Thread Title Description Tags Added Score January 2008 1027569 Iron Heart Surge Things you can do with Iron Heart Surge, including changing the weather, making the sun rise, eradicating gravity, and giving yourself an abortion. D&D , iron heart surge , weeaboo fightan magic , tome of battle 2008-01-17 24 April 2008 1552477 McSphere: The Return Whoppaladins, Footlongs and more are explained in tl;dr infodumps. Still better than watching it peter out! Campaign Setting , Sci Fi , grim and dark , what the fuck , tl;dr 2008-04-18 -6 June 2008 1975920 Kids vrs. Zombies An inquisitor prestige class build request segues into little kids fighting zombies, gurps, and mind reading. GURPS , Zombies , Little Fears , Kids , namefaggotry 2008-06-12 6 1995216 Frontier Sci-fi /tg/ discusses and bickers over an Outlaw Star-style sci-fi setting with rugged individualism and capitalist gain running riot. sci-fi outlaw 2008-06-15 4 2047216 Little Folk /tg/ brainstorms about a game where all the people in the world suddenly find themselves 2 inches tall. Little Folk , RPG discussion 2008-06-21 35 September 2008 2584447 /tg/ Declares War on the Wraeththu Some abominations cannot be allowed to stand. And now, /tg/ mobilizes against its most Mary Sueish enemy yet. Wraeththu , Metal Slug , battle , roleplay , rolefaggotry , 40k 2008-09-16 10 October 2008 2741595 Flatland RPG An RPG for playing two-dimensional characters. Triangles, squares, you get the idea. Flatland 2008-10-06 3 November 2008 3059084 Dark Heresy Campaign Writefaggotry Someone's DH campaign arc ended. They wrote up the results in dense, hard-to-read format. Discussion of what to do with the little girl one PC rescued from a chaos orphanage and subsequently adopted ensues Dark Heresy , writefag , little girl 2008-11-26 8 January 2009 3552378 Philosopher: A game of Loss and Revelation Earthflame brings us yet another rpg idea, involving the moment of absolute truth and the loss therof. Discussion and ideas commence earthflame , homebrew , philosophy , butlers , hitchhikers guide 2009-01-29 6 April 2009 4316247 CARNIFEX HAS NO REGRETS; or, WHY DIRE VERSIONS OF ANCIENT PREDATORS ARE SO GAR Read the title. Imagine it. Live it. Love it. Click it. Go. snapping turtles , awesome stories , dead ducklings , vengeful explosions , massive invertabrates , total gar 2009-04-18 35 May 2009 4539347 Battlefleet Hiigara General Homeworld thread becomes Homeworld in Battlefleet Gothic thread. Shit gets done. homeworld , warhammer 40,000 , hiigara , taiidan , kushan , kadesh , battlefleet gothic , bfg 2009-05-13 0 4572952 Cangames 2009 Battletech Table Battle Report for at least two games of Battletech. Abridged battle report for a third. Battletech , Convention , Cangames , Catalyst , Miniatures game, 2009-05-17 5 4585088 Law vs Chaos: SANDCASTLES! When two celestials argue about law and chaos, it comes down to naked sandcastle building to decide the winner. Sandcastles , 3E , angels , awesome 2009-05-18 23 4642511 Broken /tg/ comes up with a setting about fighting things that eat Love. /tg/ finds itself tsundere for this idea. Broken , Heartless , Tsundere 2009-05-24 2 June 2009 4732463 Sailor moon suddenly invades /tg/ Disturbingly, some of our fa/tg/guys know sailor moon in intimate detail. Sailor moon , magical girls , want to be the little girl , wtf 2009-06-01 2 4941851 What not to do with little girls. Anonymous asks how to get rid of a little girl NPC stalking his party.
Just when the thread can't get any worse, it is saved by a grimdark derail. little girl , bad DM , Dark Heresy , awesome DM 2009-06-20 6 August 2009 5315595 lich vs PC rap battles /tg/ style /tg/ had more rhymes than dimes lich , rap , battle 2009-08-02 244 5331362 lich vs. pc rap battles encore 2nd night. 2nd thread. Keeping the faith alive. rap , battle 2009-08-04 26 5431157 Six Million Dollar Chan Little amputee girl is going to be Six Million Dollar Chan. Further exploring the reconstruction of a surviving guro victim. dawww , sad little girl , cyborg , reconstruction 2009-08-13 7 5437394 Rap Battle Round 3 Third rap thread, this time it's S&B vs. all takers. Archiving because 4chan locked up while the thread was still going on. Way to go. rap , battle 2009-08-13 9 5510014 Vampires vs Liches Archived for the most epic and righteous rebuttal delivered by DJ Phylactery. rap , battle , lich , vampires , dj phylactery 2009-08-19 27 5538301 Archaeological report on humans Archaeologists of an alien civilization squabble about the curious properties of the perplexing human race. Collective game , hilarity , alien report , little purple tube 2009-08-21 2 5540265 A Dwarfy Campaign Story A party of dwarfs are saddled with DMPC, a annoyingly favored Halfling Rogue and goddamn stupid railroading. Also: The Hobbit. Dorf , Dwarf , Halfling , Hobbit , Subtle 2009-08-22 3 September 2009 5693736 BATTLEGRANNY anonymous seeks ideas for a 2E D&D character, the picture he used ends up the inspiration for it. Barbarian , D&D , writefaggotry , battlegranny , 2e 2009-09-02 14 5968425 Adventure Trail? Dungeon Trail? Something like that. Anonymous starts work on a "Oregon Trail/Dungeon Keeper" style game, is co-opted by talk about video games Ogre battle , homebrew , dorfs 2009-09-23 1 October 2009 6078239 Crab with Top hat A simple question turns itno the most dapper undersea adventure of the centurey Top Hat , Crab , Drawfag , Crab Battle 2009-10-01 8 6241352 Wrestling and Roleplaying games What starts as a "What would you do?" thread becomes something much more awesome once Stone Cold the Monk is discussed. Much more follows along with some general wrestling discussion. Wrestling , Stone Cold , D&D , The Undertaker 2009-10-12 3 6323424 Luchadores in Gaming Thread that op had intended on making about the "odd person" in gaming groups, but the thread went in a much better direction of lucha libre instead. lucha , luchadore , lucha libre , wrestling 2009-10-18 10 6390231 Real Life Quest The OP decides to try out a quest thread - Hits home and takes off Quest , Roleplay , Little sister , Life , Real , Real , Life , NeckBeard 2009-10-23 3 November 2009 6532058 The Mansion, Part 4 /tg/ plays a rich mansion owner with a live-in maid, quest runner has to duck out early. Quest now with Butlers! Maids , Butlers , Quest 2009-11-02 1 6570530 BATTLETECH Epic long battletech thread, with lots of jst abot everything, as per sual. Also awesome Merc Regiments. Awesome , Epic , Battletech , Mechwarrior 2009-11-06 2 6837410 Castlevania as a setting Castlevania as setting in either Exalted or D&D Homebrew , castlevania 2009-11-24 1 6855998 Sandcastle Quest We are a colony of molecular machines, which after currently unknown time/events have managed to re-coalesce in the crater of an airless moon.
Also we have a preoccupation with sandcastles. Sandcastle Quest , nanites , molecular machines , sandcastles , quest 2009-11-25 3 6870742 Sandcastle Quest A sloooow thread this time, but we find a new AI, fix the Orbital Turret, explore the underground facility, and find that we may not be alone... Sandcastle Quest , nanites , molecular machines , sandcastles , quest 2009-11-26 1 6885377 Sandcastle Quest 3 In which we find that there is power inside the shipyard, which is itself very much active, begin to understand the language used by the station, and begin to move our main base to the underground facility. Oh, and we have a visitor... Sandcastle Quest , nanites , molecular machines , sandcastles , quest 2009-11-27 0 December 2009 7044272 Catastrophic Cephalapod-Catalysed Catastrophe Crapton of crabs. Multitude of molluscs. Copious cuttlefish. crabs , squids , cuttlefish , class struggle 2009-12-08 0 7088830 Warhammer 40k Misspelled. Sisters of Bottle, The Imperial Gourd, Blood Angles, Rouge Traders, Fabulous Bill and more. 40k , humor , typos , warhammer , sisters of bottle 2009-12-11 6 January 2010 7425040 That fucking castle /tg/ gets all nostalgic about toys. Heartwarming read, for the whole family toy , castle , heartwarming 2010-01-04 3 7494369 Bottle Gnomes On Bottle Gnomes and the Nightmare fuel that they are. Nightmare_Fuel MTG Bottle_Gnomes 2010-01-09 8 7624876 DJ Phylactery inciting rap battle DJ Phylactery starts a /tg/ style rap battle. rap battle , d&d 2010-01-17 20 7723751 Huge WH40K ship A request for the stats of an Emperor class battleship scaled up to the length of 1 AU leads to fun for all. WH40k , battleship , chaos , mechanus , DH 2010-01-23 137 February 2010 7907530 4e Character Builds: The Three Winds of Thought (Level 14) Thoughts on the new battlemind (defender) in 4e, along with a build that can make it good. D&D , 4e , battlemind 2010-02-04 -3 8042226 REGINALD BRICKDICKLER A drawfag creates a character by drawing the first thing suggested after each question. Things predictably spiral out of control. BRICKDICKLING , kobold backup singers , pennywhistle , what even the fuck /tg/ 2010-02-12 22 8108324 ADVENTURE NOW! Rage viking goes on a quest. Quest thread , rage , viking , Olaf Whistleaxe 2010-02-16 10 8144567 ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 2 Rage viking goes on a quest with his wench, time for some pillaging. Quest thread , rage , viking , Olaf Whistleaxe 2010-02-18 6 8194984 ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 3 Rage viking now lost in a crappy forest.
Where the fuck is the wench? Quest thread , rage , viking , Olaf Whistleaxe 2010-02-21 5 8210509 Pokemon Quest 1b. Get your nostalgia goggles You are Sarah a 12 year old pokemon trainer from pallet. Having received your brand new Treecko your are now battleing Red and Gary your childhood friends. Red has a Hoot Hoot named Dr. Hoo and Gary a Whismur. You are Jungle Jack , your pokemon, is on the ground trying to ward of as series of peck attacks from the good doctor as whismur charges into the fray having now deflated to normal size. Pokemon , Collective Game , Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak , Treecko , Quest , Battle 2010-02-22 -4 8233038 ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 4 IN WHICH OLAF WANTS A MACHETE AND ARMWREASTLES A BEAR Quest thread , rage , viking , Olaf Whistleaxe 2010-02-23 7 March 2010 8371280 ADVENTURE NOW PART 6 IN WHICH OW FIGHTS AN AVATAR OF LOKI AND IS MEAN TO DRYAD
PART 5 SHOULD BE IN HERE SOMETIME Quest thread , rage , viking , Olaf Whistleaxe 2010-03-03 5 8587779 Cybernetic spider invaders writefaggotry Writefag delivers a long but very satisfying story about the human resistance fighting against cybernetic invaders guerilla-style. Thankfully lacking in the humanity FUCK YEAH department, yet still manages to be badass. Includes a guy tackling a killer robot and attention to in-universe technical detail. writefaggotry , awesome , grimdark , killer robots , la resistance , tl;dr 2010-03-15 5 8581136 The Battlemind Rewritten A reworking of the battlemind that doesn't suck. D&D , 4e , battlemind 2010-03-15 0 8613796 Combat Chart Prototype OP submits a combat oriented writefaggotry roll chart. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the rest of the fa/tg/uys take it further. Writefag , Chart , Battle , Roll 2010-03-16 0 8682575 Settler Quest Starting with a choose your race settler quest /tg/ elects to go Goblin. They proceed to become Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs. "Goblins , Bears , Quest , Settler" 2010-03-21 14 8702610 Settler Quest II The goblin tribe expands with another generation added to its ranks and plots to assimilate and conquer. The Glorious Leader is a clever bastard. Goblins , settler , quest , bears 2010-03-21 10 8702610 Settler Quest 2 Glorious Leader. Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs. Goblins , Bears , Quests , Settler 2010-03-21 10 8709150 Settler Quest 2.5 A bugbear burial ground is defieled and a dangerous new enemy is discovered. Settler Quests Goblins 2010-03-22 10 8725635 Settler Quest III Favored by Torg. Blessed by mutation. Slayer of the Bear Queen. Captor of the Bear Cubs. Crusher of bugbears, Impaler of the Slayers. settler , quest , goblins , goblin , village 2010-03-23 9 8722284 Fallout: UK A Fallout thread in which we discuss what we would like to see from a postapocalyptic Britain. Minor digression for faggotry, but overall productive. Fallout , Britain , castles , chavs , Vaults 2010-03-23 3 8281670 ADVENTURE NOW! Pt 5 IN WHICH OLAF FINDS A SECRET CAVE (manually restored) Quest Thread , rage , viking , Olaf Whistleaxe 2010-03-23 4 8749783 ADVENTURE NOW PART 7 IN WHICH OLAF BECOMES A TIME TRAVELLING GENTLEMAN PILLAGER Quest Thread , rage , viking , Olaf Whistleaxe 2010-03-24 5 8802115 Settler Quest IV The Glorious Leader gets his interrogation on and uses his incredible charisma (and the soul of the old bugbear chieftain) to convince the bugbears to join him in his mission to destroy the humans. Goblin , Goblins , Settler , Quest , Collective Game,Bears 2010-03-27 7 April 2010 9003741 Settler Quest V The Glorious Leader is back in action, with both the bugbears and another generation of gobs to command--and new targets for pillage and conquest. Short but sweet. Goblin , Goblins , Settler , Quest , Collective Game , Bears 2010-04-06 5 9027232 Tlaloc Quest Sequel to old primarch quest. Tlaloc Quest , Quest , Collective Game 2010-04-07 1 9390409 Battletech Battle Report Battle Report for a game of Battletech played at an LGS, complete with photos. Battletech , Battle Report , Mechwarrior 2010-04-24 3 May 2010 9855776 BRIKWARS Brikwars is discussed with lego pictures and battle reports. lego , brikwars , battle reports 2010-05-17 13 9878921 BRIKWARS, Cont. More Brikwars is discussed. Lego pictures and battle reports continue. The epic tale of HARPOON JONES and his battle against the maniacal Spongebob concludes in epic fashion. lego , brikwars , battle reports , HARPOON JONES 2010-05-18 12 9885402 L5R Poetry Battle Contains rap battles, haiku battles, and rocking pandas. Although that last is kind of anticlimactic. L5R , Legend of the Five Rings , Rap Battle , Haiku , why are there pandas here 2010-05-18 5 9921994 Nazis vs. Drow Hitler opens a portal to the Underdark, trains wizard corps, and prepares to show the Drow what real racism is. Hitler , Drow , Underdark , Nazis 2010-05-20 5 June 2010 10724839 Battletech Battle Report 6 Adam Steiner VS 1st Genyosha (Note: Op was banned before completing the BR due to automated scripts thinking the acronym for Hatamoto Hi (HTM) was a referral site) Battletech , Mechwarrior , Battle Report 2010-06-25 0 August 2010 11545604 Valet Anon Returns A professional valet offers to answer questions to curious anons. The thread is informative, classy, and fun. Do butlers seem scarier to anyone besides me? Questions , Valet , Bulters , Classy , Gentlemen 2010-08-06 7 October 2010 12300799 Sororitas Quest You are a Sister of Battle. You are in training. This is your final test... Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Quest , Collective Game , 2010-10-03 26 12307838 Sororitas Quest II You have completed your final task but at a terrible price. What does the future hold? Only one thing is certain. The body count has only just gotten started. Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Quest , Collective Game , 2010-10-03 18 12319589 Sororitas Quest III Shit gets real when the terror moves from the planet to your ship. Will /tg/ be able to beat the baddies and save their waifu? Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Quest , Collective Game , 2010-10-04 15 12329208 Sororitas Quest IV The clash of giants. /tg/ fights a champion of chaos... shit gets fucking awesome Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Quest , Collective Game , Awesome 2010-10-05 18 12403737 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm II With a bound daemon, /tg/ goes planetside to fight against Daemons in a hive world alongside the sisters of battle. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-10-11 14 12418678 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm III With Esme back, you can witness first hand her power and grace. But now the sisters know about your daemonette waifu, Filigree, and even more trouble is blooming on the horizon. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-10-13 14 12416077 My Little Pony Stats for the various speices of MLP and an observation on the enslaving of males MLP , my little pony 2010-10-13 10 12441476 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IV /tg/ meets a pair of Ebon Chalice twins. Two canonesses argue over who has the better weapon. Shits and giggles ensue before everything goes to hell. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-10-15 15 12457067 Superior Mechs In the midst of a mech comparison, /tg/ designs the fastest Battlemech ever made. It can outrun aircraft. It can become one. Mech , mecha , Battletech , robots , awesome 2010-10-16 5 12506810 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm V Shit starts getting epic again when /tg/ encounters an Eldar Craftworld. Sensing the shitstorm, they offer their help. The Exalted Martyr is nowhere in sight. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-10-21 13 12528522 Mechwarrior Quest (1) The first episode of Mechwarrior quest Battletech , Mechwarrior , Quest Thread , Quest 2010-10-22 15 12545575 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VI WARP PORTALS!!! EVERYWHERE!!! THOUSANDS OF THEM!!!!
Ophelia VII is under attack and its up to badass Inquisitor Delessa to save it! A farseer and a living saint join the party.
Filigree does more cute stuff. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-10-24 15 12594005 Spooky Zerg Quest I Cerebrate Anon celebrates Halloween by giving us control of a Terran on a planet that may have Zerg. First, we had to decide whether or not to wear pants. Things moved way slower than Cerebrate Anon planned, so more to come! Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Zerg Quest , Spooky , Secretly Terran Quest , The voices in my head are screaming! 2010-10-28 11 12591983 temptations Thread starts out asking about /tg/'s dirty little gaming secrets, gets derailed with an argument over Paladins, and ends in story time. /tg/ in a nutshell storytime , dirty little secrets , Waffle house Millionaire 2010-10-28 4 12601958 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VII The attack has finally begun on Ophelia VII. /tg/ declares their loev for their pet daemonette who just somehow KEEPS GETTING FUCKING CUTER!!! Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle , cute 2010-10-30 15 November 2010 12664949 ororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VIII /tg/ almost fucks up bad, one of the twins is mortally wounded and Filigree is given a new pleasure appendage... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-11-07 12 12719005 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm IX /tg/ gets their eldar units and prepares for the upcoming battle. Several key story-related posts, adorable Filigree antics, and Canoness arguing were deleted due to mod faggotry. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-11-10 12 12768411 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm X /tg/ wins the day through the aplication of more heresy, though unconciousness and an angry caononness are the result. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-11-13 12 12801416 One Spell Left /tg/ uses a random spell generator to see how fucked they are. BBEG , Final Battle , Magic , Generator 2010-11-15 15 12815395 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XII /tg/ gets attacked by corrupt sisters. Filigree turns into Bruce Campbell. Also, warp tornadoes. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-11-17 12 12842656 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XI /tg/ epic fails their exorcism roll and wonder where the Inquisitor Lord ran off too. Squad morale restored and OP draws more stuff. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-11-19 12 12921808 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XIII After some exposition and waifu hoarding, the shit hits the fan... in the worst way...
Filigree looses her disguise and Delessa fights Miriael. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-11-30 12 December 2010 12975487 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XIV With Esme's return, Miriael is sent packing via vortex grenade. Lucky rolls ensure the waifus survive, except for Anna who is a vegetable.
Filigree's powers are unlocked and /tg/ sets out to find survivors with the twins. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-12-02 12 13026858 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XV Delessa collects several more waifus and... OH SHIT! ADAMANTINE SPACE BEARS! Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-12-10 13 13147755 The Emperor's Day Martyr The Big E is at it again when he spies the heroic sacrifice of a young Battle Sister. Emperor's Day , Sisters of Battle , Writefaggotry 2010-12-14 7 13107162 Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm XVI As a new chaos god is about to be born, esme leads the sisters to death or glory. We get left behind to rally the troops.
Chapter 2 ends. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-12-14 12 13193477 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint Shit gets real. /tg/ takes control of Esme again and must face the storm. The wrath of a newly-awakened chaos god. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-12-18 12 13237239 Biggs and Big Iron What starts out as a wizarding troll thread becomes one of an epic tale of one Goliath and the hammer that broke an entire campaign. Includes a sarcastic bro-priest, a rules lawyer of justice, a little girl and a CE barbarian who gains levels in Paladin of Freedom after killing a man 3 times his level.
Contains copious amounts of heroics and fuck the GM. Shit GM , That Guy , Biggs , HAMMERTIME , Little Girl , Paladin , storytime 2010-12-21 23 13299607 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint II After fighting off hordes of daemons, /tg/ guides The Exalted Marytr into the storm. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2010-12-27 11 January 2011 13444943 Shy Guardsman III The story of Klightus and Bethany continues to continue Shy Guardsman , Klightus , Bethany , Amaia , Guardsman , Sisters of Battle 2011-01-09 27 13485445 Castle People choose roles within a castle. Shenanigans ensue. Castle , shenanigans 2011-01-12 0 13492769 Space Opera BBEG Asks For Advice He's a brain in a robot with psychic powers, three planets to start with, and some Mary Sues and Furfags to kill. And he need's /tg/s help to do it. Space Opera , Space , Opera , Scifi , Help , Advice , Mary Sue , Furfag , Lasers , FTL 2011-01-12 9 13451947 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint III Fighting chaos Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2011-01-15 12 13541792 Shy Guardsman IV The final part of Klightus' and Bethany's story. Shy Guardsman , Klightus , Bethany , Amaia , Wiprecht , Guardsman , Sisters of Battle 2011-01-16 29 13607195 Battletech + Armored Core = ??? OP posts CBTRPG houserules based on the core tuning from AC4A, requests critique. Battletech 2011-01-22 0 13623078 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint IV With the first visible blow to the realm struck, all eyes turn to Esme and her party. With the fledgeling god aware of them, things will continue to get more and more difficult. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2011-01-23 11 13693761 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint IV.5 A remake of the previous thread which went nowhere. With the first visible blow to the realm struck, all eyes turn to Esme and her party. With the fledgeling god aware of them, things will continue to get more and more difficult. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2011-01-28 10 13691622 Commando Quest In which our nameless hero drops into the middle of a simmering planetary rebellion, hoping simply stay alive but accomplishing so much more. Commando Quest , Battletech 2011-01-29 10 13709067 Commando Quest A simple munitions dump turns out to be much, much more. Our party moves into a nearby resort town, and our protagonist is taken hostage... by Free Capella. Commando Quest , Battletech 2011-01-30 5 13720541 Commando Quest Part 3 We get Free Capella on our side, find out what the Capellan Military's been looking for, and our original crew is starting to suspect that we're the reason their entire town was wiped out. Commando Quest , collective game , quest , BattleTech 2011-01-31 5 February 2011 13796374 Commando Quest Part 4 We successfully raid a food depot, tear through the heightened security, end up killing the minimum wage nightguards who we mistook for battle-hardened soldiers, and disappear into the night with another two salvaged mechs. Commando Quest , collective game , quest , BattleTech , Mechwarrior 2011-02-08 6 13787873 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint V Waifu +1 and Tessa is still missing. The Chaos God makes itself known and OP draws more stuff. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2011-02-09 10 13853986 Planes and MiGs Discussion centered around the Firestorm campaign that grew out of the great Planes and Mercs threads, new oc art! planes , awesome , steve , firestorm , coke bottle express 2011-02-13 2 13904170 Klightus and Bethany get married At long last, Shy Guardsman gives us the long-awaited account of Klightus and Bethany's wedding. What better day than Valentine's Day to tell the story. Shy Guardsman , Klightus , Bethany , Amaia , Wiprecht , Guardsman , Sisters of Battle 2011-02-15 35 13885808 Commando Quest Part 5 After our last mission and our many mechs in need of repairs we're taking a break from battle and planning our future strategies and possible objectives. That ever-present airbase is looking more and more like an obstacle, and a dropship that landed there might provide a means to infiltrate it successfully... Commando Quest , collective game , quest , BattleTech , Mechwarrior , planning 2011-02-16 5 13958637 Ace Combat in Battletech, and other concerns /tg/ has a battletech discussion, includes stats for a generic ace combat flying super weapon. Battletech , BT , Aerospace Fighters , 2011-02-19 1 13944326 Battlefleet Gothic Battlefleet Gothic Thread. A good start for picking up this much loved system. "Battlefleet Gothic" , "BFG" 2011-02-20 1 13957442 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint VI Tessa is still missing and the exploration of a creepy museum continues. Filigree does silly things and Alessa plays with her really big gun. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2011-02-20 12 14028916 BattleTech history and discussion Discussion of BattleTech nationalities becomes a comprehensive rundown of the BT timeline and various BT discussion. battletech , mech , discussion 2011-02-25 2 March 2011 14142497 Battletech Mech design A challenge is set for a set of mech designs with various limitations. battletech , mechs 2011-03-07 0 14185153 Battletech Mech design #2 Bleeding edge tech battlemechs are developed for demonstrating various new technologies battletech , mech , design 2011-03-11 1 14252095 /tg/ Rap-Off Sword n' Board returns and engages in a rap-off with newcomer and character optimizer Master Cleave. A shitstorm ensues. Rap , Rap-off , Rap-battle , 2011-03-16 13 14264396 Seventh Sanctum Magemaker It was just an ordinary rollantrollan thread with some funny randomly-generated mage class titles. Then some cunt started conjuring castles, some other guy was destroying the castles, mages were fucking with one another, one omnicidal asshole was messing with time travel, and suddenly it bloomed into a BATTLE FOR THE MULTIVERSE. mage , magic , castle , seventh sanctum , time travel , rollantrollan , roleplay , omnicide , derp 2011-03-17 11 14291292 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint VII Tessa is resurrected from the dead and some of Ophelia VII gets pulled into the new god's realm as it reveals itself. Waifu +1 as Evelyn and her initiates joins the party.
Now Esme is heading to the center to kick ass and take names. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2011-03-19 11 14341016 Random Encounter turned Insane Stories What started as a normal random encounter thread is quickly derailed when a poster begins talking about his girlfriend, who is apparently both ex-Mossad and extremely angry. Entertainment is had by all, along with discussion of whether one beatdown was justifiable storytime , Sister of Battle , random encounter , crazy woman 2011-03-24 8 14365430 Real Life battles with a 40k twist A thread about taking real battles and mixing it with 40k yields some interesting results. Includes Tales such as the Charge of the Praetorian Light brigade and the story of Steel Legion Tank Ace Michael Wittman.
Warhammer , Praetoria , Steel Legion , Real Batlles , Writefaggotry , awesome , 40k 2011-03-26 2 April 2011 14444306 After the Bomb: The Spiny Anteater That Could? One anon asks a couple questions about After the Bomb/TMNT, later another anon get pissed at the lack of play due to perverts and declares it a character creation thread. A young escaped slave mutant emerges as a Spiny Anteater with a penchant for recon work and a hate-on for the Empire of Humanity. After the Bomb , AtB , AtB2 , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , Spiny Anteater , Echidna , mutant animal 2011-04-03 1 14540230 TG RAP BATTLE Try as they might, to keep up the fight, Monk pwns them all day and night. Rap battle , TG , monk , pedo cleric , gunslinger , samurai 2011-04-10 3 14568733 Improving the Atlas The Captain explains why there was never a clan variant of the Atlas. battletech 2011-04-13 4 14462157 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint VIII A bit of downtime, followed by more fighting and antics Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2011-04-16 12 14698665 Capital Ships /tg/ sinks the Bismarck with the best ship names this side of Gravitas names , capital ships , battleships , culture 2011-04-25 0 May 2011 14766381 Super Human Quest 1 the first edition of super human quest, where we make a character with the power of incredible sight as well as reflexes. In this episode we track down a jewel thief. collective game , super human , gentleman theif 2011-05-01 2 14695376 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint IX /tg/ gets lucky as the Legion of the Damned show up to join the fight. Hopefully they will be enough. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2011-05-08 14 14976361 Girl Quest A girl named Issabella lives alone in the forest, and as far as she can remember, the world. When threatened by an invader, she must use her imagination to win the ensuing battle. But why has someone else appeared so suddenly? collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-19 5 14987470 Girl Quest Chapter 2 Issabella's instinct to protect Mallory despite her past gets her in trouble. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map , Issabella , Mallory , Penelope 2011-05-20 5 14958866 Alternative TTGs Discussion of many TTGs as alternatives to GW TTG malifaux infinity warmahordes flames of war brushfire mercs battletech heavy gear 2011-05-20 -1 14997995 Girl Quest Chapter 3 The players get a fresh start due to Issabella's sudden defeat. Mild meta-shenanigans ensue, along with hints as to what is actually going on, and another battle. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-21 5 15008341 Girl Quest Chapter 4 Titania has tea, cake, and attempts to build an empire out of two girls and a frog. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-22 5 15013749 Paladins of MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE! OOOOOH YEAH! Randy Savage Ascends to Godhood, /tg/ talks about his Paladins Paladin , Randy Savage , MACHO MAN , Wrestle , Rapture , OOOOH YEAH 2011-05-23 6 15019784 Girl Quest Chapter 5 Titania manages the world that she now owns. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-23 2 15032725 Eyes of Mordred Spess Mahreens New chapter creation thingy Chapter Creation , Eyes of Mordred , 40k , Rites of Battle , Space Marines 2011-05-24 2 15017980 Battlefleet Gothic General BFG Thread. Contains templates for papercraft games or scratch built comparisons and general advice. "Battlefleet Gothic" , "BFG" 2011-05-25 -2 15052515 ANGRY MARINES DEATHWATCH Creating playable Angry Marines via Rites of Battle. Rites of Battle , Angry Marines , Fuck , FUCK , Deathwatch , Chapter Creation , Space Mariens , Angry 2011-05-26 7 15053294 Scary Marines We take the scary marines and flesh them out some using rites of battle. Scary Marines , Children of Istvaan , Rites of Battle , Space Marines 2011-05-26 0 15054705 Girl Quest Chapter 6 Titania gains some magical power from... something. Lawful evil science is used to narrow down what that specific thing is. collective game , quest , I wish to be the little girl , girl , hex map 2011-05-26 4 15059585 Hive Fleet Atlas 1 The creation of a new Hive Fleet (to many Space Marines, apparantly). Tyranids , Tyranid , Homebrew , Hivefleet , WH40K , Atlas , Charles Atlas 2011-05-26 -1 15081716 The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet /tg/ create a Iron Hands successor chapter.
Thus the Knights of The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet are born Space Marines , Warhammer , 40000,40k , Knights , Deathwatch , Brotherhood Of the Gauntlet , Iron Hands , Brotherhood 2011-05-28 6 15086952 Rites of Heresy A fa/tg/uy posts his corrupted Rites of Battle tables. Rites of Battle , space marines , chaos , heresy 2011-05-29 13 15092844 The Brotherhood of the Gauntlet: Part 2 Discussion of the Brotherhood continues, leading up to the idea that the Brotherhood's past is linked to the Glistening host. Space Marines , Warhammer , 40000 , 40k , Knights , Deathwatch , Brotherhood of the Gauntlet , Iron Hands , Brotherhood , Glistening Host 2011-05-30 5 15097981 Extra, Extra! Fa/tg/uys buy newspaper, inane headlines increase by 500%, anon accused of mukin' about. newspaper , d&d , 40k , frontline news 2011-05-30 6 15098724 Extra, Extra! Take 2! Fa/tg/uys auto-sage old thread, nofun-fags enraged, official response by spokesperson 'u mad' newspaper , d&d , 40k , frontline news 2011-05-30 0 June 2011 15107319 Sometimes you just give it to them Instances when a DM just gives a character something/Non combat awesome stories Elfbeard , Bearded Elf , Cook Battle , Bakery , DM , Stories 2011-06-01 15 15330682 Sargent Scrambles What starts off as a "fight the necrons" thread quickly turns into Pokemon 40k Necrons , blood angels , pokemon , ripper , DICKS , Skittles , Awesome , Quest 2011-06-21 17 July 2011 15476704 Monk of the way of the GENTLEMAN Most monks follow a path from a sacred text. This one shall be a dapper gentleman pugilist, battling the world's scoundrels and ruffians. TALLY-HO! monk , gentleman , pugilist , boxing , tea , monocle , tophat 2011-07-05 23 15555970 Movie Plotline Generator "Why is this on /tg/?" you might ask.
