/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2008
3052437GameScience Dice vs Cheap DiceAnon posts a very interesting vid featuring the good Colonel from GameScience explaining why most /tg/ dice aren't in face random.dice, die, cheap, machined, casino, d20, d16, d4, polished2008-11-24 3 
3074549Anonymous helps out on a HomebrewAnonymous asks for help on a homebrew and /tg/ gets shit done. Homebrew sci-fi sf aliens politics2008-11-28 0 
May 2009
4663100Game Store Choker!Apparently, a third, scratch that, HALF of /tg/ goes to this one game store where a guy who choked his gf to death played his Nurgle army on the day he got arrested. That, and some good-natured political trollage murder, 40k, asians, gw, politics2009-05-26 -2 
March 2010
8586512Polymorphed Dragon-girlWhat starts like a monstergirl thread ends up generating some interesting (and non-pornographic) writefaggery.dragon, writefaggery, polymorph2010-03-15 16 
8627301Polymorphed Dragon Girl 2A different writefag continues the story from the first thread, slightly intoxicated.dragon, writefaggery, polymorph2010-03-17 12 
8675840Polymorphed Dragon-girl 3The writefag returns from a short disappearance to continue the story.dragon, writefaggery, polymorph2010-03-20 10 
April 2010
9010467Doppleganger DamacyA discussion of a campaign in which the PCs begin as weak and frail, but gradually take on the abilities of the creatures they kill.Dopplegangers, D&D, Evolution, polymorph, Katamari Damacy, new abilities, 2010-04-06 43 
May 2010
9892286Polearms don't get any attentionPolearms actually get attention and discussionPolearms Earspoon Talhoffer2010-05-18 3 
June 2010
10788125Paladin Politics/tg/ experiences the idea of Paladin orders politicking with each other. Thread is trolled by people demanding the paladins be murdering rapists, because thats more realistic. Paladins, politics2010-06-28 7 
July 2010
11327165Paladin Politics Part DeuxAnother thread about Paladins and geopolitical manuevering, this time with necromancers. Still no Paladins fall. This guy is good.Paladins, politics2010-07-25 11 
October 2010
12373636Making a GURPS character/tg/ creates an Indian cyborg politician in a dystopian Science fiction/transhumanist universe.Indian, transhuman, transhumanism, cyborg, mooks, politics, GURPS, dice2010-10-08 3 
12447189Starship Troopers DiscussionVarious fa/tg/uys sit around the proverbial water cooler and discuss the strengths and merits of the Starship Troopers political system.discussion, Starship Troopers, politics, Fascism2010-10-15 9 
12481821Napoleonic HeresyDevelopment thread for a Dark Heresy supplement taking place in the Napoleonic Era.Dark Heresy Napoleon Napoleonic Era Muskets Setting Building Rules Development2010-10-18 2 
November 2010
12647865Spooky Zerg Quest IIIDyles continues its transformation into a horrible monster. It devours its fellow man. It drains their blood and their souls. It uses them like sock puppets made of human flesh. The Bonus Quest finally ends--But does he die, sparing the galaxy his evil, or escape, inflicting his ravenous hunger on us all?Zerg Quest, Spooky Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Dyles, Halloween, Mayor McTasteyFace, Space Tadpoles2010-11-02 10 
April 2011
14506111BBEG Brainwashing MoralityDiscussion of the moral implications of rewriting a villain's mind.ideas, polymorph, mindwipe2011-04-08 5 
14545566Disarmed Policeman Rides Again!The Disarmed Policeman returns to update his progress and answer some questions.Disarmed Policeman, Disarmed, Policeman, Roleplay2011-04-11 10 
14697839Disarmed Policeman ReduxReturning with stories of the current situation of his game, Disarmed Policeman also goes into detailing a past event: the often talked about Formal BallDisarmed Policeman, Disarmed, Policeman, Roleplay, game, thread, plot, story, That Girl2011-04-24 7 
August 2011
16017027A Questus Mechanicus 1Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster wakes up, kills a fat guy, and serves his Mech Lord.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-22 7 
16042017A Questus Mechanicus 2Tech Adept Faustinius Heregaster loots, gains minions and prepares to trap HERETICAL SPIES.Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread2011-08-24 7 
16077369A Questus MechanicusHeregaster decides to make some robo-booty and Solid snakes his way through a warehouse.A Questus Mechanicus, quest thread, Fabricator Locum Sebastopol, Collective Game2011-08-27 7 
16120088Die Politik/tg/ take on the role of Desmond Kyriat and begin party intruigePolitik, Desmond Kryiat, Collective game2011-08-31 0 
November 2011
1683231740k is an 80s buddy cop moviethe immortal warriors of the undying god emperor are getting to old for this shitwarhammer 40k cop police buddy2011-11-04 3 
January 2012
17391388Polar Setting discussionNanook and friends share legends, creatures, and pictures from Inuit and other cultures.Nanook, polar, Inuit, Sami, Yakut, Eskimo, mythology, monsters, reindeer2012-01-01 10 
17579384Polymorph x into CatWent from turning a lump of stone into a kitten bomb, into various ways to destroy large areas with a bunch of simple spellspolymorph, cat2012-01-18 7 
June 2012
19448603Napoleonic Commander Quest 1Napoleonic tactics GOGOGO!Napoleonic Commander Quest, Quest2012-06-12 11 
19486598Napoleonic Commander Quest 2The second shorter incarnation. Napoleonic Commander Quest, Quest, Loot, Pillage2012-06-15 9 
19535479Napoleonic Commander Quest 3Finish up festivities in Quent, moved on to Tarwood. Then back to Finnsfjord to make sure our moustache stayed immaculate. Napoleonic Commander Quest, Quest, Moustache2012-06-19 6 
19641071Napoleonic Commander Quest, Part 4Meeting the new captains and beginning the siege of Dobren.Napoleonic Commander Quest, Collective Game, Quest2012-06-27 5 
19648381Poke-Quest Derails! Becomes Diamonds!OP tries to create a Pokemon inspired quest thread, /tg/ derails it almost immediately. When OP ragequits he is replaced with a Rampaging New OP who gives no fucks.Pokemon, Collective_game, Funny, Drunk_on_power, Fuck_the_police2012-06-28 22 
July 2012
19716615Napoleonic Commander Quest, Part 5We begin our bombardment of the walls of Dobren. A breach is made, and the western wall taken.Napoleonic Commander Quest, Collective Game, Quest2012-07-03 3 
19886971Planetary Governor Quest: Part 15The continuation from 14.5, we bro it up with insect Xenos, piss of the SOB, and finally finish with that HulkCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Space Battle, Orks, RT, Rogue Trader, HTML, Space Hulk, Politics, Spiders2012-07-15 13 
19904025DIS A TRAG'DY!>Dere ar' curantly sixty millon billon Orks in da universe (not countin' da gitz lost in da Warp, haha.) >At any giv'n time dere be less den on trillion Orks fightin' a WAAAAGH! >DATS MEANS NINE-T NINE PERCHENT OF DA ORKS AIN'T FIGHTING! >DAT TOP ONE PERCENT TAKEN ALL THE WAAAAAGH FOR DEMSELVES AND DAT AIN'T ROIGHT!occupy, waaaghstreet, waaagh, ork, /pol/, crossover2012-07-16 137 
August 2012
20217379New Napoleonic Commander Quest pt2Not ElfNapoleon, bad news from home, a staff officer with a grudge, and an ambush and slaughter of Alban forces.Collective Game, Quest, Napoleonic Commander Quest, Elk2012-08-07 2 
September 2012
20857799Zerg Quest CVBoarding parties find great success in stealing Xel'Naga ships, but will that be enough?Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Proprietary polygons, deck-by-deck racial cleansing, Objection!2012-09-25 7 
December 2012
22117884Politics of SkyrimA heated discussion of Stormcloak and Imperial politics during, before, and after the Skyrim timeline. Lots of debate as to which side was in the right. Everyone drinks mead and feels good afterwards. tes, The Elder Scrolls, skyrim, ulfric, stormcloak, talos, politics2012-12-19 5 
January 2013
