/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2008
1728031Magical Girl RoleplayingIdeas on systems to play Magical Girl-based games.Magical Girl, RPG, Sailor Moon, Tri-Stat dX2008-05-14 6 
April 2009
4161791Planescape Magical Faction Girls!The PCs are magical girls imbued with power by their factions, sent by Big Sis Pain-chan to fight evil throughout the planes!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious2009-04-02 18 
4247421Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 2Oh Jesus, he's actually going to RUN it.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious2009-04-11 12 
4255435Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 3The game ends up actually being run and... nothing is creepy about it! It's actually FUN! Oh Jesus God, what have we done. WHAT HAVE WE DONE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-12 15 
4324227Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 4If this is what happens 'That Time of the Week,' I dread knowing what 'That Time of the Month' will be like. The goddamn magical girls are back again!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-19 11 
4398034Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 5Third session of the Planescape Girls Game, and the last in the adventure! They actually get into a fight for once! There is EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE!D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-04-26 10 
May 2009
4465475Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 6Fourth actual game-session. This time we go to the beach and Bleaker-tan's Player crit-succeeds at sandcastle-building. ADORABLE.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-05-03 7 
June 2009
4732463Sailor moon suddenly invades /tg/Disturbingly, some of our fa/tg/guys know sailor moon in intimate detail.Sailor moon, magical girls, want to be the little girl, wtf2009-06-01 2 
July 2009
5138369Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Return!They're back! (Last thread wasn't archived.) Now in session 10, the girls are dealing with the Modron March and need help stopping them from trampling a town in Celestia.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM2009-07-12 7 
5198252Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Unswerving PathModrons are assholes.D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2009-07-19 10 
April 2010
8909497Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Season 1Planescape: Magical Girls finally returns a year after it was created, on April 1. The Great Modron March has concluded. Game is still awesome. D&D, planescape, magical girls, not serious, BESM, modrons2010-04-01 10 
9303668Dark Sun Magical GirlsWait, what?magical_girls, dark_sun2010-04-20 -2 
May 2010
9816575Gritty magical girlsIdeas for gritty magical!girls settings. magical girls, gritty, grimdark, idea thread2010-05-14 1 
February 2011
13954825Eclipse Phase Magical GirlsPlanescape Magical Girls was such a *great* idea, so why not bring the joy to other settings?eclipse phase, magical girls, firewall-tan, -tans, game design2011-02-19 1 
March 2011
14150546Dark Sun Magical GirlsFirst it came for Planescape, then it came for Eclipse Phase, now it's coming for Dark Sun. WHAT'S NEXT? Definitely not GURPS, because no one likes GURPS.magical girls, dark sun, game design2011-03-07 3 
14310642Become DMegucaThe OP and his friend are interested in getting into D&D, but a fateful demonstration of a session makes the OP think twice about becoming a D&D player. Will he give in and take his first steps as a roleplayer, or will he resist and hesitate?D&D, DnD, puella magi madoka magica, mahou shoujo madoka magica, madoka, magical girls, roleplay, parody2011-03-21 7 
14374990Magical BurstOP said... "So, the guy that translated Maid RPG watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, liked it, and used it as inspiration for an RPG, Magical Burst." And as it was written, it was done.puella magi madoka magica, loli, magical girl, mahou shoujo, despair, horror, magic, wishes, dark, maid rpg, anime, manga, weeaboo2011-03-29 1 
April 2011
14435926Magical Girl StorytimeA GM recounts his group's military magical girls fighting a mysterious alien enemy in a magitech setting resembling that of the Nanoha series.magical girl, mahou shoujo, military, gm story, setting, storytime, magical girl lyrical nanoha, nanoha, magitech2011-04-02 8 
February 2012
17998217Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 5Hito's morning become weird when he got a crocodile girl in his bed and it lead to the discovery of secret passages in the mansion.Maid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Ecchi, Team Fortress 2, Magical Girl2012-02-18 2 
April 2012
18837867Magical Girl DystopiaMagical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuufffffluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-04-24 21 
May 2012
19085077Magical Girl Dystopia IIIMore fleshing out about the girls and the resistancefluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-14 5 
19119894Magical Girl Dystopia IVThe setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud.fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-18 2 
19203944Magical Girl Questing MalaiMalai Mindy Chamberlain's quest as a magical girl begins. Power is obtained. Fat kids piss themselves. Catbomination avoids stereotypes.Collective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-23 7 
19206472Magical Girl Questing Malai 2You are Malai, eldritch powered magical girl and wielder of the Bat of Donny DonnovitchCollective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-23 6 
19227809Magical Girl Questing Malai 3In which a CERTAIN IDIOT becomes a catboy, and we gain access to the Mahou Shoujo FAQCollective Game, Magical Girl Questing Malai, Magical Girl, Quest Thread, catbomination, Eldritch Abomination, Dark Magical Girl, cyberpunk2012-05-25 7 
June 2012
19489889Magical Girl Noir QuestA previously drunk and slightly amnesiac magical girl smokes cigs and witches.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, guns2012-06-15 48 
19554306Magical Girl Noir QuestA currently drunk and slightly amnesiac magical girl gets another to smoke and hallucinatesMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whisky2012-06-20 38 
19566127Magical Girl Noir Quest 3A painfully sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl crushes the pride of several security men and meets with her principal in a bodyguard gig.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whisky2012-06-21 38 
19579302Magical Girl Noir Quest 4A painfully sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl with minty fresh breath secures the room and things go badly from there.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whisky2012-06-22 38 
19618989Magical Girl Noir Quest 5A painfully sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl wakes up from an illusion and makes some otaku regret their life decisions.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whisky2012-06-25 38 
19647104Magical Girl Noir Quest 6A thankfully much less sober magical girl gets debriefed, followed by visitors.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whisky2012-06-27 38 
19671721Magical Girl Noir Quest 7A hungover magical girl gets cuddled.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whisky2012-06-29 38 
July 2012
19693145Magical Girl Noir Quest 8A hungover magical girl goes to meet the target at a yakuza bar. A fight ensues.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-01 37 
19707604Magical Girl Noir Quest 9A angrily sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl picks up some guns and backup to rescue a friend and retire a former colleague.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-02 38 
19721538Magical Girl Noir Quest 10An angrily sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl retires a fellow magical girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-03 38 
19746791Magical Girl Noir Quest 11A somewhat sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl gets debriefed and begins to interrogate a competitor.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-05 38 
19761802Magical Girl Noir Quest 12A temporarily sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl finishes questioning a drunk magical girl, might have succeeded in flipping her, and gets brand-new smartphone.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-06 37 
19789230Magical Girl Noir Quest 13A sober magical girl gets drunk and then sobering things happen.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-08 38 
19803303Magical Girl Noir Quest 14A slightly drunk but very sober magical girl does a little better socially and is given a choice.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-09 38 
19842679Magical Girl Noir Quest 15A confusingly sober magical girl gets dressed and picks up the gun once more.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-12 38 
19850327"Magical" Girl QuestIn which Daedalus begins scouting out the local 'talent' for magical girl candidates.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-13 32 
19859151Magical Girl Noir Quest 16A maidenly sober magical girl debates the fine line between drink and duty.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, operators operating operationally, 2012-07-13 38 
19867941"Magical" Girl Quest 2Reimu plays doctor, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-14 24 
19875084Magical Girl Noir Quest 17An annoyingly sober magical girl discusses work and checks out swag. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, swag2012-07-14 38 
19878633"Magical" Girl Quest 3Daedalus finishes up her aquatic homebase, Anne talks of her all-nighter, and other shenanigans'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-15 24 
19894317"Magical" Girl Quest 4In which the recruitment is nearing completion, we learn what the Replicators are weak to, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-16 23 
19904854Magical Girl Noir Quest 18A jelly magical girl resists the urge to kill 2 separate men. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, swag2012-07-16 38 
19919510Magical Girl Noir Quest 18A tiredly sober magical gets a little red eyed and calls for backup.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, swag, terminator2012-07-17 38 
19923674"Magical" Girl Quest 5We introduce the girls to ALEX L. BARKER, THE RED COMET WHO GRASPS VICTORY FROM DEFEAT, Icarus is born and takes her first steps, and other shenanigans'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-18 22 
19938869"Magical" Girl Quest 6Icarus is a hedonist, Daedalus checks in on the other girls, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Hedonism2012-07-19 22 
19953109"Magical" Girl Quest 7In which Alexa is forked, Manguard Armor happens, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-19 22 
19963787Magical Girl Noir Quest 19A bloodstained and sober magical maid girl takes on a demon with some help of a big friend and avenges a fallen little friendMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, guns, terminator2012-07-20 38 
19988546Magical Girl Noir Quest 20A bloodstained and not sober for long magical maid recruit a new lickable drinking buddy.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, soul gem2012-07-22 38 
20006429"Magical" Girl Quest 8In which we join omnIRC and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-23 22 
20021091"Magical" Girl Quest 9In which Icarus takes a shower, grabs lunch, and something intrudes upon Beta Site.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-07-25 23 
20031398Magical Girl Noir Quest 20A heavily buzzed magical girl has girl trouble with a past friend, current roommate, and new coworker.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, midori, soul gem, Cripple Jousting2012-07-25 38 
20045550Magical Girl Noir Quest 23A refreshingly sober and slightly amnesiac magical girl goes to say goodbye, and has a conversation with a maid.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey2012-07-26 38 
20056236Magical Girl Noir Quest 24A sober and slightly unsociable magical girl destroys a stack of pancakes and a young girl's heart.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, pancakes2012-07-27 38 
20070632Magical Girl Noir Quest 25A not drunk and slightly sad magical girl pats an arms dealer on the head and bro fists a Terminator.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Terminator 2012-07-28 38 
20093863Magical Girl Noir Quest 26A cheery magical girl makes pancakes and gets a heads up from her employerMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, pancakes2012-07-30 37 
20100476Magical Girl Noir Quest 27A upbeat but worried magical girl heads into a barrier and finds a wounded comradeMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, mami2012-07-30 38 
August 2012
20161365Magical Girl Noir Quest 28A exhausted but happy magical girl dives headfirst into battle and needs saving of her own. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, mami2012-08-03 38 
20190993Magical Girl Noir Quest 29A busily drunk magical girl makes a few phone calls and goes gift shopping.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, mr Kong,2012-08-05 38 
20253633"Magical" Girl Quest 10Icarus discovers Daedalus' modification to her ARglasses, helps Veritas get back on her feet, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-10 23 
20272839Magical Girl Noir Quest 30A somewhat sober and socially awkward magical girl goes gift shopping and stumbles upon an uncomfortable discovery.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, doujin2012-08-11 38 
20301050 Magical Girl Noir Quest 31A slightly drunk magical girl has a chat with her boss and teary eyed pancake deliveryMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, pancakes2012-08-13 38 
20318026"Magical" Girl Quest 11In which pancakes are obtained, Omnitube audvids are watched, training happens, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-14 22 
20329840Magical Girl Quest 32An in flight magical girl consumes porn and pancakes.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, pancakes, doujins2012-08-15 38 
20336130"Magical" Girl Quest 12Daedalus distributes the Derivation, freaks out a little over Anne having built it, checks in on the Clean-Up Crew, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2012-08-16 24 
20343723Magical Girl Noir Quest 33A sober magical girl patiently watches another spill her heart out. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, pancakes, doujin2012-08-16 38 
20357148Magical Girl Noir Quest 34A painfully sober magical girl gets a visit from an old flameMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir2012-08-17 38 
20371699Magical Girl Noir Quest 35A temporally sober magical girl meet a new old friend in the land of the bears.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Kharn, Siberia2012-08-18 38 
20423553Magical Girl Noir Quest 36A painfully sober magical girl exploit a kitchen and make a subordinate cry. Again.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Midori, Kharn, Siberia, Takoyaki2012-08-22 38 
20437302Magical Girl Noir Quest 37A worryingly sober magical girl wakes to find things not as she left them.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Midori, Kharn, Siberia2012-08-23 38 
20475337Magical Girl Noir Quest 38A severely sober magical girl prepares to hunt bears with a pacifist, a terminator, and the bro-est Betrayer.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia2012-08-26 37 
20506252Magical Girl Noir Quest 39A horrendously sober magical girl talk about the past with a old friend but have to cancel the glorious bear hunt.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Midori, Kharn, Siberia2012-08-28 38 
20529095Magical Girl Noir Quest 40A coldly sober magical girl prepare for battle and confront a new opponent. Also bears.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Mirai2012-08-30 37 
20542537 Magical Girl Noir Quest 41A coldly sober magical girl barely keeps the violence in check. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Mirai2012-08-31 38 
September 2012
20593427Magical Girl Noir Quest 42A tiredly sober magical girl returns to base and gets some much needed rest and alcohol in her. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn2012-09-04 38 
20619626Magical Girl Noir Quest 43A russian powerful magical girl starts her day someone in her bed and gets interrupted by her underling.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-06 38 
20645072Magical Girl Noir Quest 44A powerful russian magical girl acquires a trophy and is briefed on a murderous incidentMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-08 38 
20671486Magical Girl Noir Quest 45A powerful russian magical girl learn what happened and make a judgement.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Mami, Murderface2012-09-10 38 
20709419Magical Girl Noir Quest 46A powerful russian magical girl annoys her subordinate then tries to start a war but get QBblocked.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-13 37 
20720158Magical Girl Noir Quest 47A powerful russian magical girl get informations about her new enemy and meet her subordinates. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Mami, Sayaka, Kyouko, Murderface2012-09-14 38 
20772373Magical Girl Noir Quest 48A powerful russian magical girl ride to destr- meet another office. Which is totally not a trap. She also annoys her new subordinate on the way.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Murderface2012-09-18 38 
20809974Magical Girl Noir Quest 49A powerful russian magical girl leaves her weapon at the door and stares at a painting.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Murderface2012-09-21 38 
20823000Magical Girl Noir Quest 50A powerful russian magical girl engages in fruitful negotiations. Also war.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Murderface, Ahriman2012-09-22 38 
20864527Magical Girl Noir Quest 51A powerful russian magical girl and her two allies murder ninety-eight enemy magical girls Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Murderface, Ahriman2012-09-26 38 
20891621Magical Girl Noir Quest 52A powerful russian magical girl and her anti-magical aide have a boss fight.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-28 37 
20930586Magical Girl Noir Quest 53A powerful russian magical girl has very bad luck.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-09-30 38 
October 2012
20959658Magical Girl Noir Quest 54A powerful russian magical girl will protect her dearest friend and her new subordinate, whatever the cost.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal2012-10-02 38 
20999517Magical Girl Noir Quest 55A not-for-long sober magical girl listened to a story and is making a phone call.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Mami2012-10-05 38 
21012948Magical Girl Noir Quest 56A still slightly sober magical girl talks on the phone while finishing off a bottle of vodkaMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Mami, Kyoko2012-10-06 37 
21068324Magical Girl Noir Quest 57A suitably intoxicated Magical girl confuses her incubator and thinks about her relationship.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Midori, Misaka2012-10-10 38 
21096309Magical Burst ChargensAnon posts a helpful site that randomly generates magical girls. Much fun is had. Magical Girl Gilgamesh is born.Magical Burst, Chargen, Magical Girls, Gilgamesh2012-10-14 12 
21136546Magical Girl GilgameshMore work on turning the Epic of Gilgamesh into a story about underage magical lesbians is done.Magical Burst, Magical Girl, Gilgamesh, History2012-10-17 11 
21164570Magical Girl Gilgamesh 2Yet more work is done on making Gilgamesh into the little girl.Magical Burst, Magical Girl, Gilgamesh, History2012-10-18 11 
21179458Magical Girl Noir Quest 58A sleepily drunk magical girl consult her phone and start exploring the russian secret base. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Midori2012-10-18 38 
21211154Magical Burst Random Generator Stuff, ContinuedMore messing around with using the Magical More messing with the Magical Burst random character generator and interpreting the results.Magical_Burst, Magical_Girls, random2012-10-22 1 
21238483Magical Girl Noir Quest 59An instantaneously sober magical girl faces danger and gold.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Kharn, Pinky2012-10-22 38 
21255482Magical Burst Random Generator Stuff, Even More/tg/'s love affair with randomly generating fucked up magical girls continues.Magical_Burst, Magical_Girls, random2012-10-24 1 
21285241Magical Girl Noir Quest 60?A rather hungry Incubator starts its day and then thread is canceled on account of storm. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyubey, Incubator, Mami2012-10-26 33 
21309791Magical Girl Noir Quest 60 - part 2A stoic Incubator enjoys his meal and decides what to do.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyubey, Incubator, Mami, Sayaka2012-10-27 38 
November 2012
21385173Magical Girl Noir Quest 61A quite miffed Incubator takes care of business and prepares to form a contract.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyubey, Incubator, Mami, Sayaka, Kyoko2012-11-01 37 
21399465Magical Girl Noir Quest 62A calm Incubator converses with a promising young girl and studies the lawn. So ends the curse of the Kyuubey, or does it?Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyubey, Incubator, Mami, Yuma, Kyoko2012-11-02 37 
21499989Magical Girl Noir Quest 63An amnesiac magical girl wakes up from surgery and try to find out who she was.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Misaka, amnesia2012-11-09 38 
21606507Magical Girl Noir Quest 64A still very amnesiac magical girl eats adequately and still manages to get in to embarrassing situations despite her memory loss.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Souji, amnesia2012-11-16 37 
21635951Magical Girl Noir Quest 65An amnesiac Magical girl chooses her weapon and makes a bet.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, amnesia,2012-11-18 38 
21699881Magical Girl Noir Quest 66An outmatched and amnesiac magical girl chooses a golden weapon and slanders the wrong person.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, amnesia,2012-11-22 37 
21713146Magical Girl Noir Quest 67A 'heavily armed' amnesiac magical girl finds herself in trouble and then, throws a punch.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, amnesia,2012-11-23 38 
21820186Magical Girl Noir Quest 68An amnesiac Magical Big Sister drinks the clear liquid and prepares for the interrogation.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, amnesia, Mirai,2012-11-30 38 
December 2012
21931774Magical Girl Noir Quest 69An alarmed and green magical girl does her best to handle the situation.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Kharn, Souji, Misaka, Faust,2012-12-07 37 
21960657Magical Girl Noir Quest 70An apprehensive green haired magical girl talks with an eldritch abomination and begins her rescue mission.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Faust, Misaka2012-12-09 37 
22007320Magical Girl Noir Quest 71A nervous, green haired magical girl rides the Pink emotional roller coaster and presses on.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Madoka,, 2012-12-12 34 
22022779Magical Girl Noir Quest 72A pretty cool green haired magical girl soothes an emotionally trigger happy god... IT draws near...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Madoka,2012-12-13 37 
22037900Magical Girl Noir Quest 73A kind, green haired magical girl helps her companion wake up her beloved friend and has her heart wrenched.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Madoka, Moemura,2012-12-14 37 
22099036Magical Girl Noir Quest 74A desperate, green haired magical girl runs for dear life and explains the situation to her companion.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Madoka, Moemura, Souji, Misaka,2012-12-18 38 
22214092Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1A fuming mad magical girl makes plans to teach her stupid friends about true holiday cheer and MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS2012-12-25 38 
22244846Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2A determined magical girl decides on what presents to buy for her fathead friends and finds out that some things aren't MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS at all.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-27 37 
22263174Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 3An out of breath magical girl continues her mission to bring the christmas cheer to her officio while dealing with painful memories and concerned loved ones.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-28 38 
22278963Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 4A maximized magical girl meets her very own clone while her companion meets her very own... leg? the time for presents is upon us!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-29 38 
January 2013
22368625Cyberpunk Magical Girl QuestMission Starts. Joanna Constantine, agent 029 of the Bureau, is given a mission on her day off. She isn't pleased one bit.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-03 12 
22381994Magical Girl Noir Quest 75A determined green haired magical girl continues her rescue mission, but is then forced to flee and hide.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Madoka2013-01-04 37 
22478164Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 02Homeland security proves to be a minor nuisance as we attempt to gather the team together.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-09 10 
22485923Magical Girl Noir Quest 76An unsure and green haired magical girl hangs around a ramen shop and learns about a few things going on inside the barrier.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Madoka, Malal, Kharn,2013-01-09 38 
22509238"Magical" Girl Quest 13In which the plot is entirely derailed by time shenanigans and sends Anne into a comparatively dystopian alternate timeline.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-10 11 
22516506Magical Girl Noir Quest 77A brave green haired magical girl and her companions attempt to save a tortured fragment of her beloved's soul. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Madoka, Malal, Kyuubey, Kharn, KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARN 2013-01-11 37 
22571328"Magical" Girl Quest 14In which Anne goes to the MedBay and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-14 11 
22588239Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 03You retrieve Gertrude from the cell, discover that the Lonesome Rose protocol is in effect, and abandon Victor Charlie Alpha on the chance that its been compromised.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-15 10 
22627591"Magical" Girl Quest 15Mother and Daughter bonding, Firewall systems Upgrading, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-17 10 
22656331Magical Girl Noir Quest 78An enraged green haired magical girl bares her teeth against the betrayer, then passes out.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Madoka, Malal, Kyuubey, Kharn, KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARN 2013-01-18 38 
22723262Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 04You invade the Department of Homeland Security's dairy farm, unlock a new power, and search for your kidnapped comrades.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-22 12 
22750613Magical Girl Noir Quest 79A comforting green haired magical girl reflects on her actions and learns of the Shattered fragment's past.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal,2013-01-23 38 
22758523"Magical" Girl Quest 16Dealing with a cyborg virus, interrogations of a fork of the Emperor, and other shenanigans.'Magical' Girl Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence2013-01-24 10 
February 2013
22905526Magical Girl Noir Quest 79A resolute green haired magical girl decides to aim for all or nothing, and receives a Faustian offer. Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-01 36 
23043090Magical Girl Noir Quest 80The bravest magical girl faces the fire.Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-08 38 
23178841Magical Girl Noir Quest 82A fading green haired magical girl gathers the strength to make things right.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Murderface, Madoka,2013-02-15 38 
23334762Magical Girl Noir Quest 83A weakened green haired magical girl loses her close friend and passes judgement on the betrayer. so ends the Siberia arc.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Chiaki2013-02-23 37 
March 2013
23608199Magical Girl Noir Quest: Recap threadA pink haired, cheerful eldritch horror hosts a recap of previous threads. With guest appearances and Q&A!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Mami, Sayaka, Pinky, 2013-03-10 37 
23871034Magical Girl Noir Quest 84A complete-again magical girl starts her trip home, but is accosted by presents, cryptic messages, and dreams.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, sweet hat, Chiaki, Pinky, Malal, Wendy2013-03-25 38 
23878366tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka...Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka2013-03-26 1 
23913055/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-28 0 
23930866/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-29 1 
23951129/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot, Equilibrium, Grammaton Clerics2013-03-31 4 
