/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2011
16586945Electronic love/tg/'s new waifu is a toaster, or a computer, or an alarm-clock. Adorable writefaggotry and weird boners occur.romance, love, waifu, dawww, writefaggotry, appliances, machines, hardware2011-10-12 29 
September 2012
20660866The Harem Knights of TeeGeeIn this thread the Gentlemen of /tg/ took the tired old premise of, "Wizard takes you to a fantasy world, WAT DO?" and made a thing of beauty.harem, knights, knight, waifu, monstergirl, rub ears, peace, perfection2012-09-10 25 
20666515Tales of the Harem KnightsBuilding off of a previous thread many anons donned names and stories, all of good quality at least.Teegee, harem, knight, storytime, stories, waifu, monstergirl, roleplay, writefaggotry, world building2012-09-10 22 
20674762TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume ThreeThird thread in TeeGee Harem Knights. More stories, equipment to bring to fantasy worlds, plus a bar song!Teegee, harem, knight, storytime, stories, waifu, monstergirl, roleplay, writefaggotry, world building, bar song2012-09-11 23 
20684912TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume FourFourth volume of the escapades of our TeeGee nationTeegee, harem, knight, storytime, stories, waifu, monstergirl, roleplay, writefaggotry, world building2012-09-11 16 
20698883TeeGee Harem Knights, Volume FiveWe reach the fifth thread of this amazing saga full of writefaggotry, now with an Ork invasion and a look into the Merchant Guard!TeeGee, Harem, Knights, Storytime, Stories, Waifu, Monstergirl, Writefaggotry, World Building2012-09-13 17 
20786520TeeGee Harem Knights Volume 12More writefaggotry, some in setting religion discussion, and Alaric finally finishes his festival story. About damn time.Ears, writefaggotry, Waifu, Knights, Elf ears, ear rub2012-09-20 8 
20801272TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 13More festival stories and such, plus discussion for a foxgirl army.Ears, Waifu, Harem Knights, Knights, Writefaggotry, Funnelcake2012-09-21 9 
20852968TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 16In which new stories are told, some canon some not so much,TeeGee, Harem Knights, Ears, Waifu, Colective story time,2012-09-25 5 
20887555TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 18Demon lords and Lilly's new shop are introduced in the newest installment.Harem Knights, Knights, Ears, Ear rub, Helmets, Waifu, writefaggotry2012-09-28 9 
20909123TeeGee Harem Knights, Vol. 19In this thread, Tanash gets his Waifu, Alaric gets paranoia, and Artorias gets a litter of dire wolves. Good times all around.Waifu, ears, ear rub, knights, harem knights, writefaggotry2012-09-30 4 
October 2012
20926634TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 20More Harem Knights adventuresHarem Knights, Knights, Waifu, Ears, Ear Rub, Writefaggotry2012-10-02 4 
20981001TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 22The Witch finishes her tale and we argue about bows. A lot.Waifu, Harem Knights, Knight, Ears, Ear Rub, Writefaggotry2012-10-06 3 
21038744TeeGee Harem Knights Vol. 24We start fleshing out the Teegee University, introduce rabbitgirls, describe farming life and more Rogue Trader shenanigans.Waifu, Harem Knights, Knight, Writefaggotry, Worldbuilding2012-10-10 4 
November 2012
21479233Teegee Harem Knights Vol 35A bit of world building is detailed, and the first chapter of the Chironen is revealed!Waifu, Knights, writefaggotry, harem knights2012-11-13 2 
December 2012
21906024First Post Quest IIThe further advventures of Snakedick the Magnificent. Collective Game, First Post Quest, Snakedick, sword waifu, utter insanity2012-12-06 8 
July 2013
26316219Tales of the lone voter/tg/ paints a horrifying vision of the future and those that fight and die in itquest, parody, grimdark, cyberpunk, lone voter, waifu, worldbuilding2013-07-30 11 
October 2013
27509610Love, Liches, and LewdityIs it worthwhile to get in a relationship with a Lich? What are your opinions on liches? /tg/ gets way too into it, as their trademark characteristic.Lich, love, Romance, /fa/, Waifu, husbando, necromancy, necromancer, Licheral Degeneracy2013-10-02 5 
May 2014
31983545Waifu Robo Quest One-ShotTen years you've spent as the ace of the Has-Been Mercenaries and now today your commander calls you in and tells you that things are changing. A mercenary is tasked to train a robot waifu.Collective Game, Waifu, Robot2014-05-08 27 
October 2014
35699495Redeemed Succubus Waifu Greentext Thread Cute Demon Kids Story Thread: Nonwaifu Editionwaifu, demons, why is this even a thing2014-10-25 12 
May 2015
40275470Three Word QuestThree is all, all we have. And in three, our story starts. First with one, then with two. Where to next? Not a clue.Collective Game, Three Word Quest, 3WQ, surreal, strange, waifu, /tg/ never changes2015-05-30 21 
August 2015
41751553Space Suit QuestWe introduce protagonist Jay Carbon, who loses her pants.Space Suit Quest, Space Suit, Collective Game, Randumb, lewds, magical realm, waifu, faggotry2015-08-09 1 
September 2018
2846667 World Waifu Wrestling Stable QuestTime to put Battle to Bakas, as Vlad Dimmadone Shekelstein can you make your small town wanna be waifu wrestling show the Next Big Thing?collective game, waifu, wrestling, www, ironheart is best girl,2018-09-05 2 
2866121World Waifu Wrestling Stable QuestYour wrestling legacy continues as Iggy goes to the hospital and Ironheart goes to jailcollective game, waifu, wrestling, www, ironheart is best girl,2018-09-15 0 
