence, futile, | 2017-05-20 | 8 | |
June 2017 |
1536253 | Metahuman Quest: Issue #1 | Morgan Barrett moves into Gotham with his mother and makes some interesting new acquaintances. | Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, density, Batman, cape, capeshit, SleepyQM, Sleepy | 2017-06-07 | 21 | |
53827480 | The 108 Pearlworlds of the Nerakan Reclusiam | Anon starts up a non-Imperium human realm, becomes zen Buddhist Chaos monks in space. | 40k, warhammer, human, get, shit, done, tg | 2017-06-19 | 13 | |
1581996 | Trick Shitpost Series: White Rhino Quest | You are the last survivor of an extinct species | Trick shitpost series, white rhino quest, Trick | 2017-06-19 | 2 | |
July 2017 |
1666872 | Storm Demigod Quest #7 | Aisha presses the limits of Kasai's sanity and gets married. | Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Demigod Quest, sappy shit | 2017-07-24 | 6 | |
August 2017 |
1793475 | Alien Resistance Quest 1 | Tactics were used, aliens were slayed, and mutants made from alien weapons turned into our weapon. | X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants | 2017-08-30 | 2 | |
September 2017 |
1814822 | Alien Resistance Quest 2 | We did some research and found out what happens when mutants stay locked up. | X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants | 2017-09-05 | 1 | |
1840538 | Alien Resistance Quest 3 | A chemist took some alien drugs, a mutant became to smart, and we survived a supply raid. | X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants | 2017-09-18 | 1 | |
1867223 | Alien Resistance Quest 4 | Recruiting, it was once a simple thing. Now a weapon to surpass gauss. | X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants | 2017-09-25 | 1 | |
October 2017 |
1930897 | Shitty Acting Quest 1 | The adventures of Gabriel Lincoln, newbie actor and crit-addict. | shitty acting quest, collective game | 2017-10-06 | 30 | |
1896296 | Alien Resistance Quest 5 | Went to down to the office for some paper work. Ended up kicking the hornet nest. Called in weeds to help. Ask the base to deliver roundup. | X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants | 2017-10-07 | 1 | |
1923264 | Alien Resistance Quest 6 | Not much to say. We killed the plants, we got the info, and now we gotta get our boys home. If the game ever gets picked back up. | X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants | 2017-10-12 | 1 | |
2 | Shitty Acting Quest 2 | Gabriel continues training for his first big role. Crits put QM on suicide watch. | shitty acting quest, collective game | 2017-10-22 | 0 | |
1954538 | Shitty Acting Quest 2 | Gabriel continues training for his first big role. Crits put QM on suicide watch. | shitty acting quest, collective game | 2017-10-22 | 7 | |
November 2017 |
1997552 | Resistance Quest pt2 | At long last, Iwo resumes the resistance, making an ally of Aneta and leading a daring but unsuccessful attack on the Federation's censors. | Red White and Britfag, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest | 2017-11-04 | 3 | |
56461002 | mipui | OP shares his online map editor (collaborative too!) with /tg/ for testing and input. | map editor, mipui, map, maps, collaboration, free, online, open source, /tg/ gets shit done, shit gets done | 2017-11-22 | 22 | |
2061142 | SugarSnot Pokemon Mystery Quest Thread #1 | A Pokemon based /qst/ drawn by SugarSnot guided by the suggestions of the thread readers. | pokemon mystery quest, comic, sugarsnot, sugarsmear, magby, gothita, kecleon, psyduck, magnezone | 2017-11-28 | 2 | |
December 2017 |
2149299 | Fate/Altered Type Thread 1 | In which we summon a Servant, meet our childhood friends, and see a priest about a war. | Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game | 2017-12-18 | 7 | |
January 2018 |
2158902 | Rural Worm Quest Thread One | Leah Redd goes out, finds evidence of mysterious goings-on, makes a friend on a field trip, and investigates some caves | Rural Worm Quest, Collective Game, Earth Bet, Worm, Capeshit | 2018-01-01 | 4 | |
2182710 | Fate/Altered Type- Thread the Second | In which we die. At least twice. | Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game | 2018-01-08 | 4 | |
2192620 | Rural Worm Quest Thread Two | Leah Redd spies on the terrorists, lets the Protectorate know, gets info on some capes, and joins the art club | Rural Worm Quest, Collective Game, Earth Bet, Worm, Capeshit | 2018-01-14 | 2 | |
2216875 | Fate/Altered Type- Thread the Third | In which we get another truce, and meet a black knight. | Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game | 2018-01-16 | 3 | |
February 2018 |
57739952 | /tg/ makes a map | The anons create a beautiful mixed-genre clusterfuck congealed into an amazing little hexcrawl | map, worldbuilding, robots, Getting Shit Done | 2018-02-02 | 7 | |
57853937 | /tg/ makes a map: episode 2 | In which our fine elegan/tg/entlemen come together once more to create another awesome hexcrawl as our board culture slowly returns. | collab, worldbuilding, robots, Getting Shit Done, /tg/ gets shit done, hexcrawl, map | 2018-02-12 | 3 | |
April 2018 |
