/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2001
CollectionFrost Giantess QuestYou awaken on a rocky steppe, transformed into a frost giantess.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2001-01-01Thread Collection
December 2007
905035ITT the best villain quotesDelicious quotes.quotes, villain2007-12-16 5 
March 2008
1358502Another Epic Moments and Quotes ThreadNuff Said.Quotes Epic2008-03-18 0 
1374705Great quotes you delivered while playing the villain.Anonymous shows that villains can have some great linesBBEG, quotes2008-03-21 -3 
April 2009
4316247CARNIFEX HAS NO REGRETS; or, WHY DIRE VERSIONS OF ANCIENT PREDATORS ARE SO GARRead the title. Imagine it. Live it. Love it. Click it. Go.snapping turtles, awesome stories, dead ducklings, vengeful explosions, massive invertabrates, total gar2009-04-18 35 
May 2009
4686649Mosaic Playtest RulesThe runic RPG that's been talked about, finalized-ish.runic, Mosaic, homebrew, playtest2009-05-28 2 
June 2009
4968874Back and forth/tg/-related quotes and short writings are translated to Japanese and back again, thoroughly annihilating any chance of them ever making sense. The results are hilarious.language, quotes, hilarity2009-06-23 6 
5037420speeches that you wouldn't mind shamelessly stealing, either for heroes or villainsepic speeches, one-liners and other incredible commentary up in here. awesomeness at it finest./tg/, epic, qoutes, speeches, speech2009-06-29 3 
July 2009
5183071James the wandererA request for quotes for an endless source of advice, sarcasm, and kobold prostitutes. Yeah, I went there.James the wanderer, quotes2009-07-17 26 
October 2009
6232747Low-High TechHard-takeoff into evolving AI ended in a whimper instead of a bang, leaving a legacy of AI fear, mutated nanotech and a Luddite resurgence.AI, nanotech, settings, luddites, safetech2009-10-12 0 
6346283Astartes Quest 11The cleansing of the space hulk goes horribly wrong. Also, Touhou.Astartes Quest, Touhou2009-10-20 1 
November 2009
6855998Sandcastle QuestWe are a colony of molecular machines, which after currently unknown time/events have managed to re-coalesce in the crater of an airless moon. Also we have a preoccupation with sandcastles.Sandcastle Quest, nanites, molecular machines, sandcastles, quest2009-11-25 3 
6870742Sandcastle QuestA sloooow thread this time, but we find a new AI, fix the Orbital Turret, explore the underground facility, and find that we may not be alone...Sandcastle Quest, nanites, molecular machines, sandcastles, quest2009-11-26 1 
6885377Sandcastle Quest 3In which we find that there is power inside the shipyard, which is itself very much active, begin to understand the language used by the station, and begin to move our main base to the underground facility. Oh, and we have a visitor...Sandcastle Quest, nanites, molecular machines, sandcastles, quest2009-11-27 0 
December 2009
7292468Grimdark Adeptus AstartesMarines get some goddamn grimdark put back into them.Grimdark, Space Marine, Astartes2009-12-26 -2 
January 2010
7423974To Warlord or not to WarlordA collection of information about warlord titans as well as templates to build your own titans, also OP decides to get back at his aggressive tournament runners with a Creed-bound warlord titan.Warlord, Titans, Creed, Tournaments, Lists, Templates, 40k, Revenge.2010-01-04 1 
7648044Frost Giant Quest 1You awake on a rocky steppe. You have become transformed into a female frost giant. You have no magical powers beyond those of a baseline frost giant. You were originally a normal human male from modern-day earth surfing 4chan.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-19 44 
7657405Frost Giant Quest 2 You have become transformed into a female frost giant. You have no magical powers beyond those of a baseline frost giant. You were originally a normal human male from modern-day earth surfing 4chan. Part 2 of the critically acclaimed series.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-19 31 
7725747Frost Giant Quest 3You have become transformed into a female frost giant. Shit gets done. Specifically, plowing. Apparently we also have a demon living in our head.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-23 28 
7735825Frost Giant Quest 4You have become transformed into a female frost giant. We hunt, harvest loam for fertilizer, and fire ice from our fingers.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-24 27 
7757289Frost Giant Quest 5You have become transformed into a female frost giant. We learn, plan, work ourselves into exhaustion, and finally figure out how to use magic on our own.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-25 26 
7760828Frost Giant Quest 6The quest continues, as we figure out long-term goals and consider pitfalls along the way. Lots of information about the community and world comes about.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-25 26 
7828305Frost Giant Quest 7The quest continues as we find acquire some books and continue studying cold based spells. Also-FUCK WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT THING? Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 37 
7831571Frost Giant Quest 8We slay a demon and hug a guy, and find out that the thing has many useful parts, among them blades that can be used to TURN OUR AXE INTO A HALBERD, FUCK YEAHFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 32 
7833144Frost Giant Quest 9The night winds down with the promise of actual smithing and a test of some more awesome magic.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-30 31 
7845823Frost Giant Quest 10Continuation of Lord Quest with blue vagoo, we repair some buildings, finish windbreaks, explore some cav-HOLY SHIT I'M THE FIST OF THE NORTH STAR.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-01-31 30 
February 2010
7861503Frost Giant Quest 11After the demon-slaying, we've got money. Lots of it. And no way to spend it without arousing suspicion. Much discussion is had.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-01 30 
7864234Frost Giantess Quest 12Averron is eaten, infrastructure is constructed, and Demon-monies are spent. Life is good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-01 33 
7936458Frost Giantess Quest 13We continue building up the village. Plus more people + magic types.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-05 29 
7950962Frost Giantess Quest 14Apparently, our head is super valuable...on a pike.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 30 
7955181Frost Giantess Quest 15We'll kill if we have to, but we'd rather not. Be good, won't you?Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 28 
7968446Frost Giant Quest 16Spam invades, but work continues.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-07 29 
7972055Frost Giant 17Large scale timeskip, much advancement to the town.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-08 28 
8050660Frost Giantess Quest 18We are SimCity for a god. Awesome.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-13 28 
8055304Frost Giantess Quest 19The village gets new villagers, and apparently /tg/ doesn't trust anyone who might be smarter than them.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-13 28 
8067796Frost Giantess Quest 20We take a break, make some snowmen and OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK WAS THATFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-14 28 
8073204Frost Giantess Quest 21Critical roll failures will not stop a god from kicking an elemental in the balls.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-14 30 
8084990Frost Giantess Quest 22We look for a way to be ourselves without fear or reprisal.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-15 27 
8089424Frost Giantess 221 giant vs 2 dozen trolls. THERE WERE NO SURVIVORSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-15 31 
8137458Spirit of the Century Plot ThreadTheodore Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Eliot Ness, John Shaft, HP Lovecraft, and Mata Hari are gathering to go on adventures. THeir GM asks for advice.Spirit of the Century, Teddy Roosevelt, Lovecraft, Tesla2010-02-18 5 
8173045Frost Giantess Quest 24Oh hey, what's this? A town we haven't seen yet? Well, let's just see what- OH FUCK DEMONSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-20 28 
8179193Frost Giant 25Dealing with the loot, getting armored up, practicing a new sphere of magic (Healing), time skip to Tax Day.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-20 27 
8208403Frost Giantess Quest 26Blacksmith Acquired! End of the year celebrations commence, and the villagers are introduced to the a certain space opera...Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-02-22 29 
8236197Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe, Part IIDiscretion is the better part of not getting your face eaten off by nanomachines.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Protheans,Air Quotes 2010-02-23 29 
March 2010
8363639Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect UniverseSome follow up to the Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe series. Interesting theories emerge about the possible follow up to contagonist's writefaggotry. Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Batarian Specter,finger quotes, Reapers2010-03-03 6 
8381512Eclipse Phase in the Mass Effect Universe PartVThe speculation continues. Much more is talked on the actual status of the System Alliance and its effectiveness. Thread slightly de-railed over accusations of Transhumans being Mary-sues. Also Quarian fapfiction pasta.Eclipse Phase, Transhumanity, Mass Effect,TITANS,Mary Sue,finger quotes, fapfiction2010-03-04 5 
8421993Frost Giantess Quest 30We charge headlong into battle, destroying all enemies in our path. But even we cannot save everyone.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-06 25 
8455920Frost Giantess Quest 31Hey. You know what we haven't done yet? Journeyed to the CENTER OF THE EARTH, of course. BURN, BABY BURNFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-08 25 
8549748Frost Spirit/Giantess Quest 32Even in death, we still serve.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-13 25 
8584677Frost Spirit/Giantess Quest 33Despite hilarious server problems, the quest continues. Reincarnation is a bit like buying a car, only with more potential pitfalls. Like eventual, inescapable insanity.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-15 25 
8666502Frost Giantess Quest 34First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes horrible screaming death. Or maybe that one comes first, you can never tell.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-20 24 
8706196Frost Giantess Quest 35Feasting. Training. Trying to figure out what exactly we are supposed to be feeling. It's all good, man.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-22 24 
8294980Frost Giantess Quest 27Hey, let's go off and explore these ruins by ourselves. Armor? Fuck armor. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8311245Frost Giantess Quest 28Healing. Meeting a righteous bro-god. Joining the army. Par for the course. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8332562Frost Giantess Quest 29Finally we get into a fight and manage to NOT ALMOST DIE. (manually restored)Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-23 25 
8801449Frost Giantess Quest 36Goal: Become noble. Method: Haggle for it. This is what we do.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-27 24 
8820012Frost Giantess Quest 37We are going to be the best damn alchemist ever. All we need now is some prosthetics, a pocketwatch, and shortness.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-28 24 
8839638Frost Giantess quest 38Today, we go shopping and Bem buys half the town for a nickel and a smile.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-03-29 24 
April 2010
9088542Frost Giantess Quest 39The bad rolls return. At least this time we aren't dying, just failing horribly at alchemy. And this is the skill we want to use to make a nuke.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-10 24 
9108613Frost Giantess Quest 40You know what happens when you give a medieval society plans for generators, locomotives, and rockets? We're about to find out.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-11 24 
9128774Frost Giantess Quest 41Generator test: successful. Also, Forus is apparently centered around a massive volcano that will probably explode and kill us all.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-12 24 
9234259Frost Giantess Quest 42Looks like the universe will do anything to keep us from becoming a noble. Up to and including CREEDing hundreds of thousands of guys directly into our country. Seriously.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-17 25 
9274286Frost Giantess Quest 43Thus did Maya Terrasdottir, Frost Giant mage, royally fuck up the enemy's shit.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-19 37 
9382537Frost Giantess Quest 43It's a trap!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-04-24 25 
9424460Frost Giantess Quest 45Racing through fog, being chased by a shadow beast, then suddenly OH YEAH KOOLAID MAN!"frost" "Giantess" "Quest"2010-04-26 26 
May 2010
9531360Frost Giantess Quest 46Things quiet down a bit. We make some batarangs, cage some lightning, and catch up with Kel. All good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-01 24 
9549247Frost Giantess Quest 47You can't win 'em all. For us, that usually means death or maiming, but this time, we escaped intact. Does that make it better or worse?Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-02 25 
9672525Frost Giantess Quest 48Yeah, let's just sign this contract forcing us to follow the orders of a bunch of government wizards. WHAT COULD GO WRONGFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-08 24 
9713601Frost Giantess Quest 50GUESS WHO'S BACKFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-10 24 
9817416Frost Giantess Quest 51Soldier. Alchemist. Lumberjack. War is hell.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-15 24 
9845296Endless Isles thread 2Brainstorming and writefagging continues for the world of deathless piratesworld building, Eternal Isles, development, pirates2010-05-16 0 
9856237Frost Giantess Quest 52Men are lost, a beast is slain, and tales, both dread and inspiring are told.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-17 24 
9887349Insane Grandfather's TestsOP keeps /tg/ on the edge of their seats with a story about a lunatic grandfather making the potential inheritors of his $5 mil will pass a series of tests to get the money.writefaggotry, insane, tests, will, grandfather2010-05-18 12 
9965818Frost Giantess Quest 53War is a dirty business.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-22 24 
9986925Frost Giantess Quest 54FIGHT SPIDERS WITH SPIDERSFrost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-23 24 
10057244Animorphs statted for WoDAnon stats Yeerks, Taxxons, Hork-Bajir, Andalites, and the original five AnimorphsAnimorphs, Yeerks, Taxxons, Hork-Bajir, Andalites 2010-05-26 8 
10117592Frost Giantess Quest 56Very short session. Link to quest #55. Events after the battle. We finally get to the capital and get our noble title. We countess now.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-29 22 
10161840Frost Giantess Quest 57Good to be back. Hey, you know what this place needs? A railway. And a giant house. And FACTORIES EVERYWHERE. Time to jump-start this revolution.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-05-31 22 
June 2010
10274944Frost Giantess Quest 58Back to the industrial grind. More people, more resources, more expansion. Some spam near the end, but hell, who doesn't get spammed nowadays.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-05 22 
10320460Frost Giantess Quest 59Knights, mages, and indoor plumbing. The life of a town is a merry one. Also, spam, but it's not like we aren't familiar with it.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-07 22 
10380608The Cutest KriegerA man finds a Krieger in his trunk. Extreme DAAAW and Cute commences.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-09 20 
10421153The Cutest Krieger 3The D'aww continues as Emmie learns to ice skate.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-11 9 
10443625The Cutest Krieger part 4Emmi discovers an Imperial Guard Surplus Store and fixes the yard.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-12 5 
10464152The Cutest Krieger part 5It is decided that you will accompany Emmie and her quest to find out why she was left behind.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-13 1 
10484075The Cutest Krieger part 6Night at the Fair. First kiss.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-14 6 
10504243The Cutest Krieger part 7Meet the crew of the Blazing Profits.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-15 3 
10527637The Cutest Krieger part 8Card night on the Blazing Profits. You learn the stories of most of the crew.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-16 2 
10550778The Cutest Krieger part 9The big reveal!Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-17 3 
