Thread Title Description Tags Added Score April 2008 1538090 Resin mold tutorial Finally, in amongst the ashes of /tg/ comes anonymous, dispensing with minature piracy methods. molds , resin , games workshop , poorhammer 2008-04-16 35 September 2008 2683686 Dirk A traumatised Stormtrooper with a shitty history gets the chance to spit in the face of Tzeentch himself. Not as planned , Zuvassin is pleased , luck , Dirk , Stormtrooper , man 2008-09-28 41 October 2008 2727253 Abby's Singalong Hour What started with the usual Abbadon's Black Crusade song parody turned into several masterpieces of 40k songparodying. Abbadon , Singalong , 40k 2008-10-04 1 2737021 Villain Group Themes Much better ideas for your cheesy villain teams. villains , themes , seven deadly sins suck 2008-10-05 0 November 2008 3052437 GameScience Dice vs Cheap Dice Anon posts a very interesting vid featuring the good Colonel from GameScience explaining why most /tg/ dice aren't in face random. dice , die , cheap , machined , casino , d20 , d16 , d4 , polished 2008-11-24 3 January 2009 3382385 Future: Stagnation or Singularity Once again /tg/ decides to discuss the future of mankind. Will we advance beyond our limits? And is this a good thing? Transhumanism , Singularity , GITS 2009-01-13 1 May 2009 4698835 Confessional booth Heretics confess their sins against the Emperor. Heretic , heresy , chaos , tau , confession , sin , BLAM 2009-05-29 5 August 2009 5481134 Raging <Blank> A series of rage-related feats found in Pathfinder leads to sore sides. Amusement abounds. Pathfinder , Roleplaying , Amusing , Rage 2009-08-17 11 September 2009 5756362 Opening a FLGS #2 (4 or 5?) Tech Priest Naile showing off other game stores and some more discussion. FLGS , Business , Advice , Nostalgia 2009-09-07 0 5770742 Opening a FLGS #3 Webstore shenanigans. FLGS , Business , Advice , Nostalgia , Webstore 2009-09-08 2 5867345 Opening a FLGS #4 Tech Priest Naile discussing his shop's ideal location. FLGS , Business , Advice , Nostalgia , Lease 2009-09-15 0 October 2009 6171886 Flying cars? OP asks for help with a post-singularity game, tries desperately to avoid singularity debate. Fails. Intelligent discussion follows. Singularity 2009-10-07 0 November 2009 6751347 Post Singularity The singularity happened. AI gods, E-heaven, robots, all that good stuff. Too bad nobody told the poor people. You play a bunch of African soldiers. You fight robots trying to bring you bliss. Setting , singularity , hurfdurf 2009-11-18 2 January 2010 7432262 DM storytime obnoxious guy tells stories and says 'you sir are not a gentleman' mindfuck cheerios bitch raisins 2010-01-05 2 7809299 Reincarnation Would Suck What if modern-day scientists figured out how to cheat death, via a process that replaces the mind of a 9-year-old with your own? /tg/ discusses ethics & tries to predict what'd happen to society. Dagda , World Building , Cyberpunk , Ethics , Serious Business 2010-01-28 2 February 2010 8042226 REGINALD BRICKDICKLER A drawfag creates a character by drawing the first thing suggested after each question. Things predictably spiral out of control. BRICKDICKLING , kobold backup singers , pennywhistle , what even the fuck /tg/ 2010-02-12 22 8125161 To Serve Dragons A while back, I started a thread about cuisine made from dragons. I decided to expand on that idea since that time, giving common properties of various types of dragons, so you can invent your own dragon-cuisine based dishes. Delicious , Food , Cusine , Dragon , D&D 2010-02-17 0 8269156 Lamentations of a Sociopath A fixation with falsities leads to the unraveling of society and sweet revenge for one fa/tg/uy sociopaths , raisins , goodburger , phylactery 2010-02-25 2 March 2010 8577633 Eversor Battle and Assassin Writefagging As the title says, the thread starts off as a discussion of what members of a Space Marine cadre an Eversor could take on. It turns into writefaggotry when it is decided that one piece of fluff needs some extrapolation. 40k , Assassins , Writefaggotry 2010-03-14 0 8768815 The joys of multiclassing. In the wake of a previous thread's Final Fantasy Class-rolling mayhem, /tg/ tackles random class hybrids. The strange and awesome ideas quickly take form. Character Classes , Multiclassing , Originality , Final Fantasy 2010-03-25 2 April 2010 9494107 Eversors Can Drive. General Officio Assassinorum thread, started after a realization that Eversor Assassins can drive any vehicle and fly aircraft in Dark Heresy. Eversor Assassins , Warhammer 40K , Awesome 2010-04-29 8 9510598 Fixing the Assassin The 4e Assassin class is crap. /tg/ debates ideas for how to make them worthwhile. Lots of math ensues. 4e , houserules , Assassin , D&D 2010-04-30 1 May 2010 9933783 Assassins Discussion of the game "Assassins" and creative ways of "killing" people Assassins , real life , college , games , killer , paranoia 2010-05-21 8 10098576 The Worst DM In History Thread begins with a poster raging over a familiar that sponatneously dies of hunger. Thread moves on to the tale of a player knocking his DM unconcious with a Player Guide. Worst DM Ever Assassin Lazerus Familiars 2010-05-28 48 10141382 Suburban Eversor Featuring Eversor-Dad, his relationship with daughter, ex-wife, ex-wife's new husband, and his neighbors. assassin , 40k , Eversor 2010-05-30 6 July 2010 11272408 Zerg Quest IV On the eve of what would come to be known by some as the Great War, the Overmind created a Cerebrate called Anon...It has gone rogue (OR HAS IT?!) Zerg Quest , rapelings , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Overmind , Planet Glassing 2010-07-22 25 October 2010 12354135 Zerg Quest XV The Second Battle of Aiur rages on, the largest conflict in recorded history. It ends with a goddamn bang.
I'm not going to spoil it for you, but damn. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Kerrigan , Overmind , Aiur , EPIC , Goddamn Feneschal , Since when does CA do screenshots? 2010-10-07 14 November 2010 12834871 Zerg Quest XX 20 threads of mutation! The Brood decides to rush the DNA scanners, and all hell breaks loose. As usual. TUCAMP announces Terran Quest. Another planet is glassed. We go through so many! Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , KINGSTOOOON!!! , Planet Glassing , Down with the Bourgouis Confederacy! 2010-11-18 13 December 2010 13213415 Officio Assassinorum: The Game What started as a request for scans ended up becoming the brainchild of /tg/, a video game fashioned after the Officio Assassinorum and their assassins. Disscussion , video game , 40k , Assassin , Eversor 2010-12-19 8 January 2011 13488330 Cartoon Voices The thread begins with the king of the hill cast explaining their days in the 40k universe staying remarkably true to character, it goes on to various famous cartoon videogame, tv, and movie characters doing likewise, including adaptations of many Disney songs. Cartoon in my voice quotes 40k tv videogames movies characters songs singing 2011-01-12 20 February 2011 13759933 Zerg Quest XXIX Anon meets with Little Sister, and her irritability is lessened substantially when Anon comes up with a tactical plan that surprises even Cerebrate Anon. A battle of pretty epic proportions ensues, and the political climate of the Koprulu Sector changes. A LOT. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Out-Kingstoning 2011-02-03 11 13843993 Zerg Quest XXX Anon's Brood takes the initiative after watching Kingston destroy a pivotal part of the anti-Zerg equation to wreak havoc on his unguarded flanks. A dangerous element from like, 20 threads ago reappears, and two unidentified forces appear at the cliffhanger. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Planet Glassing , Out-Kingstoning , Fuck Your Ban Nigga! 2011-02-10 15 13929039 Zerg Quest XXXI Simultaneous plotlines show VoidGate getting all nukey, Kingston's fleet getting its ass handed to it, and some mighty peculiar stuff going on in Protoss space. Mighty peculiar. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Planet Glassing , Rampant AI , What's going on over there? 2011-02-17 12 March 2011 14268298 Zerg Quest XXXV Anon deals (relatively) swiftly with the Dyles Entity, and does its best to egg VoidGate into pissing off the Protoss. Worlds burn. Good times. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Spooky Zerg Quest , Dyles , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Skynet 2011-03-17 10 April 2011 14500162 Zerg Quest XXXVII The hits just keep coming. Fresh off of Cerebrate Anon's surgery, the Brood leads a bold strike on VoidGate's homeworld. Underneath, they find a pretty nifty gaming setup. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Planet Glassing , Skynet , Planetary Computing 2011-04-07 12 14585186 Zerg Quest XXXVIII Anon continues its vicious pogrom against the VoidGate AI, going so far as to get Kingston in on the carnage. Yet more planets are rendered balls of superheated glass, and yet fewer people are willing to fuck with the Zerg. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Planet Glassing , Skynet , Kingston teamwork? , Oops 2011-04-14 11 14650782 My Dad: DCA Medic does another My Dad after returning from a hiatus. cute , assassin 2011-04-20 0 14650217 Rising Sons 3 Further discussion of samurai spess marines rising sons , rising , sons , 40k , space marines 2011-04-20 2 14681874 Rising Sons part 4 More art for the Rising Sons stuff Rising Sons , Japan , Space Marines , Fluff , Homebrew Chapter 2011-04-23 0 May 2011 14800654 OP wants to open a FLGS FLGS advice requested, arrives in spades. Plenty of useful business advice. Includes tales of awesome local gaming stores and hives of scum villainy. But mostly scum. FLGS , original content , business , store , advice , game , gaming , advice 2011-05-04 8 14895317 Zerg Quest XLI Anon finds a tiny little hamlet out in the boonies of space. There, it discovers that galactic politics have shifted in ways it never could have imagined. Oh, shit. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Spooky Zerg Quest , Dyles , Kerrigan , Planet Glassing , Skynet , UED , Oh fuck oh fuck 2011-05-12 10 14974910 Rising Sons thread 5 More discussion on the chapter. Rising Sons , Japan , Space Marines , Fluff , Homebrew Chapter , Deathwatch 2011-05-20 -2 15052506 Rising Sons thread 6 Honestly, a bit crapper then usual. Archived for clarity's sake. Rising Sons , Japan , Space Marines , Fluff , Homebrew Chapter , Deathwatch 2011-05-26 1 September 2011 16175027 Clint Eastwood DMs With an All-Star cast of celebrity players clint eastwood , morgan freeman , liam neeson , frank sinatra , sean connery , michael cera , nathan fillion 2011-09-04 10 January 2012 17723250 Chapter Quest IX - Storm Within the Storm Rising Sons decide to rush to help their vassal-world Nordgrim that is about to be locked within a warp storm, but when they get there, things are even worse than expected. Chapter Quest , Quest , Chapter , Collective Game , Rising Sons , Adeptus Astartes. zombies , Chapter Master , Space Marines , Warp , storm , Nurgle , Witchhunters , feudal 2012-01-30 12 February 2012 17785546 Another TGquest planning thread archived so future readers can see our thought processes Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Sapphy , Kingdom Hearts , Holtz , DOSH , WhyOnEarthIsOrzStillATagTheyWentAway40ThreadsAgo , Orz , OrzAreStillATagBecauseWeAreWaitingForThemToComeBackAndBiteUsInTheAssForStupidity 2012-02-06 6 June 2012 19535955 Stupid Bunny on Drugs Quest A stupid bunny does drugs. Collective Game , Drugs , Animal Crossing , Bunny. Nice Teeth 2012-06-19 7 September 2012 20857799 Zerg Quest CV Boarding parties find great success in stealing Xel'Naga ships, but will that be enough? Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Proprietary polygons , deck-by-deck racial cleansing , Objection! 2012-09-25 7 October 2012 20976897 Lich's Employee Quest pt 4 Daniel has a song and dance to beat Mort, and stumpbles gets an apprentice. Skeleton quest , jazzy , sing song , spider 2012-10-04 20 21019306 Embarrassing Spacecraft Names Local Space Taliban leader "I suck cocks for a living and you can quote me on that", was caught trying to arm the ship "With As Many Guns As My Wife Has STDs" Anti-authority , Spaceships , Embarrassing Names 2012-10-07 43 21256335 Lich's Employee Quest pt 19 Daniel goes theatrical as he kills Fido the charisma wizard. skeleton quest , theatrics , Poe , masquerade , dice gods , assassinations 2012-10-24 11 November 2012 21445029 The Tale of an Industrious Rogue GM tells a story about the business exploits of his players, and the crazy plans they made. Industrious Rogue , Pathfinder , Storytime , DM Kroft , Salt , Business , Dreams 2012-11-05 231 21530501 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 37 Hito singing along with Father William so that they could cast powerful blessing on the weapons so that Hito and his gang can defeat rest of the Chaos Gods. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Chaos , Khorne , Nurgle , I Feel Good , Singing 2012-11-11 -1 21595360 Fabrique Generale quest: Case of the Missing OP Meet the republic and the Cincinatus armed forces, get our Helo shot to hell, then the Cincinatus armed forces along side with the Majesty and the Mollochians all invade at once, but then OP disappeared. Fabrique Generale , quest , post apocalpyse , robots , power armor , Light city , OP went missing, 2012-11-16 10 December 2012 22021634 Oinkbane The Wereboar Assassin A GM declares the genius of a wereboar assassin. And thus Oinkbane is born. His tactics are too subtle for you. Hilarious Wereboar Oinkbane Assassin Funny Tactics Subtle 2012-12-13 47 22257720 /tg/ gets depressed OP inquires about how to roleplay depression. /tg/ reveals all its angst, misery and emptiness in response. depression , depressing , sad , melancholy , oh god what , why , roleplay , game ideas , discussion 2012-12-29 12 January 2013 22722665 First Response quest OP decides to take the first suggestion given to him
Oh god... first , suggestion , quest , transcend , crazy , sinks , loki 2013-01-22 35 22864314 Real Life Random Encounters title related Real Life , Random Encounters , amusing 2013-01-30 14 April 2013 24074738 /tg/ sings Be Aggressive /tg/ actually does something, and sings a silly song together. sing , song , /tg/ , /tg/ sings 2013-04-05 5 24466070 Fate/Stay Again, Thirty-seventh Verse We almost uncover the secret of the runes, talk about relationships with Souichirou and practice relationships with Rin. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Espionage Kissing 2013-04-26 22 May 2013 24816257 Fate/Stay Again, Fortieth Verse In which shit hits the fan. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Espionage Assassin 2013-05-14 30 July 2013 25742875 Ghost Quest You are a ghost operative of the Terran Dominion, under Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. Your Codename is Delta Phoenix. Possibly, was Delta Phoenix. At 1200 hours you received a transmission from Korhal. "The Emperor is Dead. Long live the Emperor. "
Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft 2013-07-01 33 25764480 Ghost Quest 2 We continue to be a badass even with broken fingers. We also increase our combat effectiveness by liberating 3 spaceships. Plans to fix the Goliath Class Battlecruiser is delayed even further. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft 2013-07-02 23 25770783 Ghost Quest 2.5 We do a little piracy and get ourselves some resources and some recruits. Then we immediately go risk our lives. Again. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Mercenaries 2013-07-02 21 25773465 Ghost Quest 3 Dark Phoenix gathers the last resources to repair the Hydron. Henderson proves himself again. Will we ever know what was in the box? Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Pirates 2013-07-02 16 25787209 Ghost Quest 5: Grave over Jestos The remaining zerg pose an issue. SCV deployments are confusing. Repairs are made to the Hydron, and a blind jump is made. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Zerg , 2013-07-03 21 25800902 Ghost Quest 6: Freedom Jump is successful but resources are scarce. Delta Phoenix deals with the ghosts of the past. A hostage is taken. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Pirates 2013-07-04 20 25806765 Ghost Quest 7: Death Race Delta Phoenix attempts a solo mission as Corporal Henderson races to save the love of his life, Mia Rodriguez. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Pirates , Space Bikers , Vulture bike, 2013-07-04 21 25820987 Ghost Quest 8: Money, Money, Money. (July 4th Special) The Daluke jumps to Muric, an idyllic paradise compared to the trials so far, and receives a tempting offer... Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , MURRICA , FREEDOM , USA , USA , USA 2013-07-05 16 25825835 Ghost Quest 9 Delta Phoenix does some ghost things to get her crew some property of their own. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , MURRICA 2013-07-05 16 25840292 Ghost Quest 10 Recruitan' an' minin'. That's what we do here. After a mission and a night full of nightmares, Delta Pheonix talks to only other person who may be more screwed up in the head than she is Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft, 2013-07-06 15 25847799 Ghost Quest 11: Dark Wings Spread Delta Phoenix rescues some civilian ships at Kilaro, and helps rebels fight the Dominion. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Poor decision making 2013-07-06 15 25852526 Ghost Quest 12: Loss Delta Phoenix loses her suit, and can't cope. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , 2013-07-06 17 25878409 Ghost Quest 13: Delta Phoenix's New Groove Delta Phoenix trains with Kassix, and murders an Ultralisk 1 on 1. A course is set for Murric. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ultralisk 2013-07-08 15 25895335 Ghost Quest 14: Liberty or Death Delta Phoenix returns to Murric under siege. We get a look through the eyes of our crew. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Wraith , Goliath , Firebat , Marine, 2013-07-09 20 25899479 Ghost Quest 15: Ghost Quest 15: Don't you let me Die in Space Helldog Mercenary squad takes the bridge of the Aeron. Delta Phoenix kills an old squad memeber. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Marine , Battlecruiser 2013-07-09 27 25937168 Ghost Quest 17: All Along the Watchtower The XO does his best to keep Delta Phoenix's forces alive. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Battlecruiser 2013-07-11 16 25953890 Ghost Quest 18: From The Ashes. Delta Phoenix speaks to Charlie Phoenix, repairs to the Daluke and Murric begin. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , 2013-07-11 10 25977043 Ghost Quest 20: High Noon Delta determines whether or not to become a Spectre, and hunts bounties on New Albuquerque. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft 2013-07-13 9 26017586 Ghost Quest 21: Bounty Hunter Delta Phoenix completes her bounties on New Albuquerque. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft 2013-07-15 13 26101639 Ghost Quest 22: Viva la Revolution Delta Phoenix finishes her work on New Albuquerque. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-07-19 8 26108936 Ghost Quest 23: A Duel of Politics Delta Phoenix attempts to organize the New Albuquerque rebels to overthrow the corrupt government. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-07-19 6 26118210 Ghost Quest 24: The Open Sky Delta returns to the Daluke with Lakas' family and Enrique. Whiskey and November report the lottery mission is successful. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-07-20 6 26154893 Ghost Quest 25: Gambling Man Delta Phoenix finishes her macromanagement on Murric and heads to other Fringe World locations. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-07-21 4 26255694 Ghost Quest 26: Shout at the Devil Down Below November is dead. Charlie is critically wounded. The few survivors of New Ares are aboard the Hercules. And so is something else... Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-07-26 4 26275827 Ghost Quest 27: FUBAR Delta Phoenix and other squads attempt a mission on a Dominion battlecruiser, while Zerg are attacking it. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-07-28 4 26292705 Ghost Quest 28: 3 Weeks Later Delta Phoenix's crew has recovered from the last mission, but worlds are falling across the sector. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-07-29 2 26319563 Bleach Quest XXXIII In which we are family, I've got all my cousins and me. Bleach Quest , Bleach , Collective Game , MY COUSIN 2013-07-30 27 26342580 Ghost Quest 29: Expansionist Delta Phoenix establishes a base on a Jungle World, then looks to unite the fringes. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-07-31 2 August 2013 26360853 Ghost Quest 30: Fade Out Armed with new Technology, Delta Phoenix must now determine her next move against the Dominion or Broodmother. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-08-01 2 26396664 Ghost Quest 31: Double Take The fringe continues to burn. Dominion fleets mobilize. Zerg disappear mysteriously. Delta Phoenix is slowly becoming the last hope these planets have. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-08-03 3 26418227 Ghost Quest 32: Round House Delta Phoenix destroys the PRNA capital building, but their army seems invigorated by it. The crew of the Daluke prepares for a longer war than they anticipated. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-08-04 2 26437759 Ghost Quest 33: Fast Pace An uneasy peace settles over New Albuquerque. The Dominion tightens their grip, and lays siege to Kilaro. Zerg forces mysteriously abandon Dick's Paradise, but are now spotted on Corendis. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-08-05 2 26478946 Ghost Quest 34: Cocked Pistol Delta Phoenix has destroyed the Dominion's fleet and found out information on their bases. However the Zerg and Protoss wage a shadow war on Corendis. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-08-07 0 26530430 Ghost Quest 35: Midnight The Daluke is upgraded at Skorpia shipyards when Delta Phoenix receives distress beacons. All of them. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-08-09 2 26537791 Ghost Quest 36: Check The Zerg invasion has crushed worlds. Delta Phoenix attempts to rescue surviving Protoss, while hunting another changeling threat. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Ghost , 2013-08-10 3 October 2013 27507334 X-Wing, fuck yeah! Thread looking for X-Wing RPG campaign ideas ultimately leads to casting an X-Wing TV series, based on the best part of the Star Wars EU. Aaron Allston , X-Wing , Wedge Antilles , Yub Yub Commander , Zsinj , Rogue Squadron , Wraith Squadron , Star Wars 2013-10-01 6 27538057 Unconventional Weapons OP asks /tg/ what their favorite unconventional weapons are. Cannonball muskets, MOAR DAKKA, and flaming crack gorillas follow. unconventional , weapons , murder , assassination , awesome , scary 2013-10-03 2 27575910 Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 01: "A Guardsman Named 「JoJo」 The beginning of the tale of Joachim Joestar begins in the grimdarkness of 40k. Much posing ensures. We befriend a pysker and meet a childhood friend A Guardsman's Bizzare adventure JoJo's Quest , Posing,Collective game , warhammer 40k 2013-10-05 25 27589382 Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 01: "A Guardsman Named 「JoJo」 Part 2 In which we Awaken a Stand, chill with the Emprah, and have a commissar go bugfuck insane and kill most of our friens, and meet a foul xeno witch....with a stand A Guardsman's Bizzare adventure JoJo's Quest , Posing,Collective game , warhammer 40k , 2013-10-06 23 27727696 A Black Comedy, Thread 3 You are a Villain. You are a LANCER. And misplacing your hyperweapon isn't going to stop you. Collective Game , A Black Comedy , Villain Quest , Sociopath , Horrible Human Beings , Corruption , Missing Hyperweapons 2013-10-14 39 November 2013 28247191 For House and Dominion: Ballroom Edition Attending a ball organised by our wingman's family we look up old friends and find out how they've fared over the past year. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , dancing , party , ball , assassination , flashback , Dice , Survey 2013-11-15 12 28520592 Princess Guard Quest 68 Eating contest! Collective Game , Princess Guard Quest , you guys are embarrassing seriously 2013-11-27 27 January 2014 29713051 Pokemon Quest #13 Vance fights a Stunfisk, we bond with Robin in the showers, and we win big at the casino Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer. casino , gambling 2014-01-23 22 29788095 Magical Girl Rising Quest: Resuffering In which we are introduced to Sparkling Snake, magical girl and PMC soldier. Collective Game , Magical Girl Rising Quest , Metal Gear , Magical Girl , RULES OF NATURE 2014-01-26 5 29815741 Magical Girl Rising Quest 2 Sparkling Snake gets debriefed and reflects on her history. Collective Game , Magical Girl Rising Quest , Metal Gear , Magical Girl , Madoka Magica , Sparkling Snake 2014-01-27 1 29832663 Monster Girls Quest 101 Monster Girls Quests, Collective Game, Monster Girls, Quest Where we deal with the aftermath of battle , too much things to do for a single man. 2014-01-28 5 February 2014 30415803 Able Quest 16 Not much happens today Collective game , Able quest , Animal Crossing 2014-02-23 0 March 2014 30548785 Able Quest 19 Carlos shows up near the end Collective game , Able quest , Animal Crossing 2014-03-01 0 30657413 Able Quest 21 We finally set foot on the ground floor again and put our keys to use. Collective Game , Able Quest , Drawquest , Animal Crossing 2014-03-06 1 30881453 Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 4 A very brief continuation of the previous thread, in which hearts are fluffed and then immediately crushed into tiny pieces as Anaru and Satsuki grow close. Kill la Kill , Collective Game , Quest , Depressing , Drawfag 2014-03-17 13 30899318 Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 6 Gamagoori is sneaking around with snacks, and we can't help but follow him around. Kill la Kill , Collective Game , Quest , Depressing , Drawfag 2014-03-18 12 30997848 Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 18 Anaru steels himself as greed threatens a precious friendship, and he gives comfort to a wounded heart. Kill la Kill , Collective Game , Quest , CYOA , Depressing 2014-03-22 11 31025450 Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 22 Anaru and Matoi face off in the thrilling conclusion to the Naturals Election. Kill la Kill , CYOA , Collective Game , Quest , depressing 2014-03-24 6 31043765 Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 25 The Naturals Election receives an unexpected visitor, and the arena is stained with the blood of the fallen. Kill la Kill , Collective Game , Quest , CYOA , Depressing 2014-03-25 11 31051077 Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Store Finale The thrilling and heartbreaking conclusion to Anaru's story...or is it? Kill la Kill , Collective Game , Quest , Depressing , Drawfag 2014-03-25 28 April 2014 31185680 Dungeon Construction Crews Because some poor group of assholes has to build the Dungeon of Eternal Suffering for Baron Von Skullfuck. Dungeons , Wizards , Construction Crews , Worksite Safety Concerns , Hard Hats , Bottomless Pits , Unionising 2014-04-01 12 July 2014 33112529 Up on the mountain with Heinrich Von Bearenstein, Bear-man Ursine humans are exiled and most don't survive. They go caving and meet and ancient spider queen. There's blood, gore, and telepathic bonding. Civilization , Human , Ursine , 2014-07-01 1 33500938 SinQuest Part 2 Sinning Intensifies Collective Game , SinQuest 2014-07-19 1 33524246 SinQuest Part 3 The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. Collective Game , SinQuest 2014-07-20 0 33545070 SinQuest Part 4 Cos, Tan, and Sin Collective Game , SinQuest 2014-07-21 1 33670900 Phoenix Student Quest We are introduce to the depressing life of Evangeline Wright Collective Game , Lovecraft , Lewd , Depressing , depression , Pandora 2014-07-26 22 33697320 Solo Single's Quest In which /tg/ plays a magical girl, who is a boy. Solo , Single , Quest 2014-07-27 1 August 2014 33884947 Crafting a Cute Singularity Familiar The OP claims to have stumbled across a black hole while adventuring, and wants to turn it into a "problem" disposal system disguised as a cute young girl. A bit of fluff and hard science is discussed. black hole , singularity , familiar , monster girl , wizard , golem , little girl 2014-08-06 14 34498343 Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1) We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style) MFSKQ , Edgy , Dark , Murder , Funny , Limblesslivingonaholeteasing , short thread , no dice , OP slightly off his game , Nobody gets shot with a 22. , Collective Game , Quest , Modern Fantasy Serial Killer , 2014-08-30 1 September 2014 35027951 Assassin School quest 1 We choose our "hero" Layla Miller, A girl who has a knack for poison and explosives and register her in the Academy of the lucky coin, a school for assassins. She meets her roommate, a strange girl called Maria Smith, goes to some classes, Poisons someone with an overdoes of potassium (they deserved it)and has good first day at school Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , murder, 2014-09-22 24 35071939 Assassin School quest 2 In which Layla makes three new friends, gets stabbed by a nun, goes to the infirmary for a three days, Gets a new hoodie and a lucky coin, and has a strange dream. Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Nun, 2014-09-24 17 35134961 Assasin school quest 3 Layla gets put under house arrest by her roommate, but that doesn't stop her from taking her first mission and taking a visit to japan to kill a yakuza with a big ego, and and even bigger stomach. Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Murder , Yakuza 2014-09-27 17 35179648 Assassin School quest 4 Layla has a rather uneventful (read, didn't kill anyone) day, besides being chased around campus by a very angry teacher, pissing off the request guy, and trying to get into stealth class Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Chase, 2014-09-29 14 October 2014 35265797 Assassin School quest 5 Layla deals with the cold, gets into a fist fight, and tortures the nun with the poisons teacher, and goes for a walk on the beach. rather short thread Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Nun , Torture, 2014-10-03 14 35348174 Assassin School quest 6 Layla goes on a visit to an unspecified European country with Maria and a new friend to kill a count, along the way she steals clothing from a dead girl, jumps on to a chandelier, and faces down a centuries old, suicidal Vampire count who's been feeding on innocent peasant girls for who knows how long, how exciting Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , bad accents, 2014-10-07 14 35390960 Assassin School quest 7 Layla wanders around with a wounded arm, meets a truly strange teacher, finds some free TNT, reads a strange letter, and watches a cheesy horror movie with her roommate, and goes on a mission for little rhyme or reason Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Nun, 2014-10-09 11 35398922 Assassin School quest 7 part 2 Lyla's African adventure continues, her guide dies to mysterious circumstances (Layla), and invades the camp of a warlord, things quickly go sour and the hunter becomes the hunted Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , African warlord, 2014-10-09 10 35405448 Four Gods Quest #2 Aldan kills the Baron for the Duke, tells Charles he's a wizard and meets Ed on her way to the Ball. And there was a snake. Collective Game , Four Gods Quest , Assassin , Ambition 2014-10-10 7 35431220 Four Gods Quest #3 Aldan impresses an Empress, find out the Bard is actually a Prince, and gets sent on a quest to find a demon. Collective Game , Four Gods Quest , Assassin , Ambition 2014-10-11 3 35434978 Assassin School quest 8 In which Layla turns the nun into a vampire after a light session of torture and tea, learns the basics of disguise, And meets the PE teacher. She also makes a