2442415 | Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread One | Zander B. Krupp, loyal friend turned superpowered vigilante, fights crime in a dome city a hundred years into the future. | Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Parahuman, Superpower, Cape, Chitter | 2018-04-05 | 2 | |
2438744 | Princess Guard Quest | Autistic Blast from the Past | Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow | 2018-04-07 | 10 | |
2452421 | Princess Guard Quest 2 | We Meet Nicolette and Get Magic | Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow | 2018-04-07 | 10 | |
2450509 | Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread Two | Zander sees his neighbor's newborn kittens, thoroughly interrogates a gangster, bargain hunts at a thrift store, and goes grocery shopping. | Collective Game, Cyberpunk, Parahuman, Superpower, Cape, Chitter | 2018-04-11 | 0 | |
2450892 | Fate/Altered Type- Thread the Fourth | In which a QM's hiatus ends, and we wind up with a houseguest. Or four. | Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game | 2018-04-13 | 1 | |
2474835 | Princess Guard Quest 3 | Did Marianne finally find a friend? | Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow | 2018-04-15 | 9 | |
2497998 | Princess Guard Quest 4 | Reinhold's day off | Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow | 2018-04-22 | 7 | |
2481685 | Fate/Altered Type- Thread the Fifth | In which OP makes two posts and disappears into gacha. And we buy time with Taiga. | Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Nasushit, Collective Game | 2018-04-29 | 1 | |
2518661 | Princess Guard Quest 5 | Reinhold goes to town | Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow | 2018-04-30 | 6 | |
May 2018 |
2547436 | Princess Guard Quest 6 | Reinhold spends the day in bed | Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, White Hand, Autism, Shadow | 2018-05-09 | 5 | |
2518451 | Another halfway thread | Shit QM can't pay attention to one quest | shit | 2018-05-11 | 1 | |
July 2018 |
2724478 | An Animated Dealing: An Animated Dealing: Multiplayer Toon RPG Quest (Part 2: Fuck It) | This Multiplay Quest is a bad idea, don't even try to bother. | An Animated Dealing, Multiplayer Quest, Toon RPG, It's Shit. | 2018-07-14 | 0 | |
60985974 | Space Marine working in modern office? | OP asks how a biologically augmented superhuman would fare in a modern office setting, writefaggotry ensues. | How would X do in 40k thread, But strangely not shit, Miracle of miracles | 2018-07-25 | 18 | |
2752391 | Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 0: CRAB | NEET is killed by a meteorite. Somewhere along the line he ends up as a Mecha Crab Kaiju. Mostly a shitpost. | Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots | 2018-07-26 | 3 | |
August 2018 |
2796500 | Metahuman Quest: Issue #23 | Morgan avoids a fight, has an interesting chat, and targets the head honchos of Gotham's criminal underworld. | Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, HIVE, The Black & Whites | 2018-08-21 | 5 | |
2816506 | Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 1: CRAB | Heroic MechaCrab goes to hell to battle for justice, honor, friends and tiddies. Mostly a shitpost. | Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots | 2018-08-29 | 2 | |
September 2018 |
61836127 | shity segmentum: valentine battle edition | welcome to 40k roleplay parody at the better autistic style of /tg/,enjoy. | 40K,roleplay,shity segmentum | 2018-09-09 | 0 | |
October 2018 |
2896803 | Metahuman Quest: Issue #24 | Morgan fights an assassin, encounters a certain cat-themed thief, and successfully captures the Black & Whites | Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, Cheshire, Catwoman, The Black & Whites | 2018-10-06 | 5 | |
November 2018 |
3035246 | Capeshit Quest | McDonald's employee Charles Wolf gains superpowers in a mysterious event and adjusts to the resulting world. | Collective Game, Capeshit Quest | 2018-11-19 | 1 | |
3049473 | Dickweed Quest | Dickweed the short man of the waves lives and dies in this amazing quest. | Dickweed, shit quest, one shot | 2018-11-22 | 3 | |
January 2019 |
3131597 | Fate Quest Pt. 3: Arrows and Guns | In which we save our ally's ass from being ripped to pieces, find out that Assassin's not dead and turn Assassin's Master into a Vampire. | Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki, Vampire Autism, Fuck Off Caster of Red With Your Bullshit | 2019-01-05 | 1 | |
February 2019 |
3281240 | Superpowered Neckbeard Quest | Derek, 342 pound neckbeard leaves his mommy's home, stabs a kickboxing cricket man to death, and spontaneously develops superpowers. | Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard | 2019-02-26 | 14 | |
March 2019 |
3294238 | Metahuman Quest: Issue #29 | The ever evolving situation with the brother of Deathstroke begins to reach it's conclusion. | Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Rose Wilson, White Martian | 2019-03-08 | 6 | |
3299177 | Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode Two | Derek's sad life continues | Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard | 2019-03-10 | 10 | |
3358095 | Persons of Interest #1 | Start to Persons of Interest. The protagonist finds out his abusive father has mind-control abilities. Can he save his little sister? | Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist | 2019-03-31 | 9 | |