2899909World Waifu Wrestling Stable Quest 3You have your first paperview as a indie weeb wrestling show. collective game, waifu, wrestling, www, ironheart is best girl,2018-09-27 1 
December 2020
4544972Death road to canada, stupid quest edition (one-shot?)Death road to Canada Quest with Xenomporh WaifuWaifu, Collective Game, Death Road to Canada Quest, Zombies, Apocalypse, Anon2020-12-16 0 
January 2021
4572373Death road to canada with my Xenomorph Waifu #22nd thread of the death road to Canada questzombies, aliens, vidya, waifu, death road to canada quest2021-01-10 1 
February 2021
4601638Death road to canada with my Xenomorph Waifu #3Thread 3 for death road to canadazombies, aliens, vidya, waifu, death road to canada quest, Waifu, Collective Game, Death Road to Canada Quest, Zombies, Apocalypse, Anon2021-02-07 0 
March 2021
4642716Death road to canada with my Xenomorph Waifu #4Qm killed the questzombies, aliens, vidya, waifu, death road to canada quest, Waifu, Collective Game, Death Road to Canada Quest, Zombies, Apocalypse, Anon2021-03-04 0 
77961635Would you be the mini-boss and husband for a doting lawful evil empress?/tg/ is asked an ethical question and responds by concluding that it'd make a great anime and arguing over potential titles.ethical question, morality, alignment discussion, BBEG, Evil Overlord, Waifu,2021-03-15 2 
November 2021
5011437PKMN Quest (Gold/Silver) Vol. 3Pokemon Quest based on gen 2 gamesPokemon, PKMN, Gold, Silver, waifu, lewd, BathSalts2021-11-15 1 
July 2022
5309562The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 1st DrinkIn which a drunkard can't get drunk because of a creepy alien he wakes up to discover in his house.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person, 2022-07-22 7 
August 2022
5337401Your Little MermaidYour girlfriend proposes to you and reveals that she's actually part fishwoman. A mix of slice-of-life fluff and supernatural marriage prepmermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green, Lovecraftian, fishfucker2022-08-11 7 
5348054The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 2nd DrinkIn which alien tries out new cocktail dresses as she and the drunkard run and hide away from an federal agent. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-08-28 2 
October 2022
5379135Your Little Mermaid #2After some discussions with the waifu about personal issues, you meet her mother and possibly her ancestor. Some bonus content, too.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green(?), Lovecraftian, fishfucker, mermaid II mer harder2022-10-02 7 
5387464The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 3rd DrinkIn which the drunkard brings a crate of brandy and gin for the alien visitor and then shares a dream with her.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-10-14 2 
December 2022
5439483The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 4tg DrinkIn which Elmer and One Two go on a detour.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-12-04 1 
5471260Your Little Mermaid #3: Family MattersSlow thread. You introduce waifu to the hometown and reveal the secret to Mom. Grandad was a monster hunter, a doctor offers help and a job.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Delta Green(?), Lovecraftian, fishfucker, mermaid III revenge of the mer2022-12-28 5 
February 2023
5534759Your Little Mermaid #4 - Bridging the GapGeneral backstory expansion, especially with regards to the nuclear family. Some fun chats with Meryl, too. A bit short, new device.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Lovecraftian, Lovecraft Lite, fishfucker,2023-02-23 5 
March 2023
5574143Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $1In which Aug "Only Dead" Heart is sent to the Graveyard Frontier by a girl who made deal with the Devil.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story, 2023-03-19 10 
April 2023
5589826Kobolt Klan Adoption 11The Klan arrives in fantasy england, fight off some fellas, and then they go get drunk.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, cute family stuff2023-04-13 19 
5599265Your Little Mermaid #5 - Collecting Yourself Lots of trials and tribulations lead into the most important choice in the whole quest- your daughter's name. Marilyn joins your family.mermaid, monstergirl, monogamy, waifu, comfy, Lovecraftian, Lovecraft Lite, fishfucker,2023-04-24 25 
5607729Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $2In which Aug and Goldie traverse through the frontier in search of ill-famed El Dorado Warren: the mine of found riches and trapped souls.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-04-29 17 
June 2023
5650031Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $3In which Aug enters the fabled El Dorado Warren, gets separated from Goldie, and has to make his way from mine that wishes to keep him.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-06-10 6 
5656104Kobolt Klan Adoption 12The gang continues travelling through fantasy england and pick up a new freak of nature.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, cute family stuff2023-06-26 9 
July 2023
5684431Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $4In which August and Goldie leave the El Dorado Warren behind only to be met with lead, bones, and gallows.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-07-28 6 
September 2023