23975171Magical Girl Noir Quest 85A well rested and less amnesiac magical girl, has come home.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, sweet hat, Chiaki, Midori, Kyoko, Mami, 2013-03-31 38 
April 2013
24237412Magical Girl Noir Quest 86A calm magical girl makes a sticky mess on her boss's desk and draws a lot of attention to herself.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, sweet hat, Chiaki, Midori, Kyoko,2013-04-14 38 
24375548Magical Girl Noir Quest 87A stoic magical girl surveys the golden tools of insanity currently in her possession, talks to the magical girl inhabiting one such tool and find her hand reaching for the phone...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Yuu, Chiaki, Midori, Kyoko,2013-04-21 37 
24524816Magical Girl Noir Quest 88A slightly awkward magical girl calls up an idol, arranges to meet for some coffee, and talks to another hateful magical girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2013-04-29 38 
May 2013
24638901Magical Girl Noir Quest 89A peaceful magical girl arrives at her new apartment, to find it quite comfortable. Dreams are had and a new day dawns for the officio.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Wendy, Hat,2013-05-05 38 
24781997Magical Girl Noir Quest 90An experimenting magical girl, checks on her green haired friend and learns more about her hat.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka, Mami, Kyuubey, Hat,2013-05-12 37 
24917371Magical Girl Noir Quest 91A Frighteningly sober magical girl decides which missions to take and receives a new office.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka, Mami, Kyuubey, Hat, Kumatora, 2013-05-19 39 
24953554Magical Girl Noir Quest 92An annoyed magical girl finds more trophies and reschedules an appointment.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Mami, Kumatora, Iori2013-05-21 33 
24971957Magical Girl Noir Quest 93An overwhelmed magical girl continues her first day as Warmaster and buys a boxed lunch. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Mami, Kumatora, Midori, Waifu Special2013-05-22 28 
24991467Magical Girl Noir Quest 93An embarrassed magical girl makes a sweet gesture and drives a girl to tears.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Mami, Midori, Kyoko,2013-05-23 37 
25010670Magical Girl Noir Quest 95A frustratingly sober magical girl has coffee and a conversation with an idol. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kumatora, Iori2013-05-24 35 
25067720Magical Girl Noir Quest 96A melancholic magical girl continues to struggle with her feelings, and those of a certain Idol.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kumatora, Iori2013-05-27 31 
25109115Magical Girl Noir Quest 97A desperate magical girl really needs a drink, she heads to her favorite bar.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kumatora, Pinky,2013-05-29 37 
25152871Magical Girl Noir Quest 98An agitated magical girl delivers her gruesome package and makes a dangerous decision.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyuubey, Pinky,2013-05-31 31 
June 2013
25195380Magical Girl Noir Quest 99A perplexed magical girl has a strange feeling of deja vu and begins an important meeting.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kyuubey, Mami, Sayaka2013-06-02 34 
25234611Magical Girl Noir Quest 100A slightly paranoid magical girl attends a party to celebrate her promotion and gets her hair doneMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kumatora, Mami, Sayaka, Kyouko, Misaka, Midori, hair fashion montage2013-06-04 37 
25338961Magical Girl Noir Quest 101An indifferent magical girl, awakens with a new hair style and brings a certain eldritch horror the gift of pancakes.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Pinky,2013-06-09 34 
25374626Magical Girl Noir Quest 102A weary magical girl suppresses various urges and get's ready for her first assignment since returning from Siberia.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Pinky, Midori, Just a Hat,2013-06-11 33 
25467444Magical Girl Noir Quest 103An on edge magical girl takes her hate buddy along on a mission and will never look at her in the same way again.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Pinky, Sayaka, Just an idol,2013-06-16 37 
25555962Evil Precure Quest 1In which we are born, get hungry, sorta befriend a hungry hungry intelligent bear and meet our enemy.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-06-21 25 
25599634Magical Girl Noir Quest 104A disgruntled magical girl is really, truly sure about giving her ticket away, and sneaks around with an unpopular girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Spaghetti, Just an idol.2013-06-23 37 
25607915Evil Precure Quest 2In which me make a truce. React to cute critters in the typical Japanese schoolgirl fashion and realize that Cure Blade may probably suicidally reckless.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-06-24 16 
25618919Magical Girl Noir Quest 105An increasingly agitated magical girl suffers along side her Eversor companion. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, 2013-06-24 36 
25638718Magical Girl Noir Quest 106A suspicious magical girl feels nostalgic as things slowly starts to turn terrible again. Just like how they used to be.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, 2013-06-25 37 
25685591Yet Another Magical Little Girl Quest This time we are evil! SO ORIGINAL.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl, I wish I could think of a joke tag but this shit is already a joke2013-06-28 24 
25733104Magical Girl Noir Quest 107A professional magical girl secures the hotel room and confronts a few uninvited guests.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko,2013-06-30 35 
July 2013
25754449Magical Girl Noir Quest 108An extremely diplomatic magical girl checks in with her boss while an idol cries in the bathroom.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyuubey2013-07-01 30 
25771391Magical Girl Noir Quest 109A strict but fair magical girl listens to the bodyguard's side of the story and inadvertently hurts someone's feelings... again.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyuubey2013-07-02 31 
25820912Evil Precure Quest 4Where we finish our fight with Cure Blade.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-07-05 18 
25831757Magical Girl Noir Quest 110A Stoic magical girl, speaks to the bodyguard again and socializes with a very awkward girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyuubey, Kyosuke2013-07-05 36 
25868586Magical Girl Noir Quest 111A surprised magical girl learn a few new things and scouts the stadium.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-07 36 
25877216Evil Precure Quest 5In which we do after-fight talk and make an important decision.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-07-08 11 
25907991Magical Girl Noir Quest 112A professional magical girl finishes her phone call and gets ambushed!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-09 37 
26006907Magical Girl Noir Quest 113A merciful magical girl has more dealings with Kyosuke and IoriMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-14 37 
26014051Evil Precure Quest 6Questions are answered and we are welcomed into our new, possibly permanent home.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-07-15 11 
26025769Magical Girl Noir Quest 114An impressed magical girl gains several cup sizes and a few Inches in height.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Kyosuke, Kyoko, Midori2013-07-15 36 
26067149Magical Girl Noir Quest 115An intrigued magical girl learns more about a very special weapon and talks about hair.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Noriko,2013-07-17 34 
26135904Detergent Quest - UncappedBecause we really need more quest threads where no one actually runs a quest on this board.Collective Game, Bleach, A reference to that one shitty overblown magical girl anime, recap episodes always suck2013-07-21 21 
26148953Magical Girl Noir Quest 116A somewhat sleepy magical girl briefs Vindicare Squad Hiryu on their mission and finds herself at the center of an unexpected family reunion.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Noriko, Enishi, NECO2013-07-21 38 
26157555Evil Precure Quest 7In which we meet again with our other hairy friend.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-07-22 17 
26240092Evil Precure Quest 8In which we trick our bear friend into seeing reason.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-07-26 11 
26285463Magical Girl Noir Quest 117A very serious magical blueberry escorts the Warmaster's Equerry, along with some less pleasant company.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Malal, Kirika,2013-07-28 28 
26305437Magical Girl Noir Quest 118A Irritated magical blueberry can't stay away from the strange pink haired girl and reaches her boiling point.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Malal, Kirika, Pinky, Mary,2013-07-29 30 
August 2013
26388898Magical Girl Noir Quest 119A trained magical blueberry crushes her opponent and goes for another elevator ride.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Amber,2013-08-02 31 
26396269Evil Precure Quest 9Where we temporarily stop being humongous bitch.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-08-03 10 
26427722Magical Girl Noir Quest 120A heavily armored magical blueberry tries to collar an insane plague bearer.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Sabrina, 2013-08-04 29 
26447963Magical Girl Noir Quest 121A decaying magical blueberry is coming apart at the seams and has had enough.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Sabrina,2013-08-05 30 
26505148Magical Girl Noir Quest 121A ticked off magical girl reports her findings to her Incubator and cheers up one of her subordinates.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka, Sabrina, Enishi, Kyuubey2013-08-08 31 
26514677Evil Precure Quest 10In which find some moments of peace after our absurdly chaotic first two days.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-08-09 11 
26541547Magical Girl Noir Quest 122A sarcastic magical girl finds out she has a long way to go to be on friendlier terms with her blueberry colleague.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Sayaka,2013-08-10 31 
26568329Evil Precure Quest 11In which we suffer from a mild case of /tg/ paranoia.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-08-12 14 
26578684Magical Girl Noir Quest 123A sleeping magical girl has a very pleasant dream, better that any she has had in weeks!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Wendy, Sayaka, 2013-08-12 30 
26646432Evil Precure Quest 12In which more paranoia develops as anon tries to come up with plans.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-08-16 11 
26666192Crossover Magical Girl QuestFantastic Phantasm's first Ep. We assume the role of Itonami Juritsu, a powerful summoner. We dream about fucked up shit, fight a dragon then pass out.Crossover Magical Girl Quest, magical girl, female protagonist, Fantastic Phantasm, Collective Game 2013-08-17 8 
26680643Crossover Magical Girl Quest 2We wander through the desert, find an ally then pass out. We wake up in a city, make new friends and look for Raid.Crossover Magical Girl Quest, magical girl, female protagonist, Fantastic Phantasm, Collective Game 2013-08-18 4 
26692324Magical Girl Noir Quest 125A well rested magical girl prepares for the concert and gets thrown off balance by Pinky. fixed thread numbering, there are two 121.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Ruri, Sayaka, Noriko, Pinky,2013-08-18 28 
26710429Magical Girl Noir Quest 126Codename:Deepthroat is traumatized and plans are finalizedMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Ruri, drawfag2013-08-19 28 
26779217Evil Precure Quest 13We meet with the invisichameloen and figure he is an ass.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-08-23 11 
26828791Evil Precure Quest 14In which we decide to face or avoid what we did last night.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-08-26 11 
26884808Evil Precure Quest 15Where we realized we missed some shit going down.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-08-29 13 
September 2013
26940856Crossover Magical Girl Quest 3We continue our search for Raid. We end up saving a suicidal girl, fight some mooks and run from kidnappers. We also argue with royalty.Crossover Magical Girl Quest, magical girl, female protagonist, Fantastic Phantasm, Collective Game2013-09-01 -1 
26977768Magical Girl Noir Quest 127A thankful Magical girl continues her thrilling mission while discovering the wonderful world of fan art and encounters something unexpected blocking her path.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag,2013-09-02 29 
27030044Evil Precure Quest 16Where we try to figure out what to do with a sister that was made from what is arguably a part of one of our friends.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-09-05 22 
27059829Magical Girl Noir Quest 128A stoic magical girl lights one up while standing guard and sees Kyosuke in a completely new light.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-09-06 34 
27100952Magical Girl Noir Quest 129An appreciative magical girl finishes the conversation with her favorite golden weapon and the concert finally begins!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-09-08 30 
27160052Magical Girl Noir Quest 130A concerned magical girl watches a young bodyguard go up in flames and plans to deal with the Yakuza and their knees.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-09-11 33 
27361743Magical Girl Noir Quest 131A Stoic magical girl decides who to interrogate and receives a call from her boss regarding her methods.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-09-22 32 
27370679Evil Precure Quest Thread 17In which we follow our slightly crazy, smarter-than-us sister to someplace importantCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-09-23 21 
27397076Magical Girl Noir Quest 132An increasingly angry magical girl is given an ultimatum.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-09-24 31 
27423433Evil Precure Quest 18Where we meet the other us living inside our mind, she's a bit of a selfish bitch.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-09-26 22 
27447918Magical Girl Noir Quest 133An enraged magical girl tries to keep her anger in check as she stalls for time while her opponents enjoys her own little monologue. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-09-27 35 
27480288Magical Girl Noir Quest 134A battle ready magical girl uses her superior strength to beat the ever living crap out of her delusional opponent.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-09-29 32 
27490530Evil Precure Quest 19The choice has been made, its time to follow through with it.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-09-30 24 
October 2013
27515811Magical Girl Noir Quest 135A surprisingly calm magical girl gets used to the feeling of having three spears stuck through her chest and gives her now airborne opponent the finger, all ten of them.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-10-01 34 
27541392Evil Precure Quest 20We realize that we might possibly most likely be a terrible person after all we've been through.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-10-03 15 
27582362Magical Girl Noir Quest 136A lightheaded magical girl staggers away from the field and receives help from an unknown girl. Who could it be?Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-10-05 36 
27601345Magical Girl Noir Quest 137An injured magical girl gets patched up, decides to schedule a few lessons in melee combat and receives a phone call.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-10-06 37 
27611001Evil Precure Quest 21Where fe finally get to choose the sports we're supposed to be good at.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-10-07 12 
27665563Evil Precure Quest 22After the hectic day we had we go back to relatively magic-free normal life.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-10-10 15 
27701305Magical Girl Noir Quest 138A fumbling magical girl reschedules a dinner date and talks to her 'favorite' Super-Idol.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-10-12 30 
27737730Magical Girl Noir Quest 139A slightly agitated magical girl just has to get through one last night with her principal Idol and she will be free.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Protoculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-10-14 37 
27781447Evil Precure Quest 23Some slight quick timeskips happen to ge things rolling.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-10-17 16 
27849138Evil Precure Quest 24Where we meet our magicless match. We better not cheat this time.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-10-21 12 
27966838Magical Girl Noir Quest 140A sober magical girl gets up early in the morning to see her client off.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-10-27 28 
27977365Evil Precure Quest 25In which we fight a surprise opponent and you feel like she is going to be of the persistent sort.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-10-28 14 
27985185Magical Girl Noir Quest 141A mentally exhausted magical girl tries to do the right thing and gets a double incubator for her trouble.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-10-28 27 
28027857Evil Precure Quest:Halloween editionTime for something scary, like a which inside a ghost house sort of scary.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-10-31 8 
28034746Magical Girl Noir Quest 142A sore magical girl finishes her debriefing and learns something unexpected.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag, so many drawfags2013-10-31 29 
November 2013
28050468Magical Girl Noir Quest 143A tactful magical girl has an exchange with her last Culexus while on their way to meet a very broken girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, drawfag2013-11-01 28 
28082414Magical Girl Noir Quest 144A chivalrous magical girl visits one prophet and gets a bead on another.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Yuma, Haruka, drawfag2013-11-03 26 
28092703Evil Precure Quest 26Where we fight our greatest enemy...ourselves? Or is it really ___?Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-11-04 10 
28101580Magical Girl Noir Quest 145A nervous magical girl sees flashes of pink and looks at life through a mirror.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Yuma, Haruka, Oriko, drawfag2013-11-04 26 
28192140Magical Girl Noir Quest 146A bloody magical girl gains another enemy and reports her findings.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Yuma, Haruka, drawfag2013-11-09 26 
28207906Magical Girl Noir Quest 147A surprisingly supportive magical girl comforts her boss and finds a goddess sleeping in her bed.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Mami, Kyuubey, drawfag2013-11-10 28 
28219412Evil Precure Quest 27Where we try to negotiate with an angry, stubborn person by being angry and stubborn.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-11-11 11 
28265086Magical Girl Noir Quest 148A lone magical badass infiltrates deep in to a shitty, hellhole of a city to save an unlucky rookie, finding an old friend in the process.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Mala2013-11-13 31 
28318411Magical Girl Noir Quest 149A fast going magical biker speeds off on her rescue mission and receives word of another girl in trouble.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Malal2013-11-16 28 
28335824Magical Girl Noir Quest 150A cautious magical biker meets the professor, reluctantly accepts the deal and receives some shocking news.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Malal2013-11-17 29 
28356109Magical Girl Noir Quest 151A sneaky magical biker with awesome powers finds her girl worse off than she initially feared and the situation quickly starts going south.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Malal, Kharn, Souji2013-11-18 29 
28405208Evil Precure Quest 28Where we talk to our double, which would be a copy of a clone. And find out taht shit might or might not be starting to go down.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-11-21 12 
28430432Magical Girl Noir Quest 152A killer magical biker disposes of a few thugs and needs to decide how to get the hell out of Varrigan City.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Malal, Kharn, Souji, Vomit-tan2013-11-22 26 
28467491Magical Girl Noir Quest 153A plotting and wanted magical biker receives a call while making her escape.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Malal2013-11-24 26 
28487620Magical Girl Noir Quest 154A Flowery pink magical biker delivers burning death upon her monstrous assailant and ends her business in Varrigan City.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Malal, Homura2013-11-25 28 
28497517Magia Recreant - Episode 01A pink haired girl finds her world about to come apart at the seams.Magia Recreant Quest, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Crossover, Collective Game, /a/nonymous magica, 2013-11-26 6 
28535389Evil Precure Quest 29Where we kick Matilda the illusion bitch's ass so hard that Momoko goes temproraril crazy.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-11-28 11 
28576486Magical Girl Noir Quest 155A troubled magical girl contemplates what she just learned and remembers her date. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko2013-11-30 28 
December 2013
28595050Magical Girl Noir Quest 156A nervous magical girl uses paranoia to distract herself and finally makes it to her date.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag2013-12-01 29 
28692270Magical Girl Noir Quest 157A socially awkward magical girl wants to know more about her green haired date but the plan is uncovered!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, not really MAXIMUM SPAGHETTI, Chiaki, Midori2013-12-06 38 
28734812Magical Girl Noir Quest 158A trembling magical girl experiences something so soft and warm it should be illegal and receives a call.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Rabu Rabu2013-12-08 33 
28745872Evil Precure Quest 30Masako meets a street shark and then promptly hits him with a street lightCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-12-09 11 
28757355Magical Girl Noir Quest 159An oblivious magical girl takes her green haired lady inside to give it to her.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori2013-12-09 37 
28806013Evil Precure Quest 31 The immortal question. What would Kevin Bacon from Tremors do?Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-12-12 11 
28854341Magical Girl Noir Quest 160An achy magical girl recovers from an unusually long rest and goes looking for her missing bed warmer.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori2013-12-14 37 
28876489Magical Girl Noir Quest 161An extremely focused magical girl is really particularly about the syrup and butter on her pancakes while discussing one of her least favorite felines.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Kyoko, Kumatora2013-12-15 31 
28886630Evil Precure Quest 32The fight against the street shark ends and we are so very, very rudely interrupted by someone we hate.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-12-16 12 
28897088Magical Girl Noir Quest 162A calm magical girl tells green everything she knows about the Prophet and attends a memorial for a girl she barely knew.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Kyoko, Kumatora2013-12-16 35 
28908928Breaker Quest 2Young man, now a young woman, tries to find out why he transformed.Genderswap, Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl2013-12-17 15 
28931230Breaker Quest 3A young man becomes a Magical Girl to attempt to reverse his transformation into a woman.Genderswap, Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl2013-12-18 14 
28985454Breaker Quest 4A young man fights some demons, and grows stronger. Genderswap, Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl2013-12-21 11 
29009260Breaker Quest 5A young man plays Truth or Dare.Genderswap, Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl2013-12-22 13 
29028697Breaker Quest 6Rebellion and Loyalty Genderswap, Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl2013-12-24 14 
29056693Magical Girl Noir Quest: Recap, the SecondA one eyed, red haired magical girl hosts a Q&A session with various cast members while she recounts what has happened since the last recap.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Kyoko2013-12-24 27 
29099586Breaker Quest 7A young man learns many things. Genderswap, Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl2013-12-27 14 
29116812Breaker Quest 8A young man spends time with his girlfriend.Genderswap, Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl2013-12-28 16 
29127188Magical Girl Noir Quest 163An increasingly agitated magical girl deals with trust issues and gets trolled by a cat in a cold room.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, NECO2013-12-28 24 
29146467Magical Girl Noir Quest 164A sharp magical girl unlocks all the diary entries! But wait, there's more!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, NECO2013-12-29 27 
29156793Evil Precure Quest 33Where we sort of make up with shorty, Red. But most importantly: Misa is pissed off at us.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2013-12-30 10 
29190493Magical Girl Noir Quest 165An angry magical girl finalizes the deal and has to decide which weapon to use for Eversor training.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2013-12-31 27 
January 2014
29219135Evil Precure Quest 34Where we confront a very angry Misa. Archived EarlyCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-01-02 11 
29220058Breaker Quest 11A young man wakes up after a night with his girlfriend to face another dayGenderswap, Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl2014-01-02 10 
29230052Magical Girl Noir Quest 166A (totally not)noodly magical girl provides some entertainment for Blueberry and finds out just how badly in shape she is. "Let me axe you a question."Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-01-02 36 
29317541Magical Girl Noir Quest 167A violent magical girl agrees to 'a little fun', things escalate rapidly.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-01-06 38 
29378280Evil Precure Quest 35Where we find out that us apologizing is apparently an even bigger deal than we thought.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-01-09 10 
29431539Magical Girl Noir Quest 168An out cold magical girl watches a part of her world burn and wakes up to pain, cigarettes and Blueberry.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-01-11 30 
29469103Magical Girl Hunter QuestYou are Alice, a retired Magical Girl who now makes a living hunting her former comrades.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-01-13 26 
29471210Evil Precure Quest 36Where we panic unnecessarily, feel intimidated by an older woman and relax. Almost a normal day in the life of Masako.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-01-13 13 
29484858Magical Girl Noir Quest 169A battered but healing magical girl finds a bit of common ground between her and Blueberry. She also learns something more sinister?Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-01-13 30 
29576190Magical Girl Noir Quest 170"Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse."Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-01-17 28 
29625354Magical Girl Noir Quest 171An informed magical girl tells her three new acquaintances about the current world.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2014-01-19 26 
29635980Magical Girl Hunter Quest 2Alice gets to meet the rest of her fellow Hunters.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-01-20 16 
29636785Evil PreCure Quest 37In which we finally take off that damn nekomimi maid outfit.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-01-20 10 
29650485Magical Girl Noir Quest 172A watch wearing dild- magical girl spends her time running her officio like a true warmaster.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2014-01-20 26 
29712333Evil Precure Quest 38We win a race and then take a stroll into (justified) paranoia town.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-01-23 10 
29724134Magical Girl Noir Quest 173A decisive magical girl voices her opinion about her best friend leaving to join the Posh Templars.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko2014-01-23 26 
29788095Magical Girl Rising Quest: ResufferingIn which we are introduced to Sparkling Snake, magical girl and PMC soldier.Collective Game, Magical Girl Rising Quest, Metal Gear, Magical Girl, RULES OF NATURE2014-01-26 5 
29796676Magical Girl Noir Quest 174An eager Magical Girl reads the mission dossier and gets her Shield working again. Somewhat.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-01-26 26 
29809317Magical Girl Hunter Quest 3Alice is "encouraged" to go on a mandatory vacation.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-01-27 13 
29816252TSAB Quest Chapter IIIIn which we make preparations and feel the burning fervour of true Japanese Fighting Spirit. Preliminary spell and load-out discussion.TSAB_quest EnforcerStandby, yamato damashi, samurai, male protagonist, Magical guy, magical girl2014-01-27 2 