April 2019 |
3390130 | Persons of Interest #2 | Chris also needs to deal with the legal consequences of his actions while assuring of his sisters mental well-being and how to move forward. | Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist | 2019-04-07 | 7 | |
3425382 | Persons of Interest #3 | In the hospital, Chris spends his time learning more about his abilities | Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist | 2019-04-23 | 4 | |
May 2019 |
3449558 | Fap Fairy Quest | A guy was having his 10,000th fap when a fairy showed up to grant him a wish. | fapfairy, fap, fairy, quest, shitpost | 2019-05-02 | 4 | |
3469065 | Persons of Interest #4 | Sorting out some more issues, like their father's funeral, Chris gets ready to move to a more permanent residence. | Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist | 2019-05-20 | 4 | |
3514945 | Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest | We create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school. | The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game | 2019-05-25 | 17 | |
3525922 | Persons of Interest #5 | Finally moving on, Chris and Cam move in with the Millers in the new city of Tall Oaks. | Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist | 2019-05-31 | 3 | |
June 2019 |
3529455 | Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 2 | We learn how to become a Big Guy, expand our (literal?)gang, learn about the conspiracy to brainwash us, and butt heads with Snowball. | The Monitor of E-16, Meta Human Slave Quest, Body Horror?, Cape Shit, Collective Game, Fuck Psychics, Shape Shifting, | 2019-06-03 | 7 | |
3550816 | Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode Three | Derek continues his one-man crusade on crime, and has a chance encounter with a minor baseball celebrity. | Collective Game, SNQ, Capeshit, Superpowers, Vigilante, Neckbeard | 2019-06-21 | 8 | |
3553097 | Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3 | Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes. | The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game, RIP | 2019-06-22 | 6 | |
3571317 | Persons of Interest #6 | Chris and Cam get to know their new Foster Family a little better. | Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist | 2019-06-30 | 3 | |
July 2019 |
3632994 | Broken Empire Quest | The Emperor is dead. The Empire has fallen into anarchy. The noble turned mercenary captain Ursula von Sternberg begins her journey. | Broken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula, FeMC | 2019-07-16 | 4 | |
3648083 | Persons of Interest #7 | Shopping adventure ensues, but not without its hickups, and not without your powers being questioned | Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist, Slice of Life | 2019-07-25 | 5 | |
3658046 | Broken Empire Quest Thread #2 | We move towards a large town and meet new people and recruits | Broken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula | 2019-07-27 | 3 | |
August 2019 |
3727251 | Super Quest - 1 | We become a superhero celebrate at a bar and capture our first criminal. A fun day all in all. | Capeshit, Super Quest, Hero, Powers, Key, KeyQM | 2019-08-12 | 0 | |
3704249 | Broken Empire Quest Thread #3 | A contract is formed, paid in silver and enforced with steel. | Broken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula | 2019-08-16 | 4 | |
3742378 | Persons of Interest #8 | Coincidences keep aligning for Chris to get a coupon for a free massage. What's the worst that could happen? | Persons of Interest Quest, original capeshit, superpowers, Healer Protagonist, Slice of Life | 2019-08-27 | 0 | |
3749873 | 40k Chaosfag Shitquest | On a Feudal world in the 42nd millennium, a narcissistic ex-monk declares himself 'New Emperor' and starts a heretical Chaos Cult. | Collective Game, 40k, Chaos, Shitquest | 2019-08-29 | 6 | |
September 2019 |
3783983 | 40k Chaosfag Shitquest, #2 | In the 42nd millennium, the Communion continues to spread its heretical doctrine and their New Emperor finds himself gripped with Clarity. | Collective Game, 40k, Chaos, Shitquest | 2019-09-15 | 2 | |
October 2019 |
3845755 | Flesh and Metal #1 | A Ganger Hitman embarks on a mission to silence a snitch in a cyberpunk future | Sci-fi, Assassin, Hitman, Cybernetic, Collective Game, Cyborg, Futuristic | 2019-10-05 | 0 | |
3848369 | Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 4 | Qm comes back, we make some sweet gains, and we get Cait to open up about her trauma | The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta human slave quest, Cape Shit, collective game | 2019-10-20 | 2 | |
November 2019 |
3874844 | Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest #5 | We spar with Caitlin. That's about it since OP was too "busy" to update much. | The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave Quest, Cape Shit, Collective Game, | 2019-11-04 | 2 | |
3930370 | My Hero Academia Quest: First Year #1 | With the help of her Quirk: Caffeine Rush, Kokoro Shibui tackles UA's entrance exam and earns herself a seat in the experimental class 1-Z. | My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist | 2019-11-30 | 5 | |
December 2019 |
