/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2007
856019Locate City - NukeA thread initially asking about player dickery with regards to Apocalypse from the Sky and Eschew Materials evolves into a method on how to use Locate City to create a 90-mile-radius nuke at 9th-level and a 440-mile-radius nuke at 20th-level.locate city, nuke, powergaming2007-12-01 35 
May 2008
1788654TA and 40k ReduxFurther ruminations on the nature of GRIMDARK; Total Annihilation and 40k fans again manage to avoid a total shitstorm.total annihilation, 40k, grimnfukndark2008-05-22 21 
November 2008
2971130John Fuklaw's Letter HomeCommissar Fuklaw writes a response to a letter from his ex-wife, resulting in many manly tears, as well as various conspiracy theories.Fuklaw, Angry Marines, Starchild2008-11-11 31 
February 2009
3801572Life and Death of John Fuklaw/tg/ BAAAAAAWWWWWWsJohn Fuklaw, Angry Marines2009-02-25 22 
May 2009
4705431Orks discuss stomy trukksSo every good Ork knows 'bout makin' things more Choppy an' Shooty, but what I'm bugged about is Stompy, an' trukks. When ya run over humie gits wif a trukk, what do ya call it? It ain't Stompy 'cuz a trukk wheel ain't a stompa foot or nuffin', and it ain't Choppy or Shooty, either. Ya could call it Krumpin', but dat applies fer any ol' smackin' things, what like hammers an' fists an' whatnot. So what do we calls it, boyz? "Rolly"? Rolly sounds like a pansy Elf-dar word. I figgur we gotta get a roit propa word fer it so's we can make somethin' an call it the whatever-iest! Orks Trukks Stompy Choppa Stompiest2009-05-30 1 
November 2009
6898745Luke, Plagueson Of Nurgle Part IIThe legend of The Luke continues, told from the Point of View of one of his other housemates. Remember, this guy could be treating you in hospital.That Guy, 40k, Dark Heresy, D&D, Edgerunners, Shadowrun, faggotry, nightmare fuel, The Luke2009-11-28 30 
6910746Luke, Plagueson of Nurgle: The RelapseSequel to thread nos. 6885970 and 6898745. If any browser of sup/tg/ is feeling down and disheartened, read this thread - your morale will be spurred to new heights with the relief that, whatever troubles may weigh you down, you are not Luke. Some 40k enthusiasts will insist that Nurgle is a good god, who wants only the best for his worshippers and to armour them against the hurt of the universe. THEY ARE WRONG. LUKE IS WHY.That Guy, 40k, Dark Heresy, D&D, Edgerunners, Shadowrun, faggotry, nightmare fuel, The Luke2009-11-29 30 
December 2009
7030254Squad Broken: Luke Skywalker Edition/tg/ writefaggots describe the demise of various WH40k Mary Sues at the hands of many characters from all over fandom, including Luke Skywalker, Tintin, and ET.40k, writefaggotry, silliness, tintin, luke skywalker, master chief2009-12-07 8 
January 2010
7743011Duke Nuke-ComX-Com agent Duke Nukem takes down alien scum the only way he knows howX-Com, Duke Nukem, screencaps2010-01-24 2 
7748896FPS All Star-ComX-Com recruit the famous FPS character!X-Com, Duke Nukem, screencaps2010-01-24 1 
7836783X-Command 3The LARPers.X-Com, Duke Nukem, screencaps2010-01-30 2 
7847713X-Command 4The lost Rokkit TonkX-Com, Duke Nukem, screencaps2010-01-31 1 
March 2010
8520488Sailor Moon Cthulu RPGNeckbeard wonders whether he should participate in a Cthulu-themed Sailor Moon RPG game. Also: Haruka made the Sororitas gay.Sailor Moon RPG, Cthulu, Haruka, Sororitas, Lesbians2010-03-11 2 
8764141/tg/ talks plane XVThings go from bad to worse. Fresh from accidentally sinking a cruise ship, op's group is now being hunted by a Royal Navy Carrier Task Force, and is rushed into an emergency fighting withdrawal.planes, awesome, sukhoi, writefaggotry2010-03-25 14 
April 2010
9147601Horse SeppukuA Unicorn clan bushi asks /tg/ for help regarding her failing. /tg/ tells her to have her horse commit seppuku.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Ronin, Horse, Seppuku2010-04-12 17 
July 2010
11270831A Mercs & Planes Ruleset Rules & fluff generation for a planes&mercs style RP.Planes & Mercs, Sukhoi, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-22 5 
August 2010
11799126Zerg Quest IXAnon finds out that Kingston isn't screwing around with this rivalry, and loses its whole goddamn Brood in the process.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, fleshlings, suddenly nukes, KINGSTOOOOON!!!2010-08-24 14 
September 2010
12009517Zerg Quest XIAnon spends two hours deciding how to deal with the Disruptor, then shit gets real. A choice is made. A friend's life is endangered. A sexual preference is discoveredCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, KIIIINGSTOOOOON!!!!, gay cerebrates, nuke the fuckers, brave warbrate, stalwart labbrate2010-09-09 12 
November 2010
12875873Locate City NukeLCN discussion ends up bridging D&D to Square/Enix settings, Fallout and more.locate city nuke, lcn, rules abuse2010-11-21 1 
January 2011
13504947Stargate-inspired AdEva gameSome fluff on a really awesome-sounding AdEva game inspired by Stargate, with added pics of RitsukoAdeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Ritsuko, Stargate, Lovecraft2011-01-13 6 
February 2011
13880430Deathworld Quest IIContinuation of previous quest. Here, a race becomes sentient, the pros and cons of self-propelled space travel are discussed, and life continuesDeathworld, Quest, Deathworld Quest, tg-built, Celestial Bukkake2011-02-13 5 
13986169Harlem Quest - VIThe newest Installation of Harlem Quest.Harlem Quest, Duke, Ellington, Enforcer, Prohibtion, Quest2011-02-21 24 
13988272Planes and Mercs, Libya editionAfrica is hiring mercenaries. The obvious parallels are drawn before Firestorm returns with the spamplanes and mercs, pam, firestorm, sukhoi, witch, warcrimes2011-02-23 1 
14065396Harlem Quest - VThe next in the Sudding Quest ark. Join Ellington and Pals in their Travels through Prohibition Era Harlem as the Black necromancer. Duke.Harlem Quest, Duke, Ellington, Enforcer, Prohibtion, Quest2011-02-27 22 
April 2011
14634988Maugan-Ra and Kaptin Badrukk: Tyranid Slayers, Cops.A question of Eldar fluff turns into a discussion of how future 40k Codices should be structured, and the ultimate buddy cop duo is forged.maugan-ra, fluff, 40k, codex, badrukk2011-04-19 2 
May 2011
14973676Zerg Quest XLIIAnon commences its attack on Brullant, VoidGate's final stronghold. As you have come to expect, there are just mushroom clouds everywhere.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Skynet, Nukes everywhere2011-05-19 10 
June 2011
15129382Zerg Quest XLIIIAnon continues to dole out the harshness at VoidGate. /tg/ dice cause a game of musical nukes.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Nukes, /tg/ dice2011-06-02 10 
August 2011
15808361Fallout: UK/tg/ once again gets shit done. We have hooligans, Cromwells, ghoul guards still standing on their spots, and a dreadful lack of tea is what causes the initial anarchy after the bombs fell.Fallout, London, UK, shenanigans2011-08-04 12 
January 2012
17637446Zerg Quest LXXSunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Bernie, Kerrigan, Nukes, Lying to genocide/rape survivors, Not even thinking twice about it, Group Therapy2012-01-23 10 
February 2012
17767638Zerg Quest LXXIIA couple of genocides surround a humanitarian effort to popularize our new eugenics program. Wait, that makes us sound like Nazis. Damn.Collective Game, Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Dyles, Inbred Terrans, Nuke it from orbit2012-02-02 9 
March 2012
18254146PC's say the darndest thingsepic quotes from many different games involving the crazy shit PC's sayPC's quotes awesome epic funny duke nukem critical success call of cthulhu diablerie vampires2012-03-08 11 
September 2012
20720158Magical Girl Noir Quest 47A powerful russian magical girl get informations about her new enemy and meet her subordinates. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, flashback, Kharn, Malal, Mami, Sayaka, Kyouko, Murderface2012-09-14 38 
November 2012
21677377Zerg Quest CXIISomebody has already summarized this entire thread by saying, "shit just got real."Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Zeratul, Xel'Naga, Nukes, Irreparable harm, here's us on the raggedy edge, /tg/ dice, the dice hate you2012-11-21 10 
December 2012
22214092Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1A fuming mad magical girl makes plans to teach her stupid friends about true holiday cheer and MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS2012-12-25 38 
22244846Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2A determined magical girl decides on what presents to buy for her fathead friends and finds out that some things aren't MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS at all.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-27 37 
22263174Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 3An out of breath magical girl continues her mission to bring the christmas cheer to her officio while dealing with painful memories and concerned loved ones.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-28 38 
22278963Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 4A maximized magical girl meets her very own clone while her companion meets her very own... leg? the time for presents is upon us!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, Kyouko, Yuma, Kirika, Oriko, MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS,2012-12-29 38 
March 2013
23693036STALKER Civ QuestGlorious Leader Balalaika begins her journey into the zone slongside comrades of the Duty faction. Death, adventure, and STALKAN awaits. BLOWOUT SOON FELLOW FA/TG/UYS!Stalker, Civ Quest, Balalaika, Blowout, Russia, Ukraine, Kebab, Collective Game2013-03-15 11 
23709372STALKER Civ Quest #2Balalaika and friends shore up their defenses and fight off some unfriendly corpses. Mystery ensues. Exploration of the zone continues as home base begins to take shape in the Junkyard.Collective Game, Staler, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-16 5 
23760749Stalker Civ Quest #4Talking Mutant Edition, wherein, we find out the history of how Balalaika and Courier met; also, that Courier is a bad-ass.Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-19 5 
23794194Stalker Civ Quest #5Alpha the Blind Dog leads Stitch, Farseer, and Balalaika to the police station, where they meet a new friend; a story filled with terror and peril.Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov,2013-03-21 5 
23829536Stalker CXiv Quest #6Wherein we see some of Balalaika's history; also, a new type of artifact is discovered in a new anomaly! Collective Game, Stalker, Civ Quest, Leader, Balalaika, Ramen, Russia, Kebab, Ukraine, Zone, Kalashnikov, artifact, anomaly2013-03-23 5 
23951476Wang FireWang Fire discovers that he is everyone, and that everyone is Wang FireWang Fire, Avatar, Sokka, Alpharius, silly, humor, realization, manliness, beard, Zuko2013-03-31 15 
June 2013
25234611Magical Girl Noir Quest 100A slightly paranoid magical girl attends a party to celebrate her promotion and gets her hair doneMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Kumatora, Mami, Sayaka, Kyouko, Misaka, Midori, hair fashion montage2013-06-04 37 
25267640Akuma Quest 1: The BeginningYou were a young woman named Claire, that had baked bread most of her life... that is, until a filthy beggar strangled you for your bread... Your childhood friend called you back from the dead, and now you're wearing his skin and committing mass-murder. /tg/ likes to have demons bake bread.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Hobos, Demon, Mecha2013-06-06 38 
25328005Akuma Quest 2: ExecutionsAfter creating another one of your kind for the Earl, rumors of your brother's activity draw in a group of Exorcists to your hometown... After teaming up with your kin to deal with one of their numbers, you continue your killing spree back in town and unlock more of your own potential in the process. /tg/ also develops a taste for JUSTICE, the most delicious of flavors.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Hobos, Demon, Mecha2013-06-09 38 
25335577Akuma Quest 2: Executions (pt.2)You return to Jacob's family after setting flame to the disgusting poor people of Temes, their screams pleasing you greatly as you purge the unworthy for the Noah Clan... That's what they get for stealing your bread.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Hobos, Demon, Mecha2013-06-09 38 
25365478Akuma Quest 2: The Finding.Akuma-chan figures out the most glorious plan to kill nearly everyone in the city... And it meets a familiar-looking young woman...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha, You Are Already Bread2013-06-11 38 
25383584Akuma Quest 3Kill another Exorcist, and burn down the town. Level up!Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha,2013-06-12 38 
25391731Akuma Quest 4: Settling AshesAmidst all the fire, death, and miasma, Akuma-chan rises to prominence in the shape of a great dragon... In the afterglow, Akuma-chan and the surviving members of his warband feast in celebration on the rooftop where the last Exorcist died... Akuma-chan is christened with the name of Faefnir... And the Earl approaches with an offer they cannot refuse.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha, Faefnir2013-06-12 38 
25423549Akuma Quest 5: A Family of EvilFaefnir finds two replacements for the two pack members lost in the battle against the Exorcists before embarking on a mission to find the Noah... The pack familiarize themselves with one another through violence and petty insults... And Kama becomes a Mama.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha, Faefnir2013-06-14 38 
