Thread Title Description Tags Added Score December 2007 921167 DC 80 to crawl up an anus It turns out that a DC 80 Escape Artist check lets you crawl up someone's anus. Epic lulz ensues. anus , crawl , escape artist , FATAL , epic 2007-12-21 177 February 2008 1178163 Black Tokyo /tg/ discovers a truly horrible eroRPG. rape disgusting troll FATAL 2008-02-16 15 1188125 Let's Play Black Tokyo! For some reason, nobody wanted to... rape disgusting FATAL hentai virginia 2008-02-18 11 March 2008 1426730 Pedo Sororitas Cannoness principal of your school locks you in her office. How does /tg/ respond? rape , 40K 2008-03-29 5 April 2008 1586226 Bureacracy in 40K Your thread is very important to us, please hold. 40K , paperwork , red tape 2008-04-23 11 May 2008 1775987 Rapeguard A moronic DM shoehorns a celibate paladin into a magically-dominated fall because "all men want to have sex with women, no matter what they say." /tg/ plots revenge. No it's not a rape thread , blackguard , stupid DM , paladins 2008-05-20 26 June 2008 1927081 Rapeguard, continued Update on Anonymous' plan for vengeance on his group's DM. No it's not a rape thread , blackguard , stupid DM , paladins 2008-06-07 25 September 2008 2593504 .Hack//Pen and paper 2 The second thread created by Ensis to discuss more about the system and to flesh out more of how game play would resolve. Ensis Kun-kun .hack dot hack .hack//pen and paper 2008-09-17 5 April 2009 4161791 Planescape Magical Faction Girls! The PCs are magical girls imbued with power by their factions, sent by Big Sis Pain-chan to fight evil throughout the planes! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious 2009-04-02 18 4247421 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 2 Oh Jesus, he's actually going to RUN it. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious 2009-04-11 12 4255435 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 3 The game ends up actually being run and... nothing is creepy about it! It's actually FUN!
Oh Jesus God, what have we done. WHAT HAVE WE DONE. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-12 15 4324227 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 4 If this is what happens 'That Time of the Week,' I dread knowing what 'That Time of the Month' will be like. The goddamn magical girls are back again! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-19 11 4329164 What is it like to hold a Doomguard in your arms? Etc. etc. one of those for each faction. Moderately entertaining and so forth. Planescape , doomguard , Pentar , dark sun 2009-04-20 7 4398034 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 5 Third session of the Planescape Girls Game, and the last in the adventure! They actually get into a fight for once! There is EXCITEMENT and ADVENTURE! D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-04-26 10 May 2009 4465475 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Part 6 Fourth actual game-session. This time we go to the beach and Bleaker-tan's Player crit-succeeds at sandcastle-building. ADORABLE. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-05-03 7 4483250 Masterwork +3 /tg/ takes everyday objects and makes them awesome. masterwork , ignore copypasta , duct tape 2009-05-07 1 July 2009 5138369 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Return! They're back! (Last thread wasn't archived.) Now in session 10, the girls are dealing with the Modron March and need help stopping them from trampling a town in Celestia. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM 2009-07-12 7 5198252 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: The Unswerving Path Modrons are assholes. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM , modrons 2009-07-19 10 August 2009 5578859 Victorian Succubus op asks about a steampunk setting with aristocrat succubi steampunk , succubus , victorian , planescape 2009-08-25 1 October 2009 6384176 Whats the most fucked up thing you ever did in RPG? Tells all about this thread. Contains decent amount of win and pr0n rpg rp roleplaying rape dh dnd 2009-10-23 0 November 2009 6872954 Dreamscape "Hello Paul. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that expectation is no longer certain." Dreamscape , Collective Game 2009-11-26 37 6888614 Dreamscape #2 The Dreamscape quest led by our hero, Paul, continues. Dreamscape , Collective Game 2009-11-27 37 6916263 Dreamscape #3 The Dreamscape quest led by our hero, Paul, continues. Dreamscape , Collective Game 2009-11-29 36 December 2009 7021486 Dreamscape #4 The Dreamscape quest led by our hero, Paul, continues. Dreamscape , Collective Game 2009-12-06 33 7098627 Dreamscape #5 The Dreamscape quest led by our hero, Paul, continues. Dreamscape , Collective Game 2009-12-12 28 7110170 Dreamscape #6 The Dreamscape Quest led by our hero, Alicia, continues. Dreamscape , Collective Game 2009-12-13 29 January 2010 7417028 Dreamscape #7 The Dreamscape quest led by our hero, Alicia, continues. Dreamscape , Collective Game 2010-01-04 16 7515545 Dreamscape #8 The Dreamscape quest led by our hero, Alicia, continues. Dreamscape , Collective Game 2010-01-10 13 February 2010 8196140 Dreamscape Conclusion The Dreamscape quest comes to an end. Dreamscape , Collective Game 2010-02-21 11 March 2010 8363639 Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe Some follow up to the Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe series. Interesting theories emerge about the possible follow up to contagonist's writefaggotry. Eclipse Phase , Transhumanity , Mass Effect,TITANS,Batarian Specter,finger quotes , Reapers 2010-03-03 6 April 2010 8909497 Planescape Magical Faction Girls: Season 1 Planescape: Magical Girls finally returns a year after it was created, on April 1. The Great Modron March has concluded. Game is still awesome. D&D , planescape , magical girls , not serious , BESM , modrons 2010-04-01 10 May 2010 9577092 Create a Race - Rape Lawn /tg/ created a race, a metalic rape lawn that moves via osmosis and reproduces with lasers. Create a race , rape lawn , rape , lawn 2010-05-03 34 10168474 The Breaking Point Break shit. Break everything, break the rules, even break the game. Now. system , rpg , pnp , pen and paper , oc , original content , earthflame 2010-05-31 16 July 2010 11143565 Zerg Quest Cerebrate Anon begins the "What the fuck" brood. Hilarity ensues. Also, rape. Cerebrate Anon , rapelings , dicklings , cocklisks , ernie , bernie 2010-07-15 39 11272408 Zerg Quest IV On the eve of what would come to be known by some as the Great War, the Overmind created a Cerebrate called Anon...It has gone rogue (OR HAS IT?!) Zerg Quest , rapelings , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Overmind , Planet Glassing 2010-07-22 25 August 2010 11558305 Dogscape The earth is carpeted by a layer of Dog. The only sustenance for the remaining humans is what can be hacked from the all-consuming carpet of flesh. Dogscape , dog , horror , post apocalyptic , fucking terrifying 2010-08-07 13 September 2010 12275066 tg beats a thief into the motherfucking ground Vapid tart makes a thread about stealing from gamesworkshop, but TG's JUSTICE squad are ready to dispense the law, fuck yeah! epic , rage , warhams , metal mans , stealing , win , Deathleapers Fangrill 2010-09-30 -15 October 2010 12527708 War of the Oceans What starts with OP simply telling us of a rapeable dilemma he's having, ends with declarations of war across the ocean. dolphins , funny , rape , chaos , ocean , squid , sharks , war , water 2010-10-22 6 January 2011 13681876 Space Marine Paper Minatures Some mench from /po/ drops templates for Space Marine Terminators made out of cardstock. /tg/ goes nuts on other chapters, Angrymarines included. papercraft , minatures , 40K , Warhammer 40K , Space Marine , Awesome 2011-01-28 17 13680314 Network 0 done right Anon starts a thread about Lost Tapes and it ends with an awesome story about Network 0 HtV , nWoD , Lost Tapes , Hunter , ideas 2011-01-29 4 March 2011 14157022 About steak, tapeworms and other things Conversation about how your characters usually eat, turns into debate about steaks, tapeworm conspiracies, nationalities and rainforests Steak , Rage , tapeworms , derail 2011-03-07 -4 14328261 Elf herding op has trouble getting their elf out of a tree after it chased a squirrel up. other anons offer suggestions and raise their own questions about what to do when their orcs/ halflings/ kenders/ goblins/ humans, and such get out of hand elves , its not rape if its an elf , 2011-03-23 26 April 2011 14584699 Nasty Horrible Magic Systems Op wonders about magic systems that are well... Nasty and horrible. Anon delivers. magic , torture , rape , death , nasty , horrible , discussion , setting 2011-04-14 2 14615734 RPS Army Suggestions /tg/ debates the relative merits of the the three powerhouses of the classic game. Sadfrog says to make a RPS army system. RPS , Rock Paper Scissors , Janken , Fake Rules,Sadfrog 2011-04-17 1 14668953 Portal-Adeva crossover Cave Johnson here. Here at Nerv we're making giant abominations wrapped in four feet of metal armor to defend the Earth from alien attack. Now the lab boys say we should be using well-trained men to pilot these, but the last budget came up a bit short, and so I said to them, "Hey, my boy loves these things! He can pilot one!" Adeva , Adeptus Evangelion , Evangelion , Neon Genesis Evangelion , Portal , Portal 2 , Aperture Science , Cave Johnson 2011-04-21 36 May 2011 14871818 Jackie vs the world. A PC in a world that just hates PCs. Eventually he breaks the DM's bullshit in half and frees himself. THAT DM , Maenads , Mary-sue , Storytime , Gestalt , Escape 2011-05-10 21 14916461 Thread about Elf Rape Wat Do threads. Long winded and detailed story involving a moral dilemma about the female fey in the picture. Usually involving a catch-22 situation where the askee will be forced to fight while horribly outnumbered and possibly die if they do not molest and have unwanted intercourse with said female fey. elf , rape , satire 2011-05-13 17 14958236 Casting and ripping off GW IP So now that GW is ejaculating in the gaping anuses of all the southern hemisphere, how about we have a thread talking about casting our own shit and circumventing the skyrocketing price range. cast , oyumaru , plastic , mold , mould , ripoff , saving , cheap , cheaper 2011-05-18 1 15097981 Extra, Extra! Fa/tg/uys buy newspaper, inane headlines increase by 500%, anon accused of mukin' about. newspaper , d&d , 40k , frontline news 2011-05-30 6 15098724 Extra, Extra! Take 2! Fa/tg/uys auto-sage old thread, nofun-fags enraged, official response by spokesperson 'u mad' newspaper , d&d , 40k , frontline news 2011-05-30 0 July 2011 15449311 Warrior of the North Quest 7 Starts with elf rape; moves on from there. Warriors of the North Quest , Norsca Quest , Collective Game , Elf Rape 2011-07-02 26 September 2011 16136082 Zerg Quest LVI Let's synergize our communication zones and break some paradigms. Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Kerrigan , Raynor , Contract Negotiations , Very complicated paperwork 2011-09-01 12 October 2011 16727562 Humans are insane (rapists) Humans are unleashed upon the galaxy and it's not our weapons that aliens should fear. Humans , Galaxy , Sex , Rape 2011-10-25 38 16776761 Moronic player stories Stupid players, IRL rape, John Cloud Raven John Cloud Raven , That Guy , Rape 2011-10-30 8 January 2012 17589231 Zerg Quest LXIX Somebody rapes Moria, and then we tear part of reality open. Yikes. Starcraft , Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Bernie , Earth-shattering kaboom , Rape monsters , Scheduling changes , 69 Dudes! 2012-01-19 10 17623200 Black Knight Quest part 10 We encounter a burned village were some weird shit and mindraping happens. Black knight quest , Collective game , Rule of Cool , Mindrape 2012-01-22 22 17637446 Zerg Quest LXX Sunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics. Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Collective Game , Bernie , Kerrigan , Nukes , Lying to genocide/rape survivors , Not even thinking twice about it , Group Therapy 2012-01-23 10 February 2012 17914370 Devil-In-Training A demon comes to /tg/ for help in landing his first "sell your soul to the devil" Faustian bargain. The neckbeards flex their BBEG muscles and offer what help they can. deal with the devil , demon , devil , evil , Faustian bargain , Punisherâs daughter , Screwtape , sell your soul , Wormwood 2012-02-13 10 March 2012 18152223 How to fight monstergirls Stories of tragedy and loss in the fight to keep humans from being raped to death by monsters. monstergirl , rape , storytime 2012-03-01 22 18165669 How to fight monstergirls, part 2 Stories of tragedy and loss in the fight to keep humans from being raped to death by monsters. Continued. monstergirl , rape , storytime 2012-03-02 9 April 2012 18637014 The Most Glorious Boon Denizens of /tg/, I have paid with my blood and my sweat, and in return the forge granted me a most glorious boon! Duct tape , Kludge , Funny , classic tg 2012-04-09 38 18722451 Aperture Cartel's Many Inventions Investors! Here we have a collection of Aperture Cartel's useful and inexpensive Inventions for your perusal. Now we're between banks right now so we're accepting cash in hand. get your people to meet our people. Don't mind the smell.
Cave Johnston, we're done here. Aperture Cartel , Cave Johnston , Science , Tests , Portal , We're Done Here 2012-04-15 21 July 2012 19833002 Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark Eldar Brother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER. Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Chapter Master Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , Strategic Girth , Spin-Off , Adeptus Sororitas , brother , sister , prisoner , Big Daddy , Dark Eldar , Feudal world , webway , Commoragh , slaves , rape , Sororitas 2012-07-12 10 20005554 Â Elven biomechanics - theorizing the elf as brachiating arboreal humanoid Re-designing the classical elf to biologically, culturally, and metally correspond to their tree-loving ways, a group of elegan/tg/entlemen reaches some unexpected and most startling conclusions. game ideas , elf , concept , world building , ape , biology , science 2012-07-23 31 August 2012 20453601 Apellomancy /tg/ discusses a new school of magic. Hilarity ensues. magic , apellomancy , names , awesome , /tg/ 2012-08-24 11 October 2012 21267436 XWF Manager Quest 8: All American Boy The King Of All NightÂŽs Dreaming Brass and Python have their hardest fights to date as Python faces the problem of hitting someone in flames, and Brass goes head to head against a former queen of all three XWF divisions XWF , Collective Game , The King of All NightÂŽs Dreaming , Brass Reaper 2012-10-25 3 December 2012 22000241 QUICK, HIDE! 99, 98, 97... hide , seek , hide & seek , dc80 escape artist , simple games 2012-12-13 6 22158122 /tg/ Meta Quest 124 We finally answer Ravel's riddle with an answer she is willing to accept, then shift perspective to another one of our teams that appears to have landed in a fight between Black Ops and the participants of the Blood War. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Black Ops , Civil War , TG Civil War , G-Man , Half-Life , WoD , Void Engineers , New Chaos , The Open Door , Martian Successor Nadesico , Super Robot Wars , SRW J , Kane , Planescape: Torment , The Blood War 2012-12-23 7 January 2013 22421105 Gorilla RPG Party Discussion on the merits of gorilla PCs turns into storytime about a Gorilla Paladin. Gorilla , Paladin , Gorilladin , RPG , Party , Ape 2013-01-06 5 April 2013 24037501 Demi Quest II Thread 5 In this installment, Alex Hanger heads back to base with a vicious battle along the way. Afterwards, we catch some well deserved rest, and switch perspective to Vortez, pilot of Apex. Demi Quest , Collective Game , Alex Hanger , Ace , Imperator , Salaya Vortez , Apex 2013-04-04 23 June 2013 25629447 Reaper Knigjt Quest Start of a new bleach quest set in Europe. Yes the method by which we died was result of lolrandumb but author manages to salvage it Reaper Knight Quest , Bleach , Autoerotic Asphyxiation 2013-06-25 10 25642806 The Worst of the Worst Wargamers gather yet again to discuss the weirdos and creepers who infest our beloved hobby. Featuring the Furry Rape Planet story creeper , that_guy , Furry_Rape_Planet 2013-06-26 12 July 2013 25845913 Sadistic Immortal Loli Rape Victim: Recap Because everyone knows the best part of any anime is the recap episode! Collective Game , Vampire Doll Quest , Edgy , Lolicon , Rape , Guro , erp , Redundancy 2013-07-06 15 26010101 Monsterrape Quest 8 Don't worry, its just IRONICALLY shitty! Collective Game , Rape , Gangbangs , ERP , Twilight , You have killed the joke and dragged this gag out longer than a Family Guy sketch 2013-07-15 2 August 2013 26928971 Government Bureaucrat Quest We are Nicholas Voronov, Paperwork Wizard. Collective Game , Bureaucracy , Paperwork , Red Tape 2013-08-31 6 October 2013 27633790 .hack//QUEST #0- Initialization Wherein we register a character, and take our first steps into "The World". Collective Game , .hack//QUEST , Apeiron , The World 2013-10-08 7 27682697 .hack//QUEST #0- First Steps In which we explore a dungeon and OP fulfills a promise he made last thread. Collective Game , .hack//QUEST , Apeiron , The World 2013-10-11 5 January 2014 29226125 Larry The Transgender "RP"-ist Things get a bit odd as a That Guy gets the Girl, then OP continues with another... "story" Storytime , Larry , Transgender , Rapist , Rape , That Guy , Story , Nunsplosion 2014-01-02 21 29360104 D&D Alignment: How very Neutral of you. A few guys actually make some gods-damned sense of D&D alignment. DnD , D&D , Dungeons , Dragons , Planescape , Neutral , Zapp , Brannigan , good , evil , law , chaos , sense , fluff , alignment , explanation , succubus 2014-01-08 13 29899902 Anal Adventuring What happens when OP asks how many druids you can fit into an anus? The answer may surprise you druids , wildshape , milkmaids , escape artist 2014-01-30 39 April 2014 31348296 Reaper Quest Session 1 We come out of hibernation, explore, and start to establish a foothold. Collective Game , Quest , Crossover , Reaper , Mass Effect , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Reaper Quest 2014-04-09 6 31362231 Reaper Quest Session 2 We indoctrinate the crew of a dying ship then run into a small problem towards the end. Collective Game , Quest , Crossover , Reaper , Mass Effect , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Reaper Quest 2014-04-10 6 May 2014 32073245 Sexbot Child Rape Quest But its okay because the robot is raping a boy~! Sexbots , Child Rape , Quest , Choose your own Child Rape 2014-05-12 15 32316207 Child Rape Quest Its muh fetish, so deal with it Shotas Gettin Raped , Quest 2014-05-24 18 June 2014 32862877 Rapeclaiming Edge Quest Did you ever play Overlord and think to yourself "Man, what this game really needs is edgy rape and a general hatred of women"? Well fear not, we here at /tg/ have a quest for that! Edge , Rape , Quest 2014-06-19 6 July 2014 33515486 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 12 Immediately after buttfucking Chara, our hero is confounded by a threat which threatens his very sanity: economics. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-07-19 2 33675165 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 13 In which our brave hero goes to a local festival. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-07-26 3 August 2014 33800135 Stiffs and Prongs /tg/ makes a buddy cop show set in Sigil, starring a young Tiefling and his Warforged partner. Stiffs and Prongs , Planescape , buddy cop show 2014-08-01 1 33845348 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 14 Post-petting, pre-coppergirl. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-02 3 34011209 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 15 In which our hero fights a coppergirl and probably gets killed for it. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-09 -1 34184617 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 16 After his vicious and humiliating throat rape of the coppergirl, our hero emerges from the mines with her in tow. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-16 2 34343491 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 17 Chara's got a collar, and Patina's still waiting to be raped again? All this and more, on tonight's episode of Child Rapist Quest. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-23 4 34338430 Ancient Baatorians Thread in which /tg/ discusses D&D lore about the Baatorians, the Archdevils, demons and other fluff dealing with the ancient history of the Multiverse. D&D , lore , Planescape , Baatezu , Baatorians , Baator , Nine Hells , devils , demons , history 2014-08-24 11 34509225 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 18 Our hero goes to his parents' keep to investigate his older brother's murder. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-08-30 4 September 2014 34675824 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 19 Having finished up with Elisetta's side quest (and fucked her), our hero continues in his investigation of his older brother's murder. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-06 4 34837564 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 20 Our hero plans to head south and meet Sir Arthur. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-13 4 35000017 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 21 Our hero has a firm suspect: Lorenne, his brother's paramour. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-20 2 35022120 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 22 Our hero has sex with a small child and then heads off to the mountains on his quest for an heir. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-21 3 35152884 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23 Our hero adventures in the Allimas, having met Erosette once more. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-27 -5 35153074 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 23 Our hero adventures in the Allimas. (Actual thread.) Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-27 4 35174614 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 24 After getting his arm slashed open, our hero continues to fuck his way through life. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-09-28 3 October 2014 35302762 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 25 Our hero confronts a brown girl on some rocks. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-04 4 35453839 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 26 Having finished raping a brown girl, our hero is shot at by some redhead bitch. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-11 1 35572034 Khornette Quest #12 In which we find out we suck at Zero-G combat, learn to drive a Glaive, and make a decision regarding the AI. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Rak'gol , Nurgelette , Roosterteeth , Duct Tape , ELH 2014-10-17 13 35608257 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 27 Having finished brutally raping Lorenne, our hero deals with the fallout of Erosette's battle. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-18 1 35750114 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 28 With Lorenne taken as his rape toy, our hero should be wrapping up his business in the Allimas soon. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-10-25 3 November 2014 35893634 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 29 Having impregnated his wife, our hero completes his journey home. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-01 4 36039362 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 30 Having returned home, our hero has to manage his harem some more. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-08 3 36182407 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 31 Our hero is home at last, managing his harem. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-15 4 36328568 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 32 Our hero fugs Chara in the butt, again. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-11-22 4 December 2014 36485640 Living Planet Worldbuilding and Debate /tg/ proposes a planet made of living, dogscape-ish organic flesh as a setting. The resulting discussion involves parasite cults, Star Trek ships vs Hellstar Remina, cities covered in biohazard-proofed walls and several new setting's worth of fluff. dogscape , gigerworld , meat , organic , planet , star trek , hellstar remina 2014-12-01 3 36604642 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 33 Our hero probably spends some quality time with Adelle or something. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-06 4 36741120 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 34 Our hero terrifies his captive and continues his investigation. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-13 3 36876645 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 35 The interrogation of Lorenne continues. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2014-12-20 2 37033413 Leviathan Quest 1 you come to your senses as black goo and go on to take over sam and find yourself in the amalgam of marvel movieverse and comics marvel , Dick Roman , collective game , quest , Arceus Exalted , Supernatural , Leviathan , Black goo , shapeshifter , doppelganger , comic , avengers , mutant 2014-12-29 0 January 2015 37138137 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 36 Our hero must confront a shadow/slimegirl alone and unarmed. Is this the end for him? Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2015-01-03 3 37262984 Dying Cape Quest #1 A superheroine discovers she has terminal brain cancer, yay! Dying Cape Quest , Collective Game , Alteration , Original 2015-01-09 8 37285544 Text Adventure Quest: Swordsage 37 With the letter of intent in hand, our hero prepares for the last conflict. Text Adventure Quest , Collective Game , Swordsage , Waifushit , Smut , Rape Is Okay If They're Monstergirls 2015-01-10 4 37306192 Dying Cape Quest #2 Kaiju fightin', and yes, she's till dying. Dying Cape Quest , Collective Game , Alteration , Original 2015-01-11 5 37372535 Dying Cape Quest #3 Dying superhero seeks comfort. Or not. Dying Cape Quest , Collective Game , Alteration , Original 2015-01-14 3 February 2015 38268778 Dying Cape Quest #4 A not so dying superhero gets a happy end. Then the world ends. Dying Cape Quest , Collective Game , Alteration , Original 2015-02-24 1 April 2015 39064892 Knight Captain Quest Our Knight Captain attempts to follow her usual routine only for a highly suspicious apprentice to appear. Sure to be the start of a long line of dry threads. Collective Game , Knight Captain Quest , Paperwork , Damp 2015-04-01 6 May 2015 40173120 Dark Prince Quest Episode 1: The Jail Astar, former prince of the Empire of Thoden, decides to escape the prison he's been locked in for two years. Amazingly, he does just that. Dark Prince Quest , Collective Game , jail , escape , undead , Chimera 2015-05-25 21 June 2015 40366041 Techie's Intergalatic Paperwork 1 We're Techie, and we've been sent to a really far planet for some reason. Then the Mailman appears, and tells us we need to get back to the center of the Imperium to sign some papers. Well heck, how are we gonna get there from here? Techie's Intergalatic Paperwork , Quest , Collective game 2015-06-03 7 September 2015 42687766 Desolation Quest 1 A farmboy loses his family, his hometown, and buries them alongside his ability to give a fuck. Already dead inside, when death comes for him a 1-in-100 chance forces the QM to discard most of their notes. desolation quest , collective game , dice gods , derailment , off the rails , death , grim reaper 2015-09-24 39 November 2015 43490968 Thoughts? All is not well in the lands. Thoughts? , Dwarves , Elves , Gnomes , Goatmen , Rape , Civilisation , Catan , Bob 2015-11-09 10 April 2016 46599132 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 1 James Case goes to a job interview, doesn't make a friend, and almost gets stabbed. worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , james case , collective game 2016-04-11 22 46612303 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 2 James Case earns some money, makes some plans, and goes full Macklemore. Also, Georges Saint Pierre. worms , supers , capes of rain city quest , james case , collective game 2016-04-12 12 46640328 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 3 James Case chances upon a lead on underground cape fights. worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , James Case , collective game 2016-04-13 11 46736862 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 4 James Case goes to a a club and beats people up. worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , James Case , collective game 2016-04-18 12 2734 Chandler Quest 1 The adventures of a guy named Chandler. Chandler , Quest , /qst/ , guy , ChandlerQuest , rape 2016-04-28 2 7829 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 5 James Case calls a friend, visits the tailor, and shitposts aggressively. worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , james case , collective game 2016-04-28 14 4423 Marvel comics quest. Choose your own superhero and go on an adventure, True Believer! This may involve weird sex fantasies and incredible journeys. Marvel , Comics , Capeshit , OPchooses 2016-04-30 0 May 2016 33827 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 6 James Case has a bizarre sexual experience, beats up a girl, and stacks paper to the ceiling. worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , james case , collective game 2016-05-02 10 120 Planescape Quest: Fluffy Tails: Impromptu and Casual Prologue An arcanaloth who is a cute anime foxgirl visits Sigil, befriends other cute anime girls (and a trap), and joins the Society of Sensation. Collective Game , Planescape Quest , Planescape , Fluffy Tails , Magical Girl , Female Protagonist , D&D , Fantasy 2016-05-02 3 40951 Playing among the Shadows 2 Masquerade begins; criminal intent; the first clues. Collective Game , Amber Diceless , pattern , logrus , shadow , OP MC , science fiction , space fantasy , shape shifter , shapeshifter 2016-05-02 4 106793 Playing among the Shadows 3 Possibly captured, but the secrets of the twins might be worth it. Collective Game , Amber Diceless , pattern , logrus , shadow , OP MC , science fiction , space fantasy , shape shifter , shapeshifter 2016-05-10 5 47093356 Superhero Worldbuiding #1 superhero general thread rolls up a team with Mutants and Masterminds, later spirals into fleshing out a whole worldwide setting. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , capes 2016-05-11 4 47104581 Superhero Worldbuiding #2 M&M team gets more fleshed out and drawfagged. Anons dive into making Hollywood and Vegas heroes, plus a bit around the world. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-11 4 47137832 Superhero Worldbuiding #3 Next anons make up Japan with all their different subgenres and UK with Arthurian heroes and Machiavellian villains. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-12 4 47063627 Superhero Worldbuilding #0 the Secret Origin of Cape World worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-12 3 47162883 Superhero Worldbuiding #4 German roboticists, Oceania full of villain lairs, some more British Irregulars, and the beginning of Statesmen, 50 heroes 1 for every state worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-12 2 47180960 Superhero World Building #5 The Cape World's mythology is expanded with creepy additions such as Florida Man, The Haunter, The Mad Gasser, and George Bauchmann World Building , Super Hero , Cape , Superhero 2016-05-13 2 47199970 Superhero World Building #6 The 50 Statesmen are completed. Interesting features of Cape World USA are discussed such as lake monsters in the Great Lakes. Superhero , Super Hero , Worldbuilding , Cape 2016-05-13 3 47213603 Super Hero Worldbuilding #7 The bad guy thread, from the mystical GM to the armored Science Tyrant. Super Hero , Worldbuilding , Cape , Superhero 2016-05-18 2 47227809 Super Hero Worldbuilding #8 The first bits of the Cape World Cosmology are brainstormed and Australia is written up with magic serpent gods and Kellymen. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding 2016-05-19 4 107056 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 7 James skips class worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , james case , collective game 2016-05-20 7 156503 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 8 James gets called out, calls someone, and makes a plan. worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , james case , collective game 2016-05-20 7 47251816 Super Hero Worldbuilding #9 Mexico and Africa are written up. The cosmology becomes more defined and solid with definitions given to certain terms. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding 2016-05-21 3 47276284 Super Hero Worldbuilding #10 /shg/ writes up Canada full of super-political troubles and struggles what do about Koreas. A bit of United Nations superteam and etcetera. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-23 2 47297029 Superhero Worldbuiding #11 Spain&Portugal as super-suppliers; political clusterfuck of Brazil; Middle East religious variations; splatter of here and there heroes. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-24 2 47309996 Superhero Worldbuiding #12 Fleshing out a couple alien species; some general non-capeworld discussion; fleshing out the original Mn M team. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-24 1 177823 Capes of Rain City Quest Episode 9 We ride in a car, learn secret identities, and make preparations for being ground into sausage. worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , james case , collective game 2016-05-25 7 47325510 Superhero Worldbuiding #13 Thread focuses on fleshing out previously started characters. worldbuilding , superheroes , supers , super heroes , capes 2016-05-26 1 47358480 Superhero Worldbuilding #14 Super Heroes head off to war as WW2 heroes and baddies are discussed with particular attention given to Axis characters. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheros , Super Heros 2016-05-27 1 47392590 Superhero Worldbuilding #15 Cold War supers are discussed along with the Nazi Olympia Project and a team of misfits named The Outliers Superhero , Super Hero , Worldbuilding , Cape , Capes , Superheros , Super Heros 2016-05-28 1 47412930 Superhero Worldbuilding #16 A team of misfit teens called the Outliers is created, a randomizer for 90's characters is discussed. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheroes , Super Heroes 2016-05-29 2 47433165 Superhero Worldbuilding #17 Recapping on global supers organizations; some WW2 Russia; some more random gens and other assorted concepts Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheroes , Super Heroes 2016-05-31 1 June 2016 47481992 Superhero Worldbuilding #18 More generalized discussion; also there was an attempt at cape world questrunning Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheroes , Super Heroes 2016-06-01 2 47602271 Superhero Worldbuilding #19 Batch of expanded statesmen, general discussion. Cape , Super Hero , Superhero , Worldbuilding , Capes , Superheroes , Super Heroes 2016-06-17 2 298562 Capes of Rain City Quest, Episode 10 James Case fights like he never has before. James Case fights like he never has before. End of Season One. worm , supers , capes of rain city quest , James Case , collective game 2016-06-25 8 47988932 4chan boards as planes/countries /tg/ describes other boards as planes, realms, lands, territories, et cetera. 4chan , boards , Planescape , brainstorm , 2016-06-28 3 July 2016 357937 Black Company Quest #11 The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince accidentally leaves his flirt on while doing paperwork. Black Company Quest , Collective Game , Dark Fantasy , Paperwork , Band , PROMOTIONS! 2016-07-11 25 360009 Cape World Presents: Baron Bizarre in: Hijack on the Infinite Railroad Issue 1 Our hero outwits death, meets the Monkey King, scares humanity, and gets some sleep. Collective Game , Cape World , Baron Bizarre , Super Hero , Superhero , Cape , Magic , Cosmic , Questguy 2016-07-22 2 48419861 Apex Mutant Quest Ackerman arrives in New York after transferring to a school. Yesterday he discovered his powers and today he gets into trouble with his Sis Apex Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Marvel , Psychic , Mutant 2016-07-24 2 385055 Cape World Presents: Baron Bizarre in: Hijack on the Infinite Railroad Issue 2 Our hero goes through his morning routine and reconnects a young lady with her unicorn. Collective Game , Cape World , Baron Bizarre , Super Hero , Superhero , Cape , Magic , Cosmic , Questguy 2016-07-26 2 September 2016 49190183 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 1: Rebirth Kimi Kemuri, a girl with white hair, wakes up in the Rukongai with only tattered memories of her old life and a grand destiny. Early archive Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-05 20 49262605 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 2: Study Kimi starts to study and train to become a proper soul reaper, along with her cheerful little friend Aya. Early archive. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-09 18 49269207 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 2: Study part 2 Kimi draws attention to herself after she beat the Shin'ō academy's zanjutsu instructor in a drawn out duel.But is it good or bad att Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-10 14 580324 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 3: Hollow Kimi has learned the name of her Zanpakutō, and has become the talk of the Seireitei, much to her dismay. Early archive. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-16 15 614659 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 4: Bloodless Peace A week after Killing her first hollow, Kimi returns to her studies. But will she find any peace in them? Early archive Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-23 13 638657 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 5: Choices Kimi continues tutoring her student,Byakuya Kuchiki.But,She also has to make some choices that will forge her destiny,or at least her future Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-29 17 October 2016 658115 Dungeon Customs Quest An average Dungeon Customs officer gets more than he bargained for while doing his job. Fantasy , LeaveQM , Collective Game , Quest , Papers , Please 2016-10-07 6 673230 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 6:Friends Friends,life isn't worth living without a few. Kimi grows accustomed to the soul society,and looks for some excitement to ease the mundanit Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-10-07 15 700774 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 7: Smoked Hare Smoke and Rabbit meet. Kimi goes on another hollow hunt, this time to show the splintered Kenpachi Asagi that she isn't plotting to kill he Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-10-14 18 690947 Dungeon Customs Quest 2 Sometimes following the Law makes things hard, sometimes it makes things easy. Bottom line, we make a couple friends and a pretty big enemy. Fantasy , LeaveQM , Collective Game , Quest , Papers , Please 2016-10-17 1 733253 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 8:The Kuchiki's Hound Five years have past, and Kimi's Adventure continues from her tutoring, studying and training.Maybe now, she'll become a full soul reaper. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-10-21 20 760682 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 9: Sixth Division Kimi Joins the Sixth Division, Becoming a proper soul reaper. But with that title, comes duties. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-10-28 14 743282 Dungeon Customs Quest 3 Assembling a team to work with, Dick soon finds out that his job might get a little harder from now on. Fantasy , LeaveQM , Collective Game , Quest , Papers , Please 2016-10-30 1 November 2016 50096488 Of Ratfolk and Elves Starting with the bizarre idea that elves are in fact shapeshifting rats, posters discuss various ideas featuring both ratfolk and elves. Brainstorming , Elves , Rats , Shapeshifting , Ratfolk , OC , 2016-11-04 12 788258 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 10: Sister Aya's been hurt and insulted by a comrade, and Kimi is filled with the rage of an older sister. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-11-04 15 842832 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 11: Lost Soul Kimi is given the task of guiding a stubborn spirit into the afterlife. And her friend Tora is sent along with her, into the mortal world. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-11-18 11 826534 Dungeon Customs Quest 4 Stuck in a city of the Dead, Dick and his friends fight their way up to the Necromancer responsible for it all. Fantasy , LeaveQM , Collective Game , Quest , Papers , Please 2016-11-22 1 867160 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 12:Day off A day off away from a soul reaper's usual duties?What will Kimi do with this free time? Will She even accept it?Since being lazy is a bit.. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-11-25 14 December 2016 893344 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 13: Unlucky? While Kimi's hunting Hollows, Someone's hunting Shinigami. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-12-02 12 889601 Paper Mario Quest #1 A humble Boo becomes a chef, meets a princess, gets a destiny map Collective Game , Paper Mario , GRANDMASTER 2016-12-07 7 924784 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 14: Todesjager Shinigami vs Quincy. Blade vs Gun. A fight to the death. Kimi and Tosen face a mad woman. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-12-10 16 909512 Paper Mario Quest #2 Boobert prepares for his journey, goes to Flower Fields, and gets mugged by a stoner Collective Game , Paper Mario , GRANDMASTER , Boobert 2016-12-15 6 948634 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 15:Promotion Kimi's getting promoted! About damn time right? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-12-17 12 991561 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 17:Twins Revenge is a nasty thing, but to those who chase it, it is oh so sweet. Kimi is once again being hunted Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-12-30 16 January 2017 1045174 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 18: Aizen Sosuke Aizen, a somewhat strange and lonely man.He seems nice enough but what is going on in his head? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-01-14 12 1032590 Alchemy Escape- Part 1 Dan farnick want out of this room, and will sacrifice however many cheetos he requires to do so. Alchemy Escape , Alchemy Escape Quest , Collective game , alchemy , cheetos , so many cheetos , god damn thats a lot of fucking cheetos , part one 2017-01-15 2 1068145 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 19:Recovery Its been a week since kimi fought Sosuke Aizen in a friendly duel, but she's still sore from it. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-01-20 12 February 2017 1137231 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 20:Stolen Bird AYA'S IN DANGER! Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-02-06 14 1152442 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 21:Confrontation between black and white A Showdown between mad Quincy and a scarred Soul reaper, and probably a few friends.Kimi heads to rescue Aya Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-02-11 13 1212928 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 22: Masks Kimi faces her deadliest foe yet, an aged quincy with a vendetta against her, wearing a dead hollow's mask. But will he be the only one to? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-02-27 12 March 2017 1230328 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 23: Reapercussions Every actions has repercussions, Even the smallest choice can change everything. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-03-04 11 1238242 Cape and Colony Quest 2 After some strangeness we obtain great alien artifacts, so we buy a ship to put them on; and our hero tells his crush how he lost his v-card Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-03-13 1 1288062 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 24:Future But what does the future hold? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-03-20 13 52438077 Vampires throughout history setting worldbuilding /tg/ makes a setting based off ancient middle eastern mythology, history and vampires infiltrating various cultures. vampires , setting , worldbuilding , middle east , vald tapes 2017-03-30 9 1263683 God of Edge: The Beta Uprising part 1 A diety quest that very quickly falls into untold levels of degeneracy. Deity , prometheus , fantasy , rape,edge,nc17 2017-03-30 2 1320645 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 25:Nearly Hollow Kimi and Aizen deal with the Revelation of what she is. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-03-31 11 April 2017 1295051 Cape and Colony Quest 4 Our luck with not being vindictively attacked by monsters is the worst. Fortunately our luck with killing them is not. Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-04-08 1 1325357 Cape and Colony Quest 5 Rhys and the guards make their way back to town, only to find the shit is about to hit the fan Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-04-13 1 1378438 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 26: Study Kimi and Aizen work to understand her strange ability Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-04-18 11 1356438 Cloak and Colony Quest 5.5 We chase after a kidnapper in the rain amidst the embattled colony Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-04-21 1 1393963 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 27: Against the self The hardest battle, is one against the self. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-04-23 10 1384121 Cape and Colony Quest 6 We board a pirate option to attempt a rescue mission, but things go horribly wrong; a desperate gambit averts disaster, but not without cost Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-04-29 1 May 2017 1401936 [WD] Paper Heist =Readers Wanted=
- Must have an open mind
- Willing to risk bodily harm for the creative process
- Day to Day Payment Paper Heist , Skirmish Quest , Monday , collective game 2017-05-06 2 53056631 /tg/ invents original superheroes As the title suggests, in this thread /tg/ worldbuilds original superheroes. Surprisingly funny. characters , superhero , cape , superpowers , names , plot hooks , worldbuilding, 2017-05-08 7 1411436 Cape and Colony Quest 7 In which it takes us the entire thread to decide who to recruit Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-05-08 1 1470951 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 28: Conquer Kimi has defeated many enemies in both of her lives. But can she overcome one that is part of her? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-05-17 10 1482743 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 29: Tommorow Holds So must has changed for Kimi so quickly. But what does tomorrow hold for her in the soul society? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-05-21 10 1438175 Cape and Colony Quest 8 We hire a manager and at last board our new (to us) AI mining ship, discovering things are... not great there Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-05-29 1 1476798 Cape and Colony Quest 9 The rebellious bot Ahbr and Advanced AI Rel still hate each other, but we got them to stop shooting at each for now at least Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-05-29 1 June 2017 1536253 Metahuman Quest: Issue #1 Morgan Barrett moves into Gotham with his mother and makes some interesting new acquaintances. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , density , Batman , cape , capeshit , SleepyQM , Sleepy 2017-06-07 21 1509013 Cape and Colony Quest 10 We finish checking out our new ship and return planetside to manage our new hires Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-06-13 1 1566466 Glitz Pit Quest #1 Cheezit the Little Mouser enters the pit and does some recon Glitz Pit Quest , Cheezit , Paper Mario 2017-06-19 1 1593945 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 30: Continue on Despite the pains and memories of the past, we must continue on down the road of life. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-06-20 8 1593718 Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #1! We meet our hero, Solomon Burges, who finds a strange book on a deserted island in the Bermuda Triangle. The first of many adventures? Collective Game , Marvel , True Believer , Marvel Cape Quest , Magic , Deus Vult 2017-06-22 3 1578523 DC Cape Quest: Issue #5 PapaSlink doesn't like doing quests any more and the quest is put on indefinite hiatus PapaSlink,DC Cape Quest , Cancelled 2017-06-23 -1 1599400 Paper Mario Quest #4 Boobert slaps Hazy Pinto. That's it Paper Mario Quest , Boobert 2017-06-25 1 1543162 Cape and Colony Quest 11 We have a big woopsie involving gravity grenades Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-06-26 1 1612719 Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #2! Short thread this time, as True is busy! In which Doctor Voodoo helps unlock the spirit in our book! He was eaten by rabid parrots! Marvel , Marvel Cape Quest , True Believer , Collective Game , Magic , Deus Vult 2017-06-30 2 July 2017 1621991 Web-Weaver Issue #1: The First Steps are Always the Strangest D.C , Spider-Man , Cape Quest , 2017-07-01 2 1631351 A Man For Tomorrow Quest 01 A Kansas Farmboy makes plans for the Future. Collective Game , Superman , superhero , cape 2017-07-03 2 1635732 The Last Stand: A Cape Oneshot (maybe more) In a world ruled with an iron fist, the last vestiges of rebellion had one last shot. And failed. Time to go down swining. Collective Game , Superhero , Cape , Raijiin , Gaia , Earth , Regime , Yuri , Lightning , Last Stand , Last , Stand , Doomed , Veteran , Star , Wagon 2017-07-05 2 1580055 Cape and Colony Quest 12 We manage to fail our way to victory, saving the town from the gravity anomaly we accidentally caused Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-07-07 1 1646825 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 31: Panic 10 years have passed. Secrets have been stolen, changes have come, and new threats rise up. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-07-07 6 1650682 The Last Stand: A One Shot No More Raijin vs the Regime escalates and continues as we push into the Citadel. How long can he last? Collective Game , Superhero , Cape , Raijiin , Gaia , Earth , Regime , Yuri , Lightning , Last Stand , Last , Stand , Doomed , Veteran , Star , Wagon 2017-07-11 3 1617022 Cape and Colony Quest 13 We begin the lengthy process of dealing with the aftermath of the gravity anomaly Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-07-13 1 1656813 Marvel Cape Quest! Issue #3! A Day Late Special Edition! Fernando the magic Bible calls Doctor Voodo a nigga, Solomon gets invited to meet Doctor Strange, and OP's internet eats shit. Marvel , Marvel Cape Quest , True Believer , Collective Game , Magic , Deus Vult 2017-07-14 2 1643778 Cape and Colony Quest 14 We decide to throw a pirate party, and roll a critical failure to do so. Need I say more? Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-07-26 1 1708380 The Last Stand: One Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot Raijiin continues fighting the regime, coming up against a feared group of superheroines once he fled the family reunion. Collective Game , Superhero , Cape , Raijiin , Gaia , Earth , Regime , Yuri , Lightning , Last Stand , Last , Stand , Doomed , Veteran , Star , Wagon 2017-07-29 2 1719882 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 32:Paranoia Someone is trying to kill Kimi,or worse in the land of the living, as she leads a few soul reapers in training on a field trip. Oh dear. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-07-29 11 August 2017 1674919 Cape and Colony Quest 15 Pirate party is in underway in the colony and something odd is happening with our ship AI Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-08-04 1 1757108 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 33: Grudge Grudges do an awful things to the soul. Kimi and Tosen once again face a quincy. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-08-09 8 1709888 Cape and Colony Quest 16 Last one, pity since things were going okay for once Pirate , Zealot , Space Colony , Tropical Islands , Ancient Ruins , Superhero , Gigolo Life ain't easy , Genie , Cape and Colony , Rhys Osman 2017-08-17 1 1767357 The Last Stand: Wait Didn't We die?
Last Stand Gets a sequel! ... until Real life means it has to be shelved for a while. Collective Quest , Star , Wagon , Superhero , Cape , Earth , Regime , Last Stand , Doomed , Naga , Sequel 2017-08-19 2 1820701 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 34: Deaths vs the dead A horde of the dead against two deaths. Kimi and Tosen once again find themselves outnumbered. But are they out matched? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-08-29 10 September 2017 1878417 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 35: Hollowed The battle against the quincy reaches its head. Kimi faces a massive horde of hollows as Tosen takes on the quincy's "puppets" Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-09-18 8 November 2017 2067226 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 36: Menos-ing Return Kimi and Tosen destroy the last of the quincy puppets, and back up is on the way. But can they survive a battle against 2 menos? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-11-13 7 December 2017 2178438 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 37: Salvation Aid Reinforcements and salvation have arrived, and the long battle draws to a close. But something much more concerning still remains Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-12-26 7 January 2018 2158902 Rural Worm Quest Thread One Leah Redd goes out, finds evidence of mysterious goings-on, makes a friend on a field trip, and investigates some caves Rural Worm Quest , Collective Game , Earth Bet , Worm , Capeshit 2018-01-01 4 2181048 Florida Worm Quest In which we get powers, study them, and intimidate a guy quest , worm , cape , superpowers , florida , clone 2018-01-10 1 2192620 Rural Worm Quest Thread Two Leah Redd spies on the terrorists, lets the Protectorate know, gets info on some capes, and joins the art club Rural Worm Quest , Collective Game , Earth Bet , Worm , Capeshit 2018-01-14 2 2216996 Florida Worm Quest #2 In which we bond with family and run from villains Florida Worm Quest , capes , worm , superpowers , clone 2018-01-22 1 2268377 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 38 After a seemingly endless battle, Kimi spends some quality time with her little sister. But not all is as serene as it seems. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2018-01-29 9 April 2018 2442415 Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread One Zander B. Krupp, loyal friend turned superpowered vigilante, fights crime in a dome city a hundred years into the future. Collective Game , Cyberpunk , Parahuman , Superpower , Cape , Chitter 2018-04-05 2 58889492 creatively negligent precursors Worldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy. worldbuilding , precursors , sufficiently advanced , setting , Autism on a Kardashev Scale , goddammit zeus , REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS , REMOVE QU, 2018-04-07 5 2450509 Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread Two Zander sees his neighbor's newborn kittens, thoroughly interrogates a gangster, bargain hunts at a thrift store, and goes grocery shopping. Collective Game , Cyberpunk , Parahuman , Superpower , Cape , Chitter 2018-04-11 0 June 2018 2591998 Serial Killer Quest You are a serial killer but anons would rather that you were a rapist. Collective Game , Autism , Rape , Serial Killer 2018-06-03 2 July 2018 2668725 Florida Worm Quest #3 We go to school, make some friends, and talk to villains Florida Worm Quest , capes , worm , superpowers , clone 2018-07-03 1 2701529 Florida Worm Quest #4 You con a con and shout at your dad Florida Worm Quest , capes , worm , superpowers , clone 2018-07-16 1 October 2018 2915964 Dream Catchers: First Night [Skirmish] The first three dives into the dreamscape take place, as new catchers find their footing and flesh out their world. fenster , dream catchers , skirmish , dream , realm , dreamscape , nightmare , nightmares , collective game , puns 2018-10-11 5 2956615 Consensual Rape: The goblin quest #1 We play as a small band of goblins attempting to survive in a harsh world women don't want to be raped by small horrible green men. Prometheus , Goblins , Civ Quest , Rape , More rape 2018-10-18 0 2957423 Dream Catchers: Third Night [Skirmish] A dive to a seemingly tranquil field leads into a hidden factory which houses a champion of the abyss. The first fatality befalls the party. fenster , dream catchers , skirmish , dream , realm , dreamscape , nightmare , nightmares , collective game , puns 2018-10-24 3 2976939 Consensual rape: the goblin quest #2 The goblins continue to rape and expand their hive, as well they met an excellent fish friend and reaped a hero for good measure. Rape,More rape , Goblins,Shota goblins , Civ quest 2018-10-26 -2 2995161 Trolls Civ - 1 OP makes a quest about an exiled group of trolls and their rise to a true Civilization. Key , Troll , Trolls , Civ , Civilization , Grape , Collective Game 2018-10-30 1 November 2018 2992681 Dream Catchers: Fourth Dive [Skirmish] The final hours of The Mire, for now. Party then proceeds to run into more problems realm-bound and internal after a quite short night rest. fenster , dream catchers , skirmish , dream , realm , dreamscape , nightmare , nightmares , collective game , puns 2018-11-05 2 3040682 Trolls Civ - 2 We start to get the fort in order. Prove ourselves to the Gods, and OP gets cut short by the Internet Gods. Key , Troll , Trolls , Civ , Civilization , Grape , Collective Game , Trolls Civ. 2018-11-19 1 3035246 Capeshit Quest McDonald's employee Charles Wolf gains superpowers in a mysterious event and adjusts to the resulting world. Collective Game , Capeshit Quest 2018-11-19 1 3060160 Trolls Civ - 2.5 We continue where we were last time. Go to the forest kill stuff and capture some elves. Key , Troll , Trolls , Trolls Civ , Civ , Civilization , Grape , Collective Game 2018-11-26 0 January 2019 3203426 Worm Nazi Cape Quest, thread 1 Some superscience, but mostly junking for now Worm , Nazi , Cape , Science 2019-01-28 5 February 2019 3222606 Worm Nazi Cape Quest, thread 2 Some exosuit construction and gang violence spectating Worm , Nazi , Cape , Science 2019-02-10 10 3254344 80s Horror Film Villain Quest I'm back and doing another awful quest Collective Game , Autism , Rape , Serial Killer 2019-02-13 1 3266789 Worm Nazi Cape Quest, thread 3 Our junkyard becomes the Vietnam of Brockton Bay, many enter, few leave. Unfortunately, this leaves us with some problems with the law. Worm , Nazi , Cape , Science 2019-02-23 10 3281240 Superpowered Neckbeard Quest Derek, 342 pound neckbeard leaves his mommy's home, stabs a kickboxing cricket man to death, and spontaneously develops superpowers. Collective Game , SNQ , Capeshit , Superpowers , Vigilante , Neckbeard 2019-02-26 14 March 2019 3299177 Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode Two Derek's sad life continues Collective Game , SNQ , Capeshit , Superpowers , Vigilante , Neckbeard 2019-03-10 10 3309692 Worm Nazi Cape Quest, thread 4 Our first day as a PRT slave hero. Herman makes a first impression worse than Armsmaster's autistic handling of our arrest. Worm , Nazi , Cape , Science , Akire , Sorcerer of Autism , Herman, 2019-03-11 12 3358095 Persons of Interest #1 Start to