70118335 | The Prince Of Elysia - Part 1: D`nesathia | A retelling of the god-game, from the beginning, as remembered by Dowjin. He swears this is the true story and to ignore all the others. | Storytime, Daies, Dowjin, Hitsito, Elysia, D`nesathia | 2019-12-26 | 13 | |
70182684 | The Prince Of Elysia - Part 2: Nebaron | The retelling of the god-game continues. Divinity is grasped. The Great War breaks out. | Storytime, Elysia, Nebaron, Daies, Hitsito, Dowjin, Tel`ryn, Destamona, Stefan | 2019-12-30 | 6 | |
January 2020 |
70308393 | The Prince Of Elysia - Part 3: The Core Worlds | The god-game expands campaign settings, suffers casualties, and encounters plot twists | Storytime, Elysia, Core, Worlds, Daies, Hitsito, Dowjin, Tel`ryn, Destamona, Stefan, Sahzralaith | 2020-01-06 | 5 | |
March 2020 |
71594322 | Traveller Character Creation | A Character Creation thread with the Traveller system, resulting in a female version of Jabba the Huth, ending as a thug in a space prison. | Traveller, Character Creation, Annalise Whitechaple, Whitechaple, Character, Creation, Mongoose | 2020-03-23 | 1 | |
May 2020 |
4217050 | White man's burden: Apocalypse now | Colonial governor finds himself cut off from the metropol area with limited supplies. | Collective Game , White man's burden Quest, post-apocalyptic, history, alternate history, world building, politics, | 2020-05-02 | 5 | |
4203985 | MHA Quest #1 | Starting from the beginning we kick off Nanako Shimura's origin story | My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM | 2020-05-05 | 5 | |
4238035 | MHA Quest #2 | Part II of Nanako Yakumo - The Origin. We learn the truth and continue to break our limits. | My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM | 2020-05-23 | 4 | |
4240969 | White man's burden: Apocalypse now | Colonial governor finds himself cut off from the metropol area with limited supplies. | Collective Game , White man's burden Quest, post-apocalyptic, history, alternate history, world building, politics, | 2020-05-28 | 2 | |
June 2020 |
4271761 | MHA Quest #3 | Nanako confronts her past and sets her sights on becoming an underground hero. | My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM | 2020-06-14 | 5 | |
4324237 | Sailor Bear Quest | A normal morning for Usagi Tsukino, just your normal 14 year old highschool girl who is also a 7'9" Bear weighing 1,430 lbs | Sailor Moon, Bear, Shitpost, Eclipsed Moon, Eclipsed Moon Quest, Quest, Pbta | 2020-06-27 | 5 | |
73379914 | Pooping in the woods | In which anons discuss being attacked while pooping and bags of holding full of shit. | poop, pooping in the woods, survival, poopinginthewoods, adventuring, bag of holding, shit, campaign ideas | 2020-06-27 | 12 | |
July 2020 |
4336957 | Conquer The Planet | WE’RE TAKING OVER A PLANET! I don't know what that means, but it sounds badass, so we're doing it, nerds! | Drawquest, ShitpostQM, Aliens, Centaur, Conquer | 2020-07-07 | 3 | |
4315977 | White Lies Quest | An ancient blade. A forgotten temple. One man to save the world from a threat hidden in plain sight. | drawquest, saccharine, fruit, collective game, white lies quest | 2020-07-09 | 1 | |
4309462 | MHA Quest #4 | Nanako goes underground fighting to let off some steam but instead making new friends through hotblooded fighting. | My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM | 2020-07-13 | 2 | |
August 2020 |
4354646 | MHA Quest #5 | Quirks' gonna quirk; and we become closer with our best friend. This night is turning out longer than anticipated. | My Hero Academia, MHA, Hero, Capeshit, Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, MarutaQM | 2020-08-08 | 1 | |
September 2020 |
4464270 | White Tower | White Tower have manifested. Soon enough, death and pestilence will follow. It's up to you to prevent the calamity. How do you proceed? | White Tower, Kid, Contender, Quest | 2020-09-30 | 31 | |
October 2020 |
4474137 | White Tower #2 | Kid learns the true meaning of friendship. | white tower, drawquest, collective game, vavilonica, quest, kid, sword time, scarily existing pleistocene megafauna | 2020-10-08 | 21 | |
4458535 | Destroy the Godmodder: Image not related edition | A Destroy the Godmodder Thread | Collective game, Lewd, Random, Shitpost | 2020-10-14 | 1 | |
4491227 | White Tower #3 | Kid goes to jail and eats a hot dog! | White Tower, Kid, Contender, Quest | 2020-10-24 | 20 | |
November 2020 |
4508642 | White Tower #4 | Kid takes part in a tournament, beats up one friend and saves another. | White Tower,Kid,Contender,Quest,collective game | 2020-11-27 | 10 | |
December 2020 |
76386969 | The World of Transperentia | A new campaign setting is started as a trope filled joke, but unintentionally does every trope better than any modern author. | game ideas, awesome, campaign, writefaggotry, world building, homebrew, character concepts, getting shit done, brainstorming | 2020-12-11 | 12 | |
76439786 | The World of Transparentia 2 | Second thread for the transparentia setting | game, ideas, awesome, campaign, writefaggotry, world building, homebrew, character, concepts, getting shit done, brainstorming | 2020-12-16 | 8 | |
April 2021 |
