/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2007
796511Dumbest thing you/your party members have ever doneI love these threads.epic, fail, story, stupid2007-11-13 16 
May 2008
1775987RapeguardA moronic DM shoehorns a celibate paladin into a magically-dominated fall because "all men want to have sex with women, no matter what they say." /tg/ plots revenge.No it's not a rape thread, blackguard, stupid DM, paladins2008-05-20 26 
June 2008
1927081Rapeguard, continuedUpdate on Anonymous' plan for vengeance on his group's DM.No it's not a rape thread, blackguard, stupid DM, paladins 2008-06-07 25 
October 2008
2782503Epic Failure/tg/ discusses the times their party has screwed up badly.horrible failure, stupidity, awakened pineapple2008-10-12 10 
December 2008
3099809Mindflayer TwilightTwilight rewritten, without vampires. It's an improvement.Twilight, illithid, mind flayer, writefaggotry, stupid bitch2008-12-02 7 
3108744Of Neutronium Golems and Time Lords/tg/ tries to figure out how to kill the fundamental aspects of reality and their servants. Absurdity follows.time lord neutronium golem stupid2008-12-04 2 
October 2009
6358015Awesome Meets StupidA request for tales of your awesome DM instead uncovers the stupidest players breathing. Involves submarines, flaming paladins, interpretive dance, and fondness for explosives.story, stupidity, bees2009-10-21 5 
June 2010
10581553Let's make a FATAL character by hand!What started as a simple download request for FATAL ended up with one crazy fa/tg/uy taking on a challenge to make a FATAL character by hand.FATAL, character, stupidity, 2010-06-19 14 
March 2011
14418182WHY.jpgA thread about DMs and other players being dicks... Or just plain stupid.why, d&d, bad dm, bad player, /d/m, what, whut, wut, wat, stupidity, herp, derp2011-03-30 2 
May 2011
14890671Random Class Refluffs!Hilarity ensues as the Internet Haet Machine(and a writefag or two) refluffs non-sensical Random Class combinations. Good for a laugh or two.Stupid, refluff, haberdasher, character creation, lollercoaster, internet hate machine, writefaggotry2011-05-12 1 
September 2011
16301023Timecube Chess RulesAnon proves self not educated stupid by having six causally linked games of chess going simultaneously on 4Corner BoardRules, Board Game, Collaboration, Educated Stupid2011-09-15 8 
February 2012
17785546Another TGquest planning threadarchived so future readers can see our thought processesCollective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Sapphy, Kingdom Hearts, Holtz, DOSH, WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo, Orz, OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity2012-02-06 6 
March 2012
18258323MSPaint weaponsOP challenges us to draw weapons in MSPaint, thread quickly turns into ridiculous weapons, with a helpful drawfag who draws them being wielded.MSPaint, MS Paint, Weapons, Stupid Weapons2012-03-09 10 
April 2012
18808028Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here"because a thread of this caliber of awful only comes around once every few months."fail, troll, derp, stupidity2012-04-22 23 
May 2012
19135311Chaotic stupid PCsA discussion about Pathfinder quickly degenerates into Chaotic Stupid PC actions, hijinks ensue.roleplaying, chaotic, stupid, bog hag, vampires2012-05-17 16 
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
July 2012
19811519Palantir MaceGuys! Hey listen! Guys! What if, right, what if...we use the Palantir as the head of a mace!pcs, chaotic stupid, stupid pcs, artifacts, magic item, creative magic item usage 2012-07-10 15 
January 2013
22570276/tg/ Infiltrates Chicken SmoothieInspired by the most holy Richard Fontaine, fa/tg/uys plan a perilous mission to go undercover into places most foul.Chicken Smoothie, Mary Sues, Memes, Infiltration, Crusade, Stupid, Butterfly Wolves2013-01-14 7 
22605710/tg/ tries to play chess.Someone comes with a game of chess, /tg/ acts like it always does. The battle of the century ensues. Down with White!chess, /tg/, stupid, boardgame, derail2013-01-15 10 
September 2013
27429855/tg/ tries to play Chess... againA continuation of the former adventures of /tg/ and a grim look into the reality that is how little we know about this fucking gamechess, /tg/, boardgame, stupid, derail2013-09-26 22 
December 2013
29182907I don't like this threadso I archived it like this, get mad nerdsthat guy, stupid, pretend2013-12-31 13 
January 2014
29795815Princess Guard Quest 117Collective Game, Princess Guard QuestIn which we stupidly decide to wander the city for no good reason.2014-01-26 21 
June 2014
32537236Stupidest thing party has doneWhat is the stupidest thing your party has ever done?stupid, funny2014-06-03 2 
April 2015
39638346DBZ Human Quest #132Pointless drama.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Who actually writes every character that appeared in the thread in the tags its fucking stupid2015-04-29 7 
July 2015
41435790Exterminator Quest #4collective game, exterminator questA stupidly short quest, called off for QM reasons.2015-07-25 3 
October 2015
42926199Paladin of Harlot SweetsWritefaggotry of a paladin using an Int damaging, Cha/Dex boosting drug, and her deteriorating mental state over her adventures.Pathfinder, Writefaggotry, Paladin, drugs, stupidity2015-10-09 2 
November 2015
43826037The /tg/ "Justice" LeagueSuperman comes to /tg/ for help against the forces of evil and /tg/ decides they don't need Superman. Odd god tier heroes emerge and hilarity ensues.DC comics, superman, heroes, fowlweatherfriend, /tg/, Stupidity, Funny, Hilarity, Justice, League, Overpowered bullshit, why is everyone god tier, plz buff superman, too low tier, 2015-11-27 10 
April 2016
46811798 Dear Battle brother, I am in need of advice!Astartes Dating advice. Turns out Kriegers got the best moves. 40k, Space Marines, Chaos, Dating, Stupid silly /tg/ shit2016-04-22 2 
January 2021
4589423Rescue the Catgirl QuestA Dude tries to rescue a cute catgirl that got trapped atop a tree, what could go wrong ?Cats, Catgirl, Funny, Silly, Stupid, Adventure, Interactive, 2021-01-02 0 
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