22788717The Legions of Earth/tg/ helps allay the fears of a concerned brother. Then it proceeds to prove just how ridiculously far they can derail a threadPolandball, Abbadon, failure, derail, daemonette, discussion, First Founding, 40k, wut2013-01-26 10 
February 2013
22920665Red Dragon Quest 011Having taken control of the island, the Red Dragon consolidates his power and implements his policies.Collective Game, Red Dragon Quest, Red, Red Dragon, Dragon, power, gained, consolidation, policies, governing2013-02-02 17 
22968496Sharpe's Thread/tg/ gathers round to discuss Sharpe, Sean Bean's plot armour, and the King's shilling. Resources are shared and songs are sung. sharpe, napoleonic wars, pdf2013-02-05 9 
March 2013
23433290Unweddable PrincessesOP asks for a series of hilariously unmarriable princesses for his Kingmaker campaign. /tg/ delivers.Princess, politics, status, marrying into power, daaw, Pathfinder Kingmaker2013-03-01 21 
September 2013
27284893Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 8Another "bandit" war. The mistakes of the past haunt us again. Lessons relearned. Heroes die, leave, and loyalties come into question. Something is rotten in the state of Memor.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Bandit, War, Political Intrigue,2013-09-18 5 
27317114Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 9Things continue to unravel. More heroes vanish, others thankfully return. Our insignificance becomes more significant. Minor things like spiders and alternate conversion techniques discovered. Conspiracies, revelations, we go down the rabbit hole.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Spiders, Political Intrigue, Impending Doom2013-09-20 5 
November 2013
28454186Clade Quest 3Felicia meets the boss, takes a job, and heads north for some disastrous diplomacy.Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, Politics2013-11-24 6 
28506260Polite Society QuestWe have five men coming to kill us, and four bullets in our rifle.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-11-27 36 
December 2013
28581489Clade Quest 4Felicia has some drinks, negotiates a political deal, and beats up an angry dog girl. Same shit different day.Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, Politics2013-12-01 7 
28578761Polite Society Quest 2In which the good are punished as we make our way to our payment. Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Action, Baby, Maxim2013-12-02 22 
28655350Polite Society Quest 3We escape the city and meet up with Rachim.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-05 17 
28715801Clade Quest 5Felicia wants to entrap a Senator, the dice decide she wants to be mauled by a dog.Collective Game, Clade Quest, Abhuman, Catgirls, Politics, /tg/ Dice2013-12-08 5 
28860128Polite Society Quest 5Maliki is recovered. Polite Society 4 available on foolz.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-15 14 
28942664Polite Society Quest 6Maliki's contact is found.Polite Society Quest, Collective Game, Turban, Operator, Military, Algeria, Maxim2013-12-19 12 
February 2014
30092546Poland Ball QuestAll the country balls meet to prevent the world from being drowned in nuclear fire.Collective Game, Poland Ball Quest, POLANDBALLQUEST2014-02-08 13 
30106195Poland Ball Quest 2Poland steals Japan's katana. France tries to surrender. Collective Game, Poland Ball Quest, POLANDBALLQUEST, draw quest2014-02-09 7 
30420596Poland Ball Quest 3Americaball kicks ass and takes names. Collective game, Poland Ball Quest, POLANDBALLQUEST, draw quest2014-02-23 5 
April 2014
31698624Legalize necromancy!4d20 raise it bro. Friggin' feds.necromancy, fuck da police, legal debate, pro-death2014-04-25 5 
May 2014
32291434Fading Republic QuestWe are a mysterious agent of The Eye, the chief intelligence service of a Romanesque Republic. After exploring inter-service politics between various military branches we decipher encoded messages from spies in our employ and fall under attack by barbarians.Fading Republic Quest, Collective Game, Spy, Republic, Democracy, Politics2014-05-23 6 
32461889Shoggy the Seldom DogA party pet called Shoggy the Seldom Dog. A friendly dog that randomly polymorphed every few hours.Shoggy, Shoggy the Seldom Dog, Polymorph, Shoggoth, Story, Cute2014-05-31 90 
June 2014
33023335Shadowrun General: Humanis EditionShadowrun general starts up all normal like, and then nazisbipolar, nazi, humanis, shadowrun, storytime, storytiem2014-06-27 3 
July 2014
33583699Bureaucracy Quest Thread 2!We become the Incarnation of Polearms, and learn some mechanics!Collective Game, Celestial Bureaucracy Quest, Polarms2014-07-23 0 
August 2014
34094243Succubus Lord Quest 74Join us as we start policy making for Old TO!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-08-13 6 
34259195Succubus Lord Quest 75(!)Join us as we defuse a hostage situation!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-08-20 7 
September 2014
34756635Succubus Lord Quest 76Join us fpr the Celestian invasion!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-09-10 5 
35211228Warring America States EraWhat if America has a Warring States period, just like Japan?oc, original content, awesome, politics, america, warring american states2014-09-30 1 
October 2014
35267979Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated QuestIn which we puke glowing rainbows, and gain tits. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-03 20 
35284076Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 2In which we transform for the first time, shower, and satisfy shadow.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-04 11 
35304874Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 3In which we have a chat with our Shadow and go take a shower. Probably ended early.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-05 10 
35355517Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran CommonwealthA retired BOLO supertank commander turned Free Trader and Wildcat asteroid miner is rewarded for heroism with rule over a mining colony of exiled Space Libertarians, refugees from the Cyberpunk planet, and alien defectors on the frontier of Human space. Also DAT CLOUDSCOOP and shit going down at a trade hub en route.Governor Quest, Collective Game, Known Space, SciFi, colony, MURIKA, Transmetropolitan2014-10-07 13 
35391019Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 4In which we go clothes shopping, and fight our first demon! Also get our second Change Temp this time.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-09 11 
35400267Governor Quest 2Governor Greystone meets his staff, does some negotiations, and fills out the paperwork of becoming a planetary governor of the Commonwealth.Governor Quest, Collective Game, Known Space, SciFi, colony, MURIKA, Transmetropolitan2014-10-09 11 
35413220Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 5We watch a movie with Beth and cook some dinner.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-10 10 
35434352Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 6In which we have a nap, get busy with ourselves, and finally go hang out with JohnCollective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-11 10 
35461168Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 7We hang out with John, Fight a Demon, save a Katgirl, and Johns house. Dad completes a bucketlist item.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-12 10 
35463815Governors Quest 4We deal with the space pirate problem through guile, trickery, and the application of extreme violence.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Known Space, SciFi, colony, MURIKA, Transmetropolitan, Space Pirates, Space Slavers2014-10-12 7 
35485611Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 8 We talk to Beth, cuddle with Kat, Have a good dream, fail at cooking, go running and shower.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-13 10 