29823598Magical Girl Noir Quest 175An elucidated magical girl shoves her best friend out the back of an airplane.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-01-27 31 
29815741Magical Girl Rising Quest 2Sparkling Snake gets debriefed and reflects on her history.Collective Game, Magical Girl Rising Quest, Metal Gear, Magical Girl, Madoka Magica, Sparkling Snake2014-01-27 1 
29837241Evil Precure Quest 39 we take the reigns of Aomi and have to sniff out Matilda. Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-01-28 12 
29861276Magical Girl Hunter Quest 4Alice tries to enjoy her vacation.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-01-29 12 
29892230TSAB Quest Part IVIn which we talk to Toshiiro, get a bunk, and 4Chan starts hating on Enforcer's tablet.Collective Game, TSAB Quest, Nanoha, Magical Guy, EnforcerStandby magical girl2014-01-30 5 
29918976Magical Girl Noir Quest 176A frantic and angry magical blueberry watches her girlfriend and warmaster get taken, goes sneaking and breaks stuff.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-01-31 30 
February 2014
29937103TSAB Quest chapter VIn which QM slowly gets drunk, we talk to Lisa, and nearly deepen, to startCollective Game, TSAB Quest, Nanoha, EnforcerSetup, Magical Guy, magical girl2014-02-01 2 
29955845Evil Precure Quest 40Where Aomi attempts to interrogate an uncooperative illusionist.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-02-02 7 
29989367Magical Girl Noir Quest 177A faithful magical blueberry dodges a dirty situation and finds out where her objective is, among other things...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-02-03 31 
30026181Magical Girl Hunter Quest 5Alice's battle against the Magical Girl assault squad continues.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-02-05 12 
30020112TSAB Quest chapter VI v2In which we eat dinner, decide squad names and members, assign a squad leader, and talk to some higher ranked officers.Collective Game, TSAB Quest, Nanoha, EnforcerSetup, Magical Guy, magical girl2014-02-05 5 
30048265Evil Precure Quest 40In which Blue isn't just a spectator anymore.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl, Masako2014-02-06 7 
30130526Magical Girl Hunter Quest 6Alice finds out she's sort of a mother now, thanks to SCIENCE!Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-02-10 16 
30132596Evil Precure Quest 42Where we finish our briefing, get letured by a miniature bear and follow Masako's clone on her first outside experience in her own body.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-02-10 5 
30155388TSAB Quest chapter VIIIn which we get woken up by alarms, volunteer for scouting duty, and the QM hates twelve hour shifts.Collective Game, TSAB Quest, Nanoha, EnforcerSetup, Magical Guy, magical girl2014-02-11 1 
30166681TSAB Quest chapter VIIIIn which we enter the mission, knock out some bad guys, tactically insert a building, and find out that medium comes with twins.Collective Game, TSAB Quest, Nanoha, EnforcerSetup, Magical Guy, magical girl2014-02-12 2 
30193928Magical Girl Liberty... and the escape from Gibraltar!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-02-13 15 
30227450TSAB Quest chapter IXIn which we almost die, get saved, and get a little insulted.Collective Game, TSAB Quest, Nanoha, EnforcerSetup, Magical Guy, magical girl2014-02-14 0 
30273938Magical Girl Noir Quest 178A maimed magical girl has a short conversation with her interrogator and resolves to beat her to death with her own arms, Professionally.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-02-16 31 
30288727Magical Girl Hunter Quest 7Alice get dropped off on a tropical island of ADVENTURE.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-02-17 14 
30287430Evil Precure Quest 43Where Masako finally gets her ass kicked.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-02-17 6 
30330605Magical Girl Liberty Quest... and the Island of Doom!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-02-19 11 
30342292Youma Quest 1In what might be a one-shot, we battle Youma and magical girls in a heist gone wrong.Youma Quest, Magical Girls, Youma2014-02-19 11 
30352615Magical Girl Liberty Quest #2... and the New York Raid!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-02-20 10 
30357276Evil Precure Quest 43In which Masako wakes up injured. Again. This is becoming a habit.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-02-20 12 
30388422Magical Girl Noir Quest 179A nearly untied magical girl tries (and fails) to dissuade an idiot from making terrible life choices and springs in to action.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-02-21 24 
30430809Magical Girl Noir Quest 180A free magical girl shows her former captor the error of her ways and extends a helping hand to her Fiery comrade.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-02-23 27 
30442674Magical Girl Hunter Quest 8Alice's vacation is briefly interrupted... again.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-02-24 12 
30504774Magical Girl Liberty Quest #3... and the Fight aboard the Kleine FrauleinCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-02-27 10 
30509427Evil Precure Quest 44In which Masako tries really hard, and finally gets some ice-cream.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-02-27 10 
March 2014
30558420TSAB Quest chapter XIn which we discuss creepy twins, learn a little about cyborgs, and discover exactly how deep in it we are.Collective Game, TSAB Quest, Nanoha, EnforcerSetup, Magical Guy, magical girl2014-03-01 3 
30564306Magical Girl Noir Quest 181A confident magical blueberry teaches an angry robot the rules of nature and calls for reinforcements.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-03-01 24 
30598167Magical Girl Hunter Quest 9The vacation is finally over, and Alice gets back to work.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-03 14 
30595945Evil Precure Quest 46Fixed archive tread number. Masako enjoys a good day and finds out she has a fan club.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-03-03 10 
30606927Magical Girl Noir Quest 182A curious magical blueberry talks to a hallucination, sends Tiny Pete off with a gift and breathes a sigh of relief.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-03-03 23 
30655688Magical Girl Liberty Quest #4... and the Battle of Whitmore's Mansion!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-06 11 
30661180Evil Precure Quest 47Where Matilda awakens something inside o her and is promptly defeated.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-03-06 12 
30689095Magical Girl Noir Quest 183A somewhat relaxed magical pilot listens to Blueberry's complaints and asks for advice.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-03-07 25 
30730241Magical Girl Noir Quest 184A curious magical girl learns about forbidden love times three and finds out what is in the mystery box.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-03-09 22 
30744106Magical Girl Hunter Quest 10Alice has to figure out a way to defeat the Magical Battleship Yamato.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-10 14 
30742649Evil Precure Quest 48Where Masako finally fights anger monsters and these are beefed up. And the doctor seems to have an ace up his sleeve.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-03-10 10 
30753469Magical Girl Noir Quest 185A shocked magical girl finds out more about the core and about what happened in a different timeline.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Sayaka2014-03-10 24 
30759697Magical Girl Liberty Quest #5... and the Magisch Korps strikes back!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-11 11 
30780530Magical Girl Liberty Quest #6... and the escape from the Magisch Korps!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-12 9 
30800950Magical Girl Liberty Quest #7... and the daring rescue!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-13 9 
30819947Magical Girl Liberty Quest #8... and the day of rest!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-14 10 
30848483Magical Girl Noir Quest 186A pissed off magical girl hates it when her incubator makes sense and has a fit of extreme jealousy.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2014-03-15 19 
30869118Magical Girl Noir Quest 187A much more at ease magical girl decides how to handle the prisoners and talks to Risa about the world's favorite magical girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Mami, Risa2014-03-16 18 
30880258Magical Girl Hunter Quest 11Alice learns that the Magical Menace might be even larger and more powerful than she initially thought.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-17 14 
30889707Magical Girl Noir Quest 188An irritated magical girl checks up on her favorite fist and steps in to a complete bitch's magical realm.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Yuu, Kirika2014-03-17 18 
30936535Magical Girl Liberty Quest #9... and the Tomb of the Unknown Pharaoh!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-20 10 
30936602New Breaker Quest 5We get buy some clothes and then assault a demon singer.Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-03-20 5 
30942637Evil Precure Quest 49Masako escapes the belly of the beast and meets a new friend, frienemy? She sounds like a spoiled brat anyways.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-03-20 8 
30992964Magical Girl Noir Quest 189A fed up magical girl plans to end the blood vendetta and reaches an agreement with the bitch blade.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kirika2014-03-22 19 
31014638Magical Girl Noir Quest 190A livid magical girl has had it with these cryptic messages and decides to enjoy a nice relaxing shower.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kirika, Enishi2014-03-23 19 
31028139Magical Girl Hunter Quest 12We see things from Mirai's point of view.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-24 13 
31026801Evil Precure Quest 50Masako formally meets the princess of pride and tries to get her a place to stayCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-03-24 12 
31083102New Breaker Quest 6After defeating a demon singer and almost killing the human host, we return to our home and cuddle up with our bunny. Sexy times is expected to ensue.Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-03-27 3 
31082387Magical Girl Liberty Quest #10... and the Cyborg and the Daughter!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-03-27 10 
31088661Evil PreCure Quest 51In which Masako peacefully starts fights with other girls, and gets a new sword.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-03-27 11 
31135554Magical Girl Noir Quest 191An uncomfortable magical girl makes her way towards the certification ceremony.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-03-29 18 
31140368Witch Quest #5We save a new friend and we become adventuresCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-03-30 6 
31169997Magical Girl Hunter Quest 13A young Alice figures out that Magical Girls may not be as good as they seem to be.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-03-31 15 
31178338Magical Girl Noir Quest 192A fairly competent magical girl continues her work as warmaster and has more social interaction with blueberry.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-03-31 20 
April 2014
31204948Witch Quest #6We reveal our big secret and send some Orcs packingCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-04-02 4 
31217711Hero Quest: Chapter ChiakiA very confused magical girl finds herself in a new world with some very confusing powers and title to match.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Dildo, Hero Quest Rena2014-04-02 29 
31228869Evil PreCure Quest 52In which we break the fourth wall to answer creepy questions from the voices in our head. Also, the bear gets taken home.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-03 10 
31241836New Breaker Quest 7GM fucks up a bunch of stuff, runs off earlyPatience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-04-04 2 
31278708Witch Quest #7We fight a Lich and gain a new addition to our teamCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-04-06 5 
31295879Magical Girl Noir Quest 193An emotional magical girl does not remember the girls who gave their lives to save hers and delivers a short speech.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-04-06 19 
31308399Evil PreCure Quest 53In which Lubu is adorable.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-07 6 
31310965Magical Girl Hunter Quest 14Alice tries to save her friend Kanako.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-04-07 13 
31313225Evil PreCure Quest 53bWhere we begin to hand out punishments to our teammates.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-07 10 
31367123Magical Girl Liberty Quest #11... and the underwater fight!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Savage2014-04-10 10 
31372551Evil PreCure Quest 54Masako does her very best at telling the disbelieving sensitives about magic.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-10 10 
31426129Magical Girl Noir Quest 194A spiteful magical girl turns a cat's head into mush and gets into other people's beeswax.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Enishi2014-04-12 19 
31431605Witch Quest #8We talk our way through the adventure and kill the lake guardianCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-04-13 4 
31446138Magical Girl Noir Quest 195An unsatisfied magical girl looks down upon the filthy peasant cat and realizes something.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Noriko, NECO2014-04-13 19 
31458153Magical Girl Hunter Quest 15Alice spearheads the assault on the Magical Girl stronghold of Atlantis.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-04-14 11 
31457648Evil PreCure Quest 55Where we sort of finally work out Aomi's issues.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-14 10 
31527180Evil PreCure Quest 56Masako vs Love: Round 1 Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-17 5 
31519643New Breaker Quest 7.1We get pounced on by a GM and make conservatively dressed elven sorceresses.Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-04-17 3 
31536124Magical Girl Noir Quest 196An extremely paranoid magical girl forces herself to calm down long enough to deal with the situation.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, 'Midori'2014-04-17 19 
31548348Evil PreCure Quest 57In which we talk about feelings and punish an insolent clock.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure,Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-18 6 
31556336Magical Girl Noir Quest 197A talkative magical girl watches green eat her greens and is escorted to bed.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, 'Midori'2014-04-18 29 
31609590Magical Girl Hunter Quest 16Alice continues her sneaking mission on Atlantis.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-04-21 12 
31604465Witch Quest 9We go into the ruined city and dicover that it is crawling with demons.Collective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl 2014-04-21 2 
31687964New Breaker Quest 8The dramatic conclusion with Michael's father is resolved with an anticlimax, then suddenly demons attack.Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-04-25 2 
31693713Evil PreCure Quest 58We spend some adorable moments doing SoL shenanigans until we gen an unexpected guest.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-25 10 
31733107Witch Quest #9.5We find a new pet and fight a hoard of salesmenCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-04-27 3 
31752994Magical Girl Noir Quest 198A pair of green magical cat ears counts down to the end of the world.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-04-27 19 
31766603Magical Girl Hunter Quest 17Alice deals with the aftermath of the previous mission.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-04-28 12 
31765210Evil PreCure Quest 59A fight between siblings leads to much unnecessary stress.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-04-28 10 
31758365Witch Quest #10We have a strange dream and lose our mindCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-04-28 3 
31777543Magical Girl Noir Quest 199A pair of green magical cat ears sets about the tasks given to her by her rank leader.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-04-28 18 
31800325Magical Girl Noir Quest 200A pair of green magical cat ears tries to process everything she has just learned and makes a decision...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-04-29 19 
31821394Magical Girl Noir Quest 201A pair of green magical cat ears lives with the consequences of her choices...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-04-30 18 
May 2014
31825744New Breaker Quest 9 We fight a demon.Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-05-01 2 
31831147Evil PreCure Quest 60 A heart to Heart with Misa and planning.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-05-01 6 
31843876Magical Girl Noir Quest 202A pair of green magical cat ears looks for comfort in the arms of a traitor.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-05-01 19 
31855556Evil PreCure Quest 61A disturbing nightmare fucks up the rest of our day.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-05-02 10 
31887526 Witch Quest 11We threaten two armies into retreating due to our SUPER ULTIMATE DEATH MAGIC ATTACK. By the way, we're lying through our teeth. Collective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-05-04 4 
31920944Magical Girl Hunter Quest 18Alice tries to figure out how to defeat Mother.Magical Girl Hunter Quest, Magical Girl, Science Fiction, Collective Game2014-05-05 20 
31931297Magical Girl Noir Quest 203A pair of green magical cat ears receives new orders and...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-05-05 26 
31973281Magical Girl Noir Quest 204A pair of green magical cat ears confesses for the third time that day.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-05-07 18 
31984400Evil PreCure Quest 62Where two pinks calm each other down somehow.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-05-08 12 
32000009New Breaker Quest 10In which Michael recovers from his defeat and eats a demon essence.Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-05-09 1 
32059165Magical Girl Noir Quest 205A pair of green magical cat ears arms herself and finally sets off towards certain death.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-05-11 17 
32062366Witch Quest #12We defend the city and defeat the Night MotherCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-05-12 1 
32070608Evil PreCure Quest 63In which much ado is made about underwear.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-05-12 10 
32079236Magical Girl Noir Quest 206A pair of green magical cat ears loses precious time and finds herself stranded in a bloody nightmare.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-05-12 18 
32129576Evil PreCure Quest 64The Grand Tournament!Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-05-15 12 
32209150Evil Precure Quest 65In which a tourney bout is fair play, followed by unfair play. Also a jerk gets broken ribs, but not from Masako.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-05-19 11 
32218269Magical Girl Noir Quest 207A pair of green magical cat ears chooses a group, deals with a princess and makes a promise.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-05-19 20 
32223637Witch Quest #13We finally get some food and we beat up the goblin kingCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-05-20 3 
32310055New Breaker Quest 11.1Previous: http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/32142454/Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-05-24 2 
32349227Magical Girl Noir Quest 208A pair of green magical cat ears awakens once to find her mentor flashing the universe and a second time to face the grim reality.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Yuma2014-05-25 21 
32357636Witch Quest 14 We find out about what's happening in the wider world and it isn't that good. Time to help jumpstart the revolution. ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAHCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-05-26 6 
32359888Evil Precure Quest 66Hey sister, can ya spare a coffee?Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-05-26 14 
32462213New Breaker Quest 12Breaker QuestPatience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-05-31 2 
June 2014
32502148Magical Girl Noir Quest 209An unreasonably happy magical girl expects the universe to take everything away from her soon.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori!2014-06-01 18 
32515380Evil Precure Quest 67 A hostage situation that DOESN'T go completely FUBAR.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-06-02 6 
32525548Magical Girl Noir Quest 210A very tired and shaken magical girl shifts in to high gear in a race against time to attend a crash course in melee combat.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayakar, Kyouko2014-06-02 17 
32607278Makai Knight Quest The conclusion of https://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/32584876. We are a Makai Knight, a warrior who hunts evil creatures known as Horrors. Sometimes with magical girls.Makai Knight Quest, Collective Game, GARO, Magical Girls, Joker2014-06-06 5 
32652222Magical Girl Noir Quest 211A responsible magical girl tries to say goodbye to her healthy green lover and meets up with a very agitated blueberry.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Kyoko, Sayaka, Rea, Kumatora2014-06-08 18 
32716392Magical Girl Liberty Quest: And the Fate of Atlantis!The resolution of the Atlantis arc! Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-06-12 7 
32719968Evil PreCure Quest 68In which we face the consequences of our actions while everybody else is high on painkillers.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-06-12 10 
32757803New Breaker Quest 13Face a witch.Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-06-14 2 
32775053Magical Girl Noir Quest 212A decisive magical girl finishes her business with Blueberry and meets up with Mami and the representatives of the sect.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko, new hotness2014-06-14 19 
32819697Magical Girl Noir Quest 213A pained magical girl faces a very real 'ghost' from her past and discusses the Prophet.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko, Wendy, Mami2014-06-16 20 
32866925Evil PreCure Quest 69Karaoke and Citizens Raging Against Precure or C.R.A.PCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-06-19 10 
32861498Witch Quest 15We try to ambush the church's forces hiding in a cave and discover one of their magic users.ollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-06-19 2 
32881018New Breaker Quest 14We face down an insane witch. And finish act 1.Patience, Breaker Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl2014-06-20 1 
32895699Magical Girl Noir Quest 214A scheming magical girl continues to exchange information with the sect and temporarily changes scenery.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko, Wendy, Mami2014-06-20 18 
32917770Magical Girl Noir Quest 215An all time crazy magical girl explains her plan and talks about love.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko, Wendy, Mami2014-06-21 19 
32947975Evil PreCure Quest 70: Late & Short EditionMasako never has things MAID easy for herCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-06-23 12 
32962750Card Priestess Masami Quest 1Where we wake up in a strange, disturbing room, hide in the ceiling, and then meet a strange, disturbing lady.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Magical Girl, Not Yu-Gi-Oh2014-06-24 17 
32980844Card Priestess Masami Quest 2Where we learn to trust, get shown some not-neat things, and develop a fear of cupcakes.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Magical Girl, Not Yu-Gi-Oh2014-06-25 15 
33040710Magical Girl Noir Quest 216An understanding magical girl does not like being deceived but realizes her companions could have chosen a much easier and quicker solution. some Stuff happens...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko, Wendy, Mami2014-06-27 19 
33065981Card Priestess Masami Quest 3Where we try on a cute school uniform, find out that the night is scary, and meet a scary man. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-06-29 13 
33086340Card Priestess Masami Quest 4Where we watch an iron man disintegrate, get shown around school some, and run into an unfriendly face.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-06-30 13 
July 2014
33152341Evil Precure Quest 71In which we warp our mind with violent movies. Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-07-03 10 
33146955Witch Quest #16We test out our new broom and get paidCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-07-03 2 
33168925Card Priestess Masami Quest 5Where we continue our tour of the school, discover a mystery, and sound crazy in front of our peers.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-07-04 11 
33182127Magical Girl Noir Quest 217A somewhat regretful magical girl needs to make haste to save her littlest sister.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko, Wendy, Mami2014-07-04 17 
33204505Magical Girl Noir Quest 218An unprepared magical girl witnesses some drastic redecoration and presses onward!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Wendy, Good for nothing2014-07-05 18 
33233022Witch Quest #16.5We finally set off to fight for the revolutionCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-07-07 1 
33236496Card Priestess Masami Quest 6Where we watch a really cool fight, see some magic powers, and then SUDDEN EXPOSITION.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-07-07 11 
33275749Card Priestess Masami Quest 7Where we ask some weird questions, get some weird answers, cry a whole lot, and then wear a dress that slays evil.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-07-09 11 
33280350Weeb Quest 1/tg/ gets into some real anime shit. Johnny hones his mack sense. Jay is an asshole.Weeb, Quest, Weeb Quest, Collective Game, Real, Anime, Shit, Magical Girl2014-07-09 10 
33300068Evil PreCure Quest 72We fall victim to Mirror Shield's evil plot of making us pay for her food!Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-07-10 10 
33299673Weeb Quest 2Johnny battles a magical girl instead of fapping, and hears a tale of demons and sorcery.Weeb, Quest, Weeb Quest, Collective Game, Real, Anime, Shit, Magical Girl2014-07-10 9 
33332251Magical Girl Noir Quest 219A worried magical girl rains blueberries and death upon her enemies.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Wendy, Tiny Pete, Misaka, Red hot chili pepper2014-07-11 17 
33362047Card Priestess Masami Quest 8Where we have two girls touch us all over, find out that we may be seeing things, and then get embarrassed in front of our friends.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-07-13 11 
33382219Witch Quest 17We have a bad dream and watch a fightCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-07-14 1 
33410005Evil? PreCure Quest 73 A POV switch, we get inside Momoko's head. Somebody had to make use of the all the vacant space.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-07-15 12 
33423173Card Priestess Masami Quest 9Where we talk about stuff, cry about stuff, and hug about stuff. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-07-16 9 
33489493Magical Girl Noir Quest 220An exciting magical girl watches over her little sister and fulfills her, watch wearing dildo, duties. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Misaka2014-07-18 16 
33512323Magical Girl Noir Quest 221A cruel and unusual magical girl discusses rule breaking and punishment with her one-eyed drill sergeant.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko2014-07-19 18 
33514996Card Priestess Masami Quest 10Where we talk to Mom, talk about Mom, and show her our new threads.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-07-20 8 
33588029Card Priestess Masami Quest 11Where we get a new card, get a new suit, and dote on Mom some more.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-07-23 7 
33612980Evil PreCure Quest 74 - Probably not misarchived EditionIn which we are definately not being followed by a box. Also, tickles.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-07-24 12 
33646939Magical Girl Noir Quest 222A silent magical girl has heard enough and starts dealing with Heartcatch Squad.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2014-07-25 18 
33671926Magical Girl Noir Quest 223A sisterly magical girl breaks the news to her little arms dealer, escorts her to the iron giant and makes another promise.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Misaka2014-07-26 17 
33705276Card Priestess Masami Quest 12Where we find a new side of Aiko, find a bad sign from Kaori, and find good food from MaedaCollective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-07-28 7 
33751371Witch Quest #18Everyone falls asleep and we learn to never go full heresyCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-07-30 1 
August 2014
33816105Magical Girl Noir Quest 224A busy magical girl mediates between two weapon enthusiasts, heads back to slay the paperwork monster and more...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Misaka, Rea2014-08-01 18 
33826481Card Priestess Masami Quest 13Where we finish up the clubs, meet a polite man, and learn something unfortunate. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-02 8 
