Thread Title Description Tags Added Score August 2008 2470758 DARK and EPIC Mario Turns out Bowser and Luigi are actually fucking awesome. oh Dagda you so crazy 2008-08-31 34 December 2008 3137478 Once Upon a Time... Once, long ago, there was a great kingdom in the middle of fucking nowhere... anon drawfag , choose your own adventure 2008-12-09 16 March 2009 4055353 Advanced Model Duplication A discussion on how to duplicate complex miniatures with stunning detail. warhammer , miniatures , casting , make your own models 2009-03-23 21 4060132 Advanced Model Duplication 2 More advanced model duplication discussion warhammer , miniatures , casting , make your own models 2009-03-24 20 May 2009 4458881 FUCK YOU II'M A D'awww A "This Just Happened Comic" two parter with an unexpected and amusing ending. This Just Happened , Dragonborn , dawww , FUCK YOU I'M A DRAGON 2009-05-04 -2 August 2009 5425261 IRON QUEST, IRRELEVANT MUSING EDITION sup/tg/ being down prevented the scheduled installment of IRON QUEST, so instead, we chatted for about 100 posts. CPU !irONY will be occupied, so the next quest is in 6 days or so. Iron quest , wasted time , collective game , damn you LL , candy. 2009-08-12 -3 5534211 Talking with FRIEND COMPUTER FRIEND COMPUTER kindly assists all CLONES, TROUBLESHOOTERS and RESIDENTS OF ALPHA COMPLEX of suitable CLEARANCE LEVEL in answering QUESTIONS. Do you have BLUE CLEARANCE, CITIZEN? Paranoia , Your Not Cleared For This , FRIEND COMPUTER , Alpha Complex , Commie Mutant Traitors 2009-08-21 5 5656346 You All Meet in a Tavern Some awesome twists on the normal, and some nice intros for games You All Meet In A Tavern , intros , awesome 2009-08-31 0 March 2010 8619572 /tg/ Movie trailers /tg/ puts on its Director Cap and makes some Movie Trailers based off characters and campaigns.
Lights. Camera. Action. Trailer , Awesome , Movie , oh/tg/thisiswhyIloveyouso 2010-03-17 3 July 2010 11050665 Servo Skull How-To thread Where /tg/ discusses how to manufacture a home made servo skull
DIY , do-it-yourself collective game , engineering , Warhammer 40k , awesome , electric engineering , mechanical engineering , humans , grave-robbing 2010-07-13 12 August 2010 11888966 Zerg Quest X The Brood is isolated, but works to regain control. Plans are made, plots set into motion, and Anon rediscovers the Protoss. Then we argue about the best one-liner to leave the Toss. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , KINGSTOOOOOON!!! , All your Aiur , Starcraft 2010-08-31 12 October 2010 12594559 Chick World The Real Thread Because the other guy screwed up the archiving. Jack Chick , Call of Cthulu , Don't Rest Your Head 2010-10-28 13 12604918 Spooky Zerg Quest II The Master Sergeant develops some interesting side effects after slaughtering thousands of sick-looking Zerg. With evacuation looming, he has to decide just how far he's going to push this. Halloween Zerg Quest Bonus Extravaganza extended! Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Eating your goddamn soul , Mayor McTastyFace 2010-10-29 11 November 2010 12678646 Characters you're not allowed to play Includes such glorious examples such as:
-Gustav Schlemiel, Holocaust-denying Rabbi
-The science love-child of Hitler and Elvis
-Matthew "Diddler" Collins, Gentleman Rapist
-Silktooth the exotic dancer Orc
Characters you're not allowed to play 2010-11-04 3 12982703 Another IF's Painting tips tutorial - distressed surface Hey folks, today's painting tip is a trick for how to create a "flaking paint" or "distressed surface" effect on a mini.
Uses for it include vehicles (making a vehicle look "battle" or "weather" worn), power armor (making it look properly old and used, industrial areas (showing wear and tear of people doing things) and for wrecks to make them look even more wrecked. painting , minis , tutorial , thin your paints , hairspray 2010-11-30 1 February 2011 13843993 Zerg Quest XXX Anon's Brood takes the initiative after watching Kingston destroy a pivotal part of the anti-Zerg equation to wreak havoc on his unguarded flanks. A dangerous element from like, 20 threads ago reappears, and two unidentified forces appear at the cliffhanger. Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Quest Thread , Planet Glassing , Out-Kingstoning , Fuck Your Ban Nigga! 2011-02-10 15 March 2011 14309619 Don't Rest Your Head Immersion Discussion OP asks /tg/ for advice on props/setup for DRYH DRYH , Don't Rest Your Head , Props , Immersion , Creepy , 2011-03-21 12 14394648 DRYH DMing tips A DM goes above and beyond to bring the creepiest game of Don't Rest Your Head on record to his players. Don't Rest Your Head , DRYH , The Doctor , DM 2011-03-29 23 May 2011 14912932 Rogue Trader Thread As Dumb as Them OP describes his 'brilliant' creation in rogue trader, leaving /tg/ to wonder what the fuck he just did there. Fuck You Guys Are As Dumb As Them , Rogue Trader , Heresy , 40k , Predators , Doctor Who 2011-05-13 12 June 2011 15233493 Africa: A Traveler's Guide Useful information for anyone who wants to make an Africa-flavored campaign setting. africa , setting , the more you know 2011-06-12 6 July 2011 15503489 Lord Deathrape and the Cazaclawrasque Because some PCs just deserve to die. Tarrasque , Horror , Holy shit , BBEG , Cazador , Deathclaw , Cazaclaw , God hates you , FUCK 2011-07-07 14 August 2011 15990640 Melek Tau - the psionic peacocks In their world, beauty is power, and they are the most beautiful. Peacock feathers and camp-gay elegance everywhere. Also, psychic knife-fighting. To them, David Bowie is Chuck Norris. FABULOUS! peacocks , psychic , psionic , beautiful , FABULOUS , bitch you did not just diss my haircut 2011-08-20 23 16095404 Let's play Musical Alignments I know, I know, it's an alignment thread, started by a tripfag. but I mean, there are some good thematic songs in here. Hell, it has its own public youtube playlist
also, White knight fags are now called Don Quixote (plural - Don Quixotes). deal with it. espagnoll , music , alignments , deal with it , youtube 2011-08-29 -4 September 2011 16437774 Don't Rest Your Head Thread We don't have enough of these. Roll up an Insomniac, /tg/. Don't Rest Your Head , DRYH 2011-09-27 1 16459719 This is your party: Strawhat Edition In which /tg/ reveals it's love for One Piece. One Piece , Strawhats , This is your party , Oda 2011-09-29 9 December 2011 17139997 Kobold Sorcerer Quest Chapter 6 You begin the quest to find your secret weapon and head for the surface! Kobold , Quest , Kobold Sorcerer Quest , Collective Game , Who the Hell do you think we are?! 2011-12-10 5 17293888 Zerg Quest LXVI Anon tears Dyles' forces apart, and engages the Protoss in the political arena. Thread called "the most effective in recent history". Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Diplomacy , Pauldrons , Drunk OP , I assure you I have not been banned 2011-12-22 10 January 2012 17425007 /tg/ rap battles MC Warlock drops it like it's hot and /tg/ piles on in rap , rap battles , you will never need the other boards , 2012-01-05 10 February 2012 17914370 Devil-In-Training A demon comes to /tg/ for help in landing his first "sell your soul to the devil" Faustian bargain. The neckbeards flex their BBEG muscles and offer what help they can. deal with the devil , demon , devil , evil , Faustian bargain , Punisher’s daughter , Screwtape , sell your soul , Wormwood 2012-02-13 10 May 2012 19044770 Please do not take these items NORSE NORSE NORSE NORSE NORSE You fucking people 2012-05-10 17 19164148 Dorftales /tg/ invades Drowtales three years after everyone stopped giving a fuck. drowtales , dwarf , dorf , dwarfs , dwarves , derpadoo , fuck you for reading this faggot , goddamn get a life 2012-05-20 11 June 2012 19425243 Mahou Shounen Quest 128 We find a statue buried in the garden. WHY IS IT EVEN HERE? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , YOU ARE THIS MAD 2012-06-10 11 19439333 Mahou Shounen Quest 129 Stuff happens, and then there's that thing to consider. Totally not being vague. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , YOU ARE THIS MAD 2012-06-11 12 19449259 Mahou Shounen Quest 130 We reach the "climax" of the ST.Vicious mission. We need to get through this on a wing and a prayer. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , YOU ARE THIS MAD 2012-06-12 16 19568525 Fortune: Evolution Game 6-2 (Swamps) The swamp regions become home to water-striding ticks, ant-like frogs, godfather crabs, snapping turtles, and the skies fill with flying fish of every kind. Welcome to the Bayou, now paddle faster, I hear banjos! Fortune Evolution , evolution , evo , game , swamps , bayou , bog 2012-06-23 5 19655071 Mahou Shounen Quest 141 You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine. 2012-06-28 10 19656383 Mahou Shounen Quest 141.5 Continuation of the thread that sunk due to board maintenance. NOTHING IS AS EASY AS IT SEEMS Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine. 2012-06-28 10 July 2012 20108717 Mahou Shounen Quest 163 Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , I bet you only hate this because people told you to 2012-07-31 6 August 2012 20138799 Mahou Shounen Quest 164 The night comes to an end. Mio finally plays her cards. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Vote down if you're insecure about your sexuality 2012-08-02 6 20155647 Mahou Shounen Quest 165 Time for some SPEHSS HALK.
We go treasure huntan with our pirate witch girlfriend. Waiting to see if Cogbeard comes. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , This one's for you EGO. Thanks for the free publicity. 2012-08-03 8 20171384 Mahou Shounen Quest 166 Discover a robot girl hidden in the lab. Try and get her to work. Afternoon classes are kicked up a notch.
Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , If you're angry and you know it clap your hands 2012-08-04 5 20184892 Mahou Shounen Quest 167 Cogbeard has arrived. Try and appease his dwarfy rage, see if he can fix the watch. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , If you're angry and you know it clap your hands 2012-08-05 5 20200776 Mahou Shounen Quest 168 Sunday morning. Prepare to jump dimensions to get to Nanoha. PREPARE FOR FEELS Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , I bet you can't upvote this 2012-08-06 6 20214188 Mahou Shounen Quest 169 Reunited with Nanoha. Do our diplomatic duties. Find out why time was lost. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , 169 threads 7 months and you're still mad? I like your dedication. 2012-08-07 5 20268058 Zerg Quest XCVIII The tests suddenly ramp up in difficulty, stretching across the sector. Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Cerebrate Anon , Xel'Naga , -A- Bernie is back , Labbrate to the rescue , What have you done with my Cerebrates!? 2012-08-11 6 20461272 Zerg Quest C 100 Threads! Woo! Meanwhile, gods try to steal our mind. Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , Xel'Naga , testing , /tg/ dice , less of you than I remember , OW MY HEAD 2012-08-25 11 September 2012 20600452 Zerg Quest CII After much discussion, Anon decides where its loyalties lie, and begins THRASHIN ON A MUTHAFUCKA Cerebrate Anon , Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Collective Game , Xel'Naga , testing , Protoss , crossroads , nuclear diplomacy , I WILL CUT YOU UNIVERSE , voices in my head , PORTENT! 2012-09-05 6 20720158 Magical Girl Noir Quest 47 A powerful russian magical girl get informations about her new enemy and meet her subordinates. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , flashback , Kharn , Malal , Mami , Sayaka , Kyouko , Murderface 2012-09-14 38 20791525 Zerg Quest CIV Boarding actions against the Xel'Naga begin, despite petty arguing. That's cool, I was playing StarFox for that part. Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Xel'Naga , Fabulous math , Throw zerglings at your problems , They're in the ceilings! 2012-09-20 7 October 2012 21090564 Crit Awesomeness >Roll to cheer up a child whose dad died
>crit fail
>"YOUR PARENTS ARE DEEEEEAD!" Funny , critical fail , YOUR PARENTS ARE DEAD 2012-10-13 20 21164535 Grimoire Quest We start a quest that seems to be originally a pick your choices picture. We switch characters three times before we come to a showdown between Leet, the main character for now, against three novice? wizards. It ends in shenanigans. Grimoire Quest , Collective Game , Pick Your Choice , Warlocks , Witches , Demons , Fae , Eldricth Horror , Mythical Creature , Magic 2012-10-18 13 21241405 Mage Quest: Prologue You are a mage, you were were born into a world where the gods have been dead for as long as anyone can remember. Your mother was a Witch and a Seer she raised you and foretold 3 prophecies on her deathbed in the hopes that she would be able to help you make your way in the world. So far you've managed to save a group of refugees from slavers and make contact with plane touched gypsies.
