Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2008 1600940 Cannon discussion /tg/ can't agree on how to pronounce the las- in lascannon. Surprisingly civil, considering. las , lay's , lascannon 2008-04-25 0 July 2009 5250103 Shodan mentors Cortana What began as an intelligent discourse on Shodan's sentience and underlying motivations immediately devolved into a 'hawt' AI-on-AI Lez Librarian SlashFic. "SHODAN , System Shock , Cortana , Halo , LezSlash , Deep Thinking , Sentience , Componants" 2009-07-25 9 August 2009 5348400 Imaginary Army Men /tg/ gets shit done and truly examines the popular Imaginary Army Men (IAM) System with the meticulous zeal it deserves, from the cheesy, min-maxing tactics of Red Army troop choices to the oft-overlooked fluff and possible fascist leanings of the mysterious Grey Army. Also Tan Army players are weaboos. warhamm faulty kai , plastic army men , neckbeard , wargame 2009-08-05 3 September 2009 5848145 /tg/ Builds A Hive Mind the Glass Tiji Sector , Glass , Hive , 2009-09-14 9 5863733 The Doctor Is In Player wants to make a surgical genius as a character in 3.5 D&D. Advice ranges from Experts to Rogues to the home brewed Chiurgon Class. surgery , homebrew , 3.5 classes , get shit done 2009-09-15 3 5848416 Paradox Games SUPER LONG LASTING Paradox discussion/Alt History thread.
LASTS FOR AT LEAST 50 HOURS. Paradox , Alt History , Long lasting 2009-09-16 6 5889885 The Doctor Is In 2 The return of the homebrewed Adventuring Physician class, made overall better by /tg/. surgery , homebrew , 3.5 classes , get shit done 2009-09-17 3 November 2009 6742471 Pacifist White Mage for 4E A pacifist White Mage class for 4E, extensivly laid out. 4E , Healer , Class , Houserules , Homebrew , DnD , D&D 2009-11-17 8 December 2009 7044272 Catastrophic Cephalapod-Catalysed Catastrophe Crapton of crabs. Multitude of molluscs. Copious cuttlefish. crabs , squids , cuttlefish , class struggle 2009-12-08 0 January 2010 7460504 MONSTER! /tg/ discusses a new setting and such about Victorian era adventurers and classical monsters using the Dark Heresy system. Dark Heresy , Victorian , adventure , monsters , hunting , classic fiction 2010-01-07 2 7628418 KoTH Roleplay Discussing classes and alignments for characters from King of the Hill King of the Hill , classes , alignments. 2010-01-17 -4 7803853 Because fuck you gravity Starts out as a basic "Break reality with rules" Turns into hero worship of Don Jorge Antino Martin Velasco-Cabrales. Don Jorge Antino Martin Velasco-Cabrales Deadlands Win Awesome 2010-01-28 31 February 2010 8103285 Epic last words Like tears in rain... epic , last words 2010-02-16 1 8253679 Rogue god among men A riveting tale of a Machiavellian players ambitions and the incredible outcome story time , laser nipples , cabbage sex 2010-02-24 15 March 2010 8768815 The joys of multiclassing. In the wake of a previous thread's Final Fantasy Class-rolling mayhem, /tg/ tackles random class hybrids. The strange and awesome ideas quickly take form. Character Classes , Multiclassing , Originality , Final Fantasy 2010-03-25 2 April 2010 9341854 /tg/ on classic videogames /tg/ brings out great vidya recommendations yet again. video , games , videogames , nostalgia , classics 2010-04-22 1 July 2010 11272408 Zerg Quest IV On the eve of what would come to be known by some as the Great War, the Overmind created a Cerebrate called Anon...It has gone rogue (OR HAS IT?!) Zerg Quest , rapelings , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Overmind , Planet Glassing 2010-07-22 25 August 2010 11497351 Stay Classy, /tg/ Pour yourself a drink and warm up your computer, it's time to take a step back form all the trolling, spam, and various other shit threads and let yourself relax. Classy , awesome , jazz time 2010-08-03 14 11545604 Valet Anon Returns A professional valet offers to answer questions to curious anons. The thread is informative, classy, and fun. Do butlers seem scarier to anyone besides me? Questions , Valet , Bulters , Classy , Gentlemen 2010-08-06 7 October 2010 12577592 Apollo does Abbot and Costello... for D&D Who's the Fighter, What's the Rogue, I Don't Know's the Cleric... classic Abbot and Costello , Who's on First , D&D , classic lols 2010-10-26 5 November 2010 12834871 Zerg Quest XX 20 threads of mutation! The Brood decides to rush the DNA scanners, and all hell breaks loose. As usual. TUCAMP announces Terran Quest. Another planet is glassed. We go through so many! Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , KINGSTOOOON!!! , Planet Glassing , Down with the Bourgouis Confederacy! 2010-11-18 13 January 2011 13492769 Space Opera BBEG Asks For Advice He's a brain in a robot with psychic powers, three planets to start with, and some Mary Sues and Furfags to kill. And he need's /tg/s help to do it. Space Opera , Space , Opera , Scifi , Help , Advice , Mary Sue , Furfag , Lasers , FTL 2011-01-12 9 February 2011 13759933 Zerg Quest XXIX Anon meets with Little Sister, and her irritability is lessened substantially when Anon comes up with a tactical plan that surprises even Cerebrate Anon. A battle of pretty epic proportions ensues, and the political climate of the Koprulu Sector changes. A LOT. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Out-Kingstoning 2011-02-03 11 13843993 Zerg Quest XXX Anon's Brood takes the initiative after watching Kingston destroy a pivotal part of the anti-Zerg equation to wreak havoc on his unguarded flanks. A dangerous element from like, 20 threads ago reappears, and two unidentified forces appear at the cliffhanger. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Planet Glassing , Out-Kingstoning , Fuck Your Ban Nigga! 2011-02-10 15 13929039 Zerg Quest XXXI Simultaneous plotlines show VoidGate getting all nukey, Kingston's fleet getting its ass handed to it, and some mighty peculiar stuff going on in Protoss space. Mighty peculiar. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Planet Glassing , Rampant AI , What's going on over there? 2011-02-17 12 March 2011 14268298 Zerg Quest XXXV Anon deals (relatively) swiftly with the Dyles Entity, and does its best to egg VoidGate into pissing off the Protoss. Worlds burn. Good times. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Spooky Zerg Quest , Dyles , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Skynet 2011-03-17 10 14399398 Army Men Wargame
Funny thread about the Plastic Army Men Wargame/Parody of Warhammer. Warhammer , Army Men , Sarge , Green , Plastic , Wargame 2011-03-29 8 April 2011 14500162 Zerg Quest XXXVII The hits just keep coming. Fresh off of Cerebrate Anon's surgery, the Brood leads a bold strike on VoidGate's homeworld. Underneath, they find a pretty nifty gaming setup. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Planet Glassing , Skynet , Planetary Computing 2011-04-07 12 14585186 Zerg Quest XXXVIII Anon continues its vicious pogrom against the VoidGate AI, going so far as to get Kingston in on the carnage. Yet more planets are rendered balls of superheated glass, and yet fewer people are willing to fuck with the Zerg. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Planet Glassing , Skynet , Kingston teamwork? , Oops 2011-04-14 11 May 2011 14827675 Joe's Bar 2 Never change, /tg/ bar , music , classy 2011-05-06 6 14895317 Zerg Quest XLI Anon finds a tiny little hamlet out in the boonies of space. There, it discovers that galactic politics have shifted in ways it never could have imagined. Oh, shit. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Spooky Zerg Quest , Dyles , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Skynet , UED , Oh fuck oh fuck 2011-05-12 10 14958236 Casting and ripping off GW IP So now that GW is ejaculating in the gaping anuses of all the southern hemisphere, how about we have a thread talking about casting our own shit and circumventing the skyrocketing price range. cast , oyumaru , plastic , mold , mould , ripoff , saving , cheap , cheaper 2011-05-18 1 15059585 Hive Fleet Atlas 1 The creation of a new Hive Fleet (to many Space Marines, apparantly). Tyranids , Tyranid , Homebrew , Hivefleet , WH40K , Atlas , Charles Atlas 2011-05-26 -1 June 2011 15287443 Golden Aquilas 4 More writefaggotry, including the tale of the Aquila's only ever male marine. Female marines , girls , mary sue , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor , Half-eldar , awful , horrible , kawaii , custodes , Golden Aquilas 2011-06-17 10 15350349 Golden Aquilas 5 Crunch gets done and a rival warband of Chaos Sues is created. Female marines , girls , mary sue , heresy , awesome , perfect , chapter creation , Warhammer , Emperor , Half-eldar , awful , horrible , kawaii , custodes , Golden Aquilas 2011-06-23 7 July 2011 15534481 Would you DM 5 Nick Cages? DM discovers his entire party is Nicholas Cage Nicholas Cage , PC plans , silly , scheme 2011-07-10 47 August 2011 15869516 Vidya Game Name Generator /tg/ fluffs out names into games that put the game industry to shame. Can you type faster than the Nazi's in 'Stupendous Typing Over Normandy'? Enjoy quality edutainment with 'Viking Robot Phonics'! Experience the total sum of wargaming in 'Enormous Chainsaw - Total War'! Strain your brain over 'M.C. Escher's Bandicoot Melee'! AND MORE! vidya , game , name , generator , viking , nazi , hitler , time , travel , space , hillbilly , gokart , race , japan , werewolf , blast , mario , writefaggotry , awesome , barbie , beatdown , bible 2011-08-09 9 16031628 Simple Starship System for RPG OP has just started designing a simple starship system for use in a Science Fiction RPG, and he wanted to get some opinions. Discussion ensues. sci-fi , RPG , science fiction , missiles , lasers , development , dev , game new , design 2011-08-23 2 October 2011 16633959 The Paladin Code of Boxes A naive basemen/tg/uy tries to start a hypothetical discussion about paladin code, but his picture is too interesting for /tg/ to care. derail , paladin , paladin code , funny , classic /tg/ , humor , box , boxes , carl sagan , schrodinger 2011-10-15 12 December 2011 17115553 Nicholas Cage match returns A player from the Nick Cage Match session shares his story nick cage , Nicholas Cage 2011-12-06 17 February 2012 18025718 4chan Adventuring Company Just what it says on the tin.
