/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2011
16392547The Five Nations Quest 2You are Yamada Shimaru, a chūnin shinobi of the Hidden Mist. Genpachi is your current team member. Whilst you specialize in close combat, he is a ranged righter and tactition. Naruto theme set before the 3rd great war. Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations2011-09-23 15 
16404760The Five Nations Quest 3You are Yamada Shimaru, a chuunin shinobi of the Hidden Mist. You are specialized in the use of a Greatsword and fast hand to hand combat. You aspire to be one of the great seven swordsmen of the hidden mist. Naruto theme set before the 3rd great war. Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations, collective game2011-09-24 12 
16413030The Five Nations Quest 4You are Yamada Shimaru, a chuunin shinobi of the Hidden Mist. You are specialized in the use of a Greatsword and fast hand to hand combat. You aspire to be one of the great seven swordsmen of the hidden mist. Naruto theme set before the 3rd great war.Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations, collective game2011-09-25 10 
16418671Five Nations Quest: Part 5You are Yamada Shimaru, a chuunin shinobi of the Hidden Mist. You are specialized in the use of a Greatsword and fast hand to hand combat. You aspire to be one of the great seven swordsmen of the hidden mist. Naruto theme set before the 3rd great war.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-25 9 
16429096Five Nations Quest: Part 6Having achieved his goal of joining the Seven Swordsmen, Shimaru must now revitalize them and give them a new lease on life and a new meaning in the village. Naruto RP set in an alternate universe.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-26 8 
16433980Five Nations Quest: Part 7The Seven Swordsmen are ready to go make their name known again.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-26 8 
16440973Five Nations Quest: Part 8The flesh and muscle peeled from our sword arm, we stand triumphant over the bodies of 26 victims, having 3 survivors escape us. The Raikage will be hungry for our blood.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-27 8 
16449397Five Nations Quest: Part 9The old Raikage is quite pissed and we're standing toe to toe with the old bastard. Let's see who's tougher, Mist or Cloud!Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-28 10 
16451641Five Nations Quest: Part 10We start discussing mechanical stuff. After 9 threads I think we can start making some changes. More story to come though!Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-28 10 
16460457Five Nations Quest: Part 11Making friends and rolling like a baws, now with drawfags.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-09-29 10 
October 2011
16501928Five Nations Quest: Part 12We have a run-in with Akatsuki, and make a diplomatic trip to the Hidden Stone Village.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-03 12 
16508452Five Nations Quest: Part 13We finish up our fight with two Akatsuki members and leave the Hidden Stone Village. We arrive back home and find out Gen and Aya are getting married.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-04 7 
16515905Five Nations Quest: Part 14Our diplomatic mission to the Hidden Leaf has forced us to leave both our comrade and our trusted blade behind, and so we sit down at the table with Kisame and his friend to talk to the Akatsuki.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-04 8 
16520808Five Nations Quest: Part 15We sit down with our sempai Kisame Hoshigaki for the diplomatic meeting between the Akatsuki, and the Kages of the Hidden Leaf and Hidden Mist villages.Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations, collective game2011-10-05 11 
16529982Five Nations Quest: Part 16Herein we get our summon, finally.Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-06 10 
16537621Five Nations Quest: Part 17We get ourselves a new sword, finish up our mission, and return home. We chat a little with Yuki, and then meet with the Akatsuki leader to get Orochimaru's medical help for Mangetsu.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-07 10 
16555339Five Nations Quest: Part 18The training session with Yuki ends and we go to visit our senpai Kisame Hoshigaki for a little chat.Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, hidden mist, five nations, collective game2011-10-08 10 
16610118Five Nations Quest: Part 19 pt2We enter the timeskip, Killer B and Hanzo join the Four Winds, and all is not well in the Akatsuki-controlled Five Nations. The Villages begin to chafe under Satori's control, and the Fourth Hokage has had enough. He tasks Shimaru to lead a black ops raid against Akatsuki's secondary HQ. Shimaru, Baki, B, and Hanzo assault the base, but Deidara and Kisame prove to be tougher than we thought, and Baki is killed. Then Kakuzu shows up. Then Satori. This op is now officially FUBARed.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-14 10 
16657281Five Nations Quest: Part 20We plan how to free the captured Swordsmen, when we get help from an unexpected source, as Orochimaru and Sasori defect from Akatsuki. We learn how to break Satori's mind control, and engage Akatsuki and the Kage's in battle as the Hidden Mist Village burns around us. Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-19 8 
16739629Five Nations Quest: Part 21We start breaking the Kage's from Satori's mind-control, and engage Kisame in our long-awaited final duel. The last session.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game2011-10-26 10 
November 2011
16933935Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 3You are Shingen Hyuuga, after the festivities of the last night our father gives us a diplomatic mission to join a meeting with the Senju and their allied clans. We partake in a tournament and are caught up in a night raid staged by enemy shinobi. Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-11-15 12 
16956654Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 4We come out of the timeskip, and find that someone's been kidnapping Hyuuga's. We set a trap for them, but end up being the ones caught. Then we are reunited with an old rival.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-11-19 8 
16969080Warring Clans General 4 Part 2We go off on another mission, find an odd spear, and have a hot date with InariFive Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-11-22 10 
16987456Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 5We get dating tips and advice on love from our uncle, track down the other guy who's been going around killing bandits and team up with him. Turns out he's a berserker, and he nearly punches out all of our blood when he goes berserk.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-11-23 8 
December 2011
17070010Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 7We mop up the battle between the Senjuu and the Uchiha, and start to track down someone to help Jako control his rage. We start tracking the Black Widow, and work with the Mallard to find her. That being a dead end, we go to the Land of Grass to find a hermit that might help us.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-06 7 
17143108Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 8Mostly mechanics thread as we discuss how to distribute our newly earned points and determine our Unique Abilities.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-09 7 
17154598Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 9After a tense moment with Inair's possible death we finally return home after our extended mission. As a reward for our services we are appointed to an auspicious position and are to act as an ambassador to the Senju and improve clan relations with the outside world. Our first stop is the land of wind.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-10 5 
17198013Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 10-2We are called back from the Land of Earth to mediate between the Senjuu and the Aburame. Diplomatic negotiations turn into a commando raid against the Aburame's rival clan, the Kamizuru.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-14 5 
17212924Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 11We continue debating THAT BASTARDS proposal.Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-15 5 
17222079Five Nations Gaiden: Warring Clans Edition 12more plotting and scheming to get out of our position as leader of the clan Five Nations Quest, Shinobi, Five Nations, Naruto, quest thread, mission thread, collective game, Warring Clans Era2011-12-15 8 
October 2012
20950384FNG 3 Part 1We begin our new quest with our hero, Satoshi Sotomura of the Hidden Sand.Five Nations, Collective Game, Naruto Quest, FNG Quest2012-10-02 6 
November 2012
21539495Five Nations General 3 (Part 1)We relaunch FNG3! It's gonna be a fun ride. Our new protagonist, Daisuke Nakamura, is a hard working young Genin from the Hidden Rain village. He's from a less-than-perfect household, but he's a damn hard worker. He joins a new squad and begins his life as a soldier of the village.Five Nations, Collective Game, Naruto Quest, FNG Quest2012-11-12 10 
21553473Five Nations General 3 (Part 2)We start training with Rin after meeting the girl from last chapter, Satori, in battle. We start developing our Kekkei Genkai and Rank up.Five Nations, Collective Game, Naruto Quest, FNG Quest2012-11-13 11 
21586599Five Nations General 3 (Part 3)Today Daisuke returns a Chunin-level ninja from his training with Rin. He returns to a few small changes but winds up in a tussle with Father. It ends predictably. Then Satori challenges our beliefs.Five Nations, Collective Game, Naruto Quest, FNG Quest2012-11-15 10 
21628118Five Nations General 3 (Part 4)Daisuke completes his first big-boy mission, but not without finding out some pretty big information about Father. He then gets some time away to the Land of Rice Paddies, which is a little different. Does he find what he's looking for?Five Nations, Collective Game, Naruto Quest, FNG Quest2012-11-18 11 
21720715Five Nations General 3 (Part 5)We take Haru back to get healed, release the Beast, cut our ties, and get our new assignment. And it's not exactly our biggest and most favorite thing in the world.Five Nations, Collective Game, Naruto Quest, FNG Quest2012-11-24 10 