25457913Akuma Quest 6: A Town of Ominous NameArriving at the Trading Post town of Ruinebriar, the family's time without slaughter has them on edge. Faefnir investigates alone and gets challenged to a bake-off! <3Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha2013-06-16 38 
25495941Akuma Quest 7: The Crimson CrossThe entire family decides to spend the rest of their night on an outing in the rowdiest tavern they can find... Inside, Faefnir meets a strange man who seems to know the Doctor (?)... The night's festivities conclude with a confrontation against a member of Schwere's previous organization and the desecration of the pack's campsite... Meanwhile, Wendel shows the natives just who the real king of the bar room beer binge racket is...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha2013-06-18 38 
25535442Akuma Quest 8: Getting Away With MurderThe Family tracks down the culprit that defiled their camp, the closest thing they have to a home. One of them nearly dies, and come morning of the next day, The Crimson Cross have questions...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha2013-06-20 38 
25664506Akuma Quest 10: WildfiresThe panic button is pressed. The Noah is freed. It's time to make a second Temes.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-06-27 38 
25704115Akuma Quest 11: WarmthAfter their escape from The Asher, the family takes the time to properly mourn for their fallen comrade... After finding refuge en route to Florin, Morgan finally remembers who she is...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-06-29 38 
July 2013
25800922Akuma Quest 12: Dreaming DeadThe night before their departure, Faefnir has a dream of two mysterious figures and a song... And on the day of the family's arrival at Florin, Faefnir and the Noah meet an unexpected face while on an errand... Finally, Faefnir is getting married?Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-04 38 
25831757Magical Girl Noir Quest 110A Stoic magical girl, speaks to the bodyguard again and socializes with a very awkward girl.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyuubey, Kyosuke2013-07-05 36 
25839402Akuma Quest Recap 1-12A recap of threads 1-12, where we recount all our misdeeds for convenience Collective Game, Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-06 18 
25840194Akuma 13: The Ministry of FlorinFaefnir familiarizes himself with the kindly members of Florin's clergy before embarking on an errand for Morgan with two of its sisters... Later in The Lady's Rest, Faefnir is introduced to the delicious flavor of a couple of tarts...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah, Delicious Tarts2013-07-06 38 
25861174Akuma Quest 14: DisorderedFaefnir makes plans for the day's tasks to be accomplished and takes Kama, now renamed Claire, to accompany him on his chores... And while visiting the Lady Morgan's workshop, Faefnir receives an absolute order that he finds to be difficult to resist...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-07 38 
25868586Magical Girl Noir Quest 111A surprised magical girl learn a few new things and scouts the stadium.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-07 36 
25907991Magical Girl Noir Quest 112A professional magical girl finishes her phone call and gets ambushed!Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-09 37 
25917365Akuma Quest 15: The Death's HeadFaefnir reworks his terms of service to Morgan peacefully enough... He does well in his job at the bakery and bonds with Morgan and the other Akuma through mass slaughter... Morgan suffers a disappointing failure in her work... And in the midst of all this, the darkness slowly approaches.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-10 38 
25999393Akuma Quest 16: ChanceMorgan gives Faefnir the responsibility of making preparations for the funeral of the Lord's wife... And later, in the evening, Faefnir gambles with the gypsies and has a chance encounter with somebody special...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-14 38 
26006907Magical Girl Noir Quest 113A merciful magical girl has more dealings with Kyosuke and IoriMagical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Noriko, Kyosuke2013-07-14 37 
26025769Magical Girl Noir Quest 114An impressed magical girl gains several cup sizes and a few Inches in height.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Sayaka, Ruri, Iori, Kyosuke, Kyoko, Midori2013-07-15 36 
26056397Akuma Quest 17: The Children In The ShadeAfter a discussion with Madeleine on where his loyalties lie, Faefnir once again dreams of the lake and the forest... There, he is faced with an important question...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-17 38 
26142058Akuma Quest 18: Evil Plans In The WorkAfter the successful creation of another Akuma, Faefnir takes note of the Doctor's odd behavior... Later, Faefnir meets up with Morgan, Madeleine, and Fonso to discuss the gypsy's hard, throbbing problem...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-21 38 
26197322Akuma Quest 19: The DamnedWe learn more about what Fonso's mark means, things get very heated between Morgan and Maddie, and we cool down with a meeting in the Church at night to plan the festivities for the funeral of the Lord's wife.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-24 38 
26260816Akuma Quest 20: A Funeral For The ManyThe meeting goes ... interestingly. The plan is set, a priest is killed and tensions rise between the family and the Noah. Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-27 38 
26315720Akuma Quest 21: A Dirge For The LivingFire and screaming signal the beginning of Florin's ruin... The cardinal bearing the sword of kings clashes against Maashima with an unbearably pure light... And the family are dead set on settling the score with an old enemy...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-07-30 38 
August 2013
26399223Akuma Quest 22: We All Rejoiced...Somehow the entire family lives through the funeral. Treachery is dealt with, an odd book is found, and a choice is made. Not necessarily in such an order.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Hobos, Demon, Mecha, Collective Game2013-08-03 38 
26475577Akuma Quest 23: Family BondsAs Faefnir's family celebrate the deeds they committed in Florin, not everyone is able to join in on the festive mood... While attempting to comfort Madeleine over her predicament, a strong memory overcomes Faefnir and reminds him of his obligations to his other family...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-07 35 
26535231Akuma Quest 24: The Lion And DragonAlice carries out her promise to Faefnir and everything proceeds as...planned? However, even in such dire straits, a miracle can still be snatched away from God's grasp...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-10 36 
26607827Akuma Quest 25: Just The Two Of UsFaefnir and Madeleine Reconcile with the new step in their unholy relationship, Alice delivers Faefnir's most recent disastrous bread, and the Family is glad to see Maddie be herself again...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Murder, Bakers, Demon, Mecha, Faefnir, Family, Collective Game2013-08-14 34 
26614795Tsukaima Quest PrologueIn which Corporal Yuri Ivanov wakes up with a hangover after a late night celebration and gets sent out on patrol.Tsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game, Military, 2013-08-14 10 
26666853Akuma Quest 26- To the NorthThe Family has down time on their way to Scotland. Pattycake ensues.Akuma Quest, Collective Game, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Bakers, Mecha, Demons, Faefnir2013-08-17 32 
26669491Tsukaima Quest Part 1Yuri finally gets teleported to TristainTsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game, Military, 2013-08-17 10 
26684583 Tsukaima Quest Part 2We finally get some intel, meet another magic lady, get friendly with a dragon.Tsukaima Quest, Tsukaima Quest Prologue, Collective Game,Military,2013-08-20 7 
26740651Akuma Quest 27: The Red WarFaefnir and the family happen upon a Crimson war encampment set at the base of a mountain... The English are preparing for a war against the north... And while scouting out the Crimson's garrison, Faefnir meets several familiar faces...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-21 29 
26761195Tsukaima Quest 3Yuri Ivanov duels a blonde fopCollective Games, Tsukaima, Tsukaima Quest2013-08-22 5 
26778883Akuma Quest 28: An InductionFaefnir is formally recognized by the family... And to celebrate, Alice takes him and Maddie on a wildly wonderful trip to Wonderland!Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-23 27 
26815575Tsukaima Quest 4We have a chat with Prof.Colbert, get some sad news and have dinner with the servantsCollective Game, Tsukaima Quest,2013-08-26 7 
26884868Akuma Quest 29: The Land of WonderFaefnir and his two companions are properly acquainted with the Land of Wonder and its strange denizens... Faefnir and Maddie strengthen their bond through some impromptu acting and are invited to attend the after-party...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-29 22 
26879003Tsukaima Quest 5It turned out as we feared comrades, every girl was in fact crazy for this Tesenturian army man. Yuri has gained Derf and met Tabitha, only to be awakened by thunderous thumping.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Dragons2013-08-30 5 
26923264Akuma Quest 30: StarstruckedWe venture into the exciting life of thespians! Prepare for drama! Action! ROMANCE! Fame and fortune are all there for Faefnir and Maddie to claim as they reach the very top and perform in front of the kingdom on the Red Queen's stage! But will stardom blind the pair to the truth, or will they be able to look past all the glitz and glamor?Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-08-31 24 
September 2013
26938546Tsukaima Quest Part 6A certain dragon saves us and we hunt for a wounded thief that got away.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Thief, Dragon,2013-09-02 5 
27010973Akuma Quest 31: Secrets of The QueenFaefnir learns much of the Red Queen's (literally) tortured past, gets in touch with his more feminine side, and finds a friend in an unexpected place.Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-04 24 
26985618Tsukaima Quest Part 7We find our bullets and then plan to recover an artifact from the Thief we fought last night.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game, Military, Thief,2013-09-05 5 
27049194Akuma Quest 32: The Queen in SpadesWhen misfortune comes, it comes in spades... Alice finds herself locked out of Wonderland... And the play does not go as planned... To turn things around, Faefnir and Maddie cook up a devilish surprise... But they may have bitten off more than they could chew with their new creation...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-06 23 
27092722Tsukaima Quest 8We capture Fouquet, get paid LOADS A MONEH, and attend a swaggy shindigCollective Game, Tsukaima Quest,Military,2013-09-10 6 
27130211Akuma Quest 33: Four of a KindThe Queens of Hearts and Spades each beckon to the demons to help them slaughter the other, but Faefnir and Maddie choose instead to bring in another guest to the party...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-10 22 
27146876Persona QuestWhere we play Persona 4: Nyarlathotep editionPersona Quest, Collective Game, Nyarlathotep, Yu Narukami2013-09-11 15 
27305489Akuma Quest 34: The Lord and Lady's CastleFaefnir and Maddie reunite with their family in a castle located within Scottish territory... They promptly set to work on restoring its crumbling structure to establish it as a base of operations... Once they finish with their home renovation, they receive a surprise visit from a certain devilish lady...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-19 20 
27406974Akuma Quest 35: CastlewarmingUnnerved by the Devil Queen's offer, Faefnir and Maddie argue on where their true loyalties lie... After a heated conclusion, the two are met by the rest of their family, both close and extended, to discuss the aftermath of their adventure in Wonderland... Afterward, Faefnir, Maddie, and Morgan agree to share a private moment together after the Duke's departure...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-09-25 14 
October 2013
27745189Tsukaima Quest 9We get a house built and get news of the talent show.Collective Game, Tsukaima Quest,Military,2013-10-15 10 
27764254Akuma Quest 36: FinAnd the world ends...Akuma Quest, D-grayman, Duke of Millenium, Family, Murder, Bakers, Faefnir, Demon, Mecha, Noah2013-10-16 4 
27989186Tsukaima Quest 10In which we participate in a TALENT SHOW!Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game,2013-10-29 5 
November 2013
28082414Magical Girl Noir Quest 144A chivalrous magical girl visits one prophet and gets a bead on another.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Yuma, Haruka, drawfag2013-11-03 26 
28101580Magical Girl Noir Quest 145A nervous magical girl sees flashes of pink and looks at life through a mirror.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Yuma, Haruka, Oriko, drawfag2013-11-04 26 
28192140Magical Girl Noir Quest 146A bloody magical girl gains another enemy and reports her findings.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, Chiaki, Yuma, Haruka, drawfag2013-11-09 26 
28196792Tsukaima Quest 11 We prepare to go on a quest for the princess. Tsukaima Quest 2013-11-10 5 
28274432Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 4Doomsday desperate deals with devils, and a side of exploding cakes.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai2013-11-14 27 
