/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2011
13679336Skirmish Quest Gen Thread 12Two new Kruss units are unveiled: Field Marshals and Iron Teams! Comrade Dietary Marshal Petronov warns of the dangers of too much bug bacon. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi 2011-01-28 2 
July 2011
15539838Iron HeartsA successor to the popular Skirmish Quest, raw recruits are put to the test against a ravenous army of undead.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-07-11 25 
15561063Iron Hearts 2: Battle of NorwoodHaving barely escaped with their lives at Sylvia, the HellGhast Unit is dispatched to Norwood Forest to halt the enemy advance.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-13 12 
15572543IRONHEARTS WAR COVERAGEBreaking News from the Front Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-14 7 
15603823Ironhearts Ch.3: VengeanceThe team tries to liberate Stilemar on our first offensive, as well as recover one of our top engineers. Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-17 7 
15613453IRONHEARTS:The Calm before DawnThe ragtag group of Ragnyllians pause to plot their next move. Also Vampires!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-18 5 
15629690Iron Hearts 4: Liberation of StilemarWith some help from their new vampiric ally, the HellGhast unit manages to liberate Stilemar from the Voss, but not without losses.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-19 5 
15652026IRONHEARTS War Room: Stilemar DebriefCommand has us sit down and decide out next move.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-21 5 
15678980IronHearts GeneralRules explanations and random musings Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-24 4 
15681780Iron Hearts: Battle of Dandelion pt. 2The HellGhast unit manages to last the night (and the werewolves) long enough to liberate part of the academy.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-24 2 
15728822Iron Hearts War Room: Operation SolsticeCommand informs us that the Voss are planning some sort of dark ritual, and have air superiority over our next objective.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-28 2 
15739601Iron Hearts 6: The Battle of SolsticeThe Hellghast begin their assault on the Voss-occupied city of Solstice.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-07-29 7 
August 2011
15773489Iron Hearts 7: The Battle of Solstice pt. 2The HellGhast manage to liberate Solstice, but nearly lose a beloved squad member. What lengths will they go through to save her?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-01 6 
15848189Iron Hearts 8: The Battle of 5 Finger AlleyThe Hellghast advances on Kolstec, but their biggest obstacle is a narrow valley filled with enemy armor.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-07 6 
15895246Iron Hearts War Room: Shadow Valley CheckpointThe Hellghast reorganizes its command structure after the horrific losses inflicted in the previous battle. Meanwhile, a decision must be made to either approach Kolstec from above or below.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-11 2 
15907230Iron Hearts Ch.8: Battle of KolstecThe Hellghast decide to liberate the undead-infested mines of Kolstec.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-12 7 
15916112Iron Hearts ch.8: Battle of Kolstec pt2About half of the mines have been cleared, and the Hellghast have already had to face enemy armor and vampires. What else lies before them in the darkness?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-13 7 
15926422Iron Hearts War Room: Kolstec DebriefWe get new equipment and vehicles as a reward for liberating Kolstec.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-14 4 
15964072Iront Hearts Ch.9: TrustThe Hellghast are forced to fight their own when a fellow Ragnyllian unit falls to lycanthropy.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-17 5 
15983927Iron Hearts War Room: Albane Airfields BriefingThe Hellghast gain new recruits and make plans to attack Vosskon's final foothold in Ragnyll.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-19 3 
15986569Iron Hearts Ch.10: Battle of AlbaneThe Hellghast push into the Voss' final foothold in Ragnyll in hopes of capturing it before the Voss can unleash their secret weapon.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-19 3 
16016834Iron Hearts War Room: Theatre SummaryIn the wake of the successful attack on Albane Airfields, the Ragnyallian Forces have decided to push back. Intel, upgrades, promotions, and secrets abound!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-22 1 
16041527Iron Hearts War Room: Voss CounteroffensiveWe try to come up with defensive strategies in preparation for the Voss offensive, as well as receive even more new equipment.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-24 5 
16067911Iron Hearts ch.11: Hell NIghtThe Voss counteroffensive begins. Can the Hellghast hold them off?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-26 11 
16087049Ironhearts Ch.12: DawnHellghast mourns its fallen, and prepares for the coming storm.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-08-28 5 
September 2011
16168534Iron Hearts War Room: Kolstec PredeploymentThe Hellghast gets ready for the Voss' next assault.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-09-04 5 
16172270Iron Hearts Ch.13: Battle For KolstecThe tables are turned when the Hellghast are forced to defend Kolstec from the Voss.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-09-04 11 
16254954Iron Hearts Ch 14: Battle of FistThe Unsung battle of Hallows Eve has transpired thus; a derelict detachment of an Aeon chapter has sought to intercept the Voss counter offensive only to find themselves drowning in their numbers. They escape here now, when Kolstec is under attack behind them. What truly happened here? Who survived? Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-09-11 11 
16331713Iron Hearts War Room: Invasion Pre-AmbleHaving survived the battle of Hallow's Eve, the Aeon contingent has joined forced with Hellghast. Discussion of team-building skirmish and the naming of the Aeon forces within.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci F2011-09-19 6 
October 2011
16486582Iron Hearts Ch 15: Aeon vs RagnyllIn a show of good faith and cooperation, the Aeon Empire's Legio Aurora faces off against the Hellghasts in a 'friendly' skirmish.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-10-02 6 
16635946Iron Hearts War Room: Invasion BriefingThe Hellghast plan their next move, which is an invasion into Vosskon itself.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-10-16 3 
