Thread Title Description Tags Added Score March 2008 1383719 A smashing variaty of examples for steam punk feats My dear sir these feats should be taken by any outstanding citizen. The facial hair tree alone is enough to make your female companions put on a cursed belt of change gender. steam punk facial hair gentelman 2008-03-23 1 June 2008 1966471 SR Cannonball A guy gets ideas of stuff to do in a Shadowrun adventure based on The Cannonball Run Shadowrun Cannonball teams race 2008-06-11 8 October 2008 2801017 Steampunk Outsider NPCs Various ideas for a steampunk setting in which outsiders sneak in to mess with shit. steampunk , npcs , outsiders 2008-10-14 -2 November 2008 3049699 Get out of here M.A.R.T.I.A.N It seems there has been a time shift! Steampunk STALKER, an not-fully-thought-out cyberpunk setting with some potential and Macross 1942. And More! Steampunk , Time Shift , Macross , STALKER , World War 2 , War of the Worlds 2008-11-24 5 April 2009 4207769 Deadlands Lovecraft Ideas for Deadlands campaign set in Britain. Lovecratian horror meets steampunk with a dash of folklore and myth. deadlands , lovecraft , steampunk , folklore 2009-04-07 6 4278898 /tg/ builds a city /tg/ comes up with various ideas for a steampunk mountain city including slave cockroaches, various guilds and more. city , mountain , steampunk , cockroach 2009-04-14 7 4281083 LINCOLN LIVES! The centuries old rivalry between Abe Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt comes to a head. None of /tg/ is safe.
Epic Humor Thread. Lincoln , Gold , Roosevelt , Steam Punk , Showdown , Humor , Epic , Lulz 2009-04-15 7 May 2009 4687837 Mental Sickness Vs. Professionalism A general discussion as to the mental stability and professional work ethic and standards of the cast of Team Fortress 2. Eventually spawns transgender Heavy. Team Fortress 2 2009-05-28 1 June 2009 4942702 The Captain was Dead. Airship writefag tells a gripping tale of airship-to-airship combat with steampunk vibes. Airship , Steampunk , Captain 2009-06-20 1 July 2009 5272737 Jawfish Quest VI The Deep Ones handle the rebellion, but are they bad enough dudes to defeat Gaia? Jawfish , Quest , Deep Ones , Team Land , Team Deep 2009-07-28 3 August 2009 5578859 Victorian Succubus op asks about a steampunk setting with aristocrat succubi steampunk , succubus , victorian , planescape 2009-08-25 1 October 2009 6188537 Team Fortress 2 vs. Warhammer 40k Can our band of 9 misfit mercenaries take on an equal number of Space Marines? Let's find out... "Team Fortress" "40k" "writefaggory" 2009-10-08 1 6330023 Gun-punk? /tg/ discusses a new wonderful game idea steam punk , guns , 2009-10-19 33 November 2009 6626722 Fantasy Characters to the Future! Campaign idea. campaign , idea , steampunk 2009-11-09 1 6727224 Setting Idea: Dieselpunk Fantasy West A burgeoning idea for a Seam/Dieselpunk Fantasy Set in the Wild West. Dieselpunk , Steam Punk , Wild West , Homebrew 2009-11-17 1 6791950 Steam Quest We begin our journey into the unknown, aided only by our wits, our scribe Godfried, 100 soldiers and two gatling guns. Steam Quest , Collective Game , Steampunk 2009-11-21 0 6794127 steam quest pt 2 We did great stuff, got killed by logs, and made a camp. Now we met frogs. Steam Quest , collective game , steampunk 2009-11-21 0 6796202 steam quest part 3- the colony We fought, we got gliders, we completed buildings, and 10 rifles and 10 workers died. Not so bad Steam Quest , collective game , steampunk 2009-11-21 0 6806077 Steam Quest Part 4- ZULU SO MANY NATIVES, Winston goes Rambo, we lead an expedition into the city, the royal grenadiers arrive. All this and more. Steam Quest , Collective Game , Steampunk 2009-11-22 0 6818268 steam quest part 5- the city We invaded the city, got shot at, and revved a gatling. Granary built, 3 rp gained. Good run. Steam Quest , Collective Game , Steampunk 2009-11-22 2 6853944 Steam Quest Part 6-Revenge We fought, we used dynamite, we died, we counquered, we autosaged. A great thread Collective Game , Steam Quest , Steampunk 2009-11-25 3 6869678 Steam Quest Part 7- Colonists We started stone walls, got Riker the commissar, and met the FRENCH LEGION. American Intrigue and more in this exciting episode. Collective Game , Steam Quest , Steampunk 2009-11-26 2 December 2009 6970461 Rifts: LXG The League is reformed with the likes of Inspector Gadget, the A-Team, MacGyver, Robocop and Connor MacLeod, all to take down a rogue and insane James Bond. RIFTS , LXG , Robocop , Inspector Gadget , A-Team , MacGyver , Highlander , 80's 2009-12-02 14 7056233 Russian Lovecraftian Steampunk Civil War Just what it says on the tin. Revolutionary forces use steam-powered engines of destruction, while the Romanovs employ... angels. setting , homebrew , steampunk , Lovecraft 2009-12-09 7 7268954 Con-Quest You decide to take over the world as a mad scientist/magician Collective game , quest , conquest , mad science , steam punk 2009-12-24 0 January 2010 7381710 Steam Quest Part 8- Jump Back In Drama, Tesla, Flash Hawkins, Riker in chains, and planning for a bold raid into the second level. Fun stuff. Steam Quest , Collective Game , Steampunk 2010-01-02 5 7423531 Clockwork Quest Alred Nonymous and Nikola Teslsa on a quest for SCIENCE steampunk , clockpunk , quest 2010-01-04 1 7430980 Steam Quest Part 9- The next echelon We ventured into the city, made doomsday theories, got new players, and discovered the beast that is Wilson. Good Show. Steam Quest , Collective Game , Steampunk 2010-01-05 2 7460719 Steampunk? Kemosabe returns, with an interesting take on steampunk.