Why? Because not only are these some really bizarre and awesome film ideas, many of them, with only minor alterations, would make some DAMN cool RP character backstories as well. movies , plotlines , random generator , summaries , stories 2011-07-12 7 15614134 Disciple of Decorum A disciple of decorum strives to attain the ultimate ideal of high-class refinement. He is a consummate gentleman, positively brimming with politeness and class. He also looks down upon those who lack such refinement, and strives to teach the ways of gentility to all those he comes across. Since many see this kind of lifestyle as a sign of weakness, the disciple of decorum often finds himself targeted by uncouth ruffians who would seek to take advantage of his apparent meekness. However, anyone expecting a disciple of decorum to be a simpering fop is in for a painful surprise -- and a forceful lesson in proper manners. dnd , homebrew , pathfinder , monk , gentleman 2011-07-17 13 15759678 Pirate lords of 40k II we get the results of the first playtest, have a debate about the rules, revise movement to be faster, and get in an argument over weather 'nids, Knights, and sisters should be allowed. We also create a dedicated forum, swap shanties, an theres a pic of a parrot with pauldrons. Pirates , 40k , 40k pirates , homebrew , warhammer , space , sci fi , space pirates , skirmish , kill team , battlefleet gothic 2011-07-31 3 August 2011 15869516 Vidya Game Name Generator /tg/ fluffs out names into games that put the game industry to shame. Can you type faster than the Nazi's in 'Stupendous Typing Over Normandy'? Enjoy quality edutainment with 'Viking Robot Phonics'! Experience the total sum of wargaming in 'Enormous Chainsaw - Total War'! Strain your brain over 'M.C. Escher's Bandicoot Melee'! AND MORE! vidya , game , name , generator , viking , nazi , hitler , time , travel , space , hillbilly , gokart , race , japan , werewolf , blast , mario , writefaggotry , awesome , barbie , beatdown , bible 2011-08-09 9 15901740 Left vs. Right The forces of the left launch a surprise attack on the right, who counterattack in force. left vs right forward to glory charge battle 2011-08-11 11 15972097 Board Quest V We finally get to have fun storming the castle, and play tennis with a lich! Collective Game , Board Quest , Quest , Lich , Boss Battle , Tunnels , About Fucking Time 2011-08-18 15 September 2011 16437223 /tg/ Trailers "What is the worst possible /tg/ based movie?"
A few anons forget what "worse" means and decent writefaggotry is had. Movies , Writefaggotry , Trailers , Delta Green , Exalted , Battleship 2011-09-27 4 November 2011 16932479 /tg/ Meta Quest 23 We prep a team of Data and some droids to escort Heather Mason back to Silent Hill. We learn by raiding newspaper offices around the globe that several different cults were at work, ranging from Mythos to d20 Modern, to bring about the end of the world. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-13 16 16958743 /tg/ Meta Quest 24 Heather Mason and Douglas Cartland return to Silent Hill, backed by Data and the droids. They begin exploration when we find out that Silent Hill is not to be underestimated, as it starts mining Data for monsters, and creates steam-clockwork-Borg abominations. We quickly run from them, and begin to explore the Church of the Order. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-19 14 16975328 /tg/ Meta Quest 25 We encounter a boss fight in the form of Data's guilt and regret over the death of his daughter. Douglas goes down, and we desperately try to keep him alive as Spike enters Silent Hill with extra equipment. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-21 15 16994064 /tg/ Meta Quest 26 We save Douglas Cartland, and solve some more puzzles. As we're exploring, we meet Doug's son. His dead son. That he has regrets over. Cue boss-fight. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-23 13 17019510 /tg/ Meta Quest 27 We proceed into the unexplored west wing of the chapel, and come upon a section out of Spike Spiegel's memories. We end up in a boss-fight against Corvus Head, and while Spike is tossed around and heavily injured, we are victorious. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-26 12 17039688 /tg/ Meta Quest 28 We move to the final boss of the Silent Hill portion of this world, and attack its weak point for massive damage. Then we find out who's been pulling the strings of the various horrors. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies 2011-11-28 12 17059442 /tg/ Meta Quest 29 We begin exploring the zombie outbreak in Pennsylvania. We find evidence of at least Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil, and quite possibly Return of the Living Dead zombies. We also find some survivors that tell us that Raccoon City has become the domain of some lich-king. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-11-30 12 17056372 Realms of Atlantasia /tg/ discovers what maybe the new Synibarr. Atlantasia , Fail , Synibaar 2011-11-30 14 December 2011 17080400 Imperial Guard Talk And Creation Imperial Guard favorites talk leads to a Creation table on par of Rites of Battle Imperial Guard , Creation Tables , Rites of Battle 2011-12-02 5 17084727 Atlantasia presents: Spider, Dwarf of Steel A noble Anon takes it upon himself to complete Atlantasia character creation, and have a single random encounter. Rants about boots, time, and pincushony death at a quarter mile ensue. Character , game design , fail , atlantasia 2011-12-03 14 17087235 /tg/ Meta Quest 30 We begin the assault on Raccoon City. However, bad rolls constantly get our troops hammered, and we lose the BLU team respawn tech to magic dickery. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-12-03 12 17095963 /tg/ Meta Quest 31 The tg diceroller continues to have us over a barrel as we continue to lose members of our team. We finally decide enough is enough, and pull out our forces in order to drill a hole down to the lich. Who then promptly uses our weapons' energies to make his escape, leaving us to deal with Vampire-Wesker. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead 2011-12-04 12 17109365 /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread In which the Command Crew discusses plans and theories for the upcoming visit to Transylvania and what vampric horrors await there. Plus the usual chatter about who and what we should requisition next Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-05 6 17117963 /tg/ Meta Quest 32 We land with a small force in Transylvania, and begin chatting up the locals. Strahd and Dracula are at war, and signs point to their respective loves reincarnated in a single body. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-06 13 17123534 Atlantasia presents: Making a random encounter. After Spider, Dwarf of Steel's messy demise, OP reseurects him for an easier random encouner. Making the required NPC then takes 3 hours. Atlantasia , fail , game design , random encounter 2011-12-07 10 17127438 /tg/'s foreign relations protocol /tg/ reports from around the world on the wonderful day they've had /tg/ , Britain , Australia , Japan , Scotland , Germany , funny 2011-12-07 12 17137538 /tg/ Meta Quest 33 We dress up two of the White Mages as Tatyana/Lisa, and start poking around town to try to bait Strahd and Dracula to go to open war with each other. While searching, one of our teams spots Tatyana/Lisa, but loses her. Then one of the decoys is kidnapped. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-08 12 17161163 /tg/ Meta Quest: Waiting on OP edition OP gets held up for a couple days and we fall back on plotting against the Counts, and mostly talking about what we want on our requisitions list. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-12 8 17179943 /tg/ Meta Quest 34 Strahd summons Darius and the travelers from Londinium. We bullshit a story about Londinium and the Brittanica Empire, and the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Strahd seems to buy the story, and wants us to kill Dracula. Low rolls result in Strahd refusing to commit the majority of his forces, but he concedes to a diversionary attack as we infiltrate Castlevania. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-12 11 17194517 /tg/ Meta Quest 35 We plan, and then execute, the breaching of Castlevania. Our preparation pays off, and we are able to infiltrate the castle, and face Dracula. It is a pitched battle, but with the strength of our Space Marines, the healing of our White Mages, the protections by our Abjurer and Psion, and 10 X-COM High Explosive charges, we defeat Dracula, and Lyla is promoted to Hero-rank. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-13 11 17206876 /tg/ Meta Quest 36 We go along with the narrative, trying to catch Strahd backstabbing us in some way. When he finally offers us tainted wine, and we get confirmation of its curse, we open up a 12-pack of whoopass on Strahd and his cronies. They were not prepared to face the Knights Inductor, or battlemechs, or First Age weapons forged by Elves. Strahd goes down like a chump to the two White Mages, and we make off with his gold and a rack of his finest wines. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight 2011-12-14 14 17239971 /tg/ Meta Quest 38 Our Probe Droid reaches the Japan Meteorological Agency offices and makes contact with some scientists. We learn that there are insurgent forces fighting against Griffith's reign, and that Guts appears to be among them. In Antarctica, our Probe Droid there distinguishes itself, and VP-99 is almost ready to become a Hero. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk 2011-12-17 13 17273710 /tg/ Meta Quest 39 More information is collected about the World Pillar in Antarctica, and we have confirmation that Persona 4 characters are part of the insurgents. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-20 11 17284731 /tg/ Meta Quest 40 We begin setting up sniper positions in Tokyo as we make contact with the insurgent forces. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-21 10 17296729 /tg/ Meta Quest 41 We successfully convince Guts to work with us, and prepare to shake up Griffith's world. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , ACS , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-22 11 17306889 /tg/ Meta Quest 42 We begin the second battle of Tokyo, as magic and mutant flesh meets more magic and advanced technology. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-23 12 17316446 /tg/ Meta Quest 43 We defeated Griffith, only to realize that he was just a pawn. The true reality distortion anchor of Tokyo reveals itself. We begin heavily losing troops, and the Leopard dropship goes down. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-24 15 17328325 Turtle Quest Wake up on a turtle, find a bomb ass mermaid, and fuck up a tuna. Turtle Quest 2011-12-26 11 17325929 TG Quest: The Extended Cut Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest thread #43 after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. Discussion of what to tell the Persona heroes and plans for the Antarctic showdown with Ebon Night. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2011-12-26 6 17346808 Great painting tips for starters Great thread full of info about base-level painting that's hard to find anywhere else, or atleast given without a 'YOU DON'T KNOW THAT?' attitude painting , wh40k , battletech 2011-12-27 14 17350616 Battleship Quest You're given command of the German battleship Graf Spee. The year is 1939. You're in the southern Atlantic and low on everything. How do you plan to troll the British, French and survive? Battleship Quest , Collective Game , Quest thread , Quest , quest 2011-12-28 11 17360227 Battleship Quest Pt. 2 Battle ensues, but then dies off when OP takes an hour or so to resolve actions. Unknown if continuing further. Battleship Quest , Collective Game , Quest thread , Quest , quest 2011-12-29 5 January 2012 17397134 TG Quest: The Extended Cut -part 2 Continuation of discussion and planning from TG Quest: The Extended Cut after it autosaged out. OP off on holiday until January 4th. More discussion, Mostly heroes and mechs this time. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-04 6 17425007 /tg/ rap battles MC Warlock drops it like it's hot and /tg/ piles on in rap , rap battles , you will never need the other boards , 2012-01-05 10 17425874 /tg/ Meta Quest 44 We begin cleaning up after the battle against the Idea of Evil. While Cheryl continues her training, we have our Antarctica team attack the Greater Shoggoth in order to access the Old One research facility. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-05 11 17429885 /tg/ Meta Quest Planning Thread post-44 The standard arguing of what to requisition and what is just stupid. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-05 6 17446362 /tg/ Meta Quest 45 The Command Crew is contacted by Igor, agent of Philemon, a powerful entity from the Persona Canon. He offers the Command Crew a Contract, and after much debate, the vote narrowly has us accepting. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona 2012-01-07 10 17450144 /tg/ Meta Quest 46 We open up one of the stasis chambers, only to fight a proto-Angel. We open the second stasis chamber, and find a shard of the World Pillar with Adam in fetus form inside. Translating the Elder Thing research reveals that they may have found the Lance of Longinus as well. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-07 10 17456343 TG Meta Quest planning thread part BLARGH Yet more debate over requisitions, and even a little over our current mission. MOST SHOCKING TWIST YET. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-09 6 17468187 /tg/ Meta Quest 47 As Cheryl interfaces with the World Pillar, Ebon Night takes exception to the Command Crew staying safe in orbit, and pulls them down to Antarctica for the final confrontation. Our calculations concerning our ability to defeat his defenses seem to have been...overly optimistic as we lose the entire White Mage Team. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion 2012-01-09 10 17471475 /tg/ Meta Quest 48 After the cataclysmic battle with Ebon Night and Cheryl initiating Second Impact, we awaken in the Kingdom of Zeal. However, it is revealed that this is only a semi-stable time echo, and we recruit the time ghost of Belthasar to aid us. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-09 11 17481740 /tg/ Meta Quest 49 We find that Gaspar and Tosh are locked up with the Mammon Machine, and we execute a daring breaching of the chamber. Queen Zeal proves that she's one tough boss, then the Mammon Machine brings something through. Ebon Night wants a rematch, and the /tg dice seem to have bet against us as our troops drop like flies. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-10 11 17485818 /tg/ Meta Quest 50 The crew of the TGS Oncoming Storm and their taskforce stand bloody and weary, but triumphant over Ebon Night and Queen Zeal. With their new allies, the three Gurus of Time, Life, and Reason, they refit the Blackbird into a trans-space ship and make their escape through the space-time rift eating the temporal echo of the Kingdom of Zeal. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Orz , UNIT , SCP , Stargate , Star Trek , Harry Potter , Editors , Silent Hill , HP Lovecraft , Mythos , Cthulhu , Castlevania , Ravenloft , Night of the Living Dead , Zombies , Return of the Living Dead , Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead , Twilight , Berserk , Persona , Evangelion , Chrono Trigger 2012-01-10 11 17531267 My Little Paranoia: Friendship is Mandatory OP proposes Paranoia set in the universe of My Little Pony. /tg/ keeps its shit together long enough to get things done. Paranoia , ponies , homebrew , setting , My Little Pony , friendship , My Little Paranoia 2012-01-14 11 17549781 Waldorf and Dumpstat Waldorf and Statler heckle /tg/ with surprisingly non-shit results. muppets , heckle , heckling , Waldorf , Statler 2012-01-15 35 17674594 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 1 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Hilarity Ensues. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Harry Potter , Benny Hill , X-Men , Bootleg Metaquest 2012-01-26 8 17678634 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 2 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Common sense turns out to be not so common! Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Harry Potter , Benny Hill , X-Men , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg 2012-01-26 5 17689732 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 3 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Shit gets fucked up and significantly more complicated. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Harry Potter , X-Men , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , COMMON SENSE , Mario , Digimon , Street Fighter , Sailor Moon , Warcraft , Wakfu , Pokemon , Vocaloid , Neckbeard 2012-01-27 6 17701253 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 4 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. With a sufficient plan, we LOOT. DOWN. EVERYTHING. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Harry Potter , Benny Hill , X-Men , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Raidah , Kali , Lesbian 8-way 2012-01-28 6 17701129 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XI Esme and group descend into the sewers to infiltrate the hive Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2012-01-28 7 17704904 Planning and 2nd Mission Start 4th light bulb! First loot! Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Half Life 2012-01-29 6 17716944 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 6 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and ... shine. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Half Life , G-man , Starcraft 2012-01-29 6 17739341 /tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culture /tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culture the slightly overweight redheaded baker's daughter , weeaboos , cuckholding , pastry , NPCs , peasants 2012-01-31 -12 17725651 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 7 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Common sense is very common, and we walk out with massive amounts of Dosh. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Half Life , G-man , Starcraft , Quake 2012-01-31 6 February 2012 17753957 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 8 While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. We bum about in the base for a while. Nothing happens. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Interlude , Writefagging , Writefaggotry , Mastermind , Kali , Butthurt 2012-02-01 6 17768050 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 9 OP sleeps while we argue about the next mission; mainly requisition debate and we cement our choice for dungeon crawl bootleg , Metaquest , Metaquest bootleg , mastermind , Collective Game 2012-02-03 2 17794180 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XII /tg/ decides to split the party and progress further with only the assistance of Caramel. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2012-02-05 3 17858278 Warhammer 40K: heretical love part XXII Continuation of SoB thread from previous. Warhammer , 40k , quest , heretical love , papa-n , heresy , sisters of battle , quest thread , warhammer 40k , writefaggotry , max decarus 2012-02-08 25 17889147 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XIII The snake daemon is defeated and a wild Filigree is encountered. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2012-02-12 1 17901201 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 10 Dwarf Fortress dwarves invade Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. We defeat the dwarves, and make progress towards looting the fuck out of the dungeon. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Crawl , Stone Soup , DCSS , Dwarf , Fort , Fortress , DF , Fuck the world lever 2012-02-12 7 17931031 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 11 The players loot the Shoals, Orc mines, Vaults, and part of the Dungeon. Absolutely nothing else happens after that. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Crawl , Stone Soup , DCSS , Orb of Zot , Zot , Scrabble 2012-02-15 5 17959606 Mahou Shounen Quest We're not just some pansy magic boy in a skirt, we're a one butler army of pure dapper and class... Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-15 17 17967339 Zerg Quest LXXIV Daleks fighting toad-men in a refinery? Yeah, that happened. Zerg Quest , Starcraft , Cerebrate Anon , Dyles , Zergleks , I'm feeling a little gassy tonight 2012-02-16 11 17973355 Mahou Shounen Quest 2 WE ARE BUTLER. WE LIVE TO SERVE AND GET LAID. NOT TO GET PAID
Drunk traps, Shirou being Shirou, Kraus is onto us. Erica Hartmann partakes of our sausage. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-16 21 17981906 Mahou Shounen Quest 3 Shirou Must die. Also, combat training time against Mike and Santa Clause. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-17 24 17978601 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 12 Vaults:8, Crypts, Elf Halls, chat with gods, people fail at scrabble. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Crawl , Stone Soup , DCSS , Orb of Zot , Zot , Scrabble , Elyvilon , Writefaggotry , SCP-1892 2012-02-17 5 17986384 Mahou Shounen Quest 4 EXTRA SERVINGS! WE LIVE TO SERVE AND GET LAID. Picnic with friends. Sakura blows a gorilla up. Dandy Shirou. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-17 23 17995372 Mahou Shounen Quest 5 Rider bro has our back, dinner with mein engel and we share our story. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-18 24 17991681 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 13 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup completed. Witness the shocking final confrontation with the final boss! Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Crawl , Stone Soup , DCSS , Orb of Zot , Zot , Author , Self , Insert 2012-02-18 5 18012439 Mahou Shounen Quest 6 We wake up with twins in our bed. Kraus finds someone to challenge his tea. PIZZA ORGY HUEHUEHUE. Kenji demands to see our penis. MANLY LUNCHEON Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-19 24 17993785 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XIV /tg/ blunders into a trap. Not that much gets done. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2012-02-20 3 18022090 Mahou Shounen Quest 7 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA, AND WE MAKE LOVE. Elevator sex. Erica pulls a knife on us. The Doctor tests us. Mike covers up for us. we host a MASQUERADE Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-20 25 18033784 Mahou Shounen Quest 8 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. The Masquerade continues. We grope Ursula. Kenji goes undercover. Shinku wants Kraus' tea. KEIMA SEDUCTION. Erica punishes us.
Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-21 24 18030569 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 14 Since the mission was done, we looked around at base. We found out what was going on, had to talk to a giant little girl, played diplomat with a bunch of assholes, and more! Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Sailor Moon , SMAC , Goldshire , Second Life 2012-02-21 5 18047793 Mahou Shounen Quest 9 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Ursula gets closer. We get a tape. And then a UPGRADE for the TEAM. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-22 24 18053129 Mahou Shounen Quest 10 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. We learn some alchemy. Stare down the Necronomicon. Tested by TTHE DOCTOR. Sit on the Golden Throne. Gain time stop skill. and begin some Time travel shenanigans. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-22 24 18062057 Mahou Shonen Quest 11 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Further time travel shenanigans, talk with Ursula, get CQC training from Mike. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-23 24 18066295 Mahou Shounen Quest 12 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Afternon time travel shenanigans. We go shopping. Fudge cave-in. We unlokc the TWINS route. and who was that with Keima? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-23 24 18074051 Mahou Shounen Quest 13 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Date with the twins. Skating. sensual massages. VANILLA PTSD [archived early since 4chan is on the fritz] Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-24 24 18080119 Mahou Shounen Quest 14 THE OBLIGATORY 80's TRAINING MONTAGE. we get loot, skillz and potions with a few rolls of dice. WE out-barter Recette. Dimension hopping shenanigans begin Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-24 24 18087172 Mahou Shounen Quest 15 TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS BEGIN. The twins made us become a maid. Gnome tag with MC-NGAF. GNOMING IS HALF THE BATTLE. Lucchinni grabs our buns. End up in the bath with some witches. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-25 12 18091914 Mahou Shounen Quest 16 TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE. WE MEET MORE WITCHES. The SOFTNESS. We lose Kraus. We Cross-counter Rommel. Wear Sakamoto's clothes. ERICA SHAKES THE ISLAND WITH RAGE. Get hit on by a guy with a sword. AND ALL OF IT WAS WHAT?! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-25 20 18100125 Mahou Shounen Quest 17 INTER-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE. Tea with new friends. Weird watchmaker touches our bad place. SHOPPING with Erica. SCIENCE with Ursula. We crash and burn. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-02-26 20 18113066 Zerg Quest LXXVI The attack on Earth is underway, and we're on the humans' side? Heroic rolls abound! Collective Game , Zerg Quest , Cerebrate Anon , Starcraft , Dyles , Kerrigan , Anti-Criticals , Earth , Ridge Scratchers , Replacement Robot Butler 2012-02-27 11 18111646 Mahou Shounen Quest 18 TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE! Wake up in the infirmary. Weird dream[?] sequence. We get majicked by MEEYAFOOGEE. Symmetrical docking with SOFTNESS and SOFTNESS2. Prank war with gnomes started? Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-27 20 18119489 Mahou Shounen Quest 19 TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE! We fight a dread gazebo. ZA WARUDO. Kick alium butt. Get a war-hardened bike. Perrine goes dere. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-27 24 18128273 Mahou Shounen Quest 20 TRANS-DIMENSIONAL SHENANIGANS CONTINUE! Post-victory party. we find Erica's second weakness. Make it official with the twins. WHY ARE THERE TWO OF US? Perrine sidestories. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-28 23 18132754 Mahou Shounen Quest 21 Head back to the Bureau. Prepare to rescue BIKE-KUN. Kraus hate fucks Shinku. Shirou has some problems. LG's fingers go numb. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-28 25 18139645 Merc Quest Thread 3 - unfinished Merc Quest, meet some new friends, called early. merc quest , collective game , battletech , mechwarrior 2012-02-29 1 18141396 Mahou Shonen Quest 22 Back at the Bureau, we pick up a nice pocketwatch for Jakob, go clothes shopping with the Twins, and introduce them to karaoke. We prepare to go back home, where the universe hates us. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-29 24 18148053 Mahou Shounen Quest 23 We rescue Bike-kun. Dodge the yakuza. Take the twins around Tokyo. White knight on a train. White knight in a park. DROPKICK A CAR. Go to an amusement park and head back home. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-02-29 24 March 2012 18157527 Mahou Shounen Quest 24 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Combat exercises with the Advanced Classes. Nanoha's jealous, and on an opposing team. We're gonna get BEFRIENDED. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-01 25 18155557 Kobold Sorcerer Quest Ch. 9 A wild Ringo Starr appears! Kobold , Quest , Collective Game , Kobold Sorcerer Quest , The Beatles 2012-03-01 5 18167507 Mahou Shounen Quest 25 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. We clear the first round of combat trials. Shirou has Unlimited Blade Works, and is our next opponent. Nanoha is still upset, and simply nukes her opposition before her team even does anything. We're gonna get BEFRIENDED SO HARD. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-02 25 18173759 Mahou Shounen Quest 26 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Our second match starts against Shirou's team. We are able to take down most of his team with good teamwork, and Shirou himself by initiating Fudgement Day. Sagara Sousuke proves trickier to take out, but we are ultimately victorious. Next is the final match against Nanoha's team. GET READY TO BE BEFRIENDED. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-02 25 18180326 Mahou Shounen Quest 27 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Our match against Nanoha and Vita starts. The instructors throw in some complications, but we end up making them work for us by taming a T-Rex. Then we fight Nanoha, and comfort a little girl with a breaking heart. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-03 22 18185534 Mahou Shounen Quest 28 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. The match against Our match against Nanoha and Vita is over, we further confuse Keima about his sexuality, server dinner on a rooftop, and the Bureau gets more recruits. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-03 23 18193357 Mahou Shounen Quest 29 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. We sleep in with our ladies, which leads to being late for class and grabbing the first clothes we can. Which, given our luck, happens to be a skirt. Which we now have to wear for 3 days. Oh and Hinagiku is now a fellow trainee. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-04 25 18199837 Mahou Shounen Quest 30 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Shopping/walkabout with the gang. Show Hina the town. Shopping for weaponized violins. Landing gear has rum, becomes sleepy. Twins get handcuffs, but we're not the ones to wear them. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-04 26 18208295 Mahou Shounen Quest 31 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Woke up alone and crippled half the dorm with our violin solo. Gai was set up with some ladies. The men prepare to search UFW for Shirou. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-05 25 18204910 /TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 14 Waiting for players. Waiting for player input. Bump for input. Still waiting for players. Collective Game , Meta Quest , Meta , Quest , Bootleg Metaquest , Bootleg , Editors , Waiting , No players , Dead game , Zero participation , Bump for input , OP playing with himself 2012-03-05 5 18212280 Mahou Shounen Quest 32 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Our team has breached the inner walls of the Dorf Fudgetress, encounter marshmallow men, and find Shirou's diary. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-05 26 18219626 Mahou Shounen Quest 33 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. We pay a visit to the chocolate factory, retrieve Shirou, and forget to turn off our swag. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-06 25 18221774 Old Humanity and the Elemental Gods Begins as a joke discussion about redheads being part fire-elemental. Ends with Humanity being the result of magical gods intermarrying with the primal forces of nature, and their offspring manifesting their elemental affinity via hair and eye color. Also, brief writefaggotry featuring telepathic Churchill vs. psychic Hitler. elements , gods , HFY , old magic , psychic Hitler 2012-03-06 13 18225178 Mahou Shounen Quest 34 WE ARE BUTLER, WE MAKE TEA LIKE WE MAKE LOVE. HOT, ELEGANT AND SATISFYING. Sakura and Hinagiku come over for a sleepover, where we watch movies and the girls play dress up with Hayate. We explain our situation to Hina, which goes over surprisingly well. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-06 25 18234392 Mahou Shounen Quest 35 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Hina talks to Erica, We sign up for training under sousuke, Cry in front of Keima, consider therapy, and test some striker units. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-07 24 18239058 Mahou Shounen Quest 36 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. We take a striker unit for a test flight, run from the nurse, learn a new potion from Ryuu, disturb Sousuke's patrol, jog and chat with Hina. She wants in? [Jakob and Ted side stories] Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-07 24 18246988 Mahou Shounen Quest 37 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. Hina backpedals like a pro. Wants in on our thing, theoretically. Shopping. We knead the Bakery girl's dough. Hina gets jealous? Run from the Nurse Frank, Hard-gay and Billy. Hina warms up to us. Erica gets into the gummyBEARS, leads to bear threesome. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-08 21 18251502 Mahou Shounen Quest 38 WE ARE BUTLER, WE LIVE TO SERVE TEA AND GET LAID. We deal with the after-effects of ingesting GummyBEARS, begin making plans to have the Twins move in with us, more Witches incoming, and go on a date with Nanoha. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-08 24 18258437 Mahou Shounen Quest 39 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Date with Nanoha. Watch EXPLOSIONS THE MOVIE. Find Dante's Bar. Help Nanoha accept herself. Pyrotechnic Display of dawwww. Get upgraded accommodations. Twins move in. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-09 24 18263401 Mahou Shounen Quest 40 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We serve breakfast, set up a training trip with Sagara, return an overdue library book and have misunderstandings with Yuki. Then we get ready to tackle the case file simulation, partnered with Hinagiku. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-09 24 18270249 Mahou Shounen Quest 41 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Combat Simulations. Go against Caster, Drop-bears and tentacle monsters. Fail but earn Hina points. Shirou makes Erica fail thier simulation, with hilarious results. Erica agrees to the bet. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-10 24 18273839 Mahou Shounen Quest 42 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Shopping for Whiteday. Slaanesh praises us. We get a ballgag a saddle and some lube. Get leads to fix the Cassiopeia. Hina sleeps in our room. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-10 24 18280380 Mahou Shounen Quest 43 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Wake up, provide a Japanese breakfast for a change of pace. Go to our first therapy session with Dr. Ikari, and then get ready to give a picnic. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-11 29 18286800 Planetary Governor Quest Part Two We uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation Napalm Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Warhammer , 40K , Eldar , Guns , discussion , Ultramarines , Sisters of Battle , RT , Rogue Trader , Genestealer 2012-03-11 23 18269826 Sororitas Quest 3: The Soulless Taint XV /tg/ manages to defeat a giant tentacle abomination and enters a new area with a power generator. Sororitas Quest , collective game , quest , Sisters of Battle 2012-03-12 7 18294193 Mahou Shounen Quest 45 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We become papa bear. Trude wants to talk to us. Date with Erica. Argue about food. *MSQ 44 had wrong tags, can be found under SWQ* Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-12 26 18297478 Mahou Shounen Quest 46 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Dancing on the lake via possible time travel shenanigans. We make love like we make tea, hot, classy and elegant. Talk with Trude, Sakamoto is a bro. See the SUGAR-RUSH Sakura video. Unveil the FRILLY EXPLOSION Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-12 24 18305211 Mahou Shounen Quest 47 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We get Erican into the frilly explosion. Sousuke hands us a second 1911. Lunch with the witches. Perrinne finds out about our living arrangements. Introduce Ryuu to Yoshika. Play the violin for Hina and Perrine, possibly creating lesbians. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-13 24 18309535 MAHOU SHOUNEN QUEST 48 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Date with Ursula. Go shopping for gubbinz. Eat under the sea. CLOUD DANCING. Make love like we make tea. Hot, elegant and satisfying. Perrinne and Hina face-off. Sakamoto gets them drunk. Possible lesbian threesome? Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-13 24 18312013 That Gentleman thread Hilarious take on That Guy threads. /tg/ wonders just how much it can get away with as long as it's polite. THAT GUY , greentext , gentleman , verbose , D&D 2012-03-13 28 18316954 Mahou Shounen Quest 49 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Wake up with the 3 more girls in our room. Tankdiving lessons. Try and out-troll Erica. Sakura gets too much sweet in her system. Invite people to manly picnic. Shop at the PX Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-14 22 18322542 Mahou Shounen Quest 50 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Prepare for white day. MANLY PARTY. We find some new things out about the guys. Keima gets drunk. Ends up straddling us in a skirt. Twins find us in bed with him. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-14 23 18330446 Mahou Shounen Quest 51 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. White Day cometh. We scramble for last minute chocolates as we try to muddle our way through an emotional minefield with Keima. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-15 22 18391342 Mahou Shounen Quest 52 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. LG's back with some worrying blurbs. Hina talks to the girls and confesses. SWAGPILE +1. We find ourselves in Hayate's canon story/universe. Hina seems to be adapting quickly to the girls' crossdressing obsession. Perrinne Sidestories make us feel bad for her. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-20 23 18400824 Mahou Shounen Quest 53 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We go out for a brisk morning jog, get what we want recorded into Nanoha's locket, and have a sword match with Mio. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-21 23 18403139 MAHOU SHOUNEN QUEST 54 WE ARE BUTLER. 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Webake a cake and clear up some misunderstandings by having a girl turnour face into hamburger. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest,quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-21 21 18412405 Mahou Shounen Quest 55 WE ARE BUTLER. TEA AND BITCHES APLENTY. Battle Royale against the whole class. Sousuke is a bitch to find. Paintball grenades. Perrinne may or may not be pregnant with our child. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest,quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-22 22 18415231 Mahou Shounen Quest 56 WE ARE BUTLER. TEA AND BITCHES APLENTY. Battle Royale continues. We get a pandabro. Sousuke reveals himself. Fucking minefield. Shirou is a cunt. LG dies of starvation.