16639168Iron Hearts Ch 16: Battle of Stallion - Pt. 1Hellghasts perform a beach assault on a hostile shoreIron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-10-16 5 
16774964Iron Hearts Ch 16: Battle of Stallion - Pt. 2The Hellghast are plagued by more losses, as well as a demonic ritual gone awry.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-10-30 5 
November 2011
16796063Iron Hearts War Room: Stallion DebriefThe Hellghast receive more promotions and Ghoul specialty gear. Also, Mary Susan informs them about a slight bug problem in Hinzerhaus.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-01 5 
16803917Iron Hearts Ch 17: Battle of HinzerhausTo celebrate the anniversary of Skirmish Quest, the Hellghast delve deep into the depths of Hinzerhaus to exterminate a certain species of bug...Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-01 3 
16853181Iron Hearts Ch. 17: Battle of Hinzerhaus pt. 2The battle against the bugs infesting Hinzerhaus continues, and the Hellghast uncover more the secrets this mysterious house hides.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-06 6 
16902577IRONHEARTS War Room: HinzerHaus DebriefSecrets get revealed as the contents of Hinzenhaus are exploredIron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2011-11-11 5 
17038921Iron Hearts War Room: Phantom Train BriefingThe Hellghast are tasked with using a salvaged Voss train to wreak havoc in the Voss rear.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-29 2 
17052387Iron Hearts Ch. 18: Phantom TrainThe Hellghast drive deep behind enemy lines into the heart of the Voss homeland. Fortunately, they have a ridiculously well armed and armored train at their disposal.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-11-29 5 
December 2011
17196408Iron Hearts Ch. 18: Phantom Train, pt 2The Hellghast continue their mission into Voss territory, trying to evade suspicion from passing trains and checkpoint guards.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-12-13 5 
17246526Iron Hearts Chapter 18: The Phantom Train pt.3As the Hellghast move deeper into Voss territory, they face deadlier enemies as ancient terrors are encountered.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2011-12-18 5 
17296597Project n0cA little something different from the mind that has brought forth Skirmish Quest, Zombie Quest, and Iron Hearts. We are Maria Millicent, a free-spirited 16-year-old girl who has just embarked on an adventure in the dangerous, wide-open dream world of The Etha.n0c, Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, n0c Quest, Project n0c2011-12-22 12 
January 2012
17390414Iron Hearts: The Storm War RoomWith the worst of their troubles behind them, the soldiers of the Hellghast Armored Unit take some much-needed time to reflect and prepare for the last leg of their journey.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-02 2 
17396681Iron Hearts Chapter 19: Vosskon BlossomThe day of reckoning has finally arrived for the Hellghast, as they speed onward toward their destination, the dreaded Voss stronghold--the Black Fortress.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-02 3 
17516668Megalith ver 0.1From Monday, the creator of Skirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, n0c Quest, and Zombie Quest, comes this thing. Part strategy game, part tower defense, the players takes control of a group of kobolds and the Castors, the stone guardians that tower over them, surviving wave after increasingly difficult wave of enemies.Collective Game, megalith, kobolds, Megalith Quest, Skirmish Quest2012-01-13 11 
17582311Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 1: The Battle of NirvanaWith the fate of the Hellghast's final mission left unknown, we go now to the other side of the conflict, the Voss Empire, some time before the war between Ragnyll and Voss. We join the Voss on the field of battle, as they race to secure the last remaining heir of an ancient and powerful bloodline from the clutches of a savage cult.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-01-18 11 
17640412Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 2: Battle of Armory ParkThe Terrible Children move to eliminate several nobles and conspirators that have planned against the newly-found Prince Vilkas. Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-23 6 
176585132 Iron Hearts, Volume 2, Chapter 3: Battle of Exodus CorridorThe Terrible Children engage an Aeon force in protection of demi-human refugees.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-25 5 
17689085Iron Hearts Warroom: Exodus Corridor Action ReportThe Terrible Children come together to teach the growing Prince Vilkas of shooting tanks, riding wolves, and playing chess, among other things.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-27 1 
17730787Ironhearts Vol.2 VVarroom Dagram PredeployThe Terrible Children get ready to extract a Special Forces team. Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-30 2 
17742614Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: Battle of DagramThe Terrible Children march to do war in the desert once again, moving to secure precious cargo.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-01-31 6 
February 2012
17822307Ironhearts Vol.2 Ch.4.2 Battle of DagramThe Terrible Children secured the cargo and took to conquering the rubble.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-02-06 6 
17838457Ironhearts Vol.2 VVarroom Dagram Action ReportThe Terrible Children rescued the priestess, learned the dark secret of the Kashir, and prepare to launch a final assault on the enemy's floating capital city. Also, Oderkonn's lab is completed, and research begins.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-02-08 2 
17938541Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: The Battle of Heaven's GateThe Terrible Children begin their assault on the Kashir stronghold of Makkos Ra, a holy city floating in the skyIron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-02-14 6 
17982923Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 5: Battle of Heaven's Gate, Part 2The Terrible Children press their attack, as dickery from Upper Command cuts off the Terrible Children from any sort of reinforcement from the Voss regular army.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2012-02-17 6 
18035221Iron Hearts Warroom: Heaven's Gate Action ReportIn the aftermath of breaching Heaven's Gate, the Terrible Children lick their wounds, upgrade their armaments, and yet again ready themselves for the next assault.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-fi2012-02-21 4 
18131279Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 6: Battle of Dar VillageA fresh batch of recruits to The Terrible Children embark on a peacekeeping operation after bandits are sighted outside a village in newly conquered Voss territory.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-02-28 14 