35488327Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter FiveOrbital Supremacy is ours. We deceive a Slaver Lord, get intimidated by our Mercenary dressed up like a Pirate, talk to our BOLO, and instill respect in some Hacker bitches.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Fuck Yeah2014-10-13 7 
35512848Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter SevenWe spend the entire thread running over Space Bugs in our BOLO and laughing maniacally, until we get into a fight with some kind of coral...symbiote...thing. Also creepy foreshadowing ignored in favor of arguing about allegations of samefagging.Collective Game, Governors Quest, Governor Quest, SciFi, Science Fiction, Space, Known Space, Pirates, Slavers, Bugs, Wall of text, Starship Troopers, Transmetropolitan2014-10-14 6 
35509987Succubus Lord Quest 77Join us as the Greed Demon's drop a bombshell of information at us!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-10-15 7 
35533796Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, The Real Chapter SevenWe do Governor things, put ourselves in (more) debt to build future tourist attractions, some of which are pretty Metal. We also open the ILLEGAL GOODS MYSTERY BOX, discover some hints of a forgotten Black Operation gone wrong, finally kill our pet Slaver Lord, and have a brief encounter with spooky aliens.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-10-15 6 
35548407Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 9We drive Beth home and hang out with Kat. Things get hot when we go underwear shopping with her.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-16 10 
35568888 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 10We manage to save our self some embarrassment, go home, shower, cook, learn magic shit, free Alex, and Lewd the Kat again.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-17 7 
35574609Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter NineWe deal with Traders, take too long talking again, get some intel on our mystery cats, and wind up dropping everything to head off violence between heavily armed space cowboys and the New YakuzaGovernor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky, Yakuza, Cowboy2014-10-17 10 
35592114Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 11We hang out with Shadow Alex and Kat, then decide to go on a date with Shadow Alex but get sidetracked with demon hunting.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-18 6 
35617055Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter ElvenWe clear out our to-do list, start getting ready for a visit from Gubmint' Folk, hatch a nefarious plan to gain pet Pseudo-Arachnids and argue like coked-up monkeys about voting and samefagging. Also BOLO VS Plasma Bug action.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Fuck Yeah, Starship Troopers, faggotry2014-10-19 8 
35692666Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 12Alex and Shadow Alex play a joke on Beth. Beth is not amused.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-23 5 
35713395Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 13Beth turns the tables and gets a chance to play with Alex while she is still extra sensitive.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-24 6 
35738075Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter TwelveWe deal (somewhat) with an overstressed power Grid, get some unsettling news on pirates, discover that our Megacorps supply ship has been taken over by brain spiders, and get a line on an old BOLO in Outlaw space.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-10-25 7 
35838286Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 14We invite Beth to Dinner, act normal about Shadow Alex, and have a moment with Mother.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-10-30 5 
November 2014
35896443Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 15In which we sleep, cook, go running, and then have a serious discussion. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-02 6 
35925856Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter ThirteenWe deal with bureaucrats, some better at ignoring reality than others, FUSION UP, and annoy a Safety Bureau Inspector.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-11-03 10 
36065174Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 16We finish our talk, have a shower, and go help John with a small wolf problem.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-10 5 
36192637Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 17We finish our chat with John, get a mysterious job offer, and are forced with a dilemma at the end of the thread. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-17 6 
36337481Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 18We introduce ourselves to the other magical girls and start working on the job.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-23 8 
36355695Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 19We get to work killing demons and tease some of our teammates.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-11-24 6 
December 2014
36512082/pol/lack of Zero Quest Thread 1Cuntpunting abounds./pol/lack of Zero Quest, Collective Game, /pol/2014-12-04 23 
36608521Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 20We fight a fallen god with our teammates.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-07 12 
36743949Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 21We exchange numbers with the other magical girls and finally head home.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-14 5 
36743632Succubus Lord Quest 78Join us as we see the eyes of the world through Brodin!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-12-14 7 
36921319Gunderson Nuts Presents: Succubus Lord Quest 78Join us for this holiday special by Gunderson nuts!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics, buy Gunderson Nuts2014-12-23 5 
37009758Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 22We deal with a temporary change, Kat practices her powers and we indulge our Mom.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-28 5 
37051951Succubus Lord Quest 80Join us for the aftermath of the Old TO battle!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2014-12-30 5 
37073773Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 23We head to the mall, and find a pet store.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2014-12-31 10 
January 2015
37147327Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 24We finish at the first shop and treat Beth and Kat at a bakery.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-04 6 
37264000Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 25Kat tries her new key and we decide to hunt some demons with Kat and Beth.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-10 5 
37378736Succubus Lord Quest 81Join us as we sort out our after battle prizes!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-01-15 5 
37386972Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter 14Back from hiatus, a very short thread. On the plus side, we went to local bars to talk with our citizens, and raise our popularity.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2015-01-15 6 
37400124Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 26Beth and Kat finish off the demon and get some temporary changes.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-16 6 
37449287Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 27Beth and Alex have some fun breaking rules.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-18 7 
37474903Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 28We make our way home with Beth, and Shadow Alex shows us something different about her room.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-19 5 
37533837Succubus Lord Quest 82Join us for Matriarch Ishtar's secret!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-01-22 5 