10573097The Cutest Krieger part 10You meet the captain. Some confusion is resolved... kinda.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-18 3 
10602809Frost Giantess Quest 60Back in the swing of things. Railways, new alliances, plenty of solid discussion. SPAM-FREE!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-20 20 
10683779The Cutest Krieger part 11Tonight you meet the Inquisitor in charge and make a deal.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-23 3 
10707368The Cutest Krieger part 12Emmie makes you exercise. You also surprise Ralph.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-24 3 
10729857The Cutest Krieger part 13Drinking, and the consequences there of.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-25 1 
10739498Frost Giant Quest 61Build up our railroad and town and start making plans to expand outwards.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-06-26 17 
10771482The Cutest Krieger part 14Short shopping sequence.Cutest Krieger Quest2010-06-27 1 
July 2010
10891493Frost Giantess Quest 63Railroads, zeppelins, Hugo Boss and terrorism. It's great to be back!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-03 14 
10911008Frost Giantess Quest 64Saboteurs are rounded up and made to think real hard about who they're working for. If we'd put in the same amount of thought, that train might still be here.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-04 13 
11035643Frost Giantess Quest 65Construction, archaeological digs, and founding Zeppelin attack squadrons stocked with ridiculous quantities of bombs and machine guns. We've got steam-powered lasers and everyone else is riding our awesome trains. Life is good.Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-10 15 
11035643Frost Giantess Quest 65Construction, archaeological digs, and founding Zeppelin attack squadrons stocked with ridiculous quantities of bombs and machine guns. We've got steam-powered lasers and everyone else is riding our awesome trains. Life is good.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-10 15 
11055182Frost Giantess Quest 66Ancient highly advanced city destroyed by fire gods. Let's go in and touch stuff!Frost Giantess, Collective Game2010-07-11 13 
11055182Frost Giantess Quest 66Ancient highly advanced city destroyed by fire gods. Let's go in and touch stuff!Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-11 13 
11073680Frost Giantess Quest 67"No, it's IN the system, you idiot! All the medical consoles have been infected" .............................................END OF LINEFrost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, ohgodwhat2010-07-12 15 
11140708Planes and Mercs XXXIOP is back with a flight brief, and we are left wondering how the hell they'll pull out this time. Can they protect the Carrier against an air attack?Planes, Awesome, Steve, Greatest AirPorn Ever2010-07-15 10 
11173181Frost Giantess Quest 68Ancient AIs? Techno-viral infections? Difficult choices? ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROLFrost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-17 14 
11191313Frost Giantess Quest 69Going to heal the heir to the throne, do some real good, then suddenly POLITICSFrost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-18 14 
11308994Frost Giantess Quest 70Internal combustion engines. Rail artillery. Nuclear weapons. With our luck, we'll end up fighting in the astral plane.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-24 14 
11329508Frost Giantess Quest 71When you've come as far as we have, well, let's just say an Air Navy is just reward.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-07-25 13 
11446506A Frost Giant is Thee ★One of the worst, Longest-running quests is still continuing why won't they give it up already?Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-07-31 21 
August 2010
11462073Frost Giantess Quest 73At some point, you ask yourself whether you're doing the right thing. Well, if saving an entire race is wrong...Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-01 14 
11656229Frost Giantess Quest 74Bitching. So. Much. Bitching. Later, we capture a SHITTON of feral frost giants for re-education and open up another fleet base.Frost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, bitching2010-08-14 13 
11682951Frost Giantess Quest 75Mistakes are made. Bases are found. One of them full of enough tanks and missiles to win a war in a small desert country. Hooah!Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-16 13 
11756369Frost Giantess Quest 76Yet more cool hardware that we must find a way to use as a weapon. Talking, diplomacy, and even more rage against the nobles. Life is good.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-21 13 
11782555Frost Giantess Quest 77Back to town to see how things are going. Then it's back off into the wasteland to dig up possibly homicidal AIs and have them make chairs. Also laser telescope. Love this job.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-23 14 
11847023Frost Giantess Quest 78Learning. Assessing projects. Working through politics. Sometimes, to take care of the boredom, you just have to go for a walk in the cancerous forest and check for shiny things.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-28 12 
11872738Frost Giantess Quest 79More Zeppelin rides and plenty of politics. Exploration, planning, and the testing of a very important ship designed to kill sky castles.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Quest, Collective Game2010-08-30 13 
September 2010
11938570Frost Giantess Quest 79Politics, planning, and nuclear devices everywhere. Also, shit goes down. But not in the manner expected.Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, Quest2010-09-04 12 
11965730Frost Giantess Quest 81 - The endand a flight of angels sing thee to thy restFrost, Giant, Frost Giantess, quest, collective game, GAR, The End2010-09-06 21 
12009517Zerg Quest XIAnon spends two hours deciding how to deal with the Disruptor, then shit gets real. A choice is made. A friend's life is endangered. A sexual preference is discoveredCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, KIIIINGSTOOOOON!!!!, gay cerebrates, nuke the fuckers, brave warbrate, stalwart labbrate2010-09-09 12 
12015899Space Pirate FortressContinuation of one mans work to create a Space Pirate themed Dwarf Fortress mod. First thread wasn't archived unfortunately.Dwarf Fortress, Space Pirates, Metroid, TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBES2010-09-10 8 
12187108Brother Testicles, Fastest Apothecary in the West/tg/ creates a Deathwatch character. Some bad math and GM fiat results in hilarity.Deathwatch, Brother Testicles2010-09-23 41 
October 2010
12541541How to make your players RP SAN loss/tg/ shares ideas on what to put in notes to give their players when they lose SAN.SAN loss, SAN, notes2010-10-23 11 
12570119Realistic space gameSome discussion and ideas being tossed around for a game set in space 20 minutes into the futureRealistic, Space, 20 minutes into the future, OC, Planetes2010-10-26 2 
November 2010
12739103Tesla steals you from the futureTesla steals you out of the present-day and into 1895. What do you bring? /tg/ debates what to bring, whether to stop WWI, and the finer points of literary context. A strange read.time travel, history, literature, current wars, TESLA2010-11-10 1 
12844530Dark Heresy Statting - Iron Warriors Dreadnought/tg/ helps to stat a Dreadnought for use in a DH game against the acolytes, a near unstoppable killing machine is created, needless to say Heresymaker's players will soon encounter this TPK clad in armour and bristling with Chaotic energy.Dark Heresy, Dreadnought, TPK, Stat, Iron Warriors, Acolytes, GM dickery,2010-11-19 3 
December 2010
13259637Alternate History Quotes/tg/ ponders what various historic quotes would be like in Alternate history timelines.alternate history, quotes, histrorical2010-12-23 5 
January 2011
13488330Cartoon VoicesThe thread begins with the king of the hill cast explaining their days in the 40k universe staying remarkably true to character, it goes on to various famous cartoon videogame, tv, and movie characters doing likewise, including adaptations of many Disney songs.Cartoon in my voice quotes 40k tv videogames movies characters songs singing2011-01-12 20 
13510539The Case Files Of 30 Meter MurphyIn which a Arbitrator, Assassin & 2 Psykers try to investigate a tech-cult without getting themselves killedDark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-14 4 
13535971Pirates and Krakensinitial Brainstorm for a High-seas adventure 4E setting. Features classic piracy and sailing above-water, political intrigue beneath the waves. Work in progress, name pending. Selkies, Abe sapien, Dagon, and voodoo!4E setting pirates merfolk lovecraft2011-01-17 3 
13573887Pirates and Krakens 2Second thread on Ocean Punk 4E setting. Brainstorm and critique of race stats, re-thinking setting geography.4E setting homebrew pirates merfolk races2011-01-19 2 
13680077The Case Files of Castus "30 Meter" Murphy Pt. 2"30 Meter" Murphy rides again with an enthralling retelling of his adventures.Dark Heresy, 40k, Storytime, Adeptus Arbites2011-01-27 1 
February 2011
13926282/tg/-based ReasearchA thread about finding different opinions and standpoints related to games, and how people justify them.opinions, games, favorites2011-02-17 5 
13986767Assorted TES LoreDagoth Ur singing Queen, then TES general, then dumped TES books, including all the Seven Flights of Aldudagga. Ho ha ho.morrowind, elder, scrolls, elderscrolls, lore, dagoth, ur, TES2011-02-22 0 
March 2011
14077407Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal LandStep 1) Post a large and pretty PDF with Touhou selling point. Step 2) Mathfags, rollfags, roleplayers, Touhoufags converge. Step 3) Critiques and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEG. But you have to admit... It's a fairly well done PDF. Let this be a lesson for all those ambitious homebrew makers: Yo shit gonna be picked.touhou toho homebrew rpg critique roleplaying rollplaying pdf d6 rpg rage system testing balance shitstorm fantasy mary_sue magic rules 2011-03-01 16 
14096871Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal Land - Part 2Continuation of previous thread. /tg/ continues to balancing efforts and fixing shit. Autistic samefag from previous sages again.touhou, toho, homebrew, rpg, critique, roleplaying, rollplaying, pdf, d6, rpg,, system, testing, balance, balancing, fix, fixing, fantasy, mary sue, magic, rules, getting shit done2011-03-02 8 
14354130Frozen ReachesThe fate of Billions depends on which female faction leader a powerful Rogue Trader wants to bone more, under /tg/s advice he decides to reach for the stars and try for a threesome. Also general Frozen Reaches/Rogue Trader discussion.Rogue Trader, Frozen Reaches, Orks, Pirates, 40K, Warhammer, Awesomeface2011-03-28 7 
April 2011
14617677The MonumentA giant hollow planetoid was made to house the peoples of the stars to survive the heat-death and rebirth of the Universe. However, things inside were not as utopian as planned and the peoples degenerated into the warring societies they once were. This thread is for the development of such a setting.Monument, energy legos, walking squids, sentient nanites, token humans2011-04-17 2 
14758819Teslavelt QuestWhen something goes awry in a piece of technology meant to bring the dead back to life, /tg/'s greatest hero is born! A fusion of Tesla and Teddy Roosevelt fight aliens in the future to defend mankind.Tesla, Theodore Roosevelt, Quest, Collective Game2011-04-30 12 
May 2011
15032725Eyes of Mordred Spess MahreensNew chapter creation thingyChapter Creation, Eyes of Mordred, 40k, Rites of Battle, Space Marines2011-05-24 2 
15052515ANGRY MARINES DEATHWATCHCreating playable Angry Marines via Rites of Battle. Rites of Battle, Angry Marines, Fuck, FUCK, Deathwatch, Chapter Creation, Space Mariens, Angry2011-05-26 7 
15053294Scary MarinesWe take the scary marines and flesh them out some using rites of battle.Scary Marines, Children of Istvaan, Rites of Battle, Space Marines2011-05-26 0 
15078411Blackpowdera Naval homebrew wargame where the player controls a ship and a crewBlackpowder, Wargame, ship, pirates, alchemists, naval, 28mm, homebrew2011-05-29 1 
15086952Rites of HeresyA fa/tg/uy posts his corrupted Rites of Battle tables.Rites of Battle, space marines, chaos, heresy2011-05-29 13 
July 2011
15450652In-game quotesGreat PC one-liners, storytime, and more.quotes, storytime2011-07-03 10 
15503489Lord Deathrape and the CazaclawrasqueBecause some PCs just deserve to die.Tarrasque, Horror, Holy shit, BBEG, Cazador, Deathclaw, Cazaclaw, God hates you, FUCK2011-07-07 14 
15744538Pirate Lords of the 41st Millenium/tg/ gets to wondering about the space pirates in Warhammer 40K. As might be expected, things get awesome in relatively short order.Warhammer 40K, pirates, homebrew2011-07-29 17 
15759678Pirate lords of 40k IIwe get the results of the first playtest, have a debate about the rules, revise movement to be faster, and get in an argument over weather 'nids, Knights, and sisters should be allowed. We also create a dedicated forum, swap shanties, an theres a pic of a parrot with pauldrons.Pirates, 40k, 40k pirates, homebrew, warhammer, space, sci fi, space pirates, skirmish, kill team, battlefleet gothic2011-07-31 3 
August 2011
16074132Monkey-bro 4: Rise of the PrimatesOP comes back with progress on Hominidae United and their fight against the furry menace. Primate Empire shows how bro they are by sending an army to help. GM says "I like you, cause you get shit done."Monkey Bro, Brorilla, Primates, furry, rebellion, monkey, humanity, revenge2011-08-27 18 
September 2011
16397318Create a Species: the Variable HostThis time, we've made a mass of pseudo-intelligent nanomachines, created to forcibly convert other races to the worship of their maker.Create a Species, collective game, xenology, nanites2011-09-23 6 
October 2011
16575266Commissar Techpriestess RomanceA lovely story of the interactions of an unlikely but sweet couple.commissar, techpriestess, romance, 40k romance2011-10-10 38 
16612487Commissar Techpriestess Romance Part 3A continuation of a lovely story of the interactions of an unlikely but sweet couple.commissar, techpriestess, romance, 40k romance2011-10-15 12 
16668058Techpriest / Commissar Romance : Part the FourthFourth thread of the highly romantic interactions of one Octavia, Techpriestess, and Rogal Hephastus, Commissar.techpriestess, commissar, romance, 40k romance2011-10-20 8 
16690346Paladin QuotesPaladin, Paladin far from home. A collection of Quotes for the good and the righteous.Paladin, Quotes2011-10-21 10 
December 2011
17080400Imperial Guard Talk And CreationImperial Guard favorites talk leads to a Creation table on par of Rites of BattleImperial Guard, Creation Tables, Rites of Battle2011-12-02 5 
17177069Wild Cards playtestWild Cards returns after a long absence, with good news!original content, Wild Cards, playtest2011-12-12 10 
January 2012
17585606Warhammer 40k: Heretical Love Part XVIIHigh Seas adventure with the Dark Eldar twins. Collective Game, Heretical Love quest, 40k, quest, warhammer, XVII, max decarus, necron, pirates, heretical love, papa-n2012-01-18 28 
17605495Chapter Quest IIIRising Sons are ambushed by pirates in Nordgrim, but manage to bluff their way out and find traces of STC.Collective Game, Quest, Chapter Master, ambush, corsairs, pirates, Sororitas, space marines, chapter, simulation2012-01-21 7 
17682282/tg/ related quotesEverybody uses site, which changes a word from a famous quote into what user provided, hilaruty ensuesquotes2012-01-26 8 
17723250Chapter Quest IX - Storm Within the StormRising Sons decide to rush to help their vassal-world Nordgrim that is about to be locked within a warp storm, but when they get there, things are even worse than expected.Chapter Quest, Quest, Chapter, Collective Game, Rising Sons, Adeptus Astartes. zombies, Chapter Master, Space Marines, Warp, storm, Nurgle, Witchhunters, feudal2012-01-30 12 
February 2012
17784681Aberration Wars and crazy geometry.A discussion on how a war between mindflayers and tsochar would go. Also, how to run 4-5+ dimensional labyrinths.Mindflayers, tsochar, Tesseract dungeon2012-02-03 12 
March 2012
18254146PC's say the darndest thingsepic quotes from many different games involving the crazy shit PC's sayPC's quotes awesome epic funny duke nukem critical success call of cthulhu diablerie vampires2012-03-08 11 
18374616Planetary Givernor Quest part three: A Day Late EditionIn which we buy hotshot lasguns, gain a Space Marine Chapter, and get swamped by Genestealers with pet Hormagaunts.Planetary Governor Quest, Genestealers, RT, Rogue Trader, Chimera, lasgun, Astartes, Space Marines, Salmanders, Tyranids, Chimeras, Swarmed2012-03-19 21 
April 2012
18551672Zombie and witch quest 10 ish(?)Socrates gives us his autographWitch, Zombie, papa-n, collective game, quest, zombie&witchquest, Socrates2012-04-03 22 
18645891Shadowrun Storytime 92D and crew finally corner Two-Times in Bogota. The Sixth World is marred forever.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Bogota, Sensei, Pirates, Aztechnology2012-04-10 62 