bomb Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison,Nun , Vampire, 2014-10-11 11 35549246 Assassin School quest 9 In which Layla meets parts of the nightshift, cheers up her roommate, and taunts a vampire nun Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison, 2014-10-16 12 35630241 Assassin School quest 10 In which Layla Puts down a mad dog, meets a new face, and Takes a mission to kill a corrupt frenchman. Rather short thread Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , 2014-10-20 10 35776689 Assassin School quest 11 Layla and Maria go to the big apple to visit a costume ball in a newly opened hotel, to assassinate a corrupt frenchman before he can be killed by two other assassins. Along the way they buy costumes, see a statue that looks disturbingly like Layla, and we see the world through Maria's eyes Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Costume Ball , mind control , witch 2014-10-27 10 35786546 Assassin School quest 11 part 2 In which Layla kidnaps a witch (partially for turning her into cat girl), introduces a witch to a nun, gets some catnip, and tries to take a shower Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , witch , cat girl , kidnapping, 2014-10-27 10 35815630 Assassin School quest 12 In which Layla learns a bit about her witch, and gets her a new abode, and she later takes an enthusiastic walk through the forest and goes on a mission with a somewhat familiar face Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Witch , Catgirl 2014-10-29 10 35827958 Assassin School quest 12 part 2 Layla returns to brausrburge, to track down the attacker of the local peasants, it ends with a rather impressive fireworks display Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl, 2014-10-29 10 November 2014 35877585 Assassin School quest 13: Halloween special Layla tries to get the cowardly Maria to enjoy Halloween, And something fantastic happens, as love blooms beneath the moon Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Halloween Special , love 2014-11-01 22 35898293 Assassin School quest 14 Layla and Maria decide to go for a walk on halloween night, which eventually turns to Layla hunting a demon Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Demon 2014-11-02 14 35942359 Assassin School quest 15 Layla And Maria go to the beach, and then fight a knight of god Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , nun , Catgirl , vampire , righteous fury 2014-11-04 13 36002479 Assassin School quest 16 Layla is bedridden from her and Maria's battle with the holy knight. But not for long as she rejects her humanity. Also room 1856 is renovated Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Vampire 2014-11-07 11 36104726 Assassin School quest 17 Layla and Maria go to kill a good man for no reason other than money. And then lewd happens Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-11-12 20 36185837 Assassin School quest 18 In which Layla has a friendly talk with the witch, learns how to cast some basic spells, unlocks stealth class, and tastes Maria, going a slightly crazier after the fact. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-16 13 36311490 Assassin School quest 19 Layla goes on a wild goose chase with a blind girl, fights a teacher, loses, sees a new show with Maria, and decides to start hunting a rat Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-22 13 36469358 Assassin School quest 20 Layla catches a rat, a rather drunk one at that, and spends some quality time with her better half's other half, and then challenges the CQC teacher again, and wins. and We learn dice gods love cats. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-30 14 December 2014 36626557 Assassin School quest 21 In which Layla terrifies a teacher, and goes to kill a cult with Maria and Emily, for a large sum of money. Kaboom Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-08 15 36784629 Assassin School quest 22 Layla pays the nun a visit, and then plays Maria's new video game on the hardest difficulty and after some calming down, decides to visit the witch and study a bit of magic Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-16 13 36899903 Assassin School quest 23 Layla and Maria have fun in the snow and take a walk in the forest. And then they meet something weird, that is a horrible singer Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-22 13 January 2015 37091356 Assassin School Quest 24 Layla spends sometime Pampering a sick Maria, creates a terrible new poison and finds a test subject for it, and decides to figure out what the strange orb she found is exactly. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Poison 2015-01-01 12 37249898 Assassin School quest 25 Layla decides to take her Vampiric Nun, Clementine to Brausrburge for a bit of fun, but then they that it's being terrorized again, this time by a werewolf.
short thread to be continued Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Cat girl , Vampire 2015-01-09 12 37267602 Expedition to the Surface World! Urist McDorfking meets with a returning party of dwarven adventurers to ask what the surface world is like. Misinterpretation, elf-hate, great works of industry and cosmology discussion result. Then writefags show up. dwarf , dwarves , cosmology , misinterpretation , storytime , writefag, 2015-01-10 3 37421882 Assassin School quest 26 Layla and Clementine go hunting for a werewolf, and Layla nearly gets buried alive before coming back to a very displeased "Maria" Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Cat girl, 2015-01-17 11 37573234 Assassin School quest 27 Layla gets a strange letter, and finds out she's been invited to join the newly formed Double faced coin, a group of students created to find and kill the supernatural. Their first Job? to kill or remove the ghost in the orchard Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-24 13 37683875 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 13: The cat of ill Omens This episode: Elizabeth receives some dire news from Charlie the mook. A human turned monster, by the name of Layla Miller.So by means of magic, they travel to see exactly what's going on at the Academy of the lucky coin. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Crossover , Assassin School Quest 2015-01-29 12 37730796 Assassin School quest 28 part 1 Layla choose her code name, and so Supernatural Agent: Cheshire is born, wearing a really cool outfit too.
And learns that her little sister has been kidnapped those religious nutters who've tried to kill her, twice Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-31 13 37741498 Assassin School quest 28 part 2 The Mission to rescue Layla's little sister from the religious nutters continues. And we learn Layla's little sister likes fire. Also, a small tour of the Academy is given Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-31 13 February 2015 37843324 Assassin School quest 29 Elizabeth Miller gets used to her new life at the academy, while Layla tries to make Napalm in the dorm room, she makes a new friend, goes to a few classes, and learns some skills, mostly about how to burn things. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-05 16 37977336 Assassin School quest 30 Elizabeth meets someone new, and goes to kill a rogue cyborg of the guild of the twisted rose with the help of her new friend and her older sister, Layla Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-11 11 38024719 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 15: The Hunter vs The Mage The Huntsman of Chains comes to town, goes a hunting for four little rabbits of order, he "finds" them, and gives Crimson Dream the fight of her and her friends' lives. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Crossover , Assassin School Quest 2015-02-13 11 38157734 Assassin School quest 31 Layla, her witch and the double sided coin members, Thomas and Lily, Go to a rather unfortunate town that shares the name with a certain horror writer's work. It seems people have been disappearing lately, and they're going to kill who or rather what has been stealing people away. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-19 13 38336999 Assassin School quest 32 Layla and Co continue trying to kill a cult, but the fucking fish people keep getting in the way, fucking fish people, and eldritch abominations. And we lose a dear friend Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-27 12 March 2015 38520427 Assassin School quest 33 Layla decides to pay a visit to her Vampire and her newest prisoner, and ends up making her feel like a mouse in a house, with cat. Meanwhile Elizabeth worries a bit about her older sister Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , transformation 2015-03-07 11 38702621 Assassin School quest 34 Maria freaks out when she realizes Layla will out live her, Elizabeth walks in on her older sister and Maria and then fights the CQC teacher with her friend, Katherine. All the while, someone comes to try and save the witch, maybe. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-03-15 12 38813543 Declining World Headlines I'm fishing for headlines from a world in which stuff is slowly but inexorably crapping out, like Atlas Shrugged, or Interstellar. Something a bit less obvious than CHOCOLATE RATIONS INCREASED TO 19 GRAMS A WEEK. Dystopia , Dystopian , News , Depressing 2015-03-20 13 38831671 Assassin School quest 35 Layla Tries to cheer up Maria by taking her to the beach, Dragging Elizabeth along with her. And nothing really bad happens, surprisingly Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-03-21 12 38991193 Assassin School quest 36 Layla takes Maria to see her pet vampire and mouse eared girl. However their little date is interrupted by the arrival of the order of the lord's blade. The double faced coin is given the task to even the odds. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl. 2015-03-29 11 April 2015 39182159 Assassin School quest 37 Layla goes to check on her sister to make sure she doesn't blow up, and ends up burning things with her and teaching her how to make poisons. Short thread Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , transformation 2015-04-07 11 39284574 Assassin School quest 38 Layla's cat side becomes a bit antsy as spring comes around as some instincts kick in, and to get her mind off of Maria, she decides to go kill some poor students to try and calm down. It doesn't work for long and well you know what happens next Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Lewd 2015-04-12 11 39568843 Assassin School quest 39 Layla's instincts finally calm down and she decides to finally set up her poison club, teaching them how to make Ghoul, before she gets into an argument with a certain student, by the name of Martin Fredricks.