March 2012
18151339Iron Hearts Warroom: Dar Village Action ReportAs the Terrible Children welcome the surviving recruits into the unit, more upgrades are had and the next assault is planned.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-01 8 
18233660Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 7: Battle of Heaven PondThe Terrible Children are tossed into the fray once more, fighting for control of a Kashir air base floating in the clouds.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-07 6 
18279217Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 7: Battle of Heaven Pond, pt 2The Terrible Children press their assault against the Kashir, all the while beating back attacks from both the land and the sky.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-11 6 
18328385Iron Hearts VVarroom: Heaven Pond Action ReportIn light of the unintended destruction of the airbase, the Terrible Children debate on their next course of action. Meanwhile, the Science division argues on what applications their newly discovered wonder metal can be used for.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-15 6 
18411027Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 8: The Silvia CrisisAs news reaches the Young Prince's ears of a Skyland having disappeared, the Kashir mount an offensive into Voss land. Will a detachment of regular army mooks, led by a handful of soldiers chosen from the Terrible Children, be able to hold back the assault?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-22 11 
18460001Iron Hearts VVarroom: Silvia Crisis Action ReportTheir defense of Silvia successful, the Terrible Children prepare to enter the tattered ruins of the crashed floating island. Varmach purchases are made, the first masterclass is unlocked, and the Captain gets into a catfight with the Marshal.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-03-29 7 
April 2012
18544436Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 9: The Raid on Gorgon FortressWhat dangers await the Terrible Children when they launch an assault on the Skyland fortress felled in the defense of Sylvia?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-04-04 6 
18718548Iron Hearts VVarroom: Gorgon Fortress Action ReportIn the aftermath of the near-crisis at Gorgon Fortress, the Terrible Children end up with a sizable amount of Ibonyte and a captured Death God, with nary an idea of what to do with either.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-04-17 8 
May 2012
18941465Iron Hearts VVarroom: Zanzibarland Preparations and PredeployThe Terrible Children receive new and potentially devastating energy weaponry, and the decision is made to strike at the next of the Kashir Skylands, a floating island dominated by lush jungles and ferocious fauna.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-05 8 
19020589Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: The Zanzibarland OffensiveThe Terrible Children find them bogged down in the jungle, beset on all sides by dinosaurs, bugs, and one very angry ape.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-09 11 
19093083Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: Zanzibarland Offensive, pt 2The Kashir make themselves known, and as the fight wears on, the Terrible Children find themselves dealing with dinosaurs and the undead.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-15 8 
19183546Iron Hearts VVarroom: Zanzibarland Action ReportAfter braving the terrors of the jungle, promotions are handed out, a new type of requisition form is introduced, and a group of skeletons decide to make a song. That last one does not end well.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-22 8 
19198947Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 10: The Waterhol IncidentA new Kashir commander, Alfya, makes an appearance and stages a raid on a Voss border outpost.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-23 8 
19279925Iron Hearts Volume 2, Chapter 11: The Battle of KolstecThe Terrible Children attack a town on the outskirts of Kashir territory, both to rescue a downed reconnaissance pilot and to attempt to capture a Kashir CO.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-05-29 7 
June 2012
19474192Ironhearts Clovis Intermission Chapter 1A small Clovis special forces team is sent to extract a VIP being hunted by the Voss.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-06-14 12 
19523221Iron Hearts Intermission, Chapter 2: The Camel JockeyA Clovis special forces group teams up with the Kashir to route a crushing Voss offensive.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-06-18 10 
19557997Iron Hearts Intermission: Clovis WarroomThe Clovis task force gains new intel on its next target, and a possible opportunity for when to carry out their next operation.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-06-22 10 
July 2012
19690742Iron Hearts Intermission, Chapter 3: The Peace IncidentThe members of the Exodus Eagles Cloven task force infiltrate the Voss Empire's capitol city to retrieve an high-value individual, all the while trying to keep their cool in the face of arrests, military parades, assassins, and sewer gators.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci-Fi2012-07-02 8 
19837963Iron Hearts: MemorialIn honor of the 1-year anniversary of Iron Hearts, a moment of reverence is given to the fallen.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-07-12 8 
19897554Iron Hearts: Year 1 / Battle of HelThe Hellghast continue trying to find their way out of Hel and back into the world of the living.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-07-16 6 
August 2012
20132509Iron Hearts: Year 1 / Battle of Hel 2To fight to get out of Hel continues, with the situation growing more and more desperate. Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-08-02 8 
20243833n00b of Cladestine Quest, Chapt. 1Goose tries to decide which quest to go on. Meanwhile, we follow another Starchild called Peregrine Puck, who finds himself in the middle of a battle against Unmen.n00b of Clandestine, n0c, Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, n0c Quest, Project n0c2012-08-11 5 
20341656Iron Hearts VVarroom: The PicnicAll of the Voss bigshots gather together in order to decide the future direction of Voss as well as how to proceed with the war with Kashir. Also, there's the possibility of the Statesmen attempting to use this meeting to usurp the throne.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-08-18 6 
September 2012
20747206Iron Hearts Vol. 3: Iffram CampaignThe Iron Hearts saga enters a new chapter with the entry of a new faction, Iffram.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-17 7 