4677197 | Evil ranger quest ep. 1 | An evil Power ranger is created deep underwater, and has trouble finding her place in this strange politics-ridden world. | Power rangers, Collective Game, White ranger, First quest, Adventure, Female protagonist, Evil protagonist, Rangers, No coom (unfortunately) | 2021-04-04 | 0 | |
August 2021 |
80661561 | Mages and Wands | Originally a conversation regarding the point of wands, then the wand appraiser comes in | Magic, Mages, Wands, Review, Cool Shit, world building | 2021-08-14 | 15 | |
January 2022 |
5075530 | Filler Adventure | Wacky, nonsensical adventures ranging between bedding Lady Liberty, becoming a Twitch thot, defying Mickey Mouse, and buying Wonder Bread. | shitpost, drawquest, filler, filler adventure | 2022-01-17 | 2 | |
April 2022 |
5194190 | Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! | A low-tier, water-themed rogue starts his supervillainous journey | Superhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM | 2022-04-25 | 17 | |
May 2022 |
84573052 | Can au/tg/ists fix Harry Potter's magic system? | In which the partially organized chaos of JK Rowling's imagination is attempted to be deciphered and fixed. | Harry Potter, Magic System, /tg/ gets shit done, Potterverse, Magic, Wizarding World | 2022-05-19 | 3 | |
June 2022 |
5232674 | Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest | Simon P. Campbell awakens to the power of superdurabilty, and begins his one man war on all the scum strangling the life out of the megacity | Collective Game, Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest, Grimdark, Capeshit, Cyberpunk, Vigilante, Quest, Slumlord | 2022-06-02 | 11 | |
84774616 | New /tg/ makes a setting thread | /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-09 | 22 | |
84847594 | New /tg/ makes a setting thread 2 | /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-10 | 22 | |
5249472 | Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 2) | Our brave and elegant super thief discovers a new power and escapes prison | Superhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM | 2022-06-11 | 8 | |
84864673 | New /tg/ makes a setting thread 3 | /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-15 | 22 | |
84877899 | New /tg/ makes a setting thread 4 | /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-15 | 22 | |
84890048 | New /tg/ makes a setting thread 5 | /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-15 | 22 | |
84918731 | New /tg/ makes a setting thread 6 | /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-17 | 22 | |
84930206 | New /tg/ makes a setting thread 7 | /tg/ makes a setting (again) shenanigans ensue | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-17 | 22 | |
84963046 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #9 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-23 | 22 | |
84990296 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #10 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-06-23 | 23 | |
July 2022 |
85001905 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #11 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-07-03 | 22 | |
85025361 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #12 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-07-03 | 22 | |
85034498 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #13 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-07-03 | 22 | |
85074457 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #14 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-07-15 | 24 | |
85181021 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #15 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-07-15 | 22 | |
85273765 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #15-2 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-07-22 | 22 | |
85357735 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #16 - grundiddy-i gromplos edition | /tg/ adds add grundiddy-i gromplos and the nomadic kopwunrias to the setting. | grundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-07-24 | 22 | |
5308399 | Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 3) | Fresh out of prison, the Dick Man builds his crew and begins plotting the heist that will finally make his reputation. | Superhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM | 2022-07-27 | 5 | |
August 2022 |
85505196 | Buying a book means the DM has to let me use it | OP tries to spark the playertariat revolt and finds a crowd of Russian peasants telling him to fuck off. | shitfest, op is a fag | 2022-08-03 | 1 | |
85499731 | Grundiddy-i Gromplos World #17 | Grundiddy-i Gromplos is discussed further. | grundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-08-04 | 22 | |
85442583 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #17 | yet another worldbuilding thread, grundiddy troll forgot to archive this one, 85499731 is also a part of this setting | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-08-05 | 22 | |
85554910 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #18 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-08-07 | 22 | |
85565926 | The World of Grundiddy-i Gromplos #1 | /tg/ comes together and makes an interesting setting | grundiddy-i gromplos, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-08-08 | 22 | |