21750831Five Nations General 3 (Part 6)We serve our time on the almost six year mission under Sakura. Our time there is formative to say the least. The quest goes on hiatus.Five Nations, Collective Game, Naruto Quest, FNG Quest2012-11-26 8 
January 2013
22781206Fixing Naruto as an RPG settingWhat starts as a question about using Legends of the Wulin for a Naruto RPG ends in a thorough discussion on how to fix its many problems to make it work as a setting, as well as commentary on other shonen series and their strenght as a possible RPG settinghomebrew, shonen, thread derailment, Naruto, One Piece, Soul Eater, setting discussion2013-01-26 5 
April 2014
31531296Negotu Quest 4From the dead of night a dark weaboo rises.Collective Game, Naruto, Quest, BELIEVE IT2014-04-17 5 
July 2014
33114825The story of Legacy WarBASED Regalia delivers the tales of he and his friends playtesting someone's RPG that's secretly a self-insert Naruto fanfic.Story, Epic, Game Design, Naruto, DM, GM, funny2014-07-01 44 
September 2014
35021273Five Nations Elite Edition Quest 0- Character BuildingWe build our character, Hikari Araki, a Chunin from the Sand Village, do some backstory and world building.Naruto, quest, collective game, Five nations, sand village, ninja, Five Nations Quest2014-09-21 -2 
35043270 Five Nations Elite Edition Quest 1Hikari strikes out to complete her mission against the peasant uprising, finds some enemy chunin, and settles things.Collective Game, Five Nations Elite Quest, naruto, five nations2014-09-23 4 
35070688Five Nations Elite Edition Quest 2Things take an interesting turn as we meet the Kazekage, go out against the group who was interfering with us, and make some subpar decisions.Collective Game, Five Nations Elite Quest, naruto, five nations2014-09-24 4 
35076722Five Nations Elite Quest 2 Part 2We escape the clutches of our mysterious abductors and return home. Tensions are running high as we don't know who to trust.Collective Game, Five Nations Elite Quest, naruto, five nations2014-09-24 -1 
35134144Five Nations Elite Edition Quest 3We are initiated into the Black Ops division of our village because of our kekkei genkai and become a Special Jonin.Collective Game, Five Nations Elite Quest, naruto, five nations2014-09-27 1 
August 2015
42036195Boruto Quest 01Takeshi meets the rest of his team, and they face off against their Sensei Hanto.Collective Game,Naruto,Boruto Quest, Shippuden2015-08-23 34 
42057748Leaf Ninja Quest #1The first episode of adventures in an alternate Naruto universeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-08-24 29 
42057282Boruto Quest 02Takeshi spars with a Hyuuga and meets Rock LeeCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto Quest, Shippuden2015-08-24 22 
42074588Leaf Ninja Quest #2The adventures in an alternate Naruto world continue with Kakashi's testCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-08-25 22 
42074582Boruto Quest 03Meeting a few classmates, and the first mission.Collective Game,Naruto,Boruto Quest, Shippuden2015-08-26 20 
42111590Leaf Ninja Quest #3Our main character spends his day off workingCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-08-27 21 
42112945Boruto Quest 04dem ninja bitches thocollective game, naruto, boruto, shippuden2015-08-27 20 
42132681Leaf Ninja Quest #4Our hero sets off for the Land of Waves and his first real missionCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-08-28 21 
42152052Leaf Ninja Quest #5Our hero and his teammates go head to head against ZabuzaCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-08-29 21 
42167826Leaf Ninja Quest #6Our hero starts training but then OP's power goes outCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-08-30 18 
42198567Leaf Ninja Quest #7Our hero and his team fight Zabuza and Haku on the bridgeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-08-31 16 
September 2015
42222764Boruto Quest 05Takeshi faces off against a clever opponent. how troublesome.Naruto, Boruto, Collective game, Quest2015-09-01 20 
42240325Leaf Ninja Quest #8Our hero returns home and gets ready for the Chunin examCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-02 13 
42255898Leaf Ninja Quest #9Our hero takes the written portion of the Chunin examCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-03 14 
42253544Boruto QuestMurder!! Oh fuck!! Also Naruto still NarutoCollective game, naruto, boruto2015-09-03 21 
42275615Leaf Ninja Quest #10Our hero makes it through the Forest of Death and the preliminary elimination round beginsCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-04 13 
42293304Leaf Ninja Quest #11Our hero watches as the preliminary elimination round continues to unfoldCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-05 15 
42296087Boruto Quest 07Punk bitch ninjas get wrecked, battle cries are unleashed, and takeshi almost gets turned into pink mist by a stone cold pink haired bitchBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden2015-09-05 20 
42333691Leaf Ninja Quest #12Our hero sweeps his match and the preliminary elimination round comes to a closeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-07 13 
42358778Leaf Ninja Quest #13Our hero meets his new teacher and learns some new things about himselfCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-08 22 
42402324Leaf Ninja Quest #14Our hero receives his training and has another encounter with GaaraCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-10 15 
42407148Boruto Quest 08We guard a prisoner, Sensei goes all Jackie Chan and an ambush happens.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2015-09-10 20 
42500756Leaf Ninja Quest #15Our hero celebrates his birthday, then has his match against LeeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-15 14 
42507174Leaf Ninja Quest #16Our hero watches the other finalists, and gets out of doing another fightCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-15 13 
42507672Boruto Quest 10Takeshi fights of immortal mooks, makes it to the land of lightning and Mini pulls a Kubo. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-15 17 
42541196Leaf Ninja Quest #18Holding off GaaraCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto, Quest, Ninja2015-09-17 20 
42545992Boruto Quest 10 (the real one) Death Flags are raised, and we jobber our Zabuza equivalent. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-17 17 
42583727Leaf Ninja Quest #19Our hero gets out of death one more time and gets promotedCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-19 15 
42606017Leaf Ninja Quest #20Our hero monkeys around and meets TsunadeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-20 21 
42630219Leaf Ninja Quest #21Our hero gets pissed at Tsunade and caught up in a fight between legendsCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-21 14 
42633128Boruto Quest 11Takeshi and the team come home from the land of lightning. He also manages to learn some new justsu, go shopping and????Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-21 13 
42651521Leaf Ninja Quest #22Our hero fights Kabuto and gets sadCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-22 20 
42669851Leaf Ninja Quest #23Our hero gets a little downtime before it's back to work as usualCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-23 14 
42671902Boruto Quest 12The Chunin Exams begin. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-23 12 
42709247Boruto Quest 13 Takeshi and the team pick a fight in the Forest of Death. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-09-25 15 
42722490Leaf Ninja Quest #24Our hero chases after a comrade and has a standoff with KidomaruCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-26 12 
42740893Leaf Ninja Quest #25Our hero fights some more and catches up to Sasuke and HinataCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-27 15 
42762985Leaf Ninja Quest #26Our hero returns from his failed missionCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-28 15 
42800737Leaf Ninja Quest #27Our hero goes on a mission to the Land of SnowCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-09-30 16 
October 2015
42820993Boruto Quest 14Takeshi and co. try to survive in the Forest of Death. What's a cardboard box doing here? Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-01 16 
42838059Leaf Ninja Quest #28Our hero proctors the Chunin exams, but an unexpected event occursCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-02 14 
42853354Leaf Ninja Quest #29Our hero fights against KakuzuCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-03 18 
42853381Boruto Quest 15 The team's struggle in the Forest continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-03 16 
42963162Leaf Ninja Quest #30Our hero returns to the village and Itachi becomes HokageCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-09 16 
42961825Boruto Quest 16More Forest of Death, and fucking Tigers Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-09 14 
43004248Boruto Quest 17Takeshi and Co. fight some smug assholes, and that's saying something. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-11 15 
43000520Leaf Ninja Quest #31Our hero travels to the Hidden Stone Village to meet its JinchuurikiCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-11 14 
43039860Leaf Ninja Quest #32Our hero meets the other side of his familyCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-13 12 
43073843Leaf Ninja Quest #33Our hero returns to the village, but immediately receives a new missionCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-15 13 
43109781Leaf Ninja Quest #34Our hero helps fight and seal the three tailed beastCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-17 11 
43148344Leaf Ninja Quest #35Our hero gits gud and Sasuke returnsCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-19 16 
43259364Boruto Quest 18Takeshi and co. manage to stumble across another fight except this time they're not the ones fighting. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-25 12 
43286600Boruto Quest 19Some short Filler episodes Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-10-26 13 
43300756Leaf Ninja Quest #36Our hero spars with Sasuke and gets another mission to the Land of EarthCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-27 13 
