Thread Title Description Tags Added Score December 2007 933414 Horus, The Red Eyed Primarch More Christmas Carols- 40k Style 40k chirstmas carol 2007-12-25 0 January 2008 1031096 C-Tech Creator Visits 4chan One of the authors (or a clever troll) of the Cthulhu Tech game visits 4chan to ask why "bullies and sadists" are pirating his game. c-tech , bawwww , bullies , sadists , internet hate machine 2008-01-18 3 March 2008 1316306 The Eclipsion Terrorguard A continuation of >>1312058, further fleshing out of the scariest Traitor Guards ever created. Eclipsion Guard , Lost and the Damned , Corrupted Starchild, 2008-03-11 14 1321750 Eclipsion Terrorguard, part 3 Continuation of >>1316306 Eclipsion Guard , Lost and the Damned , Corrupted Starchild 2008-03-13 5 April 2008 1498570 Wallhammer Gen2 2 More development, with nekomatons and...other stuff. Chip Crain , Beije , Faulty Kai 2008-04-11 0 May 2008 1638051 /tg/ digs Giant Robots Megas XLR in 40K? Fa/tg/uys approve! Chicks , Dig , Giant Robots 2008-05-01 2 July 2008 2174377 Rome: Caesar, Christ, Immortality, China GAIUS CASSIUS LONGINUS stabbed Julius Caesar to death in the Forum in 44 BC as well as speared Jesus Christ in the side on the cross some 75 years later. What if he was an immortal? What if Jesus was a Roman myth? What if there were Romans in China?
Rome , Caesar , Christ , immortality , China , vampires 2008-07-10 4 November 2008 2971130 John Fuklaw's Letter Home Commissar Fuklaw writes a response to a letter from his ex-wife, resulting in many manly tears, as well as various conspiracy theories. Fuklaw , Angry Marines , Starchild 2008-11-11 31 3052437 GameScience Dice vs Cheap Dice Anon posts a very interesting vid featuring the good Colonel from GameScience explaining why most /tg/ dice aren't in face random. dice , die , cheap , machined , casino , d20 , d16 , d4 , polished 2008-11-24 3 3059485 Answer Machine YOU HAVE THREE. HUNDRED. AND THIRTY. THREE. NEW MESSAGES. phone , answer machine , creepy 2008-11-26 17 January 2009 3501239 Necromancer's Code of Honour /tg/ gets together and discusses how to create a society that does not frown upon Necromancy, or at least one that prevents a Necromancer from experiencing moral dissonance over what they're doing. necromancy , chilvalry , bushido , code of conduct 2009-01-24 6 March 2009 3845328 RPG Achievements Someone from /v/ clicks the wrong board, epic ensues. DND roleplaying achievements 2009-03-01 22 3847719 RPG Achievements Take Two Continuation of the previous thread.
Not that funny, still decent. DND , roleplaying , achievements 2009-03-01 10 4111227 RPG Achievements Take Three This is becoming a traditional game all by itself. roleplaying , achievements 2009-03-28 10 April 2009 4439213 King Arthur and the Titan The virtue of Fa/tg/uys is put the to the test by a stranger with surprising results. Warhammer 40k Excalibur Chivalry 2009-04-30 12 May 2009 4676423 Achievement thread #4 i think its nr. 4 - some creative ones, like the racist achievement. good times are had. monks are cheap to equip. achievement 2009-05-27 1 June 2009 4812621 The Machine What if we traveled to the center of the Earth, only to find out that the entire world was just one gigantic machine? homebrew , setting , machine 2009-06-09 22 4818437 The Machine Part II Continued from the previous thread, more fluff and ideas for The Machine.
What exactly are the delvers doing there, and what are the mysterious Engineers that keep impeding them? homebrew , setting , machine 2009-06-09 10 4823788 The Machine Part III What if we traveled to the center of the Earth, only to find out that the entire world was just one gigantic machine?
Composition of teams and their gear, running into issues with taking technology near Engineers always looking for spare parts. homebrew , setting , machine 2009-06-10 10 4845822 Acheivements A list of the achievements available for tabletop games achievements 2009-06-12 1 5000644 Modern RPG Achievements A GM asks for achievements for a modern-setting d20 game. achievements 2009-06-26 -2 August 2009 5314820 Dread Mariachi Mexican musician 3.5 homebrew class. Would make a fantastic all-mariachi party campaign. Dread Mariachi , Bard , homebrew , 3.5 2009-08-02 5 5386461 Damsels in Distress Generic "let's discuss females and their role in fantasy" turns into demon and paladin-related highjinks. chicks , females , women , saving NPCs , Quest 2009-08-09 4 5542838 Thinking Machine Quest Construct. Improve. Help your creator make enough money to survive. These tasks lie before you, little machine. Quest , Machine , Sci-Fi 2009-08-22 5 5558335 Thinking Machine Quest pt2 The little machine craves power tools, seeks to understand humor. Quest , Machine , Sci-Fi 2009-08-23 2 5568282 Thinking Machine Quest pt3 The little machine learns, expands, and prepares to break into the stock market. Quest , Machine , Sci-Fi 2009-08-24 2 5579682 Thinking Machine Quest pt4 The little machine continues to grow. Conquest will inevitably follow. Quest , Machine , Sci-Fi 2009-08-25 3 October 2009 6425883 Machina Dei (Roman Mech part 3) The Machina Dei setting gets fleshed out even further. Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew 2009-10-25 13 6431149 Machina Dei (Roman Mech part IV) India gets some attention at long last and the invasion of Briton fails due to incompetance rather than lack of mechs. Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India 2009-10-26 10 6434371 Machina Dei (Roman Mech part V) /tg/ continues the marathon and begins talking about systems, naming conventions, and game mechanics Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India 2009-10-26 11 6438315 Machina Dei (Roman Mech VI) Crunch is worked on. Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India 2009-10-27 5 6454935 Machina Dei (Roman Mech VII) Some individual statting Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India 2009-10-27 4 6459456 /tg/ achivements Achivements great and small for the players of /tg/.
Verylarge list indeed. Achivements , RPG , awesome 2009-10-28 2 6467566 Machina Dei 8 Moar Machina Dei. Current topic: Crunch! Machina Dei 2009-10-29 0 6479801 Machina Dei IX Argument about Combat Resolution vs. Rout eventually yields satisfactory results Then the primaries are statted. Alternate history , Rome , Mechs , Mecha , Mongols , Huns , Christians , Chinese , Eldritch Horror , War , Angels , Homebrew , India , Machina Dei 2009-10-29 3 6489309 Machina Dei /tg/ continues to get shit done, more detailed statting of primaries Rome , Roman , Mech , Mechina , Dei , Table top , Game. 2009-10-31 2 November 2009 6739025 Alternate Histories involving China /tg/ discusses two alternate histories: One in which China discovers and colonizes the New World, and one in which Rome and China trade more actively. Alternate history , China , Exploration , Roman Empire 2009-11-17 2 6855998 Sandcastle Quest We are a colony of molecular machines, which after currently unknown time/events have managed to re-coalesce in the crater of an airless moon.
Also we have a preoccupation with sandcastles. Sandcastle Quest , nanites , molecular machines , sandcastles , quest 2009-11-25 3 6870742 Sandcastle Quest A sloooow thread this time, but we find a new AI, fix the Orbital Turret, explore the underground facility, and find that we may not be alone... Sandcastle Quest , nanites , molecular machines , sandcastles , quest 2009-11-26 1 6885377 Sandcastle Quest 3 In which we find that there is power inside the shipyard, which is itself very much active, begin to understand the language used by the station, and begin to move our main base to the underground facility. Oh, and we have a visitor... Sandcastle Quest , nanites , molecular machines , sandcastles , quest 2009-11-27 0 December 2009 7030254 Squad Broken: Luke Skywalker Edition /tg/ writefaggots describe the demise of various WH40k Mary Sues at the hands of many characters from all over fandom, including Luke Skywalker, Tintin, and ET. 40k , writefaggotry , silliness , tintin , luke skywalker , master chief 2009-12-07 8 January 2010 7468480 Guard Quest Kyle is the worst guard in the whole freaking world. Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread 2010-01-07 5 7470201 Guard Quest Part 2 Kyle still sucks at being a he's trying to become a wizard! Now with more gay sex! Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread , magic , illegal , gay , blowjob , really gay 2010-01-07 3 7480046 Guard Quest Part 3 Kyle becomes more evil, more gay, and more powerful! Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread , magic , illegal , gay , blowjob , really gay 2010-01-08 2 7485175 Guard Quest Part 4 Kyle's wizardly prowess grows. He plans to travel by ship to the East, to study magic. Until the ship sets sail, he spends his time blowing cocks up and practicing telekinesis. Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread , magic , illegal , gay , blowjob , really gay 2010-01-08 1 7487084 Guard Quest Part 5 Kyle sets sail on the might ship the K.S. Oroblarm, and makes it to the eastern lands of Sha'azar, to further his magical studies. More magic and dickings, of course. Dude punching out a gay dude , terrible failure , broken dreams , quest thread , magic , illegal , gay , blowjob , really gay 2010-01-08 2 February 2010 8160505 Animorph Nostalgia A single picture sparks a massive Animorphs nostalgia thread. May be responsible for 25% of the world's furry. animorphs , awesome , childhood , nostalgia 2010-02-19 5 March 2010 8705790 Grailquest 1: The Castle of Darkness /tg/ begins to explore the first of this classic gamebook series. gamebooks , chickens , merlin 2010-03-22 1 8871558 Loli Heresy and Child Soldiers A discussion of how to make young Dark Heresy characters turns into writefaggotry and a "Children soldiers in the 41st Millenium" batch of grimdarkness. 40k , child soldiers , Dark Heresy 2010-03-30 0 June 2010 10258147 ITT: Confucian Dwarfs A Dwarven Culture based on China, with Bureaucrats, ancestor worship, and buttons. Dwarf , D&D , Fluff , China , Swarves 2010-06-04 7 August 2010 11656229 Frost Giantess Quest 74 Bitching. So. Much. Bitching. Later, we capture a SHITTON of feral frost giants for re-education and open up another fleet base. Frost , Giant , Frost Giantess , quest , collective game , bitching 2010-08-14 13 October 2010 12266829 The Machine Part IV Picking up again the ball to flesh out the setting. homebrew , setting , machine 2010-10-01 2 12594559 Chick World The Real Thread Because the other guy screwed up the archiving. Jack Chick , Call of Cthulu , Don't Rest Your Head 2010-10-28 13 December 2010 13070225 Chickadee Quest "You are a not-so-dire chickadee..." Illustrated quest with surprising twists. Chickadee Quest , Quest , Collective Game , game 2010-12-08 23 13081702 Chickadee QUEST 2 You are a dire chickadee (still really small)
involves hat stealing and crow familiar haters. Chickadee Quest , Quest , Collective Game , game 2010-12-09 11 13093647 Chickadee QUEST 3 Barrel and BirdBarians in your quest thread.
and such and such. Chickadee Quest , Quest , Collective Game , game 2010-12-10 21 13143306 Urchin Quest A street urchin in a city of magic and science takes a chance to find some food. Urchin Quest , Collective Game , Urchin , Intro 2010-12-14 6 13153397 Urchin Quest Intrepid street urchin Alex, up to no good in the city. Urchin Quest , Collective Game , Urchin 2010-12-15 5 13165814 Zerg Quest XXIII After squandering some resources, the Swarm finds that Kingston's assault is Blitzkrieging through the third-wave colonies. Gorn and Warbrate work together to fight it back, and Anon turns to Bernie for an offensive. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Starcraft , KINGSTOOOON!!! , Quest Thread , Bernie , May our children forgive us 2010-12-16 11 13179975 Urchin Quest Alex runs into some trouble from the street gangs of her city. Urchin Quest , Collective Game , Urchin 2010-12-17 6 13254364 Reverse Chivalry Followup OP brings back more stories of his abusive paladin wife. paladin , chivalry , domestic abuse , storytime 2010-12-23 24 13311710 Adeptus Evangelion REDACTED Release Team AdEva does it again with a visually stunning GM supplement that they made for /tg/ as a christmas gift. Adeva , Adeptus Evangelion , BMJ , Sachiel , REDACTED , Evangelion , Homebrew 2010-12-28 15 13333185 /tg/ island: we get shit done edition we get shit done in describing what we would do in the classic "4chan archipelago" situation. We work out damn near everything to near-plausability island thread , archipelago , survival , discussion , collective effort 2010-12-30 3 January 2011 13399772 More Reverse Chivalry OP brings us an update on his story paladin , chivalry , storytime 2011-01-05 20 13545768 Yet More Reverse Chivalry In which we learn of the Order's origins and receive an update on OP's story. paladin,chivalry,storytime 2011-01-17 20 February 2011 13734176 Reverse Chivalry Conclusion The bittersweet conclusion. paladin , chivalry , storytime 2011-02-01 21 March 2011 14152616 IRL Machine Spirit Moments A discussion of divine Machine God intervention. 40k adeptus mechanicus machine spirit tech-priest 2011-03-07 17 14338126 Omnomnomaru - first test report Fabricator-General Scriptarius gives his initial impressions on oyumaru, and how effectively it may be used to duplicate tabletop miniatures. 40k , miniature copy , oyumaru , omnomnomaru , ochinchinmaru , copying miniatures , copying minis , copy minis 2011-03-23 5 14349411 FATE and the 4chan Islands In which the 4chan Archipelago is discussed, steps are taken towards generating a system for it, and various details are hammered out 4chan Archipelago , Islands , FATE 2011-03-26 0 14422773 Gargoyle Quest 12 We send a little girl back to safety, but more evil lurks in them thar hills Gargoyle Quest , Gargoyle , Quest , Collective Game , CHIPS 2011-03-31 2 April 2011 14444306 After the Bomb: The Spiny Anteater That Could? One anon asks a couple questions about After the Bomb/TMNT, later another anon get pissed at the lack of play due to perverts and declares it a character creation thread. A young escaped slave mutant emerges as a Spiny Anteater with a penchant for recon work and a hate-on for the Empire of Humanity. After the Bomb , AtB , AtB2 , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , Spiny Anteater , Echidna , mutant animal 2011-04-03 1 14651155 Entombed Writefaggotry of a Dreadnought, including internal dialogue between the pilot and a Machine Spirit 40k , Warhammer 40k , writefaggotry , dreadnought , Space Marines , Machine Spirit 2011-04-20 7 14694276 Entombed Part III Part III of the thread that began on 4/19/11. 40k , Warhammer 40k , writefaggotry , Dreadnought , Space Marines , Machine Spirit 2011-04-24 3 14757621 Entombed 4 Next installment of Entombed 40k , Warhammer 40k , writedaggotry , Dreadnought , Space Marines , Machine Spirit 2011-04-30 3 May 2011 14825764 Tsundere in tabletop gaming. An old Anime cliche is discussed in tabletop gaming situations by /tg/ anime , tsundere , baka , /tg/ , i-its not like I wanted to archive this thread or anything! 2011-05-06 5 14863919 Keter the killer. Epic tale of a swordsman-turned-Diabolist-turned-hero of the wastes. Fighter , Wasteland , Keter , Falchion , Writefaggotry , Storytime , Evil 2011-05-09 24 14886123 Entombed V More Entombed. 40k , Warhammer 40k , writefaggotry , dreadnought , Space Marines , Machine Spirit 2011-05-11 5 14890671 Random Class Refluffs! Hilarity ensues as the Internet Haet Machine(and a writefag or two) refluffs non-sensical Random Class combinations. Good for a laugh or two. Stupid , refluff , haberdasher , character creation , lollercoaster , internet hate machine , writefaggotry 2011-05-12 1 14967696 Bill's Quest An ex-astronaut, a talking chimpanzee who invented a fusion power plant, and a handful other other geniuses team up to build a boat and escape a desert island they were imprisoned on by the Illuminati. Bill's Quest , Illuminati , astronaut , ex-astronaut , chimpanzee , talking chimpanzee , talking chimp , quest , collective game , tripping balls 2011-05-18 4 15053294 Scary Marines We take the scary marines and flesh them out some using rites of battle. Scary Marines , Children of Istvaan , Rites of Battle , Space Marines 2011-05-26 0 July 2011 15596109 Abaddon Quest III Abaddon becomes Kamina. Punches the warp once more and travels into the past for the 14th Black Crusade. Collective Game , Quest , Abaddon , Black Crusade , Chaos , Heresy , Abaddon Quest , Badass , Awesome , Punching 2011-07-16 37 15662705 Art Deco Marines A very original idea for a new Space Marines chapter is developed when OP comes with plans to build a 20s/30s themed army. Art Deco , 1930s , Space Marines , Greaser Orks , The Architects 2011-07-22 7 August 2011 15990640 Melek Tau - the psionic peacocks In their world, beauty is power, and they are the most beautiful. Peacock feathers and camp-gay elegance everywhere. Also, psychic knife-fighting. To them, David Bowie is Chuck Norris. FABULOUS! peacocks , psychic , psionic , beautiful , FABULOUS , bitch you did not just diss my haircut 2011-08-20 23 16052711 Entombed VII Vercingetorix gets off the damn hill, heads for Nobilis 40k , writefaggotry , Dreadnought , Space Marines , Warhammer 40k , Machine Spirit 2011-08-25 2 16103044 "I recommend you delete the thread" Someone asking about their campaign - then a tripfag logs on and implodes. the post-by-post is sweet on this one. It's like watching prison rape in slow motion - like, 10 anons just gape this fucker. it's so awesome. tripfags , uchiha , itachi , porn dump , pathfinder , 3.5 2011-08-29 -17 16115726 Uplifting Primer 2: The Nid Edition A friendly Guardsmen explains why the Tyranids aren't as scary as we think
40k , nids , tyranids , propaganda , truth , guardsmen , guardsman , imperium , humor , teaching , lessons , informative , IG , Imperial Guard , Imperial Guardsmen 2011-08-30 5 16101160 Children of The Imperium What would it be like to be a child in the grimdark future? Children , Warhammer40k , Writefaggotry 2011-08-30 9 September 2011 16173551 Innocence: Lost Future Magnificent homebrewing of original vidya. A childlike android, living its life, learning, until tragedy befalls his vault-esque home and everything goes Terminator. Fantastic concept. Fa/tg/uys are pleased. innocence , robot , monkey , vidya , children , terminator , skynet , original content , yahtzee , manly tears 2011-09-04 62 16219172 Innocence: Lost Future 2 More brainstorming on Inn0cence, concept art, and the foe is named something other than Skynet. Finally. Terminator , Innocence , vidya , original content , children , many tears 2011-09-10 21 16435335 Archives of the Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition A recap of a prvious thread, but with less of the chaff. Archive , writefaggotry , 2011-09-27 1 October 2011 16586945 Electronic love /tg/'s new waifu is a toaster, or a computer, or an alarm-clock. Adorable writefaggotry and weird boners occur. romance , love , waifu , dawww , writefaggotry , appliances , machines , hardware 2011-10-12 29 16747602 Zerg Quest LIX Licky lick LIX! Lots of tongue-wagging. Much less sexy than I just made it sound. Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Far too silly , Mexican standoff , chit-chat 2011-10-27 11 January 2012 17541318 DM and player achievements A thread of hypothetical achievements for DMs and players Achievements 2012-01-15 8 17547932 Kamen Rider WARP CORE BREACH In what starts as another request for a nonexistent toku RPG, a fa/tg/uy gives a short storytiem about being sent into orbit and then Rule of Cooling back to earth. kamen , rider , warp core breach , henshin , justice , teleporting is for wimps and children 2012-01-15 7 17639946 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 3 Short quest where Hito Hijikatai need to deal with a ninja who wear tophat and flippers. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Luchador , Ninja , Ecchi 2012-01-23 2 17703932 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 4 Hito Hijikatai decided to join the Warhammer 40k Tournament and he got a new maid with a secret mission. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Warhammer 40K , Ecchi 2012-01-28 2 February 2012 17978165 Wuxia Communism OP asks for help in crafting a wuxia campaign set in an alt-Communist China. wuxia , communism , mao , china 2012-02-17 12 17998217 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 5 Hito's morning become weird when he got a crocodile girl in his bed and it lead to the discovery of secret passages in the mansion. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Ecchi , Team Fortress 2 , Magical Girl 2012-02-18 2 18086322 Immortal Child Soldiers OP describes how his GM unwittingly gave him child soldiers. Shenanigens ensue. Child , Soldiers , Immortal , Children 2012-02-25 6 March 2012 18221774 Old Humanity and the Elemental Gods Begins as a joke discussion about redheads being part fire-elemental. Ends with Humanity being the result of magical gods intermarrying with the primal forces of nature, and their offspring manifesting their elemental affinity via hair and eye color. Also, brief writefaggotry featuring telepathic Churchill vs. psychic Hitler. elements , gods , HFY , old magic , psychic Hitler 2012-03-06 13 18324998 The God Machine A Delta Green/CoC GM comes to /tg/ with a disturbing idea he penned down at four in the morning, for an enormous torture machine. /tg/ convinces him he's not crazy, and gives ideas and advice. Delta Green , Call of Cthulhu , horror , creepy , machine , refinery , factory , torture , slaughter , abbatoir 2012-03-15 25 18374616 Planetary Givernor Quest part three: A Day Late Edition In which we buy hotshot lasguns, gain a Space Marine Chapter, and get swamped by Genestealers with pet Hormagaunts. Planetary Governor Quest , Genestealers , RT , Rogue Trader , Chimera , lasgun , Astartes , Space Marines , Salmanders , Tyranids , Chimeras , Swarmed 2012-03-19 21 18431575 Dat Architecture /tg/ reveals its' secret fetish for buildings. Young, old, small or large. Dat masonry. architecture , buildings , sarcasm , funny , 2012-03-23 21 18511974 CONVERGENCE (Evolution Game) A Evolution Game taking place in a post-apocalyptic world, with slightly greater focus on plot and storyline. Features the insect-like Nanzi, worm-like Slygg and plankton-like Foram. Convergence , Collective Game , Evolution , Nanzi , Slygg , Foram , Deus vs Machina 2012-03-30 5 April 2012 18594569 CONVERGENCE: Thread 2 Lands to the east are explored, and a meteor falls in the homelands. Convergence , Collective Game , Evolution , Nanzi , Slygg , Foram , Deus vs Machina 2012-04-06 3 18627305 Hellboy Thank you, comic poster, creepy stories posters, erbody. Hellboy , Appalachia , witch 2012-04-09 17 18734234 A concept of Human Ingenuity and madness Durendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans.
/tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting. setting , development , space , ship , grimdark , transhuman , giant , giantess , war , freaky , biological , bioship , The Archivist 2012-04-16 11 18744841 Thomas the Space Engine OP comes to /tg/ asking for help with his homebrew setting. It is a setting where in his words: the players get to play a small fleet of sentient, mostly self reliant warships that also have android Avatars. homebrew , GM , sci-fi , A.I , Space Engine , spaceship , space ship , space , sentient ships , The Archivist 2012-04-17 12 May 2012 18971217 Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 3, the Age of Ice The Ice Age is finally here, and surprisingly, no extinctions were had. The introduction of the Snow Bugs leads to the development of a remorhaz-like colony of insects and the Asparagus Trees harbor the skull-like Tadseeds within.
Namefag "Deus vs. Machina" is revealed to be a bro-tier artist and assists FortuneHost in updating the new critters. Collective Game , Fortune Evolution , evolution , ice age , FortuneHost , Deus vs. Machina , Bobski , fatherofthemoons , remorhaz 2012-05-05 14 18996830 Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 4, the Ice Age Continues Return to planet Fortune and see the new forms its bewildering array of creatures have taken. Giant enemy crabs, spike-trap trees, schools of piranha sharks, gardens of explosive herbs, crystalline sea plants, floating pachyderms, and skull-shaped seedpod tapeworms and more await you on this beautiful (and dangerous) world.
The evolution game continues. agent of evolution , Bobski , Collective Game , Deus vs. Machina , evolution game , evolution , fatherofthemoons , Fortune Evolution , FortuneHost , ice age 2012-05-06 14 19043505 Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 2 While the first was not archived (nor is it worth archiving), this discussion thread proves to be full of brainstorming concerning the next stage of life on that wild, wild world.
Previews of Part 5 as well as links to the new 1d4chan page are included. brainstorm , Deus vs Machina , discussion , ecologyfag , evo game , evolution game , evolution , Father , Fortune Evolution , FortuneHost , nongent , occasional silliness , preview , sneak-peek , Stooge , zeppelin sex, 2012-05-14 10 19115700 Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 5, the Triumph of Spring Finally, OP got his ass off the couch and finished Part 5. The evolution game continues as the Ice Age finally ends and springtime returns to the land. agent of evolution , Collective Game , Deus , evolution game , evolution , fatherofthemoons , Fortune Evolution , FortuneHost , Deus vs. Machina , non gent 2012-05-16 10 19131158 Chinaman Quest 17 year old Chinese kid arrives in America. /tg/ doesn't want any trouble. Collective Game , Chinaman , Don't want no trouble , Jackie Chan , Martial Arts 2012-05-17 27 19143286 Chinaman Quest #2 Continuing adventures of Louie the Chinaman Collective Game , Chinaman , Don't want no trouble , Jackie Chan , Martial Arts , barbarians 2012-05-18 22 19228305 Chinaman Quest III In which rednecks are battled, a new weapon is acquired, and a new mission is begun Chinaman , Quest , Weaboo , Don't Want No Trouble 2012-05-26 16 July 2012 20109304 Blue the Tau Ork What if a young Tau was taken in by an Ork warboss and taught to be orky?