Temporarily derailed into a discussion of The Mistborn Saga Kemosabe , steampunk , homebrew 2010-01-07 -2 7802206 Steam Quest Part 10-Tesla Kill a shaman, get a new one, run like hell. Fun times as steam quest resumes from its hiatus. Steam Quest , Collective Games , Steampunk 2010-01-28 0 March 2010 8406328 The /tg/-team Brother Sharp is revealed to us, joining Professor Badass and Techno Viking. But is there a fourth member yet to be unveiled? And who stands against our force of unmitigated badassery? badass , technoviking , tgteam 2010-03-05 12 April 2010 9004046 How the lot bloomed Writefaggotry involving TF2 and Nana. Shockingly heartwarming given the source material. Team Fortress 2 , Nana , writefaggotry , cute , epic , crossover 2010-04-06 25 9215116 Pokemon Tabletop Adventures discussion thread Another disscusion thread about P:TA. Axiom and Halfwing show up to talk about their progress, A kamen rider build is posted, and team rocket is revealed to have been the good guys all along. Pokemon , Tabletop , Homebrew , Team Rocket , Kamen Rider 2010-04-16 7 9224379 Lord Faggatron the 3rd and His Flying Mansion A mispost gives way to Lord Faggatron III, who discovers that his house is flying away, his newest maid is half-cat, and his friends are due any minute for a game of cards at the (now flying) house!
/tg/ spontaneity at it's finest Victorian era , Cat-Girl , Meido , Steampunk , Lord , Faggatron , Silliness , WIN , Snake Oil 2010-04-16 2 May 2010 9995590 The What, Where, and How of Elemental Stones A discussion of how technology and society would develop with the help of elemental stones game design , rockworld , bucketworld , worldbuilding , world building , homebrew , steampunk 2010-05-23 3 October 2010 12310532 Steampunk Writefaggotry Steampunk writefaggotry about an airship pilot returning to the site of a massive battle, and regaining the memories of his past. writefaggotry , steampunk , airships 2010-10-03 1 December 2010 13101656 Chaos A team. OP's query regarding some CSM characters he was making evolves into full blown character creation thread. Also interesting methods of surviving the warp without a Gellar field. warhammer 4000 chaos space marines A team 2010-12-11 10 February 2011 13827354 Ostrakon Let's create yet another steampunk setting. Ostrakon , Steampunk , World Building 2011-02-08 3 April 2011 14585186 Zerg Quest XXXVIII Anon continues its vicious pogrom against the VoidGate AI, going so far as to get Kingston in on the carnage. Yet more planets are rendered balls of superheated glass, and yet fewer people are willing to fuck with the Zerg. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Planet Glassing , Skynet , Kingston teamwork? , Oops 2011-04-14 11 14731842 Western D&D OP wants to make a D&D game where PCs help a railroad get set up. western , D&D , 4.0 , setting , steampunk 2011-04-28 0 May 2011 14922675 Tears of Vengeance Gentlemen seeks story and plot advice from /tg/.
The elegan/tg/entlemen respond. Tears of Vengeance , Steampunk Saga , comic , supernatural , steampunk , vengeance , Steam John , writing , plot , story 2011-05-14 1 15105436 19th Century X-Com Discussion on transplanting X-Com to a 19th century setting as well as adapting it to an RPG format. x-com , steampunk , adaptation 2011-05-31 3 July 2011 15759678 Pirate lords of 40k II we get the results of the first playtest, have a debate about the rules, revise movement to be faster, and get in an argument over weather 'nids, Knights, and sisters should be allowed. We also create a dedicated forum, swap shanties, an theres a pic of a parrot with pauldrons. Pirates , 40k , 40k pirates , homebrew , warhammer , space , sci fi , space pirates , skirmish , kill team , battlefleet gothic 2011-07-31 3 February 2012 17998217 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 5 Hito's morning become weird when he got a crocodile girl in his bed and it lead to the discovery of secret passages in the mansion. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Ecchi , Team Fortress 2 , Magical Girl 2012-02-18 2 July 2012 19736692 Steampunk Raider Civilization Game In a world full of steampunk, Lucius Black unites the desert people into a band of pyromaniac raiders. Surprisingly little leather. Collective Game , Civ Game , Civilization , Civ , steampunk , Lucius Black 2012-07-05 3 December 2012 21836440 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 40 Hito slowly recover himself after the fight with Chaos Gods and he finally returned to his more peaceful moment... Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Hospital , Doctor , Medic , Team Fortress , The Rocky Horror Show 2012-12-02 1 February 2013 23348526 Victorian Bogeymen Go to bed on time, don't play in the dirt, and don't talk to strangers, or Nicky Nocks, Mr. Sweeps, and Penny Pinchfingers are going to pay you a visit. Boogeymen , Bogeys , folklore , horror , fae , creepy , steampunk , Victorian , England , goblins 2013-02-24 15 March 2013 23960024 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 52 Hito needed to find safer location from assassin. And also a mini quest with cyborg ninja Crimson Fox. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Team Fortress 2 , Ninja , Strike Witches 2013-03-31 -2 April 2013 24088572 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 53 Hito finally find a safe place to stay but he had to deal with the assassins. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Team Fortress 2 , Kinnikuman 2013-04-07 0 24193610 Yellowman Quest 3 Arriving at 2fort, Yellowman dodges BLU and RED while trying to make it to the next world. He also finds a very dead fellow racer and a not quite so dead fellow racer. Collective Game , Meta , Quest , Meta Quest , Yellowman Quest , Star Control , Team Fortress 2 2013-04-12 9 24221055 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 54 After Hito defeated the Sharkguy, he finally learned how to control his special power. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Team Fortress 2 2013-04-14 3 24356791 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 55 After Hito coming back to his safehouse, he has notice that his safehouse is currently under attack by the crazy assassin. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Team Fortress 2 , Wrestling 2013-04-21 3 July 2013 26268681 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 64 Hito almost finish his deck building and now he only need to find artifacts. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Card Games , Team Fortress 2013-07-27 1 August 2013 26543802 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 66 Hito finally tracked down Denardo's hideout and encounter another stranger through his adventure. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Team Fortress 2013-08-10 1 26804260 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 67 Hito hands Denardo's band of outlaws over to the Law, Sam disappears along with the war-train, and we receive luxury accommodations on an airship. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Team Fortress 2013-08-25 0 October 2013 27715975 Blood Snowman Sometimes you just have to make an extradimensional horror into a snowman. Blood Snowman , Steampunk , homebrew , overkill , bend over campaign , henderson'd 2013-10-13 5 November 2013 28220038 AoPH 7 On a night that should have been filled with celebration and excitement for three newly inducted Rocket Junior cadets, they instead receive a very grim reminder on the reality of the world they live in... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-11 30 28256205 AoPH Quest 8 Cerulean and Bruise enter the Lavendar Spire to bid their fallen friends their final farewell. While there, they meet a strange and bewildering medium named Lilac. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-13 28 28346281 AoPH Quest 9 Terrible surgeries, medically questionable walking, and detective work ensue. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-18 28 28353712 AoPH Quest 9 (Part 2) Cerulean and Bruise's search for Goldenrod leads them to Saffron Gym. Entering alone, Cerulean meets Sabrina. The psychic still bears a grudge over Cerulean's previous battle with one of her students and coerces Cerulean into battling Alexis again before permitting her to meet with Goldenrod. Accepting her conditions, Cerulean faces off against a changed Alexis... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-18 30 28385124 AoPH Quest 10 Safely meeting with Goldenrod, Cerulean is relieved of all her worries... She spends the remainder of the week recuperating from her operation. Just the day before Rocket training begins, Cerulean decides to pay one of her eerier acquaintances a visit. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-20 28 28458817 AoPH Quest 11 Rocket Training begins in earnest and Cerulean dives into it with gusto. She establishes relationships with fellow Rocket recruits while strengthening her bonds with her friends from before. A year passes by... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-24 29 28516047 AoPH Quest 12 Cerulean makes amends with a psychic. And then she celebrates her birthday. Did someone say "Beach Episode?" Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-27 31 28522042 AoPH Quest 12 (Part 2) A hardcore beach volleyball war begins between Cerulean and Devon's teams! And the conclusion of this fated battle is...? Afterward, Giovanni arrives to the party in all his glory. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-11-27 29 December 2013 28642439 AoPH Quest 13 Finishing morning practice, Cerulean is summoned by Giovanni to his office. He has a job he wishes for her to take from a woman that works in Silph Co. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-04 31 28649635 AoPH Quest 13 (Part 2) After selecting her team mates for the job, Cerulean leaves to meet with a friendly face from the distant frozen wastes. The man, named Gustav, bears a message from Cerulean's mother. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-04 28 28845506 AoPH Quest 14 Cerulean meets a belligerent man on the tram and upsets Sanna with her upset stomach. When she goes to visit Lilac, she's met with the rather unfortunate news that she has a phantom possessing her. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-14 28 28886751 AoPH Quest 15 Lilac eats a ghost for her friend. Afterward, Cerulean goes to meet the man from the tram to question him about his accounting troubles... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-16 30 28971452 AoPH Quest 16 The team is assembled and the investigation is underway! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-20 28 29047290 AoPH Quest 17 Laws are broken. Nightmares are had. Night arrives and comrades are lost. The hunt is on! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-24 27 29178235 AoPH Quest 18 Cerulean and Devon come upon a village hidden outside of the Dome. Within, they find the missing repel tech materials, a woman, and... a man with a crooked nose. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2013-12-31 27 January 2014 29354452 AoPH Quest 20 Devon and Cerulean return to the dome. Cerulean wakes from a dream. The aftermath of the night's events is...? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-08 26 29445086 AoPH Quest 21 Ceru is back at the dome with her friends and Giovanni has sent a team to take care of the Hypno village. All loose ends in this case have been tied u- where's Chuck? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-12 27 29539678 AoPH Quest 22 Ceru and company find Chuck. After a rather sober discussion with Rocket Leader, Ceru leads her team to the Vermillion power plant... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-16 30 29712241 AoPH Quest 23 With the help of Surge, the Vermillion power plant is secured and cleared of brainwashed personnel. The immediate threat now averted, Ceru and her team close in on the hybrid... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-23 29 29836414 AoPH Quest 24 With the hybrid detained, the team finally begins to settle down. As the night sky darkens, Cerulean's thoughts are of her friends and companions... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-01-28 28 29890362 The Train OP comes up with a really creepy steampunk setting. Dare you go outside the Train? Steampunk , Trains , Railroad , Awesome , Horror , Stewardess , Clockpunk , Setting , Homebrew 2014-01-30 21 February 2014 30002131 AoPH Quest 25 Lilac is offered the chance to make her dream come true, but Ceru is worried of the risks that come with this opportunity. However, as long as she sees the ghost of a chance of success, Lilac presses on... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-04 28 30068197 AoPH Quest 26 A nightmare causes Ceru to almost harm a friend and her visits to close companions are tinged with melancholy. On the bright side, Ceru receives a free makeover and a few compliments on her looks. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-07 28 30378453 AoPH Quest 27 Ceru takes on responsibility for a friend while unloading some of her own burdens on another. Then, a call from Alexis summons Ceru to Saffron for a meeting with the special "guest" being kept there... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-21 25 30488020 AoPH Quest 28 An interview with the hybrid, Ni'Rena, reveals unintended information for Ceru. Loyalties are tested, secrets revealed, and a question is asked without words: Are you a Ranger or a Rocket? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-02-26 27 March 2014 30617347 AoPH Quest 29 Ceru fetches Lilac from the hospital and spends a day seeing what Celadon has to offer with her and Sanna. Happy memories are made, yet the day is marred by a coming storm on the horizon. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-04 29 30741727 AoPH Quest 30 A freak storm strands a civilian boat out at sea and Ceru is recruited for a salvage and rescue mission. The smell of blood and a sudden fatality mark her squad's entrance to the ship. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-10 20 30900302 AoPH Quest 31 Hungry, tired, and lost, what awaits Ceru as she explores the tropical island she's washed up on? However, no matter what mysteries lie in wait for Ceru, one thing's for certain: things are going to be "apeshit" crazy. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-18 29 31070514 AoPH Quest 32 Ceru follows her avian companions back to their "shity". There, she is properly acquainted with the Kahkori and receives their help in exchange for "speaking". And while Marine's safety is decided by what could be the most important cultural exchange ever done by a ranger, Ceru gets stalked by a certain angry simian. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-26 27 31127687 AoPH Quest 33 Warned of a terrible beast that stalks the jungle at night, Ceru sets off to search Marine with Kurojo. Will she find her lost friend in time? Or has Marine succumbed to the "Nar-kage"? Is Ceru next in line? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-03-29 26 April 2014 31228287 AoPH Quest 34 With Marine's rescue and Mukon's timely arrival, Ceru's group make their way back to the Kahkori's home. They are beset by wild monsters along the way, but after a short scuffle, Mukon drives them away... and ends up attracting something more fearsome... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-03 32 31330421 AoPH Quest 35 A young Kahkori named Kurojo, through trial of blood and death, has become a man. But all is not well; the White One and her friend are sick with the Red Tide. To repay a debt, he must seek out the Blue Burst, the only known cure to the illness, to save them from death. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-08 28 31394287 AoPH Quest 36 Healed and with Kurojo promising to act as their guide, Ceru and Marine make ready to find their way back home, but not before receiving two gifts from the Kahkori... the spoils of a hunter's conquest... and the gift of Aura. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-11 28 31501070 AoPH Quest 37 The journey back home begins with a giant monster ride. On their first stop along the way, the group goes on a hunt to gain entry to the home of the locals, the Ferrines. The day comes to a close with a hot, hot bath. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-16 23 31630140 AoPH Quest 38 Ceru finishes up a Hot bath with Kurojo, her heart aflutter with many strange feelings in her heart.
What awaits them the now? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-22 24 31696931 AoPH Quest 39 Cerulean sets off on the next part of their adventure! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-04-25 17 May 2014 31875591 AoPH Quest 40 A Young Rocket finds herself in the company of a rough crowd.
A ship is chartered and a dangerous sea traversed! Will Kurojo get his sea legs?! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-03 24 31844870 Alternate Industrial Revolutions OP asks for alternate histories where a country other than Britain industrializes first. /tg/ delivers with a greater Ottoman Empire worldbuilding , alternate history , ottoman empire , industrialization , steam engine , printing press 2014-05-03 3 31921731 AoPH Quest 41 Cerulean, Marine, and Kurojo fight against a great beast of the sea with a company of Native Rangers.