A refugee from /b/ seeks to create an RPG with the boards of 4chan as the PCs.
The neckbeards settle on a class for /tg/, seems we can stat everything... but ourselves. adventurers , boards , class , DnD , Dungeons & Dragons , PCs , RPG , stat me 2012-02-20 6 March 2012 18374616 Planetary Givernor Quest part three: A Day Late Edition In which we buy hotshot lasguns, gain a Space Marine Chapter, and get swamped by Genestealers with pet Hormagaunts. Planetary Governor Quest , Genestealers , RT , Rogue Trader , Chimera , lasgun , Astartes , Space Marines , Salmanders , Tyranids , Chimeras , Swarmed 2012-03-19 21 18400401 Shadowrun Storytime 6 Bend the Infiltrator joins the team, spirits get stoned, 2D jizzes himself, and the Vegas arc comes to a close. Shadowrun , Storytime , Storytiem , 2D , TwoDee , Geppetto , Dervish , Bend , Vegas , Las Vegas 2012-03-21 71 April 2012 18637014 The Most Glorious Boon Denizens of /tg/, I have paid with my blood and my sweat, and in return the forge granted me a most glorious boon! Duct tape , Kludge , Funny , classic tg 2012-04-09 38 18750309 Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 4 The Enclave enters the iron age, the Glund reach the tribal stage, and the Adoni stir things up. Also, more Bladeworms. Collective Game , Tribal , Primordial , K'Lahk , Lastér , Nad'Lun , Ta'mirel , Fo'wil , Jenter , Slanera , Burrahn , Glud , Adoni , Enclave 2012-04-18 4 May 2012 18936558 NearFuture Cyborg Quest 7 You finally meet the mysterious nat100 woman, and go on the mission. Shit hits the fan, and right at the conclusion, Exabyte gets banned for a day. Collective Game , NearFuture Cyborg Quest , Cyborg , Exabyte , Futureplasma 2012-05-02 15 19302123 Biotech? Biotech. How to biotech. WITH FETISHES! , AND LASERS! 2012-05-31 5 July 2012 19854980 True traditional games TG discusses the finer points of jacks, hoopstick, and plastic army men. Jacks , Plastic Army Men 2012-07-13 15 19899641 Tea & Gateau The Moderators are resting.
May I humbly propose that we place our monocles, don our finest top hats, trim our moustaches and have a fancy tea party with gateau? Classy , Relaxing , Cake , Tear , Monocle , Top Hat 2012-07-16 20 August 2012 20169600 Big Boy Blue Writer Returns More stories of crazy things to happen introducing Roomie. And a funny story BBB , That Guy , Roomie , SLAS , Fiction? 2012-08-04 21 20513994 Lady Robot Master Quest Part 19 In which OP is late but also early, and we help Top Man solve the energy crisis through robot sex. Then, Flash Man is creepy weirdo. megaman , quest , collective game , blade woman , top man , evil energy , roll , splash woman , plum , flash man 2012-08-29 1 September 2012 20558506 Lady Robot Master Quest Part 20 In which Blade Woman seduces a destroyed evil alien computer... megaman , quest , collective game , blade woman , pharaoh man , evil alien computer , flash man 2012-09-02 3 20619626 Magical Girl Noir Quest 43 A russian powerful magical girl starts her day someone in her bed and gets interrupted by her underling. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-06 38 20626498 Lady Robot Master Quest Part 21 In which we deal with Heat Man and Sheep Man, and get some Stalker hints and another Stalker. megaman , quest , collective game , blade woman , bizarro , sheep man , heat man , splash woman , cut man , proto man , guts man 2012-09-07 1 20645072 Magical Girl Noir Quest 44 A powerful russian magical girl acquires a trophy and is briefed on a murderous incident Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-08 38 20671486 Magical Girl Noir Quest 45 A powerful russian magical girl learn what happened and make a judgement. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Mami , Murderface 2012-09-10 38 20709419 Magical Girl Noir Quest 46 A powerful russian magical girl annoys her subordinate then tries to start a war but get QBblocked. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-13 37 20720158 Magical Girl Noir Quest 47 A powerful russian magical girl get informations about her new enemy and meet her subordinates. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Mami , Sayaka , Kyouko , Murderface 2012-09-14 38 20772373 Magical Girl Noir Quest 48 A powerful russian magical girl ride to destr- meet another office. Which is totally not a trap. She also annoys her new subordinate on the way. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Murderface 2012-09-18 38 20809974 Magical Girl Noir Quest 49 A powerful russian magical girl leaves her weapon at the door and stares at a painting. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Murderface 2012-09-21 38 20823000 Magical Girl Noir Quest 50 A powerful russian magical girl engages in fruitful negotiations. Also war. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Murderface , Ahriman 2012-09-22 38 20864527 Magical Girl Noir Quest 51 A powerful russian magical girl and her two allies murder ninety-eight enemy magical girls Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Murderface , Ahriman 2012-09-26 38 20891621 Magical Girl Noir Quest 52 A powerful russian magical girl and her anti-magical aide have a boss fight. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-28 37 20930586 Magical Girl Noir Quest 53 A powerful russian magical girl has very bad luck. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-09-30 38 October 2012 20959658 Magical Girl Noir Quest 54 A powerful russian magical girl will protect her dearest friend and her new subordinate, whatever the cost. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal 2012-10-02 38 21207669 Scum Quest /tg/ decides to be a scum with an insanely overpowered lasgun. Awesome ensues. Collective Game , Scum Quest , Scum , The Glare , Lasgun 2012-10-21 28 January 2013 22432170 Banhammer ask tg for custom classes And then doodles them custom game creation classes banhammer banhammer40kun 2013-01-07 7 22647545 /tg/'s Nemesis /tg/ finds the ultimate BBEG. And is utterly horrifed by it. Horror , Self-Loathing , Joshua , Madness , Evil , Classic Blunder 2013-01-18 13 22859765 Forever Knight Quest 1 Our hero gets slapped around. We learn more about Zia and Brechulf. And another flashback to Shaoram's awful childhood. Forever Knight Quest , Knight , Quest , Forever Knight , Forever , adventurers , interrogation , flashback , Collective Game 2013-01-29 6 February 2013 23035776 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 1 A scout team of the Free Towns hears news of a library calling for help in the heart of a mary sue nation. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse 2013-02-08 9 23095520 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 2 We flank and dispose of a minor pony sue while venturing further into the city. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , ponies , MLP , tardchild , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse 2013-02-11 8 23152153 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 3 We crawl through underground tunnels and encounter a bunch of mechs on the other side. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse 2013-02-14 9 23193893 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 4 We get caught in between mech fights and a multi-way shootout. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , mechs 2013-02-16 6 23310317 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 5 We get past a mech fight, leave one of our guys, piss off a frenzied mob, and discover a surprise at a crash site. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , mobs , mob mentality , preacher , book burning 2013-02-23 0 March 2013 23709372 STALKER Civ Quest #2 Balalaika and friends shore up their defenses and fight off some unfriendly corpses. Mystery ensues. Exploration of the zone continues as home base begins to take shape in the Junkyard. Collective Game , Staler , Civ Quest , Leader , Balalaika , Ramen , Russia , Kebab , Ukraine , Zone , Kalashnikov, 2013-03-16 5 23760749 Stalker Civ Quest #4 Talking Mutant Edition, wherein, we find out the history of how Balalaika and Courier met; also, that Courier is a bad-ass. Collective Game , Stalker , Civ Quest , Leader , Balalaika , Ramen , Russia , Kebab , Ukraine , Zone , Kalashnikov, 2013-03-19 5 23794194 Stalker Civ Quest #5 Alpha the Blind Dog leads Stitch, Farseer, and Balalaika to the police station, where they meet a new friend; a story filled with terror and peril. Collective Game , Stalker , Civ Quest , Leader , Balalaika , Ramen , Russia , Kebab , Ukraine , Zone , Kalashnikov, 2013-03-21 5 23795054 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 6 "What are the Editors?" "LA LI LU LE LO." We find a crashed Terran Wraith. Chuck Norris, Space Ghost and GI Joe take down several Pony SUEs of the Conversion Bureau with our assistance. The Editors finally reveal themselves, and what they plan to do with Meta-Earth, and especially with the library. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , Ponies , MLP , Starcraft , Conversion Bureaumobs , mob mentality , book burning 2013-03-22 3 23829536 Stalker CXiv Quest #6 Wherein we see some of Balalaika's history; also, a new type of artifact is discovered in a new anomaly! Collective Game , Stalker , Civ Quest , Leader , Balalaika , Ramen , Russia , Kebab , Ukraine , Zone , Kalashnikov , artifact , anomaly 2013-03-23 5 23878366 tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7 We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka... Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , GI JOE , Starcraft , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Magical Girl , Sayaka 2013-03-26 1 23913055 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8 The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , GI JOE , Starcraft , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Magical Girl , Sayaka , Martial Law , Editors , Riot 2013-03-28 0 23930866 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9 We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , GI JOE , Starcraft , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Magical Girl , Sayaka , Martial Law , Editors , Riot 2013-03-29 1 23951129 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10 The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse , Chuck Norris , Space Ghost , GI JOE , Starcraft , Magical Girl Noir Quest , Magical Girl , Sayaka , Martial Law , Editors , Riot , Equilibrium , Grammaton Clerics 2013-03-31 4 May 2013 24773829 Firebender Quest Episode 1 We do an introduction to firebender quest, people get upset by some jarring writing, and we killed a man just to watch him die. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender 2013-05-12 21 24790756 Slash Gordon! fa/tg/uy discovers a giant inflatable Ultramarine selling mobile homes by his house Ultrasmurfs , Slash Gordon , WTF , Best Value , lawsuit , heresy 2013-05-13 68 24908363 Firebender Quest Episode 2 This Just in, Young monk slaps grown men around with staff. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-05-19 20 24931320 SLASH!!!! AwwwWWWwwwwww Figurine of Slash Gordon Slash Gordon , Adaptus Estates , Warhammer 40k 2013-05-20 33 25040872 Firebender Quest: Episode 3 We fight a war on the streets and get accused of waifuing Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-05-26 20 25054637 Firebender quest : Episode 4 The Night of Black Tiles Part 1. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-05-27 15 June 2013 25201771 Firebender Quest : Episode 5 Night of black tiles part two - we finally come face to face with Lao Len... and she's accused of having fetal alcohol syndrome. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-06-03 14 25225965 Firebender Quest : Episode 6 Night of Black Tiles part 3, Death, fires and spirits. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-06-04 12 25266378 Firebender Quest : Episode 7 The night of black tiles comes to a close. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-06-06 12 25326025 Firebender quest episode 8 Words words words, denouement and exposition. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-06-09 12 25383837 Firebender Quest Episode 9 Spirit World shenanigans, and THE DARKNESS IS NOW FIRE. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-06-12 12 25457416 Firebender quest episode 10 Some sparring, a training montage, and a battle on the high seas! Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-06-16 13 July 2013 25800025 Firebender Quest Episode 11 Firebender quest returns after a moderately lengthy haitus. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-07-04 9 25917545 Firebender Quest episode 12 In which we return home. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-07-10 9 26035865 Firebender Quest Episode 13 In which we re-familiarize ourself with family Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-07-16 7 26217072 Firebender Quest Episode 14 In which we experience visions. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-07-25 7 26215956 /tg/ does science Anon starts That Guy thread. Other anons find the OP pic hot and commence scienceing to find out why. SCIENCE! , Classic Blunder , derail , funny , why boner , seeking answer to why boner , Soul Eater , Maka , bonerology 2013-07-25 39 26293944 Firebender Quest Episode 15 In which we try to fix ourselves. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-07-29 10 August 2013 26394297 Last night I bondburgered your sister Some poor sap thinks he can post a puzzle with no solution alongside an M:tG question. He can't. Classic Blunder , Land War in Asia , derail 2013-08-03 50 26646354 Firebender Quest Episode 16 Start of Fire Nation Capital arc. Firebender Quest , DeliciousBread , Avatar , Last Airbender , Collective Game 2013-08-16 10 September 2013 27261868 B-Class Quest: Its About to Get Down Your name's Jack and you know the perfect judo throw. You're at the entrance of the high-school when the aliens attack. Top Gun and funk ensues. B-Class Quest , Collective Game , Crazy 2013-09-17 21 27307576 Clashworld 2 The first thread started the world. Now we're making it bigger, better, and easier to read. clashworld , game ideas , game design , original content , /tg/ 2013-09-19 8 27315580 B-Class Quest 2: The Artifical Problems In which Jack has to fix the mess caused by the Robotics Club. Rumba and energy katanas ensues. B-Class Quest , Collective Game , Crazy 2013-09-19 13 27407662 Magical Industry Quest Sir Roderick William Gallowglass negotiates with elves for a slice of prime real estate. collective game , magic , industry , quest , pinkerton , gho , gallowglass 2013-09-25 18 October 2013 27910496 Last Companion Quest An elite soldier from the old empire, retired and hiding, is found by the new government's "cut loose ends"-team. Last Companion Quest , Collective Game 2013-10-25 39 November 2013 28247191 For House and Dominion: Ballroom Edition Attending a ball organised by our wingman's family we look up old friends and find out how they've fared over the past year. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , dancing , party , ball , assassination , flashback , Dice , Survey 2013-11-15 12 April 2014 31296450 A Clash of Class - The wizard side Wizards planning to take out the wyrms and to stop the warriors from getting there first Wyrm , Wizards , Clash of Class , meetings 2014-04-06 1 31297625 A Clash of Class - The Warrior side The warriors bumble about and circlejerk trying to find out how to get the Wyrms all the while an attack brews from the other side. Wyrm , Warriors , Clash of Class , Meetings 2014-04-06 1 31372228 Last Calibur Quest Ekard the monster hunter takes his first steps towards kingship. Collective Game , Last Calibur , Last Calibur Quest , Fantasy , Magic Swords , Heroic Adventure 2014-04-10 12 31419519 Dead Last Ninja Quest: 2 A young Ninja storms out of an important exam and lays out a mocking class-mate. He meets a girl that watches him from afar, after talking to a fence. Collective Game , Ninja , Dranule , Dead Last Ninja Quest 2014-04-12 3 31475390 Last Calibur Quest 2 The second thread. We jump off a cliff. Collective Game , Last Calibur , Last Calibur Quest , Fantasy , Magic Swords , Heroic Adventure 2014-04-15 4 31551373 Dead Last Ninja Quest 5 Meet the sensei! Dead Last Ninja Quest , Collective Game , Dranule , leg day , ninja 2014-04-18 11 31674829 Dead Last Ninja Quest: 5 The Dead Last Ninja tackles his last test for Genin! Collective Game , Ninja , Dranule , Dead Last Ninja Quest 2014-04-24 10 31665784 Last Calibur Quest 3 Ekard has a terrible hangover. Collective Game , Last Calibur , Last Calibur Quest , Fantasy , Magic Swords , Heroic Adventure 2014-04-24 6 May 2014 32232855 Dead Last Ninja Quest: 8 Kakashi's verdict! Sakura's Disposition. And a Dead Last Ninja's triumph!