5715265Kobolt Klan Adoption 13 The gang travels through a forest and meet up with some big spider. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Fae2023-09-02 9 
5722847Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $5In which August and Goldie enter the ghostown of Ruetown to be met with a talking wanted poster, Perry, gamblers, and the sheriff's man.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-09-08 5 
October 2023
5758308Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $6In which August, separated from Goldie, confronts a woman he had killed. Instead of revenge, she demands an odd ask: slaying a Wendigo.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-10-10 6 
5772094Kobolt Klan Adoption 14In which Reynauld fights a spider and gets poisoned, also there's a transhumanist debate.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Paracelsus, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Snikt, Transhumanism2023-10-31 6 
November 2023
5791574Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: Goldie's 50¢In which Goldie is abandoned by August to deal with a voracious pack of demonic black fur beasts on her own.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Female Protagonist, Female MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-11-10 3 
December 2023
5813050Kobolt Klan Adoption 15 You leave the forest and talk to people. For once, things aren't horrible for a bit.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2023-12-08 5 
5825689Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $8In which August, trapped in a nightmare by a twisted shade, battles for his memories by reliving the last moments of those he killed.Wanted Dead: A Western Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Western, Fantasy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2023-12-24 3 
April 2024
5947502The Isekai Inquisition 1 Princess Lorina de Lindan decides to join the Isekai Inquisition after being expelled and heartbroken. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest choicThe Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, 2024-04-21 17 
May 2024
5962747Kobolt Klan Adoption 18Reynauld meets the inlaws. Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, Fantasy scotland2024-05-12 5 
5980958Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #8It is the year 0077 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun participates in the Dawn Rebellion, marries Elena, and strikes a deal with Revil.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifu, Dawn Rebellion, BIG ZAM2024-05-25 4 
June 2024
5985566The Isekai Inquisition 1Lorina head's north to the city of Ivern to hunt Strangers, reconnect with old friends, and totally not die along the way.The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, anime2024-06-02 11 
6012984The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #1In which Demon King's General breaks into your house and declares you the prophetic hero destined to destroy the Demon King!TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story, 2024-06-07 3 
July 2024
6021519Kobolt Klan Adoption 19In an embarrassingly small thread, the plot inches forward towards something akin to a conclusion.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism2024-07-05 5 
6023448The Isekai Inquisition 3Lorina heads back to the Capital and starts to look into an attack on her (royal) family along with her coworkers (friends).The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, Fantasy, designated waifu, anime2024-07-22 11 
August 2024
6037055The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #2In which the Demon General Miranna and you breach into the Demon King’s Banefroth Citadel in search of the divining Grub Hag.TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-08-11 1 
September 2024
6062047Kobolt Klan Adoption 20They reach the wizard in this one. Things don't go terrible yet!Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Fallout, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Transhumanism, wizard, Dragons2024-09-15 5 
6064507 The Isekai Inquisition #4Lorina does some detective work with Marie in the capital that mostly involves going around and beating people up and interrogating them.The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, anime2024-09-19 6 
October 2024
6081348The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #3In which you and Miranna wade through the Demon King's citadel, avoiding demons, bumping into Wardens, and even the King himself!TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-10-18 3 
November 2024
6108984The Isekai Inquisition #5The side characters get their time to shine as they both fight off the sometimes otherworldly enemies of the Inquisition.The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, anime, Collective Game2024-11-25 6 
December 2024
6114140Kobolt Klan Adoption 21The story reaches its conclusion, and ADORABLE EPILOGUE!Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Dragons, Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu, Kobolds2024-12-02 4 
6120773The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #4In which you cross paths with a childhood friend, and a Demon General too, in a village cast under the curse of eternal exhaustion.TPNMSTDGBHK, YouAndYourWaifu, Fantasy, Comedy, Male Protagonist, Male MC, 2nd Person, Story,2024-12-04 2 
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