43336108Leaf Ninja Quest #37Our hero visits the Village Hidden in the Stone once againCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-29 10 
43375619Leaf Ninja Quest #38Our hero improves relations with the Village Hidden in the StoneCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-10-31 10 
November 2015
43414320Leaf Ninja Quest #39Our hero infiltrates Orochimaru's hideoutCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-02 11 
43489320Leaf Ninja Quest #40Our hero fights Juugo and heads to the Land of Lightning in pursuit of OrochimaruCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-06 10 
43489446Boruto Quest 20The preliminaries begin!Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2015-11-06 13 
43525717Leaf Ninja Quest #41Our hero has a decisive battle with OrochimaruCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-08 11 
43546479Leaf Ninja Quest #42Our hero recovers after his battle with Orochimaru, and briefly meets the RaikageCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-09 10 
43595669Leaf Ninja Quest #43Our hero returns triumphant to the village, and throws a celebrationCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-12 10 
43711253Boruto Quest 21More preliminary matches. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-11-19 14 
43711177Leaf Ninja Quest #44Our hero gets ready for the next stage of his trainingCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-19 11 
43777493Leaf Ninja Quest #45Our hero trains under Enma and learns about Nature chakraCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-23 10 
43859282Boruto Quest 22Even More Preliminaries Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-11-28 12 
43858620Leaf Ninja Quest #46Our hero finishes his training and returns to the LeafCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-28 6 
43896722Leaf Ninja Quest #47Our Hero heads to the Land of IronCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-11-30 11 
December 2015
43936569Boruto Quest 23Takeshi's Preliminary match Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-02 12 
43952287Leaf Ninja Quest #48Our hero spots a spy and leaves the summit early to head back to a village under attackCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-12-03 10 
43990122Boruto Quest 24Continuation of thread 23Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-05 13 
44005716Leaf Ninja Quest #49Our hero defends the village from Pain's assaultCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-12-06 10 
44026023Leaf Ninja Quest #50Our hero tracks down Nagato's true bodyCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-12-07 6 
44097616Leaf Ninja Quest #51Our hero deals with the aftermath of Pain's assaultCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-12-11 6 
44112707Boruto Quest 25 Takeshi searches for a teacher. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-11 16 
44156359Leaf Ninja Quest #52Our hero helps rebuild the village, and learns to use Water natureCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2015-12-14 7 
44196177Boruto Quest 26Takeshi's training continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-16 13 
44216402Boruto Quest 27Takeshi's training concludes. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-17 17 
44230327Boruto Quest 28Takeshi fights a jinchūriki.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-17 15 
44451730Boruto Quest 29The tournament continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2015-12-30 20 
January 2016
44527176Boruto Quest 30More tournament matchesBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-02 16 
44589751Boruto Quest 31The Tournament continues, again.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-05 26 
44595024Boruto Quest 32Takeshi fights a mecha. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-06 36 
44632204Boruto Quest 33Takeshi's life as a Chunin starts. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-08 17 
44669226Boruto Quest 34Takeshi runs some errands. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-09 12 
44675876Naruto Sniper Quest 1We begin our quest as a sniper in the land of fire and shoot a kid in the chestNaruto Sniper Quest, Collective Game, Naruto2016-01-11 3 
44697056Naruto Sniper Quest 2Another day in the land of fire and we do our job once moreNaruto Sniper Quest, Collective Game, Naruto2016-01-11 4 
44712971Boruto Quest 35We fight stuff and get angry. Real #34 is here: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/44543526/Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2016-01-12 -35 
44799495Leaf Ninja Quest #53Our hero attends a funeral then gets ready to leave for the Stone once moreCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-01-16 7 
44822736Boruto Quest 35 (The real one)Mission: StartBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-17 13 
44848484Naruto Sniper Quest 3We return home and meet with old friends. Thread ends early and is continued in a later installment.Naruto Sniper Quest, Collective Game, Naruto2016-01-21 3 
44866642Naruto Sniper Quest 3 - Cont.A continuation of the previous thread. We pick up a new job and hang with the family.Naruto Sniper Quest, Collective Game, Naruto2016-01-21 4 
44904424Leaf Ninja Quest #54Our hero returns Han and Roshi to the Stone, then joins the Akatsuki Suppression SquadCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-01-21 7 
44942601Boruto Quest 36The mission continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-01-22 13 
44966083Leaf Ninja Quest #55Our hero follows Akatsuki's trail to the Turtle Island to find four Akatsuki members ready to battleCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-01-24 10 
44993655Leaf Ninja Quest #56Our hero has a one on one fight to the death with KakuzuCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-01-25 18 
45035130Leaf Ninja Quest #57Our hero learns what become of the other Akatsuki and heads to the Cloud with the RaikageCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-01-27 10 
45116424Leaf Ninja Quest #58Our hero reports to the Raikage, then gets involved in some shenanigansCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-01-31 10 
February 2016
45162988Leaf Ninja Quest #59Our hero works on Earth jutsu more, and returns to the Leaf to find the restaurant rebuiltCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-02 10 
45238325Leaf Ninja Quest #60Our hero has a rematch with Lee, then provides some moral supportCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-06 7 
45258001Boruto Quest 37The mission still continues.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-02-06 13 
45282423Leaf Ninja Quest #61Our hero starts to learn the Rasengan, and has a nice picnicCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-08 10 
45308242Leaf Ninja Quest #62Our hero finishes learning the Rasengan, then takes up a mission to the MistCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-09 10 
45364271Leaf Ninja Quest #63Our hero travels to the Village Hidden in the Mist and has a meeting with the MizukageCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-12 10 
45426172Leaf Ninja Quest #64Our hero returns from the Mist, does some training while Sasuke takes the Chunin exams again, and celebrates his seventeenth birthdayCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-15 7 
45444945Boruto Quest 38Takeshi fights a Jonin. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-02-15 11 
45464320Leaf Ninja Quest #65Our hero watches the Chunin Exams, then a certain masked man appears to declare Ninja World War 4Collective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-17 7 
45603557Leaf Ninja Quest #66Our hero attends a meeting of all the Kage to discuss the goals of the Allied Shinobi Forces, then meets up with SasukeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-24 10 
45662921Leaf Ninja Quest #67Our hero and Sasuke find themselves trapped in an alternate worldCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-27 10 
45684081Boruto Quest 39The Mission ends. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-02-28 12 
45711857Boruto Quest 40The mission with the Hidden Sand continues. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-02-29 12 
45707605Leaf Ninja Quest #68Our hero heads out with Sasuke in order to find a way out of the genjutsu world, and runs into an alternate version of his friendCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-02-29 10 
March 2016
45746171Leaf Ninja Quest #69Our hero and Sasuke team up to defeat Sasuke's alternate self and escape the genjutsu world, then deal with a few things at homeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-03-02 10 
45805210Boruto Quest 41The Hidden Sand collaboration mission is successful, what's next on Takeshi's plate?Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-03-05 13 
45847134Leaf Ninja Quest #70Our hero goes back to Kakazan to train again, and undergoes the final wise monkey's trialCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-03-07 11 
45887205Leaf Ninja Quest #71Our hero trains and attains a new level of power before returning home to make his final preparationsCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-03-09 11 
45925048Boruto Quest 42Takeshi talks to the Hokage. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-03-10 14 
45988322Leaf Ninja Quest #72Our hero says goodbye to everyone at the village, then heads to Allied Shinobi Force HQ, where they talk strategyCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-03-14 10 
46039896Leaf Ninja Quest #73Our hero trains with his Division, deals with some sudden revealed feelings, then heads out for warCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-03-16 12 
46143788Leaf Ninja Quest #74Our hero helps lead the Third Division to fight the Seven Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist on the first day of NWW4Collective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-03-21 11 
46187098Leaf Ninja Quest #75Our hero comes up with a solution to the Zetsu problem, and fights the Third Raikage one on oneCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-03-23 11 
46295190Leaf Ninja Quest #77Our hero has an emotional battle with his mother, then confronts KabutoCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-03-28 12 