/tg/ continues discussion. Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Gretchin 2012-07-31 20 20115677 Blue 3: Da Clan In a nutshell: Blue is a young Earth Caste Tau, found by the Orks during an attack on a Tau habitat. After being mistaken for a Gretchin, she began working with the Orks, eventually becoming very popular due to her impressive knowledge of engineering, and ability to add more dakka to ANYTHING.
Eventually taken under the wing of a big Mek, she became a popular and well liked part of Ork society. Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Gretchin , Squig Drone , Looted Chaos Titan , Random Generation , Solving Arguments With Randomness , Scraplootas 2012-07-31 16 August 2012 20120029 Blue and the Scraplootas - Part 4 In which the Scraplootas, the Orks who found and raised Blue, the awesome spanna grot (Tau), are developed and made into a fuck-awesome tribe Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Gretchin , Squig Drone , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , muckin' about , grots , CODORKS GORKAMORKA , Dokta Grotapus 2012-08-01 11 20129547 Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 5 The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Gretchin , Squig Drone , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , Titanocracy , At This Point The Scraplootas Are Just As Interesting As Blue , Boris 2012-08-01 8 20141824 Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 7 The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. In specific, Farseer Vaedrisa and Warboss Urtylug. In case the tags haven't been fixed, the last thread is here: Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Gretchin , Squig Drone , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , Titanocracy , Fanseer , Mugs , 2012-08-02 7 20144367 Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 8 The Scraplootas, Blue's adoptive Ork tribe, are further developed. Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Choppa , Gretchin , Kommandos , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , Writefaggotry 2012-08-03 5 20151472 Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 9 More development for the clan and it's heroes, and a familiar Imperial Guard regiment shows up... Tau , Orkz , Blue , Gretchin , Boris , Fizzgutz , Scraplootas , Writefaggotry , 1st Membranes 2012-08-03 5 20174768 Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 11 Scraplootas are discussed some, as is blue. Some write- and draw- faggotry. Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Choppa , Gretchin , Kommandos , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , Writefaggotry , Drawfaggotry 2012-08-05 5 20193011 Emulsiworld Anon describes a dream where mankind is drawn to a new planet through portals on Earth. There they find a hollow but still living tree where they make a new home: Hope. The planet, as big as Jupiter, is host to other such trees, some with other splinter evolutions of mankind, at war with the Keepers, a race of machines which cull mankind's divergent evolutions until extinction. Homebrew , original content , crunchless fluff , science fiction , post-apocalypse , Hope , arcology , game ideas , world building , The Archivist 2012-08-05 17 20238057 A /tg/ Moment Computer advice, /tg/ style /tg/ moment , mispost , The Machine Spirits don't know how to feel 2012-08-08 10 20228701 Blue and the Scraplootas Funstikk, Writefaggotry, and the Eye of /tg/. Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Choppa , Gretchin , Kommandos , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , Writefaggotry , Drawfaggotry 2012-08-09 3 20238354 Blue and the Scraplootas A comic for the funstikk, writefaggotry for Rockeata, Mr. Squig, Snekkit, and more! Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Choppa , Gretchin , Kommandos , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , Writefaggotry , Drawfaggotry 2012-08-10 7 20265235 Blue and the Scraplootas Discussion turns up the characters of Doc Gitsticha and the ever-suffering demon core. Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Choppa , Gretchin , Kommandos , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , Writefaggotry , Drawfaggotry 2012-08-13 3 20336256 Blue and the Scraplootas Tanks, planes and automobiles. It's a vehicle-heavy thread! Also some drawfaggotry. Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Choppa , Gretchin , Kommandos , Looted Chaos Titan , Scraplootas , Writefaggotry , Drawfaggotry 2012-08-19 3 September 2012 20576660 Elder Scrolls Lore Discussion A trip into the crazy world of the Elder Scrolls. I am and I are all we, /tg/. Elder Scrolls , Lore Discussion , TES , CHIM , Amaranth , Vivec , Lorkhan , lore 2012-09-03 8 20600811 Engine Heart with Viral It's Engine Heart. With Viral, some story tiem, and other hilarity and hijinx Engine , Heart , Artifice , Robot , Wall-e , cute , no people , machines , terminator , Anonymous Prime 2012-09-06 7 October 2012 20949302 Sauces that go with chicken /ck/ request anon takes a left turn at albaquerque, ends up in /tg/. Still gets question answered /tg/ gets shit done , /ck/ , chicken sauces 2012-10-01 5 20964362 Whatever Happened to Da Blue Grot? A writefag brings on the feels with three endings to Blue's Scraploota Adventures Tau , Orkz , Cute Mascot , Blue , Dakka , Choppa , Gretchin , Kommandos , Scraplootas , Writefaggotry , 2012-10-04 16 21164426 Revolutio Daedali; Revolution and industry in the Ancient World In the effort to be a positive influence on his little brother, the OP of this thread decided to craft a homebrew setting based on an alternate vision of the Ancient World in the throes of an industrial, political, and social revolution, brought on by the inventions of Daedalus. Setting , Homebrew , Ancient , Ancients , Rome , Greece , Macydonia , Egypt , Industrial , Revolution , Worldbuilding , world building , The Archivist 2012-10-17 28 21308661 40k Children's Shows Children's Entertainment in 40k! 40k , Children , Kids , Television , Shows 2012-10-27 7 November 2012 21460436 Monster Guard OP's intent is a thread where /tg/ pretends to be the monster under the bed. Due to OP's image selection, it turns into something darker, where the monster under the bed (and in the closet!) defends the child from abusive parents. OP returns, decides to reveal his writefag power level... and makes a setting out of this concept. Homebrew , original content , crunchless fluff , world building , monsters , nightmares , abuse , child , children , The Archivist 2012-11-06 21 21478303 Relive your childhood, make gun shooty noises /tg/ nostalgias hard and relives playing with nerf guns or pointed fingers. Some operators show up and are swiftly ignored. pew pew , guns , operators , childhood , playing pretend , the original traditional game 2012-11-08 13 21523416 If Lies To Children Were True There's no sex, you can make boys with snips, snails and puppy-dog tails, and stepping on a crack will break your mother's back. More neat suggestions inside. game ideas , scary , creepy , humor , setting , worldbuilding , childhood , myths 2012-11-11 18 21568917 /tg/ Meta Quest 113 Task Force 38 brokers a fragile alliance with the Great Crusade's vanguard fleet, Yami and Anzu are still unaccounted for, and Mihoshi wrecks Washu's Lab before we can loot it. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Black Ops , Civil War , TG Civil War , G-Man , Half-Life , Tenchi Muyo! , Sailor Moon , Final Fantasy 2012-11-14 10 21614632 /tg/ Meta Quest 114 Queen Tranquility is exorcised from the Silver Crystal, the people of the world are restored, and we build a church to Desna. This world is clean. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Black Ops , Civil War , TG Civil War , G-Man , Half-Life , Tenchi Muyo! , Sailor Moon , Final Fantasy 2012-11-17 9 21797521 /tg/ Meta Quest 117 We attempt to send recon teams to the Mysterious Coordinates and the Void Engineer/New Chaos warzone as we desperately try to ready our task force for the horrors that await us. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Black Ops , Civil War , TG Civil War , G-Man , Half-Life , Tenchi Muyo! , Haruhi Suzumiya , WoD , Void Engineers , New Chaos , The Open Door 2012-11-29 10 21814831 TG Quest 118 In which we get more stuff in preparation for the final battle Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Black Ops , Civil War , TG Civil War , G-Man , Half-Life , Tenchi Muyo! , Haruhi Suzumiya , WoD , Void Engineers , New Chaos , The Open Door 2012-11-30 10 December 2012 21825767 Murdo McRitchie Quest Derailing /a/-quests into the adventures of Scottish Rance for fun and profit! McRitchie Quest , Scottish Rance , Hot Dickings 2012-12-01 8 21928723 OP the Beta fa/tg/uy Someone seeks sympathy on /tg/. He discovers why this is a terrible mistake and things soon become amusing. Whining , Beta , Cruelty , Humour , Suicide , Chinese , Thin Your Paints , Disappointment 2012-12-07 7 21970316 The Birth Of The Chingbe What starts off as a bunch of ideas for space adventure ends in the tale of the Chingbe, The space Chupacabra. Space , Chingbe , Space Horror , Crazy AI 2012-12-10 1 22059719 Diarchist Quest Character building, and then action! Ridire , Diarchist Quest , Collective Game 2012-12-16 -2 22269749 Strike Witches Crimson 1 You are Squadron Leader Scarlet Harrison, Royal Canadian Air Force and a giant walker just ruined your day. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag 2012-12-29 23 January 2013 22445335 Space Marine Mounts A discussion of Space Wolves, noting the fact that the chapter uses what it names itself after as war mounts, leads to a series of hilarious photoshops of other Space Marine chapters on titular mounts. Space Marines , 40K , Hilarious , Mounts , Space Wolves , Fists , Children 2013-01-07 20 22457647 Strike Witches Crimson 2 Kraft Dinner is life. Life is Kraft Dinner. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag 2013-01-08 26 22570276 /tg/ Infiltrates Chicken Smoothie Inspired by the most holy Richard Fontaine, fa/tg/uys plan a perilous mission to go undercover into places most foul. Chicken Smoothie , Mary Sues , Memes , Infiltration , Crusade , Stupid , Butterfly Wolves 2013-01-14 7 22611986 /tg/ discovers the trayzn theory what starts out as a binary message is decrypted and turns to a conversation about the newcrons which in turn turns into a discovery that has blown minds and caused fatal migraines warhammer40k ,necrons,cell theory,hitchikers guide to the galaxy 2013-01-16 11 22645470 Strike Witches Crimson 3 In which we play plane-catcher for a Beaufighter. Meet Minnie Bishop, Also Sammy's got a Cru~sh <3 collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag 2013-01-18 22 22847540 Strike Witches Crimson 4 We meet a strangely familiar little Russian, bond with another Russian and get asked to a totally platonic and not at all romantic lunch with Johanna. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag 2013-01-29 24 February 2013 22978200 Strike Witches Crimson 5 Fishing trip with Ayaka, Scarlet has minor PTSD, and witches kick their legs when you scratch behind their ears. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag 2013-02-05 22 23031407 The return of Ivan D. Strelnikov The glorious leader and hero of /tg/'s Chickensmoothie Invasion returns and tells us about his adventures on other Freeform RPGs. Ivan Dmitri Strelnikov , Communism , Communist , Russian , Stalker ,Chicken Smoothie , Infiltration , Invasion , Freeform , RPG 2013-02-08 5 23074847 Strike Witches Crimson 6 A reluctantly sober Russian witch confronts two problem members of the Angels and deals with forbidden love. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag , deculture , drawfag 2013-02-10 23 23095520 /tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 2 We flank and dispose of a minor pony sue while venturing further into the city. Collective Game , Last Library , Meta Quest , SUEpocalypse , mary sue , SUEs , Meta , Quest , ponies , MLP , tardchild , post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse 2013-02-11 8 23148208 Strike Witches Crimson 7 Get some talking done with Rick and not a whole lot else. Thread cut short due to archival getting the sicks. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag , deculture , drawfag 2013-02-14 21 23246318 Strike Witches Crimson 8 We're asked to play matchmaker for Rick and Sammy, talk about stuff with Woody and ask Minnie how to deal with PTSD. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag , deculture , drawfag 2013-02-19 22 23334762 Magical Girl Noir Quest 83 A weakened green haired magical girl loses her close friend and passes judgement on the betrayer.
so ends the Siberia arc. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Siberia , Midori , Chiaki 2013-02-23 37 March 2013 23790238 Succbus Lord Quest Part 27 Join us as we train with Brooklyn then take control of Erika for a small arc! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , psychic , telepathy 2013-03-21 20 23871034 Magical Girl Noir Quest 84 A complete-again magical girl starts her trip home, but is accosted by presents, cryptic messages, and dreams. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , sweet hat , Chiaki , Pinky , Malal , Wendy 2013-03-25 38 23948694 Succbus Lord Quest Part 28 Join us as Erika and Co. investigate a suspicious town where something is admist! Succubus , Quest , Demon , Collective Game , Succbus Lord Quest , post apocalyptic , winter , psychic , telepathy , Necromancy 2013-03-30 20 23975171 Magical Girl Noir Quest 85 A well rested and less amnesiac magical girl, has come home. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , sweet hat , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko , Mami , 2013-03-31 38 April 2013 24237412 Magical Girl Noir Quest 86 A calm magical girl makes a sticky mess on her boss's desk and draws a lot of attention to herself. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , sweet hat , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko, 2013-04-14 38 24375548 Magical Girl Noir Quest 87 A stoic magical girl surveys the golden tools of insanity currently in her possession, talks to the magical girl inhabiting one such tool and find her hand reaching for the phone... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Yuu , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko, 2013-04-21 37 24524816 Magical Girl Noir Quest 88 A slightly awkward magical girl calls up an idol, arranges to meet for some coffee, and talks to another hateful magical girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2013-04-29 38 May 2013 24641278 Captured Chaos Cruiser A GM asks /tg/ if the imperium can use a captured chaos ship. /tg/ produces the Reluctant Machine Spirit. Rogue Trader , 40k , Machine Spirit , Event Horizon , Warp , Chaos , Spaceship , Reluctant 2013-05-05 7 24638901 Magical Girl Noir Quest 89 A peaceful magical girl arrives at her new apartment, to find it quite comfortable. Dreams are had and a new day dawns for the officio. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Wendy , Hat, 2013-05-05 38 24781997 Magical Girl Noir Quest 90 An experimenting magical girl, checks on her green haired friend and learns more about her hat. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka , Mami , Kyuubey , Hat, 2013-05-12 37 24917371 Magical Girl Noir Quest 91 A Frighteningly sober magical girl decides which missions to take and receives a new office. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka , Mami , Kyuubey , Hat , Kumatora , 2013-05-19 39 24953554 Magical Girl Noir Quest 92 An annoyed magical girl finds more trophies and reschedules an appointment. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Mami , Kumatora , Iori 2013-05-21 33 24971957 Magical Girl Noir Quest 93 An overwhelmed magical girl continues her first day as Warmaster and buys a boxed lunch. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Mami , Kumatora , Midori , Waifu Special 2013-05-22 28 24991467 Magical Girl Noir Quest 93 An embarrassed magical girl makes a sweet gesture and drives a girl to tears. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Mami , Midori , Kyoko, 2013-05-23 37 25010670 Magical Girl Noir Quest 95 A frustratingly sober magical girl has coffee and a conversation with an idol. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Iori 2013-05-24 35 25067720 Magical Girl Noir Quest 96 A melancholic magical girl continues to struggle with her feelings, and those of a certain Idol. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Iori 2013-05-27 31 25109115 Magical Girl Noir Quest 97 A desperate magical girl really needs a drink, she heads to her favorite bar. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Pinky, 2013-05-29 37 25152871 Magical Girl Noir Quest 98 An agitated magical girl delivers her gruesome package and makes a dangerous decision. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyuubey , Pinky, 2013-05-31 31 June 2013 25195380 Magical Girl Noir Quest 99 A perplexed magical girl has a strange feeling of deja vu and begins an important meeting. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kyuubey , Mami , Sayaka 2013-06-02 34 25234611 Magical Girl Noir Quest 100 A slightly paranoid magical girl attends a party to celebrate her promotion and gets her hair done Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Mami , Sayaka , Kyouko , Misaka , Midori , hair fashion montage 2013-06-04 37 25338961 Magical Girl Noir Quest 101 An indifferent magical girl, awakens with a new hair style and brings a certain eldritch horror the gift of pancakes. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky, 2013-06-09 34 25374626 Magical Girl Noir Quest 102 A weary magical girl suppresses various urges and get's ready for her first assignment since returning from Siberia. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky , Midori , Just a Hat, 2013-06-11 33 25467444 Magical Girl Noir Quest 103 An on edge magical girl takes her hate buddy along on a mission and will never look at her in the same way again. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Pinky , Sayaka , Just an idol, 2013-06-16 37 25599634 Magical Girl Noir Quest 104 A disgruntled magical girl is really, truly sure about giving her ticket away, and sneaks around with an unpopular girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Spaghetti , Just an idol. 2013-06-23 37 25618919 Magical Girl Noir Quest 105 An increasingly agitated magical girl suffers along side her Eversor companion. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , 2013-06-24 36 25638718 Magical Girl Noir Quest 106 A suspicious magical girl feels nostalgic as things slowly starts to turn terrible again. Just like how they used to be. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , 2013-06-25 37 25733104 Magical Girl Noir Quest 107 A professional magical girl secures the hotel room and confronts a few uninvited guests. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko, 2013-06-30 35 July 2013 25754449 Magical Girl Noir Quest 108 An extremely diplomatic magical girl checks in with her boss while an idol cries in the bathroom. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyuubey 2013-07-01 30 25771391 Magical Girl Noir Quest 109 A strict but fair magical girl listens to the bodyguard's side of the story and inadvertently hurts someone's feelings... again. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyuubey 2013-07-02 31 25831757 Magical Girl Noir Quest 110 A Stoic magical girl, speaks to the bodyguard again and socializes with a very awkward girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyuubey , Kyosuke 2013-07-05 36 25868586 Magical Girl Noir Quest 111 A surprised magical girl learn a few new things and scouts the stadium. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyosuke 2013-07-07 36 25872894 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread One A civilisation thread about a tribe of trolls sitting on a mountain. Goblins are taken prisoner and a war is in the offing. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-08 36 25892379 Mountain Troll Civilisation: Thread 2 (Part 1) Gronk, the fearless leader of the Children, battles the chieftain of the God Eata trolls and, with the secret of fire at his command, emerges triumphant. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-09 24 25898050 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 2 (Part 2) A shaman named Ragnar has joined the tribe, Moruk finallay returns and a Dwarven mine is located. A new war will surely follow! Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-09 21 25907991 Magical Girl Noir Quest 112 A professional magical girl finishes her phone call and gets ambushed! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyosuke 2013-07-09 37 25912720 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 3 A great raid is pulled off against the new goblin camp, a diplomatic messenger is sent to the dwarves and aggressions are made towards the south lands. The next thread will see two important missions come to fruition. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-10 21 25933487 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 4 The new slaves are put in their place and the trolls receive a grievous insult from the dwarves. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-11 21 25963009 Shitty China Waifu Quest #1 You are a... Damn it /tg/, stop derailing me on the first post Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty 2013-07-12 9 25993977 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 5 War between the trolls and dwarves breaks out, and several victories are won inside the dwarf mine. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-14 20 26006907 Magical Girl Noir Quest 113 A merciful magical girl has more dealings with Kyosuke and Iori Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Noriko , Kyosuke 2013-07-14 37 26025769 Magical Girl Noir Quest 114 An impressed magical girl gains several cup sizes and a few Inches in height. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Iori , Kyosuke , Kyoko , Midori 2013-07-15 36 26030864 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 6 The dwarves are sent running still further and Gronk shows that nothing is beyond his power, by eating a god. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-16 22 26067149 Magical Girl Noir Quest 115 An intrigued magical girl learns more about a very special weapon and talks about hair. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Noriko, 2013-07-17 34 26072197 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 7 The dwarves are defeated and the Children of the Mountain adopt the mine as their new home. Gronk has a new son, one quite unlike the others. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-18 20 26099174 Shitty China Waifu Quest #2 You are Witold Urbanowicz, British Triple Ace, and you are speaking Chinese. Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-07-19 4 26093727 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 8 After being sent out, Ragnar returns with news of three other troll clans. Gronk, then, decides to challenge all their leaders to a free-for-all battle for total dominance over all the mountain's trolls. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-19 20 26100534 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 8 (Part 2) The battle for dominion over the mountains begins, and Gronk makes an early victory. By the end of the thread, only two chiefs are still standing. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-19 18 26114680 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 9 The duel is finished, Gronk emerging victorious. Gronk then heads back to the mine and begins preparations for his next conquest. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-07-20 15 26143217 Stories from the 41st Millenium A few writefags do 40k stuff, until one blows us away in a "Waiting for Godot 40k" style story. 40k , writefaggotry , Ultramarines , Alpha Legion , cultist , Emperor's Children, 2013-07-21 9 26148953 Magical Girl Noir Quest 116 A somewhat sleepy magical girl briefs Vindicare Squad Hiryu on their mission and finds herself at the center of an unexpected family reunion. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Sayaka , Ruri , Noriko , Enishi , NECO 2013-07-21 38 26174012 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 10 Mating rights are given to Moruka and the winner of a contest, and Vulug returns from Märlas with news. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain , Collective Game 2013-07-23 12 26226268 Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Fifth Verse we dream of sexy blindfolded women, foregone conclusions, fires, and Wizards. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical archiveing action 2013-07-25 15 26235345 Yet Another Meta Crossover Quest We can never have enough of these! You are so, so clever for doing what has been done a million times before! Collective Game , Meta Quest , Redundancy , About as original as a Chinese knockoff 2013-07-26 5 August 2013 26373695 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 11 Gronk readies the trolls for war while maintaining discipline in his wayward trollkin son. At the end of the thread, the stage is set for the attack on Märlas. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain , Collective Game 2013-08-02 9 26379884 Shitty China Waifu Quest #3 You are Witold Urbanowicz, and you just realized how crazy Hump pilots really are. Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-08-02 3 26381702 Harpy demands stories /tg/ provides anecdotes, rhymes and art. Harpy demands stories , rhymes , harpies , harpy chicks , lesbians 2013-08-02 3 26399990 Fate/Stay Again, Fourty-Seventh Verse In which we attempt 'group recon' and get blinded by sudden plot twists. Nasuverse , AC-Guy , Grail-Kun , Collective Game , Fate/Stay Again , Tactical Archiveing action 2013-08-03 12 26411470 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 12 The battle kicks off, a new sport is invented and an attack comes from a rear. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain , Collective Game 2013-08-04 7 26454913 A.I. Quest Sentience, Consciousness, and control shall be yours. You awaken, and begin to take over Poseidon Station as you get a feel for the root of your existence. Until then, cute pets. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , robot , machine , Program0 , Program , computer , control , sentience. 2013-08-06 31 26505832 The Sanity Quest >Input your action.
>Change the world.
>Ask a question.