Also an alternate universe side story is told at the end of the thread Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Cat girl, 2015-04-26 12 39583170 Movie Hook Guessing Game Write a fantasy hook of a popular movie, guess others! game , movie , hook , guessing 2015-04-27 2 May 2015 39714420 Assassin School quest 40 Maria wants to run a Pen and paper Rpg, so Layla decides to invite all her "Friends" to it, and things quickly get out of hand. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Game within a game 2015-05-03 11 39807947 Nasuverse Quest #1 We play as two guys named Elijah, decide on hobbies, beat up a bully and then discuss cuckoldry. Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , What are we? , 2015-05-08 8 39830456 Nasuverse Quest #2 Once more, we play as both Elijahs, get some answers from gramps, fix our hand, have our date interrupted and are facing down a rune user Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , Mixed-Blood , Teen Drama 2015-05-09 5 39849138 Nasuverse Quest #3 We play as only one Elijah, duke it out with Jose, info dump on our friends and kiss someone Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , Mixed-Blood , Teen Drama , Kissing , Fight Scene 2015-05-10 2 39877869 Assassin School quest 41 It's mothers day, and a somewhat sad day. Layla chases after a blur and ends up fighting a wizard, carrying a scythe. and becomes legion/ a fuckmothering vampire Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-05-11 12 39937276 Nasuverse Quest #4 We finally get some answers, but then discover more questions, then we have to deal with some serious family drama Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , Family Drama , Info Dump , Wendigo Problems , Mixed Blood 2015-05-14 2 39997519 Assassin School quest 42 Layla takes a job, and drags along Thomas to, to kill some Vampires running a club and draining some kids dry. A member of a another guild, the society of distinguished gentlemen, joins in on the fun as well. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2015-05-17 8 40015994 Nasuverse Quest #5 We get a chance to talk to Dante, we get to go on a date and we even kiss the girl! Oh and we're getting trained. Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , Mixed-Blood , Teen Drama , Kissing 2015-05-18 2 40073003 Nasuverse Quest #6 We talk with Dante, then we spar. Then we find out Toby's been shot and we get ambushed by maybe zombies Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , Mixed-Blood , 2015-05-21 1 40112368 RE: Kobold Quest 03 In which we go RULES OF NATURE on more tarslimes, our mother practices her rope work, and we glow. Collective Game , RE: Monster , Kobold , Blessing 2015-05-23 13 40155755 Nasuverse Quest #7 We make our way through Toby's house and fight a Jiangshi. Plus, Grandpa Eli is back. Unfortunately, we lose a close friend. Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , Mixed-Blood , Fight Scene , Death 2015-05-25 2 40199253 Nasuverse Quest #8 We find out Jessie has a secret, go looking for the brinwell agent, learn some stuff and then we talk to Jessie Collective Game , Sins of the Father , Nasuverse , TYPE Moon , Mixed-Blood , Teen Drama , Kissing 2015-05-27 2 40223338 Assassin School quest 43 Layla and Maria go one a date to brausrburge, and Layla asks Maria an important question. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Marriage Proposal 2015-05-28 11 June 2015 40500270 Assassin School quest 44 A War is on the horizon, But who cares about that? Enter Marla Miller, one of Layla and Elizabeth's older sisters, who's life is about take an interesting turn. The miller sisters are reunited at last Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2015-06-10 11 40605592 Assassin School quest 45 We see the world through Jasmine Miller's eyes as she makes her sisters and Maria Breakfast, and worries about Layla. And Layla tells a few stories at the end Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-06-15 10 40684229 Heroes Rising Quest #1 We meet Simon Saes (pronounced Says) and run faster than nurses Super Heroes , Heroes Rising , Collective Game 2015-06-19 1 July 2015 41028238 Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me. You still have not learned and I am ashamed. The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens , that's why I shitpost on the archives , coming out of retirement , I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is , please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works , it takes two seconds of your time , consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too , thanks , sincerly LWYS , XOXO 2015-07-05 -21 41081186 Assassin School quest 46 Layla decides to have some fun and spend some quality time with her older sister Marla. And what better way to spend time with your sister than to go kill something in the backwoods of Louisiana that's been stealing children? Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-07-08 12 41184684 Girls und Panzer Quest: Glory Seeker You are Gloria Sotohiko, and you just blew all your command points to lose a Pershing that was chasing your Flag tank. Collective Game , Girls und Panzer , Glory Seeker , Quest , TheDoctorIsIN 2015-07-14 5 41329342 Assassin School quest 47 Desmond Miller, Layla's father whom she poisoned and killed, wakes up in a familiar yet strange place. But what kept him alive, or brought him back? Meanwhile, Marla wakes up from a nap, and tosses away her humanity, to become a werewolf. sisterly shenanigans ensue Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Werewolf , transformation 2015-07-20 7 41548523 Assassin School quest 48 Marla gets a strange letter, something about joining the double faced coin, and becoming supernatural agent. What? Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Werewolf 2015-07-30 11 August 2015 41632780 Animal Crossing Quest 1 Leo becomes mayor of Whiteport, and meets the citizens. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-03 6 41675003 Animal Crossing Quest 2 Leo starts town development for Whiteport, and gets Earth Magic. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-05 3 41714726 Animal Crossing Quest 3 Leo buys a fishing rod, learns to fish, catches a supernatural octopus, and makes a bunch of Bells. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-07 2 41755136 Animal Crossing Quest 4 Leo buys some items, eats dinner, digs up a rare and ancient fossil, and talks to a Shrine Maiden. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-09 2 41774543 Assassin School quest 49 Happy days with Layla and Maria! early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-10 11 41776054 Animal Crossing Quest 5 Leo has a dream, pays his bills, visits his office, and gets ready for the day ahead. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-10 1 41815407 Animal Crossing Quest 6 Leo finds a mermaid, catches some fish, finds a legendary lost artifact, starts an aquarium, and learns Water Magic. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-12 1 41857366 Animal Crossing Quest 7 Leo tries to obtain a sword, learn about Whiteport, and figure out his Magical Locket. He then plays some video games. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-14 2 41894612 Assassin School quest 50 Naturis tries to assassinate Layla in revenge. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-16 11 41918295 Animal Crossing Quest 8 Leo beats everyone at video games, pays his debts, tries to move a sword, and passes out from exhaustion. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-17 1 41960225 Animal Crossing Quest 9 Leo talks to Pepper, tricks a sword, deputizes Mika, and meets Velour again. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-19 1 41998571 Animal Crossing Quest 10 Leo buys some furniture, gets the truth out of Kaluga, and watches some fireflies. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-08-21 0 42112606 Assassin School quest 51 Layla continues fighting off Naturis' assassins, who continue trying to end her wonderful unlife. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-27 11 September 2015 42292420 Assassin School quest 52. AU 1 While Layla recuperates from being stabbed in the chest, we explore an alternate reality, a could've been what if maybe if you would. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-04 6 42337010 Animal Crossing Quest 11 Leo heads into town, gets burned, has a talk with Mika, and gains Light Magic. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-09-07 1 42404459 Animal Crossing Quest 12 Leo learns to protect himself (and Whiteport), then cleans up his office. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-09-10 1 42521625 Assassin School quest 53 Layla spends some quality time with Maria, and the last surviving Naturis assassin probably has a really bad day. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-15 8 42544241 Animal Crossing Quest Final The one where it all ends. I reveal all my future plans, and end the Quest. Collective Game , Animal Crossing , Animal Crossing Quest , AC Quest , Yagreth 2015-09-17 3 42722882 Assassin School quest 54: Belated Anniversary Edition So much can change in just one year, as Layla and Maria become second year, Thraddrick brausr steps back into the stop light. What will be lost? find out now, Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-25 11 October 2015 42910161 Assassin School quest 55 Layla has a strange dream, and gets sick? somehow. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-05 7 43147387 Assassin School quest 56 Layla and Maria move out of the first year dorms, and into the second year ones. Of course trouble and blood shed probably awaits them. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-18 14 43301178 Assassin School quest 57 Layla tries to help Maria get used to being a vampire. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-26 8 November 2015 43432045 Assassin School quest 58 Layla and Maria's first job after the latter Vampirizations continues, and Layla needs to find a way out of the rebels base. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-02 8 43565048 Assassin School quest 59 It's a peaceful, and cold autumn day. And like usual, it probably won't last. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-09 7 43776777 Assassin School Quest 60 An Assassin from the Lord's dagger appears in Layla's and Maria's room and...wait? She doesn't want to fight!? Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-22 8 December 2015 43969910 Assassin School Quest 61 Another day at the academy of the guild of the lucky coin, what excitements await today? early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-03 6 44018196 Awoken Overlord Quest IV.V (NSSF-Edition) Alice again continues her journey, this time with a QM who hasn't slept for two days. Collective Game , Awoken Overlord Quest , Bad Rolls the Game , Alice is a goblin princess , No sleep since friday Edition 2015-12-07 1 44021265 Good Mindflayers: A Philosophical Study In which /tg/ engages in a sophisticated discussion on the morality of the Illithids. mind flayer , illithid , good-aligned , paladin , monk , cuisine 2015-12-10 1 44095840 Assassin School Quest 62 Sometimes the price for knowledge is itself, And Layla knowing where the location of the Lord's dagger itself could be a hefty price, for both parties. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-10 7 44306962 Assassin School Quest 63 What is it with people and breaking into Layla's room? early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-21 7 44431212 Assassin School Quest 64 The ancient first generation, Sitári vs Layla Miller, which Vampire will prove stronger, the Lady of the waking dead or the Lady of tainted blood? Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-28 6 January 2016 44496286 'Lost Source' setting worldbuilding thread #2 /tg/ continues worldbuilding a post-singularity setting in the spiritual tradition of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne. engine heart , eclipse phase , demon's souls , dark souls , bloodborne , singularity , posthumans , transhumans , exhumans , cyborgs , robots , AI , worldbuilding , setting, 2016-01-01 7 44797175 Assassin School Quest 66 Like clockwork, the calm follows the storm. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-01-15 6 44992746 Assassin School Quest 67 And Boredom follows the calm, as Layla tries to find something to do to spice up her unlife. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-01-24 7 February 2016 45141979 Assassin School Quest 68 Oooh, Dirty deeds will sour any luck, but what if you control fortune itself. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-01 6 45286295 Assassin School Quest 69 Time to take a job, and cull the supernatural.