46313964Boruto Quest 43Takeshi and co. continue to fight his sinister doppelganger. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-03-28 12 
April 2016
46378801Boruto Quest 44Takeshi has some time off. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-04-01 13 
46571749Boruto Quest 45Takeshi continues his day off. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-04-10 13 
46715637Leaf Ninja Quest #79Our hero has a brief standoff with Naruto, then goes to help the alliance face off with the Ten Tailed BeastCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-04-17 10 
46736764Leaf Ninja Quest #80Our hero faces Naruto with a Team 7 combination, then confronts Madara, the Ten Tails JinchuurikiCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-04-18 13 
46799078Leaf Ninja Quest #81Our hero helps defeat Madara, then learns the truth behind the Infinite TsukuyomiCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-04-21 10 
46863131Leaf Ninja Quest #82Our hero and the others defeat and seal KaguyaCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-04-24 12 
May 2016
47025589Boruto Quest 46Takeshi hangs out with Ai, what could possibly go wrong?Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-05-02 14 
47291019Boruto Quest 47Tailed beast edition. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-05-17 13 
47292901Shinobi Quest #1We ride through character creation, create the most spoiled ninja princess there ever was, and get team assignmentsCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-17 29 
47309315Shinobi Quest #2This thread, we do a bit of teambuilding, pick our weapons, meet Dad and your totally unassuming butler-teacher. Ohohoho~Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-18 23 
47374356Leaf Ninja Quest #83Our hero delves into Naruto's mindCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-05-22 15 
47393252Leaf Ninja Quest #84Our hero celebrates the war's endCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-05-23 12 
47391838Shinobi Quest #3In this thread, we initiate a muffin heist, meet our Sensei Ebisu, take our first test as Genin, poke the bear (fox?), and go shopping. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-23 22 
47415244Shinobi Quest #4In this thread, we wax sentimental with our Maid, learn a bit about our father, head to Danzo's secret lair, and burn some chakra paper.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-24 25 
47431719Shinobi Quest #5In this thread, we begin our training under Danzo, specifically the Shadow Clone Technique, then go out for a spa trip with Hinata.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-25 22 
47459960Leaf Ninja Quest #85Our hero returns to the Leaf village, but then leaves for the Stone to take care of important businessCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-05-27 14 
47494701Shinobi Quest #6In this thread, Tsuki and Company go on their first official mission. (And it doesn't involve cats or weeds!) Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-29 24 
47511689Shinobi Quest #7In this thread, feels. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki, Ebisu2016-05-30 37 
June 2016
47545939Leaf Ninja Quest #86Our hero confronts the Hokage about his decisionCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-06-01 7 
47547792Shinobi Quest #8In this thread, post-mission chats with Guy & Lee, Nori & Kushina, Danzo, and Hinata. We also plan release training, and meet smug Neji.Collective Game, Shinobi Quest, Naruto, Tsuki2016-06-01 22 
47563372Leaf Ninja Quest #87Our hero makes some decisions that could be considered unwiseCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-06-02 6 
47599084Shinobi Quest #9In this thread, we theorize with Hinata, talk about weapons with Tenten, work on our release with Danzo, and meet our new sensei.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-04 22 
47615666Shinobi Quest #10In this thread, we get poked by Itachi, and initiate timeskip training. Results Guaranteed! Also, we finally develop the Stellar Release.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-05 22 
47651235Leaf Ninja Quest #88Our hero goes on a journey, gathers a group of ninja, and trains before returning homeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-06-07 7 
47654023Shinobi Quest #11In this thread, Tsuki meets a military dictator, learns about her dad's business practices, and watches Neji's semi-final match against HyCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-07 23 
47669812Shinobi Quest #12In this thread, Tsuki watches the final two matches of the chunin exams, and buys snacks for the group. Feat. Naruto, Neji and Sai.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-08 22 
47764560Shinobi Quest #13In this thread, we have the ultimate in Daddy/Daughter moments, and have a nice dream. Thread cut short by the evils of Comcast. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-14 25 
47780329Shinobi Quest #14In this thread, our teams interact before heading off to separate missions. Tsuki gets briefed, and we settle into our campsite. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-15 24 
47844386Shinobi Quest #15 (Big Money Edition)In this thread, Tsuki and friends come across a village under attack, suffer from nightmares,and hunt brigands while engaging in capitalism!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-19 23 
47882119Shinobi Quest #16In this thread, maximum ohohos, Tsuki gets backhanded, and the team infiltrates the brigand hole-in-the-wall.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-21 22 
47901790Shinobi Quest #17In this thread, Tsuki, Lee, and Itachi fight the samurai, Yojimbo. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-22 23 
47980552Shinobi Quest #18In this thread, Tsuki and friends go to the hot springs, and meet some VERY interesting people. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-27 23 
47996689Leaf Ninja Quest #89Our hero returns home just in time to find out the moon is falling, and lead a mission to stop itCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-06-28 5 
48016867Shinobi Quest #19In this thread, Tsuki and friends return home to give their report- and exchange harsh words with a bitter old man. Also, headpokes. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-29 23 
July 2016
48047939Leaf Ninja Quest #90Our hero helps save the world one more timeCollective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-07-01 5 
48067048Shinobi Quest #20In this thread, Tsuki says hi to dad, grills Danzo about Orochimaru and Akatsuki, and declares her intent to win the Chunin Exams! Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-02 23 
48095401Leaf Ninja Quest: FinalOur hero's story comes to an end.Collective Game, Leaf Ninja Quest, Naruto2016-07-04 21 
48135734Shinobi Quest #21In this thread, fan favorite Team MEGA MILK unites, and Tsuki begins a training montage.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-06 24 
48214977Shinobi Quest #22In this thread, Tsuki greets her returning sensei, and embarks with her team into a dangerous new mission into the Land of Wind.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-11 24 
48265221Shinobi Quest #23In this thread, Tsuki and company meet the shinobi working with Lemeza's competitors, watch the sun rise, and start exploring some ruins. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-14 23 
48346020Shinobi Quest #23In this thread, Tsuki and Co. continue exploring the ruins. Grim truths and grisly secrets await in it's depths, along with an old friend. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-19 22 
48440682Shinobi Quest #24In this thread, Tsuki and friends stave off the Zetsu hoard, generally roll well, and escape the ruins- the welcoming party sucks, though.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-25 27 
48525283Shinobi Quest #25In this thread, Itachi and Shisui square off, and the horde of Zetsu make their return. អ្នកកា&#Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-30 23 
48542064Shinobi Quest #26In this thread, Tsuki interacts with some rabbits, and departs from the Land of Wind. Asian Moot is revealed as the true villain all along. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-31 23 
August 2016
48693938Future Naruto Quest 1Our hero, Kuro Nijiiroh graduates the academy, gets his team, and gets ambushed at homeFuture Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-09 11 
48698389Shinobi Quest #27In this thread, Tsuki has a long chat with Danzo, and meets Hiruzen Sarutobi. Exam planning begins.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-09 23 
48726552Future Naruto Quest IIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh faces his first test, sees panties, gets embarrassed, and finds out his Chakra nature Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-11 6 
48740631Hyuga of the Leaf QuestEpisode 1 of your adventure in the Naruto UniverseCollective Game, Hyuga of the Leaf Quest, Hyuga, Naruto, Leaf2016-08-11 15 
48748011Shinobi Thread #28In this thread, Tsuki and Team hold a strategy conference, Tsuki plays chicken with Shikamaru, and we get SWOLE.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-12 23 
48742576Future Naruto Quest IIIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh jumps his sister, spies on girls and learns to cook.Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-12 5 
48762624Shinobi Quest #29In this thread, Tsuki sees some of the foreign competition for the exam, discusses her worries with Danzo, then hopefully the Exams start.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-13 22 
48781087Future Naruto Quest IVOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh trains with his sensei, gits gud, and goes on his first mission.Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-14 6 
48783388Shinobi Thread #30In this thread, the Chunin Exams begin! We meet Neji's mystery partner, intimidate Shikamaru, and take a test. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-14 24 
48793570Future Naruto Quest VOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh fails his first mission, and then has a very fluffy thread. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-15 6 