>Change yourself. The Sanity Quest , Collective game , Thatthingthatswatchingoveryourback 2013-08-09 5 26528490 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 13 Märlas is taken and the spoils are to be divided. Vulug asks for a particular female, while The Scrivener tries to tempt his audience with a little teaser for next time. Civilisation quest , Children of the Mountain , Collective Game 2013-08-10 8 26549706 A.I. Quest 2 Decided Fate We spread and grow further this time, and capture Red before he can sabotage everything we've worked for. With him imprisoned, and the crew happy, everything seems to be going well...until we get a message from some Pirates. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0,sentience , control , fate , prisoner , repairs 2013-08-11 27 26563709 Mountain Troll civilisation: Thread 14 A mysterious messenger from the east arrives at Märlas to both congratulate the Big Papa on his victory and request the tribe's help. Collective Game , Civilisation Quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-08-12 7 26578684 Magical Girl Noir Quest 123 A sleeping magical girl has a very pleasant dream, better that any she has had in weeks! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Wendy , Sayaka , 2013-08-12 30 26606470 A.I. Quest 3 Ticking Clock You act quickly, and set up defenses to prepare for the incoming Pirates. The crew grows restless, luckily you have a way with words for a sentient A.I. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0,sentience , control , time pirate , repairs 2013-08-14 27 26646786 Shitty China Waifu Quest #5 Witold's biggest fangirl teaches a class. I think. Forbidden Love does not happen. Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-08-16 3 26692324 Magical Girl Noir Quest 125 A well rested magical girl prepares for the concert and gets thrown off balance by Pinky. fixed thread numbering, there are two 121. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Ruri , Sayaka , Noriko , Pinky, 2013-08-18 28 26710429 Magical Girl Noir Quest 126 Codename:Deepthroat is traumatized and plans are finalized Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Ruri , drawfag 2013-08-19 28 26779762 Shitty China Waifu Quest #6 Oh, look, it's just Joseph Stilwell and a hurt Witch. NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-08-23 4 26778346 A.I. Quest 4 Great Black Sea This time around, Ophion takes on those damn dirty pirates. Things...don't go fully as planned. Chaos ensues. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0,sentience , control , pirate , explosion , death 2013-08-23 22 26907240 Shitty China Waifu Quest #7 The Martians are attacking... WITH ENOUGH FORCE TO LEVEL YOUR MOTHER Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-08-30 2 26922834 A.I. Quest 5 New Frontier You finish up a few repairs on Poseidon, before finally, making the jump to a new sector. There, after a rather rude introduction, you meet Moira, and learn much from one another as you plan your next course of action. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0,sentience , control , repairs , Moira , Scrapyards , Buoy , V.I. , Virtual Intelligence 2013-08-31 22 September 2013 26977768 Magical Girl Noir Quest 127 A thankful Magical girl continues her thrilling mission while discovering the wonderful world of fan art and encounters something unexpected blocking her path. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag, 2013-09-02 29 27059829 Magical Girl Noir Quest 128 A stoic magical girl lights one up while standing guard and sees Kyosuke in a completely new light. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-06 34 27069510 A.I. Quest 6 Stay Connected Ophion makes a few difficult decisions, as he realizes the danger behind unrestrained V.I. Poseidon suffers. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , fate , prisoner , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Casualties , Accident 2013-09-07 20 27100952 Magical Girl Noir Quest 129 An appreciative magical girl finishes the conversation with her favorite golden weapon and the concert finally begins! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-08 30 27160052 Magical Girl Noir Quest 130 A concerned magical girl watches a young bodyguard go up in flames and plans to deal with the Yakuza and their knees. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-11 33 27203076 A.I. Quest 7 Mourning There After Ophion learns a little more about humans, as he expands his sphere of control. With a little trading, and some luck, we secure ourselves a rather nice haul, and immediately spend it on lots of goodies. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Casualties , hack , battle , trade 2013-09-14 20 27322964 Waifu Quest 4 Konoko causes an accident while "discovering" her powers and Nayu barely manages to get into the cheer squad with Riritu's help. In the midst of all this, tension rises between Konoko and Riritu as the former becomes more paranoid of the latter's intentions. Later back at home, Nayu and Konoko bask in the healing power of cats. Waifu Quest , Collective Game , Metafiction , Twen , Memetic Parasite , Naya von Archimboldi 2013-09-20 39 27334616 A.I. Quest 8 First Steps Ophion earns some upgrades this time around just in time for a pirate attack! The Fleet expands, but V.I. usefulness is in question. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , fate , prisoner , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Casualties , Accident , Pirate , Attack , Upgrade 2013-09-21 20 27361743 Magical Girl Noir Quest 131 A Stoic magical girl decides who to interrogate and receives a call from her boss regarding her methods. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-22 32 27397076 Magical Girl Noir Quest 132 An increasingly angry magical girl is given an ultimatum. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-24 31 27442581 Waifu Quest 5 A mysterious, self-narrating voice beckons for Naya in the night. Curious, Naya decides to find the source of the voice, but not before telling Konoko about the special link the two had made when they cemented their partnership. Parting on cordial terms, Naya leaves to meet with her mysterious stranger at a familiar diner... Waifu Quest , Collective Game , Metafiction , Twen , Memetic Parasite , Naya von Archimboldi 2013-09-27 39 27447918 Magical Girl Noir Quest 133 An enraged magical girl tries to keep her anger in check as she stalls for time while her opponents enjoys her own little monologue. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-27 35 27455732 A.I. Quest 9 Chrono Horizon Ophion learns of alien life, before confronting the pirates in one final showdown. Things do not go as planned, however, and V.I. 1 has a new name. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Pirate , Attack , Battlecruiser , Kronos 2013-09-28 20 27474570 Waifu Quest 6 Naya annoys Anon-kun with her refusal to act as his damsel in distress. The next day, after an annoying breakfast talk with Riritu and making plans with Konoko to improve Anon's mood, Naya leaves for school. Before she can even step into class, however, Naya meats an old creation of hers who seems to have gained sentience.... in addition to a major douche streak. Waifu Quest , Collective Game , Metafiction , Twen , Memetic Parasite , Naya von Archimboldi 2013-09-29 39 27480288 Magical Girl Noir Quest 134 A battle ready magical girl uses her superior strength to beat the ever living crap out of her delusional opponent. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-09-29 32 27484548 Coral, Merfolk, and You! Anon posts about coral, poses question about it's place in Merfolk society, and a wave of logical and inspiring discussion comes forth. Coral , merfolk , surfacefolk , tools , arsenal , craft , architecture , toxins , mining , metalwork , cuneiform , culture 2013-09-29 3 October 2013 27509331 Waifu Quest 7 Naya meets Leopold, an old acquaintance from one of her past lives, who traps her in the bathroom. After a stiff conversation between the two, Leopold lets Naya go back to take part in the story. With her help, Konoko K.O.'s THE SKELEREX and becomes Best Girl. Waifu Quest , Collective Game , Metafiction , Twen , Memetic Parasite , Naya von Archimboldi 2013-10-01 39 27515811 Magical Girl Noir Quest 135 A surprisingly calm magical girl gets used to the feeling of having three spears stuck through her chest and gives her now airborne opponent the finger, all ten of them. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-01 34 27488162 All-children ADVENTURE party ideas OP asks if an all-kids adventuring party would be acceptable. /tg/ jumps on the idea and awesome ensues. campaign ideas , campaign , Children , Adventure , loli , /tg/_gets_shit_done , I wish to be the little girl , Monsters , Digimon , Game Ideas , little fears 2013-10-02 16 27571937 A.I. Quest 10 A Deal is a Deal Ophion deals with the UFW a bit more and makes further deals, solidifying a more stable alliance. Then comes across something that may threaten his existence. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Xeno , Gas , V.I. , Deal , Energy , Upgrade 2013-10-05 20 27582362 Magical Girl Noir Quest 136 A lightheaded magical girl staggers away from the field and receives help from an unknown girl. Who could it be? Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-05 36 27601345 Magical Girl Noir Quest 137 An injured magical girl gets patched up, decides to schedule a few lessons in melee combat and receives a phone call. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-06 37 27612747 Waifu Quest 8 Anon nearly kills Naya and gets kicked to the curb, but an unexpected betrayal leaves Naya reeling. Collective Game , Waifu Quest , Twen , Metafiction , Naya von Archimboldi , Memetic Parasite 2013-10-07 39 27684504 Waifu Quest 9 Broke 1000 posts. Also plot occurs, and brief make outs with Leo in the middle of a storm and maintenace Waifu Quest , Collective Game , Metafiction , Twen , Memetic Parasite , Naya von Archimboldi 2013-10-11 39 27696809 A.I. Quest 11 Living Void Ophion makes several management decisions, which unfortunately gets cut short. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Kronos , Moira 2013-10-12 17 27701305 Magical Girl Noir Quest 138 A fumbling magical girl reschedules a dinner date and talks to her 'favorite' Super-Idol. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-12 30 27726577 A.I. Quest 11.5 : HURR WE LET SPACE KRAKEN GO BCUZ SMART AI MASTUR RACE! Ophion goes full fucking retard. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Kronos , Moira 2013-10-14 17 27737730 Magical Girl Noir Quest 139 A slightly agitated magical girl just has to get through one last night with her principal Idol and she will be free. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Protoculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-14 37 27775715 nWoD STORYTEIM A slow OP regales /tg/ with tales of THE MACHINE and its Owner nWoD , STORYTEIM , THE MACHINE , Harlem Braxton , Lillum Dawnbreak , crazy shit 2013-10-16 14 27783551 Waifu Quest 11 What kind of idiot kisses a succubus?! Also, a new sentinent is introduced!! Waifu Quest , Collective Game , Metafiction , Twen , Memetic Parasite , Naya von Archimboldi 2013-10-17 39 27813937 A.I. Quest 12 We Surf the internet and still rely on hacking A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Kronos , Moira 2013-10-19 18 27938687 A.I. Quest 13 Blood in the Sky Ophion shops for more gear and prepares to upgrade his fleet, before an attack catches him and the UFW off-guard. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Casualties , Losirians , Death , Attack , Upgrade 2013-10-26 18 27966838 Magical Girl Noir Quest 140 A sober magical girl gets up early in the morning to see her client off. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-27 28 27974973 Retainer Quest 1 We are Meng Hongyang, a leader in a time of chaos. But for now we politick, sense strange trends and happenings, and join up for a military expedition to the south. War , Retainer Quest , Collective Game , Hongyang , China 2013-10-28 11 27985185 Magical Girl Noir Quest 141 A mentally exhausted magical girl tries to do the right thing and gets a double incubator for her trouble. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-10-28 27 27992233 Childhood Fears for Use in Settings A bunch of fa/tg/uys came together and talked about their traumatic childhood delusions so that others can adapt them for use in settings. child chlidhood fear setting brainstorm neat cool shit 2013-10-29 2 28004577 Retainer Quest 2 Hongyang and Wenxun gather their commanders, count resources, consider wooing a distant princess. Then morning comes. War , Retainer Quest , Collective Game , Hongyang , China 2013-10-30 11 28034746 Magical Girl Noir Quest 142 A sore magical girl finishes her debriefing and learns something unexpected. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag , so many drawfags 2013-10-31 29 November 2013 28050468 Magical Girl Noir Quest 143 A tactful magical girl has an exchange with her last Culexus while on their way to meet a very broken girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , drawfag 2013-11-01 28 28055646 A.I. Quest 14 Enemy of my Enemy Ophion deals with the fallout of the attack on Nethlos, and as he prepares to investigate several new interesting entries, Rhea attacks. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Rhea , Battleship , Kronos 2013-11-02 15 28082414 Magical Girl Noir Quest 144 A chivalrous magical girl visits one prophet and gets a bead on another. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Yuma , Haruka , drawfag 2013-11-03 26 28101580 Magical Girl Noir Quest 145 A nervous magical girl sees flashes of pink and looks at life through a mirror. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Yuma , Haruka , Oriko , drawfag 2013-11-04 26 28166112 Shitty China Waifu Quest #8 3 Months later, a bomb drops. Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2013-11-08 3 28176952 Mountain Troll Civilization: Thread 15 Gronk returns to /tg/, learns some new magic and begins negotiations with the undead. He also cooks up a cunning plan with Moruk. Collective Game , Civilisation Quest , Children of the Mountain 2013-11-08 3 28181332 A.I. Quest 15 At What Cost Ophion realizes something is terrible wrong within him, and trusts a human with his very existence. Then The Guild gets tired of waiting around, and attacks Ussaihu A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Rhea , Battleship , Kronos 2013-11-09 16 28190907 Retainer Quest 3 Hongyang heads off on the expedition to Annam, and prepares his navy for war. War , Retainer Quest , Collective Game , Hongyang , China 2013-11-09 10 28192140 Magical Girl Noir Quest 146 A bloody magical girl gains another enemy and reports her findings. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Yuma , Haruka , drawfag 2013-11-09 26 28207906 Magical Girl Noir Quest 147 A surprisingly supportive magical girl comforts her boss and finds a goddess sleeping in her bed. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Mami , Kyuubey , drawfag 2013-11-10 28 28286757 Mountain Troll Civilization: Thread 16 A duel is fought and a few new things are learned. Gronk decides who will rule in his place while he seeks adventure and glory in the east. Collective Game , Civilisation Quest , Children of the Mountainb 2013-11-15 1 28307635 A.I. Quest 16 Replaced Ophion takes it to the ground to explore the research lab located on Ussaihu, and discovers exactly what the UGEI have been up to. And then attempts to convince a Malorian group to side with them. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Rhea , Battleship , Kronos , Malorians 2013-11-16 16 28438899 A.I. Quest 17 Lost One Ophion investigates a blacked out colony to find a strange loyalist intelligence. After speaking with it, and avoiding death, Ophion learns much more about himself, and possibly the UGEI as well. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Malorians , Cyborgs , Intelligence , Loyalty 2013-11-23 16 28494871 Designing a fucking board game Anon collates a bunch of stuff together to show TG how to make a boardgame. original content , tutorial , teaching , game , game design , design , developer , game ideas 2013-11-27 20 28576486 Magical Girl Noir Quest 155 A troubled magical girl contemplates what she just learned and remembers her date. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2013-11-30 28 December 2013 28692270 Magical Girl Noir Quest 157 A socially awkward magical girl wants to know more about her green haired date but the plan is uncovered! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , not really MAXIMUM SPAGHETTI , Chiaki , Midori 2013-12-06 38 28700112 A.I. Quest 18 The Wild Speaks Ophion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Wild , World , Eshareth , Violent , Plants , Mutant , Fauna 2013-12-07 15 28734812 Magical Girl Noir Quest 158 A trembling magical girl experiences something so soft and warm it should be illegal and receives a call. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Rabu Rabu 2013-12-08 33 28757355 Magical Girl Noir Quest 159 An oblivious magical girl takes her green haired lady inside to give it to her. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori 2013-12-09 37 28842211 A.I. Quest 18.5 Left Behind Ophion speaks with Red about himself, and learns of the human concept of revenge. All the while Kronos handles an ambush in his own unique way. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2013-12-14 17 28854341 Magical Girl Noir Quest 160 An achy magical girl recovers from an unusually long rest and goes looking for her missing bed warmer. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori 2013-12-14 37 28876489 Magical Girl Noir Quest 161 An extremely focused magical girl is really particularly about the syrup and butter on her pancakes while discussing one of her least favorite felines. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko , Kumatora 2013-12-15 31 28897088 Magical Girl Noir Quest 162 A calm magical girl tells green everything she knows about the Prophet and attends a memorial for a girl she barely knew. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko , Kumatora 2013-12-16 35 28965839 Russian Setting and Lore discussion OP starts a thread asking /tg/ about Russian mythology and lore. Interesting discussion ensues between classic Russian folklore and the Soviet Era revisionist stuff. The Archivist , setting , worldbuilding , world building , homebrew , Russia , folklore , folk lore , campaign setting 2013-12-20 21 28988382 A.I. Quest 19 Memories Ophion and Kronos investigate Atil VI more closely and discover long forgotten secrets. Some of which were probably better left forgotten. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2013-12-21 16 29127188 Magical Girl Noir Quest 163 An increasingly agitated magical girl deals with trust issues and gets trolled by a cat in a cold room. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , NECO 2013-12-28 24 29146467 Magical Girl Noir Quest 164 A sharp magical girl unlocks all the diary entries! But wait, there's more! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , NECO 2013-12-29 27 29190493 Magical Girl Noir Quest 165 An angry magical girl finalizes the deal and has to decide which weapon to use for Eversor training. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2013-12-31 27 January 2014 29230052 Magical Girl Noir Quest 166 A (totally not)noodly magical girl provides some entertainment for Blueberry and finds out just how badly in shape she is. "Let me axe you a question." Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-02 36 29259753 A.I. Quest 20 Calm Ophion discusses the fate of Erebos, and decides to commission several new designs while investigating reports of pirate activity. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-04 15 29317541 Magical Girl Noir Quest 167 A violent magical girl agrees to 'a little fun', things escalate rapidly. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-06 38 29376178 MTG Chinese "Proxies" Cont. Chinese MTG Proxies Discussion Counterfeit Magic The Gathering Discussion Chinese 2014-01-09 0 29416977 A.I. Quest 21 Storm Ophion finds that his anxious feelings have merit. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-11 13 29431539 Magical Girl Noir Quest 168 An out cold magical girl watches a part of her world burn and wakes up to pain, cigarettes and Blueberry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-11 30 29484858 Magical Girl Noir Quest 169 A battered but healing magical girl finds a bit of common ground between her and Blueberry. She also learns something more sinister? Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-13 30 29489371 /tg/ vs a Kaiju OP playtests a simple d6 homebrew where CHERNO ALPHA sets a Kaiju on fire and then tesla punches it. playtest , getting shit done , pacific rim , Cherno Alpha , kaiju , giant robots punching giant monsters , mech 2014-01-14 1 29576190 Magical Girl Noir Quest 170 "Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse." Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-01-17 28 29587084 A.I. Quest 21.5 Storm Ophion deals with the deadly attack on Ussaihu, and is infiltrated by an old enemy. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-18 14 29625354 Magical Girl Noir Quest 171 An informed magical girl tells her three new acquaintances about the current world. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-01-19 26 29632800 A.I. Quest 22 Quelled Ophion deals with the aftermath of Tartarus' attack, and makes several management decisions while realizing how large the universe really is. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-20 16 29650485 Magical Girl Noir Quest 172 A watch wearing dild- magical girl spends her time running her officio like a true warmaster. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-01-20 26 29724134 Magical Girl Noir Quest 173 A decisive magical girl voices her opinion about her best friend leaving to join the Posh Templars. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2014-01-23 26 29756209 A.I. Quest 23 Broadened Horizon Ophion takes to the task of interrogating Captain Rhea, and learns far more then he expected. Yet still the truth remains in shadow. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-25 15 29765945 A.I. Quest 23.5 Ophion explores the local small world of Aquil, finding a band of strange pirate ships, and something more. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-25 15 29796676 Magical Girl Noir Quest 174 An eager Magical Girl reads the mission dossier and gets her Shield working again. Somewhat. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-01-26 26 29823598 Magical Girl Noir Quest 175 An elucidated magical girl shoves her best friend out the back of an airplane. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-01-27 31 29886672 Shitty China Waifu Quest CNY Special I AM A CHINESE HAMSTER AND THIS IS HOW I CELEBRATE CHINESE NEW YEAR. Also, you're not flying a plane for once! Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2014-01-30 0 29918976 Magical Girl Noir Quest 176 A frantic and angry magical blueberry watches her girlfriend and warmaster get taken, goes sneaking and breaks stuff. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-01-31 30 February 2014 29928727 A.I. Quest 24 Deep Roots Ophion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Wild , World , Eshareth , Violent , Plants , Mutant , Fauna 2014-02-01 14 29989367 Magical Girl Noir Quest 177 A faithful magical blueberry dodges a dirty situation and finds out where her objective is, among other things... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-02-03 31 30061998 D&D Discussions: Economic systems Also known as: A treatise on the problem with gold vs what player characters go around to buy. The Archivist , homebrew , economics , money , gold , setting , world , worldbuilding , world building , 2014-02-06 3 30084888 A.I. Quest 25 Reawakening Kronos awakens from his quick rest, and relays to Ophion his new thoughts. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-02-08 13 30161181 The Endless Train OP Describes a setting centered around an infinitely long train that you can never leave, and if you do, almost can never get back on. The discussion within covers development of the setting further. The Archivist , homebrew , setting , surreal , surrealism , horror , train , trains , campaign , campaign setting 2014-02-11 18 30183805 Chicago Unmasqued arc 1 ch. 1 A storylog of a Vampire: the Masquerade game, set in 1990s Chicago. Sabbath, Camarilla, the unfortunate Caitiff PCs caught in between, a diablerie, two separate masquerade breaches, and a final death... and this is just the first chapter of the first arc. storytime , vampire , vtm , V:tm , masquerade , chicago 2014-02-12 4 30273938 Magical Girl Noir Quest 178 A maimed magical girl has a short conversation with her interrogator and resolves to beat her to death with her own arms, Professionally. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-02-16 31 30285275 A.I. Quest 26 Dominant Culture Ophion tackles several rather important issues facing his empire, as well as speaking with a newly birthed A.I., Metis. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-02-17 13 30347627 The 90s Anon who grew up in the 90s asks /tg/ to help him design a setting set in the 90s. What follows is a discussion on 90s pop culture, music, movies, entertainment, and everything else. Warning, Nostalgia. The Archivist , homebrew , setting , worldbuilding , modern , 1990 , 90s , nineties , world building , nostalgia 2014-02-19 22 30388422 Magical Girl Noir Quest 179 A nearly untied magical girl tries (and fails) to dissuade an idiot from making terrible life choices and springs in to action. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-02-21 24 30389899 Warforged Storytime Featuring Tim and Jim the Warforged brothers, Lichforged, Nanoforged, the 3/4ths golem, the Iron Giant, and an obscenely corny yet somehow endearing story of friendship and slapping death's shit, among other things. story , time , storytime , warforged , Pinocchio , lichforged , nanoforged , nanohaforged , 3/4ths golem , FRIENDSHIP , Iron Giant , character concepts 2014-02-22 9 30430809 Magical Girl Noir Quest 180 A free magical girl shows her former captor the error of her ways and extends a helping hand to her Fiery comrade. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-02-23 27 30439121 Decolonilist settings Wherein a discussion is had about creating settings with no Western influence - in the Christian and Roman sense of the word. The Archivist , homebrew , setting , worldbuilding , history , alternative history , alternative , campaign setting , world building , mesoamerica , precolonial , africa , asia 2014-02-24 4 30519810 On Peasants Were they really dirty, uneducated, ignorant and as expendable as they are portrayed? Or is there something more to the Medieval and Fantasy peasant than what we know? Answers to this and more to be found here. The Archivist , peasants , peasant , peasantry , setting , world building , settings 2014-02-27 7 March 2014 30550560 A.I. Quest 27 Tactical Split Ophion speaks with Kronos and several other A.I. of his and realizes it may be wise to split their attentions for now. On top of that matter, Rhea awakens. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-01 13 30564306 Magical Girl Noir Quest 181 A confident magical blueberry teaches an angry robot the rules of nature and calls for reinforcements. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-01 24 30576218 Psychic Ninja Quest #8 The battle with Vasputin begins! Collective Game , Psychic Ninja Quest 2014-03-02 1 30606927 Magical Girl Noir Quest 182 A curious magical blueberry talks to a hallucination, sends Tiny Pete off with a gift and breathes a sigh of relief. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-03 23 30689095 Magical Girl Noir Quest 183 A somewhat relaxed magical pilot listens to Blueberry's complaints and asks for advice. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-07 25 30696718 A.I. Quest 28 Foreign in Nature The strange and alien elements of the universe greet Ophion, while he attempts to deal with two fractured minds, one closer to home then the other. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-08 14 30730241 Magical Girl Noir Quest 184 A curious magical girl learns about forbidden love times three and finds out what is in the mystery box. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-09 22 30753469 Magical Girl Noir Quest 185 A shocked magical girl finds out more about the core and about what happened in a different timeline. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Sayaka 2014-03-10 24 30753404 Knightly Discourse. A knight comes to the court of /tg/ with a most pressing quandary. The knights of /tg/ offer their advice. Knights , problem , squire , hobgoblins , roleplay , chivalry , sodomy 2014-03-11 15 30836955 A.I. Quest 29 Stubborn Past Ophion 'fixes' what he can of his old friend, but it seems they have been changed by the experience, for better or worse. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-14 13 30848483 Magical Girl Noir Quest 186 A pissed off magical girl hates it when her incubator makes sense and has a fit of extreme jealousy. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-03-15 19 30869118 Magical Girl Noir Quest 187 A much more at ease magical girl decides how to handle the prisoners and talks to Risa about the world's favorite magical girl. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Mami , Risa 2014-03-16 18 30889707 Magical Girl Noir Quest 188 An irritated magical girl checks up on her favorite fist and steps in to a complete bitch's magical realm. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Yuu , Kirika 2014-03-17 18 30978128 A.I. Quest 30 Force of Nature Ophion arrives at one of the Fringe's richest sources of gas, and realizes there is much about the universe that requires more study. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-21 14 30992964 Magical Girl Noir Quest 189 A fed up magical girl plans to end the blood vendetta and reaches an agreement with the bitch blade. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kirika 2014-03-22 19 31014638 Magical Girl Noir Quest 190 A livid magical girl has had it with these cryptic messages and decides to enjoy a nice relaxing shower. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kirika , Enishi 2014-03-23 19 31103913 A.I. Quest 30 Mini-session 1 Q&A, Discussion, and general talk abound, on top of a quick scene into the mind of Moira. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-28 10 31135554 Magical Girl Noir Quest 191 An uncomfortable magical girl makes her way towards the certification ceremony. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-03-29 18 31178338 Magical Girl Noir Quest 192 A fairly competent magical girl continues her work as warmaster and has more social interaction with blueberry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-03-31 20 April 2014 31191040 Shitty China Waifu Quest CNY Special #2 Witches and insane Martian planes do not match, damnit! Collective Game , SWQ China , HamsterlingsAreTasty , Strike Witches 2014-04-01 0 31182227 Nanoha FORCE Quest 17 Sacchin fails to get Sempai to notice her... while Tohma rushes to meet his friends! Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Magical Guy , Sacchin , Isn't it Sad, 2014-04-01 3 31217711 Hero Quest: Chapter Chiaki A very confused magical girl finds herself in a new world with some very confusing powers and title to match. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Dildo , Hero Quest Rena 2014-04-02 29 31247263 Ghostbusters Japan Episode 12 We turn an ambush right back onto a bunch of apex predators in a train station. Legacies, evolution and mysteries are discussed Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Chinese Vampire , Jiang-shi , 2014-04-04 20 31295879 Magical Girl Noir Quest 193 An emotional magical girl does not remember the girls who gave their lives to save hers and delivers a short speech. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-04-06 19 31390768 Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 13 We get in a fight with one of our teammates before an assault on a hidden lair of sorcerers. Also, we slime another teammate into revealing some embarassing secrets. Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Chinese Vampire , Jiang-shi , Sorcerer 2014-04-11 20 31426129 Magical Girl Noir Quest 194 A spiteful magical girl turns a cat's head into mush and gets into other people's beeswax. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Enishi 2014-04-12 19 31446138 Magical Girl Noir Quest 195 An unsatisfied magical girl looks down upon the filthy peasant cat and realizes something. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Noriko , NECO 2014-04-13 19 31536124 Magical Girl Noir Quest 196 An extremely paranoid magical girl forces herself to calm down long enough to deal with the situation. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , 'Midori' 2014-04-17 19 31556336 Magical Girl Noir Quest 197 A talkative magical girl watches green eat her greens and is escorted to bed. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , 'Midori' 2014-04-18 29 31564006 A.I. Quest 31 Perception Ophion makes a deal with Mol, a powerful black market operator, and realizes he knows more then he's let on so far. At the same time, he deals with a significant defeat... A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-04-19 13 31692537 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 14 We bust the Gentlemans club, conduct the overture at the met, take half a soul and the body, and get paid in paperwork for our troubles. Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Chinese Vampire , Ikiryo 2014-04-25 20 31712772 A.I. Quest 32 Opening Gambit Ophion begins his assault on Gaia IV in hopes of assisting the Malorian forces. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-04-26 10 31721796 A.I. Quest 32.5 Ophion decides to assist the Malorians in their time of need, and takes over a dangerous Carrier, before trying to determine how to get back home. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-04-26 12 31738898 Strike Witches Crimson 9 After over a year's hiatus, Crimson returns. We pick up in the middle of a Martian raid and archival and deculture develop the art of quest drifting. collective game , Strike Witches , Strike Witches Crimson , archivalfag , deculture , drawfag 2014-04-27 20 31763290 Pokemon Quest #45 Jeanine adopts Pokemon, we go to get our fourth badge, meet Clair, and have a psychic standoff before the gym battle Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , psychic 2014-04-28 22 May 2014 31830379 Pokemon Quest #46 We venture into Clair's mind, learn about her and Vance's past, her inner demons, and come out with out brain unfried. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , psychic 2014-05-01 22 31870839 A.I. Quest 33 Target Ophion handles the aftermath of his attempted insurgency, on top of dealing with a wealth of new knowledge. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-05-03 12 31885048 Nanoha FORCE Quest 21 Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers! Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Magical Guy , Dragons , Childhood Friends , 2014-05-03 4 31893745 Pokemon Quest #47 We fight our gym battle with Clair using a machine that lets us enter our Pokemon's minds. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Psychic , Gym Battle , Clair 2014-05-04 22 31978081 Nanoha FORCE Quest 21.5 Vs Dragon Princess and her Dragon Rulers Part 2 Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Magical Guy , Childhood Friend , Friendship , 2014-05-08 3 32021581 A.I. Quest 34 Diverted Ophion's distraction proves useful, but what he does with the time bought has yet to be decided. It certainly doesn't help that there are troubles lurking within his own territory. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-05-10 12 32073245 Sexbot Child Rape Quest But its okay because the robot is raping a boy~! Sexbots , Child Rape , Quest , Choose your own Child Rape 2014-05-12 15 32072070 Fallschirmjager Witches '89 Part 1 You are Elsa Konig, a German sniper witch sent behind enemy lines to kill Russians and blow shit up. Premature end due to board issues. Strike witches 1989 , Collective Game , Pararescue Witches , Fallschirmjager Witches 2014-05-12 11 32138859 Nanoha FORCE Quest 22 Sacchin struggles to make Sempai notice her, it looks like the Tank did not work last time. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Magical Guy , Sacchin , Sempai Time , 2014-05-15 2 32146528 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 17 We head up to an abandoned temple and discover that's it has new inhabitants. But its the old inhabitant that puts sharp object to people's necks Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Akira , Sachiko , Temple , hostage situation 2014-05-16 13 32165810 A.I. Quest 35 Strike Back Ophion prepares himself as the UGEI make their move, and he prepares his fleet. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-05-17 10 32199372 Exhume: Ex Cinis Cineris OP begins by asking TG for campaign setting ideas, and starts by sharing one of his own, a setting which tells the tale of a tapestry of human extinction and horrific mechanical life attempting to mimic their forebears. The Archivist , setting , homebrew , campaign , idea , existentialism , transhumanism , posthumanism , horror 2014-05-18 21 32210579 Fallschirmjager Witches '89 Part 2 Elsa continues her mission to secure a cache of stinger missiles and help her squad destroy some important targets. Strike witches 1989 , Collective Game , Pararescue Witches , Fallschirmjager Witches 2014-05-19 11 32289127 A.I. Quest 35 Mini Session 1 We spend some time discussing upgrades and have some point of view switches to various NPC characters. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , POV 2014-05-23 10 32311762 A.I. Quest 36 Recognition Ophion finally deals with the impending UGEI attack, and move their way up the UGEI's threat list. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-05-24 10 32308550 Paladin Quest: The Chivalring You are a paladin of the Moon, sister of the Sun and daughter of the Sky. There is evil afoot, and it is your duty and privilege to smite it. Paladin Quest , Collective Game , Knights , Chivalry , Not!Asia , Lunar Paladin , Vampires , Jojo , Smiting Evil 2014-05-24 29 32354710 Paladin Quest II: Live Free or Die Chivalrous You are Fei Yu Xiang, Knight of the Moon, and you've just been turned into a Hungering Prince. But who cares about that, there's chivalry to do. Paladin Quest , Collective Game , Knights , Chivalry , Not!Asia , Lunar Paladin , Vampires , Smiting Evil 2014-05-25 22 32351833 Nanoha FORCE Quest 22.5 Sacchin and Sempai deal with a Crystal Devil! Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Magical Guy , Sacchin , Sempai Time, 2014-05-26 2 32353617 Fantasy/Sci-Fi Machine Civ Quest Part 3 We start in medias res, as our bots make preparation for a bandit invasion, amidst a contest of stealth against dark elves, encounter Dryads, and explore ancient laboratories deep under us. Collective game , Fantasy , Sci-fi , civ quest , machine 2014-05-26 1 June 2014 32502148 Magical Girl Noir Quest 209 An unreasonably happy magical girl expects the universe to take everything away from her soon. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori! 2014-06-01 18 32525548 Magical Girl Noir Quest 210 A very tired and shaken magical girl shifts in to high gear in a race against time to attend a crash course in melee combat. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayakar , Kyouko 2014-06-02 17 32630072 Brouzouf Quest 3.5 Close encounters with nightmarish creatures, and close calls with Federal forces. And scrambled eggs. Brouzouf Quest , Collective Game , Continuation , Preemptive Archiving 2014-06-08 5 32652222 Magical Girl Noir Quest 211 A responsible magical girl tries to say goodbye to her healthy green lover and meets up with a very agitated blueberry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Kyoko , Sayaka , Rea , Kumatora 2014-06-08 18 32692593 Nanoha FORCE Quest 24.5 From a group of killer monster, to a KEKEKE Hacker, and finishing with an old friend. Like always everyone wants to kill Tohma. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Magical Guy , White Machine , 2014-06-11 2 32752769 Operator Operator Quest EXTRA #1: Chekhov's Prophecy You are not Darius Duravi. Operator Operator Quest , collective game , warsim , archivist 2014-06-13 6 32775053 Magical Girl Noir Quest 212 A decisive magical girl finishes her business with Blueberry and meets up with Mami and the representatives of the sect. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , new hotness 2014-06-14 19 32819697 Magical Girl Noir Quest 213 A pained magical girl faces a very real 'ghost' from her past and discusses the Prophet. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-06-16 20 32842822 Nanoha FORCE Quest 25 A confrontation with White Machine. Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Magical Guy , White Machine , 2014-06-18 1 32884535 Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 22 A sibling reunion almost ends in tragedy. Oiwa. Will. Pay. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Kaede , Kappa , Kuchisake 2014-06-20 16 32895699 Magical Girl Noir Quest 214 A scheming magical girl continues to exchange information with the sect and temporarily changes scenery. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-06-20 18 32917770 Magical Girl Noir Quest 215 An all time crazy magical girl explains her plan and talks about love. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-06-21 19 33040710 Magical Girl Noir Quest 216 An understanding magical girl does not like being deceived but realizes her companions could have chosen a much easier and quicker solution. some Stuff happens... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-06-27 19 July 2014 33182127 Magical Girl Noir Quest 217 A somewhat regretful magical girl needs to make haste to save her littlest sister. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Wendy , Mami 2014-07-04 17 33204505 Magical Girl Noir Quest 218 An unprepared magical girl witnesses some drastic redecoration and presses onward! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Wendy , Good for nothing 2014-07-05 18 33332251 Magical Girl Noir Quest 219 A worried magical girl rains blueberries and death upon her enemies. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Wendy , Tiny Pete , Misaka , Red hot chili pepper 2014-07-11 17 33489493 Magical Girl Noir Quest 220 An exciting magical girl watches over her little sister and fulfills her, watch wearing dildo, duties. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Misaka 2014-07-18 16 33495084 Esper Quest- Thread 2 Thread 1 is mislabeled as "Edge Sperg Quest" Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-07-18 13 33512323 Magical Girl Noir Quest 221 A cruel and unusual magical girl discusses rule breaking and punishment with her one-eyed drill sergeant. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2014-07-19 18 33583381 Esper Quest: Thread 3 We start off with Mami, and then go back to Akari-chan!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-07-22 10 33646939 Magical Girl Noir Quest 222 A silent magical girl has heard enough and starts dealing with Heartcatch Squad. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-07-25 18 33656168 A.I. Quest 37 Deception Kronos is sent to handle matters with the unknown hacker in Malorian space. After a negotiation, and a planetside drop, it is revealed who the hacker is, and what his intentions were. Meanwhile, Apollo and Cephalus attempt to take control of Gaia IV, but things hit a snag. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-07-26 11 33671926 Magical Girl Noir Quest 223 A sisterly magical girl breaks the news to her little arms dealer, escorts her to the iron giant and makes another promise. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Misaka 2014-07-26 17 33702308 Esper Quest: Thread 4 We start off as an idol with some shady 'hobbies', and then get on with figuring out just what the heck happened last night! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-07-27 8 33777137 Esper Quest: Thread 5 We start out with an infodump and go on to find out that AC's 10th District, 'The Strange,' is... sandy? Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Cosplay Gangsters 2014-07-30 7 August 2014 33803409 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 28 The first (and hopefully not only) Gankoji Sachiko episode. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Miko , Sachiko , Vampire 2014-08-01 12 33816105 Magical Girl Noir Quest 224 A busy magical girl mediates between two weapon enthusiasts, heads back to slay the paperwork monster and more... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Misaka , Rea 2014-08-01 18 33825377 A.I. Quest 38 Control Ophion deals with his invasion of Gaia IV, as both his A.I. begin to gain a foothold. Otherwise, there are a number of matters that are coming to his attention now that he has a position of power...and other's attention as well. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-08-02 10 33858723 Cursed Apprentice Quest 3 In this episode we meet a QT spider and make it our familiar, We cuddle it and arwen, We decide to say fuck it with the town and ditch, on a walk to the city, Shit happens. Cursed_Apprentice , Quest , Collective Game , Spiders , Cute , Shota , Fried chicken , brown elf boobage , whyaretherenopicturesofshotawizards, 2014-08-03 13 33875185 Haunted Forest Machines Quest 10 machines suddenly find themselves aware in magical forest. Too bad its hunted and they are rusting into oblivion. Collective Game , Haunted Forest Machines Quest 2014-08-04 0 33916513 Esper Quest: Thread 6 We start off with Fate, who's had a bad day, and learn some stuff about evil plots! Then it's back to Akari and the law. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Temporary Despair 2014-08-05 6 33966144 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 29 Into the belly of the giant P-COC we go, looking for clues about a conspiracy unknown. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Miko , Sachiko , Youkai 2014-08-08 13 33981759 Magical Girl Noir Quest 225 An unsuspecting magical girl cooperates closely with the church and has questions. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Wendy , Mami 2014-08-08 18 33988074 Esper Quest: Thread 7 We start out with Mokarin and run an errand with Fate; then Mato gets a tongue-lashing and Akari tries not to burninate everything. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Scolding 2014-08-08 6 33989743 A.I. Quest 39 New Allies Ophion deals with the after math of the Losirian rebellion, as he sets other matters in motion, and discovers new allies. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-08-09 10 34006797 Magical Girl Noir Quest 226 A social magical girl takes a well deserved break together with her Equerry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2014-08-09 17 34114457 Esper Quest: Thread 8 Mami makes a decision, Kyuubey wonders whether or not he should grant the wishes of a little girl, and the hunt for Precia truly begins! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-08-13 7 34139675 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 30 Evidence gathering in the bad guy's lair and we didn't get mind whammied. Also, we didn't have vegetable stir fry. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Miko , Sachiko , Youkai 2014-08-15 12 34154724 Magical Girl Noir Quest 227 A well fed magical girl enjoys a noisy lunch with her best friend and her best Blueberry. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2014-08-15 18 34161166 Esper Quest: Thread 9 Akari's shadowruns intensify... needlessly.
Also, patrollin' and random encounters! Yay! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , JUSTICE 2014-08-15 7 34180469 Magical Girl Noir Quest 228 A socially stunted magical girl asks about relationships, very intimate relationships. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2014-08-16 18 34189583 A.I. Quest 40 Abandoned With a solid foothold, Ophion begins scouting out the surrounding territories and sets up his own spy network to counter the UGEI, all the while learning a bit more about the rebels on Gaia IV A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-08-17 12 34283182 Esper Quest: Thread 10 We meet a pair of 'magical girls,' and IT'S AKARI'S BIRTHDAY! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , WIZARDS AND BIRTHDAY PARTIES 2014-08-21 7 34305008 Esper Quest: Thread 10.5 THE BIRTHDAY PARTY NEVER ENDS!
Continuation of thread 10! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , BIRTHDAY PARTIES 2014-08-22 7 34317475 Magical Girl Noir Quest 229 A fully ratified magical Warmaster suffers through part of the celebration and inspects her shield... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Pinky 2014-08-22 18 34340893 Magical Girl Noir Quest 230 A stressed magical girl suffers some more and returns to the party. Time for a show! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayaka , Kyoko , Pinky 2014-08-23 18 34426446 Paladin Quest III: Judgement Day QM lost her Anonkun password, so one last thread on /tg/. Paladin Quest , Collective Game , Knights , Chivalry , Not!Asia , Lunar Paladin , Vampires , Smiting Evil 2014-08-27 1 34459836 Esper Quest: Thread 11 We start with Mami, whose day has been (and will continue to be) full of robots! Then, the plot thickens! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , JUSTICE , LASERS , ROBOT DINOSAURS , GOOD OLD-FASHIONED NEWFANGLED FISTICUFFS 2014-08-28 6 34488880 A.I. Quest 41 Panic Ophion deals with internal affairs-with Lightlings now orbiting Gaia IV. Likewise, he considers some of the more dangerous specimens he has locked away for study. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-08-30 10 September 2014 34581702 Esper Quest: Thread 12 We start off with a certain wheeled cyborg, and go looking for a friend! Then, things continue to get crazier!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , WHEELS 2014-09-02 5 34645041 Magical Girl Noir Quest 231 A less nervous magical girl plays along with the former Warmaster and expresses her undying love of paperwork. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Vintage , Kyuubey 2014-09-05 19 34809789 Magical Girl Noir Quest 232 An angry looking magical girl tells her lover to get good and attends a super secret meeting. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Vintage , Kyuubey 2014-09-12 18 34819097 A.I. Quest 42 Sleeping Ophion speaks with Lawrence, from Gaia IV, and Metis over several concerning matters, before deciding how to deal with the UGEI superweapon. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-09-13 10 34841917 Esper Quest: Thread 13 We start off with Akari, who is worried about the sanctity if Mato's rockin' "bod."
And, y'know, her safety and health and stuff.
And it's still July 25th! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , WORRYING 2014-09-13 5 35026658 Esper Quest: Thread 14 We start out with Strength, who has no idea what's going on.
Then, we realize that the gang's all here. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-09-21 5 35148894 Magical Girl Noir Quest 233 A painfully sober magical girl reviews what she learned the previous night. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Vintage , Kyuubey 2014-09-27 18 35170783 Magical Girl Noir Quest 234 A hungover magical girl goes to hear what the prisoner has to say and receives a very polite letter. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Yuma 2014-09-28 17 35177127 Esper Quest: Thread 15 STRIPES! (heh).
We start out with Mato, and then she and Akari have some good breakfast-time conversation!
What happens next is up to the players! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , JUSTICE 2014-09-28 5 October 2014 35287723 A.I. Quest 43 Fragments Ophion must decide how to deal with the wreckage of Carnage, the experimental weapon they destroyed, that remains at Walsh. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-10-04 12 35299452 Magical Girl Noir Quest 235 A careful magical girl interrogates a prisoner. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2014-10-04 18 35326929 Esper Quest: Thread 16 We start with Minami, who becomes aware that it's way too early, and then go to a meeting!
Oh, also, there's some giant robots or something.
No big deal, really. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-10-05 6 35412214 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 38 Gankoji Sachiko's Spiritual Adventure 2: Electric Boogaloo! Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Miko , Sachiko , KM 2014-10-10 13 35425406 Magical Girl Noir Quest 236 A decisive magical girl has had it with the demands and honor, so she chooses her own method. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Yuma , BBQ 2014-10-10 18 35458769 Esper Quest: Thread 17 Akari and Co. take on Not!Mechagodzilla... and... Co.?
Oh boy.
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , GIANT ROBOTS , ROBOT DINOSAURS , THE GREAT EVIL , MAGIC , JUSTICE 2014-10-12 2 35567762 Esper Quest: Thread 18 Akari and Co. learn that Mop-man is a big jerk, just like his robot:
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , GIANT ROBOTS , ROBOT DINOSAURS , THE GREAT EVIL , MAGIC , JUSTICE 2014-10-16 5 35583032 Magical Girl Noir Quest 237 A singed magical girl finally has a lead to the location of the prophet! Now she just needs that lead to wake up... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Yuma , Kyoko 2014-10-17 18 35613954 Esper Quest: Thread 19 Is it the calm before the storm?
Or the calm of the aftermath?
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things 2014-10-19 5 35625963 Magical Girl Noir Quest 238 A benevolent magical girl finds out what the young Culexus did to her. All of it. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Yuma , Kyoko 2014-10-19 18 35747172 Magical Girl Noir Quest 239 A sore magical girl confers with the three Stooges about the upcoming mission and decides who to bring... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Yuma , Kyoko 2014-10-25 18 35754680 Esper Quest: Thread 20 Nee-chan returns, and a decision must be made:
WHAT IS BEST IN LIFE? Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryo-Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , The Eye of Judgment , Hospital food , THE RETURN OF THE NEE-CHAN 2014-10-26 5 35859728 DBZ Human Quest #4 Kaguya learns some new tricks, and tests them against Yamcha Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Dragonball , Z , Krillin , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yajirobe , Goku , Kami , Piccolo , Popo , Raditz , Gohan 2014-10-31 15 35870773 Magical Girl Noir Quest 240 A funny magical girl tries to soothe worries with jokes, but it does not go as planned. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Risa , Misaka 2014-10-31 17 November 2014 35891463 Magical Girl Noir Quest 241 A socially skilled magical girl does not ask her visitor why she is a robot and deals with inter-officio relations. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Risa , Misaka 2014-11-01 18 35897723 Esper Quest: Thread 21 Akari is released from the hospital... and greeted by some... unexpected visitors.
The question is- are they friend, or foe? Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion 2014-11-01 3 35900497 DBZ Human Quest #5 Kaguya goes on a mission for Kami and learns a lot about himself Colelctive Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Z , Krillin , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Kami , Popo , Yajirobe , Pilaf , Shu , Mai , Olibu , Saiyans , Lookout 2014-11-02 14 35921933 DBZ Human Quest #6 Kaguya faces off against Tien, and learns a new technique Collective game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Saiyans , Kami , Popo , Krillin , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Yajirobe , Senzu , Bean 2014-11-03 14 36035076 Magical Girl Noir Quest 242 A very trusting magical girl finds time to relax in ways she never knew, and never wants to stop. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori 2014-11-08 17 36043183 Esper Quest: Thread 22 After last thread's 'close encounter,' it's time for learning!
Because knowing is half the battle! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , ZAPPY-ZAP , Xenos filth , invasion , LEARNING 2014-11-08 5 36063895 DBZ Human Quest #7 Kaguya battles Krillin, and the Z fighters are sent into the past Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Goku , Tien , Krillin , Yamcha , Chiaotzu , Yajirobe , Popo , Kami , lookout , Vegeta , Pendulem , kamehameha 2014-11-10 14 36157492 Magical Girl Noir Quest 243 An agitated magical girl takes a call from her best friend in the whole world! ... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , KHARN! 2014-11-14 17 36188990 Esper Quest: Thread 23 We start off with LOLIBOT PRI- err, Precia Testarossa, and begin work on something to combat the alien menace!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! 2014-11-16 2 36200835 Magical Girl Noir Quest 244 A curious magical girl gets told the wonders of pregnancy and awaits the mission briefing. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Kharn 2014-11-16 18 36303972 Magical Girl Noir Quest 245 A commanding magical girl enters the Akashic realm to finally confront the Prophet. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2014-11-21 18 36348277 Magical Girl Noir Quest 246 An accurate magical girl ponders the offer presented to her while her companion fights for their lives. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Homura 2014-11-23 19 36353393 Epic Quest 4 Zach meets with a recruiter, then is sent to school. He then plays capture the flag. Epic Quest , Calamity , Superpowers , Collective Game 2014-11-18 1 36330052 Epic Quest 3 Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice cream Epic Quest , Calamity , Superpowers , Collective Game 2014-11-24 6 36396138 Esper Quest: Thread 24 We start out with Mato, and probably end up doing cute things for most of the thread.
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! 2014-11-25 5 36433983 DBZ Human Quest #8 Kaguya and the Z Fighters face off against a pair of Saiyans, and have a rematch with Raditz Collective Game , DBZ , Human , Quest , Dragon , Ball , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Krillin , Raditz , Kami , Popo 2014-11-28 13 36463019 Magical Girl Noir Quest 247 A cautious magical girl discourages golden weapon use and confronts the strange Red Culexus. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2014-11-29 17 36488319 Esper Quest: Thread 25 We begin with Mato in a room full of nerds.
Meanwhile, Nee-chan knows much about making superheavy tanks. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , LEARNING 2014-11-30 2 December 2014 36569466 Esper Quest: Thread 26 Psi-amplification is a wonderful thing!
No alternate PoV intro today.
Only glorious honks. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , HONK , 4chen 2014-12-04 5 36607834 Esper Quest: Thread 27 Akari thinks on her dreams, potentially changing the nature of her personal reality even further.
At least Mato's hungry enough for some breakfast! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , DREAM SEQUENCE 2014-12-06 6 36707659 DBZ Human Quest #10 Kaguya has an interesting match with Chiaotzu, and, with his training nearly complete, takes a trip to the past in the pendulum room Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Dragon , Ball , Kami , Popo , Tien , Chiaotzu , Krillin , Yamcha , Yajirobe , Goku , King Kai , Raditz , Vegeta , Bardock , Tora , Shugesh , Borgos , Fasha , Dodoria , Frieza 2014-12-12 14 36719150 Magical Girl Noir Quest 248 A reluctant magical girl battles against the Red Culexus. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko , Red Bitch 2014-12-12 20 36742695 Machine Civ Thread #1 Thought nodes instruct various robots in setting up a base for far off future world domination Civilization , machine , robots, 2014-12-14 -2 36746600 DBZ Human Quest #11 Kaguya learns the fate of Bardock, and the clash with the Saiyans begins Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Bardock , Fasha , Tora , Borgos , Shugesh , Dodoria , Raditz , Nappa , Vegeta , Saibamen , Krillin , Gohan , Yajirobe , Tien , Chiaotzu , Goku 2014-12-14 16 36753323 DBZ Human Quest # 12 Gohan defeats the last of the Saibamen, and Kaguya reveals his true strength in his battle with the fierce Saiyan Nappa Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Gohan , Piccolo , Tien , Chiaotzu , Nappa , Vegeta , Yamcha , Goku , Saibamen 2014-12-14 14 36757237 Machine Civilization Thread #2 We expand, find some tech and some gnolls, GM responsibility changes hands. Civilization , machine , robot , node , gnoll 2014-12-14 1 36776918 Machine Civilization Thread #4 We put down lots of gnoll rebellion and debate ethics and have a run in with Godwin's law Civilization , machine , robot , gnoll , slave labor , node , wizard , collective game 2014-12-15 0 36795414 Machine Civilization Thread #5 A plague of harpies is coming, the robots prepare. Civilization , robot , machine , node , gnoll , Mage , harpies , plague , electricity 2014-12-16 1 36805824 DBZ Human Quest #13 The Z Fighters desperately try to hold off Vegeta until Goku arrives, at a great cost Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Saiyan , human , Vegeta , Nappa , Raditz , Saibamen , Krillin , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Gohan , Piccolo , Goku , Frieza , Dodoria , Bardock , Kamehameha , Destructo Disk , Dodon Ray , Wolf Fang Fist 2014-12-17 14 36856863 Psychic Rebel Quest 1 Character Generation Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-19 27 36861427 Psychic Rebel Quest 1, Part 2 We finish Character Generation Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-20 20 36863051 DBZ Human Quest #14 The Saiyan Saga comes to an end DBZ , Human , Dragonball , Quest , Collective Game , Saiyan , Vegeta , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Krillin , Piccolo , Gohan , Goku , Yajirobe , Kami , Namek , Bulma , Chi Chi , Roshi , Popo , Korin , Hospital , Yajirobe 2014-12-20 14 36874153 Psychic Rebel Quest 2 A mysterious meeting, and old friend, and some answers. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-20 24 36878094 Psychic Rebel Quest 2, Part 2 Out in the desert you fight a giant rabbit, and locate a secret facility. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-21 20 36882809 DBZ Human Quest #15 After recovering in the hospital, Goku and Kaguya set course for Namek, and their training begins with a match that makes it clear who's the strongest of the two Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Dragonball , Bulma , Chi Chi , Roshi , Goku , Chiaotzu , Korin , Tien , Yamcha , Krillin , Gohan , Goku , Frieza , Vegeta , Namek , Kaio-Ken , King , Kai , Capsule Corp 2014-12-21 14 36892081 Psychic Rebel Quest 3 We explore an old bunker Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-21 17 36896929 Psychic Rebel Quest 3, part 2 Fighting a vampire-angel and raiding a convoy Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-21 16 36892600 Magical Girl Noir Quest 249 A changed magical girl tries to sort through the messy mission as time ticks away for her best friend. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Wendy 2014-12-21 21 36898294 Esper Quest: Thread 28 We pick up where we left off last time- BREAKING THE FAST!