85580942 | /tg/ throws shit at the wall #21 | yet another worldbuilding thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-08-09 | 23 | |
85686282 | /tg/ throws shit at a wall #22 | will probably get downvoted below -20 by the grundy troll, but still useful so link can be included in next thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-08-18 | 22 | |
85775039 | /tg/ throws shit at a wall #23 | will probably get downvoted below -20 by the grundy troll, but still useful so link can be included in next thread | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-08-25 | 22 | |
September 2022 |
5359398 | Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 4)) | A regrettably short episode of the drawquest, in which our heroes walk from floor 2 to floor 1, before QM disappears into the nether | Superhero, Capeshit, Villain Quest, Crime, Drawquest, White Tower QM | 2022-09-07 | 4 | |
86150840 | /tg/ makes a setting 26 - Good dogs and puking cats Edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-09-25 | 22 | |
October 2022 |
86258892 | /tg/ makes a setting 27 - Lucy's present to the Emperor Edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-10-05 | 22 | |
86355397 | /tg/ makes a setting 28 - Vengeful spirits from the past | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-10-13 | 22 | |
86504173 | /tg/ makes a setting 29 - We still need more dates edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-10-31 | 22 | |
November 2022 |
5414507 | Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #1 | It is the year 0068 of the Universal Century, and the journey of Felix Zos Deikun begins. | Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, PTSD, BIG ZAM, DOZLE PILL | 2022-11-03 | 31 | |
86662491 | /tg/ makes a setting 30 - Smiling Gnoll edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-11-19 | 22 | |
December 2022 |
86786745 | /tg/ makes a setting 31 - The fuck is a neepus? edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-12-04 | 22 | |
86924239 | /tg/ makes a setting 31#2 - Just Alchemists having fun edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2022-12-19 | 22 | |
5476475 | Shitty Isekai Quest | A not very interesting adolescent MC who occasionally goes to church trips and fucking dies, then gets isekai'd into low fantasy. | Shitty Isekai Quest, Sh QM, Sh, Isekai, Low Fantasy | 2022-12-26 | 0 | |
January 2023 |
87072460 | /tg/ makes a setting 32 - We need a bigger compass edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2023-01-01 | 22 | |
87171716 | /tg/ makes a setting 33 - Seasons Greetings edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2023-01-01 | 22 | |
5492260 | Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #2 | It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun finds himself living among the Zabi family, biding time for revenge. | Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, DOZLE PILL, Kycilia's hai | 2023-01-11 | 21 | |
5493112 | HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #7 | A jobbed fight, a bizarre dream, two temporary anomalies to wrangle, and the Eye staring down at you. You're shocked you haven't gone mad. | Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, I actually fear my players when they shitpost | 2023-01-15 | 5 | |
87267880 | /tg/ makes a setting 34 - Moths the size of albatross edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2023-01-17 | 22 | |
87388478 | /tg/ makes a setting 35 - Lore, lore, lore! Edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2023-01-17 | 22 | |
5486321 | Wizard Tower 1 | Armed with only a handful of mildly useful cantrips, we make our way through the 50 challenges of the Wizard Tower. | wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest | 2023-01-22 | 6 | |
5533615 | Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #3 | It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun visits Von Braun to fulfill a promise to his childhood friend Elena. | Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, surprise gift, Elena | 2023-01-26 | 15 | |
February 2023 |
87550989 | /tg/ makes a setting 38 - Witch Supremacy Edition | for archival purposes | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-02-01 | 22 | |
87627406 | /tg/ makes a setting 39-2 - Greedy Gods and Goddess Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep. | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-02-15 | 22 | |
5529930 | Wizard Tower 2 | Armed with only a handful of mildly useful cantrips, we make our way through the 23 remaining challenges of the Wizard Tower. | wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest | 2023-02-21 | 3 | |
March 2023 |
87795959 | /tg/ makes a setting 40 - Weird Monsters Out of Nowhere Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep. | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-a-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-03-06 | 22 | |
87956630 | /tg/ makes a setting 41 - Empress on a Coin Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-a-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-03-20 | 22 | |
5575952 | Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #4 | It is the year 0075 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun attends the academy... and becomes a Zabi?! | Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, BIG ZAM, DADZLE PILL | 2023-03-21 | 18 | |