28364419 Tsukaima Quest 12We see the aftermath of a coffee high on a pint-sized tsundere and have a spar with the man she's engaged to.Tsukaima Quest, Collective Game,2013-11-20 5 
December 2013
28971501Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 8We find out about Akira's history with the incorporeal and find evidence from the ghost in the machine. Also, we fortify our headquarters as the First Night falls...Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai2013-12-20 23 
28988933Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 8 Part 2We speak to a ghost of a ghost and find out that she has no faceCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, 2013-12-21 23 
29114845Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 9Got a little bit of everything today. Started off with a bit of comedy, transitiones into a police procedural and end up in a gameshow. It's like we were really watching TV. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2013-12-28 22 
29134702The Emperor's Finest: A Sardaukar QuestA one-shot featuring Ferdi Avan, a captain of the Sardaukar, in his final moments against a Fremen raid.Collective Game, Sardaukar Quest, Dune2013-12-29 9 
January 2014
29297886Bosozuku Quest #1In which Great Mount Kawakami destroys the hated Volcano gang and agrees to a duel... ON MOWTACYCAWS!Collective Game, Bosozuku, Delinquents2014-01-06 12 
29438527Spirit Detective Quest thread 1We meet a reaper, we meet Koenma, we wake upYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, Quest, Yosuke, collective game, cyoa2014-01-12 11 
29441195Bosozoku Quest Part 2In which we start studying, practice motorcycle jousting, fuck up a rival dojo, and be sweet on mom.Bosozoku Quest, Collective Game, Bosozuku, delinquents 2014-01-12 9 
29609731Spirit Detective Quest thread #2 We leave the hospital and hang out with some friends before doing some research on the spirit world and going to meet Koenma to tell him we accept the position of Spirit DetectiveYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, Quest, Yosuke, Kuwabara, detective, collective game, cyoa2014-01-19 8 
29778553Spirit Detective Quest #3You begin your first mission as Spirit Detective in an abandoned warehouse where you fight some demons and find some hostagesYu Yu Hakusho, Spirit detective, spirit detective quest, Quest, Yosuke, Kuwabara, detective, collective game, cyoa2014-01-26 7 
March 2014
30608713The King of Fighters Quest Round 20: "Who's Quest is it Anyway?"-EditionThe players bounce between several different characters as The Infinite Match draws ever-closer, Katja getting a chance to fight Ryuji Yamazaki and (Possibly!) date a certain CEO of a group that's been after you since the beginning.SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Bizuki Iijima, Jean-Claude Gabriel2014-03-05 6 
30658703Kill la CYOA ThreadMemorable conclusion to a CYOA seriesCollective Game, Kill la Kill, Ryuuko Route2014-03-06 21 
30961767Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 10I survived a Japanese gameshow edition.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2014-03-21 22 
31016391The King of Fighters Quest Round 23: The Calm before the StormKatja's unconscious embarks on another trippy dream while Gabriel & Kazahaya attempt to track down the rather uncouth Bizuki Iijima, all before the sun has even risen and preparations could be made for the fancy dress gala that's supposed to kick off the media blitz in store for "The Infinite Match". SNK, Collective Game, King of Fighters, KoF Quest, Katja Hartkern, Bizuki Iijima, Jean-Claude Gabriel, Kazunori Kazahaya, 2014-03-24 6 
31104083Cyberpunk Chef Quest #1/tg/ decides on a cute brown girl protagonist, has a lucky first day at work.Cyberpunk, Cyberpuk Chef Quest, Brown Girl, Collective Game2014-03-28 7 
31104958Ghostbusters: Japan: Episode 11We go hunting for the Gentlemen's Club with Sachiko, find some stockings, and meet a vampire.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2014-03-28 22 
June 2014
32525548Magical Girl Noir Quest 210A very tired and shaken magical girl shifts in to high gear in a race against time to attend a crash course in melee combat.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, Magical Girl, noir, drawfag, Chiaki, Midori, Sayakar, Kyouko2014-06-02 17 
32691116Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane FamiliesOur cute imouto-minions get along, and meet kiki-san...who needs our help! Oh and STUPID SECURITY GUARDS, WHO DO YOU THINK RYUKUSA IS!Collective Game, Ryukuza, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni, Quest, parthenogenesis2014-06-10 21 
32732001Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light-Hearted Quest about Dragon Girls and Their Insane FamiliesDemons and Dragons and FUCKIN' SUSANO-O, GODDAMN!Collective Game, Ryukuza, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, Quest, parthenogenesis, oni, 2014-06-12 13 
32754656Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.TLC. Smiles. Hearts. Lilies. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-13 24 
32839377Ryukuza Quest 6: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls Etc.Anonimous attacks, and magic is discussed, and one-armed-swordfighting is done. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-17 15 
32878146Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.Anonimous revealed (to be idiots), secret agents revealed (to be foreign), lolidragons revealed (to be pyros).Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-19 16 
32977299Ryukuza Quest 9: A Largely Light Hearted Quest about Dragongirls and their Insane Families.Discovering some serious new juju, Ryukusa manages to find something that scares her. A new enemy is revealed, and her best friend is injured...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-24 16 
32998917Ryukuza Quest: Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiki confesses. Ryukusa commits. Kiku admits. Yui promises. Akari sleeps.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-25 15 
33019923Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku relates the tale of her captured Void dragon - side quest, playing as Kiku!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-26 15 
33027920Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 23Ghostbusters meets The Raid.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Mitsuko, Tengu2014-06-27 13 
33104099Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku explains some things, and gets petted. Kiki decides enough is enough and has her way. Anonimous is taken off the hit list.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-06-30 15 
July 2014
33125592Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.A short recap. Also Ryukusa being edgy, bathed, and then set on fire. Really. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-07-01 13 
33183798Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Side Quest 2: Akari's run , a little flashback for the holiday. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, Akari2014-07-04 14 
33248043Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa reunites two lovers, teaches magic, embarrasses lots of people...oh, and Kiki summons a god. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-07 14 
33290960Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Happy tears, welcoming of the new harem member, and loving ceremony is had...then plans. Dark plans. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, amputee2014-07-09 14 
33320485Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 25After a surprisingly civil conversation with a pair of Oni, the Ghostbusters come up with the best, worst plan ever.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Oni, Mitsuko2014-07-11 12 
33334231Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Er Yin explains things about her past, and how Ryukusa can get her arm back...Akari finally gets her just dessert...the earth moves for them. Literally. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-11 13 
33423056Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Demon-possessed-spirit-centipedes. Half-naked-dragon-girls-gone-wild. Hugs.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-15 13 
33476163Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 26We give lil'Mitsuko the spanking of her unlife.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Mitsuko2014-07-18 12 
33490542Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa makes the hefty decisions, and the kidnappers of Jinyuu-onee-sama make themselves known.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-18 14 
33581064Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa's hideout revealed; can she live with the shame? Er Yin explains, Ryukusa decides, and Akari is lewd.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-22 13 
33626346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Gathering power, giving up power, kissing dragonettes and oni-girls, and kicking demigod ass. Sounds about Ryukusa. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-24 13 
33721554Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Kiku tells Ryukusa about Hinata's Temple, Hinata, and gets a nosebleed. Kushinada bleeds a lot more, from worse than teasing.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-07-28 13 
33772703Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa faces Kushinada and Hidesato...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, blood2014-07-30 14 
33794087Digimon Quest #2first digimon waifuDigimon, Collective Game, Arukenimon, Keramon, Kidnapping2014-07-31 0 
August 2014
33818109Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Hidesato-san vrs Ryukusa, the duel continues. Hinata reveals a secret. Kiku is cute.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, fight, blood2014-08-01 12 
33936630Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa gets magical stuff. Akari has been busy. The Landlord/lady/thing is met.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-06 14 
33960151Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Chi-chan drives badly, Ryukusa-chan deals with the landlorladything, and kisses are had.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-07 13 
33966144Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 29Into the belly of the giant P-COC we go, looking for clues about a conspiracy unknown.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, Youkai2014-08-08 13 
33983331Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Secretaries, Subordinates, Subbes, and Slaves.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-08 12 
34108582Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Teaching dragon-girls new things. Healing of several sorts. Gentle reminders. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-13 13 
34139675Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 30Evidence gathering in the bad guy's lair and we didn't get mind whammied. Also, we didn't have vegetable stir fry.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, Youkai2014-08-15 12 
34156658Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Shower-time continues; pearls touch; dinner is had; sleeping? What is sleep?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-15 13 
34229422Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.A complicated conversation takes a dangerous turn; Akari shows why upsetting her is bad; Yumiko makes a very bad mistake. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-18 14 
34297562Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Putting our lovers to bed, and bedding our lovers. And a phone call. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-21 13 
34302752Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 31 The grandsmothers try to find a wife for Daisuke, parents aren't much use and we look like a pedophile as young girls think ghostbusting is wicked cool. Until a foxy witch rescues us just like in the movies. Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Kitsune, Grandmothers,2014-08-22 13 
34389860Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of HeaYui and Akari get personal attention. Mysterious phone calls. Threats and things that aren't threats.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-25 14 
34435569Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Ryukusa skips sleeping; sisterly love (of the platonic kind); the dreaded training decisions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-08-27 13 
34481885Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Defender of Hearts.Speaking with the Goddess of the Sun; making breakfast; training!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, Amaterasu2014-08-29 13 
September 2014
34599498Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunApparently, goddesses have an effect on people. Teasing, training, and trouble.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-09-03 13 
34621820Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunA Cat. A Fight. A Threat.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls2014-09-04 14 
34770380Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunAngry dragonette is angry. Picnics are good. Psycho sycophants not so much. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-10 13 
34796705Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 34Reika asks us for help with an unusual patient of hers, a 'polite gentleman' who wants a male doctor to diagnose him. A good impression is not made.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Youkai2014-09-12 13 
34812496Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunDemon cats, diabolical plans, and dragonettes with attitude.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-12 15 