18722451Aperture Cartel's Many InventionsInvestors! Here we have a collection of Aperture Cartel's useful and inexpensive Inventions for your perusal. Now we're between banks right now so we're accepting cash in hand. get your people to meet our people. Don't mind the smell. Cave Johnston, we're done here.Aperture Cartel, Cave Johnston, Science, Tests, Portal, We're Done Here2012-04-15 21 
18734234A concept of Human Ingenuity and madnessDurendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans. /tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting.setting, development, space, ship, grimdark, transhuman, giant, giantess, war, freaky, biological, bioship, The Archivist2012-04-16 11 
May 2012
19199088For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century XXIIPromotions go through, items are stolen and we plan for what we'll buy after our upcoming mission for House Intelligence.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Pirates2012-05-23 11 
19288711For House and Dominion: Space Combat in the 41st Century 23Tracking down pirates so we can give them stuff. Seems legit.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Dice, Pirates, Rogue Trader2012-05-30 11 
June 2012
19505182Sorceress Quest 19Wherin we have some GIRL TALK with raziel, take a dive into memory lane, and Impulse gets tricksy.Collective Game, Sorceress Quest, Sorceress, Exabytes2012-06-17 20 
July 2012
19778648That Guy Thread, BBB Edition No. 2More scary stories to tell in the fog.That Guy, Fox, Fox Realdoll, Furry, Testing, Fog, BBB, Ungulate, Possibly untrue but if it is holy crap2012-07-08 35 
19868766Planetary Governor Quest: Part FourteenWe talk about politics, Democracy up, make some good headway in dismantling the Hulk, and accidentally wake up something terrible in the core of the Hulk by abysmally failing a roll.Planetary Governor Quest, Collective Game, Space Marines, Astartes, Imperial Guard, IG, PDF, RT, Rogue Trader, Xenos, Warhammer, 40K, Tyranid, Tyranids, Genestealer, Pirates. spiders, oh god why, SOB, Sisters of Battle2012-07-14 11 
20085862Magic: the Gathering Manga DiscussedAnon starts a thread about a Magic: the Gathering manga. /tg/ takes the ball and runs with it, turning it into over-the-top shounen with dramatic Commander summoning, Eldrazi BBEGs, and other Yugioh-esque shenanigans.Magic: the Gathering, manga, anime, EDH, quotes, awesome2012-07-29 6 
August 2012
20130886Blood Jaguars ChapterA Rites of Battle Chapter generation produces a group of aztec blood obssessed Marines.Space Marines, Warhammer 40,000, 40k, Rites of Battle2012-08-02 10 
20136043Blood Jaguars 2:Electric BoogalooMore awesome shit is done on the Blood JaguarsSpace Marines,Warhammer 40,000,40k,Rites of Battle2012-08-02 5 
20151877Blood Jaguars Part Three: Disco InfernoThe continued work on this chapter of mesoamerican MarinesSpace Marines, Warhammer 40,000, 40k, Rites of Battle2012-08-03 6 
20169438Zerg Quest XCVIIThe Ihan'rii continue their test, and we continue ignoring them to bicker over nuclear weapons and whatnot. I feel like there's a dissonance of tone, here.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, Cramming for the test, Indecision, side arguments2012-08-04 7 
20268058Zerg Quest XCVIIIThe tests suddenly ramp up in difficulty, stretching across the sector.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, -A- Bernie is back, Labbrate to the rescue, What have you done with my Cerebrates!?2012-08-11 6 
20461272Zerg Quest C100 Threads! Woo! Meanwhile, gods try to steal our mind.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, testing, /tg/ dice, less of you than I remember, OW MY HEAD2012-08-25 11 
September 2012
20574848Mornington CrescentA jolly good game of Mornington Crescentmornington, mornington crescent, crescent, gentlemen, the greatest game to ever have a ruleset2012-09-03 6 
20576660Elder Scrolls Lore DiscussionA trip into the crazy world of the Elder Scrolls. I am and I are all we, /tg/.Elder Scrolls, Lore Discussion, TES, CHIM, Amaranth, Vivec, Lorkhan, lore2012-09-03 8 
20600452Zerg Quest CIIAfter much discussion, Anon decides where its loyalties lie, and begins THRASHIN ON A MUTHAFUCKACerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Xel'Naga, testing, Protoss, crossroads, nuclear diplomacy, I WILL CUT YOU UNIVERSE, voices in my head, PORTENT!2012-09-05 6 
20600515Monstergirl Sky Pirates QuestToday is a fine day for piracy. Redbeard the Cleanshaven leads his(her) crew of monstergirls to raid the Jewel of Celeste, and captures an angelic healer.Monstergirl Sky Pirates, Quest, Collective Game, Monstergirls, Pirates, Sky Pirates2012-09-05 16 
20779169Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 2Redbeard talks to the crew and gets a date, then an angel and gets a lecture, then a governer and gets paid.Monstergirl Sky Pirates, Quest, Collective Game, Monstergirls, Pirates, Sky Pirates2012-09-19 10 
20792853Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest SpecialIn the past, Redbeard had to take command of a sabotage mission. Can a small crew of pirates take down the biggest ship in the navy?Monstergirl Sky Pirates, Quest, Collective Game, Monstergirls, Pirates, Sky Pirates2012-09-20 9 
20824331The Iron CrusadeWhat starts of as a mediocre Chapter Generation Thread become awesome, when we roll Crusading Iron Hand descendants, searching for The Grail, which will revive the lost heroes of the past!The Iron Crusade, The Iron Blades, Iron Hands, Deathwatch, Rites of Battle, Crusaders, Bard2012-09-23 14 
October 2012
20992258Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 3Captain Redbeard goes shopping, picks up a Were-tiger cartographer, and nearly assaults a waitress over a chicken salad.Monstergirl Sky Pirates, Quest, Collective Game, Monstergirls, Pirates, Sky Pirates2012-10-05 8 
21063034Monstergirl Sky Pirates Quest 4Captain Redbeard goes rectuiting, is stalked by a chef, and gets into a street brawl.Monstergirl Sky Pirates, Quest, Collective Game, Monstergirls, Pirates, Sky Pirates2012-10-10 7 
21170728Grimoire Quest IIWe summon a spryte to turn our plucky hipster waitress back into a human. She kind of becomes a human sized spryte though. We then promptly get attacked by a goddamn Erinyes and shoot it twice. It hurts, cops show up, we run, pass out, hobo takes over, summons a fae queen, then tries to summon an elricth horror and promptly gets lightning bolted.Grimoire Quest, Magic, Collective Game, Fae, Sprytes, Demons, Angels2012-10-18 10 
21295980A Grand and Glorious Hippopotamus"The only thing we have to fear is hippos"-FDRQuotes, funny, hippos, joke2012-10-26 14 
November 2012
21625801Civilization Game Mini-Update 1A thread fails to start, but there's enough discussion here that is still relevant to the continuing quest.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Non-starter, Notes2012-11-18 2 
21672766For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 10Unsatisfied with the prospect of mere front line combat we sign on to do another special mission for the Rovinar. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-11-22 16 
December 2012
21762566Primordial Evo: Western Civ. Part IIIK'nia has an adventure in space. The threat of the Vyrii are eliminated, or so it seems.Collective Game, Primordial, Evo, Evolution, Civilization, Pirates, War, Bord2012-12-04 1 
21887708For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 12Two weeks on the road eventually lead back to combat along side our Wing. In a shocking display players turn down a boarding action for the right reasons.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2012-12-06 23 
21930518Egg Quest #1: The Gods Make Omelettes As We March To WarOne noble egg is dropped into the war for the hearts and yolks of eggkind.Egg Quest, Eggs, Ova, Knights, Sunny Side Up, Whiteshell Goldyolk, Collective Game2012-12-08 18 
21969458 Lost Future Quest part 15.5: My Life as a Teenager's RobotIn the grim darkness of the near future, Detroit is still a shithole. Searching for Rachel, Cindy finds herself trapped in the middle of a multi-party protest that turns ugly. And after that, there's still a Concert to go to!Innocence, Inn0cence, robot, AI, Collective Game, Lost Future, Quest, Islam, Protest, Robocop, Detroit2012-12-10 12 
22031344Animorphs thread/tg/ rememembers Animorphs, talks about game design ( a little,) morphing side effects, sex with andalites, sex during morphing... Oh and someone posts a collection of the books in a zip file and one guy writes some amusing fap fiction. (This is the actual thread, the other is mis-linked)Animorphs, Andalites, Cute, Creepy, Funny2012-12-14 21 
22117884Politics of SkyrimA heated discussion of Stormcloak and Imperial politics during, before, and after the Skyrim timeline. Lots of debate as to which side was in the right. Everyone drinks mead and feels good afterwards. tes, The Elder Scrolls, skyrim, ulfric, stormcloak, talos, politics2012-12-19 5 
January 2013
22459737Marine Quest I The world enters a new era after the Battle of Marineford, where the notorious Whitebeard Pirates attempted to free one of their captains, and failed. Two years have passed since then, and the Marines are in desperate need for heroes. Do you have what it takes to rise up and lead the Marines in a crusade of justice?One Piece, Collective Game, Pirates, Marines2013-01-08 27 
22473624For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 14Game resumes following a 3 week hiatus. Players get to work planning how to steal a starship from an enemy stronghold.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-09 16 
22498724Marine Quest 2Newly institutionalized as the captain of his own ship after pulling a mutiny against his slave-trade conspirator of an old captain, our hero picks his new cabinet of officers. Afterwards, the Marines do what Marines do best: bust some pirate ass.One Piece, Collective Game, Pirates, Marines2013-01-10 21 
22584289For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 15We start off with some time on leave and begin station upgrades. More combat is sure to follow.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-15 17 
22667993Marine Quest 5The Captain and his crew continue their hunt for the criminal Jeremiah Crowe on the explosive island of Failsafe. Disguises are donned, teeth are punched in, pirates are wrestled, and okama are appeased.Marine Quest, Collective Game, One Piece, Pirates, Marines, Anime, Manga, Roleplay2013-01-19 23 
22737146For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 16There is such a thing as capturing too many ships in a short period of time. With the station swamped with refugees we need to hire mercenaries to supplement our Marines.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-23 16 
22844469For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 17Plans for the South Reach Cluster devolves into politics. Meanwhile news arrives the Republic will soon be adding their weight to the fight.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-01-29 14 
22869297Epsilon Drive - Cayman - Kurage Maru AssaultEpsilon Drive begins with an assault on a freighter by the Cayman Pirates. They encounter Triumvirate conscripts inside... and proceed to pop pop pop, watching commies drop.Collective Game, Epsilon Drive, bullethazard, cayman pirates, space, tacticool2013-01-30 5 
22879019Fantasy Quest XIVThe Bard and her friends reach the city of Mild and set out to take on the underworld. Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, underworld, seedy, arson, prostitutes2013-01-31 8 
February 2013
22936347Waterworld - The Long PreparationThe HMS Centurion deals with the aftermarth of the battle of the rigs, and prepares to fulfil promises made to her new allies.Collective Game, Quest, Waterworld, HMS Centurion, Supercarrier, pirates, civ game 2013-02-03 2 
22994199 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 18Some old friends decide to drop by and blow up the station while we're still on it. Players nearly get Linda and themselves killed. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-07 17 
23016703Childhood friend became a blackguard, what do?OP asks the question, thread is derailed twice and quality writing is produced.What do?, paladin, blackguard, Descartes2013-02-07 4 
23057433Epsilon Drive - Cayman - Kurage Maru Assault pt 4Parts 2 and 3 can be seen here: http://archive.foolz.us/tg/search/subject/epsilon%20drive/type/op/ The wrap-up of the assault, in which only two casualties on Caymans' side (and a lot on Triumvirate's). We head to the Cayman hideout of Blue Angel while Hoshino explains stuff about the setting.Collective Game, Epsilon Drive, bullethazard, cayman pirates, space, tacticool2013-02-09 1 
23126805For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 19Follow up boxing match to resolve our previous bout some time ago. The Wing is taken off active duty for repairs and training.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-13 16 
23116382Aftermath 1 (argonianquest)You're an Argonian forced into exile to the north. It's... really cold in skyrim.Aftermath, Collective Game, Quest, TES, the elder scrolls2013-02-14 13 
23154339Epsilon Drive intermission - Blue AngelThe crew relaxes a bit after their first mission. Captains get introduced, fluff gets explained, and the nature of Epsilon Drive gets revealed a bit.Collective Game, Epsilon Drive, bullethazard, cayman pirates, space, tacticool2013-02-14 0 
23223077Supernatural AmericanaOP wants to discuss supernatural stories of the United States. Multiple good stories and anecdotes are relayed. folklore, US, United States, America, Cowboys, Ghosts, Monsters, Tall Tales, Weird West2013-02-18 14 
23242800For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 20Our time on leave is interrupted by an enemy counter attack. We rapidly end up with more pilots than ships. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-02-20 15 
23349422Epsilon Drive - Cayman - Blue Angel Docks DefenseThe Aquilas arrive upon Blue Angel! The Caymans valiantly defend their hideout. Bastards have teleportation and personal electroshields!Collective Game, Epsilon Drive, bullethazard, cayman pirates, space, tacticool2013-02-24 3 
March 2013
23494921Scenes from a HatHi, I'm Drew Carey, and I'll be your host for tonight.Humor, Quotes, Meta, Drew Carey2013-03-04 26 
23506779Whiteshield TrainingThread about whiteshields gets some classic whiteshield training OCwhiteshields, drill sergeants, imperial guard, IG, OC2013-03-05 3 
23893885For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 25Things get back to combat as pirates try to board the Vieona. We run around in Recon armor causing havoc once again.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-03-27 16 
April 2013
24148991For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 27Operation Typhoon kicks off and we begin strike operations in advance of the invasion force.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-12 14 
24353939Mundus Novus Quest 1Our hero gathers support from the King of Portugal, hires a shifty jewish accountant gnome, and battles sirens.Mundus Novus, Quest, Pirates, Discovery, Fantasy2013-04-21 5 
24422968For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 28Operation Typhoon continues despite delays both in and out of game.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-04-25 15 
May 2013
245521658 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 29Wanting to take away the enemy's eyes we search a nebula for stations making up part of a larger sensor array. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-01 16 
24684671For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 30Not wanting to give the enemy more chances to track us we take down the second sensor array and try for the shipyard.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-09 12 
24826552For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 31Operation Typhoon continues. Getting into the 3rd oversector we smash up more of our ships and start working more closely with allies. Not necessarily in that order.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-05-15 14 
24931320SLASH!!!! AwwwWWWwwwwwwFigurine of Slash GordonSlash Gordon, Adaptus Estates, Warhammer 40k2013-05-20 33 
24948171Blood Jaguars thread 5Another thread for the Aztec Marines. Some shit gets compiled and finally added to the wikiblood jaguars, homebrew, writefaggotry, rites of battle2013-05-21 7 
24963736Privateer Quest RebootPrivateer Quest returns, and a new character is born. Unfortunately, some issues come up and the adventure falters for the night.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2013-05-22 3 
24958724For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 32We finish off one escaping convoy and deal damage to a second. Salvage is tallied and we trade ships after the EX-K takes a bad hit.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates, Salvage2013-05-23 17 
25094448For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 33Heading out on a simple convoy raiding mission we strike our biggest salvage haul yet.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Pirates, Salvage2013-05-30 13 
June 2013
25240589Privateer Quest Reboot: Prize CaptainPercius Aurex speaks with his prisoners and gains access to loot! Hat collection grows to 4! Gotta loot 'em all.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-06-05 2 