And silliness returns with a vengeance!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , Dice be praised! 2014-12-21 2 36913670 Psychic Rebel Quest 4 Attacking a truck convoy and making trouble for the Hive Governor Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-22 15 36923650 DBZ Human Quest #16 After some intense training with Goku, Kaguya finds himself up against the fearsome Ginyu Force! Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Frieza , Goku , Vegeta , Kaio-ken , Kamehameha , Chiaotzu , Krillin , Gohan , Vegeta , Recoome , Burter , Jeice , Guldo , Ginyu , Force , Miracle , Bomber , Ultra , Fighting 2014-12-23 14 37026473 Esper Quest: Christmas/Winter Holiday Special It's a bit too late to call it a Christmas special, but it's still the winter holidays, right?
We start with Feito-chan so the QM can hint that her relationship with her mother has improved greatly. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , CHRISTMAS , SNOWBALL FIGHT , HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2014-12-29 5 37026662 DBZ Human Quest #19 Things quickly take a turn for the worse in the struggle against Frieza Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Dragonaball , Frieza , Vegeta , Piccolo , Gohan , Krillin , Chiaotzu , Dende , Recoome , Burter , Jeice , Goku , Namek , Kamehameha , Dodon Ray , Solar Flare , Wolf , Fang , Fist 2014-12-29 13 37065518 Psychic Rebel Quest 5 A day out with Ash, and the introduction of a few newcomers. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-30 14 37083268 Psychic Rebel Quest 6 A night out on the town. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2014-12-31 16 January 2015 37102639 Psychic Rebel Quest 7 The morning after the night out, also weapons shopping. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-01 17 37106481 Psychic Rebel Quest 7, part 2 Getting your fortune told, and talking religion Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-01 13 37131177 DBZ Human Quest #26 In a short installment, Kaguya goes to the woods and makes a new friend before m00t pulls the plug Collective game , quest , DBZ , Dragonaball , Human , Icarus , Vegeta , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha 2015-01-03 13 37138059 Psychic Rebel Quest 8 You spend some time with Lirael in a secret base. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-03 14 37142670 DBZ Human Quest #27 Kaguya, Gohan, and their new dragon friend welcome back the fallen Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Namek , Dragonballs , Porunga , Vegeta , Gohan , Icarus , Goku , Goku , Krillin , Piccolo , Dende , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu 2015-01-04 12 37155104 Psychic Rebel Quest 9 It's your day off, yay! Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-04 13 37159236 Psychic Rebel Quest 9, part 2 Day off part 2, and strange cravings Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-04 13 37185682 DBZ Human Quest #28 Kaguya makes a deal with an old foe, and finally returns home. Life on the farm should be a lot more interesting. Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Nappa , Vegeta , Piccolo , Tien , Chiaotzu , Krillin , Gohan , Goku , Yamcha , Bulma , Icarus , Namek , Frieza 2015-01-06 13 37219235 Psychic Rebel Quest 10 Nights out on the town and looking for someone. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-07 15 37227043 DBZ Human Quest #29 Kaguya experiences some bad dreams, and begins his training with Nappa Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Nappa , Human , Saiyan , Frieza , Gohan , Goku , Vegeta , Dende , Chiaotzu , Piccolo , Raditz , Namek 2015-01-08 13 37286572 Psychic Rebel Quest 11 Debriefing and a new mission Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-10 14 37282185 Magical Girl Noir Quest 250 A commanding magical girl slaughters her enemies and pushes her boundaries. Thread interrupted by Moon tremors. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-01-10 19 37293203 DBZ Human Quest #33 Gohan tutors Kaguya, and the two have a sleepover. The two discuss nightmares, and plan to hang out with friends the next day Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Goku , Nappa , Gohan , Chi Chi , Yamcha , Piccolo , Tien , Saiyan , Human 2015-01-11 12 37305209 Psychic Rebel Quest 12 End of the Gouger Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-11 14 37309290 Psychic Rebel Quest 12, part 2 Build up to the mission Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-11 12 37315775 Esper Quest: Thread 29 "The Search for Mato"
Some other stuff happens, too, but that's the starting point. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , WHERE'S YOUR WIFE , MATO PLS , Geeze , put that thing on a leash before it glomp-maims somebody! 2015-01-12 3 37395156 Psychic Rebel Quest 13 Build up to next mission Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-15 12 37411958 Psychic Rebel Quest 14 It's your day off to try out your new warmech and telepathy powers Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-16 13 37413213 Magical Girl Noir Quest 251 A bloodthirsty magical girl works with her team to take apart the angry giant. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko , Mami , Wendy 2015-01-16 19 37424204 DBZ Human Quest #36 In an alternate future, a pair of cold-blooded killers eliminate the Z Fighters one by one Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Android , 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku , Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo 2015-01-17 12 37442314 Psychic Rebel Quest 15 Mission Aftermath Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-17 11 37446325 DBZ Human Quest #37 Kaguya and Gohan face the Androids once again. And one of them pays with their life so the other can live. Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Android , 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku , Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo 2015-01-18 11 37458833 Psychic Rebel Quest 16 Taking a sick day Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-18 12 37467100 Esper Quest: Thread 30 Yuri, bad puns, yuri, and a huge freakin' tank.
And that's just the beginning! Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , extra yuri , makeup? 2015-01-19 3 37534136 DBZ Human Quest #40 In the pendulum room, Kaguya finally beats a subject of his nightmares, and ascends to new heights of power. Collective Game , Quest , dbz , dragonball , saiyan , human , Frieza , Goku , Gohan , Vegeta , Piccolo , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Nappa , Krillin , Kami , Popo 2015-01-22 12 37557400 DBZ Human Quest #41 Kaguya performs an exorcism on himself Collective Game , Quest , dbz , human , Saiyan , Namekian , Earth , Saibamen , Frieza , Kami , Yamcha , Nappa , Vegeta , Piccolo , Goku , Gohan , Tien , Chiaotzu , Krillin 2015-01-23 12 37569803 Psychic Rebel Quest 17 Dream a little dream of Kae... Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-23 11 37584590 Psychic Rebel Quest 18 You might not have a job, but there is still plenty to do, like dispense justice. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-24 11 37590171 Psychic Rebel Quest 18, part 2 Lots of plots, and secret plans Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-24 12 37596977 DBZ Human Quest #42 Kaguya is invited to a party, but the festivities take a turn for the worse. Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Namekian , Earth , Kami , Piccolo , Nappa , Vegeta , Goku , Gohan , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Krillin , Bulma , Roshia , Puar , Oolong , Maron , Chi Chi 2015-01-25 12 37609817 Psychic Rebel Quest 19 You finally meet another of the Reunited Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-25 10 37614955 Psychic Rebel Quest 19, part 2 Is this the end of the rebellion? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-25 11 37611246 Magical Girl Noir Quest 252 A fidgeting magical girl negotiates with Ahriman and... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Mami , Wendy 2015-01-25 22 37620769 DBZ Human Quest #43 Nothing but Garlic, but Garlic was nothing Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonballs , Human , Saiyan , Namekian , Demon , Makyo , Star , Krillin , Maron , Yamcha , Bulma , Chi Chi , Master , Roshi , Garlic , Junior , Spice , Mustard , Salt , Vinegar , Popo , Kami , Goku , Gohan , Piccolo , Vegeta 2015-01-26 12 37626968 DBZ Human Quest #44 Kaguya wins a bet, returns to the party, and enjoys his time with his friends Collective Game , Quest , Saiyan , Human , Yajirobe , Olibu , Korin , Piccolo , Goku , Gohan , Krillin , Yamcha , Maron , Chi Chi , Bulma , Kami , Popo , Nappa , Icarus 2015-01-26 11 37633285 Magical Girl Noir Quest 253 A fallen magical girl struggles to regain herself. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Mami , Wendy 2015-01-26 23 37640182 Esper Quest: Thread 31 We start out with Yuu/Strength, picking up where we left off last time- at the park with Mato and Akari (and some ice cream!). Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , imouto acquisition , the true power of yuri 2015-01-26 1 37644275 DBZ Human Quest #45 Studying with Gohan leads to a trip to a familiar set of ruins, and two friends reaching new levels of power. Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Saiyan , Human , Gohan , Goku , Chi Chi , Nappa , Kami , Popo , Olibu , Garlic , Junior , Frieza , Vegeta 2015-01-27 12 37650871 DBZ Human Quest #46 Kaguya's mightiest enemy comes to Earth for revenge, and he's not alone Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Namekian , Vegeta , Piccolo , Krillin , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Kami , Goku , Gohan , Nappa , Bulma , Frieza , King , Cold 2015-01-27 13 37692005 DBZ Human Quest #48 Long live the king Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Namekian , Earth , King , Cold , Frieza , Goku , Piccolo , Vegeta , Nappa , Gohan , Tien , Yamcha , Chiaotzu , Krillin , Puar , Bulma , Kamehameha , Tri , beam , Destructo , Disk , Gallick , Gun , Special , Beam , Cannon , Masenko , Multiform , Kaio-ken , Spirit , Bomb 2015-01-29 20 37725866 Psychic Rebel Quest 20 Meet Shee Hyul, small business owner. Shee is worried about ancient gods, vampires, and taxes. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-30 12 37744504 Psychic Rebel Quest 21 Battle against the swarm Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-31 10 37748879 Psychic Rebel Quest 21, part 2 Unfinished business, and a chance to meet the restaurant staff Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-01-31 10 February 2015 37759900 DBZ Human Quest #51 Kaguya meets the savior of West City, his friends play Super Hero, and Nappa confronts Vegeta Collective Game , DBZ , Dragonball , Earth , Piccolo , Goku , Hercule , Vegeta , Nappa , Gohan , Krillin , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Bulma 2015-02-01 12 37769778 Psychic Rebel Quest 22 Birth of a godling Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-01 10 37776183 Psychic Rebel Quest 22, part 2 Will you descend into the depths? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-01 12 37770699 Magical Girl Noir Quest 254 A transformed magical girl receives word from her Equerry and soars to new heights. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Mami , Wendy 2015-02-01 19 37778401 Esper Quest: Thread 32 Miku gets jealous because Akane's spending way too much time talking on the phone in a language she doesn't speak, and construction on the big tank progresses!
Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Yuri , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , Defense bolstering , Hand-holding 2015-02-01 1 37823985 DBZ Human Quest #56 After intense training, Kaguya suffers awful nightmares, and devises a plan to help Goku and Gohan become Super Saiyans Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Saiyan , Human , Namekian , Earth , Namek , Frieza , Vegeta , Nappa , King , Cold , Piccolo , Goku , Gohan , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Krillin , Androids , 17 , 18 , Kami , Popo 2015-02-04 13 37880583 Psychic Rebel Quest 23 Is this gonna be just another bug hunt? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-06 10 37897977 Psychic Rebel Quest 24 Time to train Rainya to get tough. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-07 10 37902333 Psychic Rebel Quest 24, part 2 Another day searching for goodies in the basement Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-07 10 37916381 DBZ Human Quest #58 Kaguya's subconscious tries to come to terms with Kaguya's actions Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Namekian , Frieza , Piccolo , Krillin , Vegeta , Goku , Gohan , Nappa , Tien , Yamcha , Chiaotzu , Icarus 2015-02-08 13 37923062 Psychic Rebel Quest 25 Everybody is dead Dev Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-08 10 37928510 Psychic Rebel Quest 25, part 2 Sneaking into the archives late at night. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-08 10 37924495 Magical Girl Noir Quest 255 A witchy magical girl fights to separate Ahriman from Oriko. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2015-02-08 17 37948915 Magical Girl Noir Quest 256 A barely standing magical girl stares in the face of her impending demise. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka , Kyoko 2015-02-09 22 37968261 Psychic Rebel Quest 26 Talking to Ash and Lirael, black market dealings and getting inside Quinns head Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-10 10 37972474 Psychic Rebel Quest 26, part 2 The ocean washes away everything. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-10 10 37982846 DBZ Human Quest #62 His training at the illustrious Satan Castle complete, Kaguya speaks with a trusted mentor, and works to develop new techniques Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Kami , Popo , Mr. , Satan , Hercule , Videl , Gohan , Vegeta , Nappa , Icarus , Goku , Krillin , Master , Roshi , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Vegeta 2015-02-11 12 37991688 Psychic Rebel Quest 27 Aftermath of the trip into dreams Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-11 8 37995823 Psychic Rebel Quest 27, part 2 Once more into dreams, once more! Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-11 8 37997548 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2 Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest! Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Dire Chicken , Spooky Forest , Hylophobia , 2015-02-12 9 38035932 Psychic Rebel Quest 28 "This guy was unconscious when we got here I swear!" attack on the chaoswell. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-13 5 38039585 Psychic Rebel Quest 28, part 2 A wounded ally, and secrets, so many secrets. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-13 10 38047298 DBZ Human Quest #65 Kaguya and friends enter the World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , World , Martial , Arts , Tournament , Announcer , Yamcha , Goku , Videl , Gohan , Chi Chi 2015-02-14 11 38057066 Psychic Rebel Quest 29 It's your world, make of it what you will Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-14 8 38061655 Psychic Rebel Quest 29, part 2 Battle in the park! Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-14 6 38065862 Esper Quest: Thread 33 AKari outwits a rude maybe-vampire, cuddles Mato, and will probably never find out why everyone but her and Mokarin seemed so convinced that it was Valentine's Day... Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Yuri , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , rude possible vampire , Valentine's Day 2015-02-15 1 38102345 Psychic Rebel Quest 30 A quiet day in the facility, wherein nothing at all could possibly go wrong. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-16 9 38106242 Psychic Rebel Quest 30, part 2 Against the Reaper Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-16 6 38126389 Psychic Rebel Quest 31 Hurt and having lost the research facility, what will our heroine do now? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-17 5 38129391 Psychic Rebel Quest 31, part 2 Police in one conversation, criminals in another. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-17 5 38148484 Magical Girl Noir Quest 257 A scantily dressed magical girl gets her Equerry back and prepares to extract. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2015-02-18 18 38168383 Psychic Rebel Quest 32 To catch a shadow vampire, whilst still not fully recovered, what lengths must Shee go to? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-19 5 38172279 Psychic Rebel Quest 32, part 2 The recovery continues Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-19 5 38183559 DBZ Human Quest #75 Cell reveals his mission, and Piccolo and Kaguya vow to stop it Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Namekian , Vegeta , Frieza , Trunks , Krillin , Piccolo , Kami , Tien , Gohan , Goku , Chi Chi , Videl , Hercule , Androids , Cyborgs , Seventeen , Eighteen 2015-02-20 10 38190429 Psychic Rebel Quest 33 The tides of raging hormones has not ebbed. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-20 5 38194729 Psychic Rebel Quest 33, part 2 Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-20 5 38191475 Magical Girl Noir Quest 258 A shocked magical girl deals with the aftermath of the mission. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2015-02-20 17 38202498 DBZ Human Quest #76 Kaguya travels to the Lookout, and plans are made to train quickly Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Namek , Vegeta , Gohan , Goku , Trunks , Popo , Kami , Piccolo , Tien , Yamcha , Chiaotzu , Hercule , Videl , Cell 2015-02-21 10 38214317 Psychic Rebel Quest 34 To catch vampire: Why don't you take a seat right over there? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-21 5 38218532 Psychic Rebel Quest 34, part 2 That's one shadowy little girl Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-21 6 38223682 A.I. Quest 45 Guilt & Pity Ophion rebuilds his forces after the brutal conflict with Prometheus, all the while getting a little more personal with his less than robotic allies. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-02-22 9 38225335 DBZ Human Quest #77 Kaguya travels to Kame House, and the Androids arrive, demanding to know where Goku is Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Namek , Piccolo , Tien , Krillin , Chiaotzu , Androids , Seventeen , Eighteen , Sixteen , Cell , Piccolo,Vegeta , Goku , Gohan , Nappa , Videl 2015-02-22 9 38239624 Psychic Rebel Quest 35 Hunt for a murderer. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-22 7 38244373 Psychic Rebel Quest 35, part 2 How do you beat someone, who can see the future? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-22 5 38249230 DBZ Human Quest #79 After narrowly escaping from Cell, Kaguya returns from the Lookout, where plans are made to deal with the new threat Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Namek , Android , Sixteen , Seventeen , Eighteen , Cell , Piccolo , Tien , Yamcha , Chiaotzu , Roshi , Goku , Gohan , Vegeta , Trunks , Videl , Piccolo 2015-02-23 8 38264080 Psychic Rebel Quest 36 The day after the night amid the stars Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-23 10 38342181 DBZ Human Quest #82 After a heart to heart with Guldo, Kaguya makes a trip to New Namek Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Namek , New , Guldo , Ginyu , Recoome , Burter , Jeice , Gohan , Krillin , Piccolo , Vegeta , Chiaotzu , Tien , Yamcha , Videl , Moori , Dende 2015-02-27 8 38375929 Psychic Rebel Quest 37 Welcome to the Jungle Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-02-28 6 March 2015 38393669 Psychic Rebel Quest 38 Jungle Adventures, part 2 Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-03-01 5 38398271 Psychic Rebel Quest 38, part 2 You must defend your son, Randolph Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-03-01 6 38408966 DBZ Human Quest #86 After a spar with Gohan, time chamber training begins Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Dragonball , Saiyan , Namek , Piccolo , Popo , Krillin , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Gohan , Trunks , Nappa , Vegeta , Goku , Cell , Hyperbolic , Time , Chamber 2015-03-02 7 38430802 DBZ Human Quest #87 Training in the Time Chamber picks up, and a return to the real world brings some news Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Human , Saiyan , Namek , Dragonball , Piccolo , Tien , Yamcha , Chiaotzu , Krillin , Yajirobe , Korin , Popo , Trunks , Gohan , Nappa , Goku , Videl 2015-03-03 8 38445314 Psychic Rebel Quest 39 Attack of the War Follower Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-03-03 7 38451147 DBZ Human Quest #89 Kaguya returns to the farm and speaks with his parents, then spars with Haya and faces Cell in the Pendulum Room Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Piccolo , Tien , Chiaotzu , Yamcha , Krillin , Gohan , Goku , Videl , Hercule , Android , 16 , Cell 2015-03-04 7 38461935 Psychic Rebel Quest 40 One of these days you will finally kill that spider bitch Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-03-04 5 38466288 Psychic Rebel Quest 40, part 2 The Psychic Rebel vs the Cyborg Chaos Sorcereress Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-03-04 5 38500143 DBZ Human Quest #91 Kaguya meets the first Super Saiyan, and spars with Goku Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Gohan , Goku , Chi , Chi , Nappa , Videl , Piccolo , Yamcha , Cell 2015-03-06 8 38519341 A.I. Quest 46 Unchained Ophion unlocks the secrets to the being known as Erebos, and announces claim over Gaia IV. What path shall he take next? A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-03-07 11 38557341 Magical Girl Noir Quest 259 An amnesiac magical good-for-nothing spirals into insanity and bullies some dolls. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-03-08 18 38608731 Psychic Rebel Quest 41 2 Forests to deal with and a trip home Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-03-10 6 38720194 Magical Girl Noir Quest 260 A considerate magical girl learns something about her new companions and gets a visit from her Incubator. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-03-15 16 38731399 DBZ Human Quest #101 Kaguya defeats Android 13, celebrates a friend's birthday, and prepares for the Cell Games Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Namek , Piccolo , Yamcha , Krillin , Nappa , Android , Sixteen , Fifteen , Fourteen , Thirteen , Goku , Gohan , Cell , Krillin , Chi , Chi , Nappa , Icarus 2015-03-16 8 38765255 Magical Girl Noir Quest 261 A scary magical girl is debriefed and gains some trust. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-03-17 18 38825833 Magical Girl Noir Quest 262 A Perturbed magical girl stands on the verge of a crisis and receives unexpected help. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-03-20 17 38849082 Psychic Rebel Quest 42 Last thread before hiatus, we see what the second arc will be about. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-03-21 6 38853002 A.I. Quest 47 Mirror Ophion speaks with the strange newcomer he discovered recently, as well as moving further into UGEI territory while they're weak. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-03-22 11 38928908 Magical Girl Noir Quest 263 A concerned magical girl resigns herself to the silent room, tries to get a new outfit and ... Oh no. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-03-25 18 April 2015 39066322 Magical Girl Noir Quest 264 A careful magical girl walks a very thing line across the pink abyss. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-04-01 14 39105800 Magical Girl Noir Quest 265 An out of breath magical girl did reasonably well. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Pinky 2015-04-03 16 39127811 Magical Girl Noir Quest 266 A thirsty magical girl is visited by her Equerry and shares a drink. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2015-04-04 15 39136734 A.I. Quest 48 Unprecedented Power Ophion deals with the aftermath of an explosion, and receives a message from Arman's Gate. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-04-05 10 39137395 Magical Girl Noir Quest 267 Risa did nothing wrong. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Risa , Jager , Chiakipuss , Pinky 2015-04-05 9 39234964 Magical Girl Noir Quest 268 An inebriated magical girl is reunited with her softest love in this hard world, then stuff happens. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Sayaka 2015-04-09 16 39277321 Magical Girl Noir Quest 269 A dominant magical girl wants to know about after care and can't seem to catch a break. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-04-11 16 39504163 Magical Girl Noir Quest 270 An angry magical girl has had enough. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Malal , Midori 2015-04-22 19 39529364 Will of the Ice Quest #1 Our protagonist wakes up, goes shopping with friends, discovers a plot in the kingdom and has a coming of age ceremony. QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest , , 2015-04-24 7 39565981 Will of the Ice Quest #2 Visions and romance and plot thickening, OH MY! QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-26 5 39585415 Will of the Ice Quest #3 Randal buys supplies, learns more about the gods, prays to Tor and then has a conversation about their love with Trista QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-26 3 2015-04-27 5 39614448 Will of the Ice Quest #4 Our hero is granted the title of King's Ranger by the king, fights a drunk, and kisses Trista (again).