20758272Iron Hearts Vol. 3: Graywind Fields WarroomIffram rules are expanded on and more players are recruited.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-18 5 
20765657Iron Hearts Vol. 3, Chapter 1: Battle of Graywind FieldsIffram forces continue to defend the town of Graywind from invaders.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-18 5 
20901100Ironhearts Vol. 3: The Exploration of the WyldsGraywind sends out a scouting party to try and make contact with the surrounding towns.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-09-28 6 
October 2012
20940410Ironhearts Vol. 3 -Ch2.2 The Exploration of the WyldsGraywind's force's "Fort Slimebane" quickly takes shape in the Wyld, but who is that on the horizon?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-01 6 
20975826 Ironhearts Vol. 3 - Chapter 2.3 Battle of WyldsIn which we continue to battle- *Undead Bolivians* from dusk till dawn Perpetrated by~ People in Black Clothes while... a cave is explored. Leading to High Chances of Death and Great Reward.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-03 6 
21041846Ironhearts vol.3 Chapter 2.4 Battle of the WyldsWhat Starts as a question becomes a continuation! The IRC Revealed, and the siege of unmen and undead continues! What awaits our heroes now?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-09 3 
21142699 Ironhearts Vol3 Ch2.5 Battle of the WyldsElderitch Horrors battle, minds melt, waters rise, ghouls nash. The end nears.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-16 3 
21159859Ironhearts Vol. 3 Warroom - City Of SerpicoThe connection between Greywind and Serpico has gotten off without a hitch- and with a few spare resources and some extra hands, we managed to create a town portal back to Greywind... Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-17 6 
21248898Ironhearts Vol. 3 Warroom - City Of Serpico Cont.Journies and quests in the city continue, but what lies behind the time locked doors of the Scholomance? Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-10-23 3 
November 2012
21380931Ironhearts Vol. 3 - Chapter 3- The Avalon Scholomance Incident We start the storming of the scholomance - Ghoulified students, bugs, corruption, and one sleepy dog are encountered and fought despite planning a quiet start.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-02 3 
21434972Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.2 Avalon Scholomance IncidentUndead Bolivans threaten to make the very fabric of reality be torn assunder, or something, as the doomsday clock ticks down!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-05 2 
21559761Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.3 Avalon Scholomance IncidentIffram gets another chance, and after a tactical advance in the opposite direction they go toe to toe with Ragnyll in a fierce basement blitz. Giant monsters! Bitank Bisection! Castors on a rampage! Will our heroes prevail? Stay tuned to find out!Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-14 2 
21647479 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch3.4 Avalon Scholomance IncidentThe exciting conclusion to the Scholomance Incident! What are the Black Deserters really after?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-11-20 3 
December 2012
21874999Iron Hearts: ArmorfeightA side game where it's armor vs armor only.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-12-04 5 
21989151Ironhearts Special: PanzerKunst 01- Registrations and the Day AfterSomething of an epilogue to the main Iron Hearts story. The Isara Military Academy is a multinational school dedicated to teaching its students the finer arts of blowing things up with very big tanks. The Academy begins recruiting for its PanzerKunst team.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2012-12-11 5 
22140358Ironhearts Vol. 3- In Historia... We play as a new faction, Kruss, which is trying to hold off a Voss offensive in the distant past.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2012-12-21 5 
22248496Iron Hearts in Historia: Battle of Melena Pt. 2The tale of the desperate Krussian defense continues as the Voss march on.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi2012-12-27 7 
January 2013
22343531Iron Hearts Vol. 3r Ragnyl "War-room"Monday decides to have a vote on what arc to complete, Ragnyl is chosen and the dead of yesteryear rise once more...Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective game, Sci Fi, fantasy2013-01-05 5 
22405694Iron Hearts Vol. 3r Ragnyll: AshleafA meeting with an old CO turns nasty when the Hellghast are ambushed by an army of ghouls.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-01-05 3 
22462018Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch4.2 Battle of AshleafThe battle to retake Ashleaf from the dead continues, until the Hellghast are forced to face one of Iffram's feared Guardians.Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-01-08 6 
February 2013
23003965Ironhearts: Vol. 3 Ch. 5 Intro - Ashleaf ReconstructionWithout realizing it, the Hellghast have claimed the town of Ashleaf for Ragnyll. Caught between the Inquisitors of Aeon and the Queen of Iffram, can Ragnyll proper afford to support them?Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-02-07 6 
23132118 Ironhearts Vol3 - Ch5.2 - Battle of StormWood Battle rages against the ifframi rebels! Will our heroes survive? (Link to Ch5.1 linked from foolz in first post)Iron Hearts, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Sci Fi, Fantasy2013-02-13 5 
June 2015
40700035Cognis Quest 1Our Protagonist, Sergei steals the experimental super mecha: Cognis, so he can pawn it off for dosh.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-20 7 
40760715Cognis Quest 2Sergei meets up with his partners in crime: Lev and Anya. Together they escape Surden Nevik. Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-23 5 
40800361Cognis Quest 3Our crew set up camp in an abandoned factory. Dialogue and exposition ensue.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool2015-06-25 2 
July 2015
40947033Cognis Quest 4The Cognis faces down a black ops team in an abandoned factory.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-01 2 
41075043Cognis Quest 4.5We play the Black Ops team and Foeskodal Army against each other then make our escape.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-07 2 
41302743Cognis Quest 5We make camp near the city of Glesk, Anya leaves us to contact the Zanvrans, while we agree to perform a little side job for some better equipment.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-19 1 