What is the fate of squad seven?! Collective Game , Ninja , Dranule , Dead Last Ninja Quest 2014-05-20 13 32262375 Oversized Weapon Quest 34 We kill the QM Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Turtles , Lasers , Metal Gear Solid 2014-05-22 20 32365226 Dead Last Ninja Quest: 9 Naruto has a fitful dream about his father, a stranger at his door, and another day to train himself to achieve his undisputed destiny of becoming greater than god! Collective Game , Ninja , Dranule , Dead Last Ninja Quest 2014-05-26 7 July 2014 33428408 The Last Inquisitor Quest You are an Inquisitor, a being of darkness made to serve the church. You meet the head priest for orders then get annoyed by a squire. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game 2014-07-16 6 33449519 The Last Inquisitor Quest 1 You are an Inquisitor, a dark being bound to the Holy Order. Killing Orks, Arriving to Oaksberry and Interrogating a Scout about the man you're hunting. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game 2014-07-17 7 33468343 The Last Inquisitor Quest 2 You're an Inquisitor, a dark being bound by the Holy Order. Blood magic, Ork Warlock, Autumn becomes a Companion, Crushing Benjamin's dream. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game 2014-07-17 7 33490487 The Last Inquisitor Quest 3 You are an Iquisitor, a dark being bound by the Holy Order. The Hinterlands, Town Riverhill, Ben and Autumn are captured, sneak in and save them, kill a Blood mage, Benjamin is wounded, Bloodbath. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game 2014-07-18 6 33515404 The Last Inquisitor Quest 4 The Inquisitor travels to the Iron Kingdom. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game 2014-07-20 1 33526630 Last Companion Quest 2 When the fall is all that's left, it matters very much. Last Companion Quest , Collective Game 2014-07-20 32 33540846 The Last Inquisitor Quest 4.5 You are the Inquisitor, a dark being bound by the Holy Order. New Approved QM. Autumn Thinks, Slave camps, Elf child, Preparing to meet Dwarf King. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game , Name , Paladin , Elf 2014-07-21 1 33558978 The Last Inquisitor Quest 5 You're an Inquisitor, a dark being bound by the Holy Order. Meeting the Dwarf King, Leaving the Dwarf City, New Companion and more! The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game , Name , Spirit , Elf 2014-07-22 5 33585872 The Last Inquisitor Quest 6 You're the Inquisitor, a dark being bound by the Holy Order; Exploring the Elvish city, discovering a secret in the library and you're forced to make a hard choice! The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game , Name 2014-07-23 0 33630597 The Last Inquisitor Quest 7 You are an Inquisitor, a dark being bound to the Holy order. Journey through the Aelvii Empire and after a challenge from a Void Dark Being, the Hunt moves closer to its closure. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game 2014-07-25 5 33673430 The Last Inquisitor Quest 8 The Story of what happened to Benjamin after he [spoiler] in the Elvish throne room. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game , Name 2014-07-26 5 33727545 The Last Inquisitor Quest 9 You're an Inquisitor, a being bound to the Holy order. You gain new information, make a choice, deal with Austec at last and then take a portal to the Heart of the Imperium. The Last Inquisitor Quest , Collective Game , Name 2014-07-29 1 August 2014 33997206 Chapter Master: Shit Finally Getting Done A Tripfag named Duke came... He finally delivered to us an Alpha build. Chapter Master , tg gets shit done , at last , god walks among us 2014-08-09 60 34285189 Avatar CYOA Risk Style RP Everything changed when we attacked the Fire Nation. Collective Game , CYOA , Quest , RP , Avatar , The Last Airbender , Epic , Crazy Rolls 2014-08-21 11 34459836 Esper Quest: Thread 11 We start with Mami, whose day has been (and will continue to be) full of robots! Then, the plot thickens! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , JUSTICE , LASERS , ROBOT DINOSAURS , GOOD OLD-FASHIONED NEWFANGLED FISTICUFFS 2014-08-28 6 October 2014 35586871 Tiji Sector - Traveller 1 It has come to my attention that /tg/ has a Sector for 40k, but not Traveller.
We should correct this grievous error. Traveller , tiji , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic 2014-10-19 2 35631395 Tiji Sector, Sub-sector A, part 2 It has come to my attention that /tg/ has a Sector for 40k, but not Traveller.
We should correct this grievous error. Traveller , tiji , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic 2014-10-20 -2 35652246 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part3 It has come to my attention that /tg/ has a Sector for 40k, but not Traveller. We should correct this grievous error. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic 2014-10-21 -2 35706457 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part 4 A lot of bumping waiting for /tg/ to get off it's ass and stop masturbating to MtG and 40k Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic 2014-10-24 -2 35740251 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part 5 Anon makes a Brick Joke that gets some math behind it. Four more systems completed, plans get made for the Quadrant. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2014-10-25 -2 35801160 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part 6 A few more systems get detailed, polities of the Sector are Discussed. ForeverGM is old and heads to bed early Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2014-10-28 -2 35822300 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector A Part 7 Systems get developed, a rest is declared, polities are contemplated, and the Sub-Sector Map is posted. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2014-10-29 -2 35864849 Tiji Sector Project, Polities and Places of Sub-Sector A ForeverGM makes a T5 character waiting for /tg/ anons to join the discussion. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 , character creation 2014-10-31 -2 November 2014 35947193 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector B, Imperial Spur A Long Living Thread trying to generate interest for the project. System Info generated for SSB. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2014-11-05 0 36084553 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector B part 2 Starting the week off right with a new Tiji Sector thread. Sub-Sector B the Imperial Spur gets some polish and a new polity arises. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2014-11-11 0 36130187 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector B part 3 Not a lot gets done at first, but not!Pirates get a new system to scope out. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2014-11-13 -2 36234503 Tiji Sector Project, Sub-Sector B part 4 Work Progresses and new systems are fleshed out, FGM has crappy internet. Subversion of the Feldspar Alliance. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2014-11-18 0 December 2014 36514714 Tiji Sector Project, It's ALIVE FGM is back and get's the Project back on track...or not, thanks captcha. Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2014-12-02 1 February 2015 37961700 Tiji Sector Project, A New Hope FGM is back and get's the Project back on track, rant about work Traveller , sector , tiji sector , homebrew , design , Mongoose , Classic , T5 2015-02-13 0 March 2015 38539871 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #1 Osataka is subject to a series of inter scholastic games, heralded by the appearance of the strange idol, Mai Aihara. With Makoto's friends under some kind of spell and the hint of something sinister in the air, Deception Class begins. collective game , MWQ , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-03-08 7 38608809 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #2 We reawaken Naoki, chase after Yui and finally get her back, then confront Mai and her crew, who are terrible, awful people hell-bent on saving magical girls from your wrath!
...Wait what? collective game , MWQ , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-03-11 7 38702660 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #3 We run around in a maid outfit at school, head for the Oomura manor, make tons of innuendo, and then drop our true gender on the womaniser Naoki. collective game , MWQ , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-03-15 7 38791896 Maiden White Quest Omake: Servant Gold Takes place during Deception Class, thread #3.
Saito sneaks into the Oomura manor and gets a very... intense encounter with his crush. collective game , MWQ , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Omake , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-03-19 7 38851432 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #4 Following on from last time, Makoto finally fixes Saito, allowing him to transform back into a boy. This, naturally, leads to a giant session of experimenting with transformation.
Male Yui inbound. collective game , MWQ , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-03-22 10 38934634 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #5 We have a talk with Umeki & Saito, then start up Yui's game, using Twister rather than roulette. QM gets interrupted though and thread cuts short. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-03-26 7 38990921 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #6 We continue the dressup, becoming a terrible dragon obsessed with kidnapping the princess Saito, only to be foiled by Prince Umeki! collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-03-29 8 April 2015 39073139 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #7 Makoto, Shun, and Yui all have a [REDACTED FOR NSFW] and then they [HOO BOY] before she sticks it right up their [THINK OF THE CHILDREN] all night long.
Then perspective switches to the children. How nice. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-04-02 12 39128568 Maiden White: Easter Special 2015 In this special omake thread, Yui takes the wheel! So yes; very NSFW. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-04-05 8 39223334 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #8 We get super scared as Yuuki and get Saito to calm us down as best oneechan. Then a weird lolita girl invades and takes us on a trip. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-04-09 7 39284306 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #9 Yuuki explores Sen's dreamscape and has a talk with her about her powers and family, eventually managing to strike a deal to save Shun's focus. And despite Makoto's fervor, she leaves unpurified. Perhaps with a new outlook on the group though. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-04-12 6 39427452 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #10 We FINALLY escape the Oomura manor and make it to school. Saito confesses to Makoto (it goes well), and they salvage the school council. Oh, and uh, Makoto crossdresses to school. No biggie. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-04-19 8 May 2015 39713208 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #11 Back from hiatus, we start recruiting clubs and make up with Hiroko, then hug Shizuko (who sorely needs it). Also Makoto gets whistled at for not knowing how skirts work. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-05-03 10 39794053 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #12 We help the crafts club get admittance to become separate, troll a teacher, and compete with Mai at idol-ness. Then Romi Saito makes everyone shit themselves. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-05-07 6 39851999 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #13 Makoto & Mai endure Romi's specialised idol course. We find out Mai has a little secret, and then hug Saito. Things seem bleak until someone saves the day... collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-05-10 7 39998549 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #14 We deal with the aftermath of Romi; calling Mai out on her bullshit and spreading the love with Saito. Then Makoto gets spread pretty wide as things get NSFW. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-05-17 11 40076144 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #15 We hug with Saito, freak out, then relax. Also, Yuuki built another robot; the power-mimicking MantiCore! Hai.