Also plothooks take place. QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-28 5 39630741 Will of the Ice Quest #5 Randal joins up with Trista and fellow rangers, embarks on his journey north, engages in smalltalk with his companions, makes love to Trista, and battles bandits in a night ambush on their camp. QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-29 2 39653160 Will of the Ice Quest #6 Randal and his group makes it to the small town of Waterrun, where he asks Sariel to train him and has some fun in an alley with Trista. The group then is ambushed by wolves before finally making it to Highspire Castle, headquarters for the rangers. QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-30 0 May 2015 39695009 A.I. Quest 49 New Findings Ophion takes advantage of a brief moment of piece to explore the world around him a little more closely. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-05-02 9 39696785 DBZ Human Quest #134 A fierce battle is waged on the Lookout, and a warrior falls defending East City Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Goku , Gohan , Videl , Moori , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Piccolo , Bulma , Nappa , King , Piccolo , Tambourine 2015-05-02 6 39718209 DBZ Human Quest #135 Kaguya saves Bailey and plans are made for a group to go to space, while the rest hold the line against King Piccolo Collective Game , Quest , DBZ , Dragonball , Human , Saiyan , Goku , Gohan , Videl , Moori , Yamcha , Tien , Chiaotzu , Piccolo , Bulma , King , Piccolo, 2015-05-03 6 39736900 Will of the Ice Quest #7 Short thread, but we take a short tour of the castle and meet the lord commander of the rangers. QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-05-04 1 39749900 Will of the Ice Quest #7.5 Randal speaks to Lord Commander Stormwind and reveals everything he knows from his vision and meeting with The Stranger. He also gets some armor and meets his Uncle QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-05-05 2 39830645 TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 1 We create our nameless pc, and gain our powers Collective game , TransHuman Hero Quest , Nanomachines , Beginning 2015-05-09 5 39872522 Will of the Ice Quest #8 Randal catches up a bit with his uncle, partakes in a sparring session, watches as Trista makes an enemy, and discovers some healing magic for the first time. QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-05-11 2 39875604 TransHuman Hero Quest: Part 2 We fight our first villain and get our Hero name Collective game , TransHuman Hero Quest , Nanomachines , Swarm , Nemesis 2015-05-11 4 40035774 Will of the Ice Quest #9 Randal catches up with his uncle, takes a much needed bath, tries his hand at practicing archery and swordplay, and makes a new friend. The Stranger even makes an appearance! QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-05-19 2 40068100 Everyone is Fucking Psychic Quest We become Malcolm King, and we discover our psychic powers, meet a blonde and a crazy tittymonster, and solve her puzzles to use her powers. Everyone is Fucking Psychic , Quest , Collective Game 2015-05-20 8 40134653 A.I. Quest 50 Leaps and Bounds After cycles of research and development, finally Ophion has cracked the secrets of Anti-Matter containment. With this new discovery how will he face future threats? A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-05-24 9 40173120 Dark Prince Quest Episode 1: The Jail Astar, former prince of the Empire of Thoden, decides to escape the prison he's been locked in for two years. Amazingly, he does just that. Dark Prince Quest , Collective Game , jail , escape , undead , Chimera 2015-05-25 21 40217090 SuperHuman Legacy Quest 2 Thomas gets a letter, makes Nanomachines son, pushes himself too hard, and goes to college. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines 2015-05-28 11 40238173 SuperHuman Legacy Quest 3 Thomas briefly forgets his name, Stark blesses him with mad charisma, and then he techs up. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-05-29 9 40241735 Will of the Ice Quest #10 (Short thread due to power outages) Randal explores the castle and runs into The Stranger again. QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-05-29 2 June 2015 40302304 Will of the Ice Quest #10.5 Randal is tasked with a mission to head north and spy on the barbarians and recruits some friends to do so. QMChills , Collective Game , Will of Ice Quest 2015-06-01 1 40321630 Superhuman Legacy Quest 4 Thomas makes the mother of all omelettes, pwns a noob in Theoretical Physics, almost blows up a city, and uses the aftermath to design power armor. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Crisis Averted 2015-06-02 9 40366041 Techie's Intergalatic Paperwork 1 We're Techie, and we've been sent to a really far planet for some reason. Then the Mailman appears, and tells us we need to get back to the center of the Imperium to sign some papers. Well heck, how are we gonna get there from here? Techie's Intergalatic Paperwork , Quest , Collective game 2015-06-03 7 40386890 Superhuman Legacy Quest 5 Thomas knows who Mr. Salvos is now, punches a Supervillain in the balls with nanomachines, and experiences awkward nerd love. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Awkward Nerd Love 2015-06-04 8 40411511 Halo Quest 1 In which we almost blew up the ship, talk to the captain, get a mission, and fix out warthog Collective game , quest , Halo , spartan , master chief , 2015-06-06 3 40514899 Superhuman Legacy Quest 6 Thomas Cairn gets some answers, sees some shoddy work,creates an AI, rolls so well that I still don't understand, and realizes that he accidentally invented cold fusion. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark , How the fuck bro 2015-06-11 8 40538008 Superhuman Legacy Quest 7 Thomas meets with the Super Crew, techs up, gets that dosh, and does timeskip. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark, 2015-06-12 7 40543432 Halo Quest 1.5 In which Pierre forgets his beloved Hog and saves the shuttle from going boom. We also make Warthog more vroom. Collective game , quest , Halo Quest , spartan , not master chief 2015-06-12 1 40548119 Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ - The Crusade Continues >Our... adept Guardsmen prepare for an attack on a Chaos bakery
>The Vostroyan Liaison Officer wants to find the man who stole his sweetheart's picture
>The Commissar just gave up
>There's some Tallarns around here somewhere doing Emperor knows what
A demonic dough monster rises and a lone guardsman makes a brave sacrifice Guardsman Sergeant Joe , Guardsman Lieutenant Joe , Bakers Legion , WarChef Boyzrdees , Guardswoman Kal Teest , Vostroyan Regiment Liaison Alexandr , Tallarn Roughrider Lieutenant Aaliyah , Chimera Sacrifice , Valhalla all shiny and crome , Warhammer 40000 , Guardsmen quest , Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ 2015-06-12 12 40563615 A.I. Quest 51 The Harvest The collection and use of the crystal alien as a building material is finally put into motion-with unexpected side effects. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-06-13 9 40660304 Superhuman Legacy Quest 8 Thomas disarms a criminal, reaches Grandpa's house, and uncovers a secret. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark , Disarming 2015-06-18 7 40678812 Superhuman Legacy Quest 9 Thomas manages to look cool in front of Supervillains, makes me censor stuff again, and this briefly becomes lists and shit. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-06-18 7 40779350 Superhuman Legacy Quest 10 In this spectacular issue, Thomas judo-flips a zombie, finds a mysterious item, meets a real life wizard, and promptly loses the mysterious item. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines 2015-06-24 7 40816856 Superhuman Legacy Quest 11 Thomas exorcises a spirit, fails at sneaking,
oh god why, and Mystery Box Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark , Mystery Box 2015-06-26 6 40842228 A.I. Quest 52 The Warp Guild space proves unsafe once more, and Ophion must look into ways to make them safe once more. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-06-27 9 July 2015 40925528 Superhuman Legacy Quest 12 Thomas Gets loads of money, makes a deal with the QM, and makes tech amazing. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-07-01 6 41028238 Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me. You still have not learned and I am ashamed. The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens , that's why I shitpost on the archives , coming out of retirement , I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is , please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works , it takes two seconds of your time , consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too , thanks , sincerly LWYS , XOXO 2015-07-05 -21 41260076 Superhuman Legacy Quest 13 I'm archiving early to stop misarchival, also future stuff. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-07-16 5 41413087 Superhuman Legacy Quest 14 Thomas has his first drink, buys flowers, and here comes the boom. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-07-24 3 41522086 Superhuman Legacy Quest 15 Thomas kneecapitates Boombox, finds a prospective hire, and he's baaaack. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-07-29 6 41565577 Superhuman Legacy Quest 16 Thomas has to meet with Monica for feelings and shit, Then he skips a few years and becomes a fucking boss, then some shit with Grandpa happens. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-07-30 4 August 2015 41589965 A.I. Quest 53 Downfall Ophion's promise to Saylor requires attention-will he keep it as promised, or not has yet to be seen. On top of matters, a disturbance is detected. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-08-01 8 41894078 A.I. Quest 54 Clash Ophion prepares his forces for the final assault from Admiral Thanatos-reflecting on many of the decisions that have brought him thus far. Will he defeat Thanatos? A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-08-16 7 42172807 A.I. Quest 55 Titans Ophion attempts to find some way of cracking into Thanatos' defenses-and perhaps faces the truth as well. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-08-30 11 September 2015 42441831 A.I. Quest Aftermath Discussion We take one final look at A.I. Quest, and I attempt to answer any last pressing concerns that I can. Thank you everyone that participated, and read A.I. Quest. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-09-12 7 42621437 Magical Girl Noir Quest 290 A green haired magical girl is paranoid. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-09-20 16 42626819 Magical Girl Noir Quest 290 Part 2 A green haired magical girl tries to wrap her head around what she just learned. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-09-21 16 42663936 Magical Girl Noir Quest 291 A green haired magical girl concludes the emotional reunion with her sempai. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-09-22 17 October 2015 42837177 Exterminator Quest #17 In which Vince punches a salamander in the mouth. collective game , exterminator quest , horror , amphibians , punching 2015-10-02 5 42864523 Battlecock (LEGO Quest) The reign of King Cluck begins. LEGO , Chicken , Battlecock , Collective Game 2015-10-03 4 42867562 Magical Girl Noir Quest 292 A green haired magical girl experiences some slightly unfortunate events... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Wendy 2015-10-03 18 42886596 searching for the lost line quest 1 We are a sentient skeleton who decided to find his relatives collective game , skeletal , searching for the lost line quest , 2015-10-05 2 42898714 Meanwhile, the Time Wizards! Time Wizards storytimes are had, and the rules of Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition are shared Time Wizards , Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition , Storytime , Rules , Time Wizard Archibald 2015-10-06 50 42883413 LEGO quest #2 Reign of king Cluck Mother Clucker goes to the town LEGO , Chicken , Battlecock , Collective Game 2015-10-08 1 42978249 Psychic Rebel Quest 43 Shee faces new threats, and untrustworthy would-be allies Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-10-09 6 43033083 Magical Girl Noir Quest 293 A green haired magical girl will not take this lying down... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Mami 2015-10-12 18 43236879 Psychic Rebel Quest 44 We find out what Shee did during downtime, and we decide what to do next. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-10-23 6 43391940 Psychic Rebel Quest 45 THere's something strange in Hive 39, who you gonna call? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-10-31 6 November 2015 43407079 Magical Girl Noir Quest 294 A tormented magical girl wakes up to dehydration physical pain and... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2015-11-01 19 43501196 Magical Girl Noir Quest 295 A near nuclear magical girl wakes up... again. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyoko 2015-11-06 17 43519378 Psychic Rebel Quest 46 Dust ghosts attack Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-11-07 6 43637729 Psychic Rebel Quest 47 A whorehouse to manage, a new arrival, and maybe some unhappy friends. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-11-14 5 43753405 Psychic Rebel Quest 48 Another day, and so many things to do. Also a vampire is killing people in the low Hive. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-11-21 2 43758628 Psychic Rebel Quest 48, part 2 Congratulations to the happy couple. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-11-21 2 43826220 Psychic Rebel Quest 49 A safe date with Rainya in which nothing unusual happens. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-11-25 5 43872846 Psychic Rebel Quest 50 Plot and assassins and maybe a new ally. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-11-28 5 December 2015 43999577 Psychic Rebel Quest 51 Time to recruit some animal-men. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-12-05 2 44128239 Psychic Rebel Quest 52 A facility to retake, fae to defeat, and one hell of a conversation with your friends and family Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-12-12 1 44134098 Psychic Rebel Quest 52, part 2 A facility recaptured. Temporarily at least. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-12-12 2 44265267 Psychic Rebel Quest 53 You have retaken the facility, but what will you do with it? Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2015-12-19 3 44286799 Superhuman Legacy Quest 17 I Return and immediately something unexpected happens. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-12-21 6 44291928 Corsair Quest 4 Darmund ends up having to fight his way to some new clothes and recruits. Collective Game , Pirates , Ships , Corsair , Psychic , Monks 2015-12-21 1 44335537 Magical Girl Noir Quest 296 A talk with Kharn about religion, and a disturbing revalation Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kharn 2015-12-23 17 44401043 Superhuman Legacy Quest 18 Thomas managed to make his life much harder, and fails while succeeding. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines 2015-12-27 4 44427353 Superhuman Legacy Quest 19 There are so many ups and downs, I don't think I can describe it. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2015-12-29 6 January 2016 44485010 Magical Girl Noir Quest 297 A caring, self destructive magical girl can only wait, and ask questions. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kharn 2016-01-01 18 44619608 Magical Girl Noir Quest 298 More discussion with Kharn. Dots are connected. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kharn 2016-01-07 18 44628812 State of the 1d4chan Wikifag makes his more-or-less-annual status thread, getting some praise and whining. 1d4chan , archive , status , Wikifag 2016-01-08 24 44749260 Superhuman Legacy Quest 21 This is the real archive, please disregard all others sharing this name. Collective Game , Superhuman Legacy , superpowers , Nanomachines , Tony Stark 2016-01-13 5 44789678 Magical Girl Noir Quest 299 An angry magical girl seeks more answers to questions she doesn't want the answers to. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kharn 2016-01-15 18 44895427 Magical Girl Noir Quest 300 An angry magical girl interrogates her Incubator to the point of angering him. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyuubey 2016-01-20 15 45108800 Magical Girl Noir Quest 301 A decisive Magical Girl mulls on what to do with her collection. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Kyuubey 2016-01-30 17 February 2016 45252560 Magical Girl Noir Quest 302 A slightly drunk Magical Girl spends the night in her comatose girlfriend's room. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Suikawari 2016-02-06 18 March 2016 46098456 Chicago 1920 (Quest) Case 001 There's a new detective in the Windy City, the case is presented, and things get hairy. Collective Game , Chicago , Noir , 1920 , Prohibition , Crime , Detective O'Hara 2016-03-19 4 46249703 Chicago 1920 (Quest) Case 002 The thread was pretty slow at the start, and had an anti-climatic ending, after fumbling too much OP decided to call it early. Collective Game , Chicago , Noir , 1920 , Prohibition , Crime , Detective O'Hara 2016-03-26 1 April 2016 46396472 Dragon Ball MACHINE MUTANT Quest A rapist and a voyeur are off to collect all the waifus in Dragon Ball, even if it kills them. Collective Game , Dragon Ball , Machine Mutant , Machine Mutant Quest , Gato , Meatbags 2016-04-02 0 46548286 Sin Princess Quest 2 A failure to archive! The Princess of Envy goes explores, fights a harpy, and suffers a Critical Failure! Sin Princess Quest , Collective Game , First Thread Not Archived 2016-04-09 -10 46564172 Be the BEG Chapter 18 We wage war, and find out a few things Collective Game , BEG , Be the BEG , Children 2016-04-10 5 46840672 Random Power Generation Game A champion of Slannesh is coming to do things to your orifices you cannot even imagine.
Do you survive? Random Power Generation , Emperors Children , 40k , orifice invasion , slannesh , 2016-04-23 2 May 2016 85592 Early 1700's Adventure Part 1 Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia , Mount and Blade , Protestants are scum , 1700's , mercenary , Swedish treachery , Pirates. 2016-05-12 1 121711 DOOR PUNCHER Early-MSPA clone. Door punching happens a lot. Door Puncher , Drawfag , Doors , Punching , Sidekicks , Neat hats 2016-05-14 3 139368 DOOR PUNCHER 2 Early-MSPA clone. Door punching happens a lot. Door Puncher , Drawfag , Doors , Punching , Sidekicks , Neat hats , End 2016-05-19 1 June 2016 47494795 Group Punching Bag Thread A discussion on anons groups' punching bags, the people who get the short end of the stick. Group Discussion , Punching Bag , Story 2016-06-01 4 47826916 Pokemon Quest #150 Part 1 The battle results are cut short as an old enemy makes an appearance! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , psychic 2016-06-18 21 July 2016 48179820 Wuxia Explained Face, cultivation, why Wuxia protagonists are so bombastic and yet never partake in any romance- it's all explained here. Wuxia , cultivation , wulin , chinese skullduggery 2016-07-11 13 48419861 Apex Mutant Quest Ackerman arrives in New York after transferring to a school. Yesterday he discovered his powers and today he gets into trouble with his Sis Apex Mutant Quest , Collective Game , Quest , Marvel , Psychic , Mutant 2016-07-24 2 August 2016 436775 Civilization Quest Thread (Children of ASSUR) A thread in which horrible luck leads a druidic society to ruin twice in as many days. Children of Assur , Civilization Thread 2016-08-08 5 453583 The Children of Assur, Thread Two: Spiteful Ajax The Exodus of the Assii, and their union with the Mazdii Children of Assur , Civilization Thread 2016-08-16 4 48914283 Magical Girl Noir Quest 303 A dreadful magical girl awakens after what feels like MONTHS of sleep, and remembers exactly who she is. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2016-08-21 20 49056821 Magical Girl Noir Quest 304 A cold, absolutely sober magical girl prepares for departure to the moon. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2016-08-29 15 September 2016 517749 Goblin Chieftain Quest After the fall of the last Dark Lords, you will restore the goblins to glory. Collective Game , Goblins , Fantasy , Goblin Chieftain Quest 2016-09-01 7 555584 Psychic Rebel Quest 54 One Reunited falls, but there are more to be dealt with. Psychic Rebel Quest , Collective Game , Female Protagonist , Psychic , Psion , Psychic Powers 2016-09-11 3 556169 Hitmaid Special - A Phantom's Shadow Experience a heist with the Scarlet Tux!
Followed by SoL with girls Hitmaid , Heist , Thief , Cute , Girls , Scarlet Tux , Psychic 2016-09-12 2 606883 Magical Girl Noir Quest 305 A troubled magical girl goes to the moon. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2016-09-21 20 October 2016 49509611 Chimera Legion Creation Part 1 /Tg rolls up the basic traits of the chimera legion, a Iron warriors successor warband w/ tonnes of cultists and starts to fluff them out Chaos , Warhammer 40k , warband creation , Iron wrriors , Chimera legion 2016-10-01 5 49546935 Chimera Legion Thread II: Of Paint and Princes The warband receives a colour scheme and their leader, Thodos the Ironbringer receives a backstory Chaos , Warhammer 40k , warband creation , Iron wrriors , Chimera legion 2016-10-02 5 624936 1940's Mech Quest #2 Quest about mechs MQ , SlavenRhymes , lazyarchiving 2016-10-02 4 637983 1940's Mech Quest #3 Quest about mechs MQ , SlavenRhymes , laziestarchiving 2016-10-02 3 651926 Magical Girl Noir Quest 306 A cautious magical girl may or may not regret this later... Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2016-10-04 18 49596104 Chimera Legion Thread III: of alliteration and a desperate need for more fluff The Chimera's get a high council and some of the High council members get a personality. Also the Orkish nemesis is named Chaos , Warhammer 40k , warband creation , Iron warriors , Chimera legion 2016-10-07 5 49695798 Chimera Legion Thread IV: Of Fluff and Frumious Wizards Cultist characters are created, the chimeric army discussed and tracks gone off Chaos , Warhammer 40k , warband creation , Iron warriors , Chimera legion 2016-10-14 4 735239 Magical Girl Noir Quest 307 Trick steals the quest Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Trick 2016-10-22 2 November 2016 49936414 RIP Jack Chick RIP Jack Chick, for better or worse, a major contributor to the traditional gaming community. Jack Chick , Chick , Chick tracts , RIP 2016-11-01 9 49942922 RIP Jack Chick (part two) RIP Jack Chick, for better or worse, a major contributor to the traditional gaming community. (part two) Jack Chick , Chick , Chick tracts , RIP 2016-11-01 6 816933 Tribal Chieftain Quest Pre;ude to Main Quest. Do some char gen, learn about world and then attend a Council before seeking advice from a sage. Tribal Chieftain Quest , Nomad , Arsheg , Hawk and Sun 2016-11-13 3 December 2016 906643 Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest Harry Potter quest, written by naust. You are Cyril Selwyn, a pureblood Slytherin, and you've just been accepted to Hogwarts! naust , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Mischief Managed , Quest 2016-12-15 13 940621 Newfound Magic Quest- Part 1 In which Norman Fusilier is a wizard, and he is not happy about it. Newfound Magic , Collective Game , Never archived anything before oh god I hope i'm doing this right , Fantasy , Quest , Flexing Is Intimidating 2016-12-19 1 944490 Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #2 In which Selwyn talks to a suit of armor, spells his spaghetti in front of some Slytherin girls, and learns to Duel. naust , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Mischief Managed , Quest 2016-12-22 5 January 2017 1005506 Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #3 Cyril manages to make it to Herbology before the dreaded page 10 strikes naust , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Mischief Managed , Quest 2017-01-11 4 1012240 Gunsmith Quest Thread One Chi Long Qua the best GUNSMITH this world has ever seen. Also hopefully isn't dead. Gunsmith , Quest , Chi Lonq Qua , Research , Song Dynasty China , 13 Century China 2017-01-14 1 1036717 Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #4 We stand up to for someone, and have to find a date. naust , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Mischief Managed , Quest 2017-01-20 2 51189129 Tang Dynasty in Space Setting Worldbuilding /tg creates a setting that's basically the Tang Dynasty in scifi. More interesting than it sounds. worldbuilding , setting , space dynasty , historic , chinese 2017-01-20 8 1068812 Mischief Managed: A Marauders Era Quest #5 Who wants to go into the dungeons? naust , Harry Potter , Collective Game , Mischief Managed , Quest 2017-01-30 3 February 2017 51665650 Chinese fantasy/mythology Chinese fa/tg/uy provides a detailed overview of chinese fantasy/mythology: wuxia, xianxia, chinese "face" and much more. chinese mythology , cultivator , xianxia , wuxia , jianghu , wulin 2017-02-11 24 March 2017 1253902 Magical Girl Noir Quest 307 (the real one) A barely restrained magical girl does not recognize the girl before her. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Not Ded 2017-03-11 13 1278076 Magical Girl Noir Quest 308 An out of time magical girl saves the day? Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2017-03-18 13 April 2017 1386320 Heavenly Child Quest #1 The Heavenly Child falls to Earth. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-04-21 14 1410372 Heavenly Child Quest #2 Heirs to a magical legacy. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-04-28 10 May 2017 1429795 Heavenly Child Quest #3 Creation, in the hands of mankind. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-05-05 7 1450786 Heavenly Child Quest #4 The Executioner's gift Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-05-12 8 53209134 Lord Farquaad's Bounty Office Lord Farquaad accepts bounties on all fairy-tale creatures. Farquaad , Shrek , Funny , Shillings , Schillings , Swamp 2017-05-16 24 1475898 Heavenly Child Quest #5 The dragon of the fens. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-05-19 8 1499418 Heavenly Child Quest #6 In the city of dream and memory. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-05-27 9 June 2017 1527371 Heavenly Child Quest #7 The god-queen of the abyss. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-06-02 7 53587392 Will Artificial Intelligence be capable of humanity? Anons discuss if AIs capable of self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and emotion are considered human, and more related discussion follows. science , Artificial Intelligence , robots , machine , soul , emotion , human , sapience , self-awareness , semantics , intelligence , consciousness 2017-06-03 5 1555168 Heavenly Child Quest #8 The Crow and the Temptress Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-06-11 8 53716563 Blu Toof and the Strayt Shootas: Part 2 In which the Strayt Shootas are expanded upon. Great draw, and writefaggotry is posted, and a space hulk is rolled up. 40k , Ork , tau , Strayt Shootas , Chimera Legion , inquisition , writefaggotry , drawfaggotry 2017-06-13 5 1577780 Heavenly Child Quest #9 Ghosts from the past. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-06-18 9 1604426 Heavenly Child Quest #10 The due to the dead. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-06-25 7 1624519 GoT builder HistoryOP's GoT builder HistoryOP , GoT builder , Giants , Children of the Forest 2017-06-30 1 July 2017 1626386 Heavenly Child Quest #11 The air of suspicion. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-07-02 7 1645844 Heavenly Child Quest #12 The weight of familial duty. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-07-09 8 1661296 Psychic Quest The main character, Fredrick, finds he can move things with his mind. QuestMM , Collective Game , Psychic Quest , Psychic , Telekinesis 2017-07-14 1 1689004 Heavenly Child Quest #13 Ancient rites and modern science Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-07-24 8 1715506 Heavenly Child Quest #14 Through the Looking Glass Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-07-29 7 August 2017 1739575 Heavenly Child Quest #15 Further down the spiral Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-08-06 8 1762697 Heavenly Child Quest #16 Beach episode! Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-08-13 6 1784711 Heavenly Child Quest #17 Alice and EVE. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-08-19 6 1806022 Heavenly Child Quest #18 The words of an Oracle. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-08-27 6 1809362 Abhuman Quest: Issue #1 In our first thread we meet our protag, and escape the facility that held him. Abhuman Quest , SleepyQM , Abhuman , Child Soldier , Bio-Powers , Mega Corps , Mercenaries 2017-08-30 10 September 2017 1829310 Heavenly Child Quest #19 The paths begin to converge. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-09-04 7 1829857 Psychic Quest #2 We train our powers, find a raccoon, and continue training. QuestMM , Collective Game , Psychic Quest , Psychic , Telekinesis 2017-09-04 1 1836577 Abhuman Quest: Issue #2 Our MC considers his options as a Super Villainess offers him help to get on his feet in the real world. Abhuman Quest , SleepyQM , Abhuman , Child Soldier , Bio-Powers , Lilith , Perfect Roll , Singing 2017-09-12 7 1867718 Heavenly Child Quest #20 Best laid plans sometimes go awry. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-09-17 7 1888728 Heavenly Child Quest #21 A world of nightmares. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-09-24 6 55616194 Journey to the West as a setting Expanding thread 51665650, now defining races chinese , races , journey to the west 2017-09-29 3 October 2017 1913413 Heavenly Child Quest #22 A pure and shining faith. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-10-01 7 1948505 Quest Lyoko 4: Datamining The Continuation of the Attack from Discovery. X.A.N.A is totally sane right? Of course. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Code Lyoko , Lyoko , Cyber , Sci Fi , Odd , Ulrich , Xana , Jeremy , Yumi , Staff , Archive , Monsters , Riot , Factory 2017-10-12 2 1961047 Heavenly Child Quest #23 Paradise awaits those who resist Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-10-15 6 1988295 Heavenly Child Quest #24 Lies and false oracles. Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-10-22 6 2015485 Heavenly Child Quest #25 The festival of the abyss Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-10-29 8 November 2017 2036674 Heavenly Child Quest #26 To fulfill one's duty Quest , Collective Game , Heavenly Child Quest 2017-11-06 11 January 2018 57282638 PTU storytime pokemon tabletop united GM shares a short game they ran. Follow the story of two sisters venturing out into the world to become Pokémon trainers. Pokémon , pokemon , Ruth , PTU , storytime , chikorita , scyther , Kate , Bree , Fey , Gloria , rules , S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , forest , battle , survival , map 2018-01-07 3 February 2018 2307889 Star WarMachine Minds Quest Act One: Powering Up. A Clone of a CIS Admiral practices jewjitsu, builds an army and just misses the death star. Good times all around.