37550331Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 29A bath with Kat and a talk with Dad.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-23 6 
37636822Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 30Hunting a demon and keeping fit.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-01-27 11 
February 2015
37907510Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 31A small bout of amnesia, before collaring Kat finally.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-08 8 
38028553Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 32We have quite a few conversations, and watch Kat learn to cook.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-14 5 
38066665Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 33We get some maybe good news from Mom, and went to Johns. Ended early to 4chan dying.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-15 7 
38138432(Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 8Who do you choose? Poly or Poly? Collective Game, (Not)Overlord Quest, MaxLich, ChoosePoly2015-02-18 7 
38134473Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 34We get everyone together to save John! Things got a little messy.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-19 6 
38164240Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 35We question Kim, let Tenka do his thing, and meet Sarah and Nicky. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-20 6 
38222143(Not)Overlord Lich Chapter 9Choosed Poly. So Poly needs to fight you now.Collective Game, (Not)Overlord Quest, MaxLich, WhyDidntYouChoosePoly2015-02-22 7 
38245304Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 36We ask Sarah some questions and Shadow Alex has a new experience. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-02-23 6 
March 2015
38446178Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 37We get John home, and give him shit about Summer. Then we head home and deal with changes.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-05 6 
38547581Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 38We help Amy out with her favor and have a chat with Beth.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-09 7 
38852076Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 39We get some ice cream, collect Kats belongings, and nearly make a mistake.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-23 6 
38992460Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 40We relax for a while before going on a run, ended early.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-03-30 5 
April 2015
39142107Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 41We finish our run, and find out what Summer wants. Beth also admits to something.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-05 5 
39200349Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 41.5We collect half our allowance, learn about the noise, and talk to Beth about revealing secrets. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-09 5 
39286303Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 42We steal John, play some games, and then cook dinner. It was steak.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-13 5 
39449388Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 43We talk to John, play some games, find out about mages from Dad, find an addicted Kat, and take a trip down nostalgia.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-21 5 
39532597Succubus Lord Quest 783Join us as we drink a Mocha and capture a Sloth demon!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-04-24 5 
39567654 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 44We cook breakfast, ask Shadow Alex somethings, and call Anna during a rough time.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-04-27 5 
May 2015
39715896 Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 45We hang out with Anna, going for a run, grabbing lunch, and overall talking about magical girl stuff.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-04 7 
39854919Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 46We say goodbye to Anna, find Kat and Dad didn't starve, and turn invisible. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-11 6 
39941617Succubus Lord Quest 84Join us as we meet Nalika's sister, Pride Demon King Kaj!Succubus, Quest, Demon, Collective Game, Succbus Lord Quest, post apocalyptic, winter, slice of life, politics2015-05-14 6 
39936935To Protect And Serve QuestWe're a beat cop in the year 2153 that's doing his job and doing it well.To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer2015-05-15 39 
39977307Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 47A thread where not much at all happens.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-05-17 5 
June 2015
40495952To Protect And Serve Quest 2More cop shenanigans in the future To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer, Badge2015-06-10 22 
40605617Pokemon Quest #97 part 1We battle Vernon, the former champion, then take Meloetta out for that jam session we promised.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, old man, battle, Gyarados, Poliwrath2015-06-15 20 
40718783Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 48Finishing up a fight, and moving onwards.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-06-20 5 
40867323Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 49In which we deal with a change, and move on wards. Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-06-28 5 
July 2015
40932672Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 49.5 In which we go do something memorable!Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-01 5 
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 -21 
41074194Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 50We relax in a chair, accept a job, and lose an eventful change.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-08 5 
41244304Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Thread 51We wake up, have a discussion with Beth and make a phone call.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-16 5 
41397761Magical Burst: Darkness Extrapolated Quest Discussion/EpilogueA sudden end to a comfy quest, and the tale of how Alex lived beyond it.Collective Game, Breaker, Magical Girl, Genderswap, Darkness Extrapolated Quest2015-07-23 8 
October 2015
42974188Storytime with Lady Bianca Dolcetto AmarettoTales of a Rogue Trader bent, for those of a devout or somewhat lewd leaning!Rogue Trader, FFG, Amaretto, Polio, Ramius2015-10-14 16 
January 2016
44859715Map Change-UpExtraterrestrial social crusaders use their advanced teleportation technology to instantaneously transfer whole populations across our planeAliens, Maps, Nations, Politics,2016-01-24 -1 
45108739The Lonely Vampire Quest #1French vampire hobo visits post-apocalyptic city and finds hanged womanCollective Game, Vampire, Lonely Vampire Quest, Polaroid Camera, Old Protagonist, Hobo, Shitforbrians, Drawquest2016-01-30 1 
May 2016
10083Willikers An abusive policeman awakes from a VR simulation to wreak more havoc than usual.Willikers, Animated, Carter Kriggs, Police, Abuse2016-05-03 3 
66456Contractor QuestWe go on our first big mission where we demonstrate our poor marksmanship, steal a safe and adopt a dog, while saving a VIP.Contractor, Collective Game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune,2016-05-06 10 
72480Contractor Quest #2Back home, we train, discover the base, meet our flatmate and the handler Tiffany, get more guns and gear, and choose our next missionContractor, Collective Game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-06 6 
111956Contractor Quest 3We leave for Jakarta, get our first kill with the company, free future sex slaves, and collect more hard drives than we know what to do withContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-13 5 