Nanoha's party is coming up Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest,quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-22 21 18423077 Mahou Shounen Quest 57 WE ARE BUTLER. TEA AND BITCHES APLENTY. Battle Royale conclusion. Shirou baited with fudge. Sagara has an armslave. The team dukes it out. We get ready for Nanoha's party Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest,quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-23 25 18428802 Mahou Shounen Quest 58 WE ARE BUTLER. PARAGON OF PARTY PLANNING. Nanoha's birthday party. DRESSPLOSION! Kharne drops by. Meet some more people from the advanced classes. Ted gets a smaller form. Awesome pyrotechnics display. Solo dinner on the roof. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest,quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-23 24 18436067 Mahou Shounen Quest 59 Nanoha's birthday party! Spankings and groping are involved. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest,quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-24 26 18445953 Mahou Shounen Quest 60 Dinner for two. We give Nanoha her locket. We dodge bullets. Nanoha trolls Erica. Tower of swag competition vs the Emperor. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest,quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-25 24 18457122 Mahou Shounen Quest 61 A bunch of plot. Warnings about the watch, and we see some triplets. Also a new kind of potion! LG takes an early night. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-26 24 18470332 Mahou Shounen Quest 62 Find Mike's tobacco plantation. Tell him about the whole A-tan theory. Get clues on a swag palace. Lesbians short circuit our mind for an hour. Set a date with Hina. Mio wants it in her mouth. We meet agent P. Show Ryuu our newest potion. We escape Mio successfully. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-27 24 18475128 Mahou Shounen Quest 63 We take Hina out on a date to the Moon. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-27 25 18482659 Mahou Shounen Quest 64 WE ARE BUTLER, 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. We experiment with potions, get another nice item from our alchemist teacher, and get ready for the combat trials that mark the end of Basic. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-28 23 18487550 Mahou Shounen Quest 65 Combat Trials! We have a pokemon battle. J gets an upgrade, he digimon nao. Lo wants no trabble, and destroys the opposition. Ted has a cakewalk. Erica fights a Centurion. Sakura tries her hand at YUGIOH. Keima tries to outhack ED. Gai kicks through Doomrider. We fight Tama next. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-28 22 18495444 Mahou Shounen Quest 66 WE ARE BUTLER, 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. Combat trial against Tama. We put the big kitty to sleep. Then the Idols and Mio crowd around us. Up next: Fight with Mike. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-29 22 18499809 Mahou Shounen Quest 67 WE ARE BUTLER, 100% PURE DAPPER AND SWAG. The big fight with Mike. We find out he's not playing around the hard way, as most of our attacks bounce off of him. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-29 22 18506543 Mahou Shounen Quest 68 Out on the town with Hina, Perrinne and Yuki. Meet Kyon, the Director's assistant. Show them the RCS. Shop for our training trip with Sousuke. Have a moment with frenchy.
Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-30 23 18511609 Mahou Shounen Quest 69 We take a look at the other side. DIvergent timeline adventure. Female Hayate. GenderBender potion worked too well. Get groped by Mio. LESBIANS! Fight with Mike ends in a draw. More LESBIANS! Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-30 22 18520213 Bulter Quest Archiving it early so no troll can mislable it this time Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-03-31 22 April 2012 18535915 Mahou Shounen Quest 71 We talk to the girls about Perrine's confession. Try and calm Erica down. PRepare for that training trip with Sousuke. Today we DIE Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-01 21 18542674 Mahou Shounen Quest 72 Training with Sousuke continues.Knife-chan is bestest. We get a surprise guest. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-02 22 18548202 Mahou Shounen Quest 73 Still in training with Sousuke. Get handcuffed to Keima. Shenanigans ensue. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-02 22 18555196 Mahou Shounen Quest 73.5 The adventures of Shirou. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-03 22 18647310 Mahou Shounen Quest 74 MSQ IS BACK! Training continues. NO HAYATE, YOU ARE THE ONIICHANS. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-10 22 18659123 Mahou Shounen Quest 75 CAPTURE THE FLAG! Training trip ends. Head back to the Bureau. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-11 22 18673391 Mahou Shounen Quest 76 The loli brigade gets too much sugar. Start of advanced classes. Some surprises await us. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-12 20 18679472 Mahou Shounen Quest 77 Advanced training starts. New instructor. New Curriculum. New chairs. OH HEY WHATS THAT BEHIND YOU? Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-12 21 18688904 Mahou Shounen Quest 78 NOTHING BAD IS GONNA HAPPEN. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-13 21 18694989 Mahou Shounen Quest 79 Get our new house. Housewarming party. Surprise guest. THE HOUSE IS PERFECTLY FINE Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-13 21 18715925 Mahou Shounen Quest 80 WE ARE BUTLER. Rufflin feathers all day erryday. Move into new house. Mike has a job for us. AND THEN -THAT- HAPPENS
Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-15 22 18730958 Mahou Shounen Quest 81 Combat excercises with the freshmen. The idol twins prove tricky. Erica goes on a rampage. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-16 20 18736992 Mahou Shounen Quest 82 Take on the idols all together. Excercise ends. Perrine stops holding back. IS YOUR BODY LADY?
Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-16 21 18746346 Mahou Shounen Quest 83 Hasser Werden Hassen. Erica TKs like a pro. Exercise ends. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-17 24 18760774 Mahou Shounen Quest 84 We infiltrate INFINICON. No Majaik, just guts. Beware those that yiff in the dark. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-18 20 18765413 Mahou Shounen Quest 85 INFINICON ADVENTURE. The Shogun of Swag claims his throne. We find clues to the whereabouts of our targets. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-18 20 18774299 Mahou Shounen Quest 86 INFINICON ADVENTURE. Get closer to finding R. Watchers. Watchers everywhere. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-19 20 18786190 Mahou Shounen Quest 87 We dive into the depravity. R is in our reach. TOTALLY GONNA BE FINE. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-20 20 18797894 Mahou Shounen Quest 88 We must go deeper into the darkness. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-04-21 20 18809023 Mahou Shounen Quest 89 INFINICON ADVENTURE CONTINUES. R is like a needle in a morbid, sailor-fuku wearing, masochist haystack. YiffYiffYiff. LEAVE NO [WO]MAN BEHIND. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-22 20 18807387 Mechwarrior 3rd edition character building Character Making Guy makes a character for MW3. He might be a hillbilly ninja. Mechwarrior , Battletech , Character , Hillbilly 2012-04-22 5 18821844 Mahou Shounen Quest 90 We learn about the LARP forest. Shirt Ninjas get new digs. Party suits up and goes to search for K. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-23 20 18836056 Mahou Shounen Quest 91 Encounter with a Black Knight. Where there's smoke there's stuff. Deeper into the woods we go. What manner of man are you? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-24 21 18841375 Mahou Shounen Quest 92 Infinicon simulation ends. Unexpectedly unacceptable expectations are expected to not be accepted. The Director's jimmies are somewhat rustled. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-24 22 18849710 Mahou Shounen Quest 93 Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-25 22 18863994 Mahou Shounen Quest 94 All team are BABBIES. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-26 22 18868514 Mahou Shounen Quest 95 PLOT ADVANCEMENT ON MSQ?! NO WAY! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-26 21 18876715 Mahou Shounen Quest 96 Wrenches and Drawers. We check out the discovery J and the guys made. Ursula Mommy. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-27 21 18890574 Mahou Shounen Quest 97 Yep. That totally happened. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-28 21 18894815 Mahou Shounen Quest 98 HAHA. IT'S TIME TO GET VIOLATED. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-28 21 18901505 Mahou Shounen Quest 98.5 Mio wants to talk to us. Asks some very interesting questions. HAHAHA. TIME TO GET VIOLATED! -Last thread ended abruptly due to technical difficulties. This is the continuation.- Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-29 20 18906090 Mahou Shounen Quest 99 Cannons get fired as more are loaded. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-29 21 18914620 Mahou Shounen Quest 100 CANNON HAS BEEN FIRED, THIS IS NOT A DRILL Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-04-30 21 18904408 Sisters of Cleaning A rehash of classic Sisters of Cleaning tales
and a few new ones. 40k , warhammer , Sisters of Battle 2012-04-30 13 May 2012 18932902 Mahou Shounen Quest 101 WE DADDY NOW. Perrine drops the babby bomb. Erica not very happy with that shit.
Oh and we geta surprise visit from _____________. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-01 22 18943106 Mahou Shounen Quest 102 there will always be a cloud in the sky, no matter how clear and blue it seems. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-02 21 18955759 Mahou Shounen Quest 103 "Windmills, remember, if you fight with them. May swing round their huge arms and cast you down into the mud." "Or up into the stars!" Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-03 21 18969253 Mahou Shounen Quest 104 Family Night. Everything is A-OK. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-04 21 18984329 Mahou Shounen Quest 105 Paths cross. Worlds collide. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-05 20 18993499 Mahou Shounen Quest 106 YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-06 20 19006180 Mahou Shounen Quest 107 Date with Nanoha. We visit the restaurant at the end of the universe. TITTY MONSTER ON THE LOOSE. Haters continue hating. DON'T PANIC. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-07 21 19032164 Mahou Shounen Quest 108 Oh freddled gruntbuggly/thy micturations are to me/As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. -Did you remember to bring a towel?- Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-09 22 19048054 Mahou Shounen Quest 109 Sunday morning.Get ready for the party. Wait for it... Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-10 20 19060798 Mahou Shounen Quest 110 OBLIGATORY FANSERVICE EPISODE. Party starts. Guests begin to arrive. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-11 20 19076470 Mahou Shounen Quest 111 Vodka, Peach Schnapps, Orange Juice, and Cranberry Juice. Mio begins to make her move. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-05-12 20 19097451 Mahou Shounen Quest 112 We meet our resort's former owner, Evangeline AK Mcdowell. TIME FOR PRESENTS! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-14 20 19107205 Mahou Shounen Quest 113 Zeroing in. Archives still broken? 112 can be found on FOOLZ Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-15 20 19112522 Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew /tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome. Mommy is sick , Daddy gets mad , My brother is dead , Mommy's Icky Friend , Divorced , Little Princess , Beaten , My Little Robot , Bad Touch , Jog Dad , Little Sunshine , In the System , Our Pride , Evil? , On Ritalin , Home Alone , Moving Again , I'm a Mistake 2012-05-16 22 19119419 Mahou Shounen Quest 114 You are screwed. Or maybe you are gonna get screwed. Either way, it will involve Mio and lots of screwing. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-16 21 19130664 Mahou Shounen Quest 115 You have the worst possible luck, end up a sitting duck. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-17 20 19142235 Mahou Shounen Quest 116 FREDDIE FUCKING MERCURY wants you to sing with him. FUCK YES. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-18 20 19155907 Mahou Shounen Quest 117 We say our goodbyes. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-19 20 19181234 Mahou Shounen Quest 118 We use up our free day. 118 threads in, curmudgeons will curmudge. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-21 16 19204547 Mahou Shounen Quest 119 Fly back from the forest with our new friend in tow. Quick sjopping trip and then it's off to lunch. A PLANT is fine too. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-23 13 19208369 Mahou Shounen Quest 120 Help out in Ursula's lab in the afternoon. TIME FOR SCIENCE! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-23 15 19232448 Mahou Shounen Quest 121 Test those custom strikers again. Sky bunny face-off. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-25 14 19243277 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Eight We hammer out space-combat, acquire several ships that we were apparently supposed to have the entire time, come to an agreement with the Sisters of Battle regarding setting up a Mission, visit the site of the Chaos Raid, and have a Zombie scare. Also Homesteading and Editor dropping more epic speeches. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Zombies , Fungus , Space Battle 2012-05-26 13 19247714 Mahou Shounen Quest 122 Training with Mike. Learn something new. Haha... Shenanigans. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-26 14 19255624 Mahou Shounen Quest 123 Break out the bubbly. This calls for a celebration. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-27 11 19255653 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Nine Another short session. Not very much is accomplished, but we do lay the groundwork for future plans and start on building the Sisters a moon base. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Zombies , Fungus , Space Battle 2012-05-27 12 19257898 Mahou Shounen Quest 123b had to jump ship due to it being scuttled. e sail on. [THIS IS THE CONTINUATION OF MSQ 123] Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-27 13 19257100 Mechwarrior Quest 1 The Adventures of Tom Derringer, Jenner Pilot and Mercenary of Lance's Lance, in the Clan Invasion. Collective Game , Mechwarrior Quest , Mechwarrior , Battletech 2012-05-27 6 19267793 Mahou Shounen Quest 124 Collision Course. All hands on deck. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-05-28 14 19283964 Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2 Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding. Bord Empire , discussion , drawfaggotry , Eastern Continent , evo , evo game , evolution , evolution game , FortuneHost , Gaghiel , Gantu , Govkar , Gwiliak , Indonesian Gentleman , Jungle Fever 3 , Kaze , Nad , namefags , NO TRIP , nongent , Onolkeshan , Primordial Evo , SHOGUN GLUND , Silith , Skulks , Solomon , stupid sexy Skulks… , tribal , Zal'zaz'siel 2012-05-30 6 19302239 Grimdark/Necromancer Apprentice Thread Started with a lowly peasantborn killing his abusive father to protect his sister and mother, face an unknown power, become a necromancer apprentice with unholy gentleman's nature Collective Game , Necromancer Apprentice Quest , Necromancer , Quest , Peasants , Gentlemen , Undead , Lich , BRAAAAAAIIINSSS 2012-05-31 8 19305370 The Necromancer's Apprentice part 2 Caim continues on his path as the Necromancer's apprentice, learning the secrets of how to manipulate souls
The creepy mask continues to creepy it up Collective Game , Necromancer Apprentice Quest , Necromancer , Quest , Peasants , Gentlemen , Undead , Lich , BRAAAAAAIIINSSS 2012-05-31 7 June 2012 19330283 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Ten In which we get the lowdown on local politics and factions from the Arbites Judge, make more plans, argue about Power Weapons, and learn a bit of Daysimir history and the background of the Iron Dragons. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Space Battle 2012-06-02 11 19367657 Battlefleet Quest 1 Wherein our hero slays an Ork Nob, moans over the lack of glory and goes to find his friends. Battlefleet Quest , Quest , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Space 2012-06-05 20 19373720 Battlefleet Quest Part II In which we meet Grandpa and Grandma Astropath, meet tons of minor officers aboard the ship and have the captain learn our name. Battlefleet Quest , Quest , Warhammer 40k , 40k , space 2012-06-06 21 19377122 Mahou Shounen Quest 125 Infiltrate an All-girls' School. Lesbiantics 101. 3 Days with Keima, What could go wrong? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-06-06 15 19343530 Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 2 The continued development and adventures of Eastern Tribes. Nad makes a tsundere bug girl, and Fortune's Gantu slay monsters and make contact with the Kaze. The Ca'rethil develop both kung-fu and architechture and the Silith nearly burn the damn forest down in their attempts to discover the secrets of metalworking. Collective Game , Primordial Evo , evolution , Indonesian Gentleman , nongent , Smokey the Bear is pissed 2012-06-07 2 19390281 Mahou Shounen Quest 126 Continue investigating St.Vicious' at night. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-06-07 14 19414660 Mahou Shounen Quest 127 Second day of the search. St. Vicious' Academy reveals its darker side. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , all of the bitches 2012-06-09 13 19413915 Planetary Governor Quest #11 We prepare for negotiations and parties. A wild spacehulk appears, so naturally we start trying to disassemble it. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Space Hulk , Space , Quest , Space Battle 2012-06-09 17 19425243 Mahou Shounen Quest 128 We find a statue buried in the garden. WHY IS IT EVEN HERE? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , YOU ARE THIS MAD 2012-06-10 11 19422708 Battlefleet Quest Part III We see our ship crashed and burn, get the captain's attention and meet a new girl. We also get attacked by Orks, but who cares about that? Battlefleet Quest , Quest , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Space 2012-06-10 16 19439333 Mahou Shounen Quest 129 Stuff happens, and then there's that thing to consider. Totally not being vague. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , YOU ARE THIS MAD 2012-06-11 12 19445178 Chapter Quest VI Final stages of battle on Varda against Orks. Session was cut off because OP couldn't post in /tg/. Collective Game , Chapter Master , Orks , Chapter Quest , Space Marines , Ghosts of Retribution , STC , Adeptus Mechanicus , Tactical Battle , Power Garrote 2012-06-12 5 19449259 Mahou Shounen Quest 130 We reach the "climax" of the ST.Vicious mission. We need to get through this on a wing and a prayer. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , YOU ARE THIS MAD 2012-06-12 16 19458284 Chapter Quest VII Ghosts of Retribution visit Nestorius to reap the rewards of their previous mission to retrieve STC. Collective Game , Quest , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Dark Heresy , roleplay , rpg , 40k , super heavy battle tank , Baneblade , stealth power armour , Adeptus Mechanicus 2012-06-13 4 19458448 Battlefleet Quest Part IV We meet the Ork fleet in battle, damage a Kroozer, discover a weakness and get boarded by Snakebites. Ended early to to Real Life. Battlefleet Quest , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Space 2012-06-13 20 19462028 Mahou Shounen Quest 131 The Director tells us her decision... Kyon wants to murderate us. Dicegods are a fickle and cruel lot. 4 months in and you are THIS MAD. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-06-13 12 19474918 Mahou Shounen Quest 132 That's not good... Not good at all. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-06-14 13 19483013 Battlefleet Quest Part V We kill an Ork Kroozer and escort, get confused about our friend's gender and drink the night away with our lady friend. Battlefleet Quest , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Space 2012-06-15 15 19498499 Mahou Shounen Quest 133 From days of long ago, from unchartered regions of the multiverse, comes a legend. The legend of Swagtron: Seducer of the Multiverse!
A mighty butler, loved by girls, feared by evil. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , still mad? 2012-06-16 13 19497943 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Twelve The first decent session in a while. We continue dismantling the Space Hulk, Get Skitarii help, and fight a mob of "evolved" Cyborks with huge, angry squigs and a really messed up mutant Warboss. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Zombies , Fungus , Space Battle , Orks , warboss , Blood Axes , Fang , Dreadnought 2012-06-16 20 19497569 House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 2 House Bulwark continues its activities in Kings Landing, a duel is fought, a threat is made, and we have an audience with the Hand. House Bulwark , Game of Thrones , Collective Game , Turtle Quest , A Song of Ice and Fire , Not One Step Back 2012-06-17 11 19516190 House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 3 Donatello meets Syrio Forel, the heir to House Dannett is discovered, and fighting in the streets of King's Landing Game of Thrones , Song of Ice and Fire , Collective Game , Turtle Quest , House Bulwark , Not One Step Back 2012-06-18 7 19524357 Mahou Shounen Quest 134 Things shift into HYPERDRIVE. Time to get stuff cleared up before they get out of hand [again]. SHINY RED BUTTON. DO NOT PRESS. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , still mad? 2012-06-18 14 19536495 Mahou Shounen Quest 135 The Doctor isn't very pleased. Time for some long awaited plot progression. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , still mad? 2012-06-19 16 19549715 Mahou Shounen Quest 136 Team fight against the Basics class. Pull no punches, take no prisoners, show no mercy. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , still mad? , yep 2012-06-20 21 19543603 House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 4 Orten accuses the Bulwarks of murder, Lord Bulwark duels Ser Naton, and Thoros of Myr wields the Fire Sword Game of Thrones , Song of Ice and Fire , Collective Game , Turtle Quest , House Bulwark , Not One Step Back 2012-06-20 7 19561278 Mahou Shounen Quest 137 Dog fighting with witches and IS girls. We take the custom strikers out for a spin.
Pressing passing stinging half synthetic fabrication of his-- Time Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , still mad? 2012-06-21 12 19566657 House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 5 April Bulwark is a homicidal tsundere, Arya comes to visit, and Donatello hires Gendry. Good bye canon! Game of Thrones , Song of Ice and Fire , Collective Game , Turtle Quest , House Bulwark , Not One Step Back 2012-06-21 6 19580181 House Bulwark/Turtle Quest 6 Arya and April run around House Bulwark and annoy a farmer Game of Thrones , Song of Ice and Fire , Collective Game , Turtle Quest , House Bulwark , Not One Step Back 2012-06-22 7 19596831 Battlefleet Quest Part V Flirting, politicking, psykering. The craziness finally begins. Battlefleet Quest , Collective Game , Warhammer 40k , 40k , Space 2012-06-24 20 19614246 Mahou Shounen Quest 138 Face Yuki's team in the final round. Things begin to com together.
Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , enough mad to power a fleet of Deathstars 2012-06-25 18 19513123 Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 5 Wrapping things up for the Mohu'awane, the Gwiliak, the Silith, the Ca'rethill et al.
The Skulcrow Rattle marches to war, invading first the Gwiliak, who retaliate with their order of jedi-esque knights armed with flamethrowers, and later the Silith who take to the beasts with uranium blades.
Some butthurt in the middle when the Enclave arrives, so we end up deciding to blow off some steam by evolving some cavern critters in another thread.
Very much tl;dr, especially when the epilogues come into play, so hunker down for a read. primordial , evolution , borgas 4 , tribal , final , epilogue , tl;dr , butthurt , flamethrowers , skulcrow invasion 2012-06-25 3 19627693 Mahou Shounen Quest 139 Battle in the library. We see how the others are doing. Oh hey, glowy shit. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , enough mad to power a fleet of Deathstars 2012-06-26 13 19642562 Mahou Shounen Quest 140 Locked up in the brig with Yuki. Kyon goes into "papa bear" mode. He mad. So mad.
"Cast in the name of God, Ye not guilty" Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , still mad after 12000 years 2012-06-27 12 19655071 Mahou Shounen Quest 141 You didn't think it would be that easy, did you? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine. 2012-06-28 10 19656383 Mahou Shounen Quest 141.5 Continuation of the thread that sunk due to board maintenance. NOTHING IS AS EASY AS IT SEEMS Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Congratulations! You just won a lifetime subscription to MAD magazine. 2012-06-28 10 19670289 Mahou Shounen Quest 142 Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow.Ohgod.There'stwoofthemnow. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie 2012-06-29 11 19671858 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 2 With the basics of character creation done, Minifig now works on specific animals. Suggestions are made, things are refined, alliances are forged. RPG , rpg , Palladium , Savage Worlds , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , homebrew , SW , /tg/ gets shit done , shit gets done , win , character creation , mutants , cordova is awesome 2012-06-30 2 19681784 Mahou Shounen Quest 143 Cannonball run simulation. Our weiner is large and in charge. Oh hey, is dat sum VEHICULAR CARNAGE? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie 2012-06-30 10 19681219 RPG Map Thread OP promises 3GB of RPG maps and dumps a good number of them in the thread. maps map battlemat mattlemap rpg 2012-06-30 0 July 2012 19689850 Mahou Shounen Quest 144 Continuation of the Cannonball Run mission. Things begin to heat up as the fuzz go for broke. Oh hey, BEE LAUNCHERS! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie 2012-07-01 9 19703079 Mahou Shounen Quest 145 Get to the half-way point. Erica gets some heavy metal. Begin to question some of our decisions. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-02 8 19718742 Mahou Shounen Quest 146 Into every generation a Butler is born: one man in all the world, a Chosen One. He alone will wield the swag and skill to catch the ladies, dames, and the armies of bitches; to get into their hearts and to add them to the family. He is Hayate, The Combat Butler. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-03 8 19715895 Brikwars Battle Report: Blockatomi Plaza Cyborg skeleterrorists hold civilians hostage - can the police save the day? lego , brikwars , battle report 2012-07-03 5 19729809 Mahou Shounen Quest 147 The finish-line is in sight. Cannonball run about to end. back in the real world, stuff happens. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-04 8 19746318 Mahou Shounen Quest 148 Shopping with Susan. Buy some stuff for our 'twin'. Shenanigans happen, things get done. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-05 8 19764338 Chapter Master Quest XX - Mormark Campaign Chapter Master deliver epic speech, tons of reinforcement from Admech and Guardsman equivalent come to our aid. We show Faceless who's boss Collective Game , Chapter Quest , Chapter Master , Chapter Master Quest , Ghosts of Retribution , Space Marine , Warhammer 40,000 , WH40K , Imperium of Man , Power Garrot , Strategic Girth , Manly Tears , Speech , Exploration , Invasion , Battle , Mormark 2012-07-07 5 19770121 Mahou Shounen Quest 149 The Dude wants us to storm the Bureau... Or something like that. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-07 6 19784246 Mahou Shounen Quest 150 Raid on R&D. Familiar faces, unfamiliar places. Halfway there. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-08 7 19812008 Mahou Shounen Quest 151 Continue our assault on the Bureau. Weird science girl has proposition. Susan acting strange. BIG RED BUTTON. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-10 8 19815150 Mahou Shounen Quest 151.5 LIFEBOAT. Last thread scuttled. Waifus and butlers first! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-10 9 19774741 Primordial Evo, Southern Continent III Continued development of the Southern Continent. Floating forests of tree-like jellyfish, coral reefs on land, and the final push towards sentience. Collective Game , Primordial Evo , evolution , Indonesian Gentleman , nongent , Southern Continent 2012-07-11 2 19824908 Mahou Shounen Quest 152 Now assaulting the Academic building. Big angry black guy with a grenade launcher. Oh hey, is dat sum ______? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-11 7 19852377 Mahou Shounen Quest 153 Try and get through Sousuke's defences. Showdown in the dorm. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-07-13 6 19868766 Planetary Governor Quest: Part Fourteen We talk about politics, Democracy up, make some good headway in dismantling the Hulk, and accidentally wake up something terrible in the core of the Hulk by abysmally failing a roll. Planetary Governor Quest , Collective Game , Space Marines , Astartes , Imperial Guard , IG , PDF , RT , Rogue Trader , Xenos , Warhammer , 40K , Tyranid , Tyranids , Genestealer , Pirates. spiders , oh god why , SOB , Sisters of Battle 2012-07-14 11 19883200 Mahou Shounen Quest 154 We conclude the Bureau Raid simulation. Get back to the real world for some shenanigans and plot. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie 2012-07-15 8 19885035 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 14.5 We get off to a late start and are forced to move threads after a mod slaps down an early autosage. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Space Battle 2012-07-15 12 19886971 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 15 The continuation from 14.5, we bro it up with insect Xenos, piss of the SOB, and finally finish with that Hulk Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , 40K , Warhammer , Space Marine , Chaos , Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Hospitaller , Space , Quest , Space Battle , Orks , RT , Rogue Trader , HTML , Space Hulk , Politics , Spiders 2012-07-15 13 19929722 Mahou Shounen Quest 155 Piracy on the high seas. We swash our bucklers and stuff. also, a taste of plot. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie 2012-07-18 5 19945002 Mahou Shounen Quest 156 Learning to deal with loss. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Osama Bin Haten 2012-07-19 6 19887569 Primordial Evo: Southern Continent IV (Pre Tribal) A wrap-up of evolution of that lovely little island in the south. Geist, Puruu, Elen, Punchaz, and Bladeshwirm. Who shall prevail? Collective Game , Primordial Evo , evolution , Indonesian Gentleman , nongent , Southern Continent 2012-07-19 4 19959329 Mahou Shounen Quest 157 HOW ABOUT A TASTE OF PLOT? No? Well,screw you. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Osama Bin Haten 2012-07-20 6 19981203 Commoragh Quest II Montus participates in a deadly battle royale in Death Arena. Collective Game , Commoragh Quest , Chapter Quest , Dark Eldar , Ghosts of Retribution , Commoragh , Dark City , Soulstone , Arena , Wytches , Battle Royale 2012-07-22 6 19985167 Mahou Shounen Quest 158 the one where things don't go as planned Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Osama Bin Haten 2012-07-22 5 19993725 The Ponyverse is horrifying /tg/ has a reasonable discussion about My Little Pony, mostly picking out the implications of horrifying classism and how Celestia has apparently designed her own Orwellian utopia (because it actually works) My Little Pony , civil discussion , how is this even happening 2012-07-22 36 19999071 Mahou Shounen Quest 159 Training with Mike. Work some things out at home. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Osama Bin Haten 2012-07-23 5 19999440 BRIKWARS BATTLE REPORT 7: VERY SHORT EDITION Slim tells the tale of a battle between the Alien Anarchists and the BLU Corporation. Fun is had by all. Also, ITT: 20000000 get is achieved. leg , brikwars , battle report , get 2012-07-23 2 20026345 Mahou Shounen Quest 160 Hands-on exercise with some SCPs. Grab your thinking hats, it's time for some speculative deduction. Also, MILF nurse is MILF-y anf Nurse-y. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Osama Bin Haten 2012-07-25 7 20079456 Mahou Shounen Quest 161 How about a nice big cup of plot? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Osama Bin Haten 2012-07-29 5 20098196 Mahou Shounen Quest 162 'Will you walk into my parlour?' said the Spider to the Fly. Date with Mio. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Osama Bin Haten 2012-07-30 5 20108717 Mahou Shounen Quest 163 Combat cook-off against Gordon Ramsay. We show Mio our stuff. She makes her move, we make ours. NO FRANK NOOOOOOOOO! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , I bet you only hate this because people told you to 2012-07-31 6 August 2012 20130886 Blood Jaguars Chapter A Rites of Battle Chapter generation produces a group of aztec blood obssessed Marines. Space Marines , Warhammer 40,000 , 40k , Rites of Battle 2012-08-02 10 20138799 Mahou Shounen Quest 164 The night comes to an end. Mio finally plays her cards. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Vote down if you're insecure about your sexuality 2012-08-02 6 20136043 Blood Jaguars 2:Electric Boogaloo More awesome shit is done on the Blood Jaguars Space Marines,Warhammer 40,000,40k,Rites of Battle 2012-08-02 5 20142488 BRIKWARS BATTLE REPORT 8 In which SLIM learns the value of not second guessing point buy systems, a queen is bored, and a beetle is dissected. lego , brikwars , battle report 2012-08-02 1 20155647 Mahou Shounen Quest 165 Time for some SPEHSS HALK.
We go treasure huntan with our pirate witch girlfriend. Waiting to see if Cogbeard comes. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , This one's for you EGO. Thanks for the free publicity. 2012-08-03 8 20151877 Blood Jaguars Part Three: Disco Inferno The continued work on this chapter of mesoamerican Marines Space Marines , Warhammer 40,000 , 40k , Rites of Battle 2012-08-03 6 20171384 Mahou Shounen Quest 166 Discover a robot girl hidden in the lab. Try and get her to work. Afternoon classes are kicked up a notch.
Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , If you're angry and you know it clap your hands 2012-08-04 5 20184892 Mahou Shounen Quest 167 Cogbeard has arrived. Try and appease his dwarfy rage, see if he can fix the watch. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , If you're angry and you know it clap your hands 2012-08-05 5 20200776 Mahou Shounen Quest 168 Sunday morning. Prepare to jump dimensions to get to Nanoha. PREPARE FOR FEELS Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , I bet you can't upvote this 2012-08-06 6 20214188 Mahou Shounen Quest 169 Reunited with Nanoha. Do our diplomatic duties. Find out why time was lost. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , 169 threads 7 months and you're still mad? I like your dedication. 2012-08-07 5 20255644 Mahou Shounen Quest 170 Lunch banquet. Make new friends. You can't stop fate. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Tongue in butt , Osama Bin Haten 2012-08-10 5 20259461 TG cries over Metal Sisters What happens when a new release is impending? The Metal Sisters get melt! /tg/ cries like babies. sisters of battle , warhammer 40k , rumors , sad 2012-08-10 10 20269274 Mahou Shounen Quest 171 I have no idea of what's going on anymore. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , 7 layers of mad in a huttbert pie 2012-08-11 5 20323614 Mahou Shounen Quest 172 *SPOILERS* Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Nanananananana Batmad! 2012-08-15 5 20338217 Mahou Shounen Quest 173 Who is this little blond girl that calls you papa? Why is she here? What is going on? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-08-16 6 20365382 Mahou Shounen Quest 174 Wake up in the largest pile yet. Kyon and P-san are not happy about it. BLOOD AND THUNDER! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear 2012-08-18 6 20379554 Mahou Shounen Quest 175 Survive through the morning. Head to Dr.Stahl's lab for testing. Time for some SCIENCE! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , SCIENCE! 2012-08-19 8 20376298 Civ Game: Weird Edition Plant parasites begin growing the grove and trying to find their place in the world. Collective Game , Civ Game , Weird , Quest , Grove , Parasite , Plantling 2012-08-19 9 20378749 Zerg Quest XCIX The testing continues and OH FUCK LOOK OUT Zerg Quest , Collective Game , Cerebrate Anon , Xel'Naga , Starcraft , Ow my brains! , TPK , OH GOD THE PAIN , /tg/ dice , Arm wrestling pro-tip 2012-08-19 7 20394252 Mahou Shounen Quest 176 Continue our testing with Dr.STAHL. Our new manatee friends show off their SCIENCE! Try and out-creepy the creepy twins Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level > 2012-08-20 10 20407156 Mahou Shounen Quest 177 Therapy session. The family are there to support you in full force. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear 2012-08-21 9 20432613 Mahou Shounen Quest 178 Round-robin storytime with Yuki and other stuff. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting booklaid 2012-08-23 8 20489725 Mahou Shounen Quest 179 NO RETRIES. NO REPLAYS. JUST CONSEQUENCES. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting manlaid 2012-08-27 6 20538407 Mahou Shounen Quest 181 It's actually very easy. If you only you knew just what IT was. STOP DANCING, FEEL. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2012-08-31 6 September 2012 20561192 Mahou Shounen Quest 182 Still haven't figured out how to get out? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid, 2012-09-02 10 20574848 Mornington Crescent A jolly good game of Mornington Crescent mornington , mornington crescent , crescent , gentlemen , the greatest game to ever have a ruleset 2012-09-03 6 20588969 Mahou Shounen Quest 183 Will the goddess of victory smile upon you? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , still mad? 2012-09-04 7 20666731 Mahou Shounen Quest 184 Oh hey, Mike's on tv. 2/10, needs more work Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid , still mad? 2012-09-10 1 20703880 Mahou Shounen Quest 185 Still trying to get out of this goddamned simulation. Running out of options? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-09-13 1 20727426 Mahou Shounen Quest 186 Talk to Nishizawa. A possible clue? Still can't get out of the sim? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Mad level maximum 2012-09-15 1 20765020 Mahou Shounen Quest 187 Finaly find Susan. Possibly try and get out now? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-09-18 4 20759908 Codex: Sisters of Battle I /tg/ takes a look at the sisters and awesome ensues sisters of battle , game design , codex , sororitas , awesome , act of faith , acts of faith , sensei , living saint 2012-09-18 9 20773984 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 2 After a mad scramble from the bar to the front lines we're forced to dance with transport ships flying faster than light. Concept work begins on FTL weapons. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , FTL , dancing , party , ball 2012-09-19 17 20824331 The Iron Crusade What starts of as a mediocre Chapter Generation Thread become awesome, when we roll Crusading Iron Hand descendants, searching for The Grail, which will revive the lost heroes of the past! The Iron Crusade , The Iron Blades , Iron Hands , Deathwatch , Rites of Battle , Crusaders , Bard 2012-09-23 14 20863758 Hangover Mechanicus 2 The second thrilling installment in Vyrius' quest to not piss off an order of Adepta Sororitas. Turns out he's pretty terrible at it. 40K , writefaggotry , Sororitas , AdMech , Techpriest , Sister of Battle , alcohol , butthurt 2012-09-26 10 20866010 For House and Dominion: Wing Commander 3 Ballroom edition 2 (Continued). Its difficult to Ballroom harder when people are pointing guns at you. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Dice , Marines , FTL , dancing , party , ball , mecha 2012-09-26 26 20753021 Tribal Game: Oceanic Tribal Game: Oceanic Indonesian Gentleman collective game , IG , indonesian gentleman , tribal game 2012-09-26 0 October 2012 20967939 Mahou Shounen Quest 188 IS THAT SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting self-laid 2012-10-03 4 21015642 Lich's Employee Quest pt 5 Daniel find the city of Kerm, and makes a dynamic entry. skeleton quest , Hydra , Kerm , battle , demon , undead 2012-10-07 17 21071586 Lich's Employee Quest pt 9 Sir Daniel goes north to battle Sir John the Bloody. skeleton quest , stone knight , blood knight , battle 2012-10-11 12 21133657 XWF Manager Quest /tg/ takes over as the Brass Brawlers manager in the world of super human wrestling. XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Brass Brawler , Wrestling 2012-10-15 10 21139046 Lich's Employee Quest pt 13 Daniel goes out to find his frenemies and deal with a dragon. Fairy tale adventure follows. skeleton quest , Hydra , dragon , witch , battle 2012-10-16 11 21139816 XWF Manager Quest, Part 2 The Superhuman Wrestlan Adventure continues with the Brass Reaper XWF quest , Quest , wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-10-16 8 21159260 XWF Manager Quest, Part 3 Superhuman wrestling is planned, as we take the Brass Reaper's old partner, Python, into our stable. XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , wrestling , the king of all night's dreaming 2012-10-17 6 21170894 Mahou Shounen Quest 189 Get caught entering a lovehotel with your sister/genderswapped-alternate-dimension-self . Well this is hawkward. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting self-laid 2012-10-18 3 21174680 XWF Manager Quest, Part 4 Ned Salter, rookie manager of wrestlers in the Extreme Warfare Federation, once again proves his worth as he manages former superstar Brass Reaper into a win and uncovers something of a conspiracy. XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , wrestling , the king of all night's dreaming 2012-10-18 6 21185911 Mahou Shounen Quest 190 Karaoke with Susan. Tea of Sagitarius route? ONLY IF YOU WANT IT TO BE. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting self-laid 2012-10-19 5 21190840 XWF Manager Quest, Part 5 Python wins his match, and we discuss our recruits' futures XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , wrestling , the king of all night's dreaming 2012-10-19 6 21199049 BRIKWARS BATTLE REPORT 9: BADLANDS BRAWL The combined power of Science, Skeletons, and Calamari come together to face off against Snipers and Dinosaurs. lego , brikwars , battle report 2012-10-20 4 21214815 Friend-kun and Shy-chan's Outlandish Journey: Prelude The prelude to the crazy adventure. Scheduling, grenades, and rescue. Shy-chan , Friend-kun , Shy-Chan's Outlandish Journey , Collective Game , JoJo's Bizarre Adventure , Dragonline 2012-10-21 6 21235924 XWF Manager Quest, Part 6 Brass and Python win an epic tag match XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , wrestling , the king of all night's dreaming 2012-10-23 5 21251783 XWF Manager Quest 7: Beware of greeks bearing gifts After Brass and Python winning their tag team match, the group goes to celebrate to a private club. We arrange fights for Brass and Python, get Mai´s emergency contact number, and begin finding things about Bomber Lord XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-10-23 6 21262114 Mahou Shounen Quest 191 Nighttime rendezvous with Susan, words are said, stuff gets done. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting spacelaid 2012-10-24 6 21275979 Friend-kun and Shy-chan's Outlandish Journey: Chapter 1 Geomancy and being awkward go together like...oh wait. "The Chain" makes his appearance and Jim is dumb. Shy-chan , Friend-kun , Shy-Chan's Outlandish Journey , Collective Game , JoJo's Bizarre Adventure , Dragonline 2012-10-25 5 21282598 XWF Manager Quest 9: What doesn´t kills you The King Of All Night´s Dreaming We have Phalanx train with us, and move to his fight vs Brass. An ally reveals his new final form XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-10-25 2 21294867 XWF Manager Quest 10: A big enough magnet The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Python fights Wavelength as the lady stretches and bends the rules as much as she can! XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-10-26 2 21339435 XWF Manager Quest 11: Of the ideology of Quantum Ned finally goes through with having Mai train him, and then theres delicious meal. We also finally arrange a fight for Ami XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-10-29 3 21369610 Castle Gygar pt 3 A party goes through the dungeon from the red box DMG Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School 2012-10-31 2 21368164 MechEngineer Quest Daniel Holdt gets a new job, and questers try to figure out how to make a decent 'Mech with a small selection of parts. Collective Game , MechEngineer Quest , Battletech 2012-10-31 42 21368824 XWF Manager Quest, Part 12: The wild heart in Africa The whole team goes to Africa XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-10-31 1 November 2012 21384050 Castle Gygar pt 4 The party finds a magic shield, makes peace with the kobolds, and deals with the mysterious Samael Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School 2012-11-01 1 21384368 XWF Manager Quest, Part 13 Ami finally, FINALLY has her debut. It´s a huge success. We also go in a photo safari with Brass, and get a hot secretary XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-01 2 21393908 Castle Gygar pt 5 Echowinds and Fig'Tard join the new thief Jenai in going through the solo adventure level Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School 2012-11-02 2 21398761 XWF Manager Quest, Part 14 We finally reach the opening bouts of the title belt tournament! XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-02 2 21399043 Castle Gygar pt 6 A caveman gets bisected, Gruber kills sleeping bandits, and Robert Downey Jr buys a lot of daggers Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School 2012-11-02 2 21412754 Castle Gygar pt 7 Jenai does some snooping, the party deals with traps, and "Deadly" Dwayne is hired by the party Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School 2012-11-04 2 21419933 Mahou Shounen Quest 192 What the hell is going on? Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting self-laid 2012-11-04 12 21423338 MechEngineer Quest Part 2 Daniel works his ass off; meets Dieter and Hatamoto. Cliffhanger! Collective Game , Battletech , MechEngineer Quest 2012-11-04 34 21427316 Castle Gygar pt 8 The party delves into level 3, fight a horde of goblins, and head to the caves to finish them off Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School 2012-11-04 0 21440131 XWF Manager Quest Thread 15: The Final Bell Python vs Mamba in a flash-fast fight of box vs muay thai XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-05 2 21455507 XWF Manager´s Quest 16: Brass vs Boss A regular slugfest that ends with a DDT and somone almost literally buried into the ring XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-06 1 21456930 Castle Gygar pt 9 They finally find out what's in that one room from the first floor Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary 2012-11-06 0 21465581 Castle Gygar pt 10/Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 2 Continuing the journey into the Caverns of Quasqueton started in the previous thread. Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-07 0 21469353 XWF Manager´s Quest 17: Between Battles Ned becomes a superior, more build discussion XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-07 1 21473698 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 3 Continuing their exploration of the caverns of Quasqueton, the party loots some tapestries, finds the wizards lab, and disturb an ochre jelly Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-08 1 21481062 MechEngineer Quest Part 3 Ilsa discovers a LosTech cache, and Skvorec Armorworks scores a funtional, if not lightly-armed UrbanMech as well. Collective Game , MechEngineer Quest , Battletech 2012-11-08 29 21483465 XWF Manager Quest Part 17: Show me the money Deal making left and right in Japan and the USA XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-08 2 21488593 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 4 Further exploration down into the Caverns of Quasqueton. Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-09 2 21499271 XWF Manager Quest Part 18 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Brass vs Salamander in a heated up fight XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-09 1 21546051 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 19 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Discussion on exp usage, BBQ, and just a little bit of plotting XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-12 1 21559682 MechEngineer Quest Part 4 Daniel gets stressed, dice hate everyone, but then sweet SUCCESS, and a Light 'Mech is born! Collective Game , MechEngineer Quest , Battletech 2012-11-13 32 21561368 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 20: Boxing with Shadows Python knocks out a shadow with a shocking fist XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-13 0 21576894 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 21 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Brass vs Clarymore in a fast but bloody match XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-14 0 21578739 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 6 After a long hiatus, the party returns to Quasqueton, fighting spiders and looting a trophy room Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-15 0 21594751 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 5 The party experiments with the magic pools, fights a bunch of orcs, and make another attempt at the maze in the northeast Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-16 0 21632792 MechEngineer Quest Part 5 The Arms Dealer Cometh! Turns out he and Goddard are buddies of sorts, and a STELLAR deal is made, and much swag is acquired as a result. Collective Game , MechEngineer Quest , Battletech 2012-11-18 33 21651877 XWF Manager Quest, Part 22: I shall never again discuss organized belief about the afterlife The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Bomber Lord vs El Nova Santo for the Omega division title belt! XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-19 0 21661772 So-I-killed-the-Chosen-One Quest We created Linda, GENTLEWOMAN ADVENTURER!, and set out on our quest to defeat the Mad King. Collective Game , Gentlewoman Adventurer , Quest , Dragon 2012-11-20 21 21668267 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 23: Youth vs Experience Python vs Paladin XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-20 0 21669733 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 8 The party battles gnolls and barbarians, and ends up finding The Gym of Rogahn. Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-20 1 21675770 Battleship Quest Sole surviving spaceship reanimates its sole surviving crewman, decides where to go from there. Makes preliminary plans to be a creepy ghost ship. collective game , Battleship Quest , space , ship , spaceship , bolo, 2012-11-21 18 21683288 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 24: Championship Road The King Of All Night´s Dreaming We can have delicious BBQ, and also planning, lots of planning XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-21 2 21684291 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 9 The party gets confused by teleporter rooms, and finds the underground treasure room Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-22 1 21689238 So-I-killed-the-Chosen-One Quest 2 We woke up with a hangover, ran out on our tab and made a huge neon sign out of fire. Fore some reason. Collective Game , Gentlewoman Adventurer , Quest , Dragon 2012-11-22 7 21698257 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 25 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming We bring el Nova Santo back to the land of the awake, and get him as a new friend XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-22 1 21702426 Castle Gygar Thanksgiving Special After Mistamere is cursed with a magical sleep after eating too much of the Plymouth Roc, the party goes to seek aid from the elven maiden Mayflower Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 , Thanksgiving 2012-11-22 1 21710520 Castle Gygar Thanksgiving Special pt 2: Thank Harder Fighting their way through Castle Wa'ul*mat the party must now help the Order of Toys for Tots kill the manager permanently, to end the curse of Black Friday once and for all! Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 , Thanksgiving 2012-11-23 1 21712802 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 26 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming The Gold Title Fight! XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-23 1 21717989 So-I-killed-the-Chosen-One Quest 3 We get lost. That's seriously all that happens. Collective Game , Gentlewoman Adventurer , Quest , Dragon 2012-11-24 3 21736035 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 10 The party follows Mr Fuzzyboots, the wizard Zelligar's familiar, into the desert where they find the lost city of the Cynidiceans. Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-25 0 21744911 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 11 Otab betrays the party for no good reason, and they head back to clear the last level of Castle Gygar Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-26 0 21752308 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 12 The party fights a shadow beneath the castle, and Echo seduces Scylla the Medusa. Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-26 2 21758634 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 27 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Season 2 starts! XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-26 2 21765828 Battleship Quest II First contact with two entities. We get to blast one and engage in murky politics with the other. To Prime Directive or Not, that is the question. collective game , Battleship Quest , space , ship , spaceship , bolo, 2012-11-27 16 21773430 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 28 Talking with more of the guys XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-27 2 21779620 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 13 The party goes after the blade Anguriel, get swallowed by giant toads, and fight an undead elf Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-28 0 21788842 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 29 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming We decide on the comics, anime and figures, with spectacular results XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-28 0 21797105 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 14 The party picks up the elf Deedra Helfrick, and meets with the Magi of Usamigaras within the Cynidicean ziggurat. Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-11-29 1 21805537 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 30 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming We discover shocking truths about Bomber Lord´s domestic staff and the power of throws XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-29 0 21820300 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 31 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Deal making with the manager of El Santo XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-11-30 0 December 2012 21823965 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 15 The party finds a shortcut to the fifth level, fight an owlbear, and meat some mysterious twins Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-12-01 2 21826031 Drawfag requests some fapfic for a comic. /tg/ delivers. Inquisitor Arken visits the Covenant of St. Jezebel the Magnificent. Shit gets hot, heavy, and then downright heretical. Lewd , Writefaggotry , Arken , Sisters of Battle , HERESY , fapfic 2012-12-01 16 21863382 MechEngineer Quest 6 Arms deal now over, Daniel retires to do some serious tobacco-to-design conversion work, and the road is less bumpy than usual. Good stuff all around, and another Positive Quirk! Also LB-10X ammo. MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2012-12-03 30 21874922 Battleship Quest III Significant contact and nanoweapons. collective game , Battleship Quest , space , ship , spaceship , bolo, 2012-12-04 11 21883345 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 32 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Meeting Adam, deciding the game´s launch, going shopping, discussing some powers XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-12-04 0 21888636 Civilization Game Part 45 The tribe finally gets to the battle! Bloodshed is still pending, but the GM seems to be having fun watching everyone squirm. Collective game , civ game , Civilization , Civilization Game , Prehistoric , Red White and Britfag , Map , Battle , War 2012-12-05 2 21904423 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 16 Angbard and Drogo join the party, fight some giant beetles, and discover several crates of fireworks Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-12-06 1 21916976 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 33 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming The last of the new kids arrive. May the XWF survive? XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-12-06 -1 21922212 Civilization Game Part 46 The battle continues... So damn slowly. The first casualties occur however, on both sides of the battlefield! Collective game , civ game , Civilization , Civilization Game , Prehistoric , Red White and Britfag , Map , Battle , War 2012-12-07 5 21928927 MechEngineer Quest 7 Hallway cockpits and angry Asians, oh my! More success with the HZP and some words with Ivan, Ilsa, and Dieter. MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2012-12-07 32 21955344 Mahou Shounen Quest [EXTRA FILES] MSQ is back. Well...maybe. We continue the adventures of our intrepid MC as he tries to [redacted] and [redacted]! Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear 2012-12-09 8 21950087 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 17 Drogo tries to rob the Brotherhood of Gorm, and joins with Leod to watch a goblin drug deal go down Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-12-09 0 21991581 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 33: Horny Dr Minamikami tries to tell us Bomber Lord is afraid of fire, and I feel free to mention it here because noone will ever check it, mwahahaha! XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-12-11 -2 21996577 Civilization Game Part 47 The battle rages on and casualties climb. Also, the gods have a sense of ironic humour... That's never good news. Collective game , civ game , Civilization , Civilization Game , Prehistoric , Red White and Britfag , Map , Battle , War 2012-12-12 3 22010594 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 18 Some new players show up and head down to level 4 of the Pyramid Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-12-13 0 22021634 Oinkbane The Wereboar Assassin A GM declares the genius of a wereboar assassin. And thus Oinkbane is born. His tactics are too subtle for you. Hilarious Wereboar Oinkbane Assassin Funny Tactics Subtle 2012-12-13 47 22022799 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 34 Slow day, just launched the game and argued with management about the reality show XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-12-13 0 22023659 Mechwarrior Quest Redux The Baker's Dozen fight off a pirate attack, and while one of their mechs is lost, choice salvage is acquired. We also tail one of the retreating pirates to their base. Mechwarrior Quest Redux , Collective Game , BattleTech , Mercenaries 2012-12-14 2 22027765 Civilization Game Part 48 Casualties climb and the tribe puts all its hopes on a planned night assault. Collective game , civ game , Civilization , Civilization Game , Prehistoric , Red White and Britfag , Map , Battle , War 2012-12-14 2 22037531 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 35 We pick up smoking, for health reasons. Mental health XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-12-14 0 22040157 Mechwarrior Quest Redux #3 We get into position to mop up the remaining pirate base. The fight goes well until Megamek gives us some hilarious dice. Or depressing, depending on your angle of view. Mechwarrior Quest Redux , Collective Game , BattleTech , Mercenaries , Saladin 2012-12-15 1 22041637 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 19 Ragnar and Drogo fight their way through the tomb level, and come back with a massive haul of gems! Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-12-15 1 22056811 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 20 Ragnar and Drogo go bandit hunting Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-12-16 0 22064307 MechEngineer Quest 8 The Eights are coming! Goddard is confirmed missing, and Daniel and Janine do some detective work. Also, Skvorec cops are pretty chill guys. Collective Game , MechEngineer Quest , Battletech 2012-12-16 24 22087112 Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 21 Ragnar heads down to the Cynidicean undercity, deep below the pyramid. Collective Game , Quest , Castle Gygar , Old School , Grea/tg/ary , Hex 1 2012-12-18 0 22099336 XWF Manager´s Quest 36 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Busy morning XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-12-18 -1 22101713 Mechwarrior Quest Redux 4 We finish up the pirate contract, tell the Baker's their son is dead, and Tom's old friend Hartmann joins up as the new commander of Baker's Dozen. Mechwarrior Quest Redux , Collective Game , BattleTech , Mercenaries 2012-12-19 2 22103916 Civilization Game Part 49 The night attack results in horrific casualties to the Riverlands Concord. With the death-toll rising, the tribe begins to look at retreat before it's too late-! Collective game , civ game , Civilization , Civilization Game , Prehistoric , Red White and Britfag , Map , Battle , War 2012-12-19 3 22139408 Civilization Game Part 50 The battle of the Sun People village is finally over, the tribe saved by the intercession of a goddess. What woes await them upon the warband's return home however? Collective game , civ game , Civilization , Civilization Game , Prehistoric , Red White and Britfag , Map , Battle , War 2012-12-21 6 22150495 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 37 The King Of All Night´s Dreaming Okaba vs Khali XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-12-21 1 22195208 MechEngineer Quest 9 Time wears on till the deadline; Daniel learns to shoot, and tries to get some work done, but the stress of the situation seems to get the better of him. Janine tries to help but the roadblocks are too many. Also a bit of meta-discussion, and the GM's apology for derailing the thread due to tired concern. MechEngineer Quest , Battletech , Collective Game 2012-12-24 39 22199544 XWF Manager Quest, Part 38 Aura vs Paladin XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2012-12-24 4 January 2013 22366657 MechEngineer Quest The battle begins, and Daniel discovers a sleeping Janine might just be his muse, as he solves the compartmentalized myomer problem, with Positive (Quirk) results. MechEngineer Quest , Battletech , Collective Game 2013-01-03 30 22372239 XWF Manager´s Quest Part 39 Party time! XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2013-01-03 0 22447570 XWF Manager Quest, Part 40: The Succubi is in the details Party time, and some work(?) XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2013-01-07 1 22481398 MechEngineer Quest The battle ends, and the costs are heavy, but victory is bittersweet. So are kisses and fists. The local cops continue to be bros, Skvorec Armorworks gets salvage, and Daniel makes a gentlemanly gesture. MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2013-01-09 29 22506940 XWF Manager Quest, Part 41 Last touches on the tv show preparation XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2013-01-10 0 22578223 175 miles to the LAW Wherein /tg/ decides that the strange alignment mechanics of the Outlands means you can turn a planar gate-town into a roving weapon of mass destruction if you only you can apply enough LAW. D&D 3.5e , Outlands , Planar Mechanics , Alignment , LAW , Speculah 2013-01-14 13 22599521 XWF Manager Quest, Part 41 Red Jane(x2) vs Equitas XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2013-01-15 -1 22628602 MechEngineer Quest Part 11 Things get back to normal (as normal as it gets anyway), and Daniel has arm trouble, but gets some spiritual help from a corgi named Max. MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2013-01-17 26 22657458 XWF Manager Quest, Part 42 Our guys go party, and we get offers XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2013-01-18 -1 22759879 MechEngineer Quest Part 11 The HZP gets wired, and things about what happened to Goddard are revealed by an unlikely source. Can he be trusted? MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2013-01-24 32 22766982 XWF Manager Quest, Part 43 The show is just about to start, amorous birds and all XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2013-01-24 -1 22839002 XWF Manager Quest, Part 44 Poolside snack and conversation XWF Manager Quest , Collective Game , Wrestling , The King Of All Night´s Dreaming 2013-01-28 0 February 2013 22924190 MechEngineer Quest Part 13 Bruce gets a job at Skvorec, and Daniel finalizes the weapons loadout on the HZP with three configurations to satisfy as many buyers as possible. Also, futons. MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2013-02-02 33 22900106 The city of Dis is a hellhole. Literally. OP lays out system setting for a Hellish Noir game. Angel Feathers as money, buying your way out of heaven, Demons fighting Fallen Angels, and Satan as a Corrupt City Mayor figure playing everyone for fools. Hell , Noir , Mafia , Angels , Salvation , Bootlegging 2013-02-02 8 22935255 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 48 Hito finally had arrived at Gustav's castle. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Germany , Castle 2013-02-03 1 22949454 Sisters of Steel Placeholder name.
/tg/ gets working on a group of Sisters of Battle that work closely with some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Sisters of Battle , Sororitas , Adaptus , Mechanicus , 40K , Homebrew , WIP 2013-02-05 2 23150291 MechEngineer Quest Thread 14 Daniel finishes the armor layout, giving the HZP some pretty great scale-style armor that allows weight adjustment for customer flexibility. Also, things. MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2013-02-14 24 23165116 Return To Atlantasia It's been slightly over a year since the last time we looked at this train wreck and once more we make a Character for the system. Game Design , Fail , Character Creation , Realms of Atlantasia , Atlantasia 2013-02-15 6 23290553 MechEngineer Quest Thread 15 Talks with Ivan, Hatamoto and Dieter prepare Daniel for success, and talks with Bruce prepare him for the worst. MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2013-02-21 27 23394127 Trickster Daemon Quest In which Anomaly is freed from it's prison, and on a whim, chooses to protect a small girl named Mari. Collective Game , Daemon , Not The Little Girl , Trickster Daemon Quest 2013-02-27 27 23423223 MechEngineer Quest Thread 16 Daniel meets with Wanda, Ilsa, and Janine. Plans for some new tech design are made, and Janine is tentatively named the new CEO of Skvorec Armorworks. MechEngineer Quest , Battletech , Collective Game 2013-02-28 27 March 2013 23549936 MechEngineer Quest Part 17 Bruce feeds Daniel some more news, and the HZP acquires jump jet mounts. Also, timeskips? Collaborative Game , MechEngineer Quest , Battletech 2013-03-07 24 23731956 Space Opera without FTL /tg/ discusses the whys and hows of doing space opera when you take out FTL travel. Some good writefaggotry occurs. SF , Space Opera , FTL , writefaggotry 2013-03-17 7 23792964 MechEngineer Quest Part 18 Timeskips. And funerals. And Lord Shun being an apparent bro. MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2013-03-21 23 23915772 MechEngineer Quest Part 19 Ominous Summons, XP, and anontech falling off the internet MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game , Battletech 2013-03-28 20 April 2013 24175323 MechEngineer Quest Thread 19 v2.0 More discussion with Lord Shun, a tour of a Raven (hush-hush!), and the beginning of negotiations. Huzzah! Battletech , MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game 2013-04-11 23 24261513 Space Princess Battle /tg/ makes a skirmish wargame about 70s pulp scifi shootouts/punchfests. homebrew , wargame , skirmish , scifi , space princess , space princess battle 2013-04-17 5 24304714 MechEngineer Quest The Phobos is subjected to scrutiny by Capellan MechEngineers, and a deal is reached. Battletech , MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game 2013-04-18 23 24356791 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 55 After Hito coming back to his safehouse, he has notice that his safehouse is currently under attack by the crazy assassin. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Team Fortress 2 , Wrestling 2013-04-21 3 24444609 MechEngineer Quest 21 Lord Shun springs a controversial clause upon Daniel and Janine. All of Skovrec Armorworks expresses their opinion on this development. Battletech , MechEngineer Quest , Collective Game 2013-04-25 21 24515452 Let's Build: Nightlife Guy from before returns to show off an old 90's supernatural RPG that came before Old Workd of Darkness Let's Build , Nightlife 2013-04-29 1 May 2013 24631601 Mahou Shounen Quest 193 LG back from Hiatus. Fool around with invisibility potion. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear 2013-05-05 5 24655141 Mahou Shounen Quest 193.5 continuation of yeterday's thread.Invisibility potion still being tested. Green Goo analysis. WE CHEMISTS NAO. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , Today's show is brought to you by the number: -1 2013-05-06 6 24713554 Mahou Shounen Quest 194 We go beyond the gate. *laughtrack* Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , I bet you 5 guptas can't upvote this 2013-05-09 6 24764565 Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 56.2 Hito finally challenge the German knight Gustav in mounted combat. Maid Quest: The Life of Master , Quest , Collective Game , CYOA , Maid , Horses , Knight , Wrestling 2013-05-12 2 24833862 Mahou Shounen Quest 195 Yuki now formally in the family. Kyon is out for blood. The pieces have now fallen into place. Final stretch in sight. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2013-05-15 6 24826266 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 11 We resolve a hostage situation with Wrestle-mania moves, kill our almost-rival, develop upgrades for the Armstrong and head off to call in that favor the pirates ow us. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-15 36 24852516 Mahou Shounen Quest 196 The fight with kyon takes a turn for the worse. [spoilers] Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear , HERE COMES THE PLOT 2013-05-16 4 24846084 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 12 We reach the Grave Yard, Investigate a strange ship and not only find a mascot robot but a cryopod and some backstory! Then we take to pirates, lift some weights and manage to talk them over to our side right before we're attacked! Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-16 36 24865310 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 13 We fight the Black Raven, I disappear for a while, discussions are had on what kind of children Jake may or may not have and we return to Minsry to start preparing again. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-17 36 24884201 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 14 We finish what we started, design a new wear, test our kickass mobile armor and pal around the crew before visiting our girlfriend. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-18 36 24901025 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 15 We arrive at a crossroads and are forced to do something horrible. What will the future hold? It's like Raven said, Who can see the future? Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-19 32 24921992 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 16 We chill out from yesterday's incident and have a party, do the Gundam style and in the end, being to head out for Ambat! Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-20 32 24940274 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 17 I mislabel the thread, we invade the outposts and discover some rather interesting things... Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-21 32 24948171 Blood Jaguars thread 5 Another thread for the Aztec Marines. Some shit gets compiled and finally added to the wiki blood jaguars , homebrew , writefaggotry , rites of battle 2013-05-21 7 24983580 Mahou Shounen Quest 197 Awkward breakfast is awkward. THE PLOT TRAIN CONTINUES UNABATED. Alice and Alice meet. EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear , HERE COMES THE PLOT 2013-05-23 6 24976729 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 18.2 Thunderstorms, Ambat, Battles, Ravens, WEIRD Rysis ramblings and WHO THE HELL DESIGNED THAT REACTOR? Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-23 32 25035111 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 19 We return from Ambat and get stuff ready for the Federations arrival. I fall asleep at my computer and stop us from getting anything done. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-26 32 25061124 Mahou Shounen Quest 198 Take the kids to the Doctor to try and figure things out. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear , don't cross the streams 2013-05-27 4 25053051 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 20 We have a shotgun wedding (literally), go to Big Ring, our freedom and the planning for the next part. Dissolves into really weird crap. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-27 32 25070995 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 21 Discussion, the passing of the torch, a birthday party and HOLY CRAP A FEMALE GUNDAM PROTAGONIST. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-28 32 25094573 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 22A We continue with the party and win a fight! I nearly fall asleep and end the game short. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-29 32 25114636 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 22B We finish the party, fight a battle in the colony and discover a rather nasty sounding organization within the Federation...and Akito is supposed to be a member of them... Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-05-30 32 June 2013 25158325 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 23 Repairs, Bugs, Espionage, Making out and some KICKASS custom art by an Anon! Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-01 32 25184837 Mahou Shounen Quest 199 Wear the Ring of Avarice. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY, THAT'S A DOOZY. Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2013-06-02 4 25177239 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 24 More subterfuge, more action and more screwing the canon over, as our heroes face the enemy spy in their midst. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-02 32 25222831 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 26 Fights break out, enemies are killed, friends almost die, reinforcements arrive, truths are learned, dates are made and lots of new toys are made! I need to write this shit out. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-04 32 25221138 These fine upstanding imperial citizens are in no way xeno infiltrators. Humorous 40k banter warhammer 40000 , 40k , sisters of battle , funny 2013-06-04 5 25263916 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 27 Nanomachines, bastard-child mobile suits, upgrades, parents and...time travel!?!?!?! Or maybe not? Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-06 32 25362222 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 28 Quick return thread. We study, work and then our bloody aunt shows up and no, she doesn't have cookies. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-11 32 25379962 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 29 Dates, Discussions and then pirates show up. A little slow due to me. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-12 32 25419074 Gundam AGE QUEST: Part 30A We don't get very far before I start to nod off and have to call it quits. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-14 28 25436293 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 30B Awkward discussions, a cookout, Billy Mays, Foreman Grills and we FINALLY get started on the missions! Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Billy Mays 2013-06-15 32 25512104 Gundam AGE QUEST: Part 32 Apparently Cthulu likes to eat Oder Eaters. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-19 28 25530580 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 33 Scarlet becomes a Commander, Rysis becomes our secretary, we try to fix up the shithole of an HQ we inherited and the old Commander ditches us to try and save his kid. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-20 28 25623313 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 35 Archived this early on advice of an Anon. Laptop got fixed, so back to regular questing. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-24 28 25660543 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 36 We discover what Dirk is doing on the ship. Vitamins, repairs, jamming, deathflags and a not so surprise attack. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-27 26 25682117 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 36.2 We fight the Magicians 8, meet up with Leviathan and learn that Grodek has a really stupid alias. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-28 26 25719130 Gundam AGE QUEST: Part 37 We find a good place to hide the ship, mess with explosives, listen to communications and learn that Desil's parents are being used as coffee tables and plot to infiltrate Ezelcan't Castle. Also, we need a good fake name. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-06-30 28 July 2013 25765853 Sisters of Battle video game ideas A fairly normal SoB thread gets interesting when one anon idly wishes for an SoB video game. /tg/ gets to work and brainstorms three of them. Sisters of Battle , SoB , video game , vidya 2013-07-02 12 25836461 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 40 Cut short due to issues I must resolve. Will be continued in Part 40.2 Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-07-06 28 25899479 Ghost Quest 15: Ghost Quest 15: Don't you let me Die in Space Helldog Mercenary squad takes the bridge of the Aeron. Delta Phoenix kills an old squad memeber. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Marine , Battlecruiser 2013-07-09 27 25893909 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 40.2 Engineering is done, arms are shot off, eyes are plucked out and we wake up to find out our precious fluids have been stolen. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-07-09 32 25937168 Ghost Quest 17: All Along the Watchtower The XO does his best to keep Delta Phoenix's forces alive. Collective Game , Ghost Quest , Adjutant , Delta Phoenix , Assassin , RTS , Starcraft , Battlecruiser 2013-07-11 16 25952926 Stardust /tg/ brainstorms a setting for a battle of the bands transcending time and space. Stardust , lich , setting , homebrew , brainstorm , bands , battle , dance , game design 2013-07-12 2 26012285 41.2 We get interrogated by a little girl and discover Ma G isn't the only A.I on Vagan. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-07-15 28 26153963 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 41.3 We save children, infiltrate the castle, talk to Ezelcant who is inside of a tree and get jumped by SIN. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-07-22 28 26272631 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 41.4 We escape Vagan, meet supposedly dead people, screw with the multiverse and get some cash. Overall just a regular day for the Crocker Family. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-07-28 28 26333849 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 42 We have a good meeting with everyone and discover and prepare for the very possible Vagan attack. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-07-31 28 August 2013 26468972 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Savageness: Thread 3 Minifig finally gets off his fanny and finishes off the conversion, then gives a storytime. RPG , rpg , Palladium , Savage Worlds , TMNT , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , homebrew , SW , /tg/ gets shit done , shit gets done , win , character creation , mutants , Savage Worlds 2013-08-06 0 26471710 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 43 Candy, Orphans, Bodybuilders, and Spiders. ****Ing Robot Spiders. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-08-07 26 26490471 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 44 Discussions are had, no one minds our cyborg arm, we figure out what they did with our 'seed', we mess with nano-machines, and we poop our pants like our father. The Crocker Way. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-08-08 26 26516666 Yet Another Strike Witches Quest For those that hate lesbians, but love lesbian animes. ERP , Strike Witches , Harem , Utterly pointless male MC 2013-08-09 -1 26547432 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 45 More Robot Bugs, a lot of shooting, crashing, throwing, lucky rolls and worries about possible origins for MADNUG. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-08-11 26 26742744 Mahou Shounen Quest 200 Things change. Life goes on. Deal with it. LG has a special announcement Collective Game , Butler , Mahou Shounen Quest , quest , Landing Gear 2013-08-21 2 26744169 TA GIT DA PREDATOR Chriz Orksen and his team of grots lure in the sexual predators of the 40k universe, for the good of everyone (and their viewership ratings), waiting for that one predator that'll get their show renewed for sure! Chriz Orksen , Orks , Ork , Predator , erotica , Macha , SoB , Sister , Battle , Catch , Predator , WAAAGH! , 'flamer' 2013-08-21 37 26754061 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 46 The Lunar Base is under attack. We confront Zeheart and learn something rather horrible... Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-08-22 26 26841210 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 47 We fight a drunken Travis Touchdown, get spooked by crazy signals, deal with an arms dealer and get a glimpse at the far reaching consequences of Jake's Dimensional Jumping Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-08-27 26 26880403 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 48 The Luna Base is lost, we get drugged by Emily again, and we get a lot of engineering stuff done. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-08-29 26 26899716 Gundam AGE Quest Discussion We chat about stuff and I post a lot of tech logs. Fun is had by all. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-08-30 20 September 2013 27006367 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 49 Detective Scarlet is on the case to find Vagan spies, only to end up finding them too late and having to face the Green Knight in her Gawain. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire , Green Knight 2013-09-04 26 27044448 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 50 Engineering is done and one of the Magicians 8 meets their end in their first clash with the Magnificent 7. We then arrive at Solon and ponder how to spend our shore-leave. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-09-06 26 27112510 Space Marine Humour Thread /tg/ cracks wise in the guise of Space Marines, Statler and Waldorf comment 40k , humour , humor , Space Marine humour , Space Marine humor , 40k humour , 40k humor , 40k jokes , Space Marine jokes , Statler and Waldorf 2013-09-09 24 27201004 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 51 We face off against the Vagan intruders and emerge victorious. As we look over the damage we learn a little about Arthur, all the while I display the grammar of someone who was recently shot in the head. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-09-14 26 27203076 A.I. Quest 7 Mourning There After Ophion learns a little more about humans, as he expands his sphere of control. With a little trading, and some luck, we secure ourselves a rather nice haul, and immediately spend it on lots of goodies. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Casualties , hack , battle , trade 2013-09-14 20 27229374 Mahou Shounen Quest 201 Talk to the Doctor about the kids. Let the house-staff know about the kids. Dan is setting us up with Jack [?] Swap partners and talk to the kids.