41370655Cognis Quest 6Sergei and Lev face off against some hired goons at the bar.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-22 2 
41455297Cognis Quest 7Segei and Lev make good on their deal with Dvorak.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-26 1 
41544928Cognis Quest 75.The Cognis faces off against a pair of deadly mercenaries, and we get our first upgrade.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-07-30 1 
August 2015
41626316Cognis Quest 8We switch to Anya's perspective for a little while and learn a bit about her past before escaping a black ops team in the present day.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-03 3 
41670204Cognis Quest 9We fight to link up with Anya, while cloaked Black Ops units ambushes us in the industrial sector. Also: The AESR Rep becomes our truck driver.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-05 2 
41810629Cognis Quest 10We make camp in a forest, get to know Sang and kill a giant turtle.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-12 2 
41891525Cognis Quest 11Team Cognis fucks up, and it's up to the ruthless mercenaries of the Blood Dragons PMC to save them.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-16 2 
41947355 FLOORS: Floor 1. Part 2 [skirmish] The night of blood continues as the reaper men come.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-19 8 
41965362FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 1. Part 3 Malebolgia arrives and the real terror beginsFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-19 6 
41992302 Floors General: Nothing Doing.Q&A,erreta, shopping, weapon fusion and more!Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-22 6 
42109415Cognis Quest 12Sergei and company plan their next move.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-27 2 
42167061FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 2. The crew find themselves in an airship graveyard, make some new friends and run into ghosts!Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-30 6 
42180923FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 2. Part 2GHOSTS, SHOTGUN EXORCISMS, REVERSE EXPLOSIONS, AND BLOOD LOTS OF BLOODFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-30 6 
42195873Cognis Quest 13Sergei and Sang infiltrate an FAF supply base to try and get an IFF transponder.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-08-31 2 
42193732Floors General: Nothing Doing.A long day lead to a sudden bout of GM sleep and a general thread full of rules clarifications.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-08-31 6 
September 2015
42217651Floor 2. Part 2 [Skirmish] The Slowening.The runners advance, the mountain crumbles,and the darkness calls.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-01 6 
42239249Cognis Quest 14Lev and Anya have to pull Sergei and Sang out of the fire.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-03 2 
42237075Floor 2. Part 3 [Skirmish] The Quickening.The darkness advances and the runners hatch a desperate plan.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-03 5 
42266679FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 2.Part4- The Hoard of Education.The Darkness is slain and a hope is born.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-04 6 
42289757Floors [Skirmish]:FLoor 2.Part 5 - The Ascent.Flying into the unknown, the runner take stock of both the treasures they've gained and the friends they've lost.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-05 6 
42300312Floors [Skirmish] - Crystal Cooridor 2MORE Q&A, Death is defined and profits are made.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-06 7 
42316654Floors General:Nothing DoingThe Ghoul class is introduced and shopping and general rules stuff gets done.Monday, Skirmish Quest, Floors, Collective Game, Fantasy2015-09-07 5 
42380714Cognis Quest 15In which we get ambushed by IF peacekeepers.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-09 1 
42419503Cognis Quest 16We fuck up the Peace Keeper's shit and get high caliber cannon rounds to the face.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-11 2 
42458391Floors General: 3rd Floor Pre-deploymentIn which new class abilities are revealed.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-12 5 
42460965Floors [skirmish] - Floor 3. Part 1In which we find the coordinates to the Astral Whale, Bismuth, in an abandoned observatory...Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-13 6 
42484334FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 3. Part 2The Volgon 5th warmachine arrives for pest control.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-15 7 
42516894Floors [skirmish] - Floor 3. Part 3The 5th Volgon Warmachine [Pest Control] has pressed their assault into the [Moth's Flame]. An observatory said to be at the front seat of Celestial affairs. Its usefulness as uncharted territory ended when the stars indeed had become charted [and outdated] but has found life again as a summoning conduit. Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-15 7 
42541111Floors General:Nothing DoingWe unlock the WeissKrieger and Alquemist classes.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2015-09-17 5 
42579304 Floors [Skirmish] - Floor 4. Crystal CorridorsWe have arrived at the Crystal Corridors ... beyond these steps will be our first town in a while. I was beginning to forget what a bed felt like ! Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-19 5 
42602748Cognis Quest 17We get ambushed while performing repairs in the woods.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-09-20 3 
42599863Floors-Floor 4 Crystal Corridors Part 2More shopping, more questions, more preparation to enter the town.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2015-09-20 5 
42752062Floors General: Patch 4.2PATCH NOTESFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-09-27 5 
42761441Floors- Floor 4-Town of LuxendarcWe finally enter the town floor of Luxendarc, and there are reports of ghoul attacks. We investigate, and shop.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, Collective Game2015-09-29 7 
October 2015
42795424FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc: Dusk of 1st Day The sun sets, and a mob collects outside Cracky's Wand Shop for a lynching.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-10-01 7 
42851844Cognis Quest 18The Final Act, where we face off against Proxy; a second super mech made by the manufacturers of Cognis.Cognis Quest, Collective Game, mech, skirmish quest, bullet hell, tacticool, Cognis2015-10-02 2 
42866713Floors General:Ask a Runner Scholar AnythingWe get to have a question and answer session with our guiding Scholar. Lots of lore.Floors, Monday, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game2015-10-03 5 