Persons of Interest. The protagonist finds out his abusive father has mind-control abilities. Can he save his little sister? Persons of Interest Quest , original capeshit , superpowers , Healer Protagonist 2019-03-31 9 April 2019 3390130 Persons of Interest #2 Chris also needs to deal with the legal consequences of his actions while assuring of his sisters mental well-being and how to move forward. Persons of Interest Quest , original capeshit , superpowers , Healer Protagonist 2019-04-07 7 3425382 Persons of Interest #3 In the hospital, Chris spends his time learning more about his abilities Persons of Interest Quest , original capeshit , superpowers , Healer Protagonist 2019-04-23 4 May 2019 3469065 Persons of Interest #4 Sorting out some more issues, like their father's funeral, Chris gets ready to move to a more permanent residence. Persons of Interest Quest , original capeshit , superpowers , Healer Protagonist 2019-05-20 4 3514945 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest We create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school. The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta Human Slave quest , Cape shit , not!prototype/pillarman protag , Fuck HIVE , Collective Game 2019-05-25 17 3525922 Persons of Interest #5 Finally moving on, Chris and Cam move in with the Millers in the new city of Tall Oaks. Persons of Interest Quest , original capeshit , superpowers , Healer Protagonist 2019-05-31 3 June 2019 3529455 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 2 We learn how to become a Big Guy, expand our (literal?)gang, learn about the conspiracy to brainwash us, and butt heads with Snowball. The Monitor of E-16 , Meta Human Slave Quest , Body Horror? , Cape Shit , Collective Game , Fuck Psychics , Shape Shifting , 2019-06-03 7 3550816 Superpowered Neckbeard Quest, Episode Three Derek continues his one-man crusade on crime, and has a chance encounter with a minor baseball celebrity. Collective Game , SNQ , Capeshit , Superpowers , Vigilante , Neckbeard 2019-06-21 8 3553097 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3 Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes. The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta Human Slave quest , Cape shit , not!prototype/pillarman protag , Fuck HIVE , Collective Game , RIP 2019-06-22 6 3571317 Persons of Interest #6 Chris and Cam get to know their new Foster Family a little better. Persons of Interest Quest , original capeshit , superpowers , Healer Protagonist 2019-06-30 3 July 2019 3648083 Persons of Interest #7 Shopping adventure ensues, but not without its hickups, and not without your powers being questioned Persons of Interest Quest , original capeshit , superpowers , Healer Protagonist , Slice of Life 2019-07-25 5 August 2019 3727251 Super Quest - 1 We become a superhero celebrate at a bar and capture our first criminal. A fun day all in all. Capeshit , Super Quest , Hero , Powers , Key , KeyQM 2019-08-12 0 3742378 Persons of Interest #8 Coincidences keep aligning for Chris to get a coupon for a free massage. What's the worst that could happen? Persons of Interest Quest , original capeshit , superpowers , Healer Protagonist , Slice of Life 2019-08-27 0 October 2019 3799401 Champagne High A jealous ex exacts her revenge Collective Game , Champagne High , One Shot , Rape , Wedding 2019-10-02 1 3848369 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 4 Qm comes back, we make some sweet gains, and we get Cait to open up about her trauma The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta human slave quest , Cape Shit , collective game 2019-10-20 2 3889692 End of elves #1 Humanity at war with elven kind, a war veteran turned pub owner rediscovers his lust for excitement and pleasure. End of elves , war , trauma , rape , murder , deception , revelation , elf , elves , phanon 2019-10-31 1 November 2019 3874844 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest #5 We spar with Caitlin. That's about it since OP was too "busy" to update much. The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta Human Slave Quest , Cape Shit , Collective Game , 2019-11-04 2 69304507 AI Safety Precautions /tg/ discusses how to word orders to prevent killer robots. AI , artifical intelligence , robots , terminator , three laws , paperclipper, 2019-11-16 1 3930370 My Hero Academia Quest: First Year #1 With the help of her Quirk: Caffeine Rush, Kokoro Shibui tackles UA's entrance exam and earns herself a seat in the experimental class 1-Z. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist 2019-11-30 5 April 2020 4157304 BVTL Thread #1 You are a wealthy Baron. Shenanigans ensue. drawquest , puzzle , escape , comedy , ad lib 2020-04-08 0 4181972 BVTL Thread #2 More dicking around as the Vigilante. drawquest , puzzle , escape , comedy , ad lib 2020-04-25 0 4173035 Powder Ganger Quest Original QM bailed. New QM took over and we raped a ranger. Collective Game , Fallout , Powder Ganger Quest , Rape , Ranger , Criminal , 2020-04-29 0 May 2020 4203985 MHA Quest #1 Starting from the beginning we kick off Nanako Shimura's origin story My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-05-05 5 4238035 MHA Quest #2 Part II of Nanako Yakumo - The Origin. We learn the truth and continue to break our limits. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-05-23 4 4261473 Goblin Quest #1 The rape goblins are forced out their home, now they have to survive. They have some victories than came defeat from Scaly hands. Rape , Goblins , Gobson , Collective Game , Gob , Goblin QM , Green and Hard , Kobolds , Dwarf 2020-05-23 12 June 2020 4271761 MHA Quest #3 Nanako confronts her past and sets her sights on becoming an underground hero. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-06-14 5 July 2020 4309462 MHA Quest #4 Nanako goes underground fighting to let off some steam but instead making new friends through hotblooded fighting. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-07-13 2 August 2020 4354646 MHA Quest #5 Quirks' gonna quirk; and we become closer with our best friend. This night is turning out longer than anticipated. My Hero Academia , MHA , Hero , Capeshit , Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , MarutaQM 2020-08-08 1 November 2020 75656650 Violated Earth An edgy world building gone right. A corpse world who's inhabitants lives are fueled by suffering and watched by the horrid Rape Moon God. World Building , Rape , Grimderp , Violated Earth 2020-11-01 11 December 2020 4527900 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #1 Meet Eric Miller, a super hero teen on the gritty streets of Chicago With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2020-12-06 61 4562374 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #2 As Hotspur continues his fight against the Chicago underworld, he encounters more super powered individuals With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2020-12-28 43 January 2021 4590540 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #3 CARNAGE ON THE HIGHWAY. Hotspur and Misfit battle a deadly biker gang on route 1-88, while the mystery of the Chicago Explosion deepens. With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-01-24 36 February 2021 4619780 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #4 Ambushed on the rooftops of Chicago, Hotspur battles the deadly HOUNDMASTER. Meanwhile, Eric's relationship with Kay grows deeper. With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-02-13 35 March 2021 4665322 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #5 THANKSGIVING EDITION. Between crimefighting and personal drama, Eric needs a break. Why not a family reunion in Indiana? With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-03-19 30 April 2021 4706757 With Great Power Quest #6 Secrets unravel as Hotspur plunges into the darkness surrounding Chicago, with horrifying consequences. With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-04-15 28 May 2021 4755171 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #7 THE NEW YEARS DAY WAR. Carnage on the docks of Chicago as Hotspur's enemies converge. Meanwhile: 808s and Heartbreaks. With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-05-08 24 June 2021 4818800 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #8 KIDNAPPED! Hotspur races against time to rescue Ayesha from the deadly HOUNDMASTER. Meanwhile, Eric makes new friends and meets new enemies. With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-06-06 23 4819167 (You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest You're a young detective in Southern USA who can't stop and won't stop abducting and mutilating the local women. What will Velton County Fae Smelter , Gritty , Killer , Serial Killer , Detective , Rape , Sex , Depravity , Toothpaste , Tooth paste , Occult , Crazy , Insane Lincoln , Velton 2021-06-16 2 July 2021 4862429 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #9 THE RED WIZARD RISES! Meanwhile, tensions between Chicago and the para-folk community come to a boil, with Eric caught in the crossfire. With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-07-02 24 4880552 (You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 2 You're a sick young son of a bitch who abducts women, violates them, then mutilates their corpses. Your body count? Two and a half. For now Fae Smelter , Velton , Gritty , Killer , Serial Killer , Detective , Rape , Sex , Depravity , Toothpaste , Occult , Crazy , Insane , Part , 2 , Two 2021-07-24 2 August 2021 4907855 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #10 With friends in peril and the city gripped by paranoia, Hotspur struggles to carry the fire. With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-08-03 25 September 2021 4944490 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #11 THE BURNING DEAD! Hotspur and the Red Wizard fight for their lives! Meanwhile, Eric realizes his true feelings, if only they were simple With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-09-05 24 October 2021 4997936 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #12 