Heeey I'm finally going to start cleaning out the archive! Happy day! It's only been... most of a year!
As a result of the really... really long while it's been since I've purged the unwanted content from the archives, I'm going to try to delete as much shit as possible as quickly as possible. This means no more funny comments, unfortunately (except for really egregious threads), and I'm going to cull pretty much everything in the red.
I made myself some new tools to make it easier to cull shit, so hopefully I'll get rid of more, faster, and more accurately (e.g. easily removing all threads tagged "troll"). As usual, I'll put everything deleted into a graveyard first to allow people to save copies of anything they think deserves saving.
And now, the current list:
<3 Hey everyone, 4chan changed its board locations during the scheduled maintenance yesterday, and as an unfortunate result the archives are missing images from pretty much any thread archived on December 22. If anyone happened to save these threads manually, particularly the quest ones (Lord Quest X, Lictor Quest XI, Final Take, etc.), let me know.Oktoberfest's kicked off to a great start, with Dog Soldiers and Jacob's Ladder so far. You'll also notice a aesthetic change for the duration, just a little celebration for the month. I've also been hosting a number of horror games on the Livestream, including Afraid of Monsters, Korsakovia, AVP2 Alien and Human campaigns, and even a couple Left4Dead playthroughs. I'm open to suggestions for more games to play, though I have my hands full with Oktoberfest as it is.
In actual traditional-gaming-related news, the Eclipse Phase books should be shipping this month, and I should get my copy around mid-October (I hope). I haven't started the character generator yet, mostly due to a lack of time. I've also failed to make good on my promises to clean out the archives (including combining quest threads, yes I saw your request Gnome, I'll clean up the Dwarf Quest threads and compile them under the proper roof), change up the site content, rework the layout, and even related topics like finishing my Artificial Girl 3 horror story. Work's been too busy for me to take time to really do any of these things, and I continue to fill my off-hours with real-life chores instead of online chores. I'll get them done, though, they're on my to-do list, I swear.
There seems to be a problem with the VPS instance at the moment. It went away! HOT POCKEEEETS Emergency server is thisisnotatrueending.com directly if shit really hits the fan, but it's 5am so I'm going to bed.
In non-outage-related news, I did a Livestream of Afraid of Monsters last night. It was a lot of fun. I might clip it down and make a Let's Play out of it on YouTube or something, or string together the entire play into a single two-minute clip accompanied by Yakkety Sax. WHO KNOWS WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS? You can view it below or go to the stream at http://www.livestream.com/lordlicorice
Edity: I made a new streaming page, which includes everything from my Livestream to instructions on connecting to the SHOUTcast.
:D TO YOU TOO SILVARWe've started playing Dungeons & Dragons Online recently, so I figured I'd post the announcement here so people can make sure they join the right server: We're currently on Khyber, so join us if you're interested! It just went free-to-play and we're going to start a sup/tg/ guild, so stop by #ddo if you're interested.
In other news, October's right around the corner, and I'm going to try and host a horror movie marathon. I plan on running at least one movie a night, every night, all October long, culminating in 24 hours of awesome on Halloween itself. I've still got that pile of 100 public domain and disowned grindhouse movies to play, and a number of more modern, mainstream classics such as Event Horizon. I'll likely be streaming around 10:45-11pm Eastern Mon-Sat, though it's possible I'll skip a day or two here and there. (Normally I'd ask for recommendations, but I've got a massive surplus right now. If you're interested in hosting the stream, let me know!)
Finally, I've been reading the hell out of Eclipse Phase lately and actually plan on hosting a couple games. Amazing! I'm also going to likely make yet another character builder, since I haven't seen any yet outside of custom Excel spreadsheets. It's going to take some effort (there are a lot of variables to work with) but I think it'll be worth the effort. I may need help with data entry, but we'll see.
Edity: Apropos of nothing:
It appears there's more than a little interest in doing some Infiniminer, so I'm going to set up a Brominer server this evening (around 10pm EDT). I don't really have any details other than we're going to be broing it up like bros; it's been so long I don't even remember if Hamachi is required anymore or if you can just connect to the server normally. The password will likely simply be loldongs, like it is on every other gaming server I've ever hosted forever.
Edity 10:27pm: Server's up! thisisnotatrueending.com, password loldongs.
Apparently something changed during 4chan's server move, and the archive isn't getting new threads or posts. I'll fix it later this evening.
Edity: I had a sneaking suspicion that I already knew what the problem was, and I was right: I had an ooold zip.4chan.org entry in my HOSTS file, which overrode actual DNS. "When are those IPs ever going to change?" I had thought to myself at the time. "I'll take it out later. It's not a problem right now."
The archive's fixed again. Maybe tomorrow or the day after I'll cull the archives a bit; as Gnome noted, Dorf Quest could use its own entry ala Ruby Quest at this point (and yes I know some of the entries are screwed up for DQ, I'll get that too), and it's been months since I've deleted shitty threads.
Edity #2: Apropos of nothing:
Andre the Giant was the biggest dwarf who ever lived. We know that he was secretly a dwarf because only a dwarf could ever say "It usually takes two liters of vodka just to make me feel warm inside."
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