33873118Evil PreCure Quest 75C.R.A.P is still dumb, Mirror Spear is still a bitch. film at 11.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-08-04 10 
33893623Card Priestess Masami Quest 14Where we taunt a suspicious man, lose Maeda somewhere, and get helpful advice from Mom.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-05 8 
33890567Witch Quest #18.5We meet an angel and stop the sleeping spellCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-08-05 1 
33947086Evil PreCure Quest 76Masako and pals lose track of time. Clearly this is the work of an enemy Stand.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-08-07 10 
33981759Magical Girl Noir Quest 225An unsuspecting magical girl cooperates closely with the church and has questions.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Wendy, Mami2014-08-08 18 
34006797Magical Girl Noir Quest 226A social magical girl takes a well deserved break together with her Equerry.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Kyoko2014-08-09 17 
34016928Witch Quest 19 In which we try to get a drink.Collective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-08-10 0 
34041781Card Priestess Masami Quest 15Where we get scared, again! And then try to get to the bottom of a most devious plot!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-11 7 
34101223Nanoha: Innocence LostIn which we use Yuuno as a pillow, disregard breakfast to acquire punctuality and have a meeting with a friend we almost forgot.Nanoha:Innocence Lost, collective game, hexer, fanfiction, magical girls2014-08-13 1 
34119092Crazy Evil Precure Quest 77 A day in the life of Mirror SpearCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-08-14 10 
34154724Magical Girl Noir Quest 227A well fed magical girl enjoys a noisy lunch with her best friend and her best Blueberry.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Kyoko2014-08-15 18 
34162204Card Priestess Masami Quest 16Where we continue to climb Fortune HQ while encountering some resistance. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-16 6 
34180469Magical Girl Noir Quest 228A socially stunted magical girl asks about relationships, very intimate relationships.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Kyoko2014-08-16 18 
34178317Makai Knight Quest 02We are KELL, a Makai Knight. Tonight we hit the club.Makai Knight Quest, Collective Game, GARO, Magical Girls, Joker2014-08-16 12 
34215365Evil Precure Quest 78 Napping and plans for tree visitation occur.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-08-18 8 
34212058Card Priestess Masami Quest 17Where we become impatient, find an evil looking guy, and hear some evil things.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-18 6 
34237371Card Priestess Masami Quest 18Where we tell someone to pound sand, finally decide to fight evil, and get hugs from mom.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-19 7 
34256118Witch Quest #20We get set a mission in the cityCollective Game, Witch Quest, Magic, Witch, Magical girl2014-08-20 1 
34317475Magical Girl Noir Quest 229A fully ratified magical Warmaster suffers through part of the celebration and inspects her shield...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko, Pinky2014-08-22 18 
34340893Magical Girl Noir Quest 230A stressed magical girl suffers some more and returns to the party. Time for a show!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko, Pinky2014-08-23 18 
34375075Evil Precure Quest 79Fungicide, Document forgeries, and Image dumps. Oh my!Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-08-25 10 
34373064Card Priestess Masami Quest 19Where we get interrupted at breakfast, learn how to make cool things, and then learn some stuff from Mom. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-25 6 
34445020Card Priestess Masami Quest 20Where we try to give Aiko back her phone, find out Maeda is missing, and find someone who dresses weirdly. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-28 6 
September 2014
34538650Card Priestess Masami Quest 21Where we chase a masked girl, are suspicious of our friends, and wish we had siblings.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-01 6 
34541860Evil PreCure Quest 80Putting the "Fun" in Fungicide Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-09-01 11 
34645041Magical Girl Noir Quest 231A less nervous magical girl plays along with the former Warmaster and expresses her undying love of paperwork.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Vintage, Kyuubey2014-09-05 19 
34684207Card Priestess Masami Quest 22Where we have another strange dream, wake up in a scare, and try on some new clothesCollective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-07 7 
34707520 Evil Precure Quest 81A master spy he is not.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-09-08 12 
34707138Card Priestess Masami Quest 23Where we scare Aiko, come across a fight, and release a magical girl back into the wild.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-08 6 
34779704Card Priestess Masami Quest 24 Part 1Where we run the thread for about thirty minutes before 4chan dies. RIP 4chan.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-11 6 
34809789Magical Girl Noir Quest 232An angry looking magical girl tells her lover to get good and attends a super secret meeting.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Vintage, Kyuubey2014-09-12 18 
34843027Card Priestess Masami Quest 24 Part 2Where we finally go to Fortune, bake a gigantic cake, and then have alarms go off in our ears. RIP earsCollective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-14 6 
34866099Evil PreCure Quest 82De-clawing the kittyCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-09-15 11 
34933889Card Priestess Masami Quest 25Where we kidnap a magical girl, and marvel at Mom's amazing hug-based powers. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-18 6 
35001232Magical Girl Liberty Quest: ReduxThe glorious return of Lady Liberty and her stalwart companions.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-09-21 13 
35029003Evil Precure Quest 83We explain the situation to Satoshi... with our fist.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-09-22 11 
35090203Card Priestess Masami Quest 26Where we become a private detective, learn some things best left unspoken, and continue to pursue the masked girl.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-24 6 
35148894Magical Girl Noir Quest 233A painfully sober magical girl reviews what she learned the previous night.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Vintage, Kyuubey2014-09-27 18 
35170783Magical Girl Noir Quest 234A hungover magical girl goes to hear what the prisoner has to say and receives a very polite letter.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Yuma2014-09-28 17 
35175628Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #2We spend some time back home before we're called to duty again.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-09-29 10 
35201306Card Priestess Masami Quest 27Where we get a frightening power, and use it indiscriminately. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-29 5 
October 2014
35244144Card Priestess Masami Quest 28Where we, um, actually I don't know who we are. This is an identity crisis! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-02 6 
35267979Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated QuestIn which we puke glowing rainbows, and gain tits. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-03 20 
35284076Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 2In which we transform for the first time, shower, and satisfy shadow.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-04 11 
35299452Magical Girl Noir Quest 235A careful magical girl interrogates a prisoner.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2014-10-04 18 
35304874Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 3In which we have a chat with our Shadow and go take a shower. Probably ended early.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-05 10 
35305527Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #3Welcome to Doctor Savage's Fortress of Solitude!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-10-05 8 
35328734Card Priestess Masami Quest 29Where we try to comfort a crazy girl, then try to take her to dinner, wait, something is wrong with this.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-06 8 
35331439Evil PreCure Quest 84 You know what goes well with fungicide? Sleepovers!Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-10-06 10 
35391019Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 4In which we go clothes shopping, and fight our first demon! Also get our second Change Temp this time.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-09 11 
35413220Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 5We watch a movie with Beth and cook some dinner.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-10 10 
35425406Magical Girl Noir Quest 236A decisive magical girl has had it with the demands and honor, so she chooses her own method.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Yuma, BBQ2014-10-10 18 
35434548Card Priestess Masami Quest 30Where we find out something terrible, and then we are sad. Everyone is sad forever.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-10 6 
35434352Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 6In which we have a nap, get busy with ourselves, and finally go hang out with JohnCollective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-11 10 
35455055Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #4Skull Island is not a good place to be.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-10-12 8 
35461168Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 7We hang out with John, Fight a Demon, save a Katgirl, and Johns house. Dad completes a bucketlist item.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-12 10 
35486626Evil PreCure Quest 85 Follicle Fiasco Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-10-13 10 
35485611Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 8 We talk to Beth, cuddle with Kat, Have a good dream, fail at cooking, go running and shower.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-13 10 
35509335Card Priestess Masami Quest 31Where we stall for time with the student council, come face to face with a haunted mansion, and then try to rationalize with the stubborn.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-14 5 
35548407Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 9We drive Beth home and hang out with Kat. Things get hot when we go underwear shopping with her.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-16 10 
35568888 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 10We manage to save our self some embarrassment, go home, shower, cook, learn magic shit, free Alex, and Lewd the Kat again.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-17 7 
35583032Magical Girl Noir Quest 237A singed magical girl finally has a lead to the location of the prophet! Now she just needs that lead to wake up...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Yuma, Kyoko2014-10-17 18 
35592114Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 11We hang out with Shadow Alex and Kat, then decide to go on a date with Shadow Alex but get sidetracked with demon hunting.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-18 6 
35609257Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #5The daring fight in the ruins and the aftermath.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-10-19 7 
35625963Magical Girl Noir Quest 238A benevolent magical girl finds out what the young Culexus did to her. All of it.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Yuma, Kyoko2014-10-19 18 
35634830Evil PreCure Quest 86Masako's cromulent hair cuts and eggs is open for businessCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-10-20 10 
35655000Card Priestess Masami Quest 32Where we try to see who is more stubborn, Us or Kaori. We have lots of practice on our side!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-21 5 
35692666Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 12Alex and Shadow Alex play a joke on Beth. Beth is not amused.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-23 5 
35713395Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 13Beth turns the tables and gets a chance to play with Alex while she is still extra sensitive.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-24 6 
35747172Magical Girl Noir Quest 239A sore magical girl confers with the three Stooges about the upcoming mission and decides who to bring...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Yuma, Kyoko2014-10-25 18 
35773294Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #6A sparring match or two and a talk with the prisoners.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-10-27 9 
35795049Card Priestess Masami Quest 33Where we kidnap a little girl and take her home. All things considered, I'm amazed this didn't happen sooner!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-28 6 
35838286Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 14We invite Beth to Dinner, act normal about Shadow Alex, and have a moment with Mother.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-30 5 
35870773Magical Girl Noir Quest 240A funny magical girl tries to soothe worries with jokes, but it does not go as planned.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Risa, Misaka2014-10-31 17 
November 2014
35891463Magical Girl Noir Quest 241A socially skilled magical girl does not ask her visitor why she is a robot and deals with inter-officio relations.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Risa, Misaka2014-11-01 18 
35896443Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 15In which we sleep, cook, go running, and then have a serious discussion. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-02 6 
35923834Card Priestess Masami Quest 34Where we deal with the aftermath of having a sibling.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-03 6 
35918282Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #7We go swimming and swimming.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-11-03 10 
35923968Evil Precure Quest 87The children need more violence in school. Also, anon is lewd.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-11-03 11 
36035076Magical Girl Noir Quest 242A very trusting magical girl finds time to relax in ways she never knew, and never wants to stop.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori2014-11-08 17 
36060260Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux #8A very messy prisoner exchange.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-11-10 8 
36065174Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 16We finish our talk, have a shower, and go help John with a small wolf problem.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-10 5 
36084742Card Priestess Masami Quest 35Where we drag someone back to school, and learn something very frightening about the enemy.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-11 6 
36157492Magical Girl Noir Quest 243An agitated magical girl takes a call from her best friend in the whole world! ...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, KHARN!2014-11-14 17 
36200835Magical Girl Noir Quest 244A curious magical girl gets told the wonders of pregnancy and awaits the mission briefing.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Kharn2014-11-16 18 
36192637Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 17We finish our chat with John, get a mysterious job offer, and are forced with a dilemma at the end of the thread. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-17 6 
36220192Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 0: The unfortunate last Magical girl Elizabeth Walters, an ordinary if lazy highschool student is woken up by a foul mouthed goblin, and forced into becoming a magical girl, the only one, apparently, as all the others have joined the side of chaos. Uh ohCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, Character Creation, The Headmaster, 2014-11-17 14 
36230161Card Priestess Masami Quest 36Where we find out that the bad guys are powering up without us, how rude!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-18 5 
36229391Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 1: Crimson Dream, the red mage of the cometElizabeth Walters, or rather Crimson Dream, fights her first, and rather destructive, battle against two weak monsters. And learns that she is the new star of her sister's favorite show. She then goes hunting monsters to let of steam, and Encounters the corrupted magical girl, Emerald Yellow Twirl. Will the town survive it's destructive savior?Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction2014-11-18 12 
36251356Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 2: The Twintailed girlIn which Crimson Dream and Emerald Yellow twirl fight a giant school after Elizabeth and Charlotte finish school for the day, and tell Elizabeth's little sister of their secret. Only for her to be kidnapped by...something....to be continued Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Tree monster2014-11-19 12 
36303972Magical Girl Noir Quest 245A commanding magical girl enters the Akashic realm to finally confront the Prophet.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2014-11-21 18 
36327695Card Priestess Masami Quest 37Where we try to plan ahead of our enemies by baking sweets. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-22 5 
36337481Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 18We introduce ourselves to the other magical girls and start working on the job.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-23 8 
36348277Magical Girl Noir Quest 246An accurate magical girl ponders the offer presented to her while her companion fights for their lives.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Homura2014-11-23 19 
36352609Magical Girl Liberty Quest: Redux FinaleThe Shard of the Immaterium comes to a close.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2014-11-24 10 
36355757Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 3: The duty of an older sisterElizabeth saves her sister from the grasps of a monstrous owl, and then recruits a pink haired girl named Amanda Mimi Hill to the side of order, and she becomes Pink Holiday. Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction2014-11-24 11 
36355695Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 19We get to work killing demons and tease some of our teammates.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-24 6 
36430950Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 4: The destructive Savior VS ???Elizabeth has a sleep over, which ends with Amanda needing pampering and a movie. The next morning, the magical girls save kids from a monster, and sign a few autographs. And then Elizabeth sees a familiar face, or rather twoCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster,2014-11-28 11 
36463019Magical Girl Noir Quest 247A cautious magical girl discourages golden weapon use and confronts the strange Red Culexus.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko2014-11-29 17 
36486626Card Priestess Masami Quest 38Where we find some new monsters, and some new toys!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-30 6 
December 2014
36589325Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 5: a stange dayElizabeth and Charlotte have a friendly chat on the roof, and meet the weird new teacher with Amanda. She turns out to be a witch, a rather friendly one. And later Elizabeth and Amanda fight a giant moleCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction2014-12-06 11 
36608521Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 20We fight a fallen god with our teammates.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-07 12 
36624092Card Priestess Masami Quest 39Where we either get the best Christmas gift ever or the worst idea we've ever had.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-12-07 7 
36719150Magical Girl Noir Quest 248A reluctant magical girl battles against the Red Culexus.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko, Red Bitch2014-12-12 20 
36743949Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 21We exchange numbers with the other magical girls and finally head home.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-14 5 
36744538Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 6: Witch? What a strange wordOn a boring sunday Morning, Elizabeth meets a rather friendly orc in an anime shop, gets a dog, and goes to break into a witch's with her friendsCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction2014-12-14 11 
36760841Card Priestess Masami Quest 40Where we negotiate with terrorists, and meet a new face. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-12-14 6 
36767757Evil PreCure Quest 88The Quest is lives!...which is more than one might say for [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]!Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-12-15 12 
36880806Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 7: Labyrinth of the witchElizabeth continues looking for the witch of mazes Min. She visits a strange castle and takes a very unrelaxing stroll through a garden, and meets something dreadful that's stuck in a closet.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster,2014-12-21 10 
36895472Card Priestess Masami Quest 41Where we are challenged to a duel! Or something! It's not really clear. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-12-21 5 
36892600Magical Girl Noir Quest 249A changed magical girl tries to sort through the messy mission as time ticks away for her best friend.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Wendy2014-12-21 21 
36923814Evil PreCure Quest 89Taking some precuremon back to the precurecenterCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-12-23 10 
36939303Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 8: Christmas specialSanta claus has been kidnapped, and there's snow everywhere, it's up to Elizabeth, Charlotte, Amanda, and Min the witch of mazes?! to rescue him and SAVE CHRISTMAS Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2014-12-24 11 
36969781Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: The haloingA heavenly magical redhead hosts another round of interviews and summarizes recent events.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Kyoko2014-12-25 18 
37007323Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 9: SLEEPOVER!??Elizabeth teaches her "Dog" to not look terrifying, gains Ice magic, fights a large wolf monster with her friends, and after they defeat it, they celebrate with a sleepover.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction2014-12-28 11 
37009758Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 22We deal with a temporary change, Kat practices her powers and we indulge our Mom.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-28 5 
37028981Evil PreCure Quest 90Tag team finishers and Psychonauts: Imouto versionCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2014-12-29 10 
37073773Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 23We head to the mall, and find a pet store.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-31 10 
37090508Card Priestess Masami Quest 42Where we find out that the mystery man is a pretty cool guy! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-12-31 5 
January 2015
37147327Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 24We finish at the first shop and treat Beth and Kat at a bakery.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-04 6 
37161244Card Priestess Masami Quest 43Where we find out Ryouta has a plan! It's just not a very good plan. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-05 6 
37168050Evil PreCure Quest 91Mirror Shield gets mind loved tenderlyCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-01-05 13 
37227655Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 10: "Ordinary" DayThe sleepover continues and Elizabeth tells Amanda what happened to her motherCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction2015-01-08 10 
37264000Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 25Kat tries her new key and we decide to hunt some demons with Kat and Beth.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-10 5 
37266522Card Priestess Masami Quest 44Where we find out that Kaori is meeting her father at the absolute worst place! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-10 5 
37282185Magical Girl Noir Quest 250A commanding magical girl slaughters her enemies and pushes her boundaries. Thread interrupted by Moon tremors.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2015-01-10 19 
37337512Card Priestess Masami Quest 45Where we find out that we have to go someplace that we REALLY don't want to go. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-13 6 
37357622Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 11: Oh lord wake the deadIn today's episode, the girls fight an undead horde and meet a rather shy corrupted magical Girl, Violet Shade. And Charlotte gains the odd ability of fusion and she and Elizabeth proceed to test it out with each other. Shenanigans ensureCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Fusion2015-01-14 11 
37400124Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 26Beth and Kat finish off the demon and get some temporary changes.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-16 6 
37413213Magical Girl Noir Quest 251A bloodthirsty magical girl works with her team to take apart the angry giant.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, Wendy2015-01-16 19 
37417946Card Priestess Masami Quest 46Where we break into Fortune HQ to spy on our sister! Also maybe take things for ourselves.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-17 5 
37449287Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 27Beth and Alex have some fun breaking rules.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-18 7 
37471519Evil PreCure Quest 92Mind over family mattersCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-01-19 8 
37474903Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 28We make our way home with Beth, and Shadow Alex shows us something different about her room.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-19 5 
37491823Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 12: And then there were fourThis Episode, Elizabeth learns that her mother used to be a Magical girl, and her father used to fight monsters alongside her. Then she and the girls fight a bull and crow, and go pay a visit to the Witch of MazesCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-01-20 11 
37550331Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 29A bath with Kat and a talk with Dad.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-23 6 
37594719Card Priestess Masami Quest 47Where we- Wait, We're not "we" at all! This is an odd change in perspective!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-25 6 
37611246Magical Girl Noir Quest 252A fidgeting magical girl negotiates with Ahriman and...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Mami, Wendy2015-01-25 22 
37622640Evil PreCure Quest 93Insight to Dad and oh snap! We're gonna have to name them aren't we?Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-01-26 10 
37633285Magical Girl Noir Quest 253A fallen magical girl struggles to regain herself.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Mami, Wendy2015-01-26 23 
37640045Card Priestess Masami Quest 48Where we witness Kaori being a crybaby, and mommy healing magic! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-27 6 
37636822Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 30Hunting a demon and keeping fit.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-27 11 
37683875Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 13: The cat of ill OmensThis episode: Elizabeth receives some dire news from Charlie the mook. A human turned monster, by the name of Layla Miller.So by means of magic, they travel to see exactly what's going on at the Academy of the lucky coin.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Crossover, Assassin School Quest2015-01-29 12 
February 2015
37753639Card Priestess Masami Quest 49Where we find out Mom is an even bigger crybaby than we are. Who is the mature one around here?Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-02-01 5 
37770699Magical Girl Noir Quest 254A transformed magical girl receives word from her Equerry and soars to new heights.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Mami, Wendy2015-02-01 19 
37784077Evil Precure Quest 94Landscaping, new names, and chores oh my!Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-02-02 7 
37801752Card Priestess Masami Quest 50Where we find out the Chairman is not a friend of justice! Which makes him justice's enemy! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-02-03 7 
37823865Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 14: the red handed ghostIn this episode, Rumors of a murderous ghost, a violent red head seeing the spirit of foolish wolf, and a sparing match between Elizabeth and CharlotteCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-02-04 11 
37907510Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 31A small bout of amnesia, before collaring Kat finally.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-08 8 