Also Mai is jealous and Naru is angry. Hai. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-05-21 7 40284426 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #16 We discuss some plot with Naru (and her girlcrush), then bring Yui and Shun closer. Very close, NSFW close. After that, cheering for Saito as 'Minako' returns! collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-05-31 10 June 2015 40432156 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #16 We piss off Saito and take photos with Shizuko collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-06-07 8 40522832 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #18 Thursday classes end, we go apologise to Saito for being too sexy yesterday. Makoto can't help it. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-06-11 7 40582642 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #19 Makoto spends a night at home, but Yuuki takes the night out. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-06-14 6 40667012 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #19.5 Continuation of the previous thread. Shun tells her weird story and we continue on to the last day of the week. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-06-18 6 40864876 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #20 Umeki transforms into a magical girl before we deal with the final day of the competition week. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-06-28 6 July 2015 41120370 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #21 We join our last day of the week, already in progress. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-07-10 6 41246582 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #22 Makoto and his friends compete in Competitive Cleaning to win the competition. Will they succeed? Will they look cute? Probably! Tune in to find out. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class , NSFW 2015-07-16 6 41306941 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #23 With the power out from a magical Blackout, Makoto and his friends go to confront Mai for the last time. But what will they find in the darkness of the city? collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-07-19 4 41398130 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #24 Time is ticking away for Sen whilst Makoto agonises over how to defeat Black Pepper. collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-07-23 6 41459625 Maiden White Quest: Deception Class #25 Sen is saved, but now transferred into the MantiCore, Pepper is more dangerous than ever. The final battle of Deception Class begins... collective game , MWQ , Qyubey , Mahou Shonen Quest , Maiden White , Deception Class 2015-07-25 9 August 2015 41809637 It is actually you, who is inside the skeleton necromancers use all parts of the body separately, wasting none. Skeleton , Nervous System , Necromancy , Body World , Low Waste , Flesh Golems , Spooky , Plastination 2015-08-14 7 September 2015 42357871 Avatar TLA Quest We create our hero, who in the end turns out to be Hokage, Mordin and Cao Cao in disguise. Collective Game , Avatar , The Last Airbender , TLA , Avatar TLA Quest , Royal Physician Quest 2015-09-08 13 42378656 Avatar TLA Quest - Fire - Part 1 In this chapter we find out that dice gods hate us and canon is a bitch. Collective Game , Avatar , The Last Airbender , TLA , Avatar TLA Quest , Royal Physician Quest 2015-09-08 12 April 2016 46903744 Pentecost and the Last Crusaders Anon asks /tg/ for their best results on random tables, like space bats that can carry Baneblades or the nicest heretics ever. /tg/ 40000 , Last Crusaders , Pentecost , Aurum Space Bats , Rogue Trader , Space Marines , Dice Stories 2016-04-26 2 July 2016 338297 Ultimate Human Civ quest! Part 2 We win a war and tech up collective game , Ultimate Human Civ , shmeh , Civ , Callassia 2016-07-15 1 48444329 The Huge Marines/The Arms of Atlas /tg/ creates and discuss the Huge Marines,a marine chapter made completely of enhanced ogryns and whose tactics are HUGE! fluff , marine chapter , Huge Marines , The Arms of Atlas , St Gav , ogryn 2016-07-28 7 396277 Last Artist Standing Quest #1 A party adventures through the world of LASotopia, their players drawing their actions and the world around them as they go. Last Artist Standing Quest 2016-07-29 2 September 2016 580510 Earthbender Quest #1 Things get off to a violent start Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-09-17 28 590944 Earthbender Quest #2 Having evaded the army, Sei Fong and Lantana head for a temple to the North Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-09-19 23 603523 Earthbender Quest #3 Lantana and Sei recruit someone new to their group Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-09-21 21 614669 Earthbender Quest #4 Another person joins the team, and Sei picks up a new skill Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-09-24 21 629224 Earthbender Quest #5 Tensions begin to rise, and Sei finally talks to someone besides Lantana Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-09-27 18 October 2016 642707 Earthbender Quest #6 The Hunter appears Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-10-01 15 665687 Earthbender Quest #7 The team has another boss fight. Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-10-06 -5 673107 Earthbender Quest #7 (for real) Finally reaching the mountains, the gang proceeds toward the Northern Air Temple Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-10-08 17 744393 Earthbender Quest #8 The battle comes to an end, and the journey continues Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-10-24 21 766339 Earthbender Quest #9 The gang has nearly reached the Air Temple, but something sinister may stand in their way Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-10-30 20 November 2016 751298 Slasher Quest: The Cenotaph Slayer The test run of a new Slasher Skirmish game system. A Halloween party must struggle to survive a spirit of vengeance. Collective Game , Slasher Quest , Questguy , Horror , Halloween , Skirmish , Prototype 2016-11-03 -10 794463 Earthbender Quest #10 The gang finally reaches the Northern Air Temple Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-11-06 20 764043 Slasher Quest: Camp Red Water part 1 Edition 0 of Slasher Skirmish. Camp Counselors vs immortal wizards with the souls of children on the line! Collective Game , Slasher Quest , Questguy , Horror , Halloween , Skirmish , Prototype 2016-11-08 -9 824653 Earthbender Quest #11 Lantana begins her Airbender training, and the others prepare for the inevitable confrontation with Kalana Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-11-14 24 839433 Earthbender Quest #12 Training continues at the temple, and Sei makes a bet Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-11-18 22 837810 Starborn 23:Crime and Punishment Where we scare the hell out of luc, chastise him, go to deal with a trol, and get some sweet sweet backstory. Collective Game , Starborn Quest , Troll , Hona , Luc , Wagon , Star , Starborn , Violet , Brutal , Richter , Giants , Flashback 2016-11-20 2 856491 Earthbender Quest #13 As the battle in the Northern Air Temple comes to a close, tragedy strikes, and Kalana acquires something valuable Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-11-22 25 858514 Starborn Quest 23: The Violet Demon Welcome to the past! You've been murdering your way through the giants' town; sanity? What's that? Collective Game , Starborn Quest , Troll , Hona , Luc , Wagon , Star , Starborn , Violet , Brutal , Richter , Giants , Flashback 2016-11-24 2 876585 Earthbender Quest #14 The gang starts their journey to the west while dealing with their losses Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-11-28 20 December 2016 904167 Earthbender Quest #15 Ruins strengthen resolves, and the journey to the coast continues Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-12-05 18 930096 Earthbender Quest #16 Lantana makes a decision Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-12-12 20 914005 Speedster Quest - Episodes 3~6 Your name is Bee Artemisa, and you are the fastest woman alive. Live Fast, Flirt Hard, and keep your harem happy. Speedster Quest , The Flash , Alternate Universe , Cozy , Feels , Harem , Yuri 2016-12-15 1 959529 Earthbender Quest #17 The gang readies itself to strike against Kalana's forces Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-12-21 15 943492 Classic Quest [Co-op Skirmish] Retro style rpg system brought to the format of a skirmish. Features simultaneous multi-path operation, and dice! fenster , collective game , skirmish , quest , retro , pixel art , sprite , dice , classic quest, 2016-12-24 1 976966 Earthbender Quest #18 The counterattack is launched, and the gang discusses a strange visit Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2016-12-27 7 January 2017 969164 Classic Quest [Co-op Skirmish] Chapter 2 The party deals with dastardly never-do-wells, gains recognition of the Gobbo, and encounters the puppetmaster behind these events. fenster , collective game , skirmish , quest , retro , pixel art , sprite , dice , classic quest, 2017-01-02 2 969319 Slasher Quest: Cabin of Carnage 1 Its slay-bell season in this installation of Slasher Quest. 4 teenagers. 1 private island. 1 killer dressed as Santa Claus. Collective Game , Questguy , Slasher Quest , Slasher , Holiday , Christmas , Santa 2017-01-05 2 1011917 Earthbender Quest #19 Sei and Sansha begin to follow Kalana, but others seem to be following them Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2017-01-06 9 1001769 Classic Quest [Co-op Skirmish] Chapter 3 Not much happens in this chapter, due to problems behind the screen. The party faces the real Fawkes though! fenster , collective game , skirmish , quest , retro , pixel art , sprite , dice , classic quest, 2017-01-10 1 1036756 Earthbender Quest #20 Sei and Sansha travel to reunite with the others Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2017-01-13 18 1055097 Earthbender Quest #21 Sei and Huo go on a trip, and a village falls under attack Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2017-01-17 15 1029070 Classic Quest [Co-op Skirmish] Chapter 4 The final encounter begins, and the Fawkes storyline comes to a close? fenster , collective game , skirmish , quest , retro , pixel art , sprite , dice , classic quest, 2017-01-18 1 1081861 Earthbender Quest #22 Having reached his city, the party moves in to confront Xiong Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2017-01-24 15 1081711 /RTQ/ Rogue Trader Quest 0 Glorious Rogue Trader Character Generations, made a Captain, a ship, and a crew Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-01-29 3 February 2017 1091845 RTQ Chapter One: Port Iridescence With the paperwork finally filed, our hero strikes out for adventure! Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-02-06 1 1143394 Earthbender Quest #23 To nobody's surprise Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius 2017-02-09 -21 1148559 Avatar TLA Quest Character Creation Character creation that lasted for way too long. Prince Iroh is also apparently more valuable than a waifu. avatar , tla , the last airbender , collective game , fire nation , fire bender , original character 2017-02-13 8 1117792 RTQ Chapter Two We beat off the collective fleet and consolidate our hold on Othhaw Rogue Trader , RTQ , Warhammer , 40K , Quest , Lord-Captain Pallas 2017-02-16 1 1164659 Starborn Quest 29: Ancestry.Awoo We meet our Oracle who is a relative of ours? Then she tells us a story, which the anons play! Reynes of Castmaere know that feel. Collective Game , Starborn Quest , Zen , Hona , Luc , Wagon , Star , Starborn , Murillo , Flashback , Tinton , Zelam , Badass , Luc, 2017-02-17 1 1163749 Starborn Quest 29: Ancestry.Awoo We meet our Oracle who is a relative of ours? Then she tells us a story, which the anons play! Reynes of Castmaere know that feel. Collective Game , Starborn Quest , Zen , Hona , Luc , Wagon , Star , Starborn , Murillo , Flashback , Tinton , Zelam , Badass , Luc, 2017-02-18 3 July 2017 1635732 The Last Stand: A Cape Oneshot (maybe more) In a world ruled with an iron fist, the last vestiges of rebellion had one last shot. And failed. Time to go down swining. Collective Game , Superhero , Cape , Raijiin , Gaia , Earth , Regime , Yuri , Lightning , Last Stand , Last , Stand , Doomed , Veteran , Star , Wagon 2017-07-05 2 1650682 The Last Stand: A One Shot No More Raijin vs the Regime escalates and continues as we push into the Citadel. How long can he last? Collective Game , Superhero , Cape , Raijiin , Gaia , Earth , Regime , Yuri , Lightning , Last Stand , Last , Stand , Doomed , Veteran , Star , Wagon 2017-07-11 3 1656074 Slasher Villain Quest /qst/ plays the role of the villain in a slasher movie and hilarity ensues. Collective Game , Villain , Slasher , Movie 2017-07-12 3 1677516 Slasher Villain Quest Episode II The grand adventures of /qst/'s chosen slasher villain continue, now with more spooking, shouting and... waiting? Collective Game , Villain , Slasher , Movie 2017-07-27 1 1708380 The Last Stand: One Shot, Two Shot, Three Shot Raijiin continues fighting the regime, coming up against a feared group of superheroines once he fled the family reunion. Collective Game , Superhero , Cape , Raijiin , Gaia , Earth , Regime , Yuri , Lightning , Last Stand , Last , Stand , Doomed , Veteran , Star , Wagon 2017-07-29 2 August 2017 1712827 Slasher Villain Quest Episode III Torture happens, some words are exchanged between Molar and the local law enforcement, plans are made for crashing of a rich kids' party. Collective Game , Villain , Slasher , Movie 2017-08-09 1 1767357 The Last Stand: Wait Didn't We die?
