/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2009
4650108HomebrewanA setting for 3.5 with all the neglected classes is messed about with. Later devolves into MOREPIG discussion.incarnum, 3.5, DND, Shadow, 2009-05-26 1 
4670303Homebrewan IIMore things get discussed, mostly class roles. Less trollan this time, but still slow. D&D, 3.5, Shadow, Incarnum, Psionics2009-05-27 1 
March 2010
8458524Humanity Fuck Yeah and IncalA Humanity Fuck Yeah thread starts out pretty well but gets threadjacked by a furry troll.Humanity Fuck Yeah, Furry, Incal, Humanity, Trolls, Science Fiction2010-03-08 3 
September 2013
27205360Persona Quest: The Golden 1In which /tg/ chooses difficulty and characterPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-14 25 
27244567Persona Quest: The Golden 2In which we face ourself, and eh's a pretty cool guy. Also, school. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-16 18 
27269779Persona Quest: The Golden 3In which we rescue a prince from a fearsome beastPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-17 12 
27289424Persona Quest: The Golden 4In which we freak out our classmates a bit and shop. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-18 11 
27319394Persona Quest: The Golden 5In which we succeed at cooking and fail at attentivenessPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-20 10 
27370477Persona Quest: The Golden 6In which we gather our party and arm upPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-23 11 
27390673Persona Quest: The Golden 7In which we venture forth. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-24 8 
27408370Persona Quest: The Golden 7, part 2In which we take down Shadow Yosuke.Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-25 7 
27417414Persona Quest: The Golden 8In which we find ourself. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-26 6 
27491738Persona Quest: The Golden 9In which we want answers...Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-09-30 7 
October 2013
27541488Persona Quest: The Golden 10In which we continue on our way to save Chie and bust open the heads of any Shadows in our way.Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-03 6 
27569557Persona Quest: The Golden 11In which we fight Chie's Shadow, and find out that Yukiko gained a Persona without our help.Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-05 5 
27610932Persona Quest: The Golden 12In which we fear Death. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-07 7 
27665892Persona Quest: The Golden 13In which we find a key... Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-10 6 
27707015Persona Quest Golden 14In which we meet our surprise guestPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-13 7 
27749658Persona Quest: The Golden 15In which we go to school and organize Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-16 6 
27814380Persona Quest: The Golden 16In which we decide to visit the TV World on a social call... Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-19 7 
27872574Persona Quest: The Golden 17In which we split the party, and it turns out pretty good. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-22 7 
27905424Persona Quest: The Golden 18In which we get more expositionPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-25 5 
27940386Persona Quest: The Golden 19In which we ask around town for some answers. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-10-26 5 
November 2013
28087557Persona Quest: The Golden 20In which we get more informationPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-11-04 6 
28155786Persona Quest 21In which we get even more exposition and informationPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-11-08 5 
28308551Persona Quest: The Golden 22In which we meet our coworkerPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-11-17 6 
28426033Persona Quest: The Golden 23In which we make our way into a SPOOOOOKKKYYYY apartment building... Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-11-22 5 
28536030Persona Quest: The Golden 24In which we find some....Stuff?Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-11-28 5 
December 2013
28569042Persona Quest: The Golden 24.5In which we force that... Thing to retreat. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-12-02 5 
28642511Persona Quest: The Golden 25In which we have an unexpected guest over for dinnerPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-12-04 5 
28685875Persona Quest: The Golden 26In which we get more work Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-12-07 2 
28808126Persona Quest: The Golden 27In which we have a break Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2013-12-15 5 
January 2014
29412229Persona Quest: The Golden 28In which we find out that the world isn't quite as nice as we thoughtPersona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2014-01-12 5 
29517465Persona Quest: The Golden 29In which we move at the pace of a dying snail. And decide that it was probably a demonht Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2014-01-16 3 
29917608Meso-American WarfareDiscussion on military conduct and technological progress in Central and South AmericaAztec, Maya, Inca, Central America, South America2014-01-31 5 
February 2014
30099338Persona Quest: The Golden 30In which we finally obtain a new Social Link!Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2014-02-09 6 
30302426Persona Quest: The Golden 31In which we speak to Igor more. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2014-02-18 2 
March 2014
30851570Persona Quest: The Golden 32In which we make some progress in time and plot. Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2014-03-18 3 
31063163Persona Quest: The Golden 33In which we strengthen more bonds in one day than we have in a week...Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2014-03-29 5 
April 2014
31373353Persona Quest: The Golden 34In which we talk with several friends, and get back to the cooking.Persona Quest Golden, True Reincarnation, Collective Game2014-04-14 4 
31602182Oversized Weapon Quest 27You summon a dryad, fight a golem, and reincarnate a party member.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Goblins, Big Swords, Skeletons, Reincarnate2014-04-21 22 
May 2014
32281483Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1, Part 2Slow start and slow finish and the Captain learns a lesson.Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage2014-05-22 2 
32308261Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, Part 3Trashy picks up some rumors and enlists the help of an old friend. There is a very brief fight with a cat.Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, kebab2014-05-24 0 
32331523Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, Part 4Plans are made, sneaking is done and young girls cry.Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, twists2014-05-25 0 