The new guy takes the reigns. Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear , getting trenchlaid 2013-09-15 4 27244124 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 52 We get grenades, tell Flit about the Nano-machines and meet Rena's dopey fiancee! Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-09-16 26 27262834 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 52B Drinks are had, investigations are launched, and we finally learn about Arthur...and we don't like what we learn. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-09-17 26 27337711 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 11 We witness the final stand of another nation against our great foe, as our own heroes get involved and perish. A sentient crystal arises. Yet another monster is on it's way as we try to reason with it. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Crystal , Battle 2013-09-21 5 27419237 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 53 Scarlet manages the defenses and gets a WMD as a late birthday present! She also manages to get some sleep and isn't woken up by something horrible. Also, orphans and skeletons, LOTS of skeletons. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-09-26 26 27455732 A.I. Quest 9 Chrono Horizon Ophion learns of alien life, before confronting the pirates in one final showdown. Things do not go as planned, however, and V.I. 1 has a new name. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , repairs , Gas , V.I. , Pirate , Attack , Battlecruiser , Kronos 2013-09-28 20 October 2013 27488162 All-children ADVENTURE party ideas OP asks if an all-kids adventuring party would be acceptable. /tg/ jumps on the idea and awesome ensues. campaign ideas , campaign , Children , Adventure , loli , /tg/_gets_shit_done , I wish to be the little girl , Monsters , Digimon , Game Ideas , little fears 2013-10-02 16 27535202 Unemployment Quest 3 We buy proper clothes, go to a fair to sell hotdogs, and end up defensively wrecking everyone. More job-seeking ensues. Collective Game , Unemployment Quest , Hustler 2013-10-03 12 27565202 Unemployment Quest 4 We meet new friends, punch out a consultant, and hang out away from home. Collective Game , Unemployment Quest , Hustler 2013-10-05 13 27643377 Unemployment Quest 5 Where we finally get it on, after a fashion, with Johanna. Collective Game , Unemployment Quest , Hustler 2013-10-09 10 27660240 Unemployment Quest 6 Where we have a Polish encounter, meet a serious creep, and have pre-revenge-plotting fun. Collective Game , Unemployment Quest , Hustler 2013-10-10 11 27661590 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 55 We explore the shelter and learn a lot of stuff about Zarth and Arthur. More importantly, Fram has black raspberry ice cream! Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-10-10 26 27777718 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 57 We balance budgets, release paper pushers, consider experimenting on ourselves. Madorna gives us some bad news and Rysis gives use even worse news. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-10-17 26 27902393 Unemployment Quest 7 The Protagonist gets into fights. And then, panicked by a possible kidnapping, gets into yet more fights. We are also now part of some... association... Collective Game , Unemployment Quest , Hustler 2013-10-24 11 27916517 Unemployment Quest 7-2 Continuation of 7. We hang around with Erica, and are exposed to a little ploy of hers. Collective Game , Unemployment Quest , Hustler 2013-10-25 11 November 2013 28044523 Order of the Obsidian Mirror /tg/ rolls up some sisters of battle and gets CIA/GRU battle spies in space instead. 40k , Sisters of Battle , Custom 2013-11-02 9 28041572 Unemployment Quest Halloween Special The Halloween Edition Collective Game , Unemployment Quest , Hustler 2013-11-02 1 28055646 A.I. Quest 14 Enemy of my Enemy Ophion deals with the fallout of the attack on Nethlos, and as he prepares to investigate several new interesting entries, Rhea attacks. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Rhea , Battleship , Kronos 2013-11-02 15 28181332 A.I. Quest 15 At What Cost Ophion realizes something is terrible wrong within him, and trusts a human with his very existence. Then The Guild gets tired of waiting around, and attacks Ussaihu A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Rhea , Battleship , Kronos 2013-11-09 16 28307635 A.I. Quest 16 Replaced Ophion takes it to the ground to explore the research lab located on Ussaihu, and discovers exactly what the UGEI have been up to. And then attempts to convince a Malorian group to side with them. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Rhea , Battleship , Kronos , Malorians 2013-11-16 16 28323246 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 61 After dealing with the aftermath of a suicide we make suits, ready our men, start some last minute projects, and console Fram. Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-11-17 26 28438899 A.I. Quest 17 Lost One Ophion investigates a blacked out colony to find a strange loyalist intelligence. After speaking with it, and avoiding death, Ophion learns much more about himself, and possibly the UGEI as well. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Malorians , Cyborgs , Intelligence , Loyalty 2013-11-23 16 December 2013 28700112 A.I. Quest 18 The Wild Speaks Ophion learns of Red's impending demise, and goes to rescue him. When he arrives, however, he finds the entire world is against him. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Wild , World , Eshareth , Violent , Plants , Mutant , Fauna 2013-12-07 15 28717480 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 63 OP goes to a parade, and things go slowly. However by the end the battle begins! Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania 2013-12-08 26 28842211 A.I. Quest 18.5 Left Behind Ophion speaks with Red about himself, and learns of the human concept of revenge. All the while Kronos handles an ambush in his own unique way. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2013-12-14 17 28880862 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 64 Dirk fights to stay alive and save the future. Will Big Ring Fall? Will everyone Dirk loves die? And will Dirk finally be able to strike down Zeheart? Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-12-16 26 28910598 Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 2 Game creation continues as anons flesh out actual mechanics, live, in-thread. Game creation , toys , fire , nightlight , brainstorming , nightmares , grim bright 2013-12-18 5 28955152 Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 3 Character creation is *finished* also, v0.01 of the character sheet and the first chapters of the rulebook... holy shit guys, it's happening. Game creation , toys , fire , nightlight , brainstorming , nightmares , grim bright , /tg/ gets shit done 2013-12-20 1 28984052 Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 4 The fourth thread of Nightlight... in which things get done. shit guys , it's happening. Game creation , toys , fire , nightlight , brainstorming , nightmares , grim bright , /tg/ gets shit done 2013-12-21 1 28988382 A.I. Quest 19 Memories Ophion and Kronos investigate Atil VI more closely and discover long forgotten secrets. Some of which were probably better left forgotten. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2013-12-21 16 29078040 /tg/ plays FTL: Faster Than Light Captain Gygax of the Teegee and her band of psychotic scrap-hunters tear the galaxy a new asshole. /tg/ plays , Captain Faggot , FTL , Faster Than Light 2013-12-26 9 29130951 Gundam AGE Quest: Part 65 The Battle for Zarth commences. Scarlet Crocker takes to the field to defend her home. Loss, Victory, and harsh realizations await. What will the future hold? Gundam AGE Quest , Gundam , AGE , Flit , Kamina , Awesome , Quest , X-Rounder , Flit , Diva , Inception , Ambat , SID , A.I. , Yurin , Wrestlemania , Arnold , Crosswire 2013-12-29 26 29107830 Nightlight: Toys Vs. Monsters 5 Some writefagging and game balancing happens. game creation , toys , fire , nightlight , brainstorming , nightmares , grim bright , /tg/ get shit done 2013-12-29 2 January 2014 29208665 XWF Manager's Quest #39 After a long hiatus, we are back! Big On Japan is live and on! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band 2014-01-01 2 29229571 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP02 "Wasabi" We meet with our japanese counterparts XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band 2014-01-02 2 29252239 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP03 Discussing other brands to work with and examining the ring platform XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band 2014-01-03 1 29259753 A.I. Quest 20 Calm Ophion discusses the fate of Erebos, and decides to commission several new designs while investigating reports of pirate activity. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-04 15 29319201 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP05 "The succubi and the samurai" Aura vs Ritsuko! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Aura , Collective Game 2014-01-06 1 29342551 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP06 "Iron Man" The guys have their matches, and we're off to China! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-07 0 29364450 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 07 "China's Daughter" We meet Mako and Stella XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-08 0 29409426 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 09 "Greece" We finish our business in Greece and go back to the states XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-10 0 29416977 A.I. Quest 21 Storm Ophion finds that his anxious feelings have merit. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-11 13 29507390 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 10 "Private Dicks" We meet with our PI team and chat about their findings XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-14 0 29529760 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 11 "Gorgeous Snoop" We talk with Brass about taking down Bomber Lord and enjoy the sights at the Morgan Ranch XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-15 0 29576517 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 12 We start assigning jobs to the band members XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-17 0 29587084 A.I. Quest 21.5 Storm Ophion deals with the deadly attack on Ussaihu, and is infiltrated by an old enemy. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-18 14 29632800 A.I. Quest 22 Quelled Ophion deals with the aftermath of Tartarus' attack, and makes several management decisions while realizing how large the universe really is. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-20 16 29676528 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 12 Cookies and television multimillion deals XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-21 1 29701328 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 13 We have pizza, cuddling, makeover and Mako-teasing! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-22 0 29724145 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 14 We set things up to meet the aithority and tell them about our info on bomber lord. We also may have told Mako we would go on a "tv date" with her XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-23 1 29748621 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 15 We deliver the evidence to the FBI XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-24 1 29756209 A.I. Quest 23 Broadened Horizon Ophion takes to the task of interrogating Captain Rhea, and learns far more then he expected. Yet still the truth remains in shadow. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-25 15 29765945 A.I. Quest 23.5 Ophion explores the local small world of Aquil, finding a band of strange pirate ships, and something more. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-01-25 15 29772158 Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword. OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues. psionics , pathfinder , path of war , tome of battle , swords , stat me , Fate/Stay Night , magic , galorion , mecha barbarians , martial arts , swordsage , monk , soulknife , dreamscarred press , preview , complete psionics , wilder , win , attempted derail , D&D , fluff , d20 2014-01-26 5 29824531 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 16 An average day of managing super heroes XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-27 0 29832663 Monster Girls Quest 101 Monster Girls Quests, Collective Game, Monster Girls, Quest Where we deal with the aftermath of battle , too much things to do for a single man. 2014-01-28 5 29846996 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 17 We decide the plot for the new Omega League Season, and prevent Lyann from curing cancer trhough song XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-28 0 29919450 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 18 Sorted out the band's stage clothes XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-01-31 -1 February 2014 29928727 A.I. Quest 24 Deep Roots Ophion investigates the strange fungus found at Aquil, among the pirate ships. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Pulsar , Radio , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , Wild , World , Eshareth , Violent , Plants , Mutant , Fauna 2014-02-01 14 29990630 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 19 We decide on all the new season deals XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-03 -1 30013240 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 20 We begin Ned's Qui Meng lessons, check on Euphry, and decide to get her a tv show XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-04 1 30084888 A.I. Quest 25 Reawakening Kronos awakens from his quick rest, and relays to Ophion his new thoughts. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-02-08 13 30143622 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 21 We check on Aleksander, and manage to get him a room to use as studio. Also, captcha is lewd XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-10 0 30187388 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 22 Discussing about Ned's leveling XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-13 0 30210647 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 23 We discuss Okaba's new tricks, and get ready to start the new season XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-13 -1 30285275 A.I. Quest 26 Dominant Culture Ophion tackles several rather important issues facing his empire, as well as speaking with a newly birthed A.I., Metis. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-02-17 13 30301119 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 24 New Omega Season starts here! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-17 0 30324141 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 25 Brass vs Kremlin! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-18 0 30346403 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 26 Just crunch today XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-19 0 30369244 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 26 We launch the band's album! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-20 0 30396659 Nanoha FORCE Quest 7 In an all out brawl over the island's airspace,Tohma meets a precious person once again! Collective Game , Nanoha Force , Nanoha , BelkanSniper , Nanoha FORCE Quest , Cute Devil , White Devil , Magical Guy , Outlaws , Huckebein , 2014-02-22 6 30453946 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 28 Poker Night with the guys XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-24 0 30477339 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 29 Girl's night XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-25 1 30499327 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 30 Business and interviews all around XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-26 0 30455932 For House and Dominion: Neeran War 2nd Tour #6 We take part in one of the costliest battles for the Neeran yet. Collective Game , Quest , House and Dominion , Dominion Quest , Space , Space Combat , Survey , Salvage , Dice , Battle 2014-02-27 15 30520535 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 31 Brass vs Shockwave XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-27 0 30542913 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 32 A long evening, long night, long day all around XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-02-28 1 March 2014 30550560 A.I. Quest 27 Tactical Split Ophion speaks with Kronos and several other A.I. of his and realizes it may be wise to split their attentions for now. On top of that matter, Rhea awakens. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-01 13 30606488 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 33 First half of a very busy saturday XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-03 0 30649445 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 34 Ned's love life is a minefield of fun. Mai get's friendzoned, but the friendzone seems to come with at least 3/4th parts of a baseball field XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-05 0 30670422 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 35 We get to meet with the boss and get a bigger office. XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-06 0 30696718 A.I. Quest 28 Foreign in Nature The strange and alien elements of the universe greet Ophion, while he attempts to deal with two fractured minds, one closer to home then the other. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-08 14 30754783 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 36 We get the new lock for our new office, learn a new enhancement and enjoy our evening XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-10 2 30775425 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 37 Moving into the the new office XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-12 0 30796921 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 38 We started late but had a fun thread teaching Mako how to swim, and meeting Sinoe XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-12 0 30815063 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 39 Arranging a world tour aint heavy, its my brother. Also, sandwiches and martial arts. And shopping XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-13 0 30836955 A.I. Quest 29 Stubborn Past Ophion 'fixes' what he can of his old friend, but it seems they have been changed by the experience, for better or worse. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-14 13 30830514 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 40 We learn about Bomber Lord's most unsavory hobby XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-14 0 30890239 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 41 The morning after the party XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-17 0 30940888 Pokemon Quest #33 We get girly with Jeanine, go shopping, and challenge the Braundalin City Gym with Robin Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , gym , battle 2014-03-20 22 30951559 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 42 We move Mako to Lyann's place and start setting her up with a children's show. She also manages to wear a summer dress without exploding, and we start learning Qui Meng at last XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-20 1 30970999 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 43 Brass vs Alpha Wolf XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-21 0 30978128 A.I. Quest 30 Force of Nature Ophion arrives at one of the Fringe's richest sources of gas, and realizes there is much about the universe that requires more study. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-21 14 30992971 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 44 The aftermath of Brass vs Alpha Wolf. We also start getting things setup to improve the orphanages in China, and get Mako started on her tv show XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-22 0 31035867 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 45 Mako and Sinoe talk and play together, then we get ready to go to Mai's XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-24 0 31077775 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 46 Ned's sunday. Lots of stuff gets done on sundays, looks like XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-26 0 31097008 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 47 Brass calls out Bomber Lord for the title! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-27 1 31103913 A.I. Quest 30 Mini-session 1 Q&A, Discussion, and general talk abound, on top of a quick scene into the mind of Moira. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-03-28 10 31116420 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP48 We learn about HERMES and get ready for a charity ball XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-03-28 0 April 2014 31302417 Pokemon Quest #39 We engage in a very long battle with Eddie. Nibbles fights for all he's worth Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Eddie , battle , Nibbles , Tyrunt 2014-04-07 22 31310207 Pokemon Quest #39 Part 2 We finish our long grueling battle with Eddie and a Pokemon evolves! Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Eddie , Battle, 2014-04-07 22 31319297 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 51 We are ignoring last week's threads since we got so fucked with the earthquakes. Today, Ned talks to Ric about BL XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-04-07 0 31405934 XWF Manager's Quest. S2 EP 53 Brass vs Bomber Lord. Season 2 finale XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-04-11 0 31564006 A.I. Quest 31 Perception Ophion makes a deal with Mol, a powerful black market operator, and realizes he knows more then he's let on so far. At the same time, he deals with a significant defeat... A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-04-19 13 31561086 Gentlemen Spiderfolk Worldbuilding A thread on spiderfolk rapidly develops into an entire middle eastern/arabian nights setting with intellectual philosopher-gentlemen who just happen to be vaguely humanoid spider-monsters. Also pigmy headhunter kobolds. gentleman , gentlemen , spider , spiderfolk , worldbuilding , philosophers , middle east , kobolds , pigmy headhunter kobolds , roman , roman lizardmen, 2014-04-20 5 31620281 XWF Manager's Quest. S3 EP01 Aaaand here we go, new season, new gigs! XWF Manager Quest , Wrestling , Band , Collective Game 2014-04-21 0 31664085 Oversized Weapon Quest 28 You get god like powers, and start setting Utalaga ablaze! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Turtles , Goblins , Big Swords 2014-04-24 20 31712772 A.I. Quest 32 Opening Gambit Ophion begins his assault on Gaia IV in hopes of assisting the Malorian forces. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-04-26 10 31721796 A.I. Quest 32.5 Ophion decides to assist the Malorians in their time of need, and takes over a dangerous Carrier, before trying to determine how to get back home. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-04-26 12 May 2014 31870839 A.I. Quest 33 Target Ophion handles the aftermath of his attempted insurgency, on top of dealing with a wealth of new knowledge. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-05-03 12 31893745 Pokemon Quest #47 We fight our gym battle with Clair using a machine that lets us enter our Pokemon's minds. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , Psychic , Gym Battle , Clair 2014-05-04 22 31891756 The Knights of Falconwood A mysterious shower of magical energy kills off every last female human in the world. What follows are are a surprisingly civil discussion, GALLANTRY and tanks. Also conan. worldbuilding , battletanx , gender , post-apoc , apocalypse , magic , settingbuilding , setting building , world without women , SCIENCE , artificial humans , gallantry , modern knights , matriarchy , conan 2014-05-05 0 32021581 A.I. Quest 34 Diverted Ophion's distraction proves useful, but what he does with the time bought has yet to be decided. It certainly doesn't help that there are troubles lurking within his own territory. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-05-10 12 32051871 Pokemon Quest #100 Part 2 We have a quick battle and manage to keep our cool and act mature. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , battle , Magenzone 2014-05-11 21 32165810 A.I. Quest 35 Strike Back Ophion prepares himself as the UGEI make their move, and he prepares his fleet. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-05-17 10 32195887 The Commissar and Marcia-Sidequest: Da Pod An unidentified "Space Pod" lands in the thick jungle of Feral World "Loss". The Commissar calls the guardsmen and Marcia to investigate and find a rather unexpected lifeform. Collective Game , The Commissar and Marcia , Marcia , Commissar , Imperial Guard , Eldar , drawthread , Squat , Grotling , heresy 2014-05-18 7 32262375 Oversized Weapon Quest 34 We kill the QM Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Turtles , Lasers , Metal Gear Solid 2014-05-22 20 32289127 A.I. Quest 35 Mini Session 1 We spend some time discussing upgrades and have some point of view switches to various NPC characters. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos , POV 2014-05-23 10 32311762 A.I. Quest 36 Recognition Ophion finally deals with the impending UGEI attack, and move their way up the UGEI's threat list. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-05-24 10 32343607 wh40k rap battles Warhammer 40k RAP BATTLES OF THE DARK MILLENNIUM rap , rap battles , 40k , warhammer 40k , funny as shit 2014-05-25 7 32359019 Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 2 Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, Manliness, Anaru, Toothpicks A fallen hero rises from the battleground and enters a fight that only he can settle. With a little help from Mako , of course. 2014-05-26 6 June 2014 32587931 Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest About Dragon Girls Ryukusa's best friend is neat. Apparently she stole an oni's rain. HOLY CRAP WE CAN FIGHT! collective game , dragongirls , oni , elemental battle , lesbians , romance , comedy 2014-06-05 23 32832605 Epic 40k Rap Battles ITT: Various members of various 40k races talk smack in lyrics. Rap , Battle , 40k, 2014-06-17 2 33014702 Unified CCG/TCG Seting OP: Okay /tg/. You know how in these typical "Children's game is obscenely popular and people duel/fight with them all over the world" anime there's the megacorp who basically produces this shit and runs the world almost? Well a thought occurred to me. What if there was a setting where all those corporations had to actually coexist and interact. OC , worldbuilding , ccg , tcg , digimon , yu-gi-oh , yugioh , shadowrun , mmbn , megaman battle network. mtg , magic 2014-06-26 10 July 2014 33278272 Space Pirate Naga Quest 5 We finally meet the ship's doctor and get into a drinking contest. Space Pirate Naga Quest , Collective Game , Space Pirate , Naga , Mechs , Yohoho and a bottle of rum 2014-07-09 11 33413732 Chaos Sisters Fandex Ep3 Third attempt at a chaos sisters of battle fandex after /tg/ sperged out previously. chaos , sisters of battle , corruption , fandex , sperglords , edgy , dull , codex , fan, 2014-07-15 -2 33656168 A.I. Quest 37 Deception Kronos is sent to handle matters with the unknown hacker in Malorian space. After a negotiation, and a planetside drop, it is revealed who the hacker is, and what his intentions were. Meanwhile, Apollo and Cephalus attempt to take control of Gaia IV, but things hit a snag. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-07-26 11 August 2014 33825377 A.I. Quest 38 Control Ophion deals with his invasion of Gaia IV, as both his A.I. begin to gain a foothold. Otherwise, there are a number of matters that are coming to his attention now that he has a position of power...and other's attention as well. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-08-02 10 33884947 Crafting a Cute Singularity Familiar The OP claims to have stumbled across a black hole while adventuring, and wants to turn it into a "problem" disposal system disguised as a cute young girl. A bit of fluff and hard science is discussed. black hole , singularity , familiar , monster girl , wizard , golem , little girl 2014-08-06 14 33989743 A.I. Quest 39 New Allies Ophion deals with the after math of the Losirian rebellion, as he sets other matters in motion, and discovers new allies. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-08-09 10 34189583 A.I. Quest 40 Abandoned With a solid foothold, Ophion begins scouting out the surrounding territories and sets up his own spy network to counter the UGEI, all the while learning a bit more about the rebels on Gaia IV A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-08-17 12 34488880 A.I. Quest 41 Panic Ophion deals with internal affairs-with Lightlings now orbiting Gaia IV. Likewise, he considers some of the more dangerous specimens he has locked away for study. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-08-30 10 34498343 Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1) We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style) MFSKQ , Edgy , Dark , Murder , Funny , Limblesslivingonaholeteasing , short thread , no dice , OP slightly off his game , Nobody gets shot with a 22. , Collective Game , Quest , Modern Fantasy Serial Killer , 2014-08-30 1 34509156 The King of Fighters Quest Round 37 The King of Fighters tournament finally begins and Katja can dance if she wants to. SNK , Collective Game , King of Fighters , KoF Quest , Katja Hartkern , dance battle 2014-08-31 6 September 2014 34819097 A.I. Quest 42 Sleeping Ophion speaks with Lawrence, from Gaia IV, and Metis over several concerning matters, before deciding how to deal with the UGEI superweapon. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-09-13 10 October 2014 35287723 A.I. Quest 43 Fragments Ophion must decide how to deal with the wreckage of Carnage, the experimental weapon they destroyed, that remains at Walsh. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2014-10-04 12 35293868 Battle Royale Quest 1 A group of 42 American junior high students are shipped off into the Nevada desert. The goal? Be the last one standing. Collective Game , Battle Royale , Program Director 2014-10-05 20 35415269 Battle Royale Quest 2 Some students show they are entirely willing to participate in this game of death. Collective Game , Battle Royale , Program Director 2014-10-10 11 35530277 Detroit Quest IN WHICH ANDRE MEILLEUR HAS THE WORST DAY OF HIS FRENCH BLACK-ASS LIFE Collective Game , Battletech , Detroit Quest 2014-10-15 9 35570258 DETROIT QUEST 2 IN WHICH JAMAL MEETS AN UNTIMELY END Collective Game , Battletech , Detroit Quest , Rabbit , ROBOTS 2014-10-17 5 35611243 DETROIT QUEST 3 THE MOST INCOMPETENT MERCS THIS SIDE OF THE INNER SPHERE SHOW UP Collective Game , Battletech , Detroit Quest , Rabbit , ROBOTS 2014-10-19 3 35761243 Battle Royale Quest 3 We finally meet our third player character. Collective Game , Battle Royale , Program Director 2014-10-26 9 November 2014 35928090 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 1 /tg/ steps into the captain's chair of Skyship Crutch4, tasked to evade the rebel fleet and deliver vital data to the Federation. The good captain and his Engi crewmates cross the first sector of their journey, which mostly involves shooting their way through rebels and pirates. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , Engi , sci-fi 2014-11-03 8 35964763 DETROIT QUEST 4 I JUST WANT TO KILL SOME PLAYER CHARACTERS IS THAT SO GODDAMN MUCH TO ASK Collective Game , Battletech , Detroit Quest , Rabbit , ROBOTS 2014-11-05 6 35967775 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 2 Captain Tom Henderson of the Skyship Crutch4 continues his journey into an Abandoned Sector, murders countless space whales, and meets a new friend. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , Engi , sci-fi , Lanius , Slug 2014-11-05 5 36006672 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 3 Captain Hinderson takes his new Slug buddy through a friendly Engi-controlled sector, which turns out to be not so peaceful on account of a Mantis invasion. On the plus side, the wrecked battle fleets and less-than-formidable Mantis warriors allow the Crutch4's crew to collect quite a bit of salvageable scrap, some nice new weapons, and even a third Engi crewmember. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Mantis 2014-11-07 1 36090000 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 4 Our ship makes its way through another sector of space, this one controlled by the Rebels. There are more friendly faces than expected, but our crew's efforts to aid them leave little time for reaching the exit. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Rebels 2014-11-11 1 36214791 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 5 We take a trip through Zoltan space, where we experience their teachings of peace and harmony, and pick up several deadly new weapons. Also we meet a new crew member. Also there are lots of rebels. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Zoltan 2014-11-17 0 36276282 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 6 The ship travels into a Slug-controlled nebula. Fortunately, their resident Slug crewmate Dr. Mr. Derek is able to help navigate through the dense astral clouds. Unfortunately, the sector seems unsettlingly empty, apart from the occasional band of murderous pirates and the ever-intrepid Slug merchants. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Zoltan 2014-11-20 0 36361032 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 7 We make it through the rest of the Slug nebula. Though we barely survive an encounter with some very dangerous pirates, we survive and recover. The Slugs are not so friendly in the latter half of the sector, trying to cheat us and strip our ship for scrap, but they aren't nearly as much of a threat. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug 2014-11-24 2 36454859 /tg/ Plays: FTL Thread 8 (Bad End) We take a trip to the Engi homeworlds, which are suffering brutal Rebel, Pirate, and Mantis attacks. Our Skyship clashes against several of the invaders on its way through the sector, chasing down rumors an experimental Engi ship that was stolen by the invaders. Sadly, the battles take their toll on us, and when we reach the fleet that has the stolen ship, our own ship and crew meet their end. /tg/ plays , Collective Game , FTL: Faster Than Light , Cap'n , Skyship Crutch4 , sci-fi , Engi , Slug , Rebels , Mantis , ending , bad end 2014-11-29 1 December 2014 36781754 Bottle Baby Quest Wherein /tg/ is the blueballing former assassin turned high school girl wench. Collective Game , Bottle Baby Quest , 72oOCCJ1 2014-12-16 5 36800441 Bottle Baby Quest 2 Our hero scores a date, cons her boyfriend's parents, puts her assassin skills to use, and rewards herself. Collective Game , Bottle Baby Quest , 72oOCCJ1 2014-12-17 2 36819607 Bottle Baby Quest 3 The thrilling conclusion. Collective Game , Bottle Baby Quest , 72oOCCJ1 2014-12-18 1 37047010 Infinite Castle Setting OP proposes the Elemental Plane of Castle. Worldbuilding and stories follow. Dyson Sphere , Castle , Elemental Plane , Planet , Setting , Worldbuilding 2014-12-31 3 January 2015 37590645 Realms of Atlantasia: Rebirth Two years after the revisiting of the realms of atlantasia, and four years after the original discovery, /tg/ once again makes a character in this shitty game. Atlantasia , Realms of Atlantasia , Fail , Character Generation , Char gen 2015-01-27 3 February 2015 37756776 Modern Knight Quest #6 Ser Aldrich continues his quest ay the Museum of Natural Histor, where dark forces grow below... little more about modern dispositions Collective Game , Modern Knight Quest , Knight , Time Travel , Dread 2015-02-03 5 37843250 American Fantasy (Fantasy in a pre-Europe America setting) /tg/ mulls around ideas and inspiring facts about the land west of the atlantic and all its glory and curiosity before the West got a hold of it. america , american fantasy , setting , fluff , discussion , worldbuilding , collaborative , indians , native americans , atlatl , pueblo , hype as fuck 2015-02-06 2 37902779 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 1 You are Bellatrix Curis, in training to become a Sister of Battle.