42863885FLOORS [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc: Night of 1st Day - Dawn of 2nd Day. Wyrd Hunt discovers and fends off the town's weasel infestation, and a new monster is revealed.Floors, Monday, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game2015-10-04 5 
42904170Floors General:Ask a Floors Scholar AnythingLore Q&A, mechanics clarifications, a bit about summoning from Latvian.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, Collective Game2015-10-07 5 
43104303Floors General: Races and MonstersIn which runners describe races and monsters Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-10-26 5 
43216300Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Day 2. Pumpkin Faery Pre- DayIn which the second day begins, awesome hunter weapons are made, and the schola bridge opens. Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-10-26 5 
November 2015
43301070 Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Day 2. Pumpkin Faery Pre Day pt 2More business is done, and the sewer exploration begins.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-11-04 5 
43616285Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Night 2. Pumpkin Faery. The aftermath of a rogue Pump-Kin. The collection of a spoon, explosions in the north. Things are getting real.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-11-18 6 
43697273Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Night 2 pt 2 Bleeding DragonPump-kin invade while the Pumpkin Faery gives out gifts. The Schola's main library is invaded, and the Restricted Section is found!Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2015-11-25 5 
January 2016
44674365Floors [skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc MidnightMidnight is reached, Pump-Kin explode, the town descends into chaos. Order folks sit with their thumbs up their bums.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-01-13 13 
44787923 Floors [Skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Midnight of 2nd DayDeeper into the darks, more threats and more terrors abound in the night. Will Dawn ever come? Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-01-20 5 
February 2016
45071363Floors [Skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Dawn of Day 3.The book is found, the enemy defeated, but the stench of death pervades all below. Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-02-01 5 
45174569Floors [Skirmish] - Floor 4. Luxendarc Dawn of Day 3 - Finale.At long last, the dawn breaks, and things are made right. A friend is lost, an ally gained? Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-02-03 5 
45197730Floors - Floor 4.5 Corridor AscensionDragon pacts, shopping, summoning mechanicsFloors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-05 5 
45243360Floors - Floor 4.5 Crystal CorridorShopping, rewards, tall(and not so tall) tales, and fusions abound. Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, Collective Game2016-02-06 5 
45271339Floors 4.5 Corridor Ascension ContinuedWe visit the understairs, do more shopping, and more fusionFloors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-08 5 
45398850Floors- Floor 5- HighroadWe enter the fifth Floor, seeking a location to perform a summoning.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-15 5 
45493198Floors- Floor 5 Highroad DuskWe encounter bounty hunters and a detachment from the Order as Midnight approaches.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-21 5 
45573156Floors- Floor 5 Highroad MidnightMany things are summoned. Most of them are demons.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-02-25 5 
45646574Floors- Floor 5 Highroad DeepnightWe battle against demons and summoners and fallen paladins. The Three Headed King waits to feast.Floors, Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, Monday2016-02-28 5 
March 2016
45721378Floors- Floor 5 Highroad Dawn of 2nd DayDawn arrives and an unexpected incident leads to a demon battle.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-02 5 
45712543Floors GeneralWe discuss tactics, receive some new mechanics information.Collective Game, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday2016-03-03 5 
45787574Floors General- HighroadWe discuss mechanics, determine our plans for the ChimeraFloors, Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, Monday2016-03-07 5 
45814910Floors- Floor 5 Highroad Afternoon of 2nd DayWe continue our battle with the demons and Three Headed King, Quaga. But then, moths.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-08 5 
45838905Floors General- Veritas' DispleasureVeritas demands truth. General thread stuff.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-12 4 
45900055Floors- Floor 5 Highroad Second NightThe finale of the floor.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-12 3 
45960255Floors- Floor 5.5 Corridor AscensionWe have 4 new advanced classes introduced, and various bookkeeping is done.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-14 3 
46002754Floors GeneralWe discuss things, do bookkeeping, and prepare for the corridors.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-16 3 
46036272Floors- Floor 5.5 Corridor AscensionWe reach the Corridors, where we encounter a familiar shop and a new one.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-16 3 
46088924Floors- Floor 5.5 Corridor InvestigationWe begin investigating in the Understairs for clues to the location of our lost friends.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-19 3 
46111885Floors- Arena - "Yang" and "Twisted Daggers"We engage in arena battles for fabulous prizes.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-21 5 
46158283Floors- Floor 5.5 Corridor Ascension Part 2We continue investigating the kidnappings of our allies and the Scifax Mendele.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-03-24 5 
April 2016
46582411Floors- Subfloor 4, Salt Flats 1st LightWe enter the Salt Flats seeking the location of our lost allies.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Monday2016-04-13 5 
46675737InfilINC VII: Ethics Oversight Pt. 1We begin a new mission searching for a missing person.Collective Game, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish Sketch Quest, Agent, Solstar Security, art?2016-04-20 1 
October 2016
49631502Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAetherBe You Runner ? Prisoner ? Or an unfortunate Soul whisked away from your dying world and sent here to this growing purgatory in a time that Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-10-07 2 
