/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2013
25872894Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread OneA civilisation thread about a tribe of trolls sitting on a mountain. Goblins are taken prisoner and a war is in the offing.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-08 36 
25892379Mountain Troll Civilisation: Thread 2 (Part 1)Gronk, the fearless leader of the Children, battles the chieftain of the God Eata trolls and, with the secret of fire at his command, emerges triumphant.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-09 24 
25898050Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 2 (Part 2)A shaman named Ragnar has joined the tribe, Moruk finallay returns and a Dwarven mine is located. A new war will surely follow!Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-09 21 
25912720Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 3A great raid is pulled off against the new goblin camp, a diplomatic messenger is sent to the dwarves and aggressions are made towards the south lands. The next thread will see two important missions come to fruition.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-10 21 
25933487Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 4The new slaves are put in their place and the trolls receive a grievous insult from the dwarves.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-11 21 
25993977Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 5War between the trolls and dwarves breaks out, and several victories are won inside the dwarf mine.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-14 20 
26030864Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 6The dwarves are sent running still further and Gronk shows that nothing is beyond his power, by eating a god.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-16 22 
26072197Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 7The dwarves are defeated and the Children of the Mountain adopt the mine as their new home. Gronk has a new son, one quite unlike the others.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-18 20 
26093727Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 8After being sent out, Ragnar returns with news of three other troll clans. Gronk, then, decides to challenge all their leaders to a free-for-all battle for total dominance over all the mountain's trolls.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-19 20 
26100534Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 8 (Part 2)The battle for dominion over the mountains begins, and Gronk makes an early victory. By the end of the thread, only two chiefs are still standing.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-19 18 
26114680Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 9The duel is finished, Gronk emerging victorious. Gronk then heads back to the mine and begins preparations for his next conquest.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain2013-07-20 15 
26174012Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 10Mating rights are given to Moruka and the winner of a contest, and Vulug returns from Märlas with news.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain, Collective Game2013-07-23 12 
August 2013
26373695Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 11Gronk readies the trolls for war while maintaining discipline in his wayward trollkin son. At the end of the thread, the stage is set for the attack on Märlas.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain, Collective Game2013-08-02 9 
26411470Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 12The battle kicks off, a new sport is invented and an attack comes from a rear.Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain, Collective Game2013-08-04 7 
26528490Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 13Märlas is taken and the spoils are to be divided. Vulug asks for a particular female, while The Scrivener tries to tempt his audience with a little teaser for next time. Civilisation quest, Children of the Mountain, Collective Game2013-08-10 8 
26563709Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 14A mysterious messenger from the east arrives at Märlas to both congratulate the Big Papa on his victory and request the tribe's help.Collective Game, Civilisation Quest, Children of the Mountain2013-08-12 7 
November 2013
28176952Mountain Troll Civilization: Thread 15Gronk returns to /tg/, learns some new magic and begins negotiations with the undead. He also cooks up a cunning plan with Moruk.Collective Game, Civilisation Quest, Children of the Mountain 2013-11-08 3 
28286757Mountain Troll Civilization: Thread 16A duel is fought and a few new things are learned. Gronk decides who will rule in his place while he seeks adventure and glory in the east.Collective Game, Civilisation Quest, Children of the Mountainb2013-11-15 1 
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