Last Stand Gets a sequel! ... until Real life means it has to be shelved for a while. Collective Quest , Star , Wagon , Superhero , Cape , Earth , Regime , Last Stand , Doomed , Naga , Sequel 2017-08-19 2 1780855 Reckoning Quest 1 Strange dreams make us shook. We head to Lake Ceryana to investigate. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-20 8 1795629 Reckoning Quest 2 We poke corpses with sticks, be sneaky, have more strange dreams, and finally make it to the lake. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-24 4 1808849 Reckoning Quest 3 We finish up at the lake and start training up Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-08-30 4 1809547 Fallout: Last Spark II The quest to retake Seattle continues. New friends, allies, and enemies abound. bananon , Collective Game , fallout , robot , ai , scifi , Last Spark 2017-08-31 2 September 2017 1849799 Fallout: Last Spark III With their animals secure, SARA and Sandra go off in search of better gear. They find giant insects. bananon , Collective Game , fallout , robot , ai , scifi , Last Spark 2017-09-11 3 1835637 Reckoning Quest 4 Truly finish up our training with Moest, and prepare to set off and slay the possessed. Short thread cause QM is a terrible person Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-09-13 3 1866494 Fallout: Last Spark IV SARA and Co make their way to a diner, then it's off to the Museum of Living Computers. bananon , Collective Game , fallout , robot , ai , scifi , Last Spark 2017-09-18 3 1887317 Fallout: Last Spark V SARA and Co finally make a few new enemies, race some cars, and meet a few new allies. bananon , Collective Game , fallout , robot , ai , scifi , Last Spark 2017-09-24 1 October 2017 1913805 Fallout: Last Spark VI SARA and Co. save a life, make a deal with the Brotherhood, and infiltrate the DHS. bananon , Collective Game , fallout , robot , ai , scifi , Last Spark 2017-10-03 1 1967189 Fallout: Last Spark VII The players cement an alliance, deal with a psychic, and hunt down a sniper. bananon , Collective Game , fallout , robot , ai , scifi , Last Spark 2017-10-22 1 November 2017 2050112 What Came Next 12: What Came Before Nothing bad happens as we flashback to a red haired teenager on her first date. What Came Next , Wagon , Suka , Sukaretto , Flashback , Living , Bleach , Bleach Quest , Rukongai , Ukitake , Lucifer , Crusader , God , Christian 2017-11-10 2 56305928 /tg/'s fantasy classroom /tg/ is asked to teach some young witches. Some of us are better teachers than others. advice , teachers , witch kids , witchlings , classroom , adventurers , magic , rogues , mages , party dynamics , combat , politics , sex ed , zoology 2017-11-12 11 2040889 Fallout: Last Spark VIII Ethical debates give way to a discussion of Project Mjolnir. The hunt for Vault 59 begins. bananon , Collective Game , fallout , robot , ai , scifi , Last Spark 2017-11-13 1 2093476 Reckoning Quest 5 We fight the possessed Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-11-29 3 December 2017 2109027 What Came Next 13: A Happy Ending Sukaretto fights a tentacle monster while her brother watches. What Came Next , Wagon , Suka , Sukaretto , Flashback , Living , Bleach , Bleach Quest , Rukongai , Ukitake , Lucifer , Crusader , God , Christian 2017-12-02 2 2103266 You are the Dungeon! Dungeon Dwellers fight of three adventurers, the adventurers die nicely. Collective Game , Skirmish , MrDoggyPants , Dungeon , Dweller , Seth , Gamba , Balas , Illusionist , Commander , Tinkerer 2017-12-02 6 2100027 Fallout: Last Spark IX The gang communes with nature and challenges possibly supernatural forces on the way to Vault 59. bananon , Collective Game , fallout , robot , ai , scifi , Last Spark 2017-12-05 1 2109888 Avatar in Space Nickelodeon's next chapter in the highly acclaimed Avatar series Avatar the Last Airbender , Legend of Korra , Avatar 2017-12-10 0 2112123 Reckoning Quest 6 Head back to Moest's Cabin after fighting the possessed, chaos ensues. Reckoning Quest , Reckoning , Quest , Olas , OlasQM , fantasy , worldbuilding , LORE 2017-12-12 1 March 2018 2364361 Metahuman Quest: Issue #14 Morgan wins a boxing match with a gorilla, and is struck by lightning. Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Teen Titans , Kid Flash , Gorilla Grodd , Speed Force 2018-03-11 5 April 2018 2403286 Welcome to Rapture Quest 1 We awaken to a doctor who saved our live before setting out on a quest to save our wife and daughter while killing splicers. Bioshock , Big Daddy , Splicers , plasmids , Adam , Eve , 2018-04-06 1 May 2018 2532401 Metahuman Quest: Issue #17 Morgan gets the cold shoulder and has a talk with Kaldur Quest , Metahuman Quest , Collective Game , DC , SleepyQM , Gray Ghost , Teen Titans , The Flash , Martian Manhunter , Killer Frost , Aqualad 2018-05-17 5 June 2018 2660783 Avatar: The Firebender Quest Kazuki, a young colonial noble, arrives in the court of Fire Lord Ozai and uncovers his true potential. Firebender Quest , SifuHotman , Avatar , Last Airbender 2018-06-22 13 2673580 Avatar: The Firebender Quest #2 Learned Airbending, went on an...outing? with Azula & co. Talked to Roku. Firebender Quest , SifuHotman , Avatar , Last Airbender , AtLA 2018-06-29 5 July 2018 2717546 Avatar: The Firebender Quest #3 Went to a party with a date, set out on the mission to the South Pole Firebender Quest , SifuHotman , Avatar , Last Airbender , AtLA 2018-07-14 3 August 2018 61049924 Starblazers Setting Worldbuilding /tg/ makes a setting combining pulp scifi flash gordon retrofuturism and lovecraft. starblazers , worldbuilding , setting , flash gordon , retrofuturism , zeerust , cosmic horror , lovecraft , call of cthulhu, 2018-08-02 6 September 2018 2916704 Uprising Normaundia, 1921. Lead the fascist faction of the civil war to eternal victory and the thousand year Reik. Collective Game , Normaundia , Patriotic Front , Alaster 2018-09-28 5 October 2018 2926941 Uprising II The Patriotic Front battles the vile Republican army and crushes them in battle. Collective Game , Normaundia , Patriotic Front , Alaster 2018-10-05 2 November 2018 3005750 The Thing in the Woods A group of teenagers go camping in the woods and strange things start to happen. How many of them will survive to return home? The Thing in the Woods , Horror , Slasher , Modern , Oneshot , Cryptid , CryptidQM 2018-11-01 6 3015612 Slasher Killer A final girl who survived a slasher attack dedicates herself to hunting down and killing other slashers. Slasher Killer , Halloween , Horror 2018-11-04 5 3057857 Uprising III We continue the offensive against the Republicans and try to make some friends. Collective Game , Normaundia , Patriotic Front , Alaster , Dog , Dog QM 2018-11-26 1 December 2018 3069506 Uprising IV A very short thread where OP failed to deliver much, but at least we came into contact with the Holmerdi Empire. Collective Game , Normaundia , Patriotic Front , Alaster 2018-12-02 2 3084638 Starborn Quest 55: Raiding the Glass Palaces Purps continues investigating Hona's Dream World. Then the infirmary. Then it's time for class. Collective Game , Class , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Freya , Zar Tan , Academy , Lexington , Karhea , Dreamwalk , Nurse , Mission 2018-12-13 1 January 2019 3131450 Starborn Quest 56: Worst. Class. Ever. Things continue to be terrible as Purps attends her first survival class. Collective Game , Class , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Freya , Zar Tan , Academy , Lexington , Karhea , Dreamwalk , Nurse , Mission 2019-01-02 1 March 2019 3315762 Panzermagd Quest #11.2 Packing up camp and a rather odd dream. Panzermagd , Mecha , Fernglas , Collective Game 2019-03-15 2 3323392 Starborn Quest 59: "Diplomacy" Purps finally gets into the FaeWood alongside Jo and Stella. The trio have to deal with the locals. Collective Game , Class , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Freya , Zar Tan , Academy , Lexington , Karhea , Dreamwalk , Nurse , Mission 2019-03-16 1 April 2019 3382653 Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive Cloud City 2, Alexa tries to adapt to this new place while worries about his mother trouble him, a new threat arises in the meantime. Collective