Mage_Quest. Collective_Game , Quest , Go_Fuck_Youself_Churl 2012-10-23 7 November 2012 21677377 Zerg Quest CXII Somebody has already summarized this entire thread by saying, "shit just got real." Starcraft , Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Collective Game , Zeratul , Xel'Naga , Nukes , Irreparable harm , here's us on the raggedy edge , /tg/ dice , the dice hate you 2012-11-21 10 21645749 VeloCITY Reloaded Interest in the /tg/ homebrew game "VeloCITY" is rekindled. Archived for posterity and information. VeloCITY , The Wind in Your Hair , /tg/ , homebrew , discussion , Jet Set Radio , Tony Hawk , Air Gear , parkour , freerunning , rollerblade , skateboard , bike 2012-11-21 5 21767432 Zerg Quest CXIII The FINAL Zerg Quest. After 2 years and 113 threads, the Swarm finally meets its end. Zeratul stands with his blade poised. Will he strike us down? Will the Swarm end here, or will it be assured of its immortality? Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Collective Game , /tg/ dice , I'm too young to die , Big Brother , Death , Rebirth , Alpha and Omega , Metaquest OP , Portent? 2012-11-27 25 December 2012 21928723 OP the Beta fa/tg/uy Someone seeks sympathy on /tg/. He discovers why this is a terrible mistake and things soon become amusing. Whining , Beta , Cruelty , Humour , Suicide , Chinese , Thin Your Paints , Disappointment 2012-12-07 7 21962000 Not even reporting this one. Nope. Sleep in it. Enjoy your shit thread. 2012-12-09 -11 22214092 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1 A fuming mad magical girl makes plans to teach her stupid friends about true holiday cheer and MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyouko , Yuma , MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS 2012-12-25 38 22244846 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 2 A determined magical girl decides on what presents to buy for her fathead friends and finds out that some things aren't MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS at all. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyouko , Yuma , Kirika , Oriko , MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS, 2012-12-27 37 22263174 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 3 An out of breath magical girl continues her mission to bring the christmas cheer to her officio while dealing with painful memories and concerned loved ones. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyouko , Yuma , Kirika , Oriko , MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS, 2012-12-28 38 22278963 Magical Girl Noir Quest MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 4 A maximized magical girl meets her very own clone while her companion meets her very own... leg? the time for presents is upon us! Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , Kyouko , Yuma , Kirika , Oriko , MAXIMUM CHRISTMAS, 2012-12-29 38 January 2013 22800158 You Are John In which everyone plays John. you are john , chairman , collective game 2013-01-26 8 22850428 Jedi Quest I We are Roa Koo'lade, a Youngling hoping to become a Jedi Guardian Jedi Quest , Jedi , Quest , Collective Game , Star Wars , Youngling , Training , Lightsaber 2013-01-29 11 February 2013 22919633 ERP Omgele In which OP is a faggot. Nope , live with your shame. 2013-02-01 24 22923648 You Are (Still) John In which some people play John and he hits on Amelia. You are John , collective game , chairman 2013-02-02 4 22958349 Jedi Quest II Our hero has a heated confrontation with the local bully. Afterwards, a certain Jedi Master approaches and asks to take her as his new Apprentice. Jedi Quest , Jedi , Quest , Collective Game , Star Wars , Youngling , Training , Lightsaber 2013-02-04 13 May 2013 24573876 Japanese and other foreign games Discussion about various Japanese and other foreign games of /tg/ related nature. And some official localization input. Meikyuu Kingdom , Make You Kingdom , Golden Sky Stories , Yuyake Koyake , Night Wizard , Tenra Bansho Zero , Nechronica , Touhou Danmaku Yuugi Flowers , Maid RPG , Sword World , Ryuutama , Red Dragon , Record of Lodoss War , Double Cross , Shinobigami , Japanese gaming , Japanese TRPGs 2013-05-06 10 24655141 Mahou Shounen Quest 193.5 continuation of yeterday's thread.Invisibility potion still being tested. Green Goo analysis. WE CHEMISTS NAO. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Today's show is brought to you by the number: -1 2013-05-06 6 24713554 Mahou Shounen Quest 194 We go beyond the gate. *laughtrack* Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , I bet you 5 guptas can't upvote this 2013-05-09 6 June 2013 25234611 Magical Girl Noir Quest 100 A slightly paranoid magical girl attends a party to celebrate her promotion and gets her hair done Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , drawfag , Magical Girl , noir , Chiaki , Kumatora , Mami , Sayaka , Kyouko , Misaka , Midori , hair fashion montage 2013-06-04 37 25365478 Akuma Quest 2: The Finding. Akuma-chan figures out the most glorious plan to kill nearly everyone in the city... And it meets a familiar-looking young woman... Akuma Quest , D-grayman , Duke of Millenium , Murder , Bakers , Demon , Mecha , You Are Already Bread 2013-06-11 38 25533767 Lamia Daughter Quest 64 I think Mario has a cameo somewhere. Collective Game , Lamia Quest , Ssen , EchoGarrote , Lamia Daughter Quest , Lesbians , ERP , Entomophilia , Vanity , thats at least two Paladin Threads you fuckers have derailed now , 2013-06-20 24 25574162 Edgy Anime Quest 9 Another round of jerking egos to the idea that you're better than other anime quests because the only waifu you romance is The Edge. Akuma Quest , Edgy , Collective Game , Anime is dumb , does this look like /a/ to you , remember when suptg was more than just a quest depot , me neither , quit roleplaying in unrelated threads you colossal faggot 2013-06-22 38 25636892 VeloCITY Reborn: New Update Released After years of languishing in homebrew limbo, VeloCITY -- the homebrew game about freedom of movement -- rises from the ashes with a new, rewritten, vastly improved rules document. Hype ensues. VeloCITY , The Wind in Your Hair , homebrew , rules , release , document , Jet Set Radio , Air Gear , Tony Hawk's Pro Skater , Mirror's Edge 2013-06-26 17 25645753 Llama Babby Quest 67 In which we torture and kill people at random all whilst we pride ourselves on how great of paladins we are.
Collective Game , Lamia Quest , Ssen , EchoGarrote , Lamia Daughter Quest , Lesbians , ERP , Entomophilia , This is not how justice works , You monster 2013-06-26 24 25665553 Velo-City The Revival-2 Another Thread of Delicious VeloCityGoodnes VeloCITY , The Wind in Your Hair , homebrew , rules , release , document , Jet Set Radio , Air Gear , Tony Hawk's Pro Skater , Mirror's Edge,Air Gear 2013-06-27 6 25717468 You are an Asshole in the future Some runners prefer stealth. some, seduction. others hacking. You, on the other hand prefer style which is why you just dropkicked a guy out a window Collective Game , future asshole , you are a dick , net gain , shadowrun , corp , megacorp , 80s action movie , puns 2013-06-30 39 July 2013 25959245 Space Waifu Quest 19: Return of the Shitty Subtitle Wherein we metagame like a dirty minmaxer, argue about nothing, and kill more characters shamelessly ripped from popular culture. ERP , Collective Game , Starcraft 2 sucks , Arcturus Mengsk was right , Starcraft , Space Waifu Quest , What kind of name is Delta Phoenix anyways , lesbians , robophilia , gynoid , You’re too slow , C’mon step it up , Rollin around at the speed of sound , Got places to go , GOTTA FOLLOW MY RAINBOW 2013-07-12 8 26010101 Monsterrape Quest 8 Don't worry, its just IRONICALLY shitty! Collective Game , Rape , Gangbangs , ERP , Twilight , You have killed the joke and dragged this gag out longer than a Family Guy sketch 2013-07-15 2 26030819 Yet Another Animu Fanfiction Quest I don't think we have enough of these yet, so lets throw another turd on the barbie! Collective Game , Anime , Fanfiction , /a/ , Waifus , Redundancy , Too much , Why are you doing this 2013-07-15 5 26122431 Jerkoff Thread 52 Some more bitches die unnecessarily grimderp deaths. Collective Game , Joker Quest , Waifus , Slice of Life , Grimderp , Edgy , Mecha , Not mechas , Waifus , Dead Waifus , Waifu Wars , Waifus are really the main draw of the quest you know , Its written by a girl so you know its good! 2013-07-20 16 26224352 VeloCITY One Month Anniversary Thread Celebrating the one-month anniversary of the release of the highly anticipated /tg/ homebrew VeloCITY, a new version is released with some fluff added. Old fluff on locations is compiled and compared. VeloCITY , The Wind in Your Hair , homebrew , rules , release , document , Jet Set Radio , Air Gear , Tony Hawk's Pro Skater , Mirror's Edge 2013-07-28 2 August 2013 26505832 The Sanity Quest >Input your action.
>Change the world.
>Ask a question.
>Change yourself. The Sanity Quest , Collective game , Thatthingthatswatchingoveryourback 2013-08-09 5 September 2013 27291940 Samefag Quest DON'T YOU MEAN LOLI FIGHT CLUB QUEST Collective Game , Samefag Quest , Lolis , Fetish , I guess you can't really call it collective when it's just one dude samefagging 2013-09-18 0 October 2013 27591004 Friendless Quest In which an attempt at Haganai fanfiction gets derailed with LESBIANS. Welcome to the /tg/ experience, Nemo. Collective Game , Friendless Quest , Lesbians , LIVE WITH YOUR SHAME 2013-10-06 26 27837079 Princess Guard Quest 35 So we get the aftermath of Sylvie's epic asskicking, get to the next lesson and- OH FUCK OH FUCK CRIT FAIL OH GOD Princess Guard Quest , Collective Game , Archelon you sadistic bastard 2013-10-20 43 27905926 Princess Guard Quest 39 In which we get an awesome flashback dream and then all of our plans begin to come to fruition. Princess Guard Quest , Collective Game , Archelon you tease 2013-10-24 37 November 2013 28065919 Magus Quest Ayaka Sajyou arrives at the Clock Tower, and takes the first steps towards being a magus. Magus Quest , Clock Tower , Ayaka Sajyou , Socially Awkward , Nasu , Self-Loathing 2013-11-02 14 28274432 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 4 Doomsday desperate deals with devils, and a side of exploding cakes. Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai 2013-11-14 27 28520592 Princess Guard Quest 68 Eating contest! Collective Game , Princess Guard Quest , you guys are embarrassing seriously 2013-11-27 27 December 2013 28647267 Titanor! Crack of thunder!
Howl of wind!
The will of evil men!
When our courage is in doubt,
Titanor comes on the scene! Giant Robots , Titanor , only true way to play any D&D , pickpocketing by giant robots , all your power combined 2013-12-04 68 28971501 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 8 We find out about Akira's history with the incorporeal and find evidence from the ghost in the machine. Also, we fortify our headquarters as the First Night falls... Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai 2013-12-20 23 28988933 Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 8 Part 2 We speak to a ghost of a ghost and find out that she has no face Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai , 2013-12-21 23 29114845 Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 9 Got a little bit of everything today. Started off with a bit of comedy, transitiones into a police procedural and end up in a gameshow. It's like we were really watching TV. Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai , Gameshow 2013-12-28 22 January 2014 29474760 Princess Guard Quest 100 Will the party end for the hundredth thread? Collective Game , Princess Guard Quest , congrats you magnificent bastard 2014-01-13 32 29716750 Princess Guard Quest 113 Reinhold discusses swords with Agnes. Collective Game , Princess Guard Quest , great job you assholes 2014-01-23 28 29811326 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #-- Holy shit what the hell is going on this is a crazyass dream Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , Don't , Lose , Your , Way 2014-01-27 20 February 2014 30342292 Youma Quest 1 In what might be a one-shot, we battle Youma and magical girls in a heist gone wrong. Youma Quest , Magical Girls , Youma 2014-02-19 11 March 2014 30536823 Wop your wad. Started as a stat me thread. Turned into money. Loads of money. money , wop your wad , Kill la Kill 2014-03-01 24 30587349 Oversized Weapon Quest 16 Finish up a raid! Get loot! Get lost! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , So Lost Without You , Goblins 2014-03-02 27 30961767 Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 10 I survived a Japanese gameshow edition. Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai , Gameshow 2014-03-21 22 30982807 Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest #--- fuck i should not be QMing i'm so tired so sleepy Collective Game , Girls Und Panzer: LGA Quest , Tanks , Don't , Lose , Your , Way , NUDIST , BEACH 2014-03-22 12 31104958 Ghostbusters: Japan: Episode 11 We go hunting for the Gentlemen's Club with Sachiko, find some stockings, and meet a vampire. Collective game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai , Gameshow 2014-03-28 22 April 2014 31587826 What the fuck is this garbage? Seriously, Dran. I saw you started up a thread and I thought it was going to be Dead Last Ninja finally starting at a reasonable time, not this "Over(human)limit" garbage. I'm disappointed. DLN is better anyway, so you should run it more. Collective Game , Dranule , Edgy , Trash , Drop this , trust , me , I'm , doing , you , a , favor 2014-04-20 4 May 2014 32073245 Sexbot Child Rape Quest But its okay because the robot is raping a boy~! Sexbots , Child Rape , Quest , Choose your own Child Rape 2014-05-12 15 June 2014 32525548 Magical Girl Noir Quest 210 A very tired and shaken magical girl shifts in to high gear in a race against time to attend a crash course in melee combat. Magical Girl Noir Quest , Collective Game , Deculture , Magical Girl , noir , drawfag , Chiaki , Midori , Sayakar , Kyouko 2014-06-02 17 33062572 Don't Zap to the extreme OP: Hail /tg/, I bring you something my friend and I have created for the CWC forums - a DRYH-style horror game that is set in CWCville, with pcs being the citizens who have become aware that something is wrong with the city. oc , cwc , sonichu , chris-chan , DRYH , don't rest your head 2014-06-28 5 July 2014 33240135 Warframe Quest #4 Warframe fucks the Zerg up and prepares to go up against papa smurf Collective Game , Warframe Quest , Anima , It'll be YEARS before you can face me Emperors Lance , Tenno 2014-07-07 4 August 2014 33966144 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 29 Into the belly of the giant P-COC we go, looking for clues about a conspiracy unknown. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Miko , Sachiko , Youkai 2014-08-08 13 34139675 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 30 Evidence gathering in the bad guy's lair and we didn't get mind whammied. Also, we didn't have vegetable stir fry. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Miko , Sachiko , Youkai 2014-08-15 12 34302752 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 31 The grandsmothers try to find a wife for Daisuke, parents aren't much use and we look like a pedophile as young girls think ghostbusting is wicked cool. Until a foxy witch rescues us just like in the movies. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai , Kitsune , Grandmothers, 2014-08-22 13 September 2014 34796705 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 34 Reika asks us for help with an unusual patient of hers, a 'polite gentleman' who wants a male doctor to diagnose him. A good impression is not made. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Yakuza , Youkai 2014-09-12 13 October 2014 35586462 Space Pirate Naga Quest 15 Our fearless captain bravely runs away from her unkillable nemesis and toys with ancient sciences that should probably never be touched and makes everyone else uncomfortable. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Ruin Looting , Lamias are just the worst , Don't think about dirty things while broadcasting your mind to the entire ship 2014-10-18 6 35850393 Young Monster quest 0 A monster is born, a demon to be precise. Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , character creation , Demon 2014-10-30 11 35859615 Young Monster quest 1 In which Razsezsunael feeds a cultist to a monster in a pond, and loots a good deal of things. actually it mostly just loots things in this thread, not much else happens.
short thread to QM feeling to shit to write Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , character creation , Demon 2014-10-31 7 November 2014 35920808 Young Monster quest 2 Razsezsunael meets one of her kin, learns a bit about demons, and decides to pay the duke a visit Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon 2014-11-03 11 35982459 Young Monster quest 3 Razezsunael finds a strange human, and takes her home and makes food Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , kidnapping , Demon 2014-11-06 6 36082087 Young Monster quest 4 Razsezsunael goes to an orphanage, owned by a rather nasty woman called Madame Pomp. Within it she finds a rather angry ghost girl who seems to recognize her. One thing leads to another and she gains a sister, a being of fire and hate called Majazal, and they fight a angel from heaven above after a light snack Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Angel , Demon 2014-11-11 7 36146598 Young Monster quest 5 Razsezsunael and Majazal decide to finally go kill the duke, however, Raz gets distracted by learning things and kidnapping the duke's daughter, who is a half breed of monster and human, named Elizabeth. Also gets a cool looking coat Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , , Demon , kidnapping , monster girl, 2014-11-14 7 36290178 Young Monster quest 6 In which Raz dooms the city twice, nearly dies to a very angry mother, and crawls back home a month later, the city mostly lifeless Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon , lose , destruction 2014-11-21 6 December 2014 36530986 Young Monster quest 7 Razsezsunael and Majazal find a small farm ran by a small family of humans and take it for their own, they then track down and slaughter some trouble making monsters, and raz gets a fuckhuge sword Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon, 2014-12-03 10 36667976 Young monster quest 8 Raz decides that her farm needs more humans
really short thread because the qm falls asleep halfway through. I'm so sorry Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , , Demon 2014-12-10 4 36706565 Young Monster quest .5 In which raz walks around and talks to a rude demon, short thread Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon 2014-12-12 3 36779674 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon Diplomat Your cousin the demigod; insanity and the consequences; Yuuhi a cute; Akari is bold. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2014-12-15 13 36817161 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragon Diplomat Dealing with your defeated cousin, Er Yin's pain, and Kiku's anguish. Oh, and youkai fucking everywhere. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2014-12-17 12 36857941 Young Monster quest 9 Raz fights a creature of metal that contains the soul of a man, cleans a room, and meets a familiar face once again, and turns her into something not to unlike herself Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest, , Demon , transformation 2014-12-20 6 36989904 Young Monster quest 10 Raz gets into an eating contest which wins her two more workers for the farm, and afterwards she finishes the day by slaying a dumb animal Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest, , Demon 2014-12-27 6 37087203 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Pain and suffering, danger and healing... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2014-12-31 13 January 2015 37289959 Young Monster quest 11 Raz and company decide to get a bit of revenge, going to slay (and devour) the duchess of bats, and get back the halfbreed, as well as gaining a great amount of power Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon 2015-01-11 5 37315775 Esper Quest: Thread 29 "The Search for Mato"
Some other stuff happens, too, but that's the starting point. Collective Game , Esper Quest , Pyrokinesis , Cryokinesis , Psychic/Psionic powers , Raildex , Crime Fighting , Cute Girls Doing Cute Things , Burnination , Freezination , Xenos filth , invasion , SCIENCE! , WHERE'S YOUR WIFE , MATO PLS , Geeze , put that thing on a leash before it glomp-maims somebody! 2015-01-12 3 37352022 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Makign deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-13 0 37352150 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Making deals with the Yakuza, the Nogitsune Clan, and the Devil. No, really, the Devil. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-13 12 37378899 Young Monster quest 12 Raz talks to some monsters, gets a rather flamboyant sword and then goes on a walk with Elizabeth the half breed Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest,Demon 2015-01-15 5 37415556 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette The best made plans are those made over lunch. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-16 10 37535296 Young Monster quest 13 Raz's helps a small child turning into a monster. And then fights an Angel sent to destroy or purify what's left of her human soul. And we all learn the dangers of blood transmitted corruption Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon 2015-01-22 12 37548781 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Family trouble, and convincing Chisato that yes, monsters exist. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-22 8 37568375 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Hows does one convince people that the supernatural is real? The hard way, of course. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-01-23 10 37707308 Young Monster quest 14 Raz goes to hell to go and get the best cultist back, as well as get him a new body.
Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest,Demon 2015-01-30 5 February 2015 37838434 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Rie gets told off by Kiki, of all people; Chisato sees things in a new light. Oh, and necking. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-04 13 37879167 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Page 725 Interlude: Inari paints a picture for the readers. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-06 8 37884098 Young Monster quest End And so it ends, with a whimper. The QM apologizes profusely and writes a distant Epilogue of it all. Warning, very little actual questing is done in this thread, lots of discussion however. Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest,Demon , Sudden End , World building 2015-02-07 2 38018050 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Family time for Ryukusa at last. Time for healing of many sorts. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-12 9 38129933 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Restless Ryukusa realizes rather remiss reminiscences, righting respectfully. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-17 10 38194199 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Nightmares and dreams, and sleep. Or was that the other way around? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-20 9 38222143 (Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 9 Choosed Poly. So Poly needs to fight you now. Collective Game , (Not)Overlord Quest , MaxLich , WhyDidntYouChoosePoly 2015-02-22 7 38288382 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Sleepless nights are made for trouble-making. So is Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-24 9 38352589 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Renegade Dragonette Hunting Wakaba; the politics of Religion; Noppera-bo. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-02-27 9 March 2015 38488714 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to Youkai Hunting Ryuu Wakaba. Catholic Conundrum. Bakemono vrs. Bakayaro. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-05 8 38492486 Khornette Quest #24 Cinder goes too hard and then has to travel to the past to try and commit suicide to prevent Ignitrix from being pissed. Needless to say, nothing goes to plan. Collective Game , Khornette , Lady of Change , Time is bullshit , Not as Planned , Stop Hitting Yourself , ELH 2015-03-06 11 38513360 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to Youkai Wakaba is Losing it, the Catholics have Backup, and Ryukuza is stuck without Clan Ryo help... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-06 10 38605236 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to Youkai Sorcery vs Power, Wakaba's fate, and the complexities of plans. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-10 10 38675358 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Friend to Youkai Seeing thing through Kiki-hime's eyes, and feeling with her heart. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-13 10 38949448 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters After blood and tears comes healing...and interrogation. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-26 9 39028867 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Disarming bombs, disarming foes, disarming smiles. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-03-30 10 April 2015 39067723 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Bomb disposal, and interrogating the prisoners, who aren't really in the mood... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-01 9 39236608 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Interrogating the prisoners; making the next move; unexpected kisses. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-09 9 39259747 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Diplomatic dragonette is diplomatic. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-10 10 39401193 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters With the enemy left confused and wondering, the next part of the plan is Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-17 10 39429646 Wanzer Quest IX We go back on memory lane, a good man is dead and Nature cuts the thread short. Wanzer Quest , Good men die young , Nature is a bitch 2015-04-19 3 39388345 Young Justice Quest: Unlimited #25 The unexpected final fate of an earth on the eve of Crisis. Collective Game , Young Justice , Super Boy , Hypertime 2015-04-20 10 39485053 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Slayer of Monsters Kiku-chan's concerns. Seeing the landlord/lady/thing. Escape to the litterbo-I mean, beach. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-21 13 39544663 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Recovering from a trip through N'Kai, Ryukusa recuperates at the beach. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-24 14 39591553 Post Punk Progression Girl Quest Funk soul brother, rock it out now Christopher Walken dancing and flying will always be better than the swill you produce 2015-04-27 -1 39667937 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Beach party continues, and Ryukusa makes some life decisions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-04-30 9 May 2015 39673342 Kant-O-Celle Quest #13 In which the Regia Marina saves the day and no spaghetti is spilled. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Il Duce heard you were talking shit 2015-05-01 20 39767579 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Swimming with Kiku. Three choices. A question of amorality. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-05 13 39807179 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Crime and punishment. Deals and coercion. A Hell of a show. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-07 10 39935130 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Fight on the beach, Chinese demons 101, family matters. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-13 13 40216488 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Ryukusa interrogates, Yui medicates, Akari hesitates. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-27 14 40257809 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Strange things afoot in the Diet of Japan... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-05-29 10 June 2015 40344173 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Finishing the questions, and moving on to bigger and better things, like marshmallows and fireworks. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-02 10 40537884 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Picnics and Sand and water. And other important things. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-11 12 40575899 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Wannabe Beach Bum Mermaids, Fireworks, and a Bronze Blade. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-13 14 40660307 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach Bunny The tale, fireworks, and other kids of fireowrks. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-17 13 40697216 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Immortal Beach Bunny Immortality, egg laying, and the art of war. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-19 10 40816420 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Military interventions, family interventions, and divine interventions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-25 13 40838562 Sword Fagus Quest Give me boybutts or give me death! Collective Game , Not boybutts , why isn't it boybutts , fackyoo and your lack of boybutts 2015-06-26 -1 40903586 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Reassurances are made, as is an escape! But who is caught in our heroine's clutches? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-06-29 10 July 2015 40967451 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The Kitsune, the Dragonette, and the Nogitsune. The Secrets of Water. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-02 12 41028238 Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me. You still have not learned and I am ashamed. The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens , that's why I shitpost on the archives , coming out of retirement , I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is , please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works , it takes two seconds of your time , consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too , thanks , sincerly LWYS , XOXO 2015-07-05 -21 41053864 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Changing tactics; confrontations; disasters foretold. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-06 13 41135159 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Facing the enemy hordes; being as clever as you think you are. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-10 13 41154491 Spirit Science! After stumbling upon a mad man's mythology on YouTube, /tg/ tries to match it to a setting Spirit Science , Crazy , YouTube , mythology , setting 2015-07-12 5 41240141 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Time to see what Colonel Blitzenberg is really like. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-15 13 41282825 Edgy Grimderp Magical Girl Quest Where You Play As A Dude Who Fixes Everything Because THAT'S never been done before Collective Game , Oh and also they want to bang you 2015-07-17 3 41288310 Weekend Smut Thread The best thread on /tg/! Smut , Lewd , You don't even need other boards! 2015-07-18 -8 41390758 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Breaking wards, breaking walls, breaking heads, and maybe breaking even. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-22 12 41571374 You Can't Fuck The Princess! Quest Can a peasant woman form a lesbian relationship with a princess, against all odds? Can YOU fuck a princess? Answering that question will be the ride of a lifetime! You Can't Fuck The Princess! Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-31 33 41584822 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Facing the youkai-child; the soldier's decision; that damn cat, one more time... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-07-31 12 August 2015 41611413 You Still Can't Fuck the Princess! Quest The sequel to the hit quest about the challenges of finding true lesbian peasant love with a princess. Second thread. Collective Game , You Can't Fuck The Princess! Quest , You Still Can't Fuck the Princess! , Raban Vonelle , Idiom Alpha , You Can't Fuck the Princess! , You Still Can't Fuck the Princess! Quest 2015-08-02 21 41789291 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Black Fox Friend Chisato is captured, the Yakuza are in trouble, and the fox-children are in danger; Peta-chan has to fix everything, as usual! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-08-10 18 42170705 They Won't Let You Fuck The Princess! Quest Raban faces her new foe, the vampire bounty hunter. You_Can't_Fuck_the_Princess!_Quest , Collective_Game 2015-08-30 20 September 2015 42270375 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Deciding dooms, dreaming, and petting your cute kohai. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-03 14 42288599 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Catching up to the family; going home a message from a priestess. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-04 10 42416955 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Relief, Recovery, Resolution, Ramifications. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-10 12 42578698 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Flying high, attempted murder, and Flaming Telepaths. No, the song. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-18 7 42718141 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Facing off against an undeniable and implacable threat; hoping to reunite with the family. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-09-25 8 October 2015 42849673 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Playing with swords; reunions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-02 8 42940308 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Healing in many ways; returning home; a question of time. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-07 12 43016140 You Can't Even Dream About Fucking the Princess! Quest After fighting off a vampire gunman, Raban Vonelle finds herself in a strange, somehow unreal place. You Can't Fuck The Princess! , Collective Game , You Can't Fuck The Princess! Quest 2015-10-12 20 43087579 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Trauma, healing, and trauma and healing. No, it isn't redundant. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-15 10 43104559 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Cat fight between fox and dragon? Kisses to follow? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-16 10 43234681 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette A vacation on the Island of Pearls? Well, okay... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , nudity , blood 2015-10-23 10 43370910 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Probing the past; calling home; dealing with ningyo. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-10-30 7 November 2015 43483372 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Er Yin teaches; Kiki learns; Ryukusa copes. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-05 9 43502283 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The price paid for the truth, and the truth is heaven to pay. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-06 9 43623598 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Looking at the world through Yui's eyes. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-13 8 43671521 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The world through Yui's Eyes continues. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-16 10 43740877 weebshit that's like the fourth quest that I've seen you make and it's all the same shit fuck you 2015-11-20 -22 43807277 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Rescuing swords, making dragons, and fighting princesses. Really. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-11-24 11 December 2015 44041262 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Pearl diving takes on a whole new set of meanings for Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-12-07 10 44109386 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Meeting the Ama divers, ocean waters, and things that blood attracts. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-12-11 14 44307895 Young Dragon Quest 1 In which /tg/ plays as an elf that is also a dragon, in a setting where all elves are dragons. Collective Game , Young Dragon Quest , Homebrew 2015-12-22 5 44346787 Young Dragon Quest 2 In which /tg/ runs from ogres... right smack dab into an ogre, and realizes that they might be running towards ogres, but decides that they have no real better plans for getting home. Collective Game , Young Dragon Quest , Homebrew 2015-12-24 2 44427160 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette New friends, new family, old enemies. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Ryukuza , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragongirls , oni girls , parthenogenesis , oni , dragons , dragon girls , neko , youkai , blood 2015-12-28 10 January 2016 44942127 Young Monster Quest #1 We start off, get a feel for the game, and HWM passes out Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , He Who Meddles 2016-01-23 1 45118032 Young Monster Quest #2 We break into a house, and set the stage for a massacre, or something Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , He Who Meddles 2016-01-31 2 February 2016 45301289 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The Triumphant return of Ryukusa begins with a recap, and an evil twist. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-08 14 45377892 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette To eat or not to eat. Why is this even a question? Well...... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-12 9 45441112 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette The most dangerous phone call ever; diving with the Ama. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-15 8 45578456 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Demigod Dragonette Psychic phone play, sharks swimming secretively, warfare within water. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-22 12 45636799 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Sharks are fish, but what are youkai? The Generals Two attack! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-02-25 8 March 2016 45778435 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater The final showdown agaisnt the Clan Ryo Warlords. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-03 8 45798013 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater While defeating Oh cost no blood, Ah is another matter...especially in Yui's body! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-04 9 45883252 NERV Bridge Simulator VI Everything goes horribly wrong. Again. Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ , you must (not) lose hope 2016-03-08 20 46009102 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Ryukuza meets her real father; the aftermath of the battle of Mikimoto. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-14 12 46093585 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater The aftermath is always the hardest part. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-18 9 46101967 Humanity's Last Words Ayy lmaos ask the last human what our species's epitaph should be. /tg/ discusses. feels , heartwarming , munchkin , worldbuilding , cloning instructions , you just lost the game , extinct, 2016-03-19 6 46351203 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater We meet a blood relative for the first time; the dangers of dealing with kappa are revealed. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-03-30 8 April 2016 46390998 Angel Commander Simulator "The third EVA has arrived. Our reports indicate that the target is smugly advancing through RURAL AREA 01..." Collective Game , Quest , Eva , Evangelion , Nerv Bridge Simulator , Nerv HQ , You Must (not) Laugh 2016-04-01 21 46612491 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Ryukusa battles the spirit of the Forest of Suicides for the spirit of her sister... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-04-11 12 46776663 Young Demon Familar Quest 1 A Demon is created, and bound into the service of a monstrous youth. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar , 2016-04-19 22 46781960 Young Demon Familar Quest 1 part 2 A very shocked girl finds herself turned into a demon,called Malizeral, and forced into the service of Iris Miller. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-04-20 18 46814550 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Finishing up with our sister, Ryukusa faces off with one of the Spymaster's lackeys... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-04-21 10 46901221 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Dealing with the spy master's henchman; getting back to family and planning to do it again. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-04-25 12 46927289 Young Demon Familar Quest 2 Malizeral's still getting used to being a demon and the familiar of a young vampire, as well as adapting to her Master's...unique family.E Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-04-26 16 May 2016 47061047 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunater Healing kiku; Ginka's decision; going home. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-05-03 12 47065619 Young Demon Familar Quest 3 Demons need power if they're to survive, even if they're familiars and not at all demony. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-03 12 47188062 Young Demon Familar Quest 4 A familiar having a day off? However, unfortunately for Malizeral, demons attract trouble. EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-10 15 47200081 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Ginka's decision; finally home. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-05-11 14 47241715 The Princess Doesn't Want You To Fuck Her?! Cockblocked by a ghost & meeting with an mega edge. You Can't Fuck The Princess! Quest , You_Can't_Fuck_the_Princess!_Quest , Collective Game 2016-05-14 21 47271063 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 27 Thunder and lighting, blood and death. The dead rise again, as something worse than before. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-15 10 47305921 Young Demon Familar Quest 5 Another blissful day just begging to be ruined by Malizeral's horrible, horrible luck. But will it? Early archive. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-17 14 47427589 Young Demon Familar Quest 6 Demonic Hunger gnaws away at that oh so human idea of sense that Malizeral clings oh so tightly to. Take what you desire,ahaha Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-24 14 47472232 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Homeward Bound; religious repercussions; most importantly: who gets cuddles first?! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-05-27 14 47544385 Young Demon Familar Quest 7 The Millers, Iris' family, Malizeral's master and only friend. Maybe she'll be able to relax and enjoy some time with them today, Maybe. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-31 13 June 2016 47666600 Young Demon Familar Quest 8 Malizeral's looking for some fun after the sun. Too blacken souls, and risk her life before her master wakes up and gives her her work.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-06-07 16 47775831 Young Demon Familar Quest 9 Malizeral is an imp no longer,and has...much to show for it. However, more than just her body changed.And Iris is curious about her aunts.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-06-14 15 47828268 Taimanin Asagi Quest: Episode 0 Through bloodbath, our hero is reborn. Five years later, he's a married man and still on the straight path, but thing are about to change.. Taimanin Asagi Quest , Collective Quest , Taimanin , no lewd , Not What You Expected 2016-06-18 10 47896475 Young Demon Familar Quest 10 Iris plans on leaving the safety of her home to track down her aunt. But with a very protective mother, she'll need to be pretty convincing Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-06-21 16 252129 Fate: You're The Extra Join the Mooncell Grail War as the Cynical and disillusioned Hakuno, the man who loves Mel Gibson Collective Game , Fate , Nasuverse , Fate: You're the Extra 2016-06-22 1 264208 Fate: You're The Extra (2) It's really, really full of retards on the Moon Collective Game , Fate , Nasuverse , Fate: You're the Extra 2016-06-22 1 268231 Young Dragon Quest A young dragoness is kicked out of her parents' lair, meets an intrepid knight and heads off on an adventure with him. dragon,dragons,Young Dragon Quest,collective game,drawfag,drawfaggotry 2016-06-24 3 291467 Fate: You're the Extra (3) Your first encounter with the enemy could have gone much better to be honest Collective Game , Fate , Nasuverse , Fate:You're the Extra 2016-06-27 1 277589 Fate: You're the Extra (3) The other one marked as (3) is actually 4. I apologize for the inconvenience! Collective Game , Fate , Nasuverse , Fate:You're the Extra 2016-06-27 1 48012815 Young Demon Familar Quest 11 All Journeys begin with a single step. Iris and Malizeral begin theirs to find Jasmine and bring her home, leaving the safe walls behind. EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-06-28 20 July 2016 293791 Young Dragon Quest II Our heroes chat, dream, and wake up to a surprise. Young Dragon Quest , Collective Game , dragon , dragons , drawfag , drawfaggotry 2016-07-01 2 48130447 Young Demon Familar Quest 11 The road is lonely place, which is why you never travel on it alone. It is also a dangerous place, even for a demon and her master.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-07-05 15 48225529 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Finally home and all loved ones reunited,a shadow lies upon Clan Ryuu Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-07-11 11 324556 Young Dragon Quest III Fighting turns to flyting with a skeleton. Young Dragon Quest , collective game , dragon , dragons , drawfag , drawfaggotry 2016-07-12 2 48247016 Young Demon Familar Quest 13 Malizeral and her master reach the town of Sotetwood, and come across a fanatic who doesn't take kindly to their sudden appearance, at all. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-07-12 16 48290774 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter The perils and pleasures of home. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-07-15 9 48359366 Young Demon Familar Quest 14 DEMON vs ANGEL, this is a fateful battle between Heaven and Hell for Iris' soul. SO LETS ROCK AND FUCKING ROLL!!! Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-07-19 14 379810 You awaken in Westeros... (QUEST, pt. 1) You wake up buck ass naked in Westeros, armed with the knowledge of the book series. Let's not get killed alright? Collective Game , Game of Thrones , You awake in Westeros Quest , A Song of Ice and Fire 2016-07-20 6 48387664 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Can Ryukusa save Akari from a fate worse than death? Okay, stupid question... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-07-21 14 390053 You awake in Westeros... Ch.2 - QUEST We do more shenanigans, almost get caught by our friend with a whore, hatch a money laundering scheme, and have some uncomfortable stares Game of Thrones , You awake in Westeros , quest , collective games 2016-07-22 0 396067 You awake in Westeros... Ch.3 - QUEST In which our QM shoots himself in the foot by revealing that he was also a player all along. Then everyone becomes Velo. Game of Thrones , You awake in Westeros , quest , collective games , QM suicide 2016-07-22 5 380750 Young Dragon Quest IV The battle draws to a fiery close. Young Dragon Quest , collective game , dragon , dragons , drawfag , drawfaggotry 2016-07-25 1 48473559 Young Demon Familar Quest 15 Demons, they corrupt and ruin everything the touch.Which is a real pain when you're one of them, and your soul and heart are still human. E Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-07-26 14 48517397 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Er Yin gets some much needed attention, as does Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-07-29 8 August 2016 48590485 Young Demon Familar Quest 16 Love has bloomed between Master and Familiar. Iris and Malizeral try to get used to their new relationship, as demonic hunger creeps closer. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-02 14 48711189 Young Demon Familar Quest 17 Over the Black sea and to the sunless wastes we a go. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-09 17 48723882 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We are an insomniac hyperactive dragonette. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-08-10 13 48831797 Young Demon Familar Quest 18 Malizeral and Iris arrive in the sunless wastes to search for Iris' aunt, Jasmine miller.But the land with no sun is not a pleasant place.E Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-16 14 48865828 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Keeping a promise, and causing trouble. Because that's what Ryukusa does. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-08-18 9 48884215 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Dealing with abominations, spymasters, and other strange things. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-08-19 8 48958117 Young Demon Familar Quest 19 The Sunless wastes, a terrible place where monsters and beasts rule, and unlike in Brausrburge, they don't much like humans or eachother.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-23 14 49003345 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We slaughtered them, cooked them, and now we're going to feed them to the spymaster. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-08-26 12 49082573 Young Demon Familar Quest 20 Bandits and Dragons, Oh my~. Mali and co come across a village in flames. Early Archive. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-30 13 September 2016 49131867 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter On the way home, some things happened to some spirit children... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-02 12 49209389 Young Demon Familar Quest 21 One aunt has been found, Elizabeth now known as the burning scourge. However the other, Jasmine, is in serious trouble!! Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-09-06 13 49258356 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Scoldings, spankings, and other sweet things. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-09 8 506638 The Garden of Cripples After a mysterious accident, Hisao Nakai wakes up with a strange power: he can see the 'death' of things, and a strange creature haunting The Garden of Cripples , Collective Game , Katawa Shoujo , Nasuverse , Kara no Kyoukai , Tsukihime , Melty Blood 2016-09-09 13 49273753 Final Solution of Quest Question Quest 47 A mod cracks, loses control of their life at 4AM server time, sneakily banning quests 4ever. Conclusion of his long-run quest thread series. Autism , Samefagging , Ignorance , Incompetent Management , Zero Wage , Live With Your Shame 2016-09-10 23 515623 The Garden of Cripples-2 With the help of Professor Mutou, we discover more about the nature of our powers and about the organization known as the Demon Hunters The Garden of Cripples , Collective Game , Katawa Shoujo , Nasuverse , Kara no Kyoukai , Tsukihime , Melty Blood 2016-09-10 8 566049 Young Demon Familar Quest 22 The Golden king approaches to take his "Bride", and Mali and co need to figure out how to take out a dragon without being burnt to a crisp Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-09-13 14 574453 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter No longer a nascent demigod, but an actual one. Doesn't mean it's not Ryukusa. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-15 8 525533 The Garden of Cripples-3 Hisao starts looking for Kenji, his former classmate, who is also suspected of being a Vampire. The Garden of Cripples , Collective Game , Katawa Shoujo , Nasuverse , Kara no Kyoukai , Tsukihime , Melty Blood 2016-09-16 8 579273 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter After the kisses comes the hugs, and after hugs comes...? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-16 12 597492 To CallMeIshmael and Other Players who successfully crashed The End of Evangelion A Special Statement by God Tier GM for the Successful Crashing of The End of Evangelion Collective Game , Movie Crashing Quest , God Tier GM , God Tier QM , Thank You. 2016-09-19 -3 602814 Young Demon Familar Quest 23 A dragon falls. A few pieces of a shattered family fall back into place. And demon and master get some time to relax together. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-09-20 16 609605 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Morning Sickness, relaxation, and appointments. A day in the life, perhaps. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-22 12 555354 The Garden of Cripples-4 Kenji is dead, and for the first time you have to face your nature. At the same time, school accidents are multiplying. The Garden of Cripples , Collective Game , Katawa Shoujo , Nasuverse , Kara no Kyoukai , Tsukihime , Melty Blood 2016-09-22 6 608029 GGO Quest #2: Magnum Panther Edition We shoot a guy in real life, Kimi gets jailed, you have a date with a government agent in the morning. SAO , GGO , quest , Anno , Kimi , woops you did it again , xxharambelivesxx 2016-09-25 3 632154 Young Demon Familar Quest 24 Mali and Iris return home,bringing back two of the latter's missing aunts, several new "friends, and a "secret" love that might turn dea Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-09-27 13 589584 The Garden of Cripples-5 It's time. We will rescue our friend and kill the Dead Apostle, no matter what! The Garden of Cripples , Collective Game , Katawa Shoujo , Nasuverse , Kara no Kyoukai , Tsukihime , Melty Blood 2016-09-28 5 637947 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Family, lovers, friends, and companions...all good things, save for the shadow that hovers over them. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-09-29 11 October 2016 662123 Young Demon Familar Quest 25 Mali is bored. Which can only lead to good/bad things. And the Angel wakes back up. Today is going to be rather exciting, it seems.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-10-04 13 623542 Young Dragon Quest VI Town shows up, but the artist made everything too complicated and doesn't get any more posts in. Young Dragon Quest , collective game , dragon , dragons , drawfag , drawfaggotry 2016-10-10 2 690867 Young Demon Familar Quest 26 Mali has become the "Mother" of a scared little imp. And the millers seem to be planing a trip, and want to bring Mali along with them! EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-10-11 13 721599 Young Demon Familar Quest 27 Warned By Layla to be on her "best" behavior, Mali heads to Centil with the Millers for a Lovely Vacation.Unaware of the dangers that lurk Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-10-18 11 724259 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Family time, bonding with Yuuhi, a shadow from the past. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-10-19 8 756347 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Aftercare with Yuuhi, collaring your niji-chans, and dressing up for your princess. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-10-27 7 November 2016 778953 Young Demon Familar Quest 28 Mali and the millers arrive at Centil, giving the locals quite a fright with their grand, and royal entrance. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-01 12 784340 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We play with our toys; we take some time out; we paint a picture for someone. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-11-03 7 807137 Young Demon Familar Quest 29 While demons prowl, an angel hunts. a "mother" must protect her children, and herself Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-08 13 811414 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We finish up with Chisato, check on the hot loli and her cool mystic, and see what the wife has been up to. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-11-10 7 831864 Young Demon Familar Quest 30 Mali adds another member to her family. But danger creeps ever closer to her and the millers Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-15 12 842001 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Ryukuza demosntrates her skills as a seamstress and fashion designer; a date of sorts; and of course... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-11-18 9 794205 Young Dragon Quest VII A tavern is entered and friends are made - or are they? Young Dragon Quest , collective game , dragon , dragons , drawfag , drawfaggotry 2016-11-21 2 858661 Young Demon Familar Quest 31 Demons rarely get along, and naturally compete for souls. What's a little rebellion among mortals? if you get the souls you want after all? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-22 11 883695 Young Demon Familar Quest 32 it's Demon vs Demon....and her girlfriend's mother!. Mali and Layla face down an utter bastard, and his hordes of charmed mortals! Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-29 12 December 2016 889342 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Ryukusa and her elite team face off against the enemy, while Rie is tended to by the family... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-12-01 7 846329 YouthQuest - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART Edition Faggots. Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance 2016-12-05 5 909267 Young Demon Familar Quest 33 The "Vacation" to Centil is almost over, but that doesn't mean Mali still can't have a little fun! Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-12-07 12 915346 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter We wake up in bed....but WHOSE bed?! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-12-08 7 919192 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Meeting Mo Wang, His Most Loathsome Majesty, Ruler of the Underworld, King of Hell...and he's got an agenda. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-12-09 7 880960 YouthQuest: Classroom Pipe Dreams Edition This is an american highschool apparently. Expect homicides, eldrich horrors and chunnis en masse! Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance 2016-12-12 2 944969 Young Demon Familar Quest 34 Its Mali's and the Miller's last day in Centil. It's going to be a wild night, no doubt. But there's enough room for a revelation or two Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-12-16 11 918795 YouthQuest - Post Times Are a Myth Edition The high-school turns into a battlefield of epic proportions. Death, life and stupidity are omnipresent. AND THEN THERE IS THIS FAGGOT! Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance 2016-12-20 0 962693 Young Demon Familar Quest 35 Christmas cheer is thick in the air as that wonderful holiday nears. Mali gets caught up in the festivities, for better or worse. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-12-21 10 969599 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 16: 10th seat Kimi has been promoted, to the 10th seat of the 6th division. A position she shares with a few others. What could possibly go wrong? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-12-23 12 952344 YouthQuest: Cheese Edition The Gang war ends, with the death of the last of the leaders. School life returns to normality. Until Christmas happens. Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance 2016-12-28 1 987212 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Kenji Soomi is ordered to find out something - anything - for her Majesty, Peta-chan. Can Soomi help Ryukusa's family? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2016-12-29 7 January 2017 991432 Banished Quest 208 Mik does some shit inside Fulvia then there's a timeskip. Soma fucks off yet again. Next thread never. Collective Game , Somas , Banished , Quest , Banished Quest , Kill yourself Soma 2017-01-05 18 1014127 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Waking up in bed again; Inau-kun is injured, and an expected visit from an unexpected visitor. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-01-06 7 983210 YouthQuest: Online Edition Event-Bossrush happens, and we even get a bit more lore. And students engage in... Did I mention that a not-so-much-angel gets his wings? Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern 2017-01-06 3 1015141 Young Demon Familiar Quest 36 Iris once more plans to leave Brausrburge, this time without her mother's approval, to bring her Aunt Marla back home. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-01-06 11 1035289 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Youkai Hunter Petting the kitten, hugging the reverse trap, and healing. Busy day for Ryu-chan. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-01-12 7 1038588 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A slightly drunken dragonette. Lessons of the Ryuu Clan. A kitten lost and confused. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-01-13 7 1039905 Young Demon Familiar Quest 37 Its time to head out to bring Iris' last aunt home...but Mali and co need to leave without being noticed, or the whole trip is off!. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-01-13 10 1015645 YouthQuest: Tito "Dick" Dickman Baby Edition The students prepare for the FINAL event-boss, lewdness get shut down, and the kill count goes up drastically. And that's pretty much it. Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Cults , Ocean Blue 2017-01-14 2 1044194 YouthQuest: Internal Suffering Edition Things FINALLY return to normal, but plot twists happen left and right. We also get a lot of exposition, and like that the TRUE game begins. Manhorse , Youth Quest , freelance , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Cults , Ocean Blue , ROMANCE , Drama 2017-01-24 1 1088177 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint ryukusa struggles with her injured friends and family; a visit from on high; a prayer that might get answered. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-01-25 6 1099892 Young Demon Familiar Quest 38 Layla tries to bring her daughter back home....Mali's bad luck resurfaces. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-01-28 10 February 2017 1086324 YouthQuest: Nanomachine Edition In the aftermath of the raid on the greenhouse, every man is free to fight their own wars again. But not for the better, but for the worse. Manhorse , Youth Quest , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Cults , Ocean Blue , ROMANCE , Drama , Consequences 2017-02-03 2 1124072 Young Demon Familiar Quest 39 Mali spends sometime with her daughters, while Iris tries to figure out where they have to go. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-02-03 10 1163907 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Asking for help restoring the nekomata Rie's powers, Ryukusa makes some waves. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-02-15 6 1174411 Young Demon Familiar Quest 40 Lust and Wrath Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-02-18 10 1192281 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint We are a young Yuuhi-chan, who is trapped in a shed waiting on execution... Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-02-22 8 1203844 Young Demon Familiar Quest 41 An unexpected/unfortunate stop, in a town that shouldn't exist. Mali stumbles upon something she shouldn't have. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-02-25 10 March 2017 1225796 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint The nine-tailed kitsune heals Rie, but at a cost. Ryukusa gets bullied. A phone call. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-03-03 7 1203931 YouthQuest: Memories Edition We didn't miss much, and move on towards exploring the forests, finaly doing alchemy and fighting the first couple of rivals. Manhorse , Youth Quest , Multi-PC , Open World , Events , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Ocean Blue , Drama , Consequences , Plot , Riddles 2017-03-09 1 1250936 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint rie says goodbye - for now. Ryukusa takes a hard time-out. Kisses and hand holding. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-03-10 8 1260245 Young Demon Familiar Quest 42 Mali infiltrates a relic of the past future, to steal a very special corpse for the hat man. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-03-12 10 1238810 YouthQuest: Of Mice and Nomads Rivals taken care of, things return to (relative) normality. New players join in, and so do... old friends? Prepare for the Last Stand! Manhorse , Youth Quest , Multi-PC , Open World , Linear Storyline , Magic , Guns , Modern , Ocean Blue , Drama , Consequences , Plot , Bossfight , RP 2017-03-16 3 1275979 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Yui's nightmares are now Ryukusa's dreams of revenge. But for whom? And why? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-03-17 6 1279274 Young Demon Familiar Quest 43 it's a mother and daughter adventure in the depth's of the twisted rose's compound. Isn't it exciting? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-03-18 10 1319996 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Ryukusa makes some plans. Er Yin has a few of her own. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-03-31 6 April 2017 1342080 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Er Yin makes breakfast whileKiki tries to convince Ryukusa. Kaga Kei gets talked to. Date time?! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-04-06 4 1345203 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A day out on the town for our heroine. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-04-07 6 1299020 YouthQuest: Reborn - Thread I So run that by me one more time; why is this a good idea again? I dunno, but we are back at it again, bigger and just a bit better! Manhorse , Youth Quest , Multi-PC , Open World , Magic , Guns , Modern , Ocean Blue , Plot 2017-04-09 2 1352915 Young Demon Familiar Quest 44 Killer Cyborgs and Mad science vs Demons, fallen angels and monsters! Who will win! Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-04-09 10 1328572 Youthquest Reborn - Thread 2 Where things don't go wrong for once, The newbies make a name for themselves, and a player faces judgement from God. Manhorse , YouthQuest , Multi-PC , Open World 2017-04-13 1 1365393 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A date with someone who makes Ryukusa feel like a girl. Kiku is appeased and appreciated. An ominous sign. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-04-14 5 1365809 Young Demon Familiar Quest 45 Relaxation on the way to the black forest Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-04-14 10 1380777 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Kiku dressed for desire! Shibuya, shopping district of the gods (literally)! Kiki-hime's nefarious plans! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-04-19 7 1355807 YouthQuest Reborn: Thread 3 The end of act I. Last stand is finally done, and the nomads leave the school. the dictatorship at the school has come to an end. Manhorse , YouthQuest , Multi-PC , Open World , Ocean Blue 2017-04-21 1 1404589 You Can't Fuck The Princess's Brain! Frustrated by her lack of sexual options, Raban Vonelle embarks on a journey to the center of the Princess's mind. You Can't Fuck The Princess! Quest , You Can't Fuck The Princess! , Idiom Alpha , IdiomAlpha , Collective Game 2017-04-27 3 May 2017 1386614 YouthQuest Reborn -Thread 4 The players take their time to prepare for what comes next. Studying, training, brewing, constructing, planning... Manhorse , YouthQuest , Multi-PC , Open World , Ocean Blue 2017-05-01 1 1427625 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Dating with Er yin and Kiku; Harajuku days, Shibuya Nights. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-05-04 3 1429973 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint The wonders, terrors and delights of The Tokyo Tenderloin belong to Ryukusa and her loved ones! Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-05-05 6 1440186 Young Demon Familiar Quest 46 Four Blood Specters come to disturb Mali's and Iris' "Peaceful" roadtrip. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-05-08 10 1465815 Young Demon Familiar Quest 47 Spirits of the past invade Mali's Candy castle! that sounds silly doesn't it. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-05-15 10 1473175 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Meeting the top rival of Harajuku Fashion; introducing Er Yin to modern niceties; trying new things. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-05-18 7 1489840 Anarchy Accountant Quest 1 This world of constant war has but two nations; Dystopia and Utopia. You are Michael Firm, the accountant and you are the government. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-05-26 3 1499627 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint From Harajuku to Shibuya, where magic happens and meetings occur. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-05-26 4 June 2017 1505824 Anarchy Accountant Quest 2 Michael gets to safety, and leaves it for suffering. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-01 1 1522271 Anarchy Accountant Quest 3 Michael makes a return to safety and meets some powerful people. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-04 1 1537086 Young Demon Familiar Quest 48 Wolves stalk the night. Mali finds a little town being hunted like sheep. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-06-04 9 1536284 Anarchy Accountant Quest 4 Michael gets good news in real life and drunk in a simulation. He's also bad at pool and not a wizard. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-07 1 1548403 Anarchy Accountant Quest 5 Isabelle enters the real world and gets a new face. Michael meets his new assistant. The search for militia leaders begins. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-11 1 1563574 Anarchy Accountant Quest 6 Michael meets with Charles and Tauri's superior show's up at The Firm. Collective Game , Anarchy Accountant Quest , ANCAP , Dystopian , You Are The Government , space , war , sci-fi , original content 2017-06-14 1 1572795 Young Demon Familiar Quest 49 Werewolves Causing trouble? Sounds like a job for a demon!...WAIT WHAT!? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-06-14 5 1578048 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Murder on Love Hotel Hill, what happens there stays there, and the Play Is The Thing. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-06-16 4 1601119 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Ryukusa deals with a new emotion; Er Yin is outfitted; Kiku-chan is fit to be tied. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-06-22 6 1626539 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Tying up the Fire dragonette. Playing with plastic. The truth comes out. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-06-30 6 July 2017 1646036 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A sweet kiss goodbye; the strangest of truths; a lie undone. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-07-07 7 1666192 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Philosophical questions for our heroine; an unexpected visit; Kiku gets it. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-07-14 7 1662490 Young Monster Quest #0 Thomas Dixkn discovers his heritage and gets into some trouble Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , He Who Meddles 2017-07-20 1 1709041 Young Demon Familiar Quest 50 An old monster hunter with holy metal. A pack of werewolves on the hunt. Iris and Mali use the former to find the later.What could go wrong? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-07-26 8 1715640 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Mid-date crisis management; a new flame; hotel rendezvous. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-07-28 6 1694081 Alien: Eternal Lie #1 The intrepid crew of Melita conducts their survey mission of CS-759 until something strange causes them to deviate. Alien , xenomorph , horror , survival horror , space , in space no one can hear you scream , lovecraft , Eternal Lie , MU-TH-UR 6000 2017-07-30 6 August 2017 1739767 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Ryukusa plays naughty games with Kiku and Er Yin; Kiku serves a reminder; Ryukusa explores different sides of everyone. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-08-04 6 1740455 Young Demon Familiar Quest 51 A man of god, Werewolves, a vampire, a demon and a whole lot of explosions. Seems like quite the brawl! Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-08-04 11 1759522 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Little pleasures; the play; a fateful meeting. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-08-10 6 1784869 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint meeting the God of Storm and Sea; The Play is the Thing; A 'Chance' meeting...? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-08-18 6 1806346 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint A different perspective, this time from the point of view of the one person who is at once most and least like Ryukusa - Inau-kun. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-08-25 6 1814461 Young Demon Familiar Quest 52 The battle between Malizeral and the Holy man comes to an explosive head. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-08-27 12 1789052 Storm Warrior's Quest #2 Jack continues his hike and picks up a lizard chick. Cyberpunk Demonslayer , Storm Warrior's Quest , stop with the incest you fucks 2017-08-29 6 September 2017 1829483 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Inau-kun faces a dilemma of epic proportions, explains a complicated relationship, and Ryukusa makes her feel. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-09-01 6 1849048 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Sword Saint Ryukusa learns a little about Shoko and Inau-kun's date; once again demonstrates she can be diplomatic; the play begins. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-09-08 6 1870830 You Are The Drawing Quest #1.Pr0t0 We begin our RP with a simple thought: What if we could roleplay our characters that we had drew so we could go on a simple quest Collective Game , You Are The Drawing , The DeviantArt RPG 2017-09-17 -1 1884184 Young Demon Familiar Quest 53 Iris finally meets her missing aunt, Marla. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-09-20 12 1886452 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Meeting with the Shinkai; the Play continues; Hime-chan is a beauty. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-09-21 6 1913683 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The play continues; Ryukusa admits a truth; a second and private meeting with the Shinkai. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-09-29 6 October 2017 55657420 Central Asia as a Fantasy Setting Tired of Euro and weeaboo fantasy worlds? Anon has the cure, a thread devoted to the cultures of Central Asia to inspire you. central asia , culture , fantasy , education , professor anon , you gon' learn today 2017-10-04 27 1935907 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The play continues; Shinkai Yamada tries a new tactic; the power of a Nue. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-10-06 6 1988677 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The fight agaisnt Shinkaai Hiei takes a terrible turn; Natto reveals his involvement; Ryukusa double-downs. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-10-20 6 2010477 Young Demon Familiar Quest 54 Iris faces her most terrifying challenge yet yet, a family reunion with her long lost aunt. But is it a reunion from hell? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-10-25 10 2015777 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The battle agaisnt the abomination Hiei and it's aftermath; the play continues. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-10-27 6 November 2017 56231624 Magic: The Gathering Investors get BTFO Who spends $20,000 on a children's trading card game? magic the gathering , wizards , investors , collectibles , reprints , card economy , bad investments , you made this bed now get fucked in it 2017-11-08 3 2055566 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Dealing with Yamada; the play continues; Ryukuza keeping herself together, rather literally. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-11-09 6 2077079 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The play concludes; the fans are, well, they are fans; Ryukusa faces certain death in the form of her fiance. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-11-17 6 2092198 Young Demon Familiar Quest 55 Iris, Mali and Marla come home. Time for one hell of a sisterly reunion...from hell most likely. Hope no one dies Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-11-22 8 2095289 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Reunited at last; thee fallout of the fight; escape from Shibuya. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-11-24 7 December 2017 2113804 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The Great Theater Escape; secrets of the heavenly servant; home again. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2017-12-01 6 2187352 Young Demon Familiar Quest 56 A party! A party to celebrate the reunion of the miller of family! but before Mali can have her fun...Layla needs to give her a talk. Oh no Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-12-30 9 January 2018 2164874 Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 1 As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic. Youjo Senki Quest , Saga Of Tanya The Evil , Collective Game , World War 1 2018-01-03 4 2199663 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Home, finally. Scoldings and healing. Changes and challenges. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-01-04 5 57183726 YA RPG /tg/ begins the process of making an RPG to model the Young Adult fiction genre young adult , homebrew 2018-01-05 5 2202453 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Healing the deepest wounds; basking in the warmth of home; setting things straight - in a manner of speaking. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-01-05 6 2180869 Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 2 As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic. Youjo Senki Quest , Saga Of Tanya The Evil , Collective Game , World War 1 , Blitzweeb 2018-01-07 2 2223001 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord An unexpected visitor; a difficult choice; marking time and gaining strength. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-01-12 7 2257078 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Deal with the priestess of youkai; redressing; checks and balances. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-01-25 6 2260075 Young Demon Familiar Quest 57 Brighter days ahead! Mali's baby girl leaves impdom behind. And mali herself has made "peace" with herself. Nows time for some family fun Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2018-01-26 8 February 2018 2275477 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Dealing with Hinata-hakase; a dark spirit visits; comforting times. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-02-02 5 2292995 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Making your clan even more yours; dealing with Natto's father; the inevitable collapse. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-02-08 5 2315235 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Facing a nightmarish yokai, Ryukusa stands fast. Healing recommences. Perhaps love blooms? Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magi 2018-02-16 8 2334298 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Ryukusa in Hell. Really. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-02-23 5 2344568 Young Demon Familiar Quest 58 Mali's happy day is ruined, when a face from her past makes an unexpected appearance. Alice meets her big sister again, but is that bad? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2018-02-26 11 March 2018 2366279 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Ryukusa in Hell - literally - and the message from her family. Visitation rights are explored. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-03-07 6 2391780 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Ryukusa meets the Judge of the Dead; returning to life; decision time. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-03-16 6 2396391 Young Demon Familiar Quest 59 It's a family outing today! Mali decides to spend some time with her precious daughters. What could possibly go wrong now? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2018-03-17 7 2411514 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord The Judge of the 10th Level of Hell; Er Yin's mother; returning to life. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-03-23 6 April 2018 2441982 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Home again, but there is little time for rest. But there is always time for love and plans. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-04-02 6 2489860 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord Reiha's worries; Rishi-chan's strange attraction; Ryukusa's solutions. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-04-20 5 2508014 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette Diplomat Getting Rishi settled in; lunch with family and friends; a private matter. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-04-27 6 May 2018 2527956 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Dragonette Diplomat A look into Ryukusa's future encounters; dealing with family problems in the worst way and the best way. Collective Game , Ryukuza Quest , Ryukusa , Smile Protector , comedy , romance , over the top , dragon girls , oni girls , neko , youkai , blood , magic 2018-05-04 12 2501286 Darkest Dungeon Quest: Black as Death #1 The humble beginnings of an Heir and his effort to return the Hamlet to glory. Darkest Dungeon , DD , Collective Game , CyrustheYoungerQM 2018-05-05 4 2557646 Panzer Commander Quest #42 More post-battle wrap up is done, and Glockenblume shows its hand. Richter is also thrown through a piano. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , a curious lack of tanks , sing us a song you're the piano man 2018-05-27 2 July 2018 2686982 YouOnlyGetOneShot #1 The adventure begins Fantasy , YouOnlyGetOneShot , YOGOS , Warrior , Collective Game , JeremyQm 2018-07-04 2 2702529 YouOnlyGetOneShot #2 You meet a guard and visit your companions uncle Fantasy , YOGOS , YouOnlyGetOneShot , Warrior , Collective Game , JeremyQm 2018-07-12 2 2723941 I'm Reincarnated In Another World But Now I'm A Level 100 Hero?! (You wish!) Another victim of Truck-kun finds new life in a fantasy world, now with extra calcium. Voices In Your Head , Isekai , Skeleton MC 2018-07-26 5 August 2018 2792924 Young Justice #1 Chargen, a chat with the league, then the boys check in on a fire at Cadmus... Young Justice , Quest , Collective Game , Manthor , DC 2018-08-16 10 2809168 Young Justice #2 Clash at the Museum! Combat and awkward flirting ensue. Young Justice , Quest , Collective Game , Manthor , DC 2018-08-19 6 2822789 Young Justice #3 New teammate to meet, new tricks to learn, new trouble afoot... Young Justice , Quest , Collective Game , Manthor , DC 2018-08-30 5 2841421 Young Justice #4 Evil is punched and tailed. Young Justice , Quest , Collective Game , Manthor , DC 2018-08-31 6 September 2018 2859439 Young Justice #5 Chilling with Aquabro and meet a pretty girl that fell from the sky. Young Justice , Quest , Collective Game , Manthor , DC 2018-09-06 2 November 2018 3028110 Joker Quest 159 One last duel at the bottom of the world. Your gonna carry that weight. Joker Quest , Collective Game , Joker , See you cowboy 2018-11-17 10 December 2018 3121840 Fate Quest Pt. 2: Guns, Daggers, and an Oni In which we have heartwarming moments with Ibaraki, accidentally ram our car into Jeanne D'Arc, and make an alliance with Master of Saber. Fate Quest , REDthunderBOAR , Puppets , Ibaraki , Car Autism , Holy Fuck Ibaraki What Did You Do To Karna 2018-12-23 1 January 2019 3131597 Fate Quest Pt. 3: Arrows and Guns In which we save our ally's ass from being ripped to pieces, find out that Assassin's not dead and turn Assassin's Master into a Vampire. Fate Quest , REDthunderBOAR , Puppets , Ibaraki , Vampire Autism , Fuck Off Caster of Red With Your Bullshit 2019-01-05 1 3146186 Mega City Shopping Quest [REDUX] Citizen attempts to go shopping in Mega City; Dredd events occur Choose Your Own , X-Mas , Judge Dredd , 2000ad , Dork West, 2019-01-09 1 April 2019 3388152 Kancolle: Frog Quest In which we awaken as the good ship Provence Collective Game , Kantai Collection , Kancolle , Draw me like one of your french boats 2019-04-10 2 3427569 Kancolle: Frog Quest 2 Provence reminisces with her sisters. Collective Game,Kantai Collection,Kancolle,Draw me like one of your french boats 2019-04-28 2 May 2019 3462233 Life Life Quest Life , Drawquest , Baby , You , Soft Warm Safe 2019-05-13 1 3514945 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest We create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school. The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta Human Slave quest , Cape shit , not!prototype/pillarman protag , Fuck HIVE , Collective Game 2019-05-25 17 June 2019 3508255 Kancolle: Frog Quest 3 Provence tours Bretagne's kingdom. Lorraine wanders the barracks in a drunken stupor. Collective Game , Kantai Collection , Kancolle , Draw me like one of your french boats 2019-06-05 2 3553097 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3 Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes. The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta Human Slave quest , Cape shit , not!prototype/pillarman protag , Fuck HIVE , Collective Game , RIP 2019-06-22 6 July 2019 3579598 Kancolle Frog Quest 4 Lorraine pays a social call. Collective Game , Kantai Collection , Kancolle , Draw me like one of your french boats 2019-07-02 2 3655347 Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 2 A chuunibyou gets a pet ghost dog and completes some exorcisms for her club. Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest , drawquest 2019-07-19 13 3669574 Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 3 A chuunibyou gets body-jacked and experiences some big changes. Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest , drawquest 2019-07-21 13 3632815 CYP! Choose Your Party! Quest 1 "Journey to the unknown" A 4 person RPG quest. CYP! , Choose Your Party 2019-07-23 1 3648621 Sworn to Valour Quest #11 His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei forms rivalries and friendships alike at the tournament. Meanwhile, plots thicken on the sidelines. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Crusader , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Why did you have to Crit 2019-07-23 24 August 2019 3750982 Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 4 A chuunibyou gets some new classmates and a job. Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest , drawquest 2019-08-22 7 September 2019 3793996 Kancolle Frog Quest 5 (Papa Petain's Immeasurable Disappointment Edition) Provence weighs her options for escape and Lorraine fights to break through and save her sister. Collective Game , Kantai Collection , Kancolle , Draw me like one of your french boats 2019-09-10 1 October 2019 3849123 Runaway Jedi Quest 1: Prologue Jedi Knight Gohl and the Youngling Dove flee the jedi temple and Corsucant after Order 66 Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-10-08 4 3829830 Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 5 A chuunibyou gets enlightened about the world. Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest , Drawquest 2019-10-11 6 3839427 Kancolle Frog Quest 6: (Family Therapy Edition) Provence makes her escape and sexually harasses the UN Collective Game , Kantai Collection , Kancolle , Draw me like one of your french boats 2019-10-16 1 3848369 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 4 Qm comes back, we make some sweet gains, and we get Cait to open up about her trauma The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta human slave quest , Cape Shit , collective game 2019-10-20 2 November 2019 3881876 Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Can't Escape From Crossing Fate Gohl's desperate flight continues. Ace Pilot Iso and Youngling Dove watch on in horror as The Chosen One himself chases the edi survivors Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-11-01 1 3874844 Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest #5 We spar with Caitlin. That's about it since OP was too "busy" to update much. The Monitor of E-16 , Young Justice , Meta Human Slave Quest , Cape Shit , Collective Game , 2019-11-04 2 3877022 Panzer Commander Quest #54 Richter arrives back to his comrades. There have been several developments to say the least. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , there were battles but you don't get to have been a part of them faggot haha 2019-11-05 1 3912240 Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 6 A chuunibyou ends up in purgatory. Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest , Drawquest 2019-11-22 8 December 2019 3944718 Runaway Jedi Quest 2: Chain Gang gohl and co. land on an outer rim world to purchase supplies for their stay in the wilderness. Starborn QM , Starborn , Star Wars , Runaway , Jedi , Youngling , Corsucant , Smuggler , Undercity , Temple , Clones , Order 66 , Noorian , Palliduvan 2019-12-10 1 February 2020 4065477 Looks like you're a Pokémon Quest You wake up in the world of Pokémon and make some new friends! Looks like you're a Pokémon Quest , Collective Game , Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Quest , Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Dratini , Treecko 2020-02-14 2 April 2020 4192433 Do Your Best Quest: Dreadful Days Play a myriad of characters doing their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to both Peaceful Times and Irrelevant Times! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-04-25 1 May 2020 4233397 Do Your Best Quest #90 Johnny visits the Dewitt household. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-05-07 2 4239726 Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest 6 So long, dark lord. Psychokinetic Chuunibyou Quest , Drawquest 2020-05-10 7 4245903 Do Your Best Quest #91 Aurora faces her brother in an emotional encounter! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-05-14 1 4260859 Do Your Best Quest #92 Johnny calls a lot of people on the phone. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-05-21 1 June 2020 4272529 Do Your Best Quest #93 Johnny goes to Dream Hill: The Field of Hopes and Dreams. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-06-05 5 4305350 Do Your Best Quest #94 Johnny infiltrates the Dark Church. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-06-18 1 4314677 Do Your Best Quest #95 Johnny goes inside a mysterious office. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-06-25 1 July 2020 4325694 Do Your Best Quest #96 Johnny explores Floor 10! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-07-02 1 4339086 Do Your Best Quest #97 Johnny starts the heist of the century! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-07-08 2 4363024 Do Your Best Quest #98 Johnny Ando Vs. Bernardo Ammirati! Who will win? collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-07-24 2 August 2020 4371611 That Voice In Your Head Quest #1 You got isekai'd into a genetically engineered catboy's brain in the form of a badass AI Brain Chip. Collective Game , Sci-fi , paranormal , isekai , we're fucked , That Voice In Your Head Quest , Pessimistic QM , New QM 2020-08-04 0 4376934 Do Your Best Quest #99 The 3rd Anniversary Thread! Johnny does a lot of shit or something. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-08-14 18 4386887 Dratini Quest #2 After dealing with the Arbok, you tangle with some monkeys, get a sweet scarf, then ask questions about a weird berry. Dratini Quest , Looks like you're a Pokémon Quest , Collective Game , Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Quest , Pokémon Quest , Pokémon , Dratini , Treecko 2020-08-17 2 4387626 That Voice In Your Head Quest #2 You and your catboy slayed and humiliated a demon and got yourselves a kickass base Collective Game , Sci-fi , scifi , paranormal , isekai , we're fucked , That Voice In Your Head Quest , New QM 2020-08-18 0 4418334 In Your Room Quest - Hijacked A draw thread unfinished by the original QM was hijacked by none other than your resident drawfriend! qst , drawquest , drawfriend , hijacked , in , your , room , mystery , anon 2020-08-25 0 September 2020 4409534 That Voice In Your Head Quest #3 After wining against the demon you buy a device that let's you travel to hyperspace. You almost fucking died. Collective Game , Sci-fi , scifi , paranormal , isekai , we're fucked , That Voice In Your Head Quest , New QM 2020-09-11 -3 4438577 Do Your Best Quest #100 Johnny and crew celebrate their accomplishment! Hooray! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2020-09-30 7 November 2020 4483883 Panzer Commander Quest #66 A short leave is enjoyed, before it comes time to join the Elite Silver Lances for the uncertain future. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , All You Can Eat Buffet , terrible romance , dog 2020-11-09 1 4489818 STAR WARS - Interregnum #2.3 The Exodus from Kakarit. Farren Gaelle defeats the Herald of Jombaral, becomes a Jedi Knight, and tries to find closure with Arotta Bashur. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Space Vietnam , Force Abominations , God Beams , Youngling Angst , Lightsaber Building 2020-11-15 21 February 2021 4600316 Do Your Best Quest: Love Scramble! Johnny's mom sends him on a very important quest! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best , noncanon 2021-02-12 25 March 2021 4685909 Do Your Best Quest #101 Johnny goes to school! Woah! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-03-11 5 4693687 Do Your Best Quest #102 Johnny meets his fan club! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-03-17 5 4703970 Do Your Best Quest #103 Johnny helps a Sandwich! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-03-24 5 4714376 Do Your Best Quest #104 Johnny continues helping a Sandwich! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-03-31 5 4669323 STAR WARS - Interregnum #3 Farren talks with Troxl, Kreia and Scrapper Squad, gets branded like cattle, interviews younglings, and finally takes a padawan. Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Sith BDSM , Youthful Hijinks on the Front Line , Traditional Jedi Child Grooming 2021-03-31 20 April 2021 4736815 Do Your Best Quest #105 Johnny discovers Terrorist A's tragic past. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-04-13 6 4754842 Do Your Best Quest #106 Johnny has fun with 2 redheads! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-04-22 7 May 2021 4782971 Do Your Best Quest #107 Johnny goes inside a bubble. No, not Scarlet. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-05-05 7 4797533 Do Your Best Quest #108 Johnny steals a sandwich from an orphanage. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-05-12 8 4814683 Do Your Best Quest #109 Johnny cooks food for starving girls! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-05-20 7 4829420 Do Your Best Quest #110 Johnny bullies Matilda for the entire thread. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-05-28 5 June 2021 4855538 Do Your Best Quest #111 Johnny wears a paper bag because he's ugly. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-06-08 8 4868485 Do Your Best Quest #112 Johnny spends time with some Tomatoes! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-06-17 8 4879901 Do Your Best Quest #113 Johnny steals a cookie from a cookie factory. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-06-24 7 July 2021 4902820 Do Your Best Quest #114 Johnny witnesses the tomato reunion he has worked so much for! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-07-14 17 August 2021 4932572 Do Your Best Quest #115 The 4th Anniversary Thread! Johnny acts like a complete idiot the entire thread. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-08-20 13 September 2021 4983221 Do Your Best Quest #116 Johnny loses his cheese. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-09-09 6 4994319 Do Your Best Quest #117 Johnny tragically loses his minion. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-09-16 7 5002304 Do Your Best Quest #118 Johnny somehow bullies Scarlet through time and space. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-09-30 7 October 2021 5022990 Do Your Best Quest #119 Johnny pokes someone with a stick for one hour and a half. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-10-28 6 November 2021 5043610 Do Your Best Quest #120 Johnny eats cheese! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-11-17 7 December 2021 5066610 Do Your Best Quest #121 Johnny becomes a master detective. Eat shit, Richard. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-12-01 8 5075031 Do Your Best Quest #122 Johnny shows a dog plushy to someone. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-12-16 5 5090717 Do Your Best Quest #123 Johnny steals a body. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2021-12-24 5 January 2022 5106705 Do Your Best Quest: The Dreadfully Irrelevant Times Play a myriad of characters doing their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to all DYBQ sidestory related content! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-01-20 6 March 2022 5152822 Do Your Best Quest: The Dreadfully Irrelevant Times #2 Ema and Kobashi do their best in their respective sidestories! A sequel to all DYBQ sidestory related content! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-03-17 10 April 2022 5209573 Do Your Best Quest #124 Johnny goes on a blind date. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-04-06 5 5232514 Do Your Best Quest #125 Johnny decides to take the food industry by storm. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-04-21 5 May 2022 5240903 Do Your Best Quest #126 Johnny does his best to manage his Food Cart! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-05-04 5 5260378 Do Your Best Quest #127 Johnny doesn't make a deal with the devil. (Wait, isn't this how the quest started?) collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-05-19 5 June 2022 5286906 Do Your Best Quest #128 Johnny has a restful and peaceful moment. (Short Thread) collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-06-02 5 5294135 Do Your Best Quest #129 Johnny learns about past, present, and future Calamities. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-06-15 2 5309771 Do Your Best Quest #130 Johnny equips a Tomato, and Philonune gets a follower. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-06-29 3 5290674 Goblin assassin quest Pine, a goblin assassin does free lance killings and tries to help people medieval fantasy , make your own NPCs , Action , Goblin , Fantasy races 2022-06-30 7 July 2022 5309562 The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 1st Drink In which a drunkard can't get drunk because of a creepy alien he wakes up to discover in his house. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Noir , Sci-fi , Prohibiton , 1920s , Male Protagonist , Male MC , Alien , Waifu , 2nd Person , 2022-07-22 7 5327517 Do Your Best Quest #131 Johnny goes to the beach. Yes, it's the beach episode at long last! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-07-26 5 August 2022 5358844 Do Your Best Quest #132 The 5th Anniversary Thread! Johnny makes good use of his reconquered castle! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-08-10 2 5338893 You're Invited! - I The mystery begins. A resort with no staff. Our protagonist, a detective, and the other guests. Strange red mannequins. A sudden seizure. You're Invited , Mystery , Limited Cast , Detective 2022-08-13 5 5348054 The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 2nd Drink In which alien tries out new cocktail dresses as she and the drunkard run and hide away from an federal agent. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Noir , Sci-fi , Prohibiton , 1920s , Male Protagonist , Male MC , Alien , Waifu , 2nd Person, 2022-08-28 2 September 2022 5380111 Do Your Best Quest #133 Johnny quacks. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-09-02 3 5399928 Do Your Best Quest #134 Johnny locks a duck in the bathroom. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-09-22 7 5415595 Do Your Best Quest #135 Johnny watches: Oliver Watts Vs. Jesse. Who will win?! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-09-29 1 October 2022 5428600 Do Your Best Quest #136 Johnny watches: Fiora Kobashi Vs. Galactic Calamity. Who will win?! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-10-13 2 5387464 The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 3rd Drink In which the drunkard brings a crate of brandy and gin for the alien visitor and then shares a dream with her. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Noir , Sci-fi , Prohibiton , 1920s , Male Protagonist , Male MC , Alien , Waifu , 2nd Person, 2022-10-14 2 November 2022 5441149 Do Your Best Quest #137 Johnny watches the Finals of the Esperanza Invitational Tournament! Also, he meets with his Cheese Goddess again. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-11-02 5 5453339 Do Your Best Quest #138 Johnny kicks a rock. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-11-17 5 5470195 Do Your Best Quest #139 Johnny gets acknowledged. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-11-26 5 December 2022 5439483 The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 4tg Drink In which Elmer and One Two go on a detour. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Noir , Sci-fi , Prohibiton , 1920s , Male Protagonist , Male MC , Alien , Waifu , 2nd Person, 2022-12-04 1 5484744 Do Your Best Quest #140 Johnny manages to stay awake during a History lesson. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-12-15 5 5500784 Do Your Best Quest #141 Johnny does someone a favor. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2022-12-24 5 January 2023 5523115 Do Your Best Quest #142 Johnny watches a duck type on a keyboard. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-01-20 5 February 2023 5541008 Do Your Best Quest #143 Johnny accepts a ride from a very trustworthy gentleman. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-02-02 2 5509147 Broken Vessels Online #1 Sibyllan plays an experimental VRMMO to pay her debts, skips to the boss early, is first to enter a new zone, and nearly joins a hivemind. Collective Game , VRMMO , RPG , Strelok , Sibyllan , Broken Vessels Online , WE NEED MORE SHARDS , Quest , QM remember to archive your threads 2023-02-06 5 5558544 Do Your Best Quest #144 Johnny leaves the Bubble. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-02-23 7 March 2023 5590304 Do Your Best Quest #145 Johnny is out of the Bubble. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-03-10 6 5574143 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $1 In which Aug "Only Dead" Heart is sent to the Graveyard Frontier by a girl who made deal with the Devil. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story , 2023-03-19 10 April 2023 5638348 Do Your Best Quest #149 Johnny learns about the devastating effects of a well-made cake. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-04-22 22 5607729 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $2 In which Aug and Goldie traverse through the frontier in search of ill-famed El Dorado Warren: the mine of found riches and trapped souls. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-04-29 17 May 2023 5645488 Pay Your Taxess Quest - File 1 All you remember is a distant light. To reach it, you'll have to claw through a mountain of corpses, monstrosities, and your fragmented past. Face the Fear. Project Moon , Lobotomy Corporation , Pay Your Taxes Quest , Life Is Cheap But Living's Expensive , The IRS Has Assassins 2023-05-01 5 5652730 Do Your Best Quest #150 Johnny forms a band (of idiots)! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-05-13 7 June 2023 5670201 Do Your Best Quest #151 Johnny Ando Vs. Rooke Knightly! Who will win?! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-06-01 5 5650031 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $3 In which Aug enters the fabled El Dorado Warren, gets separated from Goldie, and has to make his way from mine that wishes to keep him. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-06-10 6 5680259 Do Your Best Quest #152 Johnny watches: Nariko Edamura vs. Tonu! Who will win?! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-06-16 2 5690989 Do Your Best Quest #153 Johnny escapes piss town. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-06-22 5 July 2023 5696348 Do Your Best Quest #154 Johnny makes some big plans! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-07-06 6 5708011 Do Your Best Quest #155 Johnny finally finds out what happened in that fucking Stadium! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-07-16 7 5684431 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $4 In which August and Goldie leave the El Dorado Warren behind only to be met with lead, bones, and gallows. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-07-28 6 August 2023 5735750 Do Your Best Quest #157 Johnny enters the Bradford Memorial Poker Tournament! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-08-26 6 September 2023 5722847 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $5 In which August and Goldie enter the ghostown of Ruetown to be met with a talking wanted poster, Perry, gamblers, and the sheriff's man. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-09-08 5 5752900 Do Your Best Quest #158 Johnny becomes Poker Champion! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-09-17 5 October 2023 5767014 Do Your Best Quest #159 Johnny meets his greatest fan girl. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-10-01 5 5751430 My best friend is a (trans)catgirl~!! A skeptical detective befriends a mysterious (trans) catgirl coroner to solve a mysterious (magical?) murder CatOP , LGBT , detective , crime , frienship , trans rights , youkai , Japanese culture , catgirl 2023-10-01 -20 5758308 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $6 In which August, separated from Goldie, confronts a woman he had killed. Instead of revenge, she demands an odd ask: slaying a Wendigo. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-10-10 6 5780580 Do Your Best Quest #160 Johnny recalls a rat. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-10-13 6 5795968 Do Your Best Quest #161 Johnny uncovers a plot. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-10-28 5 November 2023 5791574 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: Goldie's 50¢ In which Goldie is abandoned by August to deal with a voracious pack of demonic black fur beasts on her own. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Female Protagonist , Female MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-11-10 3 5818257 Do Your Best Quest #162 Johnny makes unforgettable memories. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-11-18 5 5836724 Do Your Best Quest #163 Johnny finishes recalling a rat. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-11-29 11 December 2023 5850813 Do Your Best Quest #164 Johnny loses his pigtails. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2023-12-15 6 5825689 Wanted Dead: A Western Quest: $8 In which August, trapped in a nightmare by a twisted shade, battles for his memories by reliving the last moments of those he killed. Wanted Dead: A Western Quest , YouAndYourWaifu , Western , Fantasy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2023-12-24 3 January 2024 5873414 Do Your Best Quest #165 Johnny tells the truth to a Pod Baby. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-01-06 6 5850165 Cleaner Quest #2 After wiping out a gang and helping an old man with his regrets, you now have to worry about someone hunting you down. Good luck. Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , Nicole is rapidly approaching your location. 2024-01-11 24 5884291 Do Your Best Quest #166 Johnny calls for a Smug-Off. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-01-19 5 February 2024 5898037 Do Your Best Quest #167 Johnny wins someone's daughter in a card game collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-02-01 6 5914519 Do Your Best Quest #168 Johnny deals with thirsty girls for an entire thread. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-02-16 5 5929126 Do Your Best Quest #169 Johnny fails to have a normal date. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-02-27 5 5893937 Cleaner Quest #3 After gambling your way out of a bad situation, you managed to kill a fed and talked to a weird abnormality. Life's looking okay so far. Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , Nicole loves you. 2024-02-27 19 April 2024 5941709 Do Your Best Quest #170 You know, on second thought, maybe this should've been 169... collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-04-05 21 5971498 Do Your Best Quest #171 Johnny has a ball. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-04-19 12 May 2024 5988713 Do Your Best Quest: Relevant Times Play a myriad of characters doing something relevant in their respective sidestories! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-05-18 6 6009662 Do Your Best Quest #172 Johnny meets Carol's family. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-05-25 6 5985534 Cyberpunk Quest #3 Kai recovers from his ICE induced coma suffered at the end of the last thread. Thread was cut short due to time constraints. Cyberpunk 2077 , Cyberpunk 2020 , Cyberpunk RED , Night City , Cyber Psycho , Eddies , Netrunning , AI , Edgerunner , fry your own brain , cop mommy 2024-05-25 5 5982952 Cleaner Quest #5 After saving a rich kid trapped inside of a mine, you dive right back underground to explore a P-Corp facility. Odd habit you're developing Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , Casey is a funny girl , Nicole Smith knows you're reading thi 2024-05-29 16 June 2024 6012984 The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #1 In which Demon King's General breaks into your house and declares you the prophetic hero destined to destroy the Demon King! TPNMSTDGBHK , YouAndYourWaifu , Fantasy , Comedy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story , 2024-06-07 3 6023261 Do Your Best Quest #173 Johnny goes on an adventure with hobos! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-06-08 6 6030890 Do Your Best Quest #174 Johnny discovers the dark secrets behind his apartment's walls. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-06-15 6 July 2024 6047993 Do Your Best Quest #175 Johnny continues having adventures against his will. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-07-04 5 6053240 Do Your Best Quest #176 Johnny has a bachelor party. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-07-14 6 6028147 Cleaner Quest #6 After killing an anomaly and some feds in your way, you sealed a P-Corp facility shut. You also threw a road roller at a bug. Life is good. Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , everything Nicole says is a joke and you should not trust her 2024-07-18 13 6058783 Do Your Best Quest #177 Johnny gets married (not really.) collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-07-19 6 August 2024 6069113 Do Your Best Quest #178 The 7th Anniversary Thread! Johnny befriends a buffalo. Oh, and also body swaps. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-08-09 5 6037055 The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #2 In which the Demon General Miranna and you breach into the Demon King’s Banefroth Citadel in search of the divining Grub Hag. TPNMSTDGBHK , YouAndYourWaifu , Fantasy , Comedy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2024-08-11 1 6078416 Do Your Best Quest #179 Johnny judges the Lewdlympics! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-08-16 17 6088294 Do Your Best Quest #180 Johnny becomes famous at his school. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-08-30 7 September 2024 6094745 Do Your Best Quest #181 Johnny turns into a flower. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-09-06 6 6104203 Do Your Best Quest #182 Johnny and crew plan the prison break! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-09-20 6 6108395 Do Your Best Quest #183 Johnny assembles a team for the big heist! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-09-26 7 October 2024 6081348 The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #3 In which you and Miranna wade through the Demon King's citadel, avoiding demons, bumping into Wardens, and even the King himself! TPNMSTDGBHK , YouAndYourWaifu , Fantasy , Comedy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2024-10-18 3 6113437 Do Your Best Quest #184 Johnny frees some birds. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-10-19 6 6122551 Do Your Best Quest #185 Johnny challenges The Warden! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-10-19 7 November 2024 6130091 Do Your Best Quest #186 Johnny Ando Vs. Quye! Who will win?! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-11-03 13 6138657 Do Your Best Quest #187 Johnny plays Assist! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-11-15 10 6142790 Do Your Best Quest #188 Johnny does a Prison Break! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-11-25 10 December 2024 6120773 The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #4 In which you cross paths with a childhood friend, and a Demon General too, in a village cast under the curse of eternal exhaustion. TPNMSTDGBHK , YouAndYourWaifu , Fantasy , Comedy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2024-12-04 3 6150288 Do Your Best Quest #189 Johnny throws a party! Yay! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-12-14 11 6158682 Do Your Best Quest #190 Johnny grants Constance's biggest wish! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2024-12-24 12 January 2025 6170618 Do Your Best Quest #191 Johnny deals with a bunch of girls with creepy smiles. collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2025-01-18 8 6152350 The Prophecy Names Me, So The Demon General Betrays Her King?! Forecast #5 In which you alongside Demon King's ex-General Miranna journey into the fiery exile enclave of Haunted Armours to retrieve Count Whiskers. TPNMSTDGBHK , YouAndYourWaifu , Fantasy , Comedy , Male Protagonist , Male MC , 2nd Person , Story, 2025-01-29 2 February 2025 6179573 Do Your Best Quest #192 Johnny plays the King's game! collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2025-02-09 11 6161985 You're DATING a Magical Girl! You're a regular janitor with an admiration for magical girls that discovers that your girlfriend is one. Chaos ensues. Tenders , Tenders QM , You're DATING a Magical Girl! Quest , Magical Girl , Mahou Shoujo , Genderbender , Ecchi , Yandere , Crossdress , Prejudice 2025-02-12 0 6201897 Do Your Best Quest #193 Johnny had a lot of fun with his Bestie! (Short thread.) collective game , drawquest , slice of life , supernatural , Do Your Best 2025-02-28 5 March 2025 6173828 Cleaner Quest #9 You wrapped your journey through D-Corp, L-Corp, and R-Corp. The looming threat of the BASE ASSAULT and HEAD MEETING draws closer. Collective Game , Coffee Addiction , Cleaner , Anomaly , inspired by Project Moon , you're free from the foxtrot mission , Casey and Max cute! 2025-03-11 1