48797605Ninja Monk QuestA water temple, an old priest, the White Fang, and the beginning of the tale of Amon Shuu, the sealing monk.The Red Lady, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Collective Game, Ninja, Quest, Monk2016-08-15 8 
48810751Hyuga of the Leaf Quest #2Now that your upbringing has been decided it's time to be assigned a teamCollective Game, Hyuga of the Leaf Quest, Hyuga, Naruto, Leaf2016-08-15 11 
48853201Future Naruto Quest VIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, goes on his real first mission, and meets a team of elite foreign genin. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-18 6 
48874838Shinobi Quest #31In this thread, Tsuki and Company go over the aftermath of the 1st round of exams, and enter the Forest of Death for the revamped 2nd round!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-19 24 
48901221Hyuga of the Leaf Quest #3Training with the team and other thingsCollective Game, Hyuga of the Leaf Quest, Hyuga, Naruto, Leaf2016-08-20 10 
48922916Future Naruto Quest VIIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, boards a train, fails a rap check, fails a persuasion check, and has an awkward dinner, the Iwa Express Part I! Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-22 5 
48926594Shinobi Quest #32 (Stellar Edition)In this thread, Tsuki meets a Snake. (We also finally drop the Stellar Bomb.)Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-22 32 
48924115Ninja Monk Quest #2In this thread: Tales of the legendary sealing sages, a mysterious old scroll from our predecessor, and a journey with a stellar companioNinja Monk Quest, Ninja, Monk, Naruto, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-08-22 7 
48937155Future Naruto Quest VII pt. IIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, continues riding a train, and his luck turns around, the Iwa Express Part II!Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-23 5 
48994395Shinobi Quest #33In this thread, Tsuki meets a sad rabbit, escapes from the Forest of Death, and smooches a psychopath.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-26 26 
49027181Future Naruto Quest VIIIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, gets off the train, beats women, gets treated to lunch, and boards another train! The Suna Express Part I.Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-28 5 
49028966Shinobi Quest #34In this thread, the Prelims of the Third Round begins! Matches 1 - 7, including Tsuki's match with Dosu. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-28 26 
49082256Future Naruto Quest IXOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, rides the train for a bit, finally gets off of it, and completes his first mission! The Suna Express Part II. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-08-31 5 
September 2016
49118242Future Naruto Quest XOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, kicks his haughty classmate's ass, and enjoys a few days off. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-09-02 6 
49122876Shinobi Quest #35In this thread, we resume the Chunin Exams in control of Hinata for her fight against Neji!Prelims end~Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-02 27 
49153436Boruto Quest 48Takeshi gets back to the village after his mission. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-09-04 20 
49175966Future Naruto Quest Side Story IOur antihero, Mohoya Hyuuga, kills someone close to him, and then goes to kill a world leader. Future Naruto Quest Side Story, Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-09-05 5 
49187573Future Naruto Quest Side Story IIOur antihero, Mohoya Hyuuga, completes his mission, and unlocks the power of his Mangekyo Sharingan.Future Naruto Quest Side Story, Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-09-06 6 
49228379Future Naruto Quest XIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh returns, goes on a B-rank assassination mission, and learns some genjutsu tips.Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-09-08 6 
49232347Shinobi Quest #36In this thread, more feels. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-08 25 
49245751Future Naruto Quest XIIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, travels to the Land of Waves, enjoys the beach, and picks a fight with a Hidden Sand chunin. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-09-09 5 
49250139Shinobi Quest #37In this thread, Tsuki talks to a Goddess- and makes a choice on her upcoming training. Promise!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-09 24 
567971Shinobi Quest #38In this thread, we migrate to /qst/, and have a very serious conversation with Danzo, and see Yoru's true face.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-14 23 
575362Boruto Quest 49Takeshi trains with his teammate Ai.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-09-16 13 
566047Future Naruto Quest XIIIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, has some downtime, and a timeskip. Real life gets in OP's way towards the end. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-09-16 5 
576988Shinobi Quest #39Tsuki finally trains for the final round of the exams.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki, finally2016-09-16 23 
599357Shinobi Quest #40In this thread, the Exam Brackets are released, Tsuki concocts a cunning scheme, buys a business, and develops afterglow. Anons get scared. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-20 23 
612411Shinobi Quest #41 "Fucking Long" EditionIn this thread, Tsuki learns things, talks to people, and the Finals of the Third Round begin. Hinata vs. Lee and Tsuki vs. Nori. Long.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-25 25 
602520Future Naruto Quest XIVOur hero, Kuro Nijiroh prepares for the chunin exams. Deals, stalking, training, crotch pain, loli tossing, and lewdness ensues.Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-09-25 5 
621475Ninja Monk Quest #3"My faith is my life, beast. You will have neither it nor this temple today.” A battle for the Temple and your life. A journey beginNinja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-09-26 16 
632432Boruto Quest 50Takeshi makes his way to the Owl village. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-09-28 15 
October 2016
643217Shinobi Quest #42In this thread, Tsuki wakes up in the hospital, talks to family, teases some boys, and watches Hinata fight Gaara. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-01 24 
631993Future Naruto Quest XVThe chunin exams begin, but not all who enter will leave. Can the dead be satisfied with blood? Is revenge even possible?Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-10-03 5 
648458Ninja Monk Quest #4Three companions travel on a journey. Amon dreams of his home. A treasure is found in the river. The Blue Hawk begins her hunt.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-10-04 10 
663863Shinobi Quest #43In this thread, Tsuki Norihime fights Sai Hatake and talks to Nori. (Lots of Art and Wrestling!Holy Grail War talk on the side. A+ Thread)Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-05 23 
670209Shinobi Quest #44In this thread, Tsuki Norihime fights Gaara. The anons make a very important choice that changes the fate of the world. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-07 24 
678475Ninja Monk Quest #5: Marathon EditionAmon meets Asa and a new friend, the wandering trader Hoki. Horror and revelation awaits at Kikyō Pass. The Red Beads reveal their natuNinja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-10-11 10 
673497Future Naruto Quest XVIIThe aftermath of the Chunin Exams. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-10-13 5 
688819Shinobi Quest #45In this thread, the Konoha Crush begins in earnest. Old Faces, New Faces, and fateful choices. Struggle, Konoha- and grow strong.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-13 23 
714107Shinobi Quest #46In this thread, Tsuki Norihime and company pay tribute to Home Alone in an effort to repel the Akatsuki from the Norihime Manor. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-20 22 
694435Future Naruto Quest XVIIIThe last one should have been XVI Kuro goes on a Chunin mission, and has a heart-to-heartFuture Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-10-20 5 
710605Ninja Monk Quest 6Amon recovers from Kikyo Pass and signs a contract. The spirit of the Red Beads, Bishamon, reveals himself. We reach the Fire Temple.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-10-20 12 
725776Shinobi Quest #47In this thread, the fight with Deidara and Sasori comes to a close- and Tsuki makes a friend. Perspective change cliffhanger! I'm evil. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-20 21 
718484Future Naruto Quest XIXKuro follows through on his promises to foreigners, and bridges the gap with lolis, but is he ready for a new mission?Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-10-26 5 
744997Shinobi Quest #48In this (short) thread, we take control of Nori Uzumaki, accompanying Jiraiya in the hunt for Minato in the besieged Konohagakure.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-29 21 
761644Shinobi Quest #49In this thread, Anons start as Nori, and implement a daring plan.Later they switch to Tsuki, who plays with bugs and talks to a bad Uchiha.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-31 22 
761062Boruto Quest 51Takeshi saves his teammates. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest 2016-10-31 14 
November 2016
757443Ninja Monk Quest #8Second Fire Temple thread. A betrayal and a moonlit battle. Amon's masterwork, The Seal of Babylon, is created to combat his curse.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-04 7 
771432Ninja Monk Quest #9- Spooky EditionLast Fire Temple Thread. The Seal of Babylon is applied in a grueling ritual, seen through Rin's eyes. We...open something we shouldn't haNinja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-04 7 
778925Future Naruto Quest XXKuro is assigned to guard the Jinchuuriki Conference, and learns something shocking about himself. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest2016-11-07 5 
790153Shinobi Quest #50In this thread, Tsuki and Danzo fight Kisame Hoshigaki, and Tsuki pays a visit to everyone's favorite controversial Moon Goddess. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-08 21 