Will they fend it off from the ship or bag it and tag it? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-05 15 32147743 AoPH Quest 42 Cerulean finds herself in the city after her journey between islands, the Smolodhans hunting party leaves, and she, Marine, and Kurojo find themselves alone in the big city! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-16 13 32222806 Sky Rider Quest In which we meet Cown the protag, his best mate, and the nation's most notorious sky pirate. Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-05-20 5 32260830 Sky Rider Quest Part 2 In which Cown attempts to avenge his friend, suffers a whole lot, and gets mad Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-05-22 5 32292288 AoPH Quest 43 Cerulean talks out the aftermath of her duel to the death with a Smolder leader! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-23 20 32351287 Sky Rider Quest Part 3 In which Cown learns something rather surprising about a certain sky pirate, gets a lead on Dagg's murderer, and has a quick tour of an airship Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-05-26 1 32417376 Sky Rider Quest Part 4 In which Cown almost bleeds out, meets a new face, and makes a horrifying discovery. Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-05-29 1 32466473 AoPH Quest 44 Cerulean and her team hunt an Ordile to prove themselves as hunters and start on her first steps to home! Will she capture it dead, alive, or get sent packing?
Pokemon Hunter! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-05-31 28 June 2014 32506095 Sky Rider Quest Part 5 In which Cown avenges his friend, fights some boarders, and discovers something very strange going on with his body Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-06-02 0 32569395 Sky Rider Quest Part 6 In which Cown beats up a few warlocks, makes a few discoveries, and drops spaghetti EVERYWHERE Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-06-05 1 32632695 Sky Rider Quest Part 7 In which Cown makes a confession, gets some sweet weapons, discovers a new talent, and makes a CONFESSION Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-06-08 0 32692290 Sky Rider Quest Part 8 In which Cown takes his relationship with Nyra a step further, visits a creepy castle, and meets an old foe Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-06-11 1 32724536 AoPH Quest 45 Cerulean chooses her name amongst the Guild as they welcome her into their ranks. Yet, what might the governer of this city have to say about strangers? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-12 27 32740955 AoPH Quest 46 Cerulean listens to the history of the islands from the Kahkori's perspective. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-13 24 32763860 AoPH Quest 47 Cerulean makes Lord Hao's acquaintance. Yet what does the lord regent have in mind for the young hunter? Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-14 22 32755755 Sky Rider Quest Part 9 In which Cown comes to the end of his journey and finally avenges his friend Sky Rider Quest , Quest , Fantasy , Steampunk , Collective Game 2014-06-14 0 32885500 AoPH Quest 48 Cerulean and Marine return from their meeting with Lord Hao, Kurojo faces his fears and doubts, and... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-20 24 32905295 AoPH Quest 49 Ceru and her hunting team take on a new hunt, their prey? The Narga-Kage! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-21 22 33049973 AoPH Quest 50 White and her party engage a beast known as the Terror of Death. A friend suffers a mortal wound... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-28 6 33072239 AoPH Quest 51 The Araraki's hiding something.
Jojo and Ceru recover after the hunt. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-06-29 5 July 2014 33152746 AoPH Quest 52 Nala's party recovers and returns from the Narga-Kage hunt... There Lord Hao has a surprise for them. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-03 10 33128048 Team Fortress RPG "Is it a bad idea to run something in the TF2 universe?" This question spurs a lengthy discussion of the Team Fortress 2 universe as a setting, new character classes, and general TF2-RPG ideas. Team Fortress 2 , TF2 , homebrew , setting , videogame , adaptation 2014-07-03 8 33277283 AoPH Quest 53 Cerulean wakes up hung over... She really overdid it last night... But what did she do? The festival continues! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-09 8 33500444 AoPH Quest 54 The feast with Lord Hao continues. Leaders bicker and... Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-19 12 33544144 AoPH Quest 55 Ceru discovers something with potential to shake her world... The way home becomes more clear. Yet not without its dangers. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-21 21 33583693 AoPH Quest 56 Ceru and Marine share a moment to decide their future.
Akabaron returns after a long trip. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-22 10 33607926 AoPH Quest 57 Ceru r4eadies herself for the hunt and visits the new homeland of the Araraki! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-23 7 33634727 AoPH Quest 58 A long time waiting for Akabaron has worn Ceru's patience thin. A trip to Smelda awaits! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-25 5 33659049 AoPH Quest 59 Cerulean embarks on the final hunt of the Empire Islands! Enter: The Lord Of White Waves! Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-26 6 33757139 AoPH Quest 60 (Season Finale) Cerulean and company face of against the Lord Of White Waves, the last thing between them, and home. Attack on Pokemon Hunter Quest , Professor Yggdrasil , Cerulean , Monster Transplants , Team Rocket , Aura Ranger , Pokemon , Attack on Titan , Collective Game , Death World 2014-07-30 -29 August 2014 34013223 Gnome Civilization Quest Gnome settlers in fantasy old west make steam cannons, hot air balloons, and genocide some trolls. The troll children are then enslaved Gnome Civ , Civilization Game , Steampunk , Collective Game , Milhouse , Sheriff 2014-08-10 3 34186290 Gnome Civilization Quest Off to a slow start, trolls escape and we learn necromancy Gnome Civ , Civilization Game , Steampunk , Collective Game , Milhouse , Sheriff 2014-08-17 1 34206615 Gnome Civilization Quest 3 We hold a feast, explore and set up an outpost on the floating island, and find out the island is held up by electric crystals. We also invent our first fullretard rifle and the Wells Fargo Zeppelin arrives. Gnome Civ , Civilization Game , Steampunk , Collective Game , Milhouse , Sheriff 2014-08-18 0 April 2015 39653747 Lost Continent Quest 1 You are Rugerio, an initiate in the Verducci Family Guild, and cursed with a metal arm. Your memory is shot, but you're working on it. You will take to the skies again. Collective Game , Lost Continent Quest , Steampunk , Airship , Aeroship , 2015-04-30 6 May 2015 39731487 Lost Continent Quest 2 Rugerio sets out to explore the world a bit, and we get into some business with the Longshoresman's Guild. Collective Game , Lost Continent Quest , Steampunk , Airship , Aeroship , 2015-05-04 5 39901216 Lost Continent Quest 3 pt 1 Rugerio and Andrio meet for the first time in a year, get in a firefight, and get Rugerio kicked out of his Guild, to the relief of all involved. Now assigned to the Acronauts, he is about to embark on a mission aboard the Good Hope. Collective Game , Lost Continent Quest , Steampunk , Airship , Aeroship , 2015-05-12 5 February 2017 1098283 Joker Quest 151 Joker once again finds himself trapped in the Hell that forged him. At least this time he has company. Joker , Joker Quest , Collective Game , Daegal , Team Bro Wins , Shits Fucked 2017-02-03 10 July 2017 1609123 Gyrocite: Beta Cave A crew of handymen look for their employer's missing merchandise while something crawls about. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-07-02 2 1559347 New World Evo 2 Oozes learned their tragic past. Skitters suck. Zombie trees are spreading influence. Ooze , skitter , spore , volcano , team game 2017-07-04 2 1655250 Skirmish] Gyrocite Beta Cave II The crew dives deeper into the cave. Fires are lit and mistakes are made. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-07-18 1 1680184 Gyrocite: Beta Cave III The crew secure the last of the prototypes and find something unexpected. Also more cave spider things. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-07-24 1 August 2017 1701113 Gyrocite: Felman Hollow The crew try to find an engineer and encounter their creations skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-08-03 1 1751639 Gyrocite: Felman Hollow II The crew take on automatons and find the engineer. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-08-19 2 September 2017 1804824 Gyrocite: Felman Hollow III The crew finish off the last automaton and prepare for the Vitas Fair. Assets are acquired and the plot thickens. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-09-12 1 October 2017 1887552 Gyrocite: Vitas Fair The crew travel to Capital for the Vitas fair in Capital. They begin their tech demo in earnest while complications arise. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-10-03 1 1919268 Steam & Steel Quest #1 Numar is on edge after recent murders. Arnold, the young scion of an old Mercantile House, has an unexpected encounter. Quest , Storyteller , Steampunk , City-State 2017-10-08 6 1934367 PriPri Quest 2 Life in London seems to never be a bore Princess Principal , Collective Game , Steampunk 2017-10-11 1 1929406 Gyrocite: Vitas Fair II The crew continue their demonstration and subterfuge while the Gyre siblings overcome and go under. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-10-13 1 1971921 PriPri MG Quest 3 Planning to rob a bank in Germania, get rich, party with Pixy. Good time for Browning Princess Principal , Collective Game , Steampunk, 2017-10-16 2 2014761 PriPri MG Quest 4 Not recalling the previous night's doing, Browning finds himself the proprietor of a warehouse, even though he has another job. Princess Principal , Collective Game , Steampunk , 2017-10-27 3 1970106 Gyrocite: Vitas Fair III The crew's demonstration reaches its finale while the others take care of the bagmen. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-10-31 1 November 2017 2047172 Gyrocite: Capital Ball The crew start their second shift in Capital all on separate assignments. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-11-20 1 2090002 PriPri MG Quest 5 Continuing a vacation, trouble keeps coming Princess Principal , Collective Game , Steampunk, 2017-11-30 1 December 2017 2085278 Gyrocite: Capital Ball II Things get hectic when the crew face off against their main adversaries. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-12-02 1 2117587 Gyrocite: Capital Ball III The final waltz begins and in the park danger lurks. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2017-12-17 1 January 2018 2159373 Gyrocite: Acquisitions The crew receive their pay and find out where they'll be going next. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2018-01-02 1 2203313 PriPri MG Quest 7 Doing some legal work, doing some illegal work, the usual for a merc-gentleman Princess Principal , Collective Game , Steampunk , Mercenary 2018-01-06 1 2182318 Gyrocite: Praia de Oro The crew venture into the criminally hot slums to find some hostages skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2018-01-10 1 57550442 Steamed Plans I hope you're ready for an unforgettable dungeon steamed hams , tussle , meme, 2018-01-22 38 2219479 Gyrocite: Praia de Oro II Things get hotter as an armory ignites and the heavy guns are brought out. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2018-01-23 2 February 2018 2261020 Gyrocite: Praia de Oro II This start coming together as the crew happen upon some information about things happening behind the scenes skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2018-02-08 1 2303325 Gyrocite: Praia de Oro IV Fire and mortar consume Jove as the crew make their escape. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2018-02-27 1 March 2018 2345589 Gyrocite: Praia de Oro V The rescue is complete but not without cost. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2018-03-09 1 April 2018 2401243 Gyrocite: Acquisitions II After their adventure in Foz de Plato the crew take some time off. skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2018-04-03 1 June 2018 2658234 PriPri MG Quest 9 After snooping around some estates, Henry A Browning takes up a distraction job that's more of a fight than anything... Princess Principal , Collective Game , Steampunk , Mercenary 2018-06-23 1 2642599 Gyrocite: Line PK72 II The crew look for their target and mingle with fellow passengers skirmish , gyrocite , steampunk 2018-06-28 1 August 2018 2822949 Rocket Grunt Quest #1 You are Mike, street rat extraordinaire and newly minted Rocket Grunt with your new partner Zhu the Zubat. QuestMM , Collective Game , Pokemon , Team Rocket 2018-08-22 5 61556718 rogue homunculus civilization /tg/ worldbuilds a faction of unintentionally sentient, alchemically-created artificial lifeforms originally intended as a disposable army. golem , homunculus , frankenstein , undead , alchemy , species , steampunk , setting , worldbuilding , army , civilization, 2018-08-26 4 2838280 Rocket Grunt Quest #2 Mike and Zhu begin a hunt for food, and it immediately goes wrong. QuestMM , Collective Game , Pokemon , Team Rocket 2018-08-30 1 September 2018 2856603 Rocket Grunt Quest #2.5 We fight the law, and the law wins before it gives us lunch. Then we catch a new partner. QuestMM , Collective Game , Pokemon , Team Rocket 2018-09-06 3 2893615 Rocket Grunt Quest #3 Get some info on our new Pokemon, think about a name for our new partner, and QMM breaks his hand and dies. QuestMM , Collective Game , Pokemon , Team Rocket 2018-09-23 1 December 2018 3107823 Starship Quest: Away Team Mark I The Alliance starship Quest, run by an elite crew of ensigns, led by misfit officers, encounters a derelict space station and investigates. Starship , sci-fi , away team , Dork West , 2018-12-31 2 January 2019 3152669 Starship Quest: Away Team Mark II The away team encounters more stasis chambers and their occupants; Exposition and unexplained events ensue. Starship , sci-fi , away team , Dork West, 2019-01-19 1 December 2019 3955938 The Fall of a Dwarven Fortress In a besieged Dwarven Fortress, where wheat worths more than gold, try to survive as a civilian and get your family out of here! Dwarf Fortress , Steampunk , Survival , Dwarf , Dwarves , Civil War , Fantasy , fantasy , dwarf , dwarves , Collective Game 2019-12-23 2 3989374 Steamed Hams But it's a Christmas Survival Quest Well Anon, you are an odd fellow. But I have to admit, you steam a good quest. Collective Game , Simpsons , Steamed Hams , Aurora Borealis 2019-12-26 6 April 2020 4136452 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #1 In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour an find a cure Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Inquisition , Rebellion , fantasy , alchemy , rebellion , disease , Collective Game 2020-04-05 4 4168742 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #2 In a City under quarantine, where extreme measures are taken by local authorities and foreign invaders, clean your honour and find a cure Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Inquisition , Rebellion , fantasy , alchemy , rebellion , disease , Collective Game 2020-04-14 2 May 2020 4195533 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #3 You befriended a Witch and rescued an Alchemist, the plague has claimed more than a thousand lives already Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Inquisition , Rebellion , fantasy , alchemy , rebellion , disease , Collective Game 2020-05-01 1 4229753 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #4 The Plague is spreading, Elves are turning into an occupation force, you rescued your mate's wife from a Militia's concentration camp. Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Conspiracy , Fantasy , Inquisition , Rebellion , fantasy , alchemy , rebellion , disease , Collective Game 2020-05-20 0 June 2020 4264770 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #5 The Plague is spreading, infected children are rotting alive, horrible religious sacrifice and the Organ Harvester is still active. Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Fantasy , Inquisition , Dark Fantasy , fantasy , alchemy , disease , dark fantasy , Collective Game 2020-06-12 0 July 2020 4302874 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #6 After many revelations, romances and political games, you are setting the final stage and prepare for the final dungeon to save th City Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Fantasy , Inquisition , Dark Fantasy , fantasy , alchemy , disease , dark fantasy , Collective Game 2020-07-11 0 August 2020 4350362 The Quarantine of a Harbor City #7 The end Plague , Steampunk , Alchemy , Survival , Fantasy , Inquisition , Dark Fantasy , fantasy , alchemy , disease , dark fantasy , Collective Game 2020-08-08 1 October 2020 4487084 Archimedean Submersible Quest : I In which a naval Officer on half-Pay plays Cards, dines with Alchymists, navigates a Rivalry, and is given a most peculiar Opportunity. Archimedean , Submersible , Submarine , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Infodumps 2020-10-19 8 February 2021 4615042 Royal Monster Quest Kokabiel, agent from the beyond is on his way to avert tragedy and the destruction of a world. First step; Infiltration! royal monster quest , steampunk , gunpowder and bayonet , 2021-02-25 0 March 2021 77767794 /tg/ makes a Steampunk Setting /tg/ makes a Steampunk Setting worldbuilding , Steampunk , MASS 2021-03-03 7 77857286 /tg/ makes a Steampunk Setting #2 /tg/ makes even more in a Steampunk Setting worldbuilding , Steampunk , MASS , maps , setting, 2021-03-12 5 78042699 /tg/ makes a Steampunk Setting #3 /tg/ makes even more in a Steampunk Setting. The civil war of Arvantha gets detailed worldbuilding , Steampunk , MASS , maps , factions , heraldry 2021-03-16 6 April 2021 78322310 Is this that Nechronica thread? ( Yes, with Storytime. ) Anon asks about finding players and being a reliable GM.