THE COUNCIL OF CRIME MEETS, FIREWATCH STRIKES! It all leads to this, an explosive assault on Chicago's underworld! With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2021-10-26 23 February 2022 5115099 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #13 Hotspur is back! Three months after taking down the Council of Crime, the Patriots strike! Can Eric protect the fledgling para-community? With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2022-02-14 25 March 2022 5164482 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #14 Investigating the Guardians summer camp, Eric discovers deep secrets and confronts an old foe With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2022-03-18 27 83771123 What makes spacers such great villains? Anon asks what makes spacers such great villains. /tg/ concludes that it is jealousy. worldbuilding , space , colonization , escape, 2022-03-19 0 April 2022 5182912 (You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 3 Here you go, abducting hotties and dropping bodies again! Blackmail, lies, corruption, rough sex, and murder, all hiding in plain sight!! Fae Smelter , Serial Killer , Skeletor , Toothpaste , Rape , Sex , Detective , Cop , Harem , Coom , Thriller , Twist , Blackmail , Velton , USA , Swamp 2022-04-06 2 5194190 Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! A low-tier, water-themed rogue starts his supervillainous journey Superhero , Capeshit , Villain Quest , Crime , Drawquest , White Tower QM 2022-04-25 17 5199735 Paper Mario TURBO!! Broke-ass Bowser and his motley crew must rescue/kidnap all of the Star Spirits so he can fulfill his wildest wishes! Turn-based RPG action! FaeSmelter , Fae Smelter , Mario , Paper , Bowser , Turn-based , RPG , TURBO , Kammy , Grubba , Doopliss , Waluigi , Wario , Luigi , Boo , Quest , Dice 2022-04-25 1 June 2022 5232674 Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest Simon P. Campbell awakens to the power of superdurabilty, and begins his one man war on all the scum strangling the life out of the megacity Collective Game , Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quest , Grimdark , Capeshit , Cyberpunk , Vigilante , Quest , Slumlord 2022-06-02 11 5249472 Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 2) Our brave and elegant super thief discovers a new power and escapes prison Superhero , Capeshit , Villain Quest , Crime , Drawquest , White Tower QM 2022-06-11 8 July 2022 5301379 (You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 4 A depraved killer hides in plain sight, but behind closed & triple-locked doors, there are no limits on his wicked lust or savage butchery. FaeSmelter , Fae Smelter , Serial Killer , Police , Rape , Sex , Velton , Detective , Cop , Harem , Killer , Thriller , Craigslist , USA , Fae , Smelter 2022-07-14 2 5308399 Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 3) Fresh out of prison, the Dick Man builds his crew and begins plotting the heist that will finally make his reputation. Superhero , Capeshit , Villain Quest , Crime , Drawquest , White Tower QM 2022-07-27 5 September 2022 85865971 /tg/ make a poopoo & a peepee he take a da poopoo poopies , funny , no diaper 2022-09-02 -22 5359398 Violent Masquerade: Super Thief Drawquest! (Part 4)) A regrettably short episode of the drawquest, in which our heroes walk from floor 2 to floor 1, before QM disappears into the nether Superhero , Capeshit , Villain Quest , Crime , Drawquest , White Tower QM 2022-09-07 4 85981957 poopie and peepee imaghe dump i go to bathroom today HEHE XD bathroom , no diaper 2022-09-11 -22 85981707 OP learns how to text RP /tg/ teaches him an important lesson rape 2022-09-11 6 February 2023 5523772 Martin's School For Superhumanity Quest 1 A reticent power-copying superhuman finds new meaning and purpose at Martin's School. We outsmart bullies, learn judo, and play pinball. MS Quest , Martin's Quest , Superhero , School , Capeworld 2023-02-16 15 March 2023 5574482 Martin's School Quest 2 Izzy takes a trip to the land of Dragons to meet Monster's dad, then goes to dine with the dead. MS Quest , Martin's Quest , Superhero , School , Capeworld 2023-03-16 13 5576391 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 9 An Antipaladin finally faces the knight who killed his mother... But discovers there is more than meets the eye to this foe, and this city. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , gore , vore , demons , more , princess , romance , surprisingly little rape 2023-03-19 7 April 2023 5614557 Martin's School Quest 3 In which we finish hanging out with pirates, visit a superhero coffee shop, and go on hiatus. MS Quest , Martin's Quest , Superhero , School , Capeworld 2023-04-27 12 May 2023 5638663 Paranomal Crossdressing School, Part 1 Denied the peace in death, Yui Nakamura once again proves his name is NOT yet Aki... Girl(male) , Trap , RESistance , Escape , Cosmic Horror , 'Innsmouth' People , Trap-On-Trap Yaoi , Quasi-Yuri! 2023-05-28 -22 June 2023 5676445 Paranormal Crossdressing School (2) Having rebuilt his friendships and acquired ominous clues from the guards and principal, Yui readies for a shift in school procedures - If only he knew Traps , Corruption , VeilOfReailtyIsThin , Monsters , Highschool , Escape 2023-06-04 11 September 2023 5719756 Paranormal Crossdressing School (3) Graduation is at hand! With it, Yui Nakamura's time to escape the hellish facility runs ever thinier...This thread investigates his efforts Traps , Corruption , VeilOfReailtyIsThin , Monsters , Highschool , Escape 2023-09-08 -15 5762023 Paranormal Crossdressing School 5: The Graduation Graduation is at hand! Traps , Corruption , VeilOfReailtyIsThin , Monsters , Highschool , Escape 2023-09-16 -8 October 2023 5791489 Paranormal Crossdressing School #7 You are stuck in a dark passage! Traps , Corruption , VeilOfReailtyIsThin , Monsters , Highschool , Escape 2023-10-14 -13 December 2023 5826377 Concrete Stratosphere Quest #1 In a futuristic crime-filled dystopia, an average unremarkable guy decides to put on a mask and do something about it. Science Fiction , Drawquest , Dystopian , Collective Game , Capeshit , Superhero , Detective, 2023-12-18 3 March 2024 5953028 Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Chocolat Noir Son Gohan has been injured, and as the Inspector on this case, you have to get the dirty details from one Son Peppa. Good luck! Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Tuffle , Tuffle Quest , Not Kato , bullying , self-harm , grooming , drug use , violence , suicidal ideation , rape 2024-03-21 -3 April 2024 5940975 Antegrian Occupation Quest Lt. Col. Gennady Nasirovich Liptsov is appointed military governor of Gordon District. He must establish control over the district Antegrian Occupation Quest , Antegria , Republia , Occupation , Military Occupation , Gennady Liptsov , Papers Please 2024-04-14 2 May 2024 5991914 Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat Blanc Quest Inspecter Momiji is getting closer to the truth, but will Son Peppa let her find it? Will they crack the case, or crack to pieces? Find out. Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Tuffle , Tuffle Quest , Not Kato , bullying , self-harm , grooming , drug use , violence , suicidal ideation , rape 2024-05-02 -3 5977488 Antegrian Occupation Quest #2 Gennady Liptsov tries to find a radio to contact the army battalion before the quest goes on hiatus Antegrian Occupation Quest , Antegria , Republia , Occupation , Military Occupation , Gennady Liptsov , Papers Please 2024-05-18 2 July 2024 6038030 The Purge: Fall of America America has fallen, the government collapsed and amongs the Chaos, you see an opportunity for a new life among the ruins. The Purge: Fall of America , PsychoQM , dystopia , anarchy , Psychopath MC , Evil MC , Post Apocalypse , Incest , Cuckolding , Rape 2024-07-09 6 6063050 Dragon Ball TQ Mystery: Chocolat PĂȘche Quest Will Peppa be able to weather the storm of the QM's OCs coming her way, or will they all reap the whirlwind? Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Tuffle , Tuffle Quest , Not Kato , bullying , self-harm , grooming , drug use , violence , suicidal ideation , rape 2024-07-21 -3 September 2024 6080901 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #14 The Return. As Hotspur confronts both friends and foes, mysteries begin to unravel. Meanwhile, who dares enter the lair of the Flesh-Smith? With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2024-09-29 17 October 2024 6106470 A Bluebird's Tale In which our best birb escapes from an orc invasion, finds a friend, and talks to her uncle before QM fell of the internet. Bluebird , Bluebird's Tale , Bluebird Tale , Shapeshifter 2024-10-22 1 November 2024 6114914 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #16 The Hunt for the Flesh-Smith! Beneath the city streets with allies Dusk and Grit, Hotspur hunts the monster. With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2024-11-25 12 December 2024 94491226 /dm/ Gets Found Out A player discovers the truth of the magical realm, and the /d/m begs the board for advice. /d/ , /d/m , magical realm , rape , advice , help , 2024-12-09 2 January 2025 6152096 With Great Power: A Cape Quest #17 The Hunt for the Flesh-Smith concludes! In the depths of Chicago, the monster is slain! But with one threat defeated, another emerges! With Great Power Quest , Collective Game , Capes , OC Setting , Bullpen , Super Hero 2025-01-23 12 February 2025 6170571 Concrete Stratosphere Quest #2 Max Montagu, or his crime fighting alter-ego "The Mask", prepare to do battle with the strongest punk on Level 5; the Viking. Science Fiction , Drawquest , Dystopian , Collective Game , Capeshit , Superhero , Detective, 2025-02-26 1 March 2025 6177481 Rise of the Awakened #16.5 We're back from hiatus! Kinny mugs Sage, Mog freezes her. Gawain explodes, his squid escapes, then dies. Cats vanish, the crew tracks them. Collective Game , DnD 5E , Rise of the Awakened , Mog , Kinny , Ursus , Canis Lupin , Squid , Back from hiatus , Ord , Apes , Cliffhanger 2025-03-03 1