5576095 | Wizard Tower 3 | We make our way through the final floors of the Wizard Tower, then back out the other way. | wizard, wizard tower, shitpost, drawquest | 2023-03-27 | 4 | |
April 2023 |
88125000 | /tg/ makes a setting 42 - Fucking Snoloths, how do they work? Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-04-01 | 22 | |
88278726 | /tg/ makes a setting 43 - Birds with Plenty of Eyes Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-04-08 | 22 | |
88372296 | /tg/ makes a setting 44 - Cowboy Aliens from Outer Space Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-04-16 | 24 | |
88465385 | /tg/ makes a setting 45 - The Great Temples Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-04-23 | 22 | |
5616811 | Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #5 | It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun slowly settles into life as a public figure and becomes a dad! | Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, unplanned pregnancy, oh no | 2023-04-30 | 13 | |
May 2023 |
88563258 | /tg/ makes a setting 45 - Dark Sorcerers Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-05-01 | 22 | |
88666593 | /tg/ makes a setting 47 - You've been gnomed Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-05-08 | 22 | |
88762012 | /tg/ makes a setting 48 - Funny Turtles Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-05-16 | 22 | |
88855281 | /tg/ makes a setting 49 - Maps in need of Completion Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-05-23 | 22 | |
88948871 | /tg/ makes a setting 50 - All I see I give to me Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-05-30 | 23 | |
June 2023 |
89035095 | /tg/ makes a setting 51 - Have at thee, Snoloth! Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-06-07 | 23 | |
89127240 | /tg/ makes a setting 52 - A year of Giantstep Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-06-14 | 23 | |
5670248 | Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #6 | It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun hones his newtype powers, recruits a new ally, and gets engaged to Elena! | Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Ensared by Earthnoid Bazookas | 2023-06-28 | 7 | |
89309033 | /tg/ makes a setting 54 - Witchbog Trade Shenanigans Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-06-28 | 23 | |
July 2023 |
89389607 | /tg/ makes a setting 55 - Weird Creatures from the Jungle Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-07-06 | 23 | |
89472549 | /tg/ makes a setting 56#1 - Comfy Wooden Palace Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-07-13 | 23 | |
89552939 | /tg/ makes a setting 56 - Goblins in the Snow Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-07-20 | 23 | |
89637453 | /tg/ makes a setting 58 - Flags of the wold Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-07-27 | 23 | |
August 2023 |
89718352 | /tg/ makes a setting 59 - Behemoths in the Field Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-08-03 | 23 | |
89797226 | /tg/ makes a setting 60 - Maps, Maps and more Maps Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-08-10 | 23 | |
89868753 | /tg/ makes a setting 61 - The Ogre Ride Never Ends Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep. | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-08-17 | 23 | |
89944865 | /tg/ makes a setting 62 - Wizards and Magic Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-08-23 | 24 | |
90013461 | /tg/ makes a setting 63 - Back to the Bestiary Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-08-30 | 24 | |
September 2023 |
90087220 | /tg/ makes a setting 64 - Caves for Sporggo Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-09-06 | 24 | |
90241895 | /tg/ makes a setting 64 - The Fields of Excretium | Anons continue to discuss the scatlogical aspects of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-09-14 | 7 | |
90255685 | /tg/ Makes a Setting 1 | Anons begin to discuss an epic new setting | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2023-09-22 | 2 | |
90307311 | /tg/ makes an industrial setting #1 | /tg/ begins a many thread long worldbuilding session | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2023-09-22 | 0 | |
90325677 | /tg/ Makes a Setting - #1 | /tg/ makes a new and unique setting | throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2023-09-22 | 1 | |
5733886 | Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #7 | t is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun spreads the good word and finds potential allies in Riah. | Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit | 2023-09-22 | 10 | |
October 2023 |
90389784 | /tg/ makes a setting 68 - Mischievous Wisps Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-10-05 | 6 | |
90469380 | /tg/ makes a setting 69 - The Witches' Tree Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-10-12 | 6 | |
90556756 | /tg/ makes a setting 70 - The Old Druid Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-10-19 | 6 | |
90644647 | /tg/ makes a setting 71 - Yet Again, Maps Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-10-26 | 6 | |
November 2023 |