Gravel Storytime! The Africa arc wraps up and we begin transitioning to the next Nechronica , recruiting , Storytime , Story Time , Gravel , Adrian , Altina , Aida , necromancer , necromancy , book , A-team 2021-04-01 0 4686631 Royal Monster Quest #2 Out from the frying pan, and back into a kettle. royal monster quest , steampunk , gunpowder and bayonet, 2021-04-22 0 4739808 Rocket Quest Nr.1 James recives future information and Jessie strts her cordinator carier quicker. Rocket , Team Rocket , Pokemon , Collective Game , AU 2021-04-23 1 July 2021 4884583 The Great MannCo® Heist Quest! After being rather violently laid off, a businessman finds new opportunities. Team Fortress 2 , MannCo Heist , Heist 2021-07-26 1 August 2021 4932919 The Great MannCo® Heist Quest 2 The Salesman and his associates deal with The Sniper... again, along with some of the Aussie's "pals" after running to the city mall. Team Fortress 2 , MannCo Heist , Heist 2021-08-26 1 September 2021 4977771 The Great MannCo® Heist Quest: Part Three, Eye Scream! Mr. Bout Interrogates a frenchie with Ice Cream, before the thread ends early. Team Fortress 2 , MannCo Heist , Heist 2021-09-10 0 October 2021 4991982 Pokemon Trainer Quest #2 You played Seven Minutes in Heaven, made it to Newport, had a run in with Team Green, met Holly and challenged the Bug Gym Pokemon Quest , Towel , Concussion , Team Green , SuperBusy 2021-10-07 9 December 2021 5040101 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 4 You refused to Battle Mike, met back up with Fie's friends, made it to Lake Clarity, had a strange dream, met Latias and beat up Team Green Pokemon Quest , Towel , Camping , Team Green , SuperBusy 2021-12-02 5 82484797 historic and public domain characters for your nineteenth century settings /tg/ lists historic and public domain characters suitable for nineteenth century settings. pulp , steampunk , victorian , history , alternate history , literature , cowboy , western , public domain, 2021-12-09 1 January 2022 5082606 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 5 You started hiking around Lake Clarity, battled Team Green against, handed evidence to the police after lunch and did some fishing. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Camping , Team Green , Fishing , SuperBusy 2022-01-09 6 July 2022 5270271 The Fruit of Knowledge - A Lobotomy Corporation Oneshot A Lobotomy Corp Oneshot from the perspective of a veteran Agent. Lobotomy Corporation , Collective Game , Agent , Hod , Qliphoth , L-Corp , Training Team Captain 2022-07-07 5 October 2022 5402611 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 12 You camped the night at a camp ground, cleaned up after Team Green, went on a nighttime bushwalk made it to Saltcoast and fought Team Green. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Saltcoast , Team Green , SuperBusy 2022-10-23 3 December 2022 5449165 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 13 Short-ish thread. You helped out at Fie's gym, found Sage a stick, went to the beach and met Ian, a member of the Arnet Elite Four. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Saltcoast , Team Green , SuperBusy 2022-12-13 4 February 2023 5540809 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 15 You went to the Barrier Islands to find Holly a psychic teacher, had some bad injury luck, beat Team Green and did Plot. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Barrier Islands , Team Green , SuperBusy 2023-02-20 4 March 2023 5578821 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 16 You headed to Frigoris Forest to hide from Team Green, set traps, got a mystery call and more. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Camping , Barrier Islands , Team Green , SuperBusy 2023-03-16 7 April 2023 5615542 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 16 You dealt with Team Green, found Holly a teacher and returned the Bell Tongue to Slowking. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Barrier Islands , Team Green , SuperBusy 2023-04-27 4 May 2023 5654217 Archimedean Quest: II In which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Gallivanting with our Tits out 2023-05-21 10 July 2023 5671876 Archimedean Quest #3 In which a noble Lady finds herself in strange vessels, kisses a man and learn the true nature of Alchymysts. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Submersible , Submarine , Geber 2023-07-10 10 July 2024 6022379 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 26 You stocked up on supplies, beat down a couple of Team Green robbers, perused an adult store, set out for Redmont Town and caught a Mudkip. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Team Green , Mudkip , SuperBusy 2024-07-05 2 November 2024 94264954 What if D&D-style tabletop wargaming had been invented in the 1880's? How would our hobby have developed had D&D been invented around a century ahead of schedule? alternate history , steampunk , D&D , wargaming, 2024-11-09 1 6109639 Isekai Cheat Harem #1 After being hit by a truck you get a masochistic goddess and start a slave harem in another world. Machines are made and goblins are slain. IseQM , NotIseQM , John Doe , Isekai , Herta , Goddess of Artifice , Steampunk , Mecha , Savant , Slavery , Harem , Slave-Wives , Dungeon , Goblins 2024-11-19 7 January 2025 6149927 Isekai Cheat Harem #2 You go to a city, add a cute fox hag to your harem, get money, repel a bandit invasion, and have a mandatory beach episode. NotIseQM , John Doe , Isekai , Herta , Goddess of Artifice , Steampunk , Mecha , Savant , Slavery , Harem , Slave-Wives , War , Bandits , Trade 2025-01-23 4 February 2025 6184019 The AVENGERS Quest! Assemble! In one of many realities, The Avengers are formed! But this is not the story you may expect, and not the Avengers you might know! Assemble! Fuckhead , Marvel , Team , Avengers , Multiple PCs , Co-Op , Superheroes , Comics 2025-02-16 3