34930098Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunTraining in the park. Playing in the park. Fighting in the park. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-17 13 
35065283Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunTraining and playing and...finally, Ryuu Wakaba.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-23 14 
35216398Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunFacing Wakaba's madness; homeward bound; decisions and decisions and other decisions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-09-30 11 
October 2014
35280077Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunReturning home; gathering intel; a surprising discovery.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko2014-10-03 12 
35405072Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunAnonimous returns, and won't take no for an answer. Rie explains something. Ryukusa gets angry.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood, graphic injury2014-10-09 10 
35427519Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Chosen of the SunThe secrets of cat youkai. Triumphant returns. Dreams.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-10 13 
35542823Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerEmi's Promise is made, and Rie leads Ryukusa back home. But is Rie done with Ryukusa?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-15 10 
35563376Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerPlaying as Mizumi Shoko, we learn what happened to the original God of Destruction.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, gore, death2014-10-16 8 
35686810Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerRyukusa decides what to do with her new staff; spells and plans are made...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko,2014-10-22 13 
35727071Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerLandlordladything stuff. Secretarial ooze. A fellow shinobi. Cuddles.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-24 13 
35831770Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerYuuhi reveals less than stellar news; Oba-san's weaknesses discussed; sleep is chanced. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-29 10 
35872173Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerMending, talking, sleeping. The fateful day arrives. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-10-31 10 
November 2014
35976468Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerThe duel against Kurao Goto; a surprise interruption; the lines are drawn.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-05 13 
36077760Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerRyukuza faces the oni and his oni-sword; unlikely timing; turmoil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-11-10 10 
36139899Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerNightmares and ghosts and bakemono, oh shit.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, monsters2014-11-13 13 
36224437Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerHow does one cope with possession? Akari's projects. A gift.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-17 10 
36285110Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Oni SlayerKurou Kyota tries to cope. Akari is apologetic. What wishes are for.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-20 14 
36390636Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatHappiness is a warm dragonette. Revelations. Petting.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, 2014-11-25 13 
36445938Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatThe Church, The Military, the Haunts.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-11-28 12 
December 2014
36523954Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatDealing with cats, grunts, and oni. Oh, and grenades.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-12-02 12 
36661452Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatFacing the threat of Anonimous, Wakaba's minions, and seeing how far you can trust Horobi's minions. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, blood2014-12-09 12 
36779674Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatYour cousin the demigod; insanity and the consequences; Yuuhi a cute; Akari is bold.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-15 13 
36817161Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon DiplomatDealing with your defeated cousin, Er Yin's pain, and Kiku's anguish. Oh, and youkai fucking everywhere.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-17 12 
37087203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonettePain and suffering, danger and healing...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2014-12-31 13 
January 2015
37352022Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteMakign deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-13 0 
37352150Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteMaking deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-13 12 
37415556Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteThe best made plans are those made over lunch.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-16 10 
37548781Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteFamily trouble, and convincing Chisato that yes, monsters exist. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-22 8 
37568375Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteHows does one convince people that the supernatural is real? The hard way, of course.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-01-23 10 
February 2015
37838434Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteRie gets told off by Kiki, of all people; Chisato sees things in a new light. Oh, and necking.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-04 13 
37879167Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonettePage 725 Interlude: Inari paints a picture for the readers.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-06 8 
38018050Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteFamily time for Ryukusa at last. Time for healing of many sorts. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-12 9 
38129933Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteRestless Ryukusa realizes rather remiss reminiscences, righting respectfully.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-17 10 
38194199Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteNightmares and dreams, and sleep. Or was that the other way around?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-20 9 
38288382Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteSleepless nights are made for trouble-making. So is Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-24 9 
38352589Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade DragonetteHunting Wakaba; the politics of Religion; Noppera-bo.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-02-27 9 
March 2015
38488714Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiHunting Ryuu Wakaba. Catholic Conundrum. Bakemono vrs. Bakayaro.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-05 8 
38513360Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiWakaba is Losing it, the Catholics have Backup, and Ryukuza is stuck without Clan Ryo help...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-06 10 
38605236Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiSorcery vs Power, Wakaba's fate, and the complexities of plans.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-10 10 
38675358Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to YoukaiSeeing thing through Kiki-hime's eyes, and feeling with her heart.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-13 10 
38900940Khornette Quest #28We fight over a book and it turns out Tzeentch is kinda a bitch.Collective Game, Khornette, Lady of Change, Just as Planned, Fuklaw, ELH2015-03-24 12 
38949448Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersAfter blood and tears comes healing...and interrogation.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-26 9 
39028867Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersDisarming bombs, disarming foes, disarming smiles.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-03-30 10 
April 2015
39067723Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersBomb disposal, and interrogating the prisoners, who aren't really in the mood...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-01 9 
39236608Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersInterrogating the prisoners; making the next move; unexpected kisses.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-09 9 
39259747Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersDiplomatic dragonette is diplomatic. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-10 10 
39401193Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersWith the enemy left confused and wondering, the next part of the plan is to...party?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-17 10 
39485053Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of MonstersKiku-chan's concerns. Seeing the landlord/lady/thing. Escape to the litterbo-I mean, beach.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-21 13 
39544663Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumRecovering from a trip through N'Kai, Ryukusa recuperates at the beach. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-24 14 
39667937Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumBeach party continues, and Ryukusa makes some life decisions. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-04-30 9 
May 2015
39767579Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumSwimming with Kiku. Three choices. A question of amorality.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-05 13 
39807179Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumCrime and punishment. Deals and coercion. A Hell of a show.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-07 10 
39935130Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumFight on the beach, Chinese demons 101, family matters.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-13 13 
40216488Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumRyukusa interrogates, Yui medicates, Akari hesitates.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-27 14 
40257809Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumStrange things afoot in the Diet of Japan...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-05-29 10 
June 2015
40344173Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumFinishing the questions, and moving on to bigger and better things, like marshmallows and fireworks.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-02 10 
40537884Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumPicnics and Sand and water. And other important things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-11 12 
40575899Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach BumMermaids, Fireworks, and a Bronze Blade.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-13 14 
40660307Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach BunnyThe tale, fireworks, and other kids of fireowrks.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-17 13 
40697216Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach BunnyImmortality, egg laying, and the art of war.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-19 10 
40816420Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteMilitary interventions, family interventions, and divine interventions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-25 13 
40903586Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteReassurances are made, as is an escape! But who is caught in our heroine's clutches?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-06-29 10 
July 2015
40967451Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe Kitsune, the Dragonette, and the Nogitsune. The Secrets of Water.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-02 12 
41053864Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteChanging tactics; confrontations; disasters foretold.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-06 13 
41135159Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing the enemy hordes; being as clever as you think you are.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-10 13 
41240141Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTime to see what Colonel Blitzenberg is really like.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-15 13 
41390758Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteBreaking wards, breaking walls, breaking heads, and maybe breaking even.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-22 12 
41584822Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing the youkai-child; the soldier's decision; that damn cat, one more time...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-07-31 12 
August 2015
41789291Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Black Fox FriendChisato is captured, the Yakuza are in trouble, and the fox-children are in danger; Peta-chan has to fix everything, as usual!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-08-10 18 
September 2015
42270375Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteDeciding dooms, dreaming, and petting your cute kohai.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-03 14 
42288599Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteCatching up to the family; going home a message from a priestess.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-04 10 