37924495Magical Girl Noir Quest 255A witchy magical girl fights to separate Ahriman from Oriko.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Kyoko2015-02-08 17 
37937069Evil PreCure Quest 95itching for a duel MAID in heavenCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-02-09 6 
37948915Magical Girl Noir Quest 256A barely standing magical girl stares in the face of her impending demise.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka, Kyoko2015-02-09 22 
38024719Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 15: The Hunter vs The MageThe Huntsman of Chains comes to town, goes a hunting for four little rabbits of order, he "finds" them, and gives Crimson Dream the fight of her and her friends' lives.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Crossover, Assassin School Quest2015-02-13 11 
38028553Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 32We have quite a few conversations, and watch Kat learn to cook.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-14 5 
38066665Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 33We get some maybe good news from Mom, and went to Johns. Ended early to 4chan dying.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-15 7 
38148484Magical Girl Noir Quest 257A scantily dressed magical girl gets her Equerry back and prepares to extract.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2015-02-18 18 
38134473Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 34We get everyone together to save John! Things got a little messy.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-19 6 
38164240Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 35We question Kim, let Tenka do his thing, and meet Sarah and Nicky. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-20 6 
38191475Magical Girl Noir Quest 258A shocked magical girl deals with the aftermath of the mission.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2015-02-20 17 
38221376Card Priestess Masami Quest 51Where we find out we're a weirdo, get teased for being a weirdo, and then get brained by another weirdo! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-02-22 6 
38223329Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 16: A restful dayElizabeth takes her little sister on a walk and decides to Visit Min with her and Belladonna, to try and train in the magical arts. The Elizabeth and Charlotte have a friendly spar, and Love blooms and burns brightly under the magical night sky.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-02-22 11 
38245304Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 36We ask Sarah some questions and Shadow Alex has a new experience. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-23 6 
38342029Evil Precure Quest 96Brief thread with an equally brief duel. And C.R.A.P is doing stuff againCollective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-02-27 8 
38357533Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 17: ChoicesThis episodes starts with Elizabeth Confessing to Charlotte, and they decide to go on a "date" and end up fighting a rather pitiful clown. Then Elliote comes out to play and draws the attention of a rather strong monster, at least compared to the clownCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-02-28 11 
March 2015
38374683Card Priestess Masami Quest 52Where we have a very slow day. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-01 5 
38408807Evil PreCure Quest 97Let's hug it out bitch!Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-03-02 10 
38473669Card Priestess Masami Quest 53Where we destroy a monster and ruin a perfectly good set of clothes. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-05 5 
38446178Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 37We get John home, and give him shit about Summer. Then we head home and deal with changes.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-05 6 
38542490Card Priestess Masami Quest 54Where we find everything falling apart. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-08 6 
38557341Magical Girl Noir Quest 259An amnesiac magical good-for-nothing spirals into insanity and bullies some dolls.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2015-03-08 18 
38565797Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 18: Burn Bright, Flame of loveIn this episode, Elizabeth decides to let of some steam by hunting for a monster, and then has a rather steamy bath with CharlotteCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-03-09 12 
38547581Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 38We help Amy out with her favor and have a chat with Beth.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-09 7 
38702152Card Priestess Masami Quest 55Where we are taunted by a big jerk and deal with the problems he causes.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-14 7 
38720194Magical Girl Noir Quest 260A considerate magical girl learns something about her new companions and gets a visit from her Incubator.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2015-03-15 16 
38727882Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 19: Convention ConfrontationIn this Episode, Elizabeth decides to join a club or two before going to an anime Convention with her friends and little sister, then the Queen of chaos appears and everything goes wrong. The day is one, but at what cost?Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Cripple2015-03-16 13 
38765255Magical Girl Noir Quest 261A scary magical girl is debriefed and gains some trust.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2015-03-17 18 
38789966Card Priestess Masami Quest 56Where we try to figure out what to do with a magic ring. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-19 5 
38825833Magical Girl Noir Quest 262A Perturbed magical girl stands on the verge of a crisis and receives unexpected help.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2015-03-20 17 
38852565Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 20: Broken DreamA week has passed since Elizabeth lost the use of her legs, however she goes back to school a week earlier than she's supposed to stop her friends from worrying about her, and ends up recruiting Delia wick to the side of order, who becomes Tangerine Jubilee Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Cripple2015-03-22 11 
38852361Card Priestess Masami Quest 57Where we attack a scary mansion, and find a cute kid, like, thing. Something. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-22 5 
38852076Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 39We get some ice cream, collect Kats belongings, and nearly make a mistake.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-23 6 
38928908Magical Girl Noir Quest 263A concerned magical girl resigns herself to the silent room, tries to get a new outfit and ... Oh no.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Pinky2015-03-25 18 
38973160Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 21: Sunshine daysCharlotte comes to visit and she and Elizabeth have a bit of fun, they then decide to go on a little hunt and end up meeting a monster called Reluna, the dancer of petals and blades. fun fun, the contractor, Lady Petal is born.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Cripple, Fusson2015-03-28 11 
38991045Card Priestess Masami Quest 58Where we figure out someone is missing, go hunting for them, and then have someone else go missing.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-29 8 
39018031Evil PreCure Quest 98 Lets hug it out bitch!Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-03-30 10 
38992460Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 40We relax for a while before going on a run, ended early.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-30 5 
April 2015
39066322Magical Girl Noir Quest 264A careful magical girl walks a very thing line across the pink abyss.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Pinky2015-04-01 14 
39105800Magical Girl Noir Quest 265An out of breath magical girl did reasonably well.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Pinky2015-04-03 16 
39127811Magical Girl Noir Quest 266A thirsty magical girl is visited by her Equerry and shares a drink.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2015-04-04 15 
39137395Magical Girl Noir Quest 267Risa did nothing wrong.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Risa, Jager, Chiakipuss, Pinky2015-04-05 9 
39140039Card Priestess Masami Quest 59Where we have another change in perspective, which lets us discover new things about old foes.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-04-05 5 
39142107Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 41We finish our run, and find out what Summer wants. Beth also admits to something.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-05 5 
39158829Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 22: Petals and FellowsThe is episdoe, It's the destructive Saviors vs Sparkwitz, the fallen contractor. 5 vs 1...wait, even when the 1 is a monster that doesn't seem fair at all. Also a shocking secret is learned About Amanda and her mother.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Cripple2015-04-06 11 
39200349Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 41.5We collect half our allowance, learn about the noise, and talk to Beth about revealing secrets. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-09 5 
39234964Magical Girl Noir Quest 268An inebriated magical girl is reunited with her softest love in this hard world, then stuff happens.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Sayaka2015-04-09 16 
39277321Magical Girl Noir Quest 269A dominant magical girl wants to know about after care and can't seem to catch a break.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Wendy2015-04-11 16 
39282377Card Priestess Masami Quest 60Where we find out that everything is even worse than we realized! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-04-12 5 
39286303Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 42We steal John, play some games, and then cook dinner. It was steak.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-13 5 
39307248Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 23: Secrets and truths In this Episode, Elizabeth spends a rather calm day around her house, and a reformed Sparkwitz comes to visitCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-04-13 11 
39428062Card Priestess Masami Quest 61Where we make a decision, and our friends undermine us. Hey I wonder what Mom is doing?Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-04-19 6 
39449388Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 43We talk to John, play some games, find out about mages from Dad, find an addicted Kat, and take a trip down nostalgia.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-21 5 
39504163Magical Girl Noir Quest 270An angry magical girl has had enough.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Malal, Midori2015-04-22 19 
39548793Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest Part 3Scavenging in an old training facility for things we can use. Also, first one of this series to be archived correctly.Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-04-25 22 
39550252Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 24: Destructive Saviors Vs Sparkwitz ContracteesThis Episode, It's Magical girl vs Magical girl, times five as the Fallen Contractees of Sparkwitz attack the Destructive Saviors. It beginsCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, 2015-04-25 11 
39567654 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 44We cook breakfast, ask Shadow Alex somethings, and call Anna during a rough time.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-27 5 
39650743Card Priestess Masami Quest 62Where we disregard common sense and go blind into a big scary building. We need to stop doing that.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-04-29 5 
May 2015
39672038Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 5 Raiding the Movie Studio Collective Game, Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, EchoGarrotte2015-05-01 17 
39674271Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 25: The destructive Saviors vs Sparkwitz's Corrupted Contractess second partThe battle continues, and ends due to A sudden case of Elilotte, which isn't too surprising. And a new foe is revealed?Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-05-01 13 
39688461Magical Girl Noir Quest 271A sleepless, green magical girl wake up to find strange things happening around the girl she loves.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori2015-05-01 12 
39713237Card Priestess Masami Quest 63Where we see a whole world full of jerks! Everyone is a jerk here! Especially Asai. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-03 7 
39726758Magical Girl Noir Quest 272A determined green haired magical girl Stares into the abyss...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-05-03 17 
39732226 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 6Cult Beat DownPost-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-05-03 13 
39715896 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 45We hang out with Anna, going for a run, grabbing lunch, and overall talking about magical girl stuff.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-04 7 
39813270Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 7Shopping Trip and ChoicesPost-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-05-08 12 
39817769Arcane Desert QuestWinston Hamilton the 30-year-old buff as hell farmer deals with a shady trader and drops his flaming house atop a demon.Arcane Desert Quest, Appy, Collective Game, Quest, Quest thread, Magi, Magical girl, AppyQM, Magical, Demon2015-05-08 11 
39851883Card Priestess Masami Quest 64Where we wander around in the dark, pretend to be helpful, and encounter an unseen foe!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-10 7 
39853119Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 26: Chaos CracksThis episode, The Queen of chaos goes for a walk and revisits the past, while the destructive Saviors and Min fight a "Snake thing"Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Cripple2015-05-10 11 
39868789Magical Girl Noir Quest 273A green haired magical girl drags her love rival off to a deserted classroom.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-05-10 17 
39873690Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 8Car repair and meeting another Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-05-10 13 
39854919Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 46We say goodbye to Anna, find Kat and Dad didn't starve, and turn invisible. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-11 6 
39888037 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 8bEscape from van and beat the crap out of the cult leader with the rookie Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-05-11 14 
39917113Arcane Desert Quest #2Winston awakens in Clarice's home, asks many questions, then sets out on his quest to save the town from going hungry.Arcane Desert Quest, Appy, Collective Game, Quest, Quest thread, Magi, Magical girl, AppyQM, Magical, Demon2015-05-13 4 
39955688Card Priestess Masami Quest 65Where we fight dirty monster tricks with dirty tricks of our own!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-15 7 
39962761Arcane Desert Quest #3Winston sets off, staves off dehydration, and accepts a job to rid some bandits for the town he finally arrives in.Arcane Desert Quest, Appy, Collective Game, Quest, Quest thread, Magi, Magical girl, AppyQM, Magical, Demon2015-05-15 2 
39977307Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 47A thread where not much at all happens.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-17 5 
39996125Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 9 Back story, Dark secrets, and everyone is a inbred redneck. Break into a prison for lady on radio. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-05-17 14 
39996426Card Priestess Masami Quest 66Where we have a short thread about how much of a jerk Asai is. It's too bad Julie had to learn this way.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-17 8 
40039768Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 27: Ra ra rasputinIn this Episode, Elizabeth and Charlotte attend a seance held by Ms weaver and the supernatural club. short threadCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Cripple2015-05-19 10 
40096363Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 10Shadowrunner mode earned, play hide and seek with POJ and loot the mansionPost-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-05-22 12 
40097579Card Priestess Masami Quest 67Where we threaten a jerk, and meet up with an old friend. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-22 7 
40099100Arcane Desert Quest #4Winston murders 5 bandits, one of them a magi, and ends up taking responsability for her young sister.Arcane Desert Quest, Appy, Collective Game, Quest, Quest thread, Magi, Magical girl, AppyQM, Magical, Demon2015-05-22 3 
40134231Card Priestess Masami Quest 68Where we reason with a monster, and try to fight fire with stubbornness. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-24 6 
40226688Magical Girl Thor QuestIn which you play Gretchen, daughter of Johan the Smith, as she fights off Frankish invaders with the power of Thor.Collective Game, Magical Girl Thor Quest, Lolithor, Saxons, Pagans, Marvel?, Franks, Mjolnir2015-05-28 10 
40241240Card Priestess Masami Quest 69Where we get some answers from Mom, and find out that not everyone wants a happy family.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-29 5 
40263497Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 28: Supernatural Seance CelebrationThe seance ends, and Elizabeth decides to free an old king of chaos to beat the shit out of with the help of her friends, the sparkwitz contractees, and Min the witch of mazes and makes a rather selfless wish also theres an alternate universe story at the endCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, BOSS FIGHT2015-05-30 11 
40285204Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 11We take command of the back up, navigate through an ambush and watch the RNG cause shenanigans Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-05-31 12 
40281183Card Priestess Masami Quest 70Where we learn adults can't be trusted, and then we meet up with an old friend!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-31 6 
40282781Best Dad Ever Quest #1In this episode, you send off your daughter Eve to her first day of school, then rescue her with Papa Wolf Fury, and then have a d'aww.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-05-31 13 
June 2015
40300996Best Dad Ever Quest #2You wake up, eat breakfast, head to the clinic, meet Jackie and get new leg, and I make my worst writing mistake ever. Fuck. Disgusting. Sorry.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-01 8 
40372300Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 12Part 2 of Pytor, Ray and Amelia's Magical RidePost-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-06-04 11 
40387553Card Priestess Masami Quest 71Where we realize our best friend is in trouble! Then our sisters put us in trouble.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-05 5 
40432494Card Priestess Masami Quest 72Where we discuss something important with Kaori, and then realize that our house is too small.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-07 5 
40521456Edgy Grimderp Magical Girl Quest SO ORIGINAL JUST LIKE MY MADORKAS 11/10Collective Game, Edgy bullshit, Magical Girls are all sluts anyways 2015-06-11 21 
40543581Card Priestess Masami Quest 73Where we babysit our new annoying sisters, and try to find our best friend.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-12 5 
40681965Card Priestess Masami Quest 74Where we save our friend! Eventually! Oh this is tough.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-18 6 
40702486Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 30: A certain girlUnfortunate Magical Girl QuestUnfortunate Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2015-06-20 7 
40718783Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 48Finishing up a fight, and moving onwards.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-06-20 5 
40721568Card Priestess Masami Quest 75Where we make something, to find someone. This will go well, I'm sure!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-21 5 
40720483Best Dad Ever Quest #3You wake up, cook delicious breakfast, grab some new threads, flashback to your days of Chivalrous, and get snatched at the end.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-21 5 
40742431Best Dad Ever Quest #4You wake up in the witchspace, go blind (resulting in a mini shit-storm), hear some dastardly plans, get un-blind and destroy a vat of something spooky. Eve gets a Voice, and plays Chivalrous.Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-06-22 5 
40819281Card Priestess Masami Quest 76Where we scare our friends with frightening new powers! Then we meet new friends to scare!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-25 5 
40843021Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 31: Order?This episode, We see the "Average" Day of Elizabeth's Mom, what will happen, who knows?!Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-06-27 8 
40864864Card Priestess Masami Quest 77Where we find out that our siblings and friends seem to have inherited some of our stubbornness. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-28 5 
40867323Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 49In which we deal with a change, and move on wards. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-06-28 5 
40923444Magical Girl Noir Quest 274A green haired magical girl chases after a doll.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-06-30 16 
July 2015
40932672Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 49.5 In which we go do something memorable!Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-01 5 
40991702Card Priestess Masami Quest 78Where we finally confront Marie, and ask her why we're so alike. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-03 5 
40992424Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 14Swatting the beehive to find the Joy-In-RuinPost-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-07-04 11 
41006193Magical Girl Noir Quest 275A green haired magical girl is late to class.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-07-04 16 
41014195Card Priestess Masami Quest 79Where we clash with the ultimate enemy of all! Someone who is even more stubborn than we are!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-05 6 
41074194Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 50We relax in a chair, accept a job, and lose an eventful change.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-08 5 
41119660Card Priestess Masami Quest 80Where we try to find a way to break through a brick wall shaped like Marie's head. One way or another. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-09 5 
41153668Magical Girl Noir Quest #276A green-haired magical girl conspires with a concerned instructor.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-07-11 12 
41164511Card Priestess Masami Quest 81Where we pick up our things and go home. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-12 5 
41176136Magical Girl Noir Quest 277A green haired magical girl tries her hardest to keep it together.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Iori2015-07-12 16 
41238911Magical Girl Noir Quest 278A green haired magical girl tells an idol her name.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Iori2015-07-15 16 
41244304Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 51We wake up, have a discussion with Beth and make a phone call.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-16 5 
41279387Magical Girl Noir Quest 279A green haired magical girl soothes her bedridden comrade.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-07-17 17 
41286355Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 32: FOOLISH FRIDAYThis episode, it's a normal and Lazy friday day, maybe. Also, there's a new magical girl?Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-07-18 9 
41309706Card Priestess Masami Quest 82Where we comfort our crying sister, we'll be doing lots of that.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-19 6 
41304954Best Dad Ever Quest #8Check Twitter for the others! In this one, you jog with daughters, play frisbee, and mess around in the underground!Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-07-19 3 
41344170Magical Girl Noir Quest 280A green haired magical girl reluctantly explores all the options presented to her.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-07-20 17 
41397761Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Discussion/EpilogueA sudden end to a comfy quest, and the tale of how Alex lived beyond it.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-23 8 
41417371Card Priestess Masami Quest 83Where we help our sister dream, and then wake up for our big day.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-24 5 
41460702 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 15We learn about the End from the Ruin of the old world on top of a skyscraperPost-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-07-26 11 
41474985Magical Girl Noir Quest 281A green haired magical girl has a war-machine in reserve and goes to meet the leader of the church.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-07-26 18 
41455056Best Dad Ever Quest #9You hold your Chivalry game, crush them at that, then crush Gerald with the good ol' times, then go have a fun little magical parent meeting, and FINALLY go monster hunting with the girls. Best Dad Ever Quest, Best Dad Ever, D'aww, Collective Game, Artemis, ArtemisQM, Eve, Magical Girl, Slice of Life2015-07-26 5 
41483957Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 33: FIRST OF THE GENERALS, RASPUTINThis episode, The first of the generals of chaos, Rasputin, makes his attack. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-07-27 12 
41503244Card Priestess Masami Quest 84Where we try to think of a way to turn a mean person into a good one. Sadly, it probably won't work on Masami.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-27 6 
41541333Magical Girl Noir Quest 282A green haired magical girl asks about exorcisms and is tight lipped with handing out information concerning her Warmaster.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-07-29 17 
41569630Card Priestess Masami Quest 85Where we find a strange girl, and she tells us a stranger story.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-30 5 
41521864LotW Magical Girls StorytimeStorytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game + Rules discussionstorytime, lotw, magical girl, nanoha, Legends of the Wulin2015-07-31 11 
August 2015
41611656Card Priestess Masami Quest 86Where we introduce the new girl, and try to find out some things about cards.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-02 6 
41609415Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest Part 16A fight without honour or humanityPost-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-08-02 11 
41666826Magical Girl Noir Quest 283A green haired magical girl is being stalked and changes location again...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-08-04 17 
41693132Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 34: DREAM REBORNThis episode, Elizabeth gets used to being able to walk again as the forces of chaos reel back from the loss of Rasputin. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-08-06 11 
41612411LotW Magical Girls Storytime Part 2Storytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game continuesstorytime, lotw, magical girl, nanoha, Legends of the Wulin2015-08-07 8 
41735439Card Priestess Masami Quest 87Where we make a card, and then make bad feelings.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-08 5 
41756536Card Priestess Masami Quest 88Where we craft a special card, so we can make more problems.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-09 5 
41767728Magical Girl Noir Quest 284A green haired magical girl dreams.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-08-09 17 
41849233Magical Girl Noir Quest 285A green haired magical girl compares assets and sets the plan in motion. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-08-13 17 
41857363Evil Precure ThreadBack after an extremely long hiatus. Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-08-14 11 
41853002Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 16We finally meet Voice face to face. Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-08-14 11 
41912087Card Priestess Masami Quest 89Where we try to understand a difficult problem. If only we had a smart person.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-16 5 
41908717Magical Girl Noir Quest 286A green haired magical girl and her burger-butt accomplice are going to save their Sempai/Kong.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Sayaka, Kyoko2015-08-16 14 
41958961Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 35: Crimson Dreams 1: alternative universesElizabeth Dreams some strange dreams. early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction, Alternative universe2015-08-19 10 