25239933For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 34After squaring away some issues for the Wing's salvage, you check the state of your financial investments and move out. The last Warlord strong hold awaits.Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates2013-06-07 17 
25379021Privateer Quest Reboot: Captain's HatPercius Aurex visits Caseblanco, buys a hat befitting his new rank, and plays a game of Assassin with his officers. If it were in black and white, it might actually be entertaining. Slow as alwaysCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-06-12 5 
25378819For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 35Finale to the Pirate Warlord arc as we deal with our decisions from last week and the months previous. Collective Game, Quest, House and Dominion, Dominion Quest, Space, Space Combat, Dice, Marines, Survey, Pirates, worldbuilding2013-06-13 15 
25643997Privateer Quest II #6Percius Aurex embarks upon his first adventure as a pirate Captain. Will his first endeavor bring riches or sorrow?Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2013-06-26 1 
July 2013
25773465Ghost Quest 3Dark Phoenix gathers the last resources to repair the Hydron. Henderson proves himself again. Will we ever know what was in the box?Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates2013-07-02 16 
25800902Ghost Quest 6: FreedomJump is successful but resources are scarce. Delta Phoenix deals with the ghosts of the past. A hostage is taken. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates2013-07-04 20 
25806765Ghost Quest 7: Death RaceDelta Phoenix attempts a solo mission as Corporal Henderson races to save the love of his life, Mia Rodriguez. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates, Space Bikers, Vulture bike,2013-07-04 21 
26033613Worm that Walks Lich/tg/ realises that a worm that walks can also be a lich. /tg/ then realises that the worms that make up a worm that walks can also be worms that walk.worm that walks, lich, phylactery, fun with templates, D&D, DnD, Pathfinder2013-07-16 7 
26051341Privateer Quest II: Forbidden FruitThe adventures of Percius Aurex resume, and his crew goes about searching the aft portion of an Imperial cruiser wreck. Will they find loot or only death?Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot2013-07-17 3 
26098248Privateer Quest II #8: Ransom BrokerPercius Aurex ransoms his prisoners to the Rogue Trader Alexander Kerr, then looks into some trade optionsCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2013-07-19 1 
26192280Privateer Quest II: That's a Piratin'The adventures of Percius Aurex and his crew continue, a secret of the ship is discovered, and the ship leaves Folkvangr in search of more loot.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-07-24 4 
26332705Privateer Quest II: Return to VectesCaptain Percius Aurex leads his crew back to the forbidden system of Vectes to investigate the previously located Asteroid Base. Will the system's silent guardians catch up with the interlopers upon their return?Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-07-31 5 
August 2013
26603176Privateer Quest II: Farewell to DeusCaptain Percius Aurex and his crew rejoin the wolf pack and depart Sector Deus. Will they survive the challenges of the void beyond Imperial space?Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-08-14 4 
26734639Privateer Quest II: Family ReunionCaptain Percius Aurex returns home during an infiltration mission for his pirate wolf pack, finding his noble family in ruins. Emperor help him, he's added two sisters to his pirate crew.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-08-21 0 
26810809Planet Home 5: Inflection PointA cataclysm causes the worlds of the Winders and Honnêtes to cross and both are changed foreverWorld Building, World Buildan, Lt. Col. Space Helicopters, Helicopters in Space, Honnetes, Winders2013-08-25 0 
26860574Privateer Quest II #13: Steward's GateCaptain Percius Aurex braves the Imperial Navy stronghold of Steward's Gate and sleeps with the enemy. He acquires her hat, though.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-08-28 1 
September 2013
27012068Christian mythologyA surprisingly civil discussion about the parts of the bible that could be used in a game.bible, christianity, mythology, old testament,2013-09-04 2 
27007995Privateer Quest II #14: Corgus BoundCaptain Percius Aurex completes his primary mission to obtain the 'Corridor' into Sector Corgus from Sector Paxia by talking his way into an Imperial Navy convoy under an assumed name. A short threadCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-09-05 5 
27023797The Steel CrusadersWhat happens when you create a Chapter of Marines that put immense emphasis on mechanized warfare? You get these guys. After much debating the Chapter was called the Steel Crusaders.Steel Crusaders, Space Marines, 40K, Astartes, Mechanized2013-09-05 4 
27283034Privateer Quest II #15: Entering CorgusPercius Aurex and his crew successfully make their way to Sector Corgus, despite being separated from their convoy. The Captain and the Navigator have a little chat and the Celentis system is investigated...Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-09-19 1 
October 2013
27522643Privateer Quest II #16: Into the FrontierPercius Aurex rejoins his pirate wolfpack. Short thread due to slow OP and real life.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2013-10-03 1 
November 2013
28124795Privateer Quest II #17: Morix's EscapePercius Aurex spends a bit of time with his sisters, explores the wolfpack's new home planet, and unexpectedly blunders into Captain Morix and her armsmen shooting their way out of the wolfpack.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot2013-11-08 5 
December 2013
28657261Digger QuestBass Tremble wants to be a digger. But he needs money. Unfortunately he instead finds a man named Metalman, a Giant Purple Refractor with a prize inside, Pirates, and torture! This is ether the start of an adventure, or a legend. Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2013-12-05 17 
28696636Digger Quest: Chapter 2Bass attempts to escape from a pirate ship! How the players forget one important thing; In Megaman Legends, there must always be a crash landing. Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2013-12-07 14 
28838955Digger Quest: Chapter 3Bass gets a Digger's License and gains an ally! He gets ready to go on his first dig, but takes it slow and prepares. He has a good time with his new found friend and we learn of his one true fear...Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2013-12-14 14 
28926658 Rum & Booty Quest 1We're a pirate, and we find booty to plunder.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-18 8 
28984840Rum & Booty Quest 2In which we trade and help a fellow pirate out.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-21 6 
28985042Digger Quest: Chapter 420's Galore! Bass Digs in his first ruin, uncovers a Refractor, and fights with a fearsome foe...Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2013-12-21 14 
29042703Rum & Booty Quest 3We get into a bar fight and get summoned to the mysterious council of pirates.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-24 5 
29061847Olympian QuestBianca Machiti, an amateur kickboxer, discovers she is the reincarnation of a Greek goddess. Then she thrashes an Egyptian monster and goes home for a nap.Olympian Quest, Collective Game, Bia, The Fates2013-12-25 12 
29078702Olympian Quest 2Bianca Machiti explains things to a worried friend, then goes out to hunt down the Nemean Lion! Enter: Nike and Athena. Olympian Quest, Collective Game, Bia, The Fates2013-12-26 8 
29151376Rum & Booty Quest 4We find a ship seemingly abandoned. But what is it doing out here?Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-30 6 
29172618Olympian Quest 3Nike and Bia fight at multiple places and Bia gets a new job. Success!Olympian Quest, Collective Game, Bia, The Fates2013-12-31 8 
January 2014
29213651Olympian Quest 4Bia and Nike bond over fashion and daemon slaying. Olympian Quest, Collective Game, Bia, The Fates2014-01-02 7 
29237262Privateer Quest II: #18Percius Aurex returns and heads after the Traitorous Captain Morix, but has to reconcile with the fact that he let her go in the first place. Will Morix escape? Next time on Dragon Ball Z!Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2014-01-04 5 
29257135Rum & Booty Quest 5We almost die after boarding a ship.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-01-04 6 
29295883Digger Quest: Chapter 5We awake and learn many things. Dicks are punched, enemies are made, friends are enlightened, and we come to question the very nature of our greatest enemy. Oh and we totally forgot it was our birthday tomorrow.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-01-06 12 
29323546Olympian Quest 5Bia and Nike visit Hephaestus, gets upgrades and learn about mythological politics.Olympian Quest, Collective Game, Bia, The Fates2014-01-07 7 
29368359Olympian Quest 6Bianca meets her brothers, and they plan for potential dungeon raiding. Olympian Quest, Collective Game, Bia, The Fates2014-01-09 5 
29349398Privateer Quest II #19The chase for Captain Morix concludes, and Captain Aurex decides to not return to the wolfpack empty handed. A new system is discovered, and it has ships ripe for pirating...Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships2014-01-10 0 
29464754Rum & Booty Quest 6The trip to Tortuga!Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-01-13 7 
29489371/tg/ vs a KaijuOP playtests a simple d6 homebrew where CHERNO ALPHA sets a Kaiju on fire and then tesla punches it.playtest, getting shit done, pacific rim, Cherno Alpha, kaiju, giant robots punching giant monsters, mech2014-01-14 1 
29631930Digger Quest: Chapter 6Bass convinces Cruiser to turn his beloved AE86 into a amphibious gun touting death machine. He enters the first of the islands three remaining ruins, fights metal crocodiles, and levels up. Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-01-20 12 
29684512Privateer Quest II #22: Sorting the PrizeCaptain Percius Aurex returns to the wolfpack with his first prize and sets about sorting through crew and cargo.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot2014-01-22 1 
29731336Bliss Stage: ANIMA Test Pilot QuestNoble Jurick becomes the first ANIMA pilot in existence, and immediately is drawn into a fight against the alien menace.Collective Game, Bliss Stage, ANIMA Test Pilot Quest2014-01-24 5 
29754017Bliss Stage: ANIMA Test Pilot Quest 2Noble's party heads south, stopping at a barn. Relationships get tangled and stretched to the breaking point.Collective Game, Bliss Stage, ANIMA Test Pilot Quest2014-01-25 3 
29798748Bliss Stage: ANIMA Test Pilot Quest 3Noble confesses his actions to Serena, and is nearly killed for his effort.Collective Game, Bliss Stage, ANIMA Test Pilot Quest2014-01-27 5 
29851100Bliss Stage: ANIMA Test Pilot Quest 4Noble enters the ANIMA once again, and finds himself lost in the dream of humanity.Collective Game, Bliss Stage, ANIMA Test Pilot Quest2014-01-29 2 
29855326Privateer Quest II #23Percius Aurex returns to the wolfpack, has a meal with some of his officers, and reports to Lord WilsonCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, techpriests, psyker2014-01-30 1 
29901864Bliss Stage: ANIMA Test Pilot Quest 5Noble Jurick awakens from the dream world, after crushing alien drones with his new-found might.Collective Game, Bliss Stage, ANIMA Test Pilot Quest2014-01-31 2 
February 2014
29948682Digger Quest: Chapter 7Bass continues to explore the Bronze Tower! Keys are found, bodies are discovered, and limbs are nearly lost! Will Bass find treasure awaiting him or will he only find sorrow and death?Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-02-02 14 
29973830Bliss Stage: ANIMA Test Pilot Quest 6Noble Jurick finally gets some answers.Collective Game, Bliss Stage, ANIMA Test Pilot Quest2014-02-03 1 
29972934Digger Quest: Chapter 8Bass single-handedly fights a city-destroying Reaverbot, decides to waterproof his gun, and buys crappy gifts for his friends.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure, No Seriously Bass Is Really Bad At Picking Out Gifts2014-02-03 12 
30021794Privateer Quest II #24Captain Aurex attends a meeting of the wolfpack's Captains and sees to his growing list of assetsCollective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot2014-02-06 2 
30079917Bliss Stage: ANIMA Test Pilot Quest 7Noble and Su face off against a deadly army of drones, winning a hard-fought victory. Other loose ends get tied up.Collective Game, Bliss Stage, ANIMA Test Pilot Quest2014-02-08 3 
30166941SW: Infinite Legacy IVLeacim and Dacyna fight off pirate-like treasure hunters, and he decides she needs conditioning.Collective Game, Infinite Legacy Quest, Star Wars, Imperial, Dantooine, Training, Pirates, Combat, I Am the Law2014-02-11 4 
30227970Lines your PC's have actually said at the table./tg/ compiles a list of memorable and humorous lines from their campaigns. A plethora of evidence that PC's take ethics/logic with a pinch of salt.Humour, Quotes, PC2014-02-14 23 
30281809Digger Quest: Chapter 8.5Bass goes shopping and does some research at an old ass library. Thread stops short due to shitty OP internet connection during a storm.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-02-17 10 
30332000Privateer Quest II #25Percius Aurex embarks upon a short expedition to further explore a planet before embarking upon a raid with other Captains of the wolfpack. A snowstorm leads to an interesting find.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Exploration, Snow, Survival2014-02-21 0 
30393412Bliss Stage: ANIMA Test Pilot Quest 9Imprisoned by his superiors for reasons unknown, Noble Jurick dreams of his past, seeking answers to guide him.Collective Game, Bliss Stage, ANIMA Test Pilot Quest2014-02-22 1 
March 2014
30590811Digger Quest: Chapter 9Bass gets his gear and attempts to go to the Silver Tower, but is forced to retreat. He goes searching for a job and gets to search for lost kittens. Word of a murder catches his ear and things taken an unusual turn...Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-03-03 10 
30804702Random Dimensional Quest 8: Of Sprites and TimeskipsIn which Nick Trimmers succeeds at many of the goals he set for himself, and achieves a new level!Collective Game, Random Dimensional Quest, Nick Trimmers, barber, Slow Ass, Quest, Arsenal, water sprites, salesmanship, timeskip, Palladium, Megaversal2014-03-13 1 
30853082Digger Quest: Chapter 10Bass is forced to take kittens home as a women is taken into police custody. He tries to find leads on who the real killer is, but ends up fighting a deadly sniper. He confronts the local militia general and things become heated. Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-03-16 10 
30873380Digger Quest: Chapter 11Bass is sent to the hospital and learns he might not entirely be human. He asks Tom for additional weapons and pays Hunter a visit, only to be attacked by a ridiculous looking robot.Digger Quest, Collective Game, Megaman Legends, Megaman, Pirates, Bass, Treble, Puns, Airships, Ocean, Adventure2014-03-17 10 
30918298Privateer Quest II #27Captain Percius Aurex hunts and kills a beast the size of a small tank and plots his escape from the snowstorm that has cut off his exploration group from his ship and crew.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Big Game Hunting2014-03-19 4 
May 2014
32420966Rum & Booty Quest 7new recruits and a few bounty huntersCollective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-05-29 10 
June 2014
32507172Rum & Booty Quest 8We set sail to the Atwoods Keys.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-02 5 
32659321Rum & Booty Quest 9We board the Repentance.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-09 6 
32736594Rum & Booty Quest 10We reach the Atwoods!Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-13 7 
32962750Card Priestess Masami Quest 1Where we wake up in a strange, disturbing room, hide in the ceiling, and then meet a strange, disturbing lady.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Magical Girl, Not Yu-Gi-Oh2014-06-24 17 
32980844Card Priestess Masami Quest 2Where we learn to trust, get shown some not-neat things, and develop a fear of cupcakes.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Magical Girl, Not Yu-Gi-Oh2014-06-25 15 
33024516 Rum & Booty Quest 11We fight Captain Gorne, find a chest and get a shave. Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-27 5 
33065981Card Priestess Masami Quest 3Where we try on a cute school uniform, find out that the night is scary, and meet a scary man. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-06-29 13 
33086340Card Priestess Masami Quest 4Where we watch an iron man disintegrate, get shown around school some, and run into an unfriendly face.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-06-30 13 
July 2014
33168925Card Priestess Masami Quest 5Where we continue our tour of the school, discover a mystery, and sound crazy in front of our peers.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-07-04 11 