Game , Cloud City , Old Radio , post-apocalypse , survival , humanity , Last man , boy 2019-04-08 2 3437110 Outsiders Invasion Quest #1 The hack and slash adventure of Alfonzo Robella in a world being invaded by demons, which was cut short by bad luck with the dice. #outsiders #invasion #quest #demons #hackandslash 2019-04-25 2 May 2019 66107232 The Last House 2 Discussion continues slowly on The Last House. Horror , World Building , The Last House 2019-05-09 1 3462630 Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive III Cloud City 3: Alexa, the last boy, discover new feelings and sensations, visits his old home and discover some things about his past Collective Game , Cloud City , Old Radio , post-apocalypse , survival , humanity , Last man , boy 2019-05-12 2 June 2019 3507776 Heir to Humanity: Last Man Alive IV Cloud City 4: and attempt at new life and Alexa finds a place in the new world what will the future hold for Alexa, Jess and their friends? Collective Game , Cloud City , Old Radio , post-apocalypse , survival , humanity , Last man , boy 2019-06-01 1 September 2019 68322089 Cassette Futurism Number 5 OP submits another thread for the discussion of cassette futurism and anons discuss Cassette futurism , scifi , 70s , 80s , classic , fantasy , science fiction 2019-09-20 1 68385450 Cassette Futurism Number 6 Once again, with feeling. Cassette futurism , scifi , 70s , 80s , classic , fantasy , science fiction 2019-09-20 0 3843850 Catalyst Quest #2 Father Anscham fights his own demons. Catalyst , Catalyst Quest , Medieval , Fantasy , Dark , Religion , Flashback 2019-09-27 23 October 2019 3859643 Blacksmith Quest #1 Wilhem throws a bunch of goblins around, makes a new friend and fights a bear Blacksmith Quest , GlassStarQM , blacksmith , Collective Game , Quest 2019-10-15 3 November 2019 3889492 Slasher Killer 2 The survivor of Blackwell Asylum dedicates herself to a new cause, while in the dark woods of the Ozarks, a hunter stalks his prey. Slasher Killer , Halloween , Horror 2019-11-02 6 3878505 Blacksmith Quest #2 Wilhem makes some armor, lays the foundation for a blacksmith shop and goes dungeon crawling. Blacksmith Quest , GlassStarQM , blacksmith , Collective Game , Quest 2019-11-08 1 3924727 Sworn to Valour Quest #16 His Blade Defends the Helpless. The rescue mission is successful. But there is a darker, terrible secret at the heart of this conspiracy. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , The Secret War , Blasphemy 2019-11-24 23 3915088 Blacksmith Quest #3 Wilhem meets a music man and he's set on fire Blacksmith Quest , GlassStarQM , blacksmith , Collective Game , Quest 2019-11-27 0 December 2019 3929946 One Last Trick Quest #1 Just when I think I'm out . . . they pull me back in! Collective Game , One Last Trick , Trick , Westeros , Fantasy , ASOIAF , Velo 2019-12-08 0 3947804 Blacksmith Quest #4 Wilhem and friends go underground for some cave exploring Blacksmith Quest , GlassStarQM , blacksmith , Collective Game , Quest 2019-12-22 0 March 2020 71579421 Nechronica thread. Red Planet Storytime and Port Storytime Red Planet Storytime begins. Port Storytime continues and things will never be the same. Discussion of Holics, parts, and attack types. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , memory , Port , Tachi , Protoca , war , Red Planet , tower , mars , space , system , last stand , parents 2020-03-30 5 April 2020 4168708 Dragonball Quest 185: Earthbender Quest 23 The next one might not be a joke... Collective Game , Quest , Avatar , The , Last , Airbender , Earthbender , Firebender , Earthbender Quest , Somnius , Dralo , Dragonball , Dragon , Ball 2020-04-01 0 71958657 Nechronica Story Time / Builds Port Storytime continues, haunted. What music gets you in the zone? Building characters for Support and Hinder. Unofficial classes. Tokens. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , classes , memory , Port , Tachi , Protoca , tower , system , token , tokens , support , builds , advice , music 2020-04-18 2 May 2020 4218375 The Last of the Rinim Civilization Our story begins with a group of rat-people refugees seeking a new home to restart their civilization. Civilization , Civ , ratkin , The Last of Rinim , MGHandler , Collective Game , Fantasy 2020-05-20 5 4245139 Catalyst Quest #14 A flight for your life, legendary heroism, old enemies, and a revolutionary alliance. Catalyst , Catalyst Quest , Medieval , Fantasy , Dark , Religion , Flashback 2020-05-22 7 June 2020 4259008 Last of the Rinim Civilization #2 Year 1: relationships established with the neighboring kingdom and it's people. In one case, these relationships get too close... Civilization , Civ , ratkin , The Last of Rinim , MGHandler , Collective Game , Fantasy 2020-06-06 1 4277661 No Retreat, Last Defender!: Justice Arrives! TLD fight giant bugs, an edgelord, and demons. He also steals a pirate ship with some help from his new friends. TLD , The Last Defender , Isekai , Action , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Parody 2020-06-08 7 4302797 No Retreat, Last Defender!: Down the Rabbit Hole! TLD takes on elemental martial artists, goes even further beyond, and travels to a swamp filled with frog-men slavers. TLD , The Last Defender , Isekai , Action , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Parody 2020-06-28 3 4286317 The Cabin Six college freshman goes to an isolated cabin in Michigan. Strange things begin to happen. The Cabin , Horror , Slasher , Collective Game , Explicit , Murder , Thriller 2020-06-28 6 July 2020 4313892 Catalyst Quest #16 Harvey Jay Algrith is a cunning loyalist, and the bravest man you've ever met. He promised to tell you his story. Catalyst , Catalyst Quest , Medieval , Fantasy , Dark , Religion , Flashback 2020-07-02 7 4295894 Last of the Rinim Civilization #3 More issues pop up, which leads to paying a visit to the rulers of the Helias Kingdom. Civilization , Civ , ratkin , The Last of Rinim , MGHandler , Collective Game , Fantasy 2020-07-02 0 4303969 ATLA Quest #0 The Prologue of Lien as we setup her journey. Collective Game , Avatar , AU , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Avatar , The Last Airbender , TLA , Avatar TLA Quest , Earthbending 2020-07-06 0 September 2020 74791451 Nechronica: The Long Sequel thread. Story Time / GM system and build advice England/Homburg Storytime: The third killer attacks our trio at home. Arson Cannibalism Heroism. | Talk of Horrors classes & custom content. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Coleo , Melico , Imp , Homburg , England , fire , Suzie , class , builds , mechanics , advice , horrors , system 2020-09-17 3 October 2020 75185467 Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class released Translation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Port , Protoca , Tachi , Class , Entombed , Red Planet , mars , space , parents , settings , custom , skills , parts 2020-10-07 2 75300357 Nechronica Thread: Hair Metal Horror Edition Metalhead updated. Work on homebrew classes & shooting rebalance. Building enemies & encounters. Reskinning parts to fit character concepts. Nechronica , class , update , classes , custom , advice , encounter , reskin , rebalancing , homebrew , shooting , ranged , enemies 2020-10-12 1 November 2020 75560624 Nechronica Thread - Russian Poerty Edition. Gravel Storytime. Class updates: Chariot and Alraune Chariot & Alraune class updates. Gravel Storytime continues: The A-team confront Boss Bugtalker. Fortifications & traps. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Gravel , Adrian , Altina , Aida , bugs , violence , Chariot , Alraune , update , class , mechanics , fortify , traps 2020-11-01 2 4506798 Slasher Killer 2.5 Sarah and Grace prepare for their showdown with the Hunter. Slasher Killer , Halloween , Horror 2020-11-27 1 January 2021 4590497 Space Station 13 Quest: Station 1 A new quest in the world of the infamous game of the same name. Otome QM , Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , Space , Clown , Lizard , Weed , Trip , Cyborg , Anime Girl , Douglas MacArthur , Goblin 2021-01-18 8 March 2021 4689350 Last Few Fae - Guarding Innocence Pierre, a teddy bear, defends his human from the bogeyman.