130635Contractor Quest 4We go clubbing, wake up in a hotel room, and agree to be on Solomon's tournament teamContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-15 4 
142271Contractor Quest 5Solomon fanboys over an olympic sharpshooter, we play with new toys, and put down a competing squadContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-19 3 
163279Contractor quest 6We continue fighting in the tournament, and eliminate several teamsContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-05-25 4 
June 2016
204454Contractor Quest 7We keep fighting and the tournament endsContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-06-03 2 
254197Contractor Quest 8We party the night away, choose a mission, buy some gear, and get on a plane.Contractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-06-17 4 
282042Contractor Quest #9We landnin Nepal, take a Buddhist temple, and get some important bits shot off.Contractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-06-23 3 
July 2016
315597Contractor Quest #10We defeat the human wave attack, get shot again, and put down an internationally wanted killerContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-07-01 2 
342044Contractor Quest #11We get yelled at by mom, get a new hand, and Handler is misled concerning errands.Contractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-07-11 2 
358015Contractor Quest #11.5We get home from Athens, do some shopping, and prepare for a dateContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-07-15 1 
390650Contractor Quest #12We go on a date, have a timeskip, get bamboozled, kidnap a billionaire,and steal a boatContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-07-24 2 
August 2016
441240Contractor Quest #13We call our boss, find a fucked up trophy room, and engage in gratuitous brutalityContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-08-08 3 
468988Dictator QuestWe are the newly appointed president of a country, after a coup It's time to seize power and assert ourselves. Collective Game, Politics, Dictator2016-08-17 3 
48935703Great Powers in the 2060'sWorldbuilding a Transhuman Space style return to the Great Powers era (the collapse of the Superpower era, basically) as a setting.worldbuilding, cyberpunk, military, future, setting, great powers, politics,2016-08-25 -13 
486853Contractor Quest #14We loot a yacht, steal a bed, talk to our team, and get a tour of the TitanContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-08-26 0 
September 2016
519369Contractor Quest #14.5We get home, do some shopping, complain about head, and descend on some urban youthsContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-09-04 1 
563024Contractor Quest #15We unfuck the flashbang situation, capture an HVT, and try out the 3d10 systemContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-09-20 2 
570135/qst/ Discussion ThreadBoard Discussion Thread for /qst/brainstorming, Comical, politics, Diplomacy, design, Death World2016-09-23 22 
October 2016
49651484Wisdom of the Great Frog of the Southern Pond of the Western Woods of the Eastern Kingdom of the NorthRikki Tikki Tavi in a fantasy setting, plus a healthy dash of political intrigue, and delivered by way of Terry Pratchett?worldbuilding, setting, politics, kingdom, frog, pepe,2016-10-07 9 
687053Cape World Presents: Statesmen, the Superhero team management sim 1In which we begin to build up our center program, play diplomacy with a dragon, and meet the president.Collective Game, Superhero, Super hero, Statesmen, Questguy, Politics, Diplomacy, Dragons, School, Sim2016-10-20 4 
751191Contractor Quest #16We get our nose broken, spend a lot of money, and choose a missionContractor, Collective game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-10-31 3 
November 2016
777017Contractor Quest #17: Halloween Special 1We talk tactics with the team, spend a lot of money, and get on a planeContractor, Collective Game, PMC, Polish, Soldier of Fortune2016-11-09 2 
February 2017
51541954The Greek Mythic Cycle: TheomachyOP asks "what if Apollo rebelled against Zeus as Zeus rebelled against Cronos, and Cronos rebelled against Ouranos?" Theomachy is whatGreek Gods, Olympus, Zeus, Apollo, Greece, Troy, Myths, Greek2017-02-04 6 
June 2017
1558751Necropolis Vampire CivquestWe get started on the adventures of Carthus, a brutal vampire dwelling in the necropolis of the city of Ceredi. Necropolis Vampire Civquest, Quest, Civ, Vampire2017-06-12 2 
July 2017
1617204Frilled to Run #1A Frilled Shark decides she should, nay, MUST become President of the United States. Her campaign begins in earnest.Frilled Shark, Shark, Politics, Ceerie, Ceerie2020, Gamaliel, Under da Sea2017-07-05 5 
October 2017
1936103ShellStorm mecg quest RebootCursedQm returns with more Mechs and a heavy weapons loving protag named Piotr. CursedQm, Mechs, ww2, Poland, Germany, Collective game2017-10-09 5 
1948265Shellstorm mech Quest #2. Demo SquadPiotr and the resistance fighters under his command execute some daring explosive work and begin a risky distraction to gain some SalvageCursedQm, Mechs, ww2, Poland, Germany, Collective game2017-10-15 3 
1966763Shellstorm Quest Pt3: Night on the TownPiotr and his allies continue their assault to keep the Germans distracted while salvage crews work desperately. Things get very.... Savage.CursedQm, Mechs, ww2, Poland, Germany, Collective game2017-10-21 2 
November 2017
56305928/tg/'s fantasy classroom/tg/ is asked to teach some young witches. Some of us are better teachers than others.advice, teachers, witch kids, witchlings, classroom, adventurers, magic, rogues, mages, party dynamics, combat, politics, sex ed, zoology2017-11-12 11 
December 2017
2091585Dwarf Politician Quest #1The fate of all dwarfkind rests on the shoulders of a belligerent, substance-abusing noble.Dwarf, Politician, Collective Game, Political, Fantasy2017-12-01 2 
2109440War of the Roses #1Duke Will Seymour of Somerset makes plans and conducts war on his enemies. Who will claim the crown of England?War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-09 7 
2140770War of the Roses #2The fight for Bridgwater begins, Duke Seymour has to pull on stops to defend his fief.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-17 4 
January 2018
2182202War of the Roses #3Plans are laid for the invasion of Devonshire, and plans are made with your wife.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-05 3 
2221499War of the Roses #4Harold declares himself rightful king, Devonshire is attacked, plans for the war continueWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-22 3 
February 2018
2257833War of the Roses #5Meeting with your family and preparations to receive Duke Harold for Christmas, as well as the siege of PlymouthWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-03 1 
2312979War of the Roses #6A relaxing Christmas with the family full of drama and intrigue.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-23 1 
23046454chan Tribes Evo I This is just the beginningevo tribe, pol, fit, a, r9k, evo, stoppu2018-02-26 3 
March 2018
2351933War of the Roses #7Final preparations to begin the Middlesex Campaign and trouble in Bristol.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-03-02 2 
December 2018
3119583Sokka Quest IIn an AU where Sozin's comet doesn't exist, Sokka travels to Ba Sing Se, meets some girls, and fights the power.Sokka Quest, ATLA, Blood, Politics, Boomerangs2018-12-23 10 
January 2019
3129832Sokka Quest IIAfter a fight with the pirates Sokka returns to the South Pole, and the QM dissapears.Sokka Quest, ATLA, Blood, Politics, Boomerangs.2019-01-07 5 
February 2019
3179527Changeling: Lost Monk Quest # 4We win a tournament and meet with a BaronLost Monk Quest, Changeling, Tournament Arc, Politics, Monk2019-02-01 5 
May 2019