33236496Card Priestess Masami Quest 6Where we watch a really cool fight, see some magic powers, and then SUDDEN EXPOSITION.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-07-07 11 
33275749Card Priestess Masami Quest 7Where we ask some weird questions, get some weird answers, cry a whole lot, and then wear a dress that slays evil.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-07-09 11 
33362047Card Priestess Masami Quest 8Where we have two girls touch us all over, find out that we may be seeing things, and then get embarrassed in front of our friends.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Cute2014-07-13 11 
33423173Card Priestess Masami Quest 9Where we talk about stuff, cry about stuff, and hug about stuff. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-07-16 9 
33514996Card Priestess Masami Quest 10Where we talk to Mom, talk about Mom, and show her our new threads.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-07-20 8 
33588029Card Priestess Masami Quest 11Where we get a new card, get a new suit, and dote on Mom some more.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-07-23 7 
33705276Card Priestess Masami Quest 12Where we find a new side of Aiko, find a bad sign from Kaori, and find good food from MaedaCollective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-07-28 7 
August 2014
33786075PC QuotesFunny and memorable quotes from PCsQuotes PCs Funny2014-08-01 4 
33826481Card Priestess Masami Quest 13Where we finish up the clubs, meet a polite man, and learn something unfortunate. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-02 8 
33893623Card Priestess Masami Quest 14Where we taunt a suspicious man, lose Maeda somewhere, and get helpful advice from Mom.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-05 8 
34041781Card Priestess Masami Quest 15Where we get scared, again! And then try to get to the bottom of a most devious plot!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-11 7 
34137934Privateer Quest II #34: No Good Will Come of ThisCaptain Percius Aurex returns after a hiatus. Summary of events and Percius begins to examine the murder of two people who had their skulls removed on his ship.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2014-08-16 1 
34162204Card Priestess Masami Quest 16Where we continue to climb Fortune HQ while encountering some resistance. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-16 6 
34212058Card Priestess Masami Quest 17Where we become impatient, find an evil looking guy, and hear some evil things.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-18 6 
34237371Card Priestess Masami Quest 18Where we tell someone to pound sand, finally decide to fight evil, and get hugs from mom.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-19 7 
34301979Privateer Quest II #35 - Green TideThe ork attack on Barivia in sector Paxia goes poorly and we get a first hand look at the fight.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2014-08-23 0 
34373064Card Priestess Masami Quest 19Where we get interrupted at breakfast, learn how to make cool things, and then learn some stuff from Mom. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-25 6 
34445020Card Priestess Masami Quest 20Where we try to give Aiko back her phone, find out Maeda is missing, and find someone who dresses weirdly. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-08-28 6 
September 2014
34538650Card Priestess Masami Quest 21Where we chase a masked girl, are suspicious of our friends, and wish we had siblings.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-01 6 
34684207Card Priestess Masami Quest 22Where we have another strange dream, wake up in a scare, and try on some new clothesCollective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-07 7 
34707138Card Priestess Masami Quest 23Where we scare Aiko, come across a fight, and release a magical girl back into the wild.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-08 6 
34779704Card Priestess Masami Quest 24 Part 1Where we run the thread for about thirty minutes before 4chan dies. RIP 4chan.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-11 6 
34843027Card Priestess Masami Quest 24 Part 2Where we finally go to Fortune, bake a gigantic cake, and then have alarms go off in our ears. RIP earsCollective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-14 6 
34933889Card Priestess Masami Quest 25Where we kidnap a magical girl, and marvel at Mom's amazing hug-based powers. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-18 6 
35090203Card Priestess Masami Quest 26Where we become a private detective, learn some things best left unspoken, and continue to pursue the masked girl.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-24 6 
35201306Card Priestess Masami Quest 27Where we get a frightening power, and use it indiscriminately. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-09-29 5 
35211228Warring America States EraWhat if America has a Warring States period, just like Japan?oc, original content, awesome, politics, america, warring american states2014-09-30 1 
October 2014
35244144Card Priestess Masami Quest 28Where we, um, actually I don't know who we are. This is an identity crisis! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-02 6 
35313602Towergirls System TrialA test of a d10 success system in a FTL/Oregon Trail style game. Goes a bit off-kilter the further things progress, but had a solid idea behind it. Some NSFW near the end.collective game, tower girls, towergirls, d10, test, trial, development, game design, smut, drawfag2014-10-05 4 
35328734Card Priestess Masami Quest 29Where we try to comfort a crazy girl, then try to take her to dinner, wait, something is wrong with this.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-06 8 
35434548Card Priestess Masami Quest 30Where we find out something terrible, and then we are sad. Everyone is sad forever.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-10 6 
35440468Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter ThreeWe spend way too long talking to some of our aliens about land grants, gradually figure out that they're actually sly sons of bitches, and FINALLY arrive at our planet and discover that it's absolutely crawling with Pirates, Slavers, and giant space bugs.Collective Game, Governors Quest, SciFi, Science Fiction, Space, Known Space, Piartes, Slavers, Bugs, Wall of text2014-10-11 7 
35463815Governors Quest 4We deal with the space pirate problem through guile, trickery, and the application of extreme violence.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Known Space, SciFi, colony, MURIKA, Transmetropolitan, Space Pirates, Space Slavers2014-10-12 7 
35509335Card Priestess Masami Quest 31Where we stall for time with the student council, come face to face with a haunted mansion, and then try to rationalize with the stubborn.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-14 5 
35512848Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter SevenWe spend the entire thread running over Space Bugs in our BOLO and laughing maniacally, until we get into a fight with some kind of coral...symbiote...thing. Also creepy foreshadowing ignored in favor of arguing about allegations of samefagging.Collective Game, Governors Quest, Governor Quest, SciFi, Science Fiction, Space, Known Space, Pirates, Slavers, Bugs, Wall of text, Starship Troopers, Transmetropolitan2014-10-14 6 
35596271Governer's Quest Chapter 10-1We deal with the remaining Yakuza, talk to newly awakened Bio Androids, and argue endlessly on politics and civics.Collective Game, Governors Quest, SciFi, Science Fiction, Space, Known Space, Piartes, Slavers, Bugs, Wall of text2014-10-18 5 
35601788Governer's Quest Chapter 10-2In which we build our colonial government, send out word to hire starship crews, and chat with our BOLO.Collective Game, Governors Quest, SciFi, Science Fiction, Space, Known Space, Piartes, Slavers, Bugs, Wall of text2014-10-18 6 
35655000Card Priestess Masami Quest 32Where we try to see who is more stubborn, Us or Kaori. We have lots of practice on our side!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-21 5 
35795049Card Priestess Masami Quest 33Where we kidnap a little girl and take her home. All things considered, I'm amazed this didn't happen sooner!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-10-28 6 
November 2014
35923834Card Priestess Masami Quest 34Where we deal with the aftermath of having a sibling.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-03 6 
36084742Card Priestess Masami Quest 35Where we drag someone back to school, and learn something very frightening about the enemy.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-11 6 
36230161Card Priestess Masami Quest 36Where we find out that the bad guys are powering up without us, how rude!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-18 5 
36327695Card Priestess Masami Quest 37Where we try to plan ahead of our enemies by baking sweets. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-22 5 
36486626Card Priestess Masami Quest 38Where we find some new monsters, and some new toys!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-11-30 6 
December 2014
36624092Card Priestess Masami Quest 39Where we either get the best Christmas gift ever or the worst idea we've ever had.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-12-07 7 
36705993Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna IIIPrivateer quest side mission, the continuing adventures of General Hienrich defending his world from orks.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2014-12-13 2 
36760841Card Priestess Masami Quest 40Where we negotiate with terrorists, and meet a new face. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-12-14 6 
36895472Card Priestess Masami Quest 41Where we are challenged to a duel! Or something! It's not really clear. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-12-21 5 
37090508Card Priestess Masami Quest 42Where we find out that the mystery man is a pretty cool guy! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2014-12-31 5 
January 2015
37161244Card Priestess Masami Quest 43Where we find out Ryouta has a plan! It's just not a very good plan. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-05 6 
37266522Card Priestess Masami Quest 44Where we find out that Kaori is meeting her father at the absolute worst place! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-10 5 
37337512Card Priestess Masami Quest 45Where we find out that we have to go someplace that we REALLY don't want to go. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-13 6 
37417946Card Priestess Masami Quest 46Where we break into Fortune HQ to spy on our sister! Also maybe take things for ourselves.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-17 5 
37594719Card Priestess Masami Quest 47Where we- Wait, We're not "we" at all! This is an odd change in perspective!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-25 6 
37640045Card Priestess Masami Quest 48Where we witness Kaori being a crybaby, and mommy healing magic! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-01-27 6 
February 2015
37753639Card Priestess Masami Quest 49Where we find out Mom is an even bigger crybaby than we are. Who is the mature one around here?Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-02-01 5 
37801752Card Priestess Masami Quest 50Where we find out the Chairman is not a friend of justice! Which makes him justice's enemy! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-02-03 7 
38221376Card Priestess Masami Quest 51Where we find out we're a weirdo, get teased for being a weirdo, and then get brained by another weirdo! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-02-22 6 
March 2015
38374683Card Priestess Masami Quest 52Where we have a very slow day. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-01 5 
38473669Card Priestess Masami Quest 53Where we destroy a monster and ruin a perfectly good set of clothes. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-05 5 
38542490Card Priestess Masami Quest 54Where we find everything falling apart. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-08 6 
38630544Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners. Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Catgirl Techpriestess, Awkward conversations, mood-ruining, lewd-interrupting, power nap2015-03-12 5 
38702152Card Priestess Masami Quest 55Where we are taunted by a big jerk and deal with the problems he causes.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-14 7 
38789966Card Priestess Masami Quest 56Where we try to figure out what to do with a magic ring. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-19 5 
38852361Card Priestess Masami Quest 57Where we attack a scary mansion, and find a cute kid, like, thing. Something. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-22 5 
38991045Card Priestess Masami Quest 58Where we figure out someone is missing, go hunting for them, and then have someone else go missing.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-03-29 8 
38972396Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #4We finally get to Brexen Fortress and set about fortifying and defending it, and while the planet burns around us there is hope yet.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2015-03-29 3 
April 2015
39093314Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #5We consolidate our forces in Brexen Fortress, search the grounds and prepare for the coming greenskin storm. Also we piss blood.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2015-04-05 4 
39140039Card Priestess Masami Quest 59Where we have another change in perspective, which lets us discover new things about old foes.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-04-05 5 
39118735Quotes from Your Game"You're holding something already." "I have teeth."quote, quotes2015-04-05 13 
39282377Card Priestess Masami Quest 60Where we find out that everything is even worse than we realized! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-04-12 5 
39428062Card Priestess Masami Quest 61Where we make a decision, and our friends undermine us. Hey I wonder what Mom is doing?Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-04-19 6 
39638346DBZ Human Quest #132Pointless drama.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, DBZ Human Quest, Who actually writes every character that appeared in the thread in the tags its fucking stupid2015-04-29 7 
39650743Card Priestess Masami Quest 62Where we disregard common sense and go blind into a big scary building. We need to stop doing that.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-04-29 5 
May 2015
39713237Card Priestess Masami Quest 63Where we see a whole world full of jerks! Everyone is a jerk here! Especially Asai. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-03 7 
39851883Card Priestess Masami Quest 64Where we wander around in the dark, pretend to be helpful, and encounter an unseen foe!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-10 7 
39955688Card Priestess Masami Quest 65Where we fight dirty monster tricks with dirty tricks of our own!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-15 7 
39996426Card Priestess Masami Quest 66Where we have a short thread about how much of a jerk Asai is. It's too bad Julie had to learn this way.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-17 8 
40097579Card Priestess Masami Quest 67Where we threaten a jerk, and meet up with an old friend. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-22 7 
40134231Card Priestess Masami Quest 68Where we reason with a monster, and try to fight fire with stubbornness. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-24 6 
40241240Card Priestess Masami Quest 69Where we get some answers from Mom, and find out that not everyone wants a happy family.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-29 5 
40278533Undead States of America 1Divided and overrun by zombies, America faces its greatest challengeCollective Game, Undead States of America2015-05-30 3 
40281183Card Priestess Masami Quest 70Where we learn adults can't be trusted, and then we meet up with an old friend!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-05-31 6 
June 2015
40387553Card Priestess Masami Quest 71Where we realize our best friend is in trouble! Then our sisters put us in trouble.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-05 5 
40432494Card Priestess Masami Quest 72Where we discuss something important with Kaori, and then realize that our house is too small.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-07 5 
40543581Card Priestess Masami Quest 73Where we babysit our new annoying sisters, and try to find our best friend.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-12 5 
40658781Insectoid Civ session 3Recovery after the first goblin raids, and some meta talk at the end, Alates!Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus, Session 3, Alates, Tekton2015-06-18 2 
40681965Card Priestess Masami Quest 74Where we save our friend! Eventually! Oh this is tough.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-18 6 
