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Archived Threads

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January 2014
29775213Nanoha FORCE Quest 1 In which we meet our hero Tohma, fight high leveled guards, die and then make a girl cry. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest2014-01-26 10 
29870914Nanoha FORCE Quest 2In which the story is derailed and our hero ends up dead, with a white devil on his side. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Terminator Mode,2014-01-30 3 
February 2014
29944240Nanoha FORCE Quest 3Tohma has no fear, calls devils cute and asks them on dates. Lily also starts her journey to save her man. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Lily Interlude,,2014-02-02 6 
30097372Nanoha FORCE Quest 4Curren rushes to save her new family member, while Tohma wakes up on a island and meets his hero. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Dead End, White Devil, Cute Devil, Lost Island, Huckebein,2014-02-09 4 
30217280Nanoha FORCE Quest 5Where Tohma is killed, and meets a pair of Kaisers. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Dead End, Kaisah Dojo, Magical Guy,2014-02-14 3 
30304347Nanoha FORCE Quest 6Tohma makes many new friends, all who want a piece of him, one way or another. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, 2014-02-18 6 
30396659Nanoha FORCE Quest 7In an all out brawl over the island's airspace,Tohma meets a precious person once again! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Outlaws, Huckebein, 2014-02-22 6 
30420960Nanoha FORCE Quest 8In which Tohma meets a pair of kings once again, fixes a hate machine's life, and makes a hard choice.Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Dead End, Hard Choice, Huckebein, Best Girl, 2014-02-23 6 
30501213Nanoha FORCE Quest 9In which Tohma fails to negotiate with the TSAB. At least Mira likes him a bit more, that is something, right?Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy,2014-02-27 5 
March 2014
30566839Nanoha FORCE Quest 10Hades plays ninjas for fools, Tohma gains a knight, and two Devils fight each other. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Black Devil Mode, Devil vs Devil,2014-03-02 8 
30678029Nanoha FORCE Quest 11The birth of a new player in the great game! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, 2014-03-07 5 
30763162Nanoha FORCE Quest 12Tohma prepares for dealing with the Eclipse Virus Outbreak... while he also stares at a cute commander! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Cute Commander, 2014-03-11 5 
30837283Nanoha FORCE Quest 13A stupid devil is helpful... and Tohma finds out that someone waits for him. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Tsundere,2014-03-15 3 
30894998Nanoha FORCE Quest 14In which love is another battlefield, and Mira is being cute too! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, Sleeping Girl, 2014-03-18 5 
30979224Nanoha FORCE Quest 15The start of Operation Silver Break and the Flower Wars...Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy,2014-03-22 3 
31038932Nanoha FORCE Quest 16Flower Wars I: In which Tohma faces a monk. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy,2014-03-25 2 
April 2014
31182227Nanoha FORCE Quest 17Sacchin fails to get Sempai to notice her... while Tohma rushes to meet his friends! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Sacchin, Isn't it Sad,2014-04-01 3 
31220787Nanoha FORCE Quest 17.5Vs The Fire Starters! Plus a reunion! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy,2014-04-02 5 
31490328Nanoha FORCE Quest 18An important reunion with loved ones, and Tohma becomes a bit more of a professional, but still, he will tease cute girls. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy,2014-04-16 2 
31580322Nanoha FORCE Quest 19In which Tohma manages to work out a future date with two girls and meet a familiar devil. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, 2014-04-20 5 
31762308Nanoha FORCE Quest 20In which Tohma adds two new members to his team, and now deals with the gunner who sinks airships! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Magical Guy, 2014-04-28 2 
May 2014
31885048Nanoha FORCE Quest 21Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Dragons, Childhood Friends, 2014-05-03 4 
31978081Nanoha FORCE Quest 21.5Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers Part 2Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Childhood Friend, Friendship, 2014-05-08 3 
32138859Nanoha FORCE Quest 22Sacchin struggles to make Sempai notice her, it looks like the Tank did not work last time.Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Sacchin, Sempai Time, 2014-05-15 2 
32351833Nanoha FORCE Quest 22.5Sacchin and Sempai deal with a Crystal Devil! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Sacchin, Sempai Time,2014-05-26 2 
32440113Nanoha FORCE Quest 23A slow debriefing with Hayate Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, 2014-05-30 3 
June 2014
32657077Nanoha FORCE Quest 24Isis searches a bunker, while Tohma searches the lab! All while an old friend returns.Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, 2014-06-09 2 
32692593Nanoha FORCE Quest 24.5From a group of killer monster, to a KEKEKE Hacker, and finishing with an old friend. Like always everyone wants to kill Tohma. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, White Machine, 2014-06-11 2 
32842822Nanoha FORCE Quest 25A confrontation with White Machine. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, White Machine, 2014-06-18 1 
July 2014
33227598Nanoha FORCE Quest 26Personal Issues and Brother! Isis has it all! Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, Isis Interlude,2014-07-06 1 
33514391Nanoha FORCE Quest 27In which Tohma has a heart to heart with Ein and meets a certain Creator. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Magical Guy, 2014-07-20 3 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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