/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2019
3839015DC: Henchman Quest #1We enter the employ of a ghost, walk like an Egyptian, make some interesting friends, and set up a meeting with a mysterious contactDC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-10-11 34 
3865692DC: Henchman Quest #2We make some friends, pull a museum job, meet a Bat, and learn some new tricksDC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-10-28 28 
November 2019
3896633DC: Henchman Quest #3We raid a convoy, take a dive, meet a spectre, learn Jack's endgame, and investigate a murder.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-11-17 26 
December 2019
3932255DC: Henchman Quest #4We infiltrate a secret society, have a boss fight, encounter a Bat, and get hammered. DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-12-08 22 
3966350DC: Henchman Quest #5We do a fair bit of training, receive an ominous letter, join Bane's militia, and protect an arms shipment. DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-12-31 22 
January 2020
3997280DC: Henchman Quest #6We fuck up our daily training regime, join Genghis for a tournament in The Pit, and after some long fights, win koolaid.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2020-01-12 22 
February 2020
4040749DC: Henchman Quest #7We handle some business for Blockbuster, meet with Bane, and begin our assault on the Iceberg Lounge.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2020-02-10 22 
March 2020
4083462DC: Henchman Quest #9We smoke a few costumed freaks, finish the Iceberg Lounge op, make a covert handoff, and prep for our next expedition.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2020-03-10 21 
April 2020
4132921DC: Henchman Quest #9.5We go sightseeing in Ercolano, an Intergang digsite, and an ancient library.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2020-04-02 22 
December 2021
5070512DC: Henchman Quest #10We kill some phantoms, claim a mystic scroll and begin the adventures of Jonah Thema, Supernatural P.I.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2021-12-18 24 
February 2022
5116237DC: Henchman Quest #11We handle the S.T.A.R. Labs heist, begin our search for the Ace of Winchesters, and make some ambitious choices.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-02-18 21 
April 2022
5170625DC: Henchman Quest #12We strike numerous enemy targets, bite off more than we can chew, and suffer the consequences.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-04-09 21 
May 2022
5228803DC: Henchman Quest #13We launch our raid on the embassy, make a startling discovery, flee into familiar territory, and prepare for a siege. DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-05-29 22 
July 2022
5290058DC: Henchman Quest #14We survive our jaunt into the desert, pick up a new hobby, get sent on a new mission, and the QM flies too close to the sun.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-07-07 22 
August 2022
5330698DC: Henchman Quest #15We break free of our shackles, return for a rumble in the jungle, and launch the final takeover.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-08-08 23 
5361577Operation OverlordAlt History Oneshot about Omaha BeachWW2, Axis, MG42, Collective Game, AltHistory2022-08-12 2 
September 2022
5369036DC: Henchman Quest #16We conclude our overseas operation, lay the foundations for something greater, and embark on a well-deserved vacation.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-09-21 22 
November 2022
5411064DC: Henchman Quest #17We see the sights, broaden our horizons, cause some trouble, and go grave-robbing (again).DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-11-07 22 
December 2022
5457786DC: Henchman Quest #18We continue our whirlwind tour of Europe, get into even more fights, make a bittersweet farewell, and set out on a hiking trip.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-12-23 22 
February 2023
5518581DC: Henchman Quest #19We successfully summit Mount Olympus, make an interesting discovery, and become an unwilling participant on Set’s wild ride.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-02-13 21 
March 2023
5569223DC: Henchman Quest #20We resolve a standoff, commit another instance of verbal assault, go fishing, and begin the last leg of our vacation.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-03-19 21 
May 2023
5611421DC: Henchman Quest #21We visit a hole in the middle of nowhere, get spiritual in more ways than one, and enter the final spot on our vacation.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-05-04 21 
July 2023
5666638DC: Henchman Quest #22We smash up some criminal operations, make a few new friends at gunpoint, and brace ourselves for a showdown.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-07-06 20 
August 2023
5705822DC: Henchman Quest #23We say goodbye to Pandion violently, purchase equipment, and take a job for an unknown employer. Quest may be closed indefinitely. DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-08-26 26 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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