40721568Card Priestess Masami Quest 75Where we make something, to find someone. This will go well, I'm sure!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-21 5 
40782011Lets make a space marine chapter/tg/ Makes Iranian space marines40k, cc, close combat, space marines, astartes, ultramarines2015-06-24 1 
40819281Card Priestess Masami Quest 76Where we scare our friends with frightening new powers! Then we meet new friends to scare!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-25 5 
40864864Card Priestess Masami Quest 77Where we find out that our siblings and friends seem to have inherited some of our stubbornness. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-06-28 5 
July 2015
40991702Card Priestess Masami Quest 78Where we finally confront Marie, and ask her why we're so alike. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-03 5 
41014195Card Priestess Masami Quest 79Where we clash with the ultimate enemy of all! Someone who is even more stubborn than we are!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-05 6 
41119660Card Priestess Masami Quest 80Where we try to find a way to break through a brick wall shaped like Marie's head. One way or another. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-09 5 
41164511Card Priestess Masami Quest 81Where we pick up our things and go home. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-12 5 
41309706Card Priestess Masami Quest 82Where we comfort our crying sister, we'll be doing lots of that.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-19 6 
41319771Yet Another Fetish Worldbuilding ThreadThis time it was spawned by Weekend Smut Thread, no lessTransforming Giantess Vore Robots, The shame we all live with2015-07-19 -10 
41417371Card Priestess Masami Quest 83Where we help our sister dream, and then wake up for our big day.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-24 5 
41503244Card Priestess Masami Quest 84Where we try to think of a way to turn a mean person into a good one. Sadly, it probably won't work on Masami.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-27 6 
41569630Card Priestess Masami Quest 85Where we find a strange girl, and she tells us a stranger story.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-07-30 5 
August 2015
41611656Card Priestess Masami Quest 86Where we introduce the new girl, and try to find out some things about cards.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-02 6 
41735439Card Priestess Masami Quest 87Where we make a card, and then make bad feelings.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-08 5 
41756536Card Priestess Masami Quest 88Where we craft a special card, so we can make more problems.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-09 5 
41777649Corsair Quest 1Darmund and his ship leave on a diplomatic mission, and are attacked mid-voyage.Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair2015-08-10 1 
41894820Corsair Quest 2The battle with the black ship begins. We find our affinity with decay, and use it to grapple with a Kraken.Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair, hugesquids2015-08-16 1 
41912087Card Priestess Masami Quest 89Where we try to understand a difficult problem. If only we had a smart person.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-16 5 
41918937Corsair Quest 3Our new corsair returns homes, and is given a test. We finally have our own ship.Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair2015-08-17 1 
42013922Card Priestess Masami Quest 90Where we learn about the plan to get Cirrus back. Unfortunately, we've learned about the plan to get Cirrus back.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-22 5 
42134326Card Priestess Masami Quest 91Where we find out that adults are crazy.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-08-28 5 
September 2015
42315183Card Priestess Masami Quest 92Where we try to stop Mom from doing something dumb, and then do something dumb.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-06 5 
42361677Card Priestess Masami Quest 93Where we find something possibly useful, and scare someone who is possibly useless. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-08 6 
42463720Card Priestess Masami Quest 94Where we see our friends do something really cool! Too bad we're just way cooler than that.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-13 5 
42587295Card Priestess Masami Quest 95Where we have a rude dose of reality. Then we get down to business. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-19 5 
42707381Card Priestess Masami Quest 96Where we get scolded over cookies, and we realize that our time is shorter than we realized.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-09-25 5 
October 2015
42873245Card Priestess Masami Quest 97Where we try to find something missing, and realize our problem is bigger than imagined. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-10-04 5 
42963744Card Priestess Masami Quest 98Where we realize that Asai has been tricking everyone! If only everyone was smarter.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-10-09 5 
43111831Card Priestess Masami Quest 99Where we find ourselves in a very bad place, fortunately Asai is here to make things worse.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-10-17 5 
43237436Card Priestess Masami Quest 100 (Part 1)Where we find that all of our fears have come true.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-10-23 6 
November 2015
43396152Card Priestess Masami Quest 101Where we try to talk down a very dangerous foe. If not dangerous, at least very stubborn.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-11-01 5 
43640792Card Priestess Masami Quest 102Where we fight an actual dangerous foe. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-11-14 5 
43757874Card Priestess Masami Quest 103Where we free a little girl, and then get in trouble for it. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-11-21 2 
43878956Card Priestess Masami Quest 104Where we are tasked with a very delicate hostage situation. Don't make Masami your negotiator. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-11-29 5 
December 2015
43935237Exterminator Quest #32We meet a nice barber and make enchiladas. Also, we get files!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites2015-12-02 5 
44047415Card Priestess Masami Quest 105Where we panic over our reckless little sister, and then witness a series of humiliating defeats! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-12-08 5 
44138001Card Priestess Masami Quest 106Where we finally confront our biggest problem. Which is of course, our cowardice. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-12-13 3 
44194960Exterminator Quest #33Simmons attempts to calculate Vince's cash on hand.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-16 3 
44252788Card Priestess Masami Quest 107Where we feel slightly more bratty than usual. We must be playing as some other punk kid this time.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-12-19 3 
44291928Corsair Quest 4Darmund ends up having to fight his way to some new clothes and recruits. Collective Game, Pirates, Ships, Corsair, Psychic, Monks2015-12-21 1 
44344879Exterminator Quest #34We're unsure about our luck.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-24 5 
44430753Card Priestess Masami Quest 108Where we find out what makes Asai tick, but then realize how much of a problem this creates.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2015-12-28 5 
44448125Exterminator Quest #35Fire anon returns in grand style.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-30 3 
January 2016
44571031Card Priestess Masami Quest 109Where we discover that no one likes talking to Asai. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-01-05 3 
44589126Exterminator Quest #36We defend the honor of our racing clan, things get a little hairy.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell,racing2016-01-06 6 
44670317Card Priestess Masami Quest 110Where we confront our problems head-on. Like we do best!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-01-09 3 
44776697Exterminator Quest #37Archived early, we might get Jeremy back.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2016-01-15 5 
44821802Card Priestess Masami Quest 111Where we try to deal with a problem which we've only made smaller and more annoying!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-01-17 5 
44896570Lost Source #6. For Reals, this time.Our first documented playtest! Albeit it's a TPK. Darn bloopers.Lost Source, homebrew, world building, bloodborne, dark souls,playtest2016-01-22 4 
44964980Exterminator Quest #38We go to court but the thread is culled early, as every QM in existence decides to run at the same time.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, court2016-01-24 5 
45035464Exterminator Quest #39We testify in court!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, court2016-01-27 3 
45053766Exterminator Quest #40The big 4-Oh. We race in the Underground GP and do great! Until we don't.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, grand prix2016-01-28 3 
45077126Card Priestess Masami Quest 112Where we run from the law! Oh no! At least Asai is the one in prison and not us.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-01-29 3 
February 2016
45146238Pirates of the Caribbean as an RPG CampaignA few writefags re-invent various scenes from the Pirates of the Caribbean as the antics of group of RPG players.Writefag, stories, Pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean, story, what if2016-02-02 57 
45181004Exterminator Quest #42In which the Grand Prix is completed impressively and Simmons declares a dread hiatus.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, grand prix2016-02-03 5 
45255659Card Priestess Masami Quest 113Where we run from an even scarier authority: Crazy Moms! Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-02-06 3 
45364363Card Priestess Masami Quest 114Where we run from our problems, and no one is happy.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-02-12 5 
45502836Card Priestess Masami Quest 115Where we go along with a dumb action movie plan, but it's the best we have!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-02-19 5 
45664389Card Priestess Masami Quest 116Where we hear out the crazy person, and do not make new friends.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-02-27 5 
March 2016
45819209Card Priestess Masami Quest 117Where we bully a clown, and then consider bullying Asai. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-03-05 5 
45965739Card Priestess Masami Quest 118Where we bully a big monster, and then get bullied by Asai. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-03-12 5 
46104131Card Priestess Masami Quest 119Where we witness a cool new power! Then wish it didn't exist. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-03-19 5 
46254248Card Priestess Masami Quest 120Where we are too stubborn to know when to quit!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-03-26 2 
April 2016
46379404Beast in the Sky QuestYou are Isaac, a revolutionary that steals a government-owned flying fortress in the land of Prism.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship2016-04-01 12 
46399780Beast in the Sky Quest 2You discover the source of the mysterious light out on the lake, spend a day in the clockwork town of Peck, then see something unusual.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-02 8 
46417529Card Priestess Masami Quest 121Where we have a very difficult time with a very awful person!Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-04-02 5 
46531774Beast in the Sky Quest 3Isaac and crew rescue a damsel in distress, then make their way to Ao, only to run into two more.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-08 8 
46657202Beast in the Sky Quest 4Isaac and crew work out plans to get into the governor of Ao's palace, then are treated to an unwelcome surprise...Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-14 6 
46676997Card Priestess Masami Quest 122Where we have a happy family. Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-04-15 3 
46675887Beast in the Sky Quest 5Isaac and crew escapes the governor's palace with him in tow and makes it to his brother's, only to be given a new task.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-15 6 
46822729Beast in the Sky Quest 6Isaac and crew face off against a group of bandits holed up in the Longfall mountains, then make their way back to Ao.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-22 6 
46843372Card Priestess Masami Quest 123Where we have an annoying family (Epilogue thread #2)Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-04-23 3 
46951386Beast in the Sky Quest 7Isaac and company have a night out on the town only to discover that someone hasn't been completely honest with them.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-04-28 5 
May 2016
47010010Card Priestess Masami Quest 124Where we have a loving family. (Epilogue thread #3)Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-05-01 2 
47088343Beast in the Sky Quest 8Isaac and crew take some things up with Kakei regarding his "employees" and learns of a darker side to Tabby.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-05 6 
47122658Beast in the Sky Quest 9Isaac discovers something deadly serious and must get to the bottom of it before things get much, much worse.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-07 5 
47139913Card Priestess Masami Quest 125Where we have the best family. (Epilogue thread #4, check twitter.com/qm_cardheart for future updates)Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute2016-05-08 5 
47207354Beast in the Sky Quest 10Isaac gets closer and closer to solving the murder and discovers something that was almost left behind.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-12 5 
85592Early 1700's Adventure Part 1Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia, Mount and Blade, Protestants are scum, 1700's, mercenary, Swedish treachery, Pirates.2016-05-12 1 
103337Priestess QuestArmed only with a FIRE MACE, PRIESTESS ARIA investigates the burning HIGH ORDER CASTLE.Collective Game, Quest, Priestess, Aria2016-05-13 6 
114900Deserter QuestLuce, a Conscript of the Serenian kingdom army, has deserted his post. He begins his journey home, unaware of the dangers that lie ahead.Collective Game, Quest, Deserter, Luce, Priestess2016-05-15 6 
47342116Beast in the Sky Quest 11Isaac and Tabby pay their respects at Blakkaz, then head back to the ship for more intrigue regarding the murders.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-05-20 3 
185820Alchemist QuestTheodore was just a normal alchemist trying to create something, but things start to get out of control.Quest,Priestess,CollectiveGame,Alchemist2016-05-30 3 
188533Seamstress QuestSeamstress Lilian's peaceful life went south fast after she sold clothes to two suspicious individuals. Collective Game, Quest, Seamstress, Priestess, Lilian, Demonity Quests2016-05-30 4 
June 2016
47582962Beast in the Sky Quest 12Isaac talks business with some fellow traders.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-06-03 3 
225289Save Viva Piñata Princess Part 2Pirates and Stephn KingSave the Princess, princess, Quest, Collective Game, candy, Stephen King, Pirates2016-06-10 13 
242418Demonity Quest; EnchantressLilian and her new friend begins their journey to the High Order Ruins.Collective Game, Quest, Enchantress, Priestess, Lilian, Demonity Quests2016-06-13 3 
47827336Beast in the Sky Quest 13Isaac has some chats with his crew.Sky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-06-18 2 
276977Test Quest!We meet Pedro.Test Quest!2016-06-24 1 
291624Test Quest!We meet Preah!Test Quest!2016-06-26 1 
304430Test Quest!We say goodbye!Test Quest!2016-06-29 1 
July 2016
351463Beast in the Sky Quest 14RIPSky Pirates, Flying Fortress, Collective Game, Air Ship, Beast in the Sky Quest, AM in the PM, AM-PM2016-07-09 0 
399926Blunder QuestThe Great Escape! (A story of revenge begins)quest, blunder, fenster, sprites, pixel art,2016-07-30 1 
August 2016
48876421Shrunken PCsA blatant fetish thread with some interesting ideas for shrunken adventures.shrunk, giantess2016-08-21 0 
September 2016
584580Witch Apprentice Quest #25Nadja takes Daemonology 101 WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-09-18 5 
618475Witch Apprentice Quest #26Nadja passes Daemonology 101.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-09-25 5 
October 2016
676443Witch Apprentice Quest #27Nadja gets lied to.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-09 5 
699986The Elder Scrolls Quest #1The beginning of the journey of Manius Bentius, an Imperial Crusader born in Orsinium. Quest, Elder Scrolls, LorkhanQM, TESQuest2016-10-15 3 
685264European Dragon Quest 32In this thread, we tumble our wife mid-air with kids watching, enslave people, build a refinery town, and tumble a Khornate shield-maiden.European Dragon Quest, QuestingQM, Collective Game, Dragon, Dragons, Khornates2016-10-16 1 