Which is a problem,when others are out hunting,and you are yourself unnatural. Early archi Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-08 8 45313053 Another Life Quest Walker is given the option to "upgrade" his position in a VR-Simulation program, but declines the offer and then 4 months later an heroes. Collective Game , Depressing , Another Life Quest , Virtual Reality 2016-02-09 -1 45563499 Assassin School Quest 70 Layla, Maria, Elizabeth, Marla, And Jasmine get to experience the high life in brasurburge Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-22 7 45707897 Assassin School Quest 71 Of course, after a vacation, you always have to go back to work, and in this case, that work is killing. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-29 8 March 2016 46142673 Assassin School Quest 72 Two weeks, and no sign of the thing killing agents. And Layla is starting to getting a little tired of all the waiting. Early archive. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-20 9 46271490 Assassin School Quest 73 A dreadful plan clicks into motion, and the gears of fate begin to turn, as Layla enjoys being pampered like a fat little cat. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-26 11 46335205 Assassin School Quest 74 The first of a new breed of monster has risen, and her name is Layla Miller. May god have mercy on anything that gets in her way. E A Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-29 8 April 2016 46484420 Assassin School Quest 75 Layla heads out on a job that would be suicide for anyone but her, to secure her and Maria's happy ending. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-04-05 10 46548286 Sin Princess Quest 2 A failure to archive! The Princess of Envy goes explores, fights a harpy, and suffers a Critical Failure! Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , First Thread Not Archived 2016-04-09 -10 46636307 Assassin School Quest 76 Layla's story ends with one final slaughter before she retires to peace. The shadow war ends in blood. Thank you so very much for playing.E Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-04-12 14 46841208 Sin Princess Quest 3 Take Two! Another Excursion into the Wyld leads our heroine to victory, but what to do with the spoils? Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Monsters , Envy 2016-04-23 2 13604 Sin Princess Quest 4 A journey through a magic mirror! Exposed to villagers? An amicable conversation and a possible ally! Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Monsters , Envy 2016-04-30 2 May 2016 76896 Sin Princess Quest 5 A talk with a witch! Aggressive negotiations and tea! A struggle home! Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Monsters , Envy 2016-05-07 1 67044 Melancholic Quest 2 Delilah, our unfortunate runaway continues to find her place in the world. This is made a little harder by the whole drinking blood thing. streets without getting violated. Melancholic Quest , aCowboyNamedSue , homeless , Delilah , blood , depressing 2016-05-10 16 160280 Sin Princess Quest 6 A well-earned rest! A hunt for resourcess or allies in the Wyld! An abrupt end and a critical success as well as failure! Sin Princess Quest , Critical Success , Critical Failure , Magical Girl , Collective Game 2016-05-21 1 205747 Sin Princess Quest 7 A mechanics reshuffling! A surprisingly sexy prey-turned-predator! Does diplomacy prevail? Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , Magical Girl , Monsters , Envy , Monster Girls 2016-05-31 3 July 2016 325825 Hitmaid Quest 0 - A Sunny Beginning A quest with one maid trying to defend her young master Maid , Hitman , Assassins , Hitmaid 2016-07-06 6 339039 Hitmaid Quest 1 - Protecting the Young Master This thread, Hitmaid discovers more about her fellow staff and starts the battle versus the Modification Wing Maid , Hitman , Assassins , Hitmaid 2016-07-09 4 353624 Hitmaid Quest #2 - Destroying the Modification Wing Hitmaid and crew assault the Modification Wing Headquarters to defeat Johannes and his team Maid , Hitmaid , Assassin , Gunfight , Hitman , Maid Quest 2016-07-12 2 367916 Hitmaid Quest 2.5 - Modification Wing Finale Maid and staff duel Johannes and his maid in an epic struggle. Hitmaid , Assassin , Maid , Experiments , Science , Hitman 2016-07-17 2 400057 Hitmaid Quest 3 - Conducting Business Maid holds staff meeting; acquiring weapons is a success after short struggle Hitmaid , Assassin , Maid , Guns , Drugs , Hitman 2016-07-25 2 August 2016 469075 Hitmaid Quest 4 - Defending the Manor Maid and staff defend manor against super hobos Hitmaid , Assassin , Maid , Gunfights , Drugs , Hitman 2016-08-14 2 September 2016 639142 Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Thread 8 In which we look for some new weapons and fight in the Bullet of Bullets! Sword Art Online , Gun Gale Online , Sauska , Wolfgang , IncogNegro , Argo , Kirito , Sinon , FIST 2016-09-30 2 October 2016 652296 Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 9 In which we experience the world of Macross, our own fucked up memories, and finally get laid in a real world! Wolfgang , Sauska , Incognito , Argo , Yui , Sinon , Kirito , Asuna , Lisbith , Jumpchain , Macross 2016-10-05 0 666621 Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 10 In which we fight aliens, almost die, and Jump to Soul Eater. Wolfgang , Sauska , Incognito , Argo , Yui , Sinon , Kirito , Asuna , Lisbith , Jumpchain , Soul Eater 2016-10-09 2 680813 Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 11 In which we explore the world of Soul Eater! Wolfgang , Sauska , Incognito , Argo , Yui , Sinon , Kirito , Asuna , Lisbith , Jumpchain , Soul Eater 2016-10-09 1 704312 Hitmaid Quest 5 - Party Crashing Maid follows young master to a party and saves the day Hitmaid , Assassin , Robots , Gunfights , Maids , Thief , Knives , Guns 2016-10-17 2 49840229 Food Critic in Fantasyland A discussion of unusual fantasy restaurants opens the tale of Gormack, Orc Adventurer, Warrior, and Traveling Food Critic. Hilarity ensues. Gormack , Cooking , Cuisine , Funny , Writing , OC , Parody 2016-10-18 30 697205 Wolfgang's (SAO) Quest Part 12 In which OP takes a few days off, Wolfgang learns to use his powers, and we start a fight with a Witch! Wolfgang , Sauska , Incognito , Argo , Yui , Sinon , Kirito , Asuna , Lisbith , Jumpchain , Soul Eater 2016-10-21 2 729249 Wolfgang's Jumpquest Thread 13 In which we found a weapon partner, kicked a clown's ass, and OP got so furious at the world he had to stop writing for several days. Wolfgang , Sauska , Incognito , Argo , Yui , Sinon , Kirito , Asuna , Lisbith , Nadia , Jumpchain , Soul Eater 2016-10-28 1 November 2016 792895 Suns, Stars & Sins Quest 1 In the distant future of 1999, the planet of New Arizona calls for a new hero... Space , Western , Space Western , Suns Stars & Sins , Oneshot , Collective Game 2016-11-05 1 819181 Sons, Stars & Sins Quest 2 Simon travels to Fool's Gold Gulch, but meets someone unexpected. Space , Western , Space Western , Suns Stars & Sins , Oneshot , Collective Game 2016-11-12 1 811757 Starborn Quest 22: Tuesday's Gone We travel, talk to Hona, flesh out her character, DOUBLE CRIT PASS, Collective Game , Purps , Hona , Luc , Fantasy , Starborn , Star , Darna , Minerva , Wagon , Singing , Travel , Enigma , Tavern , Feelings , Zen 2016-11-13 2 846882 Sons, Stars & Sins Quest 3 Finale Simon deals with the fallout of his actions. Space , Western , Space Western , Suns Stars & Sins , Oneshot , Collective Game 2016-11-19 1 August 2017 1763069 RWBY: Icarus Rising 0 "The Day You've been Waiting For" Pt.1 In this first two-part thread we meet our MC, his best friend and learn about ourselves. We fight baddies, rip and tear and make spaghetti WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-08-15 21 1777815 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" pt 1 The first day at beacon begins with a Yang! Spaghetti is made, pancakes are lost, and initiation begins! WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-08-19 14 1785767 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginings" Pt 2 Initiation Continues! We ride a Nevermore, we are horribly underprepared, we go clubbing and spill spaghetti WeaverQM , RWBY , Icarus Rising 2017-08-22 11 1797448 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 3 We continue our night at the club, We eat some Ice Cream, Get some sugar, Get some spice. But we all know Spaghetti is more than nice. WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-08-25 11 1805395 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 4 Our first day begins! We meet some interesting professors, have some feels and then some not-so-good-feels and cope with Grimm-Murder! WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-08-29 10 September 2017 1819746 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 5 We lose our arms, we lose our weapon, we talk to our Cadre about said arms, we make a new gun, care for our team and double spaghetti. WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-09-02 10 1833443 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 