42416955Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteRelief, Recovery, Resolution, Ramifications.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-10 12 
42578698Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFlying high, attempted murder, and Flaming Telepaths. No, the song. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-18 7 
42718141Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteFacing off against an undeniable and implacable threat; hoping to reunite with the family.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-09-25 8 
October 2015
42849673Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePlaying with swords; reunions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-02 8 
42940308Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteHealing in many ways; returning home; a question of time.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-07 12 
43087579Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTrauma, healing, and trauma and healing. No, it isn't redundant.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-15 10 
43104559Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteCat fight between fox and dragon? Kisses to follow?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-16 10 
43234681Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteA vacation on the Island of Pearls? Well, okay...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, nudity, blood2015-10-23 10 
43370910Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteProbing the past; calling home; dealing with ningyo.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-10-30 7 
November 2015
43483372Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteEr Yin teaches; Kiki learns; Ryukusa copes.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-05 9 
43502283Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe price paid for the truth, and the truth is heaven to pay.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-06 9 
43623598Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteLooking at the world through Yui's eyes. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-13 8 
43671521Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe world through Yui's Eyes continues.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-16 10 
43807277Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteRescuing swords, making dragons, and fighting princesses. Really.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-11-24 11 
December 2015
44041262Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePearl diving takes on a whole new set of meanings for Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-07 10 
44109386Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteMeeting the Ama divers, ocean waters, and things that blood attracts.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-11 14 
44427160Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteNew friends, new family, old enemies.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Ryukuza, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragongirls, oni girls, parthenogenesis, oni, dragons, dragon girls, neko, youkai, blood2015-12-28 10 
February 2016
45301289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe Triumphant return of Ryukusa begins with a recap, and an evil twist.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-08 14 
45377892Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteTo eat or not to eat. Why is this even a question? Well......Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-12 9 
45441112Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonetteThe most dangerous phone call ever; diving with the Ama.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-15 8 
45578456Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod DragonettePsychic phone play, sharks swimming secretively, warfare within water.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-22 12 
45636799Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterSharks are fish, but what are youkai? The Generals Two attack!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-02-25 8 
March 2016
45778435Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterThe final showdown agaisnt the Clan Ryo Warlords.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-03 8 
45798013Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterWhile defeating Oh cost no blood, Ah is another matter...especially in Yui's body!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-04 9 
46009102Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterRyukuza meets her real father; the aftermath of the battle of Mikimoto.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-14 12 
46093585Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterThe aftermath is always the hardest part.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-18 9 
46351203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterWe meet a blood relative for the first time; the dangers of dealing with kappa are revealed.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-03-30 8 
April 2016
46612491Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterRyukusa battles the spirit of the Forest of Suicides for the spirit of her sister...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-11 12 
46814550Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterFinishing up with our sister, Ryukusa faces off with one of the Spymaster's lackeys...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-21 10 
46901221Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterDealing with the spy master's henchman; getting back to family and planning to do it again.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-04-25 12 
May 2016
47061047Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunaterHealing kiku; Ginka's decision; going home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-03 12 
47200081Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterGinka's decision; finally home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-11 14 
47292901Shinobi Quest #1We ride through character creation, create the most spoiled ninja princess there ever was, and get team assignmentsCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-17 29 
47309315Shinobi Quest #2This thread, we do a bit of teambuilding, pick our weapons, meet Dad and your totally unassuming butler-teacher. Ohohoho~Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-18 23 
47391838Shinobi Quest #3In this thread, we initiate a muffin heist, meet our Sensei Ebisu, take our first test as Genin, poke the bear (fox?), and go shopping. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-23 22 
47415244Shinobi Quest #4In this thread, we wax sentimental with our Maid, learn a bit about our father, head to Danzo's secret lair, and burn some chakra paper.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-24 25 
47431719Shinobi Quest #5In this thread, we begin our training under Danzo, specifically the Shadow Clone Technique, then go out for a spa trip with Hinata.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-25 22 
47472232Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterHomeward Bound; religious repercussions; most importantly: who gets cuddles first?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-05-27 14 
47494701Shinobi Quest #6In this thread, Tsuki and Company go on their first official mission. (And it doesn't involve cats or weeds!) Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-05-29 24 
47511689Shinobi Quest #7In this thread, feels. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki, Ebisu2016-05-30 37 
June 2016
47547792Shinobi Quest #8In this thread, post-mission chats with Guy & Lee, Nori & Kushina, Danzo, and Hinata. We also plan release training, and meet smug Neji.Collective Game, Shinobi Quest, Naruto, Tsuki2016-06-01 22 
47599084Shinobi Quest #9In this thread, we theorize with Hinata, talk about weapons with Tenten, work on our release with Danzo, and meet our new sensei.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-04 22 
47615666Shinobi Quest #10In this thread, we get poked by Itachi, and initiate timeskip training. Results Guaranteed! Also, we finally develop the Stellar Release.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-05 22 
47654023Shinobi Quest #11In this thread, Tsuki meets a military dictator, learns about her dad's business practices, and watches Neji's semi-final match against HyCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-07 23 
47669812Shinobi Quest #12In this thread, Tsuki watches the final two matches of the chunin exams, and buys snacks for the group. Feat. Naruto, Neji and Sai.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-08 22 
47764560Shinobi Quest #13In this thread, we have the ultimate in Daddy/Daughter moments, and have a nice dream. Thread cut short by the evils of Comcast. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-14 25 
47780329Shinobi Quest #14In this thread, our teams interact before heading off to separate missions. Tsuki gets briefed, and we settle into our campsite. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-15 24 
47844386Shinobi Quest #15 (Big Money Edition)In this thread, Tsuki and friends come across a village under attack, suffer from nightmares,and hunt brigands while engaging in capitalism!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-19 23 
47882119Shinobi Quest #16In this thread, maximum ohohos, Tsuki gets backhanded, and the team infiltrates the brigand hole-in-the-wall.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-21 22 
47901790Shinobi Quest #17In this thread, Tsuki, Lee, and Itachi fight the samurai, Yojimbo. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-22 23 
47980552Shinobi Quest #18In this thread, Tsuki and friends go to the hot springs, and meet some VERY interesting people. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-27 23 
48016867Shinobi Quest #19In this thread, Tsuki and friends return home to give their report- and exchange harsh words with a bitter old man. Also, headpokes. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-06-29 23 
July 2016
48067048Shinobi Quest #20In this thread, Tsuki says hi to dad, grills Danzo about Orochimaru and Akatsuki, and declares her intent to win the Chunin Exams! Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-02 23 
48135734Shinobi Quest #21In this thread, fan favorite Team MEGA MILK unites, and Tsuki begins a training montage.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-06 24 
48214977Shinobi Quest #22In this thread, Tsuki greets her returning sensei, and embarks with her team into a dangerous new mission into the Land of Wind.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-11 24 
48225529Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFinally home and all loved ones reunited,a shadow lies upon Clan RyuuCollective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-11 11 
48265221Shinobi Quest #23In this thread, Tsuki and company meet the shinobi working with Lemeza's competitors, watch the sun rise, and start exploring some ruins. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-14 23 
48290774Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterThe perils and pleasures of home.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-15 9 
48346020Shinobi Quest #23In this thread, Tsuki and Co. continue exploring the ruins. Grim truths and grisly secrets await in it's depths, along with an old friend. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-19 22 
48387664Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterCan Ryukusa save Akari from a fate worse than death? Okay, stupid question...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-21 14 
48440682Shinobi Quest #24In this thread, Tsuki and friends stave off the Zetsu hoard, generally roll well, and escape the ruins- the welcoming party sucks, though.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-25 27 
48517397Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterEr Yin gets some much needed attention, as does Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-07-29 8 
48525283Shinobi Quest #25In this thread, Itachi and Shisui square off, and the horde of Zetsu make their return. &#6050;&#6098;&#6035;&#6016;&#6016;&#6070;&#Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-30 23 
48542064Shinobi Quest #26In this thread, Tsuki interacts with some rabbits, and departs from the Land of Wind. Asian Moot is revealed as the true villain all along. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-07-31 23 
August 2016
48698389Shinobi Quest #27In this thread, Tsuki has a long chat with Danzo, and meets Hiruzen Sarutobi. Exam planning begins.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-09 23 
48723882Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe are an insomniac hyperactive dragonette.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-10 13 
48748011Shinobi Thread #28In this thread, Tsuki and Team hold a strategy conference, Tsuki plays chicken with Shikamaru, and we get SWOLE.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-12 23 
48762624Shinobi Quest #29In this thread, Tsuki sees some of the foreign competition for the exam, discusses her worries with Danzo, then hopefully the Exams start.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-13 22 
48783388Shinobi Thread #30In this thread, the Chunin Exams begin! We meet Neji's mystery partner, intimidate Shikamaru, and take a test. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-14 24 