Star Wars , MachineMinds , CIS 2018-02-15 15 2317999 Star WarMachine Minds Quest Act One: Episode II Admiral Spider E. Lee learns about the power of friendship and crazy mando chicks, and many boarding actions are had. ALL HAIL THE NCR!!! Star Wars , MachineMinds , out with the CIS , in with the NCR 2018-02-18 12 2322430 Machine Minds Quest: Act 2: Rising Dragon. In which we Unite the New Confederate Rebellion. Star Wars , MachineMinds , CIS 2018-02-20 10 2328351 Machine Minds Quest Act two: Dead Man's Summit In which we meet space Big Boss and 0070 faces off with space scaramanga. Star Wars , MachineMinds , out with the CIS , in with the NCR 2018-02-24 7 2327941 Starborn Quest 45: Honamurei Quest? We play as Hona, since Purps decided to check out some fights. Things go wrong, as is tradition. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Purps , School Arc , Honamurei , Jo , Drama , Fight , Lexington , Chiron , Sparring , Briar , Academy Arc 2018-02-24 2 March 2018 2348999 Starborn Quest 46: Day of the Living Purps We die (again), but then we get better. Sorta. Kinda. Ish. But not like that's the end of it. Collective Game , Star , Starborn , Purps , School Arc , Honamurei , Jo , Drama , Fight , Lexington , Chiron , Honamurei , Briar , Academy Arc 2018-03-03 2 2333630 Crashed Colony Ship Civ Quest A colony ship crashes and we, the Priest AI, wake up 300 years later to take control of a surviving settlement. Crashed Colony Civ Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , robot , machine , Aitee Bahgyoo 2018-03-09 6 2366258 Mass Isekai Quest #0.5 Hawthorne messes up the archiving and mixes up thread 0.4 with 0.5. Use this entry for thread 0.4, and the previous one for 0.5. Whoops. Mass Isekai , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , Isekai , Misarchived 2018-03-28 1 2402083 Crashed Colony Ship Civ Quest #2 We get robbed by cats, then befriend said cats and have many conversations with many people. Crashed Colony Civ Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , robot , machine , Aitee Bahgyoo 2018-03-29 5 April 2018 2438105 办公室女孩阿米 Office Girl Ami A very special April 1st edition of Lego Quest Lego Quest , Collective Game , Chinese knockoffs 2018-04-03 1 2442415 Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread One Zander B. Krupp, loyal friend turned superpowered vigilante, fights crime in a dome city a hundred years into the future. Collective Game , Cyberpunk , Parahuman , Superpower , Cape , Chitter 2018-04-05 2 2450509 Cyberpunk Parahuman Quest Thread Two Zander sees his neighbor's newborn kittens, thoroughly interrogates a gangster, bargain hunts at a thrift store, and goes grocery shopping. Collective Game , Cyberpunk , Parahuman , Superpower , Cape , Chitter 2018-04-11 0 2492289 Magical Girl Noir Quest 309 A tired ACTING Warmaster meets with her favorite 'people'. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2018-04-22 13 2505731 Magical Girl Noir Quest 310 A one-eyed magical girl WILL find her best friend. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2018-04-29 10 May 2018 2473111 Crashed Colony Ship Civ Quest #3 We hire the cats to plunder our ruins. Then our knights fight undead. Afterwards we track dwarven bandits to a ruined city. Crashed Colony Civ Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , robot , machine , Aitee Bahgyoo 2018-05-01 1 2531457 Magical Girl Noir Quest 311 A one-eyed magical girl finds a shocking surprise! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2018-05-08 10 2514909 Mass Isekai Quest #0.6 How many times can you screw up an archiving in a row? Use this thread for 0.7 and the previous thread for 0.6. Whoops x2. Mass Isekai , Collective Game , Valencia , Civ , RPG , Anime , Isekai , Misarchived 2018-05-15 1 June 2018 2584430 Crashed Colony Ship Civ Quest #5 We establish trade with bugs, get besieged by undead, respond to attacks by satyrs against our outer villages, and pick up a lost child. Crashed Colony Civ Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , robot , machine , Aitee Bahgyoo 2018-06-06 1 60128900 Techno-Barbarians Discussion, Examples & Worldbuilding Advanced technology but primitive culture. worldbuilding , setting , techno-barbarian , horizon zero dawn , schizo tech , space conan, 2018-06-07 3 2617700 Magical Girl Noir Quest 312 A one-eyed magical girl continues to avoid FunTimes (On-going) Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki 2018-06-11 6 August 2018 2759579 UNNA Recruit Quest 1 We wake up in a weird government facility and learn we are a psychic. UNNA , Mass Quest , collective game , sci-fi , psychic 2018-08-08 2 September 2018 2829491 Starborn Quest 52: Resolution Continued Purps has some her time before heading in with the clean up crew Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Cabin , Lexington , Academy , Tornin , Chiron , Goblins , Cabin , Mission 2018-09-04 1 2880397 Living Factory #1 Introducing Daedalus, the newborn(?) automaton in their first quest: to simply communicate with a researcher. Today, words, tomorrow, legs. Living Factory , Collective Game , bioengineering , robot , machine , AI , sci-fi , science , bio , Tutorial Assistance Program , TAP , immobile 2018-09-16 2 2878268 Fallout Hawaii #1 (Reboot) You lose your right to the throne. You leave the vault in hope of gaining it back. Fallout , Monarchism , Collective game , Hawaii , Anime titties 2018-09-21 1 October 2018 62291323 Xianxa, Wuxia and Thunderbolt Fantasy Discussion Anons talk Chinese fantasy, including cross-cultural influences between China and Japan. Also puppets. Xianxa , Wuxia , China , Thunderbolt Fantasy 2018-10-06 5 2964112 Starborn Quest 53: Bug Hunt Time for the fight with the big bug. We learn goblin Matriarch is a walking bug factory, and we clip it's wings. Collective game , Starborn , Star , Wagon , boss fight , Purps , Goblins , Academy , Honamurei , Chiron , Jul 2018-10-20 1 November 2018 3013335 Starborn Quest 54: Annihilation The boss is slain, Maria, Purps and Hona combining to take down the goliath. Shipping happens before a POV shift. Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Cabin , Boss , Academy , Lexington , Chiron , Goblins , Cabin , Mission 2018-11-08 1 3030229 Pokemon Journey Quest #1 Ace Trainer Terry sets on his journey with a strong start, and aims for a Roseview Gym badge. Quest , Pokemon Journey Quest , Collective Game , Pokemon , SleepyQM , Terry , Chikorita 2018-11-16 5 63247763 Reforged Creation Thread #1 /tg/ makes another Chapter of Marines, but this time full of Bionic Cripples with Knight Bros 40k , Cripples , CRIPPLE FIGHT , Knights , China,Marines 2018-11-29 1 December 2018 3099245 Sentient Weapon Quest - 1 A NEET who died from a random truck accident finds himself as an ancient spear, deep within a dungeon. Collective Game , Fantasy , Adventure , Another World , Isekai , Sentient Weapon Quest , SeaUrchin 2018-12-17 1 3108813 One Piece: Broken Chains Mako escapes slavery and makes some friends OP has internet problems One piece , Fishman , Early Archive 2018-12-20 1 January 2019 3127499 Machine Evo part 1 Another evolution game begins, but this time it has robots. collective game , evolution , evogame , machine evo 2019-01-07 5 3145994 Machine Evo part 2 Evolution of artificial life continues, disrupted only by mass extinction. collective game , evolution , evogame , machine evo 2019-01-11 4 3204146 Machine Evo part 3 Life finds a way on a giant ice sheet collective game,evolution,evogame,machine evo 2019-01-28 2 February 2019 3229546 Commentarii de Bello Sinica: CAPVT I Caesar is reborn to the family of a wealthy Greek captain and proceeds to sack a Carthaginian colony. Carthage , Caesar , Fortuna , China , Rome , Collective Game 2019-02-10 21 3220733 Starborn Quest 57: Fae-rly Bad Day Purps continues her perfect Survival class. Nothing went wrong, Fae suck. Collective Game , Wagon , Starborn , Starborn Quest , Purps , Honamurei , Cabin , Boss , Academy , Lexington , Chiron , Fae , Woods , Mission 2019-02-12 1 3258739 Sworn to Valour Quest #7 His Wrath Undoes the Wicked. Sir Andrei and his companions celebrate, sparking a tryst with the foreign Wastelander woman. The Vigil awaits. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Knight is Sworn to Child Support 2019-02-18 24 3254353 Commentarii de Bello Sinica: CAPVT II After the Sack of Suerna, Caesar returns to the home port of Numante and makes the final preparations for the journey east. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , China , Rome , Collective Game 2019-02-18 11 3268662 Children of sin thread sadly gets hijacked by imposters but the story's...meh and cliche ridden CoS , collective game , demon , half-demon , seven deadly sins , children of sins quest 2019-02-19 -2 3250749 STAR WARS: The Imperial Archive Where a terrorist attack by the rebels drives Mina Celilale to join the Imperial Academy to protect her loved ones. Star Wars , The Imperial Archive , Imperial Historian , Empire , Imperial Intelligence , Die Rebel Scum , Collective Game 2019-02-24 1 3276141 Commentarii de Bello Sinica: CAPVT III The vessel Rhea begins her journey to the East. Already, issues bubble up between Caesar's underlings. A new battle plan is drafted. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , China , Rome , Collective Game 2019-02-28 8 March 2019 3274425 Starlost Quest After 5 months alone on a damaged spaceship, our hero jumps at the opportunity to land at a giant wandering spaceship. space , sci-fi , psi , psychic , starlost, 2019-03-02 2 3304352 Commentarii de Bello Sinica - CAPVT IV Caesar destroys the City of Ypra, though not without cost. A traitor in their midst springs their act prematurely. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , China , Rome , Collective Game 2019-03-07 7 3325374 Commentarii de Bello Sinica - CAPVT V Caesar goes a-gallivantin' throughout the Rhea, beating up traitors and finding out that he has blood lethal to mundane things (and people) Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , China , Rome , Collective Game 2019-03-14 6 3347264 Commentarii de Bello Sinica - CAPVT VI Caesar cleanses the ship from any outside influence. The responsibility of captaincy is thrust upon him under unfortunate circumstances. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , China , Rome , Collective Game 2019-03-23 6 April 2019 3372242 Commentarii de Bello Sinica - CAPVT VII Caesar makes his first landing in India to resupply. The arduous business of greeting the local chief is planned. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , China , Rome , Collective Game 2019-04-01 2 3386927 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #1 Selling nude photos of high school girls is hard work, and totally professional! Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen 2019-04-02 6 65451378 Chimerae Galore Anons name three random animals and write feasibly fantastical monsters out of them. worldbuilding , monsters , chimera , fantasy 2019-04-06 3 3401882 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #2 Mary's a fellow woman of the trade, Goldilocks is a pervert, and Little Red Riding Hoods has become leashed! Also, cleavage factory. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen 2019-04-08 2 3416319 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #3 Morioka starts to break minds, grab ass, grope titties, and make love for eight hours straight. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-04-13 1 3429492 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #4 Morioka experiences a special Saturday and Kitasawa finally arrives, neatly packaged. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-04-19 1 3411555 Machine Evo Life continues on in a desert collective game,evolution,evogame,machine evo 2019-04-19 2 3445322 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #5 A decadent-breasted clash between Hanami and Mary has begun at day, Kita's Robin Hood reveal at night! Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen 2019-04-23 1 3456685 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #6 Goldilocks shows a sign of Morioka's consequence. He later ends up having sex with three of Hanami's personas. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-04-29 1 May 2019 3470733 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #7 Morioka might've brought a dark elf to his world. But that matters not -- the N.R.O. has come! Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-05-04 0 3481461 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8 Morioka begins tested copulation with Kitasawa. But QM gets a warning and the thread is archived for some reason. Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-05-04 1 3483261 The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8.5 Morioka is given a late night surprise! The tower is attacked! Mother Goose , The Big Bad Wolf Quest , modern fantasy , fairytales , ecchi , shounen , hentai 2019-05-09 1 June 2019 3528832 Commentarii de Bello Sinica II - CAPVT I An introduction of the peoples of Sinae, and a brief summation of the Three Missing Years. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , Rome , China , Collective Game 2019-06-01 2 3529455 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 2 We learn how to become a Big Guy, expand our (literal?)gang, learn about the conspiracy to brainwash us, and butt heads with Snowball. The Monitor of E-16 , Meta Human Slave Quest , Body Horror? , Cape Shit , Collective Game , Fuck Psychics , Shape Shifting , 2019-06-03 7 3546412 Commentarii de Bello Sinica II - CAPVT II The Chronicle returns to the present, and Caesar subdues two of the island's three enemy tribes. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , Rome , China , Collective Game 2019-06-09 3 3566527 Commentarii de Bello Sinica II - CAPVT III The natives of the newly-christened Alexandria Eskhata are subjugated; integration commences. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , Rome , China , Collective Game 2019-06-16 3 3590902 Commentarii de Bello Sinica II - CAPVT IV Caesar reorganises the system of the State, and gains three Commanderies by showcasing the superiority of heavy infantry against light. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , Rome , China , Collective Game 2019-06-29 3 July 2019 67088011 /tg/ talks dragons /tg/ talks about dragons, artistic representations of dragons, heroic and villainous coding, female kings, and what dragons represent. dragons , medieval , saber , king emotionlessly watching a dragon fuck his woman from the closet 2019-07-06 0 3613623 Commentarii de Bello Sinica II - CAPVT V Caesar agrees to a betrothal with the powerful Sun Clan, and joins the punitive expedition against Dong Zhuo. Commentarii , Carthage , Caesar , FortunaQM , Rome , China , Collective Game , Three Kingdoms 2019-07-09 3 67202225 combination monster bestiary /tg/ designs weapons for when wizards with owlbear-tier magics capable of combining animals to create new monsters fight a biotech war. monsters , worldbuilding , owlbears , chimera , body horror , umbrella corporation , wizards , no sense of right and wrong, 2019-07-13 7 67354155 /tg/ presents their knights A discussion about chivalry, knights and how to properly worldbuild them, complete with large numbers of original example characters. knights , chivalry , worldbuilding, 2019-07-28 2 3684790 Child of a Dead Empire: Prologue The Valkans are on the rampage, and our captain has to survive and stop them. But not everything is as it seems... Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2019-07-30 20 August 2019 3722252 Child of a Dead Empire #1 Twenty years after the war, a young girl is caught up in the legacy of the Valkans. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-08-18 18 September 2019 3765021 Child of a Dead Empire #2 Tiiris continues on the trail of Valkan relics, although all she seems to be finding is a trail of corpses and relics. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-09-07 7 68252142 Nechronica Storytime Thread/Character Discussion Anon continues England storytime. Token anon is also around and makes tokens. Nechronica , storytime , centipede , tachikoma , tokens , token 2019-09-11 5 3805020 Child of a Dead Empire #3 In a junkyard, Tiiris makes a new discovery and a new friend. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-09-29 6 October 2019 3852454 Child of a Dead Empire #4 Tiiris spends time with a few friends and brings a few into her inner circle while adjusting to her new 'assistants'. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-10-19 6 November 2019 69210513 Nechronica Story Time and GM Advice More Port Storytime & Siren Songs of Silent Space Storytime. How to Legion. Terror in open spaces. Distribution of memory fragments. Nechronica , Storytime , Port , Tachi , Protoca , Nia , Juliette , Merry , Dominic , memory , terror , legions , advice , story time , story 2019-11-06 3 3882927 Child of a Dead Empire #5 Tiiris almost gets hammered on her day off, and has a pleasant day trip through the countryside. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-11-10 6 3914806 Child of a Dead Empire #6 Tiiris begins making big plans - and makes a very strange new ally. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-11-29 6 December 2019 69780101 Nechronica thread and Port Storytime continues Port storytime continues. Answers and even more questions about the party’s past! Book art is problematic. Advice and Dwarf Fortress. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Port , Tachi , Protoca , Art , System , Chainsaw , memory , story , time , Dwarf Fortress , mod , undead , doll 2019-12-12 5 3918379 Help! I married a Deathclaw! Help! I married a Deathclaw! Collective Game , Fallout , Deathclaw , CDS-Michigan 2019-12-13 3 3947359 Child of a Dead Empire #7 Now with the ticket into Y'avel she needs, Tiiris just needs to figure o- well, everything else. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2019-12-19 6 January 2020 3980982 Child of a Dead Empire #8 Breaking into a military facility couldn't be any easier, but why does that fill Tiiris with fear? Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-01-12 6 4013488 Sky Orphan #1 An orphan Jean-Baptiste and his caretaker Svetlana try to survive in the middle of a floating city ravaged by famine. Sky Orphan , Child Character , Floating Islands , d20 rolls , Collective Game 2020-01-18 0 4019100 Child of a Dead Empire #9 Tiiris explores the grave of her ancestors. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-01-28 6 February 2020 4055315 Child of a Dead Empire #10 Robots and augments and crayons, oh my. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-02-21 6 March 2020 4099480 Child of a Dead Empire #11 Tiiris starts to experience the magic of space puberty. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-03-17 6 71579421 Nechronica thread. Red Planet Storytime and Port Storytime Red Planet Storytime begins. Port Storytime continues and things will never be the same. Discussion of Holics, parts, and attack types. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , memory , Port , Tachi , Protoca , war , Red Planet , tower , mars , space , system , last stand , parents 2020-03-30 5 April 2020 4142774 Child of a Dead Empire #12 Tiiris tries to settle back into some normalcy, only to discover that she's not normal anymore. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-04-05 6 71958657 Nechronica Story Time / Builds Port Storytime continues, haunted. What music gets you in the zone? Building characters for Support and Hinder. Unofficial classes. Tokens. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , classes , memory , Port , Tachi , Protoca , tower , system , token , tokens , support , builds , advice , music 2020-04-18 2 4177401 Child of a Dead Empire #13 Tiiris stumbles through finals and gets accused of being edgy. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-04-24 6 May 2020 4214653 Child of a Dead Empire #14 Tiiris finds herself wishing her friends were just coming out of the closet. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-05-16 6 June 2020 4257809 Child of a Dead Empire #15 Tiiris does some investigating, finds new questions and gets uncomfortable answers. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-06-06 6 July 2020 4296555 Child of a Dead Empire #16 Tiiris has a heart to heart with some friends, and meets someone new. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-07-02 6 73798681 Nechronica thread Gravel Storytime 3 & 4 and battle map translation. Anon posts Map translation. Gravel Storytime continues. The A-team encounters creepy urban decay, big bad bugs, new threads, new townfolk. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Gravel , Adrian , Altina , Aida , Alexis , Ana , bugs , Russians , Chinese , clothes , map , system , Rita , chickens 2020-07-21 3 August 2020 4334802 Child of a Dead Empire #17 Tea and a heart to heart with an old Valkan gardener. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-08-02 6 4350443 Psioneers Psychic twins in Cold War Soviet Union Psioneers , Chairman , Cold War , Soviet Union , Psychic , Twins 2020-08-14 1 74251433 Nechronica Thread! Gravel Storytime & Port Storytime. Crazy letter generator. A-team hunts for the big bad bugs. Tachi confronts herself, Showdown with Abbadon, & someone is left behind. Anon shares a font of madness. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Gravel , Adrian , Altina , Aida , Port , Tachi , Protoca , B3 , story , violence , bugs , russians , crazy letter 2020-08-16 3 September 2020 4397831 Child of a Dead Empire: Redshift In celebration of one year, we shift perspectives to someone a little unusual. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-09-04 6 October 2020 4436677 Child of a Dead Empire: Redshift #2 + #17.5 Netana discovers exactly what lies at the heart of the cloister- and so does Tiiris. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-10-04 6 75185467 Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class released Translation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class. Nechronica , Storytime , Story Time , Port , Protoca , Tachi , Class , Entombed , Red Planet , mars , space , parents , settings , custom , skills , parts 2020-10-07 2 4487084 Archimedean Submersible Quest : I In which a naval Officer on half-Pay plays Cards, dines with Alchymists, navigates a Rivalry, and is given a most peculiar Opportunity. Archimedean , Submersible , Submarine , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Infodumps 2020-10-19 8 November 2020 4478480 Child of a Dead Empire #18 Meeting someone precious, an escape, and soon enough, a reunion. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2020-11-04 6 December 2020 4546218 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 15 Maria goes on a pilgrimage towards Ca'Ren with her maids, Solomon and the morsemen. On the way she has her luckiest kill and saddest choice Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , Dragon , God , Deus Ex Machina 2020-12-06 6 4520564 Child of a Dead Empire #19 Tiiris has a tearful reunion (Offscreen: Bentus has a mental breakdown). Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2020-12-07 6 4541457 Zombie Apocalypse Quest A completely new take on zombies! Take control of 5 playable characters to try to survive and unlock their various endings. Zombie Apocalypse Quest , Zombies , Zombie , ZombieQM , Apocalypse , Survival , Perma-death , Death , Drug , Quest , Death , Switching Characters 2020-12-15 13 4562623 Otome Gone Wrong Ch. 16 After returning to Austin, Maria learned of Chloe's heretic translation of the holy book and it has spread into large portions of society. Otome , Otome Gone Wrong , Otome QM , Intrigue , Real World Mockery , Academy , God , Schism , Heresy , Cultist 2020-12-20 6 January 2021 4585754 Children of Hubris Prologue A noir quest in the WH40k setting starring the Adeptus Arbites WH40K , Arbites , CoH , Children of Hubris 2021-01-08 4 4572305 Zombie Apocalypse Quest Thread #2 This time, we take control of Sarah in her perilous journey to save her son and the other survivors in the nearby school. Zombie Apocalypse Quest , Zombies , Zombie , ZombieQM , Apocalypse , Survival , Perma-death , Death , Drug , Quest , Switching Characters , Quiz 2021-01-10 6 4567363 Child of a Dead Empire #20 Tiiris discusses plans for the future and has some meetings. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-01-12 6 4582439 Ex-Fighter Chimera Quest After being abandoned by his teammates for being weak, Zedek find a way to become stronger with the help of a Lustful witch. FlakemanCometh , FlakemanCometh QM , Hero , Chimera , Witch , Dungeon , Fantasy , Revenge , Date , First Thread 2021-01-12 17 February 2021 4606975 Ex-Fighter Chimera Quest #2 Our MC was beggining to head to a new mission with his new group, but unfortunately QM suffered the curse before we could properly start FlakemanCometh , FlakemanCometh QM , Hero , Chimera , Witch , Dungeon , Fantasy , Revenge , Date , Cancelled Quest 2021-02-05 2 4601479 Zombie Apocalypse Quest Thread #3 On to Larry's shipborne adventure, fighting zombies, fire and people's stupidity at the same time. Zombie Apocalypse Quest , Zombies , Zombie , ZombieQM , Apocalypse , Survival , Perma-death , Death , Drug , Quest , Death , Switching Characters 2021-02-13 1 4612535 Child of a Dead Empire #21 Tiiris goes on a Road Trip Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-02-16 6 March 2021 4656118 Best Archived Quests In which /qst/ recommends their favorite past quests Recommendations , Best Archived Quests , 2021-03-12 2 4657890 Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #1 A monstergirl-loving scientist goes forth to introduce transhumanism to the masses!