42013922Card Priestess Masami Quest 90Where we learn about the plan to get Cirrus back. Unfortunately, we've learned about the plan to get Cirrus back.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-22 5 
42016258Evil Precure Quest 100Masako does her best either avoid a horrible fate or embrace it.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-08-22 10 
42046987Magical Girl Noir Quest 287A green haired magical girl deals with the unexpected and leaps into the abyss.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-08-23 18 
42111565Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 18The breaking of the Fellowship (Part 17 was misarchived as 16)Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-08-27 11 
42134326Card Priestess Masami Quest 91Where we find out that adults are crazy.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-28 5 
42173857Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 36: School daysThis episode, Elizabeth faces her greatest challenge yet, going back to school. How will she explain her now working legs, and what danger could hide in the shadows? Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-08-30 9 
September 2015
42296425Evil Precure Quest 101Everyone is a bitch or an asshole. Our heroine (surprisingly) doesn't look so bad anymore. For now at least.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-09-05 8 
42290389Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #1Chapter One: Liberty's Wound, the Atlas of Forever, and Rough LandingCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-05 6 
42315183Card Priestess Masami Quest 92Where we try to stop Mom from doing something dumb, and then do something dumb.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-06 5 
42327352Magical Girl Noir Quest 288A green haired magical girl and her burger companion infiltrate camp Homu.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-09-06 18 
42331394Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #2Chapter Two: Rebels, nightmares, and Tiny.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-07 6 
42361677Card Priestess Masami Quest 93Where we find something possibly useful, and scare someone who is possibly useless. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-08 6 
42355815Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #3Chapter Three: Ghosts, more Tiny, and Baths.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-08 7 
42383659Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 37: CRIMSON DREAM...MAGICAL GIRL TRAINER!?This episode, Elizabeth is dragged into acting as the personal trainer for a few other magical girls. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-09-08 11 
42419474Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #4Chapter Four: Ghosts. Lots of Ghosts.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-11 8 
42463720Card Priestess Masami Quest 94Where we see our friends do something really cool! Too bad we're just way cooler than that.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-13 5 
42458800Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #5Chapter Five: Daring escapes, new orders, and gifts.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-13 8 
42480056Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 38: Elliotte?!Elliotte. A Randy, inappropriate, dangerous fusion of the calm and often Lazy Elizabeth, and the Energy filled, wild and often battle hungry Charlotte. The combination of young lovers love given life. But, can she stand on her own as a person, outside of the din and chaos of fighting monsters. Or is she just basically a monster herself. early ArchiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-09-13 9 
42474640Magical Girl Noir Quest 289A green haired magical girl finds what she has been looking for?Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Midori, Wendy2015-09-13 18 
42560997Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #6Chapter Six: The Doctor, The Pigs, and the Russian Winter.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-18 10 
42587295Card Priestess Masami Quest 95Where we have a rude dose of reality. Then we get down to business. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-19 5 
42581764Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #7Chapter Seven: Fires, Car Chases, and Bribes.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-19 6 
42609942Evil Precure Quest 102Masako is faced with the option of punching her father or act as a bodyguard.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Precure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl2015-09-20 7 
42621437Magical Girl Noir Quest 290A green haired magical girl is paranoid.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Wendy2015-09-20 16 
42626819Magical Girl Noir Quest 290 Part 2A green haired magical girl tries to wrap her head around what she just learned.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Wendy2015-09-21 16 
42663936Magical Girl Noir Quest 291A green haired magical girl concludes the emotional reunion with her sempai.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Wendy2015-09-22 17 
42707381Card Priestess Masami Quest 96Where we get scolded over cookies, and we realize that our time is shorter than we realized.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-25 5 
42704518Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #8Chapter Eight: Interrogations, the Atlas, and Dreams.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-09-25 7 
42762743Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 39: THE LOVELY BLUE...DEMON!?This episode, Lovely Blue returns with a vengeance, determined to destroy Crimson Dream for interfering with her last villainous plot. Early ArchiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-09-27 9 
42760256 Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 19Musor the bear joins us in CharybdisPost-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-09-28 11 
October 2015
42851458Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #9Chapter Nine: Zeps, planes, and disguisesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-03 8 
42871933Modern Monster Quest 40: A FATEFUL BATTLEThis Episode, Lovely Blue Reveals her trump card. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-10-03 7 
42867562Magical Girl Noir Quest 292A green haired magical girl experiences some slightly unfortunate events...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Wendy2015-10-03 18 
42873245Card Priestess Masami Quest 97Where we try to find something missing, and realize our problem is bigger than imagined. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-10-04 5 
42889668Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #10Chapter Ten: Sabotage, Stupefaction, SavagesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-05 8 
42963744Card Priestess Masami Quest 98Where we realize that Asai has been tricking everyone! If only everyone was smarter.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-10-09 5 
42978218Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #11Chapter Eleven: Ants, Caves, and the Plan.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-10 9 
43018390Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #12Chapter Twelve: Knives, Starfire, and EscapesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-12 10 
43033083Magical Girl Noir Quest 293A green haired magical girl will not take this lying down...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Mami2015-10-12 18 
43074652Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 20A happy reunion Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-10-15 12 
43109124Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 41: Recovery, DragoThis episode, The girls have a calm day of recovery and peace...at first, but who knows what waits around the corner. Early archive. Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-10-16 9 
43111831Card Priestess Masami Quest 99Where we find ourselves in a very bad place, fortunately Asai is here to make things worse.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-10-17 5 
43106908Magical Girl Liberty and the Beach QuestInterlude: Tanning, baseball, and beach antics.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-17 10 
43237436Card Priestess Masami Quest 100 (Part 1)Where we find that all of our fears have come true.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-10-23 6 
43279071Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #13Chapter Thirteen: Policemen, Gifts, and the TrioCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-10-26 10 
43318425Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 42:Destructive trainingThis Episode, The destructive Saviors decide they need to get back into monster hunting shape, and make Elizabeth/Crimson Dream help them with it. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-10-27 7 
43374891Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 21This is what happens when you poke the bear.Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2015-10-31 11 
November 2015
43396152Card Priestess Masami Quest 101Where we try to talk down a very dangerous foe. If not dangerous, at least very stubborn.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-11-01 5 
43407079Magical Girl Noir Quest 294A tormented magical girl wakes up to dehydration physical pain and...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2015-11-01 19 
43411355Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #Chapter Fourteen: The fight, the kiss, the slump.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-11-02 7 
43450179Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 43: Crimson Nightmare...awakens?This episode, A clone of Crimson Dream? What's going on here? Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-11-03 11 
43501196Magical Girl Noir Quest 295A near nuclear magical girl wakes up... again.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyoko2015-11-06 17 
43545590Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 44: A walking nightmare.This Episode, Crimson Nightmare enters the human world, and starts her royally given quest, is this the end of the destructive saviors? early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-11-08 9 
43543089Magical Girl Liberty and the Atlas of Forever Quest #15Chapter Fifteen: Anneliese, the Strike, and OttoCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-11-09 10 
43640792Card Priestess Masami Quest 102Where we fight an actual dangerous foe. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-11-14 5 
43743409Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 45: CRIMSON DREAM VS NIGHTMARE, BATTLE OF FATEThis Episode, A BATTLE OF FATES SPARKS. DREAM'S FURY PEAKS AND NIGHTMARES RESOLVE TO PROTECT HER QUEEN HARDENS. WHICH DREAM WILL COME OUT ON TOP!?! Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-11-20 10 
43757874Card Priestess Masami Quest 103Where we free a little girl, and then get in trouble for it. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-11-21 2 
43763771Magical Boy Quest PrologueCaleb begins his supernatural awakening.Collective Game, Magical Boy Quest, Magical Girl, Magical Boy2015-11-22 6 
43878956Card Priestess Masami Quest 104Where we are tasked with a very delicate hostage situation. Don't make Masami your negotiator. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-11-29 5 
December 2015
43951202Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 46: RISE AGAIN, CRIMSON DREAMTHIS EPISODE, After her defeat, Crimson dream wakes up back home, with the fires of determination burning bright in her heart, and new threats on the horizon. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-12-02 8 
44002792Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #1Chapter One: State of the World, and the Baroness.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-12-06 8 
44047415Card Priestess Masami Quest 105Where we panic over our reckless little sister, and then witness a series of humiliating defeats! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-12-08 5 
44134815Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 47: TRAPPED IN A GAME!?!?This Episode, A fun trip to The Arcade turns into a nightmare for the destructive saviors! Early archive Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-12-12 8 
44138001Card Priestess Masami Quest 106Where we finally confront our biggest problem. Which is of course, our cowardice. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-12-13 3 
44132315Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #2Chapter Two: The Oslo OrphanageCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-12-13 7 
44252788Card Priestess Masami Quest 107Where we feel slightly more bratty than usual. We must be playing as some other punk kid this time.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-12-19 3 
44269098Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 48: THE MASTER OF GAMES, ALVEXIThis episode, The battle between the Destructive saviors and the Game master continue in the digital space! early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-12-19 8 
44267166Magical Girl Liberty and the Spirit of Christmas QuestInterlude: The 1938 Christmas EveCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2015-12-20 7 
44335537Magical Girl Noir Quest 296A talk with Kharn about religion, and a disturbing revalationMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kharn2015-12-23 17 
44388513Magical Girl Noir Quest The recappeningA half blind, part robot magical girl hosts the fourth(and last?) recap of the quest so far. With guest appearances!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Kyoko2015-12-26 15 
44395618Military Magical Girl QuestA middle school Japanese girl gets kidnapped and is forced to join the magical militaryCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest2015-12-27 3 
44430753Card Priestess Masami Quest 108Where we find out what makes Asai tick, but then realize how much of a problem this creates.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-12-28 5 
44449004Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 49: ChessFinally, we're leaving the digital world. Hopefully. How long will the enraged first of Checkerboard last? early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2015-12-29 8 
January 2016
44485010Magical Girl Noir Quest 297A caring, self destructive magical girl can only wait, and ask questions.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kharn2016-01-01 18 
44525150Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #3Chapter Three: The Wolf Pack and the TownCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-03 7 
44534606Military Magical Girl Quest 2Rankings, talking with the squad, and the first prelim matchCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest2016-01-04 2 
44571031Card Priestess Masami Quest 109Where we discover that no one likes talking to Asai. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-01-05 3 
44619608Magical Girl Noir Quest 298More discussion with Kharn. Dots are connected. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kharn2016-01-07 18 
44651857Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 50: Elliotte, SchoolgirlThis episode, Elizabeth has a lot more to worry about in school than just classes. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2016-01-09 8 
44650022Military Magical Girl Quest 3School life, Lunch with Maiya, and Getting Ready for the next Prelim matchCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest2016-01-09 2 
44670317Card Priestess Masami Quest 110Where we confront our problems head-on. Like we do best!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-01-09 3 
44668714Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #4Chapter Four: Captured at the Castle.Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-10 6 
44670039Military Magical Girl Quest 4Prelim match, Annoucements, and Readying for ContractionCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest2016-01-10 1 
44789678Magical Girl Noir Quest 299An angry magical girl seeks more answers to questions she doesn't want the answers to.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kharn2016-01-15 18 
44805034Military Mage 5Contraction and last day of schoolCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-16 1 
44817163Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #5Chapter Five: The Lair of the WolvesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-16 7 
44819675Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 51: Rainbow spinThis Episode, Spin spin spin the wheel of chance and luck. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2016-01-16 9 
44821802Card Priestess Masami Quest 111Where we try to deal with a problem which we've only made smaller and more annoying!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-01-17 5 
44895427Magical Girl Noir Quest 300An angry magical girl interrogates her Incubator to the point of angering him.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyuubey2016-01-20 15 
44965739Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 52: ChoiceChoices reflect who you are, they define you. And sometimes they lead to horrible places. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2016-01-23 7 
44824495Military Mage 6Military stuff, deployment, and going onwards to warCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-24 0 
44962647Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #6Chapter Six: High-ho, Silver!Collective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-24 6 
44967048Military Mage 7Moving towards the Yutai, Mountain ambush, and attacking the enemy enplacementCollective Game, Military Magical Girl Quest, Military Mage2016-01-24 2 
45077126Card Priestess Masami Quest 112Where we run from the law! Oh no! At least Asai is the one in prison and not us.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-01-29 3 
45108800Magical Girl Noir Quest 301A decisive Magical Girl mulls on what to do with her collection.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Kyuubey2016-01-30 17 
45116900Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 53: Trouble in the manorTHIS EPISODE, Trouble falls upon Min's Manor, and it's up to the destructive Saviors to end it before things get to nasty! Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2016-01-31 8 
45113258Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #7Chapter Seven: The ConvoyCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-01-31 6 
February 2016
45252560Magical Girl Noir Quest 302A slightly drunk Magical Girl spends the night in her comatose girlfriend's room.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Suikawari2016-02-06 18 
45255659Card Priestess Masami Quest 113Where we run from an even scarier authority: Crazy Moms! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-02-06 3 
45261510Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 54: Tick tock, goes the clockThis episode, the meister of time, the great general of clocks, Mr.Tick tock takes the center stage, finally. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2016-02-07 9 
45257591Magical Girl Liberty and the Lair of the Wolves Quest #8Chapter Eight: BerlinCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl2016-02-07 6 
45364363Card Priestess Masami Quest 114Where we run from our problems, and no one is happy.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-02-12 5 
45425571Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 55:Dream meister, Crimson DreamThis episode, Crimson dream is going berserk!Obsessed with bring the shroud of sleep to everyone she meets,a hard battle awaits EarlyarchiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2016-02-14 10 
45502836Card Priestess Masami Quest 115Where we go along with a dumb action movie plan, but it's the best we have!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-02-19 5 
45664389Card Priestess Masami Quest 116Where we hear out the crazy person, and do not make new friends.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-02-27 5 
45683343Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 56: Lovely daysThis episode, Lovely's back to normal...but her life isn't. A cruel twist of fate, through her own eyes. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2016-02-28 8 
March 2016
45819209Card Priestess Masami Quest 117Where we bully a clown, and then consider bullying Asai. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-03-05 5 
45965739Card Priestess Masami Quest 118Where we bully a big monster, and then get bullied by Asai. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-03-12 5 
45993485Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 57:Dreams of DreamsLovely blue is finally freed, and now, Crimson Dream can finally relax after weeks of work. Early archiveCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical girl quest, Magical girl, Quest, The Headmaster, highschool, Destruction,2016-03-14 8 
46104131Card Priestess Masami Quest 119Where we witness a cool new power! Then wish it didn't exist. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-03-19 5 
46125138Nanoha Quest: TSAB Captain Edition #5OP forgets to put the quest in the subject field.Collective Game, Nanoha, TSAB Captain Quest, Magical Girl2016-03-25 1 
46254248Card Priestess Masami Quest 120Where we are too stubborn to know when to quit!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-03-26 2 
April 2016
46417529Card Priestess Masami Quest 121Where we have a very difficult time with a very awful person!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-04-02 5 
46676997Card Priestess Masami Quest 122Where we have a happy family. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-04-15 3 
46843372Card Priestess Masami Quest 123Where we have an annoying family (Epilogue thread #2)Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-04-23 3 
46841208Sin Princess Quest 3Take Two! Another Excursion into the Wyld leads our heroine to victory, but what to do with the spoils?Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Monsters, Envy2016-04-23 2 
13604Sin Princess Quest 4A journey through a magic mirror! Exposed to villagers? An amicable conversation and a possible ally!Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Monsters, Envy2016-04-30 2 
May 2016
47010010Card Priestess Masami Quest 124Where we have a loving family. (Epilogue thread #3)Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-05-01 2 
120Planescape Quest: Fluffy Tails: Impromptu and Casual PrologueAn arcanaloth who is a cute anime foxgirl visits Sigil, befriends other cute anime girls (and a trap), and joins the Society of Sensation.Collective Game, Planescape Quest, Planescape, Fluffy Tails, Magical Girl, Female Protagonist, D&D, Fantasy2016-05-02 3 
76896Sin Princess Quest 5A talk with a witch! Aggressive negotiations and tea! A struggle home!Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Monsters, Envy2016-05-07 1 
47139913Card Priestess Masami Quest 125Where we have the best family. (Epilogue thread #4, check twitter.com/qm_cardheart for future updates)Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-05-08 5 
47233704Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 22The quest returns, and Joy-in-Ashes explores a building dedicated to peace.Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte 2016-05-14 8 
160280Sin Princess Quest 6A well-earned rest! A hunt for resourcess or allies in the Wyld! An abrupt end and a critical success as well as failure!Sin Princess Quest, Critical Success, Critical Failure, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-05-21 1 
47355753Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 23Joy-In-Ashes has a chat with her grandmother, and then prepares for the trip home.Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2016-05-21 7 
47475790Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 24Joy-In-Ashes assaults the People Of Joy's assault on the Confessors and Genesis.Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2016-05-28 7 
205747Sin Princess Quest 7A mechanics reshuffling! A surprisingly sexy prey-turned-predator! Does diplomacy prevail?Sin Princess Quest, Collective Game, Magical Girl, Monsters, Envy, Monster Girls2016-05-31 3 
June 2016
47593539Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 25Joy-In-Ashes goes to rescue Wren from the People of Joy.Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2016-06-04 6 
47614920Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 26Joy-In-Ashes and her team break into OLYMPUS.Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte2016-06-05 6 
47823802Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Part 27 FINALWe kill Love, and witness the end of the world.Post-Apocalypse Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game, EchoGarrotte, End2016-06-18 20 
July 2016
48242575LotW Magical Girls Storytime Part 3After an extremely long wait, storytime of a LOTW-Based Magical Girl game continuesstorytime, lotw, magical girl, nanoha, Legends of the Wulin2016-07-14 6 
371014Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest #1You rescue a defector from Nazi controlled France, and get acquainted with the the occupants of Camp Eisenhower.Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-07-20 5 
388693Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest #2 Victory is deployed into Egypt to meet with a contact, but attempts to infiltrate a Hexenkraft hideout, and fights the undead.Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-07-27 5 
August 2016
417871Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest #3We fight the Hexenkraft as they attempt to steal treasures from the Mausoleum, capture one of their magical girls, and get possessed Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-08-07 3 
438498Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest #4We let a spirit into our body, and duel a Nazi who did the same, get transferred to Patton's command, and have weird dreamsDieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-08-07 3 
447009The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #5 We infiltrate the Hexenkraft controlled Tower of Babylon, steal a German walker, and rescue prisoners.Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-08-19 3 
459475The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #6You have your first encounter with Dracula, as well as your first encounter with a new and improved Mercy.Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-08-19 3 
478317The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #7After escaping the Tower of Babylon, you take a well deserved break. You meet a magical carny, and catch up with your sister.Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-08-19 2 
456302The Spaces Between - Chapter 1"The building was on fire, and it wasn't my fault." Except now it's a pile of rubble and that kind of was my fault. Oops.Collective Game, The Spaces Between, Magical Girl,2016-08-20 1 
48914283Magical Girl Noir Quest 303A dreadful magical girl awakens after what feels like MONTHS of sleep, and remembers exactly who she is.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2016-08-21 20 
501209Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch DoctorChapter One: Introducing the Witch DoctorCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-08-25 8 
501742Magical Girl For Hire Quest #1The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We finish an easy mission by killing a demon dog then help a kid find his sister.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-08-28 37 
513191Magical Girl For Hire Quest #2The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We embark on our second mission in a sword-and-sorcery setting.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-08-29 26 
49056821Magical Girl Noir Quest 304A cold, absolutely sober magical girl prepares for departure to the moon.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2016-08-29 15 
September 2016
496353The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #8Victory goes on a date with a mob boss, and discovers something sinister about her Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-09-02 2 
511020The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #9You offer a mobster safe harbor in exchange intel, and run afoul of a Hexenkraft submarine and it's crewDieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-09-02 2 
542992Magical Girl For Hire Quest #3The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We get challenged to a duel and investigate Alban's darker side.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, magical girl, collective game 2016-09-13 24 
565617Magical Girl For Hire Quest #4We continue plotting against the church of Alban secretly, and learn a couple of things about some of the locals.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-09-14 24 
529734The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #10We go to the Bureau's resident super genius, and use his gadgets to infiltrate a mob hideout.Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-09-17 2 
548577The Bizarre Adventures of Victory #11We encounter a fire wielding magical girl, find out about Majestic, and discover the elusive Enrico Salvatore himself.Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-09-17 3 
606883Magical Girl Noir Quest 305A troubled magical girl goes to the moon.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2016-09-21 20 
544955Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #2Chapter Two: The AuctionCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-09-23 5 