3441738An evening with Lex LuthorThe Call Girl from Metropolis adventures begin with an encounter with Lex Luthor and SupermanCollective Game, Call Girl Quest, DC, Lex Luthor, Superman, Metropolis2019-05-06 2 
3469312 The Call Girl’s Adventures in Metropolis (And other places): 1The call of the PenguinCollective Game, Call Girl Quest, DC, Penguin, Metropolis2019-05-18 0 
August 2019
3765579Body Horror Quest - 28th VeinShu meets a Polish meme girl and a posse of Hyenas with Assless chaps; then finds prey, only to find she's not the only hunter on the prowlBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Polish, hyenas, assless chaps, Protean2019-08-25 12 
December 2019
3966505Bad Art QuestThomas wishes to spread the word of Classic Italian Disco but it goes beary wrong.Bear, disco, art, bad, bad art, Thomas, corn, Conopolis2019-12-19 0 
May 2020
4217050White man's burden: Apocalypse nowColonial governor finds himself cut off from the metropol area with limited supplies. Collective Game , White man's burden Quest, post-apocalyptic, history, alternate history, world building, politics, 2020-05-02 5 
4240969White man's burden: Apocalypse nowColonial governor finds himself cut off from the metropol area with limited supplies.Collective Game , White man's burden Quest, post-apocalyptic, history, alternate history, world building, politics,2020-05-28 2 
July 2020
4342085Body Horror Quest - 45th VeinA simple investigation of infighting in a mountain settlement reveals politics and a plot by a culprit who has the broken power of "NOTHINGBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 5, Arcadia, Politics, Nothing is scarier2020-07-25 7 
August 2020
4410566The Election GameA game where you try to win a presidential election in some dysfunctional democracy, not matter what!!Politics, Democracy, Elections, The-Election-Game, South-Champa2020-08-23 1 
September 2020
4436447The Election Game Part IIA continuation of the John Steward presidency in south champa, as he tries to unify the nation.Election, Politics, The-Election-Game, South-Champa, Goverment, Corruption, War2020-09-20 3 
September 2021
4960154Nationquest:Chapter IThe first elected leader of Bronze Age Island deals with democracy and politicsDemocracy, policitcs, nation, civilization2021-09-27 1 
November 2021
82088742Leviathan Thread 3/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-09 14 
82061803Leviathan Thread 1/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-09 22 
82076577Leviathan Thread 2/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-09 6 
82025910/tg/ Lore Compass Thread - Leviathan Thread 0regular old lore compass thread, until an idea of faith, fish, pain, and stone is formedSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-09 6 
82094674Leviathan Thread 4/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-10 5 
82111576Leviathan Thread 5 /tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-11 6 
82120317Leviathan Thread 6/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-12 5 
82130747Leviathan Thread 7/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-12 5 
82143239Leviathan Thread 8/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-13 5 
82155056Leviathan Thread 9/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-14 6 
82165045Leviathan Thread 10/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-16 9 
82175910Leviathan Thread 11/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-16 6 
82189203Leviathan Thread 12/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-18 5 
82215096Leviathan Thread 13/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-20 1 
82242853Leviathan Thread 14/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-21 3 
82256798Leviathan Thread 15/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-22 1 
82279888Leviathan Thread 16/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-24 2 
82297046Leviathan Thread 17/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-26 0 
82313992Leviathan Thread 18/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-11-26 1 
December 2021
82332533Leviathan Thread 19/tg/ builds a setting by putting people on a political compass measured by faith, fish, pain, and stoneSetting, Political Compass, Industrial Era, Horror2021-12-05 6 
5044429Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 9A subversive serpent-girl seduces friends, bimbofies enemies, uncovers origins, and falls in love as she prepares for an important mission.ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infltrator Quest, collective game, fantasy, romance, coom, spycraft, dungeon-crawling, politicking, crime, drama2021-12-10 5 
5049208Antichrist QuestA successful media personality awakens to his true nature as the Antichrist, and sets to workAntichrist Quest, 666, modern fantasy, religion, satanism, politics2021-12-24 2 
June 2022
5272525Mutant Moshers: Disco Division!The funky tale of uniquely-gifted individuals fighting against the mainstream trends. A Multiplayer Skirmish Quest. Fae Smelter, Skirmish, Riptail, Bard, Palewalker, Dance, Hex, Mutant, Mosh, Moshers, Disco, Division, Tango, Polka, Skirmjam, Skirm, Jam2022-06-06 0 
July 2022
5301379(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 4 A depraved killer hides in plain sight, but behind closed & triple-locked doors, there are no limits on his wicked lust or savage butchery.FaeSmelter, Fae Smelter, Serial Killer, Police, Rape, Sex, Velton, Detective, Cop, Harem, Killer, Thriller, Craigslist, USA, Fae, Smelter2022-07-14 2 
August 2022
5339760Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 3An unholy warrior forms a multicultural axis of evil to conquer dwarves. Along the way, he learns a difficult lesson about love and loss.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, warfare, politics, sex, slavery, shortstacks, genocide, grief2022-08-15 5 
October 2022
5410693Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Vol. 5A draconic antipaladin enters the realm of the dark elves on a missionary mission, to win their worship by any means necessary.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fantasy, politics, religion, drow, psychic dogmen, gender studies2022-10-28 5 
November 2022
5414507Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #1It is the year 0068 of the Universal Century, and the journey of Felix Zos Deikun begins.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, PTSD, BIG ZAM, DOZLE PILL2022-11-03 31 
5404015Settler Lord QuestDietrich Von Adlershorst is named the count of the frontier by his granduncle Albrecht, and must manage his lands to thriveSettler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management2022-11-06 11 
January 2023
5492260Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #2It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun finds himself living among the Zabi family, biding time for revenge.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, DOZLE PILL, Kycilia's hai2023-01-11 21 
5533615Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #3It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun visits Von Braun to fulfill a promise to his childhood friend Elena.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, surprise gift, Elena2023-01-26 15 
February 2023
5510993Settler lord quest 2In which we find a crown,hunt, found a city, hold a tournament and explore a tower.Settler Lord Quest,Collective game,Politics,Medieval,Management,2023-02-06 5 
5533885Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 8A dark lord takes some time for family (and to set in motion a proxy race-war) before setting out to kidnap a princess. Classic dragon move.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, religion, politics, date-night, erectile dysfunction, kidnapping2023-02-20 5 
March 2023
5559320Settler Lord Quest 3In which, we meet an elf, read a book, marry, start a family and begin the rebellionSettler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management2023-03-11 6 