710101Witch Apprentice Quest #28Nadja refuses to let go.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-17 5 
687053Cape World Presents: Statesmen, the Superhero team management sim 1In which we begin to build up our center program, play diplomacy with a dragon, and meet the president.Collective Game, Superhero, Super hero, Statesmen, Questguy, Politics, Diplomacy, Dragons, School, Sim2016-10-20 4 
711189The Elder Scrolls Quest #2Bentius makes his way to Markarth followed by Falkreath and encounters a remnant of an ancient organization.Quest, Elder Scrolls, LorkhanQM, TESQuest2016-10-22 3 
746756Witch Apprentice Quest #29Nadja makes it all better.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-10-25 5 
738326The Elder Scrolls Quest #3Bentius gains a new friend, Selas, a Dunmer evoker and they both set off to Kvatch.Quest, Elder Scrolls, LorkhanQM, TESQuest2016-10-29 1 
November 2016
770835Witch Apprentice Quest #30Trick or Treat!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-11-02 7 
765716The Elder Scrolls Quest #4Bentius and Selas arrive in Kvatch where they search for Whitemane in Ayleid ruins and a prison.Quest, Elder Scrolls, LorkhanQM, TESQuest2016-11-03 1 
823603Witch Apprentice Quest #31Nadja enjoys a friendly game!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2016-11-14 5 
December 2016
887171One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 2We say goodbye to Yuto and Big Bean, and make our way to Rougetown. After accepting a mission from a shady woman, shit hits the fan. One Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, Pirates, Cyborgs, YOB OP2016-12-02 5 
January 2017
50965957Ship quirk threadA thread about space ship quirks gives birth to a tiny race called the "Borrowers"Borrowers, space borrowers, space, tiny, aliens, grandma, quirks, pirates, traveller, ai, Cessna2017-01-11 15 
1066867Mageknight Academy #0The Mageknight Academy of Madrid opens its doors to a batch of new students. Mechanics and rules are tested. Shenanigans are had.Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-01-26 16 
February 2017
1095363Mageknight Academy #1The Mageknight Academy continues to teach its students a new way of life. Several students join, and eldritch abominations are defeated.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-05 13 
1120746Mageknight Academy: Beach OVA 1The students take a trip to the beach. After a series of failed applications of sunscreen, hell itself comes up to face them.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-05 10 
1126893Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #1Nadja rolls a 1!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-02-05 7 
1127019One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 3.5After some difficulty, we make our way into the Grand Line. We meet Crorcus, get a Jolly Roger, and end up captured by bounty hunters.One Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, pirates, bounty hunters, YOB OP2017-02-06 1 
1129120Mageknight Academy #2The academy enacts a student exchange program and a number of students busy themselves with their own personal quests.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-13 10 
1151990One Piece: Shining Seas Quest 4 The endOne Piece: Shining Seas, Quest, pirates, bounty hunters, YOB OP2017-02-15 1 
1173334Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #2Nadja gets her hair done!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-02-19 5 
1160865Mageknight Academy #3A monster's curse, remembering forgotten family, a swordly quest to France and life as a harem protagonist.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-21 10 
1142520Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #1A group of friends embark into a dark forest, late at night, to try to find out about a satanic ritual. Nothing can go wrong.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-22 1 
1160909Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #2A group of friends follow the Spanish Inquisition into their cathedral. People get drugged, and ominous feelings lurk. Nothing can go wrong.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-23 1 
1160906Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #1New transfer students arrive, blackmail and elections come up, and flesh mages are killed.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-02-23 10 
March 2017
1193633Mageknight Academy #4Earth Elementals, the Devil King massacre, evil magical pranks, the treehouse of life and the birth of Ultracrusader.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-03 6 
1193670Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #2Even more blackmail, threats, and slander occur as the election gets heated, demon dogs run rampant, and votes are tallied up. No recounts.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-04 5 
1220912Mageknight Academy: Hot springs OVA #2The students take a trip to relax before the exams. A devil king is slain, love is found and relationships deepened.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-09 3 
1218014Mageknight Academy Sidequest: Arthur's Dream #3A group of friends attempt to uncover whatever secrets the Inquisition are hiding.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-09 1 
1209743Cloak and Colony Quest 1It begins in a small colony on a world of isles in a pirate's nest of a system, our charisma leads to early wins but causes us some troublePirates, Zealots, Space Colony, Superhero, Gigolo life ain't easy, Ancient Ruins, Tropical Islands, Genie2017-03-09 1 
1254343Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #3Nadja jams it in!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-03-12 4 
1243332Mageknight Academy #5The first academy exam comes, testing the students' prowess to see if they have what it takes to ascend to the next chapter of academy lifeMageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-15 3 
1243197Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #3The first academy exam comes, as everyone studies and get ready to move on to a new year. Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-17 2 
1189260Changeling the Lost: Prologue In the mid-70's a born again hippie, Jeremiah Bates, takes a trip through the American SouthwestNWoD, Changeling, Teller-of-Tales, Jerry Woodheart, Lost, Jeremiah Bates2017-03-17 14 
1288139One Piece Muscles Quest 1Thrill as Maximillion T. Strongarm faces off against the Marine Captain Van Damn in a Ohara elimination match in the ring of fire.Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-03-24 11 
1277046Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #4With the exam retakes finished, a new school year starts with new students and struggles arriving.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-27 1 
1277016Mageknight Academy #6Exam retakes, eldritch investigations, plant women problems, faceless vampires, anti-climactic duels, mind trapped Germans & self-thwomping.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-03-27 1 
1307978One Piece Muscles Quest 2In a underground cage match heavyweight superstar Maximillion goes against Moran's crew. Only on OPM pay per view!Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-03-30 10 
April 2017
1324008Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #4Nadja learns to fly!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-04-02 3 
1297025Storm Paladin Quest #6The daemonette thread.Storm Paladin Quest, Cyberpunk Demonslayer, daemonettes2017-04-02 6 
1313562Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #5Studies resume as horse problems arise. Transfer program happens and student come and go.Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-08 2 
1314841Mageknight Academy #7Vampire attacks, the plant saga continues, deciphering codes, Gundam Battles, pushy gym coaches and a major club project.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-08 1 
1364281One Piece Muscles Quest 3Fresh out of the hospital, can Maximillion survive a ladder match with the vicious Minmax brothers and belligrant dice?Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-04-18 5 
1347683Mageknight Academy #8A Cardboard monster is on the loose, and sidequests come back to bite the students in the ass.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-19 1 
52870955testtesttest2017-04-24 -12 
1393241Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #5Nadja learns to stand!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-04-25 7 
1380710One Piece Muscles Quest 4Miyuki Soge, sidekick to the daring Captain Strongarm, is set to face off in a gruelling no holds barrel flashback. Who comes out on top?Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-04-25 5 
1379671Mageknight Academy #9Students visit Hellpits and preparations for a Grim field trip are done. Joy gets lost in the sewers and piece of recovered fey are found.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-29 1 
1379849Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #7A pair of students explore a spooky magic cave, violations against the Geneva Convention continue, and the Georgius family comes to light.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-04-30 2 
May 2017
1412127Mageknight Academy #10The interacademy tournament proceeds with a few surprising victories, home visits begin, and an expedition into the Grimwoods is conducted.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-05-09 1 
1418715Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #8Inter-Academy winners are announced and Live action situations are done. Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-05-12 1 
1441536Mageknight Academy #11Kill Matt 2 - The Revenge of The Raccoon, Amsterdam Refugees arrive and Alpha Squad bizarre adventure continuation.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test 2017-05-20 1 
1448337Mageknight Academy: Amsterdam #9End times come as Amsterdam is invaded by demons. The school decides to transfer students to refuge in their sister school MKA:Madrid. Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-05-23 1 
1481273Pirates of the PacificYour name is Theo. You are a twenty one year old kid. And you want to be a pirate.pirate, piracy, potc, pacific, pirates of the pacific2017-05-24 1 
1493933Pirates of the Pacific IIYou are Theo, a 21 year old kid from a pacific american coastal town, and you want to be a pirate.pirate, piracy, potc, pacific, pirates of the pacific2017-05-28 1 
1479385Mageknight Academy #12Conclusion to the Grimwoods Battle. Marital Arts. A hidden Threat is revealed in a Diary. Rise of the Raccoons.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-05-31 0 
June 2017
1505350Pirates of the Pacific IIIYour name is Theo. You are a 21 year old Pacific coast American. And you are a piratepirate, piracy, potc, pacific, pirates of the pacific2017-06-02 1 
1518446Mageknight Academy #13Tenia's parents come in, a dhampir fights a raccoon, squirrel and cat and hints of a soon-to-be-wedding? Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-06-11 1 
1563053Mageknight Academy #14The investigation continues, missing students return to the fold, and new students enter the academy.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-06-23 1 
July 2017
1608202Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #6Nadja attempts to show off.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-07-01 4 
1597485Mageknight Academy #15Talk about spirits and arriving new students.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-07-03 1 
1623308Mageknight Academy #16Student leg falls off in freak accident, Masked man perverts a school?, and a trip to Canaria anounced!Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-07-12 1 
1666143Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #6Nadja is FOCUSED!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches, Focused2017-07-15 6 
1664846Mageknight Academy #17Students prepare & sign-up for Canaria Island trip, Concert with friends, Cursed sword appears, friend gets clingy and more training.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-07-26 1 
August 2017
1700929Mageknight Academy #18Mana Classes are held while students buy swimsuits for Canaria Trip. A house party is held by a well known student.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2017-08-03 1 
1723755One Piece Muscles Quest 5In which Strongarm gets a new crew member and kicks a man in the nuts.Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-08-12 1 
1764844One Piece Muscles Quest 5.5In which you have a practice match against Pirate Hulk Hogan and don't die.Collective Game, One Piece Muscles Quest, Quest, Mynameismimikyu, Pirates, Muscles2017-08-16 0 
1735405Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 1Students aboard S.S. Valencia for the new exploration trip in Canaria but at the midst of boarding, a small few have boarded the wrong ship!Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-08-16 2 
1782308Starborn Quest 34: Woooooah We're halfway there. Ohhh Sleeping in a ChairA lot of travelling happens and we meet a new fella. Lex looks worse for wear before Honamurei takes on the stranger.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Travel, Honamurei, Luc, Tessius, Gine, Lexington, Gine, Sparring, ARMBAR, Academy Arc2017-08-20 1 
1788497Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #8Nadja gets distracted.WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches2017-08-28 5 
1783678Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 2The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do some shopping. Others get lost in a different country. Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-08-30 1 
September 2017
1825914Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 3The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do more shopping. Others adventure for items and materials.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-09-12 1 
1866730Swole European Dragon Quest 73In this episode, Claw gets SWOLE AS FUCK, and fails to be a Chad, all while we make a new meme, that of BBM.Big Black Minotaur Meme is Best Meme, Stop Ancaps Now, European Dragon Quest, Collective Game, SWOLE, Chad, Spamming Tags, KHORNATES!2017-09-23 1 
1857123Mageknight Academy OVA #3 - Part 4The S.S. Valencia makes port at Canaria. Students explore the island and do some shopping. Others get lost in a different country.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-09-24 2 
October 2017
1907500Mageknight Academy: Canaria and Canada OVA #3 Part 5Students fight off shadowy reflections and vengeful nature spirits. Lost tourists are shipped from one country to another.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-10-09 1 
1951449Privateer Quest: Battle for New Vienna #6It's been a long time. But Heinrich's back to finish the fight.Collective Game, Privateer Quest 2, Warhammer 40k, Pirates, Spaceships, Loot, Poke'Hats2017-10-14 3 
November 2017
2004198Mageknight Academy: Canaria OVA #3 Part 6Sand castle competition, Baby dragon turn human, cowgirls, bonfire and more shopping!Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test, OVA2017-11-03 2 
2077111Locked Cannons and Split TimberPirates Pirates2017-11-27 1 
December 2017
2092597MAR Quest 1Onishi Kana beats up bullies before being teleported into a world of fairy tales and legends. Teams up with Pirates and kicks ass!MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2017-12-03 5 
2143066Starborn Quest 41: Welcome to the JungleAcademic things continueCollective Game, Star, Starborn, Wagon, Travel, Honamurei, Luc, Tessius, Gine, Lexington, Gine, Sparring, ARMBAR, Academy Arc2017-12-20 2 
56830888Machine Cultist WorldbuildingA discussion of various machine-worshiping cults from throughout fiction and ideas for worldbuilding an original one.adeptus mechanicus, chruch of the broken god, mechanists, hammerites, italian futurists,2017-12-21 3 
2142928The Greatest War #1We meet our soldier of the great German Empire, romance the childhood friend, and pass graduation. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2017-12-22 15 
2144304MAR Quest 2Kana changes clothes, trains up, and deals with the Chess's nefarious activities.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2017-12-25 5 
2163822The Greatest War #2We do something that no other soldier would have, making a long term friend in the process. We then learn about the horrors of war. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2017-12-28 6 
January 2018
2182505The Greatest War #3We find ourselves in a horrifying place, and the Banshee's Choir calls to usGreatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-01-09 5 
2200475宝石の国のOO、一話、平和と月人In a time unknown before or after the events taking place in Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Gyrolite becomes courageous.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-01-14 3 
2231961Card Priestess Masami Quest, One Year LaterWhere we grapple with a difficult problem, and become difficult ourselves.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute, Continuation2018-01-15 2 
2219307The Greatest War #4Jäger meets back up with Seven, and has a friendship confirmed. A brief run in with The Choir follows. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-01-21 5 