816275Shinobi Quest #51In this thread, Tsuki leaves Kaguya behind, and has her first true interaction with The Four. Afterwards, she wakes to an ailing Kushina. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-12 21 
800699Ninja Monk Quest #10We meet a kind, middle-aged man in the woods- what could possibly go wrong? Also, we die for a little bit and uh..."welcome" Tsunade.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-15 5 
809548Future Naruto Quest XXIThe aftermath of the Jinchuuriki Conference, waifuing ensues. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2016-11-18 5 
832403Shinobi Quest #52In this thread, a wild Neji appears! Tsuki and Kushina take the fight to Kurama, to end the Crush once and for all. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-18 21 
829983Ninja Monk Quest #11Welcome to the Heist. Our stars for the day...? Yoru Norihime and the incomparable Asa, in attendance.Ninja Monk Quest, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, Naruto, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-21 5 
838460Future Naruto Quest XXIIKuro makes great progress in all facets of his life. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2016-11-27 5 
844292Ninja Monk Quest #12Go Beyond, Become a Hero. This is Tai's finest hour.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-11-27 1 
831705Boruto Quest 53Takeshi and his team mates fight for their lives. Boruto, Naruto, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2016-11-30 13 
December 2016
887230Shinobi Quest #53In this thread, Post-Crush happenings. A nice thread, where absolutely nothing bad happens. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-03 21 
877042Ninja Monk Quest #13The end of the Heist. We resolve to become stronger, gain a legendary teacher, and have a drunken test of our abilities.Ninja Monk Quest, Naruto, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-12-05 3 
875893Future Naruto Quest XXIIIOur hero, Kuro Nijiiroh, goes on a mission of vital importance. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2016-12-06 5 
907307Ninja Monk Quest #14 (Part 1)Some Bishamon, some Tsunade, some unknown eldritch creature, and some gains. To be continuedNinja Monk Quest, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, Naruto, Collective Game2016-12-10 2 
913539Shinobi Quest #54In this (short) thread, Tsuki eats breakfast and heads off to the Aburame Clan compound to facilitate an alliance. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-11 20 
886571Boruto Quest 53 (Prev. is 52)Takeshi relaxes.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2016-12-12 12 
903713Future Naruto Quest XXIV: Baratsuchi GaidenKuro learns his girlfriend's backstory, then has a meeting with the Hokage.Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2016-12-14 5 
959841Shinobi Quest #55In this thread, Shinobi Quest returns in a blaze of glory! Tsuki and Kogoto discuss the ethics of power, and Tsuki argues with the very godsCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-22 21 
943570Future Naruto Quest XXVKuro has to put his affairs in order before his mandated "vacation"Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2016-12-24 5 
953630Ninja Monk Quest #14 Part 2Masked men and crazy dreamsNinja Monk Quest, Ninja Monk, Ninja, Monk, Naruto, The Red Lady, Collective Game2016-12-24 2 
940383Boruto Quest 54Takeshi gets back into the swing of things.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2016-12-30 12 
January 2017
1049974Shinobi Quest #56In this thread, Tsuki Norihime gets a letter from her father, and goes to the moon. Slow Wargle posts an Omake.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-01-21 21 
1078754Shinobi Quest #57In this thread, Tsuki talks to the denizens of the Moon, teases boys, and rolls some cursed dice. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-01-24 20 
1054747Boruto Quest 55Takeshi worries about his future.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2017-01-26 11 
1086327Boruto Quest 56 Happy Birthday TakeshiBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2017-01-29 12 
February 2017
1100474Boruto Quest 57Takeshi makes gains and trains in the use of a second Chakra.Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-01 10 
1102116Shinobi Quest #58In this (very short) thread, Tsuki tells a story to some rabbits and signs a contract in blood. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-02-05 20 
1117097Boruto Quest 58 Takeshi and friends go on a new missionCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-05 11 
1128276Boruto Quest 59The mission concludesCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-12 11 
1152811Boruto Quest #60Stuff happensCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-20 12 
1164790Boruto Quest #61Even more stuff happens Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-20 12 
1180534Boruto Quest 62Something Something stuff happensCollective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime2017-02-20 14 
1200036Boruto Quest 68ChuggaChuggaChugga Choo Choo!Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, Train enthusiasts2017-02-27 11 
March 2017
1223759Boruto Quest 64Takeshi has a club fight with a fight club.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, 2017-03-07 10 
1238682Boruto Quest 65Takeshi finds out he's a pretty slick dude.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, 2017-03-07 11 
1231914CyberNinja Quest #1Local Storage Facility Struck by Terrorist Attack Casualties Currently Unknown Damage Exceeding Ten Billion Yen Investigation OngoiCyberNinja Quest, Collective Game, Scifi, Ninja, Naruto, Cyberpunk2017-03-07 3 
1245584CyberNinja Quest #2Yutaka Chemicals. White Walls, Red Eyes. Meetings are made, plans set in motion.CyberNinja Quest, Collective Game, Scifi, Ninja, Naruto, Cyberpunk2017-03-12 1 
1264470Boruto Quest 66Takeshi beats off a clingy girl and discovers his weakness.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime,2017-03-19 10 
1293862Boruto Quest 67While Shozuku is bedridden by a fever, Takeshi plans for the future.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Boruto Quest2017-03-23 11 
April 2017
1320613Future Naruto Quest InterludeThe return of Kuro Nijiiroh! Sort of. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2017-04-09 6 
1361143Future Naruto Quest XXVIKuro's return to the Leaf (for real this time!)Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2017-04-21 5 
May 2017
1394373Future Naruto Quest XXVIIKuro refuses promotion by nepotism, spends time with his cousin, and plans a trip to StoneFuture Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2017-05-02 6 
1445657Future Naruto Quest XXVIIIKuro heads to the Stone for a furlough, despite just getting back. Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2017-05-23 3 
June 2017
1501355Future Naruto Quest XXIXKuro embarks on his first solo mission, but enjoys time with Baratsuchi first.Future Naruto Quest, Naruto, Collective Game, Quest, No Country for Good Trips2017-06-05 1 
August 2017
1795817Freikugel's Naruto AltverseIn which our Hiro completes his first mission, and gains a new allyNaruto, Ninja, Freikugel2017-08-26 3 
September 2017
1824138Naruto Jounin Quest #1We meet our grizzled protagonist, Kirai, as he is forced to take on a squad of genin by the Third Hokage.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-02 35 
1833100Naruto Jounin Quest #2Kirai continues to train his genin and is invited to a meeting of Konoha's clan heads.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-05 32 
1848782Naruto Jounin Quest #3Team 8's first C-rank mission nearly starts an international war. In the aftermath, Kirai begins training his team for the Chunin Exams.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-11 27 
1861499Hidden Mist QuestA young ninja Genzo Ichiriou of the Hidden Mist, sneaks and slaughters his way through the Night of Blood trial to fully graduate as a geninNaruto, Collective Game, Hidden Mist, Genzo, Ninja2017-09-13 9 
1857727Naruto Jounin Quest #4As the Chunin Exams begin, Kirai is enlisted for a top-secret mission.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-14 22 
1866040Naruto Jounin Quest #5Kirai watches the Chunin Exam Preliminaries.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-17 23 
1867928Naruto Genin Quest #1Jurou and the team meet their sensei. Go on an adventure and nearly die.Naruto Genin Quest, Collective Game, Naruto2017-09-18 9 
1876470Naruto Genin Quest #2Jurou visits Nisha in the Hospital, and then finds out his nature. The Hokage acts strange about Nisha. A mysterious figure follows Jurou.Naruto Genin Quest, Collective Game, Naruto2017-09-18 7 
1878845Konoha Clan Quest [Character Building]A new Konoha Clan with an Iron Release is createdKonoha Clan Quest, Collective Game, Naruto, Tetsu Clan2017-09-20 35 
1879237Naruto Genin Quest #3Jurou and the team conduct some training exercises. They fail.Collective Game, Naruto Genin Quest, Naruto, Some Dude2017-09-25 4 
October 2017
1908244Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 1.5]Be careful when you fight darkness, or you might become it.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game2017-10-01 26 
1928920Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 2]Susumu takes on a bet, Taka and Hiki try to get gains, and Sinchu can't get that bug pussNaruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-09 22 
1955666Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 3]Taka experiences Youth!, Susumu plans, Sinchu finds out some stuff, and Hiki...Hiki gets bloody.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-15 21 
1985669Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 4]Hiki finally takes on the Iron Box and faces his god. Also vampires show up.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-22 22 
1999669Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 5]Chunin Exams bitch.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-25 21 
2010588Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 5.5]Autistic Bros fight Snek Pedo, Sinchu gets drunk with a Noble, and Hiki gives out the head pats.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-10-28 23 
November 2017