32395201Ravnica Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, Part 5Trashy finds his magic, runs from a fight and makes a delivery. Ravnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, Frosty2014-05-28 0 
June 2014
32731285Raving Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, part 6The stars are back and cold, and the night is closing in, as I stare into the void, into the whirlpool of my sinRavnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, Failure2014-06-13 0 
August 2014
33914630Mesoamerican ElvesA simple question regarding /tg/'s preferred flavour of elf blooms into so much more. Personal Highlight: City Dryadselves, urban fantasy, mayans, inca, fae2014-08-06 2 
April 2015
39054250Malal/Malice WorldbuildingAnon starts a thread asking where the pictures of Malal's daemons were from. /tg/ starts brainstorming ideas for how Malal cults would work.Worldbuilding, cult, Chaos, Malal, Malice, Chaotic, Gods, troll, metaphysics, Joker, /tg/ is incapable of staying on topic,2015-04-02 5 
August 2015
41910800Native ContinentAnon makes thread about native american flavored fantasy. Native Americans give input.lore, world building, stories, history, native americans, incas, aztec, lakota, iroquois,2015-08-18 6 
January 2016
44610661Quest Reincarnate as a Magical SwordA thread gets Hickjacked by Dremur, QMing his first quest. We become a sword, meet our new owner, start to train to get her swollen and meet a crazy blacksmith.Colletive game, Quest, Reincarnate, Magical sword, Reincarnate as a Magical Sword, Dremur2016-01-07 5 
August 2017
1757519Steve's Flawless Reincarnation adventure 1Join Steve, a flawless person in a very flawed reincarnation adventure.Mynameismimikyu, quest, collective game, reincarnation, Steve Steverson, overpowered protagonists2017-08-19 0 
1789548Steve's Flawless Reincarnation adventure 2You go on a date with a hot girl who also happens to be a Goddess. Also your dead and this is a reincarnation quest. PrioritiesMynameismimikyu, quest, collective game, reincarnation, Steve Steverson, overpowered protagonists2017-08-25 1 
December 2018
3079065bug reincarnation questa man reincarnated into a cockroach and has to brave the harsh and cruel world that is bob's apartment.isekai, Collective game, bug, bug reincarnation quest2018-12-03 1 
June 2020
4318546Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 1Shinji Matou suddenly finds himself with memories of somebody who is overly familiar with his world and attempts to avert his dead ends.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator2020-06-30 42 
July 2020
4329861Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 2Shinji takes a trip to Misaki Town with an ally in order to meet a certain magician.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest2020-07-05 22 
4338676Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 3Shinji finishes up in Misaki Town before meeting a certain princess a few months later...WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Vampires2020-07-14 21 
4355176Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 4Shinji successfully heals Kiritsugu and a few years later takes a trip to Germany to secure an alliance.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi2020-07-23 14 
4371173Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 5Shinji begins plotting to deal with his Grandfather once and for all.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi2020-07-31 12 
August 2020
4382803 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 6 Shinji puts his plan to deal with Zouken into action.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi, 2020-08-09 12 
4396189Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 7The Grail War finally beginsWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi,2020-08-24 11 
September 2020
4419628Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 8The true extent of the changes wrought by his actions begin to reveal themselves to ShinjiWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi,2020-09-08 11 
4442124Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 9An unexpected setback is found, and Shinji has a close call with an enemy Servant.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi,2020-09-19 11 
October 2020
4456310Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 10A day of relaxation and planning before the oncoming battleWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Homunculi, Servants2020-10-05 11 
4480248Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 11Shinji meets with a certain oni once again.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants2020-10-23 11 
4504360Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 12A new Servant is recruited and the quest goes on a short hiatus.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants2020-10-29 11 
January 2021
4611203Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 13Paradox Reincarnator returns after its hiatus.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants 2021-01-27 11 
February 2021
4623343Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 14Shinji gets engaged. Unwillingly.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Servants 2021-02-01 11 
4630905Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 15Shinji finds himself in a completely different city, huh?! WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Vampires2021-02-04 11 
4636569Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 16Shinji deals with a Dead Apostle Ancestor.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Oni2021-02-08 11 
4642362Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 17Shinji plays kingmaker, accidentally.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Kings2021-02-20 11 
4661477Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 18Shinji ends up meeting a witch and a wizard that he would've rather not met at all.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Wizards2021-02-28 10 
March 2021
4673670Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 19A dragon is summoned and nothing goes as plannedWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Dragons2021-03-09 10 
4687801Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 20Not featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Dragons2021-03-16 10 
4697313Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 21An Eldritch Diversion means Dante from the Devil May Cry Series still doesn't feature.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Eldritch2021-03-21 10 
4704663Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 22Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry seriesWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Dante2021-03-26 10 
April 2021
4711859Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 23Shinji starts trying to reassemble his allies.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Oni2021-04-01 10 
4721222Fate/Paradox Carnival + Paradox Reincarnator Part 24April Fools Special Thread. Latter half of thread contains Thread 24WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, April Fools2021-04-06 10 