He explores the City looking for ways to kill it while a war rages in plain si drawquest,supernatural,surreal,urban fantasy,last few fae, 2021-03-25 6 April 2021 4735931 Last few fae - #2 Guarding Innocence Pierre, a teddy bear, defends his human from the bogeyman.
He has his final confrontation and the quest ends. drawquest,supernatural,surreal,urban fantasy,last few fae, 2021-04-17 5 June 2021 4797128 The Last Sunhawk #1 Warlock cripple "Lynestra Dawnstrider" the Last Sunhawk arrives in Alterac, enjoys Alteraci hospitality, and joins The Shadow Council elit Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-06-05 12 July 2021 4866235 The Last Sunhawk #2 Lynestra ponders the allegiance of Church, has a hilarious misunderstand, and tries to make friends. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-07-14 11 August 2021 80496327 Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas. Anons help anons understand the system. Discussion of part rebalancing. Storytime of a prequel game to Aqen storytime. Nechronica , rules , advice , Storytime , Story Time , parts , Dallas , Feliz , Betty , Noel , 8-ball , Aqen , greentext , fire , DFW , America , Texas 2021-08-03 0 80648267 Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVER From the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight! Shadowrun , Storytime , Shadowrun Tale , Shortfuse , Wolfhound , BYTE , Dice , Airplane , Douglas , Pirate , Treasure Hunt , Kraken , Sp1r1t 2021-08-06 2 80640256 Nechronica thread. Storytime set in Dallas finishes. A storytime wraps up. Discussion of Space ship horror for the undead. Cat based humor. Nechronica , rules , advice , Storytime , Story Time , Dallas , Feliz , Betty , Noel , 8-ball , Aqen , greentext , fire , DFW , America , Texas , cat , space 2021-08-08 -1 80736338 Draw your party thread: Bug, Glug, and Chug Drawings of parties and people people talk about games. A Lasgun happens. Draw , party , storytime , d&d , 5e , Only War , dark heresy , cyberpunk , Pathfinder , shadowrun , Lasgun , Black Crusade , Nechronica , template 2021-08-17 0 80785841 Nechronica thread. Translation Update: Armed Set. Armed Set, a short 3rd party sourcebook for the Japanese TTRPG Nechronica, gets an unofficial English translation. Anon asks how to Chariot. Nechronica , update , book , rules , spiders , armed set , translation , Thanatos , Requiem , Stacy , armaments , Chariot , class 2021-08-21 0 4919200 Borderlands Civ Quest: Pre-Quest Admiral Mikey awakes with the smarts and heads to Pandora to slap General Noxx. QM's job interferes with updates and thread dies early Admiral Mikey , ATLAS , Borderlands , Collective Game 2021-08-28 1 September 2021 4929317 The Last Sunhawk #3 Lynestra fights a Death Knight, dreams of her past, and has a anachronistic skype call with a grumpy undead. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-09-03 10 November 2021 4992051 The Last Sunhawk #4 Lynestra encourages the duke, makes a scene with a drunk priest, loses a bet and starts an investigation. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-11-01 8 December 2021 5049040 The Last Sunhawk #5 Lynestra discovers a betrayal and a secret, almost loses to an imp, begins her mystery solving, and tries to make a new friend. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2021-12-21 7 February 2022 5118694 The Last Sunhawk #6 Lynestra leaves her new dwarf friend, mulls over her findings in Mercer's diary, makes an enemy of a piece of jewelry, goes to get help. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2022-02-21 5 83424106 Nechronica Thread: Homebrew & Sanctuary Storytime 1. PortAnon's Sanctuary Storytime begins with a boat trip into the unknown. Dinosaurs. Multiple Anon's post homebrew. Homebrew is discussed. Nechronica , Homebrew , parts , class , position , Storytime , Story Time , Sanctuary , M3LT1E , Meltie , Sofia , story , time , undead , Port 2022-02-23 2 March 2022 83635837 Nechronica Thread: Homebrew, drawing & Sanctuary Storytime 2. An artfag makes art. Sanctuary Storytime part 2. Anon posts a custom class. Nechronica , Homebrew , parts , tokens , class , position , Storytime , Story Time , Sanctuary , M3LT1E , Meltie , Sofia , story , time , undead , Port 2022-03-15 -2 April 2022 5185361 The Last Sunhawk #7 Lynestra gets to know Falconcrest, has a heart to heart with Church while perhaps revealing too much, and finally reveals her borrowed books Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2022-04-18 7 June 2022 5245924 The Last Sunhawk #8 Lynestra seeks wisdom from a seer named Sayge, (yes, really) buys poison, has a super meta convo with Jarad, the quest sadly goes on hiatus. Collective Game , Quest , The Last Sunhawk Quest , WoW , World of Warcraft , Female Protagonist , Blood Elves , Sunhawk , Alterac , SunhawkQM 2022-06-06 5 5290379 Mutant Quest 2 Mission time. Mutant Quest , Alaska , Asgard 2022-06-11 0 August 2022 5344524 Final Girl Quest A small town with a dark past.
A sprawling mansion.
A party gone wrong.
A maniac with an axe.
Help Stephanie survive the night. Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2022-08-27 20 September 2022 86105763 some philosophical debate Which D&D classes would make the ideal waifus? D&D , roleplay , classes , best girl, 2022-09-27 3 5394845 The Last Era of Men We escape Artemisia with a slave and make our way to Carmine Miamtis , Smut , The Last Era of Men 2022-09-27 0 October 2022 5392504 Final Girl Quest - Chapter II There's a storm raging outside, and someone's at the door. Twenty bucks says it's not the pizza boy... Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2022-10-22 15 January 2023 5478100 Final Girl Quest - Chapter III Power's out at Hughes Mansion, but it looks like the cavalry's on the way. Will Megan and Sarge get there in time...? Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2023-01-04 13 5506483 Classic Evo A traditionally-styled evogame, where 4 organisms diversify, things get chilly and then rocks fall. Collective game , evogame , evolution , Classic Evo 2023-01-08 2 February 2023 5513617 SCP: Anomalous Containment #2 In which you fight a group of mercs, survive getting possessed, and make friends which a chocolate maniac. Anomalous Containment , SCP , Anomalous , D-Class 2023-02-05 9 March 2023 5562130 SCP: Anomalous Containment #3 Dan heads to a supermarket where everyone's killing themselves, and nearly ends up a victim too. Anomalous Containment , SCP , Anomalous , D-Class 2023-03-12 7 April 2023 5600654 SCP: Anomalous Containment #4 Daniel experiences his first Containment Breach and goes on a short adventure in the facility. Anomalous Containment , SCP , Anomalous , D-Class 2023-04-25 3 May 2023 5636366 Final Girl Quest - Chapter IV The carnage at the Hughes House is broken up by the arrival of an alcoholic rookie cop and her trusty canine companion. Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2023-05-24 9 January 2024 5849374 Classic NRP thread 1 Nation Roleplay Game NRP , ClasicishNRP , 2024-01-19 1 March 2024 5890254 Classicish NRP#2 NRP run in the classic style NRP , ClasicishNRP , 2024-03-01 0 April 2024 5935291 Final Girl Quest - Chapter V Miles survived, Sheriff Campbell's on his way, and Stephanie is about to unmask the horned brute. Is the nightmare finally over...? Final Girl Quest , Collective Game , Horror , Slasher Movie , Teen Drama , '80s , Female Protagonist , Violence , Gore , Strong Language , NC-17 2024-04-07 8 June 2024 5994611 Avatar: The New Age Book 1: Bonds 1 Ainu, an earthbender from Kyoshi Island, learns just how insane life in Union City can be. Avatar , Last Airbender , ATNA Quest , Not Korra , AU , Collective Game 2024-06-10 5 6023137 The Last of the Elves The new queen of Anor, begins her mission to liberate her kingdom from human domination. Collective Game , Autism , Elves , The Last of the Elves , Anor 2024-06-25 10 January 2025 6178360 NEMESIS Quest #1 Kyle Mercer wakes up with a dead woman in a hotel room and no memory of who she is. Things only get worse from there. NEMESIS , dark , spooky , creepy , murder , slasher , occult , witch , horror , blood 2025-01-23 9 March 2025 6208018 NEMESIS Quest #1 Kyle completes the job for Truesdale and has a recollection about the past. Things continue to get worse. memory of who she is. Things only get worse from there. NEMESIS , dark , spooky , creepy , murder , slasher , occult , witch , horror , blood 2025-03-13 1