48865828Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterKeeping a promise, and causing trouble. Because that's what Ryukusa does.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-18 9 
48874838Shinobi Quest #31In this thread, Tsuki and Company go over the aftermath of the 1st round of exams, and enter the Forest of Death for the revamped 2nd round!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-19 24 
48884215Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterDealing with abominations, spymasters, and other strange things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-19 8 
48926594Shinobi Quest #32 (Stellar Edition)In this thread, Tsuki meets a Snake. (We also finally drop the Stellar Bomb.)Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-22 32 
48994395Shinobi Quest #33In this thread, Tsuki meets a sad rabbit, escapes from the Forest of Death, and smooches a psychopath.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-26 26 
49003345Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe slaughtered them, cooked them, and now we're going to feed them to the spymaster.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-08-26 12 
49028966Shinobi Quest #34In this thread, the Prelims of the Third Round begins! Matches 1 - 7, including Tsuki's match with Dosu. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-08-28 26 
September 2016
49122876Shinobi Quest #35In this thread, we resume the Chunin Exams in control of Hinata for her fight against Neji!Prelims end~Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-02 27 
49131867Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterOn the way home, some things happened to some spirit children...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-02 12 
49232347Shinobi Quest #36In this thread, more feels. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-08 25 
49250139Shinobi Quest #37In this thread, Tsuki talks to a Goddess- and makes a choice on her upcoming training. Promise!Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-09 24 
49258356Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterScoldings, spankings, and other sweet things. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-09 8 
506638The Garden of CripplesAfter a mysterious accident, Hisao Nakai wakes up with a strange power: he can see the 'death' of things, and a strange creature haunting The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-09 13 
515623The Garden of Cripples-2With the help of Professor Mutou, we discover more about the nature of our powers and about the organization known as the Demon HuntersThe Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-10 8 
567971Shinobi Quest #38In this thread, we migrate to /qst/, and have a very serious conversation with Danzo, and see Yoru's true face.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-14 23 
574453Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterNo longer a nascent demigod, but an actual one. Doesn't mean it's not Ryukusa.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-15 8 
576988Shinobi Quest #39Tsuki finally trains for the final round of the exams.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki, finally2016-09-16 23 
525533The Garden of Cripples-3Hisao starts looking for Kenji, his former classmate, who is also suspected of being a Vampire. The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-16 8 
579273Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterAfter the kisses comes the hugs, and after hugs comes...?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-16 12 
599357Shinobi Quest #40In this thread, the Exam Brackets are released, Tsuki concocts a cunning scheme, buys a business, and develops afterglow. Anons get scared. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-20 23 
609605Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterMorning Sickness, relaxation, and appointments. A day in the life, perhaps.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-22 12 
555354The Garden of Cripples-4Kenji is dead, and for the first time you have to face your nature. At the same time, school accidents are multiplying. The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-22 6 
612411Shinobi Quest #41 "Fucking Long" EditionIn this thread, Tsuki learns things, talks to people, and the Finals of the Third Round begin. Hinata vs. Lee and Tsuki vs. Nori. Long.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-09-25 25 
589584The Garden of Cripples-5It's time. We will rescue our friend and kill the Dead Apostle, no matter what!The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-28 5 
637947Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFamily, lovers, friends, and companions...all good things, save for the shadow that hovers over them.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-09-29 11 
October 2016
643217Shinobi Quest #42In this thread, Tsuki wakes up in the hospital, talks to family, teases some boys, and watches Hinata fight Gaara. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-01 24 
663863Shinobi Quest #43In this thread, Tsuki Norihime fights Sai Hatake and talks to Nori. (Lots of Art and Wrestling!Holy Grail War talk on the side. A+ Thread)Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-05 23 
666142Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #1In which we cry like a baby and get roped into helping some fox become a guild master.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice2016-10-07 8 
670209Shinobi Quest #44In this thread, Tsuki Norihime fights Gaara. The anons make a very important choice that changes the fate of the world. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-07 24 
688819Shinobi Quest #45In this thread, the Konoha Crush begins in earnest. Old Faces, New Faces, and fateful choices. Struggle, Konoha- and grow strong.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-13 23 
696787Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #2Where we buy some shit, get a skill, bite the shit out of a ghost, and get a new companion.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-10-16 7 
724259Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterFamily time, bonding with Yuuhi, a shadow from the past.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-10-19 8 
714107Shinobi Quest #46In this thread, Tsuki Norihime and company pay tribute to Home Alone in an effort to repel the Akatsuki from the Norihime Manor. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-20 22 
725776Shinobi Quest #47In this thread, the fight with Deidara and Sasori comes to a close- and Tsuki makes a friend. Perspective change cliffhanger! I'm evil. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-20 21 
49923696Character Bios by Ruks/tg/ attempts to emulate Ruks' narrative style in describing their characters, with varying degrees of success.Bastion, Ruks, Character, Writing2016-10-24 5 
728653Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #3Where we dream, get kissed by a ghost, spaghetti spews from our every hole, nibble the earlier mentioned ghost, and we begin a new dungeon.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-10-24 6 
756347Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterAftercare with Yuuhi, collaring your niji-chans, and dressing up for your princess.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-10-27 7 
744997Shinobi Quest #48In this (short) thread, we take control of Nori Uzumaki, accompanying Jiraiya in the hunt for Minato in the besieged Konohagakure.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-29 21 
757268Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #4We continue onward into the dungeon, make funny faces at a trio of ghosts, and end up learning a new move.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-10-31 5 
761644Shinobi Quest #49In this thread, Anons start as Nori, and implement a daring plan.Later they switch to Tsuki, who plays with bugs and talks to a bad Uchiha.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-10-31 22 
November 2016
784340Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe play with our toys; we take some time out; we paint a picture for someone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-03 7 
784468Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #5Finally clear the dungeon, find a sealed book, collapse from pain on the way home, and start to learn about our aura.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-11-07 6 
790153Shinobi Quest #50In this thread, Tsuki and Danzo fight Kisame Hoshigaki, and Tsuki pays a visit to everyone's favorite controversial Moon Goddess. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-08 21 
811414Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe finish up with Chisato, check on the hot loli and her cool mystic, and see what the wife has been up to.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-10 7 
816275Shinobi Quest #51In this thread, Tsuki leaves Kaguya behind, and has her first true interaction with The Four. Afterwards, she wakes to an ailing Kushina. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-12 21 
832403Shinobi Quest #52In this thread, a wild Neji appears! Tsuki and Kushina take the fight to Kurama, to end the Crush once and for all. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-11-18 21 
811720Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #6We get grounded. Get roommates. Get a VERY thorough medical examination. And we get swoler.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-11-18 6 
842001Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterRyukuza demosntrates her skills as a seamstress and fashion designer; a date of sorts; and of course...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-11-18 9 
864543Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #7We get punished... again. Cry like a bitch... again. Help Alice move, and get Bella in a bit of a pickle.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-11-27 6 
December 2016
889342Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterRyukusa and her elite team face off against the enemy, while Rie is tended to by the family...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-01 7 
887230Shinobi Quest #53In this thread, Post-Crush happenings. A nice thread, where absolutely nothing bad happens. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-03 21 
889442Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #8We find some missions, we make our way through another dungeon, eat mud, and rescue a Caterpie.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-12-04 5 
915346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWe wake up in bed....but WHOSE bed?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-08 7 
919192Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterMeeting Mo Wang, His Most Loathsome Majesty, Ruler of the Underworld, King of Hell...and he's got an agenda.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-09 7 
913539Shinobi Quest #54In this (short) thread, Tsuki eats breakfast and heads off to the Aburame Clan compound to facilitate an alliance. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-11 20 
959841Shinobi Quest #55In this thread, Shinobi Quest returns in a blaze of glory! Tsuki and Kogoto discuss the ethics of power, and Tsuki argues with the very godsCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2016-12-22 21 
959668What Came Next 2:SlumdogSuka wakes up, flashbacks to the day before which takes up most of the thead, giths a boss then gets her first convert!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Starborn, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Boss Fight, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2016-12-23 2 
965849 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #9.0We try and make our way deeper into the dungeon, but due to holidays thread is canceled. Next thread will go over and continue off this one.Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2016-12-24 5 
987212Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterKenji Soomi is ordered to find out something - anything - for her Majesty, Peta-chan. Can Soomi help Ryukusa's family?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2016-12-29 7 
January 2017
1014127Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterWaking up in bed again; Inau-kun is injured, and an expected visit from an unexpected visitor.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-06 7 
1035289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai HunterPetting the kitten, hugging the reverse trap, and healing. Busy day for Ryu-chan.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-12 7 
1038588Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA slightly drunken dragonette. Lessons of the Ryuu Clan. A kitten lost and confused.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-13 7 
1049974Shinobi Quest #56In this thread, Tsuki Norihime gets a letter from her father, and goes to the moon. Slow Wargle posts an Omake.Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-01-21 21 
1066981Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #9.1Less shit version of 9. We completed all of our missions and escaped the dungeon.QuestMM, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2017-01-23 4 
1078754Shinobi Quest #57In this thread, Tsuki talks to the denizens of the Moon, teases boys, and rolls some cursed dice. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-01-24 20 
1088177Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintryukusa struggles with her injured friends and family; a visit from on high; a prayer that might get answered.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-01-25 6 