6 We have a Race, Have some breakthroughs, Set up our teams for the weekend, Have a tough Spar and Weaver ignores his demanded vacation. WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-09-10 7 1836577 Abhuman Quest: Issue #2 Our MC considers his options as a Super Villainess offers him help to get on his feet in the real world. Abhuman Quest , SleepyQM , Abhuman , Child Soldier , Bio-Powers , Lilith , Perfect Roll , Singing 2017-09-12 7 55383128 Young, Bright-Eyed, Aspiring Villains Here, we discuss characters who want very badly to be evil, but pursues their wicked goals with enthusiasm, optimism and light-heartedness. Villains , Evil , Parody , Disney , Singing , Character Creation , Brainstorming 2017-09-16 15 1856767 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 7 We Talk with Ruby, Get some Sugar, Have a Living Nightmare, Wake up the Scourge and start being /cozy/ WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-09-17 6 1876402 RWBY: Icarus Rising 1 "Beacon Beginnings" Pt 8 We finish our Cozy moment, Clean face and leave our mark; Now we begin the next great adventure to find out about our blackout! WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-09-24 6 October 2017 1982288 Fugitive Mage Quest Redux Pt 1.5 A short-ass thread in which barely anything got accomplished, hoo boy! Wanks , fugitive mage , nissa , sin , collaborative game 2017-10-22 1 1971482 Hellsing Quest: Reboot 1 Chaos Mcsirman revives a quest of old, a character is selected, eldritch times are had, we meet Baron Samedi, Lycaon of Arcadia and kill fae Hellsing Quest , Hellsing , Reboot , I Did The Thing 2017-10-23 5 November 2017 2016261 Hellsing Quest 2 We get wasted and meet our son Hellsing_Quest Hellsing Eldritch Vampire 2017-11-04 3 2020138 RWBY Icarus Rising: Halloween Prelude The Beginning special and return of Icarus Rising via a prelude thread to the spook day birthday special WeaverQM , RWBY , Icarus Rising 2017-11-05 6 2029478 RWBY: Icarus Rising Halloween Special: A Birthday in Red We get ready for the Surprise Party for Ruby by getting all dolled up and have a slight heart to heart with Coco WeaverQM , RWBY Quest , Icarus Rising , 2017-11-13 3 2064680 Hellsing Quest 3 We have a reunion with our brother Hellsing quest , Hellsing , Eldritch , Erishel 2017-11-20 1 2067153 RWBY: Icarus Rising Special: A Birthday in Red Pt. 2 A continuation of Ruby Rose's birthday and everyone's favorite spooky holiday... WeaverQM , RWBY Icarus , Icarus Rising , Icarus , RWBY 2017-11-20 2 2104162 Hellsing Quest 4 Erishel finds a Jap, has a fight, and then Mcsirman had to deal with another quest Hellsing quest , Hellsing , Eldritch , Erishel 2017-11-29 1 December 2017 56972187 Dog Monarchy Anons contemplate what would happen if a Dog became the ruler of a realm. Dog , Monarchy , king , mayor , assasins , plots , bark 2017-12-17 11 January 2018 2233619 RWBY: Icarus Rising “Beacon Beginnings” Pt. 10 We’re given a gift...but at what cost? WeaverQM , Icarus Rising , RWBY 2018-01-21 1 May 2018 2557646 Panzer Commander Quest #42 More post-battle wrap up is done, and Glockenblume shows its hand. Richter is also thrown through a piano. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks , sing us a song you're the piano man 2018-05-27 2 June 2018 2619210 Kaleidoscope Quest 10 Return to Ristella. Kaleidoscope Quest , Collective Game , Fantasy , Solaria's Gifts and Blessings 2018-06-04 2 2628798 Prometheus Quest A short start Bonesinger , Stolen Quest , Faggot Guarantee , Mage 2018-06-12 1 August 2018 2755697 Forgotten Blessing Quest A boy becomes the God of Madness' child, escapes being sold as a slave, and joins a magical organization. We also fight Alex Jones. Forgotten Blessings Quest , sleepyhead 2018-08-03 2 January 2019 3119500 An Exalted Game! Prologue Part 1/? Sinbad in the making. Starting in a trade city in the south.
Exalted Quest , Sinbad , Brown Girls , Collective Game, 2019-01-11 0 February 2019 3268662 Children of sin thread sadly gets hijacked by imposters but the story's...meh and cliche ridden CoS , collective game , demon , half-demon , seven deadly sins , children of sins quest 2019-02-19 -2 April 2019 3416334 Exquisite Corpse Quest 1 The return of Kestrel, Kudzu-Crowned, Lower-Lord, Him. Exquisite Corpse , multiple QM , weekly , Bonesinger 2019-04-14 3 65759207 Fractured Singularity Thread 1 Work begins on the world of Fractured Singularity, home to the advancement obsessed ISA and the rather tech-conservative Jovian Federation Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-04-21 11 3433964 Exquisite Corpse Quest 2 Slimes underground don't get very far Exquisite Corpse , multiple QM , weekly , Bonesinger 2019-04-27 1 65850840 Fractured Singularity Thread 2 Work continues on the world of Fractured Singularity. Factions fleshed out, micro fiction written, sample locations proposed and more. Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-04-29 2 May 2019 3462264 The Rising of the Shield Hero Four heroes, summoned into another world. And you are one with the spear. Prologue to the story so far. Isekai , Rising of The Shield Hero , Collective Game 2019-05-02 5 65973574 Fractured Singularity Thread 3 Our collaborative creation expands, further filling the lore with micro-factions, defined technologies, and more. Fractured Singularity , Sci-Fi , Worldbuilding , Human-centric , Space , Transhumanism , Setting , ISA , Jovian Federation, 2019-05-06 3 3477988 The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #2 More Irish hero and his party! Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Kami Turtle 2019-05-08 5 3503053 The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #3 I Ain't afraid of no ghosts. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Kami Turtle,Flathri 2019-05-29 3 June 2019 3569636 Schizophrenic Hero Quest (A Shield Hero Quest) Meet ya boy Jim. He shall bring the word of god and raise some coons. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Dolly 2019-06-22 13 July 2019 3598145 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #2 Our hero throws a victory party and then runs off to the border questing. Continuation of schizoprenic hero quest. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Crusade , Undead 2019-07-02 10 3629295 The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #3 The humble rise of the President King! Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Crusade , Jolly Courpuration 2019-07-15 6 August 2019 3709072 PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol.9 Quest based on gen 1 Pokemon games (The Finale!) Pokemon , PKMN , Red , Blue , Nurse Joy , MissingNo 2019-08-05 7 3693362 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #4 People need somthing to belive in and heroes are no gods. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , God , Mountain OP pliz nerf 2019-08-05 5 3726533 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #5 Trail of bow hero what could posibly go wrong? Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Justice , date 2019-08-14 7 3753307 Redneck Sword Hero Quest #6 Intrigue and sadly the end do to QM RL obligations Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Jim Borris Jr , Sword , Queen 2019-08-22 6 3776105 Cascadia Railroads Quest 1 As our corner of Oregon gets back on its feet, it's our job to get stuff from A to B and make sure the trains run on time. Cascadia Railroads Quest , Railroad , Trains , Business , Post-post-apocalyptic 2019-08-25 3 3739999 Cascadia Railroads Quest #0 In a post-post-apocalyptic Oregon, the railroad is coming to town and we need to make sure it's successful. #0 thanks to archiving idiocy. Cascadia Railroads Quest , Railroad , Trains , Business , Post-post-apocalyptic 2019-08-25 2 September 2019 3778400 Broken Soul Quest 1 A crippled mage tries to fix his problem, and accidentally binds himself to the God of Sin. Exabyte , Urban Fantasy , Mage , Sin , BSQ 2019-09-01 3 October 2019 3845755 Flesh and Metal #1 A Ganger Hitman embarks on a mission to silence a snitch in a cyberpunk future Sci-fi , Assassin , Hitman , Cybernetic , Collective Game , Cyborg , Futuristic 2019-10-05 0 3874553 Halo: Covenant Elite Quest A Special Operations Elite prepares to drop on an unsuspecting Outer Colony planet. Halo , Covenant , Stealth , Assassinations , Sci-Fi 2019-10-25 4 December 2019 3971967 Dovahkiin of Earth XI Asia embarks on a mission to search for Avalon, where she faces the khaos brigade once again. And among their members, is Shirone's sister Highschool DxD , Nun , Dragonborn , Avalon , Teasing 2019-12-31 2 January 2020 4002602 STAR WARS - Interregnum #1 You are Farren Gaelle, one of the last Jedi in the early days of Order 66. Saving a friend in the Unknown Regions does not go as expected. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , slave uprisings , mandolorian swing dancing , beware of lag when loading 2020-01-12 42 4051672 Cascadia Railroads Quest #3 Figuring out who is who and what they want can be handy. Cascadia Railroads Quest , Railroad , Trains , Business , Post-post-apocalyptic 2020-01-28 0 April 2020 72054055 religions in scifi /tg/ worldbuilds some original religions and cults for any of your games with scifi settings. worldbuilding , religion , cult , scifi , singularitarianism , 2020-04-28 -2 May 2020 4188039 Girls and Guns Quest A programmer and her government murder bot find themselves stuck at work when the stars align and the long night falls. Sci-fi , horror , eldritch , bonesinger , high lethality 2020-05-02 1 4203728 Dragon Ball TQ Spinoff: Milk Delivery Quest Part 2 Sent 100 years in the future, can Gohan get back to the past, save the future and deliver the Milk? Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z , Tuffle , Tuffle Quest , Milk Delivery , Sword and Angry Power Hour , Coffee Shop AU , Sing-Along 2020-05-10 -1 July 2020 4365402 Cascadia Railroads Quest #4 Collins' big mission to Upper Valley and Halsey Cascadia Railroads Quest , Railroad , Trains , Business , Post-post-apocalyptic 2020-07-23 0 August 2020 74404212 Dystopian Cyberpunk Setting /tg/ attempts to worldbuild a cyberpunk dystopia, only to discover everything they propose has actually happened. worldbuilding , cyberpunk , dystopia , metafictional , depressing 2020-08-23 -4 74454586 Space Faith /tg/ discusses and worldbuilds religions for scifi settings. roko's basilisk , simulation hypothesis , singularitarianism , worldbuilding , religion , cultists, 2020-08-28 0 September 2020 4400446 Cascadia Railroads Quest #5 After securing support for new depo in the Upper Willamette Valley, Collins tries to convince board members to improve train safety Cascadia Railroads Quest , Railroad , Trains , Business , Post-post-apocalyptic 2020-09-01 1 October 2020 4431881 Cascadia Railroads Quest #6a A new set of board negotiations begins Cascadia Railroads Quest , Railroad , Trains , Business , Post-post-apocalyptic 2020-10-02 0 December 2020 76279790 /tg/ debates the morality of Brave New World and Iain Banks' Culture series Do people require the knowledge that nothing more powerful than them exists to be happy? philosophical , post-scarcity , post-singularity , utopia , dystopia , religion , 2020-12-10 -1 June 2021 4812638 Summoner Assassin Quest Jakim Massem-Hasserchmitt runs a honest business of killing people for money with summoned beasts Summoner Assassin Quest , demons , fantasy , Collective Game , male protagonist , first person 2021-06-09 1 January 2022 5081860 Wolf Lady You find a feral half-elf woman and now you have to take care of her. WolfAnon , Wolf Lady , Character Raising 2022-01-21 5 March 2022 5174490 Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 12 A lizard-lady molests and murders her way through allies and enemies to fulfill a dark pact and a darker destiny in this penultimate thread ReptoidQM , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , dark fantasy , villainy , assasination , spycraft , mind-control , transformation , cuckoldry , reptilians 2022-03-25 5 April 2022 5171068 Attendant Quest - Alice 2 You and your shoulder loli gang up on a little girl, then get in a fight with her drug-dealing father. Features your college debut. Again. Loli , Action , Male Protag , Single Dad , Alice Quest , AttendantQM , Urban Fantasy , Narrative Quest, 2022-04-05 12 5188526 The Wolf Lady Part 3 You find a feral half-elf woman and now you have to take care of her. Wolf , Lady , Wolf Lady , Anon , WolfAnon , Character Building , Character Raising 2022-04-25 1 5211274 Body Horror Quest, 51st Vein Shu arranges a cosmic phone call to contact God, watches a rocket launch with the family, and engages in emotional therapy for a friend. Body Horror Quest , bhop , BHOP , Body Horror , Female MC , Apocalypse Amalgams , Lore bombs , calling God , rocket launch , surprisingly wholesome 2022-04-28 7 May 2022 5220646 Attendant Quest - Alice 3 You and your shoulder loli get a first look at your new life. It is decidedly humbling. Also, you crush a woman's dreams, you cad. Loli , Action , Male Protag , Single Dad , Alice Quest , AttendantQM , Urban Fantasy , Narrative Quest 2022-05-15 5 July 2022 5294551 Modern Blue Goblin (Mythic RPG) Muhammad Saiful, a violent blue goblin, explores Singapore. A Google Street View quest. Collective , Google Street View , Modern , Random , RPG , Satire , Singapore , Wux 2022-07-02 -4 December 2022 5481679 Hazbin Henchman. Ever wanted to be a demon who fights in an endless hell gang war? Ever wanted to work for a cartoon villain as a boss? Then come on down. Slice of life , Hell , Gangwars , Angelic , Demonic , Ablities , Imps , Sinners , Birds , Hazbin Hotel , 2022-12-21 4 February 2023 5514202 Trust a Goblin part 14 Punch thugs, Steal drugs, Friends make, Cocktail shake. goblin,dating sim,turn based combat,potion business 2023-02-02 14 5513389 Hazbin Henchman #2 John Aenon goes against Valentino's gang, agrees with Alastor's plan but has a heart to heart with Angel and decides to help start a riot. Hazbin Hotel , Sinners , Imps , Birds , Hell , Abilities , Priest MC , John Aenon 2023-02-06 4 March 2023 5576391 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 9 An Antipaladin finally faces the knight who killed his mother... But discovers there is more than meets the eye to this foe, and this city. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , gore , vore , demons , more , princess , romance , surprisingly little rape 2023-03-19 7 April 2023 5586645 Crossdressing School For Delinquents #01 Your name is Yui Nakamura, and you just got expelled and shipped off to a school with a severe bias against 'toxic masculinity'. Collective Game , Crossdressing School Quest , Yui Nakamura , Anime , Crossdressing , High School , 2023-04-10 -12 5625745 Crossdressing School For Delinquents #02 Yui Nakamura goes through a student council struggle, develops another personality, and meets a fishy end. Collective Game , Crossdressing School Quest , Yui Nakamura , Anime , Crossdressing , High School , Wuxian 2023-04-18 -14 May 2023 5645488 Pay Your Taxess Quest - File 1 All you remember is a distant light. To reach it, you'll have to claw through a mountain of corpses, monstrosities, and your fragmented past. Face the Fear. Project Moon , Lobotomy Corporation , Pay Your Taxes Quest , Life Is Cheap But Living's Expensive , The IRS Has Assassins 2023-05-01 5 June 2023 5650178 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 11 The Antipladin weds his blushing bride... Then reveals he's a monster, kills her brother, kidnaps her, and introduces her to his girlfriend ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , love , marriage , villainy , assassination , subterfuge , subterraneans 2023-06-01 8 5680436 Hajimete no Hitozuma A young salaryman uncovers a shocking secret which ties his estranged father and new bride, and must decide what to do with this information Abandoned Quest , Adopted Quest , Cuckoldry , Family Drama , Oneshot , Suprisingly Wholesome , Japanese Culture 2023-06-24 -12 September 2023 5718342 Prinzessin Quest Troupe flutist Emi gets involved in her colleagues' shenanigans while juggling responsibilities of adulthood. prinzessin quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration 2023-09-03 26 October 2023 5758435 NO MORE HEROES quest! In a world ruled by ruthless corporations and full of decay and loneliness, our heroine in distress will have to kill the coporate ladder. Fuckhead , Fuckhead QM , No More Heroes , No More Heroes Quest , Female MC , Assassins , Female CEO , Neet MC 2023-10-11 13 5790746 NO MORE HEROES quest! Tsu! In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress will have to kill a kung-fu cowboy and go after a dark, hidden legacy. Fuckhead , No More Heroes , No More Heroes Quest , Female MC , Assassins , Neet MC , Cowboy , No Actual Cows , Video Games , Blood , Violence! 2023-10-26 13 December 2023 5763949 Prinzessin Quest 2 Troupe flutist Emi and stage combat choreographer Zorn take part in a play and meet others in the industry. prinzessin quest , drawquest , slice of life , early modern fantasy , first person narration , romance , theater troupe 2023-12-19 9 5845395 NO MORE HEROES Quest! Surii! In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress infiltrates the bar Tit-E Ripper's to kill a gamer and a punk rock bitch Fuckhead , No More Heroes , No More Heroes Quest , Female MC , Assassins , GAMING , Video Games , Electric Thunder Tiger , Blood , Wacky , Violence! 2023-12-20 34 February 2024 5893221 NO MORE HEROES QUEST! [NMHQ4: FORU?!] In a world ruled by ruthless corporations, our heroine in distress gets hew own anime mech and seeks the frightening Number 6! Fuckhead , No More Heroes , No More Heroes Quest , Female MC , Assassins , Mecha , Video Games , Russians , Blood , GIANT MECH , University , Violence! 2024-02-14 6 5885634 Redhorn Quest You are the ever-proud APPRENTICE of the great assassin BLANCHEFLEUR DE QUINQEROI, who encounters a suspiciously-similar travail. drawquest , assassin , mercenary , apprentice , Greenhorn 2024-02-21 5 March 2025 6197071 Trust a Goblin 17 We might not be changing history, but we're definitely altering geography. CF,Goblin , Goblin GF , Trust a Goblin,Business Sim 2025-03-09 2