90721419 | /tg/ makes a setting 72 - The Bonefort Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-11-02 | 6 | |
90795696 | /tg/ makes a setting 73 - Surprise in the Crops Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-11-09 | 6 | |
5802571 | ChudQuest | Chud reaches 30 years old without having sex and becomes a WIZARD. | chud, chad, meme, shitpost | 2023-11-11 | 3 | |
90871350 | /tg/ makes a setting 74 - Trading across the South Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-11-16 | 7 | |
90944099 | /tg/ makes a setting 75 - Witches Having Fun Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-11-23 | 6 | |
91020650 | /tg/ makes a setting 76 - Running Away from the Monster Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-11-30 | 7 | |
December 2023 |
91093365 | /tg/ makes a setting 77 - There be Whales Here Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-12-07 | 8 | |
91159667 | /tg/ makes a setting 78 - Merfolk Summer Palace Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-12-14 | 6 | |
5826377 | Concrete Stratosphere Quest #1 | In a futuristic crime-filled dystopia, an average unremarkable guy decides to put on a mask and do something about it. | Science Fiction, Drawquest, Dystopian, Collective Game, Capeshit, Superhero, Detective, | 2023-12-18 | 3 | |
91224988 | /tg/ makes a setting 79 - Demon Tieflings Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-12-21 | 5 | |
91291528 | /tg/ makes a setting 80 - The Wicked Witch of Littlestep Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2023-12-28 | 7 | |
January 2024 |
91353551 | /tg/ makes a setting 81 - Vampire Cult Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-01-04 | 6 | |
91432606 | /tg/ makes a setting 82 - The Cosmic Staircase Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-01-11 | 6 | |
91525253 | /tg/ makes a setting 83 - Small Magical Argument Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-01-18 | 6 | |
91607015 | /tg/ makes a setting 84 - A Small Summoning Mishap Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-01-25 | 8 | |
February 2024 |
91698476 | /tg/ makes a setting 85 - Long Leng Labyrinths Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-02-02 | 5 | |
91779025 | /tg/ makes a setting 86 - Dark Gods Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-02-09 | 6 | |
91852462 | /tg/ makes a setting 87 - The Bone Dome Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-02-16 | 6 | |
91919615 | /tg/ makes a setting 88 - Tragic Werespiders Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-02-23 | 6 | |
March 2024 |
92084027 | /tg/ makes a setting 89 - Back to Work Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-03-11 | 6 | |
April 2024 |
92346917 | /tg/ makes a setting 90 - Party through the Wheat Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-04-08 | 7 | |
May 2024 |
92669064 | /tg/ makes a setting 91 - The Cosmic Staircase Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-05-08 | 7 | |
92646124 | Wargame Political Compass #61 | /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inq | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2024-05-09 | 7 | |
92679993 | Wargame Political Compass #62 | /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inq | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting | 2024-05-09 | 7 | |
5976517 | Shogun Isekai Quest #1 | You are David, a modern American high school student, who was transported to 1600's Japan after being run over by a truck. | Shogun, Isekai, Shogun Isekai Quest, Blue Eyed White Samurai, Historical, Save Scumming | 2024-05-20 | 0 | |
5980958 | Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #8 | It is the year 0077 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun participates in the Dawn Rebellion, marries Elena, and strikes a deal with Revil. | Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifu, Dawn Rebellion, BIG ZAM | 2024-05-25 | 4 | |
June 2024 |
92951280 | /tg/ makes a setting 92 - Designing Cards Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-06-08 | 7 | |
July 2024 |
93217145 | /tg/ makes a setting 93 - Two years going and only now we're moving on to the game part? Edition | Anons continue to discuss the world of Giantstep | Worldbuilding, throw-shit-at-wall, worldbuilding, tg-makes-a-setting, Giantstep, Crumbling Giantstep | 2024-07-08 | 7 | |
August 2024 |
6051065 | Resistance Quest pt3 | Resistance Quest returns from the mists of time, albeit not without difficulties. In this thread: Racism! | Red White and Britfag, SaltyStoryteller, collective game, resistance, modern, world war, fantasy, rebellion, Resistance Quest | 2024-08-25 | 0 | |
November 2024 |
6093829 | Tide of Ages Quest Pt40 | Trym and the tribe are back after far too long and return to form with nothing less than a plot to kill a god for his trickery. | Collective Game, Civilization, prehistoric, stone age, Red White and Britfag, SaltyStoryteller,Tide of Ages, Lineage of Heroes | 2024-11-05 | 0 | |
February 2025 |
6170571 | Concrete Stratosphere Quest #2 | Max Montagu, or his crime fighting alter-ego "The Mask", prepare to do battle with the strongest punk on Level 5; the Viking. | Science Fiction, Drawquest, Dystopian, Collective Game, Capeshit, Superhero, Detective, | 2025-02-26 | 1 | |