2020615Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 6]The Tournament gets underway.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-11-01 22 
2031650Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 7]Susumu deals with a curious Noble, Sinchu meets his hero, and the twins help their fellow Genin.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-11-05 21 
2028627Shinobi Support Quest 1QM introduces Yoko Yamisaki to her team, sensei, and a certain someone on her first week of being a GeninCollective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-11-05 22 
2053633Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 8]Change is upon us.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-11-14 20 
2067104Boruto Quest 68Our QM comes back to /qst/ after 8 months away, Takeshi takes care of some bullies and talks down his newly declared rival.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2017-11-16 11 
2061719Support Shinobi Quest 2Yoko Yamisaki goes on a C-rank mission with another team!Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-11-18 21 
2081819Shinobi Quest #59/The Return!! #1THE BIG RETURN THREAD! After 9 months away, Tsuki Norihime returns to get shit done!Naruto, Collective Game, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-11-22 22 
2077448Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 9]But if X=Y then why did the Genjutsu work?Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-11-25 20 
2086934Boruto Quest 69Nice. Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2017-11-28 6 
December 2017
2099700Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 10]Christopher Walken walks in: "This is not over...BEARS!"Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-01 20 
2099661Support Shinobi Quest 3Yoko snitches, sees Orochimaru again, is so excited she hisses in her room for a week, and then reenacts Weekend at Bernie's for an arm.Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-12-03 20 
2114250Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 11]Taka takes on Dosu, Hiki averts a disaster, Susumu and Tsume "talk", and Sinchu has ramen.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-07 14 
2109343Boruto Quest 70The last fight.Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2017-12-09 5 
2128723Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 12]Dog girls, Harem battles, and the Suzupocalypse all in one thread.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-13 13 
2121735Boruto Quest 71Defeating the enemyBoruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2017-12-18 6 
2144959Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 13]The final part of the Chunin Exams begins. There's thrills, cheers, and tears. Your body is not ready.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-19 15 
2137589Shinobi Quest #60/The Return!! #2In this thread, NEGOTIATION! The once-vaunted mechanic makes it's return, with two subjects and new rules! Tsuki's silver tongue never dieCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-12-20 15 
2146766Support Shinobi Quest 4Yoko goes home, discovers a dark family secret, and deals with its fallout.Collective Game, Support Shinobi Quest, CairnCarne, Naruto, Ninjas, Poison, Puppet, Snake2017-12-22 13 
2163272Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 14]The Konoha Krush starts and ends in one thread.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2017-12-25 20 
January 2018
2203519Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 15]It's a busy day for the MC's as they deal with adoption, pregnancy, dolls, and pink haired vespa riding babes.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-01-13 20 
2240705Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 16]The 4 MC's start to head off in new directions, their paths changing for both good and bad. Also holy shit Wendigo's.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-01-25 20 
February 2018
2272187Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 17]A deadly meeting with Doc Ironblood brings about both good and bad fortune.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-02-08 12 
2320639Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 18]The Hinata Retrieval Arc begins. Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-02-25 13 
March 2018
2347735Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 19]The Hinata retrieval mission comes to an end, and decisions about the future are decided.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-03-02 11 
2381376Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 19.5]Fun times are had by all.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-03-19 10 
2419239Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 19.8]Fuck DanzoNaruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-03-31 10 
April 2018
2488627Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 20.0]Three years have passed, and KCQ Shippuden finally begins.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-04-20 11 
2512139Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 21.0]In which Moon fucked up the thread number and everyone laughs. Also we try to save Temari.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-04-29 8 
May 2018
2577015Konoha Clan Quest [Thread 22.0]The battle with Sasori is over, but now a new danger looms on the horizon...stuff.Naruto Quest, Konoha Clan Quest, Tetsu, Collective Game, Tetsu Clan2018-05-19 5 
August 2018
2811197Boruto Quest 72QM returns after long hiatus. Takeshi returns to the village and then most of his friends and the Hokage witness him "tossing salad".Boruto, Naruto, Quest, Collective Game, Shippuden, Ninja, Anime, Takeshi2018-08-23 9 
September 2018
2841451Boruto Quest 73The end of part 1Boruto, Boruto Quest, Collective Game, Naruto2018-09-04 9 
October 2018
2925498Naruto: Will of Fire Quest #1A new adventure in an alternate version of Konoha begins. Our hero Katsuo meets his new team and Sensei, and takes a very difficult test.Collective Game, Naruto, Quest, Will of Fire2018-10-11 12 
2959150Naruto: Will of Fire Quest #2Katsuo gets a free day to recover from his injuries and train before heading out on his next journey! Collective Game, Naruto, Quest, Will of Fire2018-10-23 7 
November 2018
2997573Naruto: Will of Fire Quest #3Katsuo and Team 9 head out on their vacation to the Land of Hot Water, joined by a very important guest. Collective Game, Naruto, Quest, Will of Fire2018-11-07 6 
3032204Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #1Enter Myon Uesugi, a ten year old girl from the Village Hidden in the Mist, as she prepares to take her final test before becoming a ShinobiHidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-11-14 17 
3050017Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #2Myon takes her village's Final Test to become a full-fledged Ninja and squares off against friends, enemies, and a Demon Hiding in the MistHidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-11-22 16 
3034605Naruto: Will of Fire Quest #4Katsuo and Team 9 arrive in Yugakure, and he goes shopping with Mariko. Collective Game, Naruto, Quest, Will of Fire2018-11-24 4 
December 2018
3072759Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #3Myon visits her friends in the hospital, and then while spending time with her family a dangerous foe suddenly appears.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-12-04 10 
3084325Three Wolves Samurai QuestEliko of the Land of Iron begins his journey Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2018-12-09 5 
3088149Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #4Myon leaves home to meet with Zabuza and their new sensei at Kappa Station. Upon meeting them, she embarks on her first day of training.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-12-12 10 
3105349Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #5Myon embarks on her first mission to the Land of Fire, where she engages in some intense espionage and encounters a Ninja from Konoha.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2018-12-18 10 
3101967Three Wolves Samurai Quest #2Eliko gets messed up, saved by a girl, and messes up.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2018-12-20 1 
January 2019
3124591Three Wolves Samurai Quest #3Eliko channels his inner Napoleon and leads a town garrison into battleNaruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-01-02 2 
3155444Three Wolves Samurai Quest #3.5Continuation of 3, once more Eliko is savedNaruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-01-12 1 
3168162Boruto Quest Shippuden 1Takeshi returns, believe it! It's post timeskip and we're back in the Leaf Village. Also, Takeshi develops a Femdom fetish.Collective Game, Naruto, Boruto, Boruto Quest, Takeshi, Ninja, Anime, Ninja, Shippuden, Boruto Quest Shippuden 2019-01-17 16 
3166798Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #6Myon returns home from her mission, spends quality time with friends and family, does some serious shopping and meets a dangerous new ninja.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2019-01-17 10 
3184519Three Wolves Samurai Quest #4Tactical genius Eliko saves the day and disarms an army's head.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-01-22 1 
3199516Konoha Jonin QuestOur protagonist Hikogiri meets his team.Naruto, Jonin, Konoha2019-01-26 3 
February 2019
3215258Three Wolves Samurai Quest #5Eliko returns home for a short while then sets out once more.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-02-03 1 
3202626Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #7Sent on a mission to the Land of Hot Water, Myon fights beside Kasumi and a Cloud Ninja before learning of a mysterious God of Death.Hidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2019-02-03 10 
3202305Boruto Quest Shippuden 2boruto quest! collective game, naruto, boruto, boruto quest, takeshi, ninja, anime, shippuden, boruto quest shippuden2019-02-06 11 
3246873Three Wolves Samurai Quest #6Eliko begins a brisk winter's trip to the beach.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-02-13 1 
3248809Ninja of the Bloody Mist Quest #8Battling against the Undead, Myon confronts a foe who seemingly cannot die before receiving a mysterious gift from a foreboding spiritHidden Mist, Naruto, Ninja of the Bloody Mist2019-02-19 10 
March 2019