February 2017
1102116Shinobi Quest #58In this (very short) thread, Tsuki tells a story to some rabbits and signs a contract in blood. Collective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-02-05 20 
1149038Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #10The obligatory bath episode. QuestMM, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2017-02-12 3 
1163907Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintAsking for help restoring the nekomata Rie's powers, Ryukusa makes some waves.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-02-15 6 
1179559What Came Next 3: Slumdog DeputySukaretto tracks down the mysterious Pervert and is given a lesson on how weak she is, before she learns how strong she is!Collective Game, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Star, Betty, Afterlife, Training, Crusader, Film, Suk&#257;retto Sutorenj&#257;, Slums2017-02-20 2 
1192281Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintWe are a young Yuuhi-chan, who is trapped in a shed waiting on execution...Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-02-22 8 
March 2017
1225796Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintThe nine-tailed kitsune heals Rie, but at a cost. Ryukusa gets bullied. A phone call.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-03 7 
1225521Uruk-hai QuestA rowdy uruk quickly rises through the ranks. Uruk-hai, Wendigo-Chan2017-03-05 3 
1250936Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintrie says goodbye - for now. Ryukusa takes a hard time-out. Kisses and hand holding.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-10 8 
1251219What Came Next 4: Slumdog Fight ClubSukaretto vs Ishi to the death! Who will win? The dice gods decide!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-03-12 2 
1242926Uruk-hai Quest 2A rowdy Uruk bitch slaps a Nazgul and OP seeps into a blind rage before getting is revenge.Uruk-hai Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Nazgul, Middle Earth, Quest, Orcs2017-03-13 4 
1275979Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintYui's nightmares are now Ryukusa's dreams of revenge. But for whom? And why?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-17 6 
1271579Uruk-Hai Quest #3The one in which an Ork breaks out of prison and kills a mutinous subordinate. Also QM gets very sick.Uruk-hai Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Nazgul, Middle Earth, Quest, Orcs2017-03-18 3 
1290010Uruk-hai Quest 4: The EndA rowdy Uruk gets fucked by a Wraith.Uruk-hai Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Nazgul, Middle Earth, Quest, Orcs2017-03-27 1 
1319996Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa makes some plans. Er Yin has a few of her own. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-03-31 6 
April 2017
1342080Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintEr Yin makes breakfast whileKiki tries to convince Ryukusa. Kaga Kei gets talked to. Date time?!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-06 4 
1345203Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA day out on the town for our heroine.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-07 6 
1334189Tainted Earth QuestWe begin our quest as a nomad guard under attack by crazed cultists. We form our dream team of Psychos,mutants and rejects and save the day.Tainted Earth quest, Tainted, Jukruk, Rustan, Mutt, collective game, post apocalypse.2017-04-08 1 
1365393Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA date with someone who makes Ryukusa feel like a girl. Kiku is appeased and appreciated. An ominous sign.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-14 5 
1348081Tainted Earth Quest part 2We interrogate some purists, find some juicy Intel and then lose a drinking game on the first round. Also got banned a LOTTainted Earth quest, Tainted, Jukruk, Rustan, Mutt, collective game, post apocalypse.2017-04-19 1 
1380777Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintKiku dressed for desire! Shibuya, shopping district of the gods (literally)! Kiki-hime's nefarious plans!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-04-19 7 
May 2017
1420996What Came Next 6: The Magnificent 4Let's get down to business - to defeat, the huns did they send me heathens. When I asked, for nuns!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-05-04 2 
1427625Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintDating with Er yin and Kiku; Harajuku days, Shibuya Nights.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-04 3 
1429973Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintThe wonders, terrors and delights of The Tokyo Tenderloin belong to Ryukusa and her loved ones!Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-05 6 
1473175Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMeeting the top rival of Harajuku Fashion; introducing Er Yin to modern niceties; trying new things.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-18 7 
1499627Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintFrom Harajuku to Shibuya, where magic happens and meetings occur.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-05-26 4 
June 2017
1578048Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMurder on Love Hotel Hill, what happens there stays there, and the Play Is The Thing.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-16 4 
1590690Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest #11We meet with Guild Master Drake and then try to bargain with Kek and Leon.QuestMM, Collective Game, Pokemon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Exploration, Luka, Alice, Faye2017-06-22 1 
1601119Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa deals with a new emotion; Er Yin is outfitted; Kiku-chan is fit to be tied.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-22 6 
1626539Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintTying up the Fire dragonette. Playing with plastic. The truth comes out.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-06-30 6 
July 2017
1646036Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA sweet kiss goodbye; the strangest of truths; a lie undone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-07 7 
1650667What Came Next 7: Brother Who Art Thou?Just a day of teaching, nothing to see here. Why would anyone be concerned?Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-07-11 3 
1666192Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintPhilosophical questions for our heroine; an unexpected visit; Kiku gets it.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-14 7 
1693648What Came Next 8: What's Happening Again? PLOTWe meet our brother, he also is kind of intimidating as hell and wants to dismantle everything. But diplomatically.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Zaraki, Bandits, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-07-25 2 
1715640Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintMid-date crisis management; a new flame; hotel rendezvous.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-07-28 6 
August 2017
1739767Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa plays naughty games with Kiku and Er Yin; Kiku serves a reminder; Ryukusa explores different sides of everyone.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-04 6 
1754410What Came Next 9: The Test of Beatrice UkitakeSukaretto tries to beat up an old lady. Then things get weird again.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Lucife, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-08-10 3 
1759522Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintLittle pleasures; the play; a fateful meeting.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-10 6 
1784869Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saintmeeting the God of Storm and Sea; The Play is the Thing; A 'Chance' meeting...?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-18 6 
1806346Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintA different perspective, this time from the point of view of the one person who is at once most and least like Ryukusa - Inau-kun.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-08-25 6 
1801545What Came Next 10: QM Can't Think of a Title/comfy/What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone, Zaraki, Bandits, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-08-25 2 
September 2017
1829483Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintInau-kun faces a dilemma of epic proportions, explains a complicated relationship, and Ryukusa makes her feel.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-01 6 
1849048Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword SaintRyukusa learns a little about Shoko and Inau-kun's date; once again demonstrates she can be diplomatic; the play begins.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-08 6 
1886452Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordMeeting with the Shinkai; the Play continues; Hime-chan is a beauty.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-21 6 
1913683Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play continues; Ryukusa admits a truth; a second and private meeting with the Shinkai.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-09-29 6 
October 2017
1935907Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play continues; Shinkai Yamada tries a new tactic; the power of a Nue.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-06 6 
1935990What Came Next 11: RNG Decided This - I SwearThe party continue down the long lonesome road. When there shined a shiny hot springs... in the middle of the road. Also Memory?What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Star, Starborn, Bleach, Ukitake, Nion, Katta, Gronamura, Sakahone,Lucifer, Beatrice, village, Mimihagi,rukongai2017-10-09 3 
1988677Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe fight agaisnt Shinkaai Hiei takes a terrible turn; Natto reveals his involvement; Ryukusa double-downs.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-20 6 
2015777Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe battle agaisnt the abomination Hiei and it's aftermath; the play continues.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-10-27 6 
November 2017
2055566Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDealing with Yamada; the play continues; Ryukuza keeping herself together, rather literally.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-09 6 
2050112What Came Next 12: What Came BeforeNothing bad happens as we flashback to a red haired teenager on her first date.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-11-10 2 
2077079Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe play concludes; the fans are, well, they are fans; Ryukusa faces certain death in the form of her fiance.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-17 6 
2081819Shinobi Quest #59/The Return!! #1THE BIG RETURN THREAD! After 9 months away, Tsuki Norihime returns to get shit done!Naruto, Collective Game, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-11-22 22 
2095289Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordReunited at last; thee fallout of the fight; escape from Shibuya.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-11-24 7 
December 2017
2113804Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe Great Theater Escape; secrets of the heavenly servant; home again.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2017-12-01 6 
2109027What Came Next 13: A Happy EndingSukaretto fights a tentacle monster while her brother watches.What Came Next, Wagon, Suka, Sukaretto, Flashback, Living, Bleach, Bleach Quest, Rukongai, Ukitake, Lucifer, Crusader, God, Christian2017-12-02 2 
2137589Shinobi Quest #60/The Return!! #2In this thread, NEGOTIATION! The once-vaunted mechanic makes it's return, with two subjects and new rules! Tsuki's silver tongue never dieCollective Game, Naruto, Shinobi Quest, Tsuki2017-12-20 15 
2142928The Greatest War #1We meet our soldier of the great German Empire, romance the childhood friend, and pass graduation. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2017-12-22 15 
2163822The Greatest War #2We do something that no other soldier would have, making a long term friend in the process. We then learn about the horrors of war. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2017-12-28 6 
January 2018
2199663 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHome, finally. Scoldings and healing. Changes and challenges. Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-04 5 
2202453Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHealing the deepest wounds; basking in the warmth of home; setting things straight - in a manner of speaking.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-05 6 
2182505The Greatest War #3We find ourselves in a horrifying place, and the Banshee's Choir calls to usGreatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-01-09 5 
2223001Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordAn unexpected visitor; a difficult choice; marking time and gaining strength.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-12 7 
2219307The Greatest War #4Jäger meets back up with Seven, and has a friendship confirmed. A brief run in with The Choir follows. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-01-21 5 
2257078Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDeal with the priestess of youkai; redressing; checks and balances.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-01-25 6 
February 2018