49693414Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 2.The Battle is Met. The Wardens are sounded of your attempt to escape. Prepare for the worst. Expect no miracles to save you this hour.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-10-12 5 
49886288Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 3We continue our grueling march upwards . . .Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-10-22 6 
734225Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 4 The Collectors. A cadre or law enforcers their jagged hands wrench a terrible will upon their victims leaving no shape or sense of of liFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-10-30 4 
November 2016
50032069Floors General. Halloween EditionHalloween events! Ask Questi anything!Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-11-03 3 
783586Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 5The Floor stretches on and their foes grow stronger. Can the Wyrd Hunt make it to the stairs in time?Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-11-12 3 
50205050Floors General.=On The Finer Points of Potency, Escalation and Collapse=Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-11-19 5 
827437Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 6Our Heroes Fight the Gaolers valiantly and the sounds of battle is met with the stomp of prisoner uprisings ascending the steps.Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-11-23 1 
December 2016
861969Floors S2: The Escape from the PneumAether - part 7The Dust Clears, and naught is left of our friends. Despair, runners for the first of many thunderstrikes have resoundedFloors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-12-03 3 
50542253Floors General. With the soft end to Floor 6 valuable data has been gathered Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-12-06 2 
50792782Swordborne [XmasSkirmish event] The Year is 7989 of Avalon. And on the cusp of a bitter solstice, supplies began to thin, but the children knew little of it. Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2016-12-23 3 
January 2017
967787Swordborne: Battle of LindloreSound the alarm ! The Enemy has made themselves known ! Villagers and children are to vacate in the cellar under the church ! Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-01-01 2 
50942189Swordborne Generalit's a skirmish style wargame/tabletop rpg where players band together in groups of 12 or more as a commissioned fighting companySwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-01-02 1 
51015795Swordborne General [Nothing Doing]Currently. We are patching parts of the sheet and expanding the map with more rendered assets.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-01-06 1 
1043888Swordborne- Battle of Lindlore II A new day begins, and the blizzard has passed for now. The gleaming warmth of New Heaven's Sun greets us.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-01-24 1 
February 2017
1147142Swordborne- Battle of Lindlore IIIScreams can be heard in the west echoing the daemon fever treatments that their number must now endure to purge the sickness.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-02-20 1 
May 2017
1401936 [WD] Paper Heist=Readers Wanted= - Must have an open mind - Willing to risk bodily harm for the creative process - Day to Day PaymentPaper Heist, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-05-06 2 
1456825Landskirmish Quest IV: Ambush at Mt. Gotthard PassIt is an age of mercenaries in a fantasy land. Join a small band of Landsknechts as they capture an enemy commander for ransom.Landskirmish, Skirmish Quest, Collective Game2017-05-25 1 
July 2017
1688886 World Tree [Skirmish][Floors]A Scholar Looking: For hearty adventurers experienced or new to explore a recent phenomenon that is [Dungeons]World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-07-30 4 
August 2017
1729225World Tree-Day 2, The First City [Skirmish]The party rests in Avalon, before returning to Dunndirk World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-08-13 1 
1765921World Tree- Day 3. Midnight of the Third Day.The Night dips for our enemies, and here we are given the first taste of our adversary.World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-08-23 2 
September 2017
1802772World Tree- Day 3, What Comes Down from the TreeThe party retreats to Avalon to lick wounds and rethink their strategyWorld Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-09-04 1 
1839603World Tree- Day 4, The First Knot ExterminationAs darkness falls a storm rolls in while monsters roam.World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-09-18 1 
1874607World Tree- Day 5 - A Town called DunndirkMidnight breaks and the weather clears- the battle may have concluded below but the feathers above shadow us still. World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-09-28 2 
October 2017
1960032World Tree- Day 6 - The Battle of HachibanaWe arrived at night to assist in relieving the previous group from a day's worth of fighting.World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-10-23 1 
1955266World Tree General [Nothing Doing]General generalynessWorld Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-10-23 1 
November 2017
2001115World Tree- Day 7 - Midnight of Day 7. Battle of HachibanaThrough artillery barrage and moblin charge, the battle wages on.World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2017-11-05 1 
February 2018
2300912IronBorne: Defense of GrinNorr [Skirmish]Mountain Pass-An operation to quell as much numbers possible using the terrain and an old fortress there is limited escape so its do or dieIroneBorne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-02-25 2 
June 2018
2596515World Tree: 1st Spring - 2nd Afternoon: Battle of MosstoneWe rest, recuperate and begin our attack with the sunrise. Previous mosstone threads archived under Monday, Skirmish, World TreeWorld Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-06-11 2 
2632389Everwinter company: Part 1 The company is introduced, goblins and hobgoblins are fought, someone gets possessed by a fairy, and we defeat a minor daemon.DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-06-26 1 
2647716World Tree: 1st Spring - 2nd Night: Battle of MosstoneFika becomes a maid, Vickens plays boardgames, and two new classes are introduced after we take care of a moblin invasion. World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-06-30 2 
July 2018
2690756Everwinter company: Part 2 goblin cavesThe company after returning from Bolton and getting a few new hires heads over to flush the goblins. Tloxotl becomes light attuned!DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-07-16 1 
2693954World Tree: 1st Spring - 3rd Foray: The Black PearlYggdra's Roots deploy to defeat an ancient magus menace. Battle is had, friends are lost!World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-07-22 1 