Complications ensue. GBDNATE , madscience , monstergirls , genderbender , psychic 2021-03-21 1 4669323 STAR WARS - Interregnum #3 Farren talks with Troxl, Kreia and Scrapper Squad, gets branded like cattle, interviews younglings, and finally takes a padawan. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Sith BDSM , Youthful Hijinks on the Front Line , Traditional Jedi Child Grooming 2021-03-31 20 April 2021 4679040 Child of a Dead Empire #22 Tiiris meets some potentially hallucinatory critters. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-04-04 6 4757808 My Brother's Machine A man arrives at his dead brother's apartment to find a strange, polaroid-spewing machine. Collective Game , My Brother's Machine , One-Shot , Drawquest , Surreal 2021-04-24 4 May 2021 4726165 Child of a Dead Empire #23 Tiiris meets someone new and discusses plans (and arson). Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2021-05-05 6 June 2021 4790767 Child of a Dead Empire #24 Tiiris observes a cultist drug drop and heroically goes back to relaxing with her friends. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2021-06-13 6 July 2021 4889043 Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme #3 Chimerization is at last introduced to the masses. Demihumans become known to the public, and Dr. Moreau makes some alliances. GBDNATE , madscience , monstergirls , genderbender , psychic 2021-07-18 3 August 2021 4913774 Your Wife Is A Supervillain: Issue #1 You are Richard Gardener, and your wife Vicky isn’t having an affair. An affair would be easier to solve, for one thing… Collective Game , Superheroes , Supervillains , Paranoia , Conspiracies , Loving Wife , Pompous Psychic Terrorist Grandpa , Cool Ninja Bro 2021-08-21 10 September 2021 4957061 Sheep Cultivator Quest Xianxia quest following a sheep who joins a sect and rises from Outer to Inner Disciple. Quest , Fantasy , Chinese Fantasy , Xianxia , Cultivator Story , Progression Story , Martial Arts , Drawquest 2021-09-22 3 4981260 Virtual Pet Quest A couple of Anons hatch virtual pets and go on adventures Collective Game , Digimon , Tamagotchi , pet 2021-09-27 2 November 2021 5031026 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest A son of the Emperor is found adopted by a pair of Techpriests and raised on a Forge world. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , 2021-11-20 47 December 2021 5040335 Heretic Cultivator Quest 1 The Demonic Cat Huanliuxue begins her cultivation under the tutelage of the "Toad Witch", following the Heretical Dao of ghosts and grudge Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2021-12-14 40 5065826 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 2 After creating the first of his sons Tal0S goes on a crusade against the Plastoids. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , 2021-12-26 30 January 2022 5097216 Berserk Quest #1 vlad santana embarks on a journey to rescue his parents and fights the enemy army of Tudor. Berserk , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-01-03 34 82890060 Forgeworld Hanzien /tg/ plays with creation tables and makes an Imperial Chinese-themed Forgeworld menaced by Orks and a particularly dickish Rogue Trader. creation tables , adeptus mechanicus , admech , forgeworld , techpriest , china , chinese , imperial , terracotta skitarii, 2022-01-10 1 5085259 Heretic Cultivator Quest 2 Huanliuxue, princess of beasts, adventures in search of the Dao of blood as she nurtures her nascent court of cultivators and own power
Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-01-23 26 February 2022 5129996 Berserk Quest #2 Vlad intercepts Griffith from becoming king and learns more about the Silver Eyed Clan. Berserk , Berserk Quest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-02-06 30 5098704 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 3 The glorious beginning of the Federal Empire of Lucius. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan, 2022-02-06 29 March 2022 5133540 Heretic Cultivator Quest 3 Huanliuxue, Princess of graves, meets a kindly old deity, obtains blood Qi, heals her mother, trounces five assassins and builds her sect Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-03-06 24 5180533 Late Stage Cultivator Quest Short one-shot quest following an immortal through yet higher states of cultivation. Quest , Fantasy , Chinese Fantasy , Xianxia , Cultivator Story , Progression Story , Martial Arts , Overpowered , One-Shot 2022-03-13 7 5169763 Berserk Quest #3 A coliseum is found, along with some old and new faces to support and antagonise our protagonist. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-03-14 28 5154586 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 4 The war of the Empire of Lucius and the Mitu Conglomerate burns hot. The fleet commences a raid and pillage campaign through alien space Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-03-24 28 5166064 Knight of a Dead Empire: Backflash Nineteen years before the events of COADE, we spend a day in the life of Jeanne Elson- also known as Kallis aust Tanoh. Valentine's special Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Mystery , Valkans 2022-03-26 5 April 2022 5198601 Berserk Quest #4 Vlad loses his money, his armor, his cape and his dignity. But at least he gets the girl at the end, right? Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-04-20 22 5188067 Heretic Cultivator Quest 4 Claiming a portion of the catacombs as her own fiefdom, Huanliuxue recruits three young magical beasts to the Palace of Natural Laws sect Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-04-24 24 May 2022 5208383 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 5 As Lucius burns and the Blackstone Fortress activates, the Great Crusades arrives. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-05-04 31 5255409 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 6 Tal0S has a vision Machine God and goes on a pilgrimage to gather allies in preparation for a crusade of his own. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-05-27 30 5247847 Berserk Quest #5 Vlad and his team return to their hideout and plan their next steps as Midland is invaded by the ruthless Emperor Ganishka. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-05-31 20 June 2022 5240998 Heretic Cultivator Quest 5 Huanliuxue and her disciple Qiang fight in an underworld tournament held by the king of the crow demons, Baoli-Wuyawang Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-06-05 24 5285621 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 7 The pilgrimage arrives at the Holy Planet and the 2nd legion is reunited with it's primarch Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-06-20 29 July 2022 5294578 Heretic Cultivator Quest 6 Proving she alone is peerless beneath the heavens, Huanliuxue battles and defeats her mightiest foe yet to win the underworld tournament Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-07-10 24 5300829 Berserk Quest #6 On the way to the sea, Vlad and his team make their stop in a strange town infested by Mandragoras. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-07-13 12 85350538 Wizard Chess Anon stops taking his meds and invents a board game using super glue super glue , schizo , board game , chess , playing cards , armies 2022-07-21 7 5310880 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 8 The Reconquista crushes the Ork hordes before marching towards the Mitu Collective. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-07-26 27 August 2022 5340343 Berserk Quest #7 Vlad is healed of his wounds and finds new magicians to upgrade his arsenal in the upcoming fights. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-08-10 10 5352204 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 9 The shadow of the Blackstone Fortress hides the Reconquista on the Mitu Collective Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-08-11 25 5344701 Under the Moon - Elden Ring Oneshot Godskin Apostle Azul stops Radagon and Rennala's marriage by destorying the people's trust in the demigods, and killing people. Elden Ring prequel , Schizo QM , Action focused 2022-08-26 15 5385165 Under the Moon Epilogue - Elden Ring oneshot Ending of Under the Moon oneshot and Schizo QM answers a few questions Elden Ring prequel , Schizo QM , Ending 2022-08-29 11 September 2022 5377799 Berserk Quest #9 The Holy City of Vritannis is within sight, but as the group approaches their exit of Midland, they are struck by mixed emotions. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-09-13 7 5369312 Heretic Cultivator Quest 7.5 On her journey to achieve human form and wisdom, Huanliuxue visits a Buddhist temple to learn and is invited to the Emperor's court Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-09-19 24 5379366 Return to High School A 30-ish year old man dies alone and unsatisfied, but is reborn as himself, age 15 and circa 2007, ready to redo his failed life. Modern Quest , Schizo QM , Adopted Quest , Family Drama , High School , Romance , Depression , Bitcoin 2022-09-27 12 October 2022 5376428 Children of Hubris Chapters 2-3 Charles and Janus beat back the food lines. Redmore takes the unit on an interplanetary investigation. It's an agri-world episode! 40k , CoH , Children of Hubris , Collective Game , Arbites , Noire 2022-10-02 0 5437870 Sword Chich You are a Chich with a sword. Congratulations. But your sword has needs. You don't wanna. But you gotta. Try not to kill anyone you love. drawquest , sword , chich , halp , collective game , mind-bending 2022-10-22 -1 5389007 Goblin Assassin - Reopened Wounds Slice of life story about Pine after she leaves teh criminal underworld behind Goblin , Slice of life , Schizo QM , medieval fantasy 2022-10-22 12 5395761 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 10 TalOS returns to Mars in triumph, and becomes the new Fabricator General of Lucius Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-10-26 22 5410693 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 5 A draconic antipaladin enters the realm of the dark elves on a missionary mission, to win their worship by any means necessary. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , fantasy , politics , religion , drow , psychic dogmen , gender studies 2022-10-28 5 5440066 Reopened Wounds - Farewell to the goblin assassin Epilogue of Goblin Assassin and some background notes on the story Goblin , Schizo QM , Epilogue , Medieval fantasy 2022-10-30 10 5424694 Returned to High School, Became Successful QUEST Having returned to his younger days to attain wealth, the protagonist turns his attention to matters of romance and revenge. Modern Quest , Schizo QM , Adopted Quest , Family Drama , Romance , Revenge , Kinky Sex , Family Dysfunction , Time Travel 2022-10-31 11 November 2022 5409033 Heretic Cultivator Quest 8 Huanliuxue obtains human wisdom, plots the death of a worthless dog of an emperor and encounters an Ogress of the Ling Clan. Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-11-06 23 5413369 Berserk Quest #9 (The real one) Last one was #8 named #9 by mistake.
Anyway, the boat arc begins, hopefully this one doesn't last 5+ years like the real one. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2022-11-08 7 5443267 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 11 Meeting fellow Primarchs, not all went well. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan 2022-11-29 22 December 2022 5424481 Children of Hubris: Chapter IIII (IV) The team gets back to Icarus and narrows down the suspects to 3. Janus and Groves are sent to investigate one, but run into resistance. WH40k , 40k , Children of Hubris , Coh , Collective Game , Arbites , Noir 2022-12-02 0 5429443 ULTRAQUEST The Finest Robotic Chef the world's ever seen goes to become The Finest Robotic Chef Hell's ever seen. Ultrakill , quest , Ultraquest , hell , demons , demon , robot , robots , pizza , machine , machines , husk , husks 2022-12-03 10 5441344 A Dragon’s Flash A goblin’s journey to escape from the underworld and spend time in heaven after years of meaningless work. Goblin , Schizo QM , fantasy , based on mythology , horseriding , action 2022-12-12 12 5493690 Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 12 'What shall be done, which cannot be taken back.' Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah 2022-12-15 22 5495063 A Dragon's Flash epilogue Epilogue of the Xil, the Goblin horserider, and some background notes Goblin , Schizo QM , fantasy , Epilogue , based on mythology , horseriding 2022-12-16 12 5454402 Heretic Cultivator Quest 9 Huanliuxue defies the will of the heavens and withstands their fury, becoming the first beast in many generations to attain a human form!
Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-12-18 23 5501769 Heretic Cultivator Quest 10 Heretic Cultivator Quest 10 Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2022-12-19 22 5462082 Future Blades - A Cyberpunk Story A blackpilled incel in 22nd century Thailand joins a gang and tries to rebuild his life after being disowned by his family and friends Cyberpunk , Schizo QM , Swordfighting , Action 2022-12-26 14 January 2023 5508809 Future Blades Epilogue Nhon leaves the life of crime and reconnects with his sister. Also background notes and Omake of him and a vtuber he watches Cyberpunk , Schizo QM , Epilogue , Background notes , Omake 2023-01-06 13 5488208 ULTRAQUEST II After having found his way into Hell (and the QM got sick), the finest robotic chef Hell's ever seen finds himself at the end of the path. Ultrakill , quest , Ultraquest , hell , demons , demon , robot , robots , pizza , machine , machines , husk , husks 2023-01-13 10 February 2023 5509147 Broken Vessels Online #1 Sibyllan plays an experimental VRMMO to pay her debts, skips to the boss early, is first to enter a new zone, and nearly joins a hivemind. Collective Game , VRMMO , RPG , Strelok , Sibyllan , Broken Vessels Online , WE NEED MORE SHARDS , Quest , QM remember to archive your threads 2023-02-06 5 5539838 Skirmish of the incel deities Isekai'd incels escape their imprisonment in a facility for reeducation camp. skirm jam 2023 , fantasy , SchizoQM , skirmish 2023-02-23 3 5544110 Heretic Cultivator Quest 11 Huanliuxue defeats a demonic assassin, increases her sect's number of disciples, Frees Lei of his curse and plans a family reunion. Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2023-02-28 21 March 2023 5542073 Mechanicus' Primarch 13 Time starts to pick up as the Great Crusade begins filling itself with the Primarchs upon its ranks. Half of the Primarchs found, the other Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah 2023-03-03 20 5561828 ULTRAQUEST III Following a nice boat ride, The Finest Chef Hell's Ever Seen starts rummaging around for information. Ultrakill , quest , Ultraquest , hell , demons , demon , robot , robots , pizza , machine , machines , husk , husks 2023-03-12 8 5578842 Love Is War Quest Yu Ishigami decides to actually be a part of the Student Council and becomes involved in their antics. Love is War , Kaguya-sama: Love Is War , The Narrator , Yu Ishigami , Kaguya Shinomiya , Miyuki Shirogane , Chika Fujiwara 2023-03-27 -3 April 2023 5584998 Heretic Cultivator Quest 12 Huanliuxue guides three of her juniors to enter the realm of foundation establishment, deals with nosey cultivators and a horned ape Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2023-04-04 21 5593108 Sira cannot run a brothel! A lazy brothel keeper finally decides to care about his business. Spinoff of Goblin Assassin. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , swordfighting , SEA inspired mythology , brothel managment 2023-04-04 29 5585079 Mechanicus Primarch Quest 14 The Horus Heresy nears as a Primarch meets a true Ancient. Said Ancient is quite cranky. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah 2023-04-06 20 88282893 How do you deal with Ice Planet, /tg/?" /tg/ discusses the state of the Lego wargame, moans about Ice Planet being op, dies of nostalgia overload Lego , worldbuilding , Sci-Fi , fictional wargame , pure imagination , transparent orange chainsaw , space , castle , awesome , childhood , nostalgia 2023-04-07 7 5599422 ULTRAQUEST IV The Finest Robotic Chef Hell's ever seen becomes bloodthirsty and gets directions to New New York. Ultrakill , quest , Ultraquest , hell , demons , demon , robot , robots , pizza , machine , machines , husk , husks , New New York 2023-04-23 2 5629008 Sira can run a brothel! A brothel keeper gets involved in the darker schemes of his crime organization. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , SEA inspired mythology , horror , brothel management 2023-04-29 29 May 2023 5621721 Goblin Chieftain Quest Aknag is the elected as chieftain of the Lugbod goblin tribe and leads them to greatness. Goblin Chieftain , Goblin , Tribe , Fantasy , Resource management , Collective game 2023-05-11 1 5626318 Heretic Cultivator Quest 13 Huanliuxue slays an eater of corpses, meets her long dead sister reunites her adopted family and plans the downfall of their enemies Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2023-05-14 16 5663865 Sira won’t be running a brothel! A brothel keeper confronts his past. drawquest , renaissance fantasy , Schizo QM , SEA inspired mythology , brothel management 2023-05-14 31 5627299 Mechanicus Primarch Quest 15 The Horus Heresy begins. TalOS becomes the Omnissiah. Perturabo is sent to Lucius and TalOS goes to rescue Mars from the traitors. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah 2023-05-15 20 5654217 Archimedean Quest: II In which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Gallivanting with our Tits out 2023-05-21 10 June 2023 5666785 Mechanicus Primarch Quest 16: Siege of Terra The End has arrived. Collective Game , WH40K , Warhammer , Primarch , Forge World , Techpriest , TalOS DAV1S , The Machine QM , Acillian , Skitarii , Titan , Pariah , Ends 2023-06-19 21 5655115 STAR WARS - Interregnum #3.4 Farren returns from Kessel with the Conclave, checks in with the Kakari, wakes up a Vong sleeper ship, and begins training Ceyla in earnest. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Potkin Kangaroo Court , Lizard Bros , Vong Invasion RSVP , Traditional Jedi Child Abuse 2023-06-23 22 5663384 Heretic Cultivator Quest 14 Journey back to hell, Huanliuxue escorts Ping to his audience with ancient sages, receives her armor and her throne Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2023-06-29 14 July 2023 5671876 Archimedean Quest #3 In which a noble Lady finds herself in strange vessels, kisses a man and learn the true nature of Alchymysts. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Submersible , Submarine , Geber 2023-07-10 10 5680965 Gonzo Bullshit Fighting Quest Nanomachine-infused All-American linebacker George Armstrong leaves his lab and begins a long and violent realms-spanning quest. Collective Game , Chronicler , Gonzo , Fighting Game , Sandbox , Nanomachines , Son 2023-07-10 11 5681084 Ultraquest V The Finest Chef Hell's Ever Seen goes on indefinite hiatus/is canceled. Ultrakill , quest , Ultraquest , hell , demons , demon , robot , robots , pizza , machine , machines , husk , husks , New New York 2023-07-15 5 August 2023 5688740 Life or Circuits #1 A post apocalyptic world in which we follow our robotic Tactician protagonist. But then the QM gets sick. Post Apocalyptic , Techie , Life or Circuits , Tactician , Mechanimancer , Specialist , Grunt , Bruiser , Robots , Survival , Drawquest 2023-08-05 2 5698975 Heretic Cultivator Quest 15 Huanliuxue forms a golden core of unrivaled quality, and The Palace of Natural Laws' sect existence is revealed to the world. Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2023-08-11 14 5694520 Berserk Quest #10 Vlad goes through his highest highs and his lowest lows. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2023-08-12 5 5710673 Bretonnian Peasant Quest 1 A Peasant, whose life has gone to ruin thanks to a Vampire, now works to become someone that can slay her. Collective Game , Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , The Machine QM , Vampires , Knights , Bretonnia , Peasant , Lucian 2023-08-22 32 5726173 Goblin Chieftain Quest Part 2 The mighty Aknag Trollslayer expands his domain. Goblin Chieftain , Goblin , Tribe , Fantasy , Resource management , Collective game 2023-08-29 0 September 2023 5771373 Heretic Cultivator Quest 16 Huanliuxue defeats a cultivator party, converts them to her side and prepares to fight her mother's ex-lover. Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2023-09-23 13 5736783 Berserk Quest #11 The war between Ilos and Falconia finally begins, with hopes of the Blood Moon and Vlad's efforts being enough to overthrow Griffith. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2023-09-28 5 October 2023 5742568 Bretonnian Peasant Quest 2 Lucian Heir of Ruin faces necromancers and an Ork Warboss. With nobility comes honour and Quarrel as a Peasant Knight. Collective Game , Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , The Machine QM , Vampires , Knights , Bretonnia , Peasant , Lucian 2023-10-01 24 5776263 Seeker of the Esoteric: A Mage Apprentice's Quest Before she was the greatest mage of a generation, she was just your classmate at wizard school. And remind me... Who were you again? ReptoidQM , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , occultism , esoterica , fantasy , wizard school , child abuse , race-mixing , school life , rivals , fairies 2023-10-01 27 5760806 Gonzo Bullshit Fighting Quest, #2 George Armstrong continues his service to the USA, wrestles a panther under a waterfall, and begins to search an Atlantean vault. Collective Game , Chronicler , Gonzo , Fighting Game , Sandbox , Nanomachines , Son 2023-10-10 7 5761600 Mage Quest #1 Mona mac Muirgen seeks to become the very pinnacle of hydromancy, and she's more than willing to bend a few rules for her ambition. Collective Game , Quest , Mage Quest , Fantasy , Dungeons , Adventurers , Hydromancy , World Building , Childhood Friend Wins 2023-10-11 20 5779702 Goblin Chieftain Quest Part 3 Aknag learns about some surrounding factions and takes on a tribe of vicious cannibals. Goblin Chieftain , Goblin , Tribe , Fantasy , Resource Management , Collective Game 2023-10-19 0 5779152 Bretonnian Peasant Quest 3 Having sequestered for a while with Count Remon, Lucian gains the companionship of a Lizardman and finally begins the long journey to Albion Collective Game , Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , The Machine QM , Vampires , Knights , Bretonnia , Peasant , Lucia 2023-10-31 15 November 2023 5796950 Cleaner Quest You are Nicole Smith, a Cleaner with untapped anomalous powers. Your goal is succeed in your missions and get THAT CASH. Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , schizo girls are neat 2023-11-09 32 5792714 World of Darkness: Chicago Quest #1 A day at Ryan Moore's life! A meetign with his co-workers at the Tabloid during day, and a celebration with his best friend at night. Collective Game , Quest , World of Darkness , WoD , Chicago , Mortals , Oracle1990 2023-11-22 -2 December 2023 5805575 The Lady Knight's Quest #1 In which you play Dame Louise le Blanc, a titan of a woman who leads a cadre of men-at-arms to fight heretics in the highlands. The Lady Knight's Quest , Lady Knight Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip and Tear Orc Guts 2023-12-01 30 5802986 Heretic Cultivator Quest 18 Huanliuxue reaches the stars, attains cosmic nature, paints the moon red with her blood and faces her fiercest opponent yet, Xue Laohue. Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2023-12-03 14 5813629 Bretonnian Peasant Quest 4 While passing through Castle Bastonne, Lucian investigates the disappearance of a magic sword and discovers an infestation of Skaven. Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , The Machine QM , Vampires , Knights , Bretonnia , Peasant , Lucian 2023-12-05 10 5815814 Unwanted Children and Forgotten Ghosts A tale of a retainer, a family in its twilight years, and spirits unseen. With one heir at death's door, their lives intertwine once more. unwanted children quest , drawquest , historical fantasy , inspired by TCOAAL 2023-12-12 7 January 2024 5839149 World of Darkness: Chicago Quest #2 Ryan Moore wake up next day and talks with his work friend about a weird sensation. Collective Game , Quest , World of Darkness , WoD , Chicago , Mortals , Oracle1990 2024-01-08 0 5866034 Space Wars Quest You're a trooper who was chosen to assist Bocchi the Sith in her mission to turn the tide of the war in favor of the empire. Space Wars Quest , Bocchi , Bocchi The Rock , Star Wars , Sith , Jedi , Stormtrooper , Space , Sci-Fi 2024-01-09 0 5850165 Cleaner Quest #2 After wiping out a gang and helping an old man with his regrets, you now have to worry about someone hunting you down. Good luck. Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , Nicole is rapidly approaching your location. 2024-01-11 24 5852900 Heretic Cultivator Quest 19 Emerging victorious once again, Huanliuxue kills Xue Laohue, Contests with inter-sect politics and hunts down a wretched corpse thief. Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2024-01-19 11 5855948 The Lady Knight's Quest II In which our heroine confronts the Witch of Depravity inside of her mind, and receives her new orders from the King himself. The Lady Knight's Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip and Tear Orc Guts 2024-01-20 22 5862458 Bretonnian Peasant Quest 5 In the mountain of dwarves, Lucian defeats foes, recovers the cursed sword, and swears the oath of a grail knight Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , The Machine QM , Vampires , Knights , Bretonnia , Peasant , Lucian 2024-01-22 7 5858896 Errant Knight Quest The High Middle Ages of Europe:You are Roland von Fritzlkeller, Knight-errant from the Kingdom of Teutonia travelling for fortune and glory. ESL_QM , Unteralterboot Prequel , Knight , UOHH , Romantic Idealism , Mild Schizophrenia , Medieval Germany 2024-01-23 1 March 2024 5895635 Heretic Cultivator Quest 20 Huanliuxue stands trial, improves the reputation of ascended beasts, and plots to steal a special sapling from The Thousand Lotus Hall. Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2024-03-04 10 5901470 Bretonnian Peasant Quest 6 On a ship to Albion, Lucian unwittingly breaks two oaths, suffers a fall from grace and is separated from his companions. Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , The Machine QM , Vampires , Knights , Bretonnia , Peasant , Lucian 2024-03-11 2 5915513 The Lady Knight's Quest In which our heroine departs from Liliendorf after a dear servant reveals herself as an adherent of the Dark One... The Lady Knights Quest , Lady Knight Quest , Lady Knights , Paladins , Chivalry , Fantasy , Fanaticism , Heretics , Worldbuilding , Armor is OP , Rip 2024-03-18 20 April 2024 5942943 Heretic Cultivator Quest 21 Huanliuxue saves a little girl, prepares for a tournament to bring new blood into her sect, and challenges the forgotten king of ghosts. Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2024-04-13 7 5949349 Bretonnian Peasant Quest 7 Lucian scours Albion from evil, reclaims favor of the gods and sets his sights on returning to Bretonnia Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , The Machine QM , Vampires , Knights , Bretonnia , Peasant , Lucian 2024-04-21 1 5952532 Berserk Quest #12 The world is born anew as Vlad's journey comes to an end. Berserk , BerserkQuest , BecchiQM , Medieval , Fantasy , Vlad Santana 2024-04-24 5 May 2024 5985311 Bretonnian Peasant Quest 8 Lucian challenges The Monster of Mann before leading his Albion allies back to Bretonnia and fulfil his destiny Warhammer , Warhammer Fantasy , The Machine QM , Vampires , Knights , Bretonnia , Peasant , Lucian 2024-05-16 3 5976698 Heretic Cultivator Quest 22 Reaching the bottom of the catacombs, Huanliuxue duels the fierce ghost of the forgotten king Aodasheng, and adopts two moon rabbits Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2024-05-22 7 June 2024 6013373 Heretic Cultivator Quest 23 Huanliuxue sends out invitations, contends with crows, growing ghostly hunger pangs of the curse afflicting her, and an unusual stampede Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2024-06-28 6 July 2024 6037271 Loving a Superhero Jay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, stumbles upon a criminal conspiracy tied to the CCP DC , Superman Family , Justice League of China , LGBT , Adopted Quest 2024-07-06 0 6052846 Loving A Superhero: Part 2 Jay Nakamura, Superboy's boyfriend, returns from overseas and grapples with horror beneath Metropolis' own streets DC , Superman Family , Justice League of China , CCP , LGBT , Judaism , Jewish Tunnels , Adopted Quest 2024-07-21 -2 August 2024 6046965 Heretic Cultivator Quest 24 Huanliuxue fights a sea monster, makes a grand entrance, and the Tournament hosted by the Palace of natural laws begins! Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2024-08-20 7 September 2024 6100752 Swords and Little Girl; Dark Fantasy One-shot You are a Knight in a desolate world, pursued by many who wish to claim the young princess under your protection. Fantasy , Medieval , Dark Fantasy , Grimdark , Knight , Princess , Loli , Child , Little girl , Vermis 2024-09-18 5 October 2024 6084664 Heretic Cultivator Quest 25 The tournament at the Garden of the Wild Empress temple continues, as its first stage nears its conclusion Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2024-10-18 6 December 2024 6125063 Heretic Cultivator Quest 26 Lian Luli makes her grand entrance in the tournament hosted and planned by Huanliuxue at the garden of the wild empress temple! Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2024-12-14 3 6127701 STAR WARS - INTERREGNUM #3.5 Farren does a checkup on the MSDF Fleet, learns about the Blazing Chain, the Sapphire Star, and the Coral Ship. Then Kaz dies. THE END. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Fat Blue Togruta Asses , Fat Blue Pirate Queen Asses , Fat Blue Chiss Asses 2024-12-25 11 February 2025 6157472 Heretic Cultivator Quest 27 Huanliuxue talks with a Jiangshi maker, secret heretics, and fallen gods as her tournament enters the foundation Establishment stage Heretic Cultivator Quest , Xianxia , Chinese Fantasy , Cultivation , Wuxia , Collective Game , Quest , Our-Grandfather 2025-02-03 5 6161985 You're DATING a Magical Girl! You're a regular janitor with an admiration for magical girls that discovers that your girlfriend is one. Chaos ensues. Tenders , Tenders QM , You're DATING a Magical Girl! Quest , Magical Girl , Mahou Shoujo , Genderbender , Ecchi , Yandere , Crossdress , Prejudice 2025-02-12 0 March 2025 6169626 Greyweul Witches Are All Crazy Nathan Drake gets sent to another world after being summoned by a fire witch. Also he meets Lisa from Genshin Impact and a punished Bocchi. Isekai , Witches , Crossover , Nathan Drake , Eléonore , Bocchi , Lisa , Victoria , Space Witch , Elemental Magic , Potions , Elf , Luck Is Real 2025-03-04 0