Some stuff happens, and then some lewd stuff happens with a xeno witch, and she passes out before you can get her name! The nerve! Collective Game , Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Inquisition , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM 2015-02-08 11 37997548 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2 Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest! Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Dire Chicken , Spooky Forest , Hylophobia , 2015-02-12 9 38174648 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3 Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY. Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Felinid/Catgirl , Techpriest , Mechanicus , TECH HERESY , Necrodermis , Double headpats 2015-02-20 6 38223682 A.I. Quest 45 Guilt & Pity Ophion rebuilds his forces after the brutal conflict with Prometheus, all the while getting a little more personal with his less than robotic allies. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-02-22 9 38246094 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4 Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt! Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Felinid/Catgirl , Techpriest , Mechanicus , Goo , Super-strength , Invisibility 2015-02-23 8 38360172 Pokemon Quest #67 We arrive at Alloycaster and have a very public battle with the obscenely rich Dick. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , battle , 2015-02-28 21 March 2015 38403397 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 5 Bella and Alirye infiltrate the Ork camp, and Bella promptly sets some tank-thing on fire, then some Orks on fire, then tries to set a building on fire and gets krump'd by a Nob. Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Hylophobia , Orks , Lots'o'fire , Krump'ing 2015-03-02 6 38519341 A.I. Quest 46 Unchained Ophion unlocks the secrets to the being known as Erebos, and announces claim over Gaia IV. What path shall he take next? A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-03-07 11 38538049 Space Crusade Quest 19 We participate in the Space battle and wreck everyone Collective game , Space Crusade Quest , Scarlet Queen , Space battle , badass 2015-03-10 2 38630544 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6 Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners.
Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating. Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , Collective Game , Warlock , Hylophobia , Orks , Catgirl Techpriestess , Awkward conversations , mood-ruining , lewd-interrupting , power nap 2015-03-12 5 38723571 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 7 Bella takes up the flamer, engages Alirye in a duel of lewd, half-listens to some tech-priests, and finds out that Alirye is a cougar during the cult-purging road trip! Collective Game , Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Inquisition , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , ear lewdness , flamer time! , cougars , lewdvengeance , Aila heard all of that 2015-03-16 4 38724701 Pokemon Quest #74 Part 1 We fight in the Alloycaster gym alongside Robin for our sixth badge. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , gym battle 2015-03-16 20 38732204 Pokemon Quest #74 part 2 We conclude our tense battle with Furby, get a pair of rings with Robin, meet the TV crew and decide where to go next Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , gym battle 2015-03-16 20 38853002 A.I. Quest 47 Mirror Ophion speaks with the strange newcomer he discovered recently, as well as moving further into UGEI territory while they're weak. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-03-22 11 38883081 Zoids Quest Hunters 2: Point 215-6 and the mystery of Evolt! Aelon and company finally reach Point 215-6, hopefully they gain a chance to recover however due to the previous battle all eyes are on Aelon and his Liger-0! Zoids Quest Hunters , Zoids , GardenMaster-NORG , Collective Game , Mecha , Battles 2015-03-23 5 39010444 Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 8 Short thread (sorry). Bella and Alirye arrive at their destination, talk to some civilians, find the heresy, and have several benches tossed at them. Collective Game , Battle-Sister Quest , Adepta Sororitas , Sisters of Battle , Heresy , Inquisition , Forbidden Love , Yuri , Eldar , Dual-wielding , EsperQM , reasonable people , crazy psykers , cultists , spooky artifacts , telekinetically-propelled benches 2015-03-30 4 April 2015 39064385 Minotauress quest: WorldBuilding and Character creation We establish our character, her home, and why she is there. Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle 2015-04-01 7 39073903 Minotauress quest: Moving onto WorldBuilding We finish establishing the character, decide what we are going to be famous for, and then go on a trip on the ground. Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle 2015-04-03 10 39095644 Minotauress quest: Moving onto Plotlines part 3 We free slaves, pimp put out armor, and determine Rhiannon's first aspect. Not in that order though. Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , savior 2015-04-04 8 39136734 A.I. Quest 48 Unprecedented Power Ophion deals with the aftermath of an explosion, and receives a message from Arman's Gate. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-04-05 10 39128444 Minotauress quest: part 4 We make some great armor, slay a demon dragon, and get a ton of gold. Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , dragon , slaying 2015-04-05 10 39160651 Minotauress quest: part 5 We write out some holy words and then make divine armor and weaponry Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , holy 2015-04-06 10 39195049 Minotauress quest: part 6 We step into the magical training area, find it to be inhospitable, then fight two humanoid raven guards. Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , ravens , magic 2015-04-08 10 39238408 Minotauress quest: part 7 We learn more magic, meet another guard, get magically SWOLE, and learn some spells Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , magic , spells 2015-04-10 10 39256600 Minotauress quest: part 8 We discuss stuff, and bang Hereshiel Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , ravens , magic 2015-04-11 7 39267715 Minotauress quest: part 8 We finally go back to demon slaying Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , magic , spells 2015-04-12 10 39286823 Pokemon Quest #84 We battle Arledge, practice the flute, and get lewd in celebration Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , battle , lewd 2015-04-12 20 39302262 Minotauress Quest 9 We teach our people on the tenets of Rhiannon Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , magic , spells 2015-04-13 10 39330005 Minotauress quest: part 10 We make the holy symbol and colors of Rhiannln, only to receive a very special visitor Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , holy 2015-04-15 7 39348148 Minotauress quest: part 11 We talk about what glory actually means and gain something from drinking milk Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle , magic , spells 2015-04-16 7 39398565 Minotauress Quest part 12 Speeches and rings Collective game , Minotauress quest , sorcerer , castle 2015-04-18 7 39413095 Minotauress Quest:Part 13 We get swole, go take a shower, then Ven does some work! Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Ven , Sorceror , Castle 2015-04-19 6 39446287 Minotauress Quest:Part 13 Feltera gets elemental power, then goes down to the ground with Ven and Devriela Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Ven , Sorceror , Castle 2015-04-20 6 39482432 Minotauress Quest:Part 14 We meet a man made of EDGE and get to know him well Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Ven , Sorceror , Castle 2015-04-22 7 39543642 Minotauress Quest:Part 15 We go back to slaying demons and saving prisoners! Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Ven , Sorceror , Castle 2015-04-26 6 39582353 Minotauress Quest:Part 16 We see the freed slaves, get a ton of new allies, and fight a demon knight Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Ven , Sorceror , Castle 2015-04-28 9 39634552 Minotauress Quest:Part 17 We do stuff around the castle Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Ven , Sorceror , Castle 2015-04-30 5 May 2015 39695009 A.I. Quest 49 New Findings Ophion takes advantage of a brief moment of piece to explore the world around him a little more closely. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-05-02 9 39712541 Minotauress Quest:Part 18 We get stronger and prepare to head back out into the world. Also we get a few special visits from the goddess herself Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Ven , Sorceror , Castle 2015-05-04 5 39797962 DBZ Turtle Quest First and Final Cell starts stomping around on Goturtle's hood and he ain't having none of that. DBZ , DBZ Turtle Quest , Collective Game , Turtles , Fun 2015-05-07 7 39826188 Minotauress Quest:Part 19 We slay a hell(pun intended)of a lot of demons! Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Ven , Sorceror , Castle , rekt , kill demons , free slaves 2015-05-10 5 39911154 Minotauress Quest:Part 20 We talk, do stuff, and fight a Demon Knight Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Sorceror , Castle 2015-05-13 5 39949689 GM vs. That Guy: Dark Heresy edition A GM and a That Guy hash it out on /tg/ in front of everyone. Logs were posted, macros were made, laughs were had. GM , That Guy , Dark Heresy , Skittles , Star Wars Episode 2 , drama , ow the edge 2015-05-14 14 40032429 Minotauress Quest:Part 21 We get stronger, due to potions instead of milk! Collective Game , Minotauress Quest , Sorceror , Castle 2015-05-19 5 40134653 A.I. Quest 50 Leaps and Bounds After cycles of research and development, finally Ophion has cracked the secrets of Anti-Matter containment. With this new discovery how will he face future threats? A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-05-24 9 June 2015 40563615 A.I. Quest 51 The Harvest The collection and use of the crystal alien as a building material is finally put into motion-with unexpected side effects. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-06-13 9 40605617 Pokemon Quest #97 part 1 We battle Vernon, the former champion, then take Meloetta out for that jam session we promised. Pokemon Quest , Pokemon , Gobble , Collective Game , Flute , Punk , Pokemon trainer , old man , battle , Gyarados , Poliwrath 2015-06-15 20 40769848 Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters In which Sisters are lost by bet to the White Scars' more Turkic descendants. 40k , Sisters of Battle , Space Marines , Arabs , Mongols , Turks , Sipahi , Custom Chapter, 2015-06-23 6 40775800 Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters 2 The "Mad Mamluk" Biker Marines with their scantily-clad Byzantine Beach Sisters get some colors and fluff, and now with a War Boys PDF. 40k , Custom Chapter , Sisters of Battle , Space Marines , Arabs , homebrew , Mongols , Turks , Sipahi , Sororitas 2015-06-24 7 40842228 A.I. Quest 52 The Warp Guild space proves unsafe once more, and Ophion must look into ways to make them safe once more. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-06-27 9 40808475 Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters 3 The "Mad Mamluk" Biker Marines and the Byzantine Beach Sisters get more colors and even more fluff, now with Trooper Hoplites IG and Desert Tribe War Boys PDF and even some stroytime. 40k , Custom Chapter , Sisters of Battle , Space Marines , Arabs , homebrew , Turks , Sipahi , Sororitas 2015-06-28 5 July 2015 41121574 Roman Underground Rich Lady Fighting Noble women fight in the gladitorial arena in cognito, WWE style. /tg/ starts to get shit done, but gets distracted. gladiators , gladiatrix , nobles , roman , wrestling , grapple check 2015-07-11 5 41180055 Lost Primarch Quest 15 KRAVEN LIVES!!!! collective game , lost primarch quest , eleventh primarch , kraven lives , spess battle 2015-07-13 7 41397749 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #7 Our heroine endures early morning training and makes a new friend in the process. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-23 4 41438337 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #8 Our hero spends time with her mentor and her new friend, but catches wind of something terrible. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-25 2 41470462 JOHN CENA QUEST 2 You are John Cena. You hit the ring and defeat CHAOS INFUSED demonic basketball players while Donald Trump is ignored by almost everyone. Collective game , John Cena , Cena , Wrestling , Demons , CENAWINSLOL , BRRRRRAPPLEDOUGH , Basketball , wtf 2015-07-26 3 41484117 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #9 Our heroine enters the scene of a burglary to find much more nefarious things afoot. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-27 3 41528355 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #10 Our heroine learns of an ancient feud in the pettiest of ways while traveling to a village filled with wolves. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-29 3 41570984 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #11 A whodunnit in wolf territory is interrupted by a zombie apocalypse, then by deus ex machina. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-07-31 3 August 2015 41589965 A.I. Quest 53 Downfall Ophion's promise to Saylor requires attention-will he keep it as promised, or not has yet to be seen. On top of matters, a disturbance is detected. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-08-01 8 41609952 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #12 Our heroine has a lot of chats on the way down from the mountain range, of varying levels of substance. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-02 2 41652929 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #13 Our heroine runs into an old friend, recent enemies, and the all-to-common brush with death in the desert. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-04 2 41694237 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #14 Our heroine's mentor tells a story, becoming the player character for the duration of the thread. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-06 2 41754950 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #15 Our heroine learns more about her friends and might very well have set the course of history with one piece of advice. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-09 2 41796759 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #16 The status quo is shifted abruptly and for the worse for our poor heroine, but all is not yet lost. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-11 2 41833089 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #17 Our heroine and her fellow prisoners really get shit done. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-13 3 41876343 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #18 Focus shifts to the man the protagonist hates as the knights meet with winged bandits and Deadlords. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-15 2 41894078 A.I. Quest 54 Clash Ophion prepares his forces for the final assault from Admiral Thanatos-reflecting on many of the decisions that have brought him thus far. Will he defeat Thanatos? A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-08-16 7 41920309 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #19 Our heroine questions the motivations and timing of redeeming villains and furthers her escape from Aum. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-17 2 41959569 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #20 Today's viewpoint is that of a knight pining for our heroine's safe return, consoling a princess and making a big scene at a meeting. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-19 2 41997703 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #21 Our heroine finally breaks free of the dungeon, just barely receiving help from promised heroes of another story. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-21 2 42033573 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #22 We take on two POVs this chapter, of a cold-exterior knight and a runaway princess. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-23 2 42074268 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #23 Our heroine faces the perils of being chased and possibly losing a new friend as our QM a myriad of technical difficulties. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-25 1 42112816 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #24 Our heroine's companions have a horrible realization, then heroically arrive in the nick of time, then have another horrible realization. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-27 1 42152717 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #25 Ellen finally returns home, stronger than she ever was, and has reunions with her closest friends. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-29 2 42172807 A.I. Quest 55 Titans Ophion attempts to find some way of cracking into Thanatos' defenses-and perhaps faces the truth as well. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-08-30 11 42200740 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #26 Our heroine finds herself conflicted before seeking the wisdom of a manic pegasus dream girl. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-08-31 1 September 2015 42243615 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #27 Our heroine learns of some very real threats to her nation and homeland, then goes on a lovely date. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-02 1 42275942 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #28 A famous mercenary group messes up badly in this spinoff chapter. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-04 1 42335910 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #29 Our heroine sees an old pal and old and new foes alike FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-07 1 42357871 Avatar TLA Quest We create our hero, who in the end turns out to be Hokage, Mordin and Cao Cao in disguise. Collective Game , Avatar , The Last Airbender , TLA , Avatar TLA Quest , Royal Physician Quest 2015-09-08 13 42378656 Avatar TLA Quest - Fire - Part 1 In this chapter we find out that dice gods hate us and canon is a bitch. Collective Game , Avatar , The Last Airbender , TLA , Avatar TLA Quest , Royal Physician Quest 2015-09-08 12 42384933 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #30 Our heroine has some choice words with many of her friends, then accepts a pretty large short-term setback. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-09 1 42422978 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #31 Our heroine has an expository meeting before spending more time refining her friendships. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-11 1 42441831 A.I. Quest Aftermath Discussion We take one final look at A.I. Quest, and I attempt to answer any last pressing concerns that I can. Thank you everyone that participated, and read A.I. Quest. A.I. Quest , Collective Game , Artificial Intelligence , computer , machine , Program0 , sentience , control , Gas , V.I. , Extranet , Lightling , Redesign , Athena , Battleship , Kronos 2015-09-12 7 42483032 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #32 Our heroine has one last thread of preparations before heading off into certain danger. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-14 1 42524705 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #33 Our heroine's actions leave a bitter warning and put a friend out of commission, but things improve. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-16 1 42532242 Castlevania Quest: Endless Dirge 1 Altrich Belmont vs Count Dracula! Who will claim victory?! Castlevania , Castlevania Quest , Dracula , Collective Game , Belmont 2015-09-16 3 42566745 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #34 This chapter's heroine is a former assassin, having the absolute best of times on a boat. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-18 1 42606805 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #35 Our heroine has harrowing hassles with hellfire and near-death experiences. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-20 1 42671474 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #36 Two members of a mercenary company have their perspectives shown, leading into a very troublesome personal crisis. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-23 1 42707254 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #37 Our heroine hunts a young necromancer. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-25 1 42742963 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #38 While our heroine is off on her own perilous adventure, her mentor and an old friend cross paths as enemies. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-27 1 42803562 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #39 A heroic young prince finally takes charge of his position after a near-fatal mistake. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-09-30 1 October 2015 42838984 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #40 Our heroine prevents reinforcements from approaching the prince. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-02 1 42864523 Battlecock (LEGO Quest) The reign of King Cluck begins. LEGO , Chicken , Battlecock , Collective Game 2015-10-03 4 42873682 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #41 Our heroine returns to the prince's home and collects a very powerful weapon, but also meets a mysterious magician. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-04 1 42911360 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #42 A pirate-filled subplot concludes on hopeful horizons for the temporary POV characters. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-06 1 42883413 LEGO quest #2 Reign of king Cluck Mother Clucker goes to the town LEGO , Chicken , Battlecock , Collective Game 2015-10-08 1 42964760 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #43 Our heroine has a day as full of preparation, argument, and discussion as it is friendliness. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-09 1 43002296 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #44 Our heroine travels to the next major juncture in the story, acquiring a new Boxed Crook. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-11 1 43058862 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #45 Our heroine returns to enemy territory. Tragedy and progress ensue in similar amounts. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-14 1 43109352 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #46 A band of heroes and friends are welcomed home. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-17 1 43149554 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #47 Our heroine discovers a surprisingly low bodycount among the victims of the family reunion. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-19 1 43081579 Home brewed reworking of Bioshock RPG OP asks for input to work Tonics into spell systems. /tg/ runs off with it into the direction of it's own game system. Crunch ensues. Bioshock , Bioshock RPG , Home brewed , /tg/ gets shit done , Big Daddies , Little sisters , crunch , fluff , brain storming, 2015-10-20 6 43185320 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #48 Our heroine storms the castle, and the machinations of an old madman approach their conclusion. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-21 1 43222464 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #49 Around the same time as our heroine's final battle, related climactic battles also occur to other heroines. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-23 1 43219967 Home brewed Bioshock RPG #2 Continuing from the first thread. Bioshock , Bioshock RPG , Home brewed , /tg/ gets shit done , Big Daddies , Little sisters , crunch , fluff , brain storming, 2015-10-24 0 43259218 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest! #50 (Endgame) The final chapter of our heroine's story. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-25 1 43359102 Castlevania: Dracula War 1977 Quest 1 It is April 4, 1977. One month earlier an earthquake tore through Romania with the epicenter being in Vrancea County. As an operative for the United States Government you are being sent into Soviet aligned Romania to investigate what may be the Kremlin's newest weapon. A large structure, codename SKYSCRAPER, has appeared at lake Vidraru's deepest point... Collective Game , Castlevania , Dracula War , 1977 , Quest , Metal Gear 2015-10-30 4 43332824 Home brewed Bioshock RPG #3 More crunch added along with discussions about how real life tech on building on the bottom of the sea. Bioshock , Bioshock RPG , Home brewed , /tg/ gets shit done , Big Daddies , Little sisters , crunch , fluff , brain storming, 2015-10-31 1 43376443 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #1 We meet our new hero getting very lucky and unlucky at the same times. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-10-31 1 November 2015 43414263 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #2 Our hero meets a forgotten mark, has a brief violent run-in, and enters a desert nation. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-02 1 43453917 Home brewed Bioshock RPG #4 New Homebrew guy posts up parts of the Alpha phase RPG and anons start to dig in to get shit done. Bioshock , Bioshock RPG , Home brewed , /tg/ gets shit done , Big Daddies , Little sisters , crunch , fluff , brain storming, 2015-11-05 0 43469602 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #3 Our hero escorts a noble-hearted noble to a funeral at the behest of his lazybones brother. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-05 1 43508805 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #4 Our hero finishes escorting his client to the funeral, meeting more royalty on arrival. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-07 1 43546842 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #5 Our hero and his friends have a lot of varying interactions and find their next mission. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-09 1 43540626 Home brewed Bioshock RPG #5 Status effects, Melee weapons and conditions are worked on. 3D IRL table top figurines are made as well. Bioshock , Bioshock RPG , Home brewed , /tg/ gets shit done , Big Daddies , Little sisters , crunch , fluff , brain storming, 2015-11-11 0 43582239 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #6 An ordinary "protect against the undead" job for our hero looks into an ally's dark past. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-11 1 43612847 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #7 Our hero fends off the undead until things get confusing. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-13 1 43644505 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #8 Our hero returns to headquarters and has a very long evening and morning. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-15 1 43694483 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #9 Our hero embarks on a mission to avenge the colleagues he never had. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-18 1 43731095 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #10 Our hero and his friends face a transforming winged bandit and his elite crew. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-20 2 43761235 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #11 We take a look at what our hero's boss is up to when he's alone. It involves meeting an admirer. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-22 2 43796891 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #12 Our hero adapts to his new position, meets an uncomfortably familiar face, and learns of his next mission. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-24 1 43805023 Nuns with glaives Design thread for a Sororitas order devoted mainly to melee weapons, writing and drawings in progress. Sisters of Battle , Melee only , No power armour 2015-11-25 2 43830330 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #13 Our hero gets on a boat. Naturally, it's all smooth sailing from there. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-26 2 43821682 Order Of The Armoured Heart-Nuns With Glaives More writefaggotry and drawfaggotry in this second installment, now with the adventures of Canoness Superior Boudicea! Sisters of Battle , Melee only , No power armour , Order Of The Armoured Heart , Drawfaggotry , Writefaggotry. 2015-11-26 3 43858734 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #14 Our heroes raid a pirates' fortress. Lives are saved and lives are lost. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-11-28 1 December 2015 43916195 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #15 Our hero recovers from the previous chapter's intensity as further things are set up. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-01 1 43953847 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #16 Our hero returns to his frozen Northern home on an errand which quickly grows significant. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-03 1 43989975 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #17 Our hero has a rather brief but intense brush with wyvern-riders. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-05 1 44047918 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #18 Our hero takes steps to defend his homeland from a necromancer. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-08 1 44081080 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #19 Our hero continues his very long day in a snowy mountain capital. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-10 1 44115846 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #20 At the defeat of a major foe, major rifts in our hero's life are made. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-12 1 44177900 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #21 The second switched-POV chapter follows a splinter of our hero's group. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-15 1 44216612 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #22 Our hero has a slow few days before finally returning to the swing of things. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-17 1 44253480 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #23 Our hero learns the nature of his newest mission: investigate a serial killer in a city of intrigue. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-19 1 44310337 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #24 Our secondary heroes find themselves waist-deep in an insufferable amount of intrigue. And a mysterious assassin. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-22 1 44413228 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #25 Our hero faces a previously-unseen (by him) sort of enemy that's been terrorizing the client's city. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-28 1 44451659 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #26 Our hero does inventory! Meanwhile, our surprise tritagonist has a late-starting POV chapter, starting with his escape from rightful imprisonment for the wrong reasons. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2015-12-30 1 January 2016 44530460 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #27 Our hero's slow schedule finally starts to speed back up during this breather. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-03 1 44556256 Battle Network Quest #00 We create the MC Navi and see if anyone is interested to play Collective Game , Battle Network Quest , Megaman , Battle Network 2016-01-04 1 44572184 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #28 Our hero prepares to bait a Wampyre with her own hand, catching up with a friend in the process. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-05 1 44632465 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #29 Our hero makes his hands-down biggest blunder yet. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-08 1 44698160 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #30 Our hero's second return to his homeland is no less of a turning point than the first. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-11 1 44779163 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #31 Trouble emerges as our deuteragonist attempts to break into a vacation home. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-15 1 44822840 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #32 Our hero, after finding himself in the mountains, fights an undead menace once again. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-17 1 44885790 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #33 Our hero meets old new allies in a slight pit stop. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-20 1 44927655 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #34 Our heroes reunite and first meet a rather unpleasant royal. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-22 1 44996082 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #35 Our heroes fight the noble knights led by a hot-blooded half-dragon and militaristic monarch. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-25 1 45037314 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #36 Our hero faces a corrupt queen with her daughter. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-27 1 45098049 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #37 Our hero challenges an elite group of mercenaries, brought to their knees by IRL technical difficulties. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-01-30 1 February 2016 45165145 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #38 Our hero travels into our villain's lair and encounters our old heroine. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-02 2 45203111 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #39 Our heroine takes the POV helm one last time as our heroes are played like fiddles. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-04 1 45264366 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #40 Our villain's plot is foiled, but still she clings to hope enough to escape to the shadows... FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-07 1 45328422 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #41 The day he's to set out for yet another important job, our hero is afflicted with something. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-10 1 45366153 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #42 Our hero's part in a civil war makes for some rather heavy conflicts. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-12 1 45448811 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #43 This civil war leads our hero to take the home outpost of the rebellion. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-16 1 45503360 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #44 Our hero loses something important and has trouble with his client's country. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-19 1 45565334 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #45 Our hero finds himself thrown out of the frying pan and into the oil by a mysterious defender... FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-22 2 45605184 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #46 A foul-mouthed summoner becomes this thread's hero as the usual man for the job remains preoccupied. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-24 1 45585237 verbal component= Epic rap battles featuring Sword n board,Def Blue Blood and others. rap , funny , duel , rap battle 2016-02-24 2 45643919 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #47 Our old heroine is very good at hitting things with a sword. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-26 1 45710228 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #48 Our villain makes for one last mad dash at her goals as our hero's perspective returns. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-02-29 1 March 2016 45747504 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) #49 A strenuous day of interpretation and doubt leads our heroes closer to the end. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-03-02 1 45803659 Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest (Gen 2) Endgame Our hero's quest ends. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-03-05 1 45844788 WrestleQuest A SOL Quest thread in which you take the role of a young wrestler and his pro-wrestling persona. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-07 10 45863331 WrestleQuest 2: Jabroni Edition In which you make a new friend and beat up a few steroid pushers. Collective Game , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , 2016-03-08 8 45884311 WrestleQuest 3 You wrestle your second ever match, against your best friend Collective Game , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , 2016-03-09 6 45904498 WrestleQuest 4 In which you enjoy a night out with your new co-workers. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-10 6 45924129 WrestleQuest 5 In which you buy new gear, search for a tag team partner, and somehow become involved in a love triangle. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-11 7 45940874 WrestleQuest 6 In which you get dragged on a double date, go on a regular date, and wrestle a pair of Ghoulish brothers. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-12 7 45960978 WrestleQuest 7 In which there is more relationship drama, a jackass Champion, and a St.Patrick's Day Party! Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-13 5 45984961 WrestleQuest 8 You give out lady advice, work a tag team match, and someone gets fired! Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-14 5 45844874 Bug World II: Moth People Edition /tg/ continues building Bug World Bug World , World Building , Moth , Beetle 2016-03-14 2 46009205 WrestleQuest 9 Wherein you FACE THE CHAMP. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-15 6 46032535 WrestleQuest 10 A lot of relationship drama, but you also get to watch Starrcade! Hooray? Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-16 5 46054471 WrestleQuest 11 You are reunited with the man who trained you... and he's a lot more depressing than you remember him. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-17 5 46074468 WrestleQuest 12 You get another new room-mate, go to a restaurant with your mentor, and prepare for your in-ring return! Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-18 5 46093772 WrestleQuest 13 In which you wrestle a friend turned rival, and deal with the meeting of two huge egos. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-19 5 46202850 WrestleQuest 14 In which you have a heart to heart with a friend, meet your girlfriend's sister, and deal with more of your mentor's bullshit. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-24 3 46223431 WrestleQuest 15 Your mentor drags you on a road trip, so he can try to rebuild lost relationships. It doesn't go well. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-25 6 46252339 FE Quest: Silver Scales of the Past - #3 The revolutionary's son meets a sympathetic king and clashes with a childhood friend. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-03-26 1 46244963 Humerus Spooks What starts with rib tickling skeleton puns and one liners turns epic with one anon's stories of playing as a skeleton in full plate armor D&D , skeletons , lol , story time , puns , bones , spooky , rattle , epic , humerus 2016-03-26 42 46308641 WrestleQuest 16 Where you say something that gets you in hot water, and an experimental change is made to the combat system! Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-29 3 46330485 WrestleQuest 17 Where you try to take your mind off your mistakes, and go to the fair! Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-30 3 46351070 WrestleQuest 18 Where you get told of by a veteran, wrestle said veteran, and say farewell to a friend! Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-03-31 5 April 2016 46611785 WrestleQuest 19 In which you get your long awaited rematch with the champ. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-04-12 5 46631274 WrestleQuest 20 In which you do some hardcore training, bond with a friend, and go on a very awkward double date. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-04-13 5 46650058 WrestleQuest 21 The Season Finale, where you take on the champ in a no holds barred contest, and the fate of the company is revealed! Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-04-14 7 46737037 Covert Ops SoB Creation #1 Dice rolls result in a sneaky under-strength order. Arguing ensures about everything from theme to name. Creation thread , Sisters of Battle 2016-04-19 1 46990346 FE Quest: Silver Scales of the Past - #18 Our bard's prison island escape planning is interrupted by a VERY unfortunate event. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-04-30 2 May 2016 47020865 WrestleQuest Prelude: The Chosen One You step into the shoes of Owen Barnes, and live out a few moments of his backstory. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-05-02 5 19642 Hotline '09 Quest We are Nigriss. We wear a chicken mask and murder gang members. collective game , hotline miami , hotline 09 quest , murder , wanton violence , sex drugs rock and roll 2016-05-05 2 16737 MSQ Rafale: Session 0 Landing Gear came back with Rafale. . . Collective Game , Mahou Shounen Quest , Butler , Landing Gear 2016-05-06 1 168230 Beetle Lord Quest Giant beetle is born, eats humans, gains cultist. Collective game , Beetle Lord Quest , Asteroid of Creation, 2016-05-23 2 173906 Beetle Lord Quest 2 We Meet a Worm Lord, Go blind, and find out that familial love is the best. Collective game , Beetle Lord Quest , Asteroid of Creation, 2016-05-24 3 June 2016 213336 Supernatural Butler Quest 1 Stanley Morison manages to avoid being eaten by a woman who ends up become his boss at the end. We also get turned into a demon. Supernatural Butler Quest , Stanley Morison , Vampires , Demons , Werewolves 2016-06-03 4 223411 Supernatural Butler Quest 2 pt1 EXTREMELY EARLY ARCHIVE. Op lets it die, only a few posts were we decide to explore the roof. Supernatural Butler Quest , Stanley Morison , Demons , Quest 2016-06-08 2 235724 Supernatural Butler Quest 2 pt2 Stanley meets Hasan the Djinn, tells him his past, goes to dinner, meets a spider and a doll, who he ends up getting in a huge argument with Supernatural Butler Quest , Stanley Morison , Demons , Quest 2016-06-09 3 47747281 FE Quest: Silver Scales of the Past - #35 Our resistance-aligned hero encounters three powerful deadlords outside the Empire's capital. FE , Fire Emblem , Generically-titled Fire Emblem Quest , Quest , Fire Emblem Quest , FE Quest , Collective Game 2016-06-13 1 279414 Dwarf Fortress Quest 1 & 2 You've been tasked by your king to colonize a snowy frozen land south to your dwarven kingdoms. You aim to make your brethren proud. Dwarf Fortress Quest , Dwarf , Dorf , Fort , Fortress , Settlement , Civilization , Strategy 2016-06-20 2 247398 Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 3 We go to get some food with a maid, meet a weird mutant named Avery, and promptly whoop his ass when he tries to interrogate us Supernatural Butler Quest , YOB OP , Demons 2016-06-21 2 276655 Hill Giant Civ Quest IV After the events of Amberly, the giants and humans agreed to a year-long ceasefire. These are the events that transpired during it. Hill Giant Civ Quest IV , hill giant , Hill Giant Civ Quest , Collective Game , Civilization , civ , shitty dragon battle 2016-06-22 1 287595 Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 4 We interrogate Avery, learn about his boss Salvador Rose, and Beatrice announces her plan to retaliate Supernatural Butler Quest , YOB OP , demons , vampires 2016-06-24 2 306461 Beetle Lord Quest 3 We destroy the humans, talk with lizard men, and gain Fire Powers. Collective Game , Beetle Lord Quest , Asteroid of Creation, 2016-06-27 2 47991363 WrestleQuest Prelude: The Wildcard In which you step into the shoes of your old mentor, and play out his fall from grace. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-06-28 3 48020801 How That Guys Can Ruin a Good Game OP asks /tg/ their opinion on some problem players so that he can show his DM that he must do something about them to save his game. That Guy , Problem Player , storyime , wall of text , tldr 2016-06-29 8 July 2016 47946038 Give Sisters of Battle an Update A thread where an anon challenged /tg/ to update SoB without going overboard or making them weak space marines. /tg/ obliged. Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew 2016-07-01 1 48009418 More SoB Updates and Discussion A continuation of a previous Sisters of Battle thread, which led to some good discussion and homebrew. Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew 2016-07-01 2 48049810 /tg/'s 7th Edition Sister of Battle PDF Update The latest (and probably final) thread of /tg/'s 7th edition update for sisters of battle Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew 2016-07-03 4 328780 WrestleQuest Season 2 Episode 1 You've been kept out of the ring for three months now, and you're itching to return. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-07-03 4 333329 Black Company Quest #10 The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. Give Lieutenant Prince battle over paperwork and people any day. Black Company Quest , Collective Game , Dark Fantasy , Cutie Paladin , Battle of Berwick Road 2016-07-05 26 338441 The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #9 We beat up Andy Bogard, make-out with Mai Shiranui off-screen and steal some new clothes as "G-Mantle Lady" runs amok in South Town. SNK , Collective Game , King of Fighters , KoF:R Quest , G-Mantle Lady 2016-07-06 7 338184 WrestleQuest Season 2 Part 2 You learn more about the other Make an Impact contestants, and record a video promo. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-07-07 5 352828 WrestleQuest Season 2 Part 3 You enjoy your last night before the competition begins. Quest , WrestleQuest , Wrestling , Collective Game, 2016-07-12 1 361728 Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 5 We get ready to defend the manor, get weapons, help Jesula make some golems, and learn about demons. Supernatural Butler Quest , YOB OP , demons , witches , exposition, 2016-07-14 2 48348811 /tg/'s 7th Edition Sister of Battle PDF Update More work being done on the /tg/ fandex for SoB 7th edition. Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew 2016-07-22 0 393041 Supernatural Butler Quest Chapter 6 The away team leaves to attack rose, we stay behind and defend against an attack from a really fat monster, and learn how to breath fire Supernatural Butler Quest , YOB OB , Demons, 2016-07-23 2 48444329 The Huge Marines/The Arms of Atlas /tg/ creates and discuss the Huge Marines,a marine chapter made completely of enhanced ogryns and whose tactics are HUGE! fluff , marine chapter , Huge Marines , The Arms of Atlas , St Gav , ogryn 2016-07-28 7 September 2016 557229 Hyuga Quest #1 The IJN Hyuga supports the Wake Island invasion, sinks the USS Louisville, and gets a small refit. Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-09-13 2 593689 Hyuga Quest #1 Hyuga scores three more kills at the opening of the invasion of the Dutch East Indies. We also decide technologies to request from Germany. Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-09-19 2 49425553 Sisters of Battle talk thread A thread that began with Sisters players nerding out and ended with more brainstorming for the /tg/ 7th edition fandex Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew 2016-09-23 2 49461055 /tg/'s 7th Edition Sister of Battle thread A thread discussing the /tg/ 7th Edition AdSor fandex Warhammer_40k Sororitas Sisters_of_Battle homebrew 2016-09-24 -3 625740 Hyuga Quest #3 The Indian Ocean raid Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-09-26 1 October 2016 711112 Hyuga Quest #4 Midway Part 1 Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-10-17 1 743106 Hyuga Quest #5 Midway Part 2 Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-10-24 2 November 2016 799309 Hyuga Quest #6 The Battle of Midway comes to a conclusion, being a draw. Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-11-07 2 806798 City of Souls Quest Part 1 You discovered your name is Tallia, were joined by the spirit of your deceased dog, and have successfully beheaded another ghoul. City of Souls , MostlyDead , Tallia , Quest 2016-11-12 1 822486 The Raiders - Part 1 A gish and her dragon enjoying some time between raids are interrupted by the possibility of capturing a princess of their very own.... Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2016-11-13 16 824663 Hyuga Quest #7 The First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-11-14 3 842771 Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest 1 Our (anti-)hero carefully considers his first steps into the world of killing and pillaging. warlord , low fantasy , durwin , outlaws , medieval 2016-11-19 5 851071 The Raiders - Part 2 Akko indulges herself, while Gero causes her trouble. But Akko needs one or two more people for her cadre to be complete.... Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-11-20 12 869633 The Raiders - Part 3 Akko consoles her friends post-possession, seeks out information, and meets a potential cadre member. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-11-26 10 876440 Hyuga Quest #8 The Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-11-27 2 December 2016 50512930 AtlantaAsia Anon run a 16-charatcer tournament of 1v1 battles in a completly borken system. Fun ensues. AtlantaAsia 2016-12-04 38 900733 The Raiders - Part 4 Aeuna agrees to the duel; Akko assesses two potential recruits Falna offers; and rest time occurs before the duel. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-12-04 9 50519158 AtlantaAsia pt 2 Second half of the epic tournament. AtlantaAsia , Broken system , cat-o-nine-tails 2016-12-04 27 902346 Hyuga Quest #9 The Second Naval Battle of Guadalcanal Part 2 Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2016-12-05 2 50572576 Sisters of Battle as Daemons of the Emperor /tg/ writes a new backstory for Living Saints and other warp-spawned manifestations of Imperial faith. An army of Imperial Daemons results. worldbuilding , daemons , sisters of battle , imperial cult , ecclesiarchy , chaos , warp, 2016-12-09 15 927752 The Raiders - Part 5 Yashi shows up at an inopportune time; spells are prepared; the duel is set to begin! Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-12-11 9 911985 Battle Harem Anime Character Quest A QM that really shouldn't be writing makes a quest where you're an anime character! Collective Game , Anime , SEP , Mechs , Flying Battleships , High School , Kiting 2016-12-11 3 951597 The Raiders - Part 6 Akko, Yzia, and Aeuna in the Garden of the Dead Gods... Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2016-12-18 6 972007 Marvel Quest: Rise of Robo-Hitler 1 We choose our hero, who did nothing wrong, to be resurrected once more within the Marvel Universe. Marvel , Marvel Quest , Mecha Hitler , Robo-Hitler , Plague 2016-12-25 4 January 2017 979396 Mistborn Quest: Cooler Heads Chapter 1 A bounty hunter named Frost goes to a town to kill a man. Mistborn , Mistborn Quest , Cooler Heads , Collective Game , Western , Whistler , Cosmere , Brandon Sanderson 2017-01-02 3 1000966 The Raiders - Part 7 How does one discipline a dragon? Preparation for the Raid. And what about your slaves? Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2017-01-02 6 1022255 The Raiders - Part 8 Akko faces off against unknown assailants. Gains new strange abilities. Calls in a LOT of favors. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2017-01-08 7 51179503 Consequences of realistic FTL. OP asks about the consequences of realistic FTL travels to /tg/ towards causality and time-dilution, 51181840 Anon nails it. Sci-fi , science-fiction , setting , settings , FTL , FTL travel , causality , time travel , time-dilution , time-dilutions 2017-01-13 6 1047880 The Raiders - Part 9 Akko comforts Kteine as only she could. Yzia offers a present. Resting should happen soon! Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut , lesbian 2017-01-15 6 1047081 Mistborn Quest: Cooler Heads Chapter 2 Part 1 A criminal named Lee attempts to go back to work. Mistborn , Mistborn Quest , Cooler Heads , Collective Game , Western , Whistler , Cosmere , Brandon Sanderson 2017-01-24 1 1095436 Psion Academy Quest It's the first day, and you almost get run over. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-01-30 17 February 2017 1127447 Psion Academy Quest 2 You get challenged to a duel. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-02-06 10 1148559 Avatar TLA Quest Character Creation Character creation that lasted for way too long. Prince Iroh is also apparently more valuable than a waifu. avatar , tla , the last airbender , collective game , fire nation , fire bender , original character 2017-02-13 8 1158822 The Raiders - Part 10 Akko hosts a party for her interesting and eventful party. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-02-13 6 1159592 Psion Academy Quest 2.5 It has been [0] days since you've been hospitalized. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-02-14 10 1178889 Hyuga Quest #10 - Crescendo The finale. A really really overdue finale. Hyuga Quest , Wargame , WW2 , Collective Game , Hyuga , Pacific , Pacific War , Battleship 2017-02-19 1 1179551 Psion Academy Quest 3 There was an attempt at fixing a barrier. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-02-20 12 1187646 The Raiders - Part 11 A draconic Akko plays games with Yzia; Rana gets what's coming to her in a couple of ways. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-02-21 6 March 2017 1233276 Psion Academy Quest 4 It turns out that idols are scarier than their fans. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-03-06 10 1216288 The King of Fighters Quest: Reborn #15 The MC plays some D&D while stuck in the hospital, we get our masked vigilante on and conclude with some women's pro-wrestling. SNK , Collective Game , King of Fighters , KoF:R Quest , Fortuna Mistral , G-Mantle , Ultima 2017-03-07 6 1259441 Psion Academy Quest 4.5 You are not a creep in a closet. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-03-12 7 1283972 Psion Academy Quest 5 Someone has a Japanese trash panda. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-03-20 6 April 2017 1324313 サイオン academy quest Giant space beetles have an April Fools surprise. psion academy quest , サイオン academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-04-02 5 1331965 The Raiders - Part 12 The Raiders returns after a too long hiatus with the spanking of an ifrit, an exploration of jewels and glass, and a lesson in teaching. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-04-03 6 1305652 Battle Network Quest thread 1 Where we meet MetMan, learn to fear him and learn to fear for him. Battle Network , RepairManMan , Collective Game 2017-04-03 5 1354848 The Raiders - Part 13 Jiyua gets her rewards, good and bad; Yashi and Rana help your pretty slave; Tzanzi makes her appearance. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-04-10 4 1352393 Psion Academy Quest 6 Things get a little rough. Just a little. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-04-11 6 1333768 Battle Network Quest thread 2 Where we get MetMan checked out, save a helpless navi and fail at fencing. Battle Network , RepairManMan , Collective Game 2017-04-11 3 1354105 WWW Waifu Wrestling Episode 1 Cute is justice, justice is power, can you reach the vaunted title of Best Girl? Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , 2017-04-13 6 1361014 Battle Network Quest thread 3 Where we save an old man from a mansion. Battle Network , RepairManMan , Collective Game 2017-04-21 1 1396870 The Raiders - Part 14 Tzanzi arrives as Akko and friends 'fix' her mindbroken slave...Siobhan seems terribly amused. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-04-24 4 52956802 Saint Dracula and the Romanian Reformation Vlad Tepes sells his soul for the power to drive off the Turkish invasion of Christendom and unintentionally starts a reformation. crusade , dracula , vlad tepes , vlad the impaler , reformation , theology , castlevania , faustian bargain, 2017-04-29 13 May 2017 1419099 The Raiders - Part 15 Akko faces off with Her Majesty's Inquisitor. Tzanzi - the real one - arrives. Biting. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-05-01 3 1433081 Psion Academy Quest 7 In which you shovel food into your mouth. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-05-08 7 1463823 The Raiders - Part 16 Falna gets what is coming to her; Kteine makes a decision; Tzanzi gets what she wants. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-05-15 3 1478898 Psion Academy Quest Omake Class 1A contemplates the idea of a maid cafe. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-05-21 6 1489673 The Raiders - Part 17 In the aftermath of Tzanzi's lusts, Akko researches a variety of things, and explores the possibilities before her. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-05-23 2 1503477 Psion Academy Quest 8 The police is called. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-05-29 5 1516054 The Raiders - Part 18 Akko achieves a new level of power, and makes some heavy decisions; preparations for the Raid truly begin. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-05-30 3 June 2017 1568752 The Raiders - Part 19 Draconic world Problems; The Master Smiths; The Conclave of Dunzamn. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-06-13 2 1583957 WWW Waifu Wrestling: Episode 2 part 1 In this episode our darling Bertha Von Screwletter takes a day off and learns she has beef with a punch of fake millitary wrestlers Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu , 2017-06-26 5 1615492 The Raiders - Part 20 The Conclave begins; meeting other Leaders; your Cadre assembles. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-06-26 1 1617969 The Raiders - Part 21: Three Princesses A Raiders Side Tale concering three princesses; in honor of 21 threads. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-06-27 1 July 2017 1617405 WWW episode 2 part 2 Three Woman get dominated by uniformed blonde Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu, 2017-07-03 3 1637636 The Raiders - Part 22 Last minute details; The Twins Blades; Dunzamn and Akko; making a place in the Lair. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-04 3 1632992 Psion Academy Quest 9 Reading the future, and then the past. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-07-05 5 1656187 The Raiders - Part 22 Redux Last minute details; The Twins Blades; Dunzamn and Akko; making a place in the Lair. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-10 5 1676559 The Raiders - Part 23 Akko's Cadre takes their place in the lair; planning for assault; making good on some lovely threats. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-17 2 1680336 Hotline Miami Quest Got a car, fought a crackhead and ended up homeless hotline miami , hotline , miami , quest , 2017-07-19 1 1700230 The Raiders - Part 24 Tzanzi's issues; the blade and the illusionist; setting up shop. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-24 2 1703809 The Raiders - Part 25 Yzia focuses on Auena; arranging for assistance; preparations and resting. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-25 2 1698533 Psion Academy Quest 10 Shhh! psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-07-26 6 1681447 Slayer Kaiju Attack [Testfire] Bootleg monster hunter in a skirmish format. Get your carves now!!!! fenster , collective game , skirmish , monster hunter , kaiju , slayer , attack , bootleg 2017-07-27 1 1726760 The Raiders - Part 26 Carnal dreams, charnel dreams....who knew how much difference two letters would make? Silver Swords to your acolytes! Battle plans. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-07-31 3 August 2017 1716509 RWBY: Gemini Quest #5 Whitaker discovers what's under Penny's skin, a plot to rob beacon, his acting abilities, and some monkey troubles. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-02 24 1753400 The Raiders - Part 27 The Ceremony....and then The Raid Commences! Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-08-08 3 1734328 RWBY: Gemini Quest #6 In which the cat is let out of the bag, Yang and Whitaker duke it out, Whitaker makes a pun and a plan to crash a club. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-09 24 1767163 RWBY: Gemini Quest #7 Solid Whitaker busts a club, arrests the crook, goes bowling and wakes up in a strange place. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-16 23 1797480 The Raiders - Part 28 The Raid begins in earnest; elves everywhere; the capture. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-08-22 3 1796801 Psion Academy Quest 11 Note to never walk into the Student Council Room again. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-08-24 5 1778726 RWBY: Gemini Quest #8 Team SPWB takes a day off to go to check out the beach. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-08-24 23 1816772 The Raiders - Part 29 Alliances achieved, slaves settled in, and companions pleased. Now the work begins. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-08-28 3 September 2017 1829728 Starborn Quest 35: The Sunset at Dawn Purps and Lexington have a minor disagreement. Then they arrive into a warzone. Starborn Dice. Starborn , Wagon , Miniboss , Purps , Hona , Luc , Lexington , Lex , Honamurei , Rebels , Battle , Imperials , Crits , Starborn , Star , Minerva , Tragedy 2017-09-04 2 1839519 The Raiders - Part 30 The elves try and figure out what hit them, as Akko and her cadre take their first steps into kidnapping a bunch of elven youth. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-09-04 6 1824490 RWBY: Gemini Quest #9 The Schnees take a break from the rest of the team, forgetting a constant of the universe: Whitaker Schnee does not get to take breaks. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-07 22 1857148 The Raiders - Part 31 The githyanki invasion of the Elven Home Tree continues; a discovery is made; Yashi's Dilemma. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-09-11 5 1863107 RWBY: Gemini Quest #10 Whitaker and Weiss do exercises and learn exactly how much damage you can do with a single Fire Dust crystal. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-20 22 1876380 Psion Academy Quest 12 A trip and a reunion. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-09-22 7 1901398 The Raiders - Part 32 The aftermath of Yzia's rage; deeper into the Home Tree; a true Challenge for Akko. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-09-25 5 1884279 RWBY: Gemini Quest #11 Jaune puts up a shockingly good fight and Whitaker calls home to mother. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-09-25 22 October 2017 1924897 The Raiders - Part 33 Negotiations with the elves; transportation issues; unpleasant truths. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-10-02 3 1917579 Starborn Quest 36: Paint It Red The aftermath of a tragedy sends Purps over the edge. Darna Must Die. Starborn , Wagon , Miniboss , Purps , Hona , Luc , Lexington , Lex , Honamurei , Rebels , Battle , Imperials , Crits , Starborn , Star , Minerva , Tragedy 2017-10-04 2 1947566 The Raiders - Part 34 Akko makes her decision; the slaves are put in their places; the aftermath of the first raid. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-10-09 3 1931327 RWBY: Gemini Quest #12 Whitaker and Blake share a lesson about the importance of family, and one of Whitaker's hidden enemies finally makes her move. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-10-12 20 1931565 WWW Waifu Wrestling: Episode 3 part 1 Blitzkrieg Betty is back after a long wait training her heart out Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu, 2017-10-13 3 1977038 The Raiders - Part 35 Akko returns to her cadre to deliver rewards above and beyond; the slaves are seen to; preparations are made for the next sortie. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-10-17 3 1974284 Starborn Quest 37: Enemy Unknown Mido continues to prove War is Hell. Starborn , Wagon , Miniboss , Purps , Hona , Luc , Lexington , Lex , Honamurei , Rebels , Battle , Imperials , Crits , Starborn , Star , Minerva , Tragedy 2017-10-20 3 2001716 The Raiders - Part 36 Akko deals with her cadre members first post battle euphoria; making more deals; Dunzamn calls. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-10-23 2 1972676 WWW World Waifu Wrestling Episode 3 p2 The march of MOE continues, will anyone stop the blitzkrieg of cute? (Please dont i got a job) Collective Game , WWW Quest , Waifus , Wrasslin , Wrestling , Quest , Mynameismimikyu, 2017-10-24 2 1987910 Quest Subjects II 13 strangers awake in a cave with strange objects and no memories of anything. Be the Little Girl Subject Quest , Quest Subject , Quest Subjects , Dork West , Fantasy , Scifi , Little Girl, 2017-10-27 2 2017910 German Vampire Quest 1 Your name is Oz Van Werinsten. The second oldest vampire to ever exist, hemomancer, father and lord of the night. You've had guests. Star , Castle , Wagon , Germany , Vampire , Nosferatu , Oz , Ozymandis , Von Werinsten , Mia , Jack , Monsters , Homunculi , Eva , Dwarf , Hunter , Elf 2017-10-30 4 November 2017 2045553 The Raiders - Part 37 Akko meets with Dunzamn; Tzanzi renders her decision; the issue with Falna. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-11-06 3 2069521 The Raiders - Part 38 The plans are made and revealed; the reactions to them; and a fateful meeting. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-11-14 3 2053227 RWBY: Gemini Quest #14 Whitaker and Blake have a few choice words with Ms. Goodwitch, and Ruby asks a friend for help. Gemini Quest , Collective Game , BrotherQM , RWBY , Remnant , Little Snowman 2017-11-15 20 2099171 Psion Academy Quest 13 Finally, a doubles match! Wait, what? psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2017-11-27 5 2091519 The Land Abandoned By God CH. 0 Mysterious survivor ambushed by cultist in the dead of the night, monsters who shuns the light awaits their feast. Thus begin our story.... Collective Game , TLABG , quest 2017-11-28 1 2108533 The Raiders - Part 39 With Falna dead, her mate's fate lies in Akko's hands; the Elan's Offer; dragons. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2017-11-28 5 December 2017 2109048 German Vampire Quest 2 Everyone gears up for a roadtrip. We jump into the eyes of our maid Eva for a while! Star , Castle , Wagon , Germany , Vampire , Nosferatu , Oz , Ozymandis , Von Werinsten , Mia , Jack , Monsters , Homunculi , Eva , Dwarf , Hunter , Elf 2017-12-02 1 57118226 Skeleton civ Discussion about technologically advanced skeletons(also, puns, but what else did you expect) funny , spooky , undead , differently alive , fluff , ideas , world building , setting 2017-12-27 3 January 2018 2197002 Psion Academy Quest 14 Coercion happens. A lot of coercion. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2018-01-06 5 57282638 PTU storytime pokemon tabletop united GM shares a short game they ran. Follow the story of two sisters venturing out into the world to become Pokémon trainers. Pokémon , pokemon , Ruth , PTU , storytime , chikorita , scyther , Kate , Bree , Fey , Gloria , rules , S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , forest , battle , survival , map 2018-01-07 3 2211502 The Raiders - Part 40 Akko indulges herself and Yzia like; a serious question is asked; recruiting the new warrior. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-01-08 3 2234497 Psion Academy Quest Omake It's the beach episode. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2018-01-17 5 2251089 The Raiders - Part 41 Collecting a new warrior for your cadre; causing a little more trouble; decisions on how to deal with a githzerai killing machine. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-01-22 2 2258050 Psion Academy Quest 15 Like a star. psion academy quest , anime , drawquest , battle academy 2018-01-28 5 2269429 The Raiders - Part 42 Akko bullies and elf; recruiting another cadre member; knightmares. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-01-30 2 February 2018 2284844 The Raiders - Part 43 Rescuing fair maidens; actually resting; playing mind-games with dangerous creatures. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-02-05 2 57923689 /tg/ makes a homebrew SoB Order /tg/ generates a new Sister of Battle Order using the 1d4chan Order Creation rules, coming up with a Spartan order sisters of battle warhammer 40k 40,000 homebrew 2018-02-13 5 2306776 The Raiders - Part 44 Welcoming Lywedra to the Cadre; scaring the neighbors; the Elan problem. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-02-13 5 2346293 The Raiders - Part 45 The new cadre member; dealing with the elan; a strange decision. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-02-27 2 March 2018 2361829 The Raiders - Part 46 Akko explores a life that never was in trade for healing Tzanzi; a strange dragon is dealt with. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-03-05 3 58048279 settler problems What Awful Things can befall a new settlement (and more!) Ideas , Settlement 2018-03-05 5 2422399 The Raiders - Part 47 The Temporral Dragon Soliqui shows her hand; Tzanzi is healed by the elan; Akko make a point.... Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-03-27 5 April 2018 2444474 The Raiders - Part 48 Akko decides on an investigation into the githzerai monk in the astral plane, and discovers a veritable nest of trouble. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-04-03 5 2452247 Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal Warlord With presents delivered, other things recieve valuable attention: family, warriors, guardian spirits, and pregnant loli-dragons. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-04-06 6 58889492 creatively negligent precursors Worldbuilding about precursor civilizations leads to hilarity and the realization that Zeus is That Guy. worldbuilding , precursors , sufficiently advanced , setting , Autism on a Kardashev Scale , goddammit zeus , REEEEEEEE PAPERCLIPS , REMOVE QU, 2018-04-07 5 2482401 The Raiders - Part 49 Akko and Tzanzi take on the githzerai monk who guards the human princess; a secret is revealed. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-04-17 5 May 2018 2520598 The Raiders - Part 50 Akko's death proves a chance to meet with Siobhan on her terms; rising from death Akko lays waste to her enemies. Collective Game , The Raiders , githyanki , intelligent weapons , lesbian , blood , battle , dragon , sexy sword , princess , smut 2018-05-01 4 June 2018 2625081 Grid-Locked Skirmish [p1] Starts as a simple request which quickly spirals out of hand. Too many rats at this birthday bash. collective game , fenster , grid-lock , grid-locked skirmish , skirmish , vermintide , warhammer , fantasy battles , fantasy 2018-06-21 1 2673580 Avatar: The Firebender Quest #2 Learned Airbending, went on an...outing? with Azula & co. Talked to Roku. Firebender Quest , SifuHotman , Avatar , Last Airbender , AtLA 2018-06-29 5 July 2018 2666944 Grid-Locked Skirmish [p2] A missing persons case, a whole lot of blunders, and a town growing once more. collective game , fenster , grid-lock , grid-locked skirmish , skirmish , fantasy battles , fantasy 2018-07-04 1 2717546 Avatar: The Firebender Quest #3 Went to a party with a date, set out on the mission to the South Pole Firebender Quest , SifuHotman , Avatar , Last Airbender , AtLA 2018-07-14 3 August 2018 61535005 Swords of Avalon Starting with a "Lets make a mecha setting" prompt, /tg/ goes Arthurian in space. Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian 2018-08-22 10 61597280 Swords of Avalon 2 Continued work on a Mecha Knight setting Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian , Dragons 2018-08-28 5 September 2018 61680425 Swords of Avalon 3 More building of a mecha focused TG homebrew setting Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian , Dragons 2018-09-05 2 2846667 World Waifu Wrestling Stable Quest Time to put Battle to Bakas, as Vlad Dimmadone Shekelstein can you make your small town wanna be waifu wrestling show the Next Big Thing? collective game , waifu , wrestling , www , ironheart is best girl, 2018-09-05 2 61802014 Swords of Avalon 4 Continued discussion of a TG homebrew setting, now with space norse setting Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian , Dragons 2018-09-10 2 61906865 Swords of Avalon 5 Continued work on tg homebrew mecha setting Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian , Dragons 2018-09-14 2 2866121 World Waifu Wrestling Stable Quest Your wrestling legacy continues as Iggy goes to the hospital and Ironheart goes to jail collective game , waifu , wrestling , www , ironheart is best girl, 2018-09-15 0 2899909 World Waifu Wrestling Stable Quest 3 You have your first paperview as a indie weeb wrestling show. collective game , waifu , wrestling , www , ironheart is best girl, 2018-09-27 1 October 2018 2915743 Dragonball Quest #176 Som is a hack who can't hold a job or write. Battletoads , Collective Game , Quest , Dragonball , Dragon , Ball , Z , DBZ , Somnius , Dralo , Titans , TT , Teen Titans , Master of Games , MoG 2018-10-05 1 62177905 Swords of Avalon 8 Continued work on a homebrew Mecha Knight setting. Lore deepens with many new characters Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian , Dragons 2018-10-08 3 62336286 Swords of Avalon #10 Continued work on SoA Lombard-RT War Edition Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian , Dragons 2018-10-09 1 62262342 Swords of Avalon #9 ByZant Edition Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian , Dragons. ByZant 2018-10-10 0 62423910 Swords of Avalon #12 More work/details on the setting continues Mecha , Knightly , Good Guy Megacorps , Setting , Arthurian , Dragons 2018-10-15 0 December 2018 3119583 Sokka Quest I In an AU where Sozin's comet doesn't exist, Sokka travels to Ba Sing Se, meets some girls, and fights the power. Sokka Quest , ATLA , Blood , Politics , Boomerangs 2018-12-23 10 January 2019 63632103 Lizard-verse Creating a world where only reptilian beings exist to reach civilization. Collective Game , Worldbuilding , Homebrew , brainstorming , ideas , Lizard , Turtle 2019-01-03 4 3129832 Sokka Quest II After a fight with the pirates Sokka returns to the South Pole, and the QM dissapears. Sokka Quest , ATLA , Blood , Politics , Boomerangs. 