4729480Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 25Planning for the Battle in the Forest.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Heroes2021-04-10 10 
4735940Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 26The Battles Begin. A new fairy is born.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Battle2021-04-13 10 
4742170Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 27A battle is won, and an ally finds herself in great peril WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Bromance2021-04-15 10 
4747569Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 28The battle against Orochi is planned for.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Nobu2021-04-17 10 
4752061Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 29The Battle ContinuesWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator2021-04-20 10 
4758455Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 30The battle against Yamata-no-Orochi reaches a climactic finale WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Gods2021-04-20 10 
4764817Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 31The battle continues, your greatest foe having usurped Yamata-no-Orochi's power. WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Gods2021-04-23 10 
4771388Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 32Shinji begins to wonder if this day will ever end.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Merlin2021-04-26 10 
4777271Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 33Shinji finally gets to take a break. WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Harem2021-04-29 10 
May 2021
4784048Fate/Paradox Carnival 2Another Carnival Moment Begins - Potentially contains Thread 34 too. WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Carnival2021-05-02 10 
4790770Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 35Shinji deals with a pesky goddess.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-05-05 9 
4798364Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 36Shinji's "Break" continues.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-09 9 
4806968Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 37Shinji figures out a few relationship problemsWhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-13 8 
4813891Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 38Shinji continues his day off, despite the efforts of his enemies.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-16 8 
4824536Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 39Shinji prepares for the banquet.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-21 7 
4837374Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 40The Feast begins.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, SoL2021-05-27 6 
June 2021
4845134Fate/Paradox Carnival + Paradox Reincarnator Part 41Carnival Time once again!WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Carnival2021-06-01 4 
4867777Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 42The Arm Wrestling Tournament is interrupted?WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon2021-06-13 4 
4882952Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 43Manaka shows herself.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-06-21 3 
4896611Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 44Shinji speaks with his mother. Also the Fourth Carnival is probably here. Probably.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Goddess2021-06-29 4 
July 2021
4921059Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 45Shinji does some last minute preperations.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Danger2021-07-17 2 
September 2021
4960519Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 46Things start taking a turn for the worse.WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon2021-09-20 1 
November 2021
5003228Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 47The Quest ends, not with a bang but with a whimper WhatIsAQM, Collective Game, Urban Fantasy, Fate, Fate/Paradox Reincarnator, Paradox Reincarnator, Fate Quest, Isekai, Type-Moon, Death2021-11-09 14 
June 2022
5249071Reincarnated Monster Reincarnation QuestAn arsonist gets reincarnated into a giant sewer rat.Reincarnated Monster Reincarnation Quest, Collective Game, Isekai, Rats2022-06-13 8 
January 2024
5845826Olympus Incarnation Quest #1Due to a mysterious system, you have become the incarnation of a Greek divinityMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-01-04 18 
February 2024
5885101Olympus Incarnation Quest #2Atë faces off against law enforcement and infiltrates her pantheon of cliquey mean girl chaos goddessesMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-02-14 11 
March 2024
5928164Olympus Incarnation Quest #3Atë, accompanied by a few allies from her pantheon, travel to Austria to hunt down a prospective memberMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-03-27 10 
May 2024
5964183Olympus Incarnation Quest #4Atë takes control of the Czech mafia, then attends a mysterious auction by and for incarnations Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-05-13 8 
June 2024
6004703Olympus Incarnation Quest #5Atë meets a new ally and sets out on the hunt for the mysterious Isa. Unexpectedly, however, she uncovers a horror beyond comprehension.Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2024-06-17 10 
July 2024
6037578Olympus Incarnation Quest #6Atë prepares for a confrontation with the formidable Heracles, a victim of her quest for power, by collecting new allies and abilitiesMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-07-31 7 
August 2024
6029286Reincarnated as a Peasant Quest #1A quest about reincarnating in another world. Certain things will be randomly decided like your parent's professions, nature and terrain ofquest, isekai, reincarnation, reincarnated in another world, peasant2024-08-01 2 
September 2024
6070163Olympus Incarnation Quest #7Atë faces off against ADAM, Heracles, and a revived Tisiphone. Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-09-21 6 
November 2024
6107803Olympus Incarnation Quest #8Atë offers to solve some problems for her new Chinese ally, but a confrontation with the Uncrowned King ends in an unexpected outcomeMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2024-11-16 2 
December 2024
6125909Monster Reincarnation QuestReincarnated into a bone turtle, the nameless protagonist starts farming EXP and completing quests.Monster Reincarnation, fantasy, litRPG, undead, isekai, monster2024-12-18 2 
January 2025
6142153Olympus Incarnation Quest #9Stranded in a hostile plane, Atë tries to find a way homeMythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2025-01-18 2 
March 2025
6178488Olympus Incarnation Quest #10Atë makes her triumphant return from the other plane, and decides to reopen some old wounds in the pursuit of power.Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2025-03-10 1 
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