591020Magical Girl For Hire Quest #5The tournament begins, and we deal with various issues during it- including an encounter with a zealot hero.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-09-23 24 
607815Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #3Chapter Three: Picking up the PiecesCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-09-24 2 
612754Magical Girl For Hire Quest #6After a lot of struggle, espionage, combat, and irritation, Miranda completes her contract in the sword and sorcery world.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-09-25 23 
October 2016
651926Magical Girl Noir Quest 306A cautious magical girl may or may not regret this later...Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2016-10-04 18 
634647Magical Girl For Hire Quest #7- InterludeMiranda goes back to the intersection, and takes some time off to hang out with friends. She also meets a vampire girl.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-10-05 23 
643950The Bizarre Adventures of Victory Issue #13We extract a couple of rookie magical girls from a sticky situation, and then get sent back to EuropeDieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-10-08 2 
669091Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #4Chapter Four: Rest and PlanningCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-10-08 5 
670405Magical Girl For Hire Quest #8We, as a scary celestial-looking bug thing, get started on whipping some youngster heroines into shape. There's...a lot of work to be done.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-10-10 24 
700544Magical Girl For Hire Quest #9Early Archive. Round 2 with the Shining Hearts Squadron in hopes they learn a thing or two.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-10-15 24 
674578The Bizarre Adventures of Victory Issue #14Victory and the girls are dropped into Poland to lend the Resistance there a helping hand!Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-10-22 2 
724667Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #5Chapter Five: Storming the MansionCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-10-22 3 
735239Magical Girl Noir Quest 307 Trick steals the questMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Trick2016-10-22 2 
735546Magical Girl For Hire Quest #10Ultimate battle is joined between the heroic Shining Hearts Squadron and the 'villainous' MC. We put on an acting job worthy of ShakespearMagical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-10-23 24 
742179Magical Girl For Hire Quest: Izumi #1Side-story: Izumi Yayoi, friend of Miranda, is tasked with helping a certain student of a Dark Academy through a dangerous trial.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game, Dark Gate Academy2016-10-24 24 
November 2016
760264Magical Girl For Hire Quest #11Miranda begins her latest gig- with an ally. We cowgirl up and head to a magical Wild West. Then the QM's work schedule futzes things up.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-11-02 23 
734713The Bizarre Adventures of Victory Issue #15Victory and company break through German lines, and find themselves deep in the heart of Warsaw!Dieselpunk Magical Girl Quest, Collective Game2016-11-05 1 
780811Magical Girl For Hire Quest #12Miranda goes monster hunting and meets a strange native. She and Lorelei also defend a ranch from tactically sound beasts.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game, western2016-11-07 23 
809604Magical Girl Bomber Quest and the Witch Doctor #6Chapter Six: The Final BattleCollective Game, Magical Girl Liberty, Pulp, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Bomber, guns2016-11-11 5 
803162Magical Girl For Hire Quest #13We head out on the trail to take on the gluttonous giant beast Monstro. It's a rough fight!Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game, MGHandler2016-11-14 23 
831701Magical Girl For Hire Quest #14We take down the giant stomach, Monstro, and switch perspectives to Miranda's partner Lorelei, who instantly finds herself some trouble.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-11-20 23 
December 2016
892945Magical Girl For Hire Quest #15Lorelei asks around town about the suspicious people in blue, then we switch back to Miranda, who is accosted by would-be heroes.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-12-12 24 
929789Magical Girl For Hire Quest 16Back to Miranda.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-12-18 24 
952725Magical Girl For Hire Quest Thread #17"Avoiding collateral is a flat 25% increase on top of the base contract."Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-12-28 23 
January 2017
1005758Magical Girl For Hire Quest #18Miranda lets herself go to jail, and some poor shumcks get called in to do her work for her.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-01-12 23 
1035505Magical Girl For Hire Quest #19"I hope we get another opportunity to draw a dick on that guy's face."Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-01-22 23 
1043864Magical Girls Skirmish Beta testA team of magical girls participates in a vicious combat practice. Cheese is done and ice cream privileges are lost.Collective Game, Skirmish, Magical Girls2017-01-23 3 
1085232Magical Girls Skirmish (beta test) part 2It's a boss fight! Versus a stuffed cat! It makes sense in context.Collective Game, Skirmish, Magical Girl2017-01-26 3 
1067611Magical Girl For Hire Quest #20"If nothing else, we avoided saddle sores." We wrap up the mission in the old west.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-01-28 23 
February 2017
1095150Magical Girl For Hire Quest #21We shop for supplies, get an interesting job offer, and engage in friendly date shenanigans.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-02-06 22 
1133809Magical Girl For Hire Quest #22Called 21 because QM can't keep track of his shit. We finish up date shenanigans, and the sky's suddenly the limit!Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-02-17 22 
1159652Magical Girl For Hire Quest #23Called 22 because the QM still can't keep track of his shit. Miranda splits the party and things go downhill from there.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-02-20 22 
1180616Magical Girl For Hire Quest #24Last of the misnamed. Miranda barely stops things from getting worse, and has a strange meeting with the enemy.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-02-26 23 
March 2017
1208816Magical Girl For Hire Quest #25Miranda has an intriguing conversation with the enemy and prepares for a stealth operation.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-08 23 
1253902Magical Girl Noir Quest 307 (the real one)A barely restrained magical girl does not recognize the girl before her.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Not Ded2017-03-11 13 
1244344Magical Girl For Hire Quest #26Miranda spars with Izumi and deals with an enemy pursuit the only way she knows how.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-15 23 
1278076Magical Girl Noir Quest 308An out of time magical girl saves the day?Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2017-03-18 13 
1268129Magical Girl For Hire Quest #27Miranda and company seize a hidden laboratory with surprisingly little fuss, and Lorelei develops body problems, as in can't stay in hers.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-20 24 
1283919Magical Girl For Hire Quest #28Miranda gets two new hires for Silver Eye Solutions, and blows up a floating island. These events are extremely related.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-24 24 
1296978Magical Girl For Hire Quest #29- IntermissionTo celebrate another finished job, the girls have a Bad Movie Night, and Izumi proves that 'Don't Try This At Home' warnings are for chumMagical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-24 23 
1310313Starborn For Hire 1: The Stars Have AlignedThe Crossover Quest of Starborn and Magical Girl For Hire Begins. Miranda arrives in Munis for a bodyguard job, meeting Purps.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-03-31 21 
April 2017
1333511Starborn For Hire 2: Sirens Sing Several Suspicious SongsThe prologue ends and the tour is soon to begin! We get on the road and make new friends like only Purps and Miranda can.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-04-07 10 
1348395Starborn For Hire 3: Isn't this Magical?The Godswatch show begins after a little chafing and a siren going a little bit nuts.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-11 6 
1360494Starborn For Hire 4: #JustSirenThingsThe show must go on and All That Jazz. We interrogate, discover and sing.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-14 6 
1381463What Came Next 5: What Are You Doing With Your Afterlife?Waking up with a bad case of starving and a worse case of everything hurting. Suka decides to play along with the bandits... for now.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-22 5 
1383855Starborn For Hire 5: Lambs to the SlaughterhouseWell isn't this lovely? A horde of undead, a slaughterhouse pumping them out in mass fabrication? So long as we don't CRITFAIL...Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-04-22 7 
May 2017
1428046Starborn For Hire 6: For I would walk <100 Miles & I Would Walk <100 MoreIn a short thread, Purps excercises & spends time with Hona whilst Verde and Trish bond.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Godswatch2017-05-07 6 
1440293Starborn For Hire 7: SHOWTIMEPurps sets off her trap. Then a running battle is joined. Meet; S.T.A.L.K.E.RCollective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover,Boss Fight, Travelling,2017-05-11 6 
1455458Vineyard; A Starborn SidestoryA sidestory in Munis, going deep into a secret area of the world; it's most prominent Vineyard.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire,Purps, Orc, Sidestory, Vineyard, Kobolds2017-05-15 5 
1468221Starborn For Hire 8: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your FriendShort Thread due to QM curse and busy schedules. A watch happens, Miranda meets Luc and Hona kidnaps Purps.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical,2017-05-19 5 
1478541Starborn For Hire 8.2: Leno-n Me And I'll Be Your FriendSame as 8. Life's a bitch for both QMs right now.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Introduction2017-05-23 6 
1493910Starborn For Hire 10: Let's Get This Show Back On The RoadIt's time to play poker, bitches.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical,2017-05-27 5 
1508656Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 1:A world of MonstersMagic has returned,to a world that already has its own and plenty of monsters.To protect against the intruders, new Magical Girls are neededCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-05-28 11 
1517429Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 2:Atomic Legionnaire, The Tireless and Radioactive ProtectorCarol Hiral, or rather Atomic Legionnaire continues taking her first lessons in being a magical girl in a world of monsters.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-05-30 11 
June 2017
1521299Starborn For Hire 11 We'll Reach Leno EventuallyThe party make it to Leno and take up watch. Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover,Boss Fight, Travelling,2017-06-03 5 
1541660Starborn For Hire 12 Star is Sick EditionThe finale approaches as the investigators begin to put some puzzle pieces together.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover, Musical, Leno2017-06-08 5 
1552539Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 3: The Monsterous TrioThree monsters at once? and Carol has to protect a girl who can't see them?! This is going to be a long day!Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-06-08 8 
1559755Starborn For Hire Finale: The Phantom of the OperaInterrogations. Curtain Call. Reality is at Stake.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover,Boss Fight, Leno,2017-06-13 5 
1578517Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 4: Back upTwo Magical girls VS two monsters and a fallen magical girl!. Carol receives some much needed back up.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-06-16 7 
1583041Starborn For Hire Finale: The Phantom of the Opera Pt2A closed performance begins, but will it be the end of our dynamic duo?Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover,Boss Fight, Leno,2017-06-20 5 
1594020Starborn For Hire Finale: The Phantom of the Opera Pt3The Finale continues to continue. This time though we get C-C-COMBOCollective Game,COMBO, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover,Boss Fight, Leno,2017-06-21 5 
1612855Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 5: New LifeLyra finds herself in a strange, scary new world. And its up to Carol (and maybe Juniper) to help her out!Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-06-25 6 
July 2017
1659424Starborn For Hire Finale: Curtain CallAll good things must come to an end. The big guns come out on the grandest stage of them all. Bah Gawd.Collective Game,COMBO, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Magical Girl for Hire, MGFH, SAL, Miranda, Purps, Sirens, Theatre, Crossover,Boss Fight, Leno,2017-07-15 7 
1683272Monstergirl Legend Quest 20: All fatherMay Meets the all father... or all daughter rather. Will the grudges of the old world finally die?Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-07-19 6 
1693869Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 6:Night terrorsThis epidermis, something is going bump in the nights of Brausrburge. Will the girls be able to bump it back?Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-07-22 6 
1705238Magical Girl For Hire #30With a new employee in tow, Miranda learns she's moving on up in the world. So she goes drinking.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-07-31 23 
August 2017
1737868Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 7:Framed BatThe girls face a crafty foe. Something unknown is leaving people drained of blood, but alive and influenced by chaos.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-08-03 9 
1727688Magical Girl For Hire #31The new hire gets her outgoer license and her trial-by-fire mission is to assassinate evil captain planetMGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-08-09 23 
1778514Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 8:Wicked ThingsEven a nice day, can hide the most wicked of things. Carol and her friends have a day to "relax", hopefullyCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-08-16 9 
1754458Magical Girl For Hire #32Investigations started, shots hit and missed, rookies panic- it's kinda like XCOM.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-08-18 22 
1777967Magical Girl For Hire #33Miranda and crew blow things both old and new up. and by that I mean a museum and some heroes (and a villian.) A job well done!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-08-24 23 
September 2017
1830282Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 9:Among wolvesThis episode, a crimson cat sows chaos among wolves. Carol and co meet a dangerous and wily foe.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-09-01 8 
1801665Magical Girl For Hire #34Miranda gets back, tries to work on a new technique, but...Interdiction wants words with her.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-09-03 24 
1833610Magical Girl For Hire #35Miranda gets a call about one of the newbies. Due to QM issues, that's about it.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-09-11 22 
1880552Magical Girl For Hire #36Miranda (reluctantly) goes to a recruiting event in the Intersection, and has a very interesting fight...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-09-28 22 
October 2017
1949021Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 10: Bloody Boss!This episode, Carol and co fight the furious Crimson Count, who's gone completely rabid with rage!Can they overcome their first Boss battleCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-10-09 8 
1928352Magical Girl For Hire #37The fight ends prematurely, and as a palette cleanser we take on a new job- and become a wolfgirl who becomes a vengeful spirit.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-10-11 22 
1954921Magical Girl For Hire #38The new hire notches her first blood, and Miranda gets a bit childish after. We also prep for a solo job!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-10-21 22 
1973882Magica Quest #1In which MC fights a witch, meets some new friends, and gives a hug.MagicaQM, magical girl, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, magica quest, male protag2017-10-23 5 
1978687Magical Invasion #1You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce, Magical Invasion, Magical Girls, Mahou Shoujo, Comedy, Collective Game2017-10-26 1 
2001800Magical Invasion #2You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce, Magical Invasion, Magical Girls, Mahou Shoujo, Humor, Comedy, Collective Game 2017-10-26 2 
1994212Magical Girl For Hire #39Miranda embarks on a mission to remove a mob family. We intimidate, inquire, and sneak.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-10-31 24 
November 2017
2043470Magical Girl For Hire #39.5Miranda begins her task in earnest, and in just a couple days, takes down her first mark. Aaand now the mob boss is coming. Big steps!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-11-15 21 
2077743Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 11:Deserved RestCarol and the girls get some much deserved rest for their hardwork. Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-11-17 7 
2080474Magical Girl For Hire #40We play poker, and pretend we're slightly less magical than we really are.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-11-27 24 
December 2017
2104611Magical Girl For Hire #41Miranda takes an odd job in order to do her actual job. It's very very odd.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-12-10 22 
2163018Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 12: Royal troubleThere's a city wide party today,b something that is like candy to chaos. So the girls don't get to join in on the fun sadly or ... do theyCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2017-12-20 7 
2130898Magical Girl For Hire #42Miranda has to deal with some creeps, and some (not so) doity rats.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-12-21 23 
January 2018
2162806Magical Girl For Hire #43The situation rapidly changes. Miranda now needs to stick and move.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-01-05 22 
2218818Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 13: Joy & SorrowLike Chaos and Order, Joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin, Carol and Co find out today.Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2018-01-10 6 
2231961Card Priestess Masami Quest, One Year LaterWhere we grapple with a difficult problem, and become difficult ourselves.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute, Continuation2018-01-15 2 
2205946Magical Girl For Hire #44Miranda's too hot to handle! Not literally, though. There IS fire involved, however.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-01-16 23 
2233703Magical Girl For Hire #45More members of the Giogionne Crime Family are swatted down, but then, as soon as we get a lucky break...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-01-28 22 
February 2018
2265195Magical Girl For Hire #46The job is finished- albeit only partially. We return to The Intersection- and decide to go back to where it began.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-02-11 22 
2335093Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 14:Sister SisterCarol's search for her lost little sister brings her a world of trouble and chaos beyond her imagining, this episodeCollective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2018-02-23 10 
2299314Magical Girl For Hire #47We are Lorelei. Lorelei gets into robo-fighting! MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-02-24 22 
March 2018
2334978Magical Girl For Hire #48Lorelei gets her first win on a clueless kid. No, not via his virginity. She also sets up for her big tournament debut!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-03-08 21 
2341672Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum #5Where a witch is born, a woman is mechanized, and Kyoko gets speared.Collective Game, PMMM, Magical Girl, Witch, Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum2018-03-08 2 
2368648Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 15:Devilish DelightThis episode, Carol has to deal with her sister's sadistic/silly side, as well as the confusion of her friends, and more! fun isn't it? Collective Game, Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest, Magical Girl, Quest, The Headmaster, Monsters, Fantasy2018-03-08 8 
2369221Magical Girl For Hire #49Lorelei fights officially, WITH and then unofficially- AS a robot. And THEN things get weird.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-03-19 22 
2400110Magical Girl For Hire #50Prima gets a new look, and Lorelei is become the life-bringer, the soul-giver. There are hugs aplenty.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-03-30 22 
April 2018
2430570Magical Girl For Hire #51We end the bot battling, but NOT the bot buddying! As Prima and Jago come along with us, we prep for a major outing taking some ruins.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-04-02 23 
59047820Fear And Loathing In WonderlandAnons come together and talk about their experiences in a world gone mad. Magical Girls and horror abound.Horror, madness, Roleplay, Magical Girls, eldritch, demons2018-04-11 5 
2442745Artificer Quest Thread #20 ft MGFHThe first AQ&MGFH Crossover thread. Miranda, leading a full team, journeys to an unnamed deathworld to secure an Airship for a mafia family.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-04-12 28 
2492289Magical Girl Noir Quest 309A tired ACTING Warmaster meets with her favorite 'people'.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2018-04-22 13 
2469358Artificer Quest Thread #21 ft MGFHThe second AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. A boat ride is taken, and a Ruin that is far more than it first seem is slowly explored.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-04-25 22 
2505731Magical Girl Noir Quest 310A one-eyed magical girl WILL find her best friend.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2018-04-29 10 
May 2018
2504819Artificer Quest Thread #22 ft MGFHThe third AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. Enemy mercenaries are engaged, secrets are slowly unraveled, and a nightmare is unleashed.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-05-07 22 
2531457Magical Girl Noir Quest 311A one-eyed magical girl finds a shocking surprise!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2018-05-08 10 
2539082Artificer Quest Thread #23 ft MGFHThe fourth AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. The Scourge, the Shadow, and the Sanctum.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-05-19 23 
June 2018
2577676Artificer Quest Thread #24 ft MGFHThe fifth AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. With some spare time on hand, the team continues investigating the frigate and the final team arrives.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-06-03 22 
2622184Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Quest : 1Dad handbooks should include how to talk to your daughter about the dangers of becoming a magical girl.Quest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad2018-06-06 29 
2625318Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Quest : 2In which we do dad things - Remodeling, Family Talks, Grilling, and Killing DemonsQuest, Collective Game, HaikuDeluge, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun, Dad2018-06-08 23 
2627734Dark Magical Girl Quest Dark Magical Girl Quest Dark Magical Girl Quest 2018-06-09 11 
2617700Magical Girl Noir Quest 312A one-eyed magical girl continues to avoid FunTimes (On-going)Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki2018-06-11 6 
2639338Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #3In which we drink, acquire a haunted sword, meet other dads, and maybe start a mafiaShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-06-14 25 
2648573Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! quest: 4The first pieces of the legitimate business come together and the company's first hostile takeover.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-06-16 21 
2618113Artificer Quest thread #25 ft MGFHIn this thread we fight off the last team and their big axe wielding girls, kill a giant monster, And talk with Izumi about things.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGhandler, StorytellerQM2018-06-18 21 
2660302Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #5In which we make a deal with a dragonShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-06-22 22 
2641818Dark Magical Girl Quest #2Akane further breaks and trains Chouko, but the thread is cut short by life. Dark Magical Girl Quest, Revenge, SpiderAnon, Corruption, Villain2018-06-23 5 
2678398Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #6Finally visit the in-laws, none of it goes well.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-06-30 22 
July 2018
2664025Artificer Quest Thread #26 ft MGFHThe seventh AQxMGFH Crossover thread. Out of enemies to kill, all parties enjoy the remainder of their time in the Ruin before returning.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-07-03 21 
2698672Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #7In which we complete out visit to the in-laws, and things go to HellShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-07-09 24 
2701298Artificer Quest Thread #27 ft MGFHThe eighth and final AQxMGFH crossover thread. Returning to Shirahoro, the team enjoys a day and night off before the end.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-07-11 21 
2716637Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #8A small talk with Sue about the dangers of becoming aristocracy during daylight. Friendly Magical Girl fights at the quarry by Moonlight.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-07-16 22 
2753283Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #9In which we guilt our sister into visiting, and things get just a touch crazier.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-07-29 20 
2729876Magical Girl For Hire #52: Home Sweet HomeMiranda and the gang finally get back home, just in time for Miranda to find different duties await her there...MGFH, Magical Girl, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-07-29 20 
August 2018
2770968Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #10In which we deal with the morning after, and fight a demon lord, and eat pizzaShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-08-05 21 
2767668Magical Girl For Hire Quest #53Settling the kids in and showing them around.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-08-13 22 
2789222Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #11In which we finish the pizza, have some very normal days at work, go drinking with our new assistant, and give a PSA about drugs.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-08-14 21 
2806271Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #12In which we take our wife on a date, and find out it's mating seasonShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-08-22 22 
2802242Magical Girl For Hire #54The kids try a simulated job.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-08-25 21 
September 2018
2831745Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #13In which we deal with hormonal issues and witness the creation of a goddess.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-09-05 20 
2838695Magical Girl for Hire #55In this short thread, Miranda reminisces about beginners mistakes, then brings the kids over to HQ to meet Owlia.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-09-07 21 
2868354Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #14In which we host a barbeque and uncover a government conspiracy? Also, another rat fight.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-09-16 21 
2875199Magical Girl For Hire #56: We Are (Not) A BabysitterWe introduce some younger kids into the life of an Outgoer, and then set off on a job to be a servant to one. Life ain't grand sometimes.MGFH, Magical Girl, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-09-22 21 
October 2018
2902261Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #15In which we sort of catch up with and old friend, and just generally make sure things are ok.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-10-01 20 
2906402Magical Girl for Hire #57Miranda gets her Fate/stay night on in a magical academy, helping her client get through a series of tests.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mnary,2018-10-03 20 
2939571Magical Girl For Hire Quest #58The first two tests, a side mission, and things aren't as simple as they appear.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler 2018-10-14 20 
2956871Magical Girl - LovesickWe are Nawakubi Hanano, an onee-san who just loves her brother too much.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush,2018-10-16 10 
2955728Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #16In which we have an encounter with a young man in our bedroom, and get involved in a legal discussion.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-10-16 22 