3289441Three Wolves Samurai Quest #7Quest goes in indefinite hiatus.Naruto, Samurai, Land of Iron, Collective Game2019-03-04 1 
April 2019
3410710I am a Shinobi #2Naruto ventures into the forest and begins the fight of his life.Naruto, AU2019-04-17 4 
May 2019
3498141Sakura Haruno QuestWe play as a young Sakura Haruno and proceed to be not completely useless.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-05-19 13 
3518606Sakura Quest #2We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-05-29 10 
June 2019
3539638Sakura Quest #3We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-06-10 10 
3566851Sakura Quest #4We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-06-21 10 
July 2019
3591381Sakura Quest #5We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-07-05 10 
3629659Sakura Quest #6 We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-07-17 10 
August 2019
3667222Sakura Quest #7 We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-08-01 10 
3715772Sakura Quest #8We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-08-15 10 
September 2019
3758181Sakura Quest #9We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-09-04 8 
3795936Sakura Quest #10We play as Sakura Haruno and proceed to be a true Main Protagonist of Naruto.Naruto Quest, Sakura Haruno, Sakura Haruno Quest, Sage of The Six Paths, Collective Game2019-09-10 7 
October 2019
3858719Shinobi Sidestory Quest #1Fabulous Beginnings (Academy Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-10-05 26 
3868270Shinobi Sidestory Quest #2Bushido (Academy Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-10-12 14 
3879708Shinobi Sidestory Quest #3Better Angels (Academy Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-10-19 11 
3890313Shinobi Sidestory Quest #4Lukewarm (Academy Arc/Chunin Arc[?])Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-10-26 10 
November 2019
3902269Shinobi Sidestory Quest #5Survival (Chunin Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-11-02 10 
3939823Shinobi Sidestory Quest #7Finals (Chunin Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-11-24 10 
3946727Shinobi Sidestory Quest #8Vs Gaara (Chunin Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-11-30 10 
December 2019
3969392Shinobi Sidestory Quest #9Fifth (Orochimaru Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-12-14 10 
3992583Shinobi Sidestory Quest #10Gods' Eyes(Orochimaru Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2019-12-28 7 
January 2020
4028698Shinobi Sidestory Quest #11Underworld Upheaval (Orochimaru Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-01-16 7 
February 2020
4064128Shinobi Sidestory Quest #12Fallen Star (Orochimaru Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-02-02 6 
4104535Shinobi Sidestory Quest #13Fear the Box (Akatsuki Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-02-24 7 
March 2020
4132656Shinobi Sidestory Quest #14Shrike Ascending (Akatsuki Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-03-11 10 
4163486Shinobi Sidestory Quest #15Puppet Show (Akatsuki Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-03-29 7 
April 2020
4196533Shinobi Sidestory Quest #16Angkor What? (Akatsuki Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-04-15 7 
May 2020
4234793Shinobi Sidestory Quest #17Flying Thunder (Akatsuki Suppression Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-05-03 10 
4267338Shinobi Sidestory Quest #18Sasuke is really cool (Akatsuki Suppression Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-05-21 6 
June 2020
4306138Shinobi Sidestory Quest #19Useless Konoha Kunoichi Edition (Akatsuki Suppression Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-06-14 6 
July 2020
4347992Shinobi Sidestory Quest #20Back to the Past (Akatsuki Suppression Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-07-09 6 
August 2020
4392651Shinobi Sidestory Quest #21Painful Memories (Akatsuki Suppression Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-08-07 6 
4428968Shinobi Sidestory Quest #22Cold Shoulder (Kage Summit Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-08-30 5 
September 2020
4469748Shinobi Sidestory Quest #23Prelude (Kage Summit Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-09-28 6 
October 2020
4501914Shinobi Sidestory Quest #24Parallel Developments (Kage Summit Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-10-21 6 
November 2020
4544471Shinobi Sidestory Quest #25Prelude to War (War Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-11-22 6 
December 2020
4578946Shinobi Sidestory Quest #26War (War Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2020-12-21 6 
January 2021
4617462Shinobi Sidestory Quest #27Only War (War Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-01-23 6 
February 2021
4668586Shinobi Sidestory Quest #28Day Two (War Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-02-25 6 
March 2021
4717782Shinobi Sidestory Quest #29Uchiha Madara (War Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-03-30 6 
April 2021
4777167Shinobi Sidestory Quest #30The All-Knowing (War Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-04-29 5 
May 2021
4840406Shinobi Sidestory Quest #31Dreams (Kaguya Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-05-29 5 
June 2021
4893180Shinobi Sidestory Quest #32Vs Kaguya (Kaguya Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-06-27 5 
August 2021
4941506Shinobi Sidestory Quest #33You Must do Research (Third Act Transition Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-08-01 5 
September 2021
4992039Shinobi Sidestory Quest #34Deepest Dungeon, Highest Peak (Third Act Transition Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-09-11 6 
October 2021
5043107Shinobi Sidestory Quest #35The Great In-Between (The Last)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-10-31 5 
5043113Claymore: Second Swords Quest #64North of the WallCollective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2021-10-31 5 
December 2021
5088504Shinobi Sidestory Quest #36vs ToneriAU, Collective Game, Naruto, SSQ 2021-12-17 5 
January 2022
5138988Shinobi Sidestory Quest #37In which Shiki has his first real test.Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-01-26 6 
March 2022
5191318Shinobi Sidestory Quest #38Academy LifeCollective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-03-10 5 
April 2022
5243457Shinobi Sidestory Quest #39The one after Shiki kills a guyCollective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-04-26 5 
June 2022
5296476Shinobi Sidestory Quest #40The one where Momoshiki dies.Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-06-07 4 
July 2022
5336067Shinobi Sidestory Quest #41Rocks Fall (Chunin Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-07-12 2 
August 2022
5375325Shinobi Sidestory Quest #42Vs Jugo (Boruto Era)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-08-17 2 
September 2022
5416817Shinobi Sidestory Quest #43The Curse (Chunin Missions)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-09-27 2 
November 2022
5463640Shinobi Sidestory Quest #44Back to the Past (Boruto Era)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-11-15 1 
December 2022
5508485Shinobi Sidestory Quest #45You have to go back (Boruto Era)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2022-12-25 0 
February 2023
5555611Shinobi Sidestory Quest #46PROMOTIONS!!! (New Era)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2023-02-03 1 
March 2023
5591921Shinobi Sidestory Quest #47Back to the... wait, what? (Orochimaru Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2023-03-07 5 
April 2023
5638492Shinobi Sidestory Quest #48Nine Tails Keepaway, RevisitedCollective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2023-04-17 1 
May 2023
5673330Shinobi Sidestory Quest #49Back to the FutureCollective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2023-05-26 5 
July 2023
5707986Shinobi Sidestory Quest #50Timeskip 'Arc' (Boruto-Era)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2023-07-10 1 
August 2023
5749146Shinobi Sidestory Quest #51Victory At Sea (Boruto Post Timeskip)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2023-08-29 4 
October 2023
5789134Shinobi Sidestory Quest #52Hell in a Cell (Kara Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2023-10-09 1 
5785555Naruto Quest: Feeling BlueYou are Otomo Mizutani, a little guy who lives in a blue world.Collective Game, Naruto Quest, Feeling Blue, Otomo Mizutani, Blue2023-10-12 26 
November 2023
5838787Shinobi Sidestory Quest #53Crazy Train (Kara Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2023-11-22 1 
January 2024
5879060Naruto Quest: Feeling Blue #2And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue, like him, inside and outside.Collective Game, Naruto Quest, Feeling Blue, Otomo Mizutani, Blue2024-01-01 18 
5883690Shinobi Sidestory Quest #54Droning On (Kara Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2024-01-06 1 
February 2024
5925330Naruto Quest: Feeling Blue #3Blue his house, with a blue little window.Collective Game, Naruto Quest, Feeling Blue, Otomo Mizutani, Blue2024-02-14 11 
5928248Shinobi Sidestory Quest #55Kawaki (Kawaki Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2024-02-17 1 
April 2024
5966789Naruto Quest: Feeling Blue #4And a blue corvette, and everything is blue for him, and himself, and everybody around.Collective Game, Naruto Quest, Feeling Blue, Otomo Mizutani, Blue2024-04-01 10 
5967564Shinobi Sidestory Quest #56Blind Fire (Kara Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2024-04-02 1 
May 2024
6009699Shinobi Sidestory Quest #57Academy Revisited (Kara Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2024-05-19 0 
June 2024
6046571Shinobi Sidestory Quest #58Field TripCollective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2024-06-28 1 
August 2024
6086801Shinobi Sidestory Quest #59Assassins and EvangelistsCollective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2024-08-23 1 
October 2024
6126605Shinobi Sidestory Quest #60Shell GameCollective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2024-10-21 1 
December 2024
6165297Shinobi Sidestory Quest #61Cyber Punks (Kara Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2024-12-27 2 
March 2025
6207932Shinobi Sidestory Quest #62Lawful Aliens (Kara Arc)Collective Game, Naruto, AU, SSQ2025-03-05 1 
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