2736278Everwinter company: Part 3"The gods may be dead, but the new world whispers and lives with life." The company defeats the goblins and pursues higher contracts.DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-07-31 1 
August 2018
2755272BulletHazard: Case RedChurchAt 0300 Central Command 5 has sent out a muster order for the abandoned building formerly known as the Eagle Tower.BulletHazard, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-08-15 1 
2803584Everwinter company: Part 4 Drow boogalooThe company gathers it's strength and under the instruction of their new employers head off towards to liberate a town from drowish cultistDawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-08-28 1 
September 2018
2864988Everwinter company: Part 5:The company fight the drow, THEY WIN! David get's buff, Brassheart and skitter come back, and it's a good time unless your Batter or a DroDawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-09-18 1 
2864997Sword Sovereign [Skirmish]a hurried dispatch was needed at the Southwest border of the Praedatoria Range where a critical border fortress laysword Sovereign, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2018-09-19 1 
November 2018
2983739Everwinter company: Part 6The mission starts, constructs are awakened then DawnQm's real life strike. ;_;DawnQm, Everwinter company, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, 2018-11-05 1 
January 2019
3128417Fractured, Part 1 Mutant boogalooDruskof introduces the job, the trappers are introduced and the job is performed although mind the mutants and the hive king incoming. DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-01-06 1 
3158019Fractured, [Skirmish] Part 2 Hive king boogalooThe hive king comes! Our trappers bag what they can before they get out. Also Gregory gets a taste of mega corp brutality...DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-01-16 1 
February 2019
3181159Fractured, [Skirmish] Part 2 Hive king boogalooThe job is done and our group moves on!!!DawnQm, Fractured, Collective game, Quest, Skirmish Quest, Skirmish2019-02-03 1 
3208581SwordBorne: Dark Age Pt.01A newly gathered band of mercenaries take a contract in defense of a villageSwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-02-06 2 
3237120SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.2The Uncrowned marches into the Ghru swamp, the mist of waterfall, and an unmistakable scent of death followed. Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-02-18 1 
March 2019
3272312SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3A meeting with former adversaries and preparation to confront the NecromancerSwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game 2019-03-01 1 
3308936SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's WifeThe Uncrowned try to seize Ingram Armory from the Necromancer!Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game 2019-03-14 1 
3345024SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's Wife pt. 2Inside the armory, Ghouls, Midians, and Thespians!Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game 2019-03-27 1 
April 2019
3382761 SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.3: The Seige of Ingram Armoury & The Gambler's Wife pt. 3Conclusion of the Armory. Then a botched job happens in townSwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-04-08 1 
3416364SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.4: The Raid on the Roadside MonasteryUncrowned members captured, a rescue mission!Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-04-20 1 
May 2019
3459349SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.4: The Raid on the Roadside Monastery. pt. 2 A chaotic rescue, the Uncrowned make their escape and regroupSwordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-05-09 1 
June 2019
3513423Irregular heroes Thread 1 Ruins boogalooNever underestimate lead poisoning, never...DawnQm, Skirmish Quest, Irregular heroes quest, 2019-06-07 1 
3561893Irregular heroes Thread 2 Treant boogalooJust wrapping up stuff from last session before we head off.DawnQm, Skirmish Quest, Irregular heroes quest, 2019-06-23 1 
July 2019
3606664SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.5: The Melee at the Unkinned LandsThe Uncrowned prepare to oust the GoldJoys, with infromation from the Merchant Gram they decide to set the field at the Unkinned lands.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-07-16 1 
August 2019
3669249SwordBorne: Dark Age. Ch.5: The Melee at the Unkinned Lands. 1st MovementThe battle begins in earnest, and ends only a short time later after a shocking show of force from The Uncrowned. End of Part One.Swordborne, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-08-08 1 
September 2019
3762509World Tree : The BoughsThe manor is assaulted and we encounter Fithson, keeper of hunts. World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-09-08 0 
3803194World Tree : 2nd Night of the BoughsCasualties and disasters mount up, yet we snatch the from the jaws of defeat a victory all the same. World Tree, Floors, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2019-09-30 0 
November 2019
3907167Vexcom: The Flow [ Skirmish ] This place is haunted by monsters. Someone has to do something. On the trail of a serial killer, monsters are found.Art?, skirmish quest, Collective Game, HEXCOM, Trenchers, Skirmish Sketch2019-11-30 6 
December 2019
3949109ZeroSpace: HyperiaThe first mission of the ODFCollective Game, ZeroSpace, Skirmish Quest2019-12-24 4 
January 2020
4008215ZeroSpace: Hyperia. Ch.2 Battle of Mt. Red HelenaMasses of xenoforms erupt from the ground - we have arrived. And we have a job to do.Zerospace, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2020-01-22 4 
February 2020
4053378ZeroSpace: Hyperia. Ch.3. Battle for Hyperia SystemWith the 26th Regiment pushing to end the Red the Queen, all of Hyperia tunes in and awaits.Zerospace, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2020-02-17 1 
4078494Skirmish Quest] ZeroSpace: Hyperia. Ch.3. Battle of the Red Hive. We continue with the assault on the Astro Terran Hive, everything about it swells with corruption.Zerospace, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2020-02-29 1 
March 2020
4116312Earth Defense Force [Skirmish][Recruiting]The World once again comes together to form a new organization. The EDF. A symbol of that Peace and every kid dreamed of joining it.EDF, Skirmish Quest, Monday, collective game2020-03-17 0 
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Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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