2972988Magical Girl - Lovesick #2Things doesn't go well for Nawakubi too fast...Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush2018-10-18 8 
2977432Magical Girl - Lovesick #3Nawakubi escapes a month of captivity, but on the other hand, QM disappears from existence. Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Hairbrush2018-10-25 3 
2965630Magical Girl For Hire #59: Work Hard, Play HardMiranda decides to take to training her client a bit. But the carnival waits for noone...MGFH, Magical Girl, Magical Girl for Hire, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-10-26 20 
2974452Mahou Shoujo Response Unit QuestThe journey of our protagonist Ichijou Sakurai begins with his first mission as a SWEAR operative!quest, Magical Girl, MSRUQ2018-10-28 5 
2988224Mahou Shoujo Response Unit Quest #2The adventure continues, battle with a certain lightning mahou shoujo.quest, Magical Girl, MSRUQ2018-10-28 5 
November 2018
2997953Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! quest #17In which we perform fatherly and brotherly actions to assuage the damaged hearts of various girls and women.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-11-04 20 
3000444Magical Girl For Hire #61Miranda and Lysan take part in some carnival games. And then get games played on them.MGFH, Magical Girl, Magical Girl for Hire, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-11-04 20 
3006160Mahou Shoujo Response Unit Quest #3An ending to Detective Takahashi's sidestory. A thread unfortunately cut short.quest, Magical Girl, MSRUQ2018-11-11 1 
3031412Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #18In which the party continues. And we encounter a faery circle.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2018-11-14 21 
3025368Magical Girl For Hire Quest #61.5Thread marked #61 is actually #60, this is #61. Some reading, the Test of Mind, a not-date, and the start of Test of Might.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-11-18 20 
3031276Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum - Neo #1In which the quest is rebooted.Pythonissam Magi Suzette Maledictum, Magical Girl, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Witch2018-11-23 2 
December 2018
3055956Magical Girl for Hire #62We finally come to the last test of the mission, a classic fighting tournament.MGFH, Magical Girl, Magical Girl for Hire, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-12-07 20 
3096345Magical Girl For Hire Quest #63Finishing the tournament, and finishing the job.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-12-22 20 
3142356Card Priestess Masami Quest, The Christmas Special!Where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute, Continuation2018-12-30 1 
January 2019
3125252Magical Girl For Hire Quest #64Errands back at the Intersection.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-01-02 21 
3128256Magical Girl Revenge Quest 1Junko wakes up with a revenge in mind, saved her mother, hobo-ing at the yatch and welcomed by one of the richest man in the city.Magical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-01-06 14 
3149224Magical Girl For Hire #65Miranda finishes up her errands, gets to know a new item, and gets stinking drunk. The sudden lost of a lot of motes means job time!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-01-13 20 
3159298Fuck Me, My Daughter's a Magical Girl! #19In which we encounter Actually Satan. And he's not that bad a guy?Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-01-16 20 
3156773Magical Girl Revenge Quest 2Where we stole a journal, killed a boss shadow, prevent a kidnapping and then tortured and converted a new minion. We also stole a muffin.Magical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-01-17 10 
3176457Magical Girl For Hire Quest #66We fight more shadows, help bears fight shadows, upgrade a disused weapon, and show why monologuing is a bad idea.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-01-27 20 
3185233Magical Girl Revenge Quest 3Junko trains with Mary, Yuu smash, kills shadow, chased by shadow and saved by Okada. Then vacation and Mary bizzare adventures. Also Drama!Magical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-01-30 8 
3204867Magical Girl Lovesick: Another Red StringThe being that is Hanano Nawakubi returns.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick, Yandere, Hairbrush2019-01-31 2 
3204875Magical Girl For Hire Quest #66.5 Q&A thread, including discussion about the learning/upgrade system.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-01-31 20 
February 2019
3220949Magical Girl Lovesick: Episode MordredWe follow the mishmashed being that is Mordred. We gain two maids too.Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick,, Hairbrush2019-02-04 1 
3231768Episode Mordred #2Maids are nice!~Collective Game, Fantasy, Magical Girl, Magical Girl Lovesick,, Hairbrush2019-02-07 1 
3218112Magical Girl For Hire #67Miranda meets an overeager archer, hears news of a regime change, meets a pair of elite lizard warriors, and fights berserker elves.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-02-11 20 
3229771Magical Girl Revenge Quest 4In which we have a heart to heart talk with our best friend, corrupt our ex-teammates and became our minion. Also things about to go down.Magical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-02-13 9 
3252162Magical Girl For Hire #68“Push me closer! I want to kick them with my giant rabbit feet!”MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-02-21 20 
3271963Magical Girl Revenge Quest 5Prelude to Final Battle. Junko plays a game, saves a friend, and reunites with family. Short thread. Magical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-02-25 8 
March 2019
3281235Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #20In which we make a lot of phone calls, some involving gods and others who should be long dead.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-03-01 17 
3287541Magical Girl For Hire Quest #69Talking with spiders, a sidequest for books, and the rat city.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-03-08 21 
3297964Magical Girl Revenge Quest 6A boss shadow fight with a surprising reward, The truth is revealed to friends and family, problems arise, A magical girl's trap backfires.Magical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-03-08 8 
3318685Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #21In which we talk to more gods and generally prepare for battle.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-03-11 8 
3324140Magical Girl For Hire Quest #70Finally testing the Gauntlets, and a little more backstory. These are completely unrelated. Also investigating a warrior Blackweb.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-03-17 20 
3338532Magical Girl Revenge Quest 7The Final Countdown. The fallout from the previous night, Junko gets a check-up, A potential new ally appears, The team gets back together.Magical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-03-21 8 
3363276Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #22In which we deal with several people and watch TV, in preparation for going in on the rats.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-03-27 6 
3357954Magical Girl For Hire #71Taking care of an ambitious spider, letting Gartoum do his thing and recruiting for our spider's coup d'etatMGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-03-30 21 
April 2019
3380696Magical Girl Revenge Quest 8Sachiko strikes back, A dangerous rescue for a new ally, More rescues, More answers, An intervention, and Junko an Yuu dance the night awayMagical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-04-05 5 
3402787Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl! Quest #23In which we talk to people as part of continuing preparations. Dear god, these threads are getting shorter and shorter.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-04-12 6 
3392457Magical Girl For Hire #72Short thread, we start figuring out a flamethrower spell, check in with Carrang, and listen to her ramblings.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-04-12 20 
3400249Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Girl Quest! APRIL FOOLS! In which we ask about our dad in an April Fool's futureShotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad, April Fools2019-04-13 5 
3416737Magical Girl Revenge Quest 9Junko teams up with Arc, Battles with Natalya, Some interrogation, and Junko receives an unwelcomed house guestMagical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-04-17 5 
3452594Magical Girl Revenge Quest 10The finale to magical girl revenge quest and epilogues.Magical Girl, Villain, Corruption, Revenge, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-04-26 5 
3431273Magical Girl For Hire #73Miranda gets a new accessory, Gartoum meets our clients, and we meet Topi and Bechel, bounty hunters extraordinaire!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-04-28 20 
May 2019
3447696Fuck Me, My Daughter's A Magical Magical Girl! Quest: #24In which we perform hig-priestly duties, despite claiming we are in no way a high priest, despite what everyone says.Shotgun Dad, Shotgun, HaikuDeluge, Quest, MG, Magical Girl, Dad2019-05-04 5 
3463915Magical Girl For Hire Quest #74Telling lies to dumb driderkids, meeting and defeating Khaom, yet another drider prisoner, and where's that big black portal thing going toMGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-05-10 20 
3487423Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest 1A villain goes undercover as a teacher to deal with a team of incompetent, destructive magical girls while working to build his dream mechaImcompetent Magical Girls Quest, CorruptorQM, Magical Girl, Villain, Robots, Teacher, Superscience2019-05-18 6 
3499038Magical Girl For Hire #75Miranda and Izumi cheat to kill- ahem, Miranda and Izumi pragmatically resolve the situation with Lord Kolm with minimal loss. Explosively.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-05-27 20 
June 2019
3519322Incompetent Magical Girls Quest 2 Otto schemes his way into owning a mining company, starts an RC car destruction derby, begins work on the mech,& the team shows improvement.Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest, CorruptorQM, Magical Girl, Villain, Robots, Teacher, Superscience2019-06-01 4 
3534271Magical Girl For Hire 76Doing various things in The Intersection and going on a run with the two bots.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-06-12 20 
3550940Incompetent Magical Girls Quest 3Otto goes on a date, builds some things for Hifumi, deals with some familiar investigators, and starts up a new class project.Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest, CorruptorQM, Magical Girl, Villain, Robots, Teacher, Superscience2019-06-17 4 
3575114Magical Girl For Hire Quest #77Getting acquainted with this world and its inhabitants.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-06-27 20 
July 2019
3589213Puella Magi Stalingrad Quest Episode 1Katya, an orphan, finds herself caught up in the world of magical girls during the Battle of Stalingrad and draws the eye of the incubator.Puella Magi Stalingrad Quest, Magical Girl, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, WWII, Stalingrad, Stalin2019-07-03 4 
3600855(Slightly) Incompetent Magical Girl Quest 4Otto heads in to the PTA meeting and finally meets Hifumi’s father. Short thread.Imcompetent Magical Girls Quest, CorruptorQM, Magical Girl, Villain, Robots, Teacher, Superscience2019-07-03 1 
3603685Magical Girl For Hire #78Blowing up a secret laboratory on our second mission for Aegis, we meet some of the locals.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-07-11 20 
3622508Puella Magi Stalingrad Quest Episode 2Katya saves a rival magical girl and deals with the reaction from her friends. Puella Magi Stalingrad Quest, Magical Girl, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, WWII, Stalingrad, Stalin2019-07-12 3 
3617720Magical Contractor Quest 1Octavian leads Alice away from her cult’s farm to form a contract with her. The pair set out on the road, work on magic, and fight a monsterMagical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-07-12 4 
3659133Magical Contractor Quest 2Octavian defuses a fight, Alice gets some practice with her powers, goes on a shopping trip, and we stumble upon a monster in a small town.Magical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-07-26 2 
3658718Magical Girl For Hire #79Short thread, where Miranda tries blind fighting in the pit and going on errands for local Scrappers.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-07-29 20 
August 2019
3702767Magical Contractor Quest 3Alice defeats a monster, saves a woman, and convinces Octavian to form a contract with her.Magical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-08-12 5 
3699759Magical Girl For Hire #80Miranda ends things with the Scrappers, and returns to her ACTUAL job to get promptly chewed out and punished. We turn lemons into lemonade.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-08-14 20 
3748238Magical Contractor Quest 4The girls have a fairly quiet day. Jeanette gets to know her new abilities. Alice uses her strange magic on Alonso. Alice gets a family.Magical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-08-29 2 
September 2019
3745994Magical Girl For Hire Quest #81In this short thread, we discover Prima is Magic!(al), test Owlia's universal communicator, and prepare for the next mission.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-09-02 20 
3789176Magical Contractor Quest 5Octavian and the girls head out for a nice family dinner. Alice starts learning how to write. A pair of monsters launch a surprise attack.Magical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-09-14 1 
3803941Magical Girl For Hire #82Miranda, Prima, and Jago discover a long abandoned military facility...which seems to have more than a couple of secrets.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-09-30 20 
October 2019
3827585Magical Contractor Quest 6Short thread due to QM absence. Octavian reacts poorly to some bad news.Magical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-10-07 1 
3847549Magical Girl For Hire #83After the job is accomplished, the clients decide they'd rather not pay. This does not end well for them.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-10-15 20 
3862572Magical Contractor Quest 7Octavian recalls some past events, discovers a little more about humanity, strikes up a relationship,& makes another possible discovery. Magical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-10-22 2 
November 2019
3872501Magical Girl For Hire #84Girls Night In, with poker and movies! And then we join Izumi's mission.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-11-01 20 
3887777Magical Contractor Quest 8Octavian reacts to possibly being a fae& gets drunk for the first time. We see things from other’s perspectives. Octavian has a bad “dream”?Magical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-11-08 1 
3897255Magical Girl For Hire #85Izumi gets closer than she'd like to one of targets, we meet a shocking contact, and a stakeout goes south. MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-11-20 20 
December 2019
3927777Magical Contractor Quest 9Octavian makes a couple of breakthroughs. A new MG determines her course of action. Alice makes a second attempt at fixing Alonso.Magical Contractor Quest, Magical Girl, Familiar, Octavian2019-12-05 1 
3927372 Magical Girl For Hire #86We interrogate people, capture people, and do Paladin things. Things are going well, but for how long?MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Magical Girl Revenge Quest, MGHandler2019-12-07 20 
3955945Magical Girl For Hire #87We figure a lot out in a short amount of time, and promptly kick things into high gear with some kidnappings. We're competent like that.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-12-23 20 
January 2020
3978303Magical Girl For Hire #88The Queen finally comes over and gets punched across the forest. Ladies and gentlemen - we got 'em.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2020-01-08 18 
4004903Magical Girl For Hire #89Bit of a short thread. Teaching the kids about merchants, looking into a spate of layoffs, and learning about some A-list Outgoers.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-01-21 17 
February 2020
4039631Magical Girl For Hire #90In this short thread we learn more about the Intersection and it's inhabitants.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-02-10 15 
March 2020
4076277Magical Girl for Hire #91Managing our home front: team training, new hire and learning more about the strange events in the Intersection. Then it's job time!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-03-02 15 
4113541Magical Girl For Hire #92We meet our clients and wander around their flying magic school. Then we relieve them of violent giant birds and some dangerous contraband.MGFH, Magical Girl For HIre, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-03-24 12 
April 2020
4148358Magical Girl For Hire #93The team arrives on the island and delves into cultist's dungeon. Things go really well at first, but...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-04-11 12 
4184381Magical Girl For Hire #94Owlia's headache continue, Cylica chops a bear in half, Nura visits the informant, and we head back home with a nice fat bonus.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-04-26 12 
August 2020
4362744Magical Girl For Hire #95After a time away, we catch up with Miranda, and have a bit of a ice cream outing with...scary results. Sorta. Then we dragon up for a job!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-08-12 12 
September 2020
4399412Magical Girl For Hire #96Miranda begins searching for the Lockstones to free her boss. The first is easy enough. The second...proves more complicated.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-09-02 11 
4429379Magical Girl For Hire #97Miranda continues to assault the keep for the second Lockstone. Soldiers and strange things abound. Oh, and we pop some pills.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-09-21 10 
October 2020
4457993Magical Girl For Hire #98Synth-Seither...not even once...We snatch the 2nd Lockstone, recuperate from crash and travel to Alminia, where the 3rd Lockstone is hidden.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-10-20 10 
November 2020
4497628Magical Girl For Hire #99Miranda finds out the general location of the next Lockstone, and goes searching for it, winding up in a small, sleepy village...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-11-17 10 
December 2020
4521576MGDF Quest #1Our protagonist Elizabeth Wyvern joins the Magical Girl Defense Force, makes some friends, fights enemies, and fights her friends. MGDF, Magical girl, Collective game, Female Protagonist2020-12-05 6 
4538871Magical Girl For Hire #100Thread #100! It's mostly an in-character Q&A, along with small blurbs about Intersection life.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-12-07 10 
76629733Magical Girl Noir StorytimeA GM gifts /tg/ with long-winded storytime from a campaign played by a bunch of MNGQ writefags. There are pictures.Storytime, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Ratty2020-12-26 15 
4547582Magical Girl For Hire #101We skip puzzles by letting the young do-gooders do all the hard work, beat them up and snatch the Lockstone. Then it's side-mission time!MGHF, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-12-27 10 
January 2021
4562940MGDF Quest #2In this thread Elizabeth attends a party and gets in a fight. Later, a deer meets an old friend and deals with a strange problem.MGDF, Magical girl, Collective game, Female Protagonist2021-01-06 3 
4588635Magical Girl For Hire #102Bad news: the locals have corrupted our client's shadow magic, causing our direbat mount to strain itself and crash-land on a minor island.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-01-31 10 
February 2021
4597384MGDF Quest #3Leshi has a trip to the hospital and learns about child care and Elizabeth takes on a case of kidnapping outside the city.MGDF, Magical girl, Collective game, Female Protagonist2021-02-08 2 
March 2021
4635062My Daughter's a Magical Girl! (not actually a one shot)Local Dad discovers daughter is a magical girl, goes on magical demonslaying adventure, more at 9.Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-03-01 5 
4632129Magical Girl For Hire #103We manage to talk our way out of issues with the clergy, and set sail. Also fight a Kraken.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-03-06 10 
4652281MGDF Quest #4Elizabeth and Lucy enjoy a party and deal with a group of fairy kidnappers.MGDF, Magical girl, Collective game, Female Protagonist2021-03-20 1 
April 2021
4681541Magical Girl For Hire #104We talk to an old dragon, and head off to a dangerous island in search of the next stone. Problem is, someone got there already...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-04-07 10 
4686688Magical Girl PeaceMaker QuestNot-Madoka gets shanked, then post avalanches, then gay, then nigga. Read thisMagical Girl, PeaceMaker, Hush, peaceful2021-04-10 2 
4690852My Daughter's a Magical Girl! PT2Local father learns magic and is paranoid.Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-04-16 2 
4710924MGDF Quest #5Lucy tells the truth, the city is under threat, and Elizabeth has a cliffhanger boss fight in this season finale.MGDF, Magical girl, Collective game, Female Protagonist 2021-04-20 1 
May 2021
4725648Magical Girl For Hire #105At the end of our island tour, we run into a bit of a...complication. Now where's that DAMN fourth Lockstone...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-05-06 10 
4745612My Daughter's a Magical Girl! Pt3Local Dad goes mole hunting, almost dies. Quest, Collective Game, Anon, Anonymous, MG, Magical Girl, Shotgun Dad, dad, magic, My Daughter's a Magical Girl!2021-05-13 2 
4782770Magical Girl For Hire #106 After a mid-air fight and an assault on an ancient temple, we finally acquire the fourth Lockstone. Now all that's left is the last...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-05-30 7 
June 2021
4838171Magical Girl For Hire #107Darkness and death blankets the land as we finish the tasks of our dark master. And then we go home and fret about our new pet.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-06-25 7 
July 2021
4886989Magical Girl For Hire #108Miranda gets involved in the movie business. Also engages in petcare and childcare.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-07-31 7 
September 2021
4929917Magical Girl For Hire #109Hanging around the Intersection, we take our talents to the movies. Only to find ourselves in a mystery...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-09-04 9 
October 2021
4982139Magical Girl Fore Hire #110We solve the crime, and then hold a team meeting to get our crap straight.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-10-20 8 
December 2021
5029050Magical Girl For Hire #111More management stuff, then Miranda visits the Coven's HQ for favors and spooks, and an 11 year old vampire competes in an eating contest.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-12-10 9 
January 2022
5075063Magical Girl For Hire #112Izumi decides to help her friend Ai, which leads to her and Miranda taking a joint mission with Flashpoint. It's job time!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-01-16 8 
February 2022
5113819Magical Girl For Hire #113Miranda, Izumi, and Zipper raid a house of the dead, charge through a city full of biohazards, and clear a gang with rather dark souls.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-02-11 9 
March 2022
5160214Magical Girl For Hire #114Strange strangers cause strange happenings, causing us to relive the past and more.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-03-28 9 
May 2022
5206666Magical Girl For Hire #115Our delivery girls slay a giant beast on their path to the Avion City and encounter local survivor factions.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-05-08 8 
June 2022
5248759Magical Girl For Hire #116(In-thread number is mislabeled.) The mission is completed...but Izumi has a bit of a souvenir from it that she has to take care of now...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire Quest, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-06-10 7 
July 2022
5290397Mahou Shoujo AcademiaA quest about an Academy that trains magical girls in a far future post-apocalyptic setting. Our MC is a holy maiden, diligent and pure.Collective Game, Magical Girl, Mahou Shoujo Academia, Demons, Magic, Artificial Gods, Shrine Maiden, Post-Apocalypse, School Setting, Nudism2022-07-03 25 
5295171Magical Girl For Hire #117Movie Making and Making Moves in The Intersection. We're a busy girl.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-07-09 8 
August 2022
5326152Magical Girl For Hire #118Short thread in which Miranda goes through her ever-growing list of to-do's.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-08-06 6 
5332516Mahou Shoujo Academia #2Parva and friends continue through the survival training they were thrown into as punishment for missing orientation.Collective Game, Magical Girl, Mahou Shoujo Academia, Demons, Magic, Artificial Gods, Shrine Maiden, Post-Apocalypse, School Setting, Nudism2022-08-11 21 
September 2022
5358723Magical Girl For Hire #119We go on a job as part of a bargain we made. It's only somewhat spooky, really. But game shows are their own special brand of horror.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-09-04 5 
October 2022
5393091Magical Girl For Hire #120Miranda takes part in game show subterfuge.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-10-22 5 
November 2022
5446598Magical Girl For Hire #121Magical Girl For Hire #121MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-11-01 4 
February 2023
87563268Magical Girl Games Anon watches Madoka and wants to run a Magical Girl themed campaign. Arguments, memes, and weebs arguing over stupid things.Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-04 -22 
87612096Magical Girl Games 2: Electric Boogaloo A second thread about weebs talking about Magical Girl themed campaigns. More arguing ensues. Will there be a part 3?Magical Girl, Anime, Kamen Rider, Worldbuilding, OVA, BESM, Setting Discussion, superheroes, magic2023-02-19 -22 
May 2023
5623520In the Land of Cotton: A Confederate Magical Girl Quest A flying magical girl and her squad start their fight in the American Civil War before the QM calls for a pause.Collective Game, Magical Girl, Alt-History, Wide Pride2023-05-11 -8 
January 2024
5874503Mahou Shoujo Villainess QuestWe select our villainess character and get thrown into another world. Can Kuroda Haruka survive?villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2024-01-20 17 
February 2024
5903834Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 2Kuroda Haruka becomes King of Camelot and starts the first steps as a villainess.villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2024-02-24 12 
April 2024
5952624Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 3Kuroda Haruka scores a few successes and setbacks during and after her first Quest in Japan.villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2024-04-09 12 
May 2024
5987729Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 4Kuroda Haruka hunts down a terrible monster that dared attack her vassals. Vengeance will be hers!villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2024-05-28 12 
July 2024
6030057M.A.G.I.C.A.L. Girl Quest #1In the far future, magical girls created by the Sirius Empire fight in the war against the opposing empires for what they believe is right.magical girl, tactics, war, sci-fi2024-07-12 4 
6028862Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 5Kuroda Haruka doesn't have a great time against Gareth and dies. Don't worry she gets better, rescues her vassals and returns to Camelot.villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2024-07-15 11 
September 2024
6066311Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 6A feast and promise to a Goddess fulfilled, the Kingdom of Camelot is set on some tasks and new visitors from away arrive!villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2024-09-15 9 
November 2024
6109142Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 7Haruka deals with the Romans and the task of governing Camelot. She discovers more about Avalon and her Kingdom, but will it be enough?villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2024-11-09 8 
January 2025
6146425Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 8Kuroda Haruka decides to recruit humans for her kingdom. Unfortunately, they're all crazy. Now she has to deal with missing vassals...villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2025-01-12 5 
February 2025
6187454Mirtelcio's Magical Girl Quest #1A magical girl is born. Somehow. It's time to decide what that magical girl will be like.Magical Girls, Action, Collective Game2025-02-01 0 
6161985You're DATING a Magical Girl! You're a regular janitor with an admiration for magical girls that discovers that your girlfriend is one. Chaos ensues.Tenders, Tenders QM, You're DATING a Magical Girl! Quest, Magical Girl, Mahou Shoujo, Genderbender, Ecchi, Yandere, Crossdress, Prejudice2025-02-12 0 
6183472Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest 9Kuroda Haruka makes a choice to stand and fight against the fake Cath Palug. QM gets blindsided by trade war, causing hiatus.villainess, collective_game, magical_girl2025-02-16 2 
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