2275477Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordDealing with Hinata-hakase; a dark spirit visits; comforting times.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-02 5 
2255978The Greatest War #5We do what's best for Nixie, and get to the rear of the front. We also try to help Siegfried as best we can. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-02-07 4 
2292995Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordMaking your clan even more yours; dealing with Natto's father; the inevitable collapse.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-08 5 
2315235Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordFacing a nightmarish yokai, Ryukusa stands fast. Healing recommences. Perhaps love blooms?Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magi2018-02-16 8 
2295902The Greatest War #6We do what's right, and find our selves punished for it. The Unit takes on a new mascot.Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-02-20 2 
2334298Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa in Hell. Really.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-02-23 5 
March 2018
2325958The Greatest War #7We push the front, and show the others what Sturmtruppen can do. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-03-05 5 
2366279Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa in Hell - literally - and the message from her family. Visitation rights are explored.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-07 6 
2391780Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordRyukusa meets the Judge of the Dead; returning to life; decision time.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-16 6 
2411514Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordThe Judge of the 10th Level of Hell; Er Yin's mother; returning to life.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-03-23 6 
April 2018
2441982Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordHome again, but there is little time for rest. But there is always time for love and plans.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-02 6 
2489860Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordReiha's worries; Rishi-chan's strange attraction; Ryukusa's solutions.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-20 5 
2508014Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette DiplomatGetting Rishi settled in; lunch with family and friends; a private matter.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-04-27 6 
May 2018
2527956Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette DiplomatA look into Ryukusa's future encounters; dealing with family problems in the worst way and the best way.Collective Game, Ryukuza Quest, Ryukusa, Smile Protector, comedy, romance, over the top, dragon girls, oni girls, neko, youkai, blood, magic2018-05-04 12 
2490138The Greatest War #8We shoot a bitch and it inspires fan art.Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-05-07 2 
June 2018
2632296The Greatest War #9We finish off our battle, and the levity of Hauptmann's situation dawns. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-06-27 6 
July 2018
2701375Orc QuestWe are an orc Uruk QM, orcs, art2018-07-11 1 
December 2018
63475400Most Incompetent IG Regiment EverBunch of Guardsmen on a snow-covered Agriworld get involved in crazy shenanigans against cultists and xeno fuckers. Valhallans are slavs.40k, writefaggotry, humor, IG, Timbuktu2018-12-14 10 
63519902Timbuktu 2: Squat BoogalooPt 2 of 'Most Incompetent Guardsmen' thread. Slav-valhallans are OP pls nerf and lewd Commissar lady is lewd.40k, writefaggotry, humor, IG, Timbuktu, slavs,2018-12-17 2 
March 2019
3286838The Greatest War Quest 12Jäger returns from the French lines, reunites with Siegfried and Hauptmann and sets out on Operation Gottzunge after resting with Nixie. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-03-06 3 
3321529The Greatest War #13Jäger finds out the secret of the Uhermacher, and his newly formed unit run into EXCAL. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-03-23 2 
June 2019
3496847The Greatest War #14Jäger begins his engagement against EXCAL Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-06-01 2 
3570993Fallout Nukaloha Quest #1You are Dillinger Rast, a newcomer in the Hawaiian Wasteland. You make friends, you make enemies. Regular post apocalypse business. Axsisel, Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii2019-06-18 18 
July 2019
3615499Fallout Nukaloha Quest #2You risk your life in the search of a treasure, you meet the BoS and you start building a settlement.Axsisel, Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii2019-07-11 12 
3679337Fallout Nukaloha Quest #3Our real journey begins, people die, people people will be killed. You need your vengeance.Axsisel, Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii2019-07-31 7 
August 2019
3727544Fallout Nukaloha Quest #4The war between the SoK and Ohana worsens, people gets desperate, an army arises to fight back.Axsisel, Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii2019-08-20 7 
September 2019
3774191Fallout Nukaloha Quest #5To the Moon and beyond!Axsisel, Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii2019-09-11 8 
October 2019
3816615Fallout Nukaloha Quest #6The EndAxsisel, Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii2019-10-06 3 
July 2020
4318301Zuko Quest #1You're young Prince Zuko. At the age of fifteen you're Captain of the 41st Division and heir of Fire Lord Ozai.Collective Game, Zuko, ATLA, MenaceMantis, Avatar, alternate2020-07-20 6 
October 2020
4446865Duke of Darkness QuestGob gets summoned into a secret research facility and tries to escape, among other things.Drawquest, Duke of darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-10-09 6 
November 2020
4486682Duke of Darkness Quest #1.5Gob frees some prisoners, opens a bunch of doors, fights against an 'Alpha' guard and finds the engine roomDrawquest, Duke of Darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-11-10 4 
4504658Fallout Nukaloha Quest Redux #1Diego Buenaventura comes to Hawaii after being captured by raiders.Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii, Axsisel, Collective Game, Fallout Nukaloha Quest, Fallout Quest2020-11-20 3 
December 2020
4532009Duke of Darkness Quest #2Gob gets a power rush and discovers he just basically caused a prison riotDrawquest, Duke of Darkness, Collective Game, Paranormal, Supernatural, Mystery2020-12-08 4 
4541520Fallout Nukaloha Quest Redux #2Diego explores and abandoned nuclear submarineFallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii, Axsisel, Collective Game, Fallout Nukaloha Quest, Fallout Quest2020-12-17 3 
January 2021
4578442Fallout Nukaloha Quest #3 ReduxSons of Kanaloa...Sons of Bitches!Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii, Axsisel, Collective Game, Fallout Nukaloha Quest, Fallout Quest2021-01-20 3 
4596211L5R Chanbara QuestIn which we meet Daisuke, a student of the Hiruma Bushi school and a man with a profound hatred of goblins. Many bandits die.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-01-21 24 
4609430L5R Chanbara Quest #2In which Daisuke and Sayaka reach the village, then the castle, and things continue to go awry.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-01-26 20 
February 2021
4622752L5R Chanbara Quest #3In which Takeshi is a scumbagL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-02-10 15 
4612320Witches' MarkFrauke's journey begins.Witch, Magic, Spellcraft, Drake, Mercenary, Frauke2021-02-20 2 
March 2021
4646341L5R Chanbara Quest #4O-Tora and Daisuke cross bladesL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-03-15 11 
4649929Fallout Nukaloha Quest Redux #4Lana'i is liberated, we meet the BoS we explore a flying island.Fallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii, Axsisel, Collective Game, Fallout Nukaloha Quest, Fallout Quest2021-03-19 3 
4664076Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4, High Security Nuking.McSnickers Dickerson attempts to advance the field of science and his faith. But can he survive the Syndicates deadliest ops team?Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, McSnickers Dickerson2021-03-20 0 
4686103Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickersMcSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, maintenance, Nuclear Holocaust, MacArthur did nothing wrong, Revenge2021-03-26 0 
4679565Witches Mark IIFrauke crosses the eastwall with the Drakes, exploring ancient imperial ruins and battling brigands and malevolent spirits.Witch, Magic, Spellcraft, Drake, Mercenary, Sprite, Frauke2021-03-30 2 
April 2021
4699480L5R Chanbara Quest #5In which everything goes tits up, Daisuke beheads his way to the top, skewers a Takeshi, and force feeds Miho some healthy greens.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-04-19 5 
4703844Fallout Nukaloha Quest #5 ReduxWe head into the big island of Hawai'iFallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii, Axsisel, Collective Game, Fallout Nukaloha Quest, Fallout Quest2021-04-21 2 
May 2021
4746257L5R Chanbara Quest #6In which one story ends, and another begins. The second-last chapter of the first arc.L5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-05-11 2 
4751743Fallout Nukaloha Quest Redux #6We finally reach the Fortress, and start the Blood GamesFallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii, Axsisel, Collective Game, Fallout Nukaloha Quest, Fallout Quest2021-05-16 3 
4829762L5R Chanbara Quest #7The epilogue of the first storyL5R Chanbara Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, L5R, Rokugan, Daisuke2021-05-31 0 
June 2021
4812517Fallout Nukaloha Quest Redux #7The EndFallout, Nukaloha, Hawaii, Axsisel, Collective Game, Fallout Nukaloha Quest, Fallout Quest2021-06-11 3 
79831083Let's Stat Mr Blobby/tg/ learns about the UK's #1 horrible pink monster, reacts with fascinated horror, amusement, nostalgia and statting.Mr Blobby, UK TV, 90s, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Infohazard, The King in Pink and Yellow, horror2021-06-25 12 
August 2021
4912288Saiyan Awakening QuestRettace and his squad wake up to find that they have been frozen for years. Royalty and Gods are met.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-08-03 15 
September 2021
4943212Saiyan Awakening Quest 2Rettace's continuing efforts to destroy a time distorting space monster.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-09-07 13 
November 2021
4993283Saiyan Awakening Quest 3Rettace prepares for his final battle with LavosWukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-11-03 12 
December 2021
5046393Saiyan Awakening Quest 4Lavos is defeated at last, and Rettace becomes the legend.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2021-12-15 11 
January 2022
5086614Saiyan Awakening Quest 5Rettace finishes up some things on Temperus.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-01-24 10 
March 2022
5136498Saiyan Awakening Quest 6Ayla and Glenn return to their own times.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-03-11 6 
April 2022
5191950Saiyan Awakening Quest 7Rettace begins preparing to fight Freeza, the quest goes on a break.Wukong, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Saiyan Awakening Quest, Martial Arts, Shonen2022-04-25 1 
March 2023
5578842Love Is War QuestYu Ishigami decides to actually be a part of the Student Council and becomes involved in their antics.Love is War, Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, The Narrator, Yu Ishigami, Kaguya Shinomiya, Miyuki Shirogane, Chika Fujiwara2023-03-27 3 
September 2023
5729109Adventrarous Time: a tale of grief and coomYou are fan and you are ready for some Adventrarous Time (the most deranged quest I've seen in a while, surprisingly enjoyable).Adventure Time, fan, jak, Marmelade, ice Craig, the land of oh, Adventrarous Time, The Real Pendleton Ward, David Duke2023-09-04 9 
October 2023
5751430My best friend is a (trans)catgirl~!!A skeptical detective befriends a mysterious (trans) catgirl coroner to solve a mysterious (magical?) murderCatOP, LGBT, detective, crime, frienship, trans rights, youkai, Japanese culture, catgirl2023-10-01 20 
5778392Blood, Blade and Incense: Part IYou are Bogdan, a young man in a wild land. You aim to become a hajduk, a fierce warrior who pillages his foes and slays monsters.BBI, Svarog, Hajduk, Monsters2023-10-27 2 
January 2024
5869290Ukrainka QuestA Ukrainian girl with banderite and ethot tendencies is caught up in the Russo-Ukrainian war.Collective Game, Russia, Ukraine, Russo-Ukrainian War2024-01-07 10 
February 2024
5881146Lingdom Quest 2Rika continues to live her life and make more Memories.Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Hand Holding, Princess, Cooking2024-02-17 7 
April 2024
5939898Lingdom Quest 3The Little Ones sing, listen to stories, and play.Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Tina, Little Ones, Baba, Pappy2024-04-13 6 
May 2024
5964341AtlA: Azula grows a conscienceAzula joins Zuko in his hunt for the AvatarAvatar, Airbender, Azula, Zuko, ATLA2024-05-07 7 
June 2024
5984584Lingdom Quest 4Rika and the gang grow, play, and look at the sky,Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Tina, Little Ones2024-06-02 5 
6003652AtlA: Azula grows a conscience IIAzula speaks with Ozai, and then the QM is kidnapped by Dan Schneider's goons.Avatar, Airbender, Azula, Zuko, ATLA2024-06-13 6 
August 2024
6038593Lingdom Quest 5Rika and the gang befriend a crocko and meet some Bravies Slice of Life, Lings, Lingdom, Memories, Rika, Bubu, Kari, Puki, Tina, Bravies2024-08-15 5 
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