February 2018
2255978The Greatest War #5We do what's best for Nixie, and get to the rear of the front. We also try to help Siegfried as best we can. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-02-07 4 
2259289Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 2: AntozoniteWhile Gyrolite is confined to hibernation, Antozonite handles the winter duties with his apprentice/partner Cryolite.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-02-09 8 
2295902The Greatest War #6We do what's right, and find our selves punished for it. The Unit takes on a new mascot.Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-02-20 2 
March 2018
2325958The Greatest War #7We push the front, and show the others what Sturmtruppen can do. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-03-05 5 
2334621Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 3: Senshi ga UmaretaPart one of the two part chapter, in which the consequences of winter befall.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-03-08 4 
2355222MAR Quest 4Kana meets with the important members of the Cross Guard and spars, while a certain Pawn wakes up to a pleasant surprise.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, Albern Aylmer, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-03-12 3 
2370075Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 3: Senshi ga Umareta IIPart two of the two part chapter, in which Gyrolite faces isolation.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-03-19 3 
April 2018
2404605Mar Quest 5Kana does her morning routine.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-04-02 2 
2453556Kaleidoscope Quest 6A new dress for a new job.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Syrup Tastes Things2018-04-09 2 
2430704Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 4: Yellow Diaya, Heiwa wo Shitta Koto ga Nai HousekiThe first of a multiple part chapter, in which Antozonite begins his long leadership.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-04-10 2 
2440593Mageknight Academy: Canaria OVA #3 Part 8We forgot to archive the last thread, but we don't let it keep us down. The students return to Madrid after a relatively relaxing vacation.Mageknight Academy, Collective Game, Valencia, Civ, RPG, Anime, School, Test2018-04-24 1 
May 2018
2490138The Greatest War #8We shoot a bitch and it inspires fan art.Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-05-07 2 
June 2018
2632296The Greatest War #9We finish off our battle, and the levity of Hauptmann's situation dawns. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-06-27 6 
July 2018
2676509Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 4: Yellow Diaya, Heiwa wo Shitta Koto ga Nai Houseki IIWhile Gyrolite was trapped with Esculentus, 103 years had passed. Against many trials, Antozonite truly became a leader.Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-07-09 3 
2727686Witch Apprentice Quest Chapter 2 - Thread #9Nadja isn't dead!WAQ, Collective Game, Witch Apprentice Quest, Cutesy, Witches, Not Dead2018-07-16 5 
2735172Houseki no Kuni no OO Chapter 4.5Containing the final couple updates to chapter four and the short interlude chapter titled "Nachi, Tell me a Story"Collective Game, Houseki no Kuni, Land of the Lustrous, Fanfic, Narrative Focused, Long Updates2018-07-27 2 
August 2018
2756662Avatar: the firebender quest #4Kazuki is here to drink tea and kick pirate ass, and he's all out of ass Wait...Avatar, firebender, sifuhotman, pirates, ass, azula's ass2018-08-07 3 
2796500Metahuman Quest: Issue #23Morgan avoids a fight, has an interesting chat, and targets the head honchos of Gotham's criminal underworld.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, HIVE, The Black & Whites2018-08-21 5 
September 2018
2859733MAR Quest 6Cecily returns from her training and the Chess separate the wheat from the chaff.MAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-09-14 2 
October 2018
2896803Metahuman Quest: Issue #24Morgan fights an assassin, encounters a certain cat-themed thief, and successfully captures the Black & WhitesQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, Cheshire, Catwoman, The Black & Whites 2018-10-06 5 
2985440One piece of Freedom Quest 1A story told on the blue blue seas begins again. But who is the hero of this tale?Collective Game, One Piece of Freedom Quest, The Headmaster, One piece, Adventure, Devil Fruit, Devil fruit users, Pirates, Marines, Sailing2018-10-20 5 
2981741MAR Quest 7Kana unwinds after the deadly prelim roundMAR Quest, marchen awakens romance, isekai, delinquent, Onishi Kana, SixWingZombi, pirates, magic items, Collective Game2018-10-30 1 
November 2018
62961898Crimson Skies and related coolnessA comfy discussion about a nostalgic game, that spins off into all things dwelling in the crossover between "flies" and "is awesome".Crimson Skies, Planes, Zeppelins, Sky Pirates2018-11-20 3 
December 2018
3050278The Greatest War Quest 10We decide the fate of Hauptmann and navigate the French trenches.The Greatest War, Germany, Grimdark2018-12-03 6 
63424390Dionysus Revelers Creation #1/tg/ decides to roll up some renegade marines this time, and precede to make make Greek cannibal hedonist marines.Greek, Cannibal, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Dionysus Revelers.2018-12-09 1 
63483880Dionysus Revelers Creation #2We flush out the Chapters some more, and find out the Far Hunters have a Titan Legion on their side.Greek, Cannibal, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Dionysus Revelers.2018-12-13 4 
63691964How the Arbites saved EmperormasA bunch of incompetent Arbites fail their way through a Dark Heresy CampaignAdeptus Arbites, 40K, storytime, Emperormas, Dark Heresy2018-12-25 -11 
3142356Card Priestess Masami Quest, The Christmas Special!Where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed.Collective Game, Card Priestess Quest, Card Priestess Masami Quest, Magical Girl, Original Setting, Female Protagonist, Cute, Continuation2018-12-30 1 
February 2019
3256917Piratical QuestIn which we take a job from a pirate, get into a gunfight, and a free ship. Also, some political intrigue! Also curses!Pirates, Piratical, Fantasy, Sailing, Ships, Original, QuestPhreak2019-02-26 1 
March 2019
3286838The Greatest War Quest 12Jäger returns from the French lines, reunites with Siegfried and Hauptmann and sets out on Operation Gottzunge after resting with Nixie. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-03-06 3 
3338650Space Empire QuestOur perky band of pirates encounters an alien relic.Space, AI, Pirates, Empire, SciFi, Collective Game 2019-03-23 1 
3321529The Greatest War #13Jäger finds out the secret of the Uhermacher, and his newly formed unit run into EXCAL. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-03-23 2 
April 2019
65430512The Brazen Chains creationCreation of a chapter of Ghost Riders. Move along.Ghost Rider, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Brazen Chains.2019-04-01 8 
June 2019
3496847The Greatest War #14Jäger begins his engagement against EXCAL Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-06-01 2 
August 2019
3745255My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GFIn the cybernetic future, you sign up for a government issue big titty goth girlfriendGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-08-21 28 
September 2019
3785625My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 2You take your Goth GF to DennysGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-09-09 14 
October 2019
3824506My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 3Trash a cat, face gets sat, girlfriend spatGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-10-01 8 
3857237My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 4Sleepy Time, Tower Climb, Meet the boss, Is this loss?Goth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2019-10-17 8 
March 2020
71338305Argent Strix Anons come together and roll up a chapter of Roman vampires that look like the bastard child of the Black Templars and Flesh Tearers.Custom Chapter, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Argent Strix, Rip and Tear.2020-03-08 7 
71354500Argent Strix #2Anons delve into autistically rolling up some gangs, Orks, and a relic for their chapter and its home system. Also Deathwatch.Custom Chapter, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Argent Strix, Rip and Tear.2020-03-09 3 
71371020Argent Strix #3Anons once again continues to work on fleshing out the world and Strix, along with some relics.Custom Chapter, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Argent Strix, Rip and Tear.2020-03-11 1 
71414934Argent Strix #4We mistakenly decide to try and draw things out, and then it turns into a clusterfuck.Custom Chapter, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Argent Strix, Rip and Tear.2020-03-15 1 
April 2020
4185830My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Sidestory Oneshot Super Deluxe Edition A sidestory in the My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF about a hacker and his GF. Goth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2020-04-14 10 
4206590My Government Issued Big Titty Goth GF Vol. 5Trailer Life, Future Strife, Emotion Rife, Get a WifeGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Combat, Sisters, Wilson2020-04-27 9 
January 2021
4585754Children of Hubris PrologueA noir quest in the WH40k setting starring the Adeptus ArbitesWH40K, Arbites, CoH, Children of Hubris2021-01-08 4 
4570856Jesus Christ QuestJesus returns from his trials in the desert only to find himself in the strange new world of the 21st century.jesus, christ, pope, vatican, catholic, protestant, muslim, debate, orthodox, constantinople, greece2021-01-13 3 
February 2021
77215826Psy-Wrens ThreadRoll thread that turns up Metal Dream Infesting Space PiratesChaos, Pirates, Warhammer 40k, Dreams2021-02-01 -1 
4631602Space Station 13 Quest: Space Station 13 Quest: Station 3 - Booze StationThird time's the charm or so they say.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Slime, Tesla Ball, Russians, Vodka2021-02-18 3 
4658498My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GFIn the cybernetic future +45 years, you sign up for a government issued small titty tomboy girlfriendGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2021-02-28 11 
March 2021
4673774My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GF Vol. 2Double corpo schemes, deluxe hacker dreams, catastrovania peensGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2021-03-16 7 
4664076Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4, High Security Nuking.McSnickers Dickerson attempts to advance the field of science and his faith. But can he survive the Syndicates deadliest ops team?Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, McSnickers Dickerson2021-03-20 0 
4686103Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickersMcSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, maintenance, Nuclear Holocaust, MacArthur did nothing wrong, Revenge2021-03-26 0 
April 2021
4697498My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GF Vol. 3Brainworm appear, Desert cat rear, Tomboy rendezvous, and Catastrovania tooGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2021-04-11 6 
May 2021
4728809Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #2GBDNATE, madscience, monstergirls, genderbender, psychicLeo Moreau infiltrates a middle school in the disguise of an exchange student! Complications ensue...2021-05-03 2 
September 2021
4945851My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GF Vol. 4Cyborg and ghosts, Goth Joy promotes. Crazy bot and Jabberwock, Vanessa hungry for the cock. Martin with cats to frankenstein big fat tats. Goth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2021-09-04 3 
December 2021
5045064Body Horror Quest, 49th VeinShu hears a Dragon's confession, relaxes at Ikea, talks to a Rumia face-claim, and gets into a sword-fight with one of God's messengers.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, touhou, ikea, swordfights with an Angel, Old Testament Angels, archeology2021-12-10 6 
January 2022
82834539testtesttest2022-01-04 -13 
April 2022
5187049The Testament of Tatamu (One Shot) Part #1In a post-apocalyptic, Flooded World, PUEXO Pilot Sinleq Unami dives hundreds of meters below the ocean to pay off a 25 million ducat debt.Collective Game, Testament of Tatamu, Original Setting, Post-Apocalyptic, Kaz, One Shot2022-04-24 6 
June 2022
5263897The Testament of Tatamu (One Shot) Part #2The story of Sinleq Unami continues with the Calypso's return to safe harbor in the wake of Sinleq and Gully's dive's messy aftermath.Collective Game, Testament of Tatamu, Original Setting, Post-Apocalyptic, Kaz, One Shot2022-06-22 6 
September 2022
85887781How can OP put giantesses in his setting without being horny?/tg/ assists OP in trying to help insert giantess stuff, actually does a pretty good job.Setting discussion, Giantess, not!porn (probably)2022-09-05 0 
5358546My Government Issued Small Titty Tomboy GF Vol. 4Pinky promise broke, left the boob folk, plantation brain stroke, I really need a smokeGoth GF, Spanner, Tessa, Cyberpunk, Tomboy GF, Martin, Reb2022-09-11 3 
5402943One Piece: Game of the SeasA man wakes up in the World of One Piece and quickly discovers that the government sucks.ShiveringTimber, Collective Game, One Piece, Pirates, Marines, Revolutionaries, Isekai, One Piece: Game of the Seas2022-09-23 10 
October 2022
5376428Children of Hubris Chapters 2-3Charles and Janus beat back the food lines. Redmore takes the unit on an interplanetary investigation. It's an agri-world episode!40k, CoH, Children of Hubris, Collective Game, Arbites, Noire2022-10-02 0 
November 2022
5451870Sworn to Valour Quest #30His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei sets sail for the Cathagi Strait across open water, facing all the perils the sea has to offer.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Ship, Boat, Pirates, Sea Shanty2022-11-04 26 
5412943One Piece: Game of the Seas 2Copper recruits a crew, hunts for bounties and sets sails to take down Arlong.ShiveringTimber, Collective Game, One Piece, Pirates, Marines, Revolutionaries, Isekai, One Piece: Game of the Seas2022-11-05 3 
December 2022
5424481Children of Hubris: Chapter IIII (IV)The team gets back to Icarus and narrows down the suspects to 3. Janus and Groves are sent to investigate one, but run into resistance.WH40k, 40k, Children of Hubris, Coh, Collective Game, Arbites, Noir2022-12-02 0 
January 2023
5508809Future Blades Epilogue Nhon leaves the life of crime and reconnects with his sister. Also background notes and Omake of him and a vtuber he watchesCyberpunk, Schizo QM, Epilogue, Background notes, Omake2023-01-06 13 
5484734Children of Hubris Chapter VJanus wakes up in the medicae. Redmore pulls the rug. There's also a dog in this one.40k, CoH, Arbites, Noir, Collective Game2023-01-12 0 
January 2024
5839835Planet Pirates Quest #1Crew customization, a successful raid on a commerce station.Sci-fi, pirates, Master Adept2024-01-06 5 
5865235Lodestar: Dawn of a New AgeRamza Valentine helps to discover a sinister plot by one of the Merchant Kings and goes on a journey to Threespice to investigate it.Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-01-18 17 
February 2024
5883189Planet Pirates Quest #2The captain enjoys shore leave on the Point before embarking on a mission to retrive a mysterious cargo on a forbidden planet.Sci-fi, pirates, space, Master Adept2024-02-16 1 
March 2024
5903865Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 2)Gigas fields investigations in Threespice, touching base with Lobo, recruiting Gremory the Demon, and interrogating Stillwater.Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-03-08 13 
5916511Kobolt Klan Adoption 17We arrive in a city, enjoy ourself, and then make ourselves miserable with family drama. ARCHIVE OF 16 AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS THREADKobolt klan, Reynauld, Sci-fi Fantasy, Eldritch horror, Dragons, Fantasy scotland, Family Drama, Sads, cutes2024-03-21 5 
April 2024
5951440Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 3)Val Lasombra learns a great deal about Demons, dived into Stillwater's blackmail, saved Aito, and encountered the Gaoth raidship Skyseer.Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-04-14 6 
May 2024
5986131Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 4)The crew learns more about Gaoth culture, participates in a revenge raid on The Raven and his crew, and meets a True Dragon on the way home.Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-05-29 4 
July 2024
6031360Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age (Disk 1, Part 5)Val recruits a chatty shipwitch, Gigas is tricked into helping Nocturne kill Stillwater during a prison break, and Ramza recruits minions!Lodestar: Dawn of a New Age, Lodestar, Sky Pirates, Fantasy, Hollow World, Magic, Original, Homebrew, Collective Game, Quest, Watcher2024-07-14 2 
January 2025
6152417Commoner QuestA test quest in a fantasy setting with Tyranid Girl systemtest quest, collective game2025-01-25 1 
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