2019-01-07 5 3160764 Settler QST - Chapter 1 Julius Arcada rules over this new settled land for its first decade - sons, a passing wife, agriculture, immigrants, diplomacy, murder. ComfyQM , Civ , Tribe , Settlers , Turns 2019-01-11 13 February 2019 3217361 Attitude Era Quest A young rookie embarks on his journey to become a professional wrestler at the beginnings of wrestling’s most successful period in history. Collective Game , Attitude Era , Wrestling 2019-02-09 3 March 2019 65000958 impossibly huge setting map ideas op presents an idea about having a whole adventure inside of a castle setting , castle , theme park , map 2019-03-08 2 3355870 I Fell in Love with the Hero Party's Wizard - Chapter 1 Ulysses, the demon king's guard dog of his castle's gates, is lovestruck by the hero party's wizardess. "Questionably-Long-Title"QM , Collective Game , Fantasy , Magic , Romance , Comedy , Demon Knight , Wizard , Ulysses 2019-03-23 2 April 2019 3406624 Levy Quest The story of a humble peasant levy begins Medieval , Battle , Levy Quest 2019-04-16 7 3438306 Levy Quest #2 The levy becomes a slave. Medieval , Battle , Levy Quest 2019-04-28 3 May 2019 65977935 Predator Marines Part 2 A continuation of the first Predator Marines thread fleshing out the glorious clusterfuck of a sector they're based in. Chapter Creation , Space Marines , Predator Marines , Iron Hands , Sisters of Battle , Imperial Guard , Inquisition , 40k , Writefaggotry 2019-05-01 12 3466746 Levy Quest #3 The slave becomes a gladiator, the gladiator becomes a farmer again Medieval , Battle , Levy Quest 2019-05-03 5 65998356 Predator Marines part 3 ITT, we finally get around to rolling the ork klan. Also, cyborg Xenomorph combat servitors and Jew Necrons. Chapter Creation , Space Marines , Predator Marines , Iron Hands , Sisters of Battle , Imperial Guard , Inquisition , 40k , Writefaggotry 2019-05-03 10 3477988 The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #2 More Irish hero and his party! Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Kami Turtle 2019-05-08 5 66035693 Predator Marines part 4 We continue working on the Venaro sector, Jewish dark mechanicus, and move towards Genestealers. Chapter Creation , Space Marines , Predator Marines , Iron Hands , Sisters of Battle , Imperial Guard , Inquisition , 40k , Writefaggotry 2019-05-09 5 3517120 Continental Rebellion I Elijah Crawford leads Bravuria into rebellion and aids in the siege of Ardadike Civ , Revolution , War , Continental Rebellion , Ostrich , Bravuria , New Colonies , Battle maps 2019-05-23 8 3503053 The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #3 I Ain't afraid of no ghosts. Isekai , Rising of the Shield Hero , Collective Game , Kami Turtle,Flathri 2019-05-29 3 June 2019 3536994 Continental Rebellion II Elijah takes the reformed Bravurian army north and wins the first battle of the Nascent-Territory-campaign single-handedly Civ , Revolution , War , Continental Rebellion , Ostrich , Bravuria , New Colonies , Battle maps 2019-06-04 5 3557689 Continental Rebellion II The campaign in the Nascent Territories goes very well until it doesn't. Civ , Revolution , War , Continental Rebellion , Ostrich , Bravuria , New Colonies , Battle maps 2019-06-12 2 July 2019 3636731 The Elements - a nrp game A NatRP based on elemental bending and the civilizations that might result. Fish, Bats, and Ashen Horrors abound. Batteries not included. Sky , NatRP , NRP , Avatar , TLA , Bending 2019-07-21 2 3684790 Child of a Dead Empire: Prologue The Valkans are on the rampage, and our captain has to survive and stop them. But not everything is as it seems... Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2019-07-30 20 67515173 /tg/ Keep A RP thread about /tg/ being in a fortress meanwhile , castle , keep , /tg/ 2019-07-31 3 August 2019 67603168 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 3 The Saga continues, Imperials have finally claimed Groxbridge, but then Tau invade, and other old foes haven't given up yet, also maps 40k , writefaggotry , IG , Tau , Chaos , Necrons , Orks , Space Marines , Navy , Admech , Sisters of Battle 2019-08-07 8 3751302 Slime Quest (p2) The second installment of the series, long awaited and too small to be satisfying. slime quest , fenster , draw quest , ser fuzzylad , faerie , slime , sword , bottle , hammer 2019-08-29 1 67952063 The Battle For Arazonia Secundus The Americus 10th Mechanized scour the desert of foul xenos. Featuring; Ork Cowboys, Eldar Tavern Wenches, Tempestus Scions, Stoner Tank 40k , writefaggotry , IG , Orks,Tau , Necrons , Eldar , Sisters of Battle , Daemonette , Krieg 2019-08-29 3 September 2019 68123185 Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment Part 2 Short lived second part to the Adventures of the 74465th Valhallan Infantry Regiment 40k , writefaggotry , IG , Tau , Dark Eldar , Sisters of Battle 2019-09-02 2 68162646 Nechronica thread with storytimes Two nechronica storytimes get going, weapons are stats are created, parts are discussed, and more. 1880's England. nechronica , storytime , story time , parts , guns , doll , system , england , british , japanese , america , portugal , atlantic , centipede 2019-09-08 5 68113304 The battle of Damnatum Lutum, part 4 With winter rolling in and the Tau having settled down, the anons of the thread worldbuild with some giant battles on the side 40k , writefaggotry , world building , IG , Eldar , Tau , Rogue Trader , Chaos , Orks , Imperial Fists , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition 2019-09-10 6 October 2019 3839015 DC: Henchman Quest #1 We enter the employ of a ghost, walk like an Egyptian, make some interesting friends, and set up a meeting with a mysterious contact DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2019-10-11 34 68704690 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 5 In the thick of winter, the Imperials try to advance into Tau territory but old and new enemies appear to complicate their plans. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition , Grot 2019-10-12 6 3861311 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Arthur has a horrible morning in which he is forced to flee from his home before finding that he's the target of a shady supernatural group WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2019-10-23 13 3865692 DC: Henchman Quest #2 We make some friends, pull a museum job, meet a Bat, and learn some new tricks DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2019-10-28 28 November 2019 3877022 Panzer Commander Quest #54 Richter arrives back to his comrades. There have been several developments to say the least. Panzer Commander , Collective Game , War , Armor , there were battles but you don't get to have been a part of them faggot haha 2019-11-05 1 3885926 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 2 Arthur spends a night in a bunker and has a rather unsatisfactory breakfast before going to assault the alchemist's headquarters. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2019-11-11 3 69181640 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 6 As winter ends, deep fog engulfs the region, and all sorts of spooky enemies appear 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Chaos , Space Marines , Navy , Sisters of Battle , Eldar , Dark Eldar , Inquisition , Genestealers 2019-11-11 5 3896633 DC: Henchman Quest #3 We raid a convoy, take a dive, meet a spectre, learn Jack's endgame, and investigate a murder. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2019-11-17 26 3900176 Slime Quest (pt3) Some time has passed, allowing for new arrivals, fateful encounters, and... a new perspective? slime quest , fenster , draw quest , ser fuzzylad , faerie , slime , sword , bottle , hammer , blunder , goblin , kobold , combat , skeleton , robes 2019-11-23 0 3917143 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 3 Arthur explores the Alchemist's Mansion, finds out some information on the alchemists and fights plants. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2019-11-28 1 December 2019 3937258 Slime Quest (pt4) Runecraft is performed before going on hiatus. slime quest , fenster , draw quest , ser fuzzylad , faerie , slime , sword , bottle , hammer , blunder , goblin , kobold , combat , skeleton , robes, 2019-12-01 0 3932255 DC: Henchman Quest #4 We infiltrate a secret society, have a boss fight, encounter a Bat, and get hammered. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2019-12-08 22 69925790 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7 First part of the final chapter in the DL series. Nids show up and are fought with a mix of nukes, volcanos, guns, and good ol' melee comba 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tyranids , Chaos , Space Marines , Navy , Sisters of Battle , Eldar , Dark Eldar , Inquisition , Orks , Tau 2019-12-22 3 3966350 DC: Henchman Quest #5 We do a fair bit of training, receive an ominous letter, join Bane's militia, and protect an arms shipment. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2019-12-31 22 January 2020 70060601 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5 Part 2 of the final thread. As another nuclear explosion goes off in the distance, our remaining heroes continue to fight the Tyranid horde. 40k , writefaggotry , IG , Tyranids , Tau , Chaos , Inquisition , Orks , Space Marines , Navy , Sisters of Battle , Eldar , Dark Eldar 2020-01-03 4 70248496 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5.5 Part 3 of the final thread, the forces of Chaos return in force while our heroes struggle to survive across the map. 40k , writefaggotry , IG , Tau , Chaos , Space Marines , Navy , Sisters of Battle , Eldar , Dark Eldar , Tyranids , Inquisition 2020-01-05 2 3989829 Battletech AU Quest: Chapter 1 Graduate inherits shitloads of Stompy Mechs Battletech Quest , AU 2020-01-10 0 3998715 The Holy Writ - Settlers Civ Kutcher is founded, infrastructure is set in place, and Jonas' people begin exploring the political tensions of their neighbours. comfyqm , civ , settlers , cult , pilgrims , frontier , medieval 2020-01-11 5 3976551 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 5 QM is a retard and forgot to archive Thread IV WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-01-11 2 3997280 DC: Henchman Quest #6 We fuck up our daily training regime, join Genghis for a tournament in The Pit, and after some long fights, win koolaid. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2020-01-12 22 4023578 The Holy Writ - Settlers Civ 2 Kutcher fights off the militia from Ashton, makes trades with Medris and Tessin, and continues to grow. comfyqm , civ , settlers , cult , pilgrims , frontier , medieval 2020-01-21 3 70300545 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.6 Part 4 of the final thread. The story comes to an end with an epic titan fight. Epilogue in another thread. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition , Tyranids 2020-01-22 4 4014473 Castlevania Elegy of Inheritance: Part 6 Arthur puts an end to the scheme of the Director before finding out what he truly is. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-01-26 1 70585421 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Epilogue Posters discuss the fates of their characters, their favorite parts of the seven month saga, and next steps. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition 2020-01-27 6 February 2020 4040749 DC: Henchman Quest #7 We handle some business for Blockbuster, meet with Bane, and begin our assault on the Iceberg Lounge. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2020-02-10 22 4048464 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 7 Arthur has a very strange meeting with a girl during a dream. Then has a rather stressful reunion. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-02-14 2 March 2020 4083462 DC: Henchman Quest #9 We smoke a few costumed freaks, finish the Iceberg Lounge op, make a covert handoff, and prep for our next expedition. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2020-03-10 21 4086443 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 8 Arthur finally looks to put an end to his vampire troubles WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-03-12 2 71372884 Freaks races in RPGs, yes or no ? A discussion about freak races evolving into an amazing translation of an artists worldbuilding. Freaks , freak , races , art , rust world , uhia , utlh , translation , frog , french 2020-03-12 4 4133692 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 9 Arthur has to deal with a sudden outbreak of giant molluscs and betrayal. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance 2020-03-31 0 April 2020 4132921 DC: Henchman Quest #9.5 We go sightseeing in Ercolano, an Intergang digsite, and an ancient library. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2020-04-02 22 4165989 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 10 Arthur finally gets to relax a little. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires 2020-04-18 0 May 2020 4200730 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance Part 11 Arthur continues his relaxation on the ship. Movies are watched. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires 2020-05-08 1 72876790 MACHO PRIMARCH Figuring out which wrestlers would be which primarchs, with famous promos 40k'd. 40k_parody wrestling primarchs macho_man 2020-05-30 10 4242422 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 12 Everything quickly goes horribly wrong. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Alucard 2020-05-30 3 June 2020 4277661 No Retreat, Last Defender!: Justice Arrives! TLD fight giant bugs, an edgelord, and demons. He also steals a pirate ship with some help from his new friends. TLD , The Last Defender , Isekai , Action , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Parody 2020-06-08 7 4278474 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 13: Arthur goes to the circus and then visits a church. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Circus , Demons 2020-06-18 2 4302797 No Retreat, Last Defender!: Down the Rabbit Hole! TLD takes on elemental martial artists, goes even further beyond, and travels to a swamp filled with frog-men slavers. TLD , The Last Defender , Isekai , Action , Fantasy , Sci-fi , Parody 2020-06-28 3 July 2020 4303969 ATLA Quest #0 The Prologue of Lien as we setup her journey. Collective Game , Avatar , AU , Female Protagonist , Collective Game , Avatar , The Last Airbender , TLA , Avatar TLA Quest , Earthbending 2020-07-06 0 4316752 Sworn to Valour Quest #24 His Word Speaks Only Truth. The investigation leads to a bloody raid in the worst slums of Port Bounty. Next up, the Duke's Ball. Sworn to Valour , Collective Game , Knight , Fantasy , Paladin , Medieval , Noble Steed , Forgotten QM , Battle in the Streets 2020-07-06 23 4310544 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 14 Arthur explores a demon infested city. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-07-12 3 73737103 The Sister and the Commissar Anons come up with some silly interactions between Sisters of Battle and other characters and OP sketches up some of them 40k , writefaggotry , Sisters of Battle , Commissar , Admech , Tau , Chaos , Space Marines , Orks 2020-07-16 11 73774964 Silly Thread (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 2) Continuation of the previous thread, a group of Sisters continue to post snarky comments at each other on an anonymous image board. 40k , writefaggotry , Sisters of Battle , Admech , Chaos , Space Marines , Blood Ravens , IG , Krieg 2020-07-16 2 73781135 Silly Thread 2 (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 3) In case you didn't get enough snark in the last two threads, the Sisters return for more name calling and bizarre updates 40k , writefaggotry , Sisters of Battle , Chaos , Space Marines , Blood Ravens , IG 2020-07-18 2 4318301 Zuko Quest #1 You're young Prince Zuko. At the age of fifteen you're Captain of the 41st Division and heir of Fire Lord Ozai. Collective Game , Zuko , ATLA , MenaceMantis , Avatar , alternate 2020-07-20 6 August 2020 4353266 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 15 Everything goes horribly wrong... again. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-08-10 1 4386142 Decree Passive: A 40k Quest Sister Martha is born. Imperial strike forces begin to assault void shield emitters on a traitor world; Martha leads a small command. 40k , Sister of Battle , Decree Passive 2020-08-25 3 September 2020 4397757 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 16 Arthur grows more powerful while he is trapped within his dreams. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-09-02 1 4399462 STAR WARS - Interregnum #2.2 The Battle of Nest's End. The origins of the Herald are revealed, as is its connection to Bos; and the rescue of Master Kosa begins... Collective Game , Star Wars Interregnum , Star Wars , Kaz , Space Vietnam , Giant Kaiju Battles 2020-09-05 21 October 2020 4432627 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 17 Arthur finally awakens. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-10-02 2 4487084 Archimedean Submersible Quest : I In which a naval Officer on half-Pay plays Cards, dines with Alchymists, navigates a Rivalry, and is given a most peculiar Opportunity. Archimedean , Submersible , Submarine , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Infodumps 2020-10-19 8 4477151 Castlevania - Elegy of Inheritance: Part 18 Arthur and the gang take a train before getting rudely interrupted by a powerful being. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Castlevania , Elegy of Inheritance , Vampires , Demons , Dark Lords 2020-10-29 3 December 2020 4520564 Child of a Dead Empire #19 Tiiris has a tearful reunion (Offscreen: Bentus has a mental breakdown). Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2020-12-07 6 January 2021 4567363 Child of a Dead Empire #20 Tiiris discusses plans for the future and has some meetings. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-01-12 6 February 2021 4612535 Child of a Dead Empire #21 Tiiris goes on a Road Trip Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-02-16 6 April 2021 4679040 Child of a Dead Empire #22 Tiiris meets some potentially hallucinatory critters. Child of a Dead Empire , COADE , Space , Scifi , Navy , Space Battle 2021-04-04 6 4735940 Fate/Paradox Reincarnator: Part 26 The Battles Begin. A new fairy is born. WhatIsAQM , Collective Game , Urban Fantasy , Fate , Fate/Paradox Reincarnator , Paradox Reincarnator , Fate Quest , Isekai , Type-Moon , Battle 2021-04-13 10 May 2021 4772746 MEGA BUG BATTLES A group of anons get together to create their own insect fighters, and duke it out in a tournament to find out who's the best Bug battler. Collective Game , Bugs , Pvp , Battle , tournament 2021-05-11 3 August 2021 4919200 Borderlands Civ Quest: Pre-Quest Admiral Mikey awakes with the smarts and heads to Pandora to slap General Noxx. QM's job interferes with updates and thread dies early Admiral Mikey , ATLAS , Borderlands , Collective Game 2021-08-28 1 October 2021 5011759 Dynastic Ruler Quest 10: A War to Remember With the siege of the fortress housing the Dark Lord, the battle for humanity and dwarvenkind is at hand. Collective Game , Ruler QM , Fantasy , Dwarves , High King , Daedric , Dark Lord , Ritual , Epic Battle 2021-10-16 2 December 2021 5069403 Broken Empire Quest Fergus Proenza, an impulsive, rash and skilled commoner in the 32nd century dominated by nobility, tries to prove his worth. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2021-12-16 15 5070512 DC: Henchman Quest #10 We kill some phantoms, claim a mystic scroll and begin the adventures of Jonah Thema, Supernatural P.I. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2021-12-18 24 January 2022 5090023 HUSBANDO TOURNAMENT 2021 The great Husbando Tournament of Quest is hosted at Gongolla Gaol. Sixteen men enter... only one shall be crowned the winner! Indonesian Gentleman , tournament , event , /qst/ , Battle Royale , Drawquest , Gongolla Gaol 2022-01-21 10 5088777 The Little Dungeon That Could #1 A little Dungeon is born in the cellar of an abandoned orphanage. A minion is spawned and immediately disappoints. The Little Dungeon That Could , Dungeon , Dungeon Keeper , D&D 2022-01-26 23 5117686 Battlecruiser Captain Quest Players design and captain a WW2-era Battlecruiser in a fictional setting on a surface raiding mission. Battlecruiser Captain Quest , Collective Game , WW2 , Ships 2022-01-31 12 February 2022 5090290 Broken Empire 2 Fergus Proenza moves up the social ladder and engages in some proper warfare, he also nearly dies. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-02-01 8 5116237 DC: Henchman Quest #11 We handle the S.T.A.R. Labs heist, begin our search for the Ace of Winchesters, and make some ambitious choices. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2022-02-18 21 5115656 The Little Dungeon That Could #2 The first proper invaders arrive and are very intrusive. The Little Dungeon That Could , Dungeon , Dungeon Keeper , D&D , Base Building 2022-02-18 17 March 2022 5147449 Broken Empire 3 Fergus Proenza fights against the Raisat Star League. Meets an interesting "person" and starts to hunt audacious pirates. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-03-19 5 April 2022 5174317 The Little Dungeon That Could #3 It's a large, wondrous world out there. How horrible. Won't somebody think of the goblins? The Little Dungeon That Could , Dungeon , Dungeon Keeper , D&D , Base Building , Romcom 2022-04-05 16 5170625 DC: Henchman Quest #12 We strike numerous enemy targets, bite off more than we can chew, and suffer the consequences. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2022-04-09 21 May 2022 5199923 Broken Empire 4 The hunt for the pirates continues. New friends are found, and new debilitating injuries are received. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles 2022-05-01 5 5219726 The Little Dungeon That Could #4 Brands, beatings, and building. The Little Dungeon That Could , Dungeon , Dungeon Keeper , D&D , Base Building 2022-05-13 13 5228803 DC: Henchman Quest #13 We launch our raid on the embassy, make a startling discovery, flee into familiar territory, and prepare for a siege. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2022-05-29 22 June 2022 5250953 Broken Empire 5 The piracy campaign is concluded. The final battle is waged and losses are suffered. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles , NewbQM 2022-06-13 3 5270371 The Little Dungeon That Could #5 We expand the brand collection, explore the city, defeat invaders, and acquire an angel. The Little Dungeon That Could , Dungeon , Dungeon Keeper , D&D , Base Building 2022-06-22 12 5282682 Lordtech Sketchy young adult inherits a few mechs but loads of other things. Based on the Battletech Cyoa. Collective Game , Battletech , Lordtech , Mech , ASF 2022-06-30 1 July 2022 5290058 DC: Henchman Quest #14 We survive our jaunt into the desert, pick up a new hobby, get sent on a new mission, and the QM flies too close to the sun. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2022-07-07 22 5303476 Broken Empire 6 The final battle is over and the aftermath has begun but it`s all cut short by NewbQM going on hiatus because of a work trip. Broken Empire Quest , Broken Empire , Scifi , Sci-fi , sci fi , space battle , space battles , NewbQM 2022-07-16 4 5340783 The USURPER PRELUDE - Eftsoones com'st thou, with ill impartations yburdened, by secret sorrow distrained. Experiment with Shakespearean English collective game , quest , horror , magic , Shakespeare , castle , Aztec , occult , medieval , fantasy , dungeon 2022-07-17 1 5312855 The Little Dungeon That Could #6 We buy a trap room, corrupt an Angel and plan to infiltrate the Delvers. Then the QM kills himself trying to change the combat mechanics. The Little Dungeon That Could , Dungeon , Dungeon Keeper , D&D , Base Building 2022-07-28 6 5324019 WishEnder Quest Player arrives home to a much more advanced city, and is drafted into a city-wide fighting league. Didn't get to go anywhere due to issues. Unfinished , Mech , Mecha , Battle Royale , these are just ideas that came up in the quest dont get excited 2022-07-29 0 5324733 The Little Dungeon: Rise of Arthur Valra Wherein the new mechanics teased at the end of Thread #6 are put into practice, and the QM is eaten by giant spiders. The Little Dungeon That Could , Spin-Off , Oneshot 2022-07-29 4 5315699 Lordtech Part 2: Still in Prologue On buying and selling on the Station in the asteroid belt. Collective Game , Battletech , Lordtech , Mech , ASF , Quest 2022-07-29 0 August 2022 5330698 DC: Henchman Quest #15 We break free of our shackles, return for a rumble in the jungle, and launch the final takeover. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2022-08-08 23 September 2022 85845122 >would you like to upgrade your roll to a Nat20â„¢ for $1.99? /tg/ pontificates on the games-as-services hellscape that WotC plans to implement in the near future. dndone , 6E , WotC , corporate bootlickers , dndrones 2022-09-02 3 5369036 DC: Henchman Quest #16 We conclude our overseas operation, lay the foundations for something greater, and embark on a well-deserved vacation. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2022-09-21 22 November 2022 5404015 Settler Lord Quest Dietrich Von Adlershorst is named the count of the frontier by his granduncle Albrecht, and must manage his lands to thrive Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management 2022-11-06 10 5411064 DC: Henchman Quest #17 We see the sights, broaden our horizons, cause some trouble, and go grave-robbing (again). DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2022-11-07 22 5446967 Maiden's Cart Quest Once upon a time, there was a young man of pure heart named Wilhelm, and a beautiful young maiden named Mirabel. Collective Game , Lego Quest , Castle 2022-11-15 2 December 2022 5457786 DC: Henchman Quest #18 We continue our whirlwind tour of Europe, get into even more fights, make a bittersweet farewell, and set out on a hiking trip. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2022-12-23 22 5492739 Maiden's Cart Quest, part two Wilhelm of Helmbarte and his friends confront the dragon, in the conclusion of Maiden's Cart Quest! Collective Game , Lego Quest , Castle 2022-12-23 1 February 2023 5510993 Settler lord quest 2 In which we find a crown,hunt, found a city, hold a tournament and explore a tower. Settler Lord Quest,Collective game,Politics,Medieval,Management, 2023-02-06 5 5518581 DC: Henchman Quest #19 We successfully summit Mount Olympus, make an interesting discovery, and become an unwilling participant on Set’s wild ride. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2023-02-13 21 March 2023 5567769 FIRSTLIGHT Quesst #1 In which we make a base, fix it up, hire some dudes, and QM flakes. FawkesQM , FIRSTLIGHT , VTM , Vampire , Collective Game 2023-03-03 1 5561322 Local Lord Quest VII Our local lord travels to meet his liege, fights strange Lombards, gets quite drunk, is jailed, and then must explain himself while hungover Local Lord , Medieval , Mudcore , Fantasy , Intrigue , Battle , Nearly Naked Guelphs 2023-03-11 11 5559320 Settler Lord Quest 3 In which, we meet an elf, read a book, marry, start a family and begin the rebellion Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management 2023-03-11 6 5576391 Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest Volume 9 An Antipaladin finally faces the knight who killed his mother... But discovers there is more than meets the eye to this foe, and this city. ReptoidQM , Dragonborn Antipaladin Quest , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , gore , vore , demons , more , princess , romance , surprisingly little rape 2023-03-19 7 5569223 DC: Henchman Quest #20 We resolve a standoff, commit another instance of verbal assault, go fishing, and begin the last leg of our vacation. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2023-03-19 21 5580037 Avatar Quest: Book One Sand #1 Avatar Korra has passed, and a new Avatar is Born Collective Game , Avatar , TLAB , Korra 2023-03-30 12 April 2023 88282893 How do you deal with Ice Planet, /tg/?" /tg/ discusses the state of the Lego wargame, moans about Ice Planet being op, dies of nostalgia overload Lego , worldbuilding , Sci-Fi , fictional wargame , pure imagination , transparent orange chainsaw , space , castle , awesome , childhood , nostalgia 2023-04-07 7 88336125 A Necrologue for Klaus Tauber In this thread, /tg/ mourns a man inseparably tied to its memes, and the boardgames boom of the nineties. Do you Catan? boardgames , sticky , Catan , Settlers of Catan 2023-04-11 2 May 2023 5611421 DC: Henchman Quest #21 We visit a hole in the middle of nowhere, get spiritual in more ways than one, and enter the final spot on our vacation. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2023-05-04 21 5617116 Avatar Quest: Book One Sand #2 Be Avatar. Do crimes Collective Game , Avatar , TLAB , Korra 2023-05-07 7 5654217 Archimedean Quest: II In which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Gallivanting with our Tits out 2023-05-21 10 July 2023 5665694 Settler lord Quest 4 The rebellion is finished, and now the newly independent duke looks toward the future Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management 2023-07-05 3 5666638 DC: Henchman Quest #22 We smash up some criminal operations, make a few new friends at gunpoint, and brace ourselves for a showdown. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2023-07-06 20 5671876 Archimedean Quest #3 In which a noble Lady finds herself in strange vessels, kisses a man and learn the true nature of Alchymysts. Archimedean , Alchymy , Steam Powered Flying Battleships , Airships , The Great Game , Secret Despatches , Submersible , Submarine , Geber 2023-07-10 10 5684185 MonsterRune (Erased Lives.) #1 A certain branchy bastard and his gang try to scam their way to success. MonsterRune , Deltarune , Undertale , Thistle , Muffet , Muffet Mom , Catti , Berdly , Undyne , W.D Ghaster , Ghaster , King Dorado 2023-07-20 0 August 2023 5692091 Pokemon Trainer Quest 18 You relaxed after the Barrier Islands events, trained, Rusty began to shed, battled and got burned. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Saltcoast , Training , Battle , SuperBusy 2023-08-01 3 5691057 A little adventure maybe (Oneshot) You are a bartender, doing some bartending, and some other things too Bar , Bartender , Bartending , Alcohol , Paint , Drawquest , Dice , Diceroll , Anon , Anonymous , Collective Game , A little adventure maybe , Oneshot 2023-08-07 1 5705822 DC: Henchman Quest #23 We say goodbye to Pandion violently, purchase equipment, and take a job for an unknown employer. Quest may be closed indefinitely. DC , Henchman , AxisQM , Gentleman Ghost 2023-08-26 26 September 2023 90104816 Valhallans on a shrine world The Valhallan 545th armored are deployed to a shrine world 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , genestealers , tyranids , titans , deathwatch , writefaggotry , sisters of battle 2023-09-08 7 90184044 Valhallans on a shrine world 2 The Valhallan 545th and other forces continue their misadventure on the shrine world 40k , IG , valhallans , skitarii , chaos , genestealers , tyranids , deathwatch , writefaggotry , sisters of battle 2023-09-15 7 5734102 Settler Lord Quest 5 Justice is held, an early financial sector is founded, a new castle is build, children are disciplined and more Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management 2023-09-27 3 November 2023 5817888 COSMOGONY PRELUDE - They watched the stillness
Of slaughtered stars, and gave sacrifice
In Lightless Fire... collective game , space , star , spaceship , space opera , science , astronomy , cyberpunk , 4X , battlemap , galaxy , conquest , colony , planet 2023-11-05 1 5794828 Settler Lord Quest 6 The Duke of Greifswald attends a tournament while nomadic warriors from the east approach. Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2023-11-30 6 December 2023 5804177 Void Raider Quest 2 Newly minted Commander Sylvia Thornton and her crew struck out on their first sortie. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2023-12-08 8 5813050 Kobolt Klan Adoption 15 You leave the forest and talk to people. For once, things aren't horrible for a bit. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism , Fantasy scotland 2023-12-08 5 January 2024 5851704 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 22 You made camp on the way back to Silveridge, dreamed, trained and started a battle with a bug catcher. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Camping , Butt , Battle , SuperBusy 2024-01-17 2 5849152 The von Adlershorst Dynasty Albrecht von Adlershorst is sent on crusade by his father to far-off Mithras, but the road is long Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2024-01-17 2 February 2024 5864201 Void Raider Quest 3 Sylvia meets hivers and acquires a new ship. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-02-01 6 March 2024 5896046 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 23 You battled two boys, made it back to Silveridge, trained some of your team, met back up with Jean and her group and battled a Hex Maniac. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Silveridge , Battle , SuperBusy 2024-03-02 3 5915251 Void Raider Quest 4 Sylvia uncovered a major smuggling operations on her ship and found herself in a hostage situation. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-03-18 6 5916511 Kobolt Klan Adoption 17 We arrive in a city, enjoy ourself, and then make ourselves miserable with family drama.
ARCHIVE OF 16 AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS THREAD Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Dragons , Fantasy scotland , Family Drama , Sads , cutes 2024-03-21 5 5961634 The King & Queen of /QST/: Nominations, Qualifications, & Preparations The long-postponed return of the waifu and husbando tournaments of 2021 kicks off with some preparations and preliminary steps tournament , /qst/ , event , waifus , Indonesian Gentleman , ReptoidQM 2024-03-31 8 April 2024 5939898 Lingdom Quest 3 The Little Ones sing, listen to stories, and play. Slice of Life , Lings , Lingdom , Memories , Rika , Bubu , Kari , Puki , Tina , Little Ones , Baba , Pappy 2024-04-13 6 5945726 The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 2 Albrecht von Adlershorst makes his way from Tautenland to Castana.
Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2024-04-20 1 5955470 Deus Novus An ancient war machine dives into a gacha tower to find and protect a girl with divine powers. Quest abandoned. Gacha , Questl , Collective Game 2024-04-30 1 May 2024 5954514 Void Raider Quest 5 Sylvia participates in legal debates and savage ceremonies sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-05-05 6 5964341 AtlA: Azula grows a conscience Azula joins Zuko in his hunt for the Avatar Avatar , Airbender , Azula , Zuko , ATLA 2024-05-07 7 5962747 Kobolt Klan Adoption 18 Reynauld meets the inlaws. Kobolt klan , Reynauld , Sci-fi Fantasy , Eldritch horror , Fallout , Dragons , Muscular Plague Doctor Waifu , Transhumanism , Fantasy scotland 2024-05-12 5 5997910 The Queen of /QST/ (2024) 2024's contest for /qst/'s Queen kicks off in earnest with a round robin tournament of twelve contenders from various quests! tournament , /qst/ , event , waifus , ReptoidQM , Indonesian Gentleman , Olympus QM 2024-05-16 9 5981694 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 25 You headed back to Saltcoast, battled a farmer, Queenie evolved and spent the night with Fie. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Battle , Queenie , SuperBusy 2024-05-22 4 June 2024 6014808 The King of /QST/ (2024) 2024's search for /qst/'s King begins, with twelve of the best boys around vying for the crown! tournament , /qst/ , event , waifus , ReptoidQM , Indonesian Gentleman , Olympus QM 2024-06-02 8 5984584 Lingdom Quest 4 Rika and the gang grow, play, and look at the sky, Slice of Life , Lings , Lingdom , Memories , Rika , Bubu , Kari , Puki , Tina , Little Ones 2024-06-02 5 5995153 Void Raider Quest 7 Sylvia recovers from her impromptu induction into Hys clan and gets prepared to engage the garrison at Molosses. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-06-12 5 6003652 AtlA: Azula grows a conscience II Azula speaks with Ozai, and then the QM is kidnapped by Dan Schneider's goons. Avatar , Airbender , Azula , Zuko , ATLA 2024-06-13 6 August 2024 6033436 Void Raider Quest 7 (real) The battle at Molosses. sci-fi , VoidQM , space battle 2024-08-12 5 6042174 The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 3 Albrecht von Adlershorst has made it to the Empire of Mithras, and must now campaign against the infidels. Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2024-08-20 1 September 2024 6064653 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 27 You trained Volta and Fluffy, did some self-reflection, talked with Martha and began a double battle. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Battle , Camping , SuperBusy 2024-09-10 2 6100752 Swords and Little Girl; Dark Fantasy One-shot You are a Knight in a desolate world, pursued by many who wish to claim the young princess under your protection. Fantasy , Medieval , Dark Fantasy , Grimdark , Knight , Princess , Loli , Child , Little girl , Vermis 2024-09-18 5 January 2025 6131057 The Adlershorst dynasty Quest 4 We go on campaign, get a bit involved in crusading politics and delve into the secrets of the past Settler Lord Quest , Collective Game , Politics , Medieval , Management , Adlershorst dynasty, 2025-01-03 1 6145818 Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 28 After a long hiatus, you finished battling tri-athletes, made it to the Route 4 Roadhouse and beat Fie's dad in a 1v1 battle. Pokemon Quest , Towel , Battle , Hiatus , Short 2025-01-14 0