/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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September 2014
34703605Sekirei Quest 1We wake up on a beach outside Tokyo with no recollection of who we are and why we are there. Then, we are dragged on a drunken adventure.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo2014-09-08 13 
34756503Sekirei Quest 2We dream strange dreams. After breakfast, we learn that we aren't quite human. Shopping becomes a risky business.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo2014-09-10 6 
34959953Sekirei Quest 3We fight in a shopping center, then the thread blows up.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo, Shitstorm2014-09-19 6 
35174205Sekirei Quest 4We learn about some sort of masquerade that prevents ordinary people from noticing the strangeness, and end up in trouble with an unknown party for making the news.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo, Not QTG2014-09-29 7 
October 2014
35324103Sekirei Quest 5Wizards ruin everything. Kiddo's hatred is justified.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo, Wizards2014-10-06 6 
35351712Sekirei Quest 6We deal with the local supernatural community, pose for a little girl, and run into a bevy of police troopers.Collective Game, Sekirei Quest, Sekirei, Kiddo2014-10-07 6 
June 2018
2670858Sekirei Quest 1In which a backstory is developedSekirei Quest, Collective Game, Guide2018-06-23 25 
July 2018
2709054Sekirei Quest 2Hatsu and Akitsu go shopping. Sekirei Quest, Collective Game, Guide2018-07-07 20 
September 2018
2871619Sekirei Quest 3Hatsu deals with Tsukiumi and the weekend happensSekirei Quest, Collective Game, Guide2018-09-09 11 
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