87927878MEATWARS Political Compass/Tg fills in a political compass that measures Flesh, Steel, Rot, and Robustness, and does a little worldbuildingSetting, Political Compass, Meatwars, Body horror, Worldbuilding2023-03-14 11 
5575952Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #4It is the year 0075 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun attends the academy... and becomes a Zabi?!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, BIG ZAM, DADZLE PILL2023-03-21 18 
April 2023
88453902Wargame Political Compass #1/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-18 21 
88499775Wargame Political Compass #2/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-21 12 
88521841Wargame Political Compass #3 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-22 -6 
88546020Wargame Political Compass #4/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-24 -20 
88573764Wargame Political Compass #5/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-27 -21 
88609944Wargame Political Compass #6/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-04-30 -21 
5616811Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #5It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun slowly settles into life as a public figure and becomes a dad!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, unplanned pregnancy, oh no2023-04-30 13 
May 2023
88644608Wargame Political Compass #7 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-01 -21 
88673440Wargame Political Compass #8/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-03 -21 
88692518Wargame Political Compass #9/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-04 -21 
88708594Wargame Political Compass #10/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-06 -21 
88727682Wargame Political Compass #11 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-09 -21 
88778228Wargame Political Compass #12 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-18 -21 
88870359Wargame Political Compass #13/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-21 -21 
88914758Wargame Political Compass #14/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-25 -21 
88977888Wargame Political Compass #15/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-05-30 -22 
June 2023
89025754Wargame Political Compass #16 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-07 -22 
89115225Wargame Political Compass #17/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-14 -22 
89200203Wargame Political Compass #18 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-21 -22 
89297989Wargame Political Compass #19 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-06-28 -22 
5670248Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #6It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun hones his newtype powers, recruits a new ally, and gets engaged to Elena!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Ensared by Earthnoid Bazookas2023-06-28 7 
5678076Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 12A dragon king comes home to find his kingdom changed. The politics are ALMOST as complicated as his harem. He leaves to visit the neighbors.ReptoidQM, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, factionalism, imeprialism, abolitionism, polygamy, politics, Pride2023-06-30 6 
July 2023
5665694Settler lord Quest 4The rebellion is finished, and now the newly independent duke looks toward the futureSettler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management2023-07-05 3 
89382116Wargame Political Compass #20/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-05 -22 
89461008Wargame Political Compass #21 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-12 -23 
89544852Wargame Political Compass #22/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-19 -23 
89631080Wargame Political Compass #23/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-07-26 -23 
August 2023
89713196Wargame Political Compass #24 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-02 -24 
89792722Wargame Political Compass #25 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-10 -23 
5707096Troll Quest 2Second thread of a completed quest about a very adaptable troll moving out from under a bridge to become a burgmeister.Troll Quest, Fantasy, Adventure, Politics, Magic, Romance, Billy Goat2023-08-15 1 
89869127Wargame Political Compass #26/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-17 -23 
89947037Wargame Political Compass #27/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-08-24 -24 
September 2023
90025795Wargame Political Compass #28/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-02 -23 
90105561Wargame Political Compass #29/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-08 -20 
5732698Monsterpunk Quest #4MPQ's Back! Our hero gets into legal trouble, chats with an acquaintance, and texts a friend.MPQ, Monsterpunk, monsters, humans, mecha, post-apocalypse, Arcadian Politics2023-09-15 3 
90181640Wargame Political Compass #30/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-16 -8 
5733886Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #7t is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun spreads the good word and finds potential allies in Riah.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit2023-09-22 10 
90257150Wargame Political Compass #31/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-23 -6 
5734102Settler Lord Quest 5Justice is held, an early financial sector is founded, a new castle is build, children are disciplined and more Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management2023-09-27 3 
90336310Wargame Political Compass #32/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-09-30 -6 
October 2023
90413108Wargame Political Compass #33/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-08 -6 
90499203Wargame Political Compass #34/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-14 -5 
90584650Wargame Political Compass #35 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-21 -6 
90673309Wargame Political Compass #36/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-10-29 -6 
November 2023
90753468Wargame Political Compass #37 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-05 -6 
90829747Wargame Political Compass #38 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-13 -5 
90908926Wargame Political Compass #39 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-21 -5 
90986494Wargame Political Compass #40/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-11-27 -5 
5794828Settler Lord Quest 6The Duke of Greifswald attends a tournament while nomadic warriors from the east approach.Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2023-11-30 6 
December 2023
91065344Wargame Political Compass #41 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-04 -5 
91137325Wargame Political Compass #42 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-12 -5 
91204984Wargame Political Compass #43 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-19 -5 
91275538Wargame Political Compass #44/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2023-12-27 -5 
January 2024
91338794Wargame Political Compass #45/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-02 -6 
91416168Wargame Political Compass #46/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-10 -5 
5849152The von Adlershorst Dynasty Albrecht von Adlershorst is sent on crusade by his father to far-off Mithras, but the road is long Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2024-01-17 3 
91510472Wargame Political Compass #47/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-19 -6 
5855463Despot of LanuVimal Bista, the cult leader of the sect of the Black lady finds himself leading a rebellion against both the Fu family and the KommunalistsDespot of Lanu, Lanu, Strategy, Politics, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Fiction2024-01-21 10 
91592820Wargame Political Compass #48/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-01-24 -6 
February 2024
5898842Despot of Lanu #2The end of the Lanu rebellion ending with a compromise and a diplomatic agreement with the Kommunalists and Ren Fu.Despot of Lanu, Lanu, Strategy, Politics, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Fiction2024-02-02 5 
91701936Wargame Political Compass #49 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-02 -6 
91784100Wargame Political Compass #50 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-11 -7 
5906767Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 5Returning from the heavens, a half-elf catches up with his old flame(s), makes a world-changing discovery, and encounters a familiar face...ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest, polygamy, spycraft, hippies, elves, dragons, religion, post-scarcity2024-02-15 6 
91857566Wargame Political Compass #51/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-02-17 -7 
March 2024
91925480Wargame Political Compass #52/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-01 -7 
92067118Wargame Political Compass #53/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 -9 
92133409Wargame Political Compass #54/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 -8 
92198903Wargame Political Compass #55/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-03-18 -8 
April 2024
92268614Wargame Political Compass #56/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-08 -9 
92338736Wargame Political Compass #57/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-08 -8 
5945726The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 2Albrecht von Adlershorst makes his way from Tautenland to Castana. Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2024-04-20 2 
5975312Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 7Growing up means putting aside childish adventures to attend to relationships, responsibilities, and royal land reserves for 'Tips' the maReptoidQM, religion, marriage, polygamy, politics, esoteric magic, world travel, predestination, pregnancy scare, elves, italian in-laws2024-04-20 7 
92416368Wargame Political Compass #58/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-22 -7 
92493882Wargame Political Compass #59/tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversary!Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-04-22 -7 
May 2024
92579565Wargame Political Compass #60 /tg/ builds an imaginary wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitive. One year anniversarySetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-01 -8 
92748455Wargame Political Compass #63/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-24 -7 
5980958Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #8It is the year 0077 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun participates in the Dawn Rebellion, marries Elena, and strikes a deal with Revil.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifu, Dawn Rebellion, BIG ZAM2024-05-25 4 
92815189Wargame Political Compass #64 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-05-25 -7 
6011108Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8Tips' inability to avoid adventure results in another extended trip to the Goblin Wastes and the sanctuar of the Ashurati sand-elves.ReptoidQM, PTSD, exoteric mysticism, Gaia Hypothesis, goblins, ashurati, elves, polyamory, adventure, discovery, smut2024-05-27 5 
6018544Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 8.5Tips pulls out, a 4chan moderator takes it down, and Volume 8 continues...ReptoidQM, PTSD, exoteric mysticism, Gaia Hypothesis, goblins, ashurati, elves, polyamory, adventure, discovery, sfw2024-05-27 7 
June 2024
92949461Wargame Political Compass #65/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-13 -7 
93012689Wargame Political Compass #66 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-16 -7 
6016258Black Magic Quest 2: Rise of the Grey MageA burgeoning black mage uses his demonic powers to enhance himself and his social life, but also to uncover corruptiondark magic, hypnosis, blackmail, sex, demons, high school, municipal politics, brazzers.com2024-06-21 5 
93073590Wargame Political Compass #67 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-06-24 -7 
July 2024
93142524Wargame Political Compass #68/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-08 -7 
93213106Wargame Political Compass #69 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-08 -7 
93343390Wargame Political Compass #70/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-30 -7 
93406555Wargame Political Compass #70 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-07-30 -7 
August 2024
6077358Orange Lantern QuestThe story is about Eliot Grayne as one of the newest Orange Lanterns in the entire universe. Ready to take what is rightfully his! DC, Superman, Metropolis, Orange Lantern Corp, S.T.A.R. Labs, Green Lantern Corp2024-08-16 0 
6042174The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 3Albrecht von Adlershorst has made it to the Empire of Mithras, and must now campaign against the infidels. Settler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2024-08-20 3 
93611222Wargame Political Compass #72/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-08-26 -9 
93679678Wargame Political Compass #73/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-08-31 -7 
September 2024
93813764Wargame Political Compass #74 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-09-13 -7 
93876241Wargame Political Compass #75 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-09-29 -7 
October 2024
93937759Wargame Political Compass #76/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-03 -7 
94053855Wargame Political Compass #77 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-22 -7 
94152611Wargame Political Compass #78 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-10-29 -8 
November 2024
94264995Wargame Political Compass #79/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and Inquisitiveand Inquisitive Setting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-11-17 -7 
December 2024
94405801Wargame Political Compass #80/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2024-12-14 -7 
January 2025
6131057The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 4We go on campaign, get a bit involved in crusading politics and delve into the secrets of the pastSettler Lord Quest, Collective Game, Politics, Medieval, Management, Adlershorst dynasty,2025-01-03 3 
94589801Wargame Political Compass #81/tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2025-01-06 -7 
February 2025
6153604Fog of War: OvertureWherein Viscount Alessandro Galliota, our hero, is called forth to raise an regiment of troops by his Prince, invades the Republic of Nera, and fights off a regiment of Condottieri. A military strategy quest set in the era of Pike and Shot.Collective game, Strategy, Tactics, Gunpowder, Pike and Shot, War Game, Early Modern, Fantasy, Politics, Fog of War, Management, TercioQM2025-02-02 7 
6189036Fog of War: Overture (Conclusion)Wherein the Battle of Costat Hill has been won and Alessandro seizes the city of Panergo. The conclusion to the first thread of Fog of WarCollective game, Strategy, Tactics, Gunpowder, Pike and Shot, War Game, Early Modern, Fantasy, Politics, Fog of War, Management, TercioQM2025-02-12 1 
94893612Wargame Political Compass #82 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2025-02-14 -6 
March 2025
95024451Wargame Political Compass #83 /tg/ builds a wargame using a political compass the axis of which are Above, Below, Greedy and InquisitiveSetting, Political Compass, Wargame, Rush To The Centre Of The Earth